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Deadline for turning in applications easily there can be 200 people around the block in line at 4 oclock to turn in their applications. Its frustrating for all. And so we do send staff that day, but they cant stay there all day. And our developers bless their heart are on their best behavior when we are there. But things happeni when we are not there. We need to continue this secret shopping that all of our peoples needs are being met. Part of the selection criteria that was developed by the nonprofits we are looking at as a model. I want to go into some of these things that are very important and then provide updates to what we spoke about in 2014. Were looking at standardized eviction time, how long they look back on an eviction if you had an eviction. The ability of an applicant to present mitigating circumstances if their eviction was no fault. Or if their eviction or other mitigating circumstances. Like domestic violence. Or i like this one, they currently are enrolled in a Money Management program and were having problems paying rent but now they have a system, and chances to be evicted for nonpayment of rent is small. And a nofault eviction, we are considering a nofault eviction if your rent was increased so much that you cant afford it any longer. And you have no place else to go and you were evicted. Other tenant selection criteria that will be, and currently in the mix to be updated in the new manual. The use of guarantors. We spoke about that before and alternative credit, when there is no credit. And currently the manual that says a minimum income has to be 2. 5 times the amount of rent being charged. And we are updating the manual to say two times the rent being charged. We have been implemented that, we have been asking our developers to do the two times given our current market and given the fact that many, many san franciscans pay more than, or their rent is higher than 2. 5 times their income. And so were were going to put that in the manual now. So that they must do the two times. And that might be part of the confusion, because we are doing it, and doing the two times that is more beneficial to our applicants than 2. 5 times. And mitigating circumstances before denial of credit. If you are being denied for credit, people need to have the opportunity to say, this is why. We have made so many internal procedures and adjustments. Since we were here before. Previously the an applicant would fill out the bmr application and then have to fill out the owners application. They still have to do that. But nobody was really looking at the owners application, or the owner or the lease, or the documents that the owner presents to make sure they are compliant. Not only with fair chance ordinance but with our rules. So we have started, we started that about 18 months ago. Actually reviewing those and asking developers to change them when they werent compliant with our rules. We work really closely with the Human Rights Commission on fair chance rules and regulations. And we now track each and every Affordable Housing denial, applicant denial. And we review them to ensure that the rules are being followed for those denials. It is something that we that we find is really giving us lots success in making sure that fewer people are denied for arbitrary reasons or because a Property Agent didnt know how to calculate income and now denied. Mrs. Benjamin, can i ask how many denials you have seen and how many you were able to overturn . Well, i would say that for every one unit, there are probably five denials. You know on average. And many of them are going to be denials that they are legitimate denials. But some of them are, like i said, we have been able to overturn, i would say twothirds of denials we have seen. Yeah, and its sometimes simple things. And as we work with developers they learn that we are actually watching and looking and reviewing and they get better as we have implemented these procedures. And then were also making sure that in their communications with applicants, that they are explicitly tell them they have the right to appeal. Because folks sometimes didnt know they had the right to appeal. And so and i believe that is helping too. One of the things that was a concern last time was section 8 vouchers, folks with section 8 vouchers, the developers not knowing what to do with that. And then also the housing authoritys kind of slow response to the developer, that puts the tenant at risk to lose the unit because the response is slow. And we are absolutely tracking those as well and communitying with the housing authority. We see an improvement, and i think its directly related to reaching out to each section 8 voucher holder. With regard to marketing in 2014 we assisted the office of Community Investment and infrastructure in developing an Early Outreach Program for ocii developments. What the early outreach means. Instead of waiting until the applications are available for marketing, and outreach in a neighborhood about the opening. Or the units coming. They begin outreach at the start of the construction. And they provide a Neighborhood Organization who is working in housing counseling with funding to do that early outreach and provide workshops in the neighborhood. On rental readiness, and getting people ready to rent, to know the units are coming. Rent or ownership, whatever the units are. And that has been successful. And we have seen great attendance at those early rental readiness work shops. And we attend to apply earlier outreach programs in the upcoming manual. That i think will help our folks in our neighborhoods, the amount of folks that are actually able to qualify increase. We have provided our developers with a whole bunch of resources, improved resources since we met with you last. Increased list of cbos for developers to reach out to. We now require them to reach out to the district supervisors so you all can let your people know in your district that something is coming. That may might qualify for. And then we have provided them with an expanded multicultural print list. Of agencies that are serving minority and lgbt communities. Because the list, you know our digital i mean our newspaper list is getting smaller. And our digital list is getting bigger. So we had to do a revamp of that recently to provide to develo r developers so they know where to place ads. And then the building signage, they will have signs on their building that says their name and the construction workers. But the buildings dont say 10 bmr rental unit coming here. Or ownership whatever it is. So we intend to make that part of the update as well. For the inclusionary. The last thing here, our website. I am sorry, our website. It is a work in progress. And it is not exactly the most user friendly website that has ever existed. We are, like with the google, we had to help with our google volunteers to help us make the dahlia home page a more user friendly thing, were also using their help to make our website more user friendly. Mrs. Benjamin, i apologize,you made it through your presentation and i want to say that the Mayors Office wants to work with the individuals that are first hand. We just learned of the an officer shooting in the bayview, and that is why we are chattering. And we are very concerned. I know that people are here to speak at Public Comment. And i think we are trying to decide. Supervisor kim, thank you for your presentation. I do not want to deny members of the public the ability to testify in front of this body on something that was scheduled and agendaized. I will open it to Public Comment right now, if any members from the public that would like to testify on on this item, please come forward and then some of us need to go meet with the mayor. Okay. My name is karen freshman, i have spoken to you before about the need for oversight and accountability of sfpd. I urge you supervisor peskin and supervisor yee, to join with supervisor campos and kim in their brave call to stand up for the people of San Francisco. There is real damage, people lose their lives when we have a rogue, Violent Group controlling the city. Your name as supervisor, that means you are supposed to supervise what happens in the San Francisco government. Do you understand the damage being done by sfpd . Damages not just sfpd and the mayor but damages the entire credibility of the function of government in San Francisco. Please stand up. Please get rid of that chief. Replace him with a National Search and find someone that knows how to run a modern, accountable police department, and get loretta lynn to organize that department under descent decree. We have to get rid of the bad officers so that the good officers can do their jobs. Do you understand that gary gelaspid calls officers that do their jobs are snitches. And do you understand that another officer misreported misgovernment and forced in early retirement. Do you read those Text Messages . Do you feel comfortable calling 911. As a citizen taxpayer owner, when i call 911, i want to know that person is professional. I have lived in austin, and new york city and massachusetts, and i never had to question someone that i called 911, calling someone a n word, do your job. Thank you for your comments. I am here to speak on the preapplication and prelottery process of the bmr rental program. And i want to talk about the specific problems during the 28day marketing period for the new developments but the sevenday period for rerentals. And some of the city has addressed some issues or in the process of addressing these issues. But we have seen that bmr Housing Developers and those translated into the four languages, the availability of those translated applications are not always available on site. And that the outreach materials for these housing is in english only. And the onsite office lacks signage. Again some people dont know where the offices are. We have seen that some leasing offices arent always ada compliant. And access ability of the offices it doesnt help some people who are interested in applying or in the process of applying. We feel that much of the marketing fliers should be translated into all the languages. And there should also be signage that list the required documents. For people waiting in line, understand what the documents they need while they wait in line. With the application there should be an attached referral list of the application organizations. And i think ocd had spoke about addressing some marketing issues in the preapplication process. But we are really concerned about how those changes will be monitored and enforced in the program. Hi, i am teresa [inaudible] from veteran equity center. And we have continually worked with the mayors Housing Development when issues arise. And even issues when turning in applications and people leaving bmr that are facing evictions. I want to talk about the residential selection policy. The thing about the procedural manual right now is very broad. But it doesnt specifically put out the needs, for example, a person with disability, a person with Mental Health issue. Lets say other benefits that they may be having that needs flexibility. A student status. Immigration status. There are a lot of lists that we feel are not addressed in the procedure manual. And when there is an update of the procedural manual. There should be a working Committee Group that works with ocd to address the issues. We are the first ones on the ground that sees issues of this. And we would like to see a more robust procedural manual to address these flexibilities. And also we have been seeing eviction cases or during the recertification. There are things that the tenants dont understand on this. We would like to also propose if there could be a grievance process. If someone is going through eviction. And just to have more reinforcement of procedure manual, that we also propose to have a bmr Monitoring Committee. That hold these Developers Accountable. We are very worried that the developers are not well trained or sensitive to housing needs, thank you very much. Hello, in the times i have submitted applications to the developers office, i have limited applicants with limiting english, particularly asian or other cultures and received impatiently. And they would hope that the developer staff would help them fix the issue. But instead the bridge of communication was met with raised voices and told to go back to the line. Yelling does not break the barrier of communication. Lowincome housing is to give families a fair shot. But the process does not work in favor of the people that dont speak english. The asian and latino communities are vital to San Francisco, and limiting them marginalizing them in the city. Its crucial that staff is cultural competent. And applicants should be given a hot line to speak to staff where they will be heard, and i hope they will be, thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors, i am here from the Human Rights Commission to augment what Maria Benjamin presented, to speak briefly on the fair chance ordinance that as you know was unanimously passed by this board. We are in the fair chance ordinance august, 2015, we have a calendar report available on our website. At this time we are investigating two separate complaints. One in a 100 Affordable Housing building and one in a building bmr inclusionary. Those complaints are pending at this time. And we are involved in outreach internally and externally, as any other housing issues occurring in bmr units, we are here to listen to the community and advocacy groups as well. And in conclusion should this board or other member inquire from the commission, we welcome you to contact us at any time. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors, i am one the housing case managers for the housing program. And i have also submitted in person some applications of our client and i witnessed some disrespectful and insensitive treatment to other applicants in line. This is not only an issue of language barrier, and supervisor kim mentioned earlier, the application is hard for even a native english speaker to fill out. So we would like to see more simplified application and for people not to be yelled at and not sent back to the end of the line again. If its possible to have those signs that mrs. Benjamin was talking about earlier onsite as soon as possible. Or to [inaudible] applications. Some of the community, organizations that can support applicant applicants, including applications i think that should be done as soon as possible. These are creating barriers to everyone in the community to equal access to housing. We are willing to form a community organization, Monitoring Committee to go onsite and receive some of the developer behavior, and how they are treating the applicants. I think its important to give people that are working the support after hours or have information sessions in multiple languages, late in the evening so people know how to complete the applications. Thank you. Good afternoon, i am with the mission of collaborative in delores street services. And i am a child of immigrants that didnt speak english when first arriveed to this country. San francisco has barriers, and you have heard more, nevertheless Language Access should not be one of them. Lack of Language Access is a hurdle that is unnecessary of those most in need of bmr units. And the purposeful dismissal of how people communicate from these developers is disrespectful, not only from the applicants but the city itself. And a city that advertises its as an inclusive haven made up of plethora of cultures and languages. And the fact that we are here speaking about englishonly materials shows how far we have to go. San francisco passed an ordinance, and says that major city departments must provide inlanguage to members. And no reason that it should extended to bmr units. If we can do it in our department with our small staff, i am sure that multimillion developers can do it as well. And i one thing to add, and i hope its germane to this. And even with access and we need more bmr units. There is not enough on the market for people that need the units. You can have the best access but the numbers dont match the need. Thank you. Thank you. I hope that everyone votes for prop c so we can increase the number of belowmarket rate housing. [speaking spanish] translator good morning, supervisors, thank you for hearing us on this important issue of bmr units. And the Language Access. [speaking spanish] translator my name is nor[inaudible]. I am here because i am a resident that is worried about the lack of Language Access in these offices here in San Francisco. We know that San Francisco is made up of many immigrants. Its very important given that we are immigrants that in all of the major offices there is staff that speaks multiple languages and material that is published and accessible in different languages as well as having bilingual staff. I am standing here by myself, but as you see in our community there are hundreds of people affected by this very issue. People who are missing out on these programs because they cant read the information, or the information that is published in other languages is not available onsite. So its very disheartening when you wait in line and get there to be serviced and they hand you this material, and all in english. And never mind its all huge and in english and no bilingual professional to help us. So again its very disheartening because when we fill out the application we may make a mistake, when you add to that the absence of bilingual staff or signage in language, this adds to the pain that we [inaudible] left. Many times when i was in line or people tell me family members, or adults had to take their own children out of schools to interpret. And when they show up they are not respected in that job as interpreters, which they are not but not respected or listened to. Thank you very much for listening to us. Good afternoon supervisors, i live in soma district. I am fully aware that many friends or neighbors, and again are waiting in line when they get to the front, because they dont speak english. There is no bilingual staff to serve them and no language information and no one to speak their language, instead sent to the back of the line, and made more worried and wait again for what. Or in the rare case they say, we will contact someone to speak your language, and we they dont do anything about it and need wait an hour and nothing. And when people call these offices on the phone, again if its in english, then there is [inaudible] right there and if they do incident, they are very rude. And we as residents of San Francisco demand all of this information be translated into spanish. And into all the languages because there is a lot of people that dont speak english or spanish. So that people are fully aware of what they are reading and asked of and so that issues dont arise later in the application process. Thank you very much, supervisors. Good afternoon, supervisors, i am here representing Language Access network of San Francisco. Today we have members that will speak more about that issue. As a language rights advocate,y i am here concerned to speak about fair access for language for all. Within the city we have a Strong Language ordinance that definitely help bilingual families to benefit for applying for Affordable Housing in our city. However, these language barriers and know that most of our families are not in a communitybased organization or organization in the mission or in our city, and if they dont know [inaudible] when applying and not receiving the assistance in language, they may be left out of the process because of the language barrier. We are here to talk about the need for all of us to Work Together. And especially for bmr developers, and the lack of staffing to assist our applicants and community is something that we must address. Earlier we heard from mohve that they are working on translating and providing assistance. But what we know today even in 2014 they were asked to do this, there is still a lot of gaps in the assistance families are applying for housing and left out of the process because of that. We are here again to make sure that when things are translated, or translated in a language that people can read and people, especially for low literacy families that they can read in spanish. When they translate that are highly technical and create another barrier for translation. Thank you for your time. Hello, i am the Language Access program coordinator. A Grassroots Organization of latina women located in the mission. Our members are impacted by the Housing Affordability crisis and displacement in San Francisco. And we are particularly concerned by the Language Access barrier in the bmr housing process. Bmr Housing Developers like staffs that assist language applications and materials that are in english and application forms in english. And other serious issues mentioned before. I am here to support some measures presented before to mandate that bmr developers be linguistically and culturally competent as well as a working group as communities presented and Work Together that the developers are in compliance for linguistical and cultural comprehecom competen competenc competency. Thank you for the opportunity to talk about this issue. Hi, i am here representing the Language Access network. Last night i attended a rally in vahillo, and supervisor kim you spoke that this is a right. And i want to add to supervisor kims comment. Not only is housing a right but so is Language Access. Imagine living in a place that you cannot access resources that you so vitally need, and because of that you are not able to communicate. Maybe you experience this in an airport and we get to go home. And those that live here, this is their home. There are those that are discriminated in the housing process. These are the not the values of the city of San Francisco, its Community Organizations like the ones here today at the forefront of fighting for fair housing access, and Community Members and families are treated with dignity and respect when they apply for housing. For these reasons and more, we ask that 100 Affordable Housing and belowmarket rate developers through mocd are required to comply with San Francisco language ordinance access. Thank you. Good afternoon, i am a case manager. For Family Wellness program. Following with all of those stories our challenge is to help the immigrant families to navigate the system, and the system is quite difficult when not only Health System and [inaudible] system, when its time to provide them with information in the help for housing, especially the application. We have the same challenge. We do not provide houses services. What we do is to help them to understand the applications for them to apply. And although my first language, which is spanish, its very difficult to understand the technical language in the applications. We promote citizens to overcome the crisis, and being a part of the community. And the participants of our programs in trying to strive to be part of the community, and sometimes without proper placement is very difficult. So we advocate for better system to provide them through the office, the Mayors Office and the developer, easier way to apply for Affordable Housing. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors, i am Gabrielle Gabriel madinna, and we run for San Francisco below market ownership. And we want to applaud supervisor kim for this agenda. Producing more than 1000, and lucky to have 400 in the pipeline. We ask that the language ordinance be prioritized for the Affordable Housing units. And we have had instances where there is no signage in spanish, and no spanishspeaking staff. And sent clients where they were given incorrect info to access the client. There is information in the community that bmr is not for them but we to be sure that they know that is for them. And we have had instances of tenants placed in the bmr units to deal with homeowner associations and property managers, and they need to be protected with their rights. And we ask for data of who is getting equal access to the bmr units. And we ask that the city provide more timely data and include ethnicity and language. And we would like to establish a Monitoring Committee for this, and we ask, and in the interest of time, if this could be continued for two weeks. We would be more than happy to address this again. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Thank you supervisor kim for holding this hearing. I wanted to tell the story of a Community Planning process that we led in district 11 in exc excelsior, about Healthy Development and we had Community Members, elder and in english and chinese, and we reached out to those most impacted by the Affordable Housing crisis. And many findings out of that study. But one of the overarching learlear learnings that we came away with the concern that Community Members have with lack of Language Access and lack of transparency in the process for applying and securing Affordable Housing. We feel this principle of including members of shaping the process is important to recommend today, we commend the Mayors Office of housing in efforts to hold members accountable and to have more Community Members at the table and more teeth to hold develope Developers Accountable in the preapplication and postapplication process, thank you. Hi, good afternoon, supervisors, i am here to tell the story of my mother, a monolingual spanish speaker, and has been in this country, and i am the one translating the documents. And as even myself assay as mono lingual speakers, nonenglish speakers here in San Francisco. The lack of help, the lack of resources. The lack of cultural kochlt competencies and we want to be sure that we have them properly translated so its understandable to our folks even in english. But especially in different languages. We want to be sure that again and echoing what everyone is saying, this has teeth and is enforced to ensure that this Diverse Community and city where we are supposed to house everyone is creating barriers for our folks. We want to be sure for the future jgeneration they are not translating for their folks but have that right to apply. Good afternoon, i am with somkin, we also help a lot of families fill out applications and just like supervisor kim. I tried to actually tried to fill out this application and its not easy, and its not just taking 30 minutes to an hour but a whole day. And that depends on which bulge are trying to apply for. And sometimes dealing with clients the whole day. And have to come back we dont understand the things asked in the application. Having a standard application is really important. And some of the horrible things we heard from our residents, are definitely not being treated well when they are asked information to actual developers. They are not provided language, and also just really a sense of being treated fairly. They feel like when they are there, they are treated like really poorly and that they are begging for this housing. Versus they are treated as human beings. So thats not the kind of things we want people to go through. Therefore, some of the solutions that we wanted to add, definitely having bmr Monitoring Committee that consists of Community Groups that would work with the Mayors Office of housing to oversee and make sure that developers are compliing. And Developers Working with Community Groups. Not all of them are culturally and linguistically competent. And for us to provide that, we need a comprehensive budget for Community Organizations to do this work, there are hundreds of people applying and hope there is a budget for that, thank you. Good afternoon, supervisor, i am raymond, i work a lot around tenant rights issue, and families being evicted. Every time i help a family out, what comes out after that is can you help me find Affordable Housing. And in terms of looking for an Affordable Housing alone is hard enough. But once you find one and get all of this application and get all of this confuseing and of course some of it, even i cant understand it. And then you have demands after demands. Its a long process. After the whole filling of the application its a lottery system that you wait, pray and hope that you get it. We are living in a city, this city is known for its diversity. But how can we keep that diversity when people are getting kicked out of this city . There is a lack of Affordable Housing, and when we step outside of the door, we are shot up by the cops. We need to fix the issue at hand, and fix the housing crisis. We need to fire chief sur, and keep San Francisco the way that people see San Francisco. Thank you. Good afternoon, thank you so much for being here. I know there is an emergency in the city that is paramount. Quickly, i ask that you wouldnt mind to continue this, we would like to hear your comments thoroughly. And briefly this, is an issue that is not its not only the Mayors Office of housing to address these issues. Its the process of the developer providing this product, this bmr product, and how accessible and how accountable they are and fair in e process. And thats what we want to emphasize. And Community Groups such as ours want to be sure that we are there for everyone to have access, through the preapplication process and all the way to interviewed, and when they are chosen for the lottery, to be sure they arent evicted prematurely for reasons that could be easily fixable. And again i hope that you can maybe continue for a couple of weeks and talk about if and strategize. But most important we would like a way to give concrete information, and for residents to come to this group and bring the issues up. The Little Things is what bureaucracy is hard to get through. And thats why our work, we slave hours. Overtime and weekends to make sure that people are able to get through the process, we need your support. Thank you, and thank you for pointing out there is an interesting series of events unfolding. I want to thank mrs. Benjamin and all speakers and i for one, subject to supervisor kims concurrence, am happy to continue this item to the next item. Thank you, we would like to continue the item and have a further discussion, and thank you for the members to come out, i am apologize we are not paying as much attention for what is going on. And the Committee Members are disturbed and looking for next items. And this issue is important, and Language Accessibility is a right and not a privilege. And we want to be sure that all members of our city and community are able to access the housing that we fought so hard to build and to be sure that all households have the opportunity to remain in San Francisco, because they have an equal chance to win a lottery at Affordable Housing home. I want to thank the Mayors Office of housing, i know that the commitment is there and its a long and frustrating process for all of us. Of course we want to move forward as urgently as we can. And i encourage that we are able to have an open process with the new procedural manual. Those on the ground, i think here on the most where the hiccups and challenges were. And i was incredibly frustrated to hear from the public that they were not treated respectfully in this process, we will continue this item and colleagues thank you for your support and i know that you will advocate strongly for these reforms. Thank you, supervisor kim and mrs. Benjamin and members of the community, and without objection we will continue this next item to the government audit and Oversight Committee two weeks from today. Item 68. Items 68. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues we will now convene in closed session, hello everybody, thank you for coming. Chair peskin, to take Public Comment. Any Public Comment on item 6, 7, and 8, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And without objection we will convene in closed session, which means that those of you in the audience will need to clear the chambers thank you so much. We are now back now in open session. We will reconvene. Commissioner. During the closed session the committee voted to move unanimous to the board. I move to not disclose the closed session. That is the order. Madam clerk, any other business before this body . No further business. Without further business, we are adjourned. The office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Lee. Well, good morning, everyone good morning tutor joining us at San Francisco city hall regardless of what team happy openly day with the giants laughter i would, of course, want to say thank you for all of you for coming together and talking u u talking about the clams we have and locality in the regional and nationally and we want to commend specificallycy thank you to secretary csa to hes been doing those myers weigh fortunate for him hes been here many times but to have the focus on the prosperity playbook and talk with all of us to see not only hear the fact problems but ideas we have to try to solve them i know as a mayor, i want to say thank you to all the fact mirrors mayors the room we dont have time for beater were demanded to provides the answers we seek those answers every day of ever week i know the pressure is on me and you they have to have the answers no objection i appreciate with the secretary comes out and offering not just linking bus hes got answers hes been mooeshsz merging with the mayors that dope prediction he know that not only the secretary we president obama is thinking how has been working digital with mayors to get things done thats why the country is moving forward i wanted to attaining jean and congresswoman barbara lee youre our strong advocates for the mayors when we as mayors raise up and scalding asked individually or as a group youve been there for us thank you very much and, of course, along about all the regional mayors im fortunate to work with libby schaaf and sam who have been more than architectural theyve come up with so many other ideas i compliment the ones we are pushing and even go further cover areas eave not thought about were leap year if each other and thats also a blessing i have with the other mayors weve had session to come together and deal with transportation and other things the other mayors come together with great idea plus youre all good folk you know secretary thanks for choosing San Francisco to be part of the prosperity playbook initiate the fact meeting we need and want to develop with you and with all the flexibility and support of hud and again, i thank you fire marshall regional leadership as well youve got great people that helped us to think through and cautioned us and said hes how every time ive been on the phone thats okay. Thats a problem think about this about that that and how you can do that thats the attitude that brought more success, more open attitudes and positive thinking if this great pinching so thank you. I you mentioned and i know that we deemed our naefthd all the mayors should know that the fact challenges we want to be able to produce model after model what we can do to be more sought after to the Navigation Center has been our best model thank you to interfaith cou that provide an exceptional documents now we have the model were breaking down a kind of old shelters we had where people they were put in and kicked out and put in and kicked out it is kind of no different than American People encampment in many ways but for the fact health and Public Health challenges we want to demonstrate there is a better model and that no less committed are those models that we have to have the end result that is permanent excellence exits out the fact homeless weve helped. Veterans and responsibilities and chronic homeless for veterans and families youve backed up with appropriate funding where we demonstrated we can get something done that is appreciative the rad program as i mentioned earlier our stellar thats much more successful and independent in hair lives we did this and the voters get it as well recently last november to supplies for you will have us we passed 11 0000000 homeless bond weve not done that for two decades the people respond and say thats a good investment thats what we want to do due to the creativity of working with the fact papering that 310 million bond will be a great benefit when we do infrastructure bonds this Affordable Housing bond will be a great contribution is secretary in collaboration with i i want to make sure you know amongst all of us theres a great preparation people want to get it right there will be requests that hud be as flexible as can be with the fact rules and regulations given the fact urban density champions we we have we also will be talking about issues like stableizing neighborhood with that credible economic upturn many parts of the neighborhoods are totally upset so long term ahbp africa be about stabilizing certain be neighborhood we create and build and finally, the homelessness population you deemed our seriousness by joining us with all the fact west coast mayors came up to portland and prepared notes we agreed homelessness is a challenge to all of us we needed months a partnerships with hud to end homelessness and number of us stood up and as i said of would well end hematomas we know of the cause of homelessness but have frjsz of what does so gathering that together having the best models and hud backing up us as a models model of ending homelessness is a great game so i want to give an opportunity to marry libby schaaf shes been thinking again and demonstrating the new coverage of what is happening in oakland kind of similar challenges and also hoping refresher ways to do that. Mayor libby schaaf. Thank you, thank you feel like it really is a community. They are not the same thing, but it really does feel like theres that kind of a five. Everybody is there to enjoy a literary reading. The best lit in San Francisco. Friendly, free, and you might get fed. [applause] this San Francisco ryther created the radar reading series in 2003. She was inspired when she first moved to this city in the early 1990s and discover the wild west atmosphere of open mi its ic in the mission. Although there were these open mics every night of the week, they were super macho. People writing poems about being jerks. Beatty their chest onstage. She was energized by the scene and proved up with other girls who wanted their voices to be heard. Touring the country and sharing genx 7 as a. Her mainstream reputation grew with her novel. Theses San Francisco Public Library took notice and asked her if she would begin carrying a monthly reading series based on her community. A lot of the raiders that i work with our like underground writers. Theyre just coming at publishing and at being a writer from this underground way. Coming in to the library is awesome. Very good for the library to show this writing community that they are welcome. At first, people were like, you want me to read at the library, really . Things like that. As a documentary, there are interviews [inaudible] radar readings are focused on clear culture. Strayed all others might write about gay authors. Gay authors might write about universal experiences. The host creates a welcoming environment for everybody. There is no cultural barrier to entry. The demographic of people who come will match the demographic of the reader. It is very simple. If we want more people of color, you book more people of color. You want more women, your book more women. Kind of like that. It gets mixed up a little bit. In general, we kind of have a core group of people who come every month. Their ages and very. We definitely have some folks who are straight. The loyal audience has allowed michelle to take more chances with the monthly lineup. Established authors bring in an older audience. Younker authors bring in their friends from the community who might be bringing in an older author. Raider has provided a stage for more than 400 writers. It ranges from fiction to academics stories to academic stories this service the underground of queer fell, history, or culture. And there are so many different literary circles in San Francisco. I have been programming this reading series for nine years. And i still have a huge list on my computer of people i need to carry into this. The supportive audience has allowed michele to try new experiment this year, the radar book club. A deep explorationer of a single work. After the talk, she bounces on stage to jumpstart the q a. Less charlie rose and more carson daly. San francisco is consistently ranked as one of the most literate cities in the united states. Multiple Reading Events are happening every night of the year, competing against a big names like city arts and lectures. Radar was voted the winner of these San Francisco contest. After two decades of working for free, michelle is able to make radar her fulltime job. I am a right to myself, but i feel like my work in this world is eagerly to bring writers together and to produce literary events. If i was only doing my own work, i would not be happy. It is, like throwing a party or a dinner party. I can match that person with that person. It is really fun for me. It is nerve wracking during the actual readings. I hope everyone is good. I hope the audience likes them. I hope everybody shows up. But everything works out. At the end of the reading, everyone is happy. I like to remind members the commission does not tolerate disruption or

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