Aye. There is no discussion of anticipated litigation in closed session today. Also like to welcome [inaudible] relacing rob [inaudible] the City Attorney. Thank you for being here. Pleasure to be here. Introduction of new business by Board Members. Nope. Seeing none. Iletal 7, director report. Director riscon members of the board qu public and staff. Want to start by asking the director of tax and Accessible Services to come forward. I am so pleased to be mere in honor of joyce furrow. She is the executive assistant in the tax twigez division. I was not the one who nominated her, it was the colleagues. She had positive feedback from everyone in the division and she is outstanded so we are excited to honor her today. She isa mazing contribution to the division and with sth mta for be years and the city for 15. She is the hub of our division and she comes to everyone and if you need help, what do you need, how can i improve and be better. She asked to work the window with the taxi drivers so she can get a better understanding of the drivers and their issues. She asks questions every day and volunteer ited to [inaudible] she is a Customer Service person and a face of joy and helpfulness and she is a real team player and presents best in everything she does. She volunteered to over see the driver scanning project and cleaned out our backwhat do we call that . The storage room was floor to ceiling boxes and within a month we can see the floor and dollar are table squz shelving space so she gets things done and her can do attitude is just infuses our entire division so i want to say on behalf of the whole division and maybe if the team can stand up those that were able to make it today. She has a lot of supporters in the room, lets give joyce a round of applause. Congratulations. Very well deserved. [applause] the mta board i thank you. It is a great blessing and honor to work and serve my fellow colleges at mta tax and accessible service. They make my job a piece of cake. [inaudible] is to create a work place that delivers Outstanding Service in the taxi staff promises to do everything we can to help ourselves and each other honor our agreement coninstructively and compassionately. On behalf of our team, [inaudible] genie, alvin, eric, samantha, peter, michael scott, andres [inaudible] i accept the certificate of appreciation and strive to continue to do my best when called upon. I shall shover you with a smile. Together everyone achieves more. Thank you. On behalf of board of directors thank you and congrat ulations for your Outstanding Service number of short items to give you updates on. First, want to let you know last month we launched a program to honor our employees for years of service they provide to the city and mta. Initially rerecognized more than 5 thousand employees. With a certificate or a pen dependent on what level they hit. 9 of the employees we recognized had more than 40 years of city mta service so very grateful for their commitment to Public Service for more than 4 decades. Joyce just made reference to goal 4 of our plan which is about recognizing and empowering the workforce and this program is one initiative that came out of feedback we got on how to advance progress on that goal so want to let you know about it and thank the employees of the sfmta to the city and the agency. There is a lot of good work in the agency and this is one small way we decided to acknowledge them. Another acknowledgment, this may i rtd inrupt you . I would like to demonstrate how this program is working. I have a 5 year pin for you. 2 employees and the other employees celebrate 25 years. [applause] the program seem tooz work pretty well got my work cut out for me. 25 years. Thank you. So, next thing i want to mention a pretty significant achievement for the agency that i think to some extent reflects who we are as city. The American Public Transportation Association recently awarded the sfmta with their platinum level sustainability commitment recognition. This is award is given to agencies achieving significant level in 11 basepineline measure such as emegzs and Energy Reduction and at least 40 sustainability action items, things like the by odiesel program or solar installation. It is a rigorous program to achieve Different Levels of recognition and we are now one of just 3 transit agencies in the country to have achieved the platinum level award. Mta and sound transit in seattle be the other 2. The award included 40 action and stretch goals feechinging energy use reduction, zero waste and no emission fleets as well as the broader impacts we make on the transportation sector being the cities Transportation Department such as through livable streets and mode shift. So, we are pretty proud to have gotten the achievement. We wereprieveiate acknowledged as a gold sustainability to achieve platinum puts up in the very small number of agencies across the country which i think [inaudible] in city hall from the people of San Francisco we have a ethic that manifests in what we do every day so i ptd to congratulate everybody in the city and agency for that achievement. Next i wanted to mention that fewer than 2 weeks ago the first year of the state legislatures 2 year legislation ended and Governor Brown made the final decisions on what bills he would sign and which he would veto. Our Government Affairs team led by kate green was instrumental in sponsoring tracking monitoring and reming amendments and following the legislative process to many the bills in play in the first year of the 2 year session. There are just 2 successs i want to note, one is ab 1287 sponsored by david chew and what that did is made our transit only lane enforcement program. The sis where we have the cameras in our buses to identify violations of transit only lanes to make that a permanent program. We previous had authorization from the state legislature on the pilot basis. Now we have permanent authorization for that program. It was backed by a analysis that we did and submit today the ledge slaich squr the governor for their consideration that documented the efficacy of the program see grateful to Assembly Member squlu very grateful to have that law in place. The other one i wanted to note was sb 413, which was sponsored by center wicousky who i believe is from Southern California and this was put forward at our request and what it does is decriminalizes youth fair citation. There is a strange situation in state law where for adult fair evaders we had the option of charging that as is civil infraction but didnt have the option for youth. We worked with some of the folks who are in the room today to make muni free for youth we thought it incustant there is no tool in state law to allow to address youth fair evasion in the same way with adults. The governor signed that bill so we can enforce youth fair violations in a non criminal way. I note it is about 1 percent perhaps of the fair citation go to youth in the first place so it wasnt a big issue but when we do issue those we didnt want to do that in a way that would send youth into the court system. 2 victories among many other things happening in the state legislative session and will keep you posted as the second year the session begins in jan. I wanted to just catch you up on an effort that we have initiated betwoon the mta, transportation authority, and office of economic and Work Force Development, the Mayors Office and Planning Department to embark on long range Transportation Planning for San Francisco. We already have plan bay area, the regions land use and Transportation Plan which projects growth through 2040. Significant amount of growth in jobs and housing and what we are under taking to do is look that needs of the Transportation System are or will be to support that growth to 2040 and beyond. Some of the more significant transportation investments in our life times have come through this coordinateed planning such as the bart system, such as the 4 corridors plan which is manifesting in the central subway and van ness brt projects. Utwhat we are doing with these agencies and with the public is undertake a land use driven and data driven and policy driven Transportation Planning exercise. There are many erfbts happening already such as a regional core capacity transit study, our own rail study planning for the things like the down town extension of cal train and will leverage all those existing effort and well be back to you probably early 2016 with a update at which time we start to thpublic process. One the deliverables assuming it is adopted by the board of supervisor is the subway Master Plan Update that supervisor wiener called for. Assuming the board adopts that one of the deliverables that will come from the planning process will be that master plan that they call for. Last 2 items a couple construction related ish ue. Not too long ago i know director rubky mentions it, it was labor day weeblgd we shut down 4th and king to build the tie in for the central subway. Currentry the trains come up 4th and go east on embark daro. [inaudible] the work we started and resume in a few weeks is cunl pleat the rail tie in as well as the signal and switch system so in the future while the n trains will go east the t trains will go north. We are doing the second phase of that construction which will take about 7 days. It will start on friday november 6 after theit will start in the evening of november 6 and go through that weekend and through the following week and the following friday night ending on saturday november 14. We recognize that it creates disruption, some noise and other impacts in the immediate area which well work hard to mitigate as we did the first time around. Also transportation convenience wile we do this but it is important work and aware the new train system will tie into the existing system so we started putting information out in terms of travel and traffic impacts and do our best to minimize all of those impacts. We have a lot of outreach and public meet jgz other ways we get the word out about this and well work during the closure from november 6 to the 14 to make sure it goes as smooth as as possible. This is thewe did a smaller part the intersection last time and this is a larger part which is why it pake takes more time. We will have to come back to do the final surface finish but this is a big chunk of the work but a important mile stone for the central subway. The last one is yesterday the department of public works started construction on a project of ours to implement the first raised bike way in San Francisco. It is a small installation on eastbound market from goth to 12th state and takes about 4 weeks to put in so should be in before thanksgiving. The 24 it will be completed and will give a opportunity to test the construction methods and materials and design, but also the User Experience and the safety impacts of it so well do a comprehensive evaluation comparing before and after but a great opportunities proven successful in the world else where. Well see how it does here. That conclude my report. I gave you the pin i nudged to say the board has 2 employees and do it annually and did this recently and are pleased are director riscons lead ership. Also want the public to know the board has great faith in roburta boom rer who is board secretary and great analyzer of all things and fortunate to have the 2. Members , anything else . I did hear such good feedback from about the the experience in the silty about how great a host San Francisco mta is was and what a lot of work mrs. Boomer did on organizing and getting things sorted out so congratulations on that. No one indicated a interest on a matter discussed by mr. Riscon and seeing none we will move on item 8 to the Advisory Counsel report. Mr. Weaver isnt here so there is no report. [inaudible] this is a opportunity for members to address the board on matters that are within the jurisdiction of the sfmta board and not on todays calendar. I will readwe have a number of speakers who indicated a interest here. Anth an baluster will start followed by [inaudible] good afternoon. Good afternoon. [inaudible] director riscon. My name is anthony baluster and [inaudible] i am also local 258 Union Representative [inaudible] im not here representing the union and i am mot authorized to make a statement on behamp of the union, i am here of my own accord. I would like to take a momentf silence for mark courier. Thank you very much. Mark cureier is a gentlemen that was taken from us and he is in a better place now. My thoughts and prayers go to his family. [inaudible] he has a 9 year old girl. I have a daughter who is 3 years old and leaving my daughter at that age it would have been hard. Im in continuous contact with the [inaudible] involved and [inaudible] his prayer jz thoughts are with the family constantly every day. I dont want to take attention away from mark cureier or his family or daughter but you can make San Francisco a safer place and that is what we want. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Mark gleesen fallowed by herbt wineer and cathy dulukea good afternoon, mark gleesen with teamster joint counsel 7. We are here again today. I know this is a item that soout there and will continue to be talked about. Im talking about the labor harmony clause which was approved by the board of supervisors some months ago and hope it will be implemented soon after you review involving the pilot Shuttle Program. I want to emphasize the importance of this is beyond something a labor union might want. The acrimony goes off and found during a labor dispute in prive ate property is because of the Shuttle Program spilling over to sfmta bus stops t. Isnt something we look forward and sure muni riders are not appreciative. The subsidy that comes along with the [inaudible] that happens in Public Transit in the private sector is coming out of the wallets literally of the drivers we talk to every day in the Shuttle Programism very simply, those drivers are making very substandard wage squz benefits and something needs to be done. We are not asking the commission to doany of that but until something is done this issue will continue to bubble up. We are asking for the implementation of this approved resolution by the board of supervisors assist all you in have agclean and well run transit agency. Thank you. Herbert wineer and cathy delukea herbert winy. Muni celebrates all year because every day it has a hoary story. Muni [inaudible] has been based on supply and demand and not actual need of passengers. It is predicated on the great goos for the greatest number instid of suvs for all. If you dont make the cut for the criteria of supply z demand you like seen years and disables are cast into the shadows forced to walk lodge distance tooz the bus stop [inaudible] fast pass for seniors and the disabled. If they are lucky there will be a bus stop at the social Service Agency or recreation center, otherwise they are out of luck. More buses should have binl a tded to the most frequently used routes and the less utilized self alone. Millions if not billions have been spent on research, publicity and wasted hours. Some aspects are left out, kindness, compassion and concern for the least advantage. [inaudible] comment on the physically frail having to work a quarter of the mile to the bus stop, stated walking is good for you. [inaudible] rational in themselves are [inaudible] hardship of many will face. You did not have to dothis, should not do this now and never should do this. Please provide services for everyone. Cathy delukea followed by ed heely and gum g lee good afternoon chairman and Board Members. Cathy delukea and Program Manager for walks of San Francisco and here today to urge the city to make the intersection of kearny and clay safer for pedestrians [inaudible] which allows all pedestrians to cross at the same time while all vehiclevise to wait is something the community is asking for. Walk San Francisco started a petition last thursday for a scamble at the intersection and received 260 signatures since thursday for this treatment and for good reason. On june 17 of this year 77 year old [inaudible] was hit by car and killed when crossing kearny and clay. The crash we know was not a accident. Kearny is one of the cities high injury corridors. We know it is a dangerous street. In addition between 2007 and 20127 people at this intersection were seriously injured in traffic collisions so we know something has to be done at this intersection to protect lives. We appreciate the mta wants to study the corridor in depth and do a comprehensive treatment and understand that approach butd woe know the sf [inaudible] did a detailed study and even if there wasnt a study done we sneed to do something now. We cant wait another, day, month or year or wait the 3 years it would take to improve the entire corridor. We cant wait for someone else to get killed. Im here to urge the bord to step up again as you have done many times in your commitment to vision zero and have the city install a scamble at the intersection of kearny and clay. Edheely, gum g lee. James wong. Good to see you all again director. First off i would like to congratulate you on the safe street plan on market, i think it is a marfbalist success. Everybody that gets in the cab is so happy to see everything flowing so smoothly. However, i am here for a less pleasant thing. I dont know if you ruweir butubeer and lift are opening bus lines that are on your bus lines. They are calledubeer pool and lift line. They are rational is it will decongest the streets by putting thousands of the vehicles on the street. I could want figure out the logic. None of the vehicles have emission controls. Some do and some donts. They have probably a thousand vehicles on the street now that target every bus line in the city. They are into expanding the program and think this comes under your control. You cant control taxi cabs or the full taxi cabs they are, but i believe you can control the fact you use a bus line and the bus stops. They are called hot spots orlift and smart stops byubeer and they just parallel all the bus lines in the city. The ultimate thing is they can targeting the bus passengers and it undermines your service and congest the streets. Thank you very much. Gum, g lee. James wong and phil shin. Good afternoon. [inaudible] good afternoon and mta board of directors my name is gum g lee and member of [inaudible] as a larger [inaudible] organization we have over 1400 members most of whom are elderly and have limited mobblt. Today i represent the members to urge mta to improve Pedestrian Safety at kearny and clay and implement the scramble at the intersection immediately. [waiting for translation] china town is a dense neighborhood in the city and [inaudible] is one of the most used public space. Thousands of seniors and residence cross the intersection at kearny and clay to get to the park especially for seniors living in a crammed sro units going to[inaudible] is a daily necessity. Our committee has voiced strong support for scramble system at the intersection. Why is it mta cant put that into realty that puts our seniors lives at risk . [inaudible] i wish i wim not have to worry about the safety of my family on the streets. We need to provide a community with a elderly can age in place and safe streets are a essential components. I ask that mta immediate implement the scramble at kearny and clay. Thank you very much. James wong followed by [inaudible] and ang leana u. Good afternoon board and chair. My name is gentleman wong from [inaudible] for the elderly. Im here to urge the board to approve the scramble system between clay and kearny. Kearny has been a very busy street, high traffic. Our seniors are concerned about the safety when they walk the street. Our organization serve over 30 thousand seniors per year and many live in china town and come to the [inaudible] square every day or walk by every day and they are concerned about the increases traffic on the street and also the upcomes years when the central subway is up and running will bring more visitors so concerned about the safety. They believe they have the right to age in place in the beautiful city of San Francisco and dont have to worry about the safety when they walk the street. They choose to the live there because this is where they have cont ribted a lot of their times and raise their kids and work and they deserve the rights to remain in the city, china town. I urge the board to approve scramble system so that there will be no more fatalities in china tounwn. I like to take the opportunity to thanks mr. Reiskin to come to the cutting [inaudible] phil chin followed by ang leana you and rosa chin. Mr. Chairman, directors, im phil chin of china town Transportation Research and improverment project. China town supports scramble system at clay and kearny and [inaudible] garage. An ourmt has been raised that the scramble system would cause delays for transit. Lets take a look at the one line on this discussion here. If the one line coach gets to kearny and clay on time, it still has 2 to 4 minutes to get to the inner terminal. That is plenty of time when it doesnt pick up passengers. Once at the terminal on [inaudible] it has 6 to 8 minutes of recovery before it go ons the outbound trip. To lose 92nds 9 seconds is nothingism lets take the bus arriving late to kearny and clay. If it arrives late that is because something west of kearny has caused the delay and if the planners solve the problem they need to look there and figure what is wrong and maybe add time for the one line somewhere else or extend the signal timing for california or clay sfeet, but not look at the scramble system as the reason for the delays. For the number 8 line the same principle would apply. The 8 line turns around at broadway or half of them thank you. Ang leana you. Rosa chin, diana lim. Ang leana you. I will use my 2 minutes for phil to finish. Im not sure we can do that, can we . No. Thank you. The sunshine rules. [inaudible] working with young people and [inaudible] over the past 2 years worked with [inaudible] to study kearny street corridor we have known to by highly dangerous. This is proved again last a couple months ago when a grand mother was cross as street. It take as loss of life before woe examine how to make streets safer by design. The scramble system is probably the most effective think in left turning vehicles which is what killed the senior. The entrance to the china towns living room we should look at how we prioritize the elders trying to live in the neighborhood. We came with a plan and hope that the mta and city leadership can help make this is a realty before we see a life loss. Rosa chin, diana chin, Malcolm Young good afternoon. Hope you are having a great day. Ply name is rosea and a resident in china town and lived in china town for all 20 years of my life. I am 20. I have seen the changes in china town sichbs i was born. I have seen the installation of the scramble system and see how well it worked and want to see the correct chairchgs for kearny and clay. I want to see the scramble system on kearny and clay because we see how well it works on stockton. It saivs lives. The priority of kearny and clay shoulden be pushed back because of 19 other projects. What process is used to prioritize is something we want to know about. Why is kearny and clay not up on the list seeing there is a fatality that occurred on kearny and clay. How does a fatalityty not fit and be the first the First Priority . As a resident in china town i want to see the right choices made and that is a scramble cystment. Im not the only person who seeathize scramble system as a correct choice. We have collected over 2 thousand signature s to install a scamble system and this isnt just the residence to china town, it is everyone who comes in china town. We collected these signatures during the fair. We asked do they agree with this and they all agreed. This showathize scramble system is important not just to the the residence but the people who come to tine china town as well. Diana lynn, Malcolm Young, shirly tang. My name is diana lynn and have [inaudible] for many years as a youth leader and tour guide. My grand parents have lived in china town since they immigrated to the u. S. They continue to live there because it st. The community they feel they are most at home and for many seniors in senior town it is the primary mode of transit. China town is the optimal place for them to leave. Kearny and clay is where a large concentration of seniors visit due to [inaudible] known as china towns living room. It is also a intersection where most who travel china town from visitation valley get off. It is vital to make changes by installing a scramble system for the safety of the residence and visitors before any other collisions occur. Thank you. Malcolm young. Shirly tang and normal fong. Good afternoon Board Members, my name is Malcolm Young and Deputy Director at china town [inaudible] pretty exciting. You mentioned data driben and policy driven and sure you meant to mention community driven. Im here about the scramble system on kearny and clay as well. Ill be very direct, in china town we have 7 deaths or major injuries over the past 5 year jz 3 are penl to us. 2 residents and a Family Member and this is unacceptable chblt all we are hearing now in response to our demand for a intersection are excuses. I know mta can do better. Last year when fl was a death at sackumento and stockton you installed within 3 or 4 months. That is amazing and want to see that same action here and dont see why it cant happen right away. Lastly, ill say i know mta will go into a very significant year in 2016. I know good will will be very important to mta in 2016 and right now i feel and know a lot of the Community Members feel china town is being left behind and i hope that doesnt continue. Pedestrian safety is our number one priority and want to see mta respond quickly right now. Thank you. Next speaker, shirly tang, norman fong and peter lee. Good afternoon mta board. My name is shirly tang and [inaudible] today im here to urge the board to implement a scramble system on kearny and clay intersection. I was part of a [inaudible] did research and found that the most deadly drivers behavior to cause collision is driver speeding, not yielding to ped and left and right turns. We did interviews with china town residence speaking about what their concern is for the intersection, how they feel when they cross the street and we also did [inaudible] asking questions regarding the issue and for me personally i also think that the intersection i feel the danger of it when i cross the intersection to go to the office of cddc or youth or people who use the intersection like seniors and people who go to [inaudible] and people who get out of the 8 bus and the 1 bus. We urge mta to implement a scram ble cyst frm the benefit of separating car squz pedestrians separately and get rid of the concerns for car turning left or right and not yield toog ped. There are successful examples along stockton street where there are intersections with the scamble system. We urge mta to implement the scamble system on kearny and clay. Normal fong. Followed by peter lee and then christopher cullkerson. Mr. Fong isnt here. Peter lee, christopher cullferson good afternoon. My name is peter lee and have been working at department square garage all most 15 years and i want to here today to share where the changes in the corridor between clay and washington on kearny street. You center the latest development with city call squj the hotel and a lot of Childcare Service and the vehicle on kearny street as well as pedestrian has increased. The commission right now knows the changes in this 5 years, the foot traffic in the corning is very heavy at certain timesism. I want to be here to support the scamble. I think that will saisk a lot of trouble and accidents in the corridor and think it is important the scramble light be put in as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Christopher fullkerson, charles rathbalm and tongue lee good afternoon directors. Christopher fullkerson. All the other things you center to think about i am afraid to report to you that the fact had automating way bill system we have been working with exceeded the worst Case Scenario or inaccuracy and needs immediate attention. I prepared notes here and have 495 signatures i collected with a short essay i ask you to read, it is also available on line at my website. The automated way bills are completely dysfunctional. They make errors only machines can make. I got a way bill saying that i made 30 thousand dollars in one shift. That way bill was 101 pages long. If that were automated and connected to the irs they would think im a really rich man which im not. The attempts to correct the problem when i came time to prepare taxes which is a positive motivation you want to encourage drivers to be involved with, waswhen i called the phone i got nothing but hostility. It was dysfunctional conversation. Their phone has some capacity for the drivers to enter the website and look what is said about them. The city wide system has no capacity for that. If the driver try tooz prepare the taxes he husband no hopenot even a pretense the records are used to help prepare the taxes. The signatures i collected about public disagreement with you about the utility and desirability and safety of the back seat units. The public doesnt like them as i try today say as squarely and fairly as i can. I just like to ask you to try to visualize what it is like with somebody who is completely aneeberated trying to pass their credit card and told i cant do it for them, they center to go through all those steps when they are sloshed. One of many examples of how poorly the system is working. Thank you. Tone lee fallowed by [inaudible] and last speaker is rose chung. Reverend fong is here as well so he gets the last word. Tongue lee good evening. I would like to mention you had a [inaudible] at union square especially in the rush hour. Mason street is hechby duty because Everyone Needs to use mason to go across Market Street. The muni taxis and [inaudible] is overwhelming in the rush hour so you think in 4 to 6 dependent the parking spot on mason between [inaudible] we can get one extra lane to go across down so the muni bus drivers are happy and make it muni lane only 4 to 6 p. M. That is a way to save the muni drivers because they are [inaudible] i get a space and just get in so they are to stay behind me because they are big. The same i want to mention about the clay and kearny street. You are not in a rush to do anything that is a very major [inaudible] that we need. People dont know that what is that mean. Sacramento and stockton is up hill so this woman died [inaudible] the woman slowly go across and she was speed toog make the light and that is why this woman died and very unhappy. She was a old lady. Clay and kearny is confusing [inaudible] most of the people dont go to the parking lot, they go to clay straight on the [inaudible] is more dangerous because of people on kearny street. [inaudible] they can make it and somebody goes [inaudible] ladies and gentlemen of the audience and commissioners good afternoon. I dont usually want to come here in the afternoon because i have to make a living too. The declining [inaudible] toxy drivers with 16 thousand uber drives and medallion drivers we are choking on what we are making mpt the past sunday in the marina green i watched [inaudible] 8 to 12 painted taxis with meters in them while you sit watch us, regulate us, fine us, increase our fees and they run ram udthroughout the city with no regulations let alone commercial licenses or plates. I see taxi drivers in the city, you are doing nothing to enforce even california regulations because the mayor told you to lay hands off. What is that all about . More corruption . More laid back tickets . The police cant issue tickets to our competitors because the mayor and board of supervisor jz sfmta doesnt want to do anything. They just let us die and pay fees to you. The second item on my plate is this, i see an agenda here of stop signs, yellow zones, blue zones, i dont so one taxi zone and cant recall any taxi zones that you put up in the city over the past 12 to 24 months that are still there 12 and 24 menths later. Where do you expect us to pick up passengers . In the yellow zone [inaudible] others who wish to address the board turn in a speaker card at this time. Rose chung, norman fong andberry [inaudible] good afternoon mta board, my name is rose chung and representing the board of [inaudible] parking plaza corporation. The portmouth square garage play as significant role in the community and the chisting [inaudible] if there is no q line it will discourage people to park at port muth square there is a significant decrease in revenue to the city but that isnt as important that red carpet treatment for muni buses isnt a pudustly safety treatment so give the community a plan that puts Pedestrian Safety first, a scamble system. Normal fong and bury [inaudible] supper blessings on you all. I know you are here to save lives so know and will act quickly on clay and kearny. Sometimes at kearny street and have to stop to let seniors past. Our commune tachanged in the past decadeo on jackson and kearny a tenant who lived on clay was killed because of the international hotel. International hotel is new, Community College is new and aging population in china town and the sros we know they are aging. Scamble lights on stockton street and know it cost money but lives are more important and the community really wants it and in this case this is what we need. Vision zero, more power to you. Berry corngolds and thing charpss [inaudible] berry corngold. I have been a cab driver irfb San Francisco for 20 years and drove a truck before that. I am familiar with traffic patterns and dont think you you are aware how dangerous the streets have become in the last 2 years of the unrelulated flood of tmc driferns is allowed to do taxi without regulations. There is more than 16 thousandubeers. [inaudible] said they had 22 thousand drivers. That is as of may. They are expanding every day. Lift had a representative here before the mayor counsel saying there are 10s of thousands of drivers. There is maybe 5 thousand active San Francisco cab drivers. All the cabs have to be hybrid or alternative fuel. We have to follow rules. These cars double park all over the place at the intersection and blocking and making crazy turns from the left turn from the right land and right turn from the left lane. They come from all over the state and not familiar with San Francisco and not familiar with gps and made the streets very dangerous. We are the second more congested city cording to tom tom. I dont see enforcing the [inaudible] nobody is giving the people ticket for double parking all over the place, if there are it is not noticed. Please do something about this and start regulating them and these regulations you put on taxies are looking ridiculous and putting us out of business and wont have a taxi service soon so hope you will be happy with that. Chalss [inaudible] within the jurisdiction of the board and not on todays calendar charles [inaudible] i have 2 things to talk about. First is [inaudible] asked me [inaudible] who want to pay us many thousands of dollars to put [inaudible] on our cabs. It is a time of the declining reserve new and increasing cost we really really can use that revenue so we ask you to revisit the [inaudible] at the earliest moment. We also ask you with some urgency to revisit the issue of the credit card charge. I know it is a bit of a hot button but the currents limit is unrealistically low. It is a time of increasing cost and declining revenues so we ask you to revisit the too low credit card fees. If i can follow up with the other speakers talked about the number of uber. In august the San Francisco general manager of uber told me that they currently in august had 30 thousand ubers in San Francisco. Not the bay area, just San Francisco. This is a problem a congestion issue that is mushrooming. Thank you. Anyone else address the board . Seeing none. We move on to the consent calendar. Could we in light of all the requests from the public could we request reporter update from staff about the intersection and the options and how quickly we can put in something there is a number of things we have done including something you legislated 2 or 3 meetings ago at that intersection and happy to get an update is that something agendized . We can send you the information this week and tell you if you want a discussion we probably should since there is quite a bit of interest. Nice to know how it fits in the larger scheme of the vision zero plan. Okay. The next item. Mubing to the consent calendar the items are rutune unless a member of the board wishes to have it considered separately. We received a request that 10. 2 and [inaudible] be severed and that is the only request for severance from the board or a member of the public. Also, please note that with item 10. 2 nonp, staff has asked that the board amend the resolution. They wish to start the tow away time at 3 30 rather than 3 oclock as was and then extend. That is 10. 2 n and extend the 2 hour parks until 3 30 which would address 10. 2 omp. Leaving that alone since the items are severered. [inaudible] minus nomp. Is there a motion on the consent calendar to minus the items . All in favor say eye rr. Lets go back to 10. 2 n 0 mp. [inaudible] followed by valary tom. Good fwroochb afternoon. I recommend you not approve or take the item back to committee for review and engagement with the stakeholder squz here is why. The notification process isnt effective. The data used is not transparent and too general. Here is supporting points for the notification process. It is only by happenstance the residence receive notice 10 days in advance of a hearing and not enough time for the busy luvs. The distribution method is [inaudible] notice should be placed at entrance of residence such as the Film Commission does. I see the notice 2 days before the initial meeting on sept4. The engineer said mta engaged the supervisorophorous prior to the meeting but they had not. The supervisor and transportation lead were aunweir of the proposals until i called them last week. I ask for primary data at a side bar meeting and the [inaudible] they were going ahead with the recommendation. That was 5 weeks later. [inaudible] i got some data back on 1015 that was too general. 1016 i asked for more specific questions and just this morning at noon got a email with information but not enough time to do a anal s is. I ask for more time or that you dont approve their recommendation. Valary tom. Hello. I personally ride muni all the time i not a driver so i dont believe that the increased 330 [inaudible] would improve muni service. It is my experience that in looking at the buses and riding the buses the service decreases between 5 30 and 6 and i walk to davis street to catch a bus to get home to sacramento and joan jones because i cant get on the bus especially between 6 and 7 in cheen optown i have to walk up the hill and beat the bus or take the bus all the way to davis at the terminal to get on the bus, so i think it has to do more with the schedule of the Service Versus the freeing occupy of the tow away lane. Mr. Chairman that is the last person. I will make a motion to approve this. I assume the one we are talking about is the n, the tow [inaudible] i think that is what people were commenting on and it looks like this extend the part time muni lane and to my mind those are valuable parts the system so make a motion to approve. We have a motion is there is a second . You do need it take a vote on the amendment. To start the toll move from 3 to 3 30. Motion to adopt the amendment. Any discussion . All in favor say aye on the item itself we have a motion to 2nd on is. All in favor aye. That conclude your consent calendar and move to item 11. Proposed dwept agreement with between city and couny of San Francisco 5 m project between mission and Howard Street relating to [inaudible] mr. Chairman be advised there is a change to the Development Agreement since it was posted on line on page 3 under section 2. 2 selma streetscapes. They adding the following language and just for your nrfgz the board doesnt need to act on this. Priority is given to improver to address ped and bike safety improvements on corridor ajais tonight the project site particularly those part of vision zero sf [inaudible] on behalf of the cities Vision Zero Task force. Good afternoon chairman and member thofz board. Peter [inaudible] acting kreckter of planning at mta. I have a partner i worked with [inaudible] Work Force Development. Think it may be helpful for the board to hear discorruptions how she worked with the mta and provided input to shape the Transportation Plan you are asked to act on or the tdm program and the funding strategy and Development Agreement. I will help with the highlights the Transportation Plan. I know in the interest of time you will have speakers [inaudible] i am here to help with any part of that. I like to invite up to the microphone ann from economic Work Force Development. Project manager of economic and Work Force Development. Here to provide a quick over view of the larger 5 m project and [inaudible] briefply talk about the naich thorf Development Agreement or the da for the project and explain the mechanics. The Development Agreement is a legal lee binding contract between the city and developer for the term of it da which in this case is 15 years. In return the city is able to negotiate Public Benefits physical and financial that the developer would not be required to provide under existing zoning. Once approved by the Planning Commission a number of other commissions, this board and board of supervisors there developer will move forward the project. We received a [inaudible] we are before you today to focus on the transportationalment i want to give background on the project benefits package. The project is mostly locatesed in c 3 down town district and 100 percent privately financed project on 4 aches of private lanld. Includes retention of threbuildings including the chronicle [inaudible] identified as h 1, m 2, and n 1. Referic to howard, mission and nutoma street. The h run is in the [inaudible] Square Foot Office building containing ground floor retail and acktdive office space. The m 2 building contained rental units and the n 1 building contains 400 residential units. The developer agreed to a units mix [inaudible] to complment the new build thg project will also build over a acre of public accessible open space on the project site. In your packet you received a spreadsheet exhibit b which provides a break down of the physical obligations. Each building pays all the Development Impact fee squz a negotiateated amount we call the Community Benefit fee. The projectogenerate as total of 73, 500 in fees and benefits that are distribute today a number of programs including the old meant, besy [inaudible] work force and youth programs. [inaudible] donate 12 thousand square foot [inaudible] building located for arts and cultural space. In light of the currents housing situation in San Francisco a key priority frathe project is generate as much Affordable Housing as quickly aiz possible. The project is the first to achieve the 33 percent Affordable Housing target without subsidies. Generating 212 of Affordable Housing within a quarter mile the site. We are able to achieve the 33 percent goal with 3 different elements. The rental on site is 20 percent or 58 units. Additionally there are provide 18 Million Dollars to fund the gap for the tnc located at taylor andied e. 5 m will dedicate a parcel of land located ajais tonight the project boundaries and 21. 5 million for 83 affordable Senior Housing on the land. All units are on sign or within a quarter mile the 5 m project. Oewd worked with mta staff to develop a franz portation program that [inaudible] 12. 2 million in transit fees. I will rely on peter to walk through the highlights. I want to go over the specific the funding and the timing of dollars. The project will pay 8, 883,000 dollars based on the size of the buildingsism in addition to the fees the developer agreed to pay additional 3. 4 million to use by the mta for tranlzt bike, pedestrian and secretescape improvements including a cross block [inaudible] this 3. 4 million which we call a tsp contsbution represents a dollar amount we believe the developer wid have been op obligated to pay under tsf. There are side walk and streetscape umprovements they are required to do at their own cost. I want to draw your attention to the timing of the transit dollar dust dustbution. The Development Agreement provided with the opportunity to bundle all the Development Agreement impact fees from the first building and direct the amount need today fill the gap [inaudible] we expect the first build toog be h one Office Building but the Development Agreement doesnt require the buildings be bit in a particular order. The [inaudible] 103 units of low to very low housing and [inaudible] while weexpect 500 thousand in tsp funds to be distributed to the mta the remainder is paid to the mta when the Building Permit for the second and third building are pulled. Mta receives the code amount upon project build out and the 3. 4 million for total of 12. 2 and the money is distributed from the second and third buildings to fronts loud the Affordable Housing projects. Thank you for your time and here for questions. Did you havewere you going to share more of the Transportation Plan . I would be happy to. I think it helps to talk about what i consider the most impressive highlights in the plan we worked in cooperation with oewd. The Transportation Plan recognizes this is transit oriented. We are close to the bart station across Market Street of 5th and mission and within a short dist ance of cal train and the transbay terminal and muni serves the parameter and [inaudible] it is a extraordinary location compared to the project brought in the past [inaudible] we had to reach hard to make sure transit was a use. This is about building transit into the projject dn. If you look tat Vision Zero Network we worked with that [inaudible] 5 and Market Street corridor. One that might not jump out is the elim nakez of a [inaudible] the pork chop is the triangular piece of concrete that allows a free right turn into the garage and creates a Pedestrian Safety concern. That came out through the Community Outreach [inaudible] the signalized cross walk between the mint and mary [inaudible] to maurk sure there is enough room for the bus to clear at 5th and mission and have the signal helping Pedestrian Safety cross there. The alley is the state of the art alley is where a lot of loading is happening so we dont is trucks pulling off hower or 5th. That happens internally. The Transportation Demand Management Program is a highlight of the project. There is a menu in the package that talks about the typical tdm choices and we go beyond that. We are not just code compliant but what came out through the best recommendations of the staff. Invasion like sponsoring a first year [inaudible] imagine they like it so much they stay past the first year because we know the first year can be a hurdle. That is hopefully working as part the network as to create a better split than the project projected. The tdm goals are 14 percent below what we projected. 14 percent auto use and more alternative transportation. We have a penalty to the projject of 50 thousand a year for notblushing the goal. I think there is a lot of richness. Yf want to make sur you see [inaudible] thank you. Any Board Members have clarifying questions before we go to Public Comment . I center a question for the parking for the project. It is unbuldened so is part for aufsh use and part residential . The unbundle is the residence component there is no allocation for one versus the other . I believe it is separated from the residential, and is there a difference between what is paid under like what we propose for the [inaudible] in terms of the project and what they pay . Difference between the tdif and tsp versus tsf. Thank you. There is a total of 12. 2. 8. 8 are the tidf and 3. 4 is tsp. We are allowed to spend those funds locally where the tidf goes to mta city wide resources. Any other questions . Can we go to Public Comment . Catha dulukea followed by mike teario and stephanie [inaudible] good afternoon again Board Members. Cathy dulukea policy and Program Manager with walk San Francisco and i just want to comment today on the transportation aspects of this project. Walk San Francisco had frutdful and open discussionwise the project sponsor and we really appreciated that relationship and hope to continue to have that in the future. We are excited about the safety features, widen side walks and [inaudible] love with pork chops go away. We are excited the sponsor is considering reducing [inaudible] from 7 percent to 3. 5. We think the lower raed is appropriate for this project. It is the same amounts allowable in the Transbay Transit Center district so think it is a meaningful precedents for a project of this magnitude. We have a few concerns about the project, transportation aspect. We think the residential parking is. 5 spaces for unit is too high for the area. We recommend. 25 spaces which is consistent with the maximum in van ness and market down town residence district. We think the project should follow the lead. Make Pedestrian Safety impruchbments of the intersection of 5th and howard. This project will bring more pedestrian tooz the area but need to make sure the projject insures there is a safe place to call. Walk San Francisco looks forward work wg the project sponsor and continuing these great discussions to help get the aspects into the final project. Thank you for your time. Next speaker. Mike [inaudible] stephanie [inaudible] and don [inaudible] michael [inaudible] San Francisco building and Construction Trade counsel. I think you can be grateful you have the [inaudible] that have been and will be raised. With regard to the transissues this is a project unlike park merced and huntsers point. It is a transitrich area already and want to thank you your staff and economic and Work Force Development [inaudible] the geper isary have responsible developer and willing to sit and irk on the details of issues such as transit. I think you see the results of that before you and due to approve what is put before you. Good afternoon. I am stephanie [inaudible] i am living just the adjacent building in mission and 5th street and that is the proposed building by 5 m. Im very very happy this project is going on because i really urge you to approve it. In the sense that [inaudible] is so good in our neighborhood. [inaudible] health and safety of our people. You know, in that area we have lots of senior citizens. They have been living for a long time there and these people need safety and protection. The [inaudible] 5 m project is really very concerning our safety. We have a open dialogue all the time. Even this afternoon we will have a workshop. [inaudible] all this time. They have been talking about this sense how many years now . 2 or 3 years. They really emphasize our safety. And the best thing they have done is that the cross road and the widening of the roads, the pedestrians and then you know how seniors walk, it is too slow like mean im slow now. That is going on. You people here who are hearing me, listening to me, dont worry you will get there. Thank you very much. And just urge you to vote and approve the project. Thank you very much for your time. Rob pool, tim colon good afternoon Board Members. [inaudible] here to ask for your support of the 5 m project. It is what San Francisco needs with the Affordable Housing crisis. Granted this is a combination of office space and residence units about 600 however with the parking issues i feel the project sponsor has done a good job being [inaudible] to be accurate. As far as Street Safety around the area, there is much more pedestrian actirfbty and Public Transportation on 5th and mission than howard and 5th. The traffic is going southbound to get on the free way and make a left turn on [inaudible] to get to 4th to access the free way. Howard is a one way street eastbound and get to the rincon neighborhood and acto cess to the free way. The project that has wonderful open space and make it livable for the neighborhood open to the neighbors and public. It will be a great handsome compliment to the intercont nmental hotel across the street with the height limits. Thank you for your support. Thank you. Next speaker please. Rob pool, tim colon, [inaudible] good afternoon members the board. Rob pool and project manager of San Francisco Housing Action coalition. Board members support non profit [inaudible] to project review commit atwice and the [inaudible] encouraging new housing that eliminates sprawl and creates way for people to get around without a car. This project alignwise that goal. I think a unique aspect is that we rarely see a project of this scale built in a neighborhood where the infrastructure is to thereto support it. Projects like park merced and along the water front [inaudible] this has the benefit of bart and a lot of neighborhood aminities within walking disance to office space and jobs, bike lanes and muni and it is adding to that. With the scale the project achieves a ton of great benefits they make it easy for residence to walk around with a car. On top of that is creates open space in the neighborhood which can only be achieved because of the projict density. A lot of open spaces and created uses that are lacking in the neighborhood and wideance the side walk squz improving the intersection at fiverth and mission are benefits that we want to support. I urge youon top of that the Affordable Housing factor, they createdthey will create is more than any other project we will see in the city [inaudible] it is a fantastic project and hope you support it. Thank you. Thank you mr. Pool. Tim colon and [inaudible] is tim here . [inaudible] followed by [inaudible] is she here . Is [inaudible] here . Come forward man. [inaudible] fallowed by katherine von shields is she here . And then cathy lumont. Thank you. Board of directors. Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I am [inaudible] a Senior Living in San Francisco. For a city is [inaudible] and open to speak with the community. The 5 m project has so many positive [inaudible] improvements, like widening streets and taking awaiy pork chops near my church. I know that [inaudible] everybody is [inaudible] i will let you smile. Please approve the 5 m project at the mta. Happy halloween to all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker katherine von shield, katie lumont followed by diane rue rosales es. [inaudible] my name is cathen [inaudible] i do appreciate [inaudible] im also [inaudible] welcome and [inaudible] this project i need to speak in favor the 5 m project. One this project is in the [inaudible] and the developers have worked very well with the community insureing the community is heard. They made many changes to the project including more open spaces, more open public space, [inaudible] height limit and they also increase funding to the Affordable Housing fund more money for the Public Transportation upgrades. It is a win win for the city and this is a rare occasion where developers have reached out very very often to the community and it has been a very successful effort. At some point we have to say [inaudible] at some point we have to move forward. [inaudible] we have to bring this to closure to move on and start enjoying the benefits this project will bring to San Francisco increasing the Housing Stock and increasing the funding to the housing projects and mass transit. I hope you vote [inaudible] thank you very much. Katie lumont. Deonruiz who is the last person. Good afternoon directors. My name is catty lumaubt and director of housing development. [inaudible] don [inaudible] would have like today be here but he is traveling. I am here to thank mta and staff to allocate 5 m transportation fees or a portion to Affordable Housing to aggregate the capital needed to Start Construction an soon as possible. I recommend you approval. [inaudible] that will benefit fwraum the front louding of Affordable Housing fees. [inaudible] Family Housing will provide homes to 103 to low income families. This was a project conceived in 200 8 and had 9 lives to figure different ways to be financed and develop so this is a big moment for the project. The Gap Construction financing is made available through the agrumpt gives the project needed to Start Construction in [inaudible] diane ruiz followed by tone lee and those are the last penal en people to address you my name is diana ruiz with [inaudible] Community Coalition and sol rockman who submitted a record to sfmta board of directors this afternoon. I know we cant distribute papers but appreciate if you can take a look at the letter. Our coalition is in opposition of the 5 M Development and urge you to vote against the agroument thmpt reezson the 5 m project opposes sfmta goal to increase and encourage private automobile use. The project includes 463 Parking Spaces where zero are required. That more than doubles the 219 spaces on the 4 acre site. Member thofz public aprose a Transportation Program for 5 m that is ignoreed mpt [inaudible] traffic and circulation. The findings and statement [inaudible] inadequate and incomplete. The traffic study is out of date. Additional Traffic Studies are not prided to citizens. Traffic conditions have changed because of restreckzs on Market Street which occurred in august 2005. The Transportation Sustainability fee is under review of the board of supervisors. The 5 m project should be subject to the new tsf, not a special rate. Citizens are filing appeal through the 5 meir filed yesterday. The conditional use and aufsh allocation. We urge you not to approve the Development Agreement today. Everything else is out of your jurisdiction but consider the traffic impacts. Thank you. Tone lee, last person to turn in a speaker card nobody can stop the real estate [inaudible] nobody care about you, you have to say yes anyhow. This is like a los vegas casino becoming San Francisco now. You put a lot of buildings and units. [inaudible] look at all the building. Now there are increasing parking fee is 15 or 20 dollars. Extraprice 60 dollars. I dont want to drive because you look at the city. I stay at the airport as much as i can [inaudible] somebody told me it take 40 to 1 hour to get back to the airport. There is a private plan and money, that is what the gentlemen and lady [inaudible] there is private money, i give you the money i everything is fine, i know you will approve it because the cityit is money talk city now. It was a very nice city before but you are the transportation people that [inaudible] really problem because look at the traffic. You can see too many cars on the street and dont analyze why this happens, you just try to [inaudible] as i mentioned before [inaudible] we get one more lane to go across and approve the people behine me is because they are big developer. I tell you [inaudible] let them play. I like to see. Thank you. Thank you mr. Lee. Any other public speakers . There are no other speakers who have addressed you on this matter. Good afternoon directors. Madison hole and business representative for hundreds of workers in San Francisco with a International Union of painters and allied trades. We are excited about the project and the work the mta staff has done and continuing relationship with the sponsor so here to speak in support the project. Thank you. I think that is if t for public speakers. Directors any discussion or questions . Motion to approve. Do i have a second. I have a few comments. I want to cumind staff for this work. [inaudible] you should be very proud of the work. Is there a project we have seen as of yet that had such a robust transportation and madgeagement plan . Every program is different. There isnt a one size fits all. What makes this unique is the layeroffs anticipating what is required in the eir and going above and beyond that. You will see work wg the planning depament on codifying what she thinks are routine programs. I think that is the appropriate answer. I have to admit im very impressed with what work you have done. It is encouraging and the exact kind of way we i think we should approach gement development in the future with reexpect to transportation and Management Programs the way they provide benefits to the community with respect paying out cash with muni and the different programs and mta. The pedestrian [inaudible] it all looks extraordinary. For people that have want been thereilately it is horrible to be there now as a pedestrian. It is tough to walk around there. I think this will result in trufic improvements. I think when we get more activity on the street and bikes we will calm the streets more, so there will be i think a safer environment in addition to the amenities well see i am cfd the slower speeds created by the activity will act as a traffic calming measure. I feel you are convinced well achieve the goal squz traffic reduction so much so they will address a lot of the concerns and it looks as though there is a system that you created here to fine or create a fee of 50 thousand dollars if they dont comply with the transportation and management goals that will happen every 2 years and that is the intent to create a incentive that to have the developer and operateer in the long term to meet the goals. I f they dont thavito pay this fee. That is correct and there is a aspect of the goal and have the developer in the room. The more important part of the goal is the positive. We had a meet wg the Bike Coalition and make sure if we do what we want to do is achieve 14 percent increased alternative use and reduction in travel it st. The opportunity to look at the unbundleed parking as a resource so that flexibility and willing to adapt what is hard to predict today that may make a lot of sense in 2018 or 19 shows the value of monitoring tdm and being spart smart about the accomplishment of it goals my only question and had the privilege of speaking with staff earlier about this particular issue but is the 508 thousand dollar rate itself i think is when we talk about a project that is millions of dollars and seems nominal but i understand it is the status quo of what we expect of different projects and my only critique is recrizt at some point how we came up with the fees we set for projects like this. If we did 70 thousand for one project or 5 othousand i want to make sure we use this opportunity to stress how important it s. We have letters of cor pondance and this is a way to demonstrate we recognize the seriousness of the matter and 50 thousand i think could be strengthened to demonstrate and suspect the developer will adhere and never to think about paying 50 thousand but in the future as we move forward we would expect a little more in negotiation to get the developer and future operator to commit to comply wg the goals so we can demonstrate to the community that we are serious and dhai are on the hook for something more than a noumenal amount orphfunds to mitigate the impacts that they would achieve if they dont achieve the goals that we agreed upon. I think the project itself from a transportation perspective i applaud you folks and grateful to the developer and team. It sounds like uhave been through hell and high water to get to where we are. It is something to be said with respect to transportation and management the 50 thousand is per buildings . There 3 buildings and each [inaudible] 75 thousand but for 3 years opposed to 50 thousand for 3 buildsings for 10 years each. It has a larger magnitude of penalty. Any comment or questions, we have a motion and second . All in favor aye. Opposed . So moved. Mrs. Boomer. It looks like based on the agenda 12 and 13 we should call them together and address as one well give the room a moment to clear a little bit. I will go ahead and read them to the record. Item 12 request board of drerthers dopt the taxi driver drug and alcohol policy [inaudible] to implement taxi driver drug and alcohol policy and lower the barrier of entry for medallion applicants. Lost where i was. And amend transportation Code Division to article 1100 to impose certain fines. That is item 12. Item 13 authorize director of transportation execute a [inaudible] for amounts not to exceed 4. 5 Million Dollars in Contract Term of 3 years with 2 options to extend the term. Madam chair that is 2 items. Thank you. Good afternoon [inaudible] i have my pin on too so thank you. I received it yesterday for 15 years of service. In a good club here. Today we are bringing 2 items before you for your approval. The taxi driver drug and Alcohol Testing policy and contract to provide the Service Associated with that program. In addition we bring forward 2 amendments to the transportation code. One a change in the driving requirement for medallion applicants and a change in the fine structure for not affiliating with a dispatch service or [inaudible] app. The code doesnt specify these are daily fines and that was the intention so that is a little clean up on our end. I will start with the drug and Alcohol Testing policy because this is a complicated program. It has been a long time in the making and i think we maythere may be a lot of questions. The first thing you should know is it is required by state law. That is the starting point. Local entities regulating taxi are requires by california government code to institute a crug drug and Alcohol Testing policy for taxi drivers. State laws requires taxi drivers test negative for each controlled substance spoifed in the federal regulations. All the specifics citation are in the calendar item. State law also requires that the procedures of the Testing Program substantially mirror the federal requirements. Norfd to comply with state law and better assure taxi driver duty [inaudible] we bring before you the taxi driver drug and Alcohol Testing policy. The policy includes a notice that testing is required a list of substances tested, method of testing, disciplineitary consequences for testing positive or refusing to request or tamping. Testing is required for new driver ap cnts and at permit renewal. [inaudible] sfmta will pay the cost of the new driver applicant testing and permit renewal. No other jurisdiction we contacted pays for these servess miferb did drivers must pass negative for the following substances [inaudible] there is a structured discipline process and happy to go into details if there are questions but we want it to be as clear and structured as possible so the drivers aware. The Taxi Companies also have responsibility that are laid out in the policy. They have to comply with the policy and remove a driver for tutti that tests positive and have staff that undergoes reasonable suspension trainjug transport drivers to testing facilities. They provide drivers with educational materials about the program [inaudible] this is all laid out in our policy. We vetted the policy and had many Public Meetings and aired it at the taxi task force and discused at the color scheme meet squgz had a special meeting set up with the vendor that is [inaudible] which is the item well get to after this. We held a open meeting for the industry to come and ask about the policy and air concerns. The biggest concern we heard relate to medical marijuana the fact tnc drivers dont have a similar requirement. Until state and federal laws change txy drivers are required to test negative for marijuana even with a prescription. We reviewed the issue and checked with the city tern and looked at la, sacramento, san diego, oakland to see if other jurisdictions provide a waver for medical marijuana. There is no waver available, it is just not possible. We are happy to revisit the isue if the state or federal laws change. We did also look up the dot stance and i have a quote from the head of dot of drug and Alcohol Office specifically related to medical marijuana. This is quoting the head of dot, the office of drug and alcohol policy says, we firmly reiterate a mro will not verify a drug test negative based on information that is a physician remed that the employee use medical marijuana when states have passed medical marijuana initiatives. It is important to note mairn remains a drug listed in schedule 1 of the controlled substance act and remains unacceptable for a safety sensitive employee subject to drug testing to u. S. Marijuana. That is the [inaudible] if state and federal law changes we can revisit this but at this point this is what we are working with the state requirement. In terms of the tmc drivers i think you may have heard this before before sfmta dozen have jurisdiction over tmc and therefore we dont have jurisdiction requires the drivers to undergo alcohol and drug testing. There is a bill at stailt level, ab 24 introduced by Assembly Member nuzairian that requires tmc drivers it be drug and alcohol tested. We are following that and hasnt passed yet. There is some effort at the state level regarding tmc drivers. The taxi drivers have the ability here to lead by example and provide a safer service, what we consider a safer service by having this type of program in place. The other 2 amendments that we are bringing before you today are the taxi change in the eligibility to purchase a medallion. I have a requirement the individual must be a driver 4 out of the 5 years and that is too high. The request is change that to a driver has to been a driver for the last 12 months prier to submitting the application. Also there is a clean up item related to fees. There are 2 fees we consider daily fees but not specified in the code as such and so we request that clean up that the color schemes that dont affiliate with a dispatch service to have a daily fine that the fine is daily if they dont affiliate. Also if dispatch service [inaudible] that is a daily fine. That is all in one item. The second item is the approval of the contract for drug and Alcohol Testing vendor and that iswe request the board authorize director of transportation and execute with energetics to administer the drug and alcohol program. The term is 3 year term with 2 one year options for amount not to ux seed 4. 5 Million Dollars. The contractor would act as 3rd party administrator. Manage the testing process. Do the reasonability suspension training. Engage the mro and medical review officer and Substance Abuse professional. They are the one stop shop for all testing matters. May 2014 a r if rks p was issue td for the work, 6 bidders responding and energetics was the highest rank. They have extensive experience and work in San Francisco and work with mta and muni and the Paratransit Program and have contract in new york. At part of this we conducted Public Outreach and happy to answer any questions. Thank you. That is interesting to hear about ab 24, the bill at the state level that would hold the tmc drivers to a similar policy so i hope that is something we are able to publicize not just to the taxi driver population but to the general population in San Francisco because i think hearing about this policy for taxi drivers the next logical question is what about the tmc drivers so pleased to hear that. People with tcp license do they have requirements . Tcpdrug and alcohol for tcp . Yeah. I believe they do. I dont have it off the top of my head by understanding is they already have that requirement and we arethere is a unlevel plague field and have 3 Similar Services with different requirements isnt that the reason the state claim thrz is jurisdiction over the tmc is they come in through the same jurisdiction as the town cars . Yes, i guess it is charter carriers they created a new category and chose not to consider them tcps they chose to create a separate category and have a different set of rules for them. There is no argument the rules on testing apply to tcp drivers apply to the new category as well . One assembly men feels it is clear enough he needs to propose a new rule. That seems incongruent the tmc came into the service they were part of regulation and dont want to do the testing that aploys to the drivers the flip side is this is cupetitive advantage because they can make a claim when compliant with state law the tmcs cant. The vehicles are inspected and drivers trained and vehicles insureed and background checked but tested for drug and alcohol just the way the great majority of our employees are. It is more than 3 thousand of the mta 5 thousand employees subject to a rigious form of this federal policy and state law i hear all of that and when we get to the [inaudible] we can discuss the computative ad vage. When we have jurisdiction a lot of the residence ride in the tmc. I can see you can say maybe we dont want this because we support taxies and want the taxies to have a competitive advantage. Not sure that is the right way to think about it. Not at all. Through a number of bills that have come before the legislature and rule making process we advocate for more stringent regulation of tmc that is more akin to the way the taxies are regulated because they act the same way but the regulatory burdens are quite different, so we are not odvoicating for a uneven Playing Field we advocate since the state has jurisdiction they should carry the same standards for background checks and insurance. It isnt successful but we continue it the bill is in the last session that is now closed . Corrects we are tracking it. It is something on the legislative agenda. Any questions or comments . What if we dont approve this . What are the consequences in not following state rules jarfbs is pulling up the exact site about the tcp. They moust provide mandatory controlled substance and Alcohol Testing program under the puc code. Just to clarify. The implications of not passing it would be to be out of complains with state law. What would that mean . State prison. How long has this existed and how long have we been out of compliance . It is on the books since 1996. The mta assumed jurisdiction orphthe taxi industry in 2009. I reviewed a power point presentation to mta from 2009 that included drug and alcohol requirement so it is discussed since 2009 and it is taken all this time to move it forward. I understand the challenges and concerns but it has taken a long time to get here and stand before you bring this program and package, this contract and it would be a lot of lost work and effort if we didnt move if t forward what if we tied to the approval of state approval for tmc . [inaudible] when the state does this to tmc i suppose that is one approach. We might be waiting a long time for that to happen. I dont know. I doknow when they look at this in sacramento and the state requirement on taxi it comes San Francisco doesnt have a drug and Alcohol Testing policy yet, so we are i feel with a little egg on our face in that forum because it is required and we dont have it yet you think we kbet the sense or lack of this policy is serving as a excuse or slow down on sacramento putting it on a tmc . I think it is a talking point and coming up before the legislature and it has been aired along the lines of the sanctuary laws, some things are emphasized and 134 deemphasized. In the effort in the city to talk about bicycleing and riding through stop signs is a low priority[inaudible] because it is legal in the state. As i understand from the system for a long time. It is not like if you [inaudible] unfair if someone is vacation. Pcp is a little differently. I think this is a special way of dealing[inaudible] if a test comes back and the person person[inaudible] Everything Else accept marijuana can we say it isnt so bad . We did look at that and tried to think that through and why we reached to the other jurisdictions in california to see if other areas had a waver or different look at the marijuana testing and we were not able to come up with any type of program that would meet the requirements and still provide that type of different look. I would say there are no random tests. We are talking about tests where typically the person will know when the test will hannen happen so it is prepermit and upon permit renewal and the driver permit are renewed on the month of their birth year or the month they were born. It is keyed to a known date for them. I think that helps provides some important testing when something happens. There is also post accident and in very specific situations and there is reasonable suspension and that is if someone shows up to work clearly aneebriated or intoxicated. Is a zero talliance policy for all of these so even alcohol or the legal limit . There are certain talliances for alcohol. It is a little different and it is. O2 to. 04 and if they dont hit the thresh hold to go home and sleep it off situation can we do that with marijuana . I understand it is illegal from the federal standards but because there are gradations of influence could we do something in that regard and not be considered in violation . I would be happy to have something to offer but the state law is clear the driver has to test negative for these substances listed in the federal guidelines so i feel like it is very structured requirement in law. If there is a possibility of wiggle room im open to looking at it but what i work with is just how the law is written. It is ashame the Testing Companies because you dont want the driver drinking or smoking marijuana you are fine with the off hours or when they go home, it is ashame the testing for the marijuanapiece isnt as sharp as the Alcohol Testing part. Agreed. We have a tough one here because we dontwe should go to Public Comment and hear from the drivers. First speaker doctor dale derringer followed by mark grewburg and talk [inaudible] i am not a driver, with california [inaudible] for former Marijuana Lawsism. I think you are rightly skeptical about the drug testing thmpt Scientific Evidence is clear drug testing will do absolutely nuthsing to improver traffic or accident safety. There is reason for this is the drug testing doesnt test for actual imparment, it detects past use the drugs particularly in the case for marijuana this goes on for days or week of last use. You dont have to take my word because it is a lot of Scientific Study and i can tell you there isnt one single Scientific Study that drugureen testing improves driving or work place safety. There isnt such a study. There are many studies some of which are sited here that show the people who test positive for marijuana are no more dangerous than regular drivers. I can find a study that came out from [inaudible] that the largest study to date showing people testing positive for marijuana had the same accident risk as drug free drivers. There is no need or value for this in Public Safety what so ever. I would like to get back to the medical marijuana thing because i know a lot of drivers may find it useful for chronic pain and migraine jz post Traumatic Stress t is possible the d ocs t policy allowing thedisallow immediateical marijuana is true for federal Testing Programs but so no reason in a state that recognizes medical marijuana you cant [inaudible] thank you for the information. Mark [inaudible] thank you. Mark [inaudible] San Francisco taxi workers alliance. If this policy cant stand on all legs you need to remove the shaky leg or else the whole thing needs to fall. The shaky leg mere is marijuana testing. I thank doctor gearingger for providing lots of very useful information which unfortunately the time limit here dozen give him a opportunity to convey, but a piece of information is after you smoke marijuana there is aureen test it doesnt test positive for 1 to 4 hours which is the same timeframe the substances are active in the body. The result is that a positive test for marijuana is strong evidence that the person was not under the influence of the drug while performing the job. That is a important point. This is put forward now after 20 years because uber and lift have been pointing some fingers. These are companies with zero regard for the law themselves and they say San Francisco is out of compliance with the law. Isnt that bad . Medical marijuana is legal in california. The medical Marijuana Law was passed by the voters of california the same year but subsequent to the time that this drug testing law for cab drivers came into effect so i think it is a proper interpretation to say that the medical marijuana supersedes the drug testing law. Tom [inaudible] good afternoon, tom [inaudible] been a cab driver since 1975 squand im on the board of directors of San Francisco yellow cab. I got to admit, i will be perfectly honest with you that i have smoked marijuana and drove a cab and i havent had any bad reaction or accidents or anything. But, at this point in time im happy to have the industry step up and make it a safer work place if that is what it takes. I thipg it comes a time that if we are treated like a Transportation System like 3450u7by we should ree regulated so the public is safety. My only concern is some of my drivers up in the age need some marijuana to help them get through the night with aches and pains and arthrits and hope we can find some sort of legal room here so they can still perform duties and not lose their job. It has been a Long Time Coming and i think the public deserves a safe Transportation System. I would like to also ask if we can have money to put bicycle racks on a taxi cabs to make it a real Transportation System and get exemptions like muni on [inaudible] and things to perform or job bet squr be more competitive and maybe take some of the cars of the street. If we can move the public around [inaudible] good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to speak [inaudible] career cab driver for 27 years. Medallion holder and board member at the yellow cab coop. I dont have a problem with drug testing at all, but i do have a problem with drug testing for taxi drivers only. I understand you dont have jurisdiction over tmcs but i also understand you are not present at the puc meetings. My colleague [inaudible] we are there are the time it takes members of the txy industry to demand thesary same rules and regulations for tmcs. Woe felt the mta has failed us. You are not there. Not long ago we met with the safety and inforbsment division demanding more enforcement, illegal solicitations to the Ferry Building and major hotels. At the same time you bring more rule jz regulation for the taxi industry and complaceants with the puc [inaudible] it st. Just not fair but i understand you dont have jurisdiction over them but you can demand the very same drug tests and you can pressure the puc to demand the same tests if you pass this. I also urge you to pay for 100 percent the cost of this test and really really pressure the puc to demand the very same from tmc drivers. Thank you. Next speaker please, john haun followed by [inaudible] and then norma gear. This is already starting the timer. When it comes to state requirements the only thing i ask you to consider is that Companies Like uber and lift are required to be Wheelchair Accessible because they are a Transportation Company that provide serves which means they are subject to ada laws. There are lot of laws and uber and lift are not in complinets. A few years ago this would have been a good idea but it is bad timing now. Im fine with drug testing cab drivers but think there should be a exemption for those with medical marijuana. I ask the mta board to hold off on a vote and post pone the vote because there are all kinds of things that can be done to try to work around the medical Marijuana Laws. It is a conflict because california allows medical main and that is many years old but the government code that requires us to be drug tested under federal standard isnt amended in a way it reflects the states pot laws so there are discreptancies in the law and until these things can get fixed, until you can find out what the outcome like things or ab 24 or gisk the taxi [inaudible] i hope the mta today would not take a vote on this. Thank you. Aush wanna [inaudible] norma gear. Ed heely. Norma gear. Ed heely followed by christopher fullkerson [inaudible] 30 years of driver. The old hippies seemed to have left the industry. I remember seeing people at the back of the airport goingi dont seei would turn in anybody if i saw them smoking or acting weird. I think it is evident. [inaudible] im for the test figure it gives a competitive advantage with exception of medical marijuana. [inaudible] this is not a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage is someone regulating 20 to 30 thousand lift and uber using the [inaudible] and not paying commercial insurance as they will tell you. Im for drug testing if it will do that but dont say it is a competitive advantage. Thank you for your work, you have a lot of problems. Thank you. Ed heeling, christopher fullkerson,berry toronto. Christopher cullfercon andberry hello directors. Christopher cullkerson. I have driven a cab tr 25 years and on the taxi task force that considered the contract you are considering. There is something important that isnt mentioned. You are looking at if you vote in favor the contract that is under consideration and will be voting in favor of something that i strongly believe you should not allow to be considered which is theamong all the talk about the Drug Enforcement and so forth which i communicated to you in a email, there is the consideration that in order to selma dalian the contract [inaudible] 5 years to 1 year. I think that is a consideration that you simply shouldnt allow on the same document. This is a instance of legislation that is conflated. I strongly ask and recommend that you postpone a vote on this item and require that it be separated out so that the drug aspect of what you vote on today is one matter and the driver requirement is another. It will be possible to have coherent votes about both. As it stand now something is being slipped under the table that you really ought not to allow or at least consider separately. Berry toronto, tone lee and stuart [inaudible] good afternoon. I havent been here in a long time. I want to first state the most exciting thing that hanned to me last night is waning someone toch a garbage can next to wallgreens of 18th and castro. The Fire Department took quite a long time to get there and someone at wall greens had a hose before the truck got there. The point im making is that you are putting huge requirements on people who are barely making money. Drug testing mac donalds workers . The point that making here is you are creating superate standards between us and the bus drivers. Apply the same standards and maybe just the new drivers test and also when they get in a major injury accident. To go further than that you create a separate standard for people out there doing the same work as people in the private cars that done have to go through any of this. Why are you creating a subset of people who you think you would respect. The people done care if we are drug tested or not. I talk to passengers every ride about this and ask the question. I have to be prepared. What they said is they like the fact it is instant access tothe ride and also the fact it is cheaper. A lot of the people dont care about the exploreitation and driver because they dont make enough money to cover expenses. Put this on hold until you find out [inaudible] what he is doing with his bill. Ton lee followed by stuart sellingson and [inaudible] good evening. [inaudible] she tried to maintain this cruise ship. [inaudible] we can look at 3 different issues. One is i would like to support the [inaudible] dispatch service [inaudible] change to something [inaudible] the same about the marijuana test [inaudible] i dont want to spend money. In order to do this [inaudible]. If you like to do that i see a lot of white folks that will lose their job and become homeless. [inaudible] we are asian and never do derog drugs and dont care. The point is a lot of white folks [inaudible] this policy will bring 2 [inaudible] we are all equal. We look at tmc drivers dont need. They dont need any regulations and make pluny big time on the street. We are upset the policy, the drug test [inaudible] next speaker please stuart segingson followed by berry nob flaub and mary mu gire i want to point outstuart [inaudible] and in the business for 40 or more years. I just want to point out something very simple. The uber and lift people, they say that their drivers are not employees. They say they are self contractors. The point is if that is the case then those drivers are in business in San Francisco. This city ir regardless of what the state says the city has a right to regulate people in business in the city. How come they have gone so long and no one noticed they are in business . Using that the fact they are in business i think we can go after some of the people and make thaem them come up to standard. You have a very good attorney. It may be worth your while to go ahead and ask him about whether that can be pursued as a way to get to and equalize the Playing Fields so tospeak. The issue i have only with this drug testing is who is getting [inaudible] of the direct testing. Are they private because you rin the real sense invading persons privacy here. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please thank you [inaudible] and then victor [inaudible] please be reminded this is public common on the drug testing policy i will mostly comment on the drug testing and not the drive requirement. I think they should be 2 separate. My problem isnt drug testing itself but the fact that particularly in the case of marijuana it doesnt tell whether a driver is under the influence or impaired. It tells whether the driver used marijuana in the last up to 30 days or more so this is unfairly discriminating against citizens of San Francisco who now it is legal to have a medical marijuana card and pretty soon may be legal for recreational marijuana. It is different than drugs that are harder that leave the system sooner. They will push to use harder drugs because it leaves the system sooner. They are not necessarily driving under the influence yet they are still punished. There are saliva or blood test that detect if there is active thc in the blood. At the least driver of medical marijuana cards should have that option of getting a bloud or suliveya test. I think you should wait on this. Why do it now . It is how many years we havent done this. Now taxi drivers are suffering and marijuana is about to change the laws in the state also possibly about drug testing why not wait until next year and see what happens in sacramento . This excuseubeer is saying San Francisco cab drivererize not tested, that is ridiculous. There are other reasons they [inaudible] ethat is the last 2 people who expressed a interest marymic grire. As far as lowering the [inaudible] for purchasing a medallion i dont know how you can require any kind of records if the vendor is making mistakes. The [inaudible] lost a year of my bills during the audit discovered. I have never take n a vacation so one day i took out of last year and thanksgiving i dont have records of driving. As well as like 10 or medallion holders at the company. I would also like to talk about thei dont know why these 2 are grouped together. A former lift driver is told me it is expected to get high with your passengersfelt it is just your friend not a driver. As far as the [inaudible] bill you need to apply pressure to get this to move faster in sacramento. It is a 2 year bill. I agree you have been absent from the puc proceeders. There is no one to put pressure to get the stuff moving in sacramento. There should be someone from agency every tame we have a hearing. Also we have muni drivers and cab drivers that are tested but what about the 20 or 30 percent of lift and uber droirfb jz the chariot drivers that drive the buses in your bus lane. I really thank you for bringing up the medical marijuana question because it is issue and there are a lot of cab drivers with pain in the back including me and if you had pain im sure most of you had a pinched nerve and the pain killers stop working and someone told me about a marijuana roll on thing. I would try anything at this point last speaker victor [inaudible] [inaudible] cab driver and came to speak on the drug issue. I dont think anyone should operate a vehicle under a substance that impairs their ability to drive a vehicle. What i have a problem is someone may smoke weed std and not impaired monday but the test comes up positive and they are barred from driving or remedial action taken against them. You will lose drivers with this. I dont use any drugs, you can test me around the clock accept i dont want to pay for that but other than thai have libertarian issues with it but you will lose drivers. Every time i open email uber saysiowant to drive for uber because they need drivers and we need drivers and the value of enema dalians will go down if the Cab Companies cant get drivers. Uber may not be here in 2 years but the cab industry may not be in 2 years in the say way either. I understand wanting to argue about a state bill but time is of the essence. When i go to work saturday about a quarter of the cabs are not going out so the Companies Bring payments on the cabs but nobody brings income. The law hasnt gone into effect since 1996 and think you should couch it. I thipg you should only test while high driving. That is the last person. I think we have one more. Come on up hold on you need to get the microphone [inaudible] San Francisco cab driver and drivering since 2002 without any negative issues arising at all. On the issue of drug and Alcohol Testing it seems to me we had drug and Alcohol Testing in place for cab drivers for decades. It is called field sobriety tests when the police feel somebody is under suspension of being loaded our drunk and not creating a new level is not necessary for us. I think that the Safety Record of San Francisco cabsi only know one driver who was arrested for drunk drivering in a taxi and that was his last day as a taxi driver. On a couple occasions at the air important drivers getting upset when they thought they smelled [inaudible] and went to the supervisor squz had them intercede it turned out they didnt show signs of having drinks. I think this is just [inaudible] i would much rather see the money spent trying to augment and support the cab industry instead of more regulations on us that will just nickel and dime away at the already declining profit building of driving a cab in the city. Thank you. I think that is our last public speaker. Directors any further questions, comments . Have a question for the director. Does the state law we deal with mandate the type of drug testing we need to do or would it beis there room in the law for the localities to adopt something they think is more efficient . If you have a drug Testing Program that tests upon application but for existing drivers you use something that is more able to fair out intoxication while drivingyou see the concern, if you tell everybody the drug test is coming all of the most unfortunate of adacts with avoid that. If you do that that is more designed to fair out it out actual driving while intoxicated that will be more effective to the safety purpose and imagine more palletable to the drivers too. And understand and understand the concerns and sympathet took the concerns. What the state law requireicize that drivers test negative for certain substances in the code of federal reg ulation and that the drivers are tested before they become a driver or upon permit renewal. So, those are the actual fimes when and the substances are listed. For example the cases where we think it is probably more important like a reasonable suspension or post accident the state code is silent but that is i would think more important to a passenger safety in the moment while driving concern. Permit renewal and application like you say the driver or applicant could nottake a break from any prescribed marijuana. That is the framework that we are working with within. I 3 4 f1 modifying say marijuana use without medical marijuana certificate. Another way you can do it is towards the ends of the legislation there are a few conditions under which the suspension imposed aon a positive test are lifted. You can add 3 or a 4th that requires to lift a suspension upon valid medical marijuana certificate. That would not leave us compliant with state law but mostly compliant. More compliant than we are now but good enough for me it seems since we have been out of compliance since 2009, that perhaps getting this far in compliance also helps us show at the state level we do think it is important that we comply but helps push ab 24 along mpts y and thij it is the right message to send and represents a lot of staff work and time and effort that have gone into coming brf you today. So, this would be amending the legislation that is before us. Can we just clarify how we will amen that what i heard from director reiskin is remove reference to marijuana throughout one way to do it would be completely eliminate marijuana. I think what i heard from the chair and from some speakers specific to medical marijuana. The 2 ways to address that, one is where we define the substances to qualify the definition of marijuana, so it is marijuana used in absence of a valid medical marijuana certificate. The other way to do is would be to add an exception and this is section 1118 e 2 there is a a, berks b and c ask can ad that we lift suspension if the drirfb present a valid certificate im valid with a exemption. That covers the concern i hear from the board and the public. It strikes me thateter way is fine with me but we could do this and we could say in a letter with it that the issue raised by the professor to me are significant. The fact there is something in there doesnt mean it impairs you. In the amendment we are going to say, marijuana used in absence of a medical marijuana certificate. I think prescription. The language that i heard from director reiskin adds the 4th condition for suspension that would require a lift of the summary suspension at the presentation of a medical marijuana certificate. Is prescription the right word . We cant take anymore Public Comment. Since you do have experience in this could you share your concern with us . You need to come to the microphone. Could you please let us know what you think the correct terminology is the term of art in state law is recommendation or approval, prescription is not possible. Recommendation or approval is the law. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Happy to move the amendment. Second . Can i speak to it . I realize where this is probably going. I have my concerns about this and the whole thing because i think state law is unbalanced and the testing is imposed by the state isnt the best way to get to safety issues. But i have concerns but what we are doing. This is a state law that tells us it do this and realize it is a act of civil disobedience that defiance but have concerns about that. I have concerns this will send the wrong message to state regulars and have concerns the Public Relation surrounding this will send the wrong message about a taxi industry we are trying to promote and help. If someone uses medical marijuana or not they shouldnt drive a car while under the influence of marijuana so im not sure a recommendation or prescription solved the safety issue. I understand the testing here is very imprecise but i dont favor had amendment. I think the thing to do is proceed with the program and do what we can in sacramento to get a even Playing Field and revise the law to testing that works, but i think our effort here will achieve neither. I think this will keep us out of compliance with state law and think it sends the wrong message about the taxi industry. I understand and respect the motivation for the amendment and wont throw anything or be incensed if you do this, but i dont agree with it for the reason i said. I feel differently because we are looking at 2016 that we are going to legalization and this policy will extend and be the policy we have for the long term so would take a first step in acknowledging that when the law go s into effect. I know there is a task force to look at implementationthe issue around people and whether they drive a muni bus and taxi and how that is dealt with. [inaudible] alcohol is legal, prescription drugs are legal but people shouldnt be on them when they drive cars. I know this is a imprecise measure put on us and state regulators let us down but i explained why i dont like the half way approach we have a motion and second on the amendment. Before and vote let me read to you because it is a language that our City Attorney worked out. It is maamending section 21 e. A driver tested positive for marijuana present with a valid recommendation or approval for use of medical marijuana. Maybe add obtain prior. Prior to the positive test. Realizing that is a amendment that addresses concerns but imperfectly the state level and puts somewhat in compliance we have a motion and a second on the amendment. Mrs. Boomer shall we take a voice vote boarden aye. Brinkman aye. [inaudible] rom osno. Rube ceaye. The directors the motion passes. That was the amendment, now we need to vote on the motion as amended. Second . Have a first and second. I assume staff is in favor of the amendment . Yes. Lets take a voice vote. Director borden, aye. Brinkman, aye. Hineky, aye. Nolan, aye. Rom os, aye. Rubeky, aye. The motion passes. Directors item 13 there is a motion before you as well regarding aprubing of contract. Second. We have a first and second. All in favor aye. That passes as well. Item 14 discussion and vote to have closed session. There is one thingeverything we just did also we decreased the eligibility thingi want to ask director toren a question or 2 about this. The isis to doctor fullkersons point. If it is appropriate can we ask questions . Just so i understand on the eligibility piece we are lowering the amount of tile time to be a driver to purchase a medallion. The eligibility for that there sh still the formulas in place so it isnt everyone is treated equally after one year it is a a card siniority of those deemed eligible and eligibility include meeting the mta requirements and the funding in place. Very good. The second question is, i want to make sure the issue on [inaudible] apps is more [inaudible] to clarify the fine structure. Do we have reason to believe there is a significant number of taxis operating without the apps . No is part of a clean up and triggered by a disciplinary action where there was a color scheme out of compliance with the dispatch requirement and so we thought it is supposed it be daily and just wanted it clarify i will use my 15 seconds to tell my fellow San Franciscos to use fly wheel, it works well, the service is fantastic and the cab drivers like it and the cabs are less expensive at certain times do we have a motion and second to go into closed session . No, sorry mr. Toronto we called items 12 and 13 together. Thank you. The items were called together and public comnlt was taken on both items at one time. Thank you. Motion and 2nd to go to closed session. All in favor aye. Me on both items at one time. Thank you. Motion and 2nd to go to closed session. All in favor aye. Motion approved. Get back to you. There you are. Item 15 announcement oof closed session. Discussed [inaudible] the board of directors voted to settle the case. There is no discussion of litdigation. Item 16 is disclose or not disclose the information, second to not disclose [inaudible] that cunlcludes the business before you today. We are journed and thank you for spending your time with us. Spending your time with us. Good morning everyone. Welcome to our tuesday o ctober 20, 2015 of the San Francisco county transportation authority. Im joined by commissioner mark felled. Julie

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