About what would happen to drug availability. This is a small step, but a positive one. Thank you. Director levine . Im sorry, i also forget something. We are now back to the finance report. We havent quite left the finance. The first hearing for our budgeted is next thursday between 10 001 p. M. That at that hearing well be asked to give a short presentation and then say whether or not we agree or dont agree to the budget Analyst Recommendations and then if we continue to talk, that will go to, i have to think its the i will have that date. But there is no opportunity to speak until there will be no opportunity to speak that next thursday. Let me be clear. We are just presenting the budget . It will be made public . We will speak, but there is no opportunity for Public Comment. That 1 day. Which is why well send you at the email addresses. So the budget will be presented next thursday to the board finance committee. In seven slides or less. Thats between 10 00 and 1 00 p. M. And there will be a subsequent meeting in which Public Comment will be entertained . Correct. Thank you. The subsequent meeting is a day long meeting for all budget issues, not just for us. I understand. Thank you. All right. Next item. Clerk item 7, action item. Based on the may 10 tsz governors committees review of survey questions and discussion of the Employee Engagement survey, instruct director to pro with confidential Employee Engagement survey. Summary of findings but not individual employee responses to be reviewed in open session. This i spoke about in my directors report. The responses will be kept confidential but will be kept in aggregate summary form. This is requesting an action endorsement by the board. So i would like to entertain a motion that we concur with the process thats outlined. We are already doing. I thought it was approving this. We are already doing this. We were advised by council that we should have it on the record that the information will be kept confidential. All right. So im ready to entertain a motion that we accept the item as described. So moved. Second. Its been properly moved and seconded that we accept the action item as described in item 7 regarding the Employee Engagement survey and its confidentiality with a summary of responses to be provided in open session to this board at a subsequent date. Is there any question by members of the board . Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are ready to vote. The all in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Passes unanimously. Item 8. Clerk item 8. Action item. Consider signing on to the campaign for sustainable drug pricing. Director dodd. I didnt get the handout in my campaign. Did this get added . There is a resolution but also a campaign . I didnt see that. As i tried to click on the link to get a copy of the resolution, it didnt popup. It would send me back to the site map and i didnt want to do that. So i just ask that we fix that if we can. Thank you. Claire slavssky, she corrected it. Good. So, i was alerted to this by the Pacific Business group on how there is a National Coalition to educate the public and physicians and others about the importance of drug pricing. I was again advised by our council that this board cant take positions on things organizations are doing that are lobbying. That thats the domain of the board of supervisors so we are essentially supporting their efforts and they are being done through a 501c 3 the National Organization on healthcare that doesnt lobby for the campaign against drug pricing. This is supported by the interNational Coalition on healthcare to work fore drug pricing and ask the board of supervisors to pass assimilation and share it with the state c sac. The state association of counties. Yes. The state association of counties to begin continue to build a momentum on drug pricing which is estimated by 2020 well makeup 50 of our medical spend. Are there any comments or questions about the resolution from Board Members . You are signing onto a campaign . No, we are stating our support of the International Healthcare coalitions educational effort and we are urging the board of supervisors to sign on to the Actual Campaign for the sustainable drug pricing. We have to clarify that. It sounds as if we are signing onto the campaign an that is not what we are doing. We are encouraging the board of supervisors to engage in this. We changed the resolution, but we didnt change the agenda. Right, it needs to be consistent. I apologize for that. All right. Any other questions . Yes, i have to plead some ignorance because i didnt go in and look at the campaign to see who is made up of and who is sponsoring and where they get their funding. Do you have a summary . I can tell you many large employers and kaiser is sponsoring. It cost 25,000 to be part of the campaign. So that pays for their lobbying efforts. It doesnt cost 25,000 to be part of the National Coalition on healthcare which doesnt lobby. We are supporting the interNational Coalition on healthcare that doesnt lobby. I imagine if the board of supervisors sign up, they will be part of the campaign. All right. Any other questions . Im ready to entertain a motion. So moved. Second. The wording will be adjusted in the agenda. Is there a second . Second. Its been properly moved and second that we endorse the resolution as printed. Any other questions from members of the board . Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We are now ready to vote. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Passes unanimously. All right. We are now down to action item no. 9. I will turn the chair over to the chair of the Governance Committee and past president of this board for that item. Thank you. Item 9. Action item. Election of Health Service board officers, president and vicepresident for fiscal year 20162017. The nominees for president would be commissioner scott and vicepresident would be commissioner lim. Hes not here, but im assuming he would want this position. Nobody has heard to the different, right . So these are the nominations. Anybody have any questions or anhing . So do we . You dont have to second it. This is not a situation where we are asking for a nomination by the board. You need to vote on it. We have two candidates for one position . One is for president and vicepresident. We are doing both of them together. Okay. Great. So i have to say thank you. I was suggesting that they are running as a slate together. [ laughter ] so, i think president scott has been doing quite a good job. With the exception of the rate relativity stance he took. [ laughter ] i will give everybody one mistake. [ laughter ] be prepared if it comes back. I understand. So anyway, all those in favor of this slate for commissioner scott and commissioner slate for vicepresident. Is there any Public Comment on this . All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . It passes unanimously. Thank you commissioner breslin for presiding over that portion of the meeting. As i indicated if i were reelected to this office that we would spend one of the fall meetings as an Educational Forum meeting. So im putting us on record that we will probably do that whether its the november meeting as we did last year. Well work with director dodd and her staff to do that. It would be profoundly helpful if any of the commissioners have specific topics that they want to explore during this forum to please submit those either to my attention or to director dodd to again put together the agenda for that meeting. Some of those will take preparations by our Health Plan Partners or others to provide information or background if you will on some of these topics. As soon as we can clearly identify them. We can do it all, i will remind everybody, but it should be those things that are going to be near term or longer term issues that we may want to get background on and better understanding in more detail of understanding. So we will plan to style one of our meetings this fall to do that. I also wanted to take this moment of personal privilege to thank the commissioners for working so diligently in the Committee Work during the course of the year in attending these meetings. Im going to put a ban in month of june. I strongly encourage people to look at the other times of the year as we get near the rates and benefits process because we do need to have everybody here to hear the result of this work. So, hopefully that could be and we can attend to that. I know that vacations for both of these members were long planned before this time. Lastly, i would like to thank a lot of the advising council that i have received from a variety of sources as i have tried to preside at these meetings and prepare for them. I put at the top of the slate director dodd and also our actuary as well as my active council eric rap port. I have gotten counsel from my predecessor, some of which i have welcomed and some of which i have completely ignored. I plan to follow that same charter in the coming year. Again, thanks for all the work that you have done and i have very much appreciated working with each and everyone of you. Well now move to action item 10. Yes. Oh, i will certainly defer to her. Will you please identify yourself . Herbert weiner. Retiree. I would just like to make a friendly suggestion to the board. One of the topics should be how to be your own advocate. Like for instance sometimes certain medical test arent provided for people and it can have a fatal result. I know a personal incidence of that. How to advocate, how to actually understand even though the diseases you may have, questions to ask the doctor. I think this should be interesting and i think this should be an on going aspect of the health fare. So people can real use this assistance to their advantage to get maximum medical care and especially important if you are retired. Thank you very much for that suggestion. No others. Well move to action item 10. Clerk action item 10. Vote on whether to cancel july 2016 Health Services board meeting. We have in the past canceled this meeting because board of supervisors is on vacation. We will be meeting. The board of supervisors isnt on vacation. They are doing the budget. I move we cancel the july meeting. Is there a second. Second. Universally second. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All in favor say, aye. Aye. Any opposed . Unanimous. Okay. Discussion item 11. Clerk report on network and health plan issues if any. Presenter good afternoon, cindy, from Kaiser Permanente. I wanted to give you a two 1 2 years notice for us to give you the amount of time for this concept. This was announced a year ago. I will give you more information. Kaiser permanente will be opening its own medical school in 2019. It will be located in pasadena. It will start with roughly 50 physician candidates. And essentially its really expanding our current foot print to the first year of the medical school. We already really do a significant amount of years two, three and four. We are adding the first year. Any questions . Well, the only comment i would add. We know the primary care physician pool in this country is drastically low and the demand is increasing given the expansion of the Accountable Care act. You are commended to taking that forward in a step in that area. I appreciate that. I will pass that along. In terms of value of medical care, but the medical school is being perceived in a format that will encourage primary Care Development or because, you know, because of the obvious concern, no offense to any specialty, [ laughter ] those specialist that clock in at 9 00 and leave at 5 00. I know of none of those. The mission of it is to provide a different focus and approach to those physicians in their early stages of education, and to inspire a different way of thinking about how to deliver care in an integrated model holistic approach that we hope will inspire more primary care physicians. Its mission is not to just funnel physicians for our own. Its all about spreading this perspective throughout the country, and the deficit in primary care physicians is at the top of mind for this. Did that answer your question . Yes. I just want to remind kaiser that there are many many physicians and Nurse Practitioners and nurses throughout kaiser currently throughout the areas who do teach, and it might be that an important impact would be to enhance the activities of their own teaching and give them some credit for their teaching so that it is not just add to their burden of work, but actually because you know, i had medical students throughout my career at Kaiser Permanente and frankly it just added to my. There is no acknowledgment from the organization in terms of work load or anything. Great. Thank you. Thank you very much for informing us and please plan on updating us on the progress on this activity. Are there any other health plan or Network Issues . Public comment . Public speaker i have a Public Comment. I really commend Kaiser Permanente for doing this. I have one request, that is that Kaiser Permanente open another school and they do it in the rural areas because those areas are really under served in the state. If you live in the central valley, i think you are at the mercy of physicians here in the city. Its a question of getting to them. The transportation aspect. Sometimes the medical care in the rural areas isnt exactly the best. So, i think there is a real demand for primary care in the rural areas. And i would like to commend Kaiser Permanente of the attempt to switch medical plans but i wont go that far. Thank you very much. May i just comment really quick . Yes. Its interesting to know that kaiser has had a medical office present in stockton for some time and in fresno. So when you think about the valley, but that they are and correct me if i am wrong, they going to co oenown dignity. They are working with dignity to straighten out the hospital which otherwise would close. Of all the hospital chains, kaiser is i think taking your advice to heart. In terms of being proper in rural areas, the California Office of managed care, governance how long people have to drive in order to call yourself a managed care organization. We talked about this yesterday at the Customer Advisory Group of kaiser. And because of telemedicine and because of so many things, those regulations really need to be looked at. It might be something that we ask our state elected officials to ease up on to provide access to integrative healthcare because it is hit and miss when you are in a rural area. Very good point. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Public speaker thank you, claire vonsky. When they look at driving, they look at how many members they might have in an area to determine that. But, i strongly support that because of our twaul me mess because im concerned about stockton because they dont reach fresno. But stockton and if kaiser has presence in those areas, it helps members who are in tul me that help with that. We have been working with the retirees. I have been getting a number of complaints from our members with regard to Medicare Services for our retirees who are blue shield members. I have been working with mitchell and with staff on these issues. They are unresolved at the time but in lieu of the june 21st meeting coming up and seeing the rates that are coming down from blue shield, we really need to be concerned about whats going on in their rating of i think they are over rating. They continue i believe to over rate through their underwriters. They over rate their premiums and the risk coming down from cms and i think we really need to work hard on those rates and also the Service Delivery because i think they have miss coded some members and i dont know if they are wrong in premiums but they are being wronged with balance bill and harassed by the blue shield system that are refusing to affect the fact that our members are in fact hmo members and shouldnt be harassed over these bills and really deserve a better level of service from blue shield. They have an obligation to provide Medicare Services. We have a history on that where they have tried to get out of that and keep the cob plan for years. They are required to provide the medicare advantage. If we establish more competition because there is a different playing field, i think blue shield will be forced to take a look at different rates. This is a very important issue particularly for medicare retirees. I would like to thank the hss staff who work on behalf of retirees who are really struggling with this issue. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Commissioner . Is anyone here from United Healthcare . No. I had a person who had a problem with the plan. All right. Are there any other comments from Network Representatives . If not we go to discussion item 12. Item 12, discussion item. Opportunities to place items on future agendas . Im concerned about Nutrition Counseling because it came up at the last meeting that blue shield doesnt have Nutrition Counseling unless you are diabetic. That is not correct. You can actually get Nutrition Counseling for other things than being diabetic. I thought that was good news. The only thing you have to cover now are the ones that are not involved, i think its important we demand Nutrition Counseling be included in these benefits. We are paying a lot of money out for wellness and they dont even have Nutrition Counseling. So United Healthcare doesnt have any at all from what i can see. I checked on 3 places with them and they dont cover it unless you are diabetic. The idea is to stop this before it starts. So, i mean there are so many list of things that could be helped with diet, and so many people are unaware of what to eat today. What the right thing to eat is a real thing. I think this should be added onto our next months agenda or is there someway that this needs to be included in our benefits for next year. I think it should be included in our planned Design Change and next year. It shouldnt really cost more when you consider the cost of obesity and consider the cost of cancer. Blood pressure and so forth. On and on. So it shouldnt be an extra cost. All right. Thank you. We will add that to our listing Going Forward for our benefits discussion next year. Next month, we dont have a meeting next month. So they go all year without Nutrition Counseling again . We can make clear in our open enrollment materials which of the vendors have Nutrition Counseling and then next year, this board can say, add to the plan design. When you open the book or open the web page and it list all the different services, we can expressly say we want Nutrition Counseling. Its so important that it should be there now. You might be able to suggest they put it in our benefits at no extra cost. If you were prediabetic, it would be nice to go all the way diabetic. Well, i will ask the director to take their advisement what we can do in this years benefit cycle with our vendors and certainly do whatever we can in terms of publicizing the result of that. All right . Okay, is there any other Public Comment on item 12 . Seeing none, well move to item 13. Item 13. Discussion item. Opportunity for the public to comment on any matters within the boards jurisdiction. Is there any Public Comment, seeing no Public Comment, this meeting stands adjourned until august. [ meeting is adjourned ] i want to thank our city administrator and her public works director for being here with the dpw street paving crew. Also, our Neighborhood Services as well. Derek, thank you for being here this morning. We are here to go to work. I know its a Political Year and everybodys talking about some big election that were going to have but, i think the real story is about the mostly the men today get where are the women . We have to deal with that get there we go. Where are your hardhats . Okay. Well, i was there is a men and women. Today is mostly men that are out here. At our neighborhood corridor and this is of coarse, one in many many neighborhoods across the city where we get a chance because our city is economically strong and thanks to our Capital Program that our city administrator is involved in. Thanks to their mind or from a public works that they want to be out here paving all of our streets. You know, one of the great people that in a city that is increasingly become very expensive for people is our own streets. If our streets can be paid everybody can use them whether you are a senior, whether you are a young person, whether a bicycle rider. When you take a ride share with you guide drive your own vehicle back and forth, everyone uses our streets. Thats a great equalizer and when we fix it up than every single neighborhood of the city benefits from this. This is sometimes what we were for to as shared prosperity of the city. In years past, when we did not have the resources in our Capital Program suffered, then our parks and our streets suffered first. I want to say that we just concluded next two years our Capital Program over four lap 411 million from our Capital Planning and he and our whole bunch of smart numbers people get in there and they crunch numbers and they say, hey, look, if we spend this amount than that apartment late dpw can say, you can get to that magic seven. Is every window with the magic 70 is . This a pci index that engineers know about. I plot the others and the engineer department and they will tell you thats how street levels are graded in cities like San Francisco. Its what they call a pci index. For over 30 years, we got close to this number 70 and now its within eyesight. I think if we are disciplined in making sure that our capital money sources are spent in paving all of our streets were to get to this magic number 70, which is something weve not a published in over 30 years of investment. That every year its been the streets come do we want to do that or do we want to do trees. People voted for the trees did that was parks and people voted for parks. That was Health Institutions and people voted for the Health Institutions. So we never got a story out there about how streets are so important to us and how maintaining them is a Great Service to every single neighborhood in the syndicate were finally able to do that and this is important and its part of our 10 year capital plan, but were funding the next two years at 411 million. Thats a significant amount. I know that those that are involved in our Capital Planning have something to smile about because its not just streets good streets is one of the key examples. Thats why we are here today. We are going to do more of the streets for the benefit of all of our neighborhoods, all across the city. Over the next two years. But in addition to streets, infrastructure is about all the other aspects assets that we have. For example, they dpw horizon particularly for engineers is outrageous. Third street grades. Christmas creek bridge. They have to be maintained and put in a good state repair. Guess what . The largest population growth is happening in the southern part of our city and were needing to grant across those bridges a lot. Those are bridges that are constantly used for mission bay, for all of the development in the dogpatch and in the Hunters Point area. There also going to be of course, a ballpark and eventually [inaudible]. So, thats going to happen in the next couple of years. Those bridges will get repaired. In addition to that, there is something that we have not talked about in public a lot. Something a little more hidden in ourunderneath our streets, but something ive been dedicated to discussing with the port about and thats the infrastructure called rc wall. That seawall is goes all the way from the Fishermans Wharf area all the way down to the ballpark and onto your 50. That seawall is absolutely critical for everything that is from the water to the peers to the embarcadero roadway. If we dont keep that seawall up in good shape, the water eventually, will you road all the infrastructure underneath, which includes our wastewater, unclean water, all of the utilities, will all be subject to incredible incredible cost is not danger, in of course, the majority of our ports assets we lie on the seawall. Its about time we started talking about it because the seawall is over 100 years old and we have not made any very significant investments in the seawall. Thats another part of our infrastructure. Theres another part of our infrastructure that we dont talk about until theres flooding in the city. That is places like telegraph hill. You know, that very steep hill where i kind of look up and i get nervous and all those condominiums up on top and how steep that hillside and every year, every two years or three years, when the heavy rains come, you see a little bit of a you rose and i called the City Engineer or all call these private companies that dpw has oncology whats going on. They say, well, the earth is moving. Its sliding. We got to reinforce those cliff areas around the telegraph hill. Otherwise, thousands of homes will be in jeopardy. This is all part of infrastructure, all part of Capital Planning. When we do Capital Planning at 10 year stretches, we want to take care of infrastructure like these and we do it in a very land way. We do it in the way it does not shop the general fund every two years, and when we do this planning everything, all of our assets get touched. They get treated. In one year itll be these kinds of things like our streets and our hillsides and are bridges,. Another year it will be our parks. Another year it will be our cultural institutions that need to get a touch. You talk about parks. Again, thats an asset that everybody enjoys. Particularly, if youre a senior or families with children, more and more of our parks are being used with to keep them clean. Keep these assets not only clean but expanded, weupdated refreshed, and this is how i think our city is so successful with our residents. So, i want to say today, thank you dw for being out here. Particularly, the mostly men and some women that are going to be picking this street the right way and its going to last 50 years, right . Not to come up here for another 50 years. So when we do this, we do it right. Yes. Weve got to tell everybody when we do the streets, that the tell all the utilities were coming in because i dont than breaking into the street saying you do not tell us about it we notify everywhere. We have the residence and of course the residence of the happiest. They get to come out and drive on some smooth streets. They dont have to tell me at least this block, will be donated stories about how their transmissions not ruined and had to buy new tires. But we need this kind of treatment to get to this pci index we been longing for, where the grading of our streets by the federal highway administration, who funds part of this, by the state, will say that lets keep this kind of highlevel streets smoothness in our capacity, and every neighborhood will benefit from it and all the neighborhoods will be better as a result. It begins with good planning. Weve got all the people that will execute all this. And the more you were out here in the neighborhoods of getting things done or fixing our streets, or fixing on herschel corridor, again, with public works leadership, were putting additional pit stops were people need them, they dont need them in this neighborhood, but in other neighborhoods, were going to keep a Good Relationship with our neighbors and i hope that the neighbors will want us to finish this quickly and go on to the next streets. But, thank you to the men and women of pablos for your dedication,. Keep working hard to get this stuff done and then go on to the next week. Would you do all employee. By the way, the next two years of infrastructure work that i just talked about over 3400 jobs keeps everybody employed. That, again, we have such a low Unemployment Rate but i never want to ever forget that when i started people were screaming at me for more jobs. Now we get to employ more people. Does that feel better . With a lot of jobs . Yes. Our dignity to move forward with these really good jobs. I get, what effect our city administrator, public works director, art and Neighborhood Services and Capital Planning group for everything they do and thats keep on working and thats what our neighborhoods. Thank you. [applause] thank you mr. Made. Naomi kelly city administrator and have the honor to chair the 10 year capital plan. Its a 1. 6 6,000,000,000. 10 year plan that is transparent with a public process process. The plan that oversees our infrastructure over the next 10 years and helps us prioritize where to spend our money over the next 10 years and its creating more jobs. As the mayor mention. Our Unemployment Rate is down to about 3. 1 . Thank you, mr. Mayor are all the jobs youre creating in the city. One of the reasons that are Capital Planning process is so successful, started by the former former city administrator current mayor, ed lee 11 years ago and because of our longrange comprehensive planning where we are looking at projects, weve estimated how much the projects are going to be and when were going to complete it, then we make good on that promise. The voters and the residence of San Francisco have appreciated. We delivered on a sf general hospital. We delivered on time and on budget a Public Safety building. We are keeping our promises and we are delivering our promises to the voters and the residence of the city. Simply put, because of this good planning, arbitron ratings are high. They trust what we are doing in this 10 year longrange processor stopping flybynight ideas together. We are actually doing a lot of planning. So, i want to thank the department of public works in all the work they do. The clues behind us because as a resident in San Francisco in i enjoyed writing over smooth streets and i look forward to driving down the street very soon. Thank you. [applause] thank you all for coming out. I am probably the most excited one of all. Everybody out here today get me along with my cruise because of the commitment that the mayor and city administrator have made towards improving our city. You heard from the mayor stabilizing telegraph hill. Fixing our bridges. Fixing our playgrounds. Our firehouses. All the things people want to the Capital Planning process, those are prioritized and does receive funding in the next two years. To seeyou will see the big difference. I think since the last two years under the mayors leadership, we have a better working relationship with city partners. The Public Utilities commission, the mta. Together, were working really hard to deliver the projects that make a difference for the people of San Francisco. We have some projects in the works and now and those are the result of some of the Capital Planning also. My cell street is being done. Potrero right there thereby the new hospital thats being done right up to ocean avenue is being done and coming soon, we have a lot more. We have second street. Second street is going to be an entire new design with nice bike pathways among nice sidewalks where people can walk, and really achieving the type of streetscape that offers twice the sky city like San Francisco should have. Today, were paving the street that was last week caved in 1989. The payment was given score was 1500 at the end of today this pavement score will be 100. 100. Thats what were doing. Were going all around the city and paving streets. This year, our goal was to pave 600 bucks and were already at 639. Weve exceeded the number of blocks that were plan. So im very very [applause] from public works, were very very appreciative for giving us all this work. I think that that city people San Francisco are appreciative, and lets go and do some painting and finish this block mayor. Thank you. Thank you very much and we have the hardhats . Aah im a lion yes, you are. Come here. Lets see how this looks. Hey, hows my little horse . Shes a lion. Yes, she is. Grrr ha ha announcer you dont have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. When you adopt a child from foster care, just being there makes all the difference. It seems like everyone in San Francisco is talking about housing San Francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone Million Dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the 207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher its more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why it housing in San Francisco so go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an alltime 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, its grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the citys history and its not only San Francisco it is greek the bay area has 2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to continue by the year 20403. 9 Million People unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing thats been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we dont pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents San Francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment plans for the growth throughout San Francisco those plans developed by years of Community Planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and nonbuilt Affordability Housing that majority of housing in San Francisco as well as throughout the Country Market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1 3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is 70,000 this householder will have to pay no more than 7,150 to be affordable San Francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the Inclusive Program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you cant afford a million will home youre not alone in response San Francisco mayor ed lee has set a goal of creating thirty thousand now emails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the San FranciscoEthics Commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels were working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. Chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions were commented for Housing Needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway. Hi, im ryan a prlth letting project manager with the sfpuc working at the sfpuc is a fastpaced environment the puc is American People eye person so breath and depth allows us to work on allows me to move across my career path. Fill the roadway. Our unique projects is the heritage puc Water Treatment longterm improvement plant its one of the largest projects ive managed and supervised to be successful as a project manager you have to be hard working and selfmotivated and being adaptable is important because the construction it is very fabulous that get me up in the morning youre going to be project solving and seeing the project go to me thats fun, i like coming to the maus coney project is transformation of the Convention Center and it is not only addition and increased space but also a transformation of the urban neighbor around it in a positive way. 25th largest Convention Center in the country but the conventions are getting bigger so with this extension it is 13 largest we have been under construction a year and a half and set to complete the construction in 2018. It generated over 9 billion in San Francisco 35 percent of viz 2rs coming to San Francisco are coming to maus coney. 2500 jobs will be created. If we didnt do the expansion we would luce 200 million in taxes a year. The conventions they are talking about going other cities with ample [inaudible] and exhibit space and not come to San Francisco. There is a lot of [inaudible] we are at a point now where our [inaudible] two halve oz the mos connie and think what we desire is one space. We are adding space about 200,000 space. We are connecting the two existing north and south exhibition halls that excavate under Howard Street to increase the largest exhibition space to 1 contig ws space over 500,000 square feet. The spot im standing in will be inside the lobby. The building will be pushed out to Howard Street and connected north and south above and under ground. When you go on the north our south side you enter into a hall that is divided into major ways this is Public Private partnership. The Hotel Industry [inaudible] splitting it up of the building. Since we have a north and south Howard Street it [inaudible] to make [inaudible] improving the bridges to make them more accessible so go over Howard Street [inaudible] developed to look at several different proposals for a light [inaudible] to work with that bridge and the selection of the [inaudible] he is on what i think is a beautiful piece that is very animated. You will be able to see it as [inaudible] cross the bridge and can see it as a resident of San Francisco looking up. There is a second bridge and this bridge replacing an existing bridge over Howard Street that links yerba buena gardens to a childrens playground. Make a much larger public space as well as aplaza space that brings you up to that in a visible way. We worked on the playground to make it safe and invited and added more open space the area will be connected with the neighborhood. [inaudible] much better space for everyone. Why is such a fundamental part [inaudible] could be thought of as columns and beams [inaudible] the areas that you walk to check in prior to [inaudible] all those activities [inaudible] opposed to [inaudible] we thought of ways to bring light into these occupied spaces including skylights and [inaudible] highest level of [inaudible] recycled steel. The concrete is [inaudible] we will be harvesting all the rain water and storm water and reusing it. In [inaudible] they extend down into the aquifer level of the water level which means water is being pumped out to remove the pressure and there are over 15 million gallons of water per year that maus coney center pumps out so the water is wasted. Our idea is disconnect the ground water system from the [inaudible] and reuse the water and save and preserve and use it for [inaudible] and use it for other irrigation uses. We have excess water to fill up [inaudible] there will be limited traffic impact during construction there is a 8 month period where we have to take a lane of traffic out from Howard Street so we can expand the tunnel. We anticipate the construction to be minimal. [inaudible] make the center statef the art and much more competitive. [inaudible] having the space. [inaudible] underneath howard. Having [inaudible] this is a [inaudible] worked with the residential, the merchants in the neighborhood, the non profits to make sure this is a vibrant area. Even if you dont come to the convention and enjoy the public space, it is something that helps revitalize the neighborhood and bring energy to the neighborhood and more people to the neighborhood and shops and retail and shocase San Francisco around this is a reminder under the administrative code the ringing and use of cell phones and pagers and similar Electronic Devices is prohibited. Set all to vibrate or turn the device completely off