Tenderloin and people who i grew up with. People are angry with when they see and experience. The brazen drug use and sales during broad daylight. We know what is at stake. The sale of drugs on our streets they are killing people. And open air drug markets disrupting neighborhoods and residents. In fact we had moreover dose deaths since the start of a Global Pandemic then and there covid deaths. Kids are wuk by things they should not see on the way to school. No one should see or experience that. This does not include the violence which we know has been extremely problematic. I know there are so many who are struggling with addiction. And this is a city of compassion. Of course, we want to help. We have been balancing our work around expansion of services and treatment for them. And we need to firm low establish what is acceptable conduct on our streets and in our public spaces. San francisco has to draw a firm line at behaviors that harm that injury and cost neighborhoods peace of mind every day safety and quality of life. And part of this means we must be more aggressive with arrests and prosecution for the organized criminal operations that are flooding our streets with drugs and violence. That in some cases have lead to people losing their lives. The driving of drugs especially fentanyl in our city is going to require all levels of government Work Together including enforce am against those dealing drugs. Tell require Police Working with the da and board of supervisors working with the city agencies. Us soliciting support and help from the federal governments, which we are doing this is a hard issue. I want to be clear, that the leaders of the city are final low working together the way they should in order to address it. Police chief scott will provide details on the data and the department strategies. Da jenkins will talk about haher office has been working on and supervisor dorsey a strong advocate for Public Safety not just in the district he represents but other neighborhoods in the city. He has been supportive of Law Enforcement and addressing the issue. And this does require a Public Health approach as well. Over the last year we connected 4500 people to services for Substance Use in stan San Francisco across our health system. We are 2 thirds of the way toddaing 400 treatment beds adding make it 2,000 and adding that to 2, 200 that already exist. The Health Department is setting goals to increase people medically assisted treatment. Help them get off opioids. Housing and other places we are createingly for people struggling on our streets. The investments are designed to create solutions that can get people off the streets in safe settings and ultimate low stability. We will snot stop until we get to the goal where no neighborhood should be responsible for living in the conditions like the ones we see sad low in the tenderloin. Residentses and merchants deserve a clean and safe neighborhood. Be clear using drugs in the open is unacceptable. We have to move together and thats why it is important we have our police chief and District Attorney. Board of supervisors here working together. Police department making arrests and seeding the fentanyl. Interrupting the open air drug deal and confiindicating deadly substance as we build strong case against criminals profiting from drug sales and they have a partner in our District Attorney. Who is sending a strong message around accountability and who is working with our offices to build strong case. That is not about them it is about what they are doing together to help the people who are struggling in our city especially again the folks in the tenderloin. When our Police Officers make an arrest there needs to be consequence for the seniors, immigrants, kids who are trying to live their lives. And do the basic things we take for granted. We are working on every option to get people the help they need and hold those who bring warm to our streets account act. For what they are causing the significant damage. Standing with everyone today im confident our Public Safety agencies will work more closely together will make a difference for residentses and workers and visitors and with that i want to take an opportunity to introduce police chief bill scott and everyone in the department to make sure our foot beats and patrols and officers are responding to calls we have a lot to work to do it is important that we support Law Enforcement in this city because ultimate low we have to make significant change and that means we have to make sure they are consequence when is people break law in San Francisco. And thats what we will do to make our streets safer. With that police chief bill scott. Thank you mayor and good morning. First, thank you to the mayor our District Attorney and matt dorsey this is a mall fraction of the city team working hard to address this issue. We want to make sure that everybody understandses unity and the commitment of city leaders to make situation better this. Is about saving lives and protecting the people who work with and play in the city. And this is about producting our great city. I want to talk about the balance that we are trying to achieve here. The Police Departments role is enforcement and guess way beyond that. This city is known for compassion and known for reaching out and helping people who need help this city is known for balance what needs to be done on the enforce am scale and to get people who want and need help to a better place. Our role the San Francisco Police Department and the officers out in the streets starts with had we are hear for this is enforce am. We are also here to treat people with dignity and he respect and make connections with all the resources in the city family to get people to a better place. And we are doing both. This is about working more effectively, working efficiently and always evaluating hawe are doing and can we do it better. This is something this mayor breed stresses on a daily basis. And we are responding to that direction to work efficient low and effectively. I want to talk about how we plan to do that. We made 600 narcotic related rests and for sales. Possession for sales met low. The Police Department and our officers have to give the District Attorney the evidence she and her team need to prosecute cases. And if we do our jobs we can have the accountability that we are looking for. There has to be consequences. There has to be accountability we cannot be the city people think they come in San Francisco or live in San Francisco and do when they please and nobody will say anything or do anything. And i guarantee you we are not that city. We are committed to accountability and consequence. In addition to the 600 rests, a part of readjustment we realize we had to do more to address the people who need help the people most addicted. I have been doing this for a long time and every wagz where we have groups of drug dealers on the streets, what closely follow this is are people who are addicted, have a Substance Abuse disorders and they are operating in tandem. We have to address both sides we cant arrest the deal and then leave the people buying the drugs alone to do as they please and think this will get better. It is tough balance to do that. The same time, we respect Harm Reduction and make sure that people who are addicted are not using dirty needles and pipes and spreading hiv and things to make a Public Health issue even more complicated. However, that does not mean people addicted get a free pass. The criminal Justice System as tools to get to that issue. This city leads with service. We lead with services. Our officers and come in contact with people who need help they are directed to get them to help. Not everybodiments help. Not everybody is red for help. And when they are still addicted than i are going to buy drug and use drug and when we have seen and have to put a stop top is that is happen nothing broad daylight in the street. Kids and families see it that harms our communities as much as violent and property crime and we have to do more that is our commitment to do more. Our officers storied in june of addressing that issue. Over 350 citations for people using in open space in public spaces. Many of those people have warrants and orders from the courts than i were not sfoezed to be there in the first place. The District Attorney talk about policyos how to dlaesz when we need to do is do our jobs and make sure the people understand that is not okay. And i have talked to many people in the city i dont care what sifted e wagz you are on i have not heard anybody say it is okay to smoke fentanyl in the street with kids walking by and families. I have not heard anybody say that is okay. We should be in agreement to do something about it. And this is when we are committed to doing. The operations and this enforce am will condition and it has increased. We know the affects of harms to our community that drug dealing the tenderloin is one community they have more deaths than any part of the city for drug over dose. Our officers are saving lives. The reversals are a daily occasion. Whoaness what the over dose would be if we were not doing that and the other per ins trying to stave lives. We have to dig deep are. We cannot allow this to continue and we will not allow this to continue on our streets. I will close with a person story. This past friday, myself and a couple officers and sergeant were at eighth and mission. It is known for drug sales and addicted people hanging out. Supervisor dorsey was a half block, way conducting a Community Clean up. Officers makes arrests while i was there for drug sales. Needles spread out on the sidewalk. It had been cleaned up a couple hours before public works had just cleand that corner up and you never would have known it. I saw a girl walking down the street with her mom, stepping over needle another girl and her mom wanted to get on the bus. The bus shelter was peculiared with litter with people using and people passed out at the bus shelter. Thats not okay. Folks. It is not okay. We gotta clone it up within an hour. Officers came and cleaned it up. Arrests were made as i was out there arrests were being made for sales. Couple hours later. Back to the same. Here is the point to this story. This mayor this da and board of supervisor and many others in this chief are committed to try to resolve this issue. The spitzes the mayor talked about are vital. And one way we plan to work it more efficiently is take away excuses. We had trouble with getting people transperked from street corners to accomplices where they get help we did not have transportation that is no longer an issue. Working with Public Health is no longer an issue. Our job is to take away the excuses of why people cant and will not seek help. And then when they dont, thats when enforce am come in to play and the criminal Justice System leverages them to help to a better place. So, expect more. Expect more efficiency. Expect the partnership to continue to grow. And expect our city to be the great city that it is and should be. And with that, i will turn it over to our District Attorney. Good morning, sxefrn thank you to mayor breed to chief scott and supervisor dorsey for their leadership on this issue and partnership with my office. We had over 1700 over dose death in San Francisco since 2020. I promised the public the day i was sworn in i was committed to doing something in the open air drug architect and making sure we restored accountability in the xhinl Justice System. When we know is that the san pran das office the last 21 2 years decriminalized the sale of drugs and we seat result of that out on the streets every day. A part of my commitment in demonstrating my commitment to solve thanksgiving issue was to immediately come in and to survey the situation with respect what offers extended to those dealing drugs in our office and immediately revoke 30 plea offers i believed were lenient for those selling fentanyl. My approach to dealing with the drug market has been we have to have consequences. We have to make sure our rehab courts are not abused and misused bide those dealers and not those who have Substance Abuse problems. I announced the last 21 2 monthses, many policies with respect to the kay we handle drug cases going forward. We are now prohibiting those who have more than 5 grams of a controlled substance from entering in our rehad been courts. Should be reserved for those who need treatment. I put enhancement on the table for those who sell drugs untiling a thousand feet of schools. I made sure that we are no longer giving lenient plea and dismissals to those selling the most loathal drug on the market. We filing pretrial detention motions for those who have sales case. Those who have picked up numerous fentanyl sales cases and in possessions of kwuntss that could kill neighborhoods in San Francisco. In one shot. I have announced a new policy we move forward with admonishing fentanyl sellers at time of arraignment about the lethality of fent until and helping them understandship they be connected to someones death through the sale of that deadly drug they could be charged with murder. We are now in a crisis. As we know. And that crisis does not stop with the adults. I have a 6 year old daughter i had to give a lesson to about candy fentanyl on the markets. We are seeing over doses in the School Systems in california. This crisis has reached a point as heard this morning, we enough as leaders do something and thats why i have taken this aggressive approach. Since july first, we have filed 183 narcotics sale case in my office. Which is almost double what the Previous Administration filed in the same period of time. Arraigned 157 individuals from july first to september 25th. Representing 100 increase in the initial arain ams for dug dealers in San Francisco during that time last year. The charges dont tell the story we know that. They do hymn illustrate the fact we are taking an aggressive prop and taking this issue seriously. And what the public will see is this on the back ends of these cases you will see accountability. Written to the motion to detain filed 9 of those motions. 2 being filed yesterday. And we are continuing to advance new legal tloeries and arguments to make surety judges understands the dangers the fentanyl dealers present to the public. As i said, in every single arraignment with respect to the safely fent until we are giving that admonishment regarding the potential for filing of murder charges should somebody sale connected to a death. I have also gone on or abouted to many of the police stations to speak with the rank and file officers. Those out on foot patrol making these arrests. I met with the foot Patrol Officer in thes tenderloin at southern station in soma. To let them know that when they do their jobs at the highest level. When they make rests the das office is willing to make sure well is accountability. Their work is value in the the criminal system and essential and what the public wants i was out yesterday on Market Street and had a gentlemen tell me that just a few months ago his wife died of a fentanyl over dose she was in roefsh trying to stay clone with the amount drug dealers it was impossible for this to continue. That is what ultmitt low lead to her death. He implored mow to do something about that is going on and yes, based on haeveryone is saying around this industry, as chief scott pointed out we have a job to do and we are willing to do it. With respect to the open air drug use. As i said over and over again we cant be a city that accepts People Public low using drugs on our street. As a driveway down ve around with my children how i do explain that is going on and they should not engage in drug use when it appears to something that happens normly and regular low in the open create a policy regarding bundling. At the time someone reaches a fifth citation we will file a complaint and forward to the Justice Centers designed to require them and help them engage in treatment. As chief scott city we are a city of compassion but this is not leaving people on the streets potential to die. It is using the tools we have to propel people to change their lives. What i know is that for all the people i met in recovery many said of the criminal Justice System that got them on the road to staying clean and im committed to using this system to help those do so. The reckless decisions made by the Previous Administration have cost San Francisco far too many lives. And those are not 3 away lives they are peoples family members. It is impacted both families and the Business Community here in San Francisco and continues to impact families who live in the neighborhoods most plagued by this behavior. I pledge as i have before, that i will do everything in my power to help this city move forward to e readicate this problem and make sure that all communities can live in peace and safety. And at this point i will pass it over to supervisor dorsey. Thank you. Thank you mayor breed for leadership and thank you chief scott for your leadership and friendship and mentorship during the 2 years i worked in this building. It was an experience for me i started as a civilian command staff member a couple weeks before the covid emergency. And one of the meetings that i took part in, for many months was with the office of chief medical examiner and d. Public health to prevow the month low report on how many died of drug over dose the previous mont. Im a person who is in recovery. I have been open about this. I identify as an addict and alcoholic and spends most of my adult life in recovery and had set backs including recently. With one day at a time and goods grace friday i may celebrate 2 years. It is personal to me. And it was personal it me to watch a mont after mont a number of people in San Francisco who died of drug over doses knowing that im also one bad decision away from being among that number. And knowing hawe are seeing a Public Health crisis play out that was twoois twice as deadly as covid19. That collective toll med me think about the importance of having a voice and perspective in City Government from the Substance Use recovery community. If there was a moment that changed my thinking on why i wanted to ask for a job i never thought i wouldment or have when mayor breed took on the important work of the Tenderloin Emergency Initiative and inspired me. It was a rankerous 10 hour debate the death of 1300 people in San Francisco and whether that was emergency to give the purse the city needed to move expeditiously. Who knew. When i shared with the chief i wanted say, want you to know and hear from me im not looking for a job i like this one there is a personal reason i want to ask the mir to consider me i said, im honest, i put the ads at 5 . Didnt think it would work out but it does d im grateful tell did. Right after i was appointed a went to work with supervisor mandelman and stephanie and reached out to National Experts in drug policy. Keith humphrey. Mike marshall from oregon recoveries bill kilner from the Ram Corporation did work with supervisor haneys street level Drug Task Force and david ken doe from the National Network for Safe Community known from the bottoma administration for strategies around drug narcotic interventions and identified cities doing successful jobs at addressing Public Health and Public Safety challenges many of them are in europeful amsterdam and frankfurt and vienna. Looked at what other cities do. Including some in the united states. Put it together in a resolution. It is San Francisco recovers. Any we identified all the City Department this is would have a role to play if we were to implement the things we wanted to do. Our think burglar this what we want to do is really flip the script a bit on how wont governor in San Francisco. Up to now i think too often and too much the board of sprierdzs can function as the board of complainers we will propose thing and see with we can codo to complain why this would not work the board of supervisors also charged with governing the city. And one of the lessons of every city that has done a good job is get past the political ranker first. Get to a place of consensus even photocopy it is not universal we will get rowing in the same direction. Thats when im committed to do with stan San Francisco recovers asking departments and commissions that have a role in making sure we solve this in the way we know we can. And it was interesting im encouraged by the feedback i got from department heads. I said this is something i have been spent most of my career on the other side of the board supervisors i hahn is is like when a member of the board who knowledge thinks they know how to run a Department Better and here is more responsibilities and in the funding for it and they will set you up for failure and make a production about blaming you for failing public low. I promised i will never be this supervisor. Im going to ask for the resources you need. And i will fight for the resources you need. One of the things i asked for wassor city control and criminalist to feel proust a report thap will give us a clear view of how much money we are spending on untreated drug addiction. When we go in budget next year i want to make an effective case for when we need to solve the problem, i want to know what the problem can have theses that will shift our thinking where we will put resource as a board of sproirzs the other thing i want to enabling use of is the Opioid Settlement litigation machine that he City Attorney and formy City Attorney successful at getting. Once in a lifetime opportunity of 100 Million Dollars over the next severaliers we can spends the wessest way to spend it is have a strategy. All get on the same page on an approach. We will be working with commune organizations from across the political sprekt rum. We can do this. I refuse to accept that San Francisco that was known a generation ago for the work it did to work oft aids crisis. That heroic work was an prop that became known the San Francisco model. It was so successful. I refouz to accept that a city that is national low recognized for leadership in how it handled covid19. We cant do better on the drug deaths and over doses we are facing. Butt one thing i want to close with, to understands what we are up against. The Tenderloin Police district keeps data on how much fence nal they take from drug dealers inform 2020 the first year tenderloin cops arrested 5 and a half kilos of drugs off the dealers. 2021 this went up to 25 kilos. Today by the end of thissier we close in 55 kilos of fentanyl to to give you a perspective on this. 2 milligrams is a fatal over dose for most people. It is enough to worst abraham lincolns beard on a copper penny. 55 kilos off the street the ends of the year is enough to wipe out the San Francisco bay area twice over. The scale of drug in this city is what the problem s. We have to take a strategy as we try to do with san fran recovers. It brings everything we got to bear on Public Health, criminal justice strategies. Arrive to recovery problems sober new deal programs that keep them thereupon and give them purpose to stay in recovery and get the longterm pornography and enhanced trans transparency we need ton where we are doing better and worse so we do better moving forward im grateful to be a partner with the mayor, da and chief of police and everybody we can do better exit am optimistic where we will go. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor dorsey. Im really excite body when i know wing together we accomplish. The problems that exist in our city were not created over night. We know the solutions will not happen over night. But what you have here are people who understand the challenges and are prepared make the hard decisions about the solutions to move our city forward. We finally have someone who is a prosecutor serving as our da. We have a commitment from our Police Department with our police chief. A member of the board of supervisors who understandses the challenges is that people who are suffering from addiction face and the need to make sure we balance the accountability component with services and treatment. We are not losing touch with the fact that San Francisco is a compassionate and caring city. Addiction is hard for anyone. Upon it can happen to anyone at any time. It is happening to many, many people who are struggling on the streets. Im optimistic because of the fact that all of us are working together. Because of the solutions we are proposing. Because of the thicks that are important to solving the issue. In 2020. Over 700 people died. 2021, we saw over 600 people die. This will year so far a bit over 300 and unfortunately we are anticipating there will be more. But those number are declining they are declining because the w that we are doing. To ensure that we support people we help people and also factor in accountability in the solution. Tell take a lot of work but i know this we will get there. We will get there if we stay consistent. And we say persistent in the process of doing what needs to be diagonal everyone here had a story to tell. I have a story to tell. I lost a cysttory a drug over dose it was in the fentanyl but i did lose a cyst in this city the day before she turned 26 to a drug over dose. She was my younger sister. And when these people here talk about the families and the people and the folks we are lose thering is somebodys sister, too. Somebodys mother, father, daughter. They have a story to tell. What story are we going to tell in our pursuit to ensure that if they need a Second Chance well is an opportunity for them to have one. That if than i get a Second Chance they can become a member of the board of supervisors in the city. Thats when this is about. This is about changing and saving lives. Ful and this is about dealing with the destruction in a way that will make people uncomfortable but necessary. We can have criminal justice reforms. But we also need to add to that accountability. Im looking forward to see when we are doing collectively take shape in a way that will change our city for the better. And with that we will open up to questions. You made comments [inaudible] dug deals and drug use [inaudible] and you mentioned Police Staffing why that did not help [inaudible] what will be different this time . Well, i actually think hayou are saying is inaccurate there have been more rests made. Since then. And there is more accountability as the da talked about in terms of a number of changes around those who are dealing drugs. We know this problem is significant it is in the though we are not moving forward. There are changes we want to see. We are not going to see them aggressively at the levels we want to see them. It will take time. And yes Police Staffing can playing a role we are making the rest and seeing more arrests and more accountsability and seeing a difference and well keep at it and in the past we anticipate hiring 200 Police Officers. 540 Police Officers short. We need more. Thats we are balancing of our ambas dovers and programs we have. Treatment and services our Street Crisis Response Team its is a combination of things not just Law Enforcement. We are making more rests than we have before around this issue this is making a difference. How are you burglar to get message this is the series [inaudible]. That messaging is important. We follow had through with consistency. Follow through with the arrests we have been talking b. We have a job to do in terms of arresting people that are out there dealing drugs. Well take away [inaudible]. People are warned that we are serious about this. We will make arrests that day our units were making arrests this District Attorney is committed. The things take time to catch root. But they will catch rot and i am confident with consistency and persistence things will get bfrment it is not just the local drug dealers. We have to get at the net works. Supply and money there is a lot that guess this this we are working this at every angle. When we need to see is a deference on the street f. We make 10 arrests and the people that are live nothing this community are walking through and driving by dont see a difference on the street t. Is important we make the rests but goes with cleanups and the things we do and sustin that work. Irrelevant the eye test is what people judge us by. 600 arrests could be a thousand but if they are not see the difference on the street we are doing half the work. Combient arrest and convictions with a noticeable difference on the street. Thats where this plays in to what we need to do. It is Public Health and public works home will and Supportive Housing Human Service agency. The bottom line is we are talking about human beings caution the problems. There needs to be personal accountability you dont get a pass because you have a substance disorder. The persistence will matter. How do you work with those with a different upon view of issue. Many that seen the war on drugs is [inaudible] people try to avoid [inaudible]. How do you have an argument on having creating [inaudible] with somebody who has a different view of this and perhaps a healing issue. Going forward. How do you reach that Common Ground . [inaudible] upon the way i frame is we seen what doing nothing does. When my office decided it was not doing anything about the prp problem we see how the problem got worse and now a crisis point that is what i coni have we have to go something doing nothing has not got us anywhere and it cost us lives. You know people want to talk about the war on dug its is a war when i have to give a lesson to my 6 year old not eating something that looks like candy because it can kill her. This is absolutely a war on the most lethal drug our street has ever seen and something we have to take seriously because our children are dying. Not just those chose to use but people who dont know they are taking it. Nought dealers are disguise thanksgiving drug this is attractive to children. We have to do something you know there may be disagreements on the how and the what that we do. But i think this account acted come first we have to function in this system to create deterrents or people will cycle in San Francisco to keep selling. [inaudible]. On the political consensus issue, that is something i will work on. What i think is important to say is that what is happen nothing San Francisco is not the war on drug when is is happen nothing San Francisco now is a war on drug addicts. We have last month surpassed 1700 San Franciscos whoa lost lives to drug over doses. I challenge people who are committed to complaining about solutions to then bring forward solutions. But there are ecstasy very progressive ecstasy amsterdam and vienna whos budget they are wealthy but budget is low are then and there San Francisco we can solve this problem and do better with you a return to mass incarceration or the drug war. We are a city that our creed the city that knows how. I think we can be that again. That is something that i think nought moral imperative of the loss of life we see worse than a Public Health calamity since the aids crisis calls us to respond to rise to the moment. I will Say Something else the most terrifying thing that is out there. There are opioids on the east coast that are narcondition resistant more potent then and there fentanyl god forbid if this come to San Francisco we will see a loss of life that is worse than the aids crisis. I think that we have to rise to the moment. And i think it is lazy to just criticize solutions an a return to the drug wor when it is not. [inaudible]. [inaudible] i think it depends on whether or not they have committed a crime. People come to my jurisdiction if they committed a crime. Another crime that is crime or what have you. And so general low our prop is to say, we dont believe jill is the solution for you. You have the option of going in drug court and the option of individualized Treatment Program we can give you in lieu of what is the normal punitive prop. And i think met often in my time upon being a prosecutor most of the People Choose the treatment and does in the money they are successful out of the gateings we have people fall off the wagon all the time. Some needs a different center you hold their hundred through this process. But i have found that oftentimes the choice of the punitive or the treatment People Choose treatment. Hadoes this have to do with [inaudible] outside tension. [inaudible] mou does that fit in the over all press . Do you feel like the tenderloin [inaudible] how will opening up other types of centers like that connect with the Law Enforcement activity and the disconnect with the activities i think i do, first of all u if it were that simple to get off drugs people would. We continue is challenges. Sometime its takes multiple times and sometimes takes force when they go tlurt criminal Justice System. But we also have to be realistic about the fact that there are people who use drug in our city and they will use drugs. How do we provide the environment like you know that make its possible if people are struggling with addiction to get help or treatment to not be judged. This is why i support safe consumption cites i support having them in sudden front, unfortunately, we have not been able to do that and there are complicated reasons why. But ultmitt low we have to make sure we have locations for people to go and that we no longer allow the open air drug using that happens on our streets. It will take a balance. It seems as though they are inconsistent with when we are talking about here. But the fact is that we have so many people who are public low using drugs without any consequences. And thats when we have to stop. Having Wellness Centers and places for people to go will be critical. Center we opened was a bit overwhelmed with the number of people. And there werefect when is got support and got treatment and transition in housing and other things. Not as many as we hoped for but a few. However, they can serve so many at a time. There are a lot struggling for addiction and having more locations spread out. That could provide services and support to those struggling is why we make the change. Follow up with this question. 2 more ever that that will be it. From our perspective we asked the mayor to provide places where our officers can help people get to those place where is they can be supported. It hen a difficult road. There are folks out there who dont want Police Officers to have a part of that. When i will say here and now and moving forward is people need to get over that. Our receives are out there, we invested a ton of resources and money reform and deal with people in crisis better. Our officers know had they are doing. They do. They have relationships with the people we are talking about who need help. And we need to take those excuses away. We are begging for the support when we come in contact with people who need help, let us help them get there. Some people say in we dont want the please involved. We need to be involved thats where the disconnect is. You have a Police Department 2,000 receives that can help. We have to aluthe receives to do when they have been trained to. We are not psychologist or doctors we are trained to deal with people who are hurt and pep in need and crisis and do that well. It does in the make sense. When is wrong with an officer saying, i can be this one hand to get people to the beds. We gotta get over that. The department is here to help. We work with many, men of the activists and advocacy groups and see things eye to eye often guess off the rail is we dont want the Police Department to be a part of that. The debate with the Lincoln Center was that. We everdoes not make sense. Does not make sense. We are out there. Dealing with people every day who are hurting and we cant tick them . Does in the make sense we gotta get over that. We have to Work Together. Thats what she is committed to doing and driving us to do thats what im committed to do and the District Attorney is working together. Thats the disconnect i hope people lynch to when we are saying we gotta get over the fast and let the officers do when they can do. Because than i can help. Next. Thank you. Why what you are doing [inaudible] you want to talk about it. So the question is about the big are issue, right . We are good partnerships with the federal partners we talk about this problem guess beyond san front when we see is the tip of the iceberg. We have to deal with that. Have to see an upon difference special go out and be consistent in making arrests when we gift team it goes so for beyond this we then and there is the cases the language term cases the rings up described. There are people them this is when they do. We know this to be the case. Our federal partners the drug enforce am agency. U. S. Attorneys office we are working together on that issue. Those case take time. Tame ~age an investment of time and we have to dot local enforcement. Dot local enforcement while cases are making their way through the system and being investigated this. Is happening. Thats as much i can say. It is happening. We have seen results and will see more. We have good partnerships and those per inships involve everybody assistanting here and more. You have spoken about the impact of drug dealing on children in the city when is your Department Strategy for addressing drug dole nothing schools . There are actually laws on the bok about drug dealing near schools and im confidence with direct attorney and her teach everyone of those where it is applicable, of course we have to rest and wroit the good reports and enhancements for drug dealing near schools we discourage that as much as the law allows us to do. I dont think any of us want our children step over drug dealers. We have safe passengers on the tenderloin Police Officers are on the street so kids wuk home from School Without walking throughout drug dealers. We do had we have to do to make sure our children are not exposed. There is more we must do it is unacceptable. Law allows for enhancements but we gotta give her when she needs to get it filed. All right. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for coming out. Welcome to the small Commission Meeting on october 11, 2022. This meeting is held in person in city hall, room 400 and broadcasted live on sfgov tv and available to view online or listened by calling 4156550001. As authorized by california Government Code Section 54953e and mayor breeds 45th supplement to her february 25th, 2020, emergency proclamation, its possible that some members of the Small Business commission may attend this meeting remotely. In that

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