Measure on the ballot to seek funding for the parks. I was over joyed when he made that presentation. I believe this is the key to the furcher of happiness. We see building more and more skyscrapers, this is the first time we had a supervisor come and say we need to put money back to the recreation and Park Department. So, for me this was very important. I believe the supervisor did Important Community work necessary by going to Community Meetings across the city to hear from residence. He sought our input and as you heard my fellow members i believe they have done great work with the supervisor and with this legislation, so i support this and dont want to throw the baby out with the bath water and believe this is a important piece of legislation and urge you guys to support it. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning. Nancy [inaudible] former member of park recreation open space advisory committee. This Initiative Still fail tooz resolve the mainss and fund issues. It eliminates the safe gaurd in the original language that insures the open space fund is youzed wisely and accomplishes what voters intend. Even where supervisor farrells changes the measure is still not ready for approval. It must prevent any poaching on the Acquisition Fund allocation. It must prioritize and mandate the new money for maintenance is specified in the chapter. The new 3 Million Dollars is too small to make a dent in all the defered maintenance. The people wanted to secure new money for this issue and the measure does give the general fund baseline that is needed with annual increase of 3 million a year but compare that to the golf fund subsidy oof the general fund of 6 Million Dollars a year. Do you agree all 220 parks should share in only 3 Million Dollar annual increase while 5 golf courses have access to twice that amount . There are many other mistakes in the legislation that need to be corrected. They include, that the language that protects the excess open space fund carried forward to another year is reinstated and the municipal code responsible for establishing prosc which is the park code not the administration code. Also more wide representation from the neighborhood said not havent seen the resolution and need to be weighed in. Sorry, the Parks Alliance ignoreed a tremendous number of neighborhood groups and want that corrected so want to go on record, we are on the right track great. Or not so great. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. [inaudible] lead organizeer for prop c campaign in 2000. I support this measure and appreciate supervisor farrell putting together this effort to improve the stability for our parks. What i think is important is the baseline for funding. A budget represents values as community and havent had the val hew in the past that safe gaurded the parks and recreation programsism avenue ujbet when curts need to be made parkerize the first and this will provide it stability and statement of the value as a city and think are important cht i have twro reservations. This isnt enough money. If we have a opportunity to go to the public for a vote lets get what we need. I know the supervisors tried and there are 4 of you and it takes 2 more to put a measure on that ask for a nickel for parks. In the context the original open space fund was 10 cents for every00 for parks. I dont know what happened between our measure prop c and sth original but it was 10 cents so a nickel for parks is easy to sell and should go for it. If we dont we will continue with problematic maintenance and basically that is the [inaudible] we have bonds to support ren ovations but dont get maintenance and tree pruning so we need more money. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you supervisors [inaudible] robest Community Input and supportive of this legislation. It will implement changes when taken together will be game changing. First, no more cuts. The budget analysis so a history of cuts for every economic down turn we had that are not fully restored. Those cuts are replaced with soled support. It provides a gradual and study increase in funding that will not force any cuts to any other departments. The department will get to keep what they earn. It would also require smarter planning requirements that mandate funding for that plning. This will be the key vehicle where resident input will help priorities for how reck and park spend the tax dollars. It provides for stricter accountability. The controls offer will audit the planning to insure it meets the requirements in the charter and there will be consequences for the first time if they dont. We understand the philosophical relectance some may have in locking in a funding requirement but the trend we have seen how we fund the reck and Park Department makes it clear. Not only is setting a baseline waurnded, it is the ornl way we can stabilize the department so it better care frz the billions of dollars worth of public assets. To do anything else is [inaudible] on behalf of the Parks Alliance and want to thank supervisor farrell and all the cosponsored included supervisor cohen, tang, breed, mar, wiener and yee and christensen for supporting this legislation. Thank you very much, next speaker please good afternoon. Kelly nice and board chair for San Francisco Park Alliance. I will not repeat the great benefits many brought up before. I would like to reiterate the Community Process this went through led by supervoizer farrell. Hundreds of citizens and Parks Alliance has done surveys that show support for this. Supervisor farrell for the leadership on this. I would like to thank the Park Alliance staff for noithd and weekends. Phil [inaudible] for the amazing parks we have. Izbell [inaudible] i would like to thank you for your support of this. [inaudible] board member with sun set park side education and action committee. Speak is a 5 0e 1 c 3 organization which has been a active voice in neighborhood issues for the past 45 years. Speak is a charter member of coalition for San Francisco neighborhoods where it is a voice in land use and planning issues. Neither the speak board nor coalition for San Francisco neighborhood has had a presentation on this issue. I would like to echo mrs. [inaudible] comments to that effect. This Charter Amendment is still apparently have numerous flaws. It also seems to be part of a unfortunate trnd in City Government to fasttric issues which require careful deliberation. The original revision removed provision for open space fund. It allowed for acquisition of Real Property use frd other purposes. It seems this is kraesed, the amendments came by quickly. It creates a baseline of money from the general fund but doesnt restrict the new funds 23r use to main thane the parks. It lacks specifics. There are significant nob nub in community outletreach and look forward to supervisor farrell coming to do a presentation. Thank you very much. Before the next speaker read a few more cards. John weir. June [inaudible] ron proctor. Anstasia [inaudible] dee [inaudible] kathleen helen. Good afternoon. Vince [inaudible] Labor International union of north america. We represent 5 thousand men i women. About a thousand are Public Employees and 300 employed as reck and park. It is a honor for me to address you guys. I want to associate my comment with mr. Arnold and ogradey. What excites us is the stuff you worked with uss. Supervisor tang and farrell working with the city gardeners each year and recognizes for the hard work they do for the parks. Supervisor cohen, heavy lifting in the preprintsship. You were the chief supervisor and you supervisor avalos with the work you have done with Community Workforce. I got to shout the general manager. He is doing incredible work. This is a lot of work. I think what excites me blt working with your office is there career path way, the local Community Work force and future the work force which you addressed earlier. Im wearing purple in sal darety, [inaudible] we are field workers and Maintenance Work rbers and these are careers i believe blauj to san franciscan and the future of San Francisco and as we go down the path taking care of our parks we need to address those career path ways, that train ing and education and love for [inaudible] i think phil supports and know you support it supervisor avalos. We are 10 out of 10 and it is about the Career Pathway and Job Opportunities and maintenance. We also staff the golf courses because we are initiating a training curriculum endorsed by the pga at glen eagle and look forward meeting with you soon, anything we can do to help let us know. Thank you very muffin. Much. John weir. Im a current board member of Parks Alliance. I was a board member of parks trust for many years before that. I want to talk as a volunteer gardener and father. Every week for the past 4 years i gallen tear in Golden Gate Park and they are a Fabulous Group and do so much with so little and this is way over due and thrilled and honored to be a san franciscan soog you do this. The parks are wonderful but have so much need and our Team Struggles across the city to try to make ends meet. Thank you for doing this. It isnt nearly a enough but it is a great start. Thank you next speaker please. My name is june [inaudible] represent the friends of washington square. It is probably one of the oledsest parks in the city and smallest and heavily used. It is packed all the time. Because it is so small the maintenance is easy to differ. Other bigger and more important parks take president s. We have gotten the new restroom and the tiny play fp ground is new for ren ovation next year so we are on the are dar and smoret the idea of increased funding for parks and stable source of income. That could make all the difference in the world and in my neighborhood particularly because parkerize important. We have too many people and too little green space. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisor, ron proctor. The Forest Alliance doesnt oppose funding but the problem is there isnt a guarantee it is used for tree maintenance. We dont want to happen is for the reck and Park Department to get considerable tax monies and not use it for differed maintenance. The amendment is sold to the public as a way to reduce the departments differed [inaudible] create Community Gardens, support the volunteer programs, and then support [inaudible] there is nothing in the amendment to insure the monies will be used for tree maintenance. Until tree maintenance and not tree removal is spelled out, we think this amendment should not move forward kw revised as stated before coming before the board. We ask for spending prioritization of the new baseline money to take care of tree maintenance as well as the maintenance of the physical facilitiesism urban forestry is spelted out in the money but urge to restricktd the funds to tree maintenance to pruning under the supervision of [inaudible] and not justification to remove healthy non native trees. Today i heard from mr. Gingburg he called placing trees. Why are trees important . Especially that we have these forest in the city. The sky line is enhanced by the urban forest and provide a wonderful place to relax. Where go tothe forest so often. Because the wisdom of [inaudible] exist within the eco systemsism Monterey Pines [inaudible] we need to recognize the value of our trees and need to maintain them. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is [inaudible] i was asked to read this statement on behalf of San Francisco Forest Alliance, however, the statement basically is the same as what [inaudible] falling off my head. A representative of the district 5. It is open space fund which you need to use for open space [inaudible] legislation should be retained. I heard about the amendments, thank you for the amendment, but [inaudible] representative of dist rict and former representative of [inaudible] said like basically the same sentiment. Open space fund should be restricted [inaudible] i would like to use the rest the time which i didnt spend reading the statement talking about how to decide use in our parks which a lot of people have no idea it is happening. It is herbicides and by 2 thousand San Francisco was supposed to be pesticide free according to ordinance of 1996 [inaudible] and by now it is use what you want and [inaudible] i live not 10 minutes but less than half minute from the entrance of [inaudible] all the time. [inaudible] there is also end ocrim disorders. They give you birth defects and not [inaudible] thank you very much. Thank you. Well take a look at that. Before the next speaker i will call a few more cards. Kate [inaudible] janet gamble. Vanessa banks, eric brooks. Lynn now house. Those are all the cards i have. Good afternoon. My name is dee [inaudible] im a speaking on behalf of San Francisco Forest Alliance about the topic of inadequate public oversight of the use of money. This amendment lacks sufficient public oversight of the purpshs for which the money and open space fund is spent. We ask 5 specific things would like added. Rpd require to make available to the public on a readily found place on the website the annual budget and purpose for the fund on each of the 5 programs of the open space fund after scoom program, urban foresty, Community Garden [inaudible] we ask for public hearings not to presentations about reck and park budget and the choices on which it will respond these funds. The hearings should engage the public by a sear as of meetings around the city not just 2 presentations in the language of the amendment. In order for have reck and park to have public input. We ask the Strategic Plan be published on the website. We ask that the reck and park Mission Review the Strategic Plan anerally and biannually and review the apperational plan annually with full disclosure on the website and finally, we ask the controller review sth plan annually not every 4 years, otherwise for these changes review them annually so the review takes place before the horse has gotten out of the barn. Thank you very much. Would you add this to minutes, please . Thank you, next speaker. My name is cathlen helen and here on behalf ofsuch Forest Alliance and myself. I would like this entered into the record. My statement is this, i like the sfr visors to use best practices. Our Library System has a set aside fund from praurptd tax and baseline funding from the general fund but the library in the charter must specify where the unspent set aside fund will be spent. We ask that the controller publish the amount of money unspent and carried over annually for reck and Park Department and reck and Park Department should publish their spending priorities. Thank you. Thank you hello, my name is kate eshal balk and here to say thank you for the wonderful park programs and areas we have throughout the city. We take advantage of that with our 5 year old daughter every day and moved here 2 years ago and it is plaiss to get outside and get fresh air and a place where we need other people and it is our family. Woo we go to this playground and see people we know on a daily basis and it is special place. Im here on behalf of gratin playground. We love that playground very much and know the city is working hard to do everything it can and we appreciate all the help that has come that playgrounds way for sure. Working with all thestaff at reck and park to try and maintain a playground made uss aware of the short fall in the budget and how it effects us on a daily basis because of safety issues. What we talk about for this measure and increasing funding for the park not just gratin playground but across the board so you can go beyond maintenance and work on the Strategic Plan and the wonderful things the department is talking about doing we are in support of that. The one stat folks mentioned about the 28 percent increase of population i will contribute to that as well so want to say thank you for continuing to think about this into the future because the parks for the city i believe are a vital part of our future and it is a wonderful city we live in so thank you very much and hope you continue. Thank you to the 2 of you. My name is janet [inaudible] jaunk for being here today and thank you supervisor farrell for your commitment to the park. I have been away from San Francisco for other 30 years and i have moved back with my family and been here about 4 yirebs and have a couple dog squz truverse the city parks and my Neighborhood Park is plaza park. Im amazed at the detearairation of the parks and i decide to get involved with our very active friends of thplaza group and worked thoferb last 2 wreers to address the repair needs of our park. We are talking infrastructure and stairs, [inaudible] pathways, landscape, trees, trash cans, benches and i really support this measure. I dont think it goes quite far enough yet but think it is a puzative step forward. If i learned something over the last 2 years it is working on this park is that parks are important to our community and culture and the character of the city as well. Thank you. Good afternoon superveezers. Eric burke, San Francisco green party local grass root organization. First i want to say that thisa shout out to sfr visor farrell and the cosponsors. This is crucial. What you are trying to do is crucial because what we should do is fully fund all parks out of the general fund with no private funds needed because private funds can deckitate what happens with public space squz that is not acceptable, so this needs to be much bigger, needs to go farther and fund the parks out of the general fund. Hourfck, hourfck, there are concerns that need to be addressed. This is clearly a situation where it is crucial we get this right and get it done rather than get done quickly we want tomake sure clear priorities are set for the use of funds particularly maintenance the parks and trees. Clear oversight with meaningful inclusion of the public and a lot of the groups have not been contacted about this. There is guaranteed baseline there is nothing added about restricting the new money to maintain parks rchlt i want to expand and sorry to get into negatives but we have a situation where reck and park is out of step and divided from 10s of thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people in the city. We wanted no golf course at [inaudible] would have compromised for 9 holes, wreck and park demanded a 18 year old golf course. We wanted no artificial tougher for soccer. We dont want mass amounts of 3s cut and herbicides sprayed [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. I want to thank supervisor farrell and his cosponsors fori am lynn [inaudible] former reck and park commissioner and former president of Lafayette Park and president s of [inaudible] getting back to my thanks to supervisor farrell and cosponsor i want to tell supervisor cohen i share your reservation about set aside but this amendment is very necessary. I worked with many of the people in the room to draft and support the 2000 amendment and todays amendment is ovdue to keep up with San Francisco growth and improve a ccountability and insure funded for needed maintenance. I want to thank you. A lot of the comment that are made about tweaking this are valid, but this is overdo and necessary. Thank you. Thank you very much. Hi. How you doing . Im vanessa and with friends of young [inaudible] in district 10. After learning a lot is happening with the parks over the years. Im a strong believeer of history repeats itself. I grew up in young blood culmin park and it turned me around so believe the efforts with the supervisors and everybody here and the city is doing and believe there will be good things coming and thank you for everything you are doing to bring back the parks whether it is maintenance, after school program, [inaudible] im employed with San Francisco park and reck so anything youll can do to help across the board is very very appreciative. In closing i want to say young blood have done a tremendous turn around thank you to supervisor cohen. It gets more people in the park and taking better care of it, everybody is and want to say thank you again and do what we need to dofor the city because we are trend setters and cant leave the park out because it saves lives. Next speaker and anyone else who would like to speak come forward. Give the clerk your card when you come forward. Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is lynn a shaifer and want to to make sure district 10 had the last word. Mia roger and i have the 2 Representatives Service in district 10. I am speaking totry to [inaudible] she made earlier because she ran out of time so not sure what will am come out here. I wanted to begin of course by thanking supervisor farrell and his staff and the Parks Alliance for all of the work that has gone into proposing this. It is very badly needed. I think the supervisor knows i was a little skeptical at first. Im convinced but would like to join the chorus of people who said it is a good start, but we do need more. My main concern is acquisitions. Im wondering where extra money will come from for acquisitions in the city that has been in the open space fund and it will continue to be, but without assurance that eventually the open space fund will be extended and hopefully that the cents for hundred dollars that goes into the open space fund for acquisition is also increased. We will have a big problem and there are no districts who know this better than district 10 and 11 and 6. That is the other people im speaking for. The two representatives from district 6 who cant be here. They cant afford to by rrb land for parks in district 6 because the cost of land is so high and not enough money in the Acquisition Fund and the problem will get worse. I wish i had more time but dont. Thank you very much. Any other members who would plike to comment . Seeing none well close Public Comment and want to thank you all for sharing your commentary on the Charter Amendment. The passion that san franciscans have our parks is quite evidence in the room and outside the room as well so thank you for that. Ill leave first remarks for supervisor farrell who is the author of the amendment i want to thank you for coming out today and my colleague frz hearing this item. I would be remiss if i didnt mention a large part of my motivation is the fact i grew up in our San Francisco reck and park it can apartment. It was then [inaudible] i spent every waking hour over the summer there and became a reck and park director there and so it is a personal thing and seeing my children raised in the city, my wife and i take them to many parks throughout the city and it is a integral part of our lives so it is a personal issue. It struck me as [inaudible] opening up [inaudible] the school yard and young blood coleman next door, the opportunities it affords Young Children in San Francisco to get to know the entire city as well. I remember going young blood coleman playing baseball as a kid and that experience as we think about the future of San Francisco, the next generation, our children, that experience was vital to growing up in the city. I cant wait to have that experience with my children and think it is a integral part of the story we dont talk about enough and how it prepares the future generations to be steward over the city. Thank you for coming out and colleagues for entertains the motion jz everyone here is here today because we are a park advoeicate. I know San Francisco as a whole will be very supportive of the measure and look forward to continued discussion. We have our amendments we want to accept and ill supportive. I want to say that i am supportive of this Charter Amendment and want to put my name on it. To me it is a irk with in progress. We where making a painting and would like it to be a masterpiece and sometimes we do paint and take a step back and see where else we need perspective or paint in place to improve it and want to do that. I know we will reschedule the rules Committee Meeting to hear the Charter Amendment i believe december 11. I do think that i want to look at future amendments as well. The input from the Community Around the question about specificity. I dont say we need tonecessarily but think it is important to address and maybe have conversation with reck and park and architect of the measure to see what type of specificity we put in for our expenditures. I think the equity line is great. Do we need to add language around oversight or public input to show there is a back stop. I dont want to be too bureaucratic but those are important measure that lead to accountability mpt how do we make sure the Community Processes in place oversee what the expenditures can be happen . We did have a lot of measures plains with open space fund that were not always achieved for the open space. We have prosc but Strategic Plans and look at learn term reck and park hasnt fulfilled those the way they need to and how do we make sure that happens . I think it is important that we talk brt workforce and Skill Development and if there is anything we may need to address for pathways to the workforce i think it is important to look at. I also over the yeerbs had a lot of concerns about Public Access and privateization. There are ways we want to minimize how much we are trying to generate funds to private evonets that may limit Public Access and whether that is addressed is a concern i have and full disclosure. What i heard by a couple people was looking at extending the open space fund for number och years that allows us to have predictability around doing bonding to allow us to do expand our funds futher. Those are thoughts i have and what ill look at between now and december 10 to help make this a consensus masterpiece. We have amendments, we want to make our motions to accept . Thank you. I had stated my amendments previously and think after hearing Public Comment individuals who spoke i was troy toog get at the concerns around explicitly stating focus on differed maintenance but also recognize that some of the needs can change so i try to couch in a way that lists outd factors and policy considerations in the chapter amendment. So, i dont know if colleagues you need me to repeat it or just maybe make a motion to adopt the amendment that i proposed earlier. Along with supervisor farrells amendments. I second that motion. Well take those amendments without objection. So, this itemthe amendments will be heard again in rules committee and the next committee will be december 10. We need to take action on the legislation as well. Well take action to continue it to the december 10 meeting. Motion to that effect by so moved. We take the motion without objection. Mr. Clerk do we have other items before us . No more items, mr. Chair. Okay, we are adjourned. November 4, 2015. I would like to remind members of the audience to please silence any mobile devices that may sound off during proceedings. Commissioners, that will place us under general Public Comment. I have no speaker cards. Does any member of the public wish to make Public Comment on a nonagenda item . Please come forward. Seeing none, well close Public Comment. Did you take attendance . I did not. Let me take role. Commissioner wolfram, commissioner hasz, commissioner johnck, commissioner johns, commissioner matsuda will be absent today

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