Youll her those point dont be afraid to change paths ill add to that dont be afraid to stray from the path that Something Else charged for you as an immigrant child any immigrant apartments wanted me to be a doctor or lawyer or in Silicon Valley a computer engineer 91 in my Senior Engineer i was register in rhetoric seshe said you know sweetie we dont have much money you paid for college yourself if you want to start over it is not twroolt we will pay for you to be a customer engineer at san jose state a true story i said no, i wanted to be a journalist 20 years ago no vietnam americans in broadcasting in the bay area none she could point to you she or he this it you can two she didnt think i could i had nothings nothing to lose if it didnt workout i would do Something Else fortunately is worked out but. clapping. the lesson eve it didnt work out it would have been okay. Any message to listen how your inner voice your entering passion ive been inspired and now the mayors about move us to action wellbeing mayor ed lee and libby schaaf. Well, what at amazing day its been, huh . clapping. well, let me begin but also thanking all the speakers for their presentations their inspiration not just the men and women but to the hearsay of that watch the submit live in their homes and on their democratic thank you to the nonprofits and is advocates we work with every single day to make sure that nondiscrimination is the principles we live by and the conversation that we started today not ended here, in fact, this shouldnt be looked at as the beginning or end a commitment isorever are reright; right . Mayor schaaf. I told you at the beginning thank you all this is actually what you came here for im just telling you mr. Mayor promised me this will not be other women networking event there be be action and results and objections outcomes so look at your tables pledge cards and think about what is the action i will promise to take today to do one thing one thing to take something i heard today something that i talked to about the other women or allies here today and do it myself to address all of the different issues we lifted up and im going to demonstrate because i see a model of Good Behavior from the stage right now make a loan to a Woman Entrepreneur here name a francee she she is a great cafe right will i Oakland City Hall and shes looking to raise do you know her yeah. Shes a bomb; right . You have to let her know ill calling her out from the stage ill make a loan to her this will help her hire two employees to expand the catering business this is great im doing this on my phone what did we did go to leyva i put lend checkout boom francee has money in her account right now all right. Thats action. Thats action. So think of something youll side i know were about to hear from some of the other Business Leaders political leaders their pledges theyre making the action were not just here to talk ladies but take action lets do it start better late than never what you are going to do today. clapping. 50 implementations from the supervisor cowen and katie tang im supervisor cohens i respect the southeast corner and i pledge to work my heart out to make sure that more women and people of color are elected into more government positions and im katie tang i pledge to spearhead policies for participants and especially women returning to work after having a child. Please welcome Senior Vice President and Compliance Officer as pg e michelle at cisco and wellbeing Kaiser Permanente janet eye im sexually i didnt the ceo and Compliance Officer and pg e ive been with the company and encouraged by what ive seen pg e to promote opportunity and good afternoon women in the workplace it is an honor to be working with mayor ed lee mayor schaaf and other bay area copies companies on the important issues weve been discussing all day i know that collectively we can do more with challenging ourselves to go further and following through so ill speak about pg e pledge at pg e we are proud over the past year to add more 60 mothers room at the facilities equipment with Hospital Grades pumps and refrigerators to be used by nursing moms for those of you around my age you might not know a what is big deal if i was trying to pump breakfasts milk id like communitybased into a stall and hopefully put it into a register in the pantry and get it home to any kids this is a big deal i know if you dont go through those who are in the 40s and 50s and 60s youll appreciate that everything we do to accommodate women returning to the workplace is a great thing were also proud to increased our sfendz with women opposed suppliers by 41 percent over the past 5 percent last year pg e spent 2009 million in women owned businesses at pg e womens economic combufrmentd or empowerment is critical over half of the College Graduates and 70 percent of households purchasing pour that is a big deal in Addition Research shows that companies with higher representation of women on the director of public works often have better performance on return on sales and return on invested capital yet while the percentage of women on board in cattle as risen only 20 percent in 2012, we have amazing accomplished woman on the board of directors clearing empowering women is not only the recourse we have work to do were proud of pg e for 14 female officers and. The first in pg e history and woman kate stacy i cant serving as serving males or females were support women in the workplace by offering pied leafs benefit and spending our education and Workforce Development a increases women in the nonrestricted traditional workforce we want to make sure we reflect the communities we serve in the end be parts of movement in the burr to go bond base business and for women to contribute and lead and thrive thank you cisco is a leader and founding signer the white house equal pay pledge im honors to share that pledge as a Global Warming company that is also been dearth to fair pay we recognition that achieving it as a journey and ongoing commitment we are committed to driving fairness and qualities in our own business but also to play a leadership role in in Critical Initiative within cisco we designed a paid framework that expand our ability to achieve that goal to all employees and make sure theyre paid fairly and equally bandage a holistic approach that includes gender and ethic invite it introduces powerful new analytic and targets the strategies to identify critical factors and root causes that influence party through testing using fbtdz to enhance kissing c coand suhr people share in the mature success that focuses on paid performance and market competitiveness and fair quality is a key to the heart of People Strategies pay parity drives the vefrt allows us to rain the best talents and positions us as a top employer our pay pair it is regular reviews when we identify gaps we are committed to fix them to continue or still continue to be an important economic contributor here in the bay area and around the world thank you. clapping. i spoke about Kaiser Permanente as a caregiver and business to address gender quality and quality id like to take this moment to talk about how we want to be an agent for social change and we were so moved we just met leaders from the organization they were so moved by what they do see a connection with the observations when individuals and families live in poverty or struggling to make ends meet they dont have what they consider to worry about their health cant come into the office for Preventive Care or talk about pregnant women dont have the time for prenile well pledge one thousand dollars to leyva today. clapping. and we are asking for those dollars dedicated do help women out of economic poverty mere in the bay area thank you. clapping. ladies and gentlemen, please directing your attention to the video screen for a special message in leader pelosi. Thank you, mayor ed lee mayor libby schaaf and the California Foundation and grooebt to everyone for the bay area womens summit you all know the defining did you believe truth when women succeeds America Succeeds and the world moves forward thats why agenda for women to stand with the family balance and equal and fair pay and paid sick leave and quality caregiver and strengthened retirement care for women california is leading the way but much more to be deny well hope youll say i pledging pledge to help our economic agenda to unleash the power of women in the bay area and beyond were on the verbiage of a breakthrough a possibility of a woman highest land in the world to all the women gathered for the submit lutz draw inspiration and strength how far weve come together to include quality and empowerment and opportunity for all our daughters and granddaughters thank you for your leadership and education in advancing economic xfrment and quality for women enjoy the submit thank you. clapping. all right. Now it is time as your host for mayor ed lee and i to make our pledges to action today i am going to start with something i call my brilliant baby one of my most passionate leaf is that education sets us free many any city my ninth grad class is on track for 10 percent to have a College Degree by the time their 23 years old the oakland promise sets out to 0 change that the first step in the continuum that oakland promise to provide is called my brilliant baby i pledge to support 15 hundred protecting mothers of new babies over the next 3 years by opening College Saving accounts for their babies with 500 each. clapping. in addition ill be providing financial coaching and a saving match for the moms and you should know that 60 percent of these women will be Single Parents moms if you want to help me in found out more been the oakland promise and register as a champion of the promise you can go do oakland promise. Org all right. Any second pledge i already made a deems i pledge to continue to support Women Entrepreneurs in oakland to leyva. Org over the next 3 years chief Administrative Officer have oakland will finance 6 hundred empires 70 percent of which we believe will be ethnic minority oakland is the first city in the country to be a trustee on the leyva network i pledge over the next year to personally fund 50 Women Entrepreneurs you saw my first one as well as promote lending opportunities to others through any networks and social Network Outreach so that 50 Women Entrepreneurs in oakland will have the capital to grow their Small Businesses and again if you want to help me again, the leyva. Org right now 5 Women Entrepreneurs in oakland that are seeking loans and youve heard that Kaiser Permanente will match every dollar you lindsey with their own loan my third pledge around educating and empowering women and girls this will be a fun one we will be hosting a film series with Panel Discussions following around the issues of empowering young girls and women this is will think in partnerships are oakland communitybased organizations that do this work and providing them an opportunity to raise awareness of their work and raise funds for their mission and finally any fourth pledge this is an issue that i have been working on paisley for nearly 20 years in the city of oakland thats a very tragic Sexual Exploitation of young girls oakland is one of the highest areas for to horrific crime and madz more appointed by the disturbing information that potentially how own houfbt off our on Law Enforcement officers are being participating in this exploitation ever victims i pledge to destructive the man for buying sex by contacting 10 thousand sex flyers you should know in a recent studies 20 percent of men scared admitted theyve bought sex you can help me in my pledge by going to a website called this is pretty catchy report john. Org reports john. Com you can input their license number theyll receive a nice letter in the city of oakland thim were watching him and commends the amazing pales in comparison a warrior our City Attorney omalley those are my four pledges he make to good afternoon women to look for quality and opportunities for all people thank you clapping. those are incredible policem implementations and make sure you have an opportunity to use the post its it is one thing to say youll pledge another thing to say it around everything that o everybody that reenforces our commitment so here are any 3 pledges you know we have an incredible budget in San Francisco and theres good prosperity we need to make sure that prosperity is shared by everyone so i pledge that in the next two years i will invest in making sure our city invests 11. 8 million in violence against women intervention we have not done enough to end violence and bias in our city and this will help a long way to make our commitment a reality clapping. eye while we think weve done a lot we have to do more so, i say any second pledge is to make sure that i will allocate an additional 6 million to maintain and increase the existing subtracted childcare spaces important protecting women that work in San Francisco. clapping. this is a double wham i didnt not only is childcare such a challenge all of you know a very deliberate fact these days that according to the federal standards that people are now paying almost a third of income to find Quality Childcare particularly working women that cant happen to this will go a long way in not only freeing up childcare spots but guess what the workforce behind childcare that is women well help them in that capacity as well this pledge is parts of a larger almost 17 pledge or program that we have for o for families in San Francisco for the next two years were glad to do it and focused on helping women skewed in the city not stopping there my own personal commitment i know that mayor schaaf shares shes struggling with the same thing i pledge to make sure that every single employee receives candidate bias training in their work in San Francisco every employee it will be trapped trained by the Human Resources for the Public Safety department theyve receive in person Sexual Harassment training it is not enough just to lands a 200good job in the city a lot of people want to stay in the jobs well, if you not long gift and want good jobs you better have the training and the training how to get along and not discriminate we both know that that culture can change over time if unchecked training in modern training checks out that culture we commit on all sees of bay area to make sure we have a modern workforce those are my pledges i want to thank mayor schaaf for calling out her own pledges and not all of you to again put down your pledges put them on the wall we have a big wall outside a lot of space and a lot of sections on it mayor libby schaaf and i did that a few hours ago and got our own pledges for everyone to see i want to make sure that you know were committed to reading all of them and documenting them so when we leave this place not leaving behind the ideas and candidates the inspiration. All shared with us. Thank you. clapping. finally i want to say thank you to torrey wasnt she great as a mc. clapping. and i want to thank all the volunteers the runner hes communication people i want to thank the people the men and women that served us foods all day long thank you very much. clapping. our city administrator her just great houvendz of volunteers like uniform and others that were helping out tool do everything and want to thank the woman next to me and all the others that have been doing a great job in signing translation tired arms im sure. clapping. so thank you to all of them and thank you to all of you for being here for sharing being inspiring in our communication and remember what everything or everybody says youre not alone mayors that want to support your success and womens success in a whole bay area because quite frankly if women succeed congratulations on the submit lets keep on doing it and getting more people involved and this conversation continue to go thank you very much thank you see thank you power its all around us in the sun and the winds and caves waves power that lights our homes while protecting our Natural Resources clean power will provide power to san franciscans how about works right now our power is from pg e from nonrenewable systems that comes over pg e maintained lines with clean power your energy about thinkated by caesarean more renewable sources come to our home e. R. Businesses to the pg e lines. Good morning great to see all those yellow shirts out there today my name is miami the director of Planning Department staff and my great honor to be preparing this today and presenting liz for for those of you who dont know who liz is liz is a living Innovation Zone which this is the second of several that will be installed in the city were grateful for the administration and many, Many Department who have had a part in making this happen before i make comments let me introduce the mayor the mayor is a huge supporter and asked us to be experimental how relook at our public spaces in the city to make sure in their engaging to everyone and play with ideas how to engage hope o people in the city and make them lively and safe it is my great pleasure to introduce mayor ed lee. clapping. thank you miami our director of planning good morning, everyone. Good morning. Welcome to liz our notation zone before i say anything let me express our citys condolences and just really the heroic event that happened in orlando remind us we need to continue to work on how diversity and even though people in oornld the Lgbtq Community is suffering tremendously i know we feel a lot here in San Francisco we have a very strong Lgbtq Community in our city i want to again express our citys sorry so far what happened and also the need to ready do something about it in terms of pretending those weapons from peoples hand but most importantly to celebrate the diversity in our city and i know that were on the verbiage of celebrating our provide in fact . Pride month everybody yeah. clapping. this is what we need to do we want to do but need to do it also for the people of orlando whether in North Carolina are mississippi or orlando or in San Francisco we work and represent everyone in our community who we want to make sure they live full lives in our city and be safe at the same time speaking about safety thats part of the event today it is activating our United Nations plaza but doing it in a way that celebrates a lot of thing that have gone on in our tenderloin and settlement for a number of years weve sought to revisit our my mind and the Strand Theatre just this year we opened up the Tenderloin Museum thank you randy for being here today, were just finishing touches and opening of valencia we have downtown streets. clapping. here they are with us a great revitalization organization there helping us to keep everything clean and doing the work to keeps everyone safe thats part of entire revitalization everyone is working in a lot of partnerships whether it is a Community Benefits district and reflective of the corps that have moved in to the my mind and having them participate and volunteer work and support with the Community Benefits agreement the Merchants Association along Market Street are the investment over 5 thousand 5 hundred new housing unit in the longest corridor not great lessons we see a lot of did construction, in fact, when i was walking down here i thought those echo tuned were another sign of construction all of that in collaboration with a you are office of economic Workforce Development, our shrdz that were doing today how fix it teams and sandy at dpw are here. clapping. plaza when you say plazas you mean reply theyre here they got a big victory on tuesday with the dedicated fund for the park in fact, were putting temple Million Dollars 0 into the children playground up 9 block thats going 101 to be an existing investment. clapping. all of this means many, many more combrupz u group the Government Agencies the nonprofits the Community Organizations the people probation officer who are serving food address providing services were all accounting or working together to make sure were collaboratively but also bringing and lifting everyone else up not to isolate people and have them on thanking their own but notify them into all the services we have and certainly reducing people that need a reason to many live on the streets and activating our open spaces and plaza for everyone that is the most important theme coming today know that our Planning Department and working with all of the different agencies really are concerned about the use of our public realms theyre not isolated places for people that just stick around are hang around but activated and belonging to everyone and people should not feel you think safe in all the Public Places everyone should be welcomed as long as their invite everyone to be participating and working not only our Police Department is working with us but working with the bart controls and work with our ambassador programs, theyre now will be working with the stewards that are making sure that our installations in this entire plaza are kept clean and useful for everyone how many people have tried to swing yet anyone all right. Got to get young and noovlt well, that Innovation Zone is part of privatepublic segment for everyone on the entire stretch of Market Street our Fire Department address a is out there if you have an idea whether playing the piano or having an echo tube or other sounds like probation officers that people and children were having a museum to walk to and having people guide everyone to where decree want to go and see this exciting civic center our you understand plaza this is a place for everyone this is why we put in over 200 million inw people look at art this man. Im often asked how did this extranet expansion happen. I think, basically, the new sf moma rows of two very fundamental questions. First, could we translate the passion that our community unquestionably shares for contemporary art in where the largest and most extraordinary and most innovative contemporary art using simple world. Second, we open our doors to make sf moma mean more to more people than ever before. I dont think theres any question that the staff and the board and the Extraordinary Community of this museum banter these questions with the most resounding yes. We could not be more pleased you joined us here this morning to welcome you to the new museum. I want to thank our openingday sponsors, pg e and that your bubbling up benefit district and most especially a premier sponsor they come up america and catalog. They do so much for your support. Before introduce are really distinguished roster of speakers this morning, i want to offer three shout outs. I think we can at this point in modestly say we believe we have created when the finest homes for contemporary art of any username of anywhere in the world. I reallyclapping [applause] thank doctors, principal in the norwegian american guidebook that designed the new sf moma. Greg, perhaps you could give us a wave . [applause] click, and his team had an extraordinary job and set a new standard for Museum Design anywhere in the world. I also want to welcome a norwegian man this of culturesome from oslo for the event. Was here as well. [applause] thank you so much for coming. Last, but god knows certainly not least, the indefatigable charlotte schultz. [applause] shyla, it was your vision that conceived of this wonderful opening even. Im so glad and so grateful to you for your great work. What i like to do now is very quickly introduce our speakers. We will begin woodchucks walk extra dairy board chairmanship for bob fisher board president mayor edward lee and congressman nancy pelosi. So, chuck i like to pass to you. Thank you, all. [applause] its hard to believe its happened. Really. It took a long 5. 5 or so years. To put us here and you will be very excited to come in, i am sure to heal, thank you so much for thewell, you were the partner, major partner, along with bob fisher, to this whole effort. I just cant thank you enough. What has happened today is truth fully remarkable in my opinion. Therell be hundreds of the spectacular works of art there to be seen, thousands of square feet of exhibition space, and i have to say, very proud of the fact that everyone 18 and under his welcome to the museum free. [applause] and, we are open seven days a week. I made that happen. I said why close on wednesdays. But make it open so can be here for everybody. Of course, this is all about the enjoyment for the public. To learn to think in new ways and to be inspired by the art its a Museum Designed for sharing good todays people who i observe are all about sharing and we want museum that would embrace that spirits. You are welcome to take as many pictures as you want and share them with your friends. I told him it is here in San Francisco. This new museum San Franciscos sf moma mobile below for to return and return again. Now, i like to introduce my other partner in the project from the president of museum, bob fisher. [applause] chuck, thanks. This project truly would not have happened without your vision and leadership, and im deeplyour whole family is deeply appreciative of what youve done for the community and for us. This is a museum bill for all of us today. And for the future of the bay area. Im so grateful to welcome you here today, and im deeply moved by the outpouring of support from her entire neighborhood as we celebrate today without on the go partners. Your book going up, center for the arts, the contemporary jewish museum, moab museum of the african diaspora, the Oakland Museum of california, the Asian Arts Museum in the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco. Also, our community neighbors. Your book going a festival, the mexican museum, [inaudible] the childrens creativity museum, the California Historical society, wants to vision, the tenderloin division, and are nearby galleries. This area is truly becoming an arts center, not only in San Francisco, but for the world. [applause] and thanks to all those organizations for the partnerships as we stepped into this new moment here in soma. All these organizations champion innovation and criteria. The exchange of ideas and the development of imagination, which strengthens our bonds and creates opportunities for everyone. In the last seven or eight years, since we are working on this project, this area has completely transformed in i think accommodation of whats going on right here with the Business Community and with the arts and Cultural Community is going to have an everlasting bond and become one of the Great Centers in the world, right here. My parents don and doris fisher one to give back to the community where they live in raised their family and were so pleased the fisher collection will be part of sf moma for decades to come. My mom is here today with us and is so pleased with how this museum has turned out. I know my father would be equally pleased, some show without a couple things we couldve done better. [applause] its an honor to open up this museum on behalf of all the made this project possible. Including our own mayor lee locus move city by house number one to a better location and replace it with this richard sculpture by climbing out in a free gallery theyll be open to the public year round. Mayor lee thank you for everything you did to make this happen. Really, the city was incredibly supportive, positive, and easy to work with and i know you dont always hear that, but in this case, this has been a Remarkable Partnership with the city under your leadership. Thanks, very much like to invite you up on stage. Thanks. [applause] well, thank you bob and doris, the fisher family, everything that youve done and are doing and being part of this incredible, incredible global center. I want to say, again, chuck, mr. Schwab, i know what a love this represents to you and helen over six years of loving work to raise the funds for this, to work in concert with everyone to form the chain that would have the outcome that we are seeing today. Ladies and gentlemen, and try to keep my mouth shut this all morning ive been given legal brief tour by mr. Schwab and my mouth has been open all morning long. Youve got to know how beautiful this place is in charlotte, you and george, we again have you another icon to welcome our councils, generals, as they come through and international visitors. Im sure theyre already wondering how can i get into my sf moma when i make my visit here. I just want to say that this represents our cities values something i know of, certainly, have inherited the responsibilities to keep alive and keep it working for everyone. The incredible access that has been described. I know of lieut. Gov. , whos down with his kids today. They are looking forward to this. And i know you and i have shared a lot of discussion about being a global city and making sure that we do locally that kind of access to all of our kids, our teachers, the connection to a new Architectural Design curriculum, with theschool. The teachers dont just be thrilled to bring their kids in here every single weekday and weekend. I am just thrilled with the way this museum has been such an open, welcome opportunity for everyone. And so, on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco, to the entire team of people who put together and make sure not just that the physical building gets open, that the art will inspire us, that we embrace both the creativeness and innovation that it reflects, but also that it touches our historic ties of having a brandnew fire station at the same time, its done so well. I know our chief is so proud of that station because is a modern station. Isnt this the way we do things here . Yes. Yes, something we celebrate. [applause] i know full well whats going through his mind about how this adds to the beauty and history in the creativeness this city has good it such a welcome to everyone here on behalf of the city and county him and think everyone, deeply, for their commitment, their contributions, the money goes a long way. Its not just the physical building. Everybody has figured out to allow this gift keep on giving, to accelerate all the other programs that we have. And so, in addition to all of this, tonight, not only in celebration you will see city hall in red. [applause] thank you, again for this gift have to now a great opportunity to invite up here a dear dear friend of mine, someone i keep learning from every single day, and of course she is our congresswoman. She is our democratic leader, but she is so much more than that. Just a friend for everybody in our city. Congresswoman democratic leader, nancy pelosi. [applause] thank you very much mr. Mayor for your kind words. Thank you for your leadership to be so much a part of making all this happened. Thank you mr. Mayer for focusing on the children are striving to increase in the schools which is so important to the life of our city. I want to join you and acknowledging our two mayors, tenant gov. Newsom and willie brown supervisor janet kim. Thank you because the pleasure to join the official tammy of San Francisco to be at this opening and also to see so many families of San Francisco who are here for the 21 years ago when San Francisco sf moma ipo which is speaking that day after the same families to help that happen and now an ever widening circle of friends. Of course, well deeply in debt to chuck schwab for his incredible leadership. His commitment to excellence in everything he does good we all blessed by your leadership, [applause] to the fisher family, what a remarkable thing. Doris, its all beautiful. Its a beautiful good i agree with bob, john wouldve had some other little thing going. But you to all the fisher family, thank you so much. To neilare we blessed to have him . Isnt he just wonderful . [applause] i saw the opera house and ballet in oslo how beautiful and now how beautiful this is good we are so honored that your cultural minister is with us today and counsel general. Let me just say this. The mayor talked about how important this is for the city and what an important date this is for the city and it is indeed, but the important day for our country as well. President kennedy said the life of the art are very close to the core purpose of our nation. This is true and even our founders recognized that way back when. John adams, just about four years after nation was established, you go to abigail and he said to her i must study war and politics so that our children can study agriculture and commerce, other subjects, so that their children have the liberty to study music and art and painting and porcelain and tapestry. He went on. But that was about our countrys commitment to make i think giving more opportunity to future generations. That is the core of america. But even at that time our founders john adams saw that more opportunity in the arts with central to our country. So, here we are on this day. This great day where San Francisco once again continues to affirm its leadership in arts and culture. Much as in the nation but the world. I love what i heard what chuck said, chairman schwab said in his remarks about the children, the mayor as well. The opening of this building in San Francisco sf moma has made a commitment to children so that they as john adams would have loved to hear, can have access and be exposed to the beautiful worldclass art. The incredible collection of doris and john fisher and her family being central to it. Those children will see freedom of expression and learn to appreciate it around them and inside of them. That freedom of expression is also manifested in our city by having so many artists. Greg, with so many artists in San Francisco in fact San Francisco is the city that gets more grants from the National Endowment for the arts than any city except new york but there 10 times bigger than we are. But that Free Expression in our city is just a continuation of the value that we placed, and i cant help but thinking of the poet shelley said the greatest force for moral good is imagination. Imagination. To see things in other ways. Here we are, this living temple of imagination. An inspiration for all of us to be creative in our lives, in our work, for our country, for our children. A champion of all of that creativity and inspiration is a great director, neilglad the privilege pleasure to bring him back up. [applause] congressman congresswomansorry, what beautiful an absolute inspiring words. Thank you so much that i like now to do is invite chuck and bob, mayor, craig, up to the podium. We dont cut with interior sf moma. We do things a little bit differently. Okay. Whats up with open this museum. [drumroll] [loud celebratory music as a society weve basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people dont have any of those im mr. Cookie cant speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. Open the door and walk through that dont just stand looking out. As they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure im david one of the cofounder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didnt know how to cook. I heard about the Cooking School through the Larkin Academy a. Their noting no way to feed themselves so theyre eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. As i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. Particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is Charity Foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this Charity Foundations and she said, yes. Im a cofound and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday theyre really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city theyre our stand alone colas we had a series or series still city of Attorneys Office style of classes our final are night life diners. Santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and ive been here about a year. We want to be sure to serve as many as we can. The San FranciscoCooking School is an amazing amazing partner. It is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. Im sutro sue set im a chief 2, 3, 4 San Francisco. Thats what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like its there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. Hi, im antonio the chief in San Francisco. The majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. I like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like its a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. I go for vera toilet so someone cant do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they cant use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me youre not successful. We made a vegetable stirfry indicators hed ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen id cook more. Some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasnt taught how to cook. I have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. The more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify theyre not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. It is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. Well have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 were really excited. A lot of the of the conditions in San Francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the San Francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. Wed never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case thats something people are 2rrd in doing. You cant buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids dont have this you have to instill they can do it theyre good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for so what brought you out here for the bike ride today . I grew up in San Francisco but i have been living in new york. I wanted to see what San Francisco is doing with infrastructure. Cities are where people are living these days. The bay area is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here. We are about to take a bike ride. We have 30 cyclist. Im really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store. I definitely recommend it to people. Its a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. This is so much fun. I go to parts of the city that i dont come to. This will make the city a more susta were here to raise awareness and money and fork for a good accuse. We have this incredible gift probably the widest range of restaurant and count ii destines in any district in the city right here in the mission intricate why dont we capture that to support the mission youths going to college thats for the food for thought. We didnt have a signature font for our orientation thats a 40yearold organization. Mission graduates have helped me to develop special as an individual theyve helped me figure out and provide the tools for me that i need i feel successful in life their core above emission and goal is in line with our values. The ferraris yes, we made 48 thousand they were on top of that its a nobrainer for us. Were in and fifth year and be able to expand out and tonight is your ungrammatical truck food for thought. Food truck for thought is an opportunity to eat from a variety of different vendor that are supporting the mission graduates by coming and representing at the parks were giving a prude of our to give people the opportunity to get an education. People come back and can you tell me and enjoy our food. All the vendor are xooment a portion of their precedes the money is going back in whats the best thing to do in terms of moving the needle for the folks we thought Higher Education is the tool to move young people. Im also a College Student i go to berkley and 90 percent of our folks are staying in college thats 40 percent hire than the afternoon. Im politically to clemdz and ucla. Just knowing were giving back to the community. Especially the Spanish Speaking population it hits home. People get hungry why not eat and give good afternoon and im [inaudible] public address anounssment for you 3 time World Championship [inaudible] [applause] the team must always be introduced. It is my honor to welcome you to this very special celebrationment we gather to celebrate the birthday of the greatest player to ever play the game of baseball. Right San Francisco treasure and Living Legend the hall of famer number 24, give it up to mr. Willie mays. [applause]. Before we begin i like to mometd to recognize our dignities. He is on his way, mayor willie brown. He heard that a few times. Chairman tom nolan. Mta board member malcon hine iky. [inaudible] ceo mr. Larry bear and his wife pam. Mr. Peter megalen is on his way. He here yet . He will be here, yes, sir, you know he wont miss this mr. Mays. Supervisor mark farrell. Also we are expecting fire chief joan hayeswhite. And director of the mta ed riscon. Let me tell you about our honored guest today. Born in west field alabama in 19thry 1 willie mays junior was introduced to baseball. His professional career began in 1947 still in high cool. Ofew short years later the new york ginets signed willie a Minor League Deal and made his major league debay in 1941. The next year the army drafted willie removing him from it game befr about a year and a half and returned to baseball in 1954 with a bang winning the mrp award and selected to the a l star team. In 1958 the giants franchise relocated to beautiful San Francisco where willie spends most of his career. Over 2 twentytwo seasons with the new york and San Francisco giants and the new york mets the beloved say akid with 660 home runs won 12 gold glove awards and two mpv awars and played in 24 all star games. 1979 in his first year of eligibility he was elected to the Baseball Hall of fame. Willie mays is one the greatest to ever play the beautiful game of baseball but equally impressive is his cairth. He is president of ceo of say afoundation. Provides ecass to education, health care and safe communities. He also workwise institute on aging here in San Francisco. Many bigitaries recognized willie for generous contribution tooz the society, most recently president obama awarded with medal of freedom. Willie mays name is synonymous withsuch giants baseball every game day 40,000 fans [inaudible] greeted by a larger than life statue oof mr. Mays flanked by 24 palm rr trees. The namesake speaks volumes about the franchise and todays event [inaudible] speaks volumes what willie means to the the itsy of San Francisco. Willie, we wish you a very happy birthday, right everybody . [applause] now at this time i like to bring up the mayor of city and county of San Francisco, the honorable ed lee. Mr. Mayor thank you. Welcome everybody to the cable car barn of San Francisco hosted by local 255 a of San Francisco thank you in the men and women are so lucky because they work in a great city and proud of their job and get to put this carbol car out every single day for peoples enjoyment. They will be proud to do that. Happy 85 birthday willie mays we are here to the greatest athlete in america and let me give you a snap shot. I know [inaudible] went through some of it but there is other data i love to have and it is when i think about giant, i love the data and stats. Rookie of the year. Remember those days, willie . Two time most valuable player. 24 time all star. World searings champion. 660 home runs hall of famer and of course when everybody gets on this cable car they will say, where is the catch . he was a legendary baseball player for sure but know willie mays is much more than that. His connection to San Francisco goes way beyaunds the baseball diamond. As a civil right leader he paved a way in the really many time said during you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear willie, happy birthday to you there you go. [applause]. Big round of applause to willie mays mr. Mays has a few comments for us