Good morning. This meeting will come to order. This is the july 21, 2023 regular meeting of the local Agency Formation commission. Im the clerk of the commission, john carroll. We are doing things differently today because we are not joined by chair chan or vice chair fielder. We will resolve that in a moment, but first i have a few announcements. Convening hybrid meetings that allow in person and Public Comment while Remote Access via telephone. Recognizes that equitable Public Access is essential. Public comment will be taken on each item on the agenda. Those agenda in person will speak first and then those on the Public Comment line on the telephone. If you wish to participate in Public Comment via telephone, call 415655o001. You will enter meeting id 2 662 9307428, then symbol twice. Quou will be connected to the meeting discussion and line in listening mode only. When your item comes up on the agenda dial star 3 to be added to the queue. If on the telephone please turn down. You may submit Public Comment in writing. Email the clerk at john. Carroll sfgov daughter org or lafco sfgov. Org. Or send to the office in city hall, 1 doctor Carlton B Goodlett place, room 244, San Francisco california 9410 2. Ill submit to the commissioners. That is the end of anoncements. Lets take roll real quick. Commissioners, when you hear your name indicate whether you are present. Vice chair fielder, absent. Member williams, present. Member preston, present. Member singh, present. Chair chan, noted also absent. We have a quorum. We are ready to go. Lafco should make a tempary assignment of a presiding officer. Motion to appoint a commission as chair pro tem for todays proceedings . [laughter] we just need a motion to appoint chair pro tem. Make a motion to appoint a chair for pro tem. For supervisor preston. Okay. Second that. Thank you. Please call the roll. The motion to appoint dean preston as chair pro tem offered by member williams and seconded by member singh, williams aye. Preston aye. Singh, aye. There is no objection mr. Chair pro tem. Thank you. Thank you colleagues. Mr. Clerk, please call item 2 on the agenda. Item 2 is approval of the lafco minutes from the june 7, 2023 regular meeting. This is an action item. I have to note that the meeting is incorrectly identified on the front page as the june 7, 2022 meeting. I offer a clerical collection to that. Please accept the correct the correction to the minutes. There is no need for action to amend the minutes but we need to take Public Comment. Thank you. Commissioners, any other changes to the minutes . Seeing none, why dont we open up for Public Comment. Anyone here in the Board Chamber who has Public Comment on the form of the minutes . It appears we have none, and we have no callers listening to our meeting remotely, so mr. Chair pro tem, there is no Public Comment. Thank you. Public comment on this item is now closed. Abundance of caution well make the motion to amend the minutes as described, whether or not the motion is necessary, but just to dot our is and cross ts. Do i have a motion to make the amendment as specified by the clerk . I like to make a motion to approve the amendment specified by the clerk. Thank you. Second . Very good. Second that. On the motion to amend and approve the minutes offered by member williams and seconded by commissioner prestoncommissioner williams, aye. Commissioner preston, aye. Commissioner singh, aye. Mr. Chair, pro tem there is no objection. Thank you the motion passes. Call item 3. Item 3 is a Community Choice aggregation report. Discussion and possible action. Thank you mr. Clerk. Well now hear from Deputy Assistant general manager for clean powersf, michael hyams. Welcome and if you can please keep your presentation to 10 minutes that would be appreciated. Floor is yours. Thank you chair preston and good morning commissioners. Happy friday. Mike hyams, Deputy Assistant general manager for power enterprise responsible for the clean powersf program. I do have some slides that the executive officer is bringing up now. Thank you very much. Appreciate that. You can advance the agenda when you are ready. For my report today, i will be providing a update on the implementation of our new clean power psf generation rates. Sharing recent actions from our sfpuc commission on California Community power, the cca joint power agency, the clean powersf is a member of. Ill share information about clean powersf forthcoming power content label for 2022, and lastly, ill provide a overview of a new project clean powersf contracted with the Battery Storage project. I will be pretty close to 10 minutes. I might be slightly over. Ill do my best to keep to the 10. You can advance, please. Thanks. And one more. In april we presented the rate proposal for clean powersf puc staff were bringing to the commission in may. Those rates were just implemented so i wanted to provide a short recap. As a reminder, the city charter requires the sfpuc to conduct cost of Service Study every five years. Conducted its first rate study for clean powersf about a year and a half ago. That process culminated in new cost of Service Rates adopted by our Commission Last year that became effective july 1, 2022. The focus of that rate study was to insure Financial Sustainability for the program by setting clean powersf rates to cost of service, and moving away from the practice of closely following pg e rates, which had been the practice sinsh clean powersf launched. To prioritize customer needs as another priority, for example, being mindful of the pace of change of our rates to insure affordability and competitiveness. And lastly, to support the city Climate Action goals by insuring the rates sent the right price signals to encourage climate responsible and Cost Effective power consumption. Ultimately clean powersf fiscal year 2022, 2023 rates decreased from the previous rates in effect. Those rates provided significant savings to clean powersf customer pz during the fiscal year in the range of 10 to 15 percent bill savings relative to pg e. Next slide, please. This was the schedule of our fiscal year 2324 rate approval process. After presenting to lafco in april, our Commission Approved the new rates at the hearing in may. The newly adopted rates were submitted to the board may 11 and become effective the first of this month. The rates reflect 38 percent increase on the total average customer electricity bill for most rate schedules, primarily driven by a very large increase in power market supply cost. We are in the process of notifying our customers about our new rates via onbill messages. We have a upcoming news letter that will provide information and updated our clean powersf website with the new rate information. Next slide, please. Even though clean power sf rates increased relative to the prior fiscal year, the Program Continues to provide bill sieveings to customers relative to taking Generation Service from pg e. That is illustrated on this slide with two tables that summarize the average monthly electricity bill frz the typical residential and typical Small Business electricity customers. Etouc is the name of clean powersf default time of use electricity rate and b1 is the equivalent small commercial rate. The tables compare the monthly bills for clean powersf default green product. Super green product, and pg e default service. The bottom line is residential customer s on green product see on average 3 per month or 3 percent savings relative to pg e. Residential customers will pay about the same as pge and receiving 100 Percent Renewable Energy which is 60 percent more then what pg e offers. Small business customers will see bill savings of 6 percent of green and 3 percent super green relative to pg e service. Other customersual save 613 percent on clean powersf Green Service relative to pg e serving depending on the usage and specific rate schedule the customer Takes Service on. Next slide, please. I will move along here. Lets talk about California Community power. Next slide. Clean powersf was one of the founding members of California Community power, which we refer to as cc power. The sfpuc commission and board of supervisors approved clean powersf membership in the spring 2021. Today cc power has 9 member agencies representing over 3 million customers across all most 150 municipalities spanning from humboldt to Santa Barbara county. Next slide. Cc power membership provides clean powersf with the opportunity but not the obligation to participate in larger Clean Energy Projects that may not otherwise be possible by procuring as clean powersf alone. Membership allows for broader collaboration on the development of new programs or services that might benefit from a scaled or regional approach. Membership does not commit clean powersf to participate in any specific projects or purchase any services. Since joining cc power in 2021, clean powersf rate payers benefited from cc powers joint procurement of new long lead time Clean Energy Resource projects. To date with the approval of the commission and the board, clean powersf is participating in purchase of energy and capacity with 4 Energy Projects through competitive solicitations. That includes two Energy Storage projects, the tumble weed and Long Duration energy scorj project and under agreement clean powersf will purchase 23 megawatt share of 8 hour Energy Storage capacity. And two Geothermal Energy project up to 140 geothermal capacity. Together support clean powersf compliance with California Public Utility Commission procurement orders issued in 2021. Next slide, please. Last month our commission took two actions with respect to clean powersf participation in the cc power jpa. First, consistent with recommendations from the puc citizen advisory committee, which were adopted by lafco, our Commission Adopted resolution number 230138 in support of transparency, environmental accountability and labor standards for cc power. Specifically the resolution recommended extending cc power procurement practices to include multitrade project labor agreements for direct construction, preference for projects within the counties of the cc power members, complying with relevant consurvey plans and avoiding environmental habitat. Improving identification of and engagement with Disadvantage Community stakeholders and Decision Making and a number of others addressing workforce environment and environmental justice. The staff will participate in discussions in the coming months regarding these important issues and will be advoitcaing for adoption of these principles by cc power. The second action our commission took was to approve payment of clean powersf share of cc power on pp going general and administrative cost and authorize the general manager of the sfpuc to obtain board of supervisor approval. As members of cc power, we are obligated to pay our share of the general expenses, and in 20 twin the bord approvedwhen the board approved clean power s rks if membership to the jpa it approved payment for the cost of three years so that comes to expiration shortly so well seek board of supervisor approval to extend that authority in the fall. Next slide. You can skip two actually. Thanks. Sfpuc staff are in the process of preparing clean powersf power content label for calendar year 2022. Think of this as the food product label that you might see at the store. In 2022 our 6 year of operation as a cca, we continued our strong track record delivering clean energy to our customers. Our green product featured 97 percent clean renewable electricity with annual emission factor of 47 pounds of Carbon Dioxide equivalent per megawatt. That is 90 percent less then california state wide Green House Gas emission in 2021. You can see the breakdown on the slide by technology or fuel type in the pie chart on the top for the green product. The pie chart on the bottom identifies the fuel mix for the super green product in 2022 which consisted of 50 percent wind and 50 percent solar sourced from new renewable portfolio standardentialable generating facilities in california. The final power content label will be sent out to all customers in september following sfpuc commission approval. I have one more content slide if thats okay. Please proceed. Thank you. Thanks. Lastly, i wanted to provide a overview of a new Battery Storage product clean powersf contracted with. Recently entered into a contract to puchs stand alone Energy Storage capacity from what is called the corby Battery Storage product. The corby project is an innovative four hour lithium ion battery system built. The agreement with the corby project allow clean powersf to meet the regulatory obligations with the california puc and independent system operator. It is significant given that it has been challenging to acquire new clean Energy Capacity recently due to various market supply and grid interconnection constraints. This project provides timely new capacity to the states grid. Corby will provide clean powersf in california with additional flexibility managing our power grid, helping keep the lights on during the hottest months of the year when demand for electricity is at the peak. The project will also allow to serve the customers more efficiently by charging and storing energy from the grid during hours of low system power prices, when solar is abundant and are discharging that energy during higher price periods typically when solar is not available. It will also help clean powersf balance its diverse Renewable Energy resources on the grid. Filling in the gaps caused when the wind stops blowing and sun isnt shining. By added approximately 300 megawatts of new clean Energy Capacity the corby project represent a siginant new investment for the bay area, it will create good paying jobs of prevailing wages, and also submitted a social Impact Partnership proposal along the bid submission incorporated into the agreement as a contract requirement. So, that actually concludes my prepared remarks and happy to take any questions you may have. Thank you for the presentation. Colleagues, if there are no questions at this time, i like to hear from executive officer pollack with a update on lafco activities regarding clean powersf. Floor is yours. Great. Thank you. Good morning commissioners. Jeremy pollack, lafco executive officer. Give me a moment to bring up my slides. Providing brief updates both on lafco oversight work of clean powersf as well as our progress on starting the studies from the mou with sfpuc. On the resolution passed by the board earlier this year that supported the mou, the board also requested lafco continue our work monitoring and clean powersf and advising the board and puc and so we are planning to deliver semiannual updates on all of the oversight work we have been doing here and working on that for the next meeting in september, and also establish tracking dashboard thats posted on the lafco website to keep track of all the various information requests from the commission and hearings we had. Switching gears to the studies, the special studies that well be conducting with clean powersf as part of the memorandum of understanding, as we discussed in our last meeting around the work plan for the upcoming fiscal year, we are starting with two studies on Battery Storage issues and with Green Bank Financing and planning to revisit the later studies, other studies later in the year as we start to contact stakeholders and sketch the scope of work for those. So, brief updates on the two studies that were underway and Battery Storage study proposing a two phase scope of work. First phase will have a narrower scope of work focused on r3 occupancy which is Single Family homes and duplexes. That is the most traditional area for Battery Storage in homes. It is what the industry deals with across the state and it is the area that Single Family homes have the most room for the traditional size of Battery Storage that where most of the roof top solar is in the city and theres a lot of discussion between puc, department of the environment and dbi and Fire Department on the various permittings issues. A major issue that we are looking to dig into is fire risk and fire safety. Fire department has a lot of concerns around lithium ion batteries. There is press around the fire started particularly by electric scooters and other types of mobile batteries and i think we are looking to explore are there ways towhat are the fire safety characteristics of the home storage batteries that typically install along with roof top solar, and looking at is there a way to delineate a safer category of battery that we can allow without installing sprinklers that is prohibitive, which is a area that is really limiting the expansion of significant Battery Storage in San Francisco. Thats the first phase we are tackling and goting initial comments from those departments i mentioned and excited to dig into that. Planning a second phase that looks at broader fildings, multifamily apartments, looking front of the meeting storage and then host of related issues around labor and workforce issues while customer Technical Support is needed to ramp up. Just looking for a study to point the way on policies and regulations that can promote really expanding the amount of storage we have in the city both as a way to provide electricity resilience in case of emergency and Power Outages for san franciscans and then also dealing with shifting the peak demand we have in the afternoon and early evenings and the batteries allowing us to not have to rely so much on the expensive electricity that needs to be purchased in those afternoon times to both save customers money and reduce the amount of electricity San Francisco needs to consume. And so, we are working to continue reaching out to broader range of stakeholders and finalize the scope of work for phase one of the study and looking at opportunities to get a consultant onboard and kick that off hopefully in the fall. And then the Green Bank Financing study, we are looking to develop the scope of work for that and largely looking at building on the work of the reingestment working group and plans for public bank and Municipal Finance Corporation and incorporating the department of the environment interest from the report on financing the Climate Action plan and their recommendation of establishing a green bank and hoping that we can study next steps and standing up the Municipal Finance Corporation that can function as the citys green bank and looking at various opportunities to financeto fund that entity to stands it up, think with financing programs and partners on that process. Welcome any input you all have on which areas to focus on and any input on the other scope of work on that. Then i will give a brief update on the Inflation Reduction Act funding that is 27 billion that the epa is making plans to distribute for the Green House Gas Reduction Fund. Last friday, they announced the notice of funding opportunities for two of the three buckets of that gtrf. The one that is most exciting for the green banking idea is this Clean Communities investment accelerator, which intends to provide 6 billion in grants to entities like green banks so the epa is planning a two phase approach to rolling this money out and the initial funding round they intend to issue between 2 and 7 grants. We imagine those will be regional entities that applications are due in september of this year and with epa intending to announce the awardees in the spring and so we are really gearing up for a second round application to those initial grantees that we imagine will get information on in early 2024. The guidelines on this fund talk about specifically about capitalization funding for Community Lenders like green banks and guidelines recommend up to 10 million in capitalization along with 1 million in technical assistance. It does allow discorrection for applicants to argue why they deserve more. When you at a 6 billion pot divided into 11 million grants that is 545 potential grants for green banks across the country which makes it seem like a strong chance that we could have a really strong application if we are able to get this entity sort of organized and stood up in time for next year. And so on the study we are continuing to follow up with stakeholders, with the pu crurks puc and clean powersf. We are also talked with department of the environment and treasurer Tax Collector office is interested participating and also looking to reach out to community groups, industry and labor and welcome any feedback you have on this and hoping to shape a scope of work and get started on this shortly. And i believe that concludes my presentation. Thank you for your presentation. All these updates and i should note, thank you for your leadership and work and presentation. Mr. Samurai at our government audit and Oversight Committee yesterday talking more about public banking and specifically about green banks, so appreciate all that work and the presentation. I did have one question and i dont want to get ahead of ourselves, but obviously there is a number of moving parts on establishing the mfc and green bank and so forth. Im curious with respect with partnerships with cdfi and cfi, whether the level of interestthey were interview d as part of the process of scoping out what public bank could look like, and i also know obviously we dont have the money yet or structure, but im curious if there are conversations happening or if not, when those would be preoperative to begin around looking in a more concrete way at how that partnership would look and what the appetite is for that. Happy to take that supervisor. The plans that the working group, Investment Working Group created envisioned that all the work that the mfc does, that initial entity would come fromwould be done in partnership with cdfi and when we had those interviews they told us, if we are willing to provide them a below market rate that is competitive with what private banks and offer them, they are more then happy to partner with us. Let me clar ify, that doesnt mean we aret noprofitable, it just are means that we are not profitable to the extent wall street banks are. We can turn a profit, do social good in San Francisco and provide our cdfi partners with a rate that allows them to also do their work efficiently. At this point, it would be premature to begin that conversation. I would say San Francisco needs to take some steps in establishing or at least beginning to establish the mfc, the initial entity, and then finding that initial pot of funding. Once we have a better understanding of the amount of fund, we can begin the conversation and let our cdfi partners know we are able to do for them, and they are more then happy to work with us, at least all the ones we talked to are. Great. Thank you. I did have one question switching gears for mr. Hyams on the clean powersf and thank you for the detailed presentation and very clear for the public and for us. I just curious on the power content chart that you laid out, is that pretty consistent year to year on what those percentages are or are there any trends we should be aware of . It has been fairly consistent, but there can be changes year to year that are driven by a couple factors. One factor is the term of certain contracts that we may have. We may have contracts expiring that are delivering power from a particular generator and fuel type, and the expiring of those contracts and new contracts might come on with a different resource type for example, so that is one thing that could change the configuration of the pie chart. Another thing that might change the configuration of the pie chart is a drought. You may have noticed from that our green product consisted in 2022 of i want to say about 35 percent hydro electric. We will have another strong year for 2023, but as you all probably know, we have been through pretty severe droughts over the past few years so that number could decrease. It is something we are mindful of as we prepare to move into establishing and maintaining hundred percent renewable every year, starting 2025. The risk around drought. Those are some things that could shift that around a little bit. Yeah. There may also be changes in regulation that could change some of the presentment of that information as well in the future. Thank you very much. Any questions or comments colleagues . Then we will go ahead and open this item up for Public Comment, mr. Clerk. Thank you. If we have Public Comment from anyone here in the Board Chamber for agenda item 3, please come forward to the Public Comment lectern. I have to adjust the timer. You will enjoy two minutes of Public Comment and then hear from those connected to the system remotely. If you wish to comment on this and called in dial star 3 and that will add you to the queue. Please begin. Good morning commissioners. My name is paul wormer. I want to say im a great fan of clean powersf and thank executive officer pollack for very helpful discussions on the Battery Storage studies. Im here to make a pitch that we need to look more at in front of the meter, Energy Storage both electrical and therm aul because with heat pump electrical and thermal storage become efficient impuving efficiency and that can become more important as we go to hundred percent renewable and deal with peak demand periods when the heat pumps have the least efficiency, which is big deal. It is like a 30 percent or more drop in the peak demand. But, the in front of the meter storage strategy can also offer real benefit for equity. They offer opportunities for more environmentally sound battery chemistries, and they significantly reduce hazards to inhouse. I would also note as someone who owns a two unit building that i live in, so it is a r3, we dont have enough space on our lot to put in Battery Storage for both units, which we would have to do. We will not have enough space on the roof top to put in enough solar. We have solar, but it isnt enough to fully provide the demands, especially with heating energy, and so even for the r3 occupancies, not all are able to take advantage of onsite Battery Storage and maximize the use, so it becomes useful for those with large lots and large properties, but there are a lot of people who will be left out. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Appears no one further in the chamber with Public Comment on three and no caller in the queue online. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. I just one other comment, i forgot to reference this before. Less of a question then just as on the battery issue you referenced the Fire Safety Concerns and talking to the Fire Department. I just are wanted to elevate that and i say this as someone who in my district we have a fatality believed to be from one of these scooter batteries that you are talking about. I think it is a really serious issue and i think in orderboth to insure safety, and also encourage folks who may hear these stories, if and when it is clear it can be done in a safe way, there is i think a need to assure the public as well. I just wanted to elevate that and maybe suggestif we get written guidance and clearance from the Fire Department great, or if there are questions that might benefit the public we may want to invite someone from the Fire Department to speak as this is moving forward. Brief response. Absolutely. We received initial feedback from the Fire Department who pointedthey have a fire bulletin specifically on r3 occupancy for stationary Energy Storage and also directed us to where in the california fire code this is covered, and heard initial discussions that scooter types batteries are notorious for being less safe then the inhome larger storage that is traditionally installed along with roof top solar, but absolutely need to get the expert feedback and Fire Department is critical to be at the table on that. There is frustration from the industry in that San Francisco has much stronger regulations on the size of the Battery Storage. I think it is capped 20 megawatt storage is the most you can install without adding sprinklers. All most everywhere in the state they install much larger batteries, but as a very dense city we are fairly unique in california and a lot of old wood buildings fire safety is paraminute. Paramount. Thank you very much. Thank you both for the presentations. I believe there is no action to take on this matter so well go ahead and call item 4. Agenda item 4 is programs and policy for promoting usage of electric bikes in San Francisco. This is discussion and possible action item. Thank you mr. Clerk. Looking forward to hearing from our lafco, walker woodard, welcome and thank you for all your work. The floor is yours. Thank you. I worked with sf lafco earlier this year as a previous fellow in public affairs. My name is walkered woodard and will discuss the findings of the report to promote the usage of electric bikes in San Francisco. Moving to the next slide to provide some background and goals of this project. The background is that the lafco partnered with uc santa cruz in 2019 to conduct a study of the gay economy in San Francisco, the landscape and current workforce and in that study they found over 70 percent of current gig workers were interested or open to transitioning indiscernible with that finding the department of environment this year is developing a Pilot Program for gig workers to have electric bicycles and they have 30 electric bikes this year for gig workers and this report im presenting today is to share an arare of recommendations and options to scale up the programs if the city of San Francisco being is appropriate to do so. Moving to the next slide, ill begin discussing the types of electric bike Rebate Programs i saw from my research. I reviewed a variety across the country and there were three main bucket frz the electric bike programs. The first is either a Standard Rebate Program for new or used bicycles which is flat rebate across the board. For eligible recipients or they have varying rebates based on income, so lower income individuals receive a higher rebate to or rebate based on the price of the bike. One thing was typically use was new or use electric bicycle purchase to open up the market and another variable was the conversion kits for electric bicycles so converting a bike to electric bike varies if it was eligible for rebate in these programs, and are then for the next bucket the loan to own structures which is another option would be having a agreement for set timeframe at low fee or no cost to obtain the electric bicycle after set timeframe concludes and the individual would have insurance for the electric bicycle and that would be the second bucket i saw in the research. The three is ebike Lending Library increasing popular across the country and oakland is establishing their own Lending Library within their area and essentially there is a variety of Community Based organizations that would have set timeframes Community Members can pay a small free or check out the electric bike for a set time and return at the end. Moving to the next slide is a table representing 5 electric bike programs across the county that represent my sample size. I had 30 across the country i reviewed to obtain this information and believe these 5 give an example of the varation among the different Rebate Programs. So, going to the next slideill begin diss cussing some of the federal Funding Options that would be available for scaling up these kind of ebike Rebate Programs. Inflation reduction act established the methods. Green house Gas Reduction Fund climate pollution grants and environmental and Climate Justice block grants with 27 billion, 8 billion and 3 billion. Section 33 also has a section where i are believe there is opportunity to partner with local businesses to essentially have tax incentives to establish this kind of infrastructure for charging electric bicycles and it would be a great option especially with gig workers providing these services for local businesses just to have this local partnership and the last is neighborhood access and Equity Grant Program for the federal Highway Administration and they have funding available to establish bike lanes which produce safety and have more options for these Mobility Options to occur in the city. And going to the next slide, i will discuss current programs that really demonstrate the demand of ebikes in california and the support that exists so this year the California Bicycle Coalition and carb are rolling out a California Ebike Affordability Program with 10 million in fund ing to get 10 thousand residents with california to use ebike for mobility needs. The next is multiple regional air quality districts also have programs to transition vehicles to newer vehicles that are cleaner more sustainable for residents with 7500 ribait available and i believe that the city and county of San Francisco could do a partnership with these sf bay area quality district to incentivize gig workers to take advantage of this. Going to the next slide is a overview of indiscernible going next slide forward. Overview of recommendations to discuss and the following slides ill go through each now. Starting with the first one is relevant to the last component just mentioned is having partnership with the city and county of San Francisco with the sf bay area air Quality Management district to refer gig workers to have this option to trade in their vehicles to switch to ebikes if interested and they receive the 7500 rebate to do so and also the city would provide a additional rebate so they can have that additional funding or obtain additional supplies that is needed with a ebike typical. Going to the next recommendation that is available, San Francisco can mandate that 50 percent of gig base delivery is used for electric vehicle or eride service such as ebikes and that could be in accordance with the states 2035 ev goals and make sure gig platforms stay on track and appropriate timeline to transition and this could be a example time of 2027. Going to the next recommendation, recommendation number 3, i think it would be appropriate toonce they indiscernible comes up to expiration in 2027 to explore partnerships with other platforms or other options to make a more robust public bicycle sharing system, but also incorporate the gig workforce in this structure to really provide scalability to this program if the city and county deems fit. And then going to the next recommendation, i think there could be a option for sfpuc to develop their own Rebate Program for electric bikes which is typical in a lot of programs i saw across the country for mew nispies to have the utility provider and this indiscernible bike Funding Options that sfpuc to obtain to provide to the consumers. Go ing to the next recommendationforward. Based on sf zero emission environment requirement for city fleets there could be a option to replace vehicles with electric bicycles. Also to have more a light duty fleet for certain activities if appropriate and just have that as a option since the deadline to transition these vehicles to electric was end of 2022, so this could be another way to develop more electric bicycle use within San Francisco. Going to recommendation 6, there could be a option to develop a public loan to own program in the city to gauge interest across the board within residents, and have a option for them to either apply or opt into the program where they can pay a low fee to basically have this loan to own program of having electric bicycles for their own use within the city, or could be through a funding option and they instead like opt in to data sharing and feedback options how they experience, how this impact the City Mobility option whether congestion or other factors. For the last recommendation ill mention today, there could be Additional Research in ev Funding Options to establish if there is a shortage of e bike funding compared to ev funding to advocate or supply feedback for additional funding for e bikes so there is as many options for mobility for individuals based on the need whether in the urban area or et cetera and that concludes all my prepared information for this report and happy to take questions at this time. Thank you very much for your presentation, and for all your work and i will say, this has been a area of particular interest for our office, and i want to recognize and appreciate the partnership of former supervisor gordon mar and former lafco commissioner gordon mar who was working on this and who we were collaborating with on this, when he was on the commission. Very interested in the findings and the recommendations. I also want to note that we held a hearing at the board of supervisors around at looking at possible public bike share as something as these contracts with lyft and others come up of looking whether we could have some form of municipal bike share in San Francisco and how that would fit in with the regional commitments and renewal requests and so forth, so i are think there is active discussion and this is very timely to fit the recommendations and possibilities here into that broader discussion. I did have a couple questions for you, but i will hold off because everyone is jumping on the roster to ask you questions, so let us start with commissioner singh. I wanted to thank you. This is wonderful. I was on the commission a young commissioner when we first did this so excited to see we are still working on it and i really appreciate the depth and breath of these recommendations. I think there is a lot hopefully the Advocacy Community in San Francisco around these issues and take these and run with them, but that isnt the purview of the lafco commissioner, hope they do. I just wanted to secondi dont have questions now but i want to second what commissioner preston was about to discuss with the particular interest in bay wheels infrastructure. I think if past experience is a endication of how some of these more indiscernible for profit sort of alternative Mobility Services function when they decide to scrap a program, they pretty much junk every resource we can use. They junk the scooters and bike and end up in pits all over the world so i think we need to be proact ive, board andif 2027 is when that contract is going to expire, i think the outcome is pretty predictable so we should be trying to see how much of the infrastructure we can use. Yeah, i think thats all i have for now, but thank you especially for highlighting the bay wheels things. That is a very important reminder. One more thing too. I believeone thing that came up in the original study the survey in 2018 was one affordsability and i think the recommendations really dig into that issue. A lot of delivery workers are just simply not able to afford ebikes even if they want them. And this isntthese recommendations were not supposed to be but i want to make a broader comment that there was alsoone thing i remember when we went over that study is safety and infrastructure, because that was up there in terms of the responses in the survey about yes, i need to be able to afford this ebike and want to make sure i will not get seriously injured or killed, so as we sort of start to think about hey, what could a public bike infrastructure look like and think about what our timelines are for that, we also need safety infrastructure and timelines to match. Concluded. F thank you commissioner singh. I do want to note the budget and legislative analyst did a really excellent report. Board of supervisors, the bla presented a report on the cost of acquiring that bike share infrastructure. That report was not specifically about electric bikes, more broadly about the potential for and different models looked and studied different models so definitely encourage folks to view that and i think it is a question we probably should talk further about. In light of these recommendations, whether we want to have further inquiry potentially from the bla or through lafco or would love to help convene that discussion of how we move some of this forward in light of these recommendations. Commissioner williams. Thank you commissioner preston. I promise this question isnt going to be scary, but i wonder in your research if youve kept an eye on the regulations being implemented to control the intending doom that is things like, uber eats robots and indiscernible and cruz. Maybe that is a question for commissioner preston, but i wonderyeah, anythingspark anything for you or did any alarm bells go off and is there anything we should kind of keep our eye on . Yep. Thank you for that question. Nothing in my research came up regarding those factors in regards to electric bicycles and like using them in the gig economy. I think that is definitely a good thought to consider just moving forward as this is developing so much compared to when i did in the beginning of the year. It progressed so much with Autonomous Vehicles and artificial intelgence so great comments. I appreciate that question. Thank you commissioner williams. I had a couple questions. Im curious about the idea of potentiallyi havent looked and dont know the legal issues around whether the city can do this or whether it would have to be a differentthe state or but the idea of trying to mandate or secure some agreements from the app base Delivery Services around commitments. I think your suggestion in here was a mandate of 50 percent of the gig base delivery being by electric vehicles. Im curious if in your research you are able to quantifyif they were to do that, we have a pilot going now that is 30 vehicles. I have been pretty consistent voice of saying, and i feel for our executive officer because i think every time we meet the question is, how are we going to expand that . I think we all want to. How to go from 30 to something much more significant that will really impact congestion and our streets. If they were to convert 50 percent, what are we talking about . Is that a fleet of a hundred vehicles, a thousand vehicles . Do you have a sense of that . That is a great question and obtainable to quantify the amounts. I think the recommendation was coming from the general like state goals of transitioning to electric vehicles and as the city San Francisco and county is very inflelsh in all the decisions they make comparable to new york city to comply with labor standards, so i think this could be a recommendation i think with the additional insight the city looks into and explore, but i definitely think i could obtain that and provide to the executive officer if you are interested. Interesting. Particularly interested aaround the ebikes. It is lumping all electric vehicles in that category. I do think and to commissioner williams point, we are in a moment in San Francisco where we are massively ramping up the driverless vehicles that are coming by constantly. Increased traffic congestion. We have obviously a lot more especially the pandemic of package delivery, and then you add to that folks who are using a service to get a burrito delivered and that person is jumping in a car, driving 7 blocks, double parking that car and thats where i feel not just electric vehicles, but specifically the pilot around bikes and electric bikes has so much potential. I just wouldwhether through your further research. I know you are wrapping up or lafco justif the research is there, it is great to know if we are really able to secure the funding and ramp up what is the scale, how many electric bikes are we actually talking about to get 25, 50, 75 percent of those shifted over to bikes. I thinkmy only other question you reference city seats. I was curious if that was exclusively around shifting to electric cars as opposed toi dont know if there is some aspect of the city fleet that lend to electric bikes or not . Just wanted clarification on the recommendations around the city fleet. Happy to provide that clarification. I was recommending it going to a e bike mobility for selected services that were appropriate and that could be explored and researched because it would reduce the cost and make the fleet a little more of a light duty and flexible as well. Great. Fascinating work. Why dont we hear from the public. Open the item up for Public Comment. Thank you, any members of the public or in the chamber with Public Comment on this agenda item 4 . It appears not. If you are connected remotely and wish to speak on the item dial star 3. Mr. Chair pro tem, i see we dont have Public Comment on the item. Public comment is now closed, and mr. Woodard, before we let you go and let you get away from that microphone, let me say on behalf of lafco that we would like to thank you for your work and for moving this Important Research forward. I are think this is a very important work that you have been doing. I know our chair isnt here personally today to thank you, but i know she shares in wanting to convey our thanks and she also had prepared a certificate of honor for you from the board of supervisors and also signed by our lafco commissioners. We want to congratulate you on graduating from the coro program, the 75 class of fellows in public affairs, and i will turn it over to our executive officer who has the certificate of honor to present to you and maybe words as well to share. Executive officer pollack. Thank you very much and just want to say thank you walker for all your work. Walker term of service was just the month of january and i was wondering how much he would be able to accomplish in one month and seeing this wellrounded the rorlt, the wide range of interviews and insight for someone who comes more from Public Health background and new to the world of transportation and ebikes and impressed what you were able to put together and thank you for your contributions and really wish you all the best and yeah, thank you for being a part of the lafco team this year. Thank you. I dont know if you want today share any remarks before we hand you the certificate of honor. Thank you very much. This means a lot and really appreciate all the very kind words from the commissioners and the executive officer. I appreciate it very much. Thank you. Thank you. I will go ahead and probably break all protocol, but when you hand me the gavel that sometimes is what happens and invite you to come up here into the well here. Hopefully invite our lafco folks up as well and maybe we can do a quick photo with you and your certificate of honor. Come on up. Thank you everyone, and lets call item 5 mr. Clerk. Very good. Just noting there was no action taken on item 4 before we move to item 5. 5 is resolution authorizing the executive officer to finalize and execute agreement with Steven Suzuki for Community Facilitation and Property Assessment Service Related to midtown Park Apartments not to exceed 50 thousand with miner revisions agreed to by the general counsel. This is discussion and action item. Thank you mr. Clerk, and this had a long road, but excited to see this moving forward, so lets hear on this item from executive officer pollack. Great. Thank you very much. Very excited to bring this for you for approval. We successfully negotiated a contract with the winning bidder for the rfp for midtown park apartment study, and little background at the request of commissioner preston added a study on the midtown Park Apartments and western addition, the only city owned Residential Properties in San Francisco and going to be working on evaluating potential models for resident ownership and control there, and as part of that process, the board of supervisors allocated 45 thousand for lafco for consultant to do the xhinety facilitation work and Property Condition assessment. We issued rfp for consultant. We received two qualified proposals, and convened Evaluation Panel and the highest scoring was proposal from Steven Suzuki. Demonstrated lot of knowledge of midtown and relevant experience on Community Facilitation and lot of knowledge of housing ownership models and they also proposed a really robust Property Assessment process involving subcontractors with mechanical and electrical engineer and the two principals are architects so satisfied with the proposal received. The one hang up on the contract negotiations was the request from the bidders for additional funding for reimbursement for unexpected insurance costs, and that was why we agendized this for 50 thousand beyond the original 45 thousand we advertised. Through contract negotiations we come to agreement on them with them to reduce that to 45. 650, allowing additional 650 to reimburse for the insurance cost. The 45 thousand comes from the funding from the board of supervisors and supply the 650 from the lafco fund balance which of the budget that you adopted was approximately 75 thousand, so a policy choice for you all to sign off on. I admit, a bit frustrating in having to supply a little of extra funding, but at the same time given the amounts of work involved in this contract it is pretty substantial and 45 thousand is a small amount of money in the scheme of things for these type of contracts. I feel like it is a reasonable expenditure to make sure we get the highest Quality Services and also to insure that our contractors have the robust insurance requirements that our general counsel recommended to make sure lafco is covered and consultants are covered just in case of any mishaps. So, that concludes my report. The recommendation would be to amend the resolution before you approving to authorize me to finalize and execute the agreement and change that not to exceed amount from 50 thousand to 45. 650. Thank you executive officer pollack and by the way, i want to clarify in my introductory comments when i said a Long Time Coming, that is not long time due to lafco, which has actually turned this around very expeditiously. I want to commend you and our general counsel for what is numerical a dollar value relatively small contract, but in terms of the importance of many peoples lives midtown park apartment a very significant agenda item and appreciate you turning that around quickly. The Long Time Coming is a reference to things far outside the jurisdiction of lafco and decades long promises from the city to deliver ownership of midtown in some form of the residents. Just wanted to clarify that. Commissioner williams. You intend to do a motion to amend and second. I think weshould we wait till Public Comment prior to doing that . Well do that after Public Comment any other questions or comments . Im so excited looking at this contract a few times robust is a understatement. Thank you so much for stewarding this. Quick is correct, and dean or commissioner preston, thank you also for being such a fierce advocate for these tenants and very excited to see this developing and i could use more indiscernible thank you. Thank you. Commissioner singh. I echo fellow commissioners. This is a Long Time Coming and again not because of us. Anyone here. But really glad to see this moving forward, particularly the fact we are looking at a range of different models with the best option for the tenants, and especially want to applaud the Selection Process appears to have found a really solid candidate and particularly i think one of the issues that we have seen with midtown in the past is the residents not being able to get a realistic sense that isnthow to put this. The residents being able to trust the advice they are given on the Structural Integrity of the complex and having actual architects and engineers as well as people who understand alternative financing models and funding models for housing and especially cooperatives. I think this is just really well done so thank you. Thank you commissioner singh. Mr. Clerk, lets open up for Public Comment. Thank you, anyone in board room 250 who has comment on item 5 . Appears we have none. If you are connected remotely and wish to speak, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. Delaying for a moment. And we have no callers in the queue. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. Commissioner williams, would you like to make a motion to amend the resolution as stated by executive officer pollack . Motion to approve the amendments suggested by executive officer pollack. Is there a second . Second. Mr. Clerk. On the motion to amend the resolution to change the not to exceed amount to 45. 650 and then approve the resolution as amended offered by commissioner williams, seconded by commissioner singh, commissioner williams, aye. Commissioner preston, aye. Commissioner singh, aye. Mr. Chair pro tem, there is no opposition. Thank you. That motion passes, and thank you everyone for the work on this. Mr. Clerk, lets go ahead and call item 6. Item 6 is executive officer report. Discussion and possible action item. Thank you. Executive officer pollack. Thank you. I have just a brief update for you going to turn it over to our policy analyst to give a update on our public banking work. Hello again commissioners. We have officially completed the work under the reInvestment Working Group ordinance on july 22 of this, we officially submitted all final plans from the working group to the board of supervisors and yesterday july 20, the chair of the working group, the Consultant Team for the working group and myself presented to the board of supervisors government audit and Oversight Committee. In addition, we have been presenting these final plans for the working group at july 12 town hall meeting organized by the public banking coalition. Scheduled to do a briefing for puc staff august 11. Multiple briefings for the board of superit visors and will continue to offer briefings for other City Departments moving forward. Also submitted the final work product of the working group to the federal deposit insurance commission. The California Department of financial protection invasion and the United States Federal Reserve system for feedback in anticipateation of creating the mfc and public bank. We want to know what they are thinking as soon as possible. Finally, we are starting the Green Bank Financing study, where we will two step process. We will secure funding from the sources jeremy mentioned earlier are, the green house Reduction Fund and design a Pilot Program that mfc can then take on. Great. Thank you. The only other item in the forward calendar is executive officer report with our transition to by monthly meeting schedule. Two regular meeting coming in september and november, and proposed topics are listed in the forward calendar and that concludes our report. Thank you for your presentation. Unless therei see commissioner singh has a question. I have a quick question and i should havethis is on my mind when we were discussing item 3. For the Green Bank Financing study, like, what sort ofit is great to know we are submitting the work to regulators as soon as possible because it will probably take time to get back that. What regulatory ducks would we need to have in a row of in advance of qualifying for the second round of federal funding . Was it 2026 . Sorry. 2024, commissioner. We dontthe only regulatory requirements are to start a public bank, so San Francisco could start the municipal Financial Corporation tomorrow if there was political will and funding and additionally, we can get funding from the epa Green House Gas Reduction Fund without having started the mfc. We could still apply or City Department could apply. Would it make more competitive if we have it started and ready to go and accept the funds and distribute them . Absolutely and maybe get more then the 11 million limit to get started. There is no reg ural tore hoops to jump through and untilfor the mfc and for getting these funds. The onlywe are just anticipating three years in the future when we apply for a public bank charter and just to be ready for that process. Great. Thank you. That answers my question. Thank you mr. Samurai for all your work. As i said elsewhere, you have done really stellar work with the reInvestment Working Group and mapping out these plans and putting us in a position where now it is a matter of political will and legal analysis. As you point out, the regulatory issues to resolve forming a public bank. The Current Issues at the board wearing my other hat on the board of supervisors, the challenge is working with the City Attorney around setting up a mfc and do that consistent with local law, which is different issue then satisfying federal reg yulators. It is turning the working group put forward in the detailed plans you played such a Important Role moving that into ordinance for the board of supervisors and mayor to move forward. That is where we are. Ready for the next step and appreciate all your work. We have Public Comment . We have anyone with Public Comment on item 6 in the chamber . It appears we do not have any. Receiving update from our online staff that there are no callers in the queue. Public comment on this item is now closed. No action required on this item. Lets call the next item, number 7 on the agenda. Item 7 is Public Comment. Members of the public may address Public Comment on matters within the subject matter jurisdiction of lafco but do not appear on today s agenda. I invite anyone with Public Comment to come forward in the chamber. There is no one doing so. Checking to see if we have anyone connected remotely who has Public Comment for item 7 and we have no callers, mr. Chair pro tem. Public comment on this item is now closed, and please call item 8. Agenda item is future agenda items. Colleagues, any future agenda items to note . Seeing no one on the roster, lets open this up for Public Comment. This is the last time well take Public Comment for future agenda items. No one in the chambers and no one in the queue mr. Chair pro tem. Thank you. With no speakers, Public Comment is now closed. There is no action to take on this matter. Mr. Clerk, is there any other business before us today . There is no further business. Thank you, we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] [music] so, can you tell us what it was like for you during your First Encounter with the San Francisco Fire Department . Yep. It was super cool i got to learn about the dry standing pipe correction. It is actually called, dry sand piper just stand pipe. Tomato. You know. Yea. So, what is coming up next for what is that for . Oh , firefighter backsterinvited mow to a fire station to see the cool stuff firefighters use to put out fires. You have seen the had doors open like a space ship from out of nowhere. I close my eye its is like im there right now wow whoa. Watch out, man. What is that for . What is this . These are fire engines they might look alike they are both red. White top and red lights on top. This is a new 2021 fire engine and this is an older 2014 fire engine. If you cant tell, this one is shorter and narrower than our older fire engines. They have cool things like recessed lights. Roll up doors. 360 degree cam ares and more that is important as the city is moving toward slower and safer streets adding parklets and bulb outs and bike lanes we need to decrease our footprint to keep us and the Community Safer on emergency scenes. Whats back there . When is not guilty fire engine. Great question. I want to see, sure. Lets go back and look at the equipment and the fire pump on the fire engine. This is a fire pump. It is cool all the colors and all that. This fire pump and this engine holds 500 gallons of water that is a lot. A lot of water. It is push out 1500 gallons a minute of water. We can lose our 500 gammons quickly. Why we use hoses like this to connect to a fire hydrant and that gives us unlimited amount of water to help put a fire out temperature is important we have enough fire engine in San Francisco to put fires out. So we can reduce the injuries and minimize loss of life and minimize property damage. [music] mr. Will. Mr. Will. Will oh. Daydreaming. Thanks, everybody for watching bye [music] shop dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges resident to do their showing up and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local Services Within the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop dine in the 49 San Francisco owes must of the charm to the unique characterization of each corridor has a distinction permanent our neighbors are the economic engine of the city. If we could a afford the lot by these well not to have the kind of store in the future the kids will eat from some restaurants chinatown has phobia one of the best the most unique neighborhood shopping areas of San Francisco. Chinatown is one of the oldest chinatown in the state we need to be able allergies the people and thats the reason chinatown is showing more of the people will the traditional thepg. North beach is i know one of the last little italian community. One of the last neighborhood that hadnt changed a whole lot and San Francisco community so strong and the sense of partnership with businesses as well and i just love north Beach Community Old School Italian comfort and love that is what italians are all about we need people to come here and shop here so we can keep this going not only us but, of course, Everything Else in the community i think local businesses the small ones and coffee shops are unique in their own way that is the characteristic of the neighborhood i peace officer prefer it is local character you have to support them. Really notice the port this community we really need to kind of really shop locally and support the communityly live in it is more economic for people to survive here. I came down to Treasure Island to look for a weve got a long ways to go. Ring i just got married and didnt want something on line ive met artists and local Business Owners they need money to go out and shop this is important to short them i think you get better things. Definitely supporting the local community always good is it interesting to find things i never knew existed or see that that way. I think that is really great that San Francisco seize the vails of Small Business and creates the shop dine in the 49 to support businesses make people all the residents and visitors realize had cool things are made and produced in san by the time the last show came, i was like whoa, whoa, whoa. I came in kicking and screaming and left out dancing. [ ] hello, friends. Im the deputy superintendent of instruction at San Francisco unified school district, but you can call me miss vickie. What you see over the next hour has been created and planned by our San Francisco teachers for our students. Our premise came about for San Francisco families that didnt have access to technology, and thats primarily children preschool to second grade. When we started doing this distance learning, everything was geared for third grade and up, and we work with the little once, and its like how were they still processing the information . How were they supposed to keep learning . I thought about reaching the student who didnt have internet, who didnt have computers, and i wanted them to be able to see me on the t. V. And at least get some connection with my kids that way. Thank you, friends. See you next time. Hi, friend. Todays tuesday, april 28, 2020. Its me, teacher sharon, and im back again. I got an email saying that i had an opportunity to be on a show. Im, like, what . I actually got an email from the Early Education department, saying they were saying of doing a t. V. Show, and i was selected to be one of the people on it, if i was interested. I was scared, nervous. I dont like public speaking and all the above. But it worked out. Talk into a camera, waiting for a response, pretending that oh, yeah, i hear you, its so very weird. Im used to having a classroom with 17 students sitting in front of me, where theyre all moving around and having to have them, like, oh, sit down, oh, can you hear them . Lets listen. Hi guys. I kind of have stage flight when im on t. V. Because im normally quiet . Shes never quiet. No, im not quiet. My sister was, like, i saw you on t. V. My teacher was, i saw you on youtube. It was exciting, how the community started watching. It was a lot of fun. It also pushed me outside of my comfort zone, having to make my own visuals and lesson plans so quickly that ended up being a lot of fun. I want to end today with a thank you. Thank you for spending time with us. It was a great pleasure, and see you all in the fall. Im so happy to see you today. Today is the last day of the school year, yea it really helped me in my teaching. Im excited to go back teaching my kids, yeah. We received a lot of amazing feedback from kiddos, who have seen their own personal teacher on television. When we would watch as a family, my younger son, kai, especially during the filipino episodes, like, wow, like, im proud to be a filipino. Being able to connect with someone they know on television has been really, really powerful for them. And as a mom, i can tell you thats so important. The social Confidence Development of our early learners. [ ] the Stewardship Program is a indiscernible based program. We work with student kind r garten through 12 grade and work with scrks fusd and indiscernible focus on 5 themes. Sense of place, plant adapation and animal adaptation, water soil or indiscernible depending on the grade level and accommodations the class may need the educators work to adapt the programming to be whatever works best for the class, so they can gain activities indiscernible some dont, we try to meet students where they are at and get comfortable connecting in the space and feeling a sense of ownership and safety within their indiscernible the first component of a youth Stewardship Program trip will be a in clasds visit where we go to the school, we give a presentation on the Natural History of San Francisco, we talk about the concept of a habitat, so what does a habitat contain, understood, water, shelter, space. Children at this age, they learn best through using their senses, having the real Life Experience and indiscernible students also learn about responsibility and it is a great message for student to learn, if you take care of environment, the environment will take care of you. So, when we finally get the kids outside, we have two main components to the field trips. One is going to be the restoration component where we are working on the habitat and parks by pulling out indiscernible or maybe watering, and then the other side of our trip is going to be the educational component, which can range from a nature walk with a sensory theme where we are talking about what we smell and hear, to a focus on plant adaptation and animal adaptations. indiscernible just a great opportunity for students to learn more, connect with nature, and hopefully what they learn from the youth Stewardship Program they can take with them for the rest of their lives, and they will appreciate their environment more. Hopefully, when they appreciate it, they take care of it more every day. indiscernible so every year we open the application up in the fall. Interested teachers can apply for a classroom visit and up to two field trips to the city park of their choice. Field trips are 2 and a half hours long and like i said, they can happen in any city park indiscernible my name is marta im the management here with public works. It is found in the upon 1997. It is the only Public Access glass studio in San Francisco. We give access to everybody. You dont have to be an experienced artist to take classes we offer beginning level programming. Events. Fund raisers, it is about giving everyone who is interested in the opportunity to try glass to work with glass and experience mediums. Im linda im part owner and manager of the paper tree in japantownful im hope to create a destination. Not only do we have our huge selection of origami paper and book but a Museum Everybody can enjoy that and see what can be done by folding paper good to see amazing origami. A selection of paper. Got wonderful gifts from japan and Great Customer service. Im holly and i am the owner of [inaudible] in San Francisco. We offer classes. And open studio access. Workshops lead by local artists that you can see here we have a [inaudible]. And people should expect to join the community and just learn about local bay area artists in the process. [music] office of Initiative Start in the 2017 and started as a result of community advocacy. Our transgender Nonbinary Community advocates were really letting our government know that we needed to be heard. We needed to be considered and policy and budget decision and so, then the mayor lee and founding director of spark created officeof initiative that allow us to advocate for equity for transgender and nonbinary communitiful we focus on 4 areas. Training, education for the city employees. We focus on civic and Community Engagement making sure our leaders have a voice and are heard by our elected officials. We work on policies and programs to make sure our city is responsive to transand Nonbinary Community and add voice to departments to integrate transinclusion in policies, procedures and practice. We still have, lot of work to do to improve and address equity in san fran for our Community Upon i feel that we are on the right track and seeing how peoples lives are improving thanks to those changes. I do think it is unique that our local government is sponsive to transgender communities so i hope that people can remember that despite the work we had, we seat progress. We seat change and there is hope for transpeople in San Francisco and wherever we come together and organize to improve our lives. [music]television. In 1948 swensens ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve oldfashioned ice cream. Over 20 years. Yeah. Had my own business i was a firefighter and came in in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. Maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said im going to sell the Ice Cream Store what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the Ice Cream Store we decided to take that business on. And have it in the family i didnt want to sell it. To keep it here in San Francisco. And unintelligible . Share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. A round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the United States and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last were proud of that were Still Standing and people people are you tell people its been around in 50 years and dont plan on im San Franciscos first drag laureate and the first one in the world. The drag Laureate Program and the position is one this celebrates an artist for being the best in their craft and im proud to have received that xroel it it is afternoon ambassador role. A role that represents the lbgtq community in San Francisco the focus on the drag performers and transactivists and performers in San Francisco as well. When i heard the city was creating the drag laureate role i was so excited because it did foal like they were paying attention to us. And cared about when we gave culturally and economically to the city here is your new drag laureate for the city and county of San Francisco im getting the call from the mayor i was chosen was fantastic day. I will always remember. I thought that it would just be about the bay area. Because of what happening in the world it became a national story. I hope it can shine a light on San Francisco and how they take care of the drag community and the lbgtq community. I hope that i can help carve out this position and create a role with programs and events this can be passed down to future drag laureate this is come after me and can set a stage and standard for what this program is in San Francisco and national low and inner nationally. There is a rich history in San Francisco. That the drag community has been part of. Im very proud to follow in their footsteps and able to maintain what the drag community has done in the past and move forward with creating a bright future. My job is to elevate and celebrate im anthony im owner of scoop ice cream in the bayview. The environment sit down environment to enjoy a bananasplit. Root beer floot. Shake, et cetera. Just creating that environment for people to come and enjoy. They can experience this is cultural driven. We pretty much replicate what our culture means in the bayview. A back story me and my siplings my aunt took us out for ice cream all the time. Spend hours eating ice cream and talking and catching up with friends and family of came with an idea. Why dont you bring the ice cream shop back has not been one here in a time since the 90s. I thought it would be good to bring Something Back to a community where i grew up and something with me in business community. My fate is the apple pie flavor made from french cashew milk it is vegan. Homemade cashew milk and cocoa nut milk. Apples upon cinnamon and nutmeg and create a great desert. My great grand mother made it from scratch. Made ice cream for kids in the neighborhood and made different flavors. Sugar free and dairy free. Got passion to do it being here in the community and from my family. San francisco this is an exhibition across departments highlighting different artworks from our collection. Gender is an important part of the dialogue. In many ways, this exhibition is contemporary. All of this artwork is from the 9th century and spans all the way to the 21st century. The exhibition is organized into seven different groupings or themes such as activities, symbolism, transformation and others. Its not by culture or time period, but different affinities between the artwork. Activities, for example, looks at the role of gender and how certain activities are placed as feminine or masculine. We have a print by uharo that looks at different activities that derisionly performed by men. Its looking at the theme of music. We have three women playing traditional japanese instruments that would otherwise be played by men at that time. We have pairings so that is looking within the context of gender in relationships. Also with how people are questioning the whole idea of pairing in the first place. We have three from three different cultures, tibet, china and japan. This is sell vanity stot relevar has been fluid in different time periods in cultures. Sometimes being female in china but often male and evoking features associated with gender binaries and sometimes in between. Its a lovely way of tying all the themes together in this collection. Gender and sexuality, speaking from my culture specifically, is something at that hasnt been recently widely discussed. This exhibition shows that its gender and sexuality are actually have been considered and complicated by dialogue through the work of artists and thinking specifically, a sculpture we have of the hindu deities because its half pee male and half male. It turns into a different theme in a way and is a beautiful representation of how gender hasnt been seen as one thing or a binary. We see that it isnt a modest concept. In a way, i feel we have a lot of historical references and touch points throughout all the ages and in asian cultures. I believe San Francisco has close to 40 asian. Its a huge representation here in the bay area. Its important that we awk abouk about this and open up the discussion around gender. What weve learned from organizing this exhibition at the museum is that gender has been something that has come up in all of these cultures through all the time periods as something that is important and relevant. Especially here in the San Francisco bay area we feel that its relevant to the conversations that people are having today. We hope that people can carry that outside of the museum into their daily lives. Ever wonder about programs the city it working think to make San Francisco the best place to work and will we bring shine to the programs and the people making them happen join us inside that edition of whats next sf sprech of Market Street between 6th is having a Cinderella Movement with the office of Economic Workforce Development is its fairy godmother Telegraph Hill engaged in the program and providing the reason to pass through the corridor and better reason to stay office of Economic Workforce Development work to support the economic vital of all of San Francisco we have 3 distinctions workforce and neighborhood investment i work in the tenderloin that has been the focus resulting in tax chgsz and 9 arts group totally around 2 hundred thousand square feet of office space as fits great as its moved forward it is some of the place businesses engaged for the people that have living there for a long time and people that are coming into to work in the the item you have before you companies and the Affordable Housing in general people want a safe and Clean Community they see did changed coming is excited for every. Oewd proits provides permits progress resulting in the growth of mid businesses hocking beggar has doubled in size. When we were just Getting Started we were a new Business People never saturday a Small Business owner and been in the bike industry a long needed help in finding at space and sxug the that is a oewd and others agencies were a huge helped walked us through the process we couldnt have done it without you this is sloped to be your grand boulevard if so typically a way to get one way to the other it is supposed to be a beautiful boulevard and fellowship it is started to look like that. We have one goal that was the night to the neighborhood while the bigger project of developments as underway and also to bring bring a sense of Community Back to the neighborhood. We wanted to use the says that a a gathering space for people to have experience whether watching movies or a yoga or coming to lecture. That sb caliber shift on the street is awarding walking down the street and seeing people sitting outside address this building has been vacate and seeing this change is inspiringing. Weve created a space where people walk in and have fun and it is great that as changed the neighborhood. Oewd is oak on aortas a driver for San Francisco. Weve got to 23ri7b9 market and sun setting piano and it was on the street weve seen companies we say used to have to accompanying come out and recruit now theyre coming to us. Today, we learned about the office of Economic Workforce Development and its effort to Foster Community and make the buyer Market Street corridor something that be proud of thanks to much for watching and tune in next time for good afternoon, hello. Welcome to the ferry buildings birthday, yoo hoo what great weather we have to celebrate. Im elaine executive director of the port of San Francisco and i have the distinct honor of opening up this grand celebration. As the executive director of the port, my team and i have the awesome responsibility of 7 and a half miles of water

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