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Looked at these particular circumstances which could bring up to 60,000 people into the neighborhood because we identify that is likely having the most impact on her patients and employees trying to get to the hospital. During this time our chancellor publicly announced wildlife support for the plan pending an agreement with the city a few weeks ago were happy to announce we reach that agreement. I want to the plan were discussed today including local hospital access plan. So, all these things together brings us a high degree of confidence that the level of Traffic Monitoring and management is sufficient, more than sufficient, to ensure the people that need to get to our hospital will be a will to do so and for those reasons who supported the project any items before you. We encourage your support. My name is [inaudible] mission nylons. About with me a letter per pair by my colleague patseparate emails. Apologize for not having enough for each members of the board. But to highlight a couple of portions of this love. The first point i want to raise is that the failure to include a chance petition Management Plan Transit Service plan within ceqa im sorrywithin the final eir is a failure to comply with ceqa. This not just a technical foul. The failure to analyze its feasibility and efficacy and particularly the disability inefficacy alternatives means that the final eir is inadequate. The second point of it to raise is that the fair share fee obligation that are contained in the project have not been adequately analyzed under ceqa. Specifically, the decision in the Anderson First Coalition requires that the plan be enforceable in the payment for the hall mitigation measures be assured and proceed to enforceable mechanism. There is no such mechanism here. I should say more than half of the financing is to come from the city budget and in fact the staff has fair for the sfmta concedes this point. The final thing i want to bring up today is that in financing several very significant transportation improvement there is a public subsidy for the developer. The government code there is a public subsidy for the developer. The Government Code Section 53083 this body is required to do to follow the careful substantive regulations including carefully studied those thing. And having a public hearing on that issue. Take your time next speaker, please. Last speaker is tom whitby thereafter. Gotten my name is tom libby also present the missionary alliance. I want to speak you enroll as responsible agency. Without your approval of matters before you the project does not happen. So you do have an Important Role in the process here. Its not just that youre adding on value which a lot of us speakers were referring to the Transportation Fund is been important valueadded feature. So question the project is going to happen and that is a valueadded feature, but the question is whether the project should go forward in your findings under ceqa have to meet the apartments of law. I would encourage you to look at the ceqa comments submitted yesterday and today by the legal team from mission bay alliance. A lot of developers the abolition impacts are vented to be significant in the eir. The mitigation for that semester by the bay area quality of the was of Funding Amount providedfor the offset. It turns out the bay area air Quality Management district says thats not enough. Does not set forth in the eir based on that license amendment back into the cost into the cost about 600,000 and right of the city in the project sponsor agree to that sort of moment is no basis to find that that impact is likely significant at your findings they are asked to approve today say those impacts are less than significant but the evidentiary basis for that finding is now gone. As a letter dated yesterday frommr. Barajas made the argument is alternative offset option in addition monitoring program. But theres nothing in the record that would suggest alternative offset program is feasible. Were attainable and therefore dont have the evidence to make these findings. Anyone else . Seeing none, members of the board, questions or comments . Yes, we do have this come to policy and governance with some good discussions were very impressed with the work that has been done by mr. Albert. One of the things that we talked about, it was the fact that during these special bands is a former colleague director minus people are willing to walk a lot further than they normally will in everyday life and director ramos put out a whopping as part of the event and we can see that with the improvement the bicycle romberg and get a significant percentage of people coming on foot, bicycle which i think is going to be great. One thing i neglected to ask a policy and government is the point brought up by the gentleman of the speakers back about what does this bring to the bayview Hunters Point. Mr. Albert, you just go into that a little bit because i want to make sure that we acknowledge and talk about how this project and how these transportation prevents concert of flowthrough towards those neighborhoods. Thank you. Peter albert mta. The question treated back to make sure im getting correctly will be the benefit this project might extend to the bayview. The one lesson we learned from how at t park luncheon was the impact on the whole light rail line for special been happening at at t park. So, while we used all the extra capacity and reliability that went to the central subway plan including the twocar trains the shoreline, we do want to compromise all those investments having a large event on site. So by building the passover tracks by adding the four streetcars will be done is we let the baseline remained the baseline demand the special been. Its to the extra capacity the shuttles add value to anybody living in the area. See my be in. Patch started going to the warriors. The goods arrive all those extra vent service to that part of the city. Dont extend all down to probably that cesar chavez and mr. Ambitious walker, but the point of that is making sure that we dont have a negative impact on the quality of service is a big part of our Civil Service investment. Project we cannot talk about but we have talked about in a narrative environmental document is the Ferry Service by the waterfront. Its not in the eir because it is something we analyzed the survey has been in impetus with and working withlooking at of it terminal at 16th and the water. If that feasibility also shows that its a feasible project, the ferry operator is one to do that we know that already the warriors and thex restaurants but i can see everybody the ballpark Michigan Transportation loves it. That gives additional multimodal access to the whole southern one commit messages people the chance please be transit asked. That is reliant upon. So the benefits of this conversation about the worst extend well beyond week utilizing the eir in show the partythe coalition of people working together as lookingleveraging this project to but so much more transit investment that would otherwise know. Thank you. Can i add to that cleat isnt any time they come into a Service Change we doing Equity Analysis because of our funding anyway. Title vi. Right. It seems it would cover us, to cleat title vi analysis is by this but thats what one of the database on because its not an impact on service. Living also the addition with the central subway actually helps the joneses how long it takes you the shortcut on the t line thatll help about. I think this is an innovative project in the Transportation Demand management all the different topics you taken i think is really to be commended to think about this. They were so fortunate we learned a lot from the giant and actually think Traffic Congestion is a lot better to love other cities who have downtown stadiums because of how well weve got it down with the trains and a few people to drives. As a concert. Recent trends have extra parking lot is not highly utilized. I really commend you for taking all those things through. Respect of the speakers who came out and been a part of this post. Broken hospital honestly is very very critical making sure we improve transportation improvement botches the shortterm but the longterm Happiness Fund and having that Advisory Group that can help way into a sure course should things not be working well makes a lot of sense. But these are really Great Development for the city is the just addition we improved exponentially in this area. As a consequence so think of a much for your work on this. If i may, or elaborate on those comments because i get some basher mentioned earlier. A lot of the just addition investment that came out in this warriors project came from a much bigger overview of the whole waterfront was conducted by this agency over the last three years. So we want to make sure we were not doing Transportation Planning project to project that we knew the big picture deficiency in johnson. Social just was a big part of his earlier presentation waterfront has rotation assessments. I can tell you about his work on the worst project took an element of that assessment and understood transportation and whole waterfront region better because of that. We understand the need for Pedestrian Safety is to bicycle capacity in bayview, all those were helping us make sure we were not making a mistake, solving thinking moves over the production creating new problems. By looking at that bigger waterfront issue. Thank you. Again, mr. Albert and mr. Van water, this is been really exciting and happy to support it. Just a couple of questions to clarify. We come in the recognitions from the cac was a concern that pcos upc was would need to be hired. Maybe if you could talk a little bit more about how getting all those little stars staffed with pcos on a map wont drain from the rest of the citys resources . Thank you productive. I appreciate the feedback from the cac. What are represented was a commitment from the mta would make all the difference in making sure this plan works. I can tell you that when the great challenges that mta is making sure we have the resources to offer the service we have to provide. If the funding is the theres two issues that become the challenge in accommodating that service. Funding and time. We have done between now and 2010 to make sure your plan that works. Begun that to the extent that believe feasible and credible we developed a plan that anticipates the chance petition challenges and offer solutions. Funding strategy along with that allows us to create a hiring plan in advance of the Opening Event that shows where the liability when others x number of these events. I may go back to this dying. This is so helpful. You can reallyif the computer can go back to the image in the screen . Think you can or supply transportation or understood by the discharge either spending too much money in a Transportation Plan is not a vision or not spent enough and great problems. Having the predictability of scheduling and linking that with the giants in understanding the needs of the hospital in mission bay help us we to hiring plan that knows when those dual events are estimates what the size are use realtime information and marketing make sure we get people the right modes and honor their willingness to work with our most by offering the extra Transit Service in the pcos. To involve ingredients for hiring plan plus the time plus the resource. Thank you so much that it agrees your other questions the you entertained from me and dr. Brinkman and Council Member rubke. One last thing i been thinking about that conversation was the opportunity for people to purchase Parking Spaces when they buy their ticket for those auxiliary lots so that there will be a set amount of people trying to ask is those lots knowing that the weather can be will get in there is by way of a prepurchased parking pass if you will. Is that something youre factoring in to the equation of making this work . We have been working with the strategic realtime parking of information recording what is make sure this survey so we minimize the amount of drive around for parking. The others by using the geography of the Ticket Holders will not be will to intercept the parking locations at the corrected if you come out from the south, ebd ideal client for the parking lots that are south of the ring. Youre coming from the north was a lot of parking garages suck the market you park there and walk the quartermile. So theres two levels of technology that we would use. One is to get that to install certainty in knowing we are parking is an and second would be the geographic interception. Ibb review helpful know in advance that theyve got a spot so that drive around looking for one. It seems likely that the technology and the ability to be will to do that it be wonderful to be will to tap into that. Just to add to what peter has mentioned, where the unique advantages we have is a captive audience. Unlike fourth of july new years eve where people come from all over the region without a ticket they come from all different modes with to estimate the people are coming in from what area. Here we have a pointofsale where people are purchasing them. We often know what zip code their origin is coming from. We have them mitigation measure in the document that has that warriors committed to developing mobile apps and technology that as you purchase the ticket will know how to get there on transit. You know how to get there with vice chair. Enough to get there with Rideshare Services or taxi. If you are driving, you can prereserve that parking space. Theres limited parking onsite theres numerous parking garages available to the public offstreet within walking distance they come to lease arrangements with those operators. So they know directly where to go. We deftly want to avoid the circling affect people coming in. All park across the street without any premade reservation. What ends up happening when folks can find parking in the lot with a plan on parking they end up parking in the neighborhood. Then the neighbors have a hard time. Payday and upanyway that was in around the coliseum or those kinds of places is causally having to do with overflow parking interfering with their regular routines. So, i think it be great if people could know in advance whether or not there will be parking and if not they should know this one technology about using only useful today my fiancee. We got a lot of concern about gps services. An outsider. Allows people to find shortcuts to place. But dont acknowledge all the protections try to build in for qualityoflife. So we do know that we have to work very closely with these providers to make sure theyre not shortcircuiting all the good work. Thats very much part of our plan great work. They do so much. First of all, i just want to reinforce what came out to the presentation that we started this process with some principles in mind that really came from the mayor that we not only work City Government with the Committee Stakeholders to get the transportation right for the project which i think you can see things to the great work of peter and a lot of other folks have done that we been able to do a complex but very innovative and i think what we believe will be a very effective way but also in a way that makes it work for the other stakeholders in the area. The neighbors, the residence, the hospitals the rest of the community and the Jason Committee i think weve achieved that. I just want to one pencil the other principle and this is really my principal was that we do so without creating any adverse impact to the mtas operating or capital budgets. And that we do so in a way that has a Transportation Plan that minimizes any adverse impact to do anybody who is not trying to do to our from an early event. I think our Transportation Plan has been able us to do that. I do want knowledge again the work of peter and a lot of other folks in the Agency Within office of economic workforce development, oci, city planning City Attorneys Office working with the may stakeholders some as you heard from today and we really develop this plan with those stakeholders where we ended up is different where we started and were much better for it. To go through the process the were able to work through with the committed. I just wanted knowledge was a tremendous precedent work on that. There were a few technical regal issues that were raised during public on so i want to invite staff up to clarify those points before you consider a motion. Thank you i want to respond to couple the points raised by counsel for the mission bay alliance. First there was a comment that the Transportation Management was not included in eir and should have been. Thats not correct. Presentation management is included and volume 3 of the eir and extensive discussion and analysis of the tnt and transportation analysis for the er. Im also the tnt is enforceable to the medication monitoring and reporting program is before you for adoption. But i also wanted to speak to remarks made about the air quality offset measure. In my previous i mention we had made provisions that mitigation measure, change the requirement of the mitigation offset to 18,030 per weighted time from not to exceed to not less than. So that is no longer a ceiling but a floor. The survey room for continued negotiation with the air district over the amount of the offset fee but also wanted to mention, as they did at the yard certification. Thats any Department Staff and quality technical experts have been in discussion with the air district suitable for publication of the draft er by this mitigation measure about what is appropriate mount the offset fee. We elected, after those discussions, to base the fee on the costeffectiveness criteria developed by the California Air Resources Board for what is known as theprogram a state program that is used to fund offset projects. Thats a maximum amount that the state will grant for or award for the fund offset projects. Based on the state determination that offset projects that cost more than that amount per weight ton amount of cost effective. Its on that basis primarily that we determined were we decided that was an appropriate amount of the fee and that meets the requirements ceqa requirements that mitigation especially mitigation directly proportional to the impact that there mitigating. That said, the mitigation measure provides for further discussion with the air district and we intend to continue that discussion as we would like to reach a final agreement with the district around a workable offset mitigation measure we can apply both to the district as well as future projects. Weve never done this before good we think is very promising innovation measure. We also modified the mitigation measure because of ongoing discussions and or the other so far over the amount to add a second option to that mitigation measure. That second option would allow project sponsor to directly fund and offset project by then enter into an agreement with the air district. We know thats feasible because we didnt that for americas cup. The americans cup eir the ports installed a offshore power or not offshore, a shoreside power facility which allows ships to come into the ports drydock facility to connect to grid power and shut down their engines. Which made a significant missions reduction in air quality benefit. The project has been implement it everything based on that model there are other offset projects that could be implemented in San Francisco. Finally, on a point Consular Mission bay alliance stated incorrectly that on the basis that mitigation measure the eir and ceqa findings that are before you for adoption conclude that the impact related to the mission of ozone precursors is less than significant level. That is incorrect. Is this is a new approach for the city but for the one time it americas cup, we conservatively in the eir found that impact to be significant and unavoidable with mitigation. We do that in a case where weve identified mitigation for Significant Impact but there is some uncertainty about the ability to mitigate the impact thats less than significant. Board . May i ask one more question. Thanks much for clearing that up. I appreciate that. One of the members of the public mentionsalluded to it. I want to follow. As a ballpark on mission bay the chance edition committee thats in doing all that work in terms of the transportation issues in the neighborhood. So, i assume or hope based on the eir lovesick summary from this project will sit on that committee now. Is that right clean worksite was one the mitigation measures. But then also i want a little bit more clarity on how that Advisory Committee for the Transportation Fund tie into that committee and also just the overall for moving of the transportation mitigation . Adamant market averages a comment. We were speaking in the hallway earlier today about this very topic. Making a formal connection between the two. The ballpark mission bay and transportation Coronation Committee existed since the solution of at t park at the channel. It is really become a pretty strong form of interdisciplinary discussion between the various city departments, police, fire, through mta and dpw and others. This interest in mission bay. The giants, the neighborhood the residence the commercial interests etc. God places in our eir where the committee is referenced anders requirements for the worst present information in terms of events notification like large special beds but having a formal seat on the committee. The visor he committee of the mission bay chance edition Improvement Fund is the fivemember seat. We want to give it a little smaller than the ballpark transportation Coronation Committee which is a regular attendance and more like 2025 member area and we wanted this to be a focus on pinch points where pcos could alleviate congestion or specific headways that can be reduced to serve the arena and the neighborhood. We set those up nothing to do with an event at the arena can bypass the area still get to where they need to go. We fully agree with the comments and we actually talked about setting a meeting this week so we can make a formal connection. Whether thats having membership that transcends both the bridge so represent from the warriors on the present committee is also on the ballpark committee and from ucsf and for indoor from the residence and or from commercial. So we decimate the coronation of arm and funding him are in lockstep together. Thank you. Members of the board russians or thoughts . I think the board will need to take some action to incorporate the changes to the mmr p into the action youre going to take. The City Attorney is figure out the mechanism to do that. Great. Directors, mr. Chairman, the bison board should modify the enclosure to the resolution to incorporate the changes to the mmr p the staff read into the record. An amendment or something . One moment. So, directors, a motion to amend your resolution we would at a resolve clause, whereas the sfmta board of directors shall modify the enclosures to the resolution this item to incorporate the changes to the mrp staff read into the record. Motion . Second all those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. The aye habit. Motion to approve all those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. The aye habit. The attorneyclient privilege. Motion all those in favor say, aye. [recess] the mta met in closed session. Directors voted to settle the case. Was no discussion. Directors, recover from ocean to disclose or not disclose the information not disclose all those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. The aye. We are joined. [gavel] p everyone. Ladies and gentlemen, the meeting will come to order id like to welcome you to the regular meeting of Land Use Commission im supervisor cowen and to my right is supervisor wiener the vice chair and coming shortly is supervisor jane kim you are clerk is alicia thank you id like to thank the mrs. Jim smith and leo from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meanwhile madam clerk read the anonymous completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the september 17th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you very much can you please call to me the and she is the author. On oversee phenomenon is planning code for all demolition and mergers and with the kitchen stove or bathroom is being removed. Supervisor wiener. Madam chair p in legislation is a simple but important step forward in trying to insure the during this housing crisis people are able to remain stable in their housing specifically this legislation will close a loophole that allows the owners of illegal units to seek and obtain a demolition permit without having notified the attendants that lived in those units which could lead to a situation the tenant has no ability to challenge the demolition permit we have tens of thousands of illegal units and rental unit and San Francisco residents living in those units they live in those units for decades what someone is living in a home the los angeles the home to receive a demolition permit without the attendants knowing the permit has been implied for we learn about that issue earlier this year and is board of appeals made a request to the board of supervisors to address this issue so we move forward with this legislation so that roingdz in illegal units will have the same Due Process Rights as residents of legal units so specifically the ordinance amends the Building Code to require that any person that intends to remove a unit whether legal or noted legal notice the location upon the noticing requirements except the notice needs to includes an structural all i how to point out demolition permit and provided attendants with a list of counseling and Legal Services the Contact Information must be provides in spanish, chinese and russian as well all unit removals will be noticing the same legal or nonlegal on subject property the removal of a stove or kitchen or became the Property Owner must submit an application indicating theyre not removing a illegal legal unit or illegal unit and it must be posted prominently circumstances for applicants trying to skirt the renewable applicants in circumstances where the applicants will try to skirt the Building Code and planning code by getting serial permitting in terms of the remove kitchen or stove or became any tenant is made aware and the Property Owner that may remove his or her unit from status as a denials dwelling units i want to thank deborah and matt that working closely in preparing this legislation it was supported unanimously by the Planning Commission and the dictionary so if there are no openly comments or questions madam chair id like to invite up Diego Sanchez from the Planning Department to give a presentation. Good afternoon, supervisors Diego Sanchez with San Francisco Planning Department supervisors on september 10th Police Station heard the proposed ordinance on the tenants and deliberating on the matter the Planning Commission moved unanimously to adopt the resolution with certain modifications their included phone call on adding to the Planning Department that helps the mechanisms the noticing requirement with the existing procedures in particular the modifications included increasing the size of the poster and the content of the poster and allowing the notification dates and having the Planning Department cause the notice to occur that concludes my presentation. And im available to answer any questions thank you. Thank you, mr. Sanchez madam chair before Public Comment id like to invite up deborah from the department of building inspection commission. Ms. Walker. This one. Either one. Thank you, supervisor and supervisors for putting forward this important amendment to the Building Code and planning code we were made aware of the issue of building owners notifying attendance of permits applied for and received from the Vice President as receiving an eviction notice the housing rights is made us what aware we notified the board of appeals who said question should have a existence of a tenant that basically provides dialogue disclose to the tenants if there is due action as programs legalizing secondary units we have a lot of proactive programs that our departments could be notifies earlier in the process the building owners said we keep the units instead of demolishing the point to treat a tenant as a tenant i appreciate the swift action of the board our building our code Advisory Committee supported this and our commission and ask for your support of this it is really poor importantly as we got rid of implored were trying to make sure that those units are being inspected not only by the department but fire and planning to make sure we avoid the kind of fires and firm up our code requirements to make sure their notification any questions ill be happy to answer. Thank you, ms. Walker madam chair to Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen, Public Comment is two minutes youll hear a soft chime indicates 30 seconds and a louder your time is up is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item number one please come up to the please approach the podium. Im francisco da costa and on this item i recent the legislative report full of loopholes ive heard the gentleman from the Planning Department Say Something most of statements he made are general in nature i heard a commission from the building inspection come here and stated a few things my question to you supervisors is y what has the department of building inspection been doing all this while they does not have with the meetings they dont have the necessary staff to do the enforcement so things like this come great the board of supervisors or the committees but on such important issues we need to have a hearing with data and to find out who in this city was slip or who was slipping on guess carpet today, we have three or four families slipping or living in a one bedroom unit you supervisors with tint because of not paying attention to a situation like what were discussing created a situation in San Francisco that quality of life issues have been brought down tremendously so what im saying is this we have the Opportunity Academy of art universities and the building inspection and other agencies are doing something but get a report what has happened to the 20 thousand units that were rental units removed by the contemplation overview academy of Art University can we get a report hes busy on the sideline can anybody from the Mayors Office of housing i give us a report inaudible . Anyone else that wants to speak on item number one seeing none, Public Comment is closed at this time. Go ahead supervisor wiener. Thank you, madam chair and thank you for scheduling this to other for analyzing that and the advocates again in the simple measure one that matters a lot to the tens of thousands of San Francisco residents that live in illegal units we need to keep people stable in their housing they have a right to learn ahead of time if the units will be demolished and can challenge that to keep their housing to madam chair, i moved we forward number one to the full board with a positive recommendation. Motion by supervisor wiener to the full board with a with a positive recommendation this motion passes without objection madam clerk. Thank you. Thank you. Could you please. The resolution imposing the interim controls for the plan area to restrict the size and height of signs that are visible from and on exist public planning or parker open space and restrict the elimination of new sizes up. Thank you, supervisor kim is the project sponsor for this legislation for item number 2. Hi sorry. I was talking to a staff member before us is a set of interim controls for the Transit District area with the boundary lines ever fulsome and harrison and second reading it is a unique area plan it has a fairly tennis commercial and residential use including what will be the larger parks and open space in the city and south of market at the top of transbay terminal the intent behind the interim controls we have controls around the city but not in place in the Transit Center it is a that have the conflict as public parks and residents and office space in the same areas this legislation is to set a series of controls for the downtown area the controls set in the interim controls is elimination district wide in the signs above 35 feet that must be turned off between 9 00 p. M. And 6 00 a. M. This is for residents that also live in the area that have discussions and k34r5i789d about Light Pollution the signage is a higher height and so often coming in and facing residents bedrooms and living rooms late at night it allows our businesses to have the signs awe limited through the daytime and have them turn them off for the enjoyment and peace of residents the controls also that new signs within 200 feet and viable from a park should be omitted to 50 percent and 35 feet this is in alignment with 9 city land use policies that eliminations advertising near open space that is owned by the rec and Park Department and signs facing dribble into the city park will be limited with a max size of 50 square feet at this point we have been engaging with multiple stakeholders in particular the Salesforce Tower and residents the of the millennium of residents to discuss what the predicament time is we have a range of times that are working i will be proposing a compromise set of amendments but want to give the Planning Department an opportunity to speak on this item and open up for Public Comment. Thank you. Good afternoon Board Members of the committee emry rogers planning Department Staff as an interim control our commission doesnt weigh in but if interim controls will be component well coming come back with the recommendations no recommendation. And ms. Rogers explain how the Planning Department came up with the times as proposed from 9 00 p. M. To 6 00 a. M. And kind of how this was developed specifically for the Transit Center. This area the supervisors are aware was not tint for residential with the Zoning District that happened in the mid 80s with the office it was mainly seen as part of spill over from the Office District not rethroughout the signage controls that will be needed as residents proposed so in communication with our staff we looked at controls for other district and in c districts the combination of commercial and residential those are the signs typically turned off with the businesses close and in addition there are nc district are less intense in the areas in selma but in the nc districts typically the businesses maybe required to close between 10 00 p. M. To 2 00 a. M. Or may seek longer hours through conditional use authorization and in any event the businesses closed that is when the signage is required to be turned off. Thank you. Thank you. I have a quick question for supervisor kim. Many prepgs for the agenda item i did a little bit of rancher i was in under the impression an agreement from the hoa as well as the company on agreed upon hour can you explain exactly. The temporary agreement previous to us writing a set of controls around the signage it didnt impact the entire Transit Center this will not be the only stakeholders that will be interested in putting signage on their buildings so this is one particular agreement between two stakeholders and the Transit District plan youll have many more residents and those controls are consistent with standards by which all awe limitations will be set for the entire business and transit plan. So the decision were making here today is setting a precedence. Setting the interim controls for the inspire district plan where there is none. Your proposing 10 oclock. 9 00 p. M. I wanted to open up for Public Comment for the public to speak the agreements so forth was at tenement but wanted to give the members of the public. Youre saying the Planning Department set the standards at 9 clock so and youre saying they cant opine maybe the Planning Department can accompany. This is an sdrrmz and didnt come to the Planning Commission. Emry rogers we participated in the meeting with the Community Members that ultimately was the legislation and it was developed in response to the information i provided to the committee. Remembered me. In looking others districts where there are signage controls set up to regulate facts in the area there is controls in place and generally shut down with the business is closed and the areas in nc district no way an immense a district as the south of market but in those integrity they have businesses must close generally between 10 00 p. M. And 2 00 a. M. However, they can be kept open later and depending on the Business Hours this is how late they can vw on their signage. Is this particular district zoned and nc. In the more intense it is multiple Zoning Districts this is the new area the supervisor described. Any other buildings that have signage awe. Im going to say yes. Yes. Thank you. We can go to Public Comment. Thank you very much supervisor jane kim want to go to Public Comment at this time. Oh, excuse me. Supervisor wiener. Yeah. I want t a complication there was an agreement perhaps supervisor kim can answer this clarify an agreements reached with the last year or the year before about the particular buildings allowing them to go until 11 00 p. M. There was a specific agreements set up two one tenants salesforce and specifically around one signage in the transcenter a temporary agreement the signage b will go off at 11 00 p. M. It wf impacti the enjoyment of the tenants on one sign for this specific hoa because of that we saw no consoles for the signage in the transbay so we reached out to multiple shareholders like sf beautiful and others and the Planning Department set an interim controls that set the signage control as well as the illumination control for the whole plan what is proposed 9 00 p. M. Again shifting this to 10 00 p. M. But i think that would be a great compromise. So the signs that are up now that are going one sign or whatever those will be shifted back to 10 everything back to 10. Yes. In the case of that 10 00 p. M. And okay. So do we have rules maybe for the Planning Department like for example, downtowns what are the rules understand in the neighborhood district but in areas of city that are much anymore intense i have what are the rules. There a plethora but the furthers signage manager will talk about that. Ill focus on lighting and the law. Yes. John planning Department Staff the only area there are specific controls for timing of signs in terms of of the illumination in the neighborhood commercial and residential districts in the downtown. The c2 and c3 no limits in awe illumination. So in the c2, c3 the signs are lit all night. Yes. Do we know what the rest of the cities do in terms of the more downtown type of areas in terms of i dont know. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Lets take Public Comment. Is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak and speak on item 2 here again we have a supervisor who listened to here constituents and tried to do something so planning does not have any rules in this case and so had an idea for changes what is difficult to understand about this. And why do we have to be so intent to know what other cities do were not doing a lot of things in our own city and this happens when residents cant live in areas before they could live so theyre going into areas where before they are they will be Office Spaces so this impacts the quality of life issues heres a case the land use and the others got educated before the public so my thing is very simple, of course, there is nothing new it is simple you the land use didnt understand it and got it like for me it is something something good that one representative from district 6 does care about they are communities u constituents to have a number of meetings to ratify the issue. Moejz wants to speak on this item please do so clapping. hi good afternoon. Im pablo a senior manager an salesforce. Com happy to be here thank you for your leadership and share my thoughts with you today first and foremost i want to acknowledge the Land Use Commission and thank supervisor kim for her partnership and collaborative pirm in this endeavor and supervisor wiener and Supervisor Malia Cohen thank you salesforce has a major footprint in the city weve become the larger sector employer in the city 18 thousand w0ir8d and most in the city you know weve created an urban campus for the employees and san franciscans including people in this room to enjoy the most important part as an employee who we are the commitment with the philanthropy and serve a lot of funds to Public Schools and volunteered for Better Services i volunteered for the veteran services in the city and been collaborative in terms of transbay park and in fact, one the reasons i joined salesforce at the state department because our philanthropic mold it gives employees one percent of employee of our equality and one percent of our products to n go ill conclude by stating were looking for a consistent policy that turns off the signage at 11 00 p. M. As previously eastward upon to have a consistent policy for all the buildings in that area with that, i respectfully want to thank you for your time and listening thank you. Thank you. Any other items . Wasnt really the issue thank you. Supervisors what issue i came here i want to put something on your mind one of the things ive noticed were really killing our city at night and now it is not as challenging for me as it would have been some years ago because at my age ill asleep fairly early but during those times i did go out and younger folk today, we have absolutely no night life city weve got people that moved here from iowa and all those far out places and they immediately move here and want to turn this into where they came from clapping. you have people that dont do not want music on of him street after 10 clock on friday and saturday night that destroys employment we have killed those hours that used to be viable employment theyre now so stores are not open late and parking lots and all those places that people used to work and the venues they used to work in so noted so much this but when you move to an area that is district that is commercial you ought to know before you buy our place or rent there will be neon signs at night clapping. if i dont want neon signs ill move to another neighborhood i dont move into a neighborhood and try to change established patterns that have been established for 50 years thats why were down here now because it is all of part of that gentrification issue thank you very much clapping. thank you good afternoon my name is steve i didnt the general manager of the twentyfour hour one the properties in the communication as far thank you, supervisor kim to bring this this the committee he and supervisor wiener and others for your consideration contrary to what the gentleman said we dont have a lot of lights in the neighborhood it is a merging neighborhood that is combined rail and commercial and residential were asking for consideration of the residents that has been living there and the signage that can potentially be put up in the future we appreciate this interim control and looking forward to working with the neighboring neighbors on permanent modes thank you. Thank you you is there any additional Public Comment on item 2 . All right. Public comment is closed. Supervisor kim any last minute remarks. Colleagues, i passed around a set of amendments most are technical clerk to add for example, like a planned open space to clarify the boundary lines im making several amendments that help to clarify enforcement for the Planning Department from the enforcement questions and at this point, because actually, we continent continue this item without reintroducing because the timeline so forth in interim control what im comfortable for the set of interim controls before the permanent controls for signage to cut down the middle between what both sides would like to see 9 00 p. M. And 11 00 p. M. And 10 the cut off times for awe limitation until of a. M. The next morning those the amendments im proposing. Supervisor wiener. Thank you very much madam chair and everyone that came out today we struggled with signage in this city it seems like not ending issue that out on many levels and the Court Rulings and take actions in robs with that said, as is interim controls coming forward 9 oclock is clearly two early i understand this neighborhood is not exactly where downtown is but also a very and i think will be an extremely vibrant downtown type of neighborhood especially with the transbay Transit Center the point of this center to be an incredibly lively part will be more and more over time i ask the questions i asked before and brown because it is important to know right now we have no planning restrictions on timing downtown i agree a time restriction there are leave residents here with all different than downtown you know frankly i dont think that 11 is late this is a reasonable request but im glad well be moving from 9 regardless and curious to know what the rest the committee thinks and move forward. Supervisor kim at this time eyewitness im happy to support your amendments in their a reasonable compromise. Okay ill im going to support the amendment i prefer to go, go with 11 im in the motorcyclist. Colleagues just to clarify this conversation will continue as those are interim controls so well continue to discuss all parties that come up with a fair balance weve developed a new type of neighborhood that is Tennis Office residential and well figure out a way for all of us to be Good Neighbors both the businesses that are creating jobs and green bay packer to the community and shia they have good visibility and take into consideration the enjoyment of the residents i appreciate our support for the sgrmdz and look forward to continuing with with all parties for the transit plan. One thing i want to note that this item is agendize will be to be sent to the full board so i want supervisor jane kim to make a motion to specify that. My apologies i want to make a motion to amend as stated on the record. Second. So well take that without objection. Well take that without objection. Thank you. Id like to make a motion to move with recommendation and well take that without objection. Congratulations. All right. Madam clerk item 3. An ordinance inform for the administrative code for the allocation of city affordable units for the certificate of preference holders and others evicted under the ellis act where the Affordable Housing is located and provide preference to the tenants. Ladies and gentlemen, i want to acknowledge that supervisor breed as joined us for the item supervisor breed openly comments . Thank you supervisor cohen im happy to be here with the legislation it is a its been a Long Time Coming and many of the folks know i grew up in the western committee implicitly community in plaza i saw the redevelopment and ask do for the Community Support in building more and more avenue, i wondered why people from my Community Never got access to the Affordable Housing what was the problem the problem was the lottery system thousands of names of individuals in many cases not San Francisco residents. clapping. and we asked the Community Support of Housing Support this Affordable Housing we build and build and build a number of Affordable Housing developers pushed to build in the city when the housing is built were wondering where are the people why arent our people parts of this process clapping. Mary Helen Rogers is a perfect example i knew her personally some folks im sure knew her personally and ms. Rogers until her last breath fought for ams and our right to be in San Francisco and rightly so for seniors and Affordable Housing for seniors units that was built in the western edition rightfully so for Mary Helen Rogers many people said why cant we live in Mary Helen Rogers why cant we get a units were seniors born and raised in the western edition we couldnt get assess even her stone son that qualify the hoops we had to jump in order to get him a unit folks are wondering they see members of the Mary Helen Rogers people are asking me why arent they folks that live in the communities why not part of our community this what the problem is the lottery system clapping. and this housing crisis has existed for a long time especially in the Africanamerican Community we cant say keep using 1960 housing policies to fix a 1916 housing policy we have to push the envelope and ask for if anythingness instead permission this step of neighborhood preference should have been done a long time ago, i took a trip to new york and found out in new york as far basing back theyve been doing a neighborhood preference in new york sins the late 1970s policymakers know that negotiation new york was doing it at the time he were building in the western edition and still building in the bayview Hunters Point why no neighborhood preference when the Affordable Housing that was built as province when many of the Church Members qualified for this Affordable Housing why couldnt they get access to that Affordable Housing clapping. staff o steps should have been taken and unfortunately with were not thats why were here trying to tale with a lot of the mistakes of the past through legislation not an easy thing to do theres a lot of push back and challenges and federal and state laws but do we do nothing no, we cant this is why we have had to move this legislation forward the people of our community deserve this and as i said steps should have been made in the past to move this forward and sad whether were trying to prioritize people that have been displaced there are still people here in San Francisco theyre still people that kids are growing up here we want to live and qualify for the housing clapping. i want to thank the folks that have taken the bold step ill tell you will be a lot of people that dont want to see us push this forward and not support this who are fighting behind the scenes to make sure that legislation didnt pass well doing everything we can to not only push clapping not only push 25 percent but to move it to a higher percentage and today, i know that supervisor cohen has an interest in moving the dialup from 25 percent to a higher percentage clapping. i want to thank the Mayors Office of housing for working to put together this legislation which i and supervisor cohen have been pushing for and is mayor for finally having the courage to steps up to the plate and thank you, supervisor wiener and supervisor christensen but i also want to add that what was missing in the legislation not just a higher percentage for neighborhood preference whats missing in this legislation ill ive the City Attorney to work on this language is the history of what redevelopment did in the western edition as a basis for having this legislation in the first place clapping. i also noticed in the legislation that hud properties and Certain Housing Authority were included aced neighborhoods preference and clear work there were excluded weve got a lot more work to do and weve made a lot of mistakes in the city as it relates to protecting over communities and especially protecting the cultural significant significance of our communities and part of it weve got to take bold moves in that correction and this legislation is a bold step in the right direction i look forward to hearing from my colleagues and looking forward to increasing the percentage of neighborhood preference and looking forward to hearing from members of the public here today thank you. clapping . Thank you, supervisor breed for your opening remarks to the men and women in the chamber i want to warn you this is incredible important legislation it is bold and acknowledges in a profound way that the Affordable Housing lot 0 system as we know it is not working and long term people that are getting lots of within our city and out of our city i want to relocate that some of the Community Partners kathy davis is structural and reverend brown is critical and others i saw also reverend townsend those folks are structural in getting where we are this battle is only beginning an uphill battle and others in the chamber and so we need to get organized and stay focused what our goal is i believe that neighborhood preference will play a role in the fears of modot and low income families that the new housing weve priced them out in the communities and this legislation will create a preference for percentage of Affordable Housing units for residents who currently live in the neighborhood where Affordable Housing is being built why not get a piece of this were shouldnt the brunt of the development so we have neighborhoods investing hundreds of thousands of dollars and Marketing Programs that were specifically talk to people that have been displaced out of San Francisco this is another element well be voting on today it is a problem it is one thing to say unit available and another thing to make sure that people are aware where to get help and where and how to identify the resources so supervisor breed remarked earlier that ill be arthurs on amendment today it which ive been told by the City Attorney make vertically to increase the neighborhood percent from 25 to 40 as moh has not presented their remedies but i want to be transparent with you im making an effort from 25 to 40 percent it is critical we move this with a sense of urgency and diligence i believe that supervisor wiener will have a few remarks and then to the commissioner cavanes and then to Public Comment thank you for being here. Thank you, madam chair and supervisor president london breed thank you for your leadership on this important issue we have, of course, in a terrible housing crisis we dont have enough Affordable Housing doing everything we can to help with the production of housing is not just enough to build it but residents have access to that housing and in all communities have access we want to second the remarks of supervisor president london breed and supervisor cowen and i know theyre working very, very hard to address the needs of not only the Africanamerican Community but the community as a whole and want to support your remarks i want to add that in the lfbt lbt not enough washers how to assess it is overly complicated housing system were working hard and objected the budget last year to create a program to help to raise awareness in the Lgbt Community how to assess Affordable Housing and we are, of course, in construction on the 55 laguna project which will contain quite a bit of Affordable Housing that will be open to and assessable to lgbt seniors i look forward to that i support this legislation id like to see the 25 percent neighborhood preference increased so thank you supervisor cohen for raising that important issue i want to say after Public Comment i also have an amendment ill make an amendment that requires refer back to the Planning Commission i dont want to delay the rest of the legislation ill ask at the conclusion of Public Comment we duplicate the file and ill make the amendment the duplicated file to add a fourth preference the third one being neighborhood preference and four will be a lid work preference supervisor president london breeds stated it is critically important we help our own residents obtain assess to the Affordable Housing were building in San Francisco and ocher financing with our own tax dollars now we dont have a lid work preference particularly the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development is quickly transitioning to an online application process and typically we all celebrate having online for the application in person or online to have the options to make t it easy have an immediate concern by doing that well make is so easy for people in the various part of country or rather than the world to apply for avenue we welcome everybody to come here but when it would dreaming increase the pool of people applying for a limited Affordable Housing stock to the detriment of our own residents it is important to explicitly have in our municipal code for assessing Affordable Housing for people that live or work in San Francisco ill make that most 80 motion to make a duplicated file after Public Comment thank you clapping. supervisor kim. Thank you i just want to add my overall support for the legislation as you may know from the housing balance report that came out too 44 percent of Affordable Housing is in district of this clearly has significant benefits for the residents of south of market, tenderloin and Treasure Island and certainly our residents support getting additional preference to stay in the neighborhood that theyve grown up in to continue to serve they have and remain a part of community theyve often lives in a long time as representing a district that produced over 50 percent of San Franciscos avenue, i have overall concerns for residents that are looking and applying more Affordable Housing throughout the rest of the city that is why i want to make sure i support of 25 percent preference but as we talk about increasing up to 40 well, of course, this benefits our residents i want to get a report from the Mayors Office of housing, of course, it matters if none from the neighborhood applies the 40 didnt matter so just as important as is preference the funding to make sure what we are doing the outreach and people get in their applications to quality for the preferences in place i want to say i definitely support the 25 percent and open to going up on the percentage but understand the impact in the city and particularly i hear a lot of you know we have significant low income communities and population in district 4 for example, were building almost zero Affordable Housing currently and so not to say we dont want to support more Affordable Housing the residents will get that type of neighborhood preference and has a insensitive vices but not having unintended consequences this may impact the courts perspectives of protected classes im curious had the Mayors Office of housing Analysis Shows regarding that here to increase from three to 40 im open about the percentage on this this will dramatically benefit the residents and the 5m development and the giants development that is coming before the boards both this month and next june our residents would want to get the preference this will be a major project well be building a lot of units in district 6 i think this is important were able to keep people in place protected finally a question i have for the Mayors Office of housing is a question how many noncity residents apply more Affordable Housing in San Francisco and what percentage of them get in because more than anything i want to make sure our San Francisco residents get preference or not get preference but the overwhelming beneficiaries were building here. Thank you with that said, clapping. well contribution to the presentation if the Mayors Office of housing. Good afternoon chair cowen and supervisor jane kim and supervisor wiener im commissioner mckeen with the planning Department Staff ill provide an overall the legislation and charles and others here from the Mayors Office of housing to we are questions the Planning Departments has two hearings on the preference one on 24 for the preference the proposed legislation has two proposals for the preference for the citywide Affordable Housing for the africanamerican project and two an expanded distinction of displaced that tenants resolution halfway would split the ordinance one focuses on the displaced attendance and the other focuses on the neighborhood prospective the commissions recommendation as follows remove the amendments that expands it beyond the preference for the tenants evicted and a spate plies that addresses the preference and sent to the commission the second one to approve the neighborhood supervisorial district and the projects to keep the district at 25 percent the buffer is on the radius and asked the boards to consider the geography graphic boundaries and recognition, no changes to the new structure but the proposed Housing Preference for affordable units will be kept so the offenders o ordinance provides the residents living in the neighborhoods with the affordable units are being built and the Mayors Office of housing is here to do a brief overall. Good afternoon chair cowen and my brothers keeper sophie from the maichlt e Mayors Office of housing and Community Development thank you for having us here in my presentation we want to reiterate our support for the recommendation out of two Planning Commission hearings based on a number of questions through the planning process i want to extend a moment providing an overall of our lottery system today and want to provide a deriving into why and how were providing the geographyic area im joined by mohcd and also joined by charles the Data Specialists that months the preference at multiple percentages and multiple geographies just to reiterate the recommendations coming out of the Planning Commission we are hopefully that you today will amend the legislation so alu your treating the board detailed topics of an expanded displaced Tenants Preference and the new geographyic as two stands alone pieces of protection were committed to the analysis in crafting a displaced tenant preference that prototyping addresses the crisis at this time but it is also be b

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