Item eleven, and just a couple of announcements, i made this announcement at a Cultural Heritage Committee Meeting a few minutes ago. In the february 4th, chronicle, there was an article entitled preservation falls flat, and he made a suggestion about possibly creating plagues to talk about the outside of the building to talk about the stories inside the sense of place and i thought that that was a really good idea. And possibly food for thought, for this commission to take up further with the Planning Department staff to see if we can somehow encourage that. Second thing is that there was an email that was forwarded to me today about the California Arts Council creating the cultural cultural district, asking for a letter of interest from various organizations as well as local businesses to become part of their Pilot Program to further acknowledge diverse and Cultural Resources, to identify high concentration of Cultural Resources and activities thought that it would be a great idea if the city and county looked into that and possibly would apply because one of the prerequisites is that the entity already have passed a survey. So i thought that it would be a Good Opportunity for us to highlight all of the good things that we do here and then third is an article that appeared in the new fillmore and i believe this is, and this is the february 2017, addition, and it is called flash back. And it is just located on the last page, and it it is called the local hang out and it talks about the businesses that have been around for a while and i thought that that would be an example or a good way to recognize the legacy businesses that we have approved. Thank you, and could you forward, perhaps that email to mr. Fry and mr. Ionan and they fox ward it to the rest of the commission in yes. Mr. Highland . I too was contacted and email communications with ruben and rose, item agenda item eleven. And commissioner . I was contacted through email as well. Pearlman . I was as well and i ran into him at the Planning Department the other day and he gave me a preview of project that we are going to see. Okay, why dont we go back to item b. So commissioners back to the department matters, item one directors announcements. Commissioners a formal report from the director, however, happy to answer any questions should you have them. Seeing none, item two, review of passed events of the Planning Commission and staff report and announcements. Tim fry, the department staff, and no formal report from the Planning Commission, and however just one small announcement, one and two make you aware that the next lgbtq Cultural Heritage straggy working meeting will occur on february 22nd, in the city hall. In room, 278. And we will forward you some information if you are interested in attending and then the following meeting will be on march 22nd, in the same room at city hall from 6 00 to 8 00 p. M. Both at 6 00 . The 22nd. Yes, both are at the same time and at the next meeting we will have a variety of speakers that are working on exist iing initiatives such as the harvey milk plaza improvements and the valley, improvements eagle plaza elts. And in the next meeting in march we are going to have the representatives from all of the existing Cultural Heritage districts or strategies present. Including jay chess, and some existing i am sorry i am blanking on the third one right now. But representatives from each of those groups will present and give the groups some broader ideas of what they can implement in their own strategy. And that concludes my comments, unless you have any questions . Thank you. We can move on to i guess item d. Commissioners that will place us under items proposed for continuance, item 6, 2013. 0975 coa, proposed for continuance, to april, 19, item seven, for case 2013. 0384 u. The African American hert i can context proposed for continue aus august, 27th. Does anyone wish to comment . Hearing none, we will close Public Comment, commissioner hylan. What is driving the august, 16th date for the African American . Commissioners and miss xhith from our office can give you an up date on what we have been accomplished so far. Right. Good afternoon, commissioners. And so, since the may 4th, 2016 hearing where we last heard the African American, Historical Context statement, the African American historical and Cultural Society and Broader Community have requested Additional Community out reach be done around the project and since then we have been working on the Historical Society to develop he goals and a plan around the out reach and we are very close to solidifying that program. And we anticipate the out reach to begin this spring. So it is by the time that we are done with the out reach and we have the feedback and we are able to make the revisions. The summer we are thinking that august is realistic date for us. Thank you. Do we have a motion to continue these items . I move to continue these items. Second. Thank you, commissioners. On that motion, then to continue items as proposed, commissioner haws. Yes, junk. Yes. Johns. Yes. Matsuda. Yes, pearl man. Yes. Hillis. Yes. Wolfram. Yes. That passes 7 to 0, and places us under your regular calendar for item 8, d. Landis 415 5759118 fy 20172019 proposed Department Budget and work program. This is your final review, commissioners. Good afternoon commissioners, deb bra with the Planning Department. I am back again to go over our proposed budget for fiscal years, 2017, 2018 sxh for the rolling 2018, 2019. As you recall we were here two weeks ago and gave an overview of both the current year, which was the basis of creating the budget for next year, as well as the proposal for next year. So, today, i am going to go over the revenue and expenditures that we discussed last time as well as the changes that have taken place since then. So i am happy to report that we expect to get some grant fund and some impact fee funding, for projects that we were not aware of receiving that money the last time that it got presented to you. Excuse me. And then, i also i am going to go into a lilt bit about the work program of physicians and remind you have the resources dedicated specifically to Historic Preservation in the department and there are no changes in those areas. But i thought that you might want to refresher and if you do have any questions, of course, about the general budget, or about Historic Press certify vaguses we are happy to answer any questions that you may have. The last time that i was here, the over all number was decreasing and as you can see today, we are looking at an increase from 51. 2 million, to 52. 1 million next year. And again that is because of this one time funding that we identified within the last few days. And i can go into more detail about that, but you can see that there is an extra 300,000 dollars in the grants line which is now 1. 875 and last time it was 1. 575. And then, if you go down a few rows to the Development Impact fees, that is now at 4. 9. And then we are going to use that money as you can see from this slide, nothing is really changed except for the project line, which is where we will be budgeting the expenditures for these. So we have three major changes. The first one actually the first two are with the impact fees and the Transit Center district. And those will be funding 1 years worth of work and the rail alignment and the benefit study also known as rab, this is work related to aligning cal train and high speed rail, getting trained through the city to the Transit Center, and so the planning around that. And then we have 100,000 dollars for street scraping. And also with the impact fees. And we are hopeful that we will be able to get an award for resiliency grant from the noaa to fund Sea Level Rise and resiliency work. Those are the charges just a few of them. But fairly sizeable numbers and so we wanted to make sure you were aware of those. That has changed since the last time that we were here, this is a recap of the positions we do not have any new positions we do have a new repurposed vacant positions one will be used for the pick, and two for Development Agreements. And one thing that i do want to point out is that one fte has changed from the last presentation. And that is because one of the Development Agreements positions had not been up loaded in the Budget System yet. So it had been noted as a deleting when in fact we are going to keep it and so there is a change of one fte and the plan has not changed at all. And that is just the number that the Budget System spit out. And then the righthand side of your slide you will see the numbers comparing the current year and the next fiscal years proposed budget fte and then as a reminder, the fte in the budget does have a little bit of a negative number associated with it, due to attrition assumptions. We count the full human beings. The budget says that we are not convinced that everyone is going to be here for the full year and so the funding is taken out. Assuming that we will have a little bit of vacancy throughout the year so he you will see the difference between the budgeted fte and the work program, fte. And so one of the things that we do like to make sure to review with you every year is the work program because of the fte being more than 70 percent of our budget. This is staff right, and this is here where the staff are allocated and this is what the staff do. We ko do try to make sure that you understand how everybody is allocated throughout the department and as you can see, the vast majority are in current planning, and Environmental Planning and the zoning and administration equalling, 75 percent of all of our planner work and that is in all of the processing and review of the permits and applications. Getting into a little bit more detail, current planning is where the Historic Preservation is located in our department and you will, you will see its number two on the slide. And i will again, review with you in a little bit more detail in just a few slides, what Historic Preservation Staff Resources we have in the department. Although not as large in terms of staff, the city wide division has a wide variety of project and activities that they cover, and so they actually have two slides dedicated to them. One of their Core Functions and the general ongoing work, which you see detailed here, and the second, excuse me. Of the work, and the 5 year plan project. So, everything from the city of neighborhoods to connect sf relating to transportation. The Environmental Planning group i am sure that you are aware, they have the Environmental Review work for the Planning Department that they are responsible for. And zoning and compliance, the compliance part is the enforcement and we do also call out three people for Short Term Rentals within this group. So getting more specifically into Historic Preservation, this should look familiar to you. And we presented again two weeks ago that the commission was supportive at that time of continuing with this plan moving into this proposed budget. That we have not made any changes based on the feedback from our last presentation. And then in addition to the Staff Resources we also have some consultants and the education component which the Public Education which does include the plague program and the survey, and the grapts in the resources that are specifically dedicated to the Historic Preservation and again this has not changed since our last presentation. And so that sums it up. We are here two weeks ago and we are here again today to ask for your recommendation to the Planning Commission of our proposed budget. We did have a draft resolution in the packet and i would like to point out that there are two changes to that since we sent the packet and one is that it is an increase of 2. 42 fte instead of 1. 42, fte and that is as i mentioned earlier because there has been one in the Budget System we had deleted it. We are keeping it to repurpose it. And when this was published, that change had not come through yet. And then there was a technical entry that had caused our general fund support number to change. Which is an automatic adjustment by the Budget System as well. So we will send an updated resolution with our current general fund support number. But, that, again, is not a change in our plan. And everything that we discussed last time with the exception of the new projects with our special Funding Sources is as weed presented it. So, we are hoping that you will recommend this to the Planning Commission, and hoping that the Planning Commission recommends it to the Mayors Office. And the Mayors Office and the board of supervisors think this is a wonderful plan and maybe in fact we should get more support and more money for projects we will see if that actually happens. And in the meantime, we have a few months of back and forth and negotiating before the budget for the entire city is finalized in july and if you have any questions today i would be ha py to answer them. Yes, thank you. Commissioner matsuda . Yeah, i have one question. Earlier in our Cultural Heritage meet mrg fry told us when we thought was great news that there was going to be a full time Position Available to help with legacy businesses. And so i am assuming this is one of those repurposed vacant positions that are noted here at 0. 49, and to go up to 0. 60 and is that going to change to 1. 40, and can you, can you give me further information about that . Sure, and commissioner, and the staff, and the reason that it is budgeted the 0. 49 and with a slight increase as well. And it is a solid fte and we were not sure exactly how much time this position would need to devote to the program. And so the full fte and so it is there and at least right now in the fiscal year and in the next two fiscal years, we have broken down the remaining fte and it is related to work, and so it exists in the case work, up above but it is split now just because of is that the reason why under the work planning under the Historic Preservation, and that will reflect the fte that is going to be working with legacy business . Correct, there is no change to that position. So that is maintained over the next several years. Commissioner . Yes, i would like to go back and maybe i missed this last time on the budget change from the prior presentations and maybe i didnt. And that is the, noah grant for resiliency. And the 300,000 so what my comments are related to the relationship between this program, the Resiliency Program and our Historic Preservation work program. And you may remember maybe, erica chime in here, the other parts of my life i am a member of the working group of the port of San Francisco water front land use plan. Which is doing an up date of the 1997 plan. And it is one of our major topics is the concern over the crumbling sea wall. And what would be an appropriate and remedy for rehabilitation of that. And of course, the topic of preservation, and design, and how it will feed into that and the engineering solution. So i recommended that the as a way for the Historic Preservation commission to be involved in that discussion that a representative of the commission, and to be nominated to sit on the Climate Change panel. And i presume that the Resiliency Grant Program is directed to that panel. That Climate Change panel and also the resiliency by design, which is another program that is incorporated into that. So what i am trying to get at here, i didnt get much headway on getting recognition that the Historic Preservation commission should have a seat on that panel. I still am interested in that, and but i would like for you know, tim, if somehow, there would be some staff time dedicated at the appropriate time two recommendations on preservation design criteria in that, and that for when we get to that piece both in the climate and in the citys change, panel, and as well as of course, in the ports planning process. So it is a little bit premature at the moment, but i just wanted to say heads up on that. Just heads up that i would like to see it in if there is some wording that at some point that i need to bring forward i will do that. If you dont have any further comments on that, on the money, for the program, that is the entire. Sure, so the grant from the noa, from my understanding they have historically like to Fund Regional multi jurisdictional efforts. There are already groups even just within the city working on a number of related projects that fall under the resiliency umbrella. All right. If that grant is not successful it does not effect the work program; is that correct . . Correct. The Grant Funding is not funding for staff time. Any other comments or questions . We will take Public Comment and then we will come back and give the recommendations. Thank you. We will take the Public Comment on the Department Budget for 2017, 18, any member of the public that wish to comment on this item, come forward. Seeing and hearing none, we will close Public Comment and bring it back to the commission. Do you have a final comment or a motion to recommend approval . Sure i move to approve the proposed budget for the Planning Department and our work program. Second smchlt if there is nothing further there is a motion to adopt the recommendation for approval on that motion, hasz. Yes. As amended by staff. Yes, as amended by this as a revised resolution. And that is okay to the maker. Yes. On that motion, hasz. Yes. Junk. Yes. Johns. Yes. Matsuda. Yes. Pearlman. Yes. Hylan. Yes. It passes seven to zero. Commissioners item nine, d. Smith 415 5759093 pier 40 the embarcadero legacy business. Good afternoon, commissioners xhith, the department staff. And the item before you today is one legacy business, combination and application, for the restaurant which was submitted to the Planning Department on january, 17th and is ready for rour recommendation, the application was previously reviewed for the office of Small Business, pioneer to the Planning Department. Sb 40 and, outlining the physical features and the traditions associated with the success of the business, founded in 1957, by 17yearold immigrant, carmen has served the fair to the San Francisco for 60 years. It is currently located in south beach on the embarcader where it has operated for 15 years, while the locations that changed, carmens has consistently been situated near the water front, it is one of the long stanning filipino businesses with food in the city and plays a role in the community, prohe vieding space for the space for the civic groups to meet, after the review of the application, the restaurant has met the criteria to request of for listing on the legacy business registry. We have representatives to speak during the Public Comment and conclude my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you, commissioners any questions . No. I just made this comment earlier during our heritage that this is a great application, and hoping that in the future when we can start to create some type of a template that seems like a menu or seems to give us more of a field of the restaurant and how important it is, and the history is good here in the photos but the actual food, i dont know taking pictures of food but it needs a menu to show the diversity of food that this restaurant offers would be something that i think would be welcome and interesting to the public. We will take Public Comment, or the a mri cant wish to speak. If so please come forward. You dont have to. No, no. Okay seeing that there is no Public Comment, we will close it and bring it back to the commission. Commissioners i have the one question, is this the same carmen on the pier in mission bay. Yes. Numerous locations. Yes. . Edo i have a motion to recommend approval for this . I so move. Second. Thank you, commissioners and they are on that motion to adopt that recommendation for approval, commissioner hasz, junk, yes. Jones, yes. Matsuda, yes, pearlman, hylan. Yes. And wolfram, that motion passes 7 to 0. And the commissioners it will place us on item ten, Legacy Business Program. This is for your review and comments. Before i begin the presentation, i just have some packets with some information outlining what i will be or we will be presenting this afternoon. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners, i am stephanie, and the Planning Department staff and my colleague smith and i will be providing an up date on the Legacy Business Program. Just get started just to give a little background on the program the registry was passed by the board of 2015, and it was established to recognize the long standing Community Business services as valuable assets to the city, currently the legislation allows for review and approval of up to 300 applications per year, and in november, 2015, proposition j was passed to establish the legacy business, Historic Preservation funds which offers grants to owners and Property Owners leasing spaces to these businesses. The office of Small Business has hired a full time Business Manager. And additionally the Planning Department has budgeted for a full time staff position dedicated to the planning and the review of these applications. The program has been referenced and incorporated into various new legislation, such as the special youth district, which is approved by the Planning Commission on february 9th of this year and now awaiting review by the board of supervisors. A requirement for any new, nonresidential use, where the immediate prior use was a legacy business, and where the property has been vacant for less than three years. Similarly the lgbt Cultural Heritage strategy that is under way is also looking for ways to utilize the Legacy Business Program as part of their program. And we are anticipating that the future legislation and the city wide efforts will also look to for ways to incorporate this program into their language as well. Just to give a few numbers. These are the most up to date numbers that we have been provided by the office of Small Business, ranging from the initial round of applications in july of 2016, until february of 2017. And there have been a total of 159 businesses that have been nominated for listing on the registry. And or have submitted applications to the office of Small Business. And of the 159 businesses 73 have submitted applications and been heard and recommended for approval by hpc. 67 of those have been approved and designated by the Small Business commission with the remainder to be heard at the Small Business commission in the near future. 51 of the designated legacy businesses have applied for and received Business Assistance grants through the legacy business, Historic Preservation if und and this amount has approximated to about 400,000, dribltded among the 51 businesses. 70 of the 159 have yet to be submitted to the Planning Department. Ten applications are currently under review. And 6 of the 159 have provided applications but have not received nominations letters from a member of the board of supervisors, or the mayor. Which is a requirement before these applications can be forwarded to the Planning Department. And so on the next side i will have a map showing the distribution of these approved designated legacy businesses. And in the packets that i distributed there should be additional maps showing the break down by planning quadrant and then again by the supervisors district and then if you look at the over all geographic distribution map, the supervisors districts should have numbers in front of these summarizing how many designated businesses are within that corresponding supervisors district. Okay. So this is just to give kind of an overview of distribution of businesses. The top three districts with the most disedesignate businesses ae district three which is coming in at 12, designated businesses which is the china town, north beach area. District nine which is the mission district, neighborhood which has about 14. And then, district five which is the Western Addition area which has about ten on the opposite side of that, the districts with the lowest numbers of designated businesses include districts eleven, which is the Outer Mission area which has none. And then the district 7 which is the inner sunset, and district four which is the outer which both have two each. And then just to give an overview of the process for how businesses get nominated and designated. The mayor or a member of the board of supervisors has to submit a letter of nomination to the office of Small Business. The legacy Business Manager at the office of Small Business will then reach out to the nominated business to send an application, ask if they are interested in applying, help to facilitate filling out the application. The applicant will then submit their completed application and any materials to the office of Small Business. Along with the 50 filing fee. And on the office of Small Business, we will review the application for completeness and will sometimes work with the applicant to bring their application to a more complete level if the manager feels like it is not to that level quite yet. And then the application will be forwarded to be schedule for a hearing before the hpc. The Planning Department has 30 days to review these applications. Prepared for the case report and, then a draft resolution, and schedule it before the hpc hpc will review the Business Applications along with the case report and draft resolutions and it will provide advisory recommendations to the Small Business commission for approval or disapproval. And a final hearing to determine whether or not the business meet the criteria for listing in the registry, and the Small Business commission will make the final decision. At this point in the prepttation, we would like to review what we have learned so far about the Legacy Business Program and the implementation since it launched last july and the following two slides outline items that we have heard from the hpc and others from the office of Small Business as well as the star working on the program. First we think that the application should be simplified, the number of businesses nominated, have required, significant amount of assistance from the office of Small Business or the Third Party Solution to complete their applications the planning staff believes that there are ways to maybe, edit down the application or change it so that they can complete more on their own. For those who will need the technical assistance, the department has the capacity to add to it. And currently we are just reviewing the application itself. To work with the applicants to get it at each hearing. We have also heard of the history and significant should be collect and recorded. The next set of items relate to the nominations at the office of Small Business and this is information that we have learned from the office of Small Business and i am sure that you are dont have additional questions, we understand that the office has some of the nominations awaiting application and so these are businesses that have been nominated by the mayor or the board of supervisors and but have not had an application submitted so far and there is a number of reasons as to why that may happen. The office of Small Business says that it can submit three applications each hearing, in 2017, given the rate of submissions, and the ability of the mayor and board of supervisors to nominate up to 300 applications per year, we estimate that the work load may continue to increase as the number of nominations and applications are passed to the number of those coming before the commission. And relating to the program out reach, and identity. You would like to see those including those businesses that might be lesser known, and representing other represented groups or neighborhoods or those that may not have as much resores or may not be connected to the local elected officials who which are required to nominate the legacy business. Also that you would like to see more avenues opened for such business to access the program and for increased out reach efforts and recognition surrounding the Legacy Program. And supporting the program or being involved in how, the history and any other historical documentation that we might be able to collect, whether it is what the commissioner opened or the oral history interviews that we have been in discussion with the library and u. S. Professors at the university of San Francisco, about getting some of their students involved with the program. To do some oral History Collections. To sum up the solutions that we have identified around addressing some of these issues, first includes that the department has secured funding to hire a full time legacy business planner who will be designated to the program to better be able to work with the office of Small Business to simplify the application and to work closely and directly with the businesses to help to develop the applications themselves and doing so would enable the Planning Department to bring more than 3 applications per hearing to the hpc and increase the capacity over all of the city to process a higher number of these nominations. Tla will be coming forward. And in response to commissioners desire to include more to direct them to include the transcripts of the public testimony in the record, and we have been in discussions with it and getting the University Students involved with an oral History Collection program and the library has offered to be a repose tory for that information. Promotional issues, and include the department could maintain a list of the potential legacy businesses and, so we already have some starting points with could be a way to gather that information. And then, secondly, we could then reach out to those directly throughout the out reach of the office of Small Business, or we could create a tool kit for the board of supervisors and the Mayors Office. To consider for them to consider nominating some of those businesses to the registry. And the tool kit could also provide you know, supporting documentation to help them do that. So it could include an faq and the merchants and neighborhood groups in the district and information about where to get help in completing amply indications. For the Solutions Include organizing legacy business application workshops for potential applicants and offering Educational Programs to help raise the visibility of the program such as tours of legacy businesses or commercial quarters at the high concentration of businesses. Finally the Planning Department communication staff is willing to help to promote the Legacy Business Program to the media to help to pitch the stories about some of these designated businesses and also to support the office of Small Business in the effort to create a brand and identity and that is a local map or other collateral. Commissioners we were just at the Cultural Heritage asset subCommittee Meeting where we had a discussion about this legacy business registry, and i wanted to summarize some of their comments and recommendations here. They could chime in if i missed anything. San francisco is the first to pass this legislation and we can amplify the program and maybe other cities will be more interested increase the funding in the future to show that it is successful and bring more attention to it. And there is a discussion of fundraising even in the private sector to perhaps suppliment the funding, the city funding. Changes that were proposed include perhaps, the nominations being opened to more than the supervisors or the mayors, or if there is a way to the public or the businesses themselves or the historical organizations or other interested bodies in nominating the business themself, and you know, practice pz there is another way to gauge, the community, and the significant of the letters of support or Something Like that. Just to open up the process more, and it does not have to go through just the supervisor or a mayor. And suggesting or the suggestions make us to stream line the process, and there is a wish to see that hpc and planning could play a lead role on the registry itself. If there there was some way to revise the process. So it was more in the domain of planning and hpc and the rest of the business, the grants and the Business Assistance remains with the office of Small Business. The increased amount of applications the committee would like to see that more than 3 to 5 applications coming for ward. So we want to be aible to maximize the potentially, 300 applications moving for ward each year. And the what i to advance the agenda quicker, and the Small Business commission and rather than having the lab and having the application in multiple languages to keep them in the languages that they were filled out that way to provide more people, the opportunity to apply and to learn about the history. And there is a need for increased acknowledgment of the legacy businesses that have been designated and so whether it is a plague sticker and the information on the website, just promoting and highlighting those businesses. So that anyone from the public should be able to find legacy businesses or tourist visitors can visit them. And highlighting the stories of those places, as well whether it is through the media or other programs. I think that is all i have in my notes. That concludes my presentation. Where we are to be hearing any additional comments that you would like to add or if you have any questions. Thank you, actually, a couple of questions. So right now, is on the planning website are the legacy businesses listed . Or how would you find out about what legacy businesses are ready have been registered . We do have a legacy business website, but i dont believe that the average businesses are listed on the website and i am not sure about the office of Small Businesss website, they can probably but they are. Yes, they are listed on the office of Small Business website. So they are listed but is there any of the in frgs that is in the package there or is this just a list . Can you come and speak to the mic . Sorry. Richard crow, Business Manager. We have it on the website, the Small Business a web page that has all of the registry but, the legacy business is on the registry, which is now 70. And it includes the name of the business, telephone number, address, and website. And we for most of them have copies of the resolution that got the business on the registry. And we have the da it that date that they added to the registry and we have a link not only on the website address, but to the website, but really it is just a very basic list. And what we would like to do is to have a map like you showed, here, and be able to click on the map and have information come up from them and from that information be things that are, you know, from the application. So that is something that we would like to work on. Okay. Thank you. I have another question you. On if i was to just say, that i was an architect hired to work on a project that was legacy business and i went to the planning information map, would it show there under the historic, and under the historic tab that this is a legacy business . Yes. We certainly have that in our system. So actually, as the application comes in, it is already, entered. It is entered in the planning information map. Right, and upon resieval of the application. And i guess that the other question is that we are not tracking it in any way, and like the legacy business goes out of business or it changes its business or not tracking that though . Right. We are not tracking that. Okay. Commissioners any other questions or comments . And commissioner johns . Yes, and i think that this is a question for mr. Crow. As if i understood correctly, you are the one who reviews the application or someone who works for you does. And then decides whether or not it needs for want of a better work to be beefed up . That is correct. Yes, all applications come through me, and basically it is a one person team, you know, do i work really closely with rigina who is the office of Small Business, but all applications come to me and i will review them and work closely with the applicant and it takes two to three weeks for a very active applicant, in getting the marrive up to speed and a passive applicant and maybe not enthusiastic about it or maybe is too busy, that can take months to get through the applications and again there is a lot of back and forth and we also have a Nonprofit Organization called working solutions and they have a new program called Business Retention and part of that is to help the businesses get through the city programs including the Legacy Program and so we have been really working with them where it is necessary to get the assistance for the applicants and help them with their narrative and take photograph and they help them get their packets together and pretty much everything has to go through here me. If i have a completed application and i have time i have been sending it to the planning staff and they have been doing a preliminary review to give me feedback that is a bonus things that we have done, five percent of the time but that is helpful as well. And that makes the applications a little bit better. That is not official, but anywhere that i can get feedback is helpful. Everything goes through me and by the time that it gets to the planning staff, it is usually, much Higher Quality than what i originally received it. Well, to assist you, do you have a fem plate or a list of criteria or a list of things that you consider to be desirable in, and application . That you use when you are reviewing these . There is definitely some criteria that they need to meet, they need to be 30 years or older, with no break in operations. That is not what i meant. That is all staff. Yeah. So the stuff, that goes without saying. They have to answer all of the questions in the narrative, and if you look at the application, there is three criteria and the different questions that we have been lifted in the application, they really need to meet and answer all of those questions or most of them, so we work really closely on that part of the application and then we try to make sure there is significant photographs and then where possible articles and letters of recommendation and things like that. And yeah, a lot of it goes into the narrative and that is the heart of the application. Do you have something that you can give to ap mri cants to assist them in writing their narrative . So we created the template and we followed the questions in there and i, if you dont have to use this it is not required. If received the communication, and i never had communication with that person, and often times i will take their just to see how they answered the questions and see if i will go back to them and say that these are all of the blanks that you need to answer. Make sure that Everything Else fits in. And i would very much like to see your template. Is there some way that you can get that to me through the secretary . Sure. Thank you. Public comment . Yeah, seeing none, i will bring it back, i have commissioner matsuda first. I had a few questions for mr. Crow. Glad to hear that you have assistance to help you, and is that the name of the organization in do they have buy lingual help to help those who are not native accomplish speakers . I know that the organization as a whole they have staff that speak 15, 20 different languages. Good. And word is getting out so that they can help yes, anybody who needs so i kind of judged the application. And i try to work with them one on one, but sometimes i can tell right off the bat they might need extra assist aness and i will connect them with the working solutions if i feel they could use that. And definitely if there are any language issues, then we can connect them with the workers. And so looking at the map that staff has provided it looks good that there are a lot of businesses that are represented in the china town area. But that historically has been a community with people speak chinese. And then in the mission, where not recently, but i would say, over the past 30, 40, years there were a number of people who spoke spanish and so it is good to know that there are bi lingual staff people to help and hopefully increase. And so working solutions can be more and more of an asset to you, so that you are not standing alone going through these applications. I had a question about the applicants who have gone there and we understand that 400,000 has been distributed is that Information Available on the website to tell us what the minimum and the maximum cap is per business . And how these businesses are using that utilizing those funds . It is not on the website. But the grant itself, the grant application, for the rules and the instructions and the application is on the website, the office of the Small Business website. We are still distributing the funds. So the 400,000 has not been distributed . Not entirely. So what happened is that we have 51 applications two we are still working on because they dont have the and they did not provide us with the fte and now in the future, when the money is tighter, we will have to all of the applications finalized before we start to distribute the money, but in this case, we had enough money to cover them. And so we, 49 of them are down to or still kind of working on but we know that it is going to come out to 400,000, and the minimum is 500, which is one fte and the maximum is 50,000, which is 100. Fte and that is the range of grants. Of what they can apply for . What they can apply for and what we can get. And we are distributing the funds in groups, we have to set up all 51 vendors as sorry, all 51 as vendors with the city and county of San Francisco, which is a complex process and it takes us a couple of months, as it gets set up as a vendor, we are doing them in groups, once a week and so we have done two groups which is 15 payments and they are in the process right now. Could you when that is available forward it to the staff because i think that the commission would really like to see how those moneys are being distributed and seeing how it can create a positive effect on retaining legacy businesses . Yes, and we have got some intend to spend the money on. Into 12 groups. They must choose between one of twoefl things. No they can use the money, for anything that would grow their business but it fell into 12 different categories frment and how are you monitoring that . So we are going to be asking in the future grant how they spent the money. Are they given a time limit, they must spend it in a year . We havent said that necessarily, but we are going to ask them about it and we are going to monitor it and those who dont apply next year we are going to ask them separately what they spent the funds on and then we have indicated that they need to make sure that they are counting and you know, some of these Small Businesses they dont have accounting some of the larger ones do, and so we said that you need to make sure that this grant money gets added into your accounting. And goes out of your accounting and we can check that so we will be able to check how they are spending the moneyy. So it is not only for tangible things. It could be to hire another person to continue to keep the business going . That is correct. It could be very general, because the proposition j was general, so it could be for rent it could be for improvements and exterior Building Improvements and we had some it in there. And anything like that. Great. And just the final question, i dont know if you had a dhans to look through what the staff the Planning Department staff has provided as possible suggestions and what the commission has suggested. But if you have any thoughts on that, i mean that we would welcome your input and your recommendations as well. Because we want to make sure that this Legacy Business Program is successful, and can be further enhanced. And hopefully, all of our legacy business can be a part of this. I think that there were great suggestions and we very much enjoy working with the planning staff and look forward to a person coming on board. And you know the thing with. We also have been making sure that the structure of the program has been set in place, so that we have to get make it through the backlog of all of the applications of when we got hired in july, we had to so a lot of what we have been doing is structural to get that in order, but we have not been able to do the fun stuff, which is the marketing and promotion and, so we want to put in an rfp no later than april and do some of the things to recognize these businesses and make it more spectacular for the businesses and for the public i want to recognize peskin and make sure that he is nominating a lot from the china town area. Thank you very much, i had one question for miss smith is that okay . Sure. Thank you for including the legacy bars and restaurants and i know that you helped to work on this in your past life, when you put this list together, about you go through a vetting process, ie, did you have to go to each of these restaurants and bars and asked the similar questions that you have provided us here. We didnt go through that intensive of a vetting process. To come up with the list, we had a committee heritage who had an education, what we called the education out Reach Committee many historians and the people who are very familiar with the city have put initial with it together, and then we could have public out reach, campaigns and through the social media where we invited anybody to nominate legacy businesses so that is how we got two over 100. Do you have some documentation on had each of these. Yeah and, after the list or the list was created then we will do research and then we had interns assist in doing the research. And some of them were interviewed, and some, you know, went and some went and collected it, and things like that and scanned it, and heritage actually has an interactive map of the legacy bars and restaurants. That have been certificated. And so i only note a few of the legacy businesses that we have come to our attention that are on this list. So it would be great if you already have this information to somehow funnel it through the Mayors Office so that they can then go to these businesses or visa versa to make sure that we can include this list of 140, plus the legends in the making. Yes . That is a great idea. . Ethank you, commissioner pearlman . Thank you. I just want to say i just think that it has been amazing that at the beginning around last summer, when we were all lamenting when things were not moving well that from july to today, you have done a lot of work and when you say a team of one, it is not a team of one it is you. It has to be more than one person and so i really want to acknowledge what you have been doing so far, i think that it is really very impressive most of my thoughts about this are you know, just sort of the expansion of this. I was thinking about there are legacy businesses that are big businesses like levi, or wells fargo. And there are legacy Graphic Design and branding firms and it might be worth when you are are he haddy to do that, to see if there is a way to get some volunteers, you know, a Graphic Designer a volunteer to come up with the branding imagery, and for this program. And also you talked about the funding and what better than the levi, foundation to support the legacy businesses of San Francisco. You know, there would be Nothing Better than for those businesses to support these businesses. So, there is and you probably thought of these things, and i think that is, you know, a way to really get some funding outside of the sources we have to really push this, because i think that you know, the notion of the information about a legacy business that is on their door, it is on yelp when you go to yelp and it pops up because there was an icon and because it is a legacy business and there are a lot of ways to create the linkages that are not just, and the tourist are not going to go on the office of Small Business or the planning website to find these businesses you know, linking it to local web sites and you have know tourist web sites and yelp and some of these other types and thing like stories at sf gate. You know, if you get chronicle online, you know, there are stories that they do that are, you know, stay on their page foz months and months and months, so that you can and so that it is there, every day as i scroll down, i read that story, but it is here. So you know, getting, you know, maybe it is john king, orp someone to do some stories about the program interviewing you know we have had a lot of enthusiastic applicants and some amazing stories. So to get those in to you know local news, sf gate, and then also preservation magazines and travel magazines and you know, obviously these are not things that will happen today, but i think that there is a lot of ways to you know, make this program as you said, just much more inspiring and exciting and that is the point of it all to keep these and that is the spirit of the city, so i want to congratulate you personally and the staff as well. Thank you. Commissioner . I would also like to congratulate richard. I have just heard, fantastic things from many of the businesses that we have already approved it is great that we are going to get an fte and this for marketing and i think that is good and when i say, and i mean that i would be happy to ask the chamber, why dont you do a program, and this is all bridges. Why dont you do a program on this . And invite, and that something that i would do to be on your own and the idea if there is a stock press released someone has picked that up and we have a press release that goes out when we nominate these businesses . No. I mean that would maybe be something that we could create. So, maybe that is part of our rfp. So just whenever we make a decision, that announcement comes, and it is a shoot out. You know, a press release that goes right to the wire. Yeah. And it is the story in the line last week about the International Cafe that came through the local wire. Yeah. So that is another idea. But any way, i think that we can do stuff. Yeah. Thank you commissioners. Any other further comments . This was just the informational item and so thank you very much for your presentation. Thank you. If there is nothing further we can move on to item 11 m. Boudreaux 415 5759140 40 50 62 78 88 1st street, 512 516 526 Mission Street Oceanwide Center present takes. Thank you, good afternoon, department staff, before you is an informational item, returning athe your request, version two of the historic display for the ocean wide center project. Which is part of the practice m for historical resources. On june, 16th of 2016, this item was before you for reviewing the comments on the original version. To provide the background on this for you, to provide, the display and the connection to the over all project. And the packets from the Planning Commission, submittal from last may, and this includes a site plan and rendering, i want to briefly orient you to some of the renders that i have provided if i could get the projector please . The project introduces public open spaces. Can you turn it on . Yeah. Thank you. And introduces new or enhanced connections throughout the downtown site, which is located one block from the transbay Transit Center. This site plan was included in your case packet. And this area along elm alley is the place, here again. And it is the general location that the project sponsor is proposing for the version, for the interpretive display, and it helps to visualize, the connections around the alley. Which is at the base of the first street tower and accessible from many different points in the site, and off of first street. The second and this is a pocket park, which is off of Mission Street. And lastly, this is the street pedestrian way which is a public way in which will be improved in the the project team is here along with architects signage consultants in Historic Resource consultants but they have a more detailed presentation for you and we are all available for questions. That concludes my presentation should thank you ready for the project sponsor to come forward. If you could maybe do the whole presentation in 10 min. . I will try to i will go as fast as i can. So good afternoon commissioners. Im presenting on behalf of a broad team and i think you can see the presentation just as a little introduction, of myself, im keith can we get the overhead, to . We kind of specialize in this area of historic interpretation. On the left you see a project we did for heritage trails in manhattan that is now in the 9 11 museum. Thats from the world trade however an exhibit on the starspangled banner. Website on iconic architecture and in some of the exhibits that we have done at griffith absorb the tory which the landmark building. So the agenda is up here and i will go through it. In june as was mentioned this scheme was presented to you. Its a single pylon with three parts. Since that time as a design team we stepped back good we looked at a variety of different ideas. We went out and looked in San Francisco particularly, at the embarcadero history walk which we like components of a good its an outdoor walk. We also looked at wink on center which has a series of historic displays about that building and we liked aspects of that as well. There was a project that we saw on the guardian that kind of compared San Francisco then and now with a series of historic photographs that actually morphed into to connect contemporary ones. So the idea that we had for elam alley history walk was basically to combine all the great things from those three projects and pull them together in a single place. As was presented earlier by fanning department, it runs all the way home for street to akers street along elam alley and it does so with 17 components. Those will be looked at a little bit as we go forward in Design Development but thats what we are presenting. We are going from just one item to many and i will walk you through each of those elements one by one so that you can see it. This is the site as we are looking at it from first street looking towards elam alley. One of the entrances. As you get closer you get to see the beginning of that alley which is quite narrow at the beginning but then widens out. One of the things you asked for before in summer presentation is that we identify this project and we are proposing to do it in three locations. The first is at first admission. I have a sample here of one of the bronzes. There are a series of rons castings in the painting. They will identify elam alley history walk and they will do it at the entrance to first admission. They will also do it at the urban room at the threshold to elam alley that is right at the base of the escalator there and actually you could probably see this in your packet closeup, you will be able to as you descend from the escalators coming down from the office tower you will be able to see one of those markers in the distance. Then the third location is at eckerd street. So these three what i call thresholds are the identifiers for signage that directs people to this destination. The elements that comprise elam alley history walk are numerous. Theres a display case at first admission and thatwe have some incredible content. This is gathered from the marley hopeful, and we are sure some artifacts, we have great photographs the weekend recount the history of 78 first and the company in that display case that basically sits right off of for street at the entrance to the history walk. Further down the walk we have a second display case. This one will talk about 62 for street and also the [inaudible] company that made the boss of the road genes and we have some wonderful posters and maybe even some artifacts as well. This is a slightly different display case that we are envisioning. We will be able to be seen from the urban room from the outside and this is a depiction of that. Its a transparent window that you actually be able to see through the artifacts and we are looking at possibly, if the kitchen layout and so forth will allow, that you will be able to see it from the inside of the cafe looking out. Again a very transparent almost a fish tank like display case of these two stories. One of a business and one of a building. Further down the way we have some terrific maps and the maps obviously they are very strong in the 1800s antenna moving forward into the 1900s and even today. These maps are best looked at and plan and we are envisioning doing what we call a maps medallion, which is to please those maps in the ground skate again in this kind of bronze configuration and identifying some of the typical stories that can be told with maps. Again, the fires, the ships that resided here and again an example on the lower right of such a map at union square quite near our studio. Joining some of these displays we are talking about a series of breadcrumbs and these breadcrumbs are Scavenger Hunt if you will. Again, linking this long alley and we are talking about two different components. The first would be quote and these quote harken back all the way to kind of the First Sighting of San Francisco date in 1776 and then reach on to today as well and they talk about native american themes and so forth and so on. So we have begun to select some of those quotes and organize them and they would be hydro cut and placed into the granite hard scape that courses through elam alley. We are also talking about doing five trade person release these would be of artistic renditions and actually do some boy held up earlier is probably the best rendition of that. You can see some examples of trades and elements in it. Again, we looked at a series of different folk who have worked in this region. Again, harkening back to native americans and shipwrights and even up on to today. So again a kind of mixture of different historic elements that are embedded into this alley that kind of stretches from first to akers street. As depicted here. The last element is perhaps the most complex or the overarching element. Its talked about the south of market, eastern section , and the history of that region. Its a complex story and it has a lot of chapters and i will show you some of that content right now. This first page starts in 1769 and goes up to 1860. It talks about this area when it was called, here. About when a cold and some of the beautiful maps and post rations that go along with it. Moving forward to when this area was called happy valley, again some of the photographs is that the advent of black and white photograph and youre starting to see some great historic panoramic photographs and detailed photographs as well. Then, moving forward all the way up short of the earthquake, again, this region change names again. The tire flat and again some wonderful photography showing his misses and commerce in this region. In 1906 obviously the transformation of this area with the earthquake and its rebirth which is still going on today and again terrific photography to support that story as well. On to the 1920s and 30s, and again all this research we have done together with page and turn ball in kind of a broad team and its assembled and kind of ready to go to the next stage. Here, again 1930s to the present and up into the 21st century could again great photography starting to see color photography as well. Our proposition here is to use media, bright superbright exterior monitors and again to kind of role through the six chapters of history in an animated fashion, a little bit like flipping through on a rolodex. Thats what this rendering shows here. So in kind of summary we have a very different thing than we show you in the summer. Its a broader gesture. Its more consolidated into a place. I think it is a destination now. One that will hopefully draw forests to this place and also the one that has people as people coming and going to businesses here will be we discover every day. So we are very excited about it and we are hoping this is a must see. Thank you thats a great presentation. I think what well do is take Public Comment at this time than we may have questions or comments for you. At this time will take Public Comment on the subject does any member of the public wish to speak on this item queen if so come for seeing none, and hearing none, people Public Comment is closed. Very impressed by this as an patient. I get up one comment just to caution you on the use of the word, the present. Youve got for example some of them about how the market from the 1970s to the present or the techie being there from the 1990s to the present. You might want to use exact dates for that because this is a long lifespan. 20 years people, what is this techie and why do they save the present thing when it doesnt exist anymore. Just one comment. Commissioner pearlman yes. Thank you very much that this has come an incredibly long way and i think this is a really goodcould be used as a model in the future. I mean clearly this project thats a lot of money relative to the cost of building these buildings im a but this is what weve often talked about as a way to engagei think the tourist trade is an important one but this engages the people there every day. If people are working their everyday work and to learn about what happened on the site where theyre walking over it every day. I think thats one of the most important pieces of Something Like this. I appreciated that its spread out and it gives you multiple times to go there one day youre walking in and of your cuppa coffee and you got a little stunned so you subject other days you just see a quote on the sidewalk whatever it is. I think this is extremely successful and i for one will certainly be as a mustsee to go see it. So thank you very much but i really appreciate that youve gone back and taken something that was had a nice design case pose a rather ordinary historical display and now it is something that like the freedom trail in boston, like some of these other places, it is something that is truly how we tell the story of our history in a very wonderful way. So thank you be thank you. Commissioner matsuda thank you i think is a great improvement from what we can before. Just a couple of questions in a couple of comments. I appreciate that you is going this elam alleys comedic historical street but how are people going to know about that clique you have good stubble was when the draw people to actually go down that alley . You talk about seeing something from afar from the elevator but whats going to attract him queen thats just one question i had just in general and then, i am of the understanding that the content of what will take place will start from page 15 about right . On the handout, just a few questions and comments. Is this going to the actual wording, the content of easier okay . Its easier to answer the question one by one queen yes. One by one about the history historical main street did i think thats a great concept and a happy that its went to be spread throughout but what can a be my draw to go there . Is a tourist, as somebody was got my cuppa coffee and walking to work, what is my jaw to go there . Well, im not sure what kinds of promotion might do for this but again i can only speak to what is physically there and it didnt show up super well on the slides. It probably was better under handouts but the thresholds i think are really quite dramatic because they are literally welcome mats that sit almost in first street and mission. They literally kind of moved out onto the site as they do at ecker street as well. I think that the urban room, which is a large public space that third threshold that sits at the kind of border of elam alley is also quite substantial. These are big big panels. 4 feet, 5 feet wide. I think theyre pretty substantial welcome mats if you will. So the visuals will just after we catch my eye. Okay. Second come on the content the wording of the contents, as commissioner wolfram said looking in the future to kind of make sure that we are clear about language, i also say to look back your if you are a tourist you dont know what happened in 1906. So just to put a little bit more context about how dramatic that was to change the face of the city. I think its important. So that was my first comments on i think the first thing to then, on page 37, you talk about the different periods of our history in San Francisco and you talk about pre1776. I dont know if it should be categorized as a hunter gatherer or not. The native American Community has been in San Francisco for a long time. The long time before any of us they have many very rich traditions and customs were maybe different from what we do today but nonetheless, it was a strong community. So i would just maybe we think that categorized categorization you have there. Then just to talk about populations, to put some context when you talk about going from 1769 to 1860 as a theres a typo on yerba buena so we can merely see the impact. As you know we dont spend a lot of time staring at things even though we should be. So i want to know right away what does it mean in terms of people . Comedy people did aid increase so we can immediately get that affect. I guess kind of on the same line as commissioner wolfram, looking that we want to make sure that people walk away with some good strong history. Let me step back. I think first of all this is a Concept Design. So what you are seeing before you is just that. Its not final tax. Its not finally bedded. It will go through a vetting process and some discussion about working with the archivists here. Every project that we do would undergo that kind of vetting. The Concept Design were really just talked about putting down some of the stories to get that convey to you. All of these comments that youve given us we will take under consideration as we advance to Design Development and further. Right. Commissioner johnck my main, and i think this is all very great. You really did [inaudible] identically am attracted to the scale, the very large scale and him looking at the last page where you had said the 1860s be about [inaudible] you did say 45 feet wide and then [inaudible] the large niche the large niche which is super and a 3d kind of affect. I really like that. Anyway i want to thank you. Wonderful. Thank you. The measures any other final comments . 51, and a funny comment. Back in the 1950s were from postworld war ii up into the 1980s every architect used to draw the people and draw people in their bead mothers with baby carriages and little balloons. Now look at these digital renderings i notice theres one over 35. In any of these. In the hand sketched ryans yes in the hand sketched drawings. But its actually sort of a common similar to what commissioner wolfram said about the techies. For the techies are there today and 20 years from now. It just the funny thing i noticed good is that the people in them using these buildings these big highrise buildings . 55 and under. Mishna hyland i agree commissioner hyland i agree with the other commissioners. The product is, wait a long way in a truly wonderful. Just for the record on a followup on the conversation i had with the attorneys the connectivity on that visual display. Will that have any feature capabilities of tapping into that if this notion of the city archivist being able to curate any kind of living histories or more transformative digital collateral . Its a digital portal. So it has full flexibility to do what ever anybody wishes it to do as long as the resources to do it. Itll be connected to the internet . Yes. Crates. That includes our comments. Thank you very much for your presentation. I believe that is our final item so the hearing is adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] we will start our meeting with a pledge to the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag to the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. This is i reminder to silence all Electronic Devices San Francisco Fire Commission regular meeting wednesday february 8, 2017 and the time is 9 03 a. M. Roll call. President cleaveland. Present. Vice president nakajo. Present. Commissioner hardeman. I am here. Commissioner covington. Present. Chief of department joanne hayeswhite. Here. Item 2 general Public Comment. Members of the public may address the commission up to three minutes on any matter within the jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or to personnel and commissioners are not to enter do discussion or debate with a speaker. The lack of a statement doesnt support or not with any Public Comment. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Item 3 approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve Meeting Minutes of january 25, 2017 regular meeting. Is there comment on the minutes . Commissioners what is your pleasure . So moved, the minute mr. Chair. Do i have a second . Second. Thank you. For both the regular and special . Do you want to do it separately . Separately. Okay. All in favor of approving the minutes. Aye. Minutes for the january 25, 2017 minutes any Public Comment . None. Public comment is closed. Do i have a motion. Motion. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Thank you. Item 4 draft operating budget for fiscal year of 20172018 20182019 discussion and possible action to adopt the Fire Departments operating budget for fiscal years 20162017 20172018 20162019. Good morning. Good morning president cleaveland, commissioners. Give me one moment to pull up the

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