Afai present. Supervisor stefani. Stefani present. Supervisor walton. Present. Clerk supervisor dorsey. Present. President all members present. Homeland of the r ao matush. Peninsula. As the indigenous land, and in accordance, nor forgotten the responsibilities or care takers as of this in this place as well as for all people who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, relatives and elders of ramatush community. Please stand with me to resite the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of necker and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. On behalf of the board of supervisors i would like to acknowledge the staff of sfgovtv, today is michael who records each of our meetings and makes the transcripts Available Online for the public. Madam clerk, do we have any communications. Yes, mr. President , the board of supervisors rkz the public here in room 250 to view inperson or just observe. You may view the computer live stream. Additionally, you may participate remotely through our telephone callin system. If you join us remotely, please call in early and turn down any listening devices to avoid feedback. The board will verify testimony from those inperson and after the board will hear from those who call into the remote system. Please note the remote system will be called each time. Throughout the meeting, the telephone number will be streaming on your screen. It is 415of 15, to hear the system prompt enter the meeting id 2465. Wups connected youll hear the discussions. When your item of interest comes up, please dial star3 to enter the speakers queue. Today we have two special orders, two of which which will have two opportunities. Committee as a whole regarding the street and Public Service for the park Merced Development project. 21 and 22 are another committee whole for redevelopment project. However the president may be entertaining a motion to continue this hearing. General Public Comment, is also item 32, during this Comment Period you may speak on the four adoption without Committee Calendar items 33 and 34 or any other general matters that are not on todays agenda but within the subject jurisdiction of the board. All other agenda content has been provided by the board where the Public Comment was fulfilled. You may also submit written correspondence by u. S. Mail by the board of supervisors, one city hall room 244 San Francisco california, 94102, or by email. We also have interpreted today by the office of Civic Engagement who will provide service during our public Comment Periods. At that time, ill invite the interpreters to introduce themselves and provide access in language. The interpreters will need to sign off at 7 00 oclock today. Finally if you have any issues, please call the clerks office. We have a live person standing by to assist. Mr. President , that concludes my communication. Thank you, madam clerk and colleagues. Just a reminder before we get started to please remember to mute your microphones when you are not speaking. Madam clerk, lets go to regular agenda new business. Clerk item number 1 is an ordinance toto perform city fufrmtions starting july 1, 2024 to prohibit the use of gas power in the city starting january 1, 2026 establishing a buy back incentive program, establishing a fund to receive penalties collected for agencies and requiring the department to submit various reports. Thank you, madam clerk, would you please call the roll on item number 1. For item number 1, supervisor mandelman. Aye, mar, mar, aye, supervisor millmell gar, aye. Ronen, aye. Safai, aye. Supervisor sh stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton, aye, chan, aye. Supervisor dorsey, there are 11 ayes. Thank you without objection this ordinance is passed on First Reading ooh nann newsly. Please call item number 2. Clerk item number 2 is a resolution to approve a Fourth Amendment to extend 14,000 rentable square feet of space at 25ms center to theater center. And forgive rent from january 21, to june 2021, in the amount of approximately 50,000. Thank you, i dont see any anybody on the roster so well take this item came call same roll, this is adopted. Item number 3. Clerk Public Comment to accept sd expend 1. 2 Million Dollars in grant from the California Department of forestry entitled urban and xhaounlt forest California Investment Grant Program as provided to the california Greenhouse Gas reduction fund. This resolution is a doptd unanimously. Please call item number 5. Clerk item number 5 is a resolution to authorize the property in Supportive Housing to exercise a option to extend the lease of property, with 124 terk lp for continued use of 55 units, permanent Supportive Housing at a base rent of approximately 56 3000 per year with annual rent increases beginning august 2023 for a tenyear term commencing upon approval of this resolution and expiring 2032. Thank you, seeing no one on roster same house same call. This is adopted unanimously. Can you please call item number 6. Clerk item 6 resolution to authorize the department of housing and Department Agreement with department of housing and Community Development for total amount not to ex taoed 7. 5 million a project home key grant funds for acquisition of the property located at 3055 to 30615th street for transitional h use and to support its operation through june 30th, 2026, authorizing to commit 1. 6 million in required matching funds for capitolex tend tour and a minimum of 5 years subsidy and to affirm and make appropriate findings. Thank you, seeing no one on the roster, we will take this item same house same call, without objection, this resolution is adopted without objection, please call item number 7. Clerk item number 7 resolution to capitol planning to create a financing plan by december 31, 2022 for expanding the emergency Fire Fighting water system to unprotected areas of the city with current and to po tension forces of funding for the system, and other options to minimize fire damage from a major earthquake. Thank you, seeing no one on the roster, we would take this item same house same call, without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call 8 and 9 together. Clerk yes, number 8 resolution to approve obligations by[reading resolution] in aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 49 million to finance the cost of education and related facility to be owned and operated by the University High school located at 3521 california street. Thank you madam clerk. I dont see anyone on the roster so well take these items same house same call and without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Please call item number 10. Clerk resolution to approve and authorize director of property to amend and restate the current lease for San Francisco Produce Market near 2029 gerald avenue with the San Francisco Market Corporation including authorizing separate parcel leases as need today provide real estate security in order to obtain one or more Construction Loans in adopting the appropriate findings. Thank you. Seeing no one on the roster, we will take this item same house same call and without objection, this resolution is dopted unanimously. Please call number 11. Clerk [reading resolution] to affirm secret determination. First i want to thank my cosponsor i would like to introduce minor amendments. To make sure that we have some of those language drafted and ready to go. Today were ready to introduce the minor amendments, theyre on page 7, line 14 connecting a typo. The for the word with, w. I. T. H. And on page 7 strike the words as directed by and replacing it with inc. Coordination with archeological staff. This is to reflect the museum tend to work in partnership regarding any project that may volve soil disturbance. I hope that i can have your support for these minor amendments for this ordinance today. Thank you. Thank you supervisor chan, do we have a second . Motion to amend made by supervisor chan seconded by super ronen. We willsupervisor ronen. Seeing no one else in the roster, we will take the amended item same house same call and without objection, this amended ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Madam clerk, please call item number 12. Clerk item number 12 is i resolution to modify and extend for parcells in Residential Commercial combined residential mix and residential transit oriented district for certain developments that do not maximize the number of units allowed. To make appropriate findings. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this item same house same call. This is dopted unanimously. Please call item number 13. Ordinance to amend the administrative code to replace the Service Officer under the department of disability and serves to nominate the officer and or reporting requirement and provide administrative support to the affairs commission. Thank you, supervisor safai. Thank you, this is legislation that i introduced at the request of department of disability and aging services. Its primarily code clean up for the county of officer. The roll as many of you insist in getting all the services that veterans need from local to local government. So when the code was enacted, the position was established. However our budget puts the program under the hsa Human Services agency which is home to our benefits program. So this mira louz the county veteran officer to please property and its intended to facilitate a conversation between creating space for them to provide vital services. Appreciate your support and thank you. Thank you, supervisor safai, is seeing no one else on the roster, we will take this item same house same call, without objection, this ordinance will pass on First Reading. Madam clerk, were going to come back to item 14, please call item number 15. Clerk 15 is an ordinance to amend an administrative code to charge a business administrative fee. Can you please add my name as cosponsors. Supervisor fafai. Please add me as a cosponsor as well. Thank you, and as seeing no one else on the roster, we will take this item same house same call. This passes on the First Reading unanimously. Item number 16. Clerk item 16 an ordinance to amend the establish first Work Alliance to give the Committee Responsibility for planning and coordinating the citys Workforce Development program and to make other changes to the procedures governoring the planning and Implementation Development programs. Thank you madam clerk, today i do have minor sub stiff amendment. These include assigning a seat number to each 17 seats which facilitate the mandate of appointments to the board. Assigning owde to support to the body that appoint hes who miss at least of all meetings in a year, shall be deemed to be resigned. This omitments have been proof to form by our Deputy Attorney and i would look for a second. Motion to amend seconded by supervisor mandelman. And we will take the motion same house same call and on the amended item number 16, we will take same house same call and without objection, this ordinance amended ordinance has passed on the First Reading unanimously. Please call item number 17. Item number 1 is motion to approve the nomination of david martin residents for term ending june 17, 2026, to the treasury Oversight Committee. Thank you. I dont see anybody on the roster so we take this same roll came call. Please call item number 18. Motion to appoint andrea term ending 2024 to the children youth and oversight advisory committee. I dont see anybody on the roster, so the motion is approved ooh nann newsly. Madam clerk, lets go to unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to committee reports, item number 23. Yes, 23 through 28 were considered by the government audit and Oversight Committee at a regular meeting on thursday, september 15th, 2022 with item 24 not coming out as a committee report. Do you want me to call 23 and 25 together. Yes, please madam clerk. Clerk comprised of two resolutions presiding to the residing judge on the findings and recommendations on the 2021, 2022 civil grand jury reports. 23 report entitled shovel ready best practices to improve San Franciscos construction program. And item 24 is entitled safe and accessible parks for all. Thank you madam clerk, president walton. Thank you, the two items are boards proposed responses. Weve got a couple of others still in committee. We hear these every year in gao and i want to under store to have this invaluable from the civil grand jury. So i want to thank this opportunity to thank as we did in committee, the civil grand jurors for their hard work during the hearings to point us to areas where our City Government can improve. And i want to thank the opportunity to thank supervisor mandelman and vice chair chan for volunteering to take the lead on the board responses and i appreciate their taughtful and recommendations on their staff worked on that. So well be considering the other two reports in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned. But i just wanted to thank folks on the record. Thank you, supervisor preston. And i do want to thank the entire gao committee for your commitment with the civil grand juror report and getting your responses out. Seeing no one else on the roster, we will take the same house same call. And without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Can you please call 26 through 28 together. Clerk yes, items 26 through 28 are comprised of three resolutions regarding tology agreements. To extend the statue of limitations for hotel audio, item 27 approves an agreement to extend the statute of limitations for park inter meet yat holdings llc and item 28 approves a tology agreement to extend the statue of limitations for llc for the lay meridien hotel. Thank you, madam clerk. Seeing no one on the roster, we will take the items same house same call, without objection, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, can you please call item number 29. Yes, item 29 is an ordinance to create the neon special sign district to affirm secret determination in making the appropriate findings. Thank you, madam clerk. Seeing no one on the roster we will take this same house same call. Madam clerk please call item number 30. Clerk yes, number 30 was considered at by a rules committee on monday september 19, 2022 and amended as committee report. Its an ordinance to amend to modify the rules concerning payment solicitations by accepting solicitations under certain types of programs to solicit and contractually nominate charitable donations providing that the receipt of license permit or other entitlement for use does not make a person an interested party. Accepting solicitations made in connection of Real Property and making other clarifying changes. Thank you, madam clerk. Without objection, this ordinance has passed on First Reading unanimously. Lets go to roll call for introductions. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you, madam clerk, i have a few items, although not as many as last week. First, im introducing, thank you. Im introducing an ordinance amending the health code and police code. Set to expire at the end of the year. This legislation will allow longstanding cannabis business including those that operated prior to the passage of 1064 to help the businesses marketplace. In the absence of this legislation, Small Businesses would be forced to see separations at the beginning of up upcoming year. Secondly on San Francisco plans to implement s1338. The care program signed into law is intended to connect people with other psychotic disorders who meet specific criteria. It will require counties to establish a new care Court Program with warp ant referred to a court by Health Provider First Respond error other authorized party. Is this program presents a for San Francisco. For people not getting the help that they need, but its unclear how much an impact the court will have. It will almost require a pa rid expansion of range of in spaish placement after weve trewingleed to bring new beds online over the past two years. To meet all of our legal obligations, and thats why im requesting an analysis in people that may be able to participate. The consequences to the city of failing to implement the program on the timeline required by sb38 and the time on which the see can implement the program to doing so. My hope is that this will serve as a tool to understand the fiscal and other challenges associated with implementing care court. And lastly, colleagues, today im and our board president are requesting an expedited of the whole for beverage workers at sfl. And consider the impact the traveling public and the citys revenue from concession at the airport. These workers include cashier and bartenders and dishwashers and more. Local two has told my effort that theyre forcing bartenders to avoid wages. Food and workers have not received a wage increase despite the cost of living brought on by the pandemic. Employer group at the airport. Workers are fighting for a living wages and fair benefits. In january of this year, the Airport Commission put out a report showing that sfo had granted concession airs. The airport expects to extend an additional 29. 7 of rent relief to concession airs. 80 percent of all food have reopened since the closures but even as sfo, food and beverage employees have been left behind. I understand that strike is imminent. Any strike will impact the general fund. The 1980 provision provides us to make payment through annual Service Payment that compensate the city for management and facility provided to the airport. This a sb consist of 60 . Concession revenue include revenue from food and beverage outlet. Any strike will impact the workers at the airport and traveling public and San Francisco general fund. Given that reality, president walton and i are respectfully that the clerk of the board agendize this item for next meeting ending approval. And the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor mandelman. Thank you, we will go ahead and go to our 2 30 special accommodations. Welcome everybody and happy latino hispanic heritage month. Were happy to celebrate some communities. And before we begin, i would like to invite supervisor ronen and melgar to say a few words. And then well proceed in roll call order. Supervisor melgar. There we go. Thank you so much, for making the time to honor folks in our community of latina heritage. As we celebrate latino heritage month, im excited to recognize the amazing contributions of two of my constituents who are the codirector of the latin jazz of San Francisco. Along with musical director don, they cofounded the program in 2001. To provide musical instruction and performance opportunity to Young Musicians of San Francisco and expose these young maou advertisings and their audience to the beauty and richness of latin jazz. The mission of the program is to present youth from diverse back grounds the opportunity to learn, latin Jazz Performance and build community through shared culture. One of the things that ive always admired is that they dont refer to perform as kids and youth, they refer to them as musicians. Just underlining the seriousness of the endeavor. This month theyre celebrating 21 years of educating youth free of charge. Arturo and sylvia have been donating their time and talent as volunteer director to keep the organization running. If you have seen them theyre the performers in the area and sylvia communicates, she is the leads and manages the website, social media and internal operations. Tolgt they support the instructional activities of the of the organizations rehearsals and performances. Over the past two decades, they have recorded three cds of original work. In addition to his work, with em semble, they serves as consultant for many nonprofits in the arts. He is San Francisco culture ambassador to latinx community. This year, 2022 and also merit of San Francisco latin jazz. Merideth of the yerba buena and summer fest. Fioria also musician and plays percussion with his family band, san pancho. Sylvia is a communication professionals. Spent her career as award producer of radio and television in the bay area. She is the recipient of the emmy award peabody award, and radio and Television News director award. She has served as a producer, writing and web host and developer. Produced a carnival in pride parades. For the past 10 years, member of carnival San Francisco. Also does volunteer work at the mission. They have been married for 38 years and i just, understand that they are expecting their first grandchild. Their son professional flutist was the first ensemble and director carrying and supporting the arts in our community. They plan their efforts for many years to come and believe that sustaining the arts and developing the talent of our young leaders. Will make the difference in our community. Thats how we make progress. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, and im so honored to present this honor to you. Thank you. [applause] thank you, supervisor melgar and thank you board of supervisors for allowing us this opportunity. We appreciate the recognition and its not something that we take personally, its something that represents a Beautiful Community that were part of and were just two of many people in our Wonderful Community that celebrate latino heritage and culture. Were just happy to be here, in the future were happy to a continue the program with our drengers who are alumni and were passing the torch. We believe in Free Education music, keeping it accessible to all students, not just those that can afford private lessons and private teachers and expensive instruments. Anyway, i just give you my thanks and we thank our community. There are several organizations some present here today. I forgot my notes, i cannot list them all. Many of the organizations and i will address our community who have had us as a ensemble perform at fundraiser he ventsz. In various events in the community. Thank you so much, thank you community. Thank you San Francisco board of supervisors. [applause] congratulations again arturo and sylvia in the jazz of San Francisco. Thank you. [applause] supervisor rone. Yes, im sad that our colleague mirna just left because i was just going to say, first of all welcome to the celebration of latinx heritage month. I think were this is number 3 or 2 . Im losing track of time. But this is relatively a new celebration. And we have a latinx supervisor here to start us. So ill mention it again when she comes in and well all clap for her. As the supervisor of district 9 which includes the Mission History which is the historic heart of the Latino Community in the San Francisco, you can imagine that taking latinx heritage month is hard because were filled, absolutely filled with superheros and super all over the mission. So its a very very special honor that the district 9 office today is honoring ivan vega as our honoree. Born in el salvador and raised in the mission since 4. Ivan, sorry, ana was write it phonetically, ivan is u. S. D alumni and a product of our after school program. As a youth he worked at several boys and girls clubs and later as an after school coordinator. His path eventually lead him to violence prevention as he witnessed neighbors and youth get caught up in the criminal injustice system. Ivan has always been passionate about ensuring that our Community Members are given the adequate tools and resources to succeed once they reenter the community. Today iefp is the manager of San Francisco Latino Task Force. Whoohoo, you can clap for that. [applause] Incredible Community lead Resource Coalition created during the pandemic that has become sort of a heartbeat in central life giver in our community. And it was created in response to disproportion impact that the pandemic has on working class latino and latinx families. As a latino task manager ivan brings together over 40 organizations to ensure that ltf continues to deliver essential services. The Latino Task Force tested more than 90,000 people p vaccinated more than 60,000, including my whole family and distributed to food to about 3000 families each week of the pandemic. Ivan was here advocating every day and night, making sure that we knew how essential the work of his task force is and making sure that it can continue. Finally its important to highlight how much ivan means to the youth of the mission. Ltf members tell me that as soon as ivan began to manage the program, he immediately became a coach and mentor to many young people. And he is the reason that so many youth remain there today. Thank you so much ivan for your dedication, your humility, youre one of those humble that rarely has the spotlight on him, but you deserve it because youre in credible, we love and admire you and mostly are just so incredibly grateful for your work to the community. Congratulations. [applause] supervisor ronen thank you for this honor. I think for me, growing up in the Mission District as a youth and watching our Community Leaders take each issue and each family in their arms and hearts like its just been, an horror for me part of the legacy and tradition of Community Work to watch mentors and coworkers that have been in the struggle for the community and people for their whole lives. Its just an honor to be part and another beat in that string of incredible, you know, the incredible legacy that exist in the Mission District. And looking at myself now and i think my lifes work has become encouraging and nurturing and promoting that kind of level of service, and giving your life and your time to your community and to us as a family, in the Mission District. I invited a few of my mente that ive known, now theyre workers here in different, we have Youth Development providers, people in workforce, mentees in education and those doing housework. As a community, as the Mission District, you know to be coming in, to be Community Driven and implemented generation after generation, is an honor and pleasure to serve the city and honor and pleasure to have the trust in the community were only here because people trust us and for them to hold us in that high regard to give them what they deserve and for the people who need us the most is definitely an honor. Thank you, everyone. [applause] congratulations and now that she is back, can we give another round of applause to mirna first latina elected on her own right to the board of supervisors. [applause] you deserve your kudo especially at this time. And thank you so much supervisor ronen and congratulations, ivan. Supervisor mar. Thank you, president walton and colleagues for this wonderful celebration of latinx month. Im really excited to lift the Important Role that our momandpop shops play. To come up to the podium for recognition. Yeah. Iconic restaurant a family owned business and its one of the dwindling number of classic restaurants that have survived over six decades. Silia is a monument to silia rodriguez who left jalisco in the 1950s to seek a better life and the american dream. When they opened their own restaurant, sylvia cafe, starting in 1960. The Training Ground for family members when those family members had earned enough to start their own restaurants. Silia had set them up and worked to perfect their en chi las. And after silias death. And all run by numbers. In addition to providing success to many family members sylvias by the beach has been throughout the recession and boarded up neighbors. Silias by the beach has been serve ising thed delicious meals while providing stimulus to the community. And silias by the beach is a rare Third Generation family owned restaurant, now run by cousin sal lopez and phil who are both grand sons of silia, im excited not only to recognize the great family today but also to be nominated silias by the beach as the newest legacy business. So thank you so much sal and phil for continuing silias legacy and really to the entire extended family for continuing to serve some of the best mexican food and drinks and beyond and for continuing the legacy of your grandparents. Thank you in San Francisco. To carry on the legacy that their parents started. Were really blessed out of teachers. And you know, we are continuing to feed the community for over 60 years. Having a margarita with the only social action that they did for a couple of years. So it was incredible to think, it is incredible to think that our grandparents came here more than 60 years, and you know, through hard work and dedication, and love, the way that they serve the community through a lot of love, the community entrusted us and kept coming back and were able to pro tell us. Thanks again, we recognize the recognition as well as with the legacy award, thats huge. And im very proud to have accomplished that for my grandparents as well. Thank you for that. Viva mexico. [applause] congratulations again, the city is by the beach. [applause] supervisor mandelman. All right, can i get my Dolores Huerta folks up here. Come on up. Colleagues today im proud to offer the special accommodation for this months latinx month. Its a Spanish Language duel emersion school serving nearly 400 prek through 4th grade students unified. They serve by pox students, roughly 70 of whom are latinx. This school is remarkable. Their classes are multi lingual, their extracurriculars include maria chi band and their educators are hard working and clearly love their students. The school has fiercely advocated for student funding. While curt a students are taught the value, theyre also encouraged to forge path for themselves to transform their lives and communities. Dolores huerta as for everybodys knows the school name sake has dedicated her life to Economic Justice. Founded the agriculture workers association, and fought for women civil rights and continues to advocate for california. And also an ally to the lgbtq plus Community Among others. We know how challenging the pandemic has been for our educators and support staff and most of all students, despite the challenges, Dolores Huerta elementary continues to provide an environment of healing and joy. In march of this year, i had an opportunity to stay for the ribbon cutting, i got to stay for the morning circle where parents and students sang and danced and celebrated, their extraordinary school. And Dolores Huerta director christina urbano. Thank you so much supervisor and were so proud to be here in a room with so many of our colleagues, we know a lot of the organizations through our work, so were honored to be here today. I bring with me my port yo within the two of them have over 32 years of service at Dolores Huerta elementary. We were leaders our Community Worked really hard to find the name sake and a leader and model in activist. That we can hold ourselves. Thank you so much for the recognition and as Dolores Huerta would want, we have a call action, we know that unified has been on the news a lot. I just want to remind us all today, we are doing really good work. And not just our staff but our students and our families. So call to action has continued to support us, continue to support San Francisco unified schools. We need your support, we cant do it alone, it takes a village and together we can. Si se puede. Thank you. [applause] im also a product went to commondor stockton, and and is finished at mission high school. And thank you, please, its not just us here that were representing, were also representing many educators and as you will of you know, they need a lot of support. Next year, youre going to have an opportunity to deport us when we start to gar begin for a new contract, to help us, not just latino and afford stay in San Francisco, thank you very much. Supervisor preston. Thank you, president walton. Today im happy to recognize a part of Latino Community that most every San Franciscoian has a connection to. They held from taco ri a owners for home cooked meals, family, from from late night rev. Ers, to workers in search of a hearty lunch. So today its my honor to recognize has they have located northbeach. Opened the taco ria some 40 jazzer ago. And today that iconic family owned business is, on grant avenue on the 1200 block right by the cafe where ive been eating lunch and bumping into santiago who also lives in district 3. To be able to help with this. And to the lopez, were happy that you chose to make northbeach your newest home. Your father which is a nickname for salvador was born in guanajuato and emigrated to the bay area in 1975 and soccer club in the same name shortly there after, based on a place they worked at in mexico city. And it was at that place in mexico city that he perfected the most popular item on the present day menu that we all know and love. He founded el soccer club in 1985 and the following year the club joined the San Francisco Soccer Football League and hungry players flocked to the taco ri a. And just like his taco ria offering, his family team became one of the best in the leagues ultimately winning the u. S. Open cup in 1953. And in 2013 magazine recipient of the award for the most life changing burrito in america. We all run into patrons, my chief of staff actually made a short film documenting one fire might at 24th and mission, the sheer volume of people they serve is just mind blowing. And that truly is an embodiment of the theme, so to irene santiago and lupe i want to thank you for being the heart of the Community Every day, for opening up in the and waking up early and build in the wee hours and getting up and doing it all over again. Because you love the city and so thank you santiago and irene. Its a blessing for me to represent human like my father, like you mentioned, here with my, sisters when they were barely born, my mother no language, no idea of what San Francisco was. They ended up living in a small room in halfmoon bay, thats where i was raised. They started in a nursing selling plants. A lot of Early Morning driving down to san jose in which my sisters ended up experiencing the most, i got to experience jumping around the plants and the greenhouses and thats how it all started when my dad started in 85 until the mission. And the mission has been our home as well as the second of parolito. And now our new home, everybody has been incredible, me being the new neighbor in the past new years, i truly love northbeach in the area and hopefully we can open el farolito and meet the other supervisors. Serving cheap food, fast and fresh, but also his passion which is soccer. With my grandfather supporting him and beach and obviously the legendary boxer balboa stadium, thats where i grew up since i was 5 years old running in that field. And now im very blessed to be in charge of the soccer club. Representing the United States in the 94 league. Now were in the National Premier soccer league, current champions of the golden gate champions but most importantly were starting a free program from youth and kids from 6 to 10 years old completely free of charge with professional coaches. So everybody in the community are welcome because it will be totally free. So to support not just food but you know, obviously with sports and like i said most importantly thank you so much San Francisco. Everybody here and thank you to my family and my two sisters that definitely work harder than me and everybody who is involved in the business that are burning their hands and waking up early and staying up late. The community that supports us sober or not, youre more than welcome. Thank you. And congratulations again faralitos. And now we have supervisor preston. Thank you. I want to thank you and your leadership in coordinating all of these amazing, celebrations today. In hop or of latinx heritage month, my office is proud to recognize la cocina, a restaurant in the food court. Yes, you can applaud. And specifically three outstanding latina entrepreneurs at lacocina. In case you dont know about it t their mission is to cultivate and support low income food entrepreneurs particularly immigrant women of color. As they build out and grow their businesses and access to market opportunities. While the cosina has been in business for over 50 years. Its been honoring, the marketplace has been become a gathering hub for. Its somewhere to have a Community Meeting to connect folks digitally or just to hang out. And i really emphasize this, as you know, the often concrete jungle of the tenderloin, there are a very few employses to go for free and sit down and relax and connect with people and be in community and feel supported. A real destination for the community. They opened the mashlgt place with Community Development, the the Real Estate Department as well as housing clinic and u. S. Department of health and Human Services. I think this location is a testament to how the city and community can Work Together to uplift our residents and services for the benefit of the entire city. La cocina would not be what it is without. And tonight its my honor to present leaders at la cocina marketplace who have been integral. First delsa of los silantro restaurant. She grew up cooking with her family in cuernavaca mexico. In 2014 she realized that dream where she opened los cilantros. Where she sold her hand made hammocks on the street. She began to sell mexican street food from her food truck and joined lacocina which lead her to the brick and mortal. And last but not least, estreya gonzalez. Third generation entrepreneur, her grandmother ran a business and at only 6 years old, she can remember selling sal va dorian snacks to local bars and businesses here in the mission. She continues legacy by running estreyitas. So in honor of latin heritage month. I honor them and invite them to say a few words. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much, i receive this in honor of all women who work very hard every day who are the main support, our kids who are learning from us and other Business Owners who are not here but same work so hard every day. We brought with us, our food, and culture from our food, we cook from our hearts thank you so much. [speaking spanish] and here we are representing our countries and dock what we do best, thank you. Muchas gracias. Thank you so much for the San Francisco city and we hope that we can still work hard and i want to say thank you so much for la cocina too, because were here because of all of their help. Okay, [speaking spanish] thank you for supporting us. Thank you so much for all the support and we hope that you keep supporting us so we can grow as a Business Owners. Thank you supervisor preston and congratulations to la cocina. Supervisor safai. Great, what a beautiful day, what a day to celebrate culture and contributions and what a beautiful culture it is. Im very honored to be talking about not one individual but an entity of individuals that came together as a collective. Really came together to show their commitment and dedication and their, to stand up for the community and stand up for San Francisco. So we thought about honoring one individual but we took a step back and got some really good input from the community and they made the suggestion lets bring everyone together and honor the entire group. So i 100 percent support that. This years theme is corazon dela comunidad, heart of the community. Im excited to be supporting honoring them, and for all of their tremendous work to serve our community. They jumped into action. To families during these difficult times. And so many things, when vaccines became available, sprung into action and worked with the department of Public Health to craft the response in the image and what the community wanted and what was appropriate for the community. And they did that bying together a Community Hub. When we needed the them the most, excelier strong heard our call. So our community, our city, my office and so many working in partnership with you, appreciates the work of excelier strong and im so proud to be honoring them today. The embody of theme of this months direction which is the corason de la comunidad, ill call and them invite them. Maria del ruby, laura padilla. Juan, uloa, miguel portiya, adrian, carlos, carmen, and christina, im sorry if i miss pronounced anybodys name. Thank you so much, im going to turn it over to a represent i think that is rose. Please come forward. Thank you. Hello and thank you and i apologize in advance if i get emotional. Im just torn and weighed down by emotions because its kind of, sad reason that we are here being recognized i appreciate the recognition and we all do, however it comes as a result of addressing the needs of our community and seeing the hardship that all of them have endured not just during covid but precovid and even now. Mental and Health Issues that many of us are able to address, regardless of that, we stepped up. I wrote something so i didnt get distracted or sad. But i feel the weight of the community we serve is with us now and its not fair to get, be recognized that the recognition is the result of somebodys hardship, a lot of peoples hardships. So those of us who have not been recognized. Those of us who are here today, got to work regardless of the risk, not knowing then, not using math but just doing it because thats what they needed. We didnt have the funds but we found it, we didnt have the food but we found it. Together we saw the need of so many in our community and we just got to work. We knew that many of our residents would not be receiving stimulus checks unlike the rest of the city. We knew that many were living in fear. We knew that many were the frontline workers in the industry of house keeper and Service Industry that made them among those that were most highly impacted by covid. So in part i stand before you, to highlight the story of our residents and not just our latinos but who need to be recognized as those whos labor makes the city, who makes the city run. There are teachers, janitors, childcare workerscious our service employees, who we all have witnessed are truly essential workers, without these workers, the rest of the city could not function, we could not go to work if we didnt have childcare, we could not go to work if our kids did not have school. But those were the people that got sick. Those are the people whos back we prosper off of to this day. I would hope that you all would keep at the front at the for front of Decision Maker by honoring them and carrying the legacy of ed lee who i remember, sharing with us that everybody is entitled to high quality of living. If we by providing them with affordable places to live, safe and clean streets and jobs to provide for their families. We are a Resilient Community and only asked to be with the dignity that they believe. Which is where i work, casa de apoyo and other critical sites, please please please, think of them, think of us all year long and not just once a year. Thank you. And now we have supervisor stefani. Thank you, president walton and first i want to acknowledge supervisor melgar, thank you for kicking things off. Its an honor to serve you and to have you here on the board showing others that they too can be here, is to important. Thank you for your service. And im so excited to present my honoree, guild gonzalez, the ceo of planned parenthood hollywood california. She has is first latino to serve as the ceo of a california planned parenthood affiliate and a fellow st. Maries alumni i was so excited to hear that she went to the same college i did. At a time when reproductive rights are under attack across this country. As a champion for healthy communities, guild as work could not be more important than this current history. Throughout the pandemic, we learned and relearned so many basic lessons about what it means what it means to each each other. Among each of us to step up and look out for one another. Especially the most vulnerable members of our society. And that is exactly what guilda gonzalez and planned parenthood do each and every day. In light of the horrible decision, pem need people like gilda gonzalez, as a mother of a daughter, i cannot think guilda more. No one will be turned away because of their immigration status, race, gender identity, Sexual Orientation or ability to pay, no matter what. In fact three quarters are San Francisco residents and most of the remainder are people who work here in the city. These patients reflect the vibrant of communities. With the flag shift here, guilda is a beacon to women across the country and for right wing hatred every day. I know i see the protest on bush street as i drivethru the clinic every day. Despite the opposition which has grown stronger since the dobz division, guilda and her team never waiver in their commitment in concern of their people they serve and never lose focus on the women whos lives they say. Planned parenthood have a long history. So to guilda and planned parenthood. And for all that you do every day for our community, con congratulations im so proud to have you as my honoree for latin heritage month. Thank you, and i accept this in the honor of my mother and father, they instilled that calling in life is being of service to others. Thats what i do, why i do what i do. I was first generation to go to college st. Marrys and i was department fearful of having an unplanned pregnancy and got the care i needed, and 33 years later, im in this position to guide our mission forward. And i believe because of the service i got im in the position to do this job. So it truly is an opportunity to pay it forward every day. And im so glad, when we opened the street in the very first patient to walk through the door. The first patient to come through the door was a latino and it was just like complete fulfillment for me and full circle. So every day and im so honored and blessed to be among the other designee. Its very sumbling. Thank you so much. [applause] so before i bring up my honoree, i want to in aggreeance with supervisor ronen that i do know the number of latino women that we have here, that contribute to the success and fabric of San Francisco, soy had to make a hard easy decision in selecting an honoree but i want to say congratulations to all the honoree here today. Thank you so much for all of your work but also for introducing a lot of latino culture to all of us here in San Francisco as you do your work on the daily. And so today, in celebration of latino heritage month, im honoring va len tina savenio. [applause] vantina has dedicated her entire career to serve hard to reach populations. As reentry manager at Young Community developers which i will take credit for, she is committed to assisting youth and young adult to successfully reentering the workforce and improving economic mobility and returning to their families and community. Va len tina has been personally impacted by the system and has supported loved one currently incarcerated for the last two decades. Her empowerment and healing continues to guide her work advocating for strategies and Economic Justice and justice reform. Va len tina has worked in the work group where she has helped to advocate in the juvenile reform movement. She has been one of the leads in promoting fathers rights making sure that fathers matter and hosting family trips to promote the father child bond. Va len tina is also one of the leaders and Community Response and has helped to Community Practices that our youth city wide. Thank you for your continued leadership to San Francisco and for being a voice for those who at times are voiceless. Your commitment and passion is appreciated and district 10 is honored to work to serve the many youth you impact every year. Corazon13s decomunidad. You really are a heart of community and we want to honor you today. Thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you president walton and supervisors. I would like to say im very honored and humbled to be recognized today. Born and raised in San Francisco, grew up in the Mission District, worked majority of my professional career in the mission as well. And in transitioned to district 10 and im super grateful and honored and appreciative of my organization, Young Community developers and my team to fully embrace me to continue to do the work that i love doing that is pretty much, has become just a way of life. And just allow me to continue to, you know, serve my population that hits home is close to my heart is the systems impacted young people and i just couldnt do it without my family and my organization and family and i appreciate it. Thank you. Supervisor chan. Thank you, it truly is a privilege as district 1 supervisor that im able to honor some of the Richmond District most beloved Community Members. And i know if i go around the richmond, many many would agree with me that they are the most beloved Community Members in the richmond, the burmaho family, tomas also known as tommy and alny founded tommys Mexican Restaurant in the Richmond District in 1965. They have five children, almy, teresa, candy tomas and julio. The family has been supporting the Richmond Community for 57 years. Amazing family, they support our community breaking down culture and language barriers with delicious food, toms margarita, if you have not tried it, you should. But they have also built a restaurant that is not just a restaurant, it has been and continues to be a Community Hub where people celebrate each other. The family continues to build on the work, i should say the children continue to build on the work of their parents. Almy and tommy julio, i think that theyre here with me today. Le and julio has been named the tequila ambassador for north america. That is somebody that knows and continue to you know, share that culture and share that love for their culture or around and that its a real commitment. Xwu also almy the daughter that i know. That tells you about this family, that is so much more about the restaurant in the richmond, it is just about their legacy, it is about their community. I am so honored today, that to be able to present to you not just a family but really the matriarch of the family. She is, and just wanted to thank you for and thank the way that you raised your family that all of you, truly are the heart of our community. Thank you. [applause]. Supervisor chan thank you so much and thank you so much supervisors. Tried to start a business to make a living but to be part of the community and its so funny because you dont know if our city is one of the most liberal and progressive in the country. They named their restaurant tommy just so people could pronounce it. So you fast forward 50 years later and unless you know us, not everybody wants to go to a restaurant named tommies. And part of the hospitality sector which is the best in the world and what we do behind the bar its so proud for us to take a little bit of not only the Richmond District but San Francisco to every place that we go to and in fact, like supervisor chan said, today you can find on the menu from moscow to mumbai to manhattan to minnesota to modesty to mexico city, a Tommys Margarita and that goes back to the San Francisco and richmond and back to my parent. So again, an extreme privilege and honor to be here today. I love my mom just said a word. You can see im not used to this. But im person, thank you very very much, to the supervisors and to everyone to San Francisco that open his heart to us. Thank you so much. Gracias. Thank you. Congratulations again. [applause] . Fm supervisor dorsey. Thank you so much colleagues, as part of this latin hedger month, i want to give a well deserve to recognize lex montel. Lex, [cheers and applause] is owner of the sf eagle a and legacy business in the south of neighborhood for more than 40 years, the eagle has served as a Community Hub it has been a rally and point for a safe inclusive space for all. As a gay supervisor who also representatives the lgbtq plus district. Its important to highlight the diversity and inter section of our community. Leads an amazing team that works very hard at providing fundraising opportunities and support for many nonprofit programs which provide valuable and needed services to the latinx services. Among those Program Benefit from the fundraising and sff o next, bsf Softball League and tenderloin dinner and exiles. On the generous work that he has done. So before i present, this certificate of honor, in cased here in authentic let backer leather, i would like to express how honored im to celebrate you and a Community Leader and widely admired entrepreneur. As my honoree, i invite to you say a few words. Thank you so much. [cheers and applause] thank you, its been amazing place to land here 30 years ago when i first came over and started doing some small little businesses and eventually completed a fine art career. And when we came over to save the San Francisco eagle my Business Partner and i, leon, hes not with us anymore, unfortunately, but his vision is still with me, along with our fantastic and amazing staff that really is core and pillar of the San Francisco eagles. And the base rock that i use to continue my community. Helping raise their funds for all of their missions and were really proud to be part of this, were also proud to engage our Lgbtq Community as well as everybody else in San Francisco. And we continue this work for the rest of our time. Thank you supervisor again. Thank you and congratulations eagle and lex. And as were closing out this ceremony, i do want to thank everyone for the public for attending to help us celebrate the leader ship of the Latino Community and all the great work that you all do for us here in the city. It was amazing to be able to celebrate with everybody and again happy latinx, happy hispanic heritage month. And madam clerk, this concludes our special order. Would you please call for our first 3 00 p. M. Special order items 19 and 20. Clerk yes, 19 is a hearing of supervisor sitting as a committee as a whole and number 20 and gar see drive. Development project area and approximately 152 acre site. Thank you, colleagues we have before you a committee of a whole vacation order for the park Merced Development project. I would like to invite jonathan cherry, the project manager of the Workforce Development to present on the ordinance, thank you jonathan. Thank you, president walton members of the board. Let me just get the slide up. Im also joined in the claim behr of public works. To hear public testimony regarding the proposed vacation of streets and public utility easements within park merced. Public works director has recommended conditions that must be met tied to the verification including certain easements and protections that will remain in place. And this lemg sleighsing is similar to an ordinance that was approved by the board previously for phases 1 a and b. Illinois just mention the last item, street system with a with focus on connectivity and safety. And that approves redesign which required the ordinance before you today. Were doing what we can to advance the project and how the Community Benefits will come a long with it. The project sponsor is currently working towards the start of construction next year on sub phases 1a and b. A approved site permit including 56 replacement units. Completion of subdivision actions for sub c and d which are shown on the screen in blue including the street and easement on todays agenda is needed for the project to obtain Construction Financing and begin construction on phase 1. And final motions for these sub phases. Now to walk you through, just illustrates the street segment shown in red, that would be vacated. The area that would be dedicated as future right away are shown in green and as you can see from the figures at the top of the slide, the city will receive more land in newly reconfigured public streets than it would reconvey as part of the vacation. Le and on the next slide, we can see the sfp sewer water easement that are suppose to be vacated. The city would vacate would no longer be needed following construction and in their place, non exclusive easement would replain in place until acceptance of new utilitieses by the city. With that ill stop there, thank you for your time. Ill be here for any questions along with public works staff. Thank you. Thank you so much jonathan, i dont see anybody on the roster for questions, can we go to Public Comment. Clerk yes, at this time the board of supervisors welcomes your testimony regarding the street and Public Service within the park redevelopment project. Well first hear comments from those here present. To provide remote testimony youll need to call the number streaming on your screen. When you hear the prompt enter meeting id. Pressing star3 to enter the speakers queue. Were joined today by the immigrant affairs, ill ask each interpret tore introduce themselves and constructions on how to connect the system. For spanish today, we have arturo, agnus for chinese and raymond in filipino. Buenas tardes. [speaking spanish] thank you. Thank you arturo. Thank you for being with us today. We appreciate your service, your language services. All right for those joining us here in the chamber, were prioritizing your Public Comment. Please line up to speak against the curtain, we ask that you adjust the microphone. Were set ising the timer for two minutes. You can come forward to the podium. Im glen and im a Landscape Architect and editor for the coalition for San Francisco, neighborhoods newsletter and i write for the west side observer. I do send my information i do get. Units in San Francisco, time vacant. And management they offered that 30 of park merced is presently vacant or that is to say without anyone living there. Byway this is not expensive housing, this is affordable, is only going to add to the tolt vacancy rate in San Francisco. Not only that, you build housing, you cause a recession, thats what proposition m. Was all about in the past. Thank you for listening to me. Provide any water, remote line, hes checking now to see if we have any callers on the queue. Wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted. Mr. Lamb, can you put the first caller forward. Speaker supervisors, all of you but given an opportunity to Say Something about this project. And all of you chose not to say anything. And if were going to do business like this, where we talk about Climate Change, but we talk about conserving water, where we talk about quality of life issues, we just talk about it. But there is no action. For the longest time ever, i brought the attention to city of San Francisco that they were, over 30,000 homes vacant. Nobody would believe me, today 40,000, arbitrarily. But as the gentleman spoke earlier, thousands of different San Francisco ans are leaving San Francisco. Some of are you in cahoon with the big developers. Some are in cahoots when we had the redistricting, we know this, theyre monitoring you all. The taxpayers and the citizens of this great city and county of San Francisco. If you do not do it, shame on you. Thank you, mr. Decosta. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you. Mr. Lamb is checking to see if any other callers in the queue, it appears we have one caller left. If youre one of the 7 that have already called in and have not already done so, please press star3 to unmute. Mr. Lamb. Hi there im a student from ucsf, i wanted to provide some comment. I believe it was by supervisor mandelman and he was talking about the care court invitations, so i was curious about that. And i was wanting to ask about transparency on expansion medical coverage for the Behavioral Health treatments. And all individuals, sorry,. Clerk to the caller, were discussing the committee of the whole on the park merced project street and easement order, perhaps youre calling in for general Public Comment. If so we will put you back in the queue and you can press star3 at a later time. Do we have any other callers in the queue. There are no more callers. Thank you, and thank you to all who called in. Seeing no other speakers, Public Comment is now closed. Colleagues any statements or questions . Seeing no one on the roster, this committee as a whole has been heard and filed. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll for item 20. Clerk item 20, supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar, mar aye, melgar, aye, aye, pes can, aye. Supervisor preston, preston, aye, ronen, aye, supervisor safai, aye, stefani, aye, supervisor walton, aye. Supervisor chan, chan aye, supervisor dorsey, 11 ayes. Thank you without objection, this ordinance is passed unanimously. Can you please call the next 3 00 p. M. Special order, 21 and 22. Clerk 21 is the hearing of to consider item 22 ordinance approving an amendment to the trans bay redevelopment plan to increase heightened volt limits of the trans bay redevelopment project area. Colleagues my office has been in communication with the infrastructure and there are some technical issues with the project that are causing delays and for that reason, recommending that this committee be continued. So i would like to make a motion to continue items 21 and 22 to november first. Thank you supervisor dorsey, on the motion to continue the items to november 1. Clerk would you like to take Public Comment. Yes. Clerk well be hearing your testimony regarding the continuance of redevelopment project aerial zone 1 block 4. Thank you i just want to remind everybody Public Comment is specific to this committee of the whole and right now there is a motion to continue this hearing to november 1, and thats what were taking Public Comment on, thank you madam clerk. Speaker [speaking spanish]. Clerk l. Thank you all for being here. If youre here in person and would like to speak, please line up now. Seeing no one here inperson, mr. Lamb is checking to see if we have any callers in the remote queue. Madam clerk, there are no callers. Clerk thank you, mr. President. Seeing no other speakers, Public Comment is now closed. Supervisor pesken. Thank you supervisor walton, i guess this is to is there somebody from oci . They are remote. I do see elizabeth. Yes, from ocii, Housing Program manager. Zoo its my understanding that this is due to some financing constraints likely not ready until december or january. So im wondering why youre asking to continue to november if its not going to be ready until january or february. This is the same thing that happened inland use yesterday which all of these items appeared on our calendar and it was not ready for primetime, i want to instead of continuing this for a date, theyre not ready, its not likely to be ready and financing issues are not likely to be resolved why were continuing it to november 1. Were continuing to to november 1, related to an general plan amendment portion of what were asking to be approved which becomes affective 90 days after introduction regardless of whether or not, if the board does not act. So we want to make sure that we have a not opportunity to address that before it happens. So respectfully cart before horse in the supervisor opinion, which i think given that you jumped the gun on the general plan amendment. And i said this yesterday in the committee, the appropriate thing to to in order to stop that clock from nicking is for the department of city planning to withdrawal and there and then reintroduce when youre ready. Alternative so you can introduce it but i dont think that you want us to do that buzz under the law there is a period of time which you have to wait before you introduce it. So rather than playing this silly game given that you have just acknowledge what they acknowledged which is not ready for primetime yet. I think the right thing to to, i was fine with it, a decade ago and im fine with it now. Xwu procedurely its not ready yet. When its ready, we introduce it and then, preassumely the board will approve it. Tore what its worth. Elizabeth do you have a response . I just wanted to t our General Council james miles is here, did he want to weigh in on procedure issue here . Fwaod afternoon jim, youre on mute. Good afternoon, president walton, members of the board. Were looking at the City Attorney office and Planning Department on the ability to withdrawal this without having deemed to be a dis approval. Were concerned that if the withdrawal is deemed to be a dis approval which is the concern of the City Attorneys office, that we would then be in this oneyear cooling off period where we would not be able to introduce the project. We understood its not a specific solution but it gives us time to figure out this question of whether we resubmit the general plan and start the clock again. So council morales through the president , ive been asking these questions for a little while. And i dont want to render advise, that triggers a year of cooling off period. I think if the Planning Department withdrawals it, we can refer to council chambers, its not a denial, its as though it never appeared. Thank you, City Attorney pierson, how would the planning withdrawing this item be a denial when we never had a chance to deny it. Deputy City Attorney, anne, so the general plan amendment is not before the board today. That was agendize jeder. So is the question is how to dispose of this item. We heard that the program is is not ready to act. Because continuing through a later date makes more sense. I was made aware that there were these concerns. And referred to the board, the board has 90 days to act on it, and if they fail to attributeding, it was deemed approved, so we recommend that the committee continue the items just so we have the best way to have it retract asked we want to avoid at any consequence such as rejecting it. More time will be available to the board and to work on the project. Thank you and i think for purposes of today, i definitely am in line with supporting motion to move this to november first. None of us have any good if we have to continue continuing. Zoo seeing no one else, thank you so much for appearing this afternoon. Public come has been closed, we have a motion to move these items to november 1 meeting made by supervisor dorsey seconded by supervisor mandelman, madam clerk on the motion. Clerk supervisor mandelman, aye, mar, mar, aye, supervisor melgar, aye, peskin aye, preston, aye, ronen, aye, safai aye, supervisor stefani, stefani aye, walton, walton aye, chan, aye, supervisor dorsey, dorsey aye, 11 ayes. Thank you so much with that clerk, the motion to continue to the november first is approved unanimously. And establishing a sunset date 15 months from the date of the ordinance. Thank you, supervisor ronen. I wanted to offer up some potential amendments to this ordinance but i wanted, im happy to talk about anybody wants to talk about the underlying legislation. However you want to do it. It sounds like supervisor peskin, oh you want to go after me, supervisor peskin, me, chan. Why dont we start with supervisor peskin, it looks like everybody else withdrew their name. Thank you, president and thank you supervisor ronen for that offer. Dating back to 2019 when most of you members of the board at the time, supported the creation of new section of chapter 19 b which was a provision that actually not a San Francisco first, i think we were the 7th municipality in the state of california to adopt legislation which required all of our, how they used it for what purposes and what the protocols around the use of that februarying knowledging are ranging from who the data is shared with, what City Employees have access to the data how long the data is stored, a series of used policies and over the intervening years, albeit, we had a little bit of covid and a little bit of shut down in all of things, in thed middle of it, some two dozen have brought us about surveillance fiment that none of us knew we had. Sf its been a transparent that makes the dpept think about these technology and think about what is appropriate in a very quickly evolving fields. These are not just surveillance cameras everything from numerous technology, license plate, readers, buses drones, you name it. And we have after each of policies, through the Administrators Office on Information Technology vetting have been pursuant to chap 15 reviewed those policies and each and everyone one of them and there are many many forthcoming, as a matter of fact i was speaking to administrator and were halfway through. I will say that the San Francisco Police Department was not anxious or forthcoming in bringing any surveillance used policies to this board of supervisors or that matter of committee on Information Technology. You will recall that Something Else happened which is the mayor ill say instead introduced a ballot measure that would have amended the law that we passed in these chambers. I with a number of challenges, on a number occasions cooler heads prevailed. Both ballot measures were withdrawn and the Police Department was encouraged to walk in through the indoor with their use tech with their use policies. This is the first of many. This only scratches the policies of used policies that the Police Department needs to bring to us. By the way there are a number of other departments that have been through and will be before the rules committee and the weeks ahead. Since it has been introduced has been changed the version that has been before you after four public hearings is version number 3 and earlier versions that are not part of that list. As i said in Committee Last week, is to bal aps the American Values and rights to privacy in the public realm. To protect our Civil Liberties and to allow Law Enforcement to with rules utilize certain technology to make San Francisco safer. I think that has been what we have all been trying to get to. As i said the other day, is this perfect . Probably not. Is it worth a try . I think so. Byway unanimously. They do have that allowance around it. But in this case, what i suggested and the committee unanimous lea greed to this amendment, was a sunset of this used policy to consider one years worth of data, youll see its a 15month sunset. If we approve the policy and the mayor signs it, it does not go into affect and we need to accumulate a month of data and we need time to analyze that and make whatever decision, we make which would be extend the existing policy for a period of time or forever or to modify that policy or to allow it to terminate and not be reviewed. Those are our options. So that would be a homeowner, shop keeper and yes that could be our benefit districts many of whom have cameras outside that are, in essence privately owned. There are two buckets that bare our attention, one what is clearly a historic practice. And that is the aoutization of historic footage. Ei, there are cameras whether there are privately or publicly owned that people access not only Law Enforcement they have been used by the opinion defender to exonerate people who commit crimes. Goes back to the daze of camcorder that was used to tape the beating of rodney king. And that is the use of life monitoring beyond circumstances. And i have, heard and listened to and work to narrow but i think appropriately so at least four our oneyear test. I realize thats a sum. Im willing to give it a try. So i want to give that background, it was a split vote in committee with myself and supervisor mandelman sending it with a positive recommendation to this board. And supervisor chan who decented. So i want today give that outline. I do want to offer that im sure she will speak to with me, and one of them i indicated sometime ago to various interested parties including the public defender himself, i thought was worth while. And what we have setforth, i think there are some metrics that could be added and so i know that we will talk about all of these things but im prepared to support and will did i sim nature to all of you in a second some language that is even a little more robust. In closing i will say this, which is im proud of 19 b, absent 19 b, we would not be talking about this. The practices would have gone on without rules, whether they were historic practices or new practices there was no oversight, there were no policies, there was no public discussion. The fact that we are having this discussion is remarkably important. The fact that we are actually saying, whether we agree or not, these are the rules Going Forward and you have to show us what you did and every time that you use live monitoring and who granted that permission with what articulatable credible reasons and did it make San Francisco favor . We would not be having those conversations. D its ironic with me, because there are people that were unhappy. And i keep reminding myself and others, that we would not be having this conversation had we not had this transparent accountability law that we originally passed. With that, thank you for your indulgence colleagues. Thank you supervisor peskin. Thank you foregrounding us in that history, supervisor peskin, that was helpful. Im also very proud of the work that you and your staff did. Creating 19 b. Technology is developing alt such a pa rid rate and involves so much surveillance. At the same time that politics at the National Level is becoming increasingly and i dont think this is an exaggeration, fascist. There has been a politics including a president who are taking this country during a fascist path. That you would not have imagined decades ago. That these people are running for office. You have a Supreme Court that is eroding our right to privacy in including taking away our rights which was established under the rights to make our own reproductive choices. We carry around these phones willingly that are sur veiling us 24 hours a day, we make purchases online that we dont even know who is sur vague that data and what theyre doing with it. We have music players that record everything we say. Not that thats a good thing, its been famous books written about societies. There is been fasist societies that we can look into where your every movement can land you in jail because you disagreed slightly with the government. These are reality dangers, we can talk about 60s, but, right now, were at this critical juncture with do we want to give the state, the Police Department for power to live food First Amendment activity in the streets. When we see lucy goose circumstances that are placed in this law. A couple of things, under circumstances if there is a credible threat that a crime is being committed or that there is imminent threat to life and safety my answer would be yes, we should let them. Police should be able to access life or death. But these significant events in order to best established how to deploy officers, that is not a power that i feel comfortable giving under under the circumstances that i laid out. It feels to me that were giving away, more powercious in this case the Police Department to survey our practices. Thats becoming a scarier scarier thing to do in this country. This does not sit well with me at all. I had a conversation with chief scott about this. I have a ton of respect for chief scott and i think under his leadership, he would probably use this power in a responsible way. But how long is chief spot going to be the chief of San Franciscos Police Department . We dont know these things. So from a policy perspective, we should be creating protections that are laws that think about what is happening to our future, what is the ambiance in government. How much we would be protecting the rights to San Francisco si sens to their privacy. And safety has often been used throughout history to get people to give up their right to privacy. And i think we need to not give into those scare tactics but instead be really thought about this and thoughtful of what were doing here. Like supervisor peskin said, there are two amendments im offering. And, and also i want to agree that when a crime has been committed, that in my world is acceptable, we should continue that practice. I dont have a problem of collecting evidence of past crimes. I also dont have a problem and im going to iterate this second time in enter gin circumstances for police to protect for safety. You police should not be able to use live feed surveillance for those purposes. So the First Amendment that im offering is on page , line 23 and 18 through 250 and basically just removing the significant event with Public Safety concerns. That, i mean, any significant event has Public Safety concerns. Just the amount of people, the heat, people getting trample, thats saying, that police they can sur veil all live events. And that makes ne incaed a mraoe uncomfortable. And the second if he wants to make it stronger orphan tastic, the item is, you know, if that amendment does not pass, if this piece of legislation goes forward, at the very least, we have an independent auditor, really take a close look at what happened over the 15 months. What type of significant events were sur veiled, what was the outcome . Were peoples rights infringed upon, that could be done by a third party expert by the controller by the bla, and the amendment that i proposed is you know, on lines 5, online 6, line 2 through 3 and line 6cious line 5 through 11 and on lines 11 through 15 or, no more or less. Colleagues i would love to have a vote on the two amendments, if they pass i would be voting to support this ordinance. If they dont pass, i would be opposing it, and i really really think we have to, to consider this really really carefully. Were not living you know, 30, 20 years ago were living today when we had a president that was, you know, had no problem trampling on every single right in trying to pond us in the constitution and there is a lot of leaders in congress that are very very scary. Thank you. Thank you supervisor are onen do we have a second . Second by supervisor chan. Supervisor chan. Thank you, and i first want to thank supervisor peskin for all work that he has done on this policy. And i have you know, sat through the rules committee for total of four hearing for the very least, i was one of the signature that signed on for for the ballot measure. So im grateful for to supervisor peskin and his leadership. I wanted to remember that he was the author to use facial technology in San Francisco. That said, supervisor peskin has really been leading the issues on protecting the citys privacy right as well as balancing the Public Safety. That said, i, i have, i voted in the sense of this because i have a lot of questions around life monitoring. I also waufnted to thank supervisor ronen for also working on language to further define and clarify and narrow down the scope of live monitoring. With both presskin work work. Were narrowed down the scope of live monitoring, were clarifying some of the protocols and process. We have put in a sensitive date of 15 months from the time that its been implemented. I think that those are good measures, safeguard but like supervisor peskin has said, is it enough . Is it enough for the time being . But from what i stand, i think even with the 15 months what were looking at right now is not enough to safeguard several rights is not enough to safeguard our citys privacy rights when so much is at stake. I do believe especially given some of the conversations that we have including an example that some of you have heard and read about is the cat latic converter theft or incidents i should say, allege that the suspect live witness, live video but the suspect was let go nonetheless. Many reasons for it, but that also is a good example whether its live witness or live monitoring, does that really make us safer . Does it really help the police doing their work . Raise a lot of question. That there is the existing Legal Process that, you know, allowing the Police Departments to get a warrant when the time when a crime has committed that they can obtain the foot anl so they can investigate and arrest. Also during the rules committee conversation that i have expressed and i would like to ex here as well. When compared to life monitoring or so balanced, nothing beats the community policing, having our Police Officers on the streets in our community, and in actually being part of our person and deterring crime inperson. So in im in support of the amendment today. But based on the principal of just not enough safeguard of this legislation that i still will be voting against this legislation. Thank you. Thank you, i just want to give my own perspective in terms of this and how im approaching it and why im a cosponsor of this legislation. Know we all saw the live videos, over the course of the last few years that were essentially had individuals fwg in in realtime and robbing in many ways with inpaounity, during the summer of 020 a little bit of after covid began. Some of the things that i saw in social media did not seem like something was this a pattern . Was this real . A real epidemic or one off. I went down to visit smft smaller businesses and saw ten individuals come walking into the wall screens while one aod outside and within minutes, they ran down the street to get the maouncious this to me signaled a departure from many of the things that we considered normal behavior in civil society. We had a hearing and in many way wz, it was hard to hear. But some felt that San Francisco had grown to be retail crime happening in the country. This was real, this was happening on a daily basis. Individuals were walking out from multiple stores filling orders valued of thousands and thousands of dollars with inpaounity. We put together a Retail Working Group after that, im very happy chief scott shared that with me, along with organized neighbor, along with the california retailers and we set out to come up with some real solutions, one is 10 a, with you all who supports that, were starting to see we talked about and worked with supervisor ronen on the permitting for saoet day one, day one, it had a dramatic impact on the mission. Thank you supervisor ronen for your strength with that. And second thing we talked about, was needs to be reminded what happened a week before black friday where millions of thatser worth of goods were taken. There were threw seeks but this was so this is not in my opinion, this is something that would be utilized in San Francisco as a deterrent. We have been committed to all kinds of justice reform. And weve seen the engagement from the Police Department from our public defender, district attorney, and weve seen some really good reform in terms of justice reform. Criminals are very very organized. They know our Police Officers are ordered not to engage in chase via vehicle under very extreme circumstances. They know that there is not live footage monitoring of many of the activities that they are involved in. They know that they can come in and not be pursued because there is a short aming of Police Officers. I want to thank supervisor peskin, im glad we did the original legislation that we did. And lets be honest were put forward a a piece of legislation that went through a massive vetting and through the channels and if anyway was being abused, we can come back and amend. We can amend this legislation, the minute its immaterial mrimented if it was being abused. So i have all the confidence in the room, we got three pages or more from the Police Department. Very detailed description on the implementation and the circumstances under which how they define Public Safety concerns. How they define how the video footage would be stored and utilized. I have all the confidence in the wolfeder that this is the right piece of legislation. I do know and weve all seen the reports that crime has risen to be part of the most important issues for the city of San Francisco. Tt our duty and obligation that will act first and for most as a deterrent. We want to im happy to be a cospon or, i take the issues seriously. I think that is why we have the monitoring. I think thats why we have the reporting and thats why were working in and thats why were working to ensure that that this is done appropriately. Thank you, supervisor safai. Thank you, president walton. Last november 19th, San Francisco was among a number of jurisdiction in the bay area that over the course of that weekend saw a number of orchestrated commercial rob hes. This was national news, i think San Francisco as it often does, as a groebl plan and this is something that fwot a lot of national. In the immediate aftermath of that weekend, the cities of san jose took steps to en distance their to determine that kind of criminal act. And they did so almost immediately and here we are ten months removed from that incident. My concern is not the existence of thoughtful guard rails and i theyre supervisor ronens about what were doing rapidly. And now may be used by government that are losing confidence at the federal level. My certain is respond to orchestrated crime. It should not be easier to get away with crime in south San Francisco than in and my risk is that the rifl Liberties Community would be focused on state level so we can all be on a level playing field. That said, i do appreciate the leadership of supervisor peskin to hammer out something that works for our but after ten months of real estating this, im comfortable with the deal that has been struck by supervisor peskin and im going to be supporting that. I do think that this is something, my swish is that we are mindful to protect our businesses and our tourism from these kinds of problems that i fear we may not be doing as good a job to address. Thank you, ill attempt to be brief since were all going to speak on this. I do want to extend my thanks to our chair peskin for working with the Police Department over and Mayors Office with the year long period. I think that where they got is good and has a right set of guard rails and ill be are supporting the amendment that he is proposing taod. And i also think it says something about to get the work that the people have not gotten. Or if we have not been able to do that. This is one where were getting it done right. I share the anxiety of colleagues and others in the, well at least in San Francisco, about what happens in donald trump or another fas ifpt is elected to the United States and how it can be over used by an over weaning government on the bon surveillance, we need to look at the dangers and challenges. Right now here in this city, we have a Police Department that is sunday staffed to the tune of 500 officers and that number is growing. We have technology that we can use and with appropriate guard rails that will allow our under staffed Police Department to function for a tech tiffly not in the future but in the here and now. And i think thats what this policy does as it has been crafted. Ill be supporting supervisor peskin amendment but not the others. Thank you supervisor mandelman. Thank you, i just want to thank supervisor peskinnon creating article 19 b and the framework for us to have this important policy. I also really appreciate that that the board and mayor are working together through the legislative process instead of another policy fight. I do support the use of technology and new technology to as one to keep our neighborhood safe and in our city safe with appropriate guard rails. I do support the ordinance. In particular, i appreciate the oneyear the fact that this is now one Year Pilot Program and then after that period, well really be able to evaluate whether this, these policy did in deed help enhance Public Safety at large events and help and whether it helped the Police Department investigate crime. And whether there is abuse of the policy. Or that it was used in ways that infringe on First Amendment rights. I do think the legislation as amended, strikes a good balance here protecting both Public Safety and civil rights. I do support the additional amendment. I think supervisor ronen described or presented and i think supervisor peskin mentioned he might have something a little different that strengthens the requirement. I think that the more data and reporting that we have during the oneyear pilot period, the more well be able to evaluate this policy. So thank you. Thank you supervisor mar, supervisor presston. Thank you, and i agree with some of the comments that i heard and i disagree with some. Ill just say that im struck by and saddened by how far weve come from 2020 and our shared, i thought commitment to changing our city and our society. Mostly and false data some of which gets repeated but most of which is outside of these chambers, were lead to scrap as many as quickly as possible. And move towards more and more police and more is more surveillance and more and more incarceration. That is my, when i hear about under staffing, i realize as a body handed 50 Million Dollars extra in increases to the Police Department this year with no real showing of need because they were so supposedly under staffed. Now not only do they have to have the extra Million Dollars to staff up but also they have to have dramatically expanded dramatic rights because theyre theoretically under staffed. That does not resonate. As others have, recognize supervisor peskins leadership in, as has been noted in 19 d in bringing us to the point where we have this before the board. I think thats very significant. And also want to thank the rules committee for their detailed work on this with multiple hearings, i want to acknowledge the concerns raised and the involvement of advocates bar association, Police Commission Civil Rights Organization and many otherser who have raised concerns. Trying to thread a needle which prevented from going to the ballot and shape a sensible policy. So i think there is value to that transparency. You ne, i think its too brad. I want to start i dont think the police have made the case for the need to go beyond exit circumstances in the live surveillance. I think that objecteder nans that did not have the live sur ville ans. And historical use, well be having a very different conversation. Were looking at the law that despite all the care that has been given to come to a compromise and hopefully live with, allowing very sweeping even on its own terms. Would allow live surveillance access to live surveillance of most any block. With the concerns around gathering protest and surveillance there. Consistent with investigating that misdemeanor, that is really concerning, and i think its significantly browder than it should be. And you allow the historical in building the case, you can get the footage. I dont see the need to go beyond that, that case has not been made. I will be supporting supervisor ronens amendment. But cant support the ordinance as is. Thank you supervisor presston, supervisor stefani. Thank you, and i do want to thank supervisor presspeskin for leading this discussion and presenting it in a way to balance the right of privacy. I have lived here for 8 years, when im all said and done it will be 18 years. And i have noticed with my own eyes and ears that, that things are different. And people do not feel as safe as they once did. And i know at least from my constituents is that the theyre demanding that we do take a more proactive. To, to gain control over people and i dont think thats what is happening here. But i do want to acknowledge the concerns. I have my italian passport ready to go. I want it acknowledge the concerns because i dont dismiss them at all. But this piece of legislation, i dont have the concerns in the way that i just know tao, not a fantasy that we are short Police Officers and its not propaganda in all of what has been said, its, numbers its data on how we determine who is calling 911 and how fast we can get there to help them and we cannot get there fast enough. We have to rely on officers for overtime. There are a lot of things that we could be doing that we dont get to do because of staffing shortages, and those are things that we ask for. Building community all the things that we want our officers to do and they should do, we cannot and just for comparisons sake, put 10,000 resident, chicago has 44, dc61 and we have 22. That makes a difference. The numbers have real life consequences im not saying survey everyone. Thats what were doing here. What were doing here is balances policy based on the numerous hearings that weve had lead by supervisor peskin about that precious right to privacy that supervisor ronen spoke about to keep safe. When you look at what the significant Public Safety and what that is in the definition of that is defined as a large or promile event in the city where spd, special manage street closures and baracade and special Investigation Division manages Homeland Security unit is assigned to potential terrorists or criminal attack. Its not for everything. I do believe that its a false evaluation. Its not in the legislation. For significant Public Safety events, sfpd can only use live monitoring for purpose of deploying personnel and max of 24 hours. This is not in every event which just happened in my district when they burned down part of the armenian church. I also just had a serial predator attack another person in chess nut street, and yes its a problem. They keep going out, this person keeps after women, attacking them and something needs to be done. We also know this is for visiting dignitary which i think is important. Which i fear. People that want to do harm to San Franciscoians and we know what they did before. And if youve seen recently, the amount of requests to our serves department in terms of those who want to carry guns in San Francisco, has skyrocketed. So i do believe there is a need for Police Department to have exception to see what they have now which is only being able to use live monitoring or view live monitoring with the request in risk of death or serious bodily injury. I think that we have reached a place where we balance the need for everyone to feel safe with the right to privacy and for everyone to feel safe from those that would do us harm. I trust the Police Department to carry that out. I trust the body to hold the Police Department accountable and thats why im going to support supervisor peskins amendment. I will not be able to support supervisor ronens amendment but i do understand her concerns. You know, where we are in our country, i completely understand, i just think that we have come to a police where we have enough safeguards in this legislation where were able to pull back as a body if we think its being abused. And i im prepared to vote for this one, and i want to thank supervisor peskin for his great work. Thank you supervisor stefani. Supervisor melgar. Thank you, i want to thank supervisor peskin, for the heavy lifting and also to your staff. And i want to thank supervisor ronen for listening to advocates. In the past year and 7 months that ive been supervisor of district 7, i would say that easily 40 of the issues that we hear about from our constituents are about crime. And specifically the rise in property crime in district 7. During the pandemic, some of the more difficult things are on commercial corridors. Nevertheless as a steep rise did cause several businesses to go under. Wouldnt afford to keep their doors open when people were breaking in. Technology has made our lives better its just a tool and despite not always to supervisor comments, to supervisor, i dont always trust the Police Department. But its reform those aspects of our policing that we dont think are appropriate for modern times. So i, also it occurs to me that a captain of a precinct with right now set up on a block supervisor preston to your comments, if surveillance is needed by a Police Officer they can send a Police Officer to that block and its a little less intimidating to have a camera there than to have a Police Officer. I would be supporting supervisor thank you. Thank you, supervisor melgar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you colleagues for all of the applaud zone, i think theyre deserved but im in deed trying to make the best of it and clearly have not reached consensus. Only would remove one of the three authorized uses around significant events. Which as supervisor stephanie, correctly stated, we limited to the role turp of true deployment in major events. And did so in a back and forth with the police. And i like the afford the Police Department an opportunity to address that specific issue. I actually thought tfts number 3 that was going to be the more controversial issue but supervisor ronen amendments keep those in. So i would like to afford ms. Stevens the opportunity to address number 2. And by the way, if you watched this in committee, im sorry for the repetition but for the people that didnt see t i think its worth rehearing. And there are some very clear constraints around that use as it relates to significant events as defined. One i did not wish to turn this into a committee hearing. But i do want to say, do you have an amendment to move . Well what i was going to offer and ive emailed to you after i spoke to it and i can speak to it now, is the metric amendment that supervisor ronen suggested which is on page 5 at starting at line 19, for live monitoring. The courterly reports this is existing language. Including the reasons or reasons item captain found the information credible whether the request was granted by the non city entity and add the language. To add the total cost of the department and include any other sem in a one block radius. So just additional but im happy to speak to those after we vote on the first set of amendments. So are you moving those. Im happy to move those subsequent to voting on supervisor ronens more extensive amendments. Im happy to make a motion for that back up amendment. Thank you for your at the same times and i do appreciate all the work that has gone in to something i consider dead issue. For me, i want to dispel the smith that Police Officer cannot get private camera. It happens right now, you can do that right now. Ive seen it happen, ive been a bit of conversations that where it happens. I just have to make sure that that is stated for the report. And for me, its always an issue. We have to remember the precedence that were always setting. I know the process is just trust us. But people have been violating Civil Liberties since my an shefters were brought here from entirely different continent. So this whole trust the police, i dont know where were going to get that. Deputy chief but when you set a precedence like this youre still allowing people to determining the implementation of a policy is. We know that people make mistakes. Im not willing to do anything to tool the liberty. The simple fact that the services can be violated. As somebody who has to consistently to find leadership of constitutional protections, these policies are what i fear the most. Especially as a black man, i made some mistakes but and done some wrong things. This is dangerous and ive had to share this conversation with our chief of police as well. There is no such thing as immediately changing negative affects. No such things. We still have people locked up for things that are now legal. People locked up for things that are legal, because the hardest thing to do in this city and world, is to right a wrong. Thats the hardest thing to do. You can ask slave or people who lived in intermments camps particularly saskatchewan slaves, the hardest thing to do in this country is to right a wrong. When you put a law in the books, changing that law is not just as easy and arbitrary as its made to believe in some of these conversations. And this is not part of the course. This policy, this legislation thats the sole ability to affect the already slow space in reforms that we have in place. I cannot be part of that setting that precedence and i think its unfortunate that we may be doing that. Some of the example given by my colleagues that i respect are solvable with the current surveillance that Police Officers are allowed to use. If you running a store items, you can be caught by the camera that is of course is in place by that store. Or use somebodys camera across the street. If you break the glass of a car window, which car has been broken and it was definitely expensive to have been victimized youll be caught on camera and footage can be used. Live feeds cannot be used. And if the argument is we dont have enough officers, who the heck is responding to these live calls . Who is responding to these live feed calls . And to add another tool to that violation is just something, i dont believe that we should do and i respect the work of everybody in this chamber. Thats justed a reality i wanted to make sure that i stated that, supervisor ronen did you want to let ms. Steins. I dont think its fair, i watched the whole hearing and it was supervisor chans comments in the hearing that truly inspired me to drop these amendments. I thought supervisor chan made a series of excellent points and i thought you were amazing, it was watching that hearing that lead me to have the passion to have the conversation today. Now a couple of things i want to say. Number 1 im not surprised that supervisor peskin is surprised that we didnt remove prong number 3 which i too supervisor presston with a major issue with the misdemeanor part, i think thats problematic for a million reasons. However in the spirit of trying to get something through, and knowing this board and knowing the Propaganda Machine and the press right now around the state of San Francisco, i chose to leave that alone and try to appeal to, a privacy rights and our First Amendment rights not to be sur veiled by the police when were expressing an opinion often about controversial issues. And i too supervisor, president walton and quite shocked but by this boards actions and this is the city of San Francisco, its a sad state of affairs. But you know, what are you going to do . I also wanted to make the point that supervisor peskins amendments are very different from the amendment that im suggesting in one major way. I would be happy to add, supervisors lets take my amendments in two parts. Im not sure that everybody will vote the same way in both parts. The first part, there may be four of us that support and the rest wont thats one thing. But the second part requires an independent audit of this information. It brings up a lost issues, we should have a different entity, review the metrics. Supervisor peskin added a metric in his amendment that i love and would be happy to add into the metric of the Second Amendment, that makes total sense. But its not the same amendment for that reason. I dont know supervisor peskin if you would be willing to combine for the second part only. And if president walton were allowed to have two separate votes. You can split your own amendments too. Okay, so ill split the amendments. So if what i would like to do ideally and i want to see if supervisor peskin amenable to this. The first has to do with removing live monitoring at events, that dont involve a circumstance, remove that completely have a vote on that. The Second Amendment is about the metrics of the data that the Police Department is required to collect and asking for an independent audit and review and analysis of that data. And i believe with that Second Amendment, there is an opportunity for supervisor peskin and i to combine our two amendments and to have a vote on that is supervisor peskin is amenable. First, let me make sure that supervisor chan is okay with it. So we will take the first one. Separately. And then i believe its an order to have a discussion if im not mistaken about what you and supervisor peskin may want to do after this first motion amendment is passed or failed. Supervisor peskin is your burning desire for us to have thank you. All right, lets, okay, supervisor safai. I think you may have a committee haerk. Hearing. I want a point of order, im not sure what is being pointed out. Thats a point of information. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai. The first that were about to have is on page 2, to remove the section called significant events with Public Safety concerns. And on page on page 4, line 18 remove the same, the same section. So this in other words, this policy. And on page 7 sub h . Yes, thats right. So do you understand now what that First Amendment is. I did wanted to make sure that it was read clearly into the record that you were talking about three specific spaces. She also divided and mentioned just one sentence so i just wanted point of view. If we can have a vote on that first. That would be the first vote. Correct. And are you clear about the second one. Lets do the first one first. All right, so we have a motion to move forward the first set of amendments made by supervisor ronen and seconded by supervisor chan did we get that recorded . Yes, the first side of amendments on supervisor ronens amendment. Thank you, would you please call the roll for that amendment. Yes, supervisor mandelman. No. Mar, no. Melgar, no, peskin, no. Preston, preston aye, supervisor ronen, aye. Safai, no. Supervisor stefani. Stefani, no. Walton, aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor doresey, no. There are 4 aye sxz 7 nos, with supervisor mandelman and mar, peskin, and sfasi. Thank you, the motion to amend does not pass. [gavel] supervisor peskin. Lets see if we can do this together. So there are a cup of three things going on here. One is the language that supervisor are onen has proposed on page 6. Well the meat of is on page 6 which is language which says total cost associated with the request and usage. And i have slightly more robust language that i read into the record. So i would like to pause at that for a second. The second is, that pulling of historical footage and metrics for live monitoring. I would like to submit to all of you that the metrics for pulling historic footage and mind you, respectfully mr. President contrary to what you said, there have been no real rules of the road for the pulling of historical footage until this policy. Yes its a historic and yes its gone on for decades, no offense to the bar, requires a warrant if people voluntarily wish to provide to lawsuit. I would submit to you, that i think were all concerned about. So i would suggest that that we only apply these live metric to see live monitoring. And i would go further to thed language that supervisor ronon has proposed at the bottom of the paragraph in starting in line 12 which is that this board intends to identify strategies for and i want to talk about the word independent but for he value oohation. Evaluation. And ink that we have in at our disposal. I suggest that we go with the log that i passed on earlier which i read into the record. And then adding a a revision which would say after the last paragraph in the sub section Data Security that begins with reporting, a new paragraph has inserted that reads, we have a Second Amendment. Combined. Madam clerk, or deputy City Attorney pierson anything that we have to do i understand the amendment and i think that they have described it for the record and im able to put that into writing afterwards. Thank you. I just need clarification to understand the language. If supervisor ronen is agreeing to what supervisor peskin is proposing. Line 25 and that is specifically mentioning the in a oneblock radius for the month prior to the live monitoring as well as live monitoring so were agreeing to adopt that language. Now in supervisor ronens on page 6 line 5, that specifically for a procedure or protocol but from what supervisor peskin has mentioned, that its agreeing to a live monitoring request not for historical footage. So i want to understand from supervisor ronens version were addressing historical request or addressing live monitoring footage request. So im agreeing to removing the hifpt cal footage request. Sorry and adopting live monitoring. Yes. So the information that will be collected and then analyzed by an independent department will be just the live monitoring incidents. Which would apply to numbers 1, 2 and 3. Agency, significant events and the misdemeanor felony. Right, thank you. Thank you, supervisor chan. Just for my clarity, supervisor peskin how are we going to have independent oversight if we leave it up to another department under the ospeces of this government. We respectfully do it all the time. Thats item budget and legislative words for the board of supervisors and created in around 1970, 71. But they work for us. So youre talking about Something Like the bla. Right. Or Constitutional Office confirmed by the board of supervisors and in the way supervisor wrote this paragraph, it says that the board intends to identify strategies for independent and then i inserted the city. Im happy to say for the budget and legislative analyst. We can just, we dont have to identify strategies if you want to further refine this on the spot, the department understand the board intends to have the analyst evaluate the ethicacy. That works. Thank you for that clarity. Hold on ms. Pierson you good with that . I am good with that, this is fb just an amendment to the Police Department policy. So theyre not really in a position to required that the bla do this report. The board may still need to act by motion to direct it. Thank you, supervisor presston. Thank you,r maybe we can do this between now and second reading. I just dont know if we heard from the bla that we heard from the capacity. As somebody who fought in the budget process and thank you colleagues for all supporting the minimum increase to the capacity so they can, you know, work with us more closely on oversight work its long overdue. I dont know exactly what this review en tailds and i dont think we want to hear from them live in the spot. But i want to make sure if were going to write that they have capacity to fulfill that. I have strong suspicious that they have the capacity to exist. Supervisor chan. I just want to clarify with our deputy City Attorney that these amendments consider substancetive. No theyre not. Thank you. Thank you. Madam clerk did you get everything. I have captured the amendments and visions to the one supervisor peskin added from supervisor ronen, thanks. Do we need a second . Because now weve combined two motions, we should do it correctly. I will withdrawal my original motion. Youre okay with that, if supervisor mandelman agrees, im happy with supervisor ronen either to make the motion as stated or second it. Youve got to pick one. On the motion as offered by supervisor peskin, and just to clarify since we were, supervisor peskin you withdrew the previous amendment, do you concur with that one. Okay. On the amendment just stated, supervisor mandelman. Aye. Mar, aye. Melgar, aye. Supervisor peskin, aye. Supervisor preston, aye, ronenn, aye. Safai, aye, ste fa aye, supervisor chan, chan, aye, dorsey, aye. 11 ayes. Motion to amend carries unanimously. Madam clerk,. Clerk all right on the ordinance as amended. Mandelman. Aye, mar, aye, supervisor melgar, aye, peskin, aye, supervisor preston, no, preston, no, ronen, no, supervisor safai, aye, stefani, aye, walton, no. Walton no,r supervisor chan, no, chan no, dorsey, 7 aye sxz 4 no with supervisor preston, ronen in the decent. Item number 14 passes. Madam clerk, we are back at roll call for introductions. Yes, next up on roll call for introductions is supervisor mar. Thank you, supervisor melgar. Thank you, colleagues. So today i have a request to our controller, for something that i care deeply about and have been working on supervisor ronen which is the services that we provide to youth in our city. So you all may remember that former president norman had an effort along with the community to create collaboration with former mayor ed lee our children are families. Which oversaw the investment in Childrens Program through the childrens fund. So our children and our Families Committee was composed of 47 people. And it included all of these departments and a bunch of folks who were suppose to align our investment in children services. Now that committee has met a couple of times, but because it was unyield it has not achieved anything. But if you look at our our children our families website you will see that they have quite a bit of reporting on how different departments are doing with outcomes for children. So i have talked to our controller and are requesting that they do an analysis of Children Fund on the outcome. I have worked for a nonprofit that works supporting youth it has president walton. And in the nonprofit, youre suppose to report regularly and often on whether or not you achieve our outcomes. Whether youre meeting the outcomes that the money is suppose to come, youre suppose to do it in the database and in the format that the department requires. But our departments are not required to do the same. But there are no metrics guidelines or reporting requirement nothing to say whether or not were meeting the golds that weve all set together. So im formerly requesting that our controller do an assessment of the money that were giving the departments through the childrens base line and figure out whether or not we are meeting the goals that we have all decided that we want to meet. And the rest i submit, thank you. Thank you supervisor melgar. Supervisor peskin. Submit. Supervisor preston. Commit. Submit. Supervisor ronen, thank you, supervisor safai, well go back to him. Supervisor stefani. Submit. President walton. Submit. Supervisor chan. Submit. Supervisor dorsey. Thank you, colleagues im introducing a hearing request for growing area of concern in bicycle parking. I use bike chair as my transportation, and it has changed game in many ways. It has changed bicycle politics and for the better. By ziggy expanding the number of people who have a steak in Bicycle Safety and by policy generally. The advent has also changed the game by making bicycling a more option. Ebike is acknowledged as a gateway to ebikes. And with the growing number of cyclist, i heard that they have real concerns about where to park their personal bikes especially ebikes which are more expensive. Described as a fearless advocate in a passionate historian came from wisconsin to california with a sense of adventure and brought a unique blend of practicing ma tifm, she will be greatly missed by our board and staff. Alicia l gayinger, served as executive director and chief executive aofr of chs since august 2019. Came from chs from wisconsin with a vision to increase access to history. Under her leadership, chs weathered the covid19 pandemic and laid the groundwork to emerge from it. Amidst all the challenges we face today, political and Climate Change and more, alicia advocated to the history plays to guide californians in making better decisions today and in the future. To that end, she worked tirelessly to Field Services to help chs and fulfill its ambitious in the future. Her work was dedicated to chs to serve and collaborate with eming caters, cultural and history organizations and californians all over the state to create a more just and prosperous future for everyone. In a relatively short time in our city, she developed a close relationship with San Francisco office of Workforce Development and i know oede, leaves behind her husband and family in florida, several nieces and nephew, our thoughts and prayers with all of them for their loss. Thank you. And the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor dorsey, supervisor safai. Thank you, madam clerk, colleagues, couple much things i rise on today. First is regarding earthquake safety its been 30 years since San Francisco created, its about about 20 years since San Francisco created a 30year implementation Safety Program going back to mayor newsom. That required Property Owner to have their buildings strengthened. Today were taking another step in the direction. Because we know its not a matter of if but a matter of when. I want to thank along with supervisor peskin. Were submitting a drafting request that would require an evaluation to look at the concrete buildings. Developing a new retrofit program to identify and strengthen vulnerable concrete buildings. So some types are now known to be unsafe in a large earthquake. So damage would endanger lives and slow the citys recovery from an earthquake. The citys executive Panel Includes city administrator, carmen shoe our new Firm Director of building, department of building inspection, Patrick O Riordan and our department of management. Another thing were doing is declare october 25th, clean air day in San Francisco. It encourages california to take the pledge to make our air cleaner. Some simple things that we can do include what many of us do, walking or taking Public Transportation to meetings. Im not idling car engines, planting trees which supervisor walton joins me in doing consistently in our districts. Making Home Improvement and eliminating woodburning fireplaces. District 11 families, suffer from very poor air quality being bound on both sides by freeways 280 and 101 so our community have stepped up over the last few years to plant thousands of trees and will continue to do education campaigns in our schools and community areas. Both Latino Task Force and guadalupe have received micro grants to educate Community Members to take this pledge. So well continue to advance that and promote that information in our community. And with that, the rest i submit, thank you mr. President , madam clerk. Thank you. That concludes roll call for introductions. Thank you, madam clerk, lets go to Public Comment. Clerk at this time we welcome to Public Comment. Once connected youll hear the discussions. You may also submit correspondence by u. S. Mail number 1, city hall number 244 San Francisco california 914102. Ill now call on our interpreter who are still with us today. Arturo agnus and raymond . [speaking spanish] anybody here in the chamber, mr. Lamb is checking to see if we have any remote callers who would like to provide live comments. If you have not done so press star 3, mr. Lamb, do we have any callers in the queue . Can you hear me . Please proceed. Can you hear me, thank you, this will be brief. I understand somebody said that supervisor stefani is not strong. That person must think that water flows up traem. Thank you for taking my call. Supervisor stefani is strong. Thank you for your comments. Mr. Lam do we have any other callers in the queue . Madam clerk, there are no more callers in the queue. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you, seeing no other speakers Public Comment is now closed. Would you call the for adoption without Committee Agenda item 33 and 34. Clerk yes, items 33 and 34 were introduced for adoption without committee, alternative any supervisor may require resolution on First Reading to go to committee. Thank you so much, madam clerk. Do we have any items anyone wishes to sever. Seeing none, would you please call the roll for the adoption without committee. On item 33 and 34, mandelman, aye, mar, aye, mel nn gar, aye, supervisor peskin, aye, supervisor preston, aye, supervisor ronen, aye, safai, absent, supervisor stefani, stefani aye, walton, walton aye, chan aye, supervisor dorsey, aye. 10 ayes. Thank you, without objection, the motions are approved unanimously. Madam clerk, do we have any imperative agenda items. Clerk i have no imperative agenda items. Would you please present. Clerk for the late alisha gearing. Thank you, madam clerk. Do we have anymore business before us today. Clerk that concludes the business today. The way to get started is to quick talking and begin doing. This meeting is adjourned. [gavel] good morning. The meeting will c

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