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Present. Supervisor melgar. Present. Supervisor peskin. Present. Supervisor preston. Present. Supervisor ronen. Absent. Supervisor safai. Present. Supervisor stefany. Present. President walton. Present. We have a quorum. Thank you and can i get a motion to excuse supervisor ronen from todays meeting made by stefani and dorsey. Mr. Clerk on the motion. On that motion. President walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen, excused. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. The motion pass without objection. With supervisor ronen excused. Thank you. Motion to excuse supervisor ronen from todays august 8, 22 special meeting is approved. The San Francisco board of supervisors acknowledging that we are on then cest ral home land of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of San Francisco. As the indigenous stewards and in accordance with their traditions the Ramaytush Ohlone have never seated. Lost nor forgotten respondents and for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests we recognize we benefit from living and working on their Traditional Home land. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging then cestors, eldand relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Would you join me in reciting the pledge . [pledge of allegiance] thank you for that. Supervisor safai . And on behalf of the board i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv wee have jason who records each our meetings and makes the transcripts available for the public online. Mr. Clerk. Do we have communications . The board away the public to the chamber here in city hall to listen or to advise the board in person. This meeting is airing live on sfgov. Org channel 26 or view the live stream by going to sfgov. Org, you may participate remote by call in system. Call in early from a quiet location and once it is your turn to speak make sure your sound is turned down the board will hear testimony or comments from those attending in person. Thereafter the board will hear from those who called in the remote system. Remote system will be open one time and once closed will not be reopen. Throughout the meeting the phone is streaming on your screen it is 4156550001 when you hear the prompt enter meeting id 2490 070 5729 you will know you joined once you hear the discussion. However your line will be muted. Once you are ready for comments press star 3 to get in the speaker queue. System will prompt you have been unmutesd and begin your speaking. Todays special meeting has 2 items each with their own Public Comment. There is no general Public Comment item. Happening communication is public sending it written u. S. Mail to sf board of supervisors number one city all room 244 San Francisco, california or sends e mail to the address of bos sfgov. Org with office of civic engagement. Interpretors will be present. I will have them introduce themselves in their language. If you have questions accessing the meeting call the Clerks Office we have a live person to assist the number is mr. President that concludes my communications. Thank you, mr. Clerk. And we are now at our first item for adoption without Committee Reference item one. Mr. Clerk. Yes. Item one is the motion to make findings to allow teleconference meetings. Thank you and before we vote on this item, we do need to hear from the public. On item 1. Yes. For those who took time to come down to the chambers we are taking comments. Lineup on the right hand side of the room. Adjust the microphone so you speak in the system to provide your comment. Can the first person in person speak begin your comments you have 2 minutes to speak. Thereupon are not anyone in person. We are now check the re mote system. To we have remote attendees withhold like to speak if you called earlier, press star 3 and wait until it indicates you have been unmuted and begin speaking. Are there any speakers. Yes, im curious as to why are is no general Public Comment i have been meaning to comment. I know think that people who serve on the board of supervisors need to being respectful of people that are [inaudible] beneath them in lower roles [inaudible] not make commentses inpromote. Specific to being able to provide a remote meeting and so commentses need to be directed toward item number one. Thank you. Excuse me. I believe that was there are no further callers in the queue thank you. Thank you so much. There is no other Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, call the roll on item 1. Yes. On that motion, president walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Supervisor melgar. I will come back. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen, excused. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor melgar . Aye. Sorry i could not [inaudible]. Aye. Motion passes. Without objection with supervisor ronen excused. Thank you without objection this is approved unanimously. Mr. Clerk call item 2. Yes. Item 2 is a motion to ratify the Health Officer august first, 22 declaration of local Health Emergency regarding the monkeypox virus. Thank you, so much and we do have representatives from the department of Public Health. We have our director of publicing Health Doctor colfax and doctor philip and representing the department of Public Health. Thank you so much. Doctor colfax. My apologies. Thank you very much. And good morning president walton and board. Thanking you the departments behalf for convenning a special session to ratify the Health Declaration of Health Emergency on monkeypox and the out break in san frap. You know as a gay man who came out and both professionally and personally during the height of the hiv epidemic i experienced and saw my friends and colleagues the stigma and discrimination during the height of a pandemic the hiv epidemic. And the stigma and discrimination that so many of our community sprjsed then is being responsiblesed again today in the face of monkeypox. And i want to assure that you both from a personal, professional and the department of perspective were committed to ensure the stigma and discrimination is confronted head on ensure the community most at risk the lbgtq Community Men have sex with men gay and transmen who compose of 95 of the monkeypox case in San Francisco. The people are getting evidence based, updated, accurate and culturally congruent information about steps people can take to prevent the disease. Where people can go for vaccines. And how to access treatment. We are committed to doing it in a way that supports Peoples Health and wellness. Including ensuring they have the information they need to make the decisions about maintaining their sexual health. This declaration will help ensure we have too lates available to augment our out reach will vaccine distribution, evidence, testing and treatment including the communities who remain at highest risk. And it is my pleasure to introduce the Health Officer for the city of San Francisco, who has been leading our efforts in the department with Incredible Team who part nerd with our Community Members to ensure we do everything we can to mitigate the impact of monkeypox in our community. Doctor phillips. Thank you very much. Doctor colfax and good morning and let me add my thanks to president walton and the board for call thanksgiving special meeting to ratify the declaration of the Health Emergency of monkeypox in San Francisco. As of 5 oclock on friday, august fifth sfd ph confirmed 444 case of monkeypox in San Francisco. They are confirmed cases and anticipate more will occur. Due to this rapid increase in case. I declared a Health Emergency on the monkeypox out break in San Francisco on august first of 22. Ip issued the declaration to direct and harass resources including obtaining additional vaccines. Tell allow d ph and other health provide torse get ready for case. I issued the declaration to raise awareness and help educate people when may come in contact with the virus how to protect themselves and those around them. Health and Human Service secretary and the governor announced declarations last week regarding monkeypox out break in the United States and can california i urge to you ratify this declaration for monkeypox out break in San Francisco today. As case increase in San Francisco, the demand for vaccine is high and it is needed to stop community spread. Without supply they have trouble fulfilling the daoist keeping communities safe this week San Francisco has been a lotted an additional more than 10 thousand dollars dose of vaccine from the state i have at federal supply. This will start to be begin to people this week this is double the previous 2 allocations but not near what we needs. D ph requested 35,000 doses to begin to meet the need but received 22,000 doses to date including the most recents allocation. City work to increase implementation of vaccine distribution, testing and treatment and responded to the spread of the monkeypox virus. They will request additional vaccine allocations and distribute them to clinics and other locations where meadd and accessed bite people who need them. The monkeypox virus impacts all people, our data as well as the state and the country shows spread in lbgtq communities higher rate this is is true in San Francisco as well. It is very important to recall and to note that anyone regardless of Sexual Orientation can be inneglectd and spread monkeypox. Again i urge to you ratify this declaration of a local Health Emergency tuesday i expect to bring it back to the board of supervisor as needed to continue the declaration for as long as the emergency purcysts. Thank you and im happy top answer questions you may have. Thank you. Doctor phillips. Supervisor mandelman. I do see you have a couple of questions, thank you so much. Thank you president walton and thank you for convening us to reaffirm this emergency declairation and thanks to doctor philips and d ph and the mayor for recognizing the Health Emergency in San Francisco and for owl of your advocacy to get San Francisco to vaccination doses we need. I have a few questions. One relates to this store that he broken in the mercury news about San Francisco pulling back from Contact Tracing on monkeypox. I wonder if you can explain what is going on there and why that makes sense if it does make sense . Yes, thank you very much. Supervisor for the opportunity to speak to that. So when the initial monkeypox cases were detected in San Francisco, we were reaching out to every individual where the laboratory reported a positive case. And we continued doing that through the spring and in the early part of the summer. And what our Case Investigation and contact tracers identified is that we were doing this in order to try to get vaccine to the people who were named as cop tacts to the cases they were highest risk for developing monkeypox and by vaccinated them we could prevent them from developing the case themselves. When we found is people were not able to or were not willing to talk with us about the names of the prooem people who might have been exposed. We understand that is a concern. And we support self disclosure to give people information to pass to partners or others they may have been in contact with. That strategy was not yielding people who were then able to direct vaccine to when we held vaccine supply in order to give them to them we pivot to a broader strategy of communitiesing about spread of monkeypox it was clear there was person to person spread in the community not just tieed travel and europe or the world that had previously seen out breaks that is the evolution. But to date we have reached out and talked to 72 of the cases as of august 22 of people who have been identified with monkeypox. We continue to prioritize people who are under 18 and people who are pregnant or become pregnant because of the concern for more severe illness in the individuals. For others we support them with information on how to disclose to their partners and others and stand ready to provide assistance if requested. Okay. My other question relates to we are now have received this larger shipment of 10,000 doses and you now have this Emergency Authority, in one of the more unseemly aspects of distribution of vaccines has been the incrediblely long lines with folks getting to general earlier in the morning to try to be in line to get the vaccinations. I got mine last monday. I got there 5 30 in the morning and 123rd person in line that morning. My understanding is that continuing and well is no reason tong that that is in the going to the be the way people access this vaccine but does not make sense what makes sense to go online and you know identify a time and sign up like the covid19 vaccines when they were distributed. Is there any plan to use your Emergency Authority to create a vaccination Distribution System that makes more sense . Thank you as well for that good question. I will answer a couple ever parts of that. The first is hato directly answer about using the authority from the Emergency Declaration to look at different way in which we can expedite and simplify the vaccine the process of getting vacs tooen eens and we want to do that. What we will be exploring are ways to use partnerships including vender partnerships and contracts to do this work and also have additional people helping us to think about the work limp is a possibility and will explore all avenues to make Vaccine Access more simple. The state of california that would they are going to utilize the system they used for covid19 vaccine and programming that to incorporate monkeypox for put pull county across the state searches for vaccine and that could be helpful. That will happen later this month they participate. In terms of getting vaccine and the waits people had. I will say that there have been criticism in other jurisdictions that have done Online System because those appointment slots go quickly and there is concern because there is some lack of clarity how a person gets the slots. There is concern in both directions with the lines that people do as well as where and how people might have the ability to get those Coveted Online appointment slots. What we have done is a combination of the things. I think it is important to that vaccine clinic it is important and highest volume site is not the only place they get vaccine we have been wonging with partners at kiez and sutter and really happy to say that people who are affiliated get vaccines through provide and call centers associated with those system. People have multiple routes to get vaccine and you said, we are making it a priority to continue to improve the system further. So people dont have to wait and spends hours in line and as our vaccine supply increases the options will increase further. This may have changed the experience through the hearing we had a couple weeks ago on this was spokes directed to call the citys phone lines to make appointments were not getting calls back and we are having an experience it is frustrating it was part of what was driving people to the lines. I understand notmenting to take the pressure off the kaiser and sutter and ucsf, i think we also need a way that makes sense to get vaccines to people and should not be individuals who are trying to dot right thing and get vaccinated when through an impossible access system. Thank you. I would urge you to look at an a committee partnering with the state if they move to an online appointment based system to figure out a way to get our county dose in that. And i think those are my questions. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you supervisor mandelman. Supervisor dorsey did you have something. Thank you. Supervisor chan, i have supervisor safai and mar on the roster. Supervisor safai . Thank you, president walton. I have a question Doctor Phillips my understanding is we talk about vaccine and having ensuring we have 22,000 doses to date which we need more of. Okay. See how we do a Board Meeting and this at the supervisor peskin, can you and he is muted. Um utilizing small pox vaccine can you talk about that and when we have not moved access that which we have a lot more doses available that could be utilized unless im misinformed wanted to give you the opportunity to comment on that and ask why we might not be doing everything we can to get that as well . Thank you very much for that question and the opportunity to speak to this point. Yes. You are correct. There are doses of small pox vaccine, which previously t had been available and is Still Available to use. That vaccine is what is known as a live and replicating virus. A weakened virus but can replicate in the human body. And the current vaccine does not have that feature that function. The people who can benefit from the older vaccine is more limited. For people who have certain immune compromising conscience. People living with hiv that is not controls and others, it can be dangerous to have that weakens virus replicate actively and cause more lesions after vaccination which could cause harm to themselves and make them sick and if they are living with others it could spread to them if there are Young Children or people with medical condition in the household. There are safety issues thatter related that vaccine, that is the reason why you have not seen jurisdictions move to using the small pox vaccine. It is a risk benefit trade off if we had an out break of mall pox or an upon event where it was rae leased the risk of that virus is so severe it caused death it is worthwhile to have the entire population to take on the risks of that small pock vaccine. With this virus what we are trying to do is utilize the safer vaccine so we dont cause harm to people giving them the small pox vaccine. Thank you. Thank you supervisor safai. Supervisor mar . Thank you president walton. Thank you, doctor philip and colfax. And mayor breed for the declaration. Public Health Emergency on monkeypox. I did have a few questions and a comment, i first, it is my understanding that d ph as of now is in the priorityidesing Contact Tracing for the case identified case. And that is concerning to me. I also understand that there has been now cases confirm in the our county jail system in a Navigation Centers. I wanted to see doctor philip if you could explain why d ph is not prioritizing Contact Tracing for monkeypox . Thank you, supervisor. What we are doing is really trying to focus on individuals who are at most risk for severe out come or individual who is are outside the general groups we are seeing with monkeypox. That includes people under 18. People who are pregnant or could become pregnant. When you said we hear about case in congregate settings we focus on out break prevention. Our nurses and case investigators shift friday following up on every individual case to trying to understand about cases that are occurring in settings where people are gathered closely such as shelters and other congregate settings to support staff and testing and vaccine provision. And investigating who is coming to contact with a person who is a case. In terms of the jail here the San Francisco jail, that is in the a confirmed case. In the jails and we are waiting to get the test results there. But, it is a concern and we are working close low with the leadership of our jail Health Service which is part of the department of Public Health. Lisa prat and her team are working closely with me and others in the investigation and Contract Tracing team to think about how we may do everything we can to prevent spread and protect individual in that setting. Thank you of and doctor philip, can you describe what support we are providing for individuals that have tested positive with monkeypox including isolation and how will it is needed and yea. Around that isolation like we did prosecute providing to offer to people who tested positive for covid . Thank you very much for haquestion. The contracts and agreements we have in place were specific for covid. So at this point we are limited in when we can offer in terms of isolation rooms or places for people to isolate. We are working with people to make sure they have information in trying to see if there are other existing resources they could be helpful but dont have the same dont have the same volume to of rooms or ability to refer people for ace lagz for monkeypox. Okay. And then upon i guess one final related question is around first i wanted to thank San Francisco voters for passing prop g in june that made public Health Emergency leaves permanent for the covid pan dem and i can future pandemics. And now you know with the declaration of Health Emergency of monkeypox, the supplemental paid leave will be available for to be used for monkeypox for individual who is test positive for monkeypox. Prop g it is not start until october first. So there is going to be a couple months where it is in the required the supplement paid leave is not required for folks with monkeypox to use. So i wanted to urge employers to offer the extra paid leave during this 2 months until the emergency leave is in affect on october first. We looked a possible emergency ordinance creating public Health Emergency for monkeypox but it would yea, the timing was not yea. Did not work out. So doctor philip i had a question, is the city able to continue like our supplemental paid leave for monkeypox and and also other programs we createed support folks you know during the covid pandemic like the right to recover program, there was also financial compensation for workers that did not, yea. Needed it. Thank you, supervisor. The right to recover funds for covid are themselves limitd and we have limited 8 to continue to administer those. And we dont have an additional or separate aint to do that for monkeypox at this time thank you. I think these are issues we should look into. Additional steps we can take as a city to address the monkeypox growing monkeypox Health Threat and support folk in our community that have tested positive. It is something i look forward to taking up when we come back in september. Thank you. Thank you so much supervisor mar. Supervisor chan thank you i want to continue long the line of questioning that supervisor mar had of the specific low about right to recovery or right to recover program. And try to understand that with the declaration of public Health Emergency local low to allow this to be extended beyond today until you say otherwise. What then will allow us with this declaration that we can do . Does this neap not at this immediate moment but eventually that we could have the right it recover program and some other components we had with covid . And if so, what is the time cline special what does this electric like. Thank you, supervisor. This public Health Declaration is focal than our over all city wide emergency with covid and is focused on what we are able to do as Public Health and Health Officers the concrete thing its allows is requires that entities provide information to the Health Officer and declared an emergency if we understands who is getting vaccines or who they are seeing and treatment they are required to give that to yous. And gives us some ability to work within the department to align resources toward upon sundaying. But in terms of larger prospect and settingum programs outside of the department, we remain limited in doing that. So, we are exploring all the partnerships and the contracts and other things we had in place for covid19 and where we are able to we want to leverage those similar things temperature does not create new funds. You know as you know, the covid19 funding has not come through to continue and has in the been there is a federal declaration of emergency, no additional appropriation of monies to the states and local jurisdictions. This remains a challenge. Understood. Does that mean we can continue the conversation to see if there are ways the city can advocate state and federal funding for right to recover or continue the conversation and perhaps with the Mayors Office that we can really start think burglar and hopeful low with our budget chair to think about the right to recover program and extending it . Yes, i think this declaration poiseed say it is an emergency and in we as a department and we continue have possible conversations with elected official and lead torse understands how as a city, we with wrap oofrnldz the need. Were advocating for a vaccine as biomedical first line of prevention and we know there are Additional Needs as well. I think i want to highlight what supervisor mar mentioned, the fact that because of the voter has approximate approved for public Health Emergency additional 2 week of pay on top of paid sick leave but does not kick in until october. The thought is between now and until october how do we how can we as a city perhaps during this time of emergency, that can allocate fund and look forward to hearing more from you and to give us advice along with the data you will gather and give us a better picture about the populations that need its and how much people need its and can we get the scope of the need and be able to extend the program . Thank you. Thank you very much, supervisor, that data will be happy to work with you on that. Thank you supervisor chan. Supervisor preston. Thank you, president walton. I wanted to thank doctor philip and colfax and folks at d ph for their work. I asked my question in committee when we had the gao when we had the hearing on monkeypox response i dont have additional questions. I did want to really extend my thanks and recognize the leadership and work of our colleague supervisor mandelman from really the early days as cases were breaking highlighting the need for the city to be proactive in monkeypox response and bringing the board of supervisors in that discussion through the hearing that he called for. I wanted to thank him and Community Advocates that have taken the lead in elevating the need for strong are response including the club and harvey Democratic Club and Community Based organizations like the aids foundation and other who is have been stepping up employmented thank all the advocate who is have been pushing us and also folks doing all of this work in community and department of Public Health and president walton forking this and Doctor Phillips. Obviously, you know let us know what we can do we have been at our best when it come to Emergency Health response when we are purke Health Officials and figuring out how we can best back them as we are making demands on the federal government here in trying to do so with one voice, thank you. Thank you supervisor preston sxf i want to piggyback on your comments specifically, want to thank our city leaders who stepped up and understood this was manage we needed to get in front of and i do want to thank Doctor Phillips for declaring the state of emergency as i stood with my colleagues and the mayor and d ph and city leaders on the 28th, to declare the state of emergency. Knowing and understanding that we near a pandemic and quick responses how we prevent further out break. I too, want to say we stand with all affected communities. Lbgtq . Latino and any affected vulnerable populations. This emergency will allow to yous have the folk that yous is need to do everything we can to get in front of this. We are in a pandemic we dont want to repeat the same learn the same lessons we have in the past. Thank you. Just really one question, doctor philip and forgive me but making sure how will this emergency help with special populations like when we look at the people in custody. Or your staff, nurse, doctors and also our sheriffs. And then looking at the affects of what could happen in shelters as well. Thank you very much. And again very much appreciate your leadership and being there with us from the beginning of this declaration and announcing it was coming. What this public Health Emergency does is to focus us as a department and focus you gos as a city to say here why monkeypox is important and why we use every possibling way we can within the d. Opinion health to utilize our resources and serve people who are most likely to as well monkeypox and have spread if monkeypox is introduced. It is you and others mentioned important low, a message to the state and our federal partners that we stand ready to put focus our abilities which are significant as a department and a city with partners to combat this. We need the resources the vaccine to do that. And thats important. And as a department, we are working closely with our colleagues at jail health and our colleagues that work in Shelter Health and will do integrative care for people experiencing homelessness and we have been able to allocate and get vaccine that we are reserving for things like out breaks and reserving for places like congregate settings getting vaccines quickly. We have that and able to work with the partners to get vaccine to those locations that is a practical way which we utilize our ability to move resources and to prioritize this as declared emergency to be able to do that work. I also appreciate supervisor prestons remarks about community and emphasize that our Community Partners at large, Health System partners who are asking us for more vaccine and opening up their vaccination clinics to patient and members butt general public to make it available that is in the happen nothing every jurisdiction. And our Community Organizations who are also using their expert ease advising us how to prosxeed this is a Rapid Improvement cycle. We are getting input and adjusting messages and the way in which we get information out not guilty place we send vaccine and continue to do that. This declaration formalizes all the work that is already happening before we declare it make it on the first we talked about on the 28th before that was happening. I think it helps us again to utilize everything, every lever we have in the department to ensure people will stay safe during this out break. Thank you so much. Supervisor dorsey . Thank you president walton. I did want to join colleague in expressing gratitude to my colleagues for leadership and supervisor mandelman. I want to mention, too, Speaker Nancy Pelosi advocacy on Public Health heroic in this as through the aids crisis and covid. Mayor breed and doctor colfact and philip. You know im one of a handful of openly hiv positive people in Public Office and proud to represent a city whos approach on Public Health is the San Francisco model and parking lot of that is partnership with organizations like the San Francisco aid foundation. And i know this around dooraly we saw the stigmatizing playing out in that i appreciate the leadership of the department of Public Health and working with that i wanted make sure haspeak with one voice in how we approach this. Thank you, supervisor dorsey. Thank you supervisor dorsey. I dont see my colleagues that wishes to speak further. Thank you doctor philips and colfact. Before we take role on the item we have to wait for Public Comment. And i do want to reminds the public and let everyone know in the chamber and call nothing Public Comment is specific low to item 2 to ratify the Health Officers declaration of a local Health Emergency regarding the monkeypox virus. This was a special meeting called specifically to deal with addressing do everything we can to stop the spread of monkeypox i apologize for no general Public Comment if you wish to speak on everything we will redirect to you another meeting mr. Clerk. Yes. At this time the board of supervisor welcomes your comment on ratifying the county Health Officers declaration of a healing emergency regarding monkeypox out break. We will hear Public Comment from those present in the chamber and take those remote. To provide remote connect to the call in system dialing streaming on the screen or your computer screen at 4156550001. And you will hear the prompt and enter the meeting id 2490 070 5729. You will have joined a meeting but you will hear the discussion and muted in listening mode only. Once connected press star 3 and the system will indicate you raised your hand. Continue to wait in listen until the system indicated you are unmuted then begin your comments. The board of supervisor will accept written by mail at San Francisco board of supervisors 1 doctor carlton b. Goodlet place city hall room 244, San Francisco, california 94102 or e mail us bos sfgov. Org. We are joined by civic epigaugement and immigrant affairs i ask each interpreter introduce themselves and provide sprukz in the language for comment. Our first one is arturo in with spanish. [Public Comment instructions in spanish] thank you. I believe next will be fill pino by raymond. [Public Comment instruction in filipino] filipino]pino by raymond. [Public Comment instruction i filipino]pino by raymond. [Public Comment instruction i filipino]opino by raymond. [Public Comment instruction i filipino]pino by raymond. [Public Comment instruction i filipino]ipino by raymond. [Public Comment instruction i filipino] thank you. Our next is in chinese by vivian. [Public Comment instructions in chinese] thank you. We appreciate you be available to provide Language Services to the communities. And jump in once you hear our speak in language. For those of you who took the time to come down we are prioritizing your Public Comment. Lineup to speak at this time. Is there anyone in the chamber for Public Comment at this time . Give me a moment. There it is not appear to be anybody in the chamber for ment on this time. We will move to remote speakers. Mr. Atkins is checking to see if there is anyone who would like to speak. If you call in the earlier on the phone and you have not done so dial star 3 and indicated you are unmuted that will be your queue to begin your comments. I believe we have 28 callers. And 16 in line to speak. Have our first caller, please. Okay that easer was unattended we will try later and the next caller. Hello . Hello. [Public Comment in cheeseburger ease [speaker spea. Im supporting the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. One of the supervisor suggests racism i want him to resign. I ri want him to resign. S racism i want him to resign. [inaudible]. Public comment . Thank you supervisor peskin. Inform them we go to the next caller if they dont stick to item 2 for Public Comment. I clarify for the speaker. I will do it again. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Hello we can hear you. St my name is [Public Comment in chinese] the interpreter make a clarification to the audience focus on the topic about the monkeypox. And yea. Please, begin. Monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Health and safety is the most important things. For now the situation we are still in covid but now the monkeypox came to us so we just so scared and then we are afraid the future. I finds out that the safety issue one of our supervisor i believe the president is the security check. Step in and if you dont mind remind our covid commenters todays Public Comment and this time is only regarding the declaration of the local Health Emergency regarding the monkeypox virus out break. And this is the only. Yes. Let me clear to the audience again. If you can unmute the callers if they have anything to say regarding item 2. Anything related the subject. Okay. Right now i heard it and i read the newspaper so far now monkeypox is not a benefit everybody now and i mean how can we do the prevention and what is the next step. Do you have any. Okay thats it. Thank you. Next caller, please. Hi. Can you hear me . Yes. Please proceed. Yea. Im jessica [inaudible] Public Comment i support the monkeypox emergency [inaudible] the city [inaudible] requirement to tell people who to do and how to do it [inaudible] for all people i support the monkeypox emergency. Thank you. Thank you very much. Our next caller, please. Hi. You can proceed. Hello okay. Yea. [inaudible] centuries of racism and injustice and no, no, no. This is out of order. Thank you supervisor peskin. Please remember to keep your comments to item twot declaration of the monkeypox health order we are at emergency order we are here to ratify the monkeypox emergency order. The m are at emergency order we are here to ratify the monkeypox emergency order. Of the monkeypoe are at emergency order we are here to ratify the monkeypox emergency order. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Ja helo please, proceed. Hi. Hello . You can speak now. Im randy i [speak chinese] interpreter make the translation for the audience to stick on the topic of monkeypox emergency order. So please, begin. Okay. Inotropics monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Monkeypox emergenc declaration. I think the safety is important, too. Thank you. We will go to the next caller after we take the speaker who is in the chamber. Thank you, supervisors. Im [inaudible] here at my personal capacity. I want to thank you for your work on this for listening to the advocates a large number waiting to make comment on this call now. Thank you so much. I want to say, who made it coordinated effort to hijack Public Comment to politicize manage this is the not the place. I ask you yourself stick to the main subject. Yes. This is something that is primarily at this time affecting the Lbgt Community nothing with racism or politicizing outside of this item. Thanks. Thank you. I like to give an opportunity to the interpreters to reemphasize the statement we are hearing Public Comment on the subject matter of the monkeypox declaration of emergency. Thank you, mr. Clerk and would you remind everybody immediately we will go to the next caller if they speak on something else. Yes. I will do that. Basically before the [inaudible] i will tell them districtly for hello . Hello . We hear you. Thank you. Strictly for the monkeypox emergency order. I will do that again. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello . Yes. We hear you. Yes. [speaking chinese] the interpreter claire myifiy the audience stick otmonkeypox emergency order. Please, begin. Okay. I think keep are afraid the covid pandemic is here and the monkeypox came to us. We are hello, hello . They hung up. Sorry. Hello . This situation will [inaudible] our lives. The situation is our [inaudible] and mental health. Thats i didnt support the monkeypox emergency order. Thank you. Thank you mr. Clerk, next caller, please. Hello . Hello . Proceed. Hello . Hi. [speaking chinese] the interpreter said that the Public Comment now is only for the monkeypox. So please, begin. Hello im jim. I come to this Public Comments today. I support the monkeypox emergency order. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much mr. Clerk. Next speaker. Next caller . Hello . [speaking chinese] okay. I support monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Im we like to need to we need provide a reminder hearing Public Comment on the monkeypox Emergency Declaration not additional warn happenings if you stray off the topic your line will be cut and we will move on to the next caller. If our translator can let our speeshs know that it would be appreciated. Let me clear to the speaker now. I hear nothing from the speaker can you call the next caller next speaker, please. Made the clarification to the speaker focus on the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. I support the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. I want to than what the protection can protect us. Thats it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisors, we have a meeting like this should be meaningful and now it is not meaningful. So this emergency declared on a National Level we want to know if we have a commander linked to Emergency Services in the city and county of San Francisco who can do a Needs Assessment. Now the out reach is not done in a proper manner. And then when you open it up to Public Comment and then have a meaningful manner you destroy our democracy. People are like [inaudible] may be they want to Say Something and destroy our democracy. You have to have a meaningful hearing stop doing the people come here to like a parrot and Say Something that means nothing. You need a commander to do Needs Assessment to see the meaningful out reach is done in San Francisco regarding monkeypox. A lot of you wait in line for 6 hours to get a vaccine because the vaccines are made in denmark. The supervisor does not have the ability to make the monkeypox virus. You should talk to the people about that. Thank you very much. Thank you, next speaker, please. Yes. This is kristin evans. I came in midway on the hearing but i wanted to call in and support the emergency order. Also had some significant questions and concerns that came up through the hearing. I working closely with the population in the Navigation Centers and i was alarmed hear the first time today that there was Significant Impact on the Navigation Centers. And vulnerable folks including seniors and people that have been struggling with health, including the covid pandemic. I was not satisfied with the response about how they were taking precautions to ensure no further spread in the Navigation Centers i would like to hear more how they are taken in terms of they were in the process of reinflating the centers doubling the capacity and adding more people in that system like a [inaudible] now i did not hear anything about pausing inflation. Intake to shell theyres had out breaks, are they practicing protocols with people. These are important questions to answer. You know we learned through the covid pandemic hacongregate settings were a challenging area to provide a safe space for folks thats why the shelter in place became necessary. I dont know enough about the transmissability of monkeypox to say whether that is need in the this case but would have liked to have more transparency from the department of Public Health how they address out breaks in Congregate Centers to ensure most vulnerables. Thank you. Experiencing homelessness. Reminder. Public comment is 2 minutes and we are sorry we cut anybody off. Next caller . Hello. I call in support of the monkeypox emergency. And i like [inaudible] when was the vaccine available to the general public and what measures we can take to to monkeypox. Also i like to call your attention [inaudible] thank you. Next caller, please. Hello. Hello. We can hear you. Please, start. Hello. Okay. [speaking chinese] make the clarification to the speaker only monkeypox comments today. Please, begin. I support the monkeypox emergency [inaudible]. Hello . I think the speaker cut off. We did flag this as inappropriate comment from our party and like to move on. Sure. Next speaker, please. We can hear you. Yea, id like to voice my spchlt monkeypox Emergency Declaration. I feel that on the coat tails of the pandemic this is a concern and we need to put our attention in [inaudible] as well, thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Can you hear me . Yes, proceed. Hi. Great. Thank you. So im a Health Care Worker i want to speak on the monkeypox and all the misinformation given. Our organization and my manager before that i wanted to do speak chinese im hearing a lot of asianamerican chinese speak folks are asking for a special meeting they want a resignation of walton. Thank you for your comment we will ask that you keep Public Comment to item 2 specifically this is important for everyones this is an important xherjs declaration. Everyone has the ability to e mail my office and e mail my colleague this is is an important Emergency Declaration Public Comment is specific to item 2. If you call in and you are speaking on other items which you have a right there are other vehicles to do that, right now at this point, via e mail. Continue with comments specific to item 2. Next speaker, please. Supervisor my name is [inaudible] im a gay person. Im submitting publish comment im concerned about monkeypox in the city and lack of urgency tow responded. Especially the lack of distribution of vaccines and antiviral treatment and Supportive Care to those at risk gay, bi, queer men. Sex workers. Homelessness and Navigation Centers and homeless shelter. It is concerning on this case number [inaudible] the department of Public Health made a choice not to prioritize Contact Tracing of case to make vital given the lack vaccines. [inaudible] on the vaccine the county told me to [inaudible]. Told me to google more informing there was vaccinations happening a 30 minute bus ride away from me i only knew because of instagram that is ridiculous. [inaudible] that is not my job. A job of the Public Health department of the i urge the board to ratify the Health Declaration to increase transparency and share information with the community how agencies are responding to adjust the monkeypox out break and demand clarification of Public Policy [inaudible]. Now applied to the board of Public Health experience renew and right to recover program. [inaudible] directing agencies against discrimination and xandzing paid sick leave acknowledging the harm done to queer people by this crisis. I urge you to continue top advocate with Health Agencies to ensure San Francisco has access to vac sxeens testing and treatments. Thank you very much. Your time is finished. Thank you next speaker, please. Hello . We can hear you, proceed. Hello. Hello. Hello. You can start. Hello. We can hear you, you can begin your comment. Hello. Of hello. Hello. Hello. Interpreter collarified to the speakers focus on the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Please, begin. [inaudible]. Ip support monkeypox Emergency Declaration. I hope the [inaudible] produce the [inaudible] to our citizens. Monkeypox is [inaudible] virus i have the monkeypox when i was kids. Thank you. Thank you. Can we have our next caller, please. Hi. Can you hear me. Yes, please, proceed. Great. So, i really hope that San Francisco at least the United States does not bungle the monkeypox like with covid. And so i do 100 support the monkeypox emergency. I hope that once again that San Francisco is able to come together, rise up and help us get the vaccines and make sure we are all okay and unfortunately i state i hope that the board of supervisors [inaudible] resignation. Um. Again i like to reminds members of the public to stick to item 2 regarding the monkeypox declaration of emergency. Can we go to the next caller . Good afternoon board of supervisors can you hear me . Yes. Im andy stone and im a queer person who live in San Francisco and want to say how infuriating it is to hear how the hearing is going now. I want to thank the board of supervisors and the San Francisco department of Public Health for supporting upon expanding access to vaccinations and want to highlight the there are more needs. And now we are in an active crisis. I earncourage to you check e mails to see the Public Comment coming in. We need more access to vehicle eens. Plans around equity to make sure people monolingual speakers have access to health care. We also need to make sure that we have plans in place for congregate setting where people are protected from the out break of this virus. Please, help us really focus our Public Health strategy. We need Contact Tracing. Wee need to see more than what we are seeing now. Some things coming out and doing well. We are waiting to see how the comment and public Health Emergency declarations get translateed real policy that helps the communities. Thank you for listening and yea. Help us and please im in support of are theifiying the public healing emergency for monkeypox. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [inaudible]. I support the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Because this virus that will infect our life. Im a senior and high risk population. First i have 3 comments the first i hope the San Franciscos city can get more vaccinations from the state and federal government. The second is we want to know more knowledge about monkeypox through the media how to protect ourselves. I think the third comment is about racism am i going to interpret. You dont need to provide that was energid off the subject we are not taking comment on today. Hello . Hi. Okay. I think this is me. Im patricia and i support the monkeypox order. And emergency. And because this is very important for people to prevent to catching the monkeypox. And also also walton resign. Thank you. Next caller. Hello. Monkeypox yes. Support. Walton resign. We will flag this item as none compliance. Next speaker, please. Hi. I support monkeypox emergency and walon has to be we will stop it there. Please note this is regarding the monkeypox emergency not related any supervisor or any of that anything regarding a specific supervisor. It must be related monkeypox declaration of emergency. Thank you very much well flag those immediately. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon i live in district 8 i appreciate the supervisors for their affirmative vote on this declaration. And i want to reiterate in your position of influence that you must lift up this is a Global Health equity issue we must demand the government expand vaccine manufacturing with the current manufacturer and explore options of licensing vaccine production across mull pull vaccine producers. The u. S. Government invested 1. 9 billion dollars in develop thanksgiving vaccine there is no reason they should not be shopping for more manufactures to increase supply. I want to reiterate and thank you for energying the need for nonpharmaceutical intersection which are available for local Public Health ageses implements on the heels of the ratification of this declaration. Thank you for seeing that the issueers attended to. Thank you. Next caller. I live in the mission. I urge to you support ratification of this public healing emergency and demand a response [inaudible] the agency. [inaudible] and my summer dominated boy this crisis. [inaudible] members of my xheent to the best of my knowledge. [inaudible] [speak fast hard to understand] despate residents none were [inaudible] po serb exposure organizers did the work of the city and we the lbgtq community in Contact Tracing efforts. Guide loved ones through getting monkeypox difficult experiences at [inaudible] including shouted at to leave. And told there was nothing that could be done. City clinic came to the rescue. Private providers 1 medical and dignity over burdening the clinic and jeopardizing the health of vulnerable communities. This is unacceptable. Help us focus our Health Strategy we need Contact Tracing and vaccine. Thank you and ratify this public Health Emergency. Thank you. Thank you before we move on give a reminder on the phone number, 4156550001. To call in to the meeting the meeting id is meeting id 2490 070 5729 if you want to speak on this press star 3 to be added to the queue. Next speaker, please. Hello this is arc listena im a Health Care Worker i wanted to let you know that there are misinformations released in the health care organizations. They are trying to get the [inaudible] become to work saying this monkeypox is only transmission through Sexual Activity in the gay community. Which is incorrect. You know the city is here and done more out reach to everyone. We know how this is transmitted. I support to declare this an emergency. For the monkeypox. Please, please do more out reach and educate everyonech in different languages. I think everyone who are even not English Speakers have the right to know and how to protect themselves. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank y. Next sp is this call has been wild what is more wild getting monkeypox. I recover friday monkeypox my gosh you dont want this. We have been calling to say that i support this resolution appreciate the board for doing this. But i like to as machine whop head it i would like advice im privilegeed work from home and i was able to isolate and keeping my income. I worked in a job [inaudible] or required client facing roles such as Service Workers who come in an office or a Retail Establishment i would have lost my live lihood and potentially unable to pay my rents of why i do think what has not been discussed on a federal level or local level is hazzard payment essentially. So people can isolate safely. Im afraid this disease will affect people who are going to have to choose between isolating and paying rent. Or paying bills. So i would encourage the board to look at ways to expand the covid isolation payment [inaudible] but apply it to monkeypox. Also want to say that getting the city vaccinated was difficult. I was vaccinated within a 14 day window the vaccine lessens symptoms i contract today i had a less more mild than what i have seen from other who is did not get vaccinated. Getting the vaccine was difficultismented it and i could not get it until july and i got monkeypox. And furthermore, Contact Tracing did not happen until 5 days after given the diagnose. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im david watson. I am currently recovering from monkeypox. And i first off, i want to say im supporting this declaration of emergency. I have concern that the problems with testing has not been discussed during this meeting. Testing is taking long. It took 3 days to for me to get mine back approximate my first test was negative although hi it and theed second test confirmed. There are problems with testing. No testing that can be done until a lesion appear this is too long and too late. They access to monkeypox a god sends but took 12 days and it was agony before i was able to get that and while it is easier a little easier it is in the easy enough. And i press on San Francisco to press on our State Government and federal government to rectify that. The other thing i was concerned to hear that when supervisors asking about moving forward with trying to help out with work, work place pay and stuff that you would have to address that in september. Will we are in the beginning of august and while i am sure deserve a needed break. My monkeypox is in the going away in that time in a shart period. It it is im on day 28 and i called we need to move faster and it may suck but you need to come together im sorry guys all of you need to come together and discuss this and needs to happen this month as soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Hi. Clarification to speakers to focus on the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Please hello . Thank you very much we will energy that. As inappropriate comment. Not related the subject matter. Next speaker, please. Hello. Hi. Hello. Can you hear me . Hello. I think testing for monkeypox takes too long also the Test Facilities are hard to access. I also walton [inaudible] okay ghaen is a flagged issue. Please maintain your comments to the monkeypox declaration of emergency. Next speaker, please. Hello. Proceed. We will give a Second Opportunity to provide comment after an explanation. They are should be able to hear you now. Or make comments at this time. I support monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Okay. Again we will not giving any warnings regarding off topic Public Comment. Next caller please. Make the clarification to speaker only for the monkeypox Emergency Declaration. Xherjs declaration [inaudible]. [background noise]. [cannot hear] declaration [inau. [background noise]. [cannot hear] do we have additional callers . There are no further callers in the queue. We completed the in person in the chamber and remote at this time. Thank you. Public comment is closed. And i want to appreciate everyone for their comments thank you for calling in. Supervisor chan . Thank you president walton. I am disappointed that to see that we are really on a critical public Health Emergency. This is a time that you know we see that really primary low impacting our lbgtq community we think that it is already fighting stigma. It is a critical issue we should focus and to see there are folks that as tunists use this opportunity for their political agenda. It is very disappointing and as a chinese speaking immigrant im definitely very disappointed see this is happening i will love to have the privilege to speak this in chinese. Thank you. Thank you very much supervisor chan. Approximate again colleagues, i want to thank you for coming in today for this emergency meeting we had to have. I want to thank the department of Public Health for the declaration of emergency so we can get in front of this virus and do everything we can to arc void further out break. And with that said, mr. Clerk call the roll on item 2 to are theifiy this emergency. The motion to approve on is that motion, president walton. Aye. Supervisor chan. Aye. Supervisor dorsey. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor melgar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronnen excused. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. The motion passes without objection with supervisor ronen excused. Thank you without objection this is approved umly. Mr. Clerk do we have further business before us . That completes our agenda for today. Thank you. The best and most beautiful thing in thes world can not be seen or even touched. It must be felt with the heart. Helen keller. This meeting is adjourned when i shoot chinatown, i shoot the architecture that people not just events, i shoot whats going on in daily life and everything changes. Murals, graffiti, store opening. Store closing. The bakery. I shoot anything and everything in chinatown. I shoot daily life. Im a crazy animal. Im shooting for fun. Thats what i love. Im frank jane. Im a Community Photographer for the last i think about 20 years. I joined the chinese historical society. It was a way i could practice my society and i can give the community memories. Ive been practicing and get to know everybody and everybody knew me pretty much documenting the history i dont just shoot events. Im telling a story in whatever photos that i post on facebook, its just like being there from front to end, i do a good job and i take hundreds and hundreds of photos. And i was specializing in chinese american history. I want to cover whats happening in chinatown. Whats happening in my community. I shoot a lot of government officials. I probably have thousands of photos of mayor lee and all the dignitaries. But they treat me like one of the family members because they see me all the time. They appreciate me. Even the local cops, the firemen, you know, i feel at home. I was born in Chinese Hospital 1954. We grew up dirt poor. Our family was lucky to grew up. When i was in junior high, i had a degree in Hotel Management restaurant. I was working in the Restaurant Business for probably about 15 years. I started when i was 12 years old. When i got married, my wife had an import business. I figured, the Restaurant Business, i got tired of it. I said come work for the family business. I said, okay. Its going to be interesting and so interesting i lasted for 30 years. Im married i have one daughter. Shes a registered nurse. She lives in los angeles now. And two grandsons. We have fun. I got into photography when i was in junior high and high school. Shooting cameras. The black and white days, i was able to process my own film. I wasnt really that good because you know color film and processing was expensive and i kind of left it alone for about 30 years. I was doing product photography for advertising. And kind of got back into it. Everybody said, oh, digital photography, the year 2000. It was a ghost town in chinatown. I figured its time to shoot chinatown store front nobody. Everybody on grand avenue. There was not a soul out Walking Around chinatown. A new asia restaurant, it used to be the biggest restaurant in chinatown. It can hold about a 1,000 people and i had been shooting events there for many years. It turned into a supermarket. And i got in. I shot the supermarket. You know, and its transformation. Even the owner of the restaurant the restaurant, its 50 years old. I said, yeah. It looks awful. History. Because im shooting history. And its impressive because its history because you cant repeat. Its gone its gone. You stick with her, shell teach you everything. Cellphone photography, thats going to be the generation. I think cellphones in the next two, three years, the big cameras are obsolete already. Mirrorless camera is going to take over market and the cellphone is going to be better. But nobodys going to archive it. Nobodys going to keep good history. Everybodys going to take snapshots, but nobodys going to catalog. They dont care. I want to see you. Its not a keepsake. Theres no memories behind it. Everybodys sticking in the cloud. They lose it, who cares. But, you know, i care. Last september of 2020, i had a minor stroke, and my daughter caught it on zoom. I was having a zoom call for my grand kids. And my daughter and my these little kids said, hey, you sound strange. Yeah. I said im not able to speak properly. They said what happened. My wife was taking a nap and my daughter, she called home and said hes having a stroke. Get him to the hospital. Five minutes later, you know, the ambulance came and took me away and i was at i. C. U. For four days. I have hundreds of messages wishing me get well soon. Everybody wished that im okay and back to normal. You know, i was up and kicking two weeks after my hospital stay. It was a wakeup call. I needed to get my life in order and try to organize things especially organize my photos. Probably took two million photos in the last 20 years. I want to donate to an organization thats going to use it. Im just doing it from the heart. I enjoy doing it to give back to the community. Thats the most important. Give back to the community. Its a lot for the community. I was a born hustler. Im too busy to slow down. I love what im doing. I love to be busy. I go nuts when im not doing anything. Im 67 this year. I figured 70 im ready to retire. Im wishing to train a couple for photographers to take over my place. The younger generation, they have a passion, to document the history because its going to be forgotten in ten years, 20 years, maybe i will be forgotten when im gone in a couple years but i want to be remembered for my work and, you know, photographs will be a remembrance. Im frank jane. Im a Community Photographer. This is my story. When youre not looking, franks there. Hell snap that and then hell send me an email or two and theyre always the best. These are all my p p p p p p thank you violent. Students delegate hansence. Commissioner lex lect. Here. Vice president boggess. Here commissioner hsu here. Commissioner motamedi, sanchez and ward. Hi. President lum. Thank you. I think we will call for Public Comment. Seeing none, any

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