The regularly wednesday, march 8, 2017, and the time is 902 roll call commissioner president Ken Cleaveland commissioner vicepresident Stephen Nakajo commissioner Michael Hardeman commissioner Francee Covington capitol hill of department chief joanne hayeswhite item 2 general Public Comment to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may the lack of a response by the commissioners are Department Personnel doesnt constitute the statements during Public Comment. Is there any Public Comment anyone wish to address us okay Public Comment is closed. Approval of the minutes important Meeting Minutes of the regular meeting of wednesday, march 8, 2017. Any Public Comment on the minutes seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners what is your pleasure. So moved. Do i have a second. Second mr. President , as well as the special meeting on march 2 all in favor, say i. Opposed . Seeing none, minutes are approved thank you next item, please. Madam secretary. Item 4 update on ems 6 program to provide update on the ems 6 Program Since implementation of the program. Welcome doctor yeah. Good morning medical director forever the Department Im pleased to provide an update for the ems 6 program and ask folks to join me at podium to give a presentation id like to between the three of us give a 15 minute presentation to describe some of the activities of ems 6 program over the last 12 months and talk about the inception of the program and give examples of work up to in the last year and also both some of the successes and challenges of the program and hopefully also ideas of directions the program should be going in addition im lucky to have the presence of. H a few honored guests i want to recognize doctor john brown here on behalf of find the Public Health and jim wagner in the back row here on behalf of the permit Holder Department of homelessness and supportive of housing a couple of other members id like to point out jason one of our Wonderful Team members with the Homeless Outreach team in the back row and Michael Mason in the capacity for the ems 6 ill go ahead and get started with the presentation can i have the slides thank you the commission recalls the ems 6 program is a reenvisioning of a Prior Program within the Fire Department that looks to team up a unique pair of ems h33 captain where a Homeless Outreach working with an attempt to connect many of the vulnerable clients in the city with the City Services that help to stabilize the situation and the continual needs for nonemergency the origin of the name the ems 6 goes to the program that the some other significant meaning the ems star of life as designed by some consists of 6 different star points each represents a mission of the ems and the 6 star point is the controversy and connections wellness the repair that in many cases people rely rely on the Emergency Services it addresses the locations and then from an operational stand point as i mentioned functionally for us over the last year the ems as a paramedic captain that is paired with a Homeless Outreach team worker and who is connected with the department of Health Medicine and who are available for assistance 12 hours a day if noon to midnight for this purpose to address the frequent users of 9191 so youve met in the past some of the team members involved in the project and again paramedic captains are here as coperntsdz the Team Available in the system since the end of january 2016 through continuous operations weve been available 7 days a week and the team is dispatched to 911 and available as well as both addressing and outreaching to 911 clients for high users and performing outreach in a nonemergency fashion when i mention frequent users many people have ideas with the 911 frequency users i want to clarify the Overall Mission of the project not to prevent people from utilizing the services but were people that rely on 911 as safety net that we address these people by interaccepting them in the 911 and body camera them trying to find out who happens to require them to use the if i any system with the users have several case depictions from a fungal stand point we recognize the people that are calling 911 more than 4 time a month or 4 times a day and recognition those are the people we want to find out in their needs and recognize that in some of the literature about 911 super users people that use any any more than ten times a year are at risk the city has identified certain patients as the comes or high users of must not systems in addition to 911 services these are the top one to 5 percent of clients that use shelters or hospitalization or longterm care or using the Emergency Services those are the overall patient base were trying to gave me and find out why narrowing dndz 911 services and stabilize their situation with that in mind one thing that the observed this is a team effort to the best of my knowledge there is a good reason people with calling and it takes a huge effort with multiple agencies as youll see later on many, many people will address the needs of the individual okay so, now kind of get into the meat of what the activities have been as i mentioned in the 11 update 11 months ago from the time is ems was in the system it has been busy weve basically hit the ground running that monuments to 7 encurrent a watch that is the operational period i want to emphasis the encounters the el cap team have with the clients are complex this is very different than our usual the immediate recognition of a life threat with the transfer to the hospital many, many times it involves careful assessment of the detailed interviews a very extended building of trust and then a lot of coordination and communication with other entities that come up with a plan of care and conviction so this is an extended encounter and something that ems 6 is specifically adopted to do and allows our other 911 assets our engines and ambulance cruise to go back into certify and be very available for other Services Rather than performing this type of assessment we have a total of as i mentioned we average around 7 encounters per watch but ties about 13 in the busiest of days and a total of 6 r 4 hundred and 67 units you may notice the unique client list is smaller that might seem puzzling but youll see themselves 68 high users weve been maybe the best way to put 2 involved in the care of people that depend on 911 a lot this is the people we gave me in we encounter each individual is a high number of encounters and the number is those extended evaluations are involved when we engage the high users when we can prevent or find a different solution than arbitrating to the hospital that is different and in terms of the financial implication if you recall that a single transport every in our system is 1,700 charge that means there are around 60 avoided ambulance introverts to the new if any, that amounts to one hundred thousand dollars for the first charges and so certainly we have a lot to improve in the lives but this system is an indication of the type care as well workplace in mind, i will im going to turn it over to captain tang to give that a little bit more perspective on the cases. Welcome captain. Good morning, commissioners and my name is captain simon tang and case study one is a woman in her 40s a mother of grown children shes been living in the city homeless for several years in 20152016 shes a top one percent patient high user of multiple City Services it many means she used more than 99 percent of other folks she had a history of the alcohol abuse disorder and millennials and trauma we began graphing searching for her on the street to try to prevent the next 911 call one day one evening my colleague of the homelessness Outreach Team relocated her on a beverage with an empty bottle of red wipe she was passed out couldnt stand or talk that was getting discard it was very cold she was wearing a shit if we didnt locate her we would have had a medical emergency what it took to get her to stay in detox not easy then we got her into treatment there were many relawyers up and at this point, i want to point out the graph to you on that graph in the vertical access is a number of contact by 911 contacts or ems 6 outreach contact so the red line is a number of new any contacts that she had by two week integrals over 2016 so as you can see on this particular slide here that big red spike she called 9118 times if you look at carefully that ems 6 had 3 engagement with her on that sdwral and over time i think this graph shows we effectively drove down her 911 usage as our number of engagements increased one day in june after she was sober so for many weeks in a unit she her family back east or in the mid west had a family tragedy she told us she wanted to be with her family so on her own she called the doctor and bought a bus ticket and left we stay in contact with her shes got difficult moments relapsed but the last time we spoke she was sober and happy. Good morning commissioner im kathy and go over a case study two and three so case study 2 is a location of the collaboration with the sober to get a gentleman into supportive of housing this is a gentleman who had beat previous addictions but on the streets called the services and began to outreach him aggressively and into the sober center he went there and agreed to Case Management we coordinated a entry into medical detox he was disconnected from services we were able to find him a program he was discharged from detox and went into the streets and relapsed and sobering to secure the appointments we cooperated a resubway into the Treatment Program in the meantime the sobering case manager submitted the case he got the housing the supportive of housing daily contact with the case manager and keeps in touch with him and case study number 3, is a gentleman that we helped to re50i7b9 with his family the number was 69 in 2016 this gentleman had two lengthy stays where he was not generating calls and must not calls one day during an 8 hour period 4 contacts i realized there was a significant impairment problem we called the hospital and talked with the social workers and the nurse they reached cynthia pollock in transfer to the medical hospital with insurance and after a long lengthy process with insurance dph and patient we decided to transfer him to another Insurance Plan so the readmission he has mel deintoxicated and allowed to go home after the family at dph the decision to an assistant home a social working and ems accompanied him across the country where he is now. Let me say youre the one that k0i79d him to reunite with his family; correct . Correct. Id like to thank. clapping. i want to add that last thing that april described for the last 3 years were the top one hundred percent of the patients this slide shows not able examples where people lives have been changed and this colombia second from the left and red those are the number of new any calls forces 2016 prior to my attention and the column in blue its shared with so many others blue in these cases ems 6 has been influential in the outcome so i want to point out that if you add all the red numbers adds up to 6 hundred and 42911 calls in 2016 if you add up the blue numbers and x palate the blue numbers are 2016 and up to now if you extrapolate them for 4 quarters of 2017 it comes out to a fraction of what of those happening ill point out some examples case 3, 19, 911 calls this was a male in his 60s with schizophrenia and called 911 but never stayed they hospital long we asked we Budget Committee searched his assets for a higher degree of oversight they did and since then in july zero 911 calls case no. 1038, 911 calls a homeless meddle person he is mel frail we began to stir him to the center repeatedly until it become habit every night hell could go to the Sobering Center since december 3rd a 3 month period on there 3 times and extrapolate that is 12 far lower than 38 and finally example will be case 1248, 911 calls this is a person with seer alcohol had that is mentally illness and resistant to treatment we shepherded him through detox and treatment as of two weeks hes housed in the first 8 months of 2016 he called 91148 times and the previous 8 months 5 times now the finally case study well be remiss if we only shows certain case but we noticed it the case that gives you the most difficulty often involve people with severe mentally illness a male in his 50s schizophrenia and with a disorder formally housed but evicted from direct assess housing pr his case manager booked a hotel at the start of every month after a week goes by hes on the streets this individual calls 911 says hes hunger when i arrive on scene he says simon i want to sandwich if at the didnt get one he walks into traffic and uses the hospital for a shelter and leaving paramedics and outreach workers and nurses to clean up after him hes well known in pe s but police holds are listed one minutes and his suicidal so what do we do if you look at the graph as you can see were unable to manage his 911 usage we cant get on top of that curving next steps ill leave that to doctor yeah. So thank you both very much and i wanted to i hope this is illustrates some of the great work that paramedic captains tang and bassett and others our partners have been undertaking i think when i see that last case in particular that makes me release there are a lot of struggles and challenges i want to say that in terms of engaging our highest users within the system i feel like the design of ems 6 has shown that is an acceptable design in fact 90 percent of ems 6 have encountered people that saved that high user super user excuse me having more than 10 encounters with 911 in a 12 month period we look at the overall statistics we see there among other things we gave me less than half of them; right . There is a request why are people depending on 911 so much not having the services met whether this is a matter of deployment or circumstances that is difficult to say i have suspicions i think that that can drive the programs of the future but suffice is it to say in this system 101 to grow and that designs is very, very busy engaging the clients i think we need to engage from that stand point the design is successful i wanted to note that we had a lot of concerns initially and trying to decide and see the assets of vulnerable for that the clients 71 percent of the people that engaged were super users recorded homelessness in 2016 i think the housing and security is significant part of the challenge for the people that were trying to help so this slide may be difficult to see some of the numbers but the upper box illustrates what i think were all aware of the system is growing we are seeing annual growth rates in the overall 911 calls and relative increase in the super users that says that growth level is stable excuse me continuing the lower box, however, shows the number transports that each super user in 2016 we the actual number of transport was stable and decreased despite the number of users in the system grew and the other system grew it is difficult to conclude very much from an overall broad number ill point out that is one of the specific metrics this was designed to address the number of ambulance the amount of ambulance utilitytion what is been stable so with that are the contributing things to allow the stabilization as mentioned multiple times a multi departmental and complex source problem that are a lot of questions answered but in the gross of metrics we have the system impacts and finally one of the most existing things that developed over the last 12 months was ill say was the development of the california states Pilot Projects in the entry of the pilot progress announce with the San Francisco Sobering Center the Fire Department has become california Ems Authority Pilot Project number 13 we join a number of projects throughout the state that are addressing novel ways to provide care i think well be able to better address the needs of the population so the specific projects involved are Community Paramedics and owl paramedics in the system improving patient care by instead of bringing patient to a hospital selects a number of patients who are stable and have evidence of alcohol intoxicate to bring them to the sober center instead thank you for the partners who were able to make that happen both the department of Emergency Management and department of health and the california Ems Authority and of note in january we as a department completed a paramedic core course and graduated 10 paramedics that joined in the first paramedics of state thats an enormous accomplishment in the system for the department so next steps forward given what ive shown you already about the impact of operations and what youve heard about the challenges and the successes of the operation we have our work cut out for us the need continues to the system and the team is intentionally out there we have been over the last year improving the data methane internal records system im happy with but can improve with other providers in the system as well as the hospital the more we share information and learn the 0 more we involve the partners that improves the patient care i mentioned the conditioned efforts with the project and the last foe things i want to say has to do with with the Additional Resources that are important certainly is a continued need for complex Case Management in clients that have behavioral go Health Issues this is people that have behavioral issues and homelessness and medical frailty are some of the most Vulnerable People in the system although im pleased and hopeful i think the champ in the next 12 months will be being able to get our clients there and have the connections because Behavioral Health is the next big challenge as a team with that said i think we have continued need for coordination with Law Enforcement and our legal system there are some mechanisms and challenges a client sees in connecticut servingship and a lot to gain with the agencies and overall direction i think the next layer on the program is an added amount of Administration Oversight analysis i think that is part that will help us find out what the smartest next moves are with that, id like to move to turn to a couple of our partners ask them with the commissions prediction permission to give their preservation. Please do. Can i ask doctor john brown to come up. Welcome. Good morning, commissioners chief and Staff Members of Fire Department and guests and Community Paramedics i want to make 3 brief points to owl my support of the program i wanted to say first of all, that im excited about this practicing emergency medication for 34 years a medical director for 21 years i dont give in easily im excited about the program laughter icon test to that. This is one the Fire Department snatch i think moments and efforts for the city i ask you to think for a moment of the iconic festivity photograph that was taken care of a little boy that was a receiving from his home that was destroyed and receiving care i want you to think of the picture and the setting of that picture that picture was taken in ems vehicle the ems system and the Fire Department specifically is in the lead in taking care of the marginalized people anywhere in the world but specifically in San Francisco this is the Fire Departments outreach to the marginalized to the refuges to the immigrant to those in that needs who have dropped introduce the safety net of care and ems group is pumping that up and ems 6 in a unique and valuable way the second point i want to make in terms of participation 2, 3, 4 california ems Community Paramedic program the Pilot Program throughout the state were one of 13 sites the most recent newcomers but bring in expertise and the specific assets to the serving center in operation over 10 years but those are 13 of the ems systems leading the state we join that Leadership Group the program will continue for another year at which point the Ems Authority in conjunction with the usf have come up with a standard of practice for paramedics throughout the state with the endorsement of the Community Medicine were participated in the development, if you will, the imprint that will serve us well had medication is a Standard Practice for paramedics in the state the third Point Community medication and the Fire Department with specific has been a Training Program that the Fire Department how did collaborated with amazing partners with the department of health and the sobering and the city college of San Francisco, and with other folks from the department of health and zuckerberg San Francisco general and the kaiser facilities to put on the one and 50 hour plus training bright men and women to take on the job i was fortunate to be part of commissioner moore group i can verify ive seen all of those young people do theyre testing their practical testing in scenarios across the board with things theyll encounter and did an outstanding job i have confidence it not inclusively we hope the team will join us in the care sites to them and eventually all the paramedics will benefit from this training that the Fire Department hosted and future it ration to expand the service that is a fantastic service and different routes to go in the last is the future of the paramedics were now returning to taking practical from the 911 system to the Sobering Center as in the past with a robust evaluation and now studying that to document the results i think the next step will be in conjunction with the Behavioral Health colleagues the ability to screen and assess the placates directly from the 911 because patience that have problems are not at the emergency depended part is they tried to do that note the best environment for the services they need that will be a next phase if 9 program i think another phase shortly therefore, taylor will be the stabilization of patients that are frail and discharged from the hospital and so forth have Community Paramedics help them placed in the xhufrnt and not bound back and forth through the emergency system for care and eventually the fourth phased the involvement of the hospital with general and improving the technology the physicians and being with Community Paramedics opponent and on scene will do a lot more to help the patient maintain theyre what theyre doing at their home their domicile or help them in corrective behavior or resources to help in the sense of the paramedic bind the best of the paramedic level of Emergency Care a social worker and heartache programs in the community and mentally illness care to help the patients in acute crisis and evaluation of their substantive use and evaluation an Amazing Program i appreciate the partners in our community of San Francisco and i will design, engineering, and Construction Assistance Services to aid in the program thank you. Thank you, john recognition people mike and d m is a fantastic partner and helping to improve our be care system thank you, mike and the d e m and mr. Shapiro who also serves with ems 6 on a basis and one the graduates of our 10 Community Paramedic community excuse me academy and also 0 Brandon Brandon are you back there thank you for attending im going to turn it over to jim. Good morning my name is jim the director for the San Francisco homelessness Outreach Team that is a program of the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing i want to start off by personally thanking you chief joanne hayeswhite sorry get to background and the San Francisco Fire Department for this Wonderful Partnership it is very successful im a huge fan of what with ems 6 does the ems 6 hot partnering in my opinion is extremely valuable to San Francisco the clients they serve in my opinion are the most vulnerable and disfranchised citizens of the city i think that was demonstrated by your presentation thank you with the assistance the Controllers Office the department of homelessness and supportive of housing doing an assessment and analysis of whole sf hot Program Including staffing, programming and all the special projects with the ems 6 program and i want you to know with you have my personal commitment as the director of hot team to give you our ongoing support of this program i think that as a Cost Effective program for the city of San Francisco it is extremely important and wanted to see that continued thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much so with that, i believe we have to take my time. These services may not be available after Service Hours so body camera in the 911 system we have to get Connective Services and if theyre not available it takes more coordination that is one piece to do additional improvements on that side so simon. Ill say we hit the ground running there is voicemails and emails all we return to the case managers and followup on the previous night and trying to figure out what were going to do with the preying people needs and found out the availability and weekly ill try to do the outreach calls during the normal Business Hours and towards the evening run into people that are hunger and do love of the street outreach. I think that like april said our work what we do during parts of day differs if we need to meet with the clinicians there is one time i cant say is busier than another. How do you interact with the project homeless connect. Its a great resource we have been present and you know attempted to be part of the plaintiff many times ill say which afternoon available ems 6 is part of a that program so were going to with that so we have this wonderful ability that our hot Team Partners and us can split up on projects homelessness connect we have a lot of the individuals that we are working with and not only during project homeless connect but all days of the work jason and jones chin will come in earlier and take the g a and decreases appointments everything so projection homeless connect theyre busy. So id like to point you think that is housing in the city without g a but something there so it is invaluable for getting this appointment and figure that out and getting it done at that end of it. Very good can someone please talk about the Sobering Center what it is . How cases are handled how long it takes for someone to go through the process of everything that the Sobering Center has to offer and things of that nature. San francisco Sobering Center is an enormous fantastic program i demographic want to sell them short by a cast of a summary but the Sobering Center is a unique resource here in the city that cares for people who are specifically intoxicated with alcohol and this is something that was started i know doctor brown says 13 or 14 years ago to address that population so the intact staffed by a nurse and the unit assistant twentyfour hours a day and housed next to hospital respite and a now is an ems designations so people who are screened have not 911 system deemed to be intoxicated and moot a long and careful checklist can be taken to the Sobering Center to see Sobering Services ooishl under the care of a nurse and assistant and then the best part theyve connected with the Sobering Services and provided social work in my opinion is a better way than usually happens in the hospital designed to care for strokes and acute trauma i want to connect the department for the Sobering Center that is a bit of a cap summary. Thank you, dr. Brown did you have something to add from the interest. When it went into effect in 2004, it was supported by the Hospital Council and the city and the San Francisco Emergency Association helped to get it started showing the benefits and safety we use it a little bit for nontrorpts and the numbers from the 911 system the patient have slowly decreased we thought that would be about ben between 20 and 40 patients within the twentyfour hour and now 2 hundred patient run but now up to two hundred and 60 or 80 its increased the one limitation were trying to work on that and fully engaged to develop a Search Capacity so on nights of week and year there are more intoxicated patient in the system and having the Sobering Center to see have more space staffing is i believe and we should have them testify the issue of spaces but have done a marvelous job and now all of the trainees in the system some of the emt and all the paramedics come to city college and the university of San Francisco come to the Sobering Center and spent a lot of time with the nurses to get a better experience of assessing those patient and what their needs are and doctor pointed out a vital part is screening them theyre not there all the time but pretty much come through everyday for the patient intoxication program and so forth not a sobering from one instance of intoxication patient needed need to be helped to stabilize them in the community and this is something were trying to improve it. I would assume around the holidays the Christmas Holiday youll see a spike people are feeling the absence of their families. Thats correct thats correct you think i know another time that is big is new years eve so we have appreciate spikes from the previous hearing supervisors were analyzing data and trend to try to pro 86 prepare better to have more capacity for various things that is one of those things the event with well known in the city you know about the holiday and certainly i think everyone can understand that but do you mention the particular days of week what days of the week are showing spiked. Like traditionally it is weekend times when individuals dont have plans the following day they can over inindulge but other patterns hidden has to do with with the individual that are chronic people that have alcohol addiction disorder might be geared towards receiving money i hesitate to talk about the specific days but we can teeth out from the data we have for 10 years when the days are you know the Service Center motives their staffing so theyre able to fully use all the space when they have the peaks. Thank you so doctor yeah. Is that the goal of ems 6 to try to reunite people with their families else were are in the country or to get them housed here. Thats a great question we undertake a strategy of you know whatever it takes to help people to get period of time better for many people that changing an environment to get into a more supportive area typically with family around makes the biggest difference but that is not a specific goal we dont in any way focus this is one the polk interventions that is available in the city there are different locals when people are relocated or reannounced with their families we are specific about the way that happens the criteria that he needs to be met with people agreeing and having a supportive environment to go to i hope that addresses a little bit of that question specifically we undertake any means necessary but it is did not on the individual circumstances. The city has money available to give to people or to i should say purchase tickets to return to the a placement perhaps they grew up in; is that correct. I dont believe so this is not a program we administer though the ems 6. I know there are more money is available i wanted to find out from you if it is Still Available and particularly if this is an increase increase in the money available. The department of homelessness. Introduce yourselves. Jim the department of homelessness and supportive of housing has a program called homeward bound staffed by workers that assess a clients ability to relocate norms do they have to someone to go to fame and friends, etc. To set up the services in their hometown where ever we can and provide them with a bus ticket back home as a small subsidy so for food, etc. So the city supports that this is one of the resources that the hot team uses. Do you have any figures as to how many people avail themselves to that service. I dont have them but can get them to you ill have sam dodge in the Communications Department write down our name and is your email well get it email for you. Thank you. Great. Okay. So lets see i had a couple of other questions i can hold them until the commissioners speak okay. Thank you. Thank you commissioner covington and chief joanne hayeswhite i want to say something. Thank you commissioner president cleaveland and others are in line to speak thank you to all of you involved and ems of you know the concept of the program that now a year in running a initiate and creative i believe a Model Program for the country if not doing business as usual weve identified a sector of the population that are the most vulnerable poise of the population and we found a better way to serve throw in partnership and collaboration and our City Services the program will not be a success not because of me but the people that believe in the program and there are actually doing the work in the Program Every single day i want to acknowledge doctor yeah. For being an advocate and the two heroes that started from day one it takes a certain is type of person the members are dedicated to serve those are a long 120 hours their emotional and complex cases were dealing with every single day and this is 7 days a week that is the two captains and some relief paramedics that have served when they need a break once in a while this is not easy work and really not with the Fire Department when you sign up this is not enlightened years ago that was basically as doctor yeah appointed that was great work being done but a rapid hospital assessment and trovrpt and properly tropt people from doctor brown a physician in addition to his day job that is initiate and cant say enough about your dedication and examination and also 10 of our members went through the paramedic training and were proud of them for step forward to do that it is all about the team we have a great team in the Fire Department but joined by the department of health and doctor brown has been advising us and he and guiding us sometimes critiquing us not always agreeing that is what makes a Great Program and the department of Emergency Management we have the directors here and also wanted we are wear a uniform we get more acknowledgment but for jim and the colleague in the back the day to day work jason the day to day work your nature not to be acknowledged youre sitting in the back of the room id like rather have you in the fronted of room youve dedicated your lives wouldnt have been possible without the great leadership and partnership with the sf hospital so thank you very much thats all i pretty much wanted to say im proud of the program and as you can see from the figures it is really taking off ill add to what draw yeah said in relation to our question commissioner covington that each case is unique so the goal of who housing is appropriate or reunification depends on the nature of the person their desires what their goals are so our goal will be to make sure that we can try to make their days and lives better whether this means unifying with the families that are support or housing in the city it is the result a complex because everyone is handle on a katz basis so thank you very much for your support of the program. Thank you chief for your kind words absolutely earned like to call on commissioner hardeman now. Wow. Thank you, mr. President and not to echo the words of commissioner covington or chief joanne hayeswhite by the way, thank you very much for all you do and all the patient you have and i think this is the best thing about this thing a variety of folks a dozen have been trod and the captain simon and captain april and doctor yeah, and doctor brown is probably get to see where the resources will are going and hopefully, people will watch and learn about what is happening with the resources theyve extended to the city and how difficult the job it, it is an example i was taking a streetcar home off on 14 and with respect a storefront changing an ambulance pulled up im watching it they pull up and a guy standing in the doorway and Public Health this is a transit corridor the m and others iron there the l and there is buses so this person observing im not seeing this guy who when the went to the paramedics tried to shake him and talk with him, i recognized the guy ive been watching him for a number of years he said leave me alone. He said leave me alone ive been sleeping in the doorway for 20 years. Hes alive and his drug of use is alcohol there for 18 years so how do you deal with that i was up in alaska 2 1 2 years on a cruise and they were talking about touring how they have a severe panhandling problem and homeless problem some rich philanthropist put together a program flew anyone anywhere in the continental United States and eliminated the problem that is as you were saying commissioner yeeriley about it you send them away then but. Excuse me ask commissioner hardeman i was not strongly for anyone to be sent away and a lot of people in alaska have one way tickets out laughter so this wasnt that cold of a spot that was reasonable i wont say you were advocating but pushing it i was listening to pbs what is happening in ohio in the last 5 years home share win as tripled i wonder about states in San Francisco Everybody Knows that doctors are prescribing oxycontin i saw it as trustee from the trustee in a medical plan and see it is absolutely bizarre the amount of oxycontin the doctors are prescribing they got off that and the other drug is marijuana 70 percent home share win users started wiusers in his county one hundred times had to use drugs to bring heroin a. D. Directed back to life we know the cost of that just the ambulance alone in San Francisco 1,700. 00 not talking about what happened to the person while in the hospital the resources that are going towards that is a National Catastrophe this program as captain simon and captain april had the patience to help those the Department Line theyre now having a program theyre trying to treat a misdemeanors once you get the drugs whatever kind of drugs you get a ticket and youre basically not supposed to be using it, its resource unless your attended this counseling course now they dont know how much effect that will be but the person being interviewed is like doctor brown was claiming that all about consequences from the consequences are nothing that theyll take care of you again later in the day or tomorrow or next week there is no incentive so thats what theyre working on in the bio one county to incentivize is people a reason why you should maybe the consequences are worse maybe incarceration maybe not incarceration but dealing with that taking a few pieces of pie from society it is sad i commend you dont have the patience and the patients and he paramedics of ems showed with that fellow were amazing then they left them there he you know he was sleeping thats where he takes hes afternoon nap and had to leave him lesson l. N. It is legal to show he was functioning all right. So thank you very much and hope the public appreciate all you do and the direction of Department Heading to help folks maybe in the number one, concern people when they visit for sure i know when you go to hawaii i was there had two trips to hawaii in the laced two years 15 days total supposedly the same homelessness problem same as the percentage wise in San Francisco it is the hoist and never get pan handled or bother they walk but you dont ask for money try to stay out of your way and walk down with respect and i get panhandled by 3 people a day a point i hope theyre not mean to people in honolulu tourism is an important part of our economy and people that overdosed or whatever on drugs or alcohol from bothering the public is something id like to put more effort not by your department thank you. Thank you commissioner hardeman. Nakajo. Thank you very much commissioner president cleaveland thank you very much doctor yeah for your presentation and captains all of the participant at some point doctor yeah. If the commissioners can get a hardcopy of your presentation, of course, i want to be able to digest absolute materials which is a lot i very much appreciated that you asked doctor brown to participate also jim wagner, and also acknowledging jason back there because that was real important for myself as part of commission to hear the update in terms of one Year Anniversary of the ems 6 clearing the question the collaboration and point of view of you doctor brown and of the homeless corresponding center as well i give you respect in terms of work with the Homeless Outreach team probably one the toughest jobs in San Francisco compared to the dedication we all have again not that one cares more than another there are students in the city that are supposed to be living with this you used the word complex misrepresent system of doctors and thats exactly what that is it goes without saying the support of this commission for the ems 6 and for the creation of this ems of being part of our department now being part of this commission for a number of years it takes great learning curve where the San Francisco Fire Department does simple folks with depression and there is prevention and the airport but there is also the medical services and that ems doctor brown in the 21 years of working together has greatly expanded so when we hear the dialogue i hear the dialogue of the amount of numbers out there that are part of this the terminology has changed a lot in the last 21 years a frequent yourselves is now a frequent users there is more existence in terms of clients were talking about and part of that two was there was an overall goal and multiple goals one of the multiple goals was to get our Ambulance Services and our paramedics to address the frequent fliers and try to have a system we can get back into the system because the strain the frequent sflierz or flyers to the hospital and the 2, 3, 4 take was acquit obvious to a point when ive been on this commission it seems like this is one find things we report to the scene and castle with the client on the street and basically transport them to a hospital im going trying to less on the conveyer but the person is discharged we get the call and Everybody Knows each other and repeat the process the cost of the ambulance and the cost of time spent at the hospital and prominently in terms of our personnel is that the duty of the Fire Department within the ems absolutely but in terms of ems 6 the start to start the frequent fliers to provide services so we can lessen the time and con sfrant on the ambulance so clearing it has done some of the major goals it that were looking at part of peripheral goals coddling and Case Management and mentally illness services and behavioral are new terminologies in this Fire Department when the question was succeed in terms of what extent do we do the services your answer was i appreciate that answer as a medical physician trying to deal with the complies with problems whether that is a case study of an individual leaving the city so we dont have to deal with that but that person on the road to recovery and the assistance there are reasonable cases that ems has performed in fact, i would vulnerable to say youve saved lives and resources having said that, what i was listening for we stabilize the ambulance usage i didnt hear the word decrease i didnt know whether or not we could do that but the stabilization is an important factor it said that is working and it says were doing our job my question in my mind how much work in the captains doing the ems 6 on a 12hour shift im grateful for the graduates in the last period of 10 more individuals that are part of system to do that but clearing were opening the door or taking the responsibility that is maybe not traditional chief joanne hayeswhite for the interpretation of services im a social worker i call is Case Management and Case Management improves to a level the stability within the patients or the Case Management means the coddling is larger and larger and large to a point the coddling is so large im not sure if two individuals or staff can be able to accomplish that therefore the collaboration issue between the definitions of the hot center and the sober center and the Navigation Center is clearly in our minds and the commission we cant do it on our own to pick up the patient and take them to the hospital and leave them and go on our business might be part of revenue Bond Oversight Committee im not going to use of word shortsighted but didnt improve the problem and mitigate the problem so in terms of San Francisco we are now were the Fire Department we deal with the responsibility but clearly were integer an arena that helps mentally illness and the collaboration of Health Department and some part in this narrative i have to remind myself were the Fire Commission wellness the Fire Department and this terminology is of this discussion sounds like a hospital Health Department type of relationship we have to be involved and be involved all the way through what im hearing in the nafrgs is the numbers are enabling aincreasing and to a lrnsz for recommendations or next steps thats what im interested in the sense of scenario of the city of San Francisco i 17 what our Department Needs in order to accomplish that a question doctor yeah in ems 6 doctor brown are we in the Initiative Program like this model ems 6 with paramedic captains tied do the city resources that is that different from the models on the list we are the newest members of the state. This is growing as a National Trend but definitely think that it around issues of sobering and particularly around the explosion and connection to other agencies and services were doing a better job we certainly could move forward but a lot of places are looking to us as hiv as a leader in if area hope that answers your question. You know doctor yeah, im proud we are all proud of this Department Ethics commission and the leadership is another terminology that i liken an association and innovation and leadership with the model so ems 6 is the model and the cities are looking at us in terms of that have this model needs to improve and have the evaluations that in terms of resources to look at the model but clearly were the department Fire Department that needs to have this agenda item high on the priority list of the other collaborated departments i called for this update on the suggestion that the chief of a one Year Anniversary is totally appropriate youre still here captain which to your credit yeah, you look good i know a level of burn out again with the case of a Society Working was in that it is amazing that now were dealing with perimeters of Mental Health and this is a learning curve i fall back to the captains with the emt and personnel are aware with the various examples to call some kind of decisions in terms of the money on the transport to the hospital to again results at the hospital capriciously to ourselves the eliminations of some of the cases into identified on a High Percentage of levels congratulations thank you. Thank you very much for this comprehensive report and thank you very much for you collaboration departmentally wise i dont know what else will occur with that but doctor yeah, you have a comment. Thank you for your questions for the Trauma Center i know that i wanted to say thank you to the commission and the chief youve seen this from the idea to the design and im happy to be able to bring back some results on this but thank you very much its been a really positive contribution i think the other thing i want to bring up captain bassett has a bunch of appointment i was hoping with the chiefs permission we can skews her. Thank you, thank you very much captain. Thank you, mr. President and mr. Vice president thank you for your your questions or comments. Commissioner covington has a few more comments. Thank you, mr. President i was going going to wait till you closed the door rearrange my desk just a few more so you said there, there are 2000 plus encounters and a complex interview to develop a plan for the equals that you go interact with can you talk about that the nature of the procedures in terms of questioning as well as about how long this takes certainly so it again, it is very client specific i think that you know that is wonderful with the partnership with the hot team their outreach specialists are used to engaging used to communication skills so being able to do that with them is really extremely helpful but you know. I guess doctor yeah. My question does that all took place in mostly in one day during that First Encounter or over longer periods of time. Absolutely not those are the data we ine encounter someone in a shelter in the midst of a 911 call but weekly coordination meeting a Case Management meeting and then our team has organized case conferences around clients as needed so this is a attach of things for each of one conversation for some cases youve heard about maybe a halfdozen outside conversations and have been involved discussing the management for over a year for some of the people who have been known to the system prior to even ems 6 coming online so, yeah to answer your question the on scene the discussions can be long and commissioner can talk about the ground work does that answer your question . About yes. It does but i can ask you other questions on a grand last year level a little bit later thank you for that response. Do you have any information as to the breakdown between men and women that are going through this process. That is a thats a good question we did a data poll ill say for the highest users there are it tends to be a male predepends on but that is is there a breakdown in terms of age groups so just by looking at a person youll not be able to discern hold they are within a 10 year range. It is interesting based on older data my colleagues eye i and i published data the highest users are male in the 40ish i dont remember the range but tend to have in common alcohol use people that are older unfortunately, the voukt makes it difficult to exist as you, you i exist on the streets as younger people tend to have other support or just be somewhat more robust and cant engage our services. Sow people in midlife and if i had to characterize ill say yes. Okay. Thank you. What is your definition of bailiff health. Uhhuh thats a good question i think that i think that functionally from a stand point of ems program i think when we encounter people if with behavioral and psychiatrist conditions interfering with their lives thats what ill say i would kind of duo not that as a behavioral situation we have many people that have psychological and behavioral challenges in life and managed them well and outpatient and didnt require 911 services or did not present a challenge within air everyday lives of Society Threat the goal of what we see when people cant manage that that is what ill clarify as as behavioral challenge. And how is ems book with Law Enforcement. You know i might actually im going to turn it over to captain payne that can explain. We dont interact very much sometimes, we ask for a location of someone were searching for speed cops, know the homelessness people they established a caring relationship and so theyll seek us to out for assessment but generally, we work individually. Okay. I wanted to thank everyone very, very much for this very important work to the payne fund laughter always be with ripped e relied on and then to have an Emergency Room Physician always available for consultation and this is wonderful and those people who are you know the foot soldiers of effort just magnificent one question what do you need to enhance the program which is probably one of the most initiative and helpful program informs over and over for the people on the streets what do you need. First of all, the commission and the department chief youve been extremely helpful making this happen i want to say that and there have been struggles i appreciate that continued support so specifically id like to see initial level of analysis and object to decide what the next steps are you cant give you an accurate request i feel i want to make sure the growth and expansion is a smart one point to look at the resources the department can provide we can be smart about allocating Additional Resources that way there are a couple of things the commission specifically ill endorse no way you can help to foster the relationships for the department and strengthen them is that would be helpful and at the students level i mentioned our Pilot Projects mr. Starr the notion around the Sobering Center for those of you who dont know there is movement to the legislatively level to create this type of practice and standards throughout the state this is why our serving center and ems activities related are currently in a Pilot Program thats an expiration of a legislation change so ive had conversations with other you know go physicians before brown and i are engaging with physicians involved in metropolitan cities in the state i think that we really need to take this to the home plate and say well actually make some permanent changes to allow this not to be a pilot status. Do we receive state funding. No state funding involved i believe that the funding i should role that back the Pilot Program has from the healthcare function in terms of analysis but specific programs are not funded centrally in the state. Thank you very much id like to thank jim wagner for the partnership that we have the Fire Department has with the team. Thank you, commissioners we will continue to share information. Thank you very much. Madam secretary. Call the next item. Item 5 chief of the departments report report from chief of dependent on current activities and events within the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting of february 22, 2015, including the budget academies and special event and outreach to other Government Agencies and the public and report from operations on overall fold operations including the greater alarm fires and zero fire that prevention and update on h clafrgdz. This is my report since the last meeting of february 22nd before getting into the items listed on the agenda i did want to notify you that officially although i know i spoke with commissioner president cleaveland yesterday and commissioner vicepresident nakajo and we sent out the email but have made a collection for ems division chief i wanted to let you know that 18 very qualified applicant placed an interest in 3 position of which 7 were interviewed by myself the two deputies and the Deputy Director march corso and im proud to announce and provide an introduction starting in his new role as deputy chief on monday and that is andy. clapping. thank you chief good morning commissioners im andy the ems chief want to give you a little bit of background ive been an emt since 1995 in sacking a paramedic since 1998 and worked in system world like sacramento an urban environment i came to dph in 1995 and came over to the Fire Department in 1997 and had several positions in the department not just working with the administration ive worked that qualify improvement and worked as a captain at the center and i was one of the paramedics that was assigned to design the Rapid Response system one of the stand out of the positions i held was the secretary for two years and did that as well and want to thank chief and thank you to the commissioners for the trust your placing in me and giving me the ems position i accept the responsibility and not lighting i look forward to work with you the commissioner and in my new role and look forward to the future well build together thank you for your confidence and the chief for your support. Welcome. Thank you very much thank you very much and congratulations commissioner covington. Oh. Excuse me any Public Comment on this item . I dont think so. The chiefs report. Commissioner covington. The bulk of my report unless anyone has any specific questions. This is the appropriate time to give them a hardy welcome so im proud of you. Well have plenty of questions later laughter pursue thank you, commissioners thank you. Chief please continue. They let you off easy return to my report regarding the budget were on track as we continue for revenue and expenditures as you may know weve submitted the budget on the february 21st deadline with a letter commissioner president cleaveland and myself related to the budget i have a brief discussions with melissa on the fact we have ongoing budget submissions data and in april well be presenting in front of the the Budget Committee prior to the mayors submitting the mayor submits june 1st and two dates i believe the third week in june will be presenting in front of the Budget Finance Committee and responding to my comments related to our submittal initiation to the academies the one thing and 21 academy their 49 members we have in category and we are anticipating graduation for all 45 on april 14th and that will be other 10 00 a. M. At Reardon High School were on track for april 24th and anticipate 54 members in that class will be 42 members off the list and 12 from station 49 at that point a blend of not just 12 h2 level but a blend of giving opportunities to speak of the h2 emt come pricing the 12 at this point we have made as of this week 34 conditional officers to the members mobbing up the 42 number and last week in addition to filling this class for future classes we sent out offer 200 and 20 backward niegsdz fulsome u, if you will, for ios members to submit back information related to the driving records, employment records and sfoertd for our review to complete the one and 22 make up but for future academies so id like to acknowledge my staff and others who are here but will be leaving here it is a lot of work and captain Sheila Hunter will be running to the field and now in form role the captain related to the background and getting everything organized so in relation to the events since february 22nd did wanted to let you know that i attended Parks Alliance event support the rec and Park Department on the evening of february 23rd on february 24th we were proud to graduate 25 now members h3 emts i appreciated the participation and wonderful comments as always by commissioner vicepresident nakajo welcoming the new members to the department if you for representing the commission and i wanted to acknowledge because unless shows out of town she showed up our Assessorrecorder Carmen Chu a big supporter and great supporter comments welcoming the members and representing the department and Irish Society with the grand marshall bill of the evening of february 24th february 25th assisted with open go die ceremony for the Baseball League which flame has a part thought it is our Departmental Program we work in conjunction with the rec and Park Department, the helm was transpired from a member who took over from a long time partner and now ricky the coordinator for it flame and hundreds and hundreds of children starting opening day the wloefrn cooperated on the 25th the first of march i attended a chamber of commerce breakfast called the city breakfast over 11 hope people sort of i know that commissioner president cleaveland was there at least talking about sort of trend in the city and the direction the city is going in i thought a lot of information was useful on march 2 was read aloud day i was at sunset elementary doing the read aloud day and the government and oversight hearing that same day related to the ems Response Time and wanted to acknowledge by Deputy Director corso as well as olivia for presenting supervisor yee was in and out of the meeting he was the chair and supervisor peskin as supervisor president london breed we can provide if we i dont know if we have provided the presentation i think that helpful and i think that a couple of people seen it on tv it was reach progress nothing it perfect but remarkable progress since 2014 and not related to the Fire Department seen it through other city business indicated she said remarkable that 090 percent of time in this city with this traffic youre able to get an ambulance to the code 3 emergency well provide you that an information very foe questions for the Fire Department we are there with the partners in the Controllers Office and they do their piece of presentation theyre the entity that is tracking the data and we also had a presentation from here a little bit the director of d b m michael and the doctor was present to give a comprehensive presentation regarding the item that supervisor peskin had placed on the agenda so we also invited them to continue to join the working group were meeting we recoordinated recently but all in all i know we met in february and more than the 90 percent we were on time in the timeframe the investment not ems was much need but we can definitely see some of the benefits to the newer fleet two additional staffing to innovative like ems 6 wouldnt have been possible without the support of Fire Commission and last night that afternoon that was a busy day we acknowledged a number of retirees in retirement civil rights ceremony you know that everyone that attended appreciated that and that wouldnt have been possible without the Commission Secretary so thank you to moreen for that and finally that evening i thought at the multiple sclerosis hotel an Academy Award summer so for their hotel im always a big fan of the Hotel Workers in uniform the doorman or the housekeeping staff so they asked me to present it is a fun event to acknowledge the urban subsections heroes in the hotels on the third ever march i attended larkin street im on the committee over 4 hundred people at the hotel for a worthy cause on march 4 i attended the San Francisco firefighters prevention fundraiser and on the 6 of march i know that commissioner covington will want to probably add to what im going to say a personal friend but a life ceremony so for ms. Eileen hernandez a 90yearold woman that has done in her lifetime extraordinary things i know that commissioner hardeman you were at the celebration on monday fought for workers rights and Wage Equality and for your consideration commissioner president cleaveland i recommend adjournment in her memory for all shes done and iconicly today is Womens International day i know that commissioner covington will honor her because she was a personal friend. On the 7 of march attended the Department Head meetings yesterday regarding health and wellness and additional training for City Employees on the obesi training and the st. Patricks day theyll be gathering on second and market and before i answer the questions the other thing i wanted to share im not personally spoken not family just received news sad news that a member of our department who had an recently diagnosed with cancer passed away this morning and so i like you to acknowledge and the memory of amy that passed away in 0 morning i just received word after the meeting ill personally reach out to his family but our office was go contacted and did want to acknowledge that as well. So two very good people lost in since the last meeting that concludes my remarks thank you chief any Public Comment on the chiefs report seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners commissioner covington thank you very much mr. President. I will hold off on my comments regarding Ilene Hernandez she was a lovely person so ill go to the chiefs report and i just have a question regarding this information that was in our packets from the Civil Service commission detailing the policy on family and romantic relationships at work i would like information how it is rolled out within the department thank you. Thank you. Ive asked did experts good timing i said she could be dismissed. Gamechanger commissioner president cleaveland and commissioner and chief so since the department ive changed the updated romantic policy we created a database and the departments Human Resources division and weve gotten actually great response and terms of compliance people reporting family and romantic remiss i relationship well get an email and log every single report of such relationships so far weve not encountered any relationship that will require a Management Plan but if we do meaning if so it a direct inspiration whether family or romantic ill definitely report it to chief joanne hayeswhite and chief williams and well develop a Management Plan to roach the conflicts. So those are people who are saying oh, by the way, my brother has been hired with the department that sort of thing. Correct. So is theyre going to be my Additional Information september out to people or any training in the academy regarding this matter. So i dont believe there will be any additional materials the new policy has been expanded sections how to report it is detailed and im happy to report that members are coming applying it has only been a few days thats you encouraging thats a grandkid i havent revised the power point but definitely a good addition to the e o policy complainant as a separate flag presentation to entrylevel academy. Thank you youre welcome. Thank you commissioner covington and commissioner hardeman. Thank you, mr. President. That was a good report chief youre very busy im compliment you on our read aloud a couple of people said you were great the kids love you, you have a great presence about you and just wreck of carr charisma interesting the retiree civil rights the other day for any of the president to be firefighters one gentleman his not able day his first day he had 2, 3 fire alarm foyers and 4 he said he never will experience that again but quite a thing asked that end of the extend shift how he felt he said it was fun so he has a nature to be able to do that Ilene Hernandez a remark person a person of prestige ive known here forever since late san jose and came from a distinguished family back east her family was from jamaica but sharp looking being a person of privilege or prestige like fdr she devoted her life to taking care of the under privileged i was happy to have known her the chief brought up the st. Patricks day parade saturday ill head to my grandsons ill miss the parades but no way gary the grand Marshall Deputy chief should have been police chief but should i see not to do that i met him in 1979 along with retired chief tom most people in the room have no idea but the greatest chief and the same time met the chiefs father and that was a group called the american Irish Alliance you had to a quarter of an irish they let me in that was we preceded in over a decade does er did some remarkable things it was fun to be part of you gave the achieve a copy of something that kevin star wrote in the paper i was chairman for other person that people didnt know jack we did a testimony monthly. He was one hundred jewish but he was a great person that never said nothing negative and give him 5,000 in the 80s that was a wonderful thing but anyway, i hate to waste anyones time thats my story on the st. Patricks day happy st. Patricks day to everyone. Thank you commissioner hardeman i have a few questions of chief do you you wish to be excused. All right. On the promotion of captain do have you someone in mind that will take over the chief investigator within the department. Yes. We do. But you cant announce it as yet. We do have our plan to transfer the captain currently christopher over to replace andy in his residential weve gotten an agreement to do so we didnt want that position to be without someone. It is an important position we thank christopher doing that. At the hearing the gao what were the supervisors key concerns did they express and polk solutions to those problems they were bringing to the public attention. The genesis of request to have the agenda items before the gao was and evening on friday the 13th where supervisor peskin was made aware of the fact that we were short ambulances all the ambulances were deployed and one call that was overflow room code 2 to nonlifethreatening call but it was upgraded to code 3 an elderly woman that hesitate fallen shes recovered from that fail i understand and there was a detailed responded between 7 00 and 8 00 p. M. Open 2 on that friday night a delayed response greater than 5 minutes they wanted an overall presentation we assured him that by and large on a monthly base we are reaching that goal december we had had challenges and in january but 89. 5 and now 92. 3 so i think were able to showcase all the progress that was basically around that one night and his question was is there a normal friday night in the event of a largescale emergency how will the system work we explained if this is a huge surge last year, we handled it well and the per diem in the huge event of a disaster well be able to. Budget committee lay their concerns for the most part revisit it and have your leads come to the meeting we attend. Continues to go up more resources will be noted. We appropriated and the Controllers Office said they have been tasked would go looking at does that staffing level of 200 ftes for the ems division that was factored on the 2014 dictated so does that make sense . To revisit that have a higher booster to the staffing look at other Creative Solutions like having the ambulance if we can not wait as long during the zero period were short on equipment and shorten that length of time and particularly if so a code 2 were looking at staffing and relayed that out to him. Thank you chief on the Flame Program can you, you gives give us as brief description. I used to know the acronym but i think that it would be a great trivia question. It is musical too ill get that for you talking to puzzle me i used to be in charge of the project but through the good nature of the firefighters many of them when they start and i say pretty much not that we know the acronym were partner by having a small amount taken from our paychecks to support the athletic events throughout the city there are flame tournament w host to offer boys and girls and involving ball and basketball and partnered i know over 10 years used to be separate and it works better with rec and park to help to support the Little League the Baseball League so the money is received through donations from active and retired members we have a fulltime employee that is detailed part of time to manage the program and there the direction of the deputy chief. Any firefighter can volunteer and be part of it. Absolutely. Thank you, chief commissioner vicepresident nakajo you have a few questions and a comment mr. President , thank you kijdz thank you report i wanted to give a comment and a compliment and appreciation in the sense of your attendance in many of the parades i know that youll be leaving shortly we have a rally outside for the International Womans Day and express my appreciation mr. Starr at the Retirement Ceremony and mr. President like to recognize Commission Secretary for taking care of that event because again being a recent retiree i certainly believe there should be a ceremonial conclude for the employees that support of those i want to comment and appreciate that thank you, madam secretary for your involvement. Thank you, mr. President. Commissioner hardeman. Thank you ill get back to chiefs wonderful appointment of captain andy to the head of ems what a desire he was so modest really never didnt sound like you were quite as qualified as you are but probably know the department as well as anyone you served as secretary for the commission, which give us an sight to a lot of things behind the scenes, you also have been when the chief investigators poignant by chief joanne hayeswhite to look at complex and confusing cases of problems in the department including discipline and youve had it put in tremendous amount of effort and resources into that that so, so youve earned our stripes and talked about your background with ems and the paramedics that is actually, the number one, thing to do your job but really very qualify and i received that message last time that moma e email from the chief saying the appointment i said wow, i never gave it a thought the chief was interviewing i know had a number you were on the list i doubt if none in the department including the person that wanted the job to say youre in the the Perfect Choice congratulations. Thank you choice commissioner hardeman our chief of operations chief gonzales will not give us a quick update. Good morning commissioner president cleaveland and commissioners and good morning chief chief gonzales this is my Operations Report for february we have one greater alarm that was on february that it was change of shift firefighters and ongoing off going and oncoming cruise so the trucks will be more fully staffed therapists great no recorded injuries actually there was one that i remember they said the guy ran away the fire was electrical fault the changed was commander burk smoke from the second floor and the fire trucks were on scene the building had 7 commercial spaces and 21 singleroom occupancies on the second floor pr retained were exiting the building when we arrived a report the fire was in residential unit number 9 the cruise recorded smoke from vents it was second floor residential area our cruise on the streets sided the building looking at the commercial units assess for any basement area they were forced industries and confronted with heavy fire the tried to make entry but the the stalker on the street side and entered the basement the basement fills with three or four foot of water the utility was called for the heavy duty pumps to pump out the water they brought a jack hammer to breach the concrete floor where the for was smoeld overall this was a difficult fire responding from the battalion chief they performed extremely well this fire required a fire watch on to Community Outreach we continue to put out safety messageings as well as the fire presumption of negligence doing things for the public and gathering information other finest of note for the fire alarm on 2255 they instructed a male and startled cpr a fire alarm fire one rescue no injuries also on february of one male rescued in injuries city highrise comments and thank ac second row smiling he did a great job put this together it was one of the best probes ive seen 3 stations owl members remembered more about understanding what your role is rather than having the members run up the stairs but they did that as well with hose lines and ventilation as well that was really a good drill. On february 12th a suffer rescue they rescued a 45yearold male and accomplished the return and hes doing well and transferred to kaiser on february 15th you might have seen in the media structure compromises with 0 multiple evacuations a large portion of 35 floor the top floor posed a collapse hazard our unit working with other agencies with the unified command built over 5 hundred evasions no injuries or collapse they do a nice job and andrews handing of the media on february 16th a fire alarm one female rescued from a one story balcony and one firefighter injured on february 19th and 21st multiple trees and wires down due to the storms on february 21st fire alarm fire with a rescue on Martin Luther king market an february 28th a multiple vehicle collision on south bay multiple injuries one adult was trapped under the car we have x causations and two critical did a good job. The following media report on to february 15th mother and daughter learned how to use cpr thank you on to ems our ambulances as the chief mentioned respond through 10 minutes 92 percent of the time thats outstanding did a good job and traffic is a concern and there was a spike that are a concern spoikz when we have limited resources thats why i like to piggyback on the roll i think that should be expanded and taking calls out of the system and looking at the emergency vehicles that might address were mandated to be four and a half minutes to get on scene weve never met that when our stoogsz are where theyre at if you introduces the conflict response vehicles we may make that goal how our units are outstanding on average on keen in 3. 22 minutes as mentioned the training for the trorpts is the Service Center that helps the service if our unit transport a patient to a serving center rather than a hospital that is not nearly the time is not a line they drop off the patient in 15 to 20 minutes and the concerning the new Fire Commission our new assistant deputy chief will be handling that as of mentioned the new members added to station 49 on to Community Outreach or excuse me the Fire Prevention at headquarter that had employments issued and 16 hundred intishgsdz comedy with the outreach they conducted two fire safety working groups for h2 for building owners for them on fire safety and detail attendance was thirty there rh2 video is in Development Im trying to convince the chief to be in the video it is not going so well also in bureaucracy Fire Prevention since they they started in september of the 2015 did next hearing for march 21st of the 7 meetings well have violations at 57 properties at the next meeting there are 12 buildings on the agenda and in february the Fire Prevention hsa has 6 orders to vacate that listed on mission and they also participate 3 task force with the City Attorneys Office land section on Mission Street 8 hundred and 3 permit that were approved the Warriors Arena is under review the site plans are close to approve and the task on third street sfmta presented march 9 the task proposal to add two at badges adjacent to the curbside parking isolated by the Market Street that was one the proposals we thought was okay. No hamper our operations is agree that is a good working together us and mta also with task we were given speed humps to look at we reviewed them and of the 18 that they give us on a case by case basis no objection to 10 of them the unit so you usa it was a well traveled street or somewhere remote we can this with 6 of the humps we obtained to and b f i say open investigation one and 7 a decrease of one from the most before and two andrews i want to call of chief to do a quick update plus hell give is prepared presentation power point on all the airports operatio operations. Welcome. Good morning sxheldz and commissioners and chief joanne hayeswhite ill talk about what has been happening at the airport you as you may know new station there 3 weve been in there one month 95 Percent Complete a taking care of the minor details with a grand opening at the end of the month youll be joining us in the celebration recently late september we should something at the airport a fire inside the Conveyor Belt from the a o a to the baggage area got off track and rubbing and had friction in this area this area a almost like an attic type of environment due to the friction caught a fire and got going prospecting good our units got to a catwalk and maneuvered around the area to put out the fire and again this is not something we see all the time at the airport they did a fabulous job and this week active Fire Training at the airport well have the Training Unit from San Francisco and sfpd have been training this is ongoing training going on quite a few of the at the airport and our partners in the city some outstanding training taking place this for all members between march 24 that is who the entire airport facilities by the faa something that is done think a yearly basis we make sure that everything is in order throughout the airport to our members have been working diligently to get ready for the inspection during the 20 and the 24 on the inspection on the highrise will be a Grand Hyatt Hotel a 80 mile from station 3 this will create dialogue between Fire Department and sfo administration how this may change our preparing for a fire at that facility again, a highrise fire we have to approach it as much similar to what we do in the city so ongoing conversations firemens in terms of personnel and equipment they happiest this building completed by 2019 late argue our Marina Program is planning a drill which will require several agencies up and down the peninsula and some of the unit from San Francisco to participate in a something we hope to use as. Disaster drill a marina drill but the airport wants to go in a different direction we have been planning and well do that type of drill so well do an additional drill in august simulate and whatnot that will require quite a bit of preparation were looking forward to that drill and with the he wants lastly news about his policy como to demonstrations we had demonstrates oversees quite a bit of people at the airport stalking the pears but were anticipating something in the next couple of weeks and making presentation with that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. And in the future ill have more of a power point Something Else to hand out and give you. Thank you. We appreciate that. Chief gonzales. At the end of the my report i want to talk about the clarification it is great news that was clorox with dhr our department and 798 and have a meeting with the City Attorney and others we have talk about it but if we have 2 of them doing the work like h33 shouldnt be that difficult but hammer out some of the finer details as well. Thank you very much any Public Comment on item this report . Seeing none, commissioners any questions commissioner vicepresident nakajo thank you, mr. President thank you chief gonzales youre report one question in terms of the airport on station 3 grand opening chief is there a projected dated we might be able to look for scheduling. The 28. March 28. Thank you very much chief. Thank you very much chief gonzales and mr. President. Thank you commissioner vicepresident nakajo. Thank you, mr. President , and commissioner hardeman. Thank you, mr. President. Good report as usual chief gonzales thank you, sir. Just not has nothing to do with with our report but smoke alarms interesting the molt fires displaced 14 units the east bay then investigated and fined 2,400 yesterday it is really hard to imagine that such a large motel so many units i think 44 units that are habitable in the 12 or 14 that burned about 1 3rd of them nonfunctioni nonfunctioning smoke alarms that goes with the trend of the multiple smoke alarms are nonexist that is something i thought ill bring up while you were on the floor and had a question of airport directors busy but go ahead finish up okay. I saw you busy looking up something and all brass are allowed so to have their phones and whatever the commissioners are not but the brace brass has got to be prepared. I was curious how did the people get assigned to 9 new house was seniority. The members of the old station 3 remained. Oh, they went to the same station. No big multiple voices thanks for your great report. Thank you commissioner hardeman a few questions chief and for the chief when youre talking about Quick Response vehicles and the need for the department to have that work with the traffic and everything being as bad and getting a full truck or ambulance to a location can be difficult are you looking into alternatives for Quick Responses like bicycle or mopeds or go we can drive. Similar to a buggy one or two personnel and clustered in the areas most dense with our most calls maybe theyll take care of the code too low calls and be able to take care of the patient trotters m a and tropts the ambulance will not, stuck at well get our unit in service quicker and if we have three or four in the busiest area might take 190 off of the longterm vehicles. Have we factored any nonuse for this expense i mean have we put this into the budget is that budgeted into the future. It is look at by the ems group but put a number on anything that is a matter of what we on the system need most i think that department of emergency they dont want to have anything if effects your time we dont want to waste our equipment how do we do that note necessarily more personnel on the rigs or the a m a personnel. The traffic will be worse it is important for the ability to respond around traffic jams and a blocked intersections. A lot of the code 3 is hampered obviously but code 3 we get to what was holding us on the ambulances it is code 3 returns they have a code 2 transport to the hospital; right . Youre going by the legal law of the lapsed have to go back to our post after the hospital it is addressing that it is a code 2 it is code 2 we want to go to the code 2 that are high activity we need to go the aclu but thats a different story i think the b l s commissioner president cleaveland at Quick Response vehicles has been bringing it to my attention and ive seen other jurisdictions utility bicycles or mopeds or motorcycles building in smaller jurisdictions in the United States im not convinced at one point as long as im the fire chief will not put a paramedic on a bicycle ive concerned the safety of our employees from point a to point b recognizing congestion were looking at ways to manage what we manage and program at the airport the Bicycle Program is excellent but no vehicles mostly bicycles in the terminals at this time its been brought up to whether or not well put our members own mopeds or things like that at this time im not convinced that a great solution were open. As long as we get more congested we may have to seriously implement that. Quick question on the hotel it is being built the hilton hotel will they cover the costs for additional equipment and personnel to address a potential hundred emergency. Clearing were in the early stages of opening up dialogue with the Fire Department it is my job to bring the difficulties of the structure will create for the number of personnel we have theyve been very, very open to the suggestions ive brought up recently, we put our h 28 training at the airport there make our training more robust weve had rider xhchgs and the dialogue about that hotel and what will be needed to effectively approach the highrise incident right now again, we could a have the sentencer or the apparatus if we have a Major Incident it is 12 stories it is a highrise you mentioned traffic we cant depend on the latter response from san bruno over this area takes 15 or 20 minutes something were looking at instead of a request for a mutual aid two engines automatically incident we have at the hotel to cut down delay well be looking at approaches how to best service that particular building at the airport. Thank you chief i look forward to a full report on the airport as a future date appreciate that and one final question for you chief gonzales dealing with the Response Time and the issue of speed bumps versus speed humps. Who makes that final decision the Department Says we dont want dp t or sfmta putting a speed hump open this street and you obsess there an arrest transmission board some body you appeal to who makes the final decision. Weve met with director reiskin and myself fire marshall de cossio and some of the director reiskin staff regarding were going to Work Together they gave us a list and have our members in those areas we know that themselves their practical or not regarding the fire response. So no body that makes the final determination but sit down and discuss it case by case. The mta has agreed to work with us. That is good i dont know if there is a formalized way for the mta. Maybe the finally arbiter. Yes. Chief. We try to work with them and try to be reasonable for major corridors we are transfersing and theyve been and theyre good to work with a major area we are k34567b9 responding to no back and forth. Im glad to hear and defer to the Fire Department if it impacts the Response Time they do defer. Ill say they do and a give and take and push back if they need something well come to a resolution and i applaud mta and director reiskin ray hart for San Francisco open government. That and chief francisco might know better than i know know there a difference between speed hump and speed bump. Speed cushion has space for your whos also. My understanding is mta is going more towards speed bumps than speed hump no breaks people can angle it and work it so they dont feel the impact theyre big advocates for speed bump we prefer the speed humps. We prefer the cushions. Thank you very much i see schauk would like to make a comment or has a question. An acknowledgement time thank you, mr. President before you conclude this report kings and chief gonzales i wanted to first of all, thank you for arranging my ride loan with station 49 for a point of information only march 24 and targeting somewhere within 5 00 p. M. To midnight so we can be part of learning curve of the dialogue weve had most recently ill comment on the visits with the Communication Center so thank you very much for that as well but tooimentd i want to acknowledge our fire marshall de cossio for his cooperation and attendance trying to deal with issues that are part of our oversight and our responsibility of the department thank you very much for that meeting chief and want to thank you comes and goes and kijdz for that support in terms of that thank you, mr. President. Thank you, mr. President. Madam secretary thank you chief gonzales madam secretary. Item 6 Commission Report on Commission Activities since last meeting of february 22nd including commissioner president cleaveland and commissioner vicepresident nakajo rights or recent tour at Development Communication division. Thank you, madam secretary ill call on the Vice President to give his comments. Thank you, thank you very much commissioner president cleaveland colleagues we wanted to give you an update thank you chief gonzales and chief joanne hayeswhite for the tour and david from the decision of emergency communication we were met with the Deputy Director of Emergency Services mike and also part of that tour and description of robert Deputy Director of Emergency Communications colleagues that was a fruitful tour myself ive been in the visitation on that Communication Center there will be my 4 or 5 visit the president the commissioners have also had interaction part of it was for us to develop more knowledge on the discussion of code 2 and 3 and ambulance Response Time when the citizen picks up a phone and hits the emergency communication 0 how does that tilt itself of those work compared to the old days we say had personnel from the Fire Department and Police Department that actually worked the Communication Center and the dr personnel on the board thats changed with the uniformed members out of that particular emergency servicing communication and Services Agency a point of information any of you outburst there to provide Public Services beyond the Police Department and fire Department Im going do with wholeheartedly urge you encourage you to look at becoming an emergency dispatcher a reputable profession they work extremely hard theyre trained and trained both to handle police calls and fire calls i hesitate in terms of bringing it up statistical numbers because of accuracy but my recognition brings me a report that the majority of calls for police calls all that majority of police calls a High Percentage homelessness relayed calls in the plod calls it was interesting to hear that the medical Service Calls and the Fire Department are part of that but the awesome responsibility of dispatchers they dont have the luxury of separating the duties on fire or police indeed thoseeve. The president and myself have several of the questions this was answered as a point of information i asked what the average of personnel they said 14 on the board and we had the tour 8 members talking about under the staffing of the Emergency Communications center thusly i heard from them that the Mayors Office and the city has currently them to hire so while we were there, there was a training of 32 new dispatches a new exam was given i asked how long for them to fully staff up i believe the scenario was between one year and a fully staffed 3 years that is quite a bit of hiring, if you will, in terms of career goals with think outside the box stressful full and challenging job but demanding i keep a look out help mitch with the president to thank those various members who are working the board but thusly a question of coordination between when a call comes the judgment of the dispatch all the sheet of dissemination on calls of is he feigned is she conscious is he conscious does it sounds like a heart attack systems kick in theretofore to look at it and continue to analyze code 2 and code 3 and the discussion mr. President , and colleagues coming up with other initiative expects i am creative and supportive of department and offered up conceptions never mind of moving towards the directive i wanted to say to you commissioners and mr. President , and chief and the rest of department that we have always an open agenda invitation for any of us to continue to go dot Communication Department it was a great help for us to realize i thought amp correct me if i am wrong chief you said it sound as the dispatch gets the call and they make a decision on what to send out it is a human decision but sounded like ones that protocol is in the system the system makes a determines i dont know if it is accurate to what i picked up. If so call whatever call type chosen it is going to the hot seat the hot seat will look at if it is supplemental they might i couldnt ask for different units or that information they might automatically add a unit based on the Supplemental Information. I wanted to share that challenging complexity we ask questioned if this person is in a panic or didnt speak english he often get when i worked through Senior Citizens will excuse me why do they keep on asking me why not hurry up and get an ambulance dispatched bottom line theyre responding an ambulance dispatched i think trying to make a determination is that accurate chief. Make a determination or determination of the call line i dont understand the last part of your question. I think i got it chief gonzales and i, we worked at radio it evolved a bit i believe depending on the nature of the call a nonmedical call youre getting as much information from the reporting party and chief gonzales stayed there you whatever you category it is it linked response partial hearten for medical we utilize the equipment it is capture that means and there can be frustration on the reporting part why do they keep on asking me those questions theyre important how you initially present i have somebody ive witnessed them fall down a series of question by which the dispatch is dpietd and needs to ask to send the appropriate resources there are cases i wish there were more at times you send and can get more information but a brief description of cb d. Thats right our coming center uses a protocol it was developed called the medical priority dispatch system uses what the call reporting party says and changes that both a response pattern with the idea if someone says a person unconscious or a person changing color or choking we have an immediate dispatch but they need help but are talking and 3wr50ek9 normally or standing and walking we can send a lower cuing i cue unit helps us to triage a they do to a masking to determine what equipment needed and the priority. Thank you chief gonzales. And from a fire aspect the study says a panic caller Good Practice to send code 3 that means what should happen and for example, they came in as a a1 we send a truck a bacon chief in the hot seat or one of the c rc Supplemental Information for on the second floor this will immediately be upgraded theyll get our environment of 13 units and as opposed to to 3. And add multiple callers to the same address that tips you off theyre probably something that confirmed for medical calls and for all calls we tend to be put more resources and not enough we can always back off sometimes if you get a couple of people calling a person lying on the sidewalk they could be as commissioner hardeman alluded to sleeping but someone that is recorded has passed out or unconscious we will send someone and overtime we back off on the number of resources but other than under resource the call. I appreciate that all the responses doctor a yeah. I know at some point chief will be part of discussion as well, we had had very well i want to point out the complexity of that citizens concern didnt know what is going on im making up up that somewhere has a language barrier want to convey what the circumstances are and part of the that two there is also response or coagulation between medical and police for example, when i asked the call how many calls 0 come from the homeless that call is depending on how you want to respond to there was a comment of too bad not an individual number to address did homeless call and another discussion became how facing fast do you want to respond to the homeless person on the street samoan commented or ive seen condominium to get a respondent off you have to haves positive attitude not a problem of a person but a quality of life issue as well i know that individuals have said this homeless person is on the sidewalk didnt look good, i want this person off oh, by the way, i think i see a knife that triggers circumstances and perhaps this person didnt have a knife but the text in our system as we move out therefore i appreciate the discussion of the ems 6 or thinking outside the box at least decision a Knowledge Base were coming from chief. One of the points you brought up say that submittal information comes in she have they have a knife it is a reason we have universal call articulates that will on or about button putting into the call and add to the police and let people know the scene is not safe one thing i want to mention about the aspects of the system one of the good ideas maybe they should have an advisor for a code 2 call they can it is being addressed as were not sending the a l s but i think that is something that will be really good to look at as far as one of the ideas i also want to respond to the commissioner said we attempt at dispatch to identify and triage people by the nature and severity the medical complaint no attempt to determine what the social situation is or who say we really this is purely based on medical needs and in fairness i strongly believe that is important and the way we provide Emergency Medical Services to mefrp with that said there are other resources the city has we can use better like 311 and potentially developing the projects that the cities have undertaken like nurse triage lines when someone calls 911 currently we have a system where resources is sent to every caller that maintained be the best way but Initiative Ideas i applaud the commission for exploring those but more to be explored. Two more points the average citizen early in terms of public that requests support we have a responsibility as well just not a matter of seeing something Francis Scott key out and trying to get response my whole life happens been if it is a problem i call the police if there is a fire i call the Fire Department i got educated address utilityed the 9 11 concept but the other educational aspects certainly something that the citizens of San Francisco might need as we advance ourselves to more coordination an example i saw a lady fall down the stairs my immediate responded put her in a confront position but my mind said dont touch her i called the factual and they said dont touch her the citizens need education how to conduct themselves on the other hand, as they wait for the responder to come my last point our folks are professionals and kevin thats the last thing you want to have someone that says not there who looked like they dont want to help you or youre a problem extinguished to help me out thank you very much colleagues and mr. President. Thank you, mr. President. Commissioner hardeman not going overboard this 92. 6 percent under 9 minutes for people that were watching this as now gone live it would a few years ago we had the local 798 rightfully condemning the commission and chief the apparatus and poor time and station conditions, you know staffing, everything was wrong that was true we had to sit here and take it we needed to take that it was the vebt have the opportunity the workers was treated and now it is urban design turned around in the 92. 6 percent i wish r7 98 were here to say good job the things theyve laid out and rightfully so we were bad and wrong has been rivered i think that department deserves that especially the mayor and the grant writing and weve been fortunate to good things happen so, anyway to talk about so we have the chief who like my firefighter knows how to get around town this morning as we came in he was on time he was ruffled i think he said it took him 45 minutes to get to Treasure Island chief gonzales cant use the siren we have an ambulance. We shouldnt. The chief knows how to get around like them this is a difficult time for an ambulance to transport so this is remarkable it is wonderful im excited very happy and i think the public should understand is where we were and how everybody stuck together and persevered this Fire Department is in good shape and just wanted to pass that on. Thank you, commissioner. Thank you commissioner hardeman just a few comments on the visit doctor yeah. Thank you fro organizing that and greet us there and for rob and mike to take us through and lieutenant hayes on behalf of myself and commissioner vicepresident nakajo we appreciate the overview at the headquarter it is a very tough job being a dispatch no question about that and i think were under a staffed and glad we have a class of people that are trained to be dispatches it our first line of Public Safety the first line of defense is interpreting what the 911 call is all about a super important part of our protection of people of the city i punishment the tour and encouraged my fellow commissioners to visit and get a briefing how they define what is a code 2 and 3 interesting to note point Police Department has i guess 4 levels of four descriptions they have a code 1, 2, 3, 4 called Something Different but much more you know defined list of criteria. Id like to point out one clear distinction we love working with the police but often the abc d priority it depends on who is available and a lot of time they choose themselves if they go they go to the action calls but sometimes the other lower security calls they wait on we dont have that luxury. Thank you chief gonzales appreciate that. Any you further comments from the commissioners seeing none. Call. Did you call Public Comment. All right. Public comment on the report on probation any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam secretary. Item 7 communications emails from James Corrigan dated 2017 a any Public Comment on item this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners any comment. Yes. I was thinking maybe the chief will do this but the chief will be mad at me i didnt give her a head up but a thank or thing can you do an honor grand mashes and one the honorees will be a franco recognizing some of you oldtimers might know him he would have been 91 hes an honoree grand marshall and retired firefighter and his granddaughter Emily Orourke is a San Francisco firefighter should be we should be happy that a retired firefighter is honored as a combraush at the parade. Very good. Thank you just one comment it seemed to be get continuous complaint from mr. Cosponsor begin chief gonzales cue give us a give you a little bit of background of policies for firefighters parking around fire stations. One of the main concerns placards not authored to put out a need not to be used but changes at the stations regarding change of shift as i mentioned to the response to the chinatown fire especially station 2 of the basis of complaint about the points of arrived from during change of shifts and during that time 8 30 the rigs need to be calculates or checked and under coming and off going cruise we dont want them parking illegally but blocking a lane they have to check the aerial and the pump every morning and in regards to Response Time theyll do it is next to the drivers and theyll check the apparatus and have to clean the apparatus floor sweep and make up that 2, 3, 4 station two this is has happen that part of complaint is not easy to address but members using placards all over the place if they park in a red zone while change of shift thats on their own thats part of the policy the pot is we dont want them using urban authored placards. Thank you chief gonzales. I have directed chief gonzales to regularly let our members know they dont great work everyday but not feel entitled to do something that is illegal it is illegal to park in a red zone outside of the perimeters hes discussed parking is a prestige not something we are authorized to grant to all the employees most of our stations not all of them have an area the members can park that is not easy, however, we want, considered good citizens we are good citizens its been brought to our attention not use anything with my snatch that looks to be a authorized pass if you will, and weve asked the b c and Company Officers to make sure that is not happening i regularly talk to the chief of operation and mta if they see a vehicle not parked where it should be parked she should be ticked no special prestigious ive arthurs we shouldnt have that happen. Any way to address that blocking a lane of traffic during rush hour. It would be tough to put the rigs their huge for the safety of the personnel they need the 0 space. No where during another time. Thank you want to make sure that is ready during the shift time if they dont check that the day before, after, the initial pump test in the morning but we have to know that is working like our tools our power tools and exhaustion tools and other tools to make sure we need them at 8 oclock a. M. And make sure we can get the patient out of the car. So blocking the traffic the apparatus and fire engines and trucks no way around but to block traffic for a couple of hours. If this instance it is not for a couple of hours not sure that happens everyday but a limited amount of time that particular station one good thing it is out going traffic not downtown. As you know, we get complaint one particular station want to bring to your attention. All right. Any Public Comment on this item . Any Public Comment on communications seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam secretary. Please call the next item. Agenda for next Fire Commission meeting on march 22, 2017. Colleagues moreen tells you what is on the agenda we have a dog pinning ceremony for the thats still on and there is a Good Samaritan acknowledgement scheduled for the 22 and then there were ideas that were presented at the last meeting fir fire reserves and green versus solar which at your discretionary. Colleagues any additional items chief an item for the agenda i see your name on the docket. Okay commissioner vicepresident nakajo. President the items on the discretion of the chair im not sure the fire reserves is commander buckley is ready for this we need to communicate and i think there was some discussion about taking time for the solar presentation so having said that, ill leave it up to the discretion of president and the cooperation madam secretary for the next commission meeting. Thank you very much colleagues no further ado i call for the next item adjournment. Do i have a motion to adjourn. Second. Id like to adjourn this meeting in honor of Eileen Hernandez a pioneer in the civil activists and for fallen firefighter who died today so id like to adjourn the meeting in their light for our city and streets illuminating our ideas and values starting in 2016 the San Francisco Public Utilities commission is xhoefl that light with new led with the did i audits for better light for streets and pedestrian and theyre even better for this vitally lasting longer and consuming up to 50 Percent Less Energy upgrading takes thirty minutes remove the old street light and repeat

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