To participate by phone dial 4156550001 and use access code 2483 379 2202. The public is asked to wait for the upon agenda item before making a comment on that item. Comments will be addressed in the order received. When the moderator announces the commission is taking comment members can raise hands by pressing star 3. Callers will hear silence when wait being to speak. Operator will unmute you. Callers will have the 3 minutes to provide comment. Ensure you near a quiet location. Speak clearly and turn off tvs or radios around you. Item 1. Roll call. President feinstein. Present. Vice president nakajo. Present. Commissioner morgan. Present. Commissioner fraser. Present. Commissioner collins. Present. Chief of Department Jeanine Nicholson. Present. No audio. [applause] [cannot hear speaker] she started Development Companies and consulting companies. And from everything i hear it is a real delight. And incredible low hard worker. We need and you welcome you. Anyone of us is here to assist if you need any assistance in anybodying. I think will find the Fire Department has its own language. And we are working on our glossaries of reports so the abbreviations can be understood by us and the public. So. Dont you are not a shy person i know that. Dont hez ve hesitate to ask questions. I wanted say, welcome item 2 president fine stein read the land acknowledgment. Ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement the San Francisco Fire Commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Thank you. Item 3 general Public Comment. Members may address the commission up to 3 minutes on any matter in the jurisdiction this does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address to the commission as a whole approximate not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter in debate or discussion with the speaker. Lack of a response boy the commissioners or Department Personnel does in the necessary low constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. If you like to comment by phone raise your hand by pressing star 3 now. I dont see anybody in the odd yenls. Audience. Would you like to make Public Comment. Ja good morning. This is dave tilde [inaudible] rincon be [inaudible] Association Im getting feedback on this line. I will continue. We have contacted the Fire Department a number of occasions about what appear to bes a dangerous [inaudible] situation and have had no clear response on [inaudible] this feedback is coming through the phone, not my tv. You know there is a saying that public faith [inaudible] using if you see something, say something. Thats fine but there is an obligation there that somebody says something that the officials do something. People are not going to [inaudible] our concern is that hundreds of residents are repeatedly being instructed to [inaudible] alarms they may hear. We believe is always risky. But here we are told to ignore alarms for an uncertain amount time and sometimes for many hours. Almost all day. And for no reason we can make out. If you recall they tell you to ignore alarms when there is test nothing a remote portion of the large complex. Alarms we not hear being tested. Why are they telling us to ignore alarms well not hear . It is a ridiculous situation and management keeps blaming the Fire Department saying thats had they are ordered to do. Because this instruction was given on an uncertain time period. Can be all day people lose track if it is still in affect. We ask this somebody in the Fire Department tell us if this confusing process is being impelemented here acerately. To give you an example of a problem last saturday we were told to ignore alarms around 9 a. M. I went out and came back at noon. I did not know if the order was in affect i asked at the front desk. I said when i left we were under instructions to ignore the alarms. Now that im returning to my apartment should i still do that . Should i respond to alarmings. Your time is up. Thank you very much. The person did not know. That is all of Public Comment. Public comment shall be closed. Item 4 approval the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes from our october 26, 22 meeting. All right. And do we have any Public Comment on the minutes . S caller, will you like to comment on the minutes . Um i would like to know who i can call to find out about the situation in rincon planner. Would you like to make if i call the [inaudible]. Will anybody respond . Any further comment. No. All right. Any questions, discussions, corrections . By any of my fellow commissioners on the minutes . Im seeing none. May have a motion motion to approve the minutes. Thank you. Is there a second. Thank you. Moved and seconded. President feinstein . Adopt the minutes. Vice president nakajo. Adopt the minutes. Commissioner collins. Adopt the minutes. Jot motion passes 4nothing. Item 5. Chief of departments report from chief of Department Jeanine Nicholson on issues, activities and events Went Department since the meeting on october 26 of 2022, including budget, academy, special event, communication and out roach to other Government Agencies and the public. And report from operations deputy chief Robert Postel on over all Field Operations leading greater alarm fires. Bruro of Fire Prevention and investigation. Training within the department and the airport division. Greetings and salutations, all. Im your San Francisco fire chief jeanine nicholson. Madam president feinstein. Vice president nakajo. Commissioner morgan and fraser and new commissioner collins, welcome temperature it is a tloil have a full commission. Now i have somebody across from me i can look at. Welcome and we i appreciate every one of the commissioners and look forward to working with you. Greetings to command staff here and to sister maureen as well. As you know, i was off for a week. And so i dont have a lot to report. But one thing of interest, there is no mayoral Department Head meeting today i dont have to run out after 15 minutes. And i will have a meeting with the mayor tomorrow. Month low meeting. This afternoon we are conducting interviews for diversity, equity and inclusion chief. Before i left on my trip, i met with district 8 supervisor mandelman who i see has won the election. And he has voiced concerns around his district before, you may have sewn it in the media. We had a good conversation with him on how our street teams work. In his district. Hoe is policed with the Fire Department. That was a good meeting. We have april 60 candidates going through all of their medical background now. All their medical tests and for a class of firefighter h2 academy coming in january. We are moving along with that process. We expect somewhere around 50 may be more than 50 to be in the class. We always start with more recruits not everyone make its through all of the hoops they need to jump through. That is moving along well and the Doctors Office got dp them through thanks to them. And you know our other members do a lot of good work i know that chief postel and tom will speak a lot about our rescues and fires and medical and community and paramedicine and the new subway we have. It is 10 stories under ground. It is a challenge but our members have been doing great work there with the mta. Graduation of the current h2 Firefighter Academy is november 18th. Would love to see you all there. If you are able. As november 18th. November 18th. Which i believe is next friday. Is this right. So and yea. Would love to see you all there if you are able to attend. It is i festive a nice occasion for families and the staff and everyone. So and then covid is around but has really decreased. You know we have a few people half a dozen off longterm covid. We have very few new infections these days and the department is doing well with that. Im very pleased. One last thing the macys Tree Lighting tonight. My staff will be there with neil in the square. That is all i have to report. All right. Thank you, chief and welcome back. Thank you. All right. Do we have Public Comment on the chiefs report . All right. And nobody in the audience. Public comment will be closed. And turn to my fellow commissioners for questions for the chief. Im seeing none. Your lucky day, chief. I know and i dont have to run to the mayors meeting i was ready to be peppered. I was going to say that and i thought better ask. We will proceed to our next item and that would be chief postel. Good morning. Good morning, chief and staff president feinstein and Vice President nakajo and commissioners morgan, fraser and welcome commissioner collins to the greatest Fire Commission and Fire Department in the world. This is an organization with a tremendous amount of history. There is pride. We are recognized throughout the country and the world for the way we do business and whether the cutting edge ems stuff or effectiveness with fire suppression. There is no one this matches what this Fire Department does and im proud whf we do here. With that, welcome. I will move on to our report. This is bob postel the deputy chief operation this is is my report for october 2022. During october there were 20 fires one of these was a greater alarm. I will get to that. There were upon 7 water rescues and one cliff rescue. The second alarm 1926 palua fire in the rear of a family dwelling 2 story wood frame house it was a shallow house. Had a partial sublet on the rear and the 2 buildings on either side extended beyond the rear of the original fire belling. The companies had heavy fire in the rear. And the 2 structureos either side. First was lead through the fire building on the ground throughout garage to the rear. The chief recognized the building on the right the belta exposure. And because of that, there was minimal damage to that building the exterior siding was burned but they contained the fire and keep it out of the walls almost no damage or displacements from the building the third had to go above the fire. The fire was already in the ocpied living space and traveling toward the street. We had to contain that. The second Alarm Companies went in to the building on the left the bravo building. Contain today to the roar but there was damage. In the attic. When they show up on scene there is always rescues to be made and expose urs, occurrence special over head wires that give us access issues. So our chief officers and the division chief Dustin Nguyen who showed up, they have to make split second decisions where to deploy the resources and trianning what is happening at the events. So that they can have dot greatest good for the incident. In this case they really minimized the exposure and problem in the delta building. Did the best they could in bravo. Had they focussed on the main fire building there was be more damage. Quick thinking by josh and the leadership by Dustin Nguyen. To have 3 buildings going and all of that happening at one time. The lessons he learned he will share and well all grow from it. A great job by everybody on that one. I mentioned there were several water rescues last month. During the sum and fall we have a lot of water and cliff rescues. In wind they diminish. The other night about 6 30 at 9 there was a surfer at dead mans cove. Hit in the head with surf board. Disorientd and drifting out and it was after dark. His friends reported him lost. And the rescue stations and jet skis made their way around and our coastal rescue units and surf rescue got out and put 2 people in the water and swim in the dark. Find the super and swim him to the rescue boat. Get him on the boat and he was alive and breathe when they got him to the dock and had a head injury what the extent of that i dont know. Had our people not got in the water and got him that would be a life loss. We make a tremendous difference beyond fires. Everything we do every day. Thats the operational part of the job. Fire prevention. In my capacity as the operations chief this is for you commissioner collins i over see training Fire Prevention and the airport and the operations of the department. Field operations. Fire prevention and fire marshall ken, completed 2100 inspections. Thats a lot of work out there. 380 complaints can be a fire code violation. Received during the month of october. 237 for a violation came to our Company Based residential building inspection program. That shows you that how our different divisions Work Together. Our companies in the fields are doing inspections they are finding fire safety violations they will rereport them so they can follow up and address those and get those rem deed that is 2 thirsd came from our own people noticing them. In the report listed different types of complaintos page 8 if you want details. And issued 413 operational permits. During october. These being be for public aaccept blees. Gas stations open placements. Upon community out reach people run through the bureau 5 prevention. Attended 911s do recruitment and public sxejz an opportunity for us to inneract with the public and teach them about fire safety and when we do and make us available to them as career choices. Plan check. They are under assistant fire marshall it 668 permits submitted during october and 580 permits were approved. This is for all the construction you see going on in the city. South vaness i will talk about in a minute. Done a great job to get thicks going in the city. We have i spoke briefly about housing. A special unit in the bureau lead by fire marshall lou russell. Works on Large Community Development Projects related to affordable housing. And they also work the addition of additional dwelling units. In order to get more housing in the city. In the report the projects they have been working on. But one things there was an e mail received i want to read it to you i did in the include it in the report. This e mail came from philip wong the project manager in the office of economic and workforce development. This is regards to a press release the Mayors Office put out Ground Breaking of 157 new affordable home and Childcare Center at potrero hope sf. Here is the e mail this is addressed to lou russell the assist an fire marshall and cammal, a civilian Fire Prevention engineer does heavy lift to get projects through. High chief russell and cammal. Thanks for your work on the potrero hope s project you are the most dedicated people i met. Families will move in fair safe housing because of you and your team. Gratitude, philip. One of the many things going on in the department and people dont get rescue nigsz they make this city better. Wanted bring that to your attention. Under Fire Prevention the fire investigation. 8 inspectors and 3 lieutenants. They investigate any suspicious fires or fires we are unable to determine a cause. They responded to 9 structure fires and 10 fire incidents and everyone of the fires it is a big much more indepth report they dom they dont do a brief they do an indepth report. It is a lot of work they are doing there. The upon airport, pat dorsey, during october they responded 470 incidents. And of the 470 incidents, 31 were elevator rescues. I know president feinstein very concerned about the elevators i thought i would highlight that for you as language as i dont have to take one 31 successful elevator rescues. I would expect nothing less, chief and Emergency Responses. Dorsey the chief rescued all the meetings are detailed in a report. A large part is beyond their daily response is preparation and training we hope never happens they take this seriously. I saw all this work pave their drill back in september that is their work load. Next is the division and training under e chief. The recruit class will graduate on november 18th. 44 of the 51 remain in the class and participated everyone will graduate. You will see photos getting their ride on the fire boat after they assisted with the hose testing. The most new person tasks a new firefighter has to learn, cook. The respect is developed between the staff out there and the recruits and they get a bond. This is a way they sort of bridge that gap with the structure and the student at the end of the academy. There are photos showing during live burn training and running on the bridge, physical fitness is integral part of the job we instill in recrews how important it is to remain fit you cant make it 30 years if you cant remain fit. You have to keep yourself in shape for yourself and fellow firefighters. Related training we have a High Rise Committee. And fighting a fire on a high rise is different than in the building. So over the weekend. Act 22 and 23 the High Rise Committee lead by pat rob and i know nicole conduct the first high rise drill in over 2 years. They did it in a new building, city owns 49 south vaness the permits are processed and plans are checked. We chose this has unique features and has approximate primarily new Elevator Technology you find in San Francisco. They are occupant evidence elevators. This came out of the world trade center. Incident and we are told dont take the elevator in case of a fire. They develop the new elevator catharsis protected and not will not shut if water gets in the shaft and trying to evacuate the 5 floors surrounding a fire incident. They automatically if the fire is on the 35th floor they will take the 2 floors above and 2 below and go back and forth and shuttle people out of the floors. In addition to that we have new Elevator Technology. There is 2 or 3 building in San Francisco that have the evacuation elevators now. They have Fire Service Access elevators, allows us now we will not take one that penetrates within 2 floors of the fire floor doors will not open and fighters are killd that way they have new technology they build the protected Fire Service Access elevators allow our people to take an elevator in a shaft that will penetrate the fire get off a floor or 2 below. Exit and lead you to a stair well and make a hose leap. Get their quicker. This is new technology. We have to train our people and expose them to this. One of the people that Fire Prevention has is the fire preprotection engineer i know well, wes and this guy is a treasure for the Fire Department. Elevators and everything about what keeps the buildings safe. Took this weekend and participated both days. Shared knowledge about elevators. With the chief officers and did such a good job the chiefs go back on their day off to get more information. He is a great treasure for us. That drill was a success. The chief mentioned the central subway training. The new 7 ral subway is unique. It is different than any under ground transit we have not guilty city. The china town station is 10 stories below grade. Inverted high rise for yous. Fire Protection Systems in that stations are different than we have anywhere else. Access is differentful evacuation of people from those stations will be difficult. And the tunnel does not run [inaudible] it changes in grade. There is a lot going on with this and our Transit Committee under assistant chief here today. With battalion chief have been involved in this they work with muni. Had table top drills and walk through drills. With all of our companies theyll responded they when they are up against when they get there and have operational drills that will start occurring prior to the soft opening of the subway. Thats another facet of what we do. Thanks to that team. And finally nert had a busy month our the division of training. On october fifth a sales force employee preparedness fair. The 7, 8 and ninth involved in fleet week. 15th semian null drill they have a drill where they apply skills the 17th an earthquake art commemoration at fire station 35. So. Busy month for everybody that concludes my report. Hope i did not give you too much information. Thank you, you did not. Is there Public Comment on chief postels report . There is nobody on the comment line. All right. Good. Public comment will be closed. Im just going to take an advantage here and go first. Let me ask, since im certain no construction expert. When you are speak about the new high rise elevators we know we have a number of new high rised every street i drive down has a new building as a native of San Francisco i finds myself having to look for street signs it figure out where i am. The buildings dont serve as markers. How are you possible low going to train all your command staff and and Division Chiefs and firefighters and officers and where in the building they are to go to get to a fire safe elevator . So, the new elevators in New Buildings and its something that the developers can elect to put in the system. Into their Building Design and allows them in the indicates occupant evidence i believe they e eliminate one in. Is that right . Normally they have 3 stair wells for evacuations they add the occupancy elvirtthey e eliminate a stair wel. A decision the developer makes. They are not going in so fast we cant keep track the new building guess in the companies are aware what feature there is. The people who respond will know what is well and available to them. And much like the pro75 high rises we know whether they were sprinklered or not. Again you will it is a change in the era when they were built when you participate seeing the features. And how many buildings right now have been approved to have this System Installed . Ken can answer that. Both. [cannot hear speaker]. Im sorry. He works in my work. The occupant evacuation elevators reduced the stair weleffort and inch makes motional buildings 420 feet or higher. Super high rises. You have different levels. 210 feet. 420 and 75 other different levels. Frequently this point on most will forgive or not want a third stair welto have that. The chief said there are 3 of the first in the world to have one. I know the pipeline now you can building over 40 stories will have those elevators the Fire Service Access elevators are going in every building. Those you cant tell the difference you would use the same elevator the difference is the way it is build and design today is used by the public. And the difference is the different Fire Service Access if you lockup you see a fire machines hat that tells our people that can use that elevator as a Fire Service Access elevator versus a normal elevator thank you. Appreciate t. Thank you chief postel. And defer to my fellow commissioners any questions . Commissioner fraser . Thank you. Thank you, chief it was a fascinating report not too much detail a good amount and i appreciated. And appreciated not only the detail butting expression of pride in the members. I watched going back to the water rescue when this was at night. I watched video. It was amazing i dont know if you not sure who put it up. I have not seen the video. There is a vo of swimming in the dark to get this guy and the board is out there and there are lights shining from the beach out there. It is amaze to see. Because as an open water swimmer not ever at night but i know how cold that water is. It is not only physical fitness and redness to get in the water but able to endure the cold temperatures of this water. I dont know how to express my xreeshgz. He will make sure they will know. I will. Thank you very much. It was incredible and Everything Else you shared today. Thank you very much. I learned a lot today. Great report chief postel, i dont know my microphone is working, i talk loud. Anyway. I want to commend the response in the about the fire at paloo if station 42 . Yes. That is near my place. I want to commend them for their response and all their activity helping them to put this fire out. And i know they it was an issue with one of the one way streets or one of the streets got turn in the a one way street and that screwed you up a street that used to go through the blocked off and so one of the thing in that part of the city i worked out there and the companies that the team worked they showed help each other accomplish their job is like anywhere in the city. We are on the same team they feel have unique challenges on bayview or the streets they go above in how hay coordinate and Work Together to deal with water supply and access. 2 inches to get us supply and 42 at the front. Yea. They dont know what would cause the fire. It is under investigation. I believe a battery. Okay. Yea. A big are problem. Other properties damaged, too. Minimal damage to the one on the right. Bravo the left had more extensive damage beyond the fire building that fire got in there quickly in the wall and the attic space. They contained it to the back. Im getting used to the lingo now the bravo, charlie and delta. I know chief postel will be familiar with it soon. Right . You stand at the front a is the front and b, c is the career and d is the right side you go clock wise around the building. Very detailed report and commend all the companies that were involved in all the commander involved with putting out this fire you do a great job, thank you. Thank you. Make sure they get the message yoochl who is the battalion chief at station 42. Josh per era. Okay. Thank you. Anything further . I remembered this question might go to chief nicholson it was interesting i forgot to ask about it. The how is that hunt going for the earthquake management position eser . You are hiring for00 eye management position for specialized earthquake safety Emergency Response. I guess the budget is 4 years . So, eser is what our bonds are called. Earthquake safety and Emergency Response we get most our money for repairs, rebuilds and money for the new Training Center. Since this Training Facility is a big deal, it took us 3 dwroers get land. We got the land. And it is you know 100 year project t. Is imperative we make sure a good job is don this. As well as our other projects, but this one is rises to another level in my opinionful if we dont have a good Training Center we are all in trouble. So this is a position that will over see basically the bond. All the work that is done on the Training Center. And other rebuilds and repairs and stuff you see that is often under support service fist you seen a support Services Report in your packet during administration time. It is this thick. It is crazy the amount of work that is done under support services. And it is in the sustainable. Especially with this Training Facility. Yes, we put out for a position of assist upon act department chief of eser and we put that out a week ago. I dont know how many have applied . But i think the dead line is next week. 14 or 15th. Yea. We will know more then. I think it was a great idea. Yea. We also. To be able to really understand and know what public works part is in everything. And you know we want to have real transparency. Putting someone in charge is the way to do that thank you. Chief. Thats all i got. Vice president. Of course. Showed me how to turn this on. It has been years since i developed a high rise and clearly before the evacuation Elevator Technology existed. I recall that in addition to all the trinning that you are doing or sort of core sponlds to the training you must do to fight fires should they occur, the training for the people this are going to live in the buildings this needs to happen. Right . Where do you go . What do you do . Some building owners are better than others. How do you find owners and Property Managers level of cooperation . And working with you Going Forward to say, look, this is how you live in this building and the floors you go to and the event of the new technology here is how it is used. I imagine that is a big issue . Yea. My experience and i used to chair the High Rise Committee we worked with biomea they facilitated building its drill in, a high rise remodeled they had floors we could go and build props and full scale drills. A lot of times ordinance reach out to us to conduct drills this is the small are buildings. Well send a company out to assist them with evacuation drill. And then our inspection there is is no evacuation component . We dont have formal annual drill. Not your responsibility would be im sure biomea is a great partner but im sure you are available should an owner. Absolutely. The chiefs are always available for and we try to develop a relationship with the engineers in the buildings. If you do have an incident in a building the chief engineer will be by there and the systems play a role in dealing with the fire as putting water on it. We try to make sure we have good relationships with Building Engineers from responding to alarms in the buildings daily. Thank you. Very good. Thank you. Mr. Vice president. Thank you madam president. First i as well with our colleagues on the commission would like to welcome you commissioner collins. I wrote an e mail to the president talking about how is for us to the commissioners to have a will full 5 commissioners. So. It is really a welcome to have you. I also wrote the president that my assignment because of your participation and upon experience within Development Business all of those experience that you have within the world you have been working with i followed a bill in terms of the relationship that i have with your husband chuck collins, but also that commissioner fraser joined us with this Health Experience as well. And then commissioner morgan in terms of the labor and within that and our president former retired judge law and part of our responsibilities are sharings and im surety president will talk to you about those responsibilities as well. But i wanted welcome you feels good to have a full team. Chief. I wanted say that. At this point chief postel thank you for your report. And i wanted ask you a couple things off the get go. In terms of talking about this subway the new subway and it hen around for so long i forgot how long it has been. Thats how long it has been. I knew we were getting close to operation. I assume that will be part of it. Just to refresh me, where does that subway start, where does that subway ends . How long is it . Is there a name for the subway . The central subwait portal is fourth and brannon. The trains will enter. And runs 1. 7 mile and a station at yerba buena mosconi. A station at union square. Directly adjacent to the garage and under and a station in china town the rose station. The china town station is 10 floors below grade. Union square is 5 floors below grade. And the moscoi yerba buena is 2 below grade. In terms of how challenging that subway is i will use that terminology with your report. Had you say china town what did you say 5 floors down . 10 stories below grade. That mean that exit subway at china town had takes a stair case or escalator. Escalator goes down and they have emergency evacuation stairwells that come out and go to the street. Trap doors in the street emergency hatches from the inside you can open and up get out. There are elevators. There is in the a lot of combustible materialless in the stations. And the trains are not combustible. But as you remember in the 70s there was the transbay tube fire and an oakland worker was killed there is potential for a terrorist event in the under ground things that happened in japan. With the gas release. So there very little there is in the a lot of potential for a fire to occur. Unless there is debris on the tracks that could cause a problem. I derailment or accident that could cause a fire n. Station there are several mezzanine levels large electric ral rooms and yerba buena station thereof a fire in the electrical walls. This was under construction. And the electrical vault at Union Square Station miss in at 11,000 or 12,000 volts and then a giant room stepped down to 480 or 220 or the 600 volts dc where it is converted. There is a large electrical hazzard they have Protection Systems and a gas type system. Eliminates the oxygen to choke the fire out there it is potential there. And the challenge for us you cant pull a hose line and go down 10 floors have you to take equipment and go down we are used to pumping up not down. When you pump down you have head pressure that will give you more pressure at the outlet. Its different than anything else we deal with. Okay. I appreciate that. A bit more detail. It has been awhile and im trying to eventualize 14 floor in china town if i take that subway i want to know where i land in china town. Is it more specific. Where is that access. Where is that exit. Stockton and washington. And in terms of union square right up at union square . At geary and stockton. Okay. I appreciate it, chief. And are we operational can i take a ride not in service yet i think they are try to start Weekend Service in the next few weeks, they are still testing. Our team has been, i was down there with the chief at the time and 2 days ago and it literally i walk on the site and he knows the private contractorsness everyone by name they spent time knowing what is going of done a phenomenonal job. Okay. I appreciate tiwill Pay Attention to that. When you gave your description about the level im used to going this way. When you start doing this, i think, okay. And now as you described 14 floors below. Getting a visual, chief. Train come in from fourth and brannon. But has to dip down and go under powell street municipal and he bart and come back up. So it dips and rises and come in china town you go up the hill in china town you get the below grade t. Is impressive project. Okay. Is there some im going to ask straight up. Are there opportunity the commissioners could take a tour with the department to see what this thing looks like . Yea. Absolutely. I think once we get the soft opening and they get most of the construction stuff now it is a hard hat only area. But once they get the soft opening we can get you down and show you what we are up against. And primarily it is in terms of consideration of our members. I know and this is information as well to the commissioners, commissioner collins. The department has drills with bart drills. I know this. It is when the drills occur it is 3 and 4 a. M. Im talking to myself am i going to go down there. No, you dont. I and not after all the years i know that if wore at the 1906 earthquake or commemoration show up at 4 30 or 5. Bart thing i passed. I will Pay Attention and appreciate that. I will continue i will also ask the fire marshall and chief to respond to questions but i wanted let you know this this page 4 suppression specific october 22 report, is much appreciated. Because it answers all of the questions you give in detail and your verbals on the greater alarms and third and the difference with working fire and alarm is really clear. By the address. I wanted tell you how much i appreciate that and informative it is. At this point could i ask the fire marshall throughout chief a question, please . Im looking at page 9. And i held become on this question for a long time it is like do you want to ask this question. And it gets to a point i will want information. On the administrative clearing at the b. Page 9. And i saw 70 days. 42 days. Next page. 10ful 56 days. Had are you talking about a continuance of a violation to a decision. We say continuance our hearing process allows up to 30 days for somebody to come up with an action plan. Once they have one we go up to sick months to have it completed before do official action order to abate, vacate or recision. Instead of having the person keep coming in we tell them. They tell us we get this done in 45 or 50 days inform 70 days documentation it has been corrected well continue but without you coming in. If you failed to complete what was asked of them and ordto, bait will issue issued it is i lien on the property. Compliance by the Property Owner . Yes or busy. Basically what have in the framework and reach a that is successful. Aiming for compliance. That is 70 days the reason it is odd because our hearings are every 2 weeks and if you dot math 14 when they have a hearing it come down to. If they dont complete it at the hearing we will issue an order to abate. Okay. Thank you very much i appreciate it. Chief ficould ask questions. Good morning president feinstein and commissioners. Chief of Department Command staff [inaudible] director of training. Referring to page 26, which is recruit training but im going to ask questions that surround that. Recruit training. I know that the top of the meeting we talked about graduation next friday. And i believe we are talking about 44 out of 51. And what i wanted start asking about is that there has been a tremendous amount of movement this year 2022, im not going to see president a tremendous amount of boom the last 2 years. Curious how many members well,il take it back. How many memberos probation and how long does this last. What im looking for probation of one class to 2 class or does that teeter top off each other. One class graduated they are offered. And i want to hear had that number looks like. And off the top of your head. How many graduates f have we had and this may not be your part of it the other part i think it is i try to balance the community with members that retire. It does not have to be today can come up can you help me with that . Yes. I will address your question regarding the probation in the field we have 150 probationaries in the field that will be reduced. We have 128 finishing up their 1 year. 129th is move nothing their sick month and 130 in the field on november 18th. Okay. You got a number this terms how much graduated and just past 2022. 2022 we had 2 classes. We are close to 100. Okay does that run through 21 as well . Yes. Run 2 classes per year. The last 2 years graduated 200 member sns okay. In terms of probation this year . Yes. One year and if there is discrepancies whatever it is, what happens to the member during probation if there is i violation or some no abilities to perform duties probation is a year. They move sick monthses on an engine and on a truck. They are assigned an officer that mentors them and coaches and trains them for the 6 months and do month low reports on the probationaries. We review month low reports for discrepancies or issues with the probation easier and we perform sick mont testing and one year testing. During that 6 month or one year test figure we see deficiencies during probation. We will notify the officer and the chief special assistant chief on evolutions they need to improve of probation come back and retest and if during that retest there is still deficiencies we issue a notice to improve. And again communitying what the officer and chief on the things that need to be worked on and provide other resource more time at the tower detailing down to staff to assist with training and operating training on days off. Okay. Thank you for that. I appreciate that information and the protocol. Just one more question. At the graduations and the pictures there is always a really good idea in pictures photography in terms of the members. The students. Recrews. Looking for the right word what is the right word when you are in the department is it cadet not recruit. Right recruit or probationary firefighter. Okay. My curiosity for confirmation through graduation is there is a large Training Staff, i want to hear what the number of the Training Staff is and the assumption they are minimum lieutenant and captains . Is there something you can share . We have 12 training lieutenants and first. On graduation is beyond our suppression staff am you are seeing ems staff and in service staff. Okay. There is a difference, obviously by rank lieutenants and captains. Yes. One captain, that is the head of the academy has lieutenants and firefighters that work for him. The last question, i want to be able to get feedback with all of the graduations within the last 2 years i know that we take provide in our standards. And i wanted you to comment on that in terms of. It is a lot of pressure and work. Not only on the firefighters but staff. I wanted to hear comments in terms of that as a chief in training. Yea. We have a standard. Our staff is here for success and thats what we do. We are here to coach and train and look for vehicle. Not everyone is successful. It is unfortunate but we have a standard to uphold. Over 1 million in the city every week under our protection. And we take it seriously. Okay. I appreciate that. Thank you very much, chief postel and nicholson. Thank you. Im concluded. Thank you. Vice president nakajo. Report from ems and upon Community Paramedicine. Sandra tom. Report on parmedicine division. Good morning. Vice president nakajo and commissioners morning an, fraser and commissioner collins. Welcome. I will get you that glossary about 10 pages long of the the acronyms as soon as possible. Im deputy chief of ems. This is my report for october. You like to go to the over head . Highlights we started our 2 knew rcs promoted to section chief one ems prescriptions and administration. We are looking forward to and have been looking forward to the 2 positions that are able to divide the work that the chief was gg doing as section chief of operations. They are get being their legs. Figuring out all tell is they will be responsible for and at it time they have a full work load. The khoa call volume in october we had 350 responses we went through to date. Per day. Which was 7 increase from a year ago. We see you know either stabilization and increases in callville um and that benefited by the people that we have hired the 60 additional. You in we have 260ftes dedicated to ambulance. Result of the increases we are able to add 4 additional shifts per day. Made a difference in the number of medic culls we had had. So this 70 reduction made a big difference per ambulance shift. Crews are getting relevel. We like them to have more but at this time it is a welcomed changech and improvement. We also are had interviewed for our next academy for next year level 1 and 2. Ambulance and paramedics. Giving recommendations to the chiefs in the next few days. On october 11th chief nicholson, myself and Section Chiefs participated in a town hall at station 49. It was virtual allowing us to get 120 of our members to participate in this conversation. And it was an opportunity for the chiefs to discuss the visions and things that are going on the next year or so. And also an opportunity for all our members to ask scombes inquire about what our plans and thoughts are about next academies. Career development, wellness, schedules the things that are on their mind. A Good Opportunity to have that conversation and i think we really realize third degree is something we want to do regular low. One thing that the chief wants to bring to the ems is research. And we are starting to work on Research Projects highlight the one we implement third degree month the mind, rhythm study. A head band device placed on parents we expect are having a stroke. This is a trial or study that leaning the researchers and the developer to get fd approval for this. This will be identify a large vesz will stroke and when a patient is experiencing large vessel stroke we take them to the appropriate stroke facility. And that way they get the surgery they need to address that clot. Our members got train in the this photo you will see our retired paramedic working with doctor smith a researcher and clinician with ucsf to teach members how to place the device. How to ewe likewise the device and make sure they enter all the information they need to do the study. Sdpimented notable event in october actually a day i was on vacation. October 14th we had a call from Alameda County through our local emsa asking for you us to send the 2 multi[inaudible] we have in the department. And we were able to help with a fire evacuate members elder low seniors from the senior facility to get them out of the fire building and moved on to another facility. Utilizing our 2 multi[inaudible] buss and in the bottom you see this is a donated muni bus. We have 2. These were 1998 bus. They are 24 years old. They were getting ready to get them demoed. Sends them to demolition and they do this when they are 12 years old. They donated the buss to us. This is quite a number of years ago we had chief meyers here. And they retrofitted those to put you litters in them. Seats for patient its sit in. Utilize these to be able to put all of these elderly seniors and put them on the buss and take them. This is know important asset for the San Francisco city. And for us as a department because this does allow us to responds to assist other jurisdictions in our own city to be able to move a number of people parents to different move to another facility and hospitals. Come in handy as you say and manage this we want to be able to continue. However, the buses are sold we have been told this is not something they are going to support in terms of maintenance because many of the parts needed to keep the bus are no longer available. We are on the search for fundses to be ail to try to replace the bus. We than in that disaster the bus will be critical. But than i cost a lot of money. It is something well try to look for funding for. Not only it is asset for the firefighter but for San Francisco and the region im not aware of other buses that are available in the bay area. Commune paramedicine we visiting the division chief meetings to discuss the work of Community Paramedicine and ems to discuss the new and the new teams and help them be able to better understand huwe work. Because of the 3 team usa crisis, wellness and over dose. Sometimes can be confusing and we are trying to provide them with more information so they help their courthouse understands better when are to special call the units. Those have been going well. 4 more there are sick. We have 4 more to do and i think they have been well received. Section chiefs mason bay are the Community Paramedicine operations Section Chiefs. Have been doing inspect person refresher trainings for Community Paramedics to give them the updates and Different Things we want to do in data gathering and making sure the data fields are completed. They have been working with their Community Paramedics. And regarding our 5150s replaced by the captains. And both of those all of them that get all of the pon50s placed are reviewed by the medical sdeshth as well as the Behavioral Health services providers. They were deemed appropriate. [inaudible] they also are doing research stsd. Chief pang to speak to them if you need. We have been approached by professors from san jose state to help them do research around the programs. One suspect to help understand better how our interventions might improve a clients longterm health out come. And the second one is to better help us understand the moral hazards or injury that might occur when we experience as Health Care Providers working with parents in the challenging environments. And sometimes the trauma that can be experienced as a result of not being able to serve the clients we need to in the way we feel we need. They electric at that as limp and then we tlouch our lieutenant. Data analyst. We has a degree at berkeley in public administration. Heave able to recruit under graduates from uc beshg low to help with did thea analysis. Looking at out come of our Community Paramedicine programs. And that is my report. Thank you very much, chief. Any Public Comment. Nobody on the Public Comment line. All right. And none in the odd yenls. Public comment will be closed. We will turn it over to our commissioner. Vice president nakajo. Thank you. I wanted make a comment in terms of your position. And that we have been begin report separate from suppression report operation. Of again, for this commissioner and our clothes, and health [inaudible] in terms of all of the work that you are doing within that department. The section. It is interesting in your report how everything i wanted ask. Through yourself and chief hit upon. And so there is not much for me to say beyond that in terms of this part but i wanted to comment that the report on the virtual and i wanted hear this town hall meeting was like 120 members. The clarification it was virtual helps me those numbers are impressive and thank you for having that meeting. Again i know that the ema and paramedics communes is big component to our departmentful i think that is irrelevant a good participation and starting point. 120 member system a good number. I also appreciate you touching on the bumps. The bus. Because when i was observing at this time on the fire in oak land, i Pay Attention. They were seniors that was part of what i did for years. Then the picture of our bus. This is oak land now. Im sitting looking at this and i have to help my wife and say, thats our bus. For me it is like, wow, you know, the bus this we created this we utilized through the parades [inaudible]. That bus has come in unanimous i appreciate that our bus was at oak land and the oak land seniors and whoever needd that had acstoesz that. I appreciate that. Also i circle [inaudible] chief in research. And helps me clarify when that was as well. And before i get the chief pang, and this is a question in terms of chief pang but i will ask to yourself and you ask the chief respond it a couple of questions of on the b. Page 7 the moral hazards. That you brought up. I finds that interesting and sensitive in terms of the needs of our members. We were i worry a bit about our members. Chief, can you join us, please . Out there servicing the city. Not only in suppression but in terms of how much the chief we have grown to Community Paramedics. That is how much we are doing things now. I wanted you to comment if you will or at your call. To that moral hazzard comment and i have 2 more things i wanted to ask you. Good morning president feinstein. Vice president nakajo and commissioners morgan, fraser, collins. Welcome. Of chief, command staff. The idea of a moral injury was now to me. I never heard this term before the professors from san jose state brought it up temperature makes sense and we all feel it firefighters paramedics and emts. It happens when because of even a system failure or a phi failure in policy. Wee cannot help someone the way we want to. Somebody experiencing homelessness and sitting in a pile of trash but does not meet the criteria and say we dont want anything. And go away. We have to leave. Thats not easy. Creates burn out in all of us and anxiety and frustration. Other examples are there have been change in our sf Police Departments policy and use of force. And they have a new disengage am policy. If somebody is in a residents they say, they will kill themselves. In this manner. But they close the door. The police will not engage. We are forced ask, what do we do . Do we do something more than the police would do . Do we force entry . Do we leave . And it is always a case by case basis we consult our medical director. Our medical director from the hospital. But sometimes we leave and that does not feel good to leave member this may kill themselves. What if we do enter and they kill themselves. Now how does this make us feel. These are moral injury this is occur. I never knew term existed but rings true. Because it makes sense as well. By the examples of when we hear and when policies have changed the Police Department policy has changed to where they dont responded and some definition of homeless when we call before they dont responded as much. A different alternative. And i know this our members are out there this Community Paramedics and all members out there in the public. And we also. Ed to discretion the chief get updates to acting captain in terms of paramedic reports and per of the reports are more detailed i like the format when it was a large format with operation there was lets of category at you have here challenges and successes. But what come cross the phone is our members were abused overwhat do you do if someone who needs help. They did in the go to the transport. Approximate but there is more to it than that i am thinking that our members perform need. There is a crossing line somewhere between forcing entry and you talk about suicide or death but to me the making it forced entry or the judgment of stay or walk away. That is challenging to say least. I appreciate that and i am encourage that you are looking at that. I can see that being important to every member within the department of the so i will move of im looking at a page 8 of your report. Chief. I got 2 more for you nice try. Page 8. Im at can example to which page hr code. You see it, chief . Guess on and describes hr code for the public when the police unit asked an ambulance. Did thea shows when the responds located transports to er decrease. I circled that. Furthermore, more of these result in a patient decline is that ambulance transport . To me this is significant. Truly significant in terms of huwe started with [inaudible] and where you are now. In the report i remember the chief saying there is research in terms of how we produce our service. Chief postel talked about our department. But i think we have a lot to share. Because the city deals with the issues the front liners are the department. So du want to respond to that chief . It sounds like a reenforce am we have been looking to what affect do we have and now have a time period of 3 years. Chief . Im grateful for the opportunity to have these under graduate data science students be with us. It is because of the connection of lieutenant oxford a masters in Public Policy from u c beshg low. When we have an analysis done i always feel anxious. So far i have never been disappointmented community pair medicine is a benefit to the people we help on the street. And our data supports that. But i think it is always a brewing question within the Fire Department itself. Are we doing when we said we will do and able to help our members . And one way, yes, now we have a mechanisma members who are so frustrated with 911 users or people who have social needs but dont want help and cant help them boy taking them to an americans room that is not when they need. Now they have a mechanism and someone they can call. What are we doing to demonstrate is helping us . This it was very pleasantly rewarding to hear. This is significant difference. And locked at all the different call types the Community Paramedics go on. I selected this one because it is easy to explain. Xr when the police call for assistance. And usually an ambulance and fire engine respond. And you know the police are not medical providers. Often it is a low bar. To call for help. We get there and a normal paramedic has one option. Take them to an americans room. Our Community Paramedic has other options. When so and when we found out is utl unable to locate. Most of these calls well we always locate them there is a Police Officer there. I know freshman my time on an ambulance and engine. A utl is upon often a good outcome for me. Means im done. Right . My work is over on this call. For the public it is a fail. Someone calls for help and we cant lect that person. A dramatic decrease in utl when Community Paramedic assets g. Code to transpers to the hospital decrease. Ambulances are not taking people to the er for unnecessary reasons. This puts ambulance back in service. Decreases over crowding and found that the disposition of patient declines ambulance transport increases the person writing that documentation is the Community Paramedic. We can put that ambulance back to service quicker. For those dispositions of the patient declining ambulance transport. What occurred . We can nut person in our van and take them to a none emergency resource or that person can remain in the community. The data science students have to look more close low for us in that aspect. Im eatingtory final the results i appreciate that as well. I have one other question in terms of this information my commentom this is i will hold on this comment. My last question on page 10, chief. Thats the challenge. Before i get to this question. My reference in terms of the eml texts we get are from acting captain her write ups are excellent. Commissioner collins, there is so much acronyms. Street over dose response team. Stwr street team. Ems6 healthy street operation. Tenderloin and joint field operation. There is so much. And stow upon automobile time i ask for the difference but when i get the report freshman the acting captain see starts with the definition wa it means and what she comments on applies to it. My comment in terms what members go through and what we can offer. Might have last question to you thank you for your time. Chief, department members. Second paragraph, you see in month of october, increases for calls for service with people confirmed over doses in a number of people that received and i dont know how to say that word. I dont know what it means. [inaudible]. What is this. It is an opioid substitute medication assisted treatment. There are 2 common treatments for opioid use. Methadone and this. Methadone has been around for decades. It is very restrictive have you to go in a methadone clinic daily and he drink it in front of the staff member. Soviet union you are hand cuffed. If you find if the individual reaches a place of stability, may be they are back in the workforce and living their life than i go in every day. How do you take a vacation when you go in every day and take methadone. This is something you get from a pharmacy. So, that is when we are trying to do at street over dose. Trying to for those willing and a nar can reversal we are offering this to them. At the moment we have to take them to a provider, get them a loading doze and prescription and then take them to a pharmacy. What we are trying to do, it is just out of our grasp is give it to them ourselves. And when we get poison control to trin our pharmacists we will be there. Okay. I appreciate that. You took us all the way through my questions. The question up to members carry that to you actually take this cline to the pharmacist where the prescription to get the product. Im looking at is time when i read how much that ambulance or whatever, this is a time. I appreciate that thank you for this clirity. Thank you everybody for the time. Im done. Thank you. Mr. Vice president. Before you sit down im going to exercise my little prerogative here as chair and ask you a few more questions that follow up on upon Vice President nakajos question. What is Community Paramedicine rep with the Public Guardians Office . We work with not the Public Guardian but the office of conservator. They are joined at the hip. But we Public Guardian typically is my understanding. Ws with people that may have more organic dementia or disabilities and an hour may be a ward of the state. We usually work with people that fall under lps5150. We work with them a lot. Let me ask you this question, live nothing San Francisco, being on the streets of San Francisco, what do you see as the reason this we had two 5150s when i go down the street and can spot 10, 5150s. I think any reasonable person would agree with me. And i know the criteria under lps and how that is to be applied. Why do we have two pon 50s in a month. Thats a good question. Those resulted from our First Responders calling us to evaluate someone. The individuals on the street this may be fit the criteria. So often do not. It is very frustrating. I know you know the criteria and others the criteria is someone is a danger to themselves or others. Someone could be delusional and still not fit the ccriteria. Still able to provide food or clothing or shell and have i plan for what you will do for the day. We cant put them on hold. We have been thirzed to put people on a hold since midjuly. Roll out slow. We put 5 people on hold since then. There is the best path. If our members not an aggressively put people on hold that we thought would clear [inaudible] street problems and then took them to the local hospitals i think we would be criticized heavy low that would be a change from what other providers are doing. I think the fact we are doing this slowly, [inaudible] have been credible. And well written. Not all of them have been upheld at the hospitals. But 3 have. And extend today 5250. It is something we have to grow into. And the police themselves they sometimes call us. Een though they can do it themselves. Now we than when machine is hold tell be a transport that is the most humane thing to do. And it is taking languager by calling us. Sometimes the Police Officer does not want to create additional stigma or escalate that individual. May be it is better if our members do temperature we are trying to feel our way. Recognize we can put people on hold that number will go up. A couple more questions hing in there with me. How many 5150 beds did we have . I than Langley Porter closed. I am confused by that is going on at pes. I read Different Things. City wide how many beds if you know . Dont mean it put out spot. How many 5150 beds are there. And where are they . They are on the 7th. Every hospital upon with the exception of chinese and v. A. Can take people on psychiatric holds. The general it is 7th floor they have 2 wards there. 7a and c. I dont know the bed count. And chief tong reminded me that the Street Crisis Response Team they have we have a behavioral haeblth clinician on that team. We defer to that individual. And additional probably in the report 30 to 40 holds policed every month boy our street Response Teams they are written by the Behavioral Health clinician. The 2 that we are pointing out today written boy our Fire Department members. Gi understand that. One last comment. This has eat ebb at me for years. Literally. And dates become to my time on the bench when i ended up with one of the cases and a contested 5150. At this time the recommendation from i thought it was the Public Guardian may be the office of conserve torship. Conclusion was roached that the person could provide food, clothing and shelter for themselves so therefore did in the meet the criteria to be held. They considered being able to provide food if for this was i woman. For herself it was the satisfied she was eating out of garbage cans. She was deemed able to provide clothing for herself she was cutting up black garbage bag and taping them to her body. And was deemed to provide housing for herself she was covering herself with half of a large moving box at night. And that was one of my biggest hear are horror as a person in San Francisco we consider this any show of humanity. And you know perhaps what you are seeing is different now . I dont know . Your example rings true. These are situations that occurs still. And i just dont thatsir cant comment. I dont know enough i cannot speak to the psychiatrists and their process. Yes, i believe that people are being released back to the community that most lay people think is wrong. This layperson does. So. I thank you and thank you for your time. Yes. Commissioner fraser. Thank you. Thank you for your report. This Part Television makes me want to cry nurse in me and i feel i go my heart goes to the part you spoke of moral hazzard and injury. Which electronics back to previously we called post traumatic injury and stress. I think moral injury and moral hazzard is an accurate way to describe the situation. Of members and care givers. The 350 calls a day, because we are talking about this i will say, wow. I dont know what else to say. I think im happy thap the availability of the drug is better temperature is in the an emergency drug it is a drug for treatment longer term. You dont slap it had o and come in a patch and other form its is a wonderful tool that the paramedic teams have. What you say confirm what is a lot know and feel. And what you are dealing with. I have the sense of so many of the teams being in the middle on my ride alongside. There is no place to take people. I was impressed with how well the people that i rhode with knew the patients on the streets they were caring for or their families or where to finds them. It was incredible amount of dedication that is exhibited despite the challenges they face that are presented to them boy our system which is you know has hole in it. I think this is at some point deserves more discussion for educational purposes. Experience purposes and your opportunity to talk even more about what you are talking b. But i also. To say that im happy 98 bus made it become to San Francisco. It got all the way to oakland expect did job and got back and aware of the challenges of 5150 it soupds like a great thing but it is hard. Hard to make it stick and find a place to an emergency room is terrible for someone who is on a 5150. Nothing heeling about it. Anyway. Im grateful, thank you for the report and interested and again the staff does amadzing things out there for all of San Francisco. As do you. Thank you. Yes. Commissioner morgan. Thank you to chief for your great reports. And will i myself i enjoyed the bus store and he glad it was a Great Success and glad we are able to help out oakland i had a great grand mother that lived in a senior house on san pablo. I thought about her. That could have been here. She is passed but liveed 99 and tough. Yea. But so i guess there are 2 bus, right . That makes sense for a mass disaster. Im a fan of the Response Teams looks like you are adding more teams which takes a lot of stress off our emergency resources like you were elaborating on. And pig back on that. I think that is a great situation. And keep up the great work. Thank you. Thank you. Questions . No. Chief pang. No questions. But i cant tell you i was already pret happy to be asked to serve on this commission. Now i feel doubly honored to be a part of the work of this group. The level of expertise, the history and what is clear today the humanity of all of you. In this room. Really shines through. Thank you for letting me join you. We are delighted have you. Thank you. Thanks to everybody for all their hard work purke a very big rock uphill or more than one big rock uphill. It is appreciated more than you know, i think. Okay. Item 6 adjournment. Is there a motion . Like to make a motion to adjourn commissioner morgan. You will second it. Moved and seconded. President feinstein . Adjourn. Commissioner fraser . Adjourn. Commissioner collins. Adjourn. This meeting is adjourned at 10 55 kz wonderful, im david perry, welcome to the 75th anniversary of the saving of cable cars. Women save the cable cars. Lets have a round ever applause. [applause] , i want to introduce melissa rodriguez. Thank you for joining us today. Im excited to be here. Its a warm day. Its beautiful. Were all back together here at the cable car turn arounds. Im marisaa rodriguez, were an organization whoa Whose Mission is to create a beautiful environment for all of our members and our community. All of you here warms our heart especially as we celebrate this important day. Were here today to honor our cable cars. And most specifically, were here to honor a champion. A woman in 1947, at a time when women werent standing up to bee establishment. This woman fraught to save our beloved cable car. Today were celebrating the 75th anniversary of that event. And so behind me, i have some wonderful Women Leaders and of course, male allies as well who continue do the hard work to save our community, to bring us back after a difficult time and of course, to further support this very important asset to our community, our beloved cable cars. Freedo had a vision and understood the Important Role of the cable cars to our community. Not far long ago, the Business Improvement district set out to do a survey to find ut when visitors come to San Francisco, what do they want to see . Those bells behind us tell you they want to see the cable car more than visit the golden gate bridge. She understood the importance of that. They wanted to take away the cable car in 1947 in the name of progress. Of course good intentions. If you look behind you, you can see an historic monument as a super bus has it was called in those days. This bus was supposed to replace or cable cars but she said no way. I want to thank the Market Street Railway Association for bringing us this landmark, but also for bringing us this day. I want to thank rick lohseer who i know is here. Rick, wave your hand. Its his leadership and his organization and team that brought us here today. Can i i want to stharchg the Union Square Alliance and my team as well. I think i see folks from our team. I saw ben horn. Thank you, and our other team members as well. It takes a village to do so much for our community. I also want to acknowledge the strong Women Leaders behind us. Youre going to hear from some of them today. Before i go through the list, i want to acknowledge individuals here starting with julie birch kirchbalm. Shawna, thank you so much. Ashley goshmire of the hotel across from the ferry building. Lori lincoln, the v. P. For San Francisco travel. And executive director of the mid market. I dont know if shes here. Carmen clark board chair of the Market Street railway. [applause] darcy brown executive director of San Francisco beautiful. President fishermans wharf. Melissa marketing in james town. Did i mention lily representing the chinatown merchants association. I see mandy hall as well. Karen sly, thank you for being here as well. And no pivot to our male allies. I see rodney baum here from the chamber waving. We have jeff tomlin director of transportation. I often see alex bastion hiding there. Thank you for being here. Roger maranka, where are you . Hi, roger. Local 258. Randall spot. The executive director 069 fishermans wharf. David louis, i saw him here earlier. The general manager offer the hyatt hotel. Without further ado, i want to welcome a very special guest, someone who really needs no introduction, but what is important is is this San Francisco native understands and loves or cable cars. She is someone who is fight the fight every day for our city as we come out of a very difficult time. Were super fortunate to have here today to acknowledge this day. I want to welcome our mayor, london breed company. Hello. Which one is the microphoner in . Okay. I know theyre all mine row phones microphones but only one where you can hear the sound. Im grateful to be here today to celebrate this historic occasion. And when we talk about San Francisco as a whole, we always talk about how resilient San Francisco is because of our ability to not only survive through earthquakes and pandemics, but our ability to thrive. During the late 1800s, the inventer of the cable car, you know, it was said that they invented the cable car as a result of seeing the horse and carriage struggle up San Francisco hills. What a challenge it was. And so this cable car came to be and as a result, San Francisco, i think, because of this and so many other incredible events and milestones has been known as an innovative city, a place where things created, a place where people look to for ideas and i want to thank Market Street railway for protecting and supporting and engaging and making sure that history is not forgotten. Today we celebrate 75 years of saving the cable cars in our city. [indiscernible] who would he know in 1947 when the mayor Roger Lampman said were going to change were going to get rid of cable cars and bring in

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