Covington, here. Cleveland rkts here. Nakajo, here. Hardeman, here. Joanne hayeswhite, here. Public comment. Speakers address the remark tooz the commission as a whole and not individual xhirgzs or personnel. Commissioners dont into debate with a speaker, the lack of response by commissioner or Department Personnel does not constitute agrumentd with or support statements made during Public Comment. Thank you, madam secretary. Excuse me. Is there any member of the public that would like to address the commission at this time . Welcome. My name is catherine [inaudible] as members of this department there are additional allegations regarding the station two situation that hasnt been addressed or investigated. I respectfully request the administration the elephant in the room and Management Practices which are the bigger picture. For the record, i worked and been in dangerous situations with the accused and never felt harassed by any of the men or others in the department. The women of the San Francisco Fire Department are not victims, we stands up for ourselves and worked hard to get where we are today, we stand proudly with brothers and sisters in this department. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning [inaudible] lieutenant in the Fire Department in San Francisco. I have been in 14 years and during that time i started out like everybody else a probey. I worked hard to get respect and harder as a female because i didnt want to be considered the weak link and through my years i have beenafter i got promoted, i worked hard to get promoted and worked at division och training training people treating everyone the same because in this department we all put on the same uninorm and same turnouts and we do the same job. So, there should be no question as to, we get detailed woman today, this could be a problem, no, we want to be considered like everybody else recollect a strong fire fighter. I worked at station two many times as a fire fighter and a officer and at any time any call there is never a problem. Sitting around the table, never a problem. We joke, they are like my brother and im offended what is going on. I have frn frnds calling say what is going on in San Francisco. There is nothing going on in San Francisco chblt this is a incident that is not universal. I work hard and respect everyone in the department, do their job, i do my job, i respect that we are all San Francisco Fire Fighters and this is our city and want to stand proudly side by side. Im a litm upset what is going on at two because now it looks like my family is being attack and brothers taken out by someone who is new and it st. Wrong. Thank you very much. Thauchck, thank you, next speaker, please. Can you hold on one moment . Those people standing in front of the door, please move to the side. Thank you. Good morning commissioners, president covington. I stand before you who worked at station 2 off and on for the last 12 years. I think as we let the story going on without details we allow our reputation to be tarnished and more importantly hurt the bond that has gown between the brother jz sisters that has grown over 30 years. When you allow a outside department that doesnt understand the day to day culture realty is skewed mpt equipment moved and training for mew member jz even from the manter over a meal that is subpar is normal for any real member of this department t is not singled out, is just our norm day to day stuff. The disstorted accounts and inaccurate information builds distress and hurts uzas a department. If we allow this to go on without defending our sechbls we are betraying our own and damaging the tradition that makes this department so glait. Great. Thank you for your time. Can you introduce yourself, please . Sorry, adrienne sims. We have other speakers. Good morning. Geren cauldwell fublic relation officer frz the curren theater and here with [inaudible] who under her leadership we are renovating the theater before it opened in january with the tony winning musical, fun home. As geren said im carol [inaudible] hayes, proud first generation san franciscan and iit is my fervent desire and commitment to honor and welcome all san franciscans who make the city great. I want to invite through all of your wonderful 50 uniformed Public Safety legendary folks to join us in open the curren theater january 26 and above and beyond that can geren cauldwells assistance, to offer wonderful opportunities for all of the people who work in this city and we are so thank you ful that with all your commitment, so we look forward to spending more time and welcoming you at the kern and our coming into the fire stations and being good citizens of this wonderful community. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public that would like to straess address the commission . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 3, afruvl of the minutes from the reg yrm meeting on september 12, 2016. Is there any member that would like to comment on the minutes as submitted . Okay, Public Comment is closed. Thank you. We have a motion and second. All in favor please say aye. Aye. Thank you. Item 4, chief of departments report. Report from chief of department of current ixues, activities and event within the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting of september 28, twentd 2016 including Academy Strategic plan 150 ath anniversary, special events, communication and outreach to other Government Agencies and the public. Report on field operations, including greater alarm fires, Emergency Medical Service recollect bureau of Fire Prevention and investigation of airport division. Chief hayeswhite. Since the report in september 28 regardinggoing from had agenda regarding academy. The 120th class is nearing comcompletion and held jun jan 24 at usf. We will graduate 50 recruits. We put together a plan for 121 clast beginning november 28 and will comprise 52 members, 42 members from the list and 12 members coming from station 49. Conducted many interviewed last month and offers were made with members going through medical. We intend to have additional background and interviews conducted in the coming months or two months. With rarsds to our h 8 per diem paramedic class, we have 40 members in that process and i believe they are going through field training. They completed the classroom training. We are also planning to have a bump up class, a opportunity to internally to promote h 3 level 1 emt to become a h 2 paramedics so men 5e we hired have a paramedm license so the opportunity to have them cross up to become a paramedic and then in early part oaf 2017 we intend to have a h 3 level one em 2rks class. With regards to struteaken planning, we had a draft reviewed by the Committee Member jz stakeholders. Those comments were due on friday the 7th and being incorporated into the draft with the goal of completing that draft with those edits incorporated andprinting presenting to you in the november meeting i think is what we had discussed. Happy to bring that to you and have that project completed and thank you for your support of that as well. With regards to activitys sichbs the meeting on september 28, i attended mayor Strategic Planning reteat on the thurth 30 of september, all dpa day retreat with approximately 60 of us at pier 27. Fleet week, i like to acknowledge everyone in our department that participated, there were many of us, but specifically home land scurbt Shane Francisco who put together a overview of the participation and jeff myers. There was a lot of planning and work that went into a successful fleet week, the weather couldnt have been better. I attended a conference with the mayor in presidio kicking off fleet week and then got to brief lee take a look at the cross training at Treasure Island on the 5th of october where we approximately 70, 72 members men and women from our military for urban search and rescue by maybes of our department and Veterans Association was also there to provide lunch for those members. It was a wonderful opportunity for cross train toog go on, so we hosted over Treasure Island Training Facility and had members will hear more from chief francisco and did ship board drills mpt fleet week was very successful. On thursday october 6 i attended a Senior Leadership seminar at marines memorial and will pass around the objectives that seminar schwas well attended by city officials with the goal of forming and strengthening the relationship between local and military. Also attended the parade of ship jz delighted to have the fire boat lee those ships last friday morning add ing at st. Frances yacht club. Those are my activities during fleet week. On the third of october myself and assistant fire marshal joun and alivia scanlen met in preparation of the government audit oversight meeting which occurred last friday and met with supervisors yee and breeds office to discuss what we were going to present at the friday meeting and october 4 we met with supervisor peskin so the goal is meet with all 3 Committee Member tooz clean anything they wanted in our prisonitation. We find it helpful to meet with the supervisors on those committees ahead of time to answer any question ahead of time or prepare better for the presentation. The chief culm beanie and chief williams met with the Advisory Board october 4. We try to dathat quarterly so that was a very good meeting. We talked somewhat about the upcoming nurt drill and then on friday, there was the government audit and Oversight Committee hearing. Because i was at the parade of ships i wasnt able to attend but like to thank president covington for your participation and dan ducove io and scanlen. All the information that we had given ahead of time was really helpful. I was unable to attend but had command staff under direction and appreciate getting it better deputy cheap gonzalez and rest of the staff aattended the italian hair hj parade while i was away ateneding my college reuni. Appreciate you doing that. This week i want to acknowledge and dont want to steal thunder on the Fire Commission, but i have done it before but want to acknowledge, we whether r glad you are not retiring from the Fire Commission, commissioner nakajo but didnt want to pass the opportunity to congratulate on 45 years of service to your community, japan town and urg withing with cumofepy. We are delighted to celebrate that with you. I understand you will be getting large honors from had consm general of japan andmany will be there with you and proud to know you over 21 years we have been working together so congratulations and know there is a nice celebration for you on saturday. I will not be able to attend that unfortunately but it is deserving oaf ocknowledge, dedication and out in the community and involved in the Fire Department, native san franciscan, profser at San Francisco state where i had the opportunity to speak to a class or two of yours so im a huge fan and wanted to congratulate you on your retifermt. I will be attending notunfortunately i wont be able to attend the event on saturday because i will be traveling to sacramento to pay tribute in respect to 5 memberoffs the department who are deceased not line of duty deaths, but died from cancer related industrial career ending injuries that they succumbed to and so happy 250 report 5 names will be added total of 29 names, 5 from this department this saturday to california Fire Fighters Memorial Wall and i will be there meeting with the families, flags will be presented to each the families and names will be added to the wall. Those members are fire fighter seeo malla, richard if if foust, [inaudible] lieutenant john murphy so will be with the members families paying respect and making the ultimate saccharifies and we are grateful to the the california Fire Fighters memorial when we submitted with local 798 the members names for consideration, all 5 were selected and accepted to be paid tribute to forever on thatd that wall. The other thing that i wanted to mention happening this week, it is Fire Prevention week so we will be continuing to pass along our Fire Prevention message on saturday there is a open house at each station in the city. There are banners up on the stations where the public are invited and welcome to come in and learn more what we do, take away fire Safety Information and that will be also inconjungz with the nurt drill that is also this saturday at marina middle school. And in addition, the munt of october is Breast Cancer awareness munt where we allow wearing of pink t shirts on the weekend and after a certain time of week daze. We have United Fire Service Women that have for the last several years sold t shirts that will go to had San Francisco Fire Fighters Cancer Prevention foundation. Finally, i wanted to mention happy event that we are all look for ward to next monday, the 17th of october at 10 30 a. M. At covey code where we will commission the fire boat and unveil the name the fire boat. We had over 300 School Children in a contist and committee that selected the name which will be unveiled next week mpt we are delighted to have Diane Feinstein that will celebrate and kick off the ceremonies i joined my mary lee and other dignitaries, active members from station 35 and members i worked in the early 909s 90s on the fire boat so it will be a wonderful participation. With regards to the 150th, we have a few more important events i want to mention. Our committee will meet at the end of the month october 27. We have Successful Living history day last month it st. Fire Prevention Month qu nurt and open house on the 15 lth, commission on the 17, president covington works diligently on the Film Festival the weekend of november 5 and 6 at the main library. We are assisting local 798, the 150th committee to finance the gartland fire premier in the mission and plans are under way for a final 150th birthday 1e7 celebration december 3. That conclude my report. Thank you. Thank you, chief hayeswhite. Any member the public that would like to comment on the chiefs report . Public comment is closed and we will go to the operation report from chief gun vols. Morning. Deputy chief mark gonzalez. There was 3 second alarms, all were second alarnls. One on september 6, 212 a. M. On octaivia. [inaudible] ignight the exterior of the struckier and under investigation. Fire on the top floor. Extended to the attic, smoke extended to the common attics so there was a precautionary second alarm but fire didnt spread to adjoining structures. The crews did a great job. An sope 21, 238 a. M. Alarm on vermont i 19th. Temporary assistant chief ruben stein started in the laundry room to the dweck and spread to the top rooms and roof package. The decking burned producing column of oily black smoke and second alarm was called when realizing the charley exposure was involved. Great property loss was represented. Any valuable paintings were relocate today the top floor. The cause the fire was determined accidental. The third second alarm is 157 prospect september 23. The commander was ac burke. This was a residential vick torian. The remodel was started by malfunctioned heater and cause accidental. The brauvy exposure needs to be opened to check for fire extension. The second alarm was struck due to extent of fire in the void spaces and difficulty accessing the space. One fire fighter was injured and transported due to debris. 8 residents were [inaudible] also like to make comment of first alarm on september 28 at 555 claiten at 212 in the morning. Battalion chief hickey found the victim in heavy black smoke and taken out of the building by truck 6 and transport by the ambulance crew. Due to quick action, effort and skill of the members and care received at the hospital this victim should sur vive. Public responses on social media regarding the second alarm on prospect. Props to sfd for burning roof. We are over whelmed for gratitude for fighting the fire at our home. Fire prevention attach the rurts of permits and inspection for the month of september. Our prevention out reach. During the 150th parade on 924 and 25 at Fishermans Wharf the following material was given in the event. 480 smoke alarnls, 2100 childrens fire helmets, 1500 photobook squz 1500 badge stickers and fire safety badge streets on 25 different topics. Staffing up date. 7 new inspectors are assigned to bureau of Fire Prevention. Two new investigators are assign today the bureau Fire Investigation. This includes one to knhunty outreach. Back to district inspectors, they have brin relocated from headquarters on townsened street to 21 on e streets including 2 lieutenants, one administrative and 12 inspectors. The Warriors Arena is currently undr review. The project sponsors have a timeline of building inspection and fire meeting. The project includes review of arena platform and high rise structure. Under review is central subway on moscone and that is going well. The task updates are the same from last muckt, if you have any question yz can answer at the end othf report. Update on bureee Fire Investigation. Proud to report they are doing a great job and a number of open Fire Investigation roorts is 91. This is a improvement of 7 from the last month. Bureau of communications, i like to let you know that bitalion chief [inaudible] is leading bureau of knhunication and replaced by chief hayes. I like to command battalion chief [inaudible] he is very valuable and will help chief hayes transition to the position and help when back in the field. Ems operation for the month of september, responded on scene, 89. 17 percent under 10 minute and 76 percent market share. Ems 6, twoe 33 encounters with clients. Finally, the San Francisco international airport, there is a large scale airport dwil this morning led by adc cast llano and [inaudible] this conclude my report and any questions after Public Comment. Thank you, chief gonzalez. Are there any members of the public that has comments on chief of departments report as well as the chief of Operations Report . Okay, Public Comment is closed and will go to fellow commissioners beginning with Vice President cleveland. Thank you, madam president and good morning everyone. Just a couple questions for you , chief. First off, you went to the mayors Strategic Planning retreat, what do you think was the most valuable thing you learned at that retreat . I would say a number of months since all the debarment heads have gotten toort so that is aul oma good opportunity. We broke down into i would say 10 tables of 6, where we talked about the overreaching goals of the city that dont just impact one department but multiple. Homelessness issue. We talked about 3 to 5 cross over issues and most vexing issues. Talked about them at length and discussed various solutions or regz resolutions to better address those as a team. What was the number one crossover issue that tend to impact the greatest number of city departments . I think it was the affordability and liveability in the city. Safety was right behind that though. It was parcel to it making sure we are not losing families, diversity and what might be driving families out of San Francisco. Interesting. Thank you. Um, when you had your meeting with the superizvisors to discuss grand jurys report what were their Major Concerns they voiced to you . I think that president cuvington could answer that. Friday there were few question. Basically we afforded the supervisors the opportunityi personally met with supervisor yee as well as supervisor peskin i was able to catch up with later because want able to make that meeting. We didnt get to talk to supervisor breenbreed but spoke to her aid connor johnson. We wanted to make sure they were clear on the report and reviewed the highlights and cover letter and provided a matrix and left them with the opportunity to ask any questions. Generally, they didnt have a lot of questions. I think we were very thorough in our response and in that number of the recommendations made by the civil grand jury were either agreed with and already implemented or in the process of being implemented. And, they were all very pleased with the fact that we received additional staffing from funding from department of building inspection for Community Resource officers in the form of a Fire Prevention inspector and Fire Investigation additional spot, so generally they didnt have a lot of questions because they were well versed in the report we had given ahead of time. Thank you, chief. Chief gun gonzalez a cup ouple question. We have fire inspectors what does it bring the total number 2 . Total number, i have to refer to fire marshal decozeia. Brings us to 42. You probably need to answer the next question, what is the average time that it take tooz investigate a fire . That varies. We target two months basically 60 days is what we target for open reports but dont go beyond two months and average 3 oto 35 runs a month for Fire Investigation so bringz into 60 or 70. One last question since you are here, Fire Prevention week what do you planl plan to do beyond having the fire station over to provide information to the community, are there other things to promote Fire Prevention week . I would want focus on this week, it is ongoing thing of ours, safety out there and the anniversary the parade we had a booth with nurt and think chief wnt over what we handed out and Safety Information and also those packets and Safety Information is going out to all the fire houses. Is there a psa plan, Public Service announcements . I work would the pio and discuss information. It is a lot about smoke alarms. There is a lot we can dine the social media realm to promote that. Yes. Smoke alarms save live jz trying to get that message out. Good deal. Thank you. Thats all my questions. Thank you vise president cleveland. Commissioner nakajo. Thank you madam president and chief gun gonzalez. It seems like we have had a lot of fires lately. From my experience and working off my communication pager, and set for 2 alarms and above in the incidence greater thanit feels like there are a lot of fires within the last two weeks. On one day i want sure if there was 2 or 3 within that 24 hour span, it sure felt like it or two on a saturday and one on sunday. I want to know off your report page 1, there was response to a elder person that needed to be rescued, chief is that that is correct. That is first alarm on 555 claiten. 555 claten. Did that elderly person get transported to hospital and such . Yes, sir, code 3. Okay. Do we know what the status is of that person . It was guardt the last time i checked but expected to survive. Other piece of nrfgz and again chief i am a chief commissioner so have prevy to the information about a elderly person or a pregnant woman rescued comes off the tv media, was there a rescue with a pregnant woman . One of these fires in october or september . I just heard it recently. It could have been october. Sthr was a fire last weekend nor iga. They did a great job at that fire as well. Okay. Recent in october. I just picked that up and wondering how that woman was. I can check for you. I appreciate that, chief. It isnt part of your report but will ask it, over the weekend we had a boating accident and again, off the media i think chief [inaudible] was working that day, but it hit national news. I picked it off cbs how catastrophic it could have been but there is a investigation in surms of circumstances but know we were involved because the shots taken today were the ambulance and crew line. There was also valiant efforts by civilians at that accident. I think the civilians did the rescue in the immediate area. There were other agencies involved. South San Francisco fire and oakland pd boats as well and sfpd boat so a lot of agencies jointly and did a great job. We did a lot of the transport because we were on the land where they brought the victim jz thankfully everybody walked away but there had to be a resuscitation on scene and believe by civilians. Okay. Assuming when you say oakland fire boat and such, san mateo as well . South San Francisco fire. Okay. They were out there because the fleet week activities . I believe so and all in different possessions positions of the box in the bay. Thank you very much for that update chief gonzalez. I think i will conclude with that. I have a question for chief hayeswhite, please. When it comes to 121 class that will start in november you said november 28. When do you thairng think that comligez will be finalized. By theened of this month or early first week in november. We like to give the nebs 2 to 3 weeks notice. Sometimes it doesnt always happen but would say by late october or early november mpt you reported our graduation for 120t at usf . Correct. Do you know the location . I believe it will be the auditorium where the old Presentation High School was which is turk and masonic. But i will have specific details on that and i heard 10 oclock but well have that down for you for sure on november fourb. The last question in 2017 the first class for h 2 is when . April. Thank you very much for your remark jz kindness in terms of the recognition. Appreciate that, thank you. Madam president. Thank you commissioner nakajo. Commissioner hardeman. Thank you madam president. So, he is sitting down. You saw that one. Um, chief can you explain what happened with that jet fuel . That is quite interesting spill at the airport. They knocked the fireit was full of jet fuel and caught fire similar to i would say igniting similar to diesel, but they knocked it down before any explosion could happen and did a good job. The other concern there is the run off and contained that as well and did a excellent job. It was a spillage and caught fire . Trying to figure out how that it was probably filling up i imagine but dont havet thainformation. That is just curiosity. The composite decking that burned, is that the plastic stuff they advertise on tv competing with redwood . The composit is like the tarry substance so burns a black smoke, oily smoke. I thought that stuff would be fire proof. No. Everything burns mostly on the buildings. Unless it is concrete. I dont know if this is for you or the chief, the 7 inspectors how are they picked and what type of shift do they have and what ranks did they have when the Fire Fighters or officers go into that position . So, the 7 inspectors came from the rank of h 2 fire fighter. Sometime s they come from h 3 fire fighter paramedic. As deputy chief gonzalez said we moved seasoned 12 inspectors overand had the opportunity to go there yesterday on oak street between broderick and deviz dareo. We modify td to set up worksites for the inspectors and came at a good time because we are pretty challenged for space down at fire headquarters and Fire Prevention so when those 12 inspectors moved out we were able to move the 7 new inspectors in to headquarters where they will receive a lot of oversight and training so will work alt headquarters. Not sure if anyone assigned a plan check. Typically the fire mars al will fill where the gaps are and work a day shift, typically 4, 10 hour shifts. Glad to see them take the job. We hope to by the next meeting or by the november meeting we will have additional 4 inspectors so good news. Chief gonzalez back to your report, 4 80 folk detectors and the 1500 fire helmets a photo book. Those are great and glad to see people took those p. My grandson got the helmet so that was really nice. I like to follow up on vise president cleveland regarding out pch reach, it is year long now and ongoing all the time including at the beach, prevention for the kids and different languages. When you brought up outreach a year and a half ago it is out there and twitter getting the messages out i started following it. Our pio is twitter fiend and puts stuff out there sothe message is getting out there. Thank you, chief gonzalez and fantastic report, it include the airport and details, very good. Thank you. Thank you. Chief hayeswhite, to you and primarily fire marshal decauseio, congratulations getting your grand jury finished and getting that through. Thank you, it was a lot of work and hopefully be a while before you have to do that again. We anticipate a follow up on that particular report. Usually we will be asked for a update when we fill out the matrix work in progress. There is another civil grand jury that convened and looking at our training. We always welcomespecifically the Training Division and have been over to Treasure Island. I havent spoken with them but welcome the civil grand jur aempt often time said they have good feedback. That is great if we demand we keep the Training Center there. We have newcould be good news. While i have the mic congrat ulations to commission rb nakajo with all the years in the Fire Department and starting cumofepy and leading it all these years look forward you being honored this week. Congratulations to you. Thank you commissioners for your comments and that thank you chief for your report. I wanted to say that our aparns appearance before the civil grand jury went extremely well. The chair of the civil grand jury for the report on dbi and the Fire Department a tale of two departments began his comments by apologizing for running out of time and therefore there hadnt been interviews with you and the fire marshal, so it was good for them to acknowledge that and they said that Going Forward they would make sure that would not happen again. They also pointed out a number of things that were good in the department and then it was supervisor peskin who had a very good idea regarding using the location maps for the city in general and that information from our two departments should go there since there was already a place for it. Fire marsal decozeio could you add to that, please because i think Going Forward that might be a route for us. Good morning. That is beyond my scope and have to speak with our it but the concept you are speaking of the main kench with supervisor peskin and Information Systems dont cross and share information so that was the main point he was trying to make and i agree with him. In his opinion and felt that was our biggest challenge. That is what was highlighted in the grand jury report. I want to say i really appreciate the amount of time and effort that grand jurors put into writing these voluminous reports because they are like us commissioners, they are volunteers and they do this because they love the city and they want the city to improve, so i take to heart all their recommendation. Thank you. Chief hayeswhite, could you talk a little more about the Strategic Planning meeting with all of the Department Heads . Sure. So, the Mayors Office Budget Office specifically has been convening smaller meetings regarding Strategic Planning and the future of various departments in the city and decided several months ago to have a retreat. Basically get together for the Department Heads to again discuss city wide issues that effect all our departments and ways to endeavor to work more clously together. It was kicked 5u6 in the morening by mayor lee. He did have to leave but most the 60 stayed throughout the day and he came back in the afternoon for the debrief what twee discussed throughout the day. There will be follow up meetings regarding this retreat conducted on the 30th. Were there any specifics regarding how to formulate a strategic plaj plan city wide . Department heads now, they are review forms say performance and how it relates to each department Strategic Plan. Was there any discussion about specifics that each plan should have Going Forward, what is the possibility of having a overall Strategic Plan for the entire city since all these Department Heads have gotten together . So it was more subject oriented rather than detail oriented about a plan. It was more discussion about some of the top three to five vexs issues. Less about the structure of a Strategic Plan, if you will, but more about identifying the most challenging issues and how we would go back as a city and various city departments making a difference to try and improve on how we respond to those type of issues. I know in your comments you said homelessness was one. For instance, regarding homelessness, were there specific ideas you put forward as to how we might deal with the Homeless Population differently . There were a lot of ideas put forward and there will beagain, i dont want to speak on behalf of the mayor or Mayors Office. I was a a participant and one of 60 so there will be findings and report that comes from that will be a working plan so the answer is yes, and the feedback that we had as discussion points will be formulated into a report that well work off of. Okay, there is Nothing Specific that you would like to share with us at this time . As a participant. Probably not at this time. Okay, well well come back to that im sure. Absolutely. Thank you. I also would like to keep praise upon my fellow commissioner nakajo for his forward thinking along with mrs. Sandy moorey in terms of creating cumofepee. He has been with cumofemy which is a wnderful institution in japan the entire 45 yearsism he is the only executive director cumofepy had so when we anounssed his retirement late last yearno, spring time, it was maywhen he announced the retirement at the annual event jaws hit the floor. He was mobbed afterwards because i couldnt get close to him to say good bye because people were gob smacked and couldnt believe he was reto retiring and the board aurd selected a successor. Thinkerize moving well. Cumofepy is not only in San Francisco but the soult south bay as well sethank you to your dedication to the city and elders of the city and japan town in general. Thank you. Alright. I dont think i have any questions for you. Thank you president. Thank you. Item 5, update on recent discussion regarding establishment of h23 classification. Hello commissioners. The h 23 a lot the issueerize intertwined. Our intention is wants is get this done as soon as possible chblt the one thing or a couple things it is intertwined with that we made progress is rc rotations rescue captains. Ime awaited president oconnor to agree with it. That is tied into the 12 hour shift of the rescue captains as station 49. Once we implement that we there is a hurdle to agree with the union on and once that is there the position can start as well as the h 23. The h 23 discussions will starlt afterthat is implemented. That concludes your report . That concludes my report. My update. Your update. Any members the public that would like to comment on the update . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Vise president cleveland. Thank you, madam chair and thank you chief for your hard work on this particular issue. You said there was a minor hurdle now on this rc rotations. What can you tell us what that is . The rc rotation is a matter of president oconnor agreeing to. The issue to the 12 hour shift is pay issue. Local 98 is okay with the 12 hour shift . That isnt had problem. Dhr and fsla laws. You think that will be cleared up through dhr . I am hoping, yess. H 23, the definition of that position has been finished, right . Dhr blessed it . The qualification. Yes. We have to work on that with president oconnor. That needs to be worked on after we get the shifts in place. The shifts in place are the primary thing to work with dhr and City Attorney and get all the Heads Together to work on that and get it implemented and once that is done i can get the same amount of heads toorkt to work on the h 23. So you cant multitask . We can maybe have the same meeting on it. I just hope this position gets created as quickly as possible. I know avenue wn needs to work in good faith and think they are, but we just need to move forward and i love to see this position be available, the promotional opportunity and Position Available starting next year. That is my goal. I like to see that happen and like to see the 12 hour shifts implemented as soon as possible. In order to do that one thing scheduled is a meeting tomorrow between us, dhr and City Attorney prehadch meeting before we meet with president oconnor and his attorney. Good, thank you. Thank you. Any other commissioners . Okay. Vise president cleveland and i ateneded numerous meetings regarding this position and wanted to say time is of the essence because the rowd to advancement is actually blocked without the pis position for a number of people, so we want to make sure that people on the ems side have opportunities just as people on the suppression side to move their careers forward. If there is a a need for the vise president and i to attend another meeting we are happy to do that and very vested seeing that move forward. I always welcome back up. Dont worry chief we are happy to provide it. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you, maam any Public Comment . Alright. No Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Item 6, update on fleet week activities and events. Thank you, madam secretary. Fellow members of the commission, i wanted to invite chief francisco to speak to us today because you remember he got what was essentially a book on the incredible activities related to fleet week and it is quite a undertaking to put all that together and the San Francisco Fire Department was a intgle part of those opportunities to share experience, to learn new skills and all of that, so i am going to leave it to our chief of department to see if he has opening words and hear from chief francisco. Thank you, president cvington. It was a successful week as i alluded to earlier and appreciate you acknowledging the Fire Department put a lot of working making sure the aspects were coved. Chief francisco and myers did a excellent job throughout the week. I also like to personally acknowledge our newly formed Employee Work group San Francisco Fire Fighters veteran association. They are auch to a wonderful starlt as you have seen them at 911 in the morning and sieving history days as part the parade. We had members of that session cooking lunch for the men and women in uniform. When they comto Treasure Island they provided a color guard and lunch that i dont think i alluded to that i attended with chief gullm beanie was acknowledged at the iii luncheon. Chief gullen beamy received the fire fighter of the year award. It is fitting that they had a role in fleet week. There was many events a number of us ateneded and think it was great you asked chief francisco provide a brief overview of and graphics which also include what commissioner nakajo asked about as recently as the saturday boat capsize. Chief. Good morning. Chief francisco. Put together a picture shoe for you based on the pictures i had in the short time so doesnt include everything but highlights. The fleet week was a great week. Great weather, probably the best fleet tweak to date. What we have done in San Francisco back in 2010 we changed the focus on fleet week from a air show and parade of ships, to a defense support of civilian authorities. How the military provides humanitarian aid and food and water and supplies to a major disaster. Since then it has taken off and in San Francisco it is the model for the country. La is doing it and san diego and new york is trying to get on board. It started off on sunday, monday with the exercise. She attended press conference with the mayor that day and tuesday we had 26 military members riding the ambulances the entire shift. A great time to Exchange Information to battle field medicine and street medicine and share best practice. They got great call tooz work and see recollect you see a roll over in the picksure picture so got to see good things to learn from. And then on wednesday, we went out to Treasure Island and trained 50 marines and 22 navy salers on u. S. Operation, urban sunch and rescue. It was conducted at Treasure Island Training Facilities and like to thank chief cullen beanie and in Service Training staff and lieutenant [inaudible] who set up the island and had everything to go to put on a great training. Inservice staff congratulation to them. Northern california resh cue training is a privateantty that conducts trainling comprised of some San Francisco retired fire members and detailed heavy squad rescue one. Local 97, 98 provided the bbq and members of the San Francisco Fire Department Veterans Association cooked lurch for them. You see in the picture on the bottom left they are learning how to cut and brief concrete. This is our first rotation, we provided 3 rotations so cutting concrete is what the slide is about. In the top they are punching holes and work getting a hole in the concreelt or using a [inaudible] on a concroot saw. In the next module we learned how to move and lift heavy objects. You see a 6 thousand pound slab of concrete and learning how to lift that up and slide another under it. Going back to the egyptians day when you dont have heavy equipments they put it on roleer jz raise it up and slide another slab under it and the bottom left you see a 4 thousand pound concrete cube and learned to flip that over in a safe and controlled manner simulating having to move rubal during a earthquake or building clapsh. On the bottom right they are learning how to construct shores to strengthen buildings and walls and ceilings to enter the structure and conduct a search. In 2011 the navy deployed to japan and used skills they were taught at Treasure Island so came full circle and why the navy is buying into this and trying to get this Program Going in other cities as well. At the end here you see the veterans at the top poses with the mill itary members. It was a chance to inter 5ck9 with intervens to talk about transitioning out of military and into the fire service. On the top we created a competition for them. We split them up between marine jz navy and enter that tube from either side and there a wall, each has one wall and have to breach the wall and who gets through it first you beat on the other wall and gets really heated. It turns out the navy won so the marines had to take it on the chin. They are eating lunch on the bottom left and big group at the end, 50 marines and 22 sailors out there. Also, while that was going on we had canine exercises with the military as well. Captain grose was out there and Garret Miller and ed martinez are out with k 9s and see them going through different props. You see the legs sticking through but made it up into the wendo. We had a lot of good press, 4 new stations coving us. They got a lot of good footage of marines and navy learning how tacut and breach concrete and so fort so was a very good day lunch was great and weather perfect. The navy asked if we can do two days next year mpt they liked it so much and want their member tooz do it and marines as well. That bringz us to thursday and did interoperable Fire Fighting training on the csf san diego. This is about delivering a marine force into a hostile area. Pretty big ship. We spent the morning learning about the fire fightsing systems and capabilities see the central coal on the left, getting a brief how they handle an alarm and identifying the space of how you do that. It is all numbers, all the numbers mean something on the navy ship so we are learning that sequence. You can see in the other pictures they lead a hose line to the navy fear, main space fire or engine room fire. They are very worried about that a lot of fuel and machinery so we went in the holes and down the latters and pretendsed to put out a fire down there. Just another great time both members enjoyed from the military and Fire Department and had engine 1 and 35, truck 4, rescue squat 1, bitalion 3 and division 3. Next year i think we will build on momentum and probably do a confined space rescue. A few months ago the uss graud loupey came into town and said we are in town for a extended time for dry dock repairs and wanted to give a touro wednesday the members took a look at the ship and thursday a look at the ship and confined space hazmat. The Fire Fighters were familiar with the laypen out and were able to pull somebody out with a rope system so worked well and think that is what we will do next year. Friday fs the parade of ships and the fire boat led the way, the new fire boat 3 was outd there so everybody got to see that. It chs nice to see it working. That brings to saturday and have the k 9 hero at the park. Many agencies vaurfbed, thifs bigger from last year, Police Department, shaifer office, chp, bart pd, u. S. Marine dogs and california dog association, k 9 companion, paws for purple hearts help veterans with ptsd and custom and boarder patrol. Well attended and great weather, everything couldnt have got better this year. That brings to the operations or humanitarian otmarine agreen where we had a vehicles on display such as the mass casualty transport bus, the multicaelshty unit and nurt and new group, the Fire Department Veterans Association was out there. You can see there in the bottom right we are give agtour of the transport bus to marines there at the villain as well. That brings to the operations. How to protect the 150 thousand people we see each day friday, std saturday and sunday. Traffic was terrible due to columbus kaday parade and fleet week. We set up a mobile command at marine agreen jz have 4 [inaudible] assigned, 3 medic unit, one amr unit and rescue boat 1 and 2 to enforce the safety zone of air show box and fire boat 3 and assigned battalion chief. Also is ems chief jech jef myers who oversaw the operation as we had newer captains working so provided assistance for them and see the unit working it. Normally just have normal cogs during the event but we had the unthinkable happen at the end the air show, we had inboat over turned with 30 people inside or on it. 27 adult squz 3 children. There was 3 people in the cabin when the boat over pm turned. I talk to a suviver and was in the cabin and filled with water rapidly and saw the young boy and went towards the boy and pushed him out a open window along with the mother and found a pocket of air and took a breath and found his way out. Cpr was conducted on the boy we believe by the father and put on surks f police boat marine 10 kw wry the time they got to the dock the boy was alert. Do you want advance your slide . I guess i should. There we go. You can see it. So, we called for a red alert. You with see a massive number of units respond i believe 11 ambulances that ran it. Assistant chief ball postm commandsed the incident and medical supervisor wasands a thomas and transportation was john cav gnaw and treatment officer was sebastian mu row and [inaudible] were the first Fire Department officers on the scene that established the protocols there and got things underway and organized. Very difficult to manage 30 people on your dock now all needed evaluation and determinations where they will go. The crew here did a outstanding job managing that incident and making work well and had the best outcome for 30 people in the water. This could have been a catastrophic insants please Department Marine 10 and captain worked well together. Great effort by everybody there and thank you to south San Francisco Fire Department and oakland Fire Department for assisting as well. With that, we had a great fleet week. Hope to build on it and make it breter better next year, it was a good time and can only get better. Can i take any questions . Thank you, chief francisco. Are there any members of the public that would like to comment on the report . Alright, Public Comment is closed and ill go to vise president cleveland. Thank you, madam chair. No questions but want to keep a praise on you. I think you did a wonderful job and we should all be proud of fleet week and participation the Fire Department has with the military and marines and navy. I think we are probably unique in the country in terms of our participation and cross training between our Department Personnel and the military and training them and we get trained as well so it is an amazing collaboration and wanted to congratulate you, heap praise on your for your leadership and i look forward to next year mpt. Thank you very much. It take as team of people. The operation is big, but thank you. And commissioner nakajo. Thank you, madam president. Chief francisco i really appreciate this report and as you phrased the pictures, the visuals are great. Thank you president covington for bringing this to us. I think the question i asked earlier about the accident that occurred during fleet week is just simply amazing me in terms of the last slide. I was looking at how many ambulances were there both ours and private, what street they were parked at because we practice and talk about scenarios but in when it occurs it is just amazing how well the systems work. I know that we can never take it for granted but with the Police Department and it sounds like the citizens jumped in and so for me it is just a great scenario and glad we had this brat back with the visuals so everybody can see the contribution. I want to thank you chief and members of 98, veteran members and all participant noted within this report for their participation. It makes us very proud, thank you very much chief hayeswhite and chief francisco, madam president. Thank you. Commissioner hardeman. Thank you, madam chair. Chief francisco, i know you put in about two months of work in the last week and must be so glad to relax a little, but what a great cause. It unfolded the whole week and seeing as usual our military dressed up and acting so well behaved and watching the blue angles perform and others, but as a port commissioner i met many many blue angles and the closest i can describe them, they are like navy seals. They have the have the most perfect physical mental condition to fly the plane jz they are such wundserful human beings it is like youwould you marry my daughter. If you have a daughter, you would love to pick them because they are like perfect people. So, that was good. I was invited to go on the fire boat, which is required to be out there during the performances and that was a real street to see how that functioned and all the other police and fire boats, there were smaller ones like the rubber rafts and coast guard, quite Impressive Group of people protecting our fire boat just had docked and already got off when the accident happened, otherwise we were not too far from there originally but once it was over it went back. Anyway, i just like to thank you. It was wonderful and 35 years now as a navy seal, Diane Feinsteinthe fleet week and Dinan Feinstein is the one who instigated it and grateful and hope everybody appreciates all the wonderful people that serve our country and protecting us and the people like me let us live a spoiled brat wonderful life never in a fox hole or freezing weather and never had to be in the 120 degree weather in afghanistan or other places in the world, so very grateful. I like to compliment who put together the logistic operations and the board of directorsthis must have been invaluable to you as a resource, this is very good. Starting in april we plan the thing so those are the all people we work with. This is very bright, smart. Thank you, good job and thank you chief for having great guys like francisco who ree where he lucky to have working for city of San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner hardeman. And thank you chief francisco. I know you thought you were totally finished and thursday you got the call president covington wants a overview and i appreciate your digging deep after having extended so much energy. Not a problem at all. Thank you,ioknow you are that kind of guy. I think it is very important for the citizens of San Francisco to know that thrt is much more to fleet week than the blue angles. That these kinds of training opportunities and formation of interpersonal relationships will all go well for us when we have the earthquake we know is coming but dont know when. The more people who can chip in and help us, the better. The military is more than willing to do that you know, to help on the civilian side and thats essential because we will need all hands on deck when that earthquake like loma prieta roars through. The urban search and rescue is very essential and i happen said upon the k 9 heroes at the park and that std was saturday was a glorious day and that is a dog park on a regular basis so people brought all thir their dogs out. Someone is very fond of great danes because there was a cohort of great danes. Little tiny kids and these huge dogs that are more likewell, anyway. Everyone has seen them so they are like ponys and think a number of kids asked if they can be put on top of the great danes but the great danes were not having it. That was a wonderful demonstration of how the k 9 units work and the booths were very very informative. Had a lot of intellectual presence so people had questions and wanted more information and wanted to support the various k 9 units, so that was very good. And i wanted to ask you a question regarding the boat incident. I know there were 30 people and you said 11 ambulances were involved. Would this have been an occasion to use our mass casualty bus . It was pensioned down there and could have been brought up. It is dependent on the level of severity of the patients if we need it or handle with the ambulances. Give me further delineation between when we will use regular ambulances and when we use the mass casualty bus. I will differ to chief [inaudible] myer. Jeff myer e 34rks s chief. The use the mass casualty bus is the resource the 911 system could be utilized in several different formats. When you have large numberoffs non ambulatory non critical patients. So, patients that are unable to walk due to their injuries or illness, but also a mixture of green patients and the Ground Transport ambulances are used for the most critical vejs. Any time we have mass casualty incident you have the rest of the city and it is regular 911 traffic coming into the system so you have an entire city to maintain as far as 911, but also support the incident so it is rabalance between patient squz criticality and available resources within the system what is the availability of surge unit from our private partners, etc. It is a balance. We also would use the mass casualty bus in a situation where you have large working fire as a rehabilitation station but also utilized for local Emergency Rooms that over whelmed with patient populations from broget internal and outside event and can be rolled to the hospital and allow Surge Capacity for that emergency department. The personnel can come on board and have additional twnt patient capability. How long does it take to deploy the mass casualty bus . The greatest time period to get the bus is generally twnt 20 to 25 minutes. Muni drivers are operating the bus for us as they have the most experience. Currentsly they are housed at a major muni repair facilities, so the availability of a muni driver is the only real self limiting factor. We plan to cross staff the bus with on duty personnel and back fill later, so the ability of muni to get the bus out the door to the incident and cross staff on site. Great. Well thank you. And again, thank you to everyone who worked on fwleet week and did a fabulous job. It takes so much creative thinking and energy and over a long period of time to put together such a comprehensive event especially on the safety side, so thank you very much chief francisco. Thank you. Item 7, agenda for next Fire Commission meeting on october 26, 20s 16. Commissioners . Madam chair in light of the recent allegations on Sexual Harassment within our department i think we need to have review of that policy and i request that we put that on the agenda and have a rather indepth discussion about what that means. Duly noted. Commissioner nakajo. Madam chair, i dont have any particulars for the october 26th regneural meeting, but i would like to say a few words before we adjourn and that is all i have at sthis point. Okay, thank you. Commissioner hardeman mpt i trust your judgment to set a good agenda. Thank you. And madam secretary do we have any topics outstanding . Um, there was a outstanding topic but dont have it off the top of my head. Alright mpt in the mean time i will go to commissioner nakajo for his comments. Thank you very much, madam president. I just want to say to the chief of the department, chief hayeswhite and commissioner hardeman and you madam president covington your kind words and appreciation vise president believe cleveland for my participation with cumofemy scene center the last 45 years. I will have a conclusion on the date, october 31, easy to remember because it is holloween but lots of love in the chambers so sincereious appreciate that as well. For point of information, i am a Fire Commissioner and will remain so will participate for 3 more years commissioner hardeman. 3 and a half years so, here we go. Thank you very much. Appreciate all the support. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner nakajo and now that you are going to be retired, there are some things coming down the pipe that i like to chat with you about. [laughter]. Chat away and you wont be listening. It is controlled substance policy. Thank you. I know there was something out there. Controlled substance policy. And the vise president s and i will confer with the chief of the department to see what other items will fall on the upcoming agenda. Are there any members of the public who would like to speak at this time . Okay, Public Comment is closed. Andi would like to adjourn this meeting in honor of retired assistant chief ray landy who passed away this week, monday october 10th. He retired from the department on september 16, 19 ailth 9 with over 35 years of services. Thank you. We are adjourned. [meeting adjourned] good afternoon recruits im going to be very short, because i am [laughter ] okay, i should start off with a joke you have to laugh. Anyway, first off, its my pleasure to be with the chief and with our department of Public Health director to welcome you into the finest Police Department in the country and i know that because that is what you have chosen to do and im very gratified i could be here in front of you as you ago through this invaluable academy and training. Really two points i want to raise. One is to thank you for making that choice. You can join any other department in the whole bay area, but you have chosen our city and im grateful for that. Second is that today i especially appear before you to make sure that you understand what we are trying to do as an entire city with our Police Department. Were undergoing one of the biggest Reform Efforts in the history of this department, and our chief is leading that, and one of the reasons today is that you will undoubtedly be involved in many of our confrontations that other Police Officers do probably on a daily basis. And the trend has been that there are more people that are victims of alcohol and drug abuse, and will exhibit in many occasions a danger to themselves or others and you will definitely be called upon to intervene in those situations. One of the principles of our Police Reform that is going on today, one that i greatly value is the principle of the sanctity of life. You probably already have been receiving training on that. But you also will be trained in the practice called receiving time and distance. That is when you are called upon, i think well ask you to do your best to create that time and distance for the purpose of preserving life. In that, i want you to know that the rest of the city is not simply asking you to carry the entire burden of that. ; that were going to be partners with you the best that we can and one of those strong partnerships that i am and this administration is funding with the full cooperation of the police commission, your chief , all the management staff is to say that when you are asked to intervene and if you can create that time and distance with everybodys safety in mind, well then have Mental Health and Public Health experts to be at your side. So that they can do the specialty crisis intervention that you create the time and distance in order to have. We have got to work as a team. If were going save more lives out there, we have to make sure that we have the ability to get some professionals to work alongside with you, so we can intervene in the sometimes very tragic circumstances and if we can get the Mental Health expertise with the people standing behind me, the crisis intervention specialists, they are referred to as our entire team train by our Public Health department to work in these crisis situations, were going save more lives and ultimate ly that is what you seek to do in your profession and we want everybodys lives to be here. You will get crisis intervention training. You will be introduced to the sanctity of life principle, but in the realstreet situations that we have, its your ability to implement that in an effective way with the chief and all of the managers crisis and all of the trainers that are here. That we want to do it with your safety in mind and with the immediate peoples safety in mind so we can gain that valuable, sometimes minutes to be able to introduce a professional. So that we can go on and perhaps save a persons life even more times than we have in the past. Quite frankly, it has worked in no less than probably five situations in the past several months. And i was with the chief on one of those occasions, almost three to four hours in those negotiations and we saved everybodys life and everybody walked away. We need more of those opportunities, because there is drugs, there is drug abuse, there is a tremendous amount of Mental Illness and you cant do it all. We dont want to tell you to do it all, but you have an invaluable part of that process. So those are two messages. Again, thank you for choosing the city and county of San Francisco to work in and well be there to create more classes as more of our officers decide they want to have an even better life and retire and at the same time, we need to get enough officers to meet the challenges of population, and the needs of every one of our neighborhoods. Thanks for being officers in the city and county of San Francisco. Chief. First of all real fast im with the mayor every wednesday and the joke you heard i have to hear those every wednesday when i meet with him [laughter ]so the sympathy should be flowing my way. The incident that the mayor was talking about wasing at market and jones and it was a support armed with a firearm and the officer showed incredible restraint and saves that mans a life. I have since met with the mother and father of the mans life that was saved and they are incredibly grateful to the San Francisco Police Department. They spent about two hours praising our efforts, and giving us kudos for making sure that resolved the way it did. That is what were trying to push forward and we all understand its not always going to work out in our favor and things that happen that are well beyond the control of anybody wearing that uniform and we need to make sure were Crystal Clear on that, but at same time, to approach every situations a lifesaving situation. The department is moving in a different direction and were trying to be at the front of this and not the back of the line. I just sat in an awards ceremony, voting process for Department Members to get silver medals and awards and most of the recipients came up in situations that they tracked about what they did and talked about using time and distancing in deescalation. One an officer was stabbed in throat on the freeway onramp and went for his firearm which he reholstered to baton because he recognized that the situation changed and the individual no longer had the knife and he had presence of mind to think about it as it unfolded. Another situation a gentleman was sharpening a knife and had residents holed because they were too afraid and they formulated the plan of creating time and distance and they subdued him and took him into custody without shooting him. Arguably a yearandahalf, two years ago the officerinvolved shooting scenarios pure and simple. That is what were trying to preach and push today and the Group Standing behind me are meant to give you additional tools in the tool belt when you have those situation and the San Francisco Police Department is proud to partner again with the department of Public Health on Mental Health services to the community and the San Francisco police have worked with department of Public Health for years including mobile crisis teams providing assistance to child Crisis Services which helps youth in crisis. This new team of clinicians standing behind me isa valuable to San Francisco Police Officers to support negotiators in the field and conduct crisis assessments and debrief persons involved and affected by incidents, and consult with victims and provide Crisis Services. They are going to also assist with our ongoing Crisis Intervention Training Program to help our officers improve their ability to recognize people with Behavioral Health problems. This program is part of an ongoing reform system that the department has undertaken over the past year and again, im talking about the San Francisco Police Department being the lead, not following, not picking things up from everybody else. We were using a model that is still effective, but there is say better model. And our people are now researching that model to bring it to San Francisco with dealing with people in crisis. That is part of us taking the lead. Were under a Collaborative Reform Initiative review by the department of justice right now that we invited in. Because again, all of these changes are meant to make us better. So i want us all to make sure we embrace it and look behind me at these white jackets with another tool for the San Francisco Police Department to use to enforce the sanctity of life on the streets and save people, because that is our primary mission to preserve life. I want to introduce director. Thank you you and thank you all of you and i saw you standing at attention to so long and you are so fortunate to be part of a city and part of a police force that are going to be at the head of many Police Forces in this country in terms of really understanding the impact of substanceabuse and Mental Health on many of the individuals that you may meet. Behind me is a team that we have been over the last decade working very closely with the police, and coming to any incidents of violence and providing assessments and support to family members. Were going to be expanding this team with three clinical psychologists and social workers to work deeper with all of you and give you training how to engage and meet the needs of many of these individuals. And also, i have been on the calls and some of these interventions that the police chief talked about, and we believe we can really give you really Important Information about the background of an individual, who you may be negotiating with. And so were very proud. Im very proud of the team that is behind you in the white coats and im very proud of the team in the blue. And together were going to be really providing you, i believe, some essential training and also support. And we believe that doing this together, we can reduce improve the health of many of the individuals who you are going to come in contact and reduce the incidents that we have at times when we have to be more forceful with individuals. So we look forward to this. Were going to be quickly hiring these individuals, and the police will be involved with this in hiring. So we have the right type of individual who will work with us closely and by the new year, well be really working closely and responding. In between now and then, this team behind me will be taking that place until our new staff is expanded. Were 24 7, and were located in the bay view, but we travel throughout the city in order to provide these services. So i want to thank you for your attention today and we look forward to working with you, and proud to see all of you today becoming new Police Officers. [ applause ] were going to conclude this and any questions that the press may have well be outside in the hallway for remind members of the public the commission doesnt tolerate disruption of any kind of please silence all cell phones that may go off during the proceedings and if you care please state your name for the record. President wolfram. Here. Vice president hyland. Here. Commissioner johnck. Here. Commissioner johns. Here. San mateo. Here. And commissioner pearlman. Here. First is general public and members of the public but address the commission within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items and then your time is afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes and let me just. Does any member of the public wish to speak on a non agendized item . If so come up and you will have 30 seconds. Thank you. I am kathleen and a resident of Bernal Heights and represent neighbors in the community and were concerned about the proposed addition of the third story to the existing bernal b star restaurant which was previously a landmark restaurant the liberty cafe and is unique in San Francisco it has a large out door sunny court yard. The proposed changes to the building would take the charm of the existing cottage and essentially slap a third story on top of it creating an eye sore and destroying the business, the existing restaurant is not up to code in as far as there is an alley way to access the back courtyard and we believe adding this addition will be a great loss for the residents of Bernal Heights and there is really nothing else to replace it. The owner who is from out of town is proposing a compound pharmacy be added to this third story with a series of awkward stair cases which will run through the courtyard piece of the restaurant so its you know we dont fully understand why the value the existing value in the neighborhood would essentially be forfeited for the addition of something that is clearly seen as just an incremental improvement to an existing property at the cost of the community and thats all. Thank you. Any other members of the public to speak on an a non agendized item please come forward. Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Commissioners that place us under Department Matters item 1, directors announcement. Good afternoon. Tim Frye Department staff. The report is included in your packet. I am happy to answer questions and in the newsletter place making twin peaks tavern was mentioned as the landmark of the quarter. Item 2 review of past events and staff report and announcements. Commissioners tim frye again department staff. A couple of items to share with you. No formal report from the Planning Commission however since our last [inaudible] [off mic] since our last hearing in august you may be aware there there a fire at 447 minet street and a Historic Building part of the 5m project. Its a category one building under article 11 of the planning code does it have a name as well . Pardon me . Does it have a name of the building . It has a name. I cant recall what the specific name is. I am happy to forward you any information about the building but i did want to make you aware since late august we have been in contact with the developer. The developer has continued to work with arg who sent out their conservators and construction crew to stabilize the building and the good news is most of the damage is on the interior where there were few character defining features remaining and they stabilized the structure and said they would keep us uptodate on repair work as it progresses. Our last contact with them was on august 29 where they were installing scaffolding and removing equipment from the roof and interior partitions damaged by the fire. They were going to secure windows and door openings to ensure that you know no other fires break out in the future but again i will let you know if anything else happens. In the meantime i will forward you the information about the property. And then lastly just to bring to your attention all of you were copied on an email. I believe it was sent out yesterday from the Dogpatch Neighborhood Association raising concerns about an item on your calendar and requesting a continuance. As you know will bring this issue up at the call of the item and it is up to the commission to decide whether or not their concerns warranted a continuance but staff is prepared to present the item at todays hearing. That concludes my comments unless you have any questions. Commissioners seeing none we can move on to commission matters. Item 3 president s report and announcements. No report or announcements today. Item 4 consideration of Adoption Draft minutes for the arc meeting of june 152016 and for regular meeting of august 17, 2016. Commissioners any edits to the minutes . We will take Public Comments on the draft minutes of the arc june 15, 2016 and the hpc meeting of august 17, 2016. Does any member of the public have comments on the draft minutes . Seeing and hearing none we will close Public Comment. Do i have a motion to adopted minutes. I so move. Second. Thank you commissioners on the motion to adopt the minutes for the june 15, 2016 and the august 17, regular hearing commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner johns. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner pearlman. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Yes. President wolfram. Yes. So moved. That passes unanimously 60. Commissioners that places us on item 5 commission comments or questions. Any comments or questions . Quiet bunch. We upon keep moving. Excellent. Commissioners that places us under the regular calendar item 6 for sis 2015012830coa at 1133 tennessee street. This is a certificate of appropriateness. Good afternoon considers commissioners. This is a certificate of appropriateness for 1133 tennessee street which say contributing resource of the dogpatch landmark district and consists of restorations and the facade alterations and based on historic evidence and scarring on the exterior facade and the protect will paint the horizontal siding and replacing if necessary. Replace the existing garage with a glaze garage door and add to the lower unit and the entry store with new wood entry stair and trade and replace the existing garage door exterior windows on the front facade, the windows will be repaired and the rest will be replaced with aluminum clasp and in the rear remove a historic rear addition and stair and would construct a new three story horizontal addition and extend 19 feet and 6inches and vertical trim between the old and the new and cladd and painted to match the historic residents and overall increase the number of garage spaces from one to two and units to two to three and overall Square Footage of the residence up 24299 feet feept. Department received correspondence from the Dogpatch Neighborhood Association. There was an email submitted to the commission requesting a continuance due to lack of response by the owner and up for consideration of the hpc and if you so grant notification is still required for the property and has to under go neighborhood notice. Overall the department does recommend approval with conditions to ensure that the proposed work is under taken with conformation staff recommends the following conditions. One, prior to approval of the site prerment the owner should give the plans and landscaping and paving and fer rim terfencing and the district. Planning staff should have final approval of all site work, two, prior to approval all permit the project sponsor should give all finished proposed materials. The board should demonstrate the ranges of them as well as the paint color and three, prior to approval of the site permit the project sponsor should give information about the hand rail. The new stair and hand rail should be consistent with stairs within the district. The project sponsor is present and can answer questions and i am available for questions and this concludes my presentation. Thank you. Thank you. Does the project sponsor have a presentation or my name is bob and i own the property, and i concur with the staff report, and we have been working with the neighborhoods associations and different neighbors for a number of years now, and we would like the project to proceed as quickly as possible and we will comply with the items mentioned to you by staff. We look forward working with the community on this project because its a good project, really needed. Thank you. All right thank you. Does the commission have any questions for staff . At this time we will take Public Comment on this item. Does any member of the public wish to comment on the item . If so come forward. Seeing no we will bring it back to the commission. Commissioner pearlman. I would like to address the issue of the continuance. Commissioner pearlman if you could speak into the mics that would be great. Im voiceless today. I would like to address the issue about the continuance. It seems to me that i know this area. I have walked by this house. It is a desecrettant house and has been for decades and i would like to see this project move forward and seems to me with the conditions proposed by staff that would answer the list of questions that the dna spokesperson i forgot who wrote the email and address the dna issues about materials, the fence, sidewalk issues, so i think we should not continue this and move it forward today. Thank you. Commissioners any other comments . Do i have oh commissioner johnck. I would like to say getting a notice like that so close to the meeting time without any whole lot of very specific information as to what is wrong and after reading the staff report i felt that the staff addressed any issues and i agree that we continue to hear this and move ahead with it. Yeah, if the hpc is concerned about the outreach with the community we can have the applicant do another meeting with the neighbors to ensure the property as updated is appropriately addressed to the surrounding neighbors and can be done prior to taking the 311 notification for the project. [inaudible] [off mic] so do i have a motion then . Yeah and to insert that what he just said. Make it a condition of approval. Can i address that . I want to address the neighborhood association. In that email it talked about they just got this information yesterday or monday i guess, and you know this information has been available. Its at the Planning Department. You know they know who the staff is. They certainly could have gotten the information if they werent getting feedback from the owner, so i think you know it goes both ways. For those that are out there working and trying to get things done its always a challenge. You know its a back and forth. You know definitely the neighborhood associations you know contribute and of course dogpatch in particular. Theyre vigilant about that which is excellent thing but to claim they didnt know what is going on and didnt feel they had the right information i dont think is a fair way of dealing with this problem and then asking for i continuance which would delay the project by a month or more so i think its a two way street and i know no one from the neighborhood is here but i wanted that on record. Thanks. Thank you. Commissioner johnck did you have another comment . Were sharing this i think. You are nowellen. Hi there. Commissioner hyland. Yeah, i want to say its good as stated and fine and regardlesses of other comments and i second the motion if its hasnt been motioned already. We have a motion and a second. Very good commissioners. On that motion to approve this matter with conditions as amended by staff. And the condition to as amended by staff. Thank you. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner johns. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner pearlman. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Yes. President wolfram. Yes. So moved commissioners. That passes unanimously 60. Commissioners that places us on 7a, b, c, d, e and for 2016010959lbr at 900 valencia street, case 2016010958lbr at 1644 haight street, 2016010966lbr, 199 valencia street, 201601093lbr, 506 clement street, and sis 2016010965lbr at 1618 noriega street respectively. Theyre legacy Business Applications. Commissioners tim Frye Department staff. Before desiree gins i just thed to again mark this is her first time presenting as a member of the planning staff and please welcome her and with that i will desiree take over. Thank you. Good afternoon commissioners. Desiree smith Planning Department staff. The items before you today are five legacy business nominations and applications which were submitted to the Planning Department on august 22 and are ready for your recommendation. The department received the five legacy Business Applications by the filing date for the hpc hearing date and reviewed by the commission of Small Business for completion prior going to the Planning Department. Your packets has outline of each business outlining the traditions and features with the businesses. The first application is the book smith and at hate street. The next is for dog eared books an independent book store at 900 valencia street in the mission district. The neighboring Gathering Spot offers new and used books of high quality events to the patrons. Established in 1992 dog eared books faces displacement. The next application is for green apple books, a 49 year old book store literary destination at 506 clement street in the Richmond District and green apple books is also known for the noteworthy Business Practices and successful example of succession planning. The next application is for henrys house of coffee for Coffee Roaster and he learned the business and taught it to his sons. Built in 1965 and was a grocery and store and now sells to coffee shop shops and fine dining strawntses. The final application isar zeitgeist a brew pub and beer garden at 199 valencia street in the mission district. Zeitgeist booftd boosts large brews from the community and events for those displaced by fires and food from the kitchen for that live far for home. We find that they are qualified for legacy business registry. This concludes my presentation. I am happy to answer questions that you have. We have a few representatives here today from the businesses who would like to speak on behalf of the application. Thank you. Any questions commissioners . So i think what we will do we will do the Public Comment which will include the ability for the sponsors to present their businesses. At this time i have one speaker card for pete molvillehill. Good afternoon commissioners. Thank you for your time and your Service Volunteering your time to keep San Francisco vibrant and diverse city. Green apple books is founded in 1967 with a credit union loan. It was 750 square feet and over the last 49 years its expanded to 8,000 square feet in three buildings. In the late 90s it was sold to three longterm employees including myself and two others who had worked there. Were a unionized shop. Our workers have wonderful benefits even before the city required health care and paid time off and the benefits we offered them. We expanded and opened a new store in the inner sunset two years ago and the death of books. The building is pre1906 building and you can see gas fixtures on the second floor. While the books and people have changed over the years if you shopped here 20, 30, 40 years ago it would feel the same as then. There are nooks and alcoves to get lost and discover things. The book selection is unparalleled in San Francisco. The news and use booking in all areas and quarter million titles to choose from. Books have helped couples conceive [inaudible] kids learn to read and readers get new perspectives et cetera. Used books are more affordable and keeps knowledge and information and stories accessible to a broad range of San Francisco consumers of all income levels. We circulate hundreds of dollars in the local economy and pay cash for the books from people that bring them in. The book themselves have evolved and to what San Francisco cares about. The attacks of 9 11 were a great example and two shelfs of middle eastern book and that ballooned. There is Community Support for this. We have 1265 yelp reviews, 1200 are four or five stars. For reference the closest next store with that many reviews is city lights and fewer than half of those. Obviously its a beloved institution and this is not to brag but to shore that the community really support the store. We won countless awards and jewish publications and the San Francisco chronicle. Two years ago we were awarded publishers book seller of the year and once a year. I am going to run short on time so i would just focus on the fact that all of humanity has happened at green apple and fires author quakes and dates and medical emergencies and marriage proposals and employees who met and married there. New stores have grown from ours and employees started their own businesses and we have 400 to 500 people a day and thats why were here, the support of the community. Its not because of anything we have done but the Community Supports our store. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you very much. Does other member of the public or sponsor of a legacy business wish to speak at this time . Yeah please come forward. You will have three minutes and there is a warning bell 30 seconds before. Good afternoon. My name is h. D ao g and the coownerir of henrys house of coffee and a Third Generation coffee rooster. Our roots began in lebanon in the 40s when my grand father had a business and you had to roast the coffee and he did that and as my father grew up at 12, or 13 and pulled out of school as tradition back then and helped with the business and his role was roast the coffee and my father immigrated to the United States and looked for a business and found house of coffee on irving street and opened up by a man which mr. Johns had met back in 1965. My father perfected purchased the business in 1983 and was a Specialty Food store and had a coffee machine and i know how to do this and started working there. I grew up in the business and hated it as a kid. My father pulled me out on saturday mornings and i wanted to watch scooby doo and he pulled me out and i didnt want to do that and after school i went into Corporate Finance but there was something about the business, the tradition and the heritage that i didnt want to go away. Were in the business not because its a Good Business but because its part of my heritage and i want to honor my father in that in anything i do. I want the business around for another 50 years and nominated as a legacy business is a honor and i hope you approve as well. Thank you. Any other member of the public wish to speak on these items, item 7 . Seeing none we will close Public Comment and bring it back to the commission. Commissioner johns. Well, i will say i have been a customer since 1968 and testify and verify everything that he does and ive been a long time customer of green apple books although i dont think i got there until 1980. [laughter] but at any rate i think that these are two examples of extraordinarily worthwhile nominees for this particular thing. Too bad that the others didnt make a presentation, but nevertheless so i move that we approve these. Commissioner johnck. I second the motion. I want to comment particularly i love i mean the stories are beautiful and i kept thinking i would love to have these stories at a public event, the San Francisco public library. Maybe we feature legacy business or San Francisco Historic Preservation commission can work with the library on these but i was particularly inspired by the green apple books because i have been in there and whenever gi into a book store i pretend i am tom stopper and got his best ideas first place from book stores so for the purpose of discovery and envisioning your future and a kind of Value Proposition that reading and books emulates its very resonates with legacy and our heritage here and i think its particularly important you know long time san franciscans in publishing et cetera so thats my endorsement, yeah thank you and of course the coffee is great. Thanks. Commissioner. Yeah, i want to thank you both. I dont know if i have been moved to tears before but i got a tear in my eye when you were telling the story im sorry, harod. Because i always talk about we always talk about San Francisco is our stories. Its true of any place and the reason we do what we do and i appreciate your acknowledgment of that or your acknowledgment of that its about keeping the stories alive and its so rare to hear a story like yours in particular about generations and generations and your commitment, your sort of soul feeling that that this is something you want to keep alive and i understand youre teaching your son or daughter you know this tradition as well. Also im so impressed there are three book stores. You know as you talked about i was in green apple books about two weeks ago and. There on a fairly regular basis and we hear about the death of book stores in the 90s and 2000s that was the story and to see three book stores with the history that they each have and now will continue to have that in the city is incredibly impressive and thank you and thank you all for participating in this program. I think its really important. Thank you. Commissioner matsuda. Yes, thanks. I wanted to welcome desiree officially welcome desiree and i really enjoyed reading the summary you put together. I think you really capture what we were looking for when we started to brainstorm about what kind of legacy we can leave as a city entity and i think youre really starting to capture that. I would like to strongly encourage you and the rest of the planning staff to go one step further. I mentioned this at the last hearing, to really start to create a template where we incorporate the visuals as well as the stories that we heard today so that somebody who say visitor or a native can click and really get the feel why these legacy businesses are important. I grew in the richmond neighborhood district and my dad was a book worm and people played baseball on saturday and i went to green apple books and i know it well and i know the cafe well because that was my treat after a book but i know now where i am going to buy my coffee. [laughter] commissioner hyland. Yeah, i want to briefly i support all five of these. I was pleasantly surprised to see dog eared books and it was an institution and neighborhood i moved into 30 years ago and the book store in the castro i enjoyed and didnt make it and i walked past a couple of weeks ago and a different book store is coming in and i am happy its dog eared books so i support this as well. Thank you. I think we have a motion and a second. We do. On that motion then to approve these excuse me adopt recommendations for approval for the five legacy Business Applications. Commissioner johnck. Yes. Commissioner johns. Yes. Commissioner matsuda. Yes. Commissioner pearlman. Yes. Commissioner hyland. Yes. President wolfram. Yes. So moved that motion passes unanimously 60. And places on on 2015007810th a dig dig work program. Landmark designation work program. Good afternoon commissioners. Susan parks staff. This is an update on the work program of this year, the last ten days will account for next Quarterly Report. As usual through the work program items that came before you and those that are expected to come before you in the coming montses. I will give you update on the survey teams projects and the Performance Measures were tracking. Mow have two designations still pending at the board of supervisors due to their recess and the cloud of witnesses and the amendment to 140 maiden lane. Staff received one landmark designation for folsom street and bo swrart style residence identified in the inner Mission North survey. Once we completed the review of application we will bring it forward to you. Staff met with the discuss the possible landmark designation application for that property as listed. As far as the other active designations theyre produced through the hpc and park funding. Staff works with the consultants on the projects to move them forward. As far as our other designations we expect the peace pagotta and placa to come in the next quarter or two. We are meeting with the jap Town Community to discuss the ymca and get an update as well. The Sailors Union is on hold and new era hall and were waiting direction on you how to proceed with that designation. Segueing into the new work program as you recall at your last meeting you add the approximately 40 properties to the landmark Designation Program and landmark district and a letter went out this week to the owners about the program and next time we will give you an idea of who is supportive and who is not. At the last hearing you asked for a list of the properties on the work program and included on page 6 and seven of your packets. You can see we maintained the active and pending list. The active list includes some of the properties you added at the last hearing that are produced either by staff, consultants or sf heritage and the elray theater or casa sanchez and having a National Registration or the properties as part of the central soma plan. The same methodology that we used for the districts but the haightashbury is active. Thats because we have been in contacted with sf heritage how to proceed on the district but we havent started work yet. As for the pending list divide that into phases for you. Phase one is the properties that were identified endangered or those properties that have an active project and the elkoa building or the temple up for sale. We included two projects we felt were immediate priority and National Significance and kin min. Quan and the church of fellowship of all people and national register. Phase two includes the properties with substantially complete reports and on hold and arrow hall and [inaudible] staff is waiting for direction how to proceed. Phase three are Properties Identified through statements or surveys for which we have quite a bit of information and minimal Staff Research could be required if we did decide to use the landmark designation for those designations and the last category is phase four. Those properties are already protected as existing landmark or conservation district or within an existing individual landmark. And their cultural and social heritage hasnt been adequately recognized. We referred to them as phrases but i want stress we might not do in this order but category of properties that we can pick and choose from accordly. Staff serves as technical staff to the Historic Preservation committee. We are working on the africanamerican Historic Context statement and were working with the his and Cultural Society how to create an outreach plan for that project. The latino historic statement and from various areas and sacred heart and new deal content statement. Staff works on the grants for under represented communities and for civil rights in San Francisco and we expect to apply for a second grant soon to identify africanamerican specific sites in San Francisco. As far as our Performance Measures the first is that we complete no new designations during the quarter. Number two, the application has been posted to the website for over a year. Number 3, again no new designations and four the next Quarterly Report is due to you january 4, 2017. This concludes my presentation. I am happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Commissioner commissioner matsuda. One question. Thank you very much for your report. I just had a question about the japantown its the yw not the ym. Why this one is considered active and the [inaudible] as phase one is further down the line because they were all nominated at the same time yeah, they were nominated together and came out of the that group. The y is part of the civil rights grant so that is one of the Properties National park service. Yeah, the National Park Service Grant so were working with consultants to prepare a National Registration for those that you can review but turned into a landmark designation. Okay. The key min [inaudible] is desperate need for attention than the y. Yeah, thats why its its the top of the next priority list. Were not actively working on it as part of a grant. Got it. Other questions commissioners . Why dont we take Public Comment and bring it back to the commission for further comments. At this time we will have Public Comment. Good afternoon commissioners. I wanted to report on two items that work program. One is George Washington high school. As you might know supervisor eric mar put money in the add back to work to do the study and i just found out from heritage that the report is going to be ready to come to staff in october and since eric mars termed out in january i was hoping that the report could be sent tote board of supervisors so introduce it before his last meeting in january because hes been a really big support offer of not only the supporter of this and the green apple books and i think it would be an honor for him if the commission could do that. I havent seen the report yet but and the mothers building i think the commission is interested. Supervisor katy tang put 400,000 in the city budget if you read the report to do phase one or the immediate needs and the short term needs but before that the zoo has been cleaning up the building and doing some of the repair work on it. Last week the team arg, myself, rec and park and the Art Commission staff we were all out there looking to see what needs to be done in the next phase and mapping out a plan of how to allocate the money thats been spent, and also the Art Commission found some photos. As you know the western wall was damaged with water so it might help in recovering the mural. Theyre not sure whether they can actually recover the whole mural or stay the way it is in some places and finally the zoo is coming up with a plan. If you have been out to the zoo they opened the childrens area and want to reopen the slope boulevard entrance which would be great and people would see the building and reuse the building as the history of the zoo and honor i would like them to see honor the wpa Women Artists since there werent that many of them so things are coming around but we havent found the four to 5 million to do the major renovations. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public wish to speak at this time please come forward . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Commissioners any questions . Why dont we talk about new era hall. It seems to be sort of languishing on this list but waiting for us to direct move it forward. Mr. Frye do you have a comment on that . Commissioners as you recall this report has been completed excuse me, there was some discussions with the Property Owner who is reluctant to move forward on the discussion primarily because they were discussing an easement that they shared with the neighboring property. My understanding it has been resolved however it doesnt appear they are actively interested in designation. This commission though would like to schedule a hearing on it it could bring that conversation to light and we could really figure out the best course of action. Can we get any feedback about i mean now that particular issue was resolved why he or she is reluctant to move forward as a landmark . Do we know why . Based on my conversations with the Property Owner the Property Owner is crossroads Clothing Company that occupies the ground floor. I dont know if its Standard Practice for them to purchase the buildings they occupy. They bought the building a number of years ago and simply stated they were interested in running their retail component and not in preservation to be short. We did make them aware of the mills act and other amenities that are provided by the planning code, incentives but they just didnt seem interested. Do we have a history of any other landmarks that had resistance or ones that got this far and then just languished and never happened . Do you know of any . Not necessarily. Again i think it may be worth having that conversation in a public forum with the Property Owner to see if we can address some of their concerns actually we did have the case with the i am trying to think of the owner the building [inaudible] [off mic] the Property Owner wasnt keen on the nomination. But eventually supportive wasnt really resistant,. Somewhat resistant. And the owner of marcus books and the owner wasnt interested so it has happened. Commissioner hyland. Yeah, i propose that we move this forward. I have concerns about the strip on Market Street to octavia to noe street and rezoned to 85 feet. We had a project the fedex kinkos building at market and deboas and last meeting and vertal additions on the buildings and its a challenge and this project specifically this new eera hall is along Market Street and along with the property at church set the whole street experience for that block so i propose that we move it forward. We invite the Property Owner to come talk to us and let us tell the Property Owner how important it is our commission and to the city. I see a lot of nodding heads so we have a consensus to move that item forward. For a hearing. For a hearing , right. [inaudible] [off mic] the question is an initiation hearing. Right. And that would be a common thing we could do in a case like this. Right and we can decide to initiate or not at the hearing and we have done the work notwithstanding the concern or lack of interest. Yeah. Commissioner johnck did you have another comment . No, i am good. Commissioner hyland. Can we move on . Sure. I have a question. There was a hotel in south park isnt it here. [inaudible] talking over one another . Actually three properties. Got it. I wanted to make sure it was there. Any other questions . What about the other project in the parks mentioned that were languishing . New era hall was one and strand theater were waiting for the owner to provide some things. The boat house we can discuss. The Sailors Union of the pacific were waiting on the owner on that one. We have been waiting for a year but Golden Gate Park [inaudible] talking over one another . When it was tabled two, three years ago, five. The boat house hasnt been recently rehabilitated. I dont know we felt there was a sense of urgency after the work was done and Golden Gate Park is a big question. Yeah. Maybe for another hearing. I dont know. Mr. Hyland. Commissioner hyland. I have other questions. Are they listed in bullets and put into what staff believes the priorities or just the categories . Theyre mostly categoriorized and not immediate order. Okay. Are we wanting to prioritize these . Maybe not today but in general. I propose that we put kin monglawkin at the top. At the top. Yeah. Thats the immediate suggestion and maybe we yeah that one and maybe the galvanizing works at the top of the list too. That maybe could be second. This is great. Thank you. Thank you. I dont see any other comment. Thank you very much for your hard work and your very clear presentation of this material. Thats great. And i think thats our final item; right . So we can adjourn the hearing. Hearing. [gavel] working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world class style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. The citys Information Technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring Patient Safety at San Francisco general. Our it professionals make government accessible through awardwinning mobile apps, and support vital Infrastructure Projects like the hetch hetchy Regional Water system. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. New director of the board, sam moss whos first meeting is today. Welcome, sam. Thank you. So, yes, this order calls to order, please. This is october 12, 2016 Treasure Island meeting. Call to oorder. Director mazzola, here. Richardson, here. Samaha, here. Moss, here. Supervisor kimwe have a quorum. Thank you. Next item, please. Item number 2, general purblic comment. Thisiteal item alloys members to address the Treasure Island Development Authority board on the matters within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and not appear on the ajendsa. May address for up to 3 minutes. You will hear a sigil chime with 30 seconds remaining. Please state your name and organization you are representing if any for the record. Are there any members of the public who would like to address the authority, please come up. Hunter cutting. Good afternoon. My name is tammy powers and have two businesses on tresh r island and today i represent the one, tammys chickgen waffals and to side note i just paid all most 600 in quarterly taxes so worth something to the city. I bring people together on chicken and waffals near the parking lot and churches. I bring people together on the island, different businesses. Mark dunlop director is one of my best customers and comes in once or twice a week and gets awesome waffals from me. I have a concern i hope to bring to your attention is quh wh i do evening shifts i open in the morning to the bike shorp in the afternoon and waffals in the evening and when iope chb in the evening there are numerous tour bus squz numerous limousines and the limousines park in the parking lot where my business is and they open up the trucks and set umdisco balls so have a party y and drinking in the parking allot. It is a parking lot, not a party lot. I dont mind if they took the pictures but they let the people to party in the parking lot which my customers need to park. There are other parking lots on Treasure Island which i asked them to go to and party all they want, but this is directly effecting my business. I also called the police on numerous occasions to see if they can deal with the problem and 24 police explained to me since they are tourist who spent lots of money to have fun we will not bother them and that took me aback a bit because im a local resident who paid a lot of money to be in business, so i expect a give and take and if ii think the driver should be warned like dont park in the parking lot or take the drinking down the rose or the police need to emphasize im here to do business because limoes dont bring money to the island. Once they bought a cup of coffee. Most people go into the minee market so cant complain about them being there, but the limoes downtown and this is a big thing even on saturday night with fleet week there were limousines that had to make a u turn. They back td up and made the u turn and more come on and come through the big log jam and a ambulances couldnt go anywhere. It rfs stuck because nothing is done by the limousines or buses and something needs to be paid attention to please. Approximate it. Thank you. Hunter cutting. Good afternoon directors. Im here to share news about burke coferb. As you may have heard the San Francisco bay keeper is conducting review of the gepers proposal to constrrt to a prive ate marina. Bay keeper is wildly recognized as a champion of the San Francisco bay. That review is complete and bay keeper issued the fiendings and they condemned the developer proposals in clear and no uncertain terms. I have here a letter from eric [inaudible] the managing attorney for bay keeper i will submit to public record. It goes into legal analysis which i will not drag you through but would like to highlight a couple findings. One, the proposed marina will dramatically reduce Public Access to clipper cove and dramatly impact the current users of clipper cove. Two, it is likely the Environmental Impact report back from 2006 will have to be revised to account for changes in the cove and changes in the marina proposal since 2006. And to account for potential Water Quality impacts och increasing motorized boat traffic that the twnt 076 eir didnt cover. I want to give the final take away recommendation and will read it verbatim. Before finalizing approval of the project, responsible agencies should insure any proposed project protects current users and character of clipper cove as a Community Resource. The Treasure Island Sailing Center and saiv clipper cove developed alternate proposals. The first by sierra club will double the [inaudible] in the cove. Oorlth was offered as a compromise that will triple the size of the cove. The San Francisco examiner covered this proposal and want to introduce that into the record as well. However, the developer have ignoreed these proposeals. We learned the developers have resubmitted their mega marine aproposal to california boating and waterway squz prush push for a decision in early december. This is a attempt to run stakeholder jz push the mega marina through. This approach is not limited to developers. Tida staff defended the mega marina. The current marina takes up 7 percent of the cove. The 2006 will take up 40 percent and new will take up 57 percent the cove. You have a run away project on your hands and it is your sfaublt and urge you to get the project back under control. That thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is jay wallace on here on behalf of dresher island enterprise marine adeveloper and been here many times. There was a loti feel like Hillary Clinton because what you just heard is not the facts. The mariney has shrunk and last week when we met with the Treasure Island Sailor Center, the proposal in front of the division and boating and waterways is not the 400 slip it is 349 slip. We met twice with the Sailor Center and reduced the marina since we last saw you. The marina is not 5 7 percent larger. I dont know the percentage bullet can tell you we started between 2002 and 6 it was 21 lineal feet. When it was approved i believe it was 1800 lineal feet. Over the course of discussionwise the Sailor Center when chwe engaged in good faith and reduced fraem 1800 to 1700 to 16 hundred and believe the current lineal feet but could be wrong but i believe the lineal feet of last week when we presented curisa harris and dave [inaudible] is approximately 1200 feet. We have shrunk and the only ones who have shrunk. The Sailor Center has grown. When wree started they asked us to give a 1600 diemter circle to sail in which we accommodated. They came back and wanted another 500 feet, we actually reduced the size of enema renea again to accommodate that or just about, i think we got to 486 feet. Over the course of the last 3 our 4 months we met with the Sailing Center on two occasions and reduced again and again and when we met last week for the first time the Sailor Center told us they dont want 1600 feet or 21 hundred feet, now they wanted 2400 feet of sailing area. The pro posal in fronts of them didnt get them to 2400 feet, i got to 2386 feet. Approximately 98 percent of what their most current ask was, not the ask earlier that you first heard about and not the original ask so to hear someone say this is a mega marine athat has only gotten larger is not even close to a fackual statement. The proposal because i wrote it and my partner signed it and know what is in division of boating and waterway calls for 300 slip marina that is shrunk. She says there is 500 slip marine athat is never there since day one, it is 400. I wanted to respond. We are working very hard and trying to work close ly with the Sailing Center and have multiple goals including folks who want to anchor in Treasure Islands because it isnt just the Sailing Center or hunters people or the marina, there are many user jz trying to accommodate them all so thank you very much. Thank you, mr. Wallace. Let me just say that we definitely do want to see there be a negotiated solution that hopefully will resolve the issues between the two, but this is not before the board right now. It will be a calendared item at the right time. Im sorry. Madam president , you have our assurance that from our side we are doing everything in our power to find a fair and reasonable negotiated settlement because it should happen. Thank you. Next person, please. I wasnt planningmy name is [inaudible] im the vise comdor of treasure yacht club. Been involved with the club about 4 years as a member and sailor and a boater. I wanted to support the development of the marina notto the best of my knowledge i have seen mega marinas, this will be not be a mega marinas. I have been following the negotiation process between there two involved parties and think the compromise is important but also believe the size of the marina today has limited our ability to be able to grow as a club. We arefor the new director we have been on the islands as a yacht club over 50 years. Treasure Island Yacht Club was a club for many years until twn yearatize was civilian yacht club. We are small and humble and most live on the islands and retired and have small to midsize boats. The opportunity to grow the marina, grow the community and yacht club, we were the first to have a sailorsent squr support them and think it is a Wonderful Program and like to integrate more with the sailing club so support but are limited with the dredging issue squz the size of the marina itself, so we love to see it be considered not just a Sailing Center as the only party, that we as a club very humble and one of the smallest and cheapest clubs open to the community and become much more involved with the community and bring a lot of business so just wanted to say that. Thank you. Thank you. Next. Patrick regen. Hello. My name is Patrick Regan and director of Business Development with a nonprofit called tool work squz came down to say thank you to each of you and to the tida staff and just say that your support over the years has had a great impact on us being able to provide Economic Opportunities to the many people with disabilities that we serve and also Homeless Individuals so thank you. Thank you, it is nice to get a compliment once in a while. You provide Great Services as well, so thank you for being on the island. Anybody else who would like to address the board . Hearing none, next item. I apologize, commissioners any comments . Thank you. Not quite sure if it is our usual standard comments after this, but i appreciate that you allowed me that. I just one thing because there is just facts, it seems to be numbered that can easily be verified, perhaps our staff could put something together for us so we can look and compare and numbers are numbers and i think somebody said facts are tricky things. We can certainly put together cal culations and stats on the evolution of the marina proposal over the years mpt if i can say mr. Dunlop this item will come before the board for consideration and decision and want to have all the information there at that time but i think that first we need to know what it is that is being brought before the board and i know the two groups are certainly discussing and i hope our staff is also helping that discussion as well. I understand as well that it has to go to bcdc for review and approval as well. When the right moment comes we will consider the matter and make our decision at that time. Yes, and i thought maybe at the last meeting we did ask for just a informational agenda item sometime. Maybe im wrong about that, but i thought maybe we had and perhaps it will come up next month or Something Like that. This is on our list of tomics tomic topic tooz bring back to the borebd and matter oof discussing appropriate timing. It isthere are active discussion going on and plans under revision, but ill with fay lenda and bring a update. I noticed you did write to us telling us bcdc did agree for the major permit, is that right . Hat is in the report. It will be in my report. This item is not the agenda but for the public, we have been engaged and asked the parties since july last year to go into negotiation so the negotiations i believe are still going on and we are still very receptive to make sure the parties continue to negotiate in good faith and everybody and i mean pin good faith. All parties come together. At that point when all the negotiations are done, that is when i want to see anything so my time is not wasted and the commissioners and staff. We are going beyond the call of duty here, so letwhen you are ready, bring it back and by then we will look at all the facts, it will be a public hearing and then well decide where to go next. Thank you. Mr. Dunlop you have a question . Yes, i did and that is on tammys talk. Not just chicken and waffals, but on the limo issue and i hope that it isnt a conflict because i do enjoy one of the waffles maybe twice a week is qu they are very good. I dont think that is a conflict though. But , i am a resident on the island and i talked to tammy about this in the last week that there is a issue there and im not sure what, how to handle it. We want tourism and peep tool come and enjoy the island t is a beautiful view at night, but again, having been by there at night and hearing very loud music and the lights and disco ball squz all that, im not sure if that is appropriate for that parking place and not sure if we get or can get any rent at least and also have some sort of contractual agreement to have control over how the limos effect the people who live on the island because it definitely has an effect as far as traffic and noise issues. That is perhaps for a future item, but just wanted to mention that as tammy brought it up. Thank you. Thanks. Next item, please. Item 3, p

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