Good afternoon, commissioners my name is la net i need to shouldnt address you . Can i address you on this item. I dont believe this item represents to you ms. Sweet relates to our matter to a further item. Im sorry my item said item 3. I think item 9. Forgive me, im looking at something wrong. But we will get to yours square feet any other Public Comment. David pilpal want to inquiry why this was separately calendar from item 9 were there other matters in closed session. Requested it it be put nonon the calendar for personal readings otherwise would have been. Thank you very much. Any do i hear any motion or discussion to hear this item 3 in closed session . I move we hear this matter in closed session. Second. All in favor, say i. I. Cards unanimously we will cbo into closed session. 3. laughter . We county disclosure all right. Back in Public Session ready . Were back if Public Session and commission is voted that it will not disclose the details that were discussed with in connection with item 3 but the commission has no probable cause. Turn to item 4 discussion and possible action regarding Commission Activities relate to. Excuse me. You need to take a motion not to disclose. All right. We took the motion in. Hes right you can do that in open session. Want to make the motion. All in favor, say i. I. Pack public discussion before we vote on that hearing none the motion is carried unanimously moving to item 4 delusion and polk action regarding the Commission Activities towards side expenditure lobbyist measure prop c essentially there is the number of appearances required of either the Deputy Director or myself as pretty well well dwindled to store with the election only a little over a week away and so i really have nothing to report other than to say a number of sessions in the earlier part of october. Any public discussion on that turning to item 5 discussion and possible action on an annual report for fiscal year 20142015 and the interim decoration has a draft report any members of the commission have any discussions or comments concerning the draft report . Yes. Commissioner Vice President andrews thank you, thank you very much for the work i appreciate it i have a couple of comments maybe a decision or a stylistic something well, one piece is stylistic under the budget on page 11 we list out fiscal year from 1994 to 20142015 and thats our budget and im wondering if it serves us better to have what we approved compared to what we spent generally in an annual report youll put out the expenditures sometimes, youll match it against budget tussles against budget is this what we spent or approved for. This was the actual budget so the actuals are a little bit different but pretty much in line the numbers are a little bit off about 10 thousand bucks so we could put at least for this year do the comparison budget. Yeah. It is great to have a budget and see well, you did and the other thing a choice generally so to speak the governing documents particularly an annual report is a reflection in the past years and then you usually have another foundational organizational document that is forwarded to a stwraej plan have we always put in the forward thinking thing to be careful i understand we may be mandated or mandated ourselves to taking care of some of those things but generally mixing the past with the future and usually save those for other document that possible provides for context why youre doing what youre doing. In the past the future initiate has been included i tried to be careful given the sort of where we are as a commission so i said instead of will focus that happened in the past we put may focus and identifies some of the things on the work plan you guys opted in the spring but the ongoing things that are continuing to make sure but i would think that you know within the next few months sort of the ed position is settled a similar work plan type things to establish that what happens for the next years. Im fine i generally it a is decision an organizational decision. Any thing. A suggestion mr. Chair in regards to page 5 we have the reference in the second paragraph to youre putting prop c on the ballot i think that youre putting something on ballot is important to put in a couple of more things ill suggest a couple of more things this is where that says at the june 2015 meeting the Commission Voted to place 24 from the 2015 ballot id like it so is that at the june 29, 2015, meeting after a hearing and after Public Interesting persons the dimension unanimously voted to place it on the ballot is seems like an afterthought to put something on the ballot id like to show the fair amount of consideration as interest was it was a lot of discussion interested persons hearing and then the vote was unanimous. Sure. I have second commissioner keanes comment about the last part of it but troubled by the way the freaking in the first part sounds like it was ad hoc idea of commissioner keane coming out of the blue and i think we ought to put a little bit history in it we were specifically asked by the commission to look at i think we start with the requirement of former prop j which has been gutted and your when you came back with your report it was decided that well, well focus just on the expenditure lobbyist provisions putting off the other ones for future date so that i think it should show the number of mergers this subject matter that was prop c came in play i think you know that the principle objection that that raised against prop c by its opponent was this was something done in the middle of the night no public input and that it was nobody was given a chance to discuss it which is just contrary to the facts you dont want to put into anything into the report that has credence to that concept so i strongly suggest we that paragraph be expanded and redrafted along the lines weve discussed i have a question related to that where there is a discussion about the meeting at which mr. Steiner and mr. Cook testified i dont think that was limited to specific item that received to there i know this prop c what became prop c was part of discussion at this time and thats what we referred to as the hearings was the fact that because i think it was at the time commissioner keane made his report that set up the Public Meeting with professor cook and mr. Stern. Thats correct mr. Chair we discussed the matter itself Going Forward with the expenditure lobby requirement over the course of two hearings two of these hearings and in between a number of interested persons hearings and quite a bit of baej on behalf of members of the public of the organizations like finances of ethics and the civil grand jury ill will concur with the chair it is where the way it is proposed it is almost put down like a throw away line finally an Ad Hoc Committee and commissioner stephenson development the proposal and all of a sudden a light bulb went off over high head we dont get another two sentences about why c is on the ballot lets put in some full history, sir. Fine with me i would say. When does this have to be filed. Annually we can bring it back next week month are designate to the chair and approve the final language. I think that is a good suggestion. Any other comments on the ethics report the other comment i have is on the future initiatives as you recall one of the future initiatives that was discussed and the whistle blower possible changes to the language and, in fact, i know commissioner hur at sometime in the future will divide this report concerning that. Thats right mr. Mini or the and i are working on it. That so be in there and there should be the language or the charge that was given to commissioner keane concerning looking at prop j and the related issues that put off and just deal with the expenditure lobbyists. Thats ongoing that will surface next year mr. Chair. I will suggest to include those in there. Do i hear a motion to approve the draft other than the sentences made subject to my approval, however, you want to word it. Ill move about that we adopt the changes subject to the final approval by the chair. Second. Public discussion . Good evening, commissioners charley here representing f o e we have several comments and some of it my require background ill quickly go through them get our pencil and paper handy youll do start sounding like a teacher when our doing youre this type of a document its an opportunity for you to pitch your ideas and what it is youre doing to the public so the public gets a sense of who you are and what youre doing and what you know theyre getting for their money to be candid it is a Research Document it is also good for auditing in the past there was a guy that went from department to department and he was originally what the City Attorneys Office and went into business writing annual reports those are standard item palates with a basically good Public Relations tenure an approach i think he was, in fact, more of a Pr Consultant at this point im not suggesting you put that hat on your supported supposed to be objective no mention in our understand you mentioned thirty thousand intact and the signs you actually didnt include the hundred and 91 k decision that is are increasing that number whether it is realized that ball is not out of your hands and city hall for collection also there were, in fact, 10 hearings or hearing like processes regarding prop c so you did a very robust outreach on prop c you held numerous interested persons meeting you held Public Sessions during our mooefrgz on monday night nights and so you were quite aggressive in outreaching to the public and it is important for the public to understand that thing is not going to the ballot explicit occur out of the blue but methodology behind it i support both the chairman and the schains comments on that also in general youve done a lot of robust looking at outreach and you should note to the public those efforts and those improvements because that is what youre here for to outreach to the public ultimately and to talk to your bosss the citizens of the city you also basically taken up the question of prop j and you planned to study is that should be noted in the report. Timer is on. Ill try to pass this on they dont know it as well i do but mr. Pilpal has some comments in the meantime, ill brief someone there is 4 more points thanks. Thanks. I guess im next david pilpal speaking as an avoid a number of comments the logo is off centered it is driving me nuts and page one puts jesz i didnt see name under chair renee that is appropriate rather than in the beginning rather than the end and put the date on the cover and be sure not to send to the mayor and board but two copies to the library on a couple of points i agree with our discussion about prop c i would actually audio additional this will there is a reference to the at the end of the report to prop c it didnt tie is it back there was discussion later on in the report about the whistle blower report from the civil grand jury but nothing i saw about last years civil grand jury report and the additional followup that was sent to i think tying this back to the other civil grand jury wants and the commission and staff made as a result is good would be good lets see i was interested in this other section on the whistle blower ordinance a disclosure there was a whistle blower investigation conducted i didnt know that beforehand and not sure what the results were so how much more you can say about that but where theres an opportunity to make a disclosure after the fact of the result of the investigation without companionship the sources would be good to do so. The chart about the budget fiscal year 08, 09 didnt have 09. And the discussion about the staff didnt completely track to the Organization Chart so where are the titles whatever the title of the individual that should be properly rescued in both cases instead of discretions there with regards to each program that is some quantity active discussion of the number of accounted and the amount of fees and understand but not consistent on page 5 under the permit consultant section out of 90 ports 22 after the deadline explicit indicate how much was assessed in late fees or collected for each the programs i would include how many people recorded and how much was received and how much etc. , ect there was a cumulative executive report in terms of quantity and has an equal active analysis but want the consequent active on the investigations and enforcement i would add a chart similar to the chart in the monthly a. D. Report for june 30th, 2014, what was then pending what were all the transactions during the reporting period of 20142015 how many complaints were received or initiated in each category and how many resolved and remaining as of june 2015 a cumulative total and all the activity didnt disclosure the specifics but the information about the investigations and enforcement i think there was one other typo ill look for it awhile youre hearing from the next speaker thank you. Thanks. Eileen Form Commission thank you i have a number of comments i appreciate that this is a first draft and i guess my first suggestion would be that this come back to the commission at the next meeting so that similar work could be done on the report and take Public Comment before you finalize that and in the interest of time ill start at the back with future initiatives and as some of the previous comments have been stated im looking for more robust a more robust report and more specifics both in what weve done because and i think there is more that you have done not shouldnt say we but more that could be recorded on i keep looking for specifics and dont see the specifics your conversation about prop c is indicative of that but in terms of future initiatives i look at this list at the commission has a commitment to being more robust and a commitment to taco taking on more items yet i dont see those here for example, you stayed hire a permanent Deputy Director thats true what is also true the signal potentially of a large cultural shift in the organization more than hiring but looking at the commission as a whole it is making sure that staff morale is paying attention and what proactive initiatives to take under the able to take under a new director i wonder specific for example, about the process of digging what gowns to future initiatives for example, at the last Commission Meeting complaints and whether or not it would be important to the commission to look at the process of hearing complaint for example, complaints are filed have a bearing on the upcoming election is there a way to take those complaint maybe out of order because if there are not decides on until after the Campaign Season is over almost who is the point so various commissioners concurred with my suggestion that that process be looked at so that ought to be kept track of somewhere and put on this list of potential future initiative there are a number of on the public has said that outreach in general from the commission is insufficient what to we want to do to create a more robust Outreach Program and robust in looking at policy initiatives and as opposed to to waiting for legislation to come to the commission i have others but ill stop there. Thank you. Good evening with the friends of ethics coming this late in the process ill repeat a couple of things but say them quickly one is what youve said about the discussion of measure c how measure c go the to the ballot i phrase it as four listens but 8 lines talking about the interns we what the interns have done i think that as you look at it, it is not just making sure that it includes everything youve talked about that was a robust public discussion you all were involved and you passed it unanimously but also how it is seen in relation to the other activities that was one of the biggest steps in the past year and seeing this was outstanding i was going to talk about the fines seem low in terms of 38,000 and the one i will talk about and mr. Pilpal talked about it i tend to be a data person so i want to see the data and right now it is all in narrative you, you might think about the charts steady and the annual report youll see it the 3 to 5 year tread line if you look at all the programs not just some but all the requirement how their implemented and what fines or Enforcement Actions if you watch a trendline for three or four years it will tell you a whole looting lot of how the commission is, acting and the programs successful or enforceable and where you have problems there should be looked at we know that one of the things for example, to use an example 10 years the budget when you look at the budget the budget is fairly flat i say what time ive heard so much over the past years ive dealt with the Ethics Commission that they always cant get things done because not enough staff why are we asking not for enough money for staff those kind of things out of the Trend Analysis the thing youll add in terms of future activities is i did think there was some action on our part or interest on your part in hiring a Commission Secretary and so maybe you want to think about 3 putting that out as as action and ill finish at one point we have multi lingual forms and pamphlets you talked about and it is in english we need multiple language issues thank you very much. Thank you. Good evening, commissioners just a couple of other points to add to what has already been said one of the things that is recognizable to friends of ethic a robust effort to do a little bit more outreach but certainly could be more to units and develop trust with unions one of the things that has not been mentioned in the annual report the conversion to the electronics in the way of 7 form seven hundred important inform show the things that are accomplished in a short period of time that is especially important to building the trust not only with the units but the community of San Francisco and to help change the image of the Ethics Commission is very important so thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment theres a motion ill call the i. Opposed . That motion carries unanimously. Turning to item number 6 session of acting executive director report. Sir. Just as submitted nothing were in the middle of Campaign Time so a lot going on ill be happy to answer any questions. Commission have any questions or comments . Mr. Mini or the on point number ten sounds like discussion at the citywide about moving a lot of city departments on two years can you talk about in the way of background some of the meetings youve sat in ultimately. I can summarize what benefits but. I havent sat in many mergers the day before this report we got a call from the Mayors Office that telling us told you were one of 37 departments theyve chosen to or the next step in getting all the city departments on the two year plan we had a brief discussion that was the first time but well, i know about the general motion but the first time one of the designated departments so the Mayors Office we have a pending meeting to talk with the budget analyst but especially the most interesting the way the second year budget might be sort of changed a little bit as ongoing needs change but essentially putting in last year a proposal for two years and their saying it is an essential fix. In many ways i understand that can hamstring you particularly when our advocating for more resources weve heard from the public it is an ongoing issue talking about resources that is a priority for me, the Commission Secretary im Pay Attention to and specifically as we move forward with the permanent executive director ill want to prioritize how we identify how we advocate for the true needs of the commission and obviously there would be a window of opportunities somewhere in the period we can do advocacy but certainly having to put if a two year budget certainly it diminishes our opportunities to year by year but it will have to be quiet strategy moving forward. Thank you. Thank you. Turning to item 7 items for future meetings. Commissioners oh, Public Comment on the directors report im sorry. Dipdz actually both my comments are recommend to budget on item 10 ill hope once you select a new director reis public discussions about direction initiatives where were going with that and in particular to the december to february not just a Budget Proposal for the january meeting with adoption without discussion this is the year we need two Commission Mergers to talk about the ideas and in terms of the budget requests i hope youll plan so all of us can be involved that was item 10 on item 9 im hoping as part of budget work for next year the staff has an opportunity to reorganize the sub object codes i think that commissioner keane remembers the object in the Budget System because those really the break out for refers go to older programs not with the public consultant and the other newer items it is helpful for you perhaps for the public to see for each program what the fees and fines are and then you know if theres a small amount for other but a large section for other ethics fines and allocated so for each program again even have or create budget revenue sub objects that would be helpful for reporting issues no issue two small thank you very much i. Less than hanson on page go i guess it is number 3 Campaign Disclosure program im wondering if it is possible under status to have any more information we have a non, one of the filers is at Small Claims Court no information on the others this is the but other previously have raised the one hundred 99,000 forfeiture of supervisor farrell that will be helpful for o for the public to understand where it is along with the other ones and if there is someway to report on where they are in process i think that would be useful to the public on the next page 9 the report we say that we have received 56 percent of anticipated revenues and yet were in october so im wondering if there is a plan to receive the remaining revenues because of how the budget works theyll comment at the end of the year with the revenue or do we interrupt that interpret that were in trouble with the 56 percent of anticipated revenues and it will be useful to compare that to expenditures so we understand an issue with being short on revenues next page number 11 under outreach and education i spoke earlier to the need for more robust outreach this second paragraph says that an email invitation was sent to 50 Union Representatives to sign up for be in 0 the commissions i p list i understood that was a significant effort to reach out to nonprofit as well as unions as you may know thats the issue around practicing theyre not outreached to and i disagree with some of my colleagues in terms of having robust outreach around prop c many, many nonprofits did not know this process was with going on and substantial theyre running a fairly Robust Program against prop c im curious if we did the outreach to nonprofit or unions i think this is a great idea i know were hold on putting dates until write a have an executive director once we moved on that that will filed in and every month a report on how were reporting on the process on that calendar thank you. I think just to respond to the outreach my understanding is that acting director did send you p notices or innovations to a number of organizations not only to the unions; is that correct. Were saying that it outs on a month basis we started with political groups which was we sent out notices to about 60 that includes a few nonprofits the next source of information we have is the unions and so, now we should have, in fact, the list is probably on my desk but a list of nonprofits that will happen we had to take it in chunks 50 to 60 groups that were sending it out to at one time. Okay. Thank you. Lets your honor, i dont think there is any Public Comment. Oh, is there more. Charley again lets see im sure in the delinquent accounts that person maybe has to writ up a report maybe quarterly or something to his supervisors to keep the supervisors abreast and staff you might tap into that those documents may not be public but something you might be able to have personally im sure theyll trust you on outreach similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Planning Department Maintenance a appliance a very large database on Community Organization because their outreach under ceqa particularly has to be extremely robust so you might be able to tap into their preexist list or their database and do a solicitation for people people that want to be kept abreast in the letter to indicate to those people you have power to pout initiatives on the palate this is the opportunity for those orchestras to come and keep themselves advise of what youre doing since you have those unusual powers that most people dont think of. Any other any Public Comment . Turning next to item 7 items for future meetings commissioners suggestions or comments. I do want to make sure we have a continued discussion i dont know if . The right time but at least to think about a Commission Secretary and a Job Description or start doing drafts of some of the work that will fall under that position and i just would rather be prepared if there, there was a funding opportunity well submit it and be well prepared in understanding what the roles of responsibility are and even doing a little bit of this may happen over time found out the responsibilities of other Commission Secretaries im sure the police Commission Secretary is busy but just to get an understanding of the position would do and the roll tail play. Id like to second i know that is not a motion but i agree the idea of us having secretary is important we should have secretary having the reference of the Police Commission jet i was on the Police Commission we relied very much on the Commission Secretary and would recycle to in the things that the police Commission Secretary did they will particularly the activities we do in terms of investigations of individuals what the status of those investigations are where they are now what complaints have been come in and how the staff has been responding to those complaints we should have secretary it is a big vacuum i think there should be someone who assists us not part of the staff itself and not certainly like for years relying upon the past executive director to fill that role and others roles was a big mistake and wound up losing a lot of the conference of the public and this commission we could get a lot of that back if we had secretary. A couple one thing ill add thinking about when we should have a couple of mergers to talk about the budgets it was raised in the public i know altercation we did it in one meeting but that modesty make sense to have two do on analysis and have it come back to us. Did you want to talk about the meeting schedule you mentioned that im not sure. Well, you mean the november . Well, i was going to discuss the meeting but that relates to item number ten. Yeah. Actually, if i could it maybe helpful to talk about the november regular meeting and when you want to meet at this time. The question for the commission is a regular meeting is scheduled for november 23rd i believe it is which is the week monday of the week of thanksgiving and id ask the City Attorney chin to pull the board to see whether or not youd be available if you wanted to reschedule that meeting for november 20th. Which a friday. Right specifically the afternoon a friday the 20th well have a potential meeting between one and 5 on that day. Right. A couple of commissioners have respond and a couple havent so just precede with the regular meeting. It wasnt clear im available on the 20th if it is a regular meeting he prefer the evening but available either date. I prefer the regular meeting as calendar. Pardon me. I prefer the regular meeting. On the 21st. Either date the 20 or the 23 i thought the 20th was the a choice for the other meeting. That was a date. I guess i didnt understand you were asking to make that an alternative egg meeting but the 20th or the 23 is fine. If i heard the commissions we have that meager on the 23 despite of the fact it is a thanksgiving week. Yes. For me. All right. Thank you for the clarification well go now keep that possible november 20th date if it is necessary after our november 13th meeting. Hang onto that date as well okay. Thank you. So i wanted to say i chair i have a red eye on the 23 so i object to be part of meeting but interested in making that red eye as well. When you say red and how red is that eye. 11. Youll make that. Im a 10 30 to 9 will i make that. laughter item 7 i mean 8. Future items im sorry. David pilpal as individual two things i appreciate the discussions about the november meeting you might want to have a similar meeting about the december to hold that at the regiment of december and that impacts the two dissuasions possible about the budget if you dont have a regular meeting youll figure it out in general on the items for future meetings the minute capture the discussion but ive not found a place those items get put whether in the work plan or the reporting or just on a list of things that have been requested that are calendar or may happen in the next 6 months over and over in the future if you can figure out a way to capture those things last month you captured the enforcement and now the secretary and other things a place to capture those for the staff and public that will be nice thank you. Ill lien hanson ill suggest for future 3450egz one as weve talked about the discussion of outreach, two discussion about the complaint process and for me what is involved in the complaint process i think there is review a number of things but the information that is reported out once the report is resolved and recorded to the public and two whether the commission is proactively taking a stance to be proactive about complaints so instead of waiting for complaints to arrive they commission is there something that appears in public that the commission or the member or two of the commission feels is important to review that is something that the commission prioritize so im not sure i made myself clear but rather than being enlightenment driven the commission is looking at what is happening politically in the city and theres something that the commission feels is important to investigate you dont wait for a complaint you take that on yourselves which we know the commission can do but doesnt generally happen 3 the unanimous report again, id like to ask that will calendared next meeting for more Public Comment before it is finalize and four typically in past years i dont know the last time it happened an annual retreat at the beginning of the year to determine the priorities of the commission that is appoint and necessary with a new executive director the time for the commission to meet with the executive director to determine the provided and get to know each other and a Public Meeting a half day or full day to get some of the leaguer discussions at least a beginning of what you could take on in our calendar in the year how many large policy items can you handle how many smaller items to map out the year together thank you. Back to e liens point she made a good one it is rather amazing to see major things come up in the press and then he called the executive director and say the Commission Investigating that they said no complaint because the public finds is confusing we the major nonprofit investigative report in the oppress and not see their local government taking some kind of an action or particularly interested now in the past we were under resources im not sure we have a lot of resourcing now to do robust proactive investigation but this is something for the budget and thats some something for the new ed and this question is a good one for the ed as well as here to for you dont respond ive been told many times we dont initiate you have to summit and complaint i cant tell you how many i have over 20 years. Eileen i apologize. I left out one of the items that are important to me the Complaint Review eir the investigations on enforcement that is the process and the procedures and the timing so back to the issue of if there are complaints filed may have a bearing on the rums of an election will or there is some procedure and policy to take those ahead of others complaints that are filed first thank you. Turning to the minutes of the september 28, 2015, meeting. Commissioners have any additions or corrects corrections i have one i may have said that i dont recall and you turn under item 6 discussion and possible action regarding the commissions search. A new executive director in the third paragraph has me stating mr. President , will be provided with 13 questions for the if i said that that is a miss statement they were provided with 4 questions and 13 questions that were given to commissioner Vice President andrews and myself to use as our basis for questioning the candidates so this should reflect that is what i should have said if i didnt other than that im happy with the minutes toddo i hear a motion. Second. And Public Comment . David pilpal several items on item 2 towards the bottom i believe d event has two ns only page 3 the discussion about the ed search that is the committee the commission a committee of the commission i dont think that is a subcommittee but a committee i suggest those references are the Research Committee on page four my Public Comment on item 8 i think it needs an a there dipped stated she was a great employee shell be missed other than it makes me sound Eastern Europe pan on page 5 in the closed session and this is a comment i made relative to the previous minutes the reference that ed left the hearing room at 748 didnt make clear what items he didnt participate in for items 1, 2, 3 not 4 and 5 by in the previous paragraph all commissioners, etc. Remained in the hearing he building that should say commissioners commissioner renne commissioner hur and commissioner hayon since the other two commissioners were a little bit from the meeting it needs to reflect two were present in closed session for each item. I suggest we make as changes to the minutes. So moved. Second. Call the question on the amended minutes as amended. All in favor, say i. I. Of approval. Opposed . Their unanimously approved turn to item 9 which is discussion and possible action regarding the complaints initiated by the Ethics Commission refers to have complaints and the questions first is whether or not we should discuss those in closed session. Excuse me. Schooerp in terms of the Public Comment before closed session ill make one suggestion to take Public Comment on items 9 and 10 together so if people want to make Public Comment on item 10 they can noted have to stick around. Ill deal with 9 and then 10. I apologize. I thought id take one one at the time but tale with both 9 and 10 assuming the Commission Votes to take both in closed session. Thank you very much. Dough hear a motion. And move we go into closed session one at that time for item 9 a second. Any discussion are Public Comment . David pilpal something im confused we saw ms. Square feet and commissioner renne you made a comment about item will 9 i belive at the last Commission Meeting there was to be a hearing on the merits regarding ms. Sweet at the was continued by the request of the respondent mom and dads that hearing on the merits was still before the commission am i confused has b there been subsequent events you cant zero. You may be right because your refreshing my recollection that it is not on the agenda. Thank you. Thats correct commissioner renne experienced the investigation so this is not one of the items 9 on the merits well hear at the next meeting or at some point in the future and i was mistaken it was. Its okay. So a question is ms. Sweet clear of that about this she was here earlier. Yeah. I dont think im at liberty to talk about why she tenant but shes clear about the action. Okay. I dont think i have anything else and not know what those are about youll take up item 10 before closed session. Correct. Thank you. Ill turn to item well, ill call this. Sorry a quick comment on 9 two questions he guess one is if you could do our best to let us know well be waiting to come back how long to wait that will be helpful and two i believe there is a Public Interest in knowing the decision you make so ill just ask you to report out as much as you feel comfortable at the last Commission Meeting those of us who were here were told you county report on some items but that there would be a report on the website the next day or shortly it was confuse to me why you county report to the mbes members of the public that are here but report publicly on the website so if you can clarify that ill appreciate it. So i building what we intend to do subject to how did commissioners feel to the extent that we for example, didnt disclosure the discussions in item 3 i think it was 3, yes, but he did give the ultimate conclusion of the discussions that was the disposition to the extent with those four items we will do so. I appreciate that i guess under those anything you intend to disclosure pub it is at some future point let me clarify lets say for this on the website i made a decision tonight but youre not saying theres mount difference if there is something to disclose youll disclosure is tonight. This question when we anticipate to come back i suppose my guess would be what 815 what time is our fight and its 10 30 so 815 sounds great it wont be before 815 by close to that. Okay. Thank you. No further comment im call the question. All in favor, say i. I. We go into closed session. You mean approved well go into closed session item 10 a discussion and possible action regarding the commissions appointment of a new executive director do i hear a motion whether that should go into closed session. So moved. Second. Public discussion. Dipped it if you explain to the public what your attention with item 10 my understanding i had a first round of interviews at the committee with 5 applicants i dont know if youre discussing those or having further interviews or you talked about having a subsequent meeting on september 20th im trying to understand so i can inform others at this time. Is intention to simply provide the commissioners with the resumes and background of the individuals who we are invite to meet with the full commission on november 13th. 13 okay. And that we are keeping open november 20th if for some reason the commissioners feel they want some further meetings concerning the hiring of on executive director part of the question is that of we arrive at the decision on the 13 there has to be some communication it will be the candidates and h. R. To work out the details before we can announce weve hired a new executive director but the we contemplate arriving at a decision hopefully on the 13th. Okay. That may not be a Public Disclosure prior to november 20th or 23. If i suggest if youve made a choice that youve made a choice not who the individual is until the final acts and announce that on the website or whatever so the fact of a selection would be good news and welcome to the all of us you okay. So i hope youll share the information with the other commissioners and city in the next three weeks with a new director that would be excellent. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment ill call the question emphasize of going into closed session with the item 10 which is includeed in my estimate of 815 or 8 30 going back into closed all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Yeah. So shall i pound. Not yet no. All right. The Ethics Commission is reneiman no open session and commissioner hur was exposed we have four and do i hear turning to item number 9 do i hear a motion . As to whether or not to disclose the discussion and the i dont understand disclosing the results of the four matters discussed under item number 9 a i move we not disclose 0 those matters mr. Chair. All right. Any public decision no public here i will call for vote all in favor, say i. Opposed . Unanimously carried and for the record we will disclose that under item one the Commission Voted to dismiss under item 2 Commission Voted to dismiss, at under item 3 which is make sure i end up that at regular meeting of the october 26, 2015, Ethics Commission approved the Settlement Agreement regarding the ethics complaint and the Settlement Agreement is a Public Document and will be posted to the commissions website at the regular meeting on october 26, 2015, the Ethics Commission go approved the ethics case and this Settlement Agreement is a Public Document will be posted to the commissions website. Turning to item 10 do i hear a motion as to whether or not we should disclose what was discussed in connection with item 10. Move to nondisclosure. Any public discussion nun being present ill all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Motion is approved unanimously i will entertain a motion to adjourn. All in favor, say i. I. The meeting is adjourned alfred welcome to your unit so were going to take alfred welcome to your unit so were going to take you. Hi, im carl with the fishermans were thrilled to have you here i get to open a lot of buildings or buildings and none of them brings me more pleasure than today a one and 90 units of air forces Affordable Housing in the heart of San Francisco mere jobs and near transit in the middle of the worst housing crisis to see this project come to reality having done this inspires and brings mayor edwin lee me pride a huge Publicprivate Partnership this deals dates back to chris daily in 2003 and in his office talking about what level of affordability well need what is now infinity that deal 12 years ago is finally give me rise to this project and the two at infinity close to 4 hundred uptsz among those 3 sites so im grateful to the supervisor to the supervisors predecessor grateful to the mayor and the mayors predecessor for the public and private partnering to make that happen and grateful to the Mayors Office of housing whos down the logistics and more importantly thank you to don and n mtc that controlled that site and worked with us this is their product their housing were thrilled to be partners with t n d c the labor life company that saw and put money into this project that helps to provide housing. Jobs in San Francisco and perry this is a huge publicprivate partnering but you explicit come here to hear from me we got a call could we pull the agenda for this forward i week i didnt see what a wonderful morning to be able to open one 90 units of Affordable Housing on the dawn of the mayors reelection by more importantly the passing of prop a and the commitment to the housing bond in San Francisco so congratulations to everyone clapping. with great pleasure introduce mayor ed lee that helped to make that happen congratulations. Thank you. Thank you, carl. Well campaigns is over were going right to work and i am also grateful to carl and to your relationship with tndc to our work request supervisor kim and making this happen he was here already months ago looking at the some of the unit and visualizing what some of the new residents will see are a long, long time im glad theyre here that is the exact the stories were chasing when we said lets get a promotion up before the voter and get a 310 million which will be matched with other money from the budget thanks to the board of supervisors and us agreeing with a higher goal he, he we are already with this how do we do that . Bond were already locating nonprofit partners for more housing we are using the word carl something you and your investors know about investment and about leveraging and this was a parking lot that we invested in now were leveraging it into residences one hundred 90 brand new unit all 100 percent affordable it an incredible story i told don earlier hes the only one that can tell the history how many hands and how many relationships had to be built and trust factor to be created in order for today to happen it is complicated ill let don tell the story but those agencies that live to tell those stories im glad hes with us and not only do we have this particular site to celebrate but it is on the dawn of celebrating more well have a lot more keys given out to love people that need housing in the city the workforce is part of the success whether or not teachers the one teacher got in on an incredible lottery that she had to wind travels in order to get in but hopefully for teachers and Health Care Workers people that work in restaurant and hotels make a good living but find it did to the will live in the city in is what the housing bond does as part of this this is what the private segment a dog more and more with us in government is trying to match up what they can do with us so you can literally see that people in the business whether the marketrate or low Income Housing can find that connection with government and be supportive to make sure that more units are affordable the obligation here targeted with one and 602 unit somehow and someway that story and that relationship was to solid with City Government we reached up to one hundred 90 units thats what we want to do supervisor kim; right . We want to set a goal and see how we can steady this is what the incredible story is about well do that in many sites certainly with the package of prop k you are joint efforts to locate oil public land weve gun control sites and some of the developers with literally calling and saying what wee, we do together now the message is clear you can do more we can all be more successful if we Work Together thats the message our prop a, prop k, our incredible relationships with the private developers and certainly with communitybased nonprofits im landmark to handing out keys and people will be happy to receive and having this incredible courtyard that is a positive experience right in the middle of San Francisco are these center and we have a number of sites within two or three block radius that are going to be underdevelopment in the next few years that signals on i didnt believe amount of of Affordable Housing people will say it great that is guarantee close to transit and close to our Civic Center Park and going to be center of a lot of good activities that people want to be close to as we want to live here and closeness to our arts organizations that continue to lead the effort along mid market and so theres a lot of good news and grad to see the office of Economic Workforce Development is here and the department of building inspection, because were all ready tarnishing not only the sites were going to do housing on but ideas as to how to accelerate them and an Accelerator Fund maybe talk with our kwiblt partners to accelerate all the goals we want because i know that our labor folks dont have enough to do want more work; right . Michael they want more work and do it the right way and get the housing up that is for the would it be fair to say as well thank you to you everybody all the partnerships weve had here and lets keep doing this more than slnlt lets go to work and get more done and video more smiles on families thank you. clapping. supervisor kim. First of all, i want to give a big congratulations to the mayor for winning his election 4 more years. clapping. weve not had much such a mayor and such an hour how were you to work with him and 24 particular were seeing 80 percent of San Franciscos development the statistic im proud of district 6 is building 44 percent in all of San Franciscos Affordable Housing clapping. and i would not be possible not for first of all, the strong support of our mayor and working with us to push the envelope both looking for the Nonprofit Institution and our private developers who know how important to hows everyone in the city but also i want to recognize we have a Strong Institution of communitybased organizations in the district that fight more Affordable Housing for decades and tenderloin corporation with search warrant r is one of them i want to acknowledge their work additional don fox leadership clapping. and building more Affordable Housing and we have several anymore sites im excited about mixed use p mission and howard and 4 and the forethought so when the revenue and the opportunities came forward we built Affordable Housing in the city where the land is incredibly scarce but what is exciting for me, i want to share a story in august i interviewed commissioners 3 applicants what was astonishing most of 3 applicant were recipients of the Affordable Housing program with an lived in my District Court and the second was the housing magnitude by lifesaving strfrtd and the third housing for 14 mists a tenderloin residents it is how for this work is it feels last week were not building enough when you meet the youth and families in the neighborhood weve built Affordable Housing those are the most cranial moments im excited to welcome our recipe to the in and look forward to serving you finally he just want to give a shout out and thank the city for their support of building more Affordable Housing it has been 20 years since we last passed the Affordable Housing bond no 1996 for one hundred Million Dollars and last night for one hundred and 50 million that will have a tremendous impact not only to the district i represent across the city and we have a lot to do a lot to do when i came into the office we were building at 80 percent of low Income Housing needs that is good but have to keep up the numbers we were this only building others less than 12 percent we have to continue to build low income Affordable Housing we have to we must build more middleIncome Housing in San Francisco in order to keep diverse San Francisco whether it is giant on this site or you know with future projects i look forward to making sure we are doing the balance we need to see thank you very much and congratulations to everyone involved clapping. thank you, supervisor kim im don fox ceo of the tenderloin development c n b c im tired those kind of projects have hundreds if not thousands i want to recognize our partners mayor ed lee supervisor kim and the Mayors Office of housing tishmans and hundreds of others we just are part of progress and those dont happen without a collection of people the story of this site begins in 1998 and so if nothing else this is a story of perseverance bank of america owned a parking lot the bart or parking lot the purpose was because they were going to eventually need to expand the data center right next door they were going to need more computers well, it turn out because of the rapid growth of Technology Computers dont need more space but less space they declared it surplus land and argued to to proposal to sell the property in a bargain sale below the market value value in order for us to build housing it is 17 years later thats a very arduous and difficult process through recreations and boosts the detergent of Affordable Housing resources that are available from the state and federal government many challenges to overcome to produce housing like this i think that is important for me to say and for us to understand this is not mark farrell Affordable Housing not mark farrell dwelling units those are homes and home is the platform for opportunity for people if people have Affordable Homes they dont have to make the choice been paying rent and medical skewer and teacher of the hear of their children we do much more than off for you walls and a ceiling thank you very much for being here and ems to the next person thats correct clapping. we have two units that are open for anything that wants to go in and see the units what else am i supposed to say eric. But we thank everyone for coming that this is a great public partnering thank you to everyone for working together to make this