To item number one, which is roll call. [ roll call] we have a quorum. We will move one to item number two which is approval of minutes of the september 27, 2016 commission on the environment regular meeting. explanatory documents september 27, 2016 draft minutes discussion and action. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. [chorus of ayes] so approval of the minutes has been passed. Clerk, please read item number three. Item number three isPublic Comment members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda. Seeing no speaker cards we will move on to item number four. Item number four is4. Review and approval of resolution file 201612coe commending tom owen, retiring deputy City Attorney, for service to the department and commission on the environment. explanatory document draft resolution 201612coe sponsor and speakers commissioner johanna wald and deborah raphael, director discussion and action thank you for commissioners and thank you pres. Omotalade. As i was reflecting on toms tenure here, i was thinking of the Important Role of the City Attorney. San francisco perhaps now more than ever has both the obligation to make sure that we are healing the planet and taking that bold with that becomes the responsibility to be legally indefensible. At the end of the day we could make the most incredibly bold suggestions, resolutions, and they can be bold but they have to be followed through on. Toms role is vital in this. What tom did was say, lets get to the bottom of what you are trying to do. Let me remind you of things like the interstate Commerce Club and the opportunity that locals have but also the boundaries in that. And his cool head and strategic mind allowed us to do amazing things. And so tom, as you reflect on your career i hope you realize the difference you have made and it is because of you that we on this commission and we in the city have been the environmental leaders that we are. And, i hope you understand that. Because, there are many hours of big bruises on toms forehead because he triemake sense of all of this for all of us and that he has already stood up that test of time with the threats of lawsuits because of toms wisdom and strategy and commitment to the environment. So thank you tom. [applause] commissioner wald. Thank you. Thank you. Before i speak about tom may i ask you anthony to please read the resolution. [reading resolution] thank you anthony. Debbie spoke about some of toms contribution to the department so i just want to take a few minutes and talk about toms contribution to the commission. So the rules that we operate under are very complex and very daunting. I know that in the beginning, i sort of shivered when i sat up here at the thought that i might violate one of them or that somebody else might lower me into violating one or maybe even more of them. But as i got to know tom, i realized what a huge asset he was to our work because there is no chance there was no chance that we would have not violated all of those rules without tom here are with us. It gave us such a sense of security and comfort to know that we could do our work without worrying about transgressing one of those very, very complicated rules. And, i will say that tom was not the only City Attorney that i worked with in my tenure here and he is nonproblem in my experiences and it is been a huge honor to share the space with you tom and i think you for all that youve done for all of us. Does anyone else want to make any remarks . I remember a very very late night when we were trying to choose our next director for the department and i remember walking back with tom and he had been doing this for a very , very long time and i thought how is it possible that you could have been doing this for so long. And the thing about tom is that i just know it that we took comfort in the fact that he crossed his teeth and doubted his eyes and did great work for the city and i think you for your great work. I just want to echo the same sentiment that there is a lot of thought, and to make sure that we all have the best interest of the public and our community and i thank you for that. I just want to echo my fellow commissioners and say thank you for these things and thank you for helping us to stay on point and that we were able to set out the fulfillment of the goals that we need to accomplish. I am am sorry i did not get to know you better but i do want to say thank you very very much for all that you helped us to accomplish. Any other commissioner comments . I would just like to say on the resolution on page 2 if we could just change tom to thomas . Okay do we have a motion to approve the resolution . I motion. Do we have a second . We have a motion and a second. All those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes] any opposed . Seeing none, the motion passes. Commisssioner would you like to present tom with this award . Yes, i would. Thank you for all of the terrific work you have done for us over the years. Thank you. [applause] tom, would you like to say a few words . Thank you. I just would like to say that is truly been an honor to work with the commission because you are truly on the side of the angels and i cannot wait to see what you would do in the future. The department has been great to serve and i promise to provide the department with that same level of service. Thank you. Thank you very much. [applause] anthony, can you please read the next item on the agenda . The next item is item number five review and approval of resolution file 201611coe amending the commission on the environments bylaws to change the Operations Committee regular meeting schedule. explanatory documents draft resolution 201611coe the speakers are Anthony Valdez, Commission Affairs manager. This itemis a discussion and action. Good afternoon, i would like to say that the Operations Committee meets in january. We would like to see the Operations Committee meetimgs to be more in line with our regular committee. The Operations Committees meeting times are typical also that the public can know when the committee will meet but it is also to hold that staff accountable for that meeting times by my commission secretary. We also wanted you to know that the Operations Committee last week recommended approval of this item. Thank you very much. We will move to making a motion and then discussion and then Public Comment. Commissioners can i have a motion to move our review and approval of the commission on environments bylaws to change the Operations Committee to the regular meeting schedule. Do i have a motion . I motion. Do i have a second . Second. I have a motion and a second. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay [chorus of ayes] any opposed . Seeing none the motion passes and anthony can you please read the next item . Item number six review of the proposed 20162020 department of the Environment Strategic Plan. Sponsor deborah raphael, director; speakers donnie oliveira, Program Manager, outreach explanatory document proposed 20162020 department of the Environment Strategic Plan discussion . Director did you want to start . Yes thank you very much. Good afternoon commissioners and pres. Omotalade thank you for having me. I would like to start by saying that we need to look at the why that we do with this work and before i had my meeting on this i had all of the department watch a ted talk on the why these things were happening. And when we examined that our why had stayed the same at but we needed to better understand what the new role was and what our new value added was in this new context. And so, our Strategic Plan and this will be a metaphor that you here in the next hour is that we have to create a path. When you think about articulating a path, a path has both direction and boundaries. Clearly, this must have both. Clearly we must say no to some things and we have to emphasize others. But, to move this metaphor even deeper, the Strategic Plan has opportunity to create the nature of the plan itself. How does it feel to be on this path . What does the surface of this plan look like . What does it look like on this plan . What is the difference between plan a and plan b. Who is it that it will affect. And so to implement this plan this is the roadmap to what were going to do. It must meet specific criteria. Every member of our department has to see themselves in this plan. This plan needs to be reflected and influenced by the influencers of our department. The city department, the mayor, the mayors office, the commissioners and the Community Leaders and the Community Members that work with us. And this plan must reflect the challenging work that we do. And with all of that this plan has become a labor of love and this has become a very complicated interesting journey and on one level it is a Single Mission statement. On another level it is a compilation of pictures with seven objectives and goals but when we look underneath that it is pages and pages of goals and our interactions and our strength. Today we are going to interact with this at a medium level. Its important for you to know that there are these layers and steps. I want to acknowledge in this labor of love some of the people that have put their hearts into this. Clearly donnie oliveira, who is the Program Manager and Anthony Valdez which is back Commission Affairs manager and we need to look at this document this in a sense is a beginning and a launch to something more. And so with that, i will turn this over to donnie add to start the presentation. Thank you katie. And think you commissioners for allowing us to walk through this record with you. I will begin with discussing the outlooks that were trying to achieve. We will begin with the Strategic Plan which will run from 2016 to 2020. But first, we have to ask ourselves what is our plan and what is our mission . This is our Mission Statement. I am not going to read this right now but i encourage you to look over this and read this. Clearly this is our Mission Statement and it is something that i am very fond of this mission plan and it reflects our department and what we are involved in. And then this logo right here does not work very well on a mobile device. But we noticed that these were very similar in the process and we wanted to hear from the public where we need to go and where we may need to improve but we also would like to hear from the commission on where they would like to see us go in this process. We started out with the department as a whole and so we started out with debbie who is our director and we took a strong hard look at this. So we could work through this as a Strategic Plan or we could break this down to gether and see how the community it will see this manifested ina Strategic Plan. We asked our colleagues internally what does that look like to you, and we actually asked everybody to put their thoughts on postit notes and think about what they think the goal of the department was and what they think they would see in the next coming years and we got everything from doodles to long thoughts written very intelligently and we went through all of these and first we looked at our global footprint. So we brought in experts in the Global Market to see how we were doing in our department and what was being done globally. We looked at what we wanted to do and what we needed to do and what was our goals for the department. We put goals down and concepts we could achieve and we wrote these down and we put them in the order of importance for when the funds were available. And not only did we write these down but these were also something we could use to point a pathway for achieving goals. Also i want to point out that we realize that it would be pretty bold of us to make a statement about what would happen in 2020 and 2016 and the best example that i can give you for that would be that in 2013 at our last Strategic Plan we had a goal of 27 bio use of renewable. The saw in these plans and also what we looked at new plans that we could be prepared for in this project. Wwe said lets set up a plan to be a, bold and b, agile and with that we contacted the meister and i will bring julie up to talk about what the meisters plan was as far as our effort. Thank you donnie. Hi good afternoon thank you. I am delighted to be here today. Iwork with , as danny said, Meister Consulting Group to develop a Strategic Plan. Today i am just going to talk about this plan a little bit. First i will go over who Meister Consulting Group is and hopefully that will help you to see the direction we will be heading with this. First we bring deep content expertise in urban sustainability, climate planning, and clean energy. Second we design tailored processes for Strategic Planning with facilitated internal engagement. And third, we bring an outside perspective as we bring these things along. W understand this process we have narrowed this down into a three stage developing process. First we have a sourcing stage and then we have a selection stage and then a synthesis stage. First we have the sourcing plan and that will allow for benchmarking and for engagement in these plans with these ideas and second would be that selection and the feasibility of these and this would include impact and influence and mission and thirdly we have in concurrence looked at the practices ithin this sustainability practice and we put this in our database to help perform Strategic Plan as well. Beginning with our ideas we had a workshop process. We had a workshop process to celebrate successes and brainstorm new activities. We discussed successes and challenges and new innovations and second we had set a longterm vision visioning exercise and goals and brainstorming on these. And third we built out a new idea impacting our strategies and our successes that they have already accomplished over he last five years and that allowed them to brainstorm new activities they could do next and also staff was allowing them to have a vision outside of the box of what else they could do and they took some new ideas and broke them down into goals over the next five years for their Program Areas and their department and they worked on shortterm goals for these actual steps and tried to develop strategies of what this would look like if we took this pathway. So we took all of this information from the workshops and the discovery process and the benchmark and the interviews and we would discover and encode it and we would use our goals and objectives nd what is a direction that the department would want to take. And as you can see up on the screen at that we were dad look at what the goals and these abilities would be and the technical difficulties we may face and what is our Mission Statement and what things could influence this feasibility and the impact this feasibility will have on this. So donnie and the team it took these different strategies and put them into place and i will turn this over to donnie now but these are the sick leave five pathways that were cross cutting and i wont read these to you right now because you can see them up on the board but i will turn this back over to donnie. Thank you. The first pathway that we came to in achieving these pathways through this synthesis would first be promoting Healthy Communities and ecosystems, secondly would be achieving a carbon free future, strengthening Community Resilience of eliminating waste and amplifying Community Action and not just what can the community do but work in the community do for amplifying these goals. As julie just mentioned we did a lot of internal work to get to this point but simultaneously we waited we are sort of pulling back the veil on our work and i will introduce from fm three to discuss what we will be doing for the survey. Thank you. I always have to turn down these microphones. As donnie mentioned we conducted Research Methodology and fm3 first we asked the policy leaders in the Community Words policy leaders ms. Frequently connected to the San Francisco department of environment would use and we didnt really expect every single word to be a positive one but every single one was a positive one. So we asked the policy leaders that most frequently described sfe as a description and how many times chosen this would apply. And thethree that we heard the most of were innovative, and national leader, and collaborative and as well as forward thinking. There are a lot of things that emerge from this conversation and also what was distinct in this project were the consistency and also in talking to people throughout the city the perceptions were really well aligned. As far as the strength the interviewers pointed that the strength of the staff was that it was deeply committed and really engaged in really collaborative and trying to help to do the best job they can and this really helped to identify that perception. They also noted that sfe were seen as a very effective outreach in the community to ensure their communications were culturally competent. And lastly, they also viewed us as a natural leader and at the cutting edge of innovation and technology. In terms of weaknesses sometimes sfes perceived weaknesses revolved around a sense that they are unfocused and have a bit of an identity crisis. Secondly they noted that it wasnt always perceived as peripheral to the goals and work in the city and they needed to be integrated better with that work. That they would need to be pulled better into that central core. One of the roles that ive read as i was reviewing the interviews this morning that we looked at back and may is that we needed to be more political and peripheral. So goals that were suggested for sfe by the policy leaders were that potential goals for sfe volunteered by participants included expanding publicprivate partnerships focusing on becoming more central to the citys work so in conclusion something that really stood out was that the department was seen and should be seen as a driver of change in an innovator and a vanguard. Thank you so much. Thank you. All right, so that was happening in the late spring and early summer and we had a true wealth of innovation and we had stakeholders across the city that we had a great deal of information so we sat down to produce content and the first place that we started was with our Mission Statement. I just want to reiterate that this value was seen externally and internally. So that Mission Statement is the department of environment provides solutions that advance climate protection and enhance quality solutions. I will show you what this use to be. So first we like to point out that we provide solutions whether they be innovative orimplemented as we are always striving to provide options. The second would be climate protection. This is important because for research throughout the country the term Climate Change has been lost. This is a political term and researchers are showing us around the country that this is a more accessible way to provide climate protection. This may mean Different Things for different people. It might be zero waste or producer responsibility of protecting habitat for urban forest there is many ways you can protect that habitat will at the environmental department. The third thing that we wanted to look at was the quality of life. And everyone that lives in San Francisco will have a different idea of what the definition of quality of life means and what were looking to is what does quality of life mean to us and what are we doing it to implement that definition. And thirdly what can we do to and include everyone withinthis plan. The first thing i want to point out about the Strategic Plan as we highlighted five goals and seven key strategies and first we mentioned at the beginning this is dynamic and living and we do not expect this to be comprehensive up front in terms of engagement and moving forward with these. First i like to show you what this would look like if we had done everything. This would be broken down and it would be important data for the department to work off our but it would not have the same accessibility. These are Key Performance indicators that we use that we sent to the Controllers Office and that the Community Engagement process throughout the next stage of the services. Is this one on too . They dont have this on their screen . Can you see this on your screen too . All right. Okay i just want to highlight these values and the direct response that we got from the department and what fm3 provided for us and the first would be credibility ,ii innovation, collaboration ,and the [inaudible] the first would be promoting Healthy Communities and ecosystems and achieving a carbon free future strengthening Community Resilience eliminating waste and amplifying Community Action is what the department wants to be focused on. Each goal has a subheading of what we are trying to achieve. For promoting Healthy Communities and ecosystems our goal is to foster healthy and sustainable communities through science with an emphasis on supporting our most vulnerable populations and connecting with individuals in our Community Every day. Next would be our key strategies. I pull this up specifically to say this is not with our communities1. Adopt a usercentric Program Design approach that incorporates user input and emphasizes engagement 2. Increase publicprivate partnerships that accelerate local innovation and engagement 3. Develop longterm relationships with Community Leaders and organizations by establishing community councils, innovation pilots, and Community Engagement initiatives 4. Ensure messaging in all content is consistent and relevant to its intended audiences 5. Inspire children and young adults to take action at school and in their communities 6. Collaborate across Program Areas and with Partner Agencies on engagement timing and messaging 7. Invest in existing neighborhood actions that amplify Community Cohesion and climate protection. The three would be the lead certified space in San Francisco and the number of people participating in the ipm program. Again we have many forms of this within our department but they are certainly within our plan. So our first goal would be to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by 40 by 2025. So we set the city on a path to achieve 80 reductions by 2050. These goals are very longterm. Again, we have the key strategies and there are seven of these. These goals in particular focus on the procurements and the decarbonization of vehicles and getting people out of seven passenger vehicles. Again, this particular goal has a strategy that weve decided to dive in deeper with some of our colleagues rub the city to allow some opportunities in these challenging obstacles to meeting these goals. First we need to support economically resilient communities and increase San Franciscos resilience to Climate Change impacts. In this particular goal you will find strategies that range from expertise in climate facilities to aggressively changing these goals that they can stay within San Francisco. We thought it was important to leverage our existing programs to support Small Businesses. And then again to our Signature Program perhaps in resulting in surveying of eliminating waste we are promoting responsible consumption by San Francisco residences and businesses. Here we have a goal of how we will tackle consumption this is always a challenge that we put front and center. We will reduce the consumption of single use items and also better policies in these products principles. And next is amplifying Community Action. And these are to build a shared culture of Environmental Stewardship across San Francisco and to provide residence and institutions with resources and opportunities to help protect our city and planet. And again, these goals were created inhouse. In this particular strategy we have developed the goal of really meeting people where theyre at and strengthening and that Partnership Leadership and also introducing people to these plans rather than jamming them down peoples throats and also at the invest in existing neighborhood actions that amplify Community Cohesion and climate protection. There are things that are happening in these communities that will help us to achieve the goal of this plan to help to protect our community and our planet. We have a wealth of internal operations and strategies in key indicators that we would like to introduce but we would start that conversation by saying how do we do this and we will start this by increasing our internal operations and communications were working with our colleagues to help increase this with efficiency. Secondly would be Community Engagement. When working with the community on Strategic Planning we can go out with an open canvas and we have a lot of great ideas but the idea is that a lot of these plans were outside of the communitys jurisdiction. With the Strategic Plan we now feel like we can go to the community and have conversations that will be aligned with the funding and opportunities of the department. And that gets me to a request, if you will, of this commission. I would like to propose an idea that we support Community Engagement of the commission with the success of the event held by commissionerwan, we ask that you support this and we ask that we could have a much more robust conversation later to make this much more robust and have new ideas implemented. And so, i will leave it at that for right now. I did want to have it julie , up and talk about this idea to give you a very candid response to let you know where the sits during our benchmarking phase. I will just take you through what to expect from our plan over the next five years. The first thing to expect from the planned over the next five years is that it delivers a mix of strategies and programs and new innovations. An example is that the Strategic Plan continues to do the departments work and efficiencies in residence but how do we get out of these fossil fuels and the Department Already leads in this area but how do we plan and how do we implement and how do we meet these goals. It is a dual mission of the department to serve both people and the planet and donnie has worked hard to make sure that we serve both. Next, we build upon sf environment collaboration with other city agencies and departments and we bring sf environment among the leading us cities making equitya priority in their work and lastly it prioritizes citizen participation and involvement and how this measures up. Innovation within the plans pathways there are certain departments within this plan but please know that they are a goal within all of these themselves. First, it moves away from natural gas fossil fuels for heating and transportationin our citys. There are very few cities in the United States that are thinking about trying to ddeal with this with our heating systems. Their stirring do this in europe but not so much here in our country. Secondly it focuses on roots aand impacting Climate Change by leading applied research into compost application for carbon sequestration. Thirdly it continues International Leadership on waste and looks at upstream producer side interventions. Lastly it solidifies the commitment to the cautionary principle to accelerate best practices with this plan and also identifies resilience as a strategic priority and uses a holistic approach to most plans are not taking this approach in the us. I think it is really important for people. And also it reaches people with appropriate messages, tailored outreach, programming, and resources that are very important. So a few implementation considerations. This plan is designed to provide a clear and flexible pathway forward it is meant to be flexible and it is meant to be a living document and to be implemented as we move forward. Secondly as an opportunity to it spanned the plan and iterate with community output and will create stronger implementationby ends the implementation will result in further collaboration opportunities within the Citys Department and agencies. Consumption continues to be an area for deeper work. Finally equity focuses aspirational implementation steps need to be in our pathway and i think you for hearing about our plan today. That concludes our content i thank you for your patience we tried to do this as concise as possible. The commissions interest and willingness to participate in 2017 in the roadshow and watching commissioner wans impact was really phenomenal and i would like to implement that in other areas in the city both implementation and and innovationbased workshops. Thank you donnie and thank you julie. Thank you both very much. Commissioners, do you have any questions . Donnie, you mentioned the roadshow next week and i would just like to know if you could talk a little more about locationbased and city based . Yes, you can do this by a cross cutting locations and do this in different districts and secondly how the city congregates and we thought it would be appropriate to do both. We felt it would be appropriate to have approximately six eight different workshops. We can break these down into cities or families or millennial Tech Industries that want to engage. We can take communities like outer sunset or mission and focus on people who like to ride bikes or fly kites. And actually, i am interested in hearing if any particular commissioner would like to dive in and lead. We are very open to how we do that. The idea here is that many people like to dive in and engage and how we do this as a group is as important as we do this as a commission. Commissioner wan. Thank you. Is this on . Okay, first i would like to say that as a city this needs to be a collaborative opportunity from everybody to bring these strategies together. I would like to encourage everybody to take this as an opportunity plus your work is they professionalto take this on. I was very glad to have been able to work on this there and i was very happy with the response. Commissioner i think it is amazing and it is clear and it is amazing how clear it is to connect the dots. I like the synchrony of the language. I like that its cross cutting the community down into silos and i think that it is a great job including the work on consumption. Is a huge, new issue for that for the department and for all of us. I very much look forward to see how you all will see these goals met and how the goals will be met Going Forward. Like i said, i have a couple of concerns. Like i said, i am mystified by this organization. It starts with a community and then its noncommunity and then its community and so,i would be interested in knowing how you decided the order in which you would do this. The second and i think you recognize enjoy does too, what the department is, and what they do and what other departments do. I think it is common for us to remember that when we think not just of the plan but of the work of the department. And then third this is maybe the most at least i think it is, maybe the most meaningful potential uses in the city. When i did Strategic Plans before i retired, they were used to make Research Allocations decisions, they were used to make funding decisions, they were really used even though all of them said they wanted to be flexible, to sort of guide the work that was going on. And, if that was in this document or in the introductory letter, hen i missed it, and, if it is in the introductory letter, i think that is important that is part of that. I think not just the commission but the people you are going to talk to about that. Because, they need to have a clear understanding of what your expectations are with this item and how they can make move forward with this. Again, this is a fabulous, fabulous, fabulous peace and this is so focused and i think it can be a fabulous addition to your work. May i comment on this . Sure. I will let donnie address this if we make any changes with this but the fact that but say for instance, pesticide use, we dont really have any ontrol over this, but, these are the challenges that we face as were moving on. And secondly, i would just like to mention you had touched on at the end of your comment that we had never used a plan like this in the past and this is a thoughtful and rigorous and thank you i like your word Strategic Plan that we have ever used. And what donnie and julie and myself will be doing is going deep into what we need to prioritize and what are the funding gaps in how we allocate our limited resources and so, those issues are going to be front and center and the dance is that we need to be concrete with the plan that is meant to be fluid. And so, i think that is the real tension of leadership and management and how you do that fine line of a walk. And i will be eager to find out how we can do this with you and i think these are really, really good points. Commissioner stephenson. Thank you. I would like to say that the organizational geek in me just loves this because i just Love Organization and i would like to know do you have other strategies that you will be using to implement this . First i would just say that we have many strategies that the department will look at. And, we had names refunds and things that were mandated but we could not name all of these. But there are things that were perfectly valid that we included today but we couldnt include all of them. And, the reason is we wouldnt have time to share all of them today but we wanted to show you what we were doing moving forward and give you a look at what the department does. The objectives are more strategic. And i just want to highlight this. Thanks to meister and their organization they provide us with everything from a budget to what our objective strategies need to be built out further and Going Forward we will look at that with our director debbie and with julie for meister and i do hope that we are able to do that. And these strategies will be sought after and with the tool and the use of the document, with Controllers Department and the wwd we are also reporting on the Strategic Plan. And then we will look at what the reusable was then and what the reusable is now and we can add those. And the department will set nearterm goals for everything from eds, and solar and the consumption based on zero waste and will make them more affordable and will track them ourselves. And again, we would like to come back every year and kind of give you an update on where we stand, whats been modified, and what weve seen and our strategy changes and also what the department is doing is a hole. Commissioner bermejo. I just want to say thank you for what you have done today and this is really just an amazing and please add me to your support. Because this plan will affect the community in ways where it can impact us. So count me in for the roadshow. Thank you. Also, count me in for the roadshow as well. Commissioner hoyos. Thank you and i would also like to say as far as the roadshow, you can count me in. And when i look at this leadership Strategic Plan it is a lot and i think to myself how can me as a commissioner or us as a commission move forward with this, maybe its a policy committee maybe it is in an Operations Committee or Something Like that to have some sort of a spreadsheet. So green light could mean that we got a yellow light means that we struggle little bit and red light could mean we might need to do away with this. So we could use these different colors just to say what are the things that we could do to push a little harder to meet our desired outcome. And then, in regard to the roadshow i think that will give us an opportunity with the community to do that. And to me it seemed like donnie that you were thing that would be a little harder . Reduction of single use items. To me, if i was doing a roadshow i would think how can we pull together the constituencies to really advance those goals and how can we find the champions who are really interested and which coffee shops or vendors are interested and what people are leading the way and also which Civil Society groups will push these to what they are interested in. Then i want to talk about a healthier ecosystem and i see the three under key strategies and i note that under the key strategies that we want to reduce these pesticides and to me, do we know that were reducing these pesticides and this is an issue for the board and i think that we have seen a lot in Public Comment with participation and with other committees and i would like to see that some more. Commissioner wan i would just like to know if we have a list of the key challenges as well as the key goals. That is a good question. Our challenge is how we will meet our goals with our budget and as we move forward both internally and externally what is appropriate and what are key partners willing to do to help us to make this achievable. So i think thats a good question commissioner wan. And then also we want to look at our achievement strategies and we have a long list of how we want to do that i am like our heating goals for example and that might be of different than the red light greenlight metaphor but you are absolutely right, this is important. I understand this is a fiveyear plan and this is like a blueprint for the Environment Department and i think that it is important to have this type of plan and have it lead up for each year and what were doing and why were doing it and who it is laid out for. Thank you. I would like to open this up for Public Comment. Thank you. I think the process in the Strategic Plan is very exciting and very focused. Pertaining to the roadshow, i would really like to urge that everybody participate in that because given the circumstances that we are in currently more than ever, i think the citizens will greatly, greatly benefit from more engagement with their city and the governor and the commissioners and heads of agencies and the more the citizens can engage with each other at this time, the better will be for all of us. Thank you. Thank you. Hi i am i came to came to you with the [indecipherable] resolution with the [indecipherable] plan. You cant control what you use if you cant control what you use you cant control the pesticides in San Francisco. As far as the [indecipherable] you cant change what she used then it is useful to us. The next one is [indecipherable ]to the community. This has been thrown down our throats for years. The last was in 2012. [ indecipherable] and then there is is resolved the mayor and the general manager of San Francisco [ indecipherable and in particular [indecipherable] to maintain control and achieve the necessities in this area in the department. For the resolve, [ indecipherable] commission are heated to ensure Public Safety and i put here these San Francisco residents will be negatively affected by this area. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any further Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Thank you. Anthony, please read the next item. The next item is item 7; directors report. Updates on department of the environment administrative and programmatic operations relating to budget planning, Strategic Planning, clean air transportation, climate, energy, Public Outreach and education, environmental justice, habitat restoration, green building, zero waste, toxics reduction, and urban forestry. explanatory document directors report and Department Awards and accolades the speaker is the director deborah raphael, and this is an item for discussion. Thank you very much on thursday director tang will be holding [inaudible] and so commissioner hoyos, in regard to your question hasnt been updated . No, but those are the things we are doing there as well. In regard to the new materials that we will be using here this will be a result of our new blueprint structure so less will be going in the black been. We will have a great application drafted from ecology to come in and that is when the department of public works will take a look at what reecology is proposing to meet our goals. We have a couple University Programs coming up. Of all of the ones that they have chosen they selected our healthy universe see the program and on the half of our city they will be going out to harvard as well as the collaborative of healthy Nail Services in the community and you heard when julie did her summary about what was to come in the Strategic Plan, her last point was the point about equity and while we have got a strong commitment, we do not necessarily have a lot of detail behind that. And, we have been talking about that as a department. Talking about, what does equity mean and what does it mean if you do this as a department behind an equity lens. And what this means is we need to take a good start at herself and look at our own biases our own implicit biases and explicit biases, and we took a good hard look at that and we will have our own biases training that will start at the end of this month. And so, we dont know what all the answers are but we know what equity biases have been, and we try to be as unbiased and and inclusively competent as possible. And im excited to usesee where this is going. Do we have any Public Comment . . Seeing none, i will close Public Comment. Do we have any discussion . Commissioner stephenson. Thank you. We worked with donnie and are just like to say we had a really great response and we had what was almost an Ambassadors Program where we had some influencers applaud the program and get the message out there in a very broad way and now they are going to expand this even more and focus on different communities and im really excited to see the good work they will be doing in 2017 and hear an update on that as well. Thank you. Public comment . Seeing none, Public Comment will now be closed. Anthony, please read the next item please. The next item is item 9 announcements. This is a discussion item. Thank you. Do we have any Public Comment . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Anthony, please read the next item. The next item is president s announcement. This is a discussion item. I would really like to see a peer advocate next month and how they are engaging in the process. I will now open this up for Public Comment. [indecipherable] and, it was mostly just clear plastic and it was mostly just bottles and napkins. And i dont know but i asked if they were deemed for public use and they were there property and you are looking for people and youre putting notices in my neighborhood a long time ago and none of this is supposed to go to garbage. The second was the environmental calendar and you include some things for the citizens can follow to make the city better and i would strongly urge you to just think about the herbicides that you probably heard of quite a lot and if you go to home depot and you see the plants the trees are pretreated and the seeds are pretreated and when they grow this is supposed to be nurturing these plants but instead its killing them and i dont know how you would deal with this with the Chemical Companies but its happening and its not good. By the way, i just read a couple days ago that the fda tested the honey and every sample that they tested had [indecipherable in the honey. And in the European Unit it is only allowed to have 50 and here theres no limit at all. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. [timer dings] okay ill go ahead and open Public Comment. Seeing none i will close Public Comment. Anthony can you read the next item please. Next item is item 11 Commission Affairs manager written report. explanatory document Commission Affairs manager report speaker Anthony Valdez, Commission Affairs manager. This item is for discussion. Do we have any discussion . Seeing none, i will go ahead and open public come and and seeing none i will close Public Comment. Anthony, please read the next item. The next item is item 12 new business future agenda items this is a discussion and possible action item. One item that i wanted to mention was a nomination for the Environmental Service award and we invite commissioners to submit recommendations for the Environmental Service award next year. Thank you. Public comment . Thank you. This gives me a chance to yield the floor. I just want to note that the policy committee was not asked to speak at this meeting. I would just like to say that usually we get to speak on this as well but ijust wondered do you take turns with that . The commission when they had their pass resolution asked for an update on responses from the Public Policy meetings and they will be receiving a report on this report that is not the point i was trying to make. Normally you have a policy Committee Report as well as this and im wondering do you alternate these . I believe there was one back in october. Im sorry commissioner i misunderstood your question but no, there was no policy Committee Meeting in november. The last was in october. Thank you. I just want to point out that last month we had a joint policy meeting with the puc and i think that was a great idea. I think we should look into doing Something Like a joint parks and recreation committing meeting. If we are looking at Something Like the rates on this it would be good to bring this forward in the commission. Commissioner hoyos and anyone else that would like to speak because my screen is not working right now so i can see who would like to speak. I just want to mention just a very small point that this is just a random circumstance and was the time we will have two policy Committee Meetings in a commission meeting. Any other comments . Any comments from the public . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Where do and and anthony can you read the next item please. 13. Public comment on all matters pertaining to the subsequent closed session on Public Employee Performance Plan and appraisal report. Is there any Public Comment on the Public Employee performance and appraisal report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and anthony can you read the next item please. Item 14vote on whether to hold closed session to evaluate the performance of the executive director, deborah raphael. Commissioners, can i please have a motion to go into closed sessionto evaluate the performance of deborah rafael. I motion. Second. All those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes] thank you. Anthony, pleaseread one of the major was asked to do is Water System Improvement Program and one thing i looked at is about the 4. 8 billion dollars wurthd of work and a lot of the work was regional. We looked at how can we make sure that we provide opportunities for san franciscans and people in the region and so we looked at ways we can expand our local San Francisco lb program. So, we thought about it and worked with general manager at the time to form an advizry committee to talk about how to include local businesses in the region. I was on the First Committee back about 10 years ago and the job changed over time. In the beginning, we just wanted people to know about it. We wanted to attract contractors to come into the system which is a bidding system and bid on some of these projects. Our second job was to help the sfpuc to try to make themselves more user frndly. I like that they go out of their way, have contractors trying to teach and outreach to Small Businesses and lots of creative ways. Help the community as well. There is so much infrastructure going on and repair, new construction that i think is helping to get construction back on its feet. My faiv rlt part of the committee has been that we have played a opportunity for many Small Businesses. [inaudible] Women Owned Business to come in and [inaudible] sfpuc. It is a great opportunity because some are so small they have been able to grow their companies and move up and bid other projects with the sfpuc. Everyone i was talking about with any contractor [inaudible] and super markets and things like that and i realize the transition was on the sfpuc. He got that first job and knows about the paperwork qu schedule and still works on this type of job, but he works with general contractors that also did other things. Pretty soon it is like he did that one and that one. It completely changed his business. My name is nancy [inaudible] the Office Manager and bid coordinator for [inaudible] construction. Worked on 10 plus puc, lbe contracts. Today we are doing Site Maintenance on the [inaudible] chr site and currently the gentlemen behind me are working on every moving and basic specs of plants. In order to be success you need to work hard, bid low and keep a look at the sfpuc website for future bidding opportunity. This is a Successful Program because it provides opportunities to regional communities that might not have opportunities to work for large scale projects. The sfpuc is a fortunate agency we have a lot of Capital Program that span over 7 counties who also to see how some businesses like [inaudible] and bio mass started as small micro businesses grow and expand and stay in the program and work on several projects before they graduate from the program. That is what warms my heart. My name is college willkerson, the principle for bio mass. Bio mass has been in business since 2006. 3 partners. Small businesses fill a niche but apply and being a part of the program helped us be more visible and show the city and county of San Francisco we can also perform services. This program had tremendous impact to the region. In fact, the time we rolled the program out was during the recession. This has h a major positive impact and certified over 150 firms in the rejen and collectively awarded 50 million in contracts, and because of the lbe certification it open many opportunities to work with sfpuc. And, i significantly helped the business. It is one of the major contributors to our success. clapping. i think we have more companies anywhere in the United States its at the amazing statement were not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. The most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think hes a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think were not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. I thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are Great Stories for on opera. I was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. A friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. Why isnt it are that i have the support now we can do that. I realized that was something that wasnt being done in San Francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed in San Francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision thats the final product felt opera. I was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. So much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work theres great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs weve worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. I had a model they have a professionally music yes, maam assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor id be able to work with them and its helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our ability to tell stories on stage. Thats part of the opera lab i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so thats why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. There were young people that are not interested in seeing traditional opera and like the quality and its different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and thats part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. So one of the great things of the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. Thats what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know, really great you have to have both some people dont like it and some people do were concerned about that. Its about thirty something out there thats risky. You know, disliked by someone torn apart and thats the whole point of what were drying to do you never take this for granted you make sure it is the best if you can. Tuesday, october 18, 2016, meeting of the San Francisco Entertainment Commission my name is a bryant tan the president and a few housekeeping items one please turn off your cell phones or on vibrate not to

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