My grandparents grew up in the omi and appear ined the omi book l et and they told me about stories when they came haoe, one of the best times they had was going to the el rey thaoet e they came from mexico, thats the only ways they were able to learn english was attending the movies, it has great meaning to many of the old timers and second and Third Generation that still live in that area and we would love to see it preserved for the young people in that area, there isnt that much on that side, were proud of our city college but down ocean avenue, theres not a lot of things for the young people to that attracts them and i think this could be built into a great establishment for our young people in that omi area. Thank you so much. Thank you. Does any other member of the public wish to comment on this item, hearing and seeing none, well close Public Comment. Commissioner johnck . Im thrilled that it appears that we have had recordbreaking landmarks recommended, proposals from the neighborhoods, i just feel theres this tremendous surge since ive been on the commission, its very excited, el reys the latest one and i thank the neighbors for moving forward with the research on this, and so i would be happy to support and move the resolution recommending landmark status to the board of supervisors to the el rey theatre. Do you want to make a motion . I move. I second that. I thought she did. We have a motion and a second. If theres no further deliberation, commissioners, theres a motion that has been seconded to adopt a recommendation for approval. On that motion, commissioner hasz, commissioner johnck, commissioner johns, commissioner matsuda, pearlman, hyland and Commission President wolfram . Yes. That motion passed unanimously 70. Thats great, con grafp lacing tos the el rey and i think that concludes our hearing. The hearing is adjourned. meeting is adjourned . [gavel] [please hold for technical difficulties] i am good. There it is. Alrighty. Is everyone back up and good to go . All right so welcome to the Entertainment Commission for tuesday, april 4, 2017. As a reminder to the audience while in the commission please silence all Electronic Devices and thank you sfgtv for broadcasting this meeting and the first order of business is the first order of business is gen. Public comment. Members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of that commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes at each time such item is called. So this is gen. Public comment for items that are not otherwise on our agenda. Item number two if you just want to do seeing none and then close it so that then we know its close. Seeing none. Thank you. The next item is approval of Meeting Minutes. These are the Meeting Minutes for march 21. Any comments, changes, corrections from the commissioners . If there are no changes or corrections i entertain a motion to approve. Are you still reading . Yeah. Motion to approve the minutes of march 21, 2017. All right, is there a second . I second. [roll call vote] alright the meetings are approved. Moving onto item number three. Reports from the executive director. I will try to be short i been so long winded lately. So this is a report under legislation and policy i will get to what is the second number eight later on this evening on your agenda about the amplified sound legislation. Moving to staff and Office Update i wanted to update the Commission Based on last meetings request to work on organizing the quarter a little bit in terms of operators we schedule meetings so that april 10 is opening day but whatever and that is at 1 00 pm so if one of them get a quorum any of the commission is invited to attend and it will be fun and work. And we do it outlook invite to see if we can get some attendance. But we can try to work one getting everybody there. So, that is happening. Just to reiterate to the commission the retreat is scheduled for april 15 which is saturday from 9 00 am to 1 00 pm and i think we said the address, didnt we . No, we will do that tomorrow. Okay, so were going to do a proper agenda item within our 10 day window so we just have and been able to get to it so put that on your calendar and if you have a conflict, please tell me. We did choose that date within our google polls and i hope everybody can be there especially commissioners have never been to one before. We are going to be moving our offices this is a discussion that has been in discussion for a long time. City hall space is premium and as you know we share an office with labor and standards enforcement and we have grown a bit ourselves and they are growing and so, we have been able to hopefully stay for a while and move into a space that is just us down on the ground floor and they dont like when i called the basements of the call the ground floor. And, that is not a bad thing. So i just wanted to let the commission know that are being from two weeks to four weeks before we actually physically move but we will be having to change every bit of paper and your business cards and Everything Else so when we get there we will have to make sure he reissue everything. Yep, and the last couple items are on the heading of corrective actions which i havent done this much of lately unfortunately but there was an incident at the grand after, you know, an incident not very long ago and it was called to our attention obviously through the inspectors as well as the Police Department so we had a meeting last week with the captain and the permit officer again, at which time we tried to again figure out what exactly was not working in terms of their security plan. So this is typically when we see violence or inattention that results in violence and some kind of an amendment of the security plan that were looking for. We have had conversations about this a few times and have got an email back in terms of their changes. Again, were writing a revision to the security plan which will include id scanners at the door and more exterior security personnel and their assistance in i guess putting them in yellow security jackets in order to promote their visibility and the communication amongst each other should be increased and internal incident reports incident reports need to be written immediately after an accident happens. So weve reiterated this and were going to watch very closely because the capt. And i both agree that we should changesome things or more things will occur. Some other things that are happening is we had an important meeting with hue. And there was a variety of sound complaints that we were getting. I wanted to sort of know what, what was going on and how it was going. So i think it was productive i hope, and then, i think the inspector may touch on the sound test that he did do relative to the neighbor thats consistently complaining about the sound at the side door over there. Moving along in terms of correction of action hopefully we will see some changes well. And happy to take any questions. Any questions from commissioners . No . Ari, thank you. The next item on the agenda is im sorry to keep interrupt you but there is Public Comment offered on every item. Is there any Public Comment one the executive directors report . Seeing 99 that item is closed thank you. Our next item is a item number four is report from the Senior Analyst community and cultural events dylan rice provides updates on efforts to foster, sustain, and promote outdoor events. Good evening my name is dylan rice and media events are done i want to mention to sfgtv that we finished this one friday or saturday this weekend to get these things done. And i like to say that we promote these community and cultural events that are assets and raising quality of life in San Francisco as a result. Anecdotally, im getting some responses from different people and there has been a lot of interest in a couple of key recommendation that hub and spoke organizational moller model and this isand this make sure that all the spokes the fire andwater and all that would be connected and this idea of a shared, digital platform so increasing transparency and conductivity and being paperless and being able to track applications initially. The project is going to inform their report as much as it will inform hours. We will be in charge of the controllerss office and the department of Entertainment Management and whenever you have a large gathering you have to have medical resources and there was a process to, you know, for the city to approve those plans from local resources. And so, the good news is they do the same thing and ive found that [inaudible] centralization problem across the problem and the spoke and that digital [inaudible] here it is promoting the city reports with the other city departments and judy and i with your support will be sharing our reports with the Mayors Office and making the recommendation that there is a task force developed in key departments that are going to improve the process of the hub and spoke model and other key processes. That is more longterm implementation. One of the recommendations of the report is to create a centralized roadmap for event producers. I think i talked about this last time. And so, i am in the middle of creating the content for that. And so, when i have the draft done i will share with other departments but the point of it is its really a better position thats in power and to have successful outcomes we need to have this be more transparent and more clear. As far as content itself if you have, you no, if you have process maps then im creating a calculator c to know what your fees are before you get deep, deep in the planning. And, the best practices like do people have a Business Plan mother doing an event for the first time. And then when it comes to Public Safety and public health. To wrap this up 2017 for me is about convening funders and thinking of ways to haves Responders Fund his resource and the second provide Pro Bono Services and they cant give money because they provide to these culture events. Also, the idea of doing mixtures and trainings to increase the network and share knowledge. That is the update. Im going to be doing these updates for the commission. If there any questions, please let me know. Any questions . Commissioner leewhen you do the walkthrough map are you make a chart like lets say if you start off then the next thing is you to get a room such and such are you have to go to the Police Department any have to have a walking one here because there is people learn differently as much. Leave as many online commissions as possible. This having like one, two, three, four, five, steps and other kind of visual tools can be a huge. The room number is going to be do you want to go through or do you want it to put the link in there . Yeah, the actual direct line as the person but [inaudible] the challenge is not over sharing. I want to make sure it doesnt scare people away from the process because theres so much information. The other piece of this is just knowing which jurisdiction has which property. People dont know for example that Civic Center Plaza is so here is the different agencies and a tool to look up the mapping tools and stuff like that. If this church once of a sweet fair i could just say well, if you go there you got your little chart and this is the procedures and you can do your research from there, right . Yeah. And on the reporting, since summers coming now, there will be a lot maybe after festival that we could see here we could get your take on it. Im sure. Well right now, dm and the Police Department will do an after action report that doesnt cover all of them and i think thats a really good idea. I will check in with the producer at the end of the season. Yeah with the crowd and all. It is a Public Safety issue. Great, cool. Any other questions or comments . Any Public Comment on this agenda item . Seeing none. Oh, yep Public Comment. You have three minutes. Julie milano i just want to say that having the book events at places like the golden gateand the presidio each system has its own way of getting through this and it might seem like that butwell and other thing we saw is garbage and i found that theres never been enough trash receptacles in public areas for the crowds that show up to even the crowd and obviously weve dealt with the trash but obviously lumping in the any other Public Comment . With that, this item is close. Moving on to item 5. Who wants to go first . That evening commissioners this is sean burke i am one of your two inspectors i had a ive been working with a permanent offer in the Mission Statement that was a restaurant and its now open up as a pizza place the speakers have applied for an llp and it leads us to the new complaint about the knockout ill be working with inspectoror polly as thee sounds i have been in touch with the complainant, ive been in touch with the operator, and were working together to ensure that they are thin c code and, were gonna let another permanent officer here on ingleside at 4653 mission this is a complaint that came through 311 and then was the Supervisors Office was cced on some Communication Services in all hands on deck because i will be reciting that this password weekend and i just want to show you. Not this past weekend but the weekend before they received a complaint for the house eontheir planning extensions to that for midnight in the first time that i visited themhis issues with doors to complete all around. I spoke with the head of security and managements make sure that the city solution that i dont have to have any given. Thats all i have for you. I hope it doesnt that again. Any questions commissioners . Are they going to have an Afternoon Party . Was that the Afternoon Party . Yes its sunday its an Afternoon Party. We had complaints come in over the last six or so and i dont know any residential just yet and not getting any Contact Information with the plaintiff i just want to make sure that i can hear anything past you earn 50 feet which are determined to be the highway overpassyou know i try to get as close to that party as possible and when i dont get the next steps. In the afternoon a freeway actually is louder but once they go by that personi guess there might be a missing session that i can raise it higher on that. I know from my experience that they had been wrapping up like 8 oclock or 9 oclock. But what time is it after sixers at like 2 oclock in the afternoon . Unfortunately, do not write down the time that complaint came as but i will research toswhen the ncomplaints are coming in and that way we can get some kind of consensus on this shawn, just a point of clarification if i might. Is sunday a backyard as opposed to friday, saturday and sunday night . They are setting up outdoor amplified crop sides on the and thats what their mentoring because it doesnt really touch it. So everything they do on the inside thatis good but then only have thoughts of some there outdoor anything we hardly get any day parties. This is something that is a change. That level does go up on theres more traffic but i dont know. I will see if i can trackback as to what time those tracks are being put in and i will look back in the notes and put together some of the history as to when those things came in and keep a close right. Certainly, thanks. Thank you. Any other questions . All right. Good evening commissioners. Several items to report to you about. Start with or questions so carmen langue we had this issue on a friday night a couple months ago and iwould say looks like a nightclub anddavid dj and i will talk to the guys about it is officer the station we talked about it shortly and he took control the issue and it seems like it issue and it seems like it should be fine theres no complaints at this time. The red tavern is a complaint we gota couple years ago where they throw complaint to crystal stewart. Talking to the complainant about the operation and i told him i would go out anyway and double check and i did a walkthrough this weekend it basically confirms that theyre not doing anything i talked a little bit to management about the history of the complainant for the management there but thats not an issue for the Entertainment Commission and that item has been afforded to the richmond station permit office. New complaints is swank 444 per perpresidio avenue. Im gonna stop by just remind them to keep the door shut. Its not a hard thing to manage we managed it periodically depending on the weather and sorts of things throughout the year. We should have that wrapped up relatively soon. Another complaint came up about 155 fells st. This is about noise on or even after events or maybe even before. It wouldnt take much for the patrons to bother neighbors in the neighborhood so again its a situation where i will stop by and talk to management and hopefully get them to knock it off. I did a sound test in support of their limited live permit and basically, they can handle a sound in their given space and the distance to neighbors and and so forth and so on but they dont do anything really particularly loud so they were issued a sound limit and everything looks fine. There may be some residual complaints to deal with but we are handling that. On the 26, a follow up with hue nightclub we were getting complaints from a neighboring complaining about the sound and we decided we should do an interior noise test so thats what i performed and the details are in the memo theres a memo attached to your notes and basically, on that particular night there was a lot of stuff going on. There was a venue that was connected to the residents and they were in operation and again, when youre talking about that type of texture you usually talk about one venues impact but nevertheless the venue sound was still within the threshold. Not to say that they do not experience sound issues because there is a side door right there and if its open for any period of time its going to increase the sound level and some nights if there is a disturbance and security is coming in and out of the door then the door may be open and they made experience some impact that is not compliant. But nevertheless, thats not what the particular test that i did revealed. And when they came and we talk to them about the side door and in talking with the executive director im probably going to put a little more pressure on them to make sure that they stay on the side door issue to give the neighbors as much relief as we can. And, that is basically that issue. We will be following up and monitoring im always on broadway sort something out look into pretty much every weekend. Another sound test was hawthorn and they received a couple complaints and they receive these complaints from a particular complainant and that complainant did not want to participate in it and they didnt want to participateand this happened twice and we talked to them before maybe about a year ago and it was the same issue. The plaintiff did not want to participate in the sound test. The reason why is it would be good to do an interior sound test for from the block is not much of a sound impact in the venue is downstairs so you dont hear that it much. But they might hear the venue downstairs but nonetheless the residence getting into that particular residence nonetheless it has to stay in compliance. So its basically our determination that they are in compliance. If you have any questions, i be happy to answer if not, see next time. You know, the side door has that problem a lot. Have you asked him about a sound curtain or anything . Vs about a sound curtain or anything . For which one . Hue. They have doors and i would say theres always people coming inthroughout the night. Usually though close the doors if its less busy but usually theyll be packed to about 12 15 am and 12 30 am. Oh, as far as the side door i do believe they do not have a curtain that something will mention p will make a note about that. I have a question. For swank it says 12 oclock noon. Was that during the day . Sometimes we get an email and i would just write down the time that i got the complaint if it says inspection or sound check that is whatever time that i went. Right. Any other questions . Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing no Public Comment the item is closed. Police department comments and questions but i dont think that we have a lieutenant here. So moving onto item number seven hearing and possible action regarding possible permits. Okay thank you. Our first permit application for this evening is a limited live permit and this is forec1399 yalcin, irfan, cha cha cha on mission, 2327 mission st. , limited Live Performance permit, change in ownership. The new owner wants to continue to have Live Entertainment its a restaurant and they plan to have live cuban bands perform probably about four times a month but they do want to have the flexibility to do this during the days of the week and they will end at 10 00 pm and currently theyre just looking at sundays. I have received seven letters of support that are in your file and two of them are are from supervisor rohen and another from mission station and they approve this with no added conditions and for a little bit more here is the owner mr. Yalcin. Good afternoon my name is mr. Yalcin and i am the owner of the chachacha restaurant on mission street. The mission is very live and very colorful and multiethnical place and they have musicians mostly from the Central America and the caribbean andpeople come and they are looking for the place and this is the perfect chance to provide this for them and it would also be like the neighborhood place that , needs that culminate with all of them. I talked with all the neighbors and everybody is fine. And just because they have planning in the daytime in the future will be in the nighttime around six or 8 00 pm and everybody will be happy to do it and it will be a great idea. Commissioners, any questions . I can say that i own one establishment on either side of chachacha currently and previous music has never been an issue and the new neighbor has been theres been a great neighbor so far. All right, thank you. Any other discussion from commissioners . Any comments . Alright so it is a limited Live Performance change in ownership and i will make a motion im sorry, Public Comment first. Any Public Comment on this item . No Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Commissioners . I make a motion to approve. Drive a second . Second. [roll call vote] congratulations. Okay are seconds and the final application is for Sunset Reservoir Brewing Company and it is onnoriega st. In sunset and they want to have a limited Live Performance permit they wont have live bands and they want to be able to do this throughout the week up until 10 00 pm. I have seen many letters of support i counted 140 today from patrons and neighbors i didnt see any letters of protest. I do not think that i put it in your file my apologies but i did receive a letter of report as well. So they approved this permit and they asked that no live music happen after 10 00 pm monday through thursday but the nature of the services that it wouldnt be. So here to talk more about the application is owner hilary passman. Yeah, that about says it all. We have a restaurant on sunset and we want to have live music and in the outer sunset after 10 oclock we dont really have people going out to dinner much so that wont be an issue with that. Thank you. Any questions from commissioners . Ari, thank you. Any Public Comment . All right, seeing no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Ne a discussion or conversation . I would like to say that this is exactly what i think that we need more of in the outer avenues is culture and entertainment. There is very, very little to do and we go to the reservoir brewing often but this is exactly what we need nightsupported. Okay is that a motion. I will make a motion. Great, do you i have a second . Second. [roll call vote] congratulations. Next item is item number eight review and possible action to review and change the conditions on the place of Entertainment Permit ec1377 place of entertainment and extended hours premises permit for halcyon. Do we have anything from staff that you want to say . Amiim happy to review but ive know that you guys have been here for the last few meanings and we intended to do this a few weeks ago and the owner that house asked for the continuance of the item based on this just to follow up today regarding the found complaint and here we are soso ms. Milano is here this evening. Great, and i know weve heard from a number of different neighbors as well as the operator of the venues and a number of her experts and weve had a number of conversations and i think we are particularly interested in figuring out where we go from here and what we can do not necessarily to make everyone happy but to at least move everything forward so that everyone is able to continue on in the same neighborhood. So with that, miss milano if you want to come up and talk about where you are and what might be changing and what your plans are. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening commissioners and director kane the last time that we were here i talked about the venue and the noise complaint at the currentstructure we received a revised recommendation falter and associates andthe contractor Andrew Mckeith and theyre having an hvac meeting on april 5 tomorrow at 2 30 pm to discuss the scope of work. The equipment will be delivered and work will be completed on april 9. It will take proximally six weeks to complete the work. Our goal is to complete one section per week and open first scheduled operations on friday and saturday night. The skylight an hvac treatment will include working on the prescribed ceiling area and painting the prescribe ceiling area and painting this area and this will go on for six weeks and easter week is a short week so this is the contract making sure that we have an ample number people working that week because we want them to work a full work week and the ceiling is very complicated its not just a plain ceiling theres a lot of beams and a lot of our lighting is already on the ceiling. So the work could go as long as six weeks and the work will go as quickly as possible and its going to take longer than the indicated for weeks why we asked for six and we will measure our progress and hopefully the commission will find this satisfactory. Any questions from commissioners . I do have a question, on weeks five and six, monday and thursday vespers to be fourthquarter ceiling work completed . Yeah, it says third im sorry. Its basically the same thing over and over again but just to keep it simple each quarter is different but to keep it simple we just worded like that. So thank you for coming back andletting us know about the timeline i its good to see something concrete and to be able to measure the progress with this will be helpful so thank you for coming back and we appreciate you coming back. Is there anything else that we want to ask . I mean, we havent seen anything above your interior ambien obviously but this is a painful deal but have you had any customers complain that its not loud enough . Yes and people say its not loud enough. There was an article that came out on the nightclub and people actually complain that the club was not loud enough. Maybe you can go higher without going outsides were talking about like, 120 now, maybe. So when he comes tomorrow were going to ask him work can be done and the dba levels father doing the work. And, i guess is starting out . Yes or. These are all Specialty Materials to that had to be ordered from crazy places that are hard to pronounce. No i understand thank you. Anything else . I just want to check to you have the necessary permitting to start work . The work prescribed is not require a permit its just a spending a second sealing off of the existing ceiling. And this is i mean in terms of the scope of work and what the engineers look at the should be sufficient to help the sound leakage thats coming from the roof. It is a 100,000 deal so i hope it is. But yeah, its supposed to be with all right, great. So looking at your schedule here, you know, if the work is completed by 6 may that you have 1,2,3, for five six nights here are and as the work progresses will you behaving music all is nice . Yes. But we can continue that until the work process. All right. Okay, thank you. And then were gonna take Public Comment have some more discussion about this but thank you for coming back with this. And so with that, i want to open a Public Comment. A c both of you here so welcome and come on up one at a time and you will have three minutes. Iso i just want to say that im really happy about the progress and the people are happy and theres a plan in place for the progress and the goal in the wish here is thatthere are structural improvements so she can operate as loud she wants and as loud as the people that go there want it to operate and party and in the future we are so looking at how do we do that so that they can operate after 2 00 am when its quieter in the neighborhood and we dont hear it nextdoor to them because the reality is that sound leaks and we have a dba of 110 right now were still hearing it. We are still hearing the low frequencies they are much better but were still hearing the base. So i would recommend the commission to find a way from 2 pm and beyond that we get balance that a lot more when the neighborhoods a lot quieter. Thats my ask as you go through this process and if theres anything else that can be done in the meantime period when it is completely done but again were still hearing the base and low frequencies. I would be happy to answer any questions. When was your building built . It was built in 2003. Is it double pane windows . Yes and theyre very structurally sound. Any Public Comment . No. Okay them Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, we were asked from the neighbors that we measure the ambient noise after 2 am in the future. Weve got a plan from the club owner a which is what we asked for. Is there any other discussion or conversation or action that you would like to make . Sorry, i just want to give you a little direction. The item is here to review and change conditions to the permit and i think that we have to consider if there are changes we want to make between now and then and then we will reassess the new sound levels. Weaver very expensive plan that is before her right now but i would be hesitant to make and he changes right now until we see the results of this plan and what they are we retest this because we dont know what it is yet that is my thought. Yeah, i think, you know, you have to give them the chance and theyve already done the Due Diligence and the cost and the contracts that your sending to do the sound check and they will have a new sound check because they want to know if they can go higher or lower so theres a lot of things to go with it. They are working under their 100 or 110 dba limit. Its not going to catch every single frequency but as long as they stay in their compliance of what it says, i dont see any reason that we have to do anything major until after the soundproofing is finished and then we can determine whether we need to recondition or not because it might work really well and it might not work. But theyre also taking a risk of spending 100,000 to do something so i think they were all here and we been here for a while and they are part of sticking to their part of the bargain and lets just give them a chance as long as they stick at the compliant level. They should be okay with itbreaking the law here. I think that everything that needs to be said has been said i just hope that with the changes in the schedule that the poe stays in the timeframe with the commission and that they just respect the neighbors. I think is a very sensitive time period between now and when this is completed. This complies absolutely the letter of the law in this period especially because a letter of action can deftly complicate the final solution. All right so, do you want me to make a motion to continue . I dont think we need a motion. Should we continue a review in six weeks . You can certainly pick up that way for sure. For sure, that seems like the cleanest way to do it so we should never review in six weeks . I make a motion to continue from six weeks from this hearing and six weeks from this hearing to get an update review and a preliminary test from the inspector to see where we are at. All right, there is a motion on the table is there a second . I second. [roll call vote] all right so, this is been moved forward. So, thank you for coming in with the plan. Everyone please stay in touch and neighbors have also heard what the plan is and when we will be continuing this conversation and we look forward to hopefully having some good intermission at the next hearing on this item so thank you all. With that, the item is closed and the next item is discussion and possible action regarding a draft ordinance amending the police code to revise and permit requirements, procedures and filing fees for outdoor amplified sound and sound truck permits. The last time the discussion was postponed to allow commissioner ben bleiman to review because he was not sitting as a commissioner when i did the presentation and he wasnt prepared to participate in what im looking for essentially is a motion for the commission to recommend to the board of supervisors to adopt this ordinance on the condition that any it revisions or City Attorney issues or anything that they would come back to you again. In the end, i would like to follow up with some sort of letter that will create from a motion like this and so anybody who does spons want to move it along add the board knows this commission is in support. Commissioner ben bleiman, have you had a chance to review . I have had a chance to review and it seems its cleaning up the police code in a way that has additional all meaning than what we are doing now and this will help us to better permit events and help us to lump them into permits that may or may not have been created for the purpose of this am very much in support of this. So, i am willing to support the motion move forward with the directors recommendation on the commissions that she stated. [laughing] well then to reiterate this it would be a motion to recommend the board of supervisors to adopt this ordinance under those conditions. Do i have to say all that . No, you can say yes. Okay. [laughing] okay so theres a motion on the floor, is there a second . Second. All right there were support from members that arent here but is there any Public Comment on this item . Any discussion from commissioners . All right, lets move forward with a vote on this. [roll call vote] all right, you have our approval dr. Green. Keep us informed us that moves forward and you find our support and im sure that will likely hear better as it moves forward with thank you for coming up with that. Item number eight is closed and item number nine is commissioner comments and questions. Anything from the commission . I just have a clarifying question for the commission from the last hearing where bryant tan offered a timeline foor the commission and that was about a section of the police code. This is sort out order but i think we can do this. President bryant tan had amended a section of the police code and it sort of confusing but i think the action that was taken tonight likely supersedes that action because that action would only begin counting towards another notice period towards a fullblown suspension hearing. Does that make any sense to you because a lot of this is offline. So he found an old section of the code that doesnt necessarily jive with what the commission was doing this evening so in any event, i believei mean, the action that was taken tonight was approved and id be happy to go back and show you the efficacy of the section that he planned out and its totally not what you would think it is so i went review that with the City Attorney and had to explain why that was probably not the best actionor motion forward and this was probably going to be more effective what were doing here, okay

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