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Categorized them we dont want to call it a if one or two. Get on to the list thats how were handling that in terms of the data migration 63 items to be tested the report status again weve got that split within the 21 tech developing and dbi thats the status of that report in terms of concerns as weve discuss with the configuration item grown after the e d d rounds and subsequent retest weve got more time to address those items that is of concern thought project and the amount of work to be done we also since ive talked with you weve known when it went live avsh on september 22nd last year at that time, there was an estimates done three weeks needed once dbi was to go live three weeks to analyze and merger get the work done to merge the data before live since data is active in the system in that timeframe which sfm that discussion was made in september of last year there was the hope that dbi would be a few months hidden we know that didnt come live so the length of time the dbi has used the system the changes to their configuration since theyve gone live to continue to work with dbi has made the task of analysis of getting the merger done right thing to do so, now the current estimate a weeks we need to get a stable playroom for the Police Radios to begin thats a needed item to going going live and the last points weave talked a couple of meetings about performances and stability and the general Customer Service were ref from excel planning has performance issues and on our tests playrooms have experienced two outages because of the test please state your name and head of the Operations Team they came obesity and met request dbi they listened which is very good they were accepting and acknowledged the issues we let them know of Customer Services and support to and made commitments to make improvements on those fronts weve seen small improvements but they set the right level of people to talk with us and met the commitments were continuing to monitor. Affordable housing. Please continue. If you flip for the back of the sheet i know commissioner mccray i asked how do we know if were getting closer to done with the building and construction type of projects you typically what tell you were you are in the plans and construction how much is left i wish software were as simple but with software the thing that is differently different is that which you change software and go into a particular area of the code it often has impacts i choose they call the need to do regression youll have a single thing to change i want to not allow inspectors to be scheduled after 3 00 p. M. So youll make a change to put that rule in place if youve not been thorough and your testing at the Development Level then that could cause effects you might have broken someone else thats what they call regression you test the things around it to gain conversation the change i made hadnt disturbed anything thats within the big differences between Software Development and construction of a building with that said, just to give you a walk through of this chart this starts in july of this year and carries this is updated is as of this morning the height of the chart shows you the total number of defects and issues this includes the 127 that are configuration or functionality this includes which is the lighter blue bar this is 63 items this is the total from a you know how close to getting done we need to see in the graph this needs to trends down to doyle zero but so thats and so we we see the inspect it made the jump of the august trying and Early September that is e d e thats the subsequent testing and now the developers radio hard at work were asking cecelia to add more developers to get those things fixed to retest them and bring that back down so it is difficult to sfra a percentage but ill continue to publish this chart in a fwraf california where we are to addressing the defects. Commissioner mar. I had kind of a question about that the critical and high defects the first line seems to say this is 45 and the second line hundred and 27. Im glad to explain we had a backlog of defects and added on this that the 71 e d e and sense weve been retesting things as theyve been fixed people are testing it is not uncommon to notice Something Else so those get added to the log were very intents on making sure everything this is noticed captured they dont rank as step 1 and 2 but giving confidence to the users weve capture those things and as i said before we review them with tom to make sure were giving them the right priority. This is a followup to that question one when i was attend this its been a while since i went to the smaller meetings there was one complaint that came from the which was when they fix something dwoi staff raised something new now all the problems are out there i understand the unintended questions that come out using that example not until you right. You might see something you didnt expect we understand that the regression analysis but most of the stuff on the table most of problems. And id like to be able to say we have a high degree of confidence and e d e because we went through the major e d e that dbi glosses everyday that gives us confidence weve glutton this a scenario and uncovered the major areas ones those are fixed other things noticed that were not noticed before so we would expect to say this graph to come down and as were retest to find less and less thats the pattern but hard to guarantee or judge which well hit that point but it will be clear when were on the right trajectory. Thank you for this italianamerican im not surprised because of this going to the ends to end it is kind of the so. The test. Yeah. It gives us a broader picture in looking at the guy and cpc data merger extension is that going to get longer the longer this process takes or 8 weeks sort of the worse case scenario. Yeah. Ive not asked that question but if it grows it should be very struggling within a day or two not weeks and weeks. Okay. I think we need to know that i think that when we made many decision to do that it was assuming a closer yes. Go live period. I think are we learning tlipgz from that that are helpful we can actually feel good about that Going Forward with that part the planning going live before us are we learning from that. We are because theyre part of business is so different from dbi i mean that dbi has hundreds of times the volume of transactions in a given daywear not getting a lot of feedback that is immediately tangible to dbi the more the things that were getting are useful is just you know their cautiously they wished they would have are tested and their invoicing things since live that is that type of feedback caution caution make sure you do this. Okay. Thats great. Commissioner all thank you for your patience. Thank you. Im on the first page under the configuration fixes there were 71 above critical and high defects were found and 26 were fixed. Since yeah, since the august 25th we stopped did e d e. How long did it take to fix. You dont think i dont have the data. Many they went for the ones that were hell fixed. So if we got hundred and 27 more to go we pickup truck that by 3 days each or 4 days or a month. Thats you wouldnt want to give an average i have items that are literally change a lablg on a screen that is 10 or 15 minutes work but another item that is doing configuration of new objects those could take many days you cant really put a number on that and x plat but one good thing not one developer we have at the moment two configurations that are working on fyi those and hoping to add more as they come available. Thank you just one question i dont the platform you had glitches or shuts down is that universal to other cities at the same time or what the plan you are seeing. It depends on the nature of the other on this but the gavel to gavel and Planning Department for that matter are hosted which means those computers are the centers on the west coast and one east Coast Data Center that isolates those two groups but doovn the issues one of the issues during e d e a rotor problem that effected their data center those plants were not impacted by the rotor it sits in front of the system if none can get through the rotor the firewall nobody it assessing the system or slowing down people another issue with the e detector e the allergy i s system is hosted by planning please state your name if i cant valid an address not get a permit or create one or not schedule because the inspectors needs that address validation to it will not effect but that is localized for dbi okay thank you henry and shawn for your presentation here today. One more thing. Oh. And youre confident youre confident were getting the support we need from the vendors. Yes. Although were asking for more weve goes to got two configuration resources weve asked for quite a number of weeks to add Additional Resources they have 21 tech starting next week and excel their identifying the resources but the current contract that is going through review needs to go through the final oca approval before the start. The last thing. May not know this but from planning their problems are they getting solved. Because they had up and running since i think so there was was issues. The small ones they have a few longstanding items my counterparts in planning about tell you theyre not happy with the length of time getting the issues resolved one of them they generate invoices to builds for the planning reviews and there are on a certain threshold theyre not able to generate those invoices for over 6 months after going live theyve also had a longstanding issue with an ingratiation theyve paid for the share point to store lots of documents especially with the planning and making them assessable over the web that piece was positional for only the last couple of months. Are they able to invoice. Yes. Since a couple of months ago. But the hearing on dbi. Yeah. This is a joint i mean. Ankle as far as dbi and their fees and ability to collect them thats the a number one besides doing the inspections the calculations to collect those fees is job one. Okay. Were done thank you. Thank you very much hurp and. Public comment on item 6. Hello engineer want to compliment the presenters on the projects it is apparent it being merged professionally that is a rigorous examination of beginning processes and the capabilities identified hundred and 27 fixes that are necessary to go live but ill suggest strongly that as dr. Commissioner mccray was questioning we put hours we estimate the hours for each fix and measure that against the number of hours and Resources Available as good as the report is it is incomplete because we have no understanding as to when excel will be implemented thank you. Thank you. Next speaker thank you commissioners joe butler looking forward to both planning and building not only being in the same building but on the same database and having some accountability for permits issued without proper contractors licenses, permits that are issued without proper insurance. Permits into the weeds planning review but not made it across to the Planning Department i think those types of favorable treatments that certain individuals consistently receive receive are will have to go away which accountability in this system that the way 67 is now hundred and 27 and 240 by the end of the year but persevere it is important for all the city to provide for all its customers we pay our salaries were your customers thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. No is there any additional Public Comment and item 7 approve the minutes. March 16. Second and throwback is there any Public Comment on the minutes. Okay. Seeing none all commissioners in favor. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed minutes are approved pursue item 8 commissioners matters at this time the commissioners may ask the staff about documents and which are of interest to the commission. So my apologies commissioner walker to the Public Comment that came in regarding commissioner vietor that will be helpful if we could get an update on the backlogs i know we had that in the beginning youre doing a good job at chipping away how many backlogs and novs and how many backlog directors hearing so we know what we are dealing with thank you. Okay item 8 b future meeting and agenda at this time the commissioners can determine did items to be plaid on the next agenda our next meg a october 21st commissioner mar please. I know this is not total honest but i want to reraises the question of explorey whether were going another joint meeting about planning this is partially to discuss cecelia perhaps the decisions theyve gone live and get the february on that. As well as other agenda items which might have to do with permits whats a simultaneously and overthecounter and appropriate 0 those are my things i know that is in their court which usually is but commissioner president mccarthy and might have can have outreach to them again. Duly noted. Thank you. Any any Public Comment on item items 8 ab item 9 adjournment have a motion to adjourn. So moved. Second. There is a motion and a second all commissioners in favor were noting now adjourned 2 25 p. M. Thank you, madam clerk. Thank good morning today is september 24th, i am john avalos, i have with me supervisor supervisor Cohen Malia Cohen supervisor katy tang. Please turn off an electronic devices. Any documents can be submitted to the clerk. Supervisor avalos item number one. Consider the mayors appointment to the children youth and families oversight Advisory Committee. Please come forward and welcome. Thank you for your interest in the oversight committee, we want to talk about your interest in your experience in working with children from families. Im linda martin jordan, currently employed by unintelligible been in the district since 2005, began in the Elementary School working at diablo and malcom x. I have been at unintelligible high school since 2007. Decreasing the truancy rate. It was extremely high. Since 2009 i have been appointed to special project working with africanamerican families and in that capacity i have been able to develop ways for families to be involved and participating in voicing their opinions about what is going on in the School District and in particular in mission. I work with various Community Based organizations to provide services to their students and families. I am a choice that needs to be made for seat number 6, i just want to be clear about it. laughter . One thing that is in the forefront of my mind is how to develop a means to reach out into the community to find out their needs that we can address and retrieving the data. Once would retrieve the data whatever it looks like we need to have courageous conversations about what really needs to happen with the data that is what a kind of bring to the table. Supervisor avalos what is it data tell you in terms of how does the city need to focus on retention and students of color . Have been some how can i say this there has been a lot of headway addressing two issues of various ethnic groups in the city and outward migration and address that issue with the mayors staff unintelligible hired by superintendent carranza and those committees that are working that happen and i have been a part of those committees and i will continue to because it is needed but i work with all students but my focus is africanamericans now. Supervisor avalos how do you see the city advancing the efforts of the city . And also support your work and School District as well . I work across all School Platforms and desires, quality living, quality jobs, quality training, working with the other 10 members of the committee we can sit down and look strategically at what has occurred, what has worked and come up with a plan for how we can address these to make them better. Supervisor avalos are you a parent of a child in the city . Or have you been the parent of a child in the city . I am a grandmother. I know i look younger. laughter unintelligible i was a foster mom but they call me a mom because i claim all the kids at admission. Supervisor avalos thank you for your service and for wanting to be in the committee. I have some people that have come in to speak. Will open it up for Public Comment, no need for speaker cards. Any additional questions . Its good to see you. Many people whom i respect have called me a written me a letter with high recommendations for your candidacy. I want to acknowledge your leadership around my brothers keeper. It had a whole panel and the commitment of president obama is unprecedented and in a direction that we need to be moving in and we are delighted to implemented here in San Francisco at the local level, looking critically at education and the Mental Health aspect to ensure that we are creating and supporting these in mensa they will be successful so i appreciate your advocacy and being involved in that level and again like i said i dont know you personally but the recommendations speak for themselves and i will be happy to support you today. To make a comment, this past saturday our committee came together and vision was to have a black family day from cradle to career. We had 800 families present, students were accepted onsite, they received scholarship money and had workshops on everything from unintelligible and also we had giveaways and the mayor came, families were so pleased, they were so excited to be in the space with all of this going on. I heard the catering was interesting as well. One of my favorites. Also prior to this Committee Meeting speaking about the event last saturday, and that it was successful the mayor speaking unintelligible and make sure that this is come to fruition. Any questions . Supervisor avalos this is a hearing. The right choice has already been made by the mayor. The morning. My name is unintelligible i am the Program Manager of unintelligible in San Francisco speaking in support miss jordan. unintelligible linda jordans appointment to this would be very needed. Her effect in the community that answer is farreaching and she is active and visible. I support her appointment. If you have any other questions of me i will be here for another minute and ten. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. Next speaker please. Good morning my news craig peters, i am with a San Francisco coalition of unintelligible . In the context of the work of our organization, we are charged with how schools transform unintelligible , related to the work that i believe this committee set up to oversee. It is with excitement that i support her nomination, not just because miss jordan comes with experience about the workings in the city, presenting many families that are invisible and not heard enoughand our work with miss jordan has been a bridge, is our Community Experiences gaps of opportunity. Miss jordans skill to build bridges and allow work to happen in support of those reached, has been a tremendous addition to the committee so i support the nomination tremendously. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. If they are no other commenters we can close this. And i want to thank miss jordan for coming in today. Do i have a motion to file this meeting . So moved and approved without objection. Next item. Considering one term for the citizens Advisory Board, one seat and one applicant. Supervisor avalos just so we know beforehand the supervisor for the district is also unintelligible for applicants to come in, and have their decision based in applicants can begin. I have a motion to continue on her request. Have three minutes or two according for this . Supervisor avalos three is fine for me. Thank you to the chairman and the members of the committee for hearing me today. In terms of my applicable experience i have been responsible for developing a pedestrian friendly vision. That is something i feel very strongly about. This opportunity i think is really exciting because it is in affect creating a brandnew neighborhood for the city of San Francisco that has so many complex elements and it. I have been through the comprehensive plan for the island. It is extensive and one of my qualifications is that i understand the vision and where it is headed. I applaud that and i know how much time it takes to put it together and it is been many years in the making. There is a critical junction here when planning is turning into the physical development of the island, beginning in the next couple of months when demolition starts taking place. I have been in that place before, with thousands of acres turning into a thriving community, overseeing the construction of transportation networks, trail and parks facilities, public facilities, sites for homes that were at various levels of affordability. Supervisor avalos where was this . A Community Called dupont landing in washington, one of the hallmarks of community planning, designed by unintelligible in berkley. Looking at the comprehensive plan. Im excited at the opportunities it can be seen as a brandnew community, looking at the use of the wetlands as part of the Water Treatment plant there. For the last five years i have been involved in the company that creates a new stores wetlands across the United States so i value that deeply. This is a grander use i would say of those wetlands; im particularly eager to see how that plays out. The other parallel is that in the course of the unintelligible project there was a huge environmental issue there, covering over 600 acres. It was an old black powder plant, much like hercules was here. When that use and it there was a substantial arsenic and lead contamination that we have to clean up. I dont think that things are quite severe in Treasure Island is that. Radioactive waste. There is that. Im enthused by using my experiences to create unintelligible and restore wetland and bring them to Treasure Island. One of the most satisfying things in the past project has seen a transform unintelligible talking to new residents and employees who come they are to see the enthusiasm on their faces that we achieved what we set out to achieve in a like to do the same thing at Treasure Island. Supervisor avalos thank you. Supervisor tang thank you for your interest in your appearance today. Im curious if you have gone to the advisory Committee Meetings and what you have seen. And what you have perceived as some of the issues that face Treasure Island. I have attended one of the citizens Advisory Board meetings in june. At that meeting there was no discussion about the transition plan but i am aware that they are existing residents on the island. There is a transition plan in order to carry it forward so they are not displaced from the island as it takes these others transformative steps. I know that there has been considered and i was able to speak briefly with one of the residents on the board and asked her specifically how the concision plan appeared to her and what i heard was a positive response, that it did accommodate the residents of the island and plans and expects good things there. That is extent of my experience with that. Supervisor avalos thank you and will open up for comment; i will ask for a motion to continue so that we can review other applications as well but your name will still be in the mix. Very well. Supervisor avalos Public Comment is now open. Hi, im becky unintelligible , for seven or eight years. I have been chatting with him today, i think he would be a positive addition to the committee and we have lost a lot of good people so we need new people. Supervisor avalos did you have a quorum . We had a quorum but we have lost people. unintelligible . Things are starting to happen and we are meeting monthly. Some people have left and we need to bring in new people. Supervisor avalos as chairman we need to make sure that unintelligible finalizing our position. We will close Public Comments. And we will continue this item hopefully within a month we can get this settled. Thank you for being here. Approved without objection. Item number three is a hearing to consider to appoint one member for determining february first, 2017. How are you all doing today. Last month i worked on the resolution to have the Planning Department and unintelligible and part of it a Strategic Plan for district 6 and district 10 for how to get more parkland in those areas. Is something that is needed and it is very important and we need to make sure that it is done properly. The if it is the last thing i did im happy to go out on that. I want to make sure that our parks in the district that i have represented in the past and have taking care of and in other districts is something really important to me making sure that other districts that dont have parks like i have had in my life are represented in park land. Supervisor avalos thank you. Supervisor tang i think mister unintelligible even though he lives in another district but he has done a lot of work bridging the different communities in the neighborhood and eating with issues that arise in the community, large events that are taking place unintelligible so we had unintelligible interested in serving in this capacity for the two district 4 seats. Currently is on unintelligible and love to see him continue as well in another seat. Supervisor avalos that was my question actually. Supervisor cohen . Go right ahead. Supervisor cohen it is good to see you again. I would like to unintelligible thats truly about open spaces and parks for the entire city of San Francisco. I worked on the project dealing with the committee that he is sitting on he was very helpful and i would be very happy to support you today. Supervisor avalos i will chime in as well chime in as well the district has a need for more open space. Excuse me for interrupting district 6 unintelligible i talked to the commissioners about it, trying to get some go back money get it fundded as well. Supervisor avalos great, thank you. Well open it up for Public Comment. Say none we will close Public Comment. Thank you for your interest in for serving already on prosec sounds like . I like to make a motion to appoint nicholas balomey sounds like to seat 5. Approved without objection. Item number four is to hear and consider appointing three members, term ending march 28, 207, to the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, there are three seats and three applicants. Supervisor avalos come forward. Welcome again. My name is rebecca unintelligible , everybody calls me becky. I have been on the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee for two years and served as the bylaws chair, and i served as the chair of the resolutions committee, which we did a resolution on the bicycle supervisor avalos off mic in support of that as far as pedestrians go and i am currently the cochair of the committee. unintelligible for seniors and people with disabilities we have to shorten that and have been on that quite a while and i am also disabled and i was raised by a single mother who was also disabled. I lived in San Francisco since i was five years old. I lived in presidio. unintelligible my Community Involvement started in high school, and the first project was unintelligible , goes back quite a ways. I am on the citizens Advisory Committee for Treasure Island. off mic ive learned a lot since i have been here, and i hope i continue to see unintelligible . Supervisor avalos thank you very much and for all the different ways that you have served the city of San Francisco. I would like to have a recommendation and the resolution unintelligible it was unexpectedly expected if i could say that. It was helpful, and it was a real opening to consider what many people dont see as real measure to improve Pedestrian Safety and the recommendations and resolution are ones that i would like to come board with amendments, there was more clarity and specificity unintelligible . That is what we thought we would put those in. Supervisor avalos thank you. I dont have any question so we well go on to the next applicant. Morgan fitzsimmons was not able to come unexpectedly, the next applicant is sonia unintelligible . unintelligible , and also the citys coalition and a person that lives in district 6, we want to experience the whole city at the pedestrian and we have a lot of work to do for Pedestrian Safety. Im looking at that of the eyes of an urban planner which is my trade. A lot has been done but the system still needs to be working at it. Im available for questions of anybody has any. Supervisor avalos how do you see that the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee and vizion zero, what are your contributions to both . When i worked i worked for unintelligible , Development Corporation and we developed Affordable Housing in i worked with vision zero to give information about Pedestrian Safety, unintelligible , all that together helped the work that i do in my 9to5 job. Vision zero is an Excellent Program if you will, zero deaths by 2024 would be perfect, always something to strive for. Supervisor avalos there is some crossover between the two. Definitely. One of my charges was Pedestrian Safety im bringing that to the residents of our buildings. Supervisor avalos looking at the data, district 6 unintelligible has definitely unintelligible . Thank you. Supervisor avalos no other questions here. Mr. Will not be here today. So now we will open it up for Public Comment. I have three cards. John mobile. Please come forward. You will be speaking and half of each of the applicants, the appointees. Thank you supervisors for having this hearing, for the renewal of these three individuals, these outstanding members of the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee and served with. I serve on seat number 4, parallel to the seat that becky hogue sounds like is applying for, seat 3, representing disability organizations. unintelligible i served in the supervisors cohen and tang were present unintelligible she is engaged with the activity she held on pezac sounds like two resoltions that she chaired and examined were developed by morgan fitzgivings sounds like . A yeld and stop sign for bicylcists and daylight to encourage for the use in vision zero campaign. She chaired our committee for almost four years, and has been effective, especially in district 6 where she lives and works, and i encourage you to approve all three. Rebecca hgue and Morgan Fitzsimmons sounds like . Supervisor avalos i also got communication from john unintelligible as well expressing support. We have other people want to speak as well. unintelligible . Hello my name is edward unintelligible , speaking and half of becky, she has been leadership in the committee with cognitive and behavioral issues. I would like to support her. Thank you. Supervisor avalos thank you very much. Hello my name is unintelligible and im here and half of supervisor unintelligible office and myself, in support of Rebecca Hogue for seat 3. Supervisor avalos thank you and have another person wants to come forward. Two members. My name is unintelligible and a member of pezac representing district 4. Mister fitzgibbon has been a very good mentor and a fantastic activist bringing together communities unintelligible , a big part of the Pedestrian Safety conversation. I strongly recommend everyone for reappointment. Thank you so much. Supervisor avalos looks like she concurs as well. See no other members coming forward we will close Public Comments. Supervisor tang i will like to make a motion to point Rebecca Hogue to seat 3, Morris Fitzgibbons to seat 5 and unintelligible to seat 9. Next item please. Number five is hearing to consider appointing the members terms ending september 3, 2018, to the assessment appeals board. Good morning supervisors. My name is joseph tang sounds like , ive been on the assessment appeals board no. 2, from 2010 to 2012, and no. 1 for the last three years and previously i worked with a San Francisco Public Utilities commission as a Real Estate Properties officer. I am also certified general appraiser since 1985 i believe, so its been a while. So in that capacity i do appraisal work and also i was Bank Supervisor reviewing other peoples appraisals. At sfpc i was a member of local 21 and i was adelegate for them for 4 years and i volunteer at the ymca and do various other chinatown related volunteer opportunities. Thank you very much and thank you to the seven applicants that are here for board no. 1 and no. 2. We are in interesting Economic Times and we know that most of you are reappointments. If you could shed light on how it is that you unintelligible fairness is important but what are some of the things that you look for. This will be a question for all the applicants that come up. Supervisor avalos ill give you my questions as well; the philosophies that drive your decisionmaking. I along with the other Commission Members we have worked for many years together on the commission so we are all professionals. When someone appears before the board we look at the appeals objectively and go through their presentations and analyze and ask questions in regards to their methodology and how they arrived at their value. When we meet behind closed doors with primarily stick with the facts of the case and look at different aspects of the reports and to make sure also that there is equity involved. Once we decide the value of the property we also try to meet not only the spirit of the letter of the law but also the spirit of the law sometimes because in many instances as you may know assessment property rules are very complicated and cumbersome even sometimes to myself. We see guidance of the Legal Counsel on the board and try to make an equitable decision when it comes to sometimes the case does not meet the letter of the law but it does meet the spirit of the law and we try to have equity for the taxpayer. Supervisor avalos thank you. Well go on to the next reappointing. The get my notes before me. Mark watts. I apologize for the confusion. Good morning i am mark watts, currently serving on board number one. This will be my third term. I really enjoy it. I enjoy that over the past four or five years the quality of work that the assessors doing has dramatically improved in terms of their presentations. They had unified their presentation style which has helped us and are working better with the applicants in terms of reaching equitable decisions. unintelligible i think we have actively worked with the assessor and with applicants to try to bring them together to bridge that gap. As far as my experience, 25 years of commercial real estate appraisal, i enjoy the cases, i enjoy looking at and talking about real estate. That is what these cases are about. I see absolutely no with our group of 10 people, i may be interact with five or six people and i have never seen anyone having a bias toward the applicant or the assessor. We look at the facts and make a decision based the facts presented before us; we cannot go back home and do homework. This is what people present. We will continue this case and you need to come back with more information or sometimes i have to tell the assessor, look, the approach it took was not the proper approach for a real estate appraisal. Supervisor avalos how long have you served now . I served four and a half years. Supervisor avalos so you have been a part of the appeals, and the large backlog. How has this affected the work of the board . It is made the applicants angry but we try to be efficient and listen to what the people have to say. Right now the backlog is down quite a bit. Supervisor avalos good to hear. Next up is mister spitzell sounds like . Good morning i am scott spitzell, certified accountant and a certified fraud examiner for 25 years. Ive been a board member for the past six years. My philosophy or approach to the board is that a decision has to be made on the facts presented by the parties in front of us. I think that typically each case comes down to two or three differences of opinion and it is important to question parties and understand the basis for why they base their opinions on those two or three fax and get an understanding of their belief in his support for that belief and from that a reasonable decision can be made based on that information. Supervisor avalos thank you. Any questions . Thank you. I think i would do this one on its own, well open up deciding for Public Comment. Any member that would like to comment . Seeing none i will close Public Comment. Supervisor tang i like to make a motion of joseph tang to seat 2, mark watt to unintelligible and unintelligible . Supervisor avalos i would like to thank everyone for their service, long hours on the assessment appeals board. And thank you for the service to our city. Without objection. gavel . Item number six. Here to consider appointing four members, terms ending september 3, 2018, to the assessment appeals board number two. Supervisor avalos miss mendoza. My name is louise mendoza. I have been on the board 2, seeking reappointment for seat one. I have been with the assessments this will be my fourth term in the board im looking forward to it. I have been arrested broker for 17 correction i have been a Real Estate Broker for 17 years. I started 20 years ago. I graduated to commercial and still do a lot of Property Management, residential and commercial and got my Insurance Brokers license. Went on to mortgage brokering. Had the opportunity unintelligible . I own and operate my own Small Business where i do mortgage brokerage. unintelligible i do some residential. I thoroughly enjoy the assessment appeals board. For me it bridges and understanding between unintelligible and the assessors office. unintelligible is like an ongoing process as you work with each case individually and then you see what is needed and recommendations are made unintelligible . For me, with a lot of information i have gathered unintelligible i can then pass that knowledge along to the public. It is really intimidating the public when they do come before the board as to what should be provided, and how we should go about it. It is mission to provide information for the committee unintelligible we are here and the city is here, not an intimate dating cr1 correction intimidating it is not an intimidating process. Supervisor avalos is there a difference between appeals boards 1 2 and 3 in terms of the types of appeals . unintelligible with board 2 its under 50 million and board 3 does a lot of hearings on residential. I remember the days we started oh my goodness, so many cases over and over, after a while you see it and you know it because for me i work basically in the streets seeing it, looking at the facts when it comes before you. unintelligible . Supervisor avalos great, thank you. Supervisor tang. Supervisor tang i will repeat the question that both supervisor avalos and i asked, how do you view the cases, what are the values that you take with you as you approach these cases. Well, i approach the case, or each case, as new and different. Its like a blank paper when it comes before you as you look at the facts on both sidess. And you try to determine the points before you on the cases, bearing in mind though there will be at the end one part that will not be too happy with the results. The objective is to make understand each unintelligible position. At the beginning what i tried to do and see is explain to the taxpayer why do you believe that the value is x, y or z. And not feel intimidated before they start. Supervisor avalos mr. unintelligible is not available. Next up is angela unintelligible . Transferring from board 3. Good morning supervisors, thank you for having me here. My name is Angela Cheung sounds like . When i graduated in 1992, i obtained unintelligible license, i have been lucky to work in San Francisco since then. Between 1992 and 1996 i took further education real estate including appraisal, loan underwriting and processing. I obtain a broker license in 1996. In the 23 years i have been doing numerous transitions including condos, multi family commercials and now im lucky to be in redevelopment an project as well. unintelligible ive opened up my own business, a Brokerage Firm and i do Property Management and more development projects. The reason why i can devote more time to the committee right now is because i have unintelligible because as a lot of people know being a salesperson or broker your work seven days. Or in the management work, i can have more stable schedules to serve the committee. Ive been sitting in board 3 for two years, since 2013, not only as a hearing officer but unintelligible and also substitute in board 2. I have experiences unintelligible . And also because i been so long in industry, i went through at least three cycles and also the economy cycles, and i have seen a lot of ups and downs in property values. Basically my business is people business so i talk to people and a lot of times unintelligible cases i understand that as a commissioner or board member, we have to be neutral. In order to deliver a fair and reasonable judgment. Otherwise it is not going to be good for both bodies. unintelligible emotional, sentimental value on the property. A lot of times there are different stories that they try to tell us but sometimes it is off track as well. Were talking lets say 2010 tax appeal, and sometimes they give us 2010, or back to 1990, a lot of times honestly, everybody is a human being, i have to bring myself back to the facts and what is being presented. Said to be a commissioner or member of any board we have to be neutral. Honestly, not only because of the efforts of the commissioners. unintelligible and the assessment appeals office, the whole team. I enjoy working with them and serving the community as well. Supervisor avalos could you say why you would like to move from 3 to 2 . What is your interest behind that . I want to do more with the full board honestly. I think my knowledge in the real estate business, i can serve more under board 2, from singlefamily housing to multifamily investment properties. Also the hearing officer is good and has very good experience as well. The other reason is because right now people are more into unintelligible . The hearing officer has less; im almost holding unintelligible as a full board. So i said if there is an opening in board 2 unintelligible . And also as a team, all the commissioners, if anyone needs a substitute i am available to do that. Supervisor avalos thank you. Seeing no other questions well go on to the next applicant. Joyce lewis. Good morning. My name is joyce lewis, and i am seeking reappointment to board 2 as an alternate. In 2011 i was appointed to fill a vacancy that became available midterm. In 2013 i was appointed officially to board 2 as an alternate. In terms of my qualifications i am a licensed attorney in the state of california. Ive been licensed for 20 years. I wanted to make a couple of points about your question supervisor tang. Philosophically i want to make two points. I believe when citizens come before the assessment appeals board, it is important that they feel that they have been heard, that they have been given the opportunity to make their case, and that they have been treated respectfully and unintelligible the space of correction the face of the county, and i want to say that everyone has been very respectful towards members of the public. I ask probing and careful questions; it is important for me to figure out where the dispute lies between the parties, is it the Square Footage . Is it the condition . Is it the market . I spend extra time asking probing questions because of the time the hearing is over i am hoping that the parties are surprised or shocked by the decision. There is a segment of the population struggling to hold on to the residence here in San Francisco. It is an opportunity for me to get some education about the process. They dont know what type of evidence to bring in. Frankly before i got involved with the board i do not know much about the appeals process. In terms of educating residents and taxpayers about what their rights are. Supervisor avalos great, thank you, i appreciate your answer. We have another applicant. Well opened this for Public Comment. Any member of the public would like to make comments come forward seeing none i close the Public Comment. Supervisor tang i would like to reappoint each member as well and make it motion to appoint unintelligible . Supervisor avalos thank you and i appreciate the motion. And we will take that without objection. Okay, thank you so much and everyone has been recommended to the full board for reappointment and thank you for your service and look forward to your work. Next item. Item number seven is a hearing to appoint six members for terms ending april tenth, 2017, to the griffin Advisory Board. We have a list. Good afternoon. Thank you for having me here. I seek reappointment for seat 12, prior to working San Francisco i worked for the university of vermont to reassess unintelligible , currently i work with the garden project as a director of education and i work with youth all over the city with the idea of employment, it gives me the ability to bring them to the front and bring them around for the clean sweep opportunity. In my spare time i am on the board of trustees unintelligible , and im a tae kwon do instructor for rec and park, and i teach at the Hamilton Rec Center and unintelligible a couple of times a week. Graffiti plight is very extensive over there. Supervisor tang sometimes its not just abaiting graffiti unintelligible . I have been working where i live educating students, it can be an art form in murals. And opening up responsibility for students who go from school to School Creating projects in trying to create education. Also creating unintelligible this upcoming year and citizens can come and have say about graffiti around the city. And for my group personally we also work with gpw to do unintelligible through the clean sweep initiatives. Supervisor avalos great, thank yo

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