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Supervisor mar supervisor tang not present supervisor wiener supervisor yee yee not present madam president we have quorum thank you ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all okay. Colleagues can we have a motion to excuse supervisor farrell, supervisor yee supervisor tang a supervisor kim moved by supervisor christensen and seconded by supervisor cowen colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. The nerve mind ill take that back hello supervisor kim colleagues can we have a motion to excuse supervisor mark farrell supervisor yee and supervisor tang seconded by commissioner avalos cultivation without objection those peripheries 0 are executed madam clerk can you please call first item. Countered by the rules committee at a special meeting on friday july 31st at 9 in the morning and forwarded as a Committee Report to the orders on ordinance to define the terms clean energy and Green House Gas free emergency or energy to provide Accurate Information about an election to be held in 2013. Okay commissioner avalos. We madam president. I want to check to see if you have anything to say and i did not at this point. Im excited were good to go on the ballot measure our right to know ballot measures specification is how San Francisco follows state law in how it independence and reiterates the beach chalet to follow the state portfolio standards including unbundled renewal credits and insures outline solar energy in San Francisco are top clean tier energy that is significant a single most environmental effort in San Francisco and by helping to contribution hundred Percent Clean Energy one of the most effective things to prevent climatic change i want to really thank you all for having this meeting but more specifically it took a long time to get to this point i want to thank jason fried and commissioner avalos and his aid jeremy and my aid Conner Johnson and roger kim in the Mayors Office jed holtzman and i want to thank member of the sierra club and 1245 to move marred forward with that on measure to help us launch clean power at the beginning of next year this is a significant step in San Francisco thank you youll again for all your hard work and lets make clean power happen for San Francisco with that, id like to entertain madam clerk can you please call the roll on item number one. Supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener commissioner avalos supervisor breed there 8 is that is this motion is approved unanimously madam clerk. At this point the public any comment up to 2 minutes within the jurisdiction of the board pursuant to the boards rules direct our remarks to the braid as a whole nen r number one is not eligible speakers using the Translation Services get up to twice the time and if you need to put up a document advise sfgovtv. First speakers. Good morning supervisor christensen and supervisor kim supervisor campos and supervisor wiener and supervisor mar and others prisoners any giants prisoners must open theyre open prier being a mit i didnt man once prisoners criteria will one step closer to all the principles of wisdom by that matter applied to our that happening should go to the benefit for people of war. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisors on clean energy i want to make sure and thank two important activists bruce in clean sf and babe it that has been helpful well. Thank you brooks. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning thank you housing step one out league of women voters the ellis act and step two banning no fault step 3, freezing market rate rents all through the city those are from 79 onwards if youve been there longer than than 8 years will reset our rent back to where it was 4 years earlier 10 or 5 years earlier there Internal Revenue few people that be long time residents that have gone through the market rate relent apartments we wanted to keep whatever we can including myself fourth point if youre a renter and your property is sold you get part of the sales prissy like the 5 years people that percent and some places that wouldnt work another building could work the percentage of the number of years youre there you get represent every year of the sale price pro rated of our apartment that is a formula we can work with the renters need to get a piece of the action this helps some move the next part what are we doing with the land the hundred units example 10 percent market rate condos 10 percent condos sold to the people that are living in in this neighborhood whether chinatown or admission well limit it. Testifying. Thank you. Any other members of the public who want to speak seeing none, Public Comment is closed madam clerk my memoriams colleagues that brings us to the end of the agenda madam clerk, any announcements . Theres no further business. Madam president. Okay. Were adjourned hello, i am with the recreation and parks department. We are featuring the romantic park location in your backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in santa and cisco with someone special. San francisco with someone special. Our first look out is here at buena vista park, a favorite with couples and dog walkers. Both have a significant force. A refreshing retreat from urban life. The romantic past that meander up and down the park under pines and eucalyptus. Hang out in this environment and you might see butterflies it, fennel, and then the lines. Dandelions. Is ada accessible. Public transit is plentiful. We have conquered the steps, we have watched the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view. This is a place to take someone special on a romantic stroll and enjoyed a beautiful look out. Welcome to Corona Heights located in the heart of this district. It offers a view of the downtown skyline, the bay bridge, and the east bay. It is one of the best kept secrets in the city. It is hardly ever crowded. On any given day, you will run into a few locals. , bought a 37 bus to get there without any parking worries. For legged friends can run freely. There is also a patch of grass for the small box. It is a great place. It is a wonderful place to have these kinds of parks. That dog owners appreciate it. Take time to notice of the wildfires that are on the grassland and keep your head out on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. Be sure to take your camera and be prepared to take a view of the city will not forget. It has a beautiful red rock formations. You could watch the sunrise over the bay. This is another one of our great lookouts. We are at mount davidson. 928 feet. This is the place for you to bring someone special. To not forget that dogs and enjoy all of the pathways and greenery that surrounds you. It provides a peaceful oasis of open space and great hiking trails. The spectacular view offers a Perfect Place to watch the sunrise or sunset with someone you love. It is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. Come up here and listen to nature, i get some fresh air. That view is fantastic. Where sturdy shoes. Hikers get the feeling of being in a rain forest. Mount davidson is also a great place to escape the noise and the bustle of the city. Take the 36 bus and it will drop you at the entrance. It is quite a hike to the top but the view is worth every step. This is the place to bring that someone special. Golden gate parks largest body of water is an enchanting place. Is a popular spot for paddling around in boats, which can be rented. Created in 1893, it was designed for these your boating for leisure boating. It is named for the wild strawberries that once flourished. There is also a waterfall, two bridges, and trails the climb to the summit, the highest point at more than four hundred feet. You can catch glimpses of the western side of the city that make this hilltop a romantic look out. For public transit, i take the n train. The lad the ad lake is ada accessible. Watch many ducks, swans, and siegels. Seagulls. It is a great place to stroll and sail away. Many couples come here to take a ride around a lake, going under the bridges, passing the chinese pavilion and the waterfall. For a quiet getaway, making for a memorable and magical experience. Located on 19th avenue, this growth is the place to where youre hiking boots, bring the family and the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. It is a truly hidden gem in the city. The park is rich with eucalyptus trees. Long paths allow you to meander, perfect for a dog walking in a wooded environment. I enjoy the history. The diversity of nature that exists in such an urban city, concrete streets, cars, we have this oasis of the natural environment. It reminds us of what the history was. There is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. Transit is available on the 28 bus to get you very easily. The part is ada park is ada accessible. It is also a natural lake. This is your chance to stroll around the lake and let the kids run free. It also has many birds to watch. It is a place to find and appreciate what you a wonderful breath of fresh air. Come and experience in this park and enjoy the people, picnics, and sunshine. This is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved ones. In the middle of pacific heights, on top of these hills, it offers a great square, a peaceful beauty, large trees and grass and greenery. It features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. There are plenty of areas for football and picnics. It is very much a couples park. There are many activities you can experience together. Stroll on the pathways, bring your dog, or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all that it has to offer together. Many couples find this is a perfect park to throw down a blanket and soak up the sun. It is a majestic place that you can share with someone you chairs. Lafayette park is also easily accessed from the 47, 49, and 90 buses. It is ada accessible. We are here at the historic palace of fine art in the marina district. Originally built for the 1950s exposition, the palace is situated on San Franciscos number waterfront. It is ada accessible and is reached by the 28, 30, and 91 bus lines. Set against the reflecting waters of the lagoon and eucalyptus trees, the palace is one of San Francisco post most San Franciscos most romantic spots to relax with that special someone while listening to the water and gazing at the swans. A beautiful to view from many locations along the mattoon, an ideal place to all lagoon, an ideal place to walk with a loved one. Reservations for weddings are available at sfrecpark. Org. Discarding contains plants referred to by William Shakespeares plays and poems. Welcome to the Shakespeare Garden here in the famous golden gate park. Located near the museum and the California Academy of sciences, the garden was designed by the California Spring blossom and wildfilower association. Here is a truly enchanting and tranquil garden along a path behind a charming gate. This garden is the spot to woo your date. Stroll around and appreciate its unique setting. The gorgeous brick walkway and a brick wall, the stone benches, the rustic sundial. Chaired the part share the bards word hundred famous verses from a shakespearean plays. This is a gem to share with someone special. Pack a picnic, find a bench, and enjoy the sunshine, and let the whimsical words of William Shakespeare and floats you and your loved one away. This is one of the most popular wedding locations and is available for reservations. Take a bus and have no parking worries. Shakespeares garden is ada accessible. Located at the bottom of this hill, it is a secret garden with an infinite in captivating appeal. Carefully tucked away, it makes the top of our list for most intimate pyknic setting. Avoid all taurus cars and hassles by taking a cable car. Or the 30, 45, or 91 bus. The garden was designed by Thomas Church in 1957. Grow old with me, the best is yet to be is inscribed on a sundial. It is anchored by twin white gazebos and flowers that bloom yearround. This is the place to tell someone special or the place to declare the commitment you two share. Weddings and the event reservations are available for this adorable hidden gem. We know there are many other romantic parks in San Francisco. We hope you have enjoyed this torre of lookouts, picnics, and strolls that are available every day. Until next time, do not forget to get out and play. For more information about reserving one of these romantic locations or any other location, call 8315500. This number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair buildings. Or for any athletic field, call 8315510. You can write us at or walk in and say hello. And of course you can find more information moresfrecpark. Org. Im going to turn it over to our mayor, mayor ed lee. Thank you. Superintendent very glad to be here an earthquake shaking first day but i want to congratulate our superintendent. School board and emily murase president along with hydra mendosa that works with me and, of course, from the getgo i support the principles and teachers at the El Dorado Middle School is one of the finest i want to congratulate our teachers for the first day of school and mayor our kids are safe we had an earthquake this morning and all the schools are green and everybody it making sure the aftershocks were working together as a city and School District thanks it our superintendant i want to graduate the patterns and families for bringing their kids to a finest public system in the country and in recognition of that we had a u. S. Conference of mayors we hosted this summer all the mares got to make sure their entire agenda were on ipads to make sure we went paper less we had a few extras we thought a good cause and purpose to make sure that kids who have special needs particularly in different schools would be the beneficiaries of that so weve made a donation of those i pads to this school and another school as the centers as again, a part of the not only philanthropy of the city but the Technology Needs the School District has never ending things change all the time we want our kids to have the best but in particular those kids that are challenged to thank you for the opportunity to my understanding with the School District on this subject for a couple are years when we have Technology Like tablets they increase that possibility of teaching kids with better or for better opportunities im asking the School District give me our list through the superintendent and there optimistic the school board whatever the Technology Needs are if i can make sure i mention that to all the Wonderful Companies in the city theyll being sure to embrace the School District with the things they need with citywide certainly with the benny Hoff Foundation as they helped me in all the other technologies helped the schools continue to prove and maintain the best performance all for our kids i want to have and make sure they are the best opportunities for the wonderful jobs but if begins here at Elementary School those in the middle school weve focused on into the high schools and everybody on the college or career packets that are sustainable and full of very positive careers our School District is here to make sure that our families are provided the best education in the world and, yes we are going to be an even better alternative in than any other school were making record investments as we have and our city and School District understands and represents each others roles after this i make sure i build housing for teachers with that announcement congratulations to the School District. Lets continue been for the kids this agency the first day of school im existing i remember my first day of school i ran around and trying to learn everything and those kids will too with that, principle. Well, thank you mayor ed lee what a great privilege to have you on our campus on the first day heather has lots of ideas well make that list to pass along. Thank you very much for being on our compass. Thank you so much i think this will be awesome for the students and well go a long way for the cameras. Thank you. We have our board president dr. Murase. I want to thank you thank you for the guest and our student we like to see were going to her classroom oh, in a minute occupies willingly have a teacher other el dorado we like to grow our own thank you prairie for this wonderful gift. Great lets have a great year of learning wed like to put those devices to good use were going to classrooms new thank you

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