Thank you mr. Johnson mrs. Jaquanta did i say that right. You did. Thank you. Conner and i practice in the hallway i guess there is not enough time. Brittany. Office of cohen. I wanted to share a few remarks on behalf of the supervisor to create this budget and finance subcommittee. So San Francisco has a Critical Role in setting the tone for other is cities under this federal administration we have been the champion of progressive values on pushing the policies that reflect those values we need to be a leader and fight to protect the values the president has threatened and started implement through his executive orders this is why supervisor cohen is ecstatic about the creation. This committee will devote its time to investigating and monitoring the impact of policy changes on our local budget. Will work with City Department as well as stake holders to plan San Franciscos defense of values and priorities our focus is on protecting immigrant poll cease Affordable Health care and insurance. Support for our Homeless Services and transportation, and access to affordable housing. Thank you for hearing me. I hope you will pass this without any questions. Thank you and thank you again, mr. Johnson for representing your office as well. Colleagues you have questions or comments . Seeing supervisor ye . Just a quick question, clarification, even though it doesnt have fiscal responsibilities, the discussion in select committee would have recommendations of some sort in terms of declining and so forth how would that impact the i guess the regular Budget Committee or how do does that communication happen so that we could take it as a member of the regular Budget Committee how can we take it into consideration when we sort of make our decisions. That is an excellent question. Thank you. That is one of the reasons why its so important to president breed also chair this budget select committee. So she can report back im speculating its up to the supervisor discretion you can agendize and i tem. To do a summary of the budget and finance committee they will be promulgating budget and analyst and budget reports that could be heard at the budget select committee. Hopefully it will be collaborative relationship between those two bodies thats why its so important to have the consistency of the same share of both bodies to make sure theyre on the same page. Thank you for the explanation. Thank you. Mr. Johnston. Colleagues any other questions or comments . Seeing none i will open up up to Public Comment. Anyone wishing to testify you have two minutes state your first and last name speak directly into the microphone anybody with a statement is encouraged to leave it with the clerk in the official file. Seeing none we can proceed additional comments from colleagues seeing no names on the roster do i have a motion on this item . I will make a motion passes out of committee with a positive recommendation. Second. Seeing a second, thank you, colleagues. So, this item is moved and approved. So can we moveseeing no objection, this item is approved. Thank you. Call the next item. Item number 2 is hearing to consider appoint board of supervisors to the california state of counties mr. Chair, were in receipt of a poll of the supervisors that Supervisor Malia Cohen has requested to be part of this provision. Thank you mr. Clerk i see we have supervisors cohens aid here mrs. Jaquanta. Would you like to speak to the committee on behalf of your boss . Brittany jiquata. Almost. I wanted to urge your support for the appointment of supervisor cohen on this i dont have additional comments. Do we have any questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, i will open this item up to Public Comment. Any members of the public that wish to testify on this item . Seeing no one can i have a motion, colleagues on this item . I move to send this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Seconded by supervisor. Ye. The item is approved. We will move to the next item. Item number 3. Is move the board to fouryear term to the air Quality Management board of directors and the results of the poll mr. Chair from the clerk of the Boards Office is supervisor jeff shihi would like to be appointed to that position. Any colleagues would like to comment on this item . Members of the public . Seeinginginging none the public item is closed. Moved. Second. Thank you. This is moved and seconded. We can move to the next item. Item number 4. Mr. Chair would you like me to call item number 5. Yes. Please. Item number 5 is a motion confirming kelly to a fiveyear term under charter section 3. 104. Thank you mr. Clerk we have received notice reappointment of naomi kelly ewho is in attendance we have the Mayors Office is scheduled potentially to say a few words is mr. Mowooley here . No . We will skip that. Do we have questions or comments for mrs. Kelly . Supervisor yee . Before i make comments do you have any comment . Mayor has put my name before i for reappointment i ask you for your support today fiveyear term focused on the internal system key prioritiesing for the citys earthquake safety for technology, purchasing needs the city administrator leads 2700 employees making San Francisco efficient and responsive to our residents five years ago mayor lee nominated me and the board unanimously confirmed my appointment. We have Public Housing units in disrepare questions of same sax couples with equal rights and in poor remayor. I have sought to bridge our divide and issues to his or her district. I will say as a homeowner who used to live on alamini boulevard living in inner sunset and has children going to rich and i know it must reach every San Franciscoian. Over the last five years we have made a difference in San Francisco. We reenvisioned the Housing Authority with breed and cohen we have rehabited over 5400 units for 5400 families in response to public federal funds i know you are familiar with this work and proud the board of supervisors adopted sunnyvale on paturo and alice grif in. Hours after they cleared the way for same sex couples for marriage in 2013 the clerk iraqis office was up and running to issue certificates and city id cards regardless of immigration status and gender identity to ensure they have a place in our community. I would like to thank supervisors for continued leadership on this issue we appointed a new county clerk catherine and she remains committed to this work were committed to a capital plan that rebuilds crumbling infrastructure. Developed bond measures to repair and rebuild parks strengthen San FranciscoGeneral Hospital and ensure earthquake safety. We celebrated this city hall. In addition to free Civic Center Celebration for the public we replaced 220 exterior lights with led lights that allows us to quickly change to lights on your desktop. Thank you for making this happen. The bay area womens summit led by edwin lee and shaft was ground breaking. A key part of being city administrator is hiring the right department and Division Heads under the city administrators branch day one we hired mohammed. We call him mr. Clean. We hired dr. Michael hunter to be chief million examiner he is addressing the backlogs and redesigning a new building under way we hired virginia to lead up animal control shes on the way to designing a new facility as well. Currently the board of supervisors is hiring on puppy mills to hire cats and doings in our city. Jackie fong has ends sweatshops and running city contracts with Treasure Island we accept transfer of 300acre of Treasure Island kick starting the development of that island we have nancy, with 311 who supports each and every one of you in making sure you have the information you need to help the residents in each of your districts lastly i am supported by two deputy city administrators and hr director making San Francisco efficient for all. Jennifer johnston runs our smaller agent and prosides common sense approach from grants in the arts Immigration AffairsRisk ManagementCommunity Challenge grants, ken you is now our acting interim director in the department of technology that gives you an idea of how indispensable he is. From the capital plan to medical effortthe jsahr director is deployed to nongsi for deployment because of his talent. Our tal challenged in the next five years are unknown donald trump poses threat to our city with this team we will be prepared for anything they throw at us im here to support the mayor and board of supervisors in this fight. With supervisor safie we will lead we will make sure everyone is welcome. Health care security is our backstop. Through pat mulligan will make this work with she hee and the board of supervisors we rolled out Community Benefits to our mid market area. With katie we made the city more friendly. With supervisor farley were working on the community plan. With supervisor were working with you, server yee in rolls out [inaudible] assist the city with vision 0 initiative and supervisor furror picking up on local hire reduces San FranciscoUnemployment Rate to a low single digit number. I want to thank my husband took time out of stormwater systems to support me. My mother who is here many friends and supporters are here today in many of the Department Heads and divisions we are all in this together. I respectfully ask for your vote the best is yet to come. Thank you. Colleagues do we have comments for mrs. Kelly . Supervisor ye . E. Im curious what you see in the next five years in your role for the city. Absolutely. Recruitment and retention is always a huge issue in succession planning right now, im working on trying to recruit a director for the department of technology that will be here with the city the next five Years Technology is becoming everything is tied to technology were becoming much more smart that is infrastructure we need here in government to be efficient and succeed. Were also working on with supervisor peskin. On our building codes and safety of Tall Buildings that fits with the resiliency and Implementation Program making sure not only our infrastructure is resill ant but private infrastructure. Brian strong not only leads capital plan but our resiliency plan. Were looking at Customer Experience with nancy and the department of technology how we as a city can provide Better Customer Service to our constituent we look at how to streamline our procedure to make it easier for us to work in silos were doing everything from looking at a one stopper mitt shop that will be coming before the board of supervisors soon at 1500 Mission Street we will have all of our permitting agent cease where you can go in one area not just having a one stop shop where we bring the existing processes together how do we streamline the process whether its dbi the Planning Department in looking at the department of public works. How do we look at that holistically . I have started the creation of Digital Service team to look at not just permitting but all processes how we deliver services to the public. Looking at continued efficiencies within our internal services whether its through tellmatics shh and that information we gather from there to better deploy our resources reduce our Carbon Footprint reduce the size of our fleet. Make transit our policy. And procurement more and more commodities are smart now it started with the copy machines there is more to do in the next five years with a great team of folks and our sanctuary policy is core. Werbing with immigrant affairs with catherine and muni id card what i can do to support all of you in standing up against this antiimmigrant tone from washington. Questions supervise yee . Thank you, chair. In regards to the Technology Things are are talking about are great to accomplish. One of the issues that seems to recur in the discussion. Im hoping we can do better as a city how departments can talk to each other in terms of systems. Its so frustrating that we cant share data and so forth. Even for my own board of supervisor realm of having a system that contracts things better. I guess there is many things with technology thats good. But i also see a lot of places where we can work on for improvement and and im hoping you will focus on those few things. And the couple other things you didnt talk about im hoping i will put it on your plant some seeds one of them being i hope the animal care and control will have a better response with coyotes. Its been an issue for my district. The response is not as groat as i like it. The other issue i hope you have focus on, when i sat on jao and the lawsuits come to rules committee there is a pattern with what the city paid out with issues there is inconsistency with how much train they get in terms of proceedures these are not minor, but theyre important theyre not major but i hope you can focus on. Absolutely. Because of the breadth of everything i want you you to know. Technology has started huge initiative on shared services breaking down the silos and what we commonly use in all departments that will help us better communicate with one another. That initiative is kicking off. I know that the department of animal care and control is working on coyote management and other wildlife management, too. That is always an issue we will actively maintain. When i check in with virginia on a regular basis that is number one on the list how were managing wildlife. Hr training is important. Being the city administrator it may not be the Exciting Team you hear here but that is the stuff that excites me particularly Jennifer Johnston coming from hr things we worked on collectively on trainings and procedures in place to deal with the settlements and lawsuits we deal with. That is part of my strategy and moving forward in the next five years. I guess, one more comment which would be that. In regards to child care we have had discussions how passionate i am with that. Now, supervisors safie joining the ranks. There is not a direct correlation between your office and child care, but im hoping you will help us in thinking out, what are some ways to increase our commitment to 0 to 5 arena. Because in my mind you are a very important player i know you are also very smart. And share your thoughts on that. I continue with mayor lee and shaft pushing forward child care is number of one on my agenda San Francisco has been great for children but the working child care helps the mother get back to work if we dont have good child care we may not be able to get back to the workforce im a huge advocate for child care particularly low income families. Thank you for answers i look forward to as soon as you get appointed again work with you on these issues. Thank you. Thank you supervisor yee. Supervisor furrer. I am one of the newer members of the family to City Government here i wanted to thank you for your service and also i look forward to working with you and your team. Thank you. I see supervisor peskin is joining us. Without casting any dispersions i had the privilege of serving with three administrators i have to say kelly and her crew are amongst the best if not the best of those three. Thank you supervisor pes kin i will wrap it up i see people in the audience today you have touched on that, you have done a good amount of work building in community. Can you talk about the work your office does with the Community Based organizations nonprofits particularly communities of color and ones that are often left out of the conversation how you see their role with your office . Right off the bat. When i started working with the Housing Authority reenvisioning process. We met with hundreds of people from Public Housing and nonprofits to come whoop a way we can address the backlog of repairs and services, that are needed in Public Housing its continued that reaching out to those communities, and they know they have access to me at any time. Then also right off the bat when i came in as city administrator, part of the mid market payroll. Tax exemption process that would be the one to roll out the Community Benefits agreements. Through the last five years, we have been working with the many nonprofits in the tenderloin mid market south of market area. And have made sure i dont have the numbers off the top of my head right now, can get them to you, that these companies that have come along Market Street to fill the vacant store fronts theyre giving grants to those Community Organizations that directly impact the tenderloin south of market and mid market area not only giving hash grants they have consistent volunteer hours not just showing up on days like thanksgiving but consistently throughout the year with Partnership Hamilton house, glide and other arts nonprofits that are there within the area. And also, since they are many of them Technology Companies providing technology whether its software or hardware to schools in the area whether its betsy car michael or the tenderloin Elementary Schools in those areas that is another area also, supervisor cohen had the office lead the bay view task force i cant think of the exact name. With that has been the opportunity at least the conversations we have had with the Tech Companies and organizations that have located there they have not done a good job of providing internship opportunities. So we when i work with the Janitors Union we approached twitter and talked to them for an opportunity low catted in the mid market area they looked at us like we were speaking greek how would an internship would work i was blown away i usually dont want to walk out after a meeting i looked at the president of the union and said we should leave. Its crazy. I would like to see your office as part of future conversations push these companies that are benefitting from their location in the city as are we. We really push them on opportunities for our youth. They have fallen short, dramatically. Then i wanted to say a little bit more i think is really important a lot of people forget your office was the one that over saw the transition from redevelopment to ociu not many cities have had a smooth transition with the abolition of the Development Agent cease. Thank you supervisor safai. Where the children are coming from. Another thing they have received criticism for is their lack of diversity in the work place. It would be great to see a level of diversity in internships in gender and ethnicity and race. I have those numbers. I will get those to you. We benchmarked all the other areas we have given cash, volunteered and internship and jobs. Thank you for taubing about the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency a few days on the job, the governor decided to dissolve the Redevelopment Agency and give the cities 30 or 60 days, to do it. And dismantle. Entire agency and create a new one is a hercules effort to say the least we were able to do that create a new separate entity but also continue with our commitments that the Redevelopment Agency had made to the fill moore the bay view south of market and transbay and mission bay and keep those commitments going. So that was yet another hercules effort they took on. Thank you, administrator kelly. Colleagues any more questions . Seeing none i will open it up for Public Comment state your name clearly first and last name and also you have two minutes. If folks can line up on that side. That wish to speak and present a speaker card if you can. First person please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is rudy corpus. Ii have been serving San Francisco for 23 years violence prevention im here to speak on behalf of naomi who is an amazing person. Any place we needed her she would show up. I usually dont come down here on the rain to speak on anybody unless i believe in them. I know theyre about the people and the neighborhood and for the neighborhood so shes very compassionate shes also very kind and dedicated and committed to San Francisco. Soy want to be here to support her and let you all know what shes requesting thats what we need to do. Thank you. [laughter]. Next speaker please . Good afternoon supervisors my name is gail. Im the ceo of Community Partnership i wanted to highlighted a couple of things we have been talking about the accomplishment of mrs. Kelly as city administrator we wanted to highlight two things terre you one is Community Housing has been providing 110 units of housing on Treasure Island since the mid 90s under the stewardship of aomi we have moved forward the plans and also guaranteeing the replacement units we will dedicate units on the island we know this environment in particular is for families their access to become job ready and family increase in nonurban environment that allows us to house large areas where we can support housing in 3 and 4 bedrooms also as an organization in mid market from a volunteer perspective and financial contributions this is the only city administrator i have had the pleasure working with she comes to the meeting and keeps it real and holds us accountable. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker . Good afternoon. Im army morgan. Did i say it right . Close. Safai we have a lot that train on my name. That is okay. Im with operating engineers im army morgan. Im here on behalf of 24 operating engineers in San Francisco and myself, respectfully, forward our support for the reappointment of naomi kelly to the position of San Francisco administrator. We have a lot of work in this city. Were really concerned about what direction the city goes in. We are a member of the San FranciscoBuilding Trades and some of our members served with naomi and served on the Construction WorkforceAdvisory Committee and workforce investment San Francisco the wisf. And they were very pleased with her capabilities. Naomi culllys dedication desire to make San Francisco a model of opportunity inclusion for all residents is evident in her professionalism, energy and dealing with 25 departments and divisions and programs she remains equally committed to strengthen the local economy and ensuring city iraqis community to benefit from the city. Infrastructure increase the city safety and resiliency. We enthusiasmisticlyi cant say that wordwere excited to support the appointment of naomi for another term as San Francisco city administrator. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker . Good afternoon supervisors. Welcome supervisor safai and supervisors to the board. My name is teresa parks i work on lgbt issues im here as an individual not as a representative of the Mayors Office i have worked with mrs. Kelly for ten years now. I worked with her on the Police Commission in charge of the budgeting process we worked closely with the city purchaser i worked with her on a number of projects particularly around local Business Enterprises she helped create a lot of new ordinances and change ordinances to make it a more expeditious and quicker process. And supported her on transitioning the lbe program to gsa Human Rights Commission to make it easier for people to access and make it more productive and and Efficient Organization i have continued to work with her city administrator on various issues surrounding discripple nays shes been very supportive of the Transgender Community and the Lgbt Community in general throughout her tenure. Shes intelligent and quick and hardworking civil servant. I heard the Mayors Office today what is going on in washington its not longer an anomaly its a way of life that will continue the next few years we need to be prepared and structured for it. I think naomi kelly is a strong leader we need during this time of transition. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker . Good afternoon supervisor safai. Members of the rules committee. My name is brown senior Baptist Pastor Church of San Francisco now 31 years i sat where you all sit. Indeed i became aware of the kind of person that must be administrator for this city and councily of San Francisco. I submit to you, she embodies the character, com ten sea, the chemistry, the courage to be restored to her position. So hold your hope. You have the best city administrator south of heaven north of hell. [laughter]. Always appreciated. Next speaker . I like to submit letter to the clerk. State your name for the record. Im hernandez of labors 261. I have brother and sisters here were here in support of mrs. Kellys reappointment. Naomi has been a great supporter of ben and women in this great city and our union were here in support of the reappointment of mrs. Naomi kelly. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker . Good afternoon my name is jackie flynn of the institute one of the hundreds of nonprofits that serve nonprofits in the cities naomi has worked with as well as i served for over a year on the bay view Advisory Committee that naomi the mayor and supervisor cohen established for bay view during the transition of Redevelopment Agency im here to say naomi kelly is the definition of city leadership her work to rehabilitate has effected thousands of low income families i serve every day under her leadership the city is making clear and transparent effort yet still address affordability and access to safe and clean housing. Shes committed hrz to our city by fostering development of local businesses her efforts over the last four years on city contracts have created opportunities for women of color to sustain business in this city. Running a nonprofit can be challenging. As with our local higher policy i thank you supervisor fewer for creating that as well. Local growth create ss local jobs my clients have benefitted and many are working today. Shes role model for women of color Work Life Balance awesome mother and city administrator and i built a Youth Leadership academy. To inspire policy makers they came to testify that passed the ballot in november. Strongly rooted in family values, that is reflected in her mom, husband, and her children. On behalf of the phillip randolph. We encourage your support of naomi kill kelly. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Congratulations on supervisor safai and supervisor fewer on your reelection its fantastic you joined the city hall family i will be brief. Many of the speakers have captured the essence of what i want to say about the naomi as the city administrator. I want to highlight. Supervisor peskins comments itis amazing ii have been around long enough to witness and participate engage several city administrators before with your person opinion how shes runned this avulse. And supervisor safai to your point of being inclusive i would argue prior to her first appointment. Five years ago i would argue few folks of challenge communities communities of color knew what the City Administrators Office knew what they did. Her being includes of has opened nonprofit participation she shes done a fantastic job the first five years we would like nothing else but to urge you extend that contract another five years so we can continue to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public wish to comment on this item. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Make a motion . Yeah. Let me double check. Any additional comments from colleagues . Seeing none, can i entertain a motion . Sure. I have to say, there is only one person better than naomi kelly for this position of 1. 0 is naomi kelly 2. 0 [laughter]. Sorry i would like to make a positive recommendation to move this out of committee to the full board. I do this without any reservations. Second. Seeing a motion and a second. This item is moved and approved. Congratulations mrs. Kelly. [applause]. Mr. Clerk would you please call item number 4. A motion amending board of supervisors rules of order to set portfolio the process of oaths individuals testifying before the board and authorize the committee to administrator oaths. Thank you mr. Clerk. This legislation was introduced by supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin has joined us today. Supervisor peskin, would you like to make comments on this item . Thank you supervisor safai. Members of the rules committee. This is an amendment proposed amendment to the rules of the board of supervisors as you may know for for the last year, i served as chair of the government audit and over Site Committee a committee that is charged with oversight of various Government Agencies and issues in the city. One of the things that we have endeavored to take seriously is the board of supervisors Unlimited Power of inquiry we have done this in many different issue areas particularly, in and around the issue of the sinking and tilting millennial tower. The first issues to have somebody testify thats been issued by the board of supervisors in a quarter of a century. In some of those hear ingings, i thought as chair of the committee it was important that we be able to take testimony under the penalty of purgery pursuant of oath and came to find that did not exist in the board rules. The way we drafted the rule in the beginning caused some concern in the public that was not what we ined. We never intended to subject. Members of the public of board or general Public Comment to an oath under penalty of perjury. It was a mechanism to exact testimony from witnesses particularly in front of the government and Audit Committee that is charged with unlimited investigative powers. To that end, i have put before you a number of changes, specifically, we would like to amarooned the document as follows to entirely strike section 1. 10 administration of oath section on page 1, lines 913 and as well, strike the provisions at section 3. 8. 1, which were a subsection to the Public Comment provisions and instead, move that the board of supervisors amends rule 3. 3 of our rules of order by adding a subsection 3. 3. 1 to read as follows administration of oaths of government audit and Oversight Committee members adopted by the members of the committee the committee may instruct the Committee Clerk testifying before Government Audit Oversight Committee excluding Public Comment upon adoption the city clerk shall administrator an oath to the audit and Oversight Committee. Be given under penalty of perjury. We would like to add a rule 4. 27 which would Read Administration of oats by oral motion adopted by majority of members of the board meaning the full board of supervisor may administrator an oath to any person test pieifying before the board during that portion of the meeting under adoption of such a an oath excluding Public Comment any testimony following such oath shall will given under public penalty of perjury. And that the entire board of Supervisors Committee as a whole have the same powers pursuant to administration of the oath to penalty of perjury. Thank you supervisor peskin. Any questions or comments on this item . Supervisor yee. Thank you chair. Point of clarification. Its like going to court and when they swear to tell the truth and everything . Im trying to understand this better. Its a different venue were not a court. When that individual as in the case with the millennium we had pursuant to the sup pea na itsture they are asked rarely in extraordinary cases its a power the board should have and the clerk will be delivering clean copies with all of those amendments to each and every one of you. Thank you. Colleagues any other questions . Madame clerk i would like to call her forward and give her the community to comment on this item. Thank you. It is wellknown hearings held by the board of supervisors and committee are sacred spaces where it is expected testimony presented before the board is truthful and forthcoming for the facts i appreciate supervisor peskin this is to check further those rights of the public to understand better what the contractors of the City Employees or nonprofits are testifying about. Is the format, supervisor peskin i provided at the millennial tower is sufficient thats what i and the Committee Clerks will be presented to present the oath. If i may through the chair to the clerk i thought that was a sufficient form. Thank you supervisor thank you supervisor safai. Supervisor yee has a question. To the chair to supervisor peskin. So for instance, if angela were not here and we needed somebody to administrator the oath, then our Committee Clerk would do this. So, i would like to ask our clerk what kind ofdo we need training for your staff to do this . Supervisor yee i will work with each of my clerks to make sure they have a copy on hand when they come into a Committee Meeting in the event the committee determines they would like the clerk to provide the oath they will be prepared and ready to do so. If i may as a point of clarification the way this is written gives this power to the audit and over Site Committee and specifically to the full board. So it actually would not be as written a power that would be enjoyed by the budget and finance or rules committee its within the purview of the rules committee to make those changes, if you see fit. The government audit and over Site Committee is the investigative arm of the board of supervisors to the extent you wish to broaden it is within your pursue. I think the presentation by the clerk as well as this amendment is narrowly defined and used appropriately i appreciate those comments colleagues any other questions or chants . Any other members of the public would like to comment on these items seeing none Public Comment is closed can i entertain a motion on this item. I guess i would like to make a motion to accept the amendments as highlighted by supervisor peskin. Second. Seeing a first and second, those aye testimonies are approved. I would like to move the item as amended to the full board with positive recommendation. Second. Seeing first and second item is approved, and moved to the full board with a positive recommendation. Thank you colleagues. Thank you supervisor peskin call the next item. Item number 6 [reading] requesting the Shelter Monitoring Committee to report. Thank you mr. Clerk the hearing was introduced by my predecessor and Previous Committee chair katie tang i see we have Monitoring Committee mr. Simbie mr. Chen in the awed yen we have both members here to provide their report. Mr. Simbi and chin identify yourself. My name is [inaudible] im the chair of the Shelter Monitoring Committee. And mr. Chen is one of the staff. Thank you supervisor fewer and supervisor yee. Im here to present our annual not Quarterly Report. Just introduction to Shelter Monitoring Committee established in 2004. Our purpose is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to the mayor and board of supervisors local homeless coordinating board on conditions of the shelter and also to see how city policies impact shelterthe Shelter Monitoring Committee. To ensure Shelter Research centers is passed by the board of supervisors passed in 2008. Shelter Monitoring Committee conducts six site visits a year four announced two unannounced the committee is tough takes clients complaints from shelterers and Resource Centers and investigates them and treatment of shelters regarding the standard of carein terms of break down and 11 single added shelters. We were able to complete 9637 we were able to do. We were able to receive 121 complaints we were able to investigate all of them. 26 satisfied the clients 15 led to investigation three led to sites compliance we didnt have sites with the clients we left them open the sites did respond and the matter was investigated because we didnt have contact with the client we left the matter as still open another thing we did for the end review we were able to complete 15 site visits out of 21 that were required some of the access we had 2015 through 2016 is reduction in complaints the Previous Year to 121 this year. And increase in site visits from 77 to 96. 3 this year. The greatest achievement is we worked with supervisor katie tang and breed. With Supportive Housing for the Domestic Violence process in the review we had the vote pass unanimously the recommendation that as i present to you mr. Chair it is implementation. Another success we can say in the year before we had a lot of issues in terms of Committee Membership and had vacancies in the commit asmt in the review and in the coming year, we have one of the most representative and Inclusive Committee we currently have six female and seven male members we have equal in terms of race, gender ethnicity that is all mr. Chair thank you very much. Thank you mr. Mucomie. Colleagues do you have any questions . Seeing none, we will go to Public Comment. Any members of the public wish to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Any additional comments colleagues . Supervisor fewer. Thank you. Chair. I do have one question as i look at this report and i see that there are listing infractions and how they were resolved a little bit. What it doesnt tell me is how large is each facility . So how many people do they house. This is an average number of fractions repeated refractions so percentage wise. I dont know the size of the shelters so when you are doing it by individual shelters it doesnt tell me how many occupants or how be bids it would be helpful to know in the scale of infractions. Thank you. Supervisor fewer. State your name for the record. Department of Public Health. I supervise vise the staff. We meet with hsh and department of Public Health we met just yesterday. Were reviewing some of those change that is one of the things that was there with the numbers. I also want today let you know one of the things we would be doing is its listed as a Quarterly Report we used to report to this Committee Quarterly what were doing is annual report i wanted to let you know once the Shelter Monitoring Committee passes this Quarterly Report we will be meeting in your office to go over details on those reports and get you the backgrounds. Sam . We have sam dodge Deputy Director for the department of homelessness. Thank you supervisor. We have 1300 shelter beds and we serve over 5,700 unduplicated people a year for our shelter system. Thank you. When theres a visitim sorry no. Supervisor fewer . When you visit my office would you mind bringing me the stats so i can see what were talking about the number of infractions. That is going to be the improvement on the report. Also were looking at things, about the client complaints on the follow up. We will look at structuring the time down on the complaints also what was the resolution to it. On behalf of what the client and behalf of the provider that is not stronger indicated there, we have work to do on those reports. Thank you very much. Any additional comments . Colleagues. I have one question i dont know if its regarding the monitoring the system in general. Anything the report talk about expansion of services or the amount of services that are offered and refused . Shelter monitoring is different in terms of what we focus on. In standard of care as the shelter providers meeting standards will range from simple things like are they providing quality Customer Service are they providing what were quired to provide the bedding and Everything Else . Thats what we focus on however the department of homelessness will focus in terms of outcomes on unduplicated clients Case Management onsite do we have this kind of Service Provides and what is outcome do we have . Do you have a baseline . If you are looking at particular standards, do you have a baseline of service each shelter has to meet . Bed sheets, pillows, do they inspect for bedbugs all of those things is there a standard every one of them has to meet. Are they rated on a scale in terms of provision of services . So, under this standard of care yes it provides all the framework for what the site must meet. For some sites, we have to provide a blanket and two sheets and pillow case and have to provide clean water and telephone so its clearly did you say Telephone Services . Yes. Local Telephone Services during daytime for the county. We help client toss be able to make calls for employment for housing, for doctors, so that the shalters are required. Is there a Rating System this is high performing or substandard i would imagine the majority are provided through cbos is that correct . In the report is a list of the standards of care and that lists the things we will be measuring, whether they have or have not done that. Then we are setting up a point system to rate them on that. Like supervisor fewer im new and havent had the opportunity to be briefed on this. If you have a standard Rating System are you going to develop if someone doesnt meet that the majority of providers is it through nonprofits and shelter on behalf of the city . Yes. If they dont meet the standard are there consequences. Yes. There are several steps were attempting to do. Were working with hsh what do we notify them on. Let me give you an example its not really directly related if we get a client that comes in and says they have a fear because of possible violence we notify that program for hsa about they work with the provider so certain things are taken care of immediately were looking at a variety of Different Levels on what is it we can do to technically help. Some of the stuff with the shelter if they do have difficulty is staff turn over we have to do training on the standards of care. Just to go back to previous comment if we get a call for fear of violence where does that call go to . There is two different parts one is side inspections gerns the standard of care thats what makes the Community Different they go out and do site vises some are announced and some are unannounced theyre required to do so many site visits we have drop in hours for clients to come in and register complaint ss. At b ph. Yes they will take that complaint and do the investigation on that. Do you track how many complaints are registered against each shelter. Yes. Is that in the report as well . Yes. What are the consequences for not meeting the standard of care or tremendous amount of complaints or lack of services in those shelters. What were attempting to do is to work with the providers and the two departments is to work with them in department of Homeless Services and shelter. Yes. And work with the shelter provider and see if we can bring Technical Assistance to bring that up. Versus being as a first step versus we have seen them. I understand. Is there a situation you switch provider in a shelter and say who owns this shelter . Is it owned by the nonprofit or the city have you had to switch shelters out ones not performing. Let me try to answer your question. The first one is with the legislation is drafted the Shelter Committee does not have powers to penalize. Not the committee the funding departments. That is responding to that. What we do currently is the shelterer monitoring community receive complaints is forward them to the department of holmes homelessness to make sure the issues have been addressed as they come up. The second question i wanted to respond to is, were moving from the part where we were just providing religiouses on some of the things that happened as they were happening and what were trying to do as mr. Moto has stated we try to capture the concerns in the coming years to put it down in our ri port this is what happened this is the outcome and this is what were trying to do in the coming years. I guess one of the biggest criticisms is people refuse going to shelters for many differentry sons let me finish my statement then you can comment. A lot of people refuse shelters based on level of service, fear, quality all of those things then to know there is cbos and others operating on behalf of the city and we have a standard of care thats what the chair was trying to implement monitoring to get a baseline of services i believe there should beim not saying consequences we should have a result if there is a provider in there not performing to a level of standard we want to be able to provide Good Quality Service getting people off the streets. [inaudible] yes we totally agree. There is multiple levels of accountability in our department we hold the contracts for these shelter providers that are Nonprofit Service providers the city does own three of the major shelters msc south at 5th and brian and thousand and 1 polk street which is next door shelter. A family shelter on golden gate when you are familiar with. Those are the three shelters were talking about. Those are three of the main shelters we dont have a lot of shelters in this city. At msc south that make up a large part of the single adults. So, we do have contract monitoring site visits reviews they do have the ability to impose changes and penalties if were not performing to a certain level of standards we can change contractors they have been performing well we do stay on top of that and publish monitoring reports. So the thousand in the bed are those three. No. They have their own facilities and we contract with them. Got it. That is all in the report . Um yeah. So you will schedule a time with each of us to come. Got it. Further questions colleagues . Seeing none can i entertain a motion to file this hearing . Sorry. Sorry. Skipped ahead. Members of the public that wish to comment on this item . Please come ford state your first and last name. You have two minutes to speak. Hello angels like so many people gentrification for homeless i have been staying at the bethal shelter for women. The reason there are not many complaints is clients are afraid. You get retaliated against. I get retaliated on a daily basis manifests in small thing you cant get additional food. You dont get an extra warm blanket i can use my coat so on. Clients are afraid to come forward because of retaliation thats why there are no clients at the shelter thats why there are no monitoring meetings hardly ever. I many dont want to go into a shelter. And come forward with complaints. Especially at a womens shelter we have 2two male leads with hostility towards women we are told dont complain or you will be on the street and we will still have jobs so people dont come forward out of fear. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public that wish to comment on this item . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Supervisor yee . The public speaker raised questions for me, whether or not we have a mechanism to if indeed what shes saying is something people are afraid to come forward, is there a way we can test that theory in terms of having outsider come in and ask these type of questions of clients . Spell your name for the record. My name is carry im deputy direct for hsh sams colleague. Im far lie new in the job ii have been there since november. What we is have seen happen in addition to the Shelter Monitoring Committee and staff theres an advocate the shelter client advocate will actually do not unannounced will do under cover visited to document if people come to their office to say they have complaints they fear retaliation they will go to the shelters and actually try to document what is happening with staff and how that gets taken care of. And they have brought those complaints to our staff and scott who is here receives the adult shelters have followed up in every instance. Is theredo we track that at all . Is that part of the report in zooing that we have complaints where people are affray to make complaints . The shelter advocate is a separate Monitoring Program from the committee its difference between standards of care and some fe the grievances the shelter does record the grievances and responsible for following up on them. That grooevents is in a separate report . I would like to that have. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you supervisor yee. Seeing no names may i entertain a motion to file this item . Is this annual . Quarterly. He said annual. Is the annual . Yes annual. Okay do we file it . That is the recommendation. Supervisor if i may, this item was introduced previously with Quarterly Reports now they will be delivering annual reports we can introduce new hearing file for annual reports this item can be filed. Theyre not going to make a motion to file this report . Second . Yeah second. Thank you aye testimonies moved and seconded so this item is approved. And sent to the file. Please call the next item. Item number 7 is a hear to consider appointing four members for fouryear terms for the Veterans Affairs commission. There are four seats and seven applicants. Thank you mr. Clerk is anyone here from the Veterans Affair commission we had the president that was supposed to speak. Maybe we can have the Vice President of the commission speak. Please come forward and state your name. Good afternoon supervisor safai members my name is Dwayne Kennedy im the Vice President of veteran Affairs Commission. Thank you. You want to say anything on the item. Sorry i didnt hear the item. This is appointments to the veteran Affairs Commission. We have president was going to do a brief introduction since are you here i thought you would like to say a few words. Perfect. Thank you for veterans in San Francisco we have a fight coming up in the administration we need members to take that fight with us the board of supervisor and Mayors Office and advise on all things effecting here in San Francisco. Were learning attacks services to veterans va hospital cuts in funding nurses doctors our veterans deserve more than that. If the past few weeks is any indication to what is to come i hope we can have our membership at the vac join the fight with the board of supervisors and mayor to defend our residents that fought for this country that deserve a lot more than we think theyre going to get. That is why were here today. I hope you can find some good members for us we have some ideas that is surgeonly your choice. Thank you very much. Thank. Thank you mr. Kennedy since moffett wasnt here. Im Wallace Mike Moffett is the United StatesDeputy Attorney hes a commander in the United States navy his work doesnt allow him to be here today. Do you work with the commission . I am Wallace Lavin first off i wanted to congratulate. Were not in that order we need to call you when we have that opportunity i need the commissioner to speak since the vice bitty was here i can call you forward at a different portion of the meeting. Colleagues do you have questions or comments for mr. Kennedy before we have the applicants come forward . Great. We will proceed to hear from the applicants directly call them in the order theyre listed on the agenda. Mr. Chair we have applicant for seats 1, 2, and 4 . [inaudible]. Since then i have completed military service and completed master and ph. D. In Political Science and committed a portion of my life to Public Service my background satisfies the kwafgss for various affairs of the commission while providing xhn highly educated resourceful resolving conflict with multifaceted organizations and engaging Diverse Communities issues that effect the average citizen are compounded now facing injuries medical conditions or reintegrating yourself back to society. He encouraged me to get involved in their work. Since then i have attended three Commission Meetings shh and over a dozen board supervisor boards as well as the commissionand va and have already begun to assist the commissions work beyond the scope of regular citizen and happy to discuss examples if you have any question iss. Thank you. You have questions . Seeing none, call the next applicant. Yes mr. Chair the next is [inaudible] seats 1, 2, and 4. Service connected disability as well. So i heard about the Veterans Affair commission. I saw it as a great opportunity to continue the service i have done. You do have my resume i dont want to take up too much time with that. Since i was an undergraduate to advocate for veterans in that organization it taught me coming together as veteran and teabing issues to the people making desuggestions is one of the best ways to be effective. During that time. I was able to get a group of veterans to work with staff. And faculty who were like minded and wanted to help. Veterans from the gi bill Yellow Ribbon put in place. These are the things that interest me. Its no, maam simply just that im a veteran i like to see people coming together for worthy goals. I went to u. S. F and went to work that has been inphorbol in the community. Its continuation of that work finding a way to work with veterans on these issues i think as far as my job is concerned i like to really take a look at what is in place see if it makes sense if it doesnt improve upon that and find the right people who can do that work as well. I have gone to the Veterans Affairs commission i went to two of them the board of supervisors relies on veterans to give their opinion on thing and give advice and be experts on the subject matter of veterans i think having experience working in this field i can offer something to all of you who look to us for that information. Thank you. Any questions . Seeing none call the next applicant. Next applicant. Is david who is also applying for seats 1, 2, and 4. Hello supervisors, i served in the invasion of iraq in 2003. Upon my return was one of the founding members of iraq and afghanistan one of the largest oralixs the flagship organizations we were able to get passed the post 9 11gi bill full tuition and house room and board for any veteran post 9 11 that served two years or more. We sent a million veterans to college with that piece of legislation we have good policy at National Level. I left to serve as an Intelligence Officer i was the regional director in iba where i served in San Francisco where i worked for veterans policy i served San Francisco as the intelligence strategist. Thank you. Any questions for mr. Chastine. The last sentence . I didnt hear it. I serve the city as the Threat Intelligence strategist. Thank you. Any other questions . Seeing none call the next application. Next is mr. Kennedy for seats 1, 2, and 4. He said he is not going to put his application forward today. Call the next applicant. Shannon. For seats 1, 2, and 4. Chairman im shannon. Im United States navy veteran disabled also a Second GenerationSan Franciscoian. I was born and raised in this town the city does. Community education i do a combatted community with local agencies i have done it with San Francisco bart police just yesterday San Francisco homeless out reach team. A lot of Law Enforcement in the community not just in San Francisco so i was hoping with this position with the San FranciscoVeterans Affairs commission to get to those agent cease we can talk about the cultural com ten sea but we petency but we today im putting forward my application to be on the board. Thank you. Any questions for mr. Kissen jeer. Seeing none. Call the next application. Next is kelsea cambell for seats 1, 2, 4, and 12. Good afternoon supervisor safai supervisor fewer, supervisor yee. My name is kelsea cambell i group up 3andahalf hours south of here in mer row bay. I graduated top of my russian course there. I went to serve most of my time in deployment from 2007 to 2008. I led a team in east baghdad. I attended Columbia University to study Public Policy after graduate school i was selected for the federal management. In the public government. I served in the pentagon for four years and served in islam bad pakistan and worked with special forces in latin america i worked on treaty negotiations and Public Health planning for during the last two years in the pentagon i supported the deputy success tear of definance and have hn ac Social Security to planning and large sector organizations im currently a second year law student at uc hastings and recipient for students with passionate Public Service. Im a leader in the Environmental Law Association autos of my professional careers i have been part of initiatives aimed to our nation one of our corner stone projects is for clean and Renewable Energy to members of the public to explain how our dependance on fossil fuel efaculties our national securitythat told the stories of many soldiers experiences on conveys overseas how they now advocate for Clean Energy Investments and been active for veterans for american ideals organizations seeing our county is divided right now we have used our voice to counter rhetoric. We do not believe the suspending civil liberty or maligning certain groups is the way to ensure securitybois find their lives threatened in iraq and afghanistan right now counter islam phobia and standing up for refugees i speak on kqed and the recent president s ban. Im currently working on a law review article on implications of women in the draft under the service act. I bring the ability to analyze complex issues. I know to look deeper than just is this program serving our vet vans if it meets the need of women and Mobility Limited veterans while theyre clumped into a group theres a lot of diversity in the community. Public service is what i warrant to do after law school. Prior to moving to San Francisco i worked in the federal government but was not able to be involved in the local community. I spent most of my professional career solve issues outside of our borders i came to a point i wanted to turn my attention to those around me its imperative you prepare time attention and resources for vulnerable communities im proud to be in the bay area because of past injustices who actively sikh to remove such bar yores thank you for considering me for the Veterans Affair committee. Thank you mrs. Cambell. Seeing none call the next applicant. Next is dorothy for seats 1, 2, 4 and 12. This is a reappointment. Good afternoon. You guys ready . Good afternoon my name is dotty guy sikhing reappointment i have been on the commission since 2011. A body of memorialization trying to make a difference in the lives in the veterans lives in the city and councily of San Francisco. In the executive leadership ship we help streamline the meetings making theme more efficient what is going on in the community. One of the things i would like to focus on Going Forward in my appointment would be to make sure were not only serving the veterans who need it the most but the virtue rans in the middle class that is diserr puig making sure they have the housing they need giving the Employment Opportunities and getting all the care they need. Thank you. I love being on this commission. It helps me extend my work as a veterans work as an Oakland Vet Center now with drop box open opportunities for veterans to help get there. Thank you mrs. Guy. Questions colleagues for mrs. Guy . Seeing none, if there is members of the public that would like to comment on these applicants. Come forward and state your first and last name. Good afternoon supervisor safai and supervisors my name is dwayne ken knee im the Vice President of the veteran Affairs Commission as you can see our San Francisco veterans are way over qualified here you have a tough job to pick four people to serve on our commission. We have met with all of these applicants. We have our list. We i should speak on myself. Im recommending first, dotty guy reappointed for another fouryear she does an outstanding job. And we want to see her return. Victor olivary that is an amazing veteran you heard him i would hate to follow that resume kelse cambell another equally awesome. Candidate and david those are my three recommendations er for the Veterans Commission this year thank you very much. Next speaker . State pursed and last name. Wall lis lavin and would like to congratulate the three supervisors on your election and reelection. I presently have the honor on serving on the bott board of trustees im the only veteran. I served 30 years on the commission. The first come of decades is getting the three women mandated to be on the commission. During the last 4 or 5 years with the women being able to serve in the military, that has been rectified right now, were at an all time high with women and i believe there are seven commissioners that are women with the appointment of the two women today half of the commission will be women. I think that is a giant step in the right direction and i just wanted to sayis the main mover on this point on this commission f you want to act in the best interest of the Veterans Affairs and city and councily San Francisco. Take his good advice. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker . Good afternoon supervisors my name is helen wong im a volunteer executive director of the district eight. Success center across the street. Im also the commander for American Legion 384 post. Also the commander for 384 located across the street. Also im the treasurer for the San Francisco veterans lions club. I would like to say is all theas you have heard all the applicants are very well qualified but im throwing my vote in my support for victor. Olivary and dearthy guy because of all of applicants i have heard and scene those two stick out in my mind theyre involved in the community. Thats what we need. Im there at the war memorial. Veterans building monday through friday as a volunteer there are few veterans who come in or as involved as the two im supporting. They ask questions what can they do to help the situation they want to understand what goes on outside theyre not interested in just taking position. They wanted to work with veteran who have the problems and believe me, we sikh veterans i heard about the shelters we sikh veterans who have homeless in shelter needs and a place to go, so, i believe applicants can hypothesis us with those areas, so please consider. Thank you any other speakers . Good afternoon. Im the Media Relation specialist [inaudible] and Community Engagement for team red, white and blue for San Francisco chapter and student at San Francisco state research is focused on homelessness and access and health care for veterans we have been around since 19742 leaders michael and lion winston are leaders in the field of Homeless Health care reform over a year ago so we have been on the forefront of fighting gns va choice im fighting against privatization on the National Level we work closely withcal veterans we work watt Homelessness Department and also our ceo leon winston was on president obamas commasy we have been proactive on those two issues veteran Service Organization in the u. S. Meaning we are one of the biggest we have 20 million budget and serve 300,000 veterans we have 500 veterans on every given night, that is one out of every 50 live with us im here to support shannon and zusa. I have con to the encampments on the streets we have gone to get Supportive Services we make active reimburses inside and outside of the communities i would like these guys to be on the commission i believe their experiences and exterre piece would be valuable to move the ball forward progress with the city we end crime veteran homelessness by the deadline this november of 2017. Thank you. Any other members of the public that wish to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues. This is always a difficulty difficult position were in we have multiple applicants qualified we have four seats can i offer suggestion or comments . Supervisor yee . I would like to make comments and offer suggestions. I want to thank the public for coming out here. This is an aimportant appointment process were going through. I want to thank all of the applicants that have stepped forward and put themselves out there. Its not easy to do that at times its like this is embarrassing i want to thank every applicant for the services they have given to the county in the past and some of you for the future. And i agree with supervisor safai that these are tough decisions. Every speaker that came up could serve on this commission and do a great job. I i can see the passion of every speaker that came up. I served under rules committee for two years in the past it sounds like a broken record for me but its true that one would be recommended to move onto be appointed is great for them. For those that dont get appointed dont be disappointed there is opportunities in the future. All i can say those not recommended please keep on trying especially this group of people where i feel many of you could be a positive for this commission. But for me, today, i would like to make reimburses and see where that goes. Seat one i would like victor oliviare seat two kelsea cambell seat four i recommend david and for seat 12 i would like to recommend we are appoint dearthy guy. Is there a second on that motion. Second. Seeing first and second, this item is approved and moved to full recommendation to the full board of supervisors before i send this just to reiterate what supervisor yee said, this committee is always open for individual ss to come back we sat down with as many individual as we could and talked to them and appreciate your time informing us and there is current representation for plow shares and commend the work they do its important on the front line there is the tact this is a large commission, we have the opportunity to continue to work with you and please, bring your name forward again. I appreciate everyones time. Thank you. Mr. Clerk any more items on the agenda that concludes todays business. Thank you. Thank you everyone. 00 [gavel] width i called this meeting to order the transbay joint power policy agency fourwhat is today . January 12, 2017. Please take roll call for the record rector kim will not be present due to a scheduling on foot and reiskin mdm. President nuru mdm. President sartipi mdm. President harper mdm. President chairman you do not yet have a