Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors steve i want to speak a little bit about the grandfathered july makes sense and people on notice that the ordinance is being introduced at this point i urge you to keep the 50 percent the doctor for projects in the pipeline before that date that is fair the projects could perform their projects and aware of the fee when they made their lands deals the city not to slow down the projects the proposal by the sfmta is feasible and urge you not to void any significant increases maybe were in a bubble now but those fees to make sure make sense in the next busts the reason were in the country now job growth has been since 2010 we need to do better and make sure the housing pencils in when were in the beautify as well now so the projects can be built when the economy is weak this unfair you were burn of fees will be user u unfair the modest of the increases and move the grandfather date up to july 2015 but keep the projects in the pipeline thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon eric a gi a Real Estate Developer and im here today to just give a little bit of insight from our world we work with the city and supervisors and Planning Department on a number of policy items we eye to bill a one for one parking now a 50 percent we have hundred percent bike parking and electrical car charges and filters for the meters that are imposed to high traffic that is the way housing policy transportation policy is done on the level with the developers i think you can give us a lot of run room years in advance we can plan for it like every others policy reducing parking and increasing electrical cars and impact fees to pollution we Work Together and try to accompany with solutions not a penalty again ill support not making large substantive changes, however, well work with the board and city planning for longrange planning to Work Together with transportation in the city thank you. Thank you okay just want to circle back to anyone that is interested in speaking on this item that is the last time well be taking Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Madam chair id like to note that supervisor kim has left the room and supervisor president london breeds as appointed commissioner avalos in her place. Thank you mr. Clerk for that information commissioner avalos. Thank you chair cowen i want to thank everyone from the public for speaking im going to insincerity one thing and let my colleagues on the committee before me if were going to be looking at rays fee levels today even though we could have a discussion on a lower fee or than what i might prosper or another colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Colleague whatever we do will trigger a continuance i believe if we can indicates the highest fee level well go for well not trigger a a the 0 continuance only a onetime continuance and well set a lower fee less time to deliberate on many ordinance id like to propose if were looking at a fee increase question go to the highest level that we can and then questions about of the committee can accept a lower fee at a later time but safe us time moving forward. Thank you commissioner avalos supervisor wiener. Thank you very much so he wanted to you appreciate commissioner avalos sdreb in detail his property amendment and too i want to respond to my prospective the first with respect to the increasing the per Square Footage for both residential and nonresidential as i understand commissioner avalos is proposing residential to keep the per Square Footage rate as 7. 74 between 21 and a 99 units and for projects of hundred units or more to raise it to 874 by one dollars; is that correct. Thats correct. The incredible of one dollars for above hundred. Thats right. I support that ill support that both amendments on the nonresidential and commercial the which is always paid tndc to increasing the Square Footage by 3 for projects under hundred thousand square feet this is a pretty massive increase particularly when we have two others impact fees coming down the pike in the near future and as supervisor yee has property flower mart childcare fee and tend to so residential im not support to support of 3 and 6 when what i will support a 1 commercial for projects hundred thousand square feet or greater so thats what im prepared to support for commercial and then for the grandfathering i, you know, i really tonight struggled with this one when i did legislation we take typically for example, the water recycling legislation and had a pretty generous graisht legislation for the packages in the pipeline a those projects pencil out in a certain way and they team with their funders and been incentive not for the new projects but the projects in the pipeline sometimes for years because San Francisco, of course, takes a time that are an thinking godly millennium of time to get projects built years and years particularly for projects even in the process and as a result change the fees in the military of the process or changes the rules of law in the middle of the game can be problematic so i would be prepared today to support no grandfathering projects that entered the pipeline after july 26th of this year in terms of the dates of this ordinance that was introduced and now any others changes to the grandfathering provision i think grandfathering provision was the one exemption strikes a very good balance in terms of a 50 Percent Discounts a 25 percent depending on how long unifying youre in the process and for projects once again we introduce this legislation an july dwight 2015 for anyone to enter the process they knew the rules were likely to be given the ordinance was introduced and we shouldnt be creating incentives for developers to rush their projects into the pipeline during the part of legislation it is a very bad incentive to creates again ill support latinamerican the graisht projects after the introduction date of this ordinance im confront with the rest of the grairt provision eaten i did mention the other i believe two amendments that i have distributed in terms of encampment the Student Housing and having it to be an Economic Feasibility study ever 3 years instead of every 5 years and then i also indicated in terms of the eliminations of the hospital exemption ill not are supporting that but the exception ive articulated before i support the increasing the triggering from 8 hundred to 1 hundred square feet is a very good idea and then for the area plan credit im open to that weve got more discussions about that. Okay. Is that it. Yes. Great commissioner avalos. Thank you. Well lets i didnt go into details but my amendments i can do so supervisor wiener touched on that we agree ill go with the exemption for all of nonprofit secondary education institutions as well as the feasibility thats his Second Amendment ill be okay with the pdr adjustment that chair cowen is put forward as well as the area plan exemption shes pit forward as well so and what was the other piece supervisor cowen. The removal the hospital exemption ill be support supportive of your amendment as well i want to as were talking about the hospital exemption i want to talk about what happens three years ago three years ago there was an effort to charge hospitals and nonprofits so hospitals including nonprofits hospitals and all nonprofits that effected schools that effected smaller institutions it that and have a lot of cash flows with the nonprofit hospitals and theres a lot of push back from the members of the board of supervisors that didnt want to see nonprofits that didnt have a lot of cash fwloe to be paying the fee and wanted them to the exempt we talked about how to study that as wear performing and recrafting the Transportation Sustainability program thats why we got to this cross i believe some of the hospitals that are big chip generates and nonprofits they pay for the fees and why latinamericans the hospitals for the tsf i was looking at a number of the ceos and their salaries for a lot of nonprofit hospitals and theyre very distinct from our local nonprofit likes Chinese Hospital ceo you mac upward of four and a half millions as their base pace that is a gift of ditch category from hospitals working hard on schesht care ill be not supporting hospitals exemption and we will be seeking to lament that at the committee or the full board and so ill go into the amendments i have and supervisor wiener you mentioned that on the tiered industry for the overall is it fair to say, you said the way the amendment ive crafted is the it only the increase to 874 dwlrz per square feet is only to the second units above hundred units thats not how i contrasted my discussion but i didnt craft my amendment it will be of the 874 applied for the whole project for development that is over hundred unions so youre clear he indicated that the opposite so that is whats before us ill reiterate the amendments for residential 21 to 99 units we keep the flat fee of 7 theres plus per square feet and then over hundred units well raise the fee to 874 over the entire project not the portion above the hundred thats my amendment and for nonresidential where it is 8 hundred to 99 plus to raise the fees to 3 i believe supervisor wiener you said that would be too high for you the overall fee is 21. 04 and square feet and the other tier for nonresidential over hundred thousand grow Square Footage to raise to 24 plus the 21 and 24 square feet is 24 feet of the nexus. So that would be one of my i think our First Amendment that i expect well have contention over the seconds tiered approach for how we grandfather residential id like to see that since we have been are working on the the actives was before us 3 years and in the pipeline tennis e since that time this is a program that weve been working on the remainder would be part of new t s p to anticipate the developers will anticipate what is applied for their projects so what i want to see not only to make sure theyre paying the full amount of the t s f but 50 percent of t s if if the projects before july 21st, 2015, if they present projects after that theyll pay 75 percent of t s f and projects submitted after july 21st e 21st 2015 the full amount and supervisor wiener you said youll support or jeff cohen a similar approach for graisht nonresidential the same dates and the same percentages would apply so 50 percent before july 1st, 2014, and after july 2014 and projects submitted after july 21st, 2015, again, the full t s f those are the amendments youll be seeking. Thank you, madam chair and commissioner avalos for this clarification in terms of fwrairthd i completely understand the point of view on that i do think in terms of when youre talking about a multi year the t s p this is in process for years but also as we see in the process it is a little bit unpredictable what will coyote of the process so i dont know anyone two years ago could are predicted this is the garth provision and the Square Footage and this and that and so i on the current grandfathering provision dont appropriately balance given the 25 Percent Discount or 50 percent i think we agree to disagree on that one in terms of itself appreciate the clarification on residential so my concern with the way ive couched it so if you are buildings 95 unions youll pay the lower fee the 774 if you go up to one hundred and 5 units within additional unit of housing 874 excluding the first hundred so if you cross that threshold that retroactively increases the fees for projects that are maybe around hundred if youre debating 90 or hundred units that might be enough to you push you over the evidently with 90 and a lower impact fee for the city for less Square Footage being built so colleagues ive distributed to you two additional amendments which reflect go when i indicated as being on a feasibility to commissioner avalos promoted in terms of of the grandfather and the per Square Footage fee so those i wont repeat them i described them before you distributed to you in writing and ask you to consider them. Okay folks weve got a lot of amendments on the floor. I personally have articulated my amendments i think were clear ill not go over them i suggest we go amendment by amendment and we can vote them up and down in and out okay fair enough. So first of all. Let me chair cowen start with what we know we have agreement on and get those out of what youll probably support that. Ill do my best i dont have any notes organized that way what im going to do is im going to work from the t s f and again down the list and when we get to a competing provided for example, the residential and nonresidential fee 0 ouch your proposing well take a vote and on supervisor wieners my apologies for not grouping them together the First Amendment is the two eliminate the area plan exception we have a roll call vote. Please bear with me. I know its a lot. This is a votes on the elimination of the plan exception by commissioner avalos commissioner avalos supervisor wiener chair cowen. Thank you and i think that i also maids that is one of my proposals not in addition to commissioner avalos you said commissioner avalos proposed the plan area exception. Oh, yes. That is a proposal was there. Add my name add my name. Oh, a cosponsor. Just for clarification chair cowen distributed it in writing maybe we should clarify i thought i was voting on you madam chair. Thats what i was trying to articulate you said amendments promote by commissioner avalos to eliminate the exemption and it was more of a oral that amendment. The City Attorney has dratted what the mayor the same thing language that was in chair cowens elimination of the hospital exemption or the project area exemption. Ask to voted on each one to be clarify. Would you like to resend that profess vote so i can clarify the question. Motion to rescind unanimously approved. Okay madam chair, i move we adopt the area plan and elimination per what the chair distributed in writing that amendment through the chair was distributed. A clarification for the City Attorney it is the same language of the amendments youve amended so to have it classified. Gentlemen just about same amendments only question for the clerk who is making the motion to be regretted in the minutes so supervisor wieners position to adopt the amendment that supervisor cowens amendment. Simple making the motion as a matter of progress that is it is the motion to adapt supervisor campos to remove the area plan for the t s f. Thats correct. Roll call vote please. On that motion commissioner avalos supervisor wiener chair cowen. The that item passes. Thank you Second Amendment i proposed is to increase pdrs threshold we have a roll call vote on that. May i ask which amendment. The Second Amendment i introduced to increase the pdrs threshold. Yes. I have that. Okay. On the motion regarding increasing pdr exception threshold from 8 hundred to 15 hundred commissioner avalos chair cowen o supervisor wiener chair cowen. The that item passes. Thank you very much thirds amendment it the removal the hospital exemption. Second. On that motion regarding the roller the hospital exception. Roll call vote. Commissioner avalos supervisor wiener no chair cowen thank you. I that motion passes. Thank you. With supervisor wiener voting no on the matters. Okay. Can we do the First Amendment that supervisor wiener passed out. Supervisor wiener. And im sorry. Supervisor wiener passed out an amendment to increase the t s f rate. Perhaps the less controversial ones first so i also move ill do 2 and one of the first to change the 5 year removal of Economic Feasibility to three years and the second to exempt the Student Housing by the post secondary institutions i move those two amendments. Second. Im sorry. Im in charge of one of the amendments not the other. My apologizes to change. The feasibility from 5 to 3 commissioner avalos supervisor wiener chair cowen is that item passes. We have. Excuse me. The City Attorney. Andrea deputy City Attorney he wanted to clarify the commissioner recommendation to change. The Feasibility Study from 4 to 3 and also to include that information among the calls for a revision sooner p than that i one day if you want to take that second to include what and for a revision sooner 3 years because the cutters ordinance the mayor can call for a Feasibility Study at any time. Youre absolutely correct an additional for the Planning Commission for the body that can request an additional so but that is rescued in what i distributed so the vote is out madam chair, i move that here on behalf of the appellant. Can i pause you for a second i also have a request for an amendment i didnt talk about it earlier around feasibility adjusting fees for different geographyic areas that have different land values we want to include in future studies not looking at the fees but how in the future more nuance looking at different neighborhoods of San Francisco. For all fees. Yeah. Ill be happy to support that. Im in favor of that we need to take a vote. Madam chair he move that question do you want the motion excuse me. We adopt the mainstreams i distributed in writing that will exempt from this fee all nonprofit post secondary sflugsz buildings Student Housing. Second. Sorry more clarification john gibner, deputy City Attorney the language supervisor wiener distributed not limited to Student Housing i understand that is the policy concern exempted all post secondary education. Part of the nonprofit not carve outpost secondary institution. Thats second roll call vote mr. Clerk. Yes. Commissioner avalos supervisor wiener chair cowen no the that item passes with chair cowen voting no and just a clarification i may study that and look at the new changes i was expect we were looking at the size for post secondary i may change my vote i doubt it but fair enough to take another amendment that supervisor wiener lets take a moment on supervisor wieners next amendment we want to go to the 6th amendment that commissioner avalos proposed the geographyic Fee Structure for the development and the feasibility of making it based on the fees in different areas of town different that is my motion. Second. Id like to do a roll call vote vote. Just clarify sorry. Oh. The City Attorney has an amendment for this. Starting the Economic Feasibility study on that motion commissioner avalos supervisor wiener chair cowen that item passes. Thank you. Okay okay. So that leaves with us a few of the more controversial items creating a two tier for the t s f both for residential and nonresidential supervisor wiener ill defer you first to talk about your amendment. So for in terms of increasing the overhead per Square Footage fee for this ordinance i distributed an amendment that keeps residential and keeps the fee and a at 7. 74 up to 99 units and for projects of hundred unions or more it increases by 1 to 8. 74 square feet for units hundred and higher and for commercial it would increase for commercial projects of hundred thousand square feet or more it will increase the per Square Footage fee from 18 to 19 theres and 0. 04 he move that amendment. Right this is seconded by me any firefighter discussion i really feel that the higher dollars fee maim that will go to projects over hundred units should be applied to the entire project for the entire project itself that is a tribute to trips and it has an impact on as Transportation System i think that higher fee ill be voting no on that portion and proposing an fifth amendment amendment for the entire project to be at the higher dollars amount. Thank you very much roll call vote are we clear on the motion. Oh, yes, he have a copy. On that motion commissioner avalos no supervisor wiener chair cowen that item passes. Thank you okay ok okay. And then shall i make my final grandfathering i do distributed the motion that keeps the grandfather in take equipment for any project for which that went into the pipeline after the introduction date of this ordinance july 21st, 2015, will not receive any grandfathering benefit but other than the grandfathering as contained in the ordinance will stay in taxing take thats my motion. Seconded by supervisor cowen roll call vote. On that motion commissioner avalos no supervisor wiener knowingly chair cowen that item passes commissioner avalos voting no. Thank you very much thank you, colleagues supervisors do that achieved your amendments sdhoolz have we taken up. I want to put into the record i might not get the votes but on the last amendment was skerlg the residential and nonresidential correct. So i do have some agreement with part of what supervisor wiener put forward certainly we have any project that was submitted to the planning process after july 21st, 2015, both for residential and nonresidential im in agreement with that but id like to put on the record weve voted on amendments that include before july 1st, 2014, and after july 21st, 2014, will be paying 50 percent and after that 75 for residential and nonresidential. Thank you duly noted well have a discussion at the full board okay soy dont see a second for that motion laughter so my other motion which ill seeking a second for is for residential units that the higher fee of 874 per square feet will go to the entire project or projects over hundred unions units i think how does that differ. What we approve right now for projects over hundred above hundred units will pay the higher fee. You want to include hundred. I want the 8. 74 per square feet for the entire project not only the units over hundred. If i may i just my concern is that when you it is sort of like when we had the payroll tax kicked in if youre a Small Business with zero with 2 hundred and 70 o 40,000 you paid on a tax but hires that additional person took you up to 275 it created a major disincentive for the businesses it swement in everything from the first dollar so i think if we were to say if you are at 99 units youre paying 774 and 101874 on all hundred unions anything well be greed guaranteed to be below hundred we need more housing not less so i think it is better to make a graduated fee thats what it is in the amendment we adopted. I just think there are a lot of projects well 0 over hundred well cash in on the entire amount. A vote. Is there a second. Ill second that. Thank you. On that motion commissioner avalos supervisor wiener no schlg no the motion fails. Thank you all right. Colleagues, i think that achieves all the amendments. One more im going to give it the Old College Try nonresidential you units or gross square feet of 8 hundred to 99 thousand nine hundred and 99 to raise the fee a to 21 theres busing plus it keeps it at 25 percent of the nuking and for nonresidential with the grow Square Footage of over hundred thousand over to raise the fee to 24 bus a 24 percent of nuking so id like to see that vetoes on as well. Motion pie commissioner avalos and seconded by supervisor cohen roll call vote. On that motion commissioner avalos supervisor wiener no chair cowen no the motion fails. Thank you. Thank you for entertaining my motion. Madam chair my understanding because of those changes well have to continue the items i move to continue this item two weeks to our next meeting i believe this is october 19th; is that correct in two weeks. Yes. Unanimously that that item passes to continue the item for two weeks. The matter will be continues until october 19th. Thank you mr. Clerk you ready to call item 4. Yes item 4 a hearing on the status reports prepared by the department of building inspection and the Planning Department on the legalization for the insult of pursuant to the planning code thank you scott wiener supervisor wiener it the thorough of item 4. Thank you very much madam chair this is a hearing to look at the receive and just want of the inlaw unit legalization efforts several years ago then assemblyman david chiu the president of the board of supervisors arrested groundbreaking legislation this board passed to create a paths to legalize the tens of thousands of illegal inlaw units significant tens of thousands of people live in inlaw units there are some of the most Affordable Housing stock it is important during the crisis our prairie Internal Revenue lowest income and people who are most struggling are able to be stabled in their housing and so this legislation is incredibly important in allowing for the legalization for the units to be brought into the sunshine and integrate both our Housing Stock it is a few years since is legislation was passed and as we understand it weve been keeping track of it some units have come down but not as many as we last week to be clear this hearing is about the legalization of the existing illegal units not adding new inlaw units so we have the department of building inspection to did you what the status and how many people are inquired and how many people have applied. What if i impedes to fix and address those impedes and the administrative level or necessary doing any classifying legislation want to make sure that more and more of those units are legalized so we have the folks from the department of building inspection and if colleagues dont have questions chair cowen over to them. Thank you it will be doing this brief refuse the legal shingle process by kate connor of our department. As supervisor wiener just outlined this ordinance passed originally about the mid of may in 2014 so were now at the approximately 16 months into the program it is a volunteery program that allows one unauthorizes is dwelling unit per lot to be legalized it suspends any Code Enforcement around any notice of violation while the owner is pursuing the legal sun from the building meets rent control requirements that is applied to the legalized units not sold stwral as a condolences the goal supervisor wiener stated is to try to increase the toeltsd number of legalized units in code compliant Housing Stock it was 4314 it is essentially established the Eligibility Criteria that the unit must have exists prior to july one of 2013 and show proof of past tenancy through a lease and no fault evictions with the rent board could not have considered after march of 2014 and complete the physician by the beginning g 17 screening form a detailed guideline to assist the owners that are considering looking at the legalization process there is a rather complexed work free that you can see on your computer screen suffice is to say the staff said both dbi and planning have been very ham to work with any owner taking into consideration and seriously looking at possibly adding to the Housing Stock this way. Based on the data dbi is keeping 3 thousand calls expressing interests inquires about that coming to the krnts in the department or on the phone and that will proefbl averages between 50 and 80 a week since it passed out that have weve ultimately had 200 and 39 applications submitted 40 of those were permits that were pursuing novs thats the units that have been cited thats interesting only because it is about 17 percent of total so it is actually pretty clear to us so for that people are not going to look at the process of legalization just to get rid of on existing nov at least not yet. If i may so 2 hundred and 39 is that application units 200 and 39 legalization applications have been submitted to dbi. Right out of 3 thousand inquires weve had over the past 16 months 200 and 39 applications submit for the permits. The better comparison out of the thirty or 40 thousand inlaw units. I remember from carmen chus ordinance that was thirty to 40 thousand none has a hard number we can adequately say we know there are this any inlaw units i believe ive defer to kate connor on that there are many units that by waving the density and the zoning that is part of legislation already would be conforming buildings and so i think this is reasonable to assume tare might be as many of 20 thousand that could qualify so i dont believe weve seen those in the permits weve actually issued. So i guess my question i upstairs we dont know exactly how many inlaw units how the there this is the nature of the situation no way to track it in detail but if we have 3 thousand people less assume thats 3 thousand units but 3 thousand units that have contracted or 23 thousand people that inlaw units that contacted the department act out of 10s of thousands of units thats a low number the first question why you think that most people are not contacting the department particularly i know there is im sure fear of code compliant as a result of legislation prbdz that but the second thing the other 3 thesis people that interacted with dbi only 3200 and 39 less than 10 percent the question is the second question is why have 90 percent not submitted applications and i know you dont know the reason with for each person but overwhelms that people expressed this and that concern overwhelm curious to know when a why it is that people are not following up with proclamation. Well at least based on over staff has reported back to me there has a been an expressed concern over the fact the unit would be permanently within rent control as one expressed item the. Theyre already include. Their included and towards that ends maybe issue about how aware others are about the program and absence xhufdz by what might apply or not the other rational ive been told by the our staff theyre concerned over the assessment value that the tax bill could go up when, in fact, the assessors made that clear that only applies to the legalized units if work needs to be done to legalize it and not necessarily the whole building but amazing i be that as it may thats the concern. One other issue weve heard he till when the legislation was passed i had concerns of this particular concern the legislation allows for building for only one inlaw unit to be legalize will be many believes that w have more than one units if you own a building with two inlaw units both occupied if you come forward you could potentially that could result your removing allocate inlaw unit i wonder if. Comments i cant exempting comment on any specific confusion on this as i said, i think there is confusion before we and the Planning Departments have had several working groups to try to walk through this process and explain to potential owners participate why it might be worth prarpts another factor could be the cost in terms of the total fees paid right now between planning and building those are averaging about 34 or 300 and as you may know the legislation was passed took effect in Early September to waiver the fees for the building and planning thats only been in effect one month we havent seen any buns back from that over the long return that cost factor could be something that will increase the rate of participation. Okay. Then the other issue that weve heard from people is that in this legislation if you i know weve had this conversation in the context the new inlaw unit legislation supervisor christensen and i thoordz you want to make the investment your reward is your building your band from the condo lottery and people dont want to do that and so this will prevent them from legal listing the units. Ill go is that a third are fourth area our staff has repeated back to us as a consideration that people have made perhaps at this time ill ask cat to come forward. Yeah. We do have a little bit more of the presentation so good afternoon chair cowen and honorable supervisors kate connor Planning Department staff so theres a total of 200 and 39 permitted submitted to the program and 62 of the permits have been issued the Planning Department is currently ref 93 or 94 and dbi is receiving 43 of the permits so this is a breakdown by supervisorial districts as you can see permits filed in district 4 total 49 beautify of different permits and district leveling 35 permits this slide breaks down the review times for each agency those temps improved drastically the staff has laktd the permit under two months and this is transcribed to the efficiency in the process and is permits submittals so this breaks down the average cost per department as bill mentioned effective on september 5th the planning fees for the planning and dbi have been waved taken welds to mention the costs for inlaw unit is 50,000 so certain challenges were seeing with the program although weve seen approximately 200 and 40 permits for loophole listing this is due to a varieties of factors during public conversation the Property Owners are reluctant to enter into the project base of the cost of legal listing the inlaw unit is higher the construction is 50 percent and if their exist we have to come up with that capital and other buildings cant comply with the building requires are requirement and it would be difficult to rove the units in the future and in addition weve heard that stwnlz have apprised at a higher square feet value than another unit and weve learned from the Assessor Office that the change of use only becomes reassessable if there are new construction and people that are hesitance to enter into the program and finally anecdotal issues associated with the constriction to lilies an inlaw unit in terms of the loopholetion or construction so some process improvements weve definitely sped up the review time street tree 19 are reviewed by the department of public works and this provides a clear requirements for people entering into the program also you know when planning approved the permit we give specific direction how to apply for overthecounter processing to the department of building inspection and that reduces the review times for dbi and also one of the major policies that are grained by dbi it the sprinkler requirements before when you added to the dwelling units the occupancy would trigger the the and also for the process improvements weve waved the fees for dbi and planning and also dbis websites has been a really great wealth of information so far we have 9 legalized units that are completed and so that concludes my presentation. Were definitely vertebral for any questions. I just want to call you on some of the discussion do you have any i know youve indicated some of the areas that people expressed concern but theres a broader issue the fact that only 3 thesis people contacted the department to inquiry tens of thousands of inlaw units is that because people dont know what sense you have maybe 10 percent have bothered unanimously to contact the department. I mean it is a combination of different issues i think initially it took while for the program took to catch on a lot of people are learning about the program but i think that the costs is the big issue as far as the cost of construction not manipulative of an incentive to enter into the program if their renting their units but to go through the legalization process is daunting in terms of of the legalization on or about is that something youre hearing from people. Ive heard it if a few different citizens i mean not an overwhelming complaint but heard it for sure. And then in terms of the on or about i raised with the rewards for going through the process and paying all this money toe legalize our unit and bring it formally into the reversal your with regard is the building gets a Scarlet Letter and band from the lottery. We have the Planning Department staff heard that comment that definitely heard it is if you want to remove the units to xheshth to a legal unit but not necessarily overwhelm. In terms of overwhelming not that many people are committed so a little bit hard to know and so the fact of the 3 thousand inquires on this 200 and 389 have moved is that for the other 90 percent did they decide this is not for me are thinking about it do you have a sense obviously you cant read their minds. There are quite a few of the people that are trying to figure out how to start the progress retain an engineering to flush out the screening form or if so if it is viable it is hard to tell. Seeing any kinds of acceleration or per week or per month the number of inquires or applications more than a year ago that awareness will group that perhaps some of the process improvements people will be more comfortable entering the process any chance for that. Definitely which the program started it was a slow starts but a pickup around the one year were seeing other increase in the permits. Okay. Thank you very much does that complete the presentation. Madam chair commissioner avalos has a comment. A quick question given that we have tens of thousands of unions that are unpermitted in the city possible between 25 and 40 thousand 45 thousand and we have you know only hundreds that have actually looked at participated in a program what does the city have in its disposals that will bring people forward is there anything in place. Bill dbi ill say the new fee waiver is definitely the kind of incentive i think may stimulates Participation Rate again as kate was just saying it is very difficult and as supervisor wiener is and i land use to with those low participation numbers at this time it is hard to get a very strong fix on why people are holding back i would say is both depends are very trying to walk through the people to the project and get interest it is certainly not for lack of providing a very explicit guidelines and willingness to work with people it may be that we need to see a betters outreach effort so more people realize this opportunities is right here and right now. Is the Mayors Office of housing involved to create any kind of he incentive are you aware. Not that im aware of the housing trufd are you aware of any discussion of trufd that was approved in 2012 as being available it have an impact on the incentive. Im not so you know this is an area of law that i have the impact arm but also probably didnt have the impact he expected to have we had contrasted the Housing Trust fund and now on the Budget Committee and working on the gross residents tax i submitted language clearly that was actually creating a portion of the Housing Trust fund called the Housing Stabilization funds i recently had it was called the homeownership stabilization and with the language a change that was moved to the Housing Stabilization and fell off my radar at this time a moment of shame for me by the language that is here ill read it does allow for used for used to be be available to housing that i believe to help to cover the cost of of legalization so heres the language in the you Housing Trust fund july 2018 the city had allocates 20 thousand to a trust fund for people earning up to im sorry, i have the wrong one i tried to take a picture of it i accompaniment read it well on my computer screen im sorry here we go so july 2018 the city shall appropriate 20 thousand for few minutes inform housing earning up to 20 percent of medium income for the assistance to reduce the loss of housing and and or to help 080 make their homes for Energy Efficient and sustainable the malicious shall implement and develop a manual so i actually crafted that language it is kind of village vaimg by he is Mayors Office when it went to the ballots to allow for housing that want to seek subsidies to bring our unpermitted units into compliance and more assessable to for people not one single dollars had not been used or by the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to make sure those funds are available for that program i can to brought to your attention to see if you can meet with any office with the Mayors Office of housing to have it move forward that this program ive mentioned it many times to the may have e Mayors Office of housing so we want to invite you to come to my office to help to work on that you a thank you. Well be happy to do that, of course. Thank you very much any future discussion on item 4 lets go to Public Comment that is open for item number 4 mrurmd seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor wiener what would you like to do with that item thank you, madam chair for succeeding that item we want to thank the departments for updating us i think what this hearing has shown our work is cut out for us we have to continue to raise awareness in the city so that owners of buildings with inlaw units first of all, know that they have the option of kormdz they know they can make an anonymous inquiry and if they had and it turns out they do not move forward 24 will noted trigger code inspection to remove the units that is prohibited in the legislation we have to make sure that the process at planning and dbi and others departments continues to be more and more efficient and that people thinks they can move through the process in a reasonable way theyve innovate be stick in a lengthy city process i do think we need to continue to look at the legislation to see what our obstacles in the legislation and whether it needs to be changed and have more inlaw units principles so madam chair i mean, ill move to file that item. Theres a motion to move to file this item this motion thank you very much this that item passes unanimously. Mr. Clerk id like to call back item 3 for clarification the City Attorney went off with some clarification one of the amendments we discussed earlier today john gibner, deputy City Attorney so there were 2 amendments an items 3 as we piece those together and put together the version on october 20th to make sure that the committee is on the on the same page about the votes one on the grairt to supervisor wieners amendment that changed the grandfathering provision to that for residential units the full t s f are paper after 2015 project that the developments application after july addicting 2015 the committee i dont believe spoke about nonresidential projects in that discussion but supervisor wieners amendment does not increase the fee for nonresidential projects after july addicting 2015 that will leave that fwrairth piece in place so nonresidential would pay the t. I. D. F. Right and one ordinance in fact, the commercial will pay the higher rate for the projects. Right. Right only on the fwrarth provision just trying to clarify the rational the commercial is already paying t d i f and the second piece again, just to go back to the be sure we reflect the committees intent on the fee schedule the committee decided how to deal with the situation were there were 99 units or over hundreds units does the higher level of fee apply to the buyer project or on to the hundred units and above and the committee voted 2 to 1 only to the hundreds and above the committee didnt talk about how to deal with nonresidential units and so your understanding of supervisor wieners motion and the discussion is that well apply the same rile to the nonresidential projects where up to 99 thousand nine hundred and 99 gross secret well apply the lower and positive that the higher fee and again wanted to get that on the record and make sure thats the committees intent when you made those votes and thats our intent with with the drafting so if this line was not detailed the City Attorney can clarify thats the intent and; is that correct. All right. Thank you very much. Well, thank you for a clarification commissioner avalos were on guess on the same page okay. Thank you. So call the next item on the claundz pursue that completes the agendas on all four items thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, this committee is adjourned ill start by introducing our guest honorable mayor ed lee clapping. honorable supervisor jane kim clapping honorable Supervisor Scott Wiener clapping. and honorable Chinese Deputy consulate general ram clapping. i also want to thank the intend to that pavrpt in the Ribbon Cutting today clapping i dont want to thank each you, you youre a important member of the communities that means a lot to share this special occasion with us i have to give a shout out this is simple natural cast to them hello, everybody clapping. and a big thank you to everybody that came together within dolby labs and over partners outside of dubiously to who came together to make that a reality thank you so much clapping. this is a special day for us i may know that could side with our 50th Year Anniversary it started in 1965 ray and others were on their way u way back from india traveling in the v w bus and founded in 1964 it was in 1976 they moved the company back to San Francisco to a small office we were a Small Company on downtown San Francisco and become a part of this San Francisco communities and have been ever since we grew over the years and in time we spread out in San Francisco in 3 different buildings in brisbane over 7 hedge funds employees and need a new home to support our growth and bring everybody back to together and wanted to continue to be an important member of this vibrant communities that is San Francisco were pleased to have found this new home and we know that right away that was an opportunity; right . An unique opportunity to establish a space that really embodies who we are as a company and what had a he do it finger our employees to do their best work and be a part of this community so we start with the reason that dolby labs thrived for 50 years we advance sight and sound so create spectacular experience we wanted that to resonate throughout the building and one of the ways weve done that it is really special im thrilled the way it came together we worked with a number of artists around the world 21 afrpt around the world 1 3rd from the bay area and we shared with them what we do and how we see the world how we see our purpose and asked them to come up with artist installation 36 throughout the building that represent their interpretation of who dolby labs is and where dolby labs is going i couldnt be more thrilled with the results some took the interpretation limiting and did their work and created exhibits make you think about so you arent i sound and sites into our daily lives their change as you interact with them it starts the moment you walk into if building hopefully, you had a chance to notice the video wall a audio visual art installation it was created by a local artist it is ever changing and the system it also ever changing that will evolve over time something on the communities seize a little bit of the tip of the iceberg to whats happening and between those walls im excited the next navigations the team partnered with a local high school and a group of high schools students as an extension of the art program learning to fireman that wall that will be one of the upcoming installations in our new home so we really created an intersection of art and science and communities and we really, really excited about that now, of course, is starts with scientific and engineering it also has this building is a working looter weve dwraetd a working lab 65 thousand square feet of lab space hundred labs it is starting with the design so a good practices to start we started thinking of the biophysical place of business lab this is y where we study how little brain reacts to sight and sounds and discovered not long ago when people are experiencing one of the newest visual technologies it will be coming to the worlds through video in a few months time we learned they have a physical response to images of fire when dead on arrival by vision were take advantage it was a vice rally response that remind me of the first time i experiences download by our audio system we were ive been terribly alone and forgotten in manhattan between dead on arrival by and dead on arrival by sound it was i heard it a millions times it sound like rain when it went to dead on arrival by i felt i was about to get wet i looked for my uncle umbrella thats why we start that the science of art and sound and any time we have looks about where we can emulate the film invitations and mobile online and those labs are throughout the building that is really, really important part of the working lab we didnt which i see one or two floors and makes the labs with key cards and fingertips those are throughout the building where people are working virtually throughout the floors youll find labs where people are working and doing their daily work one of the our big labs we just groundbreaking break ground that as a full dead on arrival by the cinema this is the most way to experience it is going to be a working lab it is going to be a place where the creative communities can come and work on this is an projects were looking forward to finding opportunities to have community and Host Community events were looking forward to that in the, of course, also a home it is a home for 7 hundred and 50 employees in San Francisco it is a hearing aids for over 18 hundred employees around the globe one of the things we set out to do this was a big change to create more open space more common areas we call them interaction hubs a big change i cant will you how those come to life and use the way they were tendency have chosen not to have an office i dont have a cue im working throughout the building i might take two or three days and spend it in moving up and down the building ive hunting had the opportunity we rely obtain or on structure and nonstructural scombaksz ive observed those unstructured reaction people are spending time with others and ideas are shared and timely parts of innovation occur that is wonderful to see how it comes it together so, now when we moved to this building we, of course, are not new to San Francisco a member of the San Francisco community for nearly 40 years and really existed to move to this revigils mid market neighborhood we wanted to learn about our neighborhood we started is it actually before we moved in the team put in a lot of effort to go out and familiarize themselves with local businesses part of their orientation was a in violation of section to visit the local businesses and restaurants and met the local are proprietors learning and helping to people thinks what were about and reached to do u out to to a number of communities and last year the company volunteered over 2 thousand hours of local service. clapping. on monday morning when we kicked off our grand opening efforts the way the employees kicked off we had over 4 hundred employees go out into the community and volunteered over 12 hundred hours of monday this week alone clapping. many of our communities partners are with you today, the Womens Audio Mission and the bayview Childrens Center and st. Anthonys and im pleased to have you here and look forward to grow those partnerships over the coming years and Financial Assistance is very much a part of program and an important part but really important that we look for opportunities to form deeper partnerships than that our employees are really enjoying the opportunity to share their time in the communities anticipate their expertise there is sometimes, you know, in doing gardening and korean and outlines things weve found times to share the expertise the legal communities or can be sound like engineers helping with a film or broadcast program or just been a fantastic way to learn about our new home and new neighborhood clapping. i want to close my remarks with a quote it is a quote from ray our founder ray continues to be an inspiration to all our employees around the world at dead on arrival by the always been an inspiration had an opportunity to see one of the early employees and worked with ray everybody the years and spent time in the building and at the end of his tour he tell me if ray were here he would love, love this new space that meant the world to me so i want to close with a quote from ray to be advertent our you have to be willing to live with a sense of uncertainty to work it this darkness and grow up for an answer to put up with anxiety about whether it is conceive he love that quote that quote politics to innovation and equally applies to life in general and applies to dead on arrival by the and the city of San Francisco that willingness to work introduce the uncertainty is what allows us a copy to evolve and thrive for having years and be opening this home when we have a pipeline of new experiences a. M. Doma where did world that is larger area large than any time in the history under mayor ed lee leadership 24 city continues to evolve and thrive under mayor lees leadership is mid market communicated we are a part ever is just really excited to watch the revitalization of this neighborhood we literally have the opportunity to watch that neighborhood transform before our eyes everyday so its my great pleasure to introduce mayor ed lee clapping. thank you wonderful wow. Thank you kevin for that wonderful explanation of ladies and gentlemen, you know as i was lincoln listening listening to kevin i have to tell you the image christmas has arrived early in San Francisco and you know kevin what christmas it is you know theres a gift right here that for a few moms you saw kevin describing some unwrapping of that gift and i know that supervisor kim and supervisor wiener join me many in unraveling a gift to San Francisco the revitalization of the mid market thats a gift but this one today begins we my acknowledgment perp and proofing as a person that comment cam to San Francisco and wanted to be part of the certify lists movement in terms of social values i know that jane kim and scott the same thing but thank you to the dead on arrival by the family and personally recognize ray theyve been initiative more 40 years the entire family thank you for this gift with kevin and with the entire collaboration of the employees that are seeing that this 0 on daily basis the things that supervisor kim and i and the supervisor sdpooud we came together to talk about what Market Street meant to us when i had my office a few blocks down and didnt smell or things i made myself a promise and relied that promise to the supervisors and good friends like randy shaw and others in the tenderloin some of the people he said you know if i have a chance i am good evening to do something i cant do it alone and the government cant but we did convene we invited like you have i want to say a woman welcome to all the local the regional and the International Artists in the room today because this is the home of dead on arrival by the art ive often learned that term clapping. youve been incredible i saw some of the images already of some of the incredible artist that has been and continue to be created by local bay area artists all over the regional to be shown and to be embraced here in the room and interacted with the students i am waiting for the tour of the lab that will be your invention when you have the incredible tenant we have blended that the science and arts im excited because ill definitely experience in tleerts and in venues like on the museums and jazz center the opera and the ballet because when dead on arrival by the started they were unveiled they were attached to the first incredible cinema experience we had star wars with george luke remember that the incredible turning down sound experience im to do that for our kids for all of you when we as a city blend art, survives and contingency science and communities that is what living in San Francisco perhaps is about or pretty much the majority off people came here with the blends so when we starting looking at Market Street we invited first and foremost a lot of art people to come art people are not afraid of anything laughter yeah, we said theyll look at space and reinvent and invite people to experience that and we invited our Arts Foundation and a number of art organizations that took over the city storefronts and tried something visually and they led the effort and gave us an incredible foundation which we invited them more entrepreneurs to come here and today, there is over 189 companies here a number of them, of course, took advantage of the payroll exception for the 5 blocks but deadline by the other two companies that didnt and we said they have some faith in what we wanted to contribute that tax before the accident a bacteria was a not the attraction about what theyre about what the gift theyre about to unwrap for all of us im as excited as those kids im looking at that this as a gift to me and the people that wanted this after the greatest street in our whole city to be a gift to the rest that blends art, science, and communities and guess what embodied in this company is those attributes not only the art the way it is prepared and the invitation by this incredible moving piece of art that is on the walls that kids will be able to actually help create thats an incredible contribution the employees the hours 2 thousand i suspect thousand in the future because everybody i think will want to have a connection with what dead on arrival by the it is isnt area phones it isnt sound but probably about the experience and having that blend in life science is at the heart of what you do and understanding that the citizenry of human nature is about science well burglary be an if i believe invitation to innovative innovate with all the labs it exists by the about what innovation is all about and ultimately you have that big heart it is what San Francisco really is about us sharing not only prosperity but your talent with each and in that sharing in that collaboration building on each other more success i think youre giving here and youre already collaboration with the new nonprofit youve made a few and some of them are incredible do incredible work like the Womens Audio Mission and st. Anthonys and be like all the guests youre touching want to be partners with the employees and the management of dead on arrival by the and then i think in after a year if you dont find me at city hall im still the mayor youll find me at some cinema within walking distance im excited to see the citizenries that millions of people all over the world i mean the world thats why console general is here he would looking love this technology to be embraced in china dead on arrival by the has a worldclass act they want to keep building a worldclass experience and this is example we as a city do we do this is why were building a brand new arena in mission bay thats why we invest in jobs and thats why people invest and have established wolf place but more art to come along Market Street and theres more investments in Small Businesses and Large Businesses every day every day the hundreds of employees here are actually causing highrise of more activities to be happening so that youre going to probably finds more small shops that your impact will have it is not just the 7 hundred but what you impact along the way that is what we enlighten when we the accident Market Street we said impact not Just Companies presence we wanted it to impactful so we have a municipaler of many things people walk into a Tenderloin Museum because that is where things are happening it will go down to the Market Street arts organizations and understand how Homeless People are treating their art to get a connection to the communities or south of market area with all the incredible inventions and innovations and have some of the best food along the way i want you, you to know not just the appreciation but hopefully, a vision of how we want to Work Together because in this incredible gift is something i think we all touch and share ill try with supervisor kim and anothers supervises to continue having Market Street be a ghettos for everyone and keep unwrapping gift after gift today it is dead on arrival by the and all the things we do and actually, the gives i want to explain how i was feeling before i go to the labs and before i visit i have incredible copy of that open space that people will see and visualize this is what Market Street is all about and in the center of our worldclass city things that will be so impactful to the rest of the worlds have it right here in the just an incredible gift so thank you to the dead on arrival by these and dead on arrival by the corporation thank you to the employees and all in their partners and nonprofits let me officially desire this to those dead on arrival by the day in San Francisco come on up kevin clapping. thank you. Congratulations. Thank you, thank you so much great i love it, it is dead on arrival by the day laughter well, lets please join me and lets on the building to the public and cut this ribbon clapping. hi whats our name nice to meet you. Tyler nice to meet i im kevin angle thank you for joining us today i need someone to hold this yeah. I dont know im sure their supposed to be delivered soon count down. Yeah. Should we had a count counsel down you like a count down can you help us 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 yeah. clapping. welcome to the new home of dolby labr. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco here we are at the embarcadero. We are standing at one of locations for the street artists. Can you tell me about this particular location, the program . This location is very significant. This was the very first and only location granted by the board of supervisors for the street artist when the Program Began in 1972. How does a person become a street artist . There are two major tenants. You must make the work yourself and you must sell the work yourself. A street artist, the license, then submitting the work to a committee of artists. This committee actually watches them make the work in front of them so that we can verify that it is all their own work. What happened during the holiday to make this an exciting location . This would be a magic time of year. You would probably see this place is jammed with street artists. As the no, there is a lottery held at 6 in the morning. That is how sought after the spaces are. You might get as many as 150 street artists to show up for 50 spaces. What other areas can a licensed street artist go to . They can go to the Fishermans Wharf area. They can go in and around union square. We have space is now up in the castro, in fact. How many are there . We have about 420. Are they here all year round . Out of the 420, i know 150 to sell all year round. I mean like fiveseven days a week. Are they making their living of of this . This is their sole source of income for many. How long have you been with this program. How much has it changed . I have been with the Program Since it began 37 and a half years ago but i have seen changes in the trend. Fashion comes and goes. I think that you can still find plenty of titis perhaps. This is because the 60s is retro for a lot of people. I have seen that come back, yes. People still think of this city as the birth of that movement. Great, thank you for talking about the background of the program. Im excited to go shopping. I would like you to meet two street artists. This is linda and jeremy. Night said to me to print them nice to meet you. Can you talk to me about a variety of products that use cell . We have these lovely constructed platters. We make these wonderful powder bowls. They can have a lot of color. York also using your license. You are also using your license. This means that i can register with the city. This makes sure that our family participated in making all of these. This comes by licensed artists. The person selling it is the person that made it. There is Nothing Better than the people that made it. I would like you to meet michael johnson. He has been in the program for over 8 years. Nice to me you. What inspired your photography . I am inspired everything that i see. The greatest thing about being a photographer is being able to show other people what i see. I have mostly worked in cuba and work that i shot here in San Francisco. What is it about being a street artist that you particularly like . I liked it to the first day that i did it. I like talking to mentum people. Talking about art or anything that comes to our minds. There is more visibility than i would see in any store front. This would cost us relatively very little. I am so happy to meet you. I wish you all of the best. You are the wonderful artist that makes these color coding. Nice to me to. I have been a street artist since 1976. How did you decide to be a street artist . I was working on union square. On lunch hours, i would be there visiting the artist. It was interesting, exciting, and i have a creative streak in me. It ranges from tshirts, jackets, hats. What is the day of the life of a street artist . They have their 2536 in the morning. By the end of the day, the last people to pack the vehicle probably get on their own at 7 30 at night. Nice to me to condemn the nice to meet you. It was a pleasure to share this with you. I hope that the bay area will descend upon the plaza and go through these arts and crafts and by some holiday gifts. That would be amazing. Thank you so much for the hard work that you do. Hello, my name is jamie harper. In this episode, we are featuring the park locations in your very own backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in San Francisco with someone special. Golden gate parks largest body of water is this lake, a popular spot for strolling and paddling around in boats, which can be rented. Created in 1893, it was designed foreboding and for boating. It is named for the wild strawberries that once flores. A pleasant trail follows the perimeter past huntington falls, 110 foot waterfall. Two bridges connect the trail to the island. The climb to the hills summit, the highest point in Golden Gate Park at more than four hundred feet. You can get quinces of the western side of the city through glimpes of the western side of city through a thick trees. The lake is ada accessible. It has a peaceful atmosphere where you can enjoy a warm day. Walk along the lake and watched many ducks, and swans, and seagulls. It is a tranquil spot to stroll, enjoy each others company, and sail away. Many couples come here to take a ride around the lake, floating under the bridges, past the pavilion and waterfall. For a quiet getaway, it makes for a memorable and magical experience. Located on 19th avenue, this grove is the place to wear your hiking boots, bring your family, and bring the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. It is a truly hidden gem in the city. The part is rich with eucalyptus trees. Long paths allow you to meander, perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. I enjoy this base and the history behind it. The diversity that exists in such an urban city, the concrete, the streets, cars, we have this oasis of a natural environment. It reminds us of what San Francisco initially was. This is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. Transit is available to get you there easily. And the part is ada park is ada accessible. There is also a natural lake. This is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. It also has many birds to watch. It is the place to find some solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air. , an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. This is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand. Located in the middle of Pacific Heights on top of a hill, Lafayette Park offers a great square a of a peaceful beauty. Large trees border greenery. It features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. There are plenty of areas for football, frisbee, and picnics. It is very much a couples part and there are a multitude of experiences you can have together. Bring your dog and watch the mean go with the community or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all of the park has to offer. Many couples find this is the Perfect Place to put down a blanket and soak up the sun. It is a majestic place you can share with someone you cherish. It is located along the 1 and 10 buses and is accessed from the 47 and 90 buses. It is ada accessible. For more information about reserving one of these locations, call 8315500. This number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. For any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 8315510. You can also write us. Or walking in and say hello at old lock cabin, Golden Gate Park. And of course you can find more information and reach us at sfrecpark. Org. Hi. Welcome to San Francisco. Stay safe and exploring how you can stay in your home safely after an earthquake. Lets look at common earthquake myths. We are here at the urban center on Mission Street in San Francisco. We have 3 guest today. We have david constructional engineer and bill harvey. I want to talk about urban myths. What do you think about earthquakes, can you tell if they are coming in advance . Hes sleeping during those earthquakes . Have you noticed him take any special . No. He sleeps right through them. There is no truth that im aware of with harvey that dogs are aware of an impending earthquake. You hear the myth all the time. Suppose the dog helps you get up, is it going to help you do something i hear they are aware of small vibrations. But yes, i read extensively that dogs cannot realize earthquakes. Today is a spectacular day in San Francisco and sometimes people would say this is earthquake weather. Is this earthquake weather . No. Not that i have heard of. No such thing. There is no such thing. We are talking about the weather in a daily or weekly cycle. There is no relationship. I have heard its hot or cold weather or rain. Im not sure which is the myth. How about time of day . Yes. It happens when its least convenient. When it happens people say we were lucky and when they dont. Its terrible timing. Its never a good time for an earthquake. But we are going to have one. How about the ground swallowing people into the ground . Like the earth that collapsed . Its not like the tv shows. The earth does move and it bumps up and you get a ground fracture but its not something that opens up and sucks you up into haddes. Its not going anywhere. We are going to have a lot of damage, but this myth that california is going to the ocean is not real. Southern california is moving north. Its coming up from the south to the north. You would have to invest the million year cycle, not weeks or years. Maybe millions of years from now, part of los angeles will be in the bay area. For better or worse. Yes. This is a tough question. Those other ones werent tough. This is a really easy challenge. Are the smaller ones less stress . Yes. The amount released in small earthquakes is that they are so small in you need many of those. I think would you probably have to have maybe hundreds of magnitude earthquakes of 4. 7. So small earthquakes are not making our lives better in the future . Not anyway that you can count on. I have heard that buildings in San Francisco are on rollers and isolated . Its not true. Its a conventional Foundation Like almost all the circumstances buildings in San Francisco. The transamerica was built way before. Its a pretty conventional foundation design. I have heard about this thing called the triangle of life and up you are supposed to go to the edge of your bed to save yourself. Is there anything of value to that . Yes, if you are in your room. You should drop, cover and hold onto something. If you are in school, same thing, kitchen same thing. If you happen to be in your bed, and you rollover your bed, its not a bad place to be. The reality is when we have a major earthquake the ground shaking so pronounced that you are not going to be able to get up and go anywhere. You are pretty much staying where you are when that earthquake hits. You are not going to be able to stand up and run with gravity. You want to get under the door frame but you are not moving to great distances. Where can i buy a Richter Scale . Mr. Richter is selling it. We are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. They are not available. Its a rather complex. In fact we dont even use the Richter Scale anymore. We use a moment magnitude. The Richter Scale was early technology. Probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. Is that true . Loma prieta was different. The ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. So anyone that believes they survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. We are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to San Francisco and a fault totally independent. Much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. So people who were here in 89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isnt really the threshold of damage. When you triple it you cross that line. Its much more damage in earthquake. I want to thank you, harvey, ks

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