Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Replay Budget And Finance Committee 6816 20160610

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Otherwise stated. Item 1, please. Item 1 is hearing to have the Police Department present its standard protocol for reviewing, investigating, and reporting findings of fault in the event of a cyclist or Pedestrian Fatality or serious injury as the result of a traffic collision. One seat, one applicant. Our applicant lury is here. If you can make a presentation, thank you. Thank you, supervisors, mar and tang. Im elnore and im first president of the commission on aging and i represent district two and i was appointed by angelina and by mark pharaoh. My background is in jarrentology. I have a phd and i emphasized my work, Community Based studies transitional care from hospital to home in Mental Health services for seniors and this part of my career where i did research and publish and presentations at the university of california of San Francisco. I started to work very early in four Community Based organizations outside the university. For example i worked as Program Evaluator for live voice Senior Services both in their first grant which was 74 to 76. And then later on a relative Impact Service studies from 84 to 87. And while it unlocked i met hale, executiver director north of market who is my inspiration and mentor in so many ways. I designed the Needs Assessment for planning for elders in the central city which became pcc and for the Community Living campaign which was an organization that i think marie started in the last decade. I later served on the board and as president for both organizations for clc twice. And i also chaired the program and Evaluation Committee there. Rejobbing has been another source of inspiration and information for me for many years. I sat on the board of the San Francisco Public Authority for inhome support services from 95 to 2000. And i have other Community Service such as Suicide Prevention from 91 to 97. Little brothers 90 and 93. And i worked most recently on the Advisory Committee with San Francisco village. I was appointed to the commission on aging in 2015 and it took me quite a while to understand the complex functions of the adviser committee, and all the Program Areas and areas of interests to the department of aging in Adult Services. I would say it took much of that first two yearterm to get up to speed and understand everything. The first thing i worked on was to revise the site visit form. It apart of our duties to visit sites under contract with the department of aging Adult Services and i have visited nutrition site. I reside to reflect more how a Community Member would see it. In 2012, using data from the 20052009 Community Survey and from zip skinny, an online data base that contains data on zip code by people on characters such as libraries, parks, transportation, number of single people, et cetera. I wrote a paper on characteristics of older People Living in district 2 which is supervisor farrels district. It now should be revised. In 2015, chaired the Advisory Council. Our charge was to effect changes in efficiency in our duty and working relationships and of course some things has already changed and bylaws had to be brought uptodate. Im very interested in the dignity fund which i hope will be on the ballot this coming november. I think this set of guide is very important in guaranteeing seniors and people with disabilities a descent ride in our increasingly expensive city. If it does pass, i would like to be a member from Advisory Council to the dignity fund. And id like to continue just to contributing to the Advisory Council, a few active participate and attendance is regular and when appropriate using skills in summarizing research and writing. Im very happy that the department of aging Adult Service will be working with the university of california Geriatric Program because i felt for a long time that closer relationships with the university and the department will benefit the wellbeing of older people in this city using the latest research in designing and delivering services. We do have Close Relationships or das does. We have mental services, parks and rec and the District Attorneys Office for who have experience elder abuse and i would like to see even closer relations with these departments. I feel that the executive director first can keep us well informed in current activities and issues. The services are based on the department of plannings Needs Assessment which seems very thorough. Maybe the Advisory Council could interact more with the department in determines how needs are prioritized because there are so many needs. Im really very happy with the continuing work of the the legislative committee and senior legislature. I think they keep us very well informed of whats happening and it has been important. We have to be on top of that. All these Advisory Council president s i have worked with has good connections with the community and i dont think i mentioned marie job land, but she has been the source of inspiration and information to me for a long time. I think overall the Advisory Council works very well given our time and strength with that. Many workers are still working. Would you like to ask questions. Thank you for your presentation. I was i am mresed i was impressed when i read your application if the youve answered a lot of my questions, but i see supervisor mar is on the rosters. Being on the rules committee, we get briefed about the incredible work that we dont often get the information about. I want to thank you for six years of great work on the council for raising bill hails name, the legendary leaders and talking about aging programs from the village model to the Community Based on lock type models that are ethnic and Community Based as well and for your alkylation for your Academic Work like the coalition firm. As we move into the senior boom population and hopefully a funding stream as you mentioned that the council plays a stronger role in advising the mayor and the board of supervisors in the city. Im supportive of you. Im glad that farrel is appointing a district i hope we can utilize your experience and the and sf village which is a city wide model to look at all neighborhoods that has strong programs. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you very much. Im flattered. Thank you very much. Supervisor cohen and shes now joined us here. Hi are you . Good morning, supervisor mar. Youre apart of the long what did you say . Were not apart of the family. Is there a relation to daniel laurie. Maybe back in the 16 or 15th century, but not closer. Hes not your grandson. He is not. I wish he were. If you could have him as a grandson, hes a great guy. Thank you. All right. Thank you so much for your presentation, and at this time, were going to open up item 1 to Public Comment. If anyone would like to speak on item 1, please line up. Or come up. Thank you mrs. Leery. Good morning, commissioners. The commissions road gets tougher and i wish a lot of lucker and its colder and youre older and its such a crazy game ever since this item began. Through the best you can. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public wish to speak on sing on item 1. Come up. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Committee members, if you have a motion. I move we reappointment leery to seat one on aging Advisory Council. Great. Thank you. Motioned by mar and seconded by cohen. Well take that without objection. Congratulations. Thank you very much. Mr. Clerk, call item 2. Please. Item 2 is resolution responding to the presiding judge of the superior court on the findings and recommendations contained in the 20142015 civil grand jury report, entitled Unfinished Business a continuity report on the 20112012 report, deja vu all over again, and urging the major to cause the implementation of accepted findings and recommendations through his her Department Heads and through the development of the annual budget. And i would like to appoint elina. I do believe the Port Commissioner willy ald willy adams is here with us today. Good day chairwoman and tang and cohen and mar. Good seeing you again. And youre right, combass tore kounalakis is in washington dc. She has a standing appointment. Since shes been on the commission, hes brought a lot of energy to the commission. Hes very poised. Very intelligent. Her knowledge of realestate and i know especially for chairwoman tang and supervisor cohen, clearly we have gender balance on the Port Commission as you know. It is for women commissioners and inthumb antrum director and im the only male. Its incredible having four intelligent commissioners. We get along well. They talk so much. I never get a chance to speak, but with that being said, i enjoy that. I will say that i wanted to share one thing about the ambassador kounalakis. We have a Navigation Center and its about ready to close. And her and her husband, mario went down to peer 8 to do a walkthrough and i have been down myself. You would think someone of her statute, but shes very regal and very down to earth. She went down there and she understood about the homeless problem. She reached out. She talked to the tenants down there at peer 180 and that was impressive to me and she understood we got money for wars but not for the poor. She understood that. Im here and i rise to support her nomination and i tell you, she has been a jewel. She fits in, and ill say it again, we have the best commission in this city. Dynamic, thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. All right. Any other members of the public who wish to comment on item 2. Come on up. Good luck with your reappointment on this San Francisco bay. [singing] and we got Public Comment here and heres what i have to say, call in the commissioner ride along through the commission shore, we can change our lives again and be free once more. Ride commissioner ride upon the Port Commission to a world that will be there and well make it better still. Ride commissioner ride. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public who wish to speak on item 2. Seeing none, Public Comment closed. We had a motion from supervisor cohen. Seconded and supervisor mar. Well take that without objection. Congratulations ambassador. Mr. Clerk, call item 3, please. Motion three is a motion confirms mayors appoint of lee hsu to the mu nins pal Transportation Agency board of directors, term ends in march 1, 2019. Mr. Lee for a presentation. Im excited to be here and thank you for your time today and for this opportunity to serve our city. I know this is a big responsibility and i will work hard to be a good listener and thoughtful board member. A little background on me. I like to describe myself as a first generation san franciscan. I was born over seas and my parents brought me over from iowa for a better life. And hard work and luck, i feel blessed to be here before you. I studied economics, law and worked for a judge and i worked in financial and technology and in education as a computer skils teacher at our Public Schools. I especially working in education because i believe a key to a better life he especially people from low income. I think we all believe that. What we have learned is transportation is just as important for upward mobility. There were several Research Studies last year that hit the point home including one from harvard that suggested that commuting time was the single most important factor in escaping poverty. Thats really interesting, right. But it makes sense. We always support education because it prepares you for jobs. But what this research makes clear is getting to those jobs is at least as important. I had doors open for me because of public education. But the reality was my parent his to work their butts off to make it all possible. I remember a time when my mom used to drive an hour to go to her the less took it took to get home the less time they had with their kids or catching their breath for the next workday. Thats what all people deal with whether families are single especially in a city like San Francisco thats denser and more expensive all the time. Education matters and so does transportation. I live in west port with my spouse and kids. We believe in doing public work. We feel lucky to live near muni station. Before that we lived in mission bay and we were in dog patch and those were our favorite plays to eat and go out. We spent time in the city. Were in the richmond regularly for school or after School Events and a lot of great play ground and parks over there. We drive, we take muni, we walk and we bike. Our routine centers around getting his kids to skill and ourjobs. Walking and riding muni is my first choice. I have to drive my kid to school. I havent tried to uber or lift yet, but friends say thats neat and i can see why people like them. I like good old fashion taxi cabs. I took one over here now. Although we dont commute by bike, we do family biking as one of our favorite activities. We bike city streets and anywhere we can find a safe route where we want to explore. Were very much multi mobile. Ive taken light rail all the way to san jose and back on many occasions and its not a bad trip. It takes longer than the car but its something i do because its available in case we work on the train. Thats why i care a lot about a good balance that keeps opportunities open for everyone who lives or works in San Francisco. If we enabled faster commute and better access for those who want to take Public Transit, it means fewer cars on the road for those who cant give up their cars. Thats a winwin. Make it better for those who want to take Public Transit and works better for those who have to take cars. Those who have to take cars are kids and seniors. In my area, theres a lot of seniors. The ability to get to where they need is important, thats increasing all the time. So its very important. As far as kids, its an issue because were concerned about keeping families in San Francisco especially middle and income and lower income families. Some of them can take Public Transit, but a lot of time when you have young kids, its hard if you dont have a vehicle to get them around. So for the hard working families and singles who rely on mta to get them to where they need to go for work or jobs or for school or jobs, for seniors and kids and for those who needs cars and especially for those struggling to make ends meet and need Public Transit to improve their situation, i want to help however i can to make things work for them. The education and transportation, those are the two pillars of upward mobility. So ive been working education for a number of years and i keep on doing that and i would like to ask for your support for my nomination so i can get cracking on transportation as well. Thank you very much. I look forward to working with you. Thank you very much for your presentation and im really glad that the Mayors Office has finally made an appointment for this vacancy to replace the late jerry lee who was a wonderful director on the mta board of director and when he left i really felt that there was a gap missing in terms of making sure we have folks who are on that board who represent the views of the outer neighborhoods and making sure theres districts 4 and 10 where its harder for many of us to get around via Public Transportation, and many of our neighborhoods also have, as you said a lot more seniors, and a lot more families with children and as much as they would like to ride Public Transportation, do have to rely on driving and so i do appreciate that balance perspective that you bring. But again, one of the things that i think is really important to me and im sure to others as well is how it is that we really serve our outer neighborhoods where theres struggles. And so i dont know if you have any requesteds around how it is we can help some of those outlining districts, and im sure thats something that my colleagues will ask about as well. But thats something that you hear time and time again that it cant just be transient only. Yes, it might be transient first, but it cant be transient only for some families. Yeah, sure. I think that the options are pretty good going into downtown. I think the challenges are when you have to go from north to south or kind of connect on different directions, but it depends on the area. I think we live really close to muni station, so its a lot easier for us, but we still have to rely on our cars. I think thats going to be true. I believe the key is to kind of focus on the most heavily use the transient. We look at the lines used heavily. Bus rapid transient is good in some areas, but i do think we have to be mindful that some people are going to have to use their cars. The way i like to put it, we want to make transient better so cars e less attractive, but we dont want to make cars less attractive. A lot of good ideas are underway in terms of stream lining access from the furthest distance. The very end going in can be a long trip. The gear brt is very important project in speeding up the commute downtown. I think with district 10, the key challenges is with all the Development Going on, you have so many projects where there needs to be a lot of attention paid to those coming into the neighborhood because they have to get downtown for work. Actually i think its more complex. Its not just addressing the new the mtc. But we did go out there, and what i would say is this, i would love for you or anyone on your team to show me what your concerns are. I will go in person and ride trains. I can send the emails from constituents. Theyll show you. I figured id be getting those. Fair enough. One of the things that im already admire about many of the mta commissioner theyre accessible. Not only do you see them out on transportation. Ive ran into ramos many times on bart, but i would like you to i guess when you serve in Public Office whether an appointed position, you have an opportunity to grow. I want to encourage you as personal growth, but theres a professional growth that occurs in the lime light. Whats more indicative of a leader is how you recover from the stumbles and acknowledging mistakes. One of the things i would like to encourage you learning from my mistakes and stumbles is to be approachable and accessible so when constituents have concerns about transportation, the movement of the line or the movement of a bus stop, youre able to receive the emails and process them in the you joked about the change happening in the south eastern kwau drent of San Francisco. But its a real change and you have People Living there for generations thats nervous and unsure about the change. So weve got, for example, general hospital, the rebuild of the hospital, its a beautiful new seismic building, but we did street scaping work on widening the streets and were talking about hours of Public Comment potentially moving the 22 line is it the 22 line, dylan. Or the 33 that runs in front of general hospital. So you mentioned having a lot of seniors in your district. I have a significant enough. Were in the process of doing a Ground Breaking of a new Senior Center and campus, and its really important that we put our self in their position. We want our seniors to be fiercely independent, but its a challenge when on Public Transportation. Something else to consider when think beginning the southeast is its hilly and public housing, at least two of my units, patrel hill and hunters view. You have bus lines bringing those to the top of the hill and i have a big senior population to needs access to the Doctors Office and the grocery store. This is not so much of a question, but more of an opportunity just to share with you my experiences and some of my legitimate concerns. Mta has been phenomenal at being agreeable and understanding when concerns have come up and id love to see the commission, you, also remain in that same way just outside of your own experience, but being able to emphasize and connect with people. And then also needless to say, you mentioned in your personal story about coming to iowa as a child. Theres many people in the southeast that speaks it goes from san bruno valley into china town and making sure theyre safe on those transportations, that theyre not victims of crimes of opportunity. And or youre working with my office and other organizations and trying to bridge that barrier, that language barrier that exists, culture barrier that exists and you know, understanding some may be afraid and some may not be and so theres a lot of things thats at play here that im just highlighting for you for your attention. Sure. Thank you, i appreciate that. And please know im somebody who always id like to listen. Sometimes that can be a bad thing, but i want to be accessible and always look forward to hearing from you i dont think listening is ever a bad thing. But if you listen and dont respond, thats bad. Sometimes a response could be not exactly what the person is asking you to do, but a response is always needed and i think from my experience when you dont respond, thats where people get frustrated and they become with local government and you see the frustrations that we see almost everyday. But if were able to be responsive and say i disagree, heres my perspective, that goes a long way. Thank you chair. Im done. Supervisor mar. Just in responding to the dialogue between you and supervisor cohen, i appreciate your listening, but also your thoughtfulness in how youre thinking about not just the outlining area, but the south coast. You have expertise of how tricky west portal is and from the transient station to float which is another nightmare being fixed and the 19th avenue work that supervisor tang is working on, thats in the south south connecter thats forgotten not just from the areas in the southwest part of the city, but all the way north toward through the richmond and supervisor farrell district to golden bridge. I think you have a thoughtfulness that i really appreciate. The mta board is going to be more important as we pass transportation funding measures through t30. I think your leadership is great that supervisor cohen is mentioning. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I would like to add onto what supervisor cohen said about switch backs. Its one of those things where we understand for mta, its necessary to do in our system. Just imagining youre getting home from a long day at work and kicked off the lline and you have to wait for the next train or bus to take you home or maybe its not coming within five minutes and you start walking and your whole day is ruined. I think its more so than the inconvenience. Its the fact that a lot of our residents feel the fact this can happen in the outer neighborhood means that mta doesnt care about the residents who live far out and im one of those, so thats something that even though we know is a necessary part of our mta system, but really trying to make sure that is not occurring during rush hour traffic time or travel commute times and making sure the department is following protocols and announcement and theres a train following within five minutes. Thats occurring. Taking this opportunity to share that. Supervisor and i have been trying to address this. Ill work hard on that. Thank you. All right. At this time, then i think theres no further comment from the committee. We will open up item 3 to Public Comment. And first i want to acknowledge that we have darling choi from supervisor nor man yees office and a couple of Public Comment cards. Roger ritter. Carol eto, George Wooding and if anyone else is here for item 3, just please line up right there by that wall. All right. Thank you, all. Thank you supervisor tang and mar and cohen. My name is carlene troy. Legislative aide to yee. On behalf of the supervisor yee, ill be sharing his letter of support for the mayors nomination of lee to the board of directors. Supervisor lee has known from the Neighborhood Association. As a parent, educator, driver and bicyclist, lee understands multiple perspectives and needs of our community. Mta has the power to effect how all of us move and travel throughout our city. Lee will represent a critical and independent Community Voice on this body. Lee is a dedicated, enthusiastic leader who brings those together. He focuses on the fact and facilitates community input. His background on education, financial and technology will serve him well in analyzing and evaluating transportation policies. Hes a strong addition to the mta board and supervisor yee echoes the Neighborhood Association and Community Members support for lees nomination to the mta board and hopes the rules committee will approve his nomination as well. Thank you. Thank you very much for being here on behalf of supervisor yee. Next speaker, please. Thank you. My name is George Wooding. Im a former president of the West Twin Peak Central Council and current president of coalition for San Francisco neighborhood. And i really know lee to i believe hell be a great appointment to the municipal Transportation Agency board of directors. Ive known him for a long time. And found that hes very honorable, very efficient, a very good communicator. And i think you are all driving to that point. I think hes someone who does listen. I think he is someone who does respond. Hes led several school activities. Hes led several neighborhood organizations. All volunteerism and when you have children, it is very hard to volunteer. I ran into him the other day as he was taking his son from cariton school, i believe to catch the 44 tara cita 44 is thats the right number. Norman lee likes him and i like him. I think hell be a credit to the board, and i think hell solve great problems on the west side that have been stalled and i think it also be looking very carefully at the collins area and what can be done and visitation valley. Theres a lot to be done, and i think hes the right guy to do it. Thank you very much. Thanks for being here, mr. Wooding. Next speaker, please. Hello, supervisors, im roger we represent 20 hoas in the neighborhood organizations in western San Francisco. Ive known lee for many years. Hes a great open, sympathetic, descent man who does listen to people. Hes an active member of the council and of our community as we have heard, hes a parent, and he understands the needs of west side residents for transportation, options and alternatives, i and i think hes tuned to the fact that the south western part of San Francisco like the south eastern part of San Francisco, often seems to be left out of some transportation advancements. Supervisor tang was mentioning the switch back problems, supervisor cohen mentioning the same problem and i think lee will work actively not only for our particular neighborhoods, but for the entire city, so our council has unanimously endorsed this nomination and respectfully urges the appointment to the commissioner. Thank you very much. Thank you mr. Ritter. Next speaker. Good afternoon, chair tang and mar and cohen. My name is carol and im speaking as an individual. Thank you for referencing jerry lee who is a close friend of mine. It energizes me to be here to support lee. Jerry was appointed many years ago when i was serving as a commission and we would talk about our roles and responsibilities so i know he took this position very seriously. I think lee will continue that transition of course from what you have heard, but in addition to that, i want to share my experience getting to know lee and his family and why i believe strongly that he would be excellent appointment. As a west side resident for over 35 years ask a board member of west side i share with lee to preserve and enhance the wellbeings of our neighborhood. High quality transportation has been spoken to. Besides his dedication and leadership as president , he help today reorganization the west portal association and work with the merchant groups to enhance the commercial corridor. Lees personality created more Community Engagement in the west portal neighborhoods and Public Schools that has during his initial run for a seat on the San Francisco school board, i know lee worked very hard to understand city wide issues and improve Transportation Needs and pedestrian issues. Lee and his family are frequent users of Transportation Services and could be a voice. From the many constituents who care about transportation improvement and meet high quality levels i ask going your support for lees appointment on the metropolitan Transportation Agency. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is bez and im here today as a parent and a Community Member. Ive lived in San Francisco for the past 22 years. And we were one of the lucky families who won the lottery, so our daughter got into claire ton and she completed kindergarten this past year. Thats where i got to learn lee on a personal and professional level. I volunteer quite a bit for her Daughters School and i served on parent committees and i volunteer in the classroom and that is mainly where i got to know lee very closely. I worked in the computer lab as a parent volunteer where he was teaching, and there, i witnessed firsthand his ability to connect with all people. The kids loved him. It was a very Diverse Group of kids. They trusted him. They loved playing with the software. It was the only it wasnt really homework, but it was the only time my daughter would do anything after school is play with the program that lee taught her. So, his curriculum resonated with the kids and i watched their confidence build through the year. He was patient and calm and the kids loved him. But he connected well with parents. The teachers and staff. And you talk about you mentioned before his ability to listen and sort of respond to issues. I our daughter had one of the toughest teachers at claire ton and shes a kindergarten teacher, but hes tough and strict, and there were times when in the morning, i would talk to lee, how can i help and what should we do and we would set up and the teacher would say i dont like it like that and we want it that way. Lee wasnt attached to his way. He was willing to listen and make accommodations and i saw that in several situations where staff staff yes, we actually have time limits for each speaker. I apologize. If you finish your sentence. That would be great. I highly recommend lee. I think hes a great commuter, and an advocate for the community and he cares about people. He connects about everyone and i have confidence that is for the mta hell do a great job, and i live in amazon next to the thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Im frank noto of the Neighborhood Association, but im here as a parent, grandparent with kids in the schools and a Small Business owner in supervisor cohens district. While lee doesnt live in our neighborhood, we have worked with him on numerous civic issues and we found him [inaudible] of others very thoughtful and a good listener. I think its very important we have someone representing a variety of the demographics that he addresses in the asianamerican community which is not well represented on the board and parents with children that supervisor mar mentioned. I also think his background, you heard from supervisor yee in finance and economics will be helpful on the board. Since i work in the community almost everyday to my office in the southeast corner, you can be assure that i will be all over him on issues that are plenty Horror Stories to the bay view area. And in conclusion, i just want to say i support him and i hope you will too. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Noto. Next speaker, please. Hi, good afternoon. My name is james rice. Im a west portal resident and a parent. And i want to speak in support of lee. But briefly i want to start with a quick story about the challenges that mta faces in our neighborhood particularly around communication and perception. So on my street, mta recently removed a Street Parking spot. There was no alert spot. No notification and my neighbor got a ticket the next day. We talked to yees office to try and resolve it and they said its something mta is dealing with. Everyone through their hands up in the air and they didnt know what to do. I and my neighbors were frustrated. I think lee has tremendous values in opening up those communication values more broadly. I have seen lee. Ive worked with lee on improving neighborhood schools. And ive seen lee in action. Hes a great listener and very accessible and i think hell help sfmta. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. Im howard, and im pleased to support my neighbor. He lives two blocks closer to the west portal than i do. I asked him at our neighborhood meeting, why do you want this very hard job and he explained to me he wants it to for his boys. And hes dedicated. Not just today, but in the future. And i see that as being a very refreshing thing for any board and anything that happens in this city. And hes going to hear from ople. I cant walk that extra block. I need this parking place in front of my shop today. Everybody is going to talk about today. We have one Environment Organization that says will you want to live in San Francisco tomorrow . Lee is saying, well, someone else want to live in San Francisco tomorrow. And im looking forward to that. He lives closeto me so we can chat about these things in the future. Thats an essential thing for this city not to have people say me, me, me, now, now. Muni is for this city and lee knows that. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. Im karen and im a resident of west portal. I am a member of the Syrian Committee of greater portal west Neighborhood Association and im a board member of the west portal merchant association. Both organizations strongly and anonymously support lees nomination and election to this office. Excuse me. A few personal notes, he is a man who is dedicated. Hes ethical. Hes thoughtful. And considerate of everyones opinion and considers it, hears it, and acts upon them. So thats just listening is enough. He needs to take action and lee does in a very responsive and respectful way. Hes made a very strong and lasting impression on the west portal neighborhood. And all the West Twin Peak area and hes the source of person that San Francisco needs in his honesty, integrity and ethical values. As i said, the neighbors and the west portal merchants are supportive of his nomination to this position. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, mraesz. Please. My name is ben and im a west portal resident and im here to speak in support of lee in my previous life, i worked at the city and health zero program. And had the chance to interact with quite a few mta directors over the year and lee has all of the characteristics that we seek. As you know, Transportation Planning in San Francisco is difficult. It involves tradeoffs and it involves a lot of groups, but lee understands the basic principals of safety, reliability and how we build that system and to listen, long term thinking. All the traits we want. So i encourage you to support lee for this position. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisor. My name is suzanne von. Im member of the sierra club. I havent been following this appointment process all that well. But i want you want to urge you in your questions to emphasize the need to appoint somebody to this vacancy who understands the vital environmental necessity of moving towards a truly transient city. We need to take seriously the warnings of client its a hard task ahead of us from moving away from a car based city to a city based on walking and Public Transportation. And i just, on my way here, i was on the 38 rapid, and i got stuck in traffic. Theres no better example of why its important to move brt along. It took me so long to get down here. I want to remind everybody including the nominee, its against the law for operators to its against the law to operating. Its a good reason. Endangering our Senior Citizens and children to preventing the current eviction and displacement prices ruling San Francisco. There should be a study somebody should be commissioning a study from the mta to find out the nexus between the private shuttle and housing crisis. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next singer, please. And speaker. And speaker. Looks like the ayes have it for lee from iowa. Free, only one muni free. And good luck with your appointing, mta board member lee. On the bus, and on the train, glad you came today. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is mike young and i live in park measure said. In the short time i have known lee, i found him to be a man of intelligence, integrity and generosity. He shares his knowledge freely and when i ask him a request about issues in the neighborhood, i know ill get an objective and balanced response. One that has been considered and seen from all sides. And he always responds to me within 24 hours. I think lee would be an addition to the board and to the mta board of directors and a citizen of San Francisco. Hes the kind of representative i would want on the board. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. At this time, any other members who wish to speak on item 3, come forward. Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Colleagues. Supervisor mar. I did want to respond to a couple of things mentioned about the leadership of mr. Lee. I think the point made by somebody about supervisor yees Office Effort to respond to Community Concerns about the loss of a parking space on west portal, its a challenge for us as supervisors because we have no authority over those issues and we have to go through the mta board or staff for those issues, but i know supervisor yee worked very hard and his staff to respond, but i think as we appoint mta commissioners, were looking at people that support strong Community Engagement like lee does and i know when he met with angelina from my staff, that was a key theme of ensuring that neighborhoods, Merchant Associates are listened to and thats a key role of the mta Board Members, but he has the big picture by understanding by maintaining the amount of parking spaces, sometimes has a negative impact on our transient first and issues first. So i like that lee has a Bigger Picture of San Francisco not as an island, but a bigger region we have to improve transient. I wanted to say to have howard from the sierra club and others support him in addition to neighborhood groups and others is significant. He can listen and be thoughtful about many different perspectives. To vaughns point, sue and i participated in a district 1 grouping of transient and sue missed the meeting where we discussed lees appointment. Im supporting a number of the cac members and transient leaders. I wanted to thank everyone for the great comments about him and im looking forward to working closely with you as well. Thank you, supervisor mar. I concur with statements made here. Those who knows lee in a professional capacity. Im glad that theres finally someone to be filling up that vacancy on the mta board of directors. At this time, do we have a motion . Ill move we appoint lee to the municipal transportation board of directors. Second. Seconded by supervisor cohen. Well take that without objection. Congratulations. All right. If we can call item 4, now item 4 is a hearing to consider appointing two members, terms ending in the april 27, 2018 to the sunshine ordinance that issing force. Two seats and two applicants and they require a waiver. Speaker thank you. We have victoria and eric for these two seats. If youre here, if you can come up and make a presentation. Im one of the journalist nominees for the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance Task force. Im thrilled to be here today. Ive always had a firm belief in Public Service and i look for an opportunity to serve my Broader Community particularly on commitments dealing with those that the task force deals with. They come close to my professional interest. It has been apart of my professional interest since i became a journalist after college. I used the new york city freedom of information law to obtain documents about new york City Government. Afterwards i attended hard ward lawsuit and clerk for the United States Second Circuit for appeals where i helped propose briefs for my judge rosemary about the federal freedom of information act. After my clerkship, i worked at the New York Times company where once again i was a First Amendment fellow and worked on numerous information cases both on the federal, state, and city level across the country. I moved to the San Francisco region and i worked on these matters. I worked for the press foundation on the pro bono working on the freedom of information reform. And so im very interested and engaged on the subject matter and i look forward to the opportunity to work on it further on the task force. Thank you very much. Questions or comments. How do you pronounce your last nath. Name. Baranski. Mr. Eldon. My name is eric eldon and im a returning member to the task force. I was nominated as a replacement candidate last summer and began serving in september. I have been nominated to the seat 2 journalist position for the society of professional journalist. A little bit about myself, i am the cofounder and editor and chief of foot line which is a publication that covers an increasing number of neighborhoods around San Francisco. I cover everything from civic news, things like bike lanes and parking, fires, crimes, et cetera, neighbor associations. Thank you for covering bay view. Thank you. Were happy to be there. And we cover local businesses. We cover local arts and culture and i think that goes well with my task force because im familiar with the groups and people who are coming for the task force looking for information and it has helped me do a better job on hood line. What i hope to bring to the task force and i admit to still getting my im still getting my head around the nuts and bolts of how it has all works and how it works with the city is to help the Task Force Work with the rest of the city to automate the data and information requests that are coming across regularly. Now, some of the requests that well get complaints around is for thousands of lines of information, about bus routes or meeting agendas or all sorts of information. And a lot of that seems to be in a parallel tract to whats happening in other parts of this city with data sf and other data, open data projects that the city is working on. What im heaping to what im hoping to see happen is work with city agencies so they can easily in an automated manner is answering questions without taking up time in the city, our time and their time working through the rather complex systems together right now. So, thats the basics of what im doing. Im happy to answer any further questions. Im glad to hear about what youre working on. I have made no progress yet. At least youre trying. I want to acknowledge that hood line has been just a really wonderful resource, i think for our communities and the day when you can cover all of our districts, that would be wonderful. It has been very thorough coverage and you know, we havent seen that kind of reporting coverings for example, the outer sunset for i dont know how long. Maybe never. Any other questions. Your Technology Industry with sunshine is of interest to me because theres all kinds of new apps and messaging things and im wondering if you can talk about sunshine and the new technology that allows much more hiding of communications right now. Im sorry its a philosophical question. Im not expert on this. There are people who are. I think you have really great people, joy and jay and data officer of chief Technology Office for the city. They are very strong. What i think is happening on one hand, the sunshine ordinance when it was first introduced was the software was not in the same place it is now, and but it really addresses the sort of demand that people have to understand the details of how governments work and to get more transparency. Its really a matter of i think a lot of city it systems and the whole method of procurement and licensing is typically every organization has that problem whether or not theyre a government or tech company or anything else. So i think on the one hand what you have happening is sitdys realize the right thing to the public thats what the sunshine ordinance was about. Theres an increasing understanding to the public, like, hey, i can get this information and analyze it and i can learn from it. You see that like hood for america and you see independent thats Software Developers and those who have learned the skills on their own experimenting with Public Information. Its early days for all of this, but i believe the future of local news and the future of local government will be very much about automating and presenting much of what is hidden for technology reasons right now. And i think thats just going to be were heading towards a world where theyll be transparency and i think it will help trust to be built. There arent that many apps you can use right now that i think is impressive. Thank you for your service on the task force. No other questions or comments. Were going to open up item 4 to Public Comment. If you have a Public Comment, please come forward. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is jeffrey king, and im here on behalf of the journalist Northern California chapter to express my support of victor year and the renomination of eric to the Sunshine Task force. I also recognize my colleague on the spj north cal Information Committee, thomas peel who speaks in support of these well qualified candidates. Spj is enthusiastic about both individuals. Were confident that victoria and eric will serve the task force faithfully. Vicky comes before this committee as eric following a careful vetting process. Victoria has worked with the New York Times and the she earned her journalism degree. Victorias commitment to transparency is inherent to who she is and shes putting it to practice. Eric is a journalist member of the task force served since september of 2015. As editor and chief of the pioneering hyper local journalist hood line and hes familiar with the diverse neighborhoods. Many neighborhoods in the mist of profound change as we all know and it prevents on the Sunshine Ordinance Task force. Where he adjudicate public complaints, fairly and intelligently and with a vital context. Were pleased to nominee eric and victoria will serve the people well. I urge this council to send these candidates to the Sunshine Task force. Thank you very much. Next speaker. We had a speaker card, thomas peel. Thank you supervisor. Good afternoon, folks. I chair the free Information Committee of our local sp chapter and i just wanted to talk briefly about our nominating process which you know is in the ordinance itself for seats one and two. When a seat is open as the attorney seat was when their ramos stepped down, we offer notice of that broadly to the journalism and legal community. We had another very qualified candidate and frankly they were both interviewed for an hour each and vicky is an outstanding choice. Her First Amendment background is stellar. Her Legal Education is about reproach. We did not ask journalism to come forward for eldon seat because were pleased with his reputation on the task force. He has very quickly risen to be a leader there. He is chairing a committee. He is an advocate for change. We all know that the task force needs improvements in the way it does its business, frankly, meetings, backlogs, and were bringing you two highly qualified professionals who will work toward modernization, change, and efficiency. I ask that you please passion their nominations onto the full board. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other members who wish to speak on item 4. Come forward. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, do you have a motion. I have a question question. I would like to bring their eldon back up. Eric, youre currently serving on the Sunshine Task force . How long . I think i was confirmed in august and my first meeting in september. Of . Last year. A few months. So so youre new to the task force which is fine. What are your thoughts around the task force. Thats one of the things i learned about the reputation like journalism it self, i think dealing with Public Information requests and figuring out the right answers is a messy and a messy process, but vital for democracy and theres going to be tension between a body like this and various other parts of the City Government in the say way theres going to be tension between journalist and the people we write about. But in order for everyone to Work Together and for us to function as a city and as a society, we have to deal with that. And i look at the task force and i look at the issues that have come up, calendars, agendas, minutes, things like that. And i think you know, an example, you may disagree with me, but i thought the work of michael patrellas and he criticizes us quite often. He does that to other people in the media and he does that to many of you here and to the task force. He brings a large number of requests, but the work hes done on calendars, i think, has really helped a lot of people in this city get information to the public that can built trust about how theyre spending their time, who theyre meeting with and those kinds of things. I can understand. I wouldnt personally wouldnt want to share my calendar with anyone, but thats an example of you might not like petrellas, but the way he operates, but its good about the sort of request that can lead to improvements to everyone that we can all benefit from. Its messy, but fun. We work in politics, we know a little thing about mess. I get that. My concerns are really my question isnt about personality, right, although its interesting that personalities can seep into the type of work thats being done. Certainly theres a way to request a calendar without being kond sending and overall over [bleep]. Do you agree . Certainly. Theres value in the Sunshine Task force. The reasons it was created. It fills an important function, an oversight and transparency. Whats happening is that personality is muddying the water a little bit to where its becoming unprofessional and i believe overall dysfunctional. How do you see yourself, and if you disagree, maybe you dont see it as dysfunctional. We probably have different views on that, but how do you see yourself continuing service on the Sunshine Task force, but bringing a since of decor um and respect, a member any member can come to the Sunshine Task force and spend hours waiting just to be heard. I have had personal experience, colleagues have had personal experience where theyve had childcare challenges. They spent hours waiting and need to pick up their children and there was no flexibility. Youre on this body, i would hope to empower you to feel as though you could raise your voice and began to assert yourself in a way that can be yielding positive discourse in conversation so we can get to the task force issues. I mean, in terms of the time that is spent on the task force and the time that it takes, for us, for the people bringing complaints, for the members of the city and responding to them, i think Everyone Wants it to be more efficient. What im hoping to do more specifically on that front is get the help the support of the task force, develop policy ideas there that we can work with the supervisors, the board, work with other city agencies to say, okay, heres the main kind of complaints that are coming up very frequently. What if we can solve this another way and have a website where calendars are published every month so theres no responding that needs to be done. Its all there. I think initially there needs to be more analysis of what are the main types of complaints and if theres low hanging fruit that can be developed for to save everyone time. And i think longer term, i dont know if theres room for another committee or resources for anything else, but i think its going to take a concerted effort by the task force, perhaps the board and for the various Technology Offices around this city to really try to get the information requests more stream lined. And decor i thought you were done. The decorum side, i try to connect myself that way. I dont have the Historical Context to know what things used to be like before last summer. So i cant speak to whether or not it was a more streamline than functional or polite body. I assume it was, but im working in that direction and ill again encouraging other people. In the last couple of months youve been on, whats your example of inefficient see on the body . Theres a lot of Different Levels to it. The easily solvable stuff, most easily solvable i wouldnt say easy, is someone will have an inform request thats large and city agencies will not be sure how to respond and theyll have different ideas of what is correct. And in some cases, the task force will follow different guidelines than what the City Attorney is selling city agencies which is an ongoing thing were trying to resolve. In many cases, theres human errors in putting together the larger requests that are problems that turn into complaints. If you can figure out some solutions to those sort of just like process problems, it will free up more time to get to the backlog and to get everyone through more quickly. In terms of any changes to parliament procedures, things the way thats conducted, i dont claim to know enough about that area to have any real advice, unfortunately. I mean, im not used to frankly sitting in these sort of committees in a meeting that last more than an hour for me is unusual. But you know, i think thats theres an effort right now to amend the ordinance that some of the people here today are working on are you working on that effort . I am not working on that directly. Im supporting it. I believe the changes are working on have well thought out and should be implemented. I dont feel im informed enough to say much right now. I appreciate your perspective. At this time, do we have further questions or comments or do we have a motion. I would like to add a motion that we appoint victoria barneski. Victoria to seat 1 on the Sunshine Task force. And id like to make a motion also to support eric eldon for seat 2. With residency waiver. Thank you very much. Congratulations. And a waiver for both. Congratulations. All right. Item 5, please. Sorry, were adjoined by supervisor avalos. Item 5 is a Charter Amendment to amend the charter of the city and county of San Francisco to require the department of elections to hold a special election when there is a vacancy in the office of member of the board of supervisors, unless a regularly schedule election be held within 180 days of the vacancy and provide that the mayor shall appoint an interim supervisor to filet supervisor avalos. Thank you very much. Chair chang and thank you for scheduling this Charter Amendment. This is an amendment that has been before us in past committees and been at the full board as well. This is a new permutation of it addressing vacancies on the board of supervisors only and setting a time limit for vacancies in all offices on the in City Government in San Francisco. Theres one premise that overrides this Charter Amendment and that is we want to elect our elected officials and elect them from a level Playing Field where no one has the power of income want see by merely being appointed by the mayor of San Francisco. In 2013, lafco conducted a study about how jurisdictions fill vacancies in elected offices and when the striking results was how unique San Franciscos appointment is where and theres no public process of how the mayor makes the appointments and theres no time restraints and she was not appointed to be an assessor until february of 2013. Theres no examples of this lab of filling vacancy. The colorado appointees make in the District Attorney office. The mayor of philadelphia makes appointments to fill appointments on this Charter Amendment will bring us in line with the processes for filling vacancies in other state and federal legislative bodies. I said this is about electing elected officials from a levelling Playing Field, so really this measure is really about promoting democracy. It brings us in line as i said with other state and federal government and how they and how they handle vacancies. Also strengthens our separation of powers. And reduces to actually expand to a much greater body of people, the voters, of the work of electing and not simply selecting who will represent them in office. And it limits incumbent see for those who win elections. This Charter Amendment will strengthen separations of powers. We learned about checks and balances, the separation between the executive branch, and the legislative branch, but that separation of powers breaks down when theyre in San Francisco when theres a vacancy on the board of supervisors. When theres a vacancy on the board, the mayor appoints a new member of our legislative branch. This Charter Amendment proposes as a solution to this hole in our powers, well let the voters elect our elected officials. The lack of checks and balances can create the temptation for unethical deal making. That happens when theres a small select group of people who are political insiders with the mayor. Who will determine who gets elected verses the actual voters of this city. The board of supervisors term limits create an incentive for supervisors to look for new jobs before this term expired. We have had a number of vacancies happen when people move to San Francisco, to a Public Office in San Francisco, and certainly we have that coming before us, this next year when one of two supervisors will be going to sacramento. So really we want to have a measure that will restore the publics faith in our City Government and do ensure voters are given the ability to choose their supervisors and not have their local supervisors selected for them by one person a vacancy is not an opportunity to give an incumbent an advantage, but where voters can determine who will represent them from a more even Playing Field of candidates. The way this proposal is going to work is that the mayor would have 28 days to appoint an interim supervisor who would not be eligible to run and subsequent runon election. The election would be scheduled create a special election for the determination of who will be the supervisor with incumbentcy. That run off would happen between 126 and 140 days in the future of that after that vacancy unless it could be consolidated with another election in 180 days or consolidated with election with more than 180 days if the mayor and the board approves board of elections. We want to have flexibility when these elections will occur and if theres we can consolidate if we need to. If theres just a special election for supervisor seat, were not going to be the director of elections would not be able to add any other ballot measures on the election. It would be about the election of the supervisor. I do have an amendment of the whole, so today will not be the day for a final vote on this measure and thats to create the technical amendment and ill pass these out to members of the committee. Its a technical amendment. Thank you. Currently, the vacancy election could be consolidated with another regular election, but not another special election that is also scheduled or another special election scheduled after the vacancy election is called. If we didnt change this language that im going to provide, we wouldnt be able to schedule a special election even if theres another special election happening. This amendment will allow the special election to be consolidated and the language is here. Do i need to read it into the record so i can submit that. Were ensuring if theres any special election that the special election for the supervisor and the supervisor district will be consolidated with that special election in the future. Okay. And i have one other amendment and that is on i did talk with deputy City Attorney john givener and thats on page 1, line 22. I believe thats where were going to add the mayor shall appoint to fill the vacancy within 28 days. That 28 day limit will apply to all vacancies and the mayor making an appointment for all vacancies in Elective Office in San Francisco. And that might trigger a change in the title, and if mr. Givener can explain how that would get done, make sure that we can have these all done today, so we can continue this to the next rules Committee Meeting. Sure, deputy City Attorney, john givener. Actually i dont have the final version in front of me, but basically well change the short title and long title to reflect that the Charter Amendment now applies to 28day window for appointment to all elected vacancy other than a vacancy in the office of the mayor. The other amendment that supervisor avalos mentioned regarding consolidation with a special election doesnt require a change in the title. So after this meeting, the Committee Adopts its amendments and well submit the final version to the clerk with the correct title. Great, thank you. Thank you, supervisor mar. I wanted to thank supervisor avalos for bringing this forward after a lot of thoughtfulness with the report from 2014 and analysis, and i wanted to thank aileen. We were at her memorial. Aileen from friends of ethics, championed so many different efforts from social justice to hiv and aids, but also cleaning up government and Good Government changes like this. I wanted to also say that the last coreport as supervisor avalos mentioned that San Francisco is an audit and theres only identified by the report. Although they werent able to track down the other charter cities in the state, but even the couple of examples when an individual appoints for vacancies are strange, its colorados governor and the university of colorado and board of regions and also the city of philadelphia, but it only impacts a city commissioner who is appointed by the mayor, so San Francisco is really a rarity and this would put us more in line with Good Government, better checks and balances as supervisor avalos mentioned and its good for democracy in our city. I wanted to be added as a coresponser, this takes away that incumbent advantage thats clear when we look at the Central Committee races to many other efforts and then how it has been abused by our city in the past where someone resigns and then its used to really give that leg up and a huge advantage to people, it really has been an abusive process thats against democracy. This helps set us like other jurisdiction so we have Good Government and democracy. I support the amendment. Thank you very much. I wasnt going to say much because i think ive said many comments about this. I will just say that, again, to repeat myself, i do actually support putting on a time cap for when that the mayor must make a decision. I think thats a good thing. Not putting people in limbo or informations in limbo and making sure that there is someone to fill that spot and there isnt that what i guess people would call bathroom dealing going on. I do support that. But ill stand by and say based on my previous comment, the last comment there wasnt a trend as to one type of system that any jurisdiction used to fill vacancy, and so i dont think that report was very conclusive, that what is proposed before us today is the best way to go. Secondly, as ive said before, our system right now in terms of filling vacancies is not perfect. I think it does work. We have seen that the mayor, mayor ed lee has a 50 success rate with his appointees actually being able to succeed in the elections that they go through which makes for appointments and two of them have continued in their roles. So again, that shows that even with the potential power of incumbent sees that these appointees could fail at elections. So again, im not going to repeat too much of what i said in the past. This proposal sounds good on paper, but in reality, i think that putting someone in an interim role who is not held accountable to constituents because theyre not allowed to continue in that position and run in a subsequent election, but who will be able to take votes at the board of supervisors, i think thats dangerous. Not to mention the difficulty in finding someone to fill in a role that might be three months or six months or so. So in any case, i still hold my same position as i did before, but ill be okay with supporting the amendments made today, and well look forward to our future discussions on this. So do we at this time i think we had a motion to accept amendments is that correct . All right. Well take the amendments without objection or did we have an issue . Im sorry. We did not take Public Comment on the amendments or any of that. We have to take Public Comment before we make the amendment. I dont think you took Public Comment on the item at all. No, we didnt. I have one speaker card, but if anyone else is here for item 5, lets have them come up. I have bruce bowen who is here. Thank you, good afternoon. My name is bruce bowen. I live in district 8 but i grew up in the richmond district. Im a member of the Dolores Heights club. Im speaking on my behalf. I had a number of comments on the proposed my comments were expressed by mayor avalos elegantly. This is a great process and it creates an amendment thats fair and more open and more democratic and its common sense and i respectfully request its approved by the committee and the board. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hi, chair, karen here on my own behalf unless the county is a former member of the friends of ethics council. They did send a great letter this morning, so hopefully you can see it before the vote. They send it a little late. I just wanted to say im glad thank you supervisor mar for bringing up aileen wouldnt cry. I do think this measure all thoel as you pointed out, the last report didnt say this is the the perfect way to do it. Its an improvement. It doesnt seem fair that one person would get to decide who represents an entire supervisor district. So to me thats the main reason to support this. And that choosing one person making that decision carries out. Thats the power of incumbent see even if its a short of time. I would think that would work for me. I think that person has to have time to prove themselves. They seem like they know what theyre doing. It does have an effect. I like the would not be eligible to run. I urge you to support it and thank you for listening. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im sue vaun and im asking you to support this proposal. Its called for special lucks no other elections held within 100 days of the notice of the vacancy and as continue excellent job. I wish we had a system in place by the late 1990s when mayor willie brown was appointing people to the board of supervisors on an ongoing basis. This proposal returns the power of the appointment quote on quote directly to the people. It was perceived accesses of willie broub that made voters return to district elections and this is going to finish this process. Supervisor tang, you started your appointment but there are two work arounds to this and one is anyone who wishes to run in a special election or a regularly scheduled one within 180 days can decline the appointment. Or two, anyone who wishes to serve as a member of the board of supervisors can accept the appointment and run in some election after the special election or the special or the one within 180 days, so it doesnt end at somebodys political career, just postpones it. So i urge you to support this. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any other members of the public who wish to speak on item 5. All right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And just for clarification given something pointed out in Public Comment, im not concerned about ending anyones political careers. Its wanting to make sure that whoever is in the interim role is held accountable because theyre taking votes, they are supposed to be representing constituent during that time. Okay. So at this moment, we had a motion to adopt the amendments and we had a second from supervisor cohen, so well take that without objection. And if you have a motion to continue this item to the next rules committee or it might be a special, well continue it until the next committees ruling. When the next scheduled rules Committee Meeting . Two weeks from now. We might have to have a special meetings given the number of charter ballots measures we have. Well continue it to the next meeting. June 23rd. Okay. All right. All right. Thank you and do we have any other eye items before us today . No other items, chair. Thank you. This meeting is adjourned. The office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek ww my name is holly im been in Enterprise Software training for 10 years that expired film and art and voiceover week work and all kinds of work. Im jane a Program Director for the state of california i have the privilege of working on special Technology Projects for the depth of the technology a passion for helping people and a passion for doing work that makes a difference and makes me feel good at night and i think about what i did today and helping every Single Person in the city as. A Technology Professional a need for more women and more women in leadership roles the diversity and the leadership pipeline is an area that needs a little bit of love. A lot of love. A whole lost love. Ill contribute for the change for womens equality by showing up and demonstrating that the face of success schizophrenia came come in a variety of corresponds. Theyre a lot of roadblocks for San Francisco when it comes to our proposition and finding a play for information that has how to start and grow management so we started to build the San Francisco business portal not just consults or the taxpayers and voters theyre actually customers we are the government serving the consumers in our neighborhood i point to at least one best that i personally touched with one way or another and makes me feel good about the projects like the business portal and in embarking on this new exciting journey of finding better and efficient ways to deliver services to san franciscans i sit through a lot of Senior Management meetings im the only woman in the room i know that our c i o is tried to recruit for women and a male dominated environment. Ive felt unbounded and inspired to pursue a lot of things over time i recognize to be cricked in ways i didnt anticipate you know ive followed the calling but now put me in a position to spend most of my time doing things i love this is the whole point; right . You ought to feel inspired in our work and found opportunities to have youre work put you in service for others and happy doing what youre spending so much time. My father was a journalist lift and my mom a teacher when we finally decided to give up their lives because of me and now i actually get to serve the city and county of San Francisco it makes me feel really, really good not this didnt happen overnight ive worked my entire life to get to this point and much more to learn and i have a lot of changes ahead. Really think about what moves you what youre pats about and trust that you are sufficient and enough where you are to begin and then is her that you are being tenacious about getting to the next place in the evolution but by all means start with you are and know thats enough Everyone Welcome to San Francisco on behalf of the California Host Committee i welcome you to the clean energy in the great city of San Francisco im jim wonder man and have the honor of serving at the ceo and president of the Bay Area Council weve been honored to work with the department of energy to put together those events the Bay Area Council is a Business Association representing major businesses from the bay area and very, very proud of our work weve done over the recent years to address climatic change and proud and pleased youre here San Francisco Silicon Valley and california have made clean tech a corner of Economic Development and very, very proud of our results while california has the largest population in the largest economy of any state in our nation were also one of the most request Energy Efficient states compared to other states california ranks among the lottery in the nation both for per Capital Energy consumption and per capita spending it took a lot of work but california has shown you can embrace clean energy and cut Green House Gas emissions and at the same time grow our economy in fact, since 1990 california has cut its g h g Emissions Per Capita by 25 percent and at the same time increased other energy by 37 percent how do we do those things because of leadership we have incredible leaders two of whom youll hear from today so, now let me ask the mayor of San Francisco ed lee to come to the stage. Mayor ed lee is mayor of a global city hes a global mayor hes worked hard to make San Francisco one of the most of the welcoming alternate Cleanest Energy city in the United States of america were proud of his leadership and proud of our friendship with him ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of the city and county of San Francisco the honorable edwin lee. clapping. thank you, jim secretary and distinguished guests americas cup im 0 truly honored to be in the company of so many leaders around the world that share in the belief that action only climatic change is necessary and utter will this gathering that the First Step Towards the implementation of the historic all the time many of the nations room drafted in paris last year when i attended the gathering of mayors at the the have and have nots con on climatic change france eloquent expressed a true economic california approach must respond to the cry of the earth and of the poor st. Francis is the patriot saint we pride ourselves on a worldclass and great city deficits and qualify and sustainability and social justice are all San Francisco values those values drive our commitment to lead and act with resolve only climatic change in San Francisco weve reduced Green House Gas emissions 23 percent below the 1990 levels and were proud of this especially considering our population as grown by 15 percent and our economy has grown by 49 percent over the same time period and as we grow we are growing sustainability sustainable we are productive first hand that solutions u solution to climatic change is a benefit all people of all income levels and in all neighborhoods still as a look around the room and this about drought and Sea Level Rise and wildfires and conditions weve experienced in our own countrys the truth is the impacts of climatic change is have San Francisco real city, state, or National Boundary lines thats why we need to address the problem that is bigger us but were each be contributing to while citys take up only 2 percent of landmass wear responsible for 40 percent of land use and global emissions what happens in citys truly changes the world for the better and worse as contributor to global climatic change the responsibility to address the problem also rests on our shoulder which is work i want to talk about the role that cities should play when it comes to climatic change in the environment and San Francisco strategy to reduce our aggressive is represented by 3 simple numbers, zero, 50, and one hundred zero waste to our landfills 50 percent of trips by methods other than cars, 100 Percent Renewable Energy, let me briefly share with you awhile zero, 50 and 100 percent are important first zero waste the production transportation and disposal of our wastes comprise 42 percent of Green House Gas emissions in the United States recycling and compost mandatory in San Francisco help cut this down by creating jobs and conserving resources zero waste is among the quickest and more cost fiscal strategies for governments to implements thanks to our residents and Business Partners San Francisco is an 80 are percent waste diversion rate today next 50 percent transportation. In 201043 percent of san franciscans San Franciscos cash footprint came if transportation related emissions our country must move people out of cars and go mass transit and bikes and pedestrian trips in San Francisco were investing everyday in bike share and Pedestrian Network and our Public Transportation system and im pleased to report that San Francisco reached the 50 percent at the end of counsel table just a few months ago years ahead of our schedule our challenge is now to main and grow that number finally 100 Percent Renewable Energy just over half of our Green House Gas emissions come from energy use in our citys commercial and residential buildings the birth cash source we have first, we need to use less energy to power and heat our buildings and second we need to change the Energy Supply and source for Renewable Power how were we accomplishing this were leading by example we launched the city solar incentive that helped to install over 3 thousand three hundred solar installations and created green jobs along the way this program focus on empowering low income and the members to benefit for the citys growing economy has been especially successful we recently launched Renewable Energy program that offers San Francisco residents and businesses an electricity option cleaner then their existing energy and just as affordable San Francisco is not the only city taking action too there are over 2000 actions teacher to reduce the Building Energy demand by over 46 cities and countries who ministers are representatives here today for example, to achieve the goals by 2020 the city of vancouver is on the neighborhood e neighborhood Scale Development a neighborhood strategy focusing on hi density areas of that city to improve heating and cooling services for those buildings the city of cop hasten has the goal of the first cash neutral capital in the world by the year 2024 and begun transforming the district heating from cool and natural gas to sustainable bio mass 98 percent of cop happiness buildings are connected to the system when is one of the older of its kind the city of seoul in the represent of korea launched the project to reduce energy demands they offers low cost loans that cover 100 percent by increasing the krofrj from to 100 percent they saw an increase in loan if 4 million in 2012 to 20 million in 2014 and finally i would be remiss if i didnt recognition our own Nations Capital in about washington, d. C. They entered into a 20year power purpose agreement that supplies roughly thirty percent of d. C. Electricity for wind power the largest wind power of its kind and entered in by the American City and protected to save transpires that 45 million from over the next 20 years well, all of those examples illustrate judge industries are a crystal partner to advance Clean Energy Solutions cities and states should be the focal point and leverage for the clean ministers to advance goals and have actions thanks to the advance and the sciences and technology from the private sector partners the intersection between the decashtion of energy and the economies is closer but advancement still requires investment and thats why i want to thank our u. S. Secretary monohe is and the department of energy for in their continued leadership of providing grants to the city Attorneys Office San Francisco to scale up new Clean Energy Technology in closing sniff you may know the charter of the United Nations was actually signed into creation right here in San Francisco in 1945 and a gathering of 50 nations that excluded over 8 hundred delegates rep 80 percent of the are worlds population imagined was put to paper and action to make the world a more Peaceful Place for all citizens i believe that 9 climate agreement forgot in parking garage the work today is just as historic it will be recognized as a time when our Global Community united to create and healthier future for the planet and transforming our economies sustained so i commend our effort to tackles this challenge and honored to host you here in San Francisco thank you very much clapping. thank you, ed lee. Thank you, mayor it is wonderful your the amazing innovative things in San Francisco and as well as here what the cities around the world to foster clean energies next my honor to welcome tony early to the stage. Now were a very expensive region from our perspective tony is from detroit i can we have 3 governs in the room actually, i see govern gray davis hi. Good afternoon how are you but that a 5 govern in tony it turns out that tovn i didnt was recruited inform run for govern of the michigan by jennifer and he instead tony decided to take a much easier job and moved to california to run pg e now im sure that tony has his days did i make the right decision we never wonder an absolutely expensive leader of an Important Company please help me welcome the mr. Chairman and president Affordable Housing and ceo of the pg e tony early. clapping. jim told my secret jim thank you very much and thanks for mayor ed lee hosting this in his city the mayor is a great advocate of investment in infrastructure to move the city and state ahead i want to thank secretary for eyes and ears to hold this very important meeting here in San Francisco i want to start any remarks this afternoon by asking you to picture a scenario in a prosperous Western State the climate is b of a weird decades the unafternoon rainfall has product a drought and farmers are despite and everyone is prop i for a pacific rains unfortunately, they get their wish the heavens opened and failed to close from one state to the other and deserts are flooded 4 feet deep and washing away community in low lying regions the water reaches the tops of light poles and even the state capital is submerged on Inauguration Day the newly elected govern gets to the ceremony by row boat had the water resides thousand are dead and with an in every 8 homes ask ruined or carried out away that didnt sound evict a scrip for a bad hollywood movie all of that happened in california over the winter of the 18 61 and 62 thanks to a river storm it produced 43 days of rain in a row, in fact, every number associated with that event staggers the imagine not only a loss of life 200 thousand cattle and 29 percent of economy was destroyed and built i the gold rush was driven into bankruptcy the land in denounced sacramento was raised 15 feet and the governor added an extra story to the mansion just in case what is truly mindboggling 1 and 50 years later the lessons faded the supreme weather is not new weve seen education in california and around the world by climate says those episodes with increasing if density it and the rising Global Temperatures make them less predictable to unlike our predecessors in 18 61 we have the guest of understanding why this they come again. How much is at stake thanks to the agreement struck in paris to pg e power plan and the mo u weve taken steps to heed the warning of a century and a half ago i believe we can be successful over the next decades to create the solutions to stave off a Global Climate discharge in the government setting the right policies and individuals stepping up to do the right thing but even if im relevant that wont change at fact warm is unavoidable well have to contend with those the melting of the parlor ill say sheet in for your or San Francisco bay area more than 200 square miles are vulnerable to the Sea Level Rise with the more powerful id like to surges a storm lasting a few days can cost economics damages thats why at pg e our focus on sustainability so the need to adopt to the climatic change to make your systems for resilient were developing robust procedures and conducting a comprehensive assessment to vault storms and Sea Level Rise as we see heat waves pg e is among the utility that joined the partnering for climatic resilience to share best practices weve also commented 200 and 50,000 in stakeholders fund to protect and restore wetlands around San Francisco bay area and provide to join with other corporate members of the abusing council and voluntarily officials andville organizations were now and then a new program to granted money to publicprivate partnerships to share the instantaneously for Climate Resilience and specifically one Million Dollars to support local planning throughout our service area to help Community Better understand plan four and respond to Climate Change risks some stisz have sophisticated plans underway others are getting starred or face problems those grants we can learn from and with a focus on disadvantaged areas where the resources are lacking we see this as ass our commitment in support of communities we serve now for me that mission has then e taken on a personal resilience in the last 6 months i made two trips the first with governing california designation to the United Nations Climate Change and part of geography to ann art can i cack with a faith in our ability to work collectively to solve this problem and i cack from ann articulate how crucial we fulfill that promise sooner than later a Prominent Research has seen temperatures rise 12 degrees in his years of working and paris made clear the world is looking to california for some of those answers and gave me the privilege to tell our story that about that success while much remains to be done a Clean Energy Future is moving faster they than we thought possible we made progress at pentagon this year we expect to deliver 33 percent from qualified renewables and when you include our large ohio plant under california laws dont fit the definition more than 45 percent is cash free light years ahead of most other places within the next 15 years well be approaching 70 percent as we meet the target of 50 Percent Renewables and one key to the progress is bold target by the policymakers and the wisdom of utilities as partners a critical part of this is reaching barriers probation officer notify solutions the utilities have the unique ability to achieve and accelerate the use of low cash technologies and do so on the quick scale and demonstrated we can move Renewable Energy and drive down costs and keeping the grid reliable and customer bills down we can continue to do that if we Work Together with the right steps i think that 3 keys are crucial the first is continued investment in the grid the grid is the backbone of the economy and makes more than life possible the smallest grid it the backbone of a Clean Energy Economy with more distributed intelligence online privately owned solar and electrical vehicles and the like the grid is more acceptable we see the grid that services what the internet dont say platform a network that pulls the energy and integrate them to have more value for everyone the second key to the future adopting our empower right now the Market Forces are evolving faster the Regulatory Framework that largely is stuck in the year of thank god that stalls our progress for example, in the u. S. An ongoing debate in meter that is an attempt to put bandaids on a antiquated process we need to make a changes and indeed examples Regulatory Environment slows down not just limited to the energy spear for those of you who flew into San Francisco you might have noticed the span on the bay bridge the original part of that bridge is the part that is Still Standing and at the time that was built had the longtime suspected radios radio that is ahead of the grand jury designed is pencils and slide rules and built with more pleasantly labor than modern projects and took over 3 years to build the new span that is half as along with the Engineering Software and technologies and the crucial pieces are being reworked as we talk about the need for the infrastructure ill life you to decide where this fraction can meet the climatic change and the third key comes from the spirit and letter of Paris Agreement to keep the focus on recuse carbon rather than one particular mix of resources by doing that it gives the utilities and entrepreneurs the freedom to find the options and maximize innovation and provide consumers progress we know the issue of climatic change is no fixed address many of you come from far aways places with our history id like to offer a few points i hope you can take back to our home first, as a tackle the numerous challenges of clean energy and solving the low cash look to the utility sector as a solution this is an industry that is used to doing big things an industry that was designed to serve the Public Interest part off dna were good partners and the second as you look at those problems that need solving remember that we are more Energy Providers we can help with the resilience and clean transportation and we can help with Public Awareness and education utilities reach into every home additional business in your country we have relationship with millions in for the billions of customers and third look at the utilities in our areas as partners just as individual countrys cant eliminate cash neither can we our industry is hunger for partnerships you can help to facilitate and nurture well continue to make progress offender climatic change we have to take advantage the utilities and all of us to Work Together to accomplish things in a big way but to unleaf this well need the right policies the road to paris leads through this room and through all of you the decisions you make in the next few years shape the world for decades and essential to the ability of our countrys to deliver on the promises it is your engagement in overseeing issues that assure that future is right and the stories like the california meg flood remain in the history books where they belong thank you very much. clapping. thank you, very much. Tony, say with great confidence not a Business Leader utility leader or company that has shown greater commitment to clean energy and pg e we appreciate our leadership so, now we will have a Highlevel Panel decision a sustainable urban systems so let me ask the panelists first welcome the executive director of International Energy agency, mr. Lien norris leader of petroleum and john first deputy mayor of china, and Raphael Gonzales the ceo of the north america inc. Thank you for being you are here today enjoy the discussion. So ladies and gentlemen, i wish you, please enjoy the american lunch here while were going to do discuss a few important issues before going to the panel which is a very expressive panel as you can see i want to make a few remarks two racks one about the year 2015 and the second is a major report we are going to release in half an hour 2015 much has been perhaps the most incredible years in terms of the fight against climatic change not only because of paris ill talk about paris in a moment two other reasons why i believe 2015 could be a wonderful year for the fight against climatic change one 2015 ladies and gentlemen, zero two emissions did not increase like 2014 two years in a row we have seen zero emissions didnt increase even though global g dp increased more than 3 percent this has not been the case in the history we have seen only 3 times in the history when it didnt increase and all the 3 years is the financial crisis other than that for the first time two years in a right now 14 and 15 emissions remain the same good news now the year 2015 more than 90 percent of historical capacity the energy were renewable empowers and solar followed by other not the case 90 percent is impressive driven by china, u. S. , europe and india and all other countries this is the second excellent news for 2015 and third was, of course, the power agreement i see the years in paris and he can assure you that paris the beautiful paris became much more beautiful after december 2015 i can assure i have many french theyll definitely agree with me and in paris in addition to the historical agreement there are two other important elements that needs to be underlined number one our agreements were agreement attempts it was not only a top down target but a button up all the countries brought their targets their policies how their issues extremely important and second paris also brought new actresses into the picture in addition to governments we have now the businesses and act dam and others part of game and other actor is local governments the cities therefore the paris is not only the amendment of all the countries of the world by the moeshltd were extremely important and in my view down to earth now great paris this to our panel we are going to do present or publish a major report in a hour of time two things i want to tell you about this this report focuses on a the progress in technologies we have a tasht in paris below two degrees and it is important to see how we are doing in Different Green Energy technologies im not going to details youll not lose your appetite were not doing well there is some move a process but there are any areas we say are significantly lagging in our report highlights where we are progressing better than expectations with a target established in paris the second area the report focuses on the cities as already mentions about the 70 percent of the emissions come from the city 85 percent so if you want to solve this problem we have to solve the problem in the cities and the cities in our report theyre two areas extremely important one the building be sector from the installation of the building to the for example, the cooling requirements which or go to psychopath in the next years to come and what kind of cooling units were going to use the standard is extremely important for fighting against climatic change the other area we look at the transportation we look into how we can see even a bigger move in terms of the electrical vehicles which one million cars another good news but much for electrical cars and what are the favorable conditions but also the underlined the Public Transportation how to subsidize Public Transportation and the rest of the moves in the city we see in the beautiful city of San Francisco but ladies and gentlemen, the main issue is the emerging countries cities which number of buildings built in the city and the buildings is 75 hundred years of time we should look into the future in the buildings which are not efficient so those are the issues that we deal with in our report maine the buildings and the transportation issue so we have now an clean out panel here one minister from the government and the mayor from the e merging country and the company which is dealing with energies i will move to the panel and perhaps start to ask the gentleman the minister of norway mr. Minister your country is the highest share of electrical cars in the world into the total car fleet in our country how do you see is measures put forward and what is it in the future so far as 20 percent if not share of cars in norway are electrical cars which compress the gloeshld average of unfortunately zero want one percent so how do you do that. Mr. Minister. Thank you, dr. For your kind words and a moment to look at in a moment in time negative impact 2012 the paramount decided the goal to have 50 thousand electrical vehicles and that goal was already xhoetsd last year and today 70 thousand fewer electrical vehicles and hybrids if we have hybrids bylaw but basically most of benefits were put in place already in 2002 and 3 and the car didnt take off until 2000 but not before 2011 and so what are the reasons i think the obvious reasons for things to happen in 2011 was the fact that there were cars on markets that were really cars that could meet the needs of families in a safe manner you have the problem were starting to address in a proper way to say a greater range in norway we have a power system like 8 percent renewable sources nobody in norway were able to say okay. Your changing our diesel car with pure renewables, of course, the tax and obviously of great importance a high new car sales tax for cars and however no new car sales tax for electrical vehicles of course, the same goes for petro and hardly any tax think Renewable Energy on the policy on the basis there is free parking in cities free ferry rides, access to bus lanes and from the government does we have good strong efforts into building capacity we targeted isnt urban where most people live establishing with the transportation for everybody and now were actually connecting the major cities in norway and this has led to this norway with 4 Million People the second and the Third Largest market bean by the u. S. And china which has more people than norway as you can imagine and a fiscal benefit the in fact, that is when it comes to fueling meets the connection from petro fueled cars which will forever have high taxation and a competition in the decades ahead but if i might add one thing before i leave the word back to you why do a tremors effort in reducing local pollutions reducing and co2 emissions they come up Justice Department just as much space on the roads to have the basic strategy for ongoing electrical vehicles instead of building Public Transportation system could be a wrong solution. Thank you very much mr. Minister for highlighting the Critical Role of public transport even though the cars are moving fast in terms of populating the global fleet and mr. Minister said if you have to have electrical cars certain share of your car fleet we need policies and also some regulatory measures and very important as i mentioned mr. Minister that in order to have an amount of benefits electricity fitting the car must be also clean otherwise the benefits may not be so obvious so i just mentioned that the statistics are important for climatic change but the E Engineering countries are important so were very lucky the first deputy mayor of in china under jack and you mr. Mayor have an excellent experience in our city of the pushing this smart upper Public Transportation and Sustainable Energy can you tell us how you realized what steps you took and whether or not the story you have in your city can be a model for other cities in china. Thank you sorry dont speak good english so i need a translator. speaking foreign language. i want to thank the california the governor of office for inviting us to attend this meeting the president of the china has made a commitment via the unclimatic change in paris the reduction of cash emissions in china and now the whole country is taking action im very glad our city is very glad to endorse the mou and now under the leadership of the Central Government we are connecting with california we find the plan of actions with california and now we are promoting our policies closely. speaking foreign language. this is a city in east of china been shanghai the american female writers who is also the the nobel prize in litter she grew up in china for 18 years and described as her hometown in china. speaking foreign language. this morning i heard the speech by the government of california gosh and i agree with him very much we need to transfer our commitment to actions. speaking foreign language. so our apart from the separate transportation we have conducted many efforts for the reduction of cash emission in the city and our efforts can be concluded from 5 perspectives. speaking foreign language. first, we set up the goal of achieving cash peak. speaking foreign language. at cop 21 pointed out that cashier emissions will peak in around 2030. speaking foreign language. based on a scientific analysis and calculations it is one of the earlier city to achieving 10 years earlier than the National Goal and average. speaking foreign language. preceding in the Current Situation were confident it we have the ability to realize the goal. speaking foreign language. second we need the best tools for the contractions how much the cashier emissions like Drinking Water we have to take sip one by one to know how much water we can drink. speaking foreign language. by using clot commuting i owe the technologies we segregate land use, environment and sources and industries and safety reduction and cashier emissions by doing so we can hanger and reexamine and check the cash emissions reduction in the city. speaking foreign language. now we conducted realtime online monitoring over 48 key emissions companies in the city the total emissions is 80 percent of the cities total. speaking foreign language. during the past 5 years over three hundred chemical plans were shut down. speaking foreign language. nearly 11 towns of cashier emissions is reduced. speaking foreign language. third, i think about apart from the activities of the business sector one important actress in the reduction of cash emission is peoples livelihood. speaking foreign language. so the motorer mentioned buildings and transportation are very important factors in the reduction of cashier emissions. speaking foreign language. so weve taken 9 major actions to reduce the cash emissions in the city. speaking foreign language. is action include optimizing the industry and encouraging the low cashier industries for production developing cash buildings and low cash incurs and low cash transportation for low Cash Development. speaking foreign language. so, now the low Cash Development and the awareness have come to has been raised amongst the people. speaking foreign language. fourth we highlight the highlight of our efforts zero cash demonstration projects in the city. speaking foreign language. we select city and two islands in our city as pilots. speaking foreign language. last i think that the most for the International Cooperation like the meetings during the two days a very Good Opportunity to learn from other countries and regions. speaking foreign language. in october of this year we were Holding International infection of low cashiers and products the interact welcomes companies and expert from all over the world to join us id like to extend our opportunity and hope you have a look in the country city and our low development. Thank you, mr. Mayor for this excellent presentation of achievements of our city is it so interesting what you said your citys image as 2020 before the aggregate promise emissions this is one of the in my view most important outcomes coming from paris the architect of Paris Agreement and she was agreeing with me the peak in 2020 both the underlying agreement is critical to reach our goal now the other thick that is critical to reach you are goals within the energies in greece in the urban systems and the entering green power is one were fortunate to have other green power with gonzales is with us and can you tell us about our sclernz how do you merge the smart renewable and just the generation of models. Okay. Good afternoon and thank you for inviting me to participate first, let me explain the activity of urban power that is part of a viability and it is investing in renewables and investing in conventional duration that works and we we have activities in other places as well lets start to explain the our vision and strategy for how we are implementing these in the notifies in the renewables so our region is open power to solve the main challenges of the world open power needs to supply energy to the people they dont have energy supplied. Open power means a tool to be open to innovation and new technologies and to use this system technologies as well as on a different way in a way we have here in nevada an assembled combination of technology, solar tv and solar concentrated open power needs to find and open ways to manage the energy on a different way as well in relation to the demand and generation and to be open as well to paris so we cant build this by ourselves we need to have paris in this sense so how we approach what is the Business Model smart cities were taken so our vision we are open to the scope and to the local initiatives so it is different for example, in mellone we have builds for the first time in the world the first smart city refell fill a city designed for one hundred thousand people supply Renewable Energy solar and we see the light systems as well as market the light systems and Smart Mobility and smart challenges and the system is implement to manage all this on the right way this is an assembly all assembles are depends on the local scope and the local needs we have all this examples in mellone another smart city by started almost 7 years ago so a combination of generation of solar as well and integrate these in a smart way and incorporate these on a different way and obtaining at the same time efficiency in the management of the grid the salesforce are important and in this instance sustainable were doing the specific initiatives with sharing cars for example, and bus car in chillingly and electrical taxis in above the blue and windy sea to were contributing utility on those different specific requirements and it is important sense the corporation with the place the local authority and government is very supportive on this sense we cant do this type of initiatives without the support and the engagement of the local activities the most the locals say the local communities and consumers and so much it is necessary to solve with them this project so make it as sustainable and reliable and affordable thank you very much so ladies and gentlemen, were at the end of this two things if i may undermine we understood the cities are extremely critical if we were to address our climate challenge number one and number 2 local governments we need to be bring a critical roll in terms of which measures then and how when it comes to buildings and when it comes to the transportation and when it comes to the Electricity Generation weve seen the minister show up how hi country increases cars and from the mayor how successful in emerging countries and how successful and seen from the ceo they agree and visit us and still make money if those 3 can do we can all do as well thank you very much and thank you clapping. thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, sir and thank you panel it is very, very go back this is the conclusion of Lunch Program so at this point well be splilt into two groups if youre among the ministers youll go to the room next door in the colonial room and the c e m along the tower thank you on behalf of the Bay Area Council it is a pleasure to have you here in San Francisco and the bay area hope you enjoy the bay area hope you enjoy the lunch thank you very working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world class style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. The citys information Technology Professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring Patient Safety at San Francisco general. Our it professionals make government accessible through awardwinning mobile apps, and support vital Infrastructure Projects like the hetch hetchy Regional Water system. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. [gavel] okay. I call this meeting of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority board of directors for june 9, 2016 to order. Would you call the roll please madam secretary. Sure. Director kim. Here. Ed reiskin, present. Director harper. Here. Director. Here. Mr. Chair you do have a quorum. Good timing. Okay. Communications please. Theres none that i am aware of. Okay. So next item. Item 4 is board of directors new and old business. In the agenda planning what is coming up next time were going to have a presentation from caltrain on its status on electrification is coming in. I am also going to call for a closed session on review of board officers. Its about time that we get back into that so the way i want to do it is at least the way we do it at ac transit we do all four because it tends to go in and out and the interim executive director and general counsel and c fo and with that next item. Item 5 is executive directors report. Okay. Good morning directors. The Board Meeting last month i reported that the responses for the rfp is due may 26 and reported the results of this meeting. We received input since then that more time is needed for the proposals together and extended to june 17, next friday and with they will report also to you next month. For f block four on may 17 the San Francisco board of supervisors took action to approve the parameters for the agreement. This was the latest action required before we proceed with the closing of that basically so i want to take that opportunity to thank the commissioners at the office of Community Investment and infrastructure and Tiffany Bohee the executive director and instrumental in securing the approval the commission and helped us with the board of supervisors. This action along with the action by the San Francisco Controllers Office with financing is allowing us to move forward with the project and fully fund phase one so that is great news. In your report in the budget you say that june 10 is the anticipated closing for f. Thats tomorrow. Yes. Is that still in effect . Its the week two weeks from now. Okay. The developer asked for a seven day extension and i think the date is june 20 if i remember correctly. Under the purchase and sale director harper they have that right and they exercised the right and just a matter of getting the paperwork in order. Thats standard. Okay. Following up on last months discussion at the Board Meeting we met with the City Attorney last week and discussed collaborations with the Attorneys Office. The meeting was very informative. Were going to schedule follow up meetings and scope of work and provided to the Attorneys Office and know the capacity and what they can help with short and longterm. They might not have enough capacity right now. We will do a transition plan for that and i want to thank the board for that suggestion. We continue our discussions with the Insurance Office of providing security for the Transit Center. We had good meetings. We traded staffing plans and i am hoping by next month i can provide results of the discussion and recommendations to move forward for the security on the Transit Center. As a note ryan and i visiting the l. A. Union station next week, look at the security, how its managed there and ask about operational issues that will help us with our building. We had the mayor and welcome the delegation from china on june 7 and the staff provided an overview of the project and gave the mayor and them a look at our system and impressed and the development and intermeadol Transit Development and that was successful and pleased to report that the downtown rail extension has been identified as a high performing project in the plan b area and under development with the regional Strategic Plan b area is a planning document for transportation investment in Northern California. Being designated as a high performing project is critical for the funding of the program and helps with the position to get the start and fully fund the project. This concludes my verbal report. You do have two reports before you for information Quarterly Financial report as well as the monthly transaction reports. Any questions so far . Okay. Move into the next item . Yes please. Item 6 is construction update. Good morning directors, staff and the public. I am pleased to come back again to report progress on the phase one project and before i kind of get into or hand off to dennis as i do with getting into the in field in place progress i just wanted to underscore in the last month i am pleased with some of the procedural advancements that weve had. Weve had some partnering sessions with core groups as well as trade partners. Weve had i think Productive Group huddles on problem resolution and most importantly we just concluded yesterday a very significant strong dra session dealing with some of the issues i think you were briefed on last month, so a good energy towards identifying issues, tackling issues and resolving issues in a timely matter so i just wanted underscore that. In addition to presentation of the project as mark mentioned were progressing reaching on bringing the master [inaudible] and my concern is have operational readiness and building ready to hand over and as mark mentioned were going to go look at Union Station and arctic to round out our knowledge and align the operational thinking and in the coming months we will be on boarding some of the transit operators to kind of round out our understanding of the operational needs and make sure theyre aligned with what were building. So were got those two objectives aligned in the next 18 months. With they will ask dennis to speak to the recent and upcoming activity and safety and labor and i will come back and give a touch on budget and concerns and contingencies. Dra sessions. What is it again . Im sorry of the dispute resolution i wanted to make sure. A strong collaboration between them and us working through some issues with some of the steel and mechanical contractors. Better positioning us you know as i have been saying the sooner we off load or off board some subcontractors the sooner we off board risk and exposure, so this is a good step towards that endeavor to position ourselves to when they wrap up that we can sooner rather than later off board. Thats because its a mutual release of claims at this point and everybody signs off . Non binding but also admissible. Good. And we will hear the outcome of that in the next few weeks i believe. Okay. Dennis could good morning directors. Good morning dennis. So im going to go through the recent activity first over the last month has been very productive. I will point out this graphic we have been using for most of this year that depicts the structural concrete progress. The dark gray has been completed and the green is what was accomplished in the last month which get us us to the edges. A lot of very Good Progress were almost to being out of the structural concrete business shortly and i will show pictures to that effect. In the western zone over the last month the focus has been getting concrete, structural concrete to allow for the follow up trades. That is almost done in the western zone and working on concrete columns, the below grade on the lower level theres a lot of partition walls for the electrical rooms and a major milestone to achieve by the end of the year and work progressed well on that area. Also the map has been being continues and also the concrete masonry walls progress in the western. In the central zone now that all the structural concrete is done we have the follow up trades continuing with the upper right picture showing waterproofing that goes on the first street bridge. Thats progressing to eventually remove the temporary first street bridge and one of the steps there and waterproofed there and the lower right shows the awning continues to be installed in the central zone. In the eastern zone the structural steel and welding was completed, all the punch list items so theyre off the job at this point essentially and fireproofing is following up on work progressing such as eyebrows that we talk about and the constreet on the middle deck continues as about on the eastern zone. Moving on to the activity of the bus ramp and the main focus is up on harrison street and the clem min tina area and where the bus donut section happens and the cable stay framework progresses as were getting closer to the deck pores on that. Some of the pictures here. The two pictures show the pour that happened in the last month and that is behind us and the bottom right shows they call it the lost deck, all of the forms go in place to pour the deck and frame four bridge structure so going to upcoming activities central zone will continue with the awning, metal panels, curtain wall installations and the painting and bus deck level waterproofing and this is building out and the anticipate of this bridge is midjuly and have a traffic switch and just a shift and traffic probably wont notice it so we can remove half of it and build up that section and do a traffic swap a few months later and get the first street bridge out of there in the next months. In the eastern zone continue this and the all of this continues and continue the structural concrete here and at western end we complete this completely. We have other concrete that will happen throughout the year and partition walls and barriers and all of those will continue until october november but the construct url concrete will be done and the partial lid for f will be done in a few weeks and the bus ramp will have the cable stay deck pored and continue to do underground utilities and bridge work throughout the structure. On the safety slide i will happy to report in may there were no incidents, no lost time or recordables in the month of may and to put us over 2. 3 million hours so far on the project so with they will turn it back to ron for the budget slide. I have one question on your ac transit is getting probably more and more toward the electrical recharging stuff, the hydrogen that may or may not be working for us or anybody, so is there any infrastructure that is going into the bus deck at all to support charging on the deck or is that something we will just have to cut in later when it happens . I am not aware of charging on the bus way back in the tony pisony days and running cables there but i guess its not happening. Not at the bus deck. It was anticipated at the bus storage. We studied it and not worth the effort at the time. Yeah. And in bus storage if its required. I dont know if its the wrong decision. At this point were getting to the point of looking at the different technologies that we might be interested in. Okay. Okay. Moving on to our budget slide. In the last month weve increased the expenditures by 21. 9 million bringing us up to about 1. 3 9 billion in terms of expenditures, and our commitments have gone up to 1. 5 1. 3 and with a change of delta of 5. 7 million in additional commitments so as you can see commitments are slowing down and the buy out is pretty much there except for the net worth that i will talk about shortly. In terms of budget and contract time were inching along at 1 a month. In terms of the amount placed in this month its a little light for pacing ourselves for timing finish so i anticipate that number to be starting to increase as we move forward. Looking at our contingency costs overall contingency usage was at 2. 7 million and its about 600,000 less than we had forecasted in the last report, and the may break down of 2. 6 and construction contingency and. 1 million in the other tirchl use as you see in the third fourth row, sorry. Most of it was driven by miscellaneous super structure changes, elevator refinements, minor change orders for the most part. I think the largest one was a Million Dollars of additional plate frs protection above the train box just to deal with some site issues where our cover wasnt as thick as we wanted and compensated by putting additional steel there so no great surprises on that front. Looking at our schedule at one time we were talking about doing a big enforcement for the train box and that is not happen. Those with 2foot cover it is happening and less than that we do it and in case someone comes in and with a jackhammer and punch through that and with the site refinement we discovered areas theyre actually less than 2 feet so we removed the concrete protection slab and replaced with steel plates a bit of a safety net so we dont have inadvertent brooch of the water approaching. Okay. Looking at the schedule the overall forecast each of the major strengths and Holding Tight but from an overall perspective looks like we slipped a bit. The Transit Center this shows about a five day slippage on the Transit Center. 12 days on the bus ramp which is a little perplexing for me because as i sit in the meetings i sense were going to come in by december so i think some fair factor hasnt been teased out yet and i am betting that coming in by december but right now the forecast is slowing a 12 day slippage and as expected the bus Storage Facility slide another month although i hear some advancement in discussion about leases terms and relative to Market Conditions as advanced a bit but i havent seen anything in a written agreement yet that will allow us to move forward in the advertise and bid phase for the bus storage. I talked to bijan about that and in june. It wont make the june. Thats right and then. Its august. There is a meeting in august. Just the opposite. How does that work and its later than you would like to see it. Yeah, and having an operational fix of dead heading. With the issue of transit staff i asked them to come up with a short and longterm plan and short term being able to operate the Transit Center without the bus storage for six, seven month period so that if were not able to build the bus Storage Facility in due time whether we open the Transit Center theyre able to operate. Longterm if somehow the lease doesnt go through so theyre working on that. I think we will be able to mitigate whatever delays were having right now through the short term plan that ac transit is developing. Yeah, this is tied into ac transit and mtc and get four more buses and with the transbay terminal and if they can come in and we have to understand the more we store the fewer that are available for service on a regular basis so we have to be a little bit careful there because we want to come out with as much service as possible. Absolutely. I think the bus deck has 37 bays, the majority but not all storage and some could come back and i dont know if theyre storing on Treasure Island and that is an option so were working with them and come up with a short term Operational Plan and were able to open the Transit Center and operate while the facility is being built if were not able to finish construction at the time. Yeah, definitely needs some attention. I will be at the overall work flow shows some slippage as we look at the more granule view of activities strains and the exterior to waterproofing and interior finishes are showing gains on the schedule. Those are the areas that are most active right now. Theyre the ones that put the most acceleration to and theyre the ones that weve got our sea legs on if you will since we have been ramping up on those for a while. Were seeing slippage in the mechanical electrical plumping systems and commissioning activity and some of it is to be expected. Were in the learning curve and bringing the tradeosline so i hope to see betterment of suggest as we progress and round out those elements as well, but it does kind of amplify or punk wait a general concern for being in a position to put together the Building Systems and the commissioning. Its going to be a big push towards the end another area i have been emphasizing a long time and we will continue to emphasis on and in terms of the challenges of the schedule strategic over time i think has beared some fruit. I think we refined the forecasting among the group and i am seeking to see better improvement on the monthly updates and moving closer to a complete mitigation. As you see were still hanging out there in terms of grading the full mitigationthe next challenge is by america. It settled down a bit but remains a potential significant schedule risk and likely to continue to be a subject of dispute. The schedule risk lies with the timely procurement and installation of Building Systems mucdo h to with a lot of activity with the electrical subcontractor. Last month i noted that i was pushing our team to complete and stressing the emphasis of their certification by america. I was targeting may 13 and we got the evaluation concluded and issues, some letters to the cmgc and fiiveg to one to underscore by way of certification and federal regulation that theyre obligated to deliver what was bid at bid price and by america compliant. We also in that endeavor recognize there was some irregularities or some curiosity bs the bid package listed subcontractors. We saw some submittals from other subcontractors which begged compliance about the fair act and both were pointed out and questioned to the subs and i am awaiting a response for so we can correct that one if there is an issue as we perceive it so more to come on that front. Is this collusion that youre looking at . No. Some of the Building Systems, the fire alarm, the Fire Management system was listed under one particular suband i am seeing submittals from a different subthat was listed for communications, so that raises some eyebrows. We will be continuing to address that as well as insuring that certification by america is maintained. The next topic of challenge is highlighted in the past is change management and unfortunately its pretty much all about ac transit bus deck reconfiguration. Since last month i did receive some proposals from the design team to create the modified construction documents and to implement some of the options that we studied with ac transit. I asked pmpc to put together a full project cost and schedule. We got numbers for the cost estimate. We got numbers for the design. If you put in some factors for soft costs were bumping up against about 950 million of endeavor there so i wanted to you know put it together with clarity like a project in itself in terms of costs and schedule, and start advancing that discussion about Funding Sources and timelines that that will dovetail in next week we will initiate some of the transitional planning bringing the transit users shortly under the take so we fully understand the expectations of arriving and operationalizing their spaces and in that discussion i see also advancing discussions on the bus deck as well and then the lastly the bid package 1. 5 procurement which is basically buying the Network Systems equipment thats kind of stretched out a bit. I was opening it was out already and its about to go out. It has been bogged down by the buy america concern and we have asked designers to ensure what is in their speck for that trade package which is primarily all the network gear as i call it, the whiz bang boxes and the racks. Most of them are i believe under the waiver for micro processors so we have kind of teased through that with the designer so we can have a definitive statement in the bid package which is about to go out. We will reached out to the fta to give us some validation on that front as well, but it is a worry because of our converged network a lot of things are interlaced with this equipment so it could impact our operational readiness. We have some work arounds in mind in terms of procurement strategies, but this one is going to take a little more study and we really need to get this one out and get that sub contractor on board. Even if we buy a cisco server out of menlo park. Right. If its not made in america it violates the buy america or the fact that were buying a cisco server. Thats been the difficult thing to tease out. We went to cisco and asked them to stand up loud and proud and buy america and they didnt quite get there. Too many lawyers. Its hard thing if you want to go all the way to taiwan. What ron was mentioning we have a general waiver that applies to all projects for micro processors. We met with fta after meeting with cisco and others to confirm the products comply with that and we met with fta and information to them and confirm in fact these products do comply so when were at bid we dont have issues and not comply or not and lose interest in the project and lose bidders so were going to put a statement in the bid documents to ensure bidders its compliant and waiting for confirmation on that from fta and we should be able to get them together in time. This process of trying to understand what waiver applies to what and get feedback from fta took longer than expected and why we didnt advertise the project yet and expect to advertise it next week or two. That pretty much concludes my update if you have any questions. Chair harper. Yes. Thank you. Ron thank you for the update. I was just curious on the change management slide you have about the ac transit for the bus deck reconfiguration what is the change process what is the approval process for that . . Does this board or ac transit approve it . How does that work . Because its different like youre digging and find an under ground storage tank to address. This sort of an owner change so that approved by this board or the partners or both . I mean i would think once we get alignment on the scope and schedule and Funding Source is with the end users that we come to this board and inform you and look for approval to i mean indicated to ac transit they should expect to pay for this. Its up to us whether we allow it orderless. inaudible . But they shouldnt be surprised to see a bill coming. If were able to quantify the costs and more importantly quantify the impacts on the schedule and come to agreement with ac transit on the costs and live with the schedule impacts we could present that to the board for approval. Thank you. Okay ron. Thank you. All right. Go ahead and call the next item. Yes please. Item 7 is the citizens Advisory Committee update. Bruce. Good morning directors, chair harper, executive director director, mark zabaneh. Just a bit off topic. I would like to congratulate supervisor kim for winning your races for democratic Central Committee and being one of the top two vote getters for district 11 and running again in november so congratulations. Back on topic i do have several items from our last citizens Advisory Committee meeting. We were very pleased to hear as the executive director mentioned that the dtx will be again designated as a high performing project as part of the 2017 plan bay area and positions us for the phase two project new start funding of approximately 650 million. It was also shared one of the other items in the staff report was a response deadline for the master lasee was extended to june 17 and although the reasoning for that extension makes great sense it was brought out in Public Comment there could be a risk of the retail not being ready by the time the Transit Center opens. The cac looks forward to an update at a future meeting once the contract is awarded and assured to hear about the next steps and timing and associated risks. The next item i would like to move on to and later in the agenda for the meeting this morning we want to thank the executive director for a great comprehensive update on the project. First including the design of a tunnel stub box at the curb of seventh and townsend makes so much sense that if the decision is is made to go ahead with the current alignment of phase two and subsequently making a decision to adopt the peninsula alignment as part of the rab study that will be incorporated and will be well positioned. A second item it was highlighted during the presentation the need for three tracks as part of the downtown extension. We had discussion regarding construction methods of seqernl mining versus boring machines and with ten you will boring machines allowing for two tracks instead of three. In either case optimizing Operational Efficiency and flexibility must be held as a foundational requirement and we are confident that this will be incorporated in additional analysis as part of the Current Study in addition to any study with the rab. Next we will be interested in hearing more about the trurn back and maintenance tracks when answered as part of the supplemental eir eis and the concern potentially that would exacerbate the traffic conjust ion in the area and we look forward to hearing more and answer this and alternatives through the rab study. Next is funding. We had a robust discussion with passenger facility charges and looks how much to charge passengers coming in or out of the terminal as part of their ticket price. This pfc will contact for a significant portion of phase two funding. A very thoughtful analysis was done comparing the pfc to the cost of taking muni, cabs or other modes of transit from fourth and king to a passengers ultimate destination. One item we noted was the convenience factor and time saved by a passenger in addition to the cost of being able to disembark at their ultimate destination eliminating wait Time Associated with the transfer again justifying and supporting this charge. Next we looked at as a point of caution we looked at escalation factors of 3 to 5 in the award of bid packages versus estimates. Although these are not directly tied we all know during phase one many of the contracts awarded were upward to 25, 30 over estimates. We have been assured that the project team along with mtc have taken ssons from phase one into account with phase two of the project. With this said it would be prudent to incorporate this discussion with the board at the appropriate time and last as far as this presentation we look forward to hearing more about the various delivery models to deliver this phase of the project. This is outlined as a next steps and we look forward to the analysis and recommendation to determine which model will deliver the project at the least cost while minimizing risks. Just one quick item on the construction update. I want to again we appreciate the improvement in transparency provided in the construction update. With that said its been noted that on the schedule and in the challenges and ron just mention today a few minutes ago that the schedule has slipped by a few days and one of the biggest risks identified was commissioning so at the cac we have requested an update on commissioning at a future cac meeting so thank you for the opportunity to provide this update and i will answer any questions. Thank you bruce. Okay great thank you. Next item. Next item is Public Comment an opportunity per the public to address matters not on the calendar and recs we have mr. Patrick and i believe thats all. Good morning directors. Jim patrick, patrick and company San Francisco. I see a gorilla in the room. I see a transit station in an eastwest direction. I see a lot of time devoted to the dtx which is the arrival at the western end. I see nothing, and i want to say again i see nothing being done at the eastern end. Weve conjured up this notion of bart at the east end with a tunnel down to embarcadero station. Good idea. Where is it going . This board needs to say we have an idea of the future and this is phase three and phase two is dtx. Where is phase three . This board hasnt mentioned nor talked or put forth ideas about phase three and i think theyre fabulous opportunities there theres a lacking of leadership of where were going so i encourage you to rethink some of the things were doing or give the staff direction what they should do about phase three. Right now were worried about where to put the toilets and we should think of phase three beyond that and thats the boards responsibility so please think about phase three. Where are we going to be ten years from now . Thank you. Thank you. That concludes members of the public that would to address you on the item. We can move into the Consent Agenda. Please. All matters are considered as routine unless pulled and considered separately however i received no indication that for any items to be severed and the items are 9. 1 and 9. 2 of of the minutes and a contract with professional Services Agreement to extend the agreement for two fiscal years from the amount listed. Is there a motion for approval . So moved. Second. A motion and a second. We dont need a roll call, do we on the consent . All right. Its unanimous. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . The Consent Agenda is approved. Moving into the regular calendar. Please. Item 10 is approving the revised baseline budget for the transbay Transit Center program in the amount of 2,259,400,000. Directors i will present this item. If i can get the computer to work. It will. Okay. Its been a long road and we had a lot of help from a lot of people to provide you with a budget that is sufficient to finish the Transit Center and open phase one and open for operations. I want to thank you first for your support in the process and the city of San Francisco and mtc and helping with the interim financing that needed to be done in order to fully fund the project and recognize our c fo and work with the Controllers Office to get this done and a long road but i think we have a good budget now and the aim is be at least 100 million under with the budget when done and give money back to phase two to fully fund phase one. With that today were 1. 3 billion and we have 57 60 million to go 22 million for the ip network and 20 million for the bus facilities and 15 and a half Million Dollars of various scope to procure under change orders to finish the project and makes up the 60 million to go. Theyre low risk items. We dont expect them to impact Construction Costs or schedule. We will be working hard on the ip network to make sure we procure in time and not impact the Transit Center completion. Weve completed much work and retired significant risks. To date we extended approximately 778 million or 61 of the work. Structural steel is practically done and in the close out phase of the twoject of that other contract. Twin box construction, piling and thats also been done. 125 Million Contract thats also in the close out phases. Excavation has been done also. 235 million. Thats done practically closed out. [inaudible] concrete and 53 Million Contract. We should be done with all concrete by december of this year and close this contract out by the end of this year so this is one these are our highest risk elements and theyre behind us. Ongoing work includes the roof top park. We hope to start placing dirt and building the park september, eakt october this year and that will start and the sky light and Ceiling Systems and awning and started installation and expect to be done a year from now and current walls and installation going pretty well. Ceilings we will start soon once the Transit Center is ready to receive that and the highest risk item is the plumbing and mechanical and [inaudible] of work so our focus is on the Electrical Mechanical and plumbing. The awning current Ceiling Systems are design build assist and total 150 million and look at them as low risk since theyre designed by the contractor and designed by the contractor. This is a snapshot of the interim budget that was approved in november. As you can see we added 165 million to our july, 2013 budget back in november. That allows us to schedule critical packages at that time and increase our contingencies and reserves. This is a list of the packages that we awarded. 97 million. At the time we increased the costs by approximately 21 million and we increased the contingency reserves by 63 million 62. 8 million. This is a break down of the proposed budget for approval today. The total budget is 2,259,400,000 and includes the direct Construction Costs. 595 million for program softs costs and rightofway costs and 211 million in contingencies and reserves and the rest are in [inaudible] and construction. This is another break down of the contingency reserves. We have 211 million. Were adding 168 million with this budget augmentation. This is approximately 30 of the remaining work. If we take away the [inaudible] to utilize and after the exposure has been accounted for and a healthy budget and again standing here working with ron we dont see why we cant finish the project and leave the 100 million untouched and this is a slide that ron shared with you. Our estimate and completion as it stands today is just over 2 billion and 5 million than the maximum we want [inaudible] of 159 million which is the 100 million less than the total budget. You see the red line is what we called third rail in the office. That slide we will not exceed. And then to close it out this is a history of how we adjusted the budget since approved in may 2010 after adding the train box. The totals are listed here and july of 13 we added 310 million to the budget and 104 went to increase the package costs, 95 million of the 104 went to seal trade package open at the time and came in almost double the estimate. Listed here are the amounts of the reserves. The 360 million that weve includes the final budget. 265 million of that went award packages that came in above budget. 14. 9 Million Dollars went for soft costs program wide and 79 million went to the contingency and reserves and this is to give a historical break down of the funds we added to the budget since the budget was approved in may 2010. This is a short presentation. I know the board has been updated of the progress of the budget since last year so with that i conclude my presentation. Okay. Questions directors . Okay. No question. I just want to acknowledge the good work that the staff has done to get us to this point. We were made aware of the need for this budget adjustment about a year ago and its been a lot of work on the revenue side to get us to this point so i appreciate it. I appreciate also the executive director mentioned i think about seven times the goal of coming in 100 million under and there is a very healthy contingency here and i know we will do what we can to support him and his team to come in 100 under so we dont have to borrow that money and its available mention today six times too many. No, i think its great so i think its great to be at this point and happy to move approval. We have a motion and a second. I have just a couple technical questions that relate to the budget. When the money comes in from the San Francisco mtc financing is that going to be sequested in a separate account . I have refer to the c fo, sara. It would actually come in for payments. We would only draw down as needed so i would submit requisition requests to the Controllers Office when i have expenses and receiving the monies and paying them out to contractors. The reason i ask with San Francisco we have two levels of review with expenditures Going Forward. One is a general advisory thing that we still need to put together probably, but the other one for the money coming in and expended they wanted direct review authority on that that was coming out of that money. Am i wrong about that . Were working with ben and nadia this week on the Cost Review Committee i think is what youre referring to so the proposal is yes for costs anticipated to from the city financing they will provide preapproval and provide them a list of funding and not to exceed amounts. They would provide approval at a quarterly meeting. That is separate from the actual draw down process and the agreement does state konz they provided that preapproval for commitments they cant then disallow a cost for a submitted invoice, but the reimbursement process is separate. I would be submitting requisitions to nadias office and list of costs and receiving those funds and paying them out. Youre saying after july were sort of whatever it is that were requisitioning is going through the same process just as so all money was equal. The reason i ask i think sometimes do we want to have as i perceive the deal with San Francisco there was two levels of two criteria levels they did. One is youre spending the money that we have advanced you and the other is money from parcel f and things like that that didnt have anything to do with that, and we may have occasion to say this particular money is coming out of this pot versus this particular money is coming out of that pot, so are we going to have that capability . Im not sure i understand your question. Theres no change in any of our processes for handling funds. Again the committee will preapprove uses of the city financing and to specifically draw down on that financing we will submit reimbursement requests or requisition requests to the city as the funds are needed. Were not requesting the funds in advance of the commitment. Sara maybe the question is that theres two levels of review as part of the cost committee. Money thats not part of the interim financing that were spending we would share within the change orders and they would review and concur with that. Money that is being used for part of this financing theyre going to review all the expenditures regardless whether change orders or not. Right. Those are the two levels and were meeting with the Controllers Office and streamline the process and especially for the change orders. We dont want to wait for change orders and we want to process them and the meeting is how to streamline the process with the office and mtc theyre assured they see the expenditures and aware and concur with it and not impacting the project itself and delaying anything. My perception was with respect to the financing they wanted a high level of authority much higher than no this is not the money but thats what got my question. Yeah, the interim financing they will review all the expenditures. The money not part of that they will review the change orders. This is the way so they will review change orders, contracts, contract amendments and any potential budget exchanges. Yeah. Okay. Another minor thing you talk about the cost regarding the for the sales force and the fremont towers and theyre going to pay for that. Is that shown as income to us . I just wanted to make sure. I probably missed it. Technically what is going to happen instead of meeting 360 were going to take half Million Dollars less from interim financing because sales force is going to reimburse us and reimburse us for the work that is approximately 100 million i wish half Million Dollars for doing their design, so its reimbursed work so instead of adding half a Million Dollars to the budget to reflect it reducing our needs by that amount. Thats all. Its just an accounting. I wanted to show as part of the budget we need to increase the design budget by half a Million Dollars to reflect that costs even though its pursed fully. Okay. So my last question is that the funding plan you mentioned the developer will pay an additional 15 million this is on parcel f and pay the premium to secure and assemble the 545 Howard Street site which is way down the road so we need to be you know cognizant of that and make sure because it wont happen right away. Its going to be and that is just between them and the 545 howard people. When they have final approval from the Planning Commission we will know what theyre proposing and if that includes 524 howard and receive that amount and go to phase two. And the 15 million were not counting on that i presume. I am counting on it for phase two. Or phase three now. Its not part of that. As to the future commitments of the parcel f buyer were recording a covenant to capture all of the items and of course we will be watching closely and monitoring in the event were eligible to receive additional income. Okay. No further questions. Okay. Quick comment. I would echo the directors comment and staffs work to get us to this point. In future updates there maybe based on the correspondence from the public about the budget and scope. It might be helpful to add another slide in future updates and i am not trying to create more work and not sure which is the right slide but talking about the final budget of 2. 25 million i think its fair to say the scope with the number isnt the same where we started that the biggest addition i think is the train box for example, but there maybe another Million Dollars addition for ac transits bus deck reconfiguration. There may be other things so what i am getting at there maybe an appropriate slide heres the base scope once upon a time and heres the scope additions that have occurred over the last 20 years. That gets lost in this type of presentation where were just focused on the numbers, but it doesnt really tell other parts of the story that the public has shared with us what were building today isnt what we thought we were building 20 years ago and somehow that needs to be woven in here and just another slide that says you know basis of design and then additions over the last 20 years. Okay. And those numbers should be total numbers, not you know 300 for this and fee for that. I mean its simple train box is worth 450 million. Ac transit deck design just simple numbers to better tell a complete story rather than just the numbers. Yeah. I will do that and i want to clarify that the number here includes the box. Correct. But thats not where we started. I understand. Where we started was more like 1. 2 billion. And we added the train box. And other things happened along the way but the scope of work is different today than envisioned decades ago. Okay. Will do. Okay. The first and a second and no members of the public to address you on that item. Yes. Director gee. Aye. Director kim. Aye. Ed reiskin. Aye. Director harper. Aye. Call the next item. Please. Next item is approve the fiscal year 201615 Capital Budget in amount not to exceed 484,920,300 and fiscal year 201615 not to exceed 5,187,168. I will be brief. This is a snapshot or one year sliens of the slice of the overall budget that you approved and anticipate spending this year both capital and operating. The only change since we presented the numbers in may was add just under 5 million to phase two and of course youre hearing about that every time later on in the meeting so i wont go into detail but we will work with the San Francisco Transportation Authority to request funds for that effort but that is the only change made to the draft budget presented to you last month. I am happy to answer any questions. Great. You have one vacant position i think the budget memo said which is a senior Program Director. Is that a position for phase two or is that the vacated position . The budget thats sitting there is currently vacated position. Mark is capable of doing two jobs at once and could fill that with a staff person but the number is there for whatever the board and mark would like to so the budget doesnt proscribe whether the phase two effort will be lead via professional Services Consultants versus a staff member. You have the ability to do either . The phase two budget is specifically for consultant work. We dont currently have a Funding Source that is specific to staff and benefits so currently all staff time and benefit time as well as all of administrative costs are allocated to phase one even though certainly there are folks that spend a certain percentage of time on phase two. If we do at some point in the future have phase two Funding Sources where staffing and benefits are eligible costs we could do a Cost Allocation plan at that point and split it out. So right now none of the Funding Sources available for phase two are not available to pay staff. No. And theyre specific to consultant work and we could do a Cost Allocation plan and request that in a future funding request for phase two but at this point all staff is covered by phase one sources. Does that include parcel f sale and those are restricted as well . Land sales are restricted to hard Construction Costs. I get it. Theyre used in phase one anyway. Right. I guess the reason i am asking and i mentioned this to mark a while ago that this i think as the chair said last time it really needs to be the shift of the focus of the agency and develop phase two. Its a huge as we will see three or 4 billion program. At should point we shouldnt leave it just to consultants and have a senior staff person who is fully responsible for that effort and i think leaving it spread out over different consultants ultimately wont deliver the program and if we need to do that allocation or the process i recommend that we take the steps so we have the opportunity in the future with other funding to bring on or use that position perhaps to fund a staff person to lead phase two. San francisco money can go to phase two, right, for staff, i would think . Were having discussions with the Transportation Authority and after the presentation on the dtx i will explain the next steps and part of the next steps were seeking funding to achieve the next steps. I will in my discussions, follow up discussions with the Transportation Authority i will see if there is a way to get funding so we can have somebody full time help and manage dtx with the tjpa staff. Currently the budget is consultants managing part time efforts but i agree with you director reiskin to focus and deliver dtx as quickly as possible we need that and i will bring it up in discussions with the executive director of the Transportation Authority. Okay. I will willing to support the budget as is so we can have it in place before the start of the new fiscal year but i would strongly urge that we take the steps so we create the budget space and the Funding Source to bring on someone to manage this program. I would like to point out the total budget amount shouldnt change because the vacant position is fully funded and making sure of that, but [laughter] mark. But yeah we could use that position for phase two if were able to get the funding and phase one and phase two and the total budget would be the same and just as sara mentioned and reallocation and we will do that. Thank you director reiskin for bringing the item up about phase two. I think what would be helpful for me at a future meeting sort of a road map for what we need to do as a board to whether its new Interagency Agreement or a Partnership Agreement to help fund and resource the team for phase two. I mean i dont think its just my ignorance or naive etthat San Francisco will fund it all about if there are things to get to a budget to resource the team to work on phase two what does that road map look like . Who needs to be involved and consulted and what agreements need to be in place . Because i dont think it can happen by itself or San Francisco. Thank you San Francisco forgetting it started but this is a bigger for getting it started but this is bigger than that and we have heard not everyone is on the same page and how do we get there and what does it look like . Okay. I believe we have a first and a second. Yeah we did. And no members of the public to address you with that. Director gee. Aye. Director kim. Aye. Director reiskin. Aye. Vice chair nuru. Aye. Chair harper. Aye. Five ayes and item 11 is approved. Call the next item . Yes please. Item 12 is approving the amendment number 4 to professional Services Agreement for Turner Construction company to increase the maximum comp tension from 57,180,000 to a total of 72,500,000 and extending the tomorrow of the consider for wo years to 2018. Directors we shared the need to augment the budget as we develop our overall budget last year we shared with you that the original budget did not account for the number of fabrication shops and number of fabrication welding that needed to get the construction seal completed. When we did the budget originally we thought we were doing fabrication at two shops and single shop. As the contractor got on board and working in earnest the work required to be done and increase the shops doing that and i think it went up to almost eight different locations at one point. That caused us to having to send the c mo at different locations to observe the welding and approve the welding and increased the needs quite a bit and increased the budget so this budget element adds 15. 3 million to the budget. Extends it two years to the middle of 2018 until we close out phase one. It reduces the fee from 9 to 7 , so c mos is our eyes and ears and we need them more than ever to keep up with construction and approvals so were able to get going with construction. Currently theyre working several shifts and saturdays to be able to finish by this date so if you have any questions dennis can questions . None. A motion. Can you give us a little more detail of what they would be doing the next two years . Yeah, dennis. Sure. I can run through the presentation real go through some of the details. Yes. Im not going to go through the scope part because i think were familiar with that. Theyre the eyes and ears to the scope. This details out the background how we get to the 15. 3 million that is remaining. This tries to tell the story right here where its were the red line is what the request is. It shows you that the 46 million and this timeline shows it starts july 2013. Its really when the budget was approved and shows starting the c mo at 46 million. Prior to scanz sca coming on board and tracking as expected and once the people came on board you can see the yellow line and the black lines basically shows the spike up as the efforts for the isi which is the main driver for the additions to the contract came from and as we noticed right away it was the latter part of 2014 when scam sca was on board and the support needed for that activity starting to representation thats when we immediately noticed that this had to be modified and the red line and projected up to 72 million and went for the first in a series knowing we would have to get to that point. As we were working through an interim funding budget element we could only go in certain parts and kept moving through various cmo amendments to get to eventually the 72 million 75. 5 million we were expecting. As we went through we have been tracking it and now were ats at as of end of march and have information that is tracking identical and confident were tracking below the 72. 5 million with a slight contingency Going Forward and ultimately the request today for the cmo amendment four gets us to the 72. 5 million that we looked that we needed. Where are the numbers coming from . Basically you can break it down and knowing the original contract and added 7. 5 million to get to the 46 million for the july 2013 budget of the remaining amount over 20 million of the remaining amount is the special inspections and mostly welding and off site inspections and the remaining another 6 million comes from the addition of a second and third shift of turner, the additional eyes and ears, one person at night and one person during swing shift and weekends, additional waterproofing inspection, partnering and claims resolution support that we have added to the cmo contract add up to the 75. 5 million. With the major focus i use this graphic to show where all these sites were, all the west coast sites, where the inspections throughout the different fabricators that were required for isi, and because once the once you had the actual fabrication and laid it out in the yards you needed more inspectors because of the layout of the fabrication site itself because theyre multiple football field sizes and you added welders to that inspection as well so thats the break down where it came from and why we got to this amount from the original budget approval to today plus also adding the two years to 2018 and turner doing their part and working with the budget and reducing the fee down to 7 . Does that answer the question director . I dont know. I had the same sort of question because what i mean it may be that all of this adds up to 72. Seven at this point but from a timing perspective is there a 12 million bill from turner sitting in there thats unpaid . Because if not as director nuru said what are they doing for the next year . Supposedly the structural steel is done and are we sitting on a unpaid invoice here. No. We have 600 million of work that we havent executed yet, you know, the ceilings, all the current walls, mechanical, electrical, plumbing civil work that needs to be done. That work needs to be inspected and the quality is correctly. Waterproofing we havent completed that so somebody has to inspect that. Somebody has to make sure its done correctly so we need the quality assurance. But we always had to inspect all of those things. Well, i think the original the budget that was for the cmo in 2013 was not sufficient because the budget was 45 million and the cmo contract was 38 million and up to june of this year did not have the two years to go, so the seven and a half Million Dollars in the budget is not enough for two years and thats a big part why the augmentation is larger than the budget, but no we have a lot of work to do and if we want to keep up and make sure that were providing them with inspection at the right time so they can keep up with this and working three shifts we need the manpower or the power in this case. So the structural steel is not the problem thats the expenditures and went from 38 yeah, i got from 38 to 57. Thats the pay for the welding also. The 15. 3 million is for the next two years for the upcoming work. I would point out this is what we were told when we approved the previous increase and had pretty much the same discussion and were increasing as much as the budget allowed and the staff would come back once approved to fund the full increase so this is at least consistent with what we were told about, what the projection is for the need of the services. Thats the story and theyre sticking to it. Are there any other hidden expenses that we should know . Theyre not hidden expenses. Theyre part of the budget we anticipated doing it anyways but you know yeah. Thats the thing. I mean i understand i think, but dont keep going back to the structural steel welding and everything. At this stage it just seems so what it is that amount its a lot and sort of took out of the budget for the ceilings and mechanical and everything. That went into inspecting structural steel and now weve got to replace that that we knew we were have to inspect anyway and that seems the story. We had an insufficient budget and the work needs to be done. Right. Theyre people in the field, boots on the ground keeping up with it and also help us with big part theyre helping with analyzing change orders, analyzing any issues that we have and that is also part of these efforts. Great. We were involved in the dra. Theyre involved in the dra. Theyre leading the effort there. Right. As the graphic shows the red line we identified early on that we would need to get to a certain point and tracking exactly to that but we could only go in steps. That is part of the challenge i think of the story here but from early on we reconvened because the main driver was isi and everything under the influence. Else is known and isi. We knew that 72 was the number. As of last year we recognized we needed to 72 and part of the budget updates as we updated you on our budget needs. All right. Okay. Thank you. So i apologize mark and dennis for asking so my understanding if theyre not any outstanding invoices and everyone has been paid then and isi is a subto turner and turner advanced part of their budget to pay for isi. Thats the only way their sub can be paid without outstanding invoices . We have been doing an interim amendment. Theres where the various stars i understand but the 23. 3 million is a big number and if there arent outstanding invoices to anybody and turner is paying beyond the base to isi . No. So turners current contract is at that level and theyre near leer at that level and this is to cover the next two years. There is no one we shifted the budget because there were budgets for other work that we wind up shifting to isi. That internally happened and we sought more money for the increases. No, i understand that, but to director nurus comment if there arent any outstanding invoices to anybody somebody got paid out of somebodys budget. Its as simple as that and were putting more gas in the gas tank so they can continue for two more years. I understand that part but if the sub has been paid it came out of somebodys Budget Allocation which happens to be turner for their time on the project. Thats just the way it is if nobody hasnt been paid, and thats what everyone has said so far. No one has not been paid. No, everyone has been paid. So i get that point. The other side of this just i understand it dennis in terms of the field work done by isi i just need you to say on the record or answer this question is that isis time cards have been reconciled with the mill runs that actual happened on site . Absolutely. We were fully reviewing time cards and ensuring they match to who is there. In fact all the time cards are included in the monthly invoices. I understand that but they have to be reconciled against the actual mill runs and that isnt always the case that the tjpa project was there eight hours a day or three shifts and you you know mill by shape not by project. In this case we took over the majority of the factories and the only reason isi was there for our project not a matter they were working on other projects there and made it a simple review and they were for us only. And no other project was in the plant or in the yard or in the mill . Not utilizing for isi. Thank you. We need a motion. One more. Im sorry. Go ahead. And just one more follow up question. Mark going back to your previous presentation on the final revised budget when we talked about this amendment were talking about the program wide costs for Construction Management at the 75. 9 million budget of which is the majority of that. Yeah, we have City Services and other services on top of that. This is that line, the Construction Management of 75. Thank you. Okay. Looking for a motion. Approval. So movedded. Second. We have a motion and a second. Moved and second. No members of the public wanting to address you on that item. Director gee. Aye. Director kim. Aye. Director reiskin. Aye. Vice. Aye. Chair harper. Aye. Thats five ayes and approved. Item 13 is a presentation on the downtown rail extension and phase two. I will provide you with this presentation with help from once i get my computer going here. Sorry i am ahead of myself here. Directors this is a comprehensive presentation where we stand on the dtx. Once we accomplished so far and environmental documents approved and advancing the design what work needs to be done to move forward so that we can bring the trains to the Transit Center as soon as possible. This is the train box level eagerly awaiting trains to arrive. [laughter] i thought it was the chairs wine cellar. So the this presentation will give you an overview, talk about construction and scope and history of the budget and cost estimates to date, what efforts we have done thus far and estimates of the information we have, discuss a plan that would serve as a road map to bring in the sit sit. Talks about Funding Strategies and what next steps we need to take in the near future and later on to make this work. I will be joined in the presentation with ms. Sara wilson from the designer. She will present the Construction Methodology and our staff will present the funding plan. Starting with an overview you know phase two will extend caltrain future high speed rail from the caltrain current terminus at fourth and king to a Transit Center. The extension itself is 1. 3 miles and the construction limits are approximately 2 miles. Today we made much progress but we still have work to do. We issued the environmental document, the draft for public review in december received comments in february and were addressing the comments right now and sharing the comment review with the federal transit administration, fta. We expect to finalize the environmental documents by the end of the year and recommendation from the fta this year. Also significant progress on the development of the dtx. The dtx [inaudible] 30 completed but some items introduced as new scope modified scope as part of the supplemental environmental document is not 30 done and needs to be done to bring it to 30 . The box itself fit out for the train box is approximately 50 complete. However we need to refresh and refine it based on changes made in phase one mainly escalators and elevators and other features to do that and received approval from the california high speed rail and caltrain on the design and gee metrics for the design and alignment of the dtx. Were doing a study right now and share the results for the procurement for phase two. Weve asked them to do a study on the methods out there and what we be for tjpa what procurement method is best to procure phase two Cost Effective and least risk to tjpa. This study is in the draft form. We will share the results with you next month and talk about design build and other cures and based on the funding and the status of the project and provide you with input what the best method with information that we have right now and we continue the ongoing collaboration with the rab study with the city and other stakeholders as we move forward the aim is to be close cooperative with the rab study and part of the study and drive it to a successful conclusion. Im going to spend a little time on this slide. This is the scope of the phase two as outlined in the environmental document, supplemental environmental document that is being approved. Part of the phase two is extend the train box to the east from green street to main street to accommodate the high speed train links and 400 meters. Our train box is not that long so we need to do that accommodate the length and phase two construction of the bus facility on top of the train box. That facility would be used to store buses for greyhound and amtrak services. Currently greyhound amtrak are using the bus deck for phase one. As we move into phase two ac Transit Needs practically the entire bus deck to operate so were moving greyhound and amtrak to the other bus facility and phase two includes construction of muni and bart connector which would connect the east end of the lower concourse of the Transit Center into the mezzanine level of the embarcadero station and connect both stations together. Phase two would include fit out of the Transit Center for the lower concourse and the train box and mechanical electrical and plumbing and ceiling work and platforms and escalators and elevators and ventilation systems in the train box. The construction of the dtx is based on the three track and 2 3 of it is under ground tunnel thats mined using sequential excavation methods and 1 3 is cut and cover. The structure is cut and covered and geometry from three to six tracks as you enter the Transit Center and theres a section on townsend street between fourth and townsend station build by phase two and end of mine tunnel and cut and cover because its shallow in that area and the big feature of phase two is the inclusion of the tunnel stop located in the caltrain yard at fourth and king streets and serve as a connection point to allow us to further extend the under ground, the dtx southward so were able to maximize the potential for the mission area and utilize for development so the south subis a complement to our project. You can extend the dtx under ground without impacting the operation of the trains as phase two is built. This is a list of the some of the stoap that was added or modified by the environmental document and the extension is one of them and modifying the structures and adding the bus facility, defining alignment of the bart muni pedestrian connector and was included in the 2004 environmental document but we had various alternatives. One went to montgomery street and one went to embarcadero. This environmental document sets the alignment from the Transit Center along beale street into the embarcadero. We also widen this structure as part of the supplemental environmental document and we wanted to accommodate the turn radius required for high speed rail. We modified the fourth and townsend station also and mezzanine level there and make it bigger and turn tracks at of caltrain. As i mentioned alignment for dtx is three tracks. Currently the incoming tracks from the peninsula is a two track system. As they enter the dtx will extend to three tracks. We will have three tracks through the fourth and townsend station, three tracks along the mine section on 2nd street and extend into six tracks as we enter the Transit Center station. The station will have three platforms and six tracks. So thats from the tunnel sub box that is three tracks. Yeah. Currently we have two tracks and the project will extend to three tracks and before the tunnel and continue the three track system into the Transit Center so the new fourth and townsend. Three tracks. Scpawl the way to the curb there and the stub out and then two tracks and not us. Its to allow us or others to further extend the dtx under ground with the three track system so that will maximize the potential for the Mission Bay Area and added grade crossings and so forth. Its to accommodate future expansion. Okay. It just gives us the facility a reason to fully develop the area to the full potential. I do have a slide on the need for three tracks sorry, so this is a Cross Section of the train box. We envision having again three platforms, two platforms used for high speed rail, one could be used for caltrain and again that we have platform heights we can interchange them and any train can use anyone they want to use and we maximized the flexibility there. Okay. Yeah i wanted to make sure i didnt miss this slide here and the reason we need three tracks over and above the operation approved by the federal Transportation Administration and caltrain and require three tracks and allow to stage two trains going into a Transit Center and one is leaving and vice versa and if theres inbound train using the facility its disabled having a three track system we can bypass it and maintain the time and operation needs, and ulc having three tracks makes it easier to use the platform interchangeably in the Transit Center and above all building a since were building a tunnel not like a roadway or bridge and not widen it in the future so its optimum that we provide the flexibility that we need to operate it effectively now and in the future to come. With that im going to turn it over to sara wilson fromman jacobs to mach about the construction methods. I do want to note that sara worked on the claremont tunnel as shes currently working with the central subway. She has a wealth of experience. Thank you mark. Good morning. I am here to talk about the construction methodologies that have been selected for the occupants of this project. So mark went over the alignment briefly and there are certain portions of the alignment that have to be cut and cover because the excavations are large and complex or changed so much or sharo its not practical to excavate by any other method. The mined tunnel recommended is limited primarily to 2nd street connecting to cut and cover portions of the project. One of the benefits of the mined tunnel that it will allow for okay. Looks like i have a pointer here. That will not do it. Allow for mine of each side and cut and cover and mining can proceed towards the center and a ventilation shaft in the center of the alignment and used to stage excavation up to three or four headings if need be. This means all can be proceeding concurrently with the excavations. Again these are some of the geometries in different locations in the project. The throat structure up by the trans bay structure is 350 feet wide and cut and cover and expanding from three to six track frs the station. At townsend street will be expending up to three tracks as mark said and about 80 feet wide and the sem geom gree is 55 feet wide and its an under ground excavation and wider than it is tall and that enables us to facilitate three tracks at the shallow with the shallow alignment of the project. Thats one of the very Important Reasons why sem has been selected here. So for the cut and cover structures and deep soil mix supportive excavation is installed and as that proceeds downward internal bracing is installed. Street decking is installed to facilitate live traffic as we go downward and the depths are between 40 and 85 feet and the constreet box is installed underneath all of that live traffic. So for the ground conditions here can you see the 1853 shoreline and the current shoreline. Theres a lot of fill as we all know. We have been here for any time theres a lot of fill installed in San Francisco bringing up the city to where it is now and the mined tunnel is in native material in rock and within the 1853 shoreline. Some of the cut and cover portions are in the area where infill has been installed and Cross Section of the anticipated ground conditions which is way too complex for any of the names to be actually picked up but the primary purpose is talk a bit where the mined tunnel is located so the gray material that comes up to the surface is franciscan formation and that is rock. The mined tunnel has been selected for the rock portion of the alignment as well as for a valley roughly in the middle of the mined tunnel and due to vertical exaggeration to get this on one slide it may not be evident that the valley will comprise hundreds of feet in the dtx extension alignment. A couple of turns if youre not a tunnel person like me and floor and ceiling and fancy terms here and shows the cover at the ends of the alignment. Because of the potential for variable ground within the rock serkz one of the tools that sem tunneling uses is systematic probing and economical way to assess ground conditions ahead of time and anticipated so the right tool box can be used, the right types of Ground Support can be pulled out of the tool box and used and customized for the ground to be mined through. Decisions on what appropriate support goes in are made on a round by round basis. There is a daily meeting in the heading with the engineers and make sure everyone is on the same page. This reduces risk for structures adjacent to the alignment so we have about 3200 feet of mined tunnel on the project. The sequential excavation method offers the best value to the owner for managing construction schedule and risk. This is a Cross Section from a drawing for this project, and its intended to show some of the presupport measures and the way the support goes in and the sequencing which is inherent to sequential excavation that happens for tunneling so the drift was number one is excavated after the pipe canopy are installed above it and the dots above the tunnel and dowels can be used for presupport if need be and drift number one is excavated. Steel supports and shock create supports are installed in drift one and on one side and go to the other side and number two and do the same things and presupport is installed for the whole thing. Excavate out number two. Put in the support appropriate for number two and lags number one by a bit and number one and two form a foundation for the arch for number 3 and drift three in the center comes out hence the words sequential. Again here i just want to note that this geometry is ideal for this project because its able to be wide to accommodate the three tracks. If we were to use a tbm excavation for three tracks the Cross Section would have to be circular and because top of rail needs to go where it needs to go the whole tunnel would be higher creating the potential to see more of a impact at the surface. You will take more ground out closer to the surface and likely more impact at the surface. This is a photo of an sem excavation, a typical one similar in itself to this project. Its a state of the art tunneling process. You can see in the photos drifts one and two has been excavated and three hasnt been taken out. But this is just this tunneling practice this is how it looks. For those that have been in there and yeah this is how its supposed to look. So tbms are great for certain projects. We use them at central subway with good success. If we thought they were the right answer for this project we would be 100 behind it but sem is clearly the winning choice for this project and some of the reasons are listed on the slide so we have complex, challenging, change shallow Cross Sections and howl need to be excavated under a busy urban environment. I mentioned the geometry a bit and just one more point about that. It would take the biggest tbm in the world to excavate the project and sem is more attainable and realistic for the contract documents. The risk of settlement is minimized here and due to the proximity to the surface and the ability for the ground conditions to be assessed and for the support to be customized every round. If there is Additional Support required its going to go in and not a surprise later due to the systematic process for sem. Support is tailored to the ground conditions in real time and that is daily meeting with the engineers at the heading and review. Equipment procurement is streamlined and will take a year to fabricate for the other way and sem using things that are easier to get on site and less expensive than a tbm and the schedule can be flexible anded had things and from each end and the middle and if there is a equipment break down youre not waiting for the one piece of equipment to get back going again. Thats you mark. Well, this is just to highlight oh right, great. Since i cant point to it. Here we have the headings denoted with arrows here. Up to four headings can be under way concurrently. I guess the point is were able to excavate from four directions at least three directions so if the machine breaks down in one direction were making progress in other directions and similar to what we done in the inaudible tunnel and excavate both directions and they do two directions. It it just minimizes risk in the field in case the machine breaks down the other machine is making progress is the point that sara wanted to make. Right. Successes. This method has been used successfully in the area and as mentioned and in other areas and was a lot of fun. Okay. This section will be about the history of the budget so in 2008 the tjpa board approved a budget of approximately 3 million phone ringing sorry. 3 billion for the phase two. Based on the scope of work in 2004 Environmental Impact statement reports included the scope included downtown extension, assumed a top down construction method where we would build the Transit Center in the future and excavate underneath for the train box and delivery method was based on design build and contemplated operations in 2018 at the time. This is a the alignment envisioned at the time. Again it had the tracks and it wasnt modified and a structure modified per high speed rail requirements and it did not include of course the extension. The budget was based on the budget was based on an estimate been in 2007. This is a break down of the estimate. It was 1. 9 billion for total construction and based on a 4 escalation. Right away was 163 million total program wide costs including soft costs and 553 million and we had 348 million in contingency reserves for approximately 3 billion. The construction contingency in the budget was assumed at 10 of Construction Costs and the Program Reserves was assumed to be 6 of the Program Costs which is the Program Costs you see here which is listed here. In 2010 sorry, in 2010 the tjpa was success in obtaining 400 million in funding. That was really a big milestone and win for us because it allows us to build the train box as part of phase one and remove quite a bit of risk so the budget was reduced to 2. 6 billion dollars but all the remaining scope besides the train box remain the same. The method was design build and operations was supposed to be in 2018 based on this budget. Between that time frame as we developed the project we updated the estimate that resulted the elements of the project and updated the estimate and in 2010 finished documents for the downtown extension based on the information we had at the time and 1. 1 7 billion. In 2012 the drawings were completed for the center and e costs were estimated at that time. These are direct cost estimates and dont include contingencies or reserves for construction. In 2013 we did a holistic update of the estimate to take into account the changes since the budget was approved. That estimate included removal of the tail tracks we didnt need the tail tracks anymore . In 2010 when high speed rail said they needed that we extended them and thats when they were removed. Did i get it right . [inaudible] yes . Okay. [inaudible] off mic . Yeah. Okay. Yeah, but thats so we eliminated the tail tracks not for operational purposes but for not that we couldnt get by operating without them but we had to extend the box and couldnt have them anymore . We didnt have a need for them so we could operate without them. We decided we could operate without the tail tracks, yeah. And the geometry has been approved by the dtx by the federal Transportation Administration and caltrain doesnt see a need for the tail tracks. Okay. I just wanted to remember. Okay. So this is basically a listing of what changed and in 2013 we presented the board with an updated estimate based on information we had then that included 1. 5 billion dollars approximately of direct Construction Costs. At that time we reduced escalation down and based on the cpi index at the time was 2. 4 . The area plan used 2. 2 and high speed rail used between 2 and 3 at the time so we felt we could reduce the escalation to 3 so the Construction Costs based on that estimate was 1. 9 billion dollars. We increased the rightofway costs by 103 million to account for some of the changes especially the train Box Extension required more rightofway so that brought the rightofway to 266 million. Program wide was 418 million. And the contingency and reserves were 183 million for construction contingency and approximately 10 , 9. 4 . Program wide reserves were 7 of Program Costs and that was our 3 billion estimate provided to you and didnt include the bart connector. The barlt connector at the time was 120 million but not included in this estimate. As you know mtc conducted a cost review for phase two in the fall of 2015 and we shared the results with you. These are the summary of the results. They looked at the construction schedule and concluded that the seven year construction schedule that we assumed in our estimates was sound. The construction mark up with the overhead we used was 26 . They concluded that was sound. For the escalation increase from 3 to 5 . Under the contractor fee they recommend to increase from 5 to 10 and recommended to increase our total contingency from 23 to 37 and noticed some of the scope was not. 27 and some of the scope was missing from the estimate and amounted to 58 million. They recommended that we include that in the estimate. The mtc cost review did not review the program wide costs or the rightofway costs. They didnt have time to do it so their focus was on Construction Costs. What cost before the rightofway costs . Program wide. Okay. So their focus was basically on Construction Costs. This is a break down of the increase in costs as a result of the mtc cost review. The escalation increased it by 433 million going from 3 to 5 adjusting the fee from 5 to 10 adding 100 million and adjusting the contingency added 93 million and the missingitem was is listed here and this is on top of the estimate at the time. Mtcs assessment of the bart connector was between 120 million and 310 million so the mtc review yielded about 4 million. Since that time and the budget proceeding we shifted our focus on phase two and started looking at our estimate looking at scope and starting to refresh our estimate with information that we have. Since the beginning of this year we looked at the scope of the dtx. We took the scope that was 30 design and asked the designers to refresh the estimate based on current market values on the quantities based on the quantities that we have. For scope it was conceptual stage, not fully developed used order of magnitude estimate based on the information we have and the Market Conditions that we know of. We included in the refreshed estimate all the mtc recommendations, and we used program for the program wide costs and the contingencies we used percentage based amounts but we did not have time to update the rightofway costs. We need more time to update the rightofway costs and part of next steps and this is a break down of the draft estimate that we have developed. Again this is work in progress and started in february gathering the information together and trying to update the estimate and we wanted to give you a snapshot of where were at. This estimate the subtotal for construction excluding escalation is 1. 7 Million Dollars and 5 for construction is 583 million so the total construction is 2. 3 billion and that would be the expected bid amount at the time we award the project. Right away we kept it at 266 million. We will update later o for program wide we used 22. 5 of the total Construction Costs as a budget, 20 of that is for soft cost and then other costs so the total Program Costs excluding contingency and Program Reserves is 3 billion. For construction contingency we use 10 of the Construction Costs to set aside and thats a normal practice. For Program Reserves we use 15 of the total Program Costs 3 billion so were saying here in the Program Reserve we have 15 contingency for construction, 15 contingency for rightofway, 15 contingency for program wide. That brings our total construction contingency and reserves to 692 million and total Program Costs for 3. 7 billion dollars excluding the bart connector. The bart connector is 161 million. We reviewed the bart connector scope with our designers and determined that the direct cost is about 110 million and when you add escalation is listed here and total construction is 4 billion approximately and this Program Costs has 903 million in contingency and Program Reserves. Its the 692 that you see here and the 211 million in design contingency. If we were to use 3 escalation or three and a half percent escalation and the going rate and move the delta between the 5 and the three and a half percent in Program Reserves that delta would be approximately 175 million. Doing that the Program Reserves the total contingency would be 1. 1 billion dollars which is a 40 basically contingency. Im saying that because as we move into the Risk Assessment likely to use that for the escalation and move the delta in the reserves and if it goes beyond three and a half percent we will fund that and not removing it from the project cost but putting it where it belongs in the line items. This is just to give i a visual break down of the several cost elements of the project. This is based on direct costs, not including soft costs erescalation and the line tunnels and approximately 151 amount listed here. And the tunnel stop was added as part of the environmental document to be able to accommodate the rab study and help develop the Mission Bay Area mission bay to its full potential basically. This is a break down of how this estimate in comparison to mtc review. The review when looking at indirect cost said 26 was sufficient. This estimate has 26 for other costs besides the tunnel and 54 for the tunnel and the tunnel is a higher risk item. The recommendation for escalation was 5 and mtc cost review. This estimate is 5 . The contract fee contractor fee and review recommended 10 . This estimate uses 15 for the tunnel and 5 for the remaining scope. We wanted to allocate where the risk where it belongs and thought in the tunnel its more and did that. The total contingency recommended by mtc was 26 . Again what i showed you was 29 based on using 5 for the escalation. If we move escalation delta between the three and 5 in the contingencies that amount would be 40 escalation contingency and added the scope that mtc recognized and the review ask us to review the productivity rates. We will do that moving forward. This chart shows the delta in the various line items. Our estimate increased the Construction Cost it is by 56 million from mtc reviewed and increased the total Construction Costs by 61 million. 5 million increased design contingency by 5 million. You will see a reduction in escalation of approximately 139 million. The mtc review had escalation of 722 million and used 5 from 2010 when the estimate was developed all the way to 2024. Since our estimate was developed in current 2016 our escalation started 5 from that time to 2026. What this shows is the escalation between that time was less than 5 . Its in the three and a half percent range. The cpi index labor costs and material costs between 2010 and 2016 is less than 5 and what you see here. The Program Costs were increased by 163 million because i wanted to refresh the soft costs and the Program Costs. I use that for program wide and increased by 163 million. Again mtc didnt review the costs but just accepted our numbers and 86 million in total Program Costs as a whole. This is a comparison. Its not an apples to apples comparison but wanted to show you how our estimate is compared to mtcs. For the delivery part we figured out what is the best successful way to differ the dtx and this is a road map to deliver the project and we are able to bring the Transit Center in 2025. As i mentioned we expect to finish the environmental work and decision in december of this year. Between now and a year from now were able to finish the design, bring it entirely to 30 and then we can also between now and a year from now were able to complete and develop a funding plan with the region to figure out all the Funding Sources that we have, when we need them to fully fund the estimate that we have, and between now and a year from now select the delivery methods to deliver the project. Between july 2017 and end of 2019 we can work on securing the funding and funding agreements with our partners, local level, regional and federal level and during that time frame were able to acquire the rightofway that needs to build the phase two. Were able to finish the complete 100 documents between july of 2017 and july 2019 so we will have buildable documents. If we do that we can have advance construction contract in july 2018 to do utility relocation work and for the mining or the tunneling work to begin. Based on the schedule the tunneling work will be advertiseed in july 2019 and awarded in december 2019 and looked at other scopes besides this scope to put out a separate contract for flexibility. In this chart you will see the bart connector, the train extension and the ibf facility awarded at a later date and meet construction date and awarded in december of 2020 and advertised in july 2020. Based on this based on the seven year construction schedule we were able to Start Construction in december 2018 and end in december 2025. This is based on design build procurement method. If we go to design build likely to shorten it by six or nine months but this hinges on us being able to get the funding that we need when we need it and including the funding for the rightofway to be completed on time and this is a road map to get there and bring trains to the tran itd center in the short evaluate time possible. This slide shows the escalation costs based on 5 escalation. If we finish construction later it will increase by 200 million approximately. If there is a delay beyond that escalation is approximately 217 million a year. If theres a four, five year period its more than 1 billion so the earlier we can finish the project and bring it to completion much cheaper it is. With they would like to turn it over the presentation over to scott to talk about the Funding Strategies that we have developed. Hi good morning directors. The next step in the road map that mark was alluding to was to develop a viable funding plan and a plan that includes Funding Sources that key get during the construction period. This took significant step forward in 2013 when planned bay area was enacted and the Transportation Plan that is updated every four years. In the 2013 iteration of planned bay area dtx was a federal priority for the new start program. You heard us mention it several times and in this meeting and the largest discretionary funding for this type of transit expansion and major funding for the central subway and bart to san jose and in order to access these funds you have to be designated as a regional priority in the regional plan so its a major goal for the dtx for years and we achieved that goal in 2013. Along with that designation came other funding commitments from the region and you see here on this slide pulled directly from planned bay area from the planned bay area Investment Strategy you see the new start designation, the dtx is the highlighted and as you go along the road the first box is the gray box that says 650 million. Thats the amount that mtc estimated that dtx would receive from new starts and that amount was based on the overall amount of new starts funding that the region has historically received from the nationwide new starts account, so moving to the right down that row you see additional commitments for 300 million in future bridge tolls, 557 from high speed and the amount from the sales tax extension and future prop k increase and last column is joint development. You see 100 million there. And included as a place holder for the mello roos funds and this was finalized in 2013 but the initial draft was 2012 and several years before the mello roos district was enacted and at the time we didnt know what would be available and we knew this was a low estimate but we included today as a place holder and im going to run through several funding scenarios. But before i show you the first of those scenarios i want to emphasize that all of the Funding Sources that are listed are Funding Sources that have been contemplate for the dtx for many, many years. Theyre not things out of left field or are speculative. Theyre Funding Sources in the public discussion going back to planned yay yay in 2013 and bay area and before that in the environmental clearance documents for the dtx and contemplated and light apparently charges in the document were included at 75 cents for caltrain tickets and 3 for high speed rail tickets so it was a 41 ratio. So when we took those initiate new starts im sorry initial planned bay area they form the the basis for the plan Going Forward and as we started the exercise of taking on a hard look at our existing funding plan and making sure it was all viable and attainable we started with the assumptions that mark mentioned in the timeline that he just discussed construction starting in december 2018 and 7 year period and beginning operations in december 2025 which corresponds nicely with the high speed rail plan and has trains arriving in the bay area in 2025 and i will run you through four funding scenarios. The first one i will go through line by bien but there is only one variable and the apparently charge and passenger charge and you see in the gray area theyre the planned bay area commitments and three categories and above the gray area are the already committed funds and fund thats project has already received and spent in some cases but in any case all of the line items above the gray area are fully committed to the dtx and the gray area is the planned bay area communities and future yet to be committed funds so starting with the first line that is our existing commitment from prop k, San Francisco county sales tax. You see there its 83 million commitment. We have spent 50 million of that to do the initial 30 preliminary engineering and design work that mark mentioned earlier and important to note there is 33 million available in the prop k commitment that we intend to use or hoping to use to do the cost refresh that mark was describing earlier. The next two line items and the san mateo sales tax and bridge tolls were received and spent on the 30 design work and below that is called Regional Transportation Improvement Program or the rhip program. That is a state funding stream primarily of state gas taxes but mix of Funding Sources. This is a commitment to the program of 28 million. We received 10 million for phase one and 18 million remaining for phase two and the next two are Funding Sources we are familiar with at this stage. The first is the mello roos special tax district. That was enacted and signed into law in january 2015 and a percentage are designated to the transbay project and the low range and terms of net values and high amounts and will be available for phase two after we fully finish paying for phase one and we can use this for phase two and the 100 million difference between the 275 and the 375 is something that has been mentioned several times today. I think mark mentioned it seven times in the presentation and thats the 100 million we intend to serve in contingency to the phase one budget that you just approved. If were successful coming under there will be 375 left for mes reduce and on the low end its 275. Similarly for the tax increment from the transbay Redevelopment Program and available for phase two over we fully finish paying for phase one. With the tax increment we have the challenge that it flows over many years. This exists for a 45 year period and the net present day amounts advancing to the years of construction. The difference between the between the high and low end of the line item that has to do with our intention to try to refinance the existing loan. We have ative fea loan of 171 million and financeed in 2010 when interest was higher and we intend to refinance that and if were successful that would leave other revenues for phase two. The other difference has to do with what we anticipate in terms of future Interest Rates so moving down the next four items are the bay area items that i mentioned. And the sales tax and 375 and prop k and funds from the new starts and the way that we access those funds is lining up all of the non federal funds and once you do that then the federal government will release the new starts funding through a full Funding Grant agreement and noted earlier we have been notified that the dtx will continually designated as a high performing project in planned bay area and important for the commitments including the new starts designation and then below that 300 million from future bridge tolls and funds from high rail funds and mtc reiterated that and this is included and from future press releases. Below that we have the yet to be committed funds and one for phase two and block four. It is the northern third of the temporary terminal so we cant sell it until it closes and we cant do that until phase one is complete and begin operations in the Transit Center and were moving closing on the parcel f agreement and option to purchase block four and the funds for that and that is where the number comes from and the last line this is what we wanted to focus on today. This is the variable that changes throughout the four scenarios. We certainly understand that in proposing a passenger facility charge, a pfc, come up with something reasonable, not just from our perspective but our board, all of the other boards and for the ticket buying public so the amounts in the 2004 document were 75 cents and 3 and 12 years ago. When we started the thought process for the updated plan and thought of the scenario for the caltrain rider if the dtx doesnt exist and if they want to get to downtown core, the financial district, the Transit Center, the embarcadero they could walk and time expenditure associated with that or buy a muni fare and use the central subway and have to disembark at fourth and king to powell and disembark and to embarcadero and do it a third time or the option to buy a muni bus fare and go downtown but we thought that was a good place to start looking at what that fare would be if you took the bus. If you buy a monthly pass and divide it per day and 1. 60 a trip and 2,016 and were starting operations in. 2026 and we estimated that and came up with 2 for the caltrain surcharge and maintained that four to one ratio as i said goes back to the original 2004 environmental clearance document. A couple other arguments we would make about the reasonableness of 8 for the high speed rail ticket if you take a flight from los angeles to San Francisco four paying 4. 10 fee and doesnt include getting to downtown and 8 on bart. If you take high speed rail from los angeles and get to the Transit Center we assuming coming from l. A. You have luggage and not likely to take a bus or walk and take a taxi or uber and 8 is a reasonable fee so we had to consider the same issue with the future tax increment. Pfcs flow over many years. We thought it was reasonable to look at 35 year period and capturing pfcs and the favorable lending source is one of the federal programs that the dtx is eligible for and tifia and familiar with that and have that for phase one and there is Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Program and the dtx is variable for that as well. Both have 35 year repayment periods and we looked at 35 period year of casturing that and they wouldnt give that much and its like a home equity loan. They want some cushion and give you 80 and we will advance these and get 80 but the other 20 is still collected and use the funds towards maintenance of the rail levels and the concourse and platform levels and share with caltrain and high speed rail and for the expenses associated with the dtx so using the parameters the amount generated from pfc from these and on the low end is 865 million and high end is listed there. The difference is what we assume in terms of annual cpi. On the low end 1 and high end assumed 3 so you see that provides total funding that ranges from about 3. 4 billion to 4. 1 billion so on the high end were above the number in americas estimate a moment ago. We wanted marks estimate and we wanted to show you other scenarios with more cushion so in the second scenario we decided lets look at just taking todays base muni fare, not using a monthly pass but using 225 and conservative because theyre 2,016 and not going to 2020. And its 425 and 9 and see that generates total funding that ranges from about 3. 5 billion to 4 billion and its right in the middle of the range and trending towards the lower range and we escalated that a little bit to 250 which would representative very a little escalation over ten years during this time and use 250 and 10 and produce totals of listed here and have the 3. 9 billion on the lower end of the range and the final number we looked at was taking muni bus bare in r fare and listed here and range with a lot of cushion relative to the cost estimate listed here so to summarize the Key Assumptions were using in putting the funding plan together were assuming that were successful working with our board, stakeholders, the public in convincing the caltrain board and the high speed rail Authority Board to enact the pfcs before anticipating construction start in 2019 and there is a challenge and its seven years before beginning operations and in advance and thats the first assumption. We assumed that the planned bay area commitments are provided during the years of construction and assumed we would be successful accessing one of the federal loan programs that i mentioned and finally we want to reiterate that all of the funds that you see in the charts are available for phase two after we fully finish paying for phase one. And i have one more slide directors, so to make this work and to be able to advance we listed the next steps. These are near term steps and we need to be able to fund these steps. Ive had brief discussions with them on releasing some of the money committed to phase two in order to do some of the work that needs to be done and i will follow up with that discussion with them, but first step is challenge is take our design that we have right now and bring to the 30 level and accurately estimate it and accurately update the estimates as we move forward. We need to updated rightofway estimate. We need to do some appraisals to produce that estimate because thats another high risk variable we need to be able to define so that once we have an estimate were sure that estimate is not going to change much. We need to update the ridership study to confirm the numbers that scott shared with you, the passengers facilities charge hinges on having accurate numbers so we need to do that and have a Risk Assessment and establish the contingency and reserves and used 10 for construction and 15 program wide. We need to do a [inaudible] assessment to ensure that the numbers are correct or use whatever numbers that are correct. Using that information we will update the program cost estimates or update the cost estimates. We will use peer reviews. Were going to have somebody from outside also review the consultants estimate and do a peer review to make sure its accurate. We. To make sure what happens in phase one doesnt happen in phase two. And we will do peer reviews on the estimate that we generate before we present it to you. We need to sit down with the region and look at the funding plan, seses what scott presented and get all the stakeholders behind us. Develop a funding plan that were all behind and the stakeholders are behind to move forward with the project and selecting a delivery method is another step and is it decide build or design build and there are benefits to all of them. We need to select the right one and then present a budget to adopt based on that level of criteria based on peer reviews so that will be a budget that we can all stand behind. Currently we have a 2. 5 billion dollars budget and not reflective of the scope and the estimates and last but not least we will continue the close coordination our stakeholders for the rab study so that the study is successfully completed and both our project and rab study are complementary to each other. With that i would like to get some direction from the board. Thank you. Thank you. This is one of the things that i mentioned to mark when we went over this earlier this week i want the board to be more directive in terms instead of just seeing a presentation and letting staff figure out if theres a majority of the Board Members that said thats a good idea. Lets do it so i hope my suggestion is that we actually direct staff in accordance with the next steps. Okay. Thats what you say youre going to do, and were okay with that. Thats okay to do. Otherwise i dont know you know whether weve got a majority of the board that says yes thats a good plan. We like those numbers and we need to do that. I have one thing that i always thought about two things when it comes to the bart connector. One is that every time i mention it to a bart director his or her eyes just roll. Its like so far below the radar that they dont even like me mentioning the idea tie into bart somewhere. They have so many problems and other things going on. Its not that they hate it but its just so its hard to get them to engage on the idea of connecting into embarcadero station when they dont know how to expand into embarcadero station, so i think we ought to when it comes to planning and engineering for the bart connector i think we should be very the other thing in connection with the bart connector i always ask them or they ask me. Okay. Whose the passenger that wants get out of the terminal or into the terminal and coming off of bart or to bart . I cant imagine the passage is and from the east bay ignored bart until then. And coming from the south bay is completely ignored millbrae and everything there so i really want an idea past the profile of the passenger that gets out of there and now get to bart and why they didnt get to bart in another manner before we get too engaged in that. Maybe its out there and i i am oblivious to that and thats just one aspect of this thing, and you mentioned p3. Are you thinking of as a delivery method . We will share next month the studies and delivery methods and what each one of them brings benefits to the project. P3 is one of them. I would like to wait until next month to give you a comprehensive. I dont know about the study and in p3 you have to figure out the scope and reward for the private partner. What are you giving them besides the chance to run a railroad. Its on the list but we want to evaluate it anyway so it will be in the presentation we present next month on the procurement methods. Any other comments . I mean the thoroughness that you thought about this is great. I mean its just really you know brings home you know the possibility that we certainly can and perhaps should just lets move into this and i was unsure really until i saw some of these things. Supervisor. You know i appreciate the presentation. Its great to get more details on our thoughts for phase two. I think the one thing i was thinking during the presentation as much as i like getting all of the details we have several kind of parallel paths moving forward on phase two, and this presentation really didnt cover or even consider the fact that theyre alternatives considered by the city today so its great to get the work and details on phase two as we originally configured and planned and i am not putting my weight behind one pathway or another but realistically its hard to delve into the details when i know were looking at tunneling and other optioning methodologies. These are not questions for today but i am curious a little bit more about sem was the only method that was offered today for our cut and cover and mine tunnel option . Its great to get the sell today and pelt like a sell but i want to know all the options and before the board and why is this the best value and not just told its the best value option but i look forward to the continued conversation. I think there is a broader context with phase two that we need to acknowledge and not in todays presentation and i know its an ongoing dialogue conversation. Ed. Yeah. I guess i would add for the reason the agency exists and the reason were building the building and all the Funding Partners have put in some cases hundreds of millions of dollars and the city has puts it own Balance Sheet on the line to complete the phase one is to get the trains to downtown San Francisco because i think everybody in the region recognizeslet importance of doing that the regional economy and accommodate the growth in the region so i think its great and i appreciate the chair shifting the focus of the board now to phase two because thats the ultimate prize as great as phase one project is and i appreciate the staff work for the presentation. It was very comprehensive to the technical to the financial so that is fantastic and it is what we should be doing. With regard to the technical on the phase two i agree with supervisor kim or director kim that this is one path and it does seem i thought it was actually fairly compelling that based on the assumptions for this path that were going to have to make this s curve because were trying to connect to the adjacent to where theres an existing caltrain station that sem may be the best path forward. I think the idea of cut and cover construction in the heart of the city for a few blocks is difficult to swallow and where some of the concerns come from but based on the assumptions of the alignment, based on when you neck out to three tracks which seems like the idea you need to do that before the fourth and townsend station thats why it seems that all leads to the conclusion it probably makes sense to do the tunneling in this way but as director kim mentioned challenging the assumptions is part of what is happening in parallel so i think actually it was acknowledged at least lately in the staff report and even the final slide. With that said i think its appropriate that the program move forward with what i guess is the baseline assumption of the alignment. I think there is more work even what was done in the environmental to be done in terms of the impacts that would come from this approach especially because of the cut and cover, the impacts to the city. I think there is more work to be done there so i would add that into the next steps list. There may be a time depending on this alternative or parallel work that comes in the next year where we as a region decide that we want to choose a different alignment but i think we should move forward with this work so we dont lose time because we want get to the 2025 date because in parallel encouraging high speed rail to get to the trans way Transit Center by 2025 based on their new Business Plan so i think this general direction is good. On the revenue side i appreciate the work that you all have done. It seems like in the whole report theres a lot of optimism and progressive view on budget and schedule which is good to be optimistic and aggressive. On the revenue side it does seem like weve kind of fixed the problem with the pfcs. If you strip out the pfcs youre basically back to two and a half billion dollars of revenue for a 4 billion program so i think i know you have coordination with caltrain and high speed rail. I think a very specific vetting of the pfcs with the staff and the boards of those entities sooner than later would be helpful because we have kind of have one solution, one solution at Different Levels but its one solution, and if we find in shorter order that the solution or the level of the solution is not going to be viable we would need to start exploring others and the same lines i would encourage you to vet the assumptions for the tax increment and mello roos with the people from the city because some of the assumptions are anticipating more than what was in i think the 2012 plan bay area plan so i think we need there is validating of the assumptions that need to be made but overall a great presentation. We should be moving this forward whether we end up with a different alignment or not we need to keep advancing to get to 2025 so i appreciate the work on this. Thank you. Vice chair. I would agree with what director kim and reiskin have said and i thank the chair for bringing this forward now. I mean it is the next big challenge that we have to get the train to the station. Theres been lots of conversations and the presentation today has been very helpful to look at whether its the type of tunneling or what opportunities there are for funding and obviously a lot of work has happened to get all that information, but also we are looking at different alternatives, times of change, and we need to really start laying out a process that we believe we understand the impacts to our eir, to impacts if we did changes what that would mean for us and still trying to meet the 2025 date. Theres a lot of work and i think this board has the responsibility of guiding this process and really start looking at what options we have and what decisions we need to make so were not all over the place and have to be transparent with the public of course so thats mine. Mayor gee. I want to thank you for bringing this forward and we have to start somewhere. I wouldnt be surprised if this evolves a lot over the next months if not years but as we all agree up here the goal is to have the trains downtown, and with all the other studies and im not going to assume theyre done, is that while one study may say it takes more time or money and we have to base it against something and this could be that something and measure success and options so i think were at the point to move it forward to complete everything up to 30 to really establish a baseline project, and then take it on the road to our Stakeholder Community and does this work . Does the pfc work . Does viable . Is it too much . We need to validate the ridership numbers and dont spare the peer review early. Its an investment that will save everyone pain, grief and money later and do the peer reviews early to validate assumptions or mitigate the assumptions were making so from my standpoint its a start. This is not the end but its a complete picture of what could be by when and we need to move forward to test it and validate it and poke at it, throw rocks at it and take it apart and we will have something to measure and again thank you and team for bringing this forward and i hope that can move forward to at least the next step we have something to measure against. I think what we said is very important. I think taking three tracks out past fourth and townsend station is critical and apparently the rab study one of the key aspects is being competitive its a two track system pretty much i gather. I dont know but we need to really clarify that because of course ultimately there are only two tracks going down the pinens laso we need i least need to see the operational study and show why its important to have three tracks at fourth and townsend to do that because we know we will get three tracks into our station but if its important then we need to know this because its a major difference and a major thing. I think the secondary costs we have to be very cognizant even though theyre not our costs they may be costs to the city and county and so we want to be comparative there as well and want to be honest as the supervisor said. Be honest with what the impacts are on the comparative things because that is supposedly one of the other things that the rab study is trying to get itself hands around and the cost and rewards for this thing but i too feel this would help the whole process i think is take the next steps that mark has said and say okay those make sense to us you know, whatever the questions are we need to start doing some of the things to revolve them so i resolve them and i am in support of that and presume what i hear it seems to be that this board these next steps make sense as far as can i tell. So you have your direction. Thank you very much for your support and i want to assure all of you that as we move forward were working closely with the rab study and make sure that the endeavors are complementary to each other. Thank you. Okay. You have one member of the public. I am sure we do. We are close on time and we still have closed session. Okay. Well, it may be a short closed session. And i appreciate the comments that the Board Members made and shorten my remarks and tone them down somehow. I have great news for you. You wanted to appoint a Senior Program manager and no funding and we have funds laying around from prop k and isnt that wonderful . Let me kill the third track once and for all. If you look in the eir scoping comment its explains how we were able to run 12, not ten, 12 trains an hour with three platform faces with the olympics. You will find that the plans for the track layout and the time table and hopefully that discussion and go to go with two tracks. The only proviso the [inaudible] station must have four tracks and between between that with two tracks is good. Looks like i only have two minutes here so the question now is mr. Reiskin youre about to deliver the central subway and the tunnel for 1. 7 billion dollars so how can somebody stand up in front of you and give a proposal [inaudible] 4 billion. It doesnt add up. Okay. So in closing i would like to direct your attention to the april 26 meeting of the full transportation Authority Board where it was presented and well, actually my friend echoed the sentiments of him and in the study and make it possible to connect to the east bay on the other end but the last point i would like to make is that the same Board Meeting supervisor peskin suggested that the tjpa be terminated and transfer the responsibility to the maintenance of the terminal and different entity [inaudible] thank you. Thank you for what you send us from time to time. Very informative. [inaudible] all right. That concludes members of the public to address you at on thitem so we can go ahead and move into closed session. Yes please. Pursuant to government section section 54956. 9 and no members of the public to address you the tjpa board of directors meeting is back to session and announce on closed session. In anticipation of Legal Council there is no action to report. That concludes your agenda for today. Yes. Adjourned through the chair. Thank you. Thank you. Adjourned. Hello and welcome to this presentation. Im San Francisco purrs since that time weve helped people clean up their criminal records. We created this to help you understand how this worked. Well plan or explain all the steps. After watching this program youll know what to expect after completing the process. Hi, there are im deputy and im part of the clean slate team. The first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed cant be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from San Francisco. While your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. Getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. First fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf defender. Org. Next youll obtain a copy of your rap sheet thats a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. The bureau is open monday through friday from 8 to 5. Its located one block away from the Public Defenders Office youll need to bring our photo id. Finally, theres your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. Youll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. Lets review the 3 steps if that fillist the Police Stations and on your Police Station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application 0. 40 to the defender. It can help with Financial Aid for colleagues. I want you to meet a client who did the Clean Slate Program he refunds a nonprofit literary series. Please meet joe. Peep at the Clean Slate Program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person i would definitely recommend that. So, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the Clean Slate Program as well as highway to get started. Lets hear some common questions. Keep in mind those are general questions youll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances just to be clear i dont have to tell my employers will my ejections. Yes. As well as convictions that have been dismissed. If someone runs a criminal background theyll see the charges but its dismissed. You will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted i dont to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. Theres some cases you can. Maybe youre arrested because police thought you were someone else. Wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a felon. It is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating hit. May be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying youre a lay abating citizen are. You had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. Those jobs are private security jobs Health Care Workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. It will benefit you Human Resources heres some of the things clean slate cant do it doesnt prevent an old conviction to there the sense of a new criminal action. The court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you cant own or polgs possess a firearm. If it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record wont change that. Submittal doesnt rove a sex ejection. If youre required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. We look forward to helping you move forward with your life so, now you know a little bit more about the program we encourage you to apply go the sf purifyi purifying. Org or stop by any place for our Clean Slate Program. Our team looks forward to serving [gavel] president breed good afternoon and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting of june 7 3016. Today is election day and the polls will be open until 8 pm. In your neighborhoods as well as 8 pm at city hall. Mdm. Clerk, please call the roll clerk thank you. Supervisor avalos , here. President breed , here. Supervisor campos , here. [adjournment], here. Supervisor farrell , here. Supervisor kim pier, here. Pe

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