Committee vicechair katy tang and jane kim and norman yee and welcome supervisor avalos and thank you our clerk for the committee. I think well be rotating clerks, as well as Charles Kremenak and sfgovtv thank you for this meeting. Completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be completed as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. We also have oc staff for translation. Okay. Thank you very much. We have translators. Yes. announcement being made . So thanks everyone. Welcome to Public Comment at the board of supervisors. Madam clerk, would you call items 1 and 2. Item no. 1 is the proposed budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimates expenditures for departments of the city and county of San Francisco as of may 31, 2016, for the fiscal years ending june 30, 2017 and june 30th, 2018 and item no. 2 is a proposed the proposed annual salary ordinance, enumerating positions in annual budget and appropriation ordinance formality fiscal years ending john 30, 2017 and june 30, 2018. Thank you, madam clerk. Again, welcome to Public Comment day for our 20162017 and 20172018 budget. We are going to get cracking here in just one second. I want to just layout a few guidelines how were going to proceed today and i apologize on my end, i think there was some confusion between our Clerks Office and us. We are going to have speaker cards although were going to call up by rows. So what we are going to do is call individuals up, and the Sheriffs Department is here to help out for people to come up by rows to stand up and speak. Please wait to be escorted by clerk staff and once you do given Public Comment, giving there are so many people wanting to speak, if you would kindly leave our chambers there is overflow seating in the corridor, as well as the first floor and please make use of that. And for those who are in those overflow rooms right now, please know that you are going to be welcomed t come in. Just a reminder and this is very important, especially as we get going here that people with disabilities, elderly or affirmed and people with childrener underage of 5 will be prioritized to provide Public Comment. And to assist our Clerks Office and [sherpblt ] in prioritizing speakers please make sure you let people know, let our Clerks Office and let our Sheriffs Office know if you fit into one of those categoris and we can make sure that you come and speak first. We want to be very respectful of those individuals and make sure that we get them through our Public Comment process first. In terms of groups, pursuant to procedures, groups designated person speaking on their behalf and once the time is over, we would ask the entire group to leave the chamber as well. Everyone will have two minutes today individually, if you want to speak on behalf of a group, please feel free to come up and have your group stand behind you and we also have translators available and if not available for your language, please let us know so we can accommodate that as well. Thank you for being out and we want to make sure this process goes as smoothly as possible and understanding there are multiple people that want to speak and not only in the chamber right now and outside of the chamber, and of course, we have been beginning to hear our budget items and we dont take action until we hear Public Comment. So this is a very integral part of our process for our budget inside of city hall. Thank you for taking the time to be out here with that colleagues, supervisor avalos, did you want to speak . Thank you, chair farrell. I will be in and out of todays meeting because of other meetings, but your input is valuable to me thank you, supervisor avalos and to our Clerks Office and Sheriffs Office, well begin with Public Comment and if we could have the first group come up. Good morning. I am the spokesperson to speak today in the important hearing. Good morning. Im a member of the district Domestic Workers including caregivers. Im here today to support to fully support the board. [speaker not understood] Domestic Workers. Its very difficult and to pay for caregiving. Please fully fund thank you very much and have a good day. Thank you very much. [ applause ] [ applause ] next speaker, maam, you can go to the other microphone. Thank you. Good morning, budget committee. My name is Joyce Calagos and im a member of the senior and disability action. I was talking with my group, and we dont want money more monies spent for police training. We also need monies for Community Services, like, Affordable Housing for seniors. And with senior disability action, im also on the transit justice team, and i heard one time that sf safe was giving armbands for seniors. So r safety at night in support of the vision zero, we dont have any pedestrian killings on the streets like two thursdays ago when a member of our organizations was killed by the paratransit van. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is Doug Hosterman and i have been working closely with senior and disability action lately. About the sro elevator, about the sro elevator upgrades that are so desperately at the hotel that im currently residing in was built in 1912, six years after the 1906 quake and who knows how many its been through since then . I think our elevator used to be an old icebox with a rope attached to it to go to a pulley on the rope. You pulled the string and it pterodactyl thing to move it back and forth. They are in desperate need of upkeep. I just want to tell this story we just did a rally on tuesday. You may have seen the article in the examiner. And on friday, i have inhome support services, and i got a call from my inhome support Services Worker that she couldnt come up and bring my Food Bank Items to me, because the elevator wasnt working. And so these are the things that were getting, you know, we cant get our meals on wheels delivered. We cant get our food bank stuff delivered, if we have we may have to walk seven flights i live on the 7th floor and if the elevator goes out, trying to climb the seven flights i think im having a heart attack after the third flight of stairs. Anyway, so were just hoping that you set aside a significant amount to get these elevators upgraded. Thank you. Supervisor kim. Thank you so much for speaking on this item. I didnt hear what hotel you said that you lived in . Im sorry . I didnt hear what hotel you said you lived in. Hillsdale. Thank you. And thank you for speaking on this. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. I am tim mayor, with cavo, the California Association of voting officials. Im the president and i wanted to come out to thank you for your support for the 300,000 budget item to get started on the development of opensource voting with publiclyowned gpl, which is the public license. I also wanted to tell you that were very appreciative of the notion that we have a Voting System now, and were going to be actual developing one in parallel and this is the best investment in my view that is going to be made in terms of return on investment in the budget. So i appreciate it very much. Thank you for your support. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, supervisors. My name is brent turner. Im an activist here in the bay area, working on the issue of open source elections. I wanted to also express my appreciation for the fine work as im sure you know director of elections john arntz requested a couple Million Dollars. So that we could expedite the certification of the states first opensource election system. Quate did make an allocation for 300,000 which i think is moving forward. We appreciate that. Were looking forward to putting the plan together. There is numerous computer scientists from around the United States looking to move this project forward. And we believe it will be done, if everybody gets involved to be utilized by the 2020 president ial election. This will be the First Complete gpo opensource Voting System in the United States. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker good morning, supervisors. Laura guzman, Mission Neighborhood Resource Center im representing the Justice Coalition and hespa and to say in San Francisco were feeling very unsafe because the Police Department is murdering our people. First, we want to actually support john avalos request for 200 million in reserve for sfpd until the reforms are done by the new chief of police. We hear he is on his way and at this point we need accountability because were still reeling from the murder in the mission district. Second, i hope the supervisors are paying attention and maker sure that we need to support our Employment Programs and im representing hespa. We lost our federal funding that has interrupt on ed our continuum of care. Besides finding homes for the homeless on the street to ensure there is employment. Income justice for our communitis and we want to make sure that you save that million to support Employment Programs that have been defunded. Please do not disrupt the continuum of care. Finally this is your time of the decade to make sure that the Police Department does not say that they are not going to cut their funding. They are spending 20 million on policing homelessness. The federal government already said that they will actually they will punish jurisdictions doing that and we could lose those millions. Please protect your citizens. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Good evening, executive director of the q foundation aids Housing Alliance and thank you for your public service. We are here to support all of the community asks, especially budget justice and hespa. We would like to thank the mayor for baselining 55 senior or disabled subsidies last year and adding half of the hespa requests for senior and disabled subsidies. I have not seen the remainder of the hespa subsidies in the addback list, but well check on this. Also i would like to highlight that 30 of the citys Homeless Population is lgbt and that is not an accident. That is not magic. People become homeless for a reason, and i think we need to really take a look at it. That is weird. And we need to examine the mechanisms and the gaps that cause those levels of homelessness. Because as we know, being safe in San Francisco is a special priority for the Lgbt Community especially right now. Our subsidies help 15 of our subsidy holders and certificate of preference holders from the former Redevelopment Agency and its deeply gratifying to be a part of the citys justice in the evil that was perpetuated against the Africanamerican Community and we have an opportunity to make up for that. I think we have an obligation and im so glad to be a part of it. Examples of subsidies 116 more so far. And the addback can help us serve these vulnerable communities and help us get equal access to all of the new preferences that have become available. We want to make sure that seniors and disabled people have equal access to those housing opportunities. Otherwise well just be boxed out more. And also, open house. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is mary french. Im here on behalf of the q foundation. They do a wonderful job, as brian as just mentioned, they help people with aids, seniors, and those with disabilities. And they recently have helped me. They offer a Financial Program and a subsidy program. And its a Preventative Program to make sure that those that already in housing do not lose that housing and become part of the homeless problem in this city. It is huge, the homeless problem and its best to keep those that are already in accommodations there, by subsidizing their rents. They have literally saved me from a very unfortunate fate, and i cannot praise them enough and i hope you will increase their budget or at least continue to give them a budget every year. Because they are helping many people not to get on the streets and add to your problem. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Yes, i am here to talk about the 200 million that will be held in reserve for police accountability. And i this its really, really sad its come to money as being a leverage, as opposed to all of the people who have been murdered by the police. Luis, and Jessica Nelson and her baby, who is never mentioned. 5monthold baby that was in her belly. So my concern is that i dont have a lot of faith in the Police Department reforming and so i want to know what is going to happen to the money as it sits . I dont know where it will sit. I am new to all of this and there has got to be interest. I know if anybody holds on to my money, there is interest accrued and that concerns me. If that is the case, i would like to see that money going to idra foundation and that means that lamakai, who keeps your cell phone under her pillow 24 7 to take calls from families affected by police violence. That means she isnt going to get a whole lot of sleep. She cant afford to hire anybody. She just has volunteers right now and i would like to see some that of money, if they do not reform, i would like to see the interest go to the idra steley foundation. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you. The reason im here, im here to say a lot of stuff. First, i am appealing to you the decision you are going to make is going to affect a lot of peoples lives. I want you to think you sit in the office and there are programs out there that help homeless. They are still helping me to get back on my feet. Im still in the process of getting my papers through immigration. So i am appealing to you, the Program Still needs more help. Everywhere you go, they need a place to call office. Where they have their office is not an office. So i want you to please think about it. To certainly put more money to help the people that they help. How are you going to help somebody and police, what do they do . They do not listen to your voice so why put money if the people are not treating you the way you are supposed to be treated . Sometimes i wonder, you keep putting money in and that is the wrong thing to do. I want you to think about it, please. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, many name is darryl rogers, im a resident of San Francisco. Im was born and raised in San Francisco. My question to the board, are we going to continue to demilitarize the Police Department, or are we going to start to take care of those in need in our city . As long as we keep advancing the Police Budget, and not advancing the budget for those that are homeless and as a veteran, i was homeless in this city for a while. Still, if we do not do something about the homeless problem and providing that money, that 200 million you want to hold in reserve . You could take that 200 million and place it into the homeless problem, and the elderly problem in this city and we could actually solve it. Imagine that . We could actually do something with the public money that you are sitting here Holding Judgment over. We could actually use that money to do good. Isnt that an amazing situation . Isnt that something that is truly amazing, that the San Francisco budget is there to help the people of San Francisco . Thank you. Thank you. Go niners. Next speaker, please. Supervisors, and mr. Controller, mr. Rosenfield, every at about this time, the people come and they beg you to do this, that and the other. So we have this legislative branch here that must represent, and you have all these people, the mentally challenged, the physically challenged, other people who have needs. We have a budget of 9. 6 billion dollars plus but if you go on our streets, its a shame. I am addressing the mayor and i know you are supposed to be there in room 200. It is a shame when the mayor says this is a firstclass city, when its not. The tourists are fedup of the filth, of the harassment and so many people and its not their fault, begging. And so you, who are in these chambers and i have been coming here and monitoring this for the last 40 years, and i know all of you personally. Even as i am speaking, some of you are busy attending to some other business, and that is fine. I am here for only one purpose to look at you in the eye, and address my concerns subjectively and objectively, when i write my blog. Because i know some people have no hearts. Basically what it is, no compassion. Your hearts are not in the right place. So how can you do good . Wheeling and dealing. Some of you are not elected properly and have deprived others by illegal getting into office. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you, supervisors for this opportunity. Im john tallbet and i want to speak in favor of supervisor avalos proposal to put a portion of the Police Budget on reserve. We have seen through several different incidents, as well as the Blueribbon Panel commission that we have issues within the Police Department that require some reforms. We also have a long history of lots of handwaving and very little action. What this proposal attempts to do is put specific metrics in place. This is not a proposal asking for more money. This is a proposal asking that a Public Agency be measured appropriately so that we as taxpayers of this city know what we are getting . It is extremely difficult it is extremely difficult to get measurements on police activity. We understand that. It is an order of magnitude more difficult to reform an agency where you have no metrics. We are asking for metrics. We are asking you to put this in place. I also say that as a San Francisco citizen, it is an embarrassment, it is an embarrassment when we political statements such as procop as a citizen i demand that supervisor be procitizen and that is what i ask. It is also said that well be called names when we speak in support of this. Time says 20 more when we speak in support of this and i can assure you i am not an anarchist, but a local citizen, a homeowner and Business Owner and i ask you to support this measure. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. My name is sean ryden and i have been a 911 dispatcher in the city the last six years and im here to contest the Budget Proposal to cut the staffing positions from 911 dispatchers. Fully staffed should be at 167 dispatchers and were currently at about 118. We use on average 100 hours of overtime perday to make up the difference for our staffing shortage, costing the city about 3 million per year. And even with that much overtime were still not hitting our nationallymandates Service Levels of hitting 90 of all calls within 10 seconds and right now we dropped to as low as 60 in several hours throughout the day. And that could mean that mean that people on 911 could be waiting two minutes and that is the difference in lifeanddeath if you have a heart attack and need an ambulance. It takes about nine months to a year to train a new dispatcher through the program and they still have a 50 rate of success. About 50 of each new class is not going to make it through the training because its very rigorous. For that reason we need overlapping classes coming in and were not able to wait for a trainee to drop out of the program before a new class is starting. For the current amount of overtime that we have, it means that dispatchers are working 1216 hours a day. Which has lasted for the last several months and its not sustainable. They are burnedout and leaving for other agencies and also getting injured and out on longterm medical leave and only compounding our staffing shortage. For that reason im requesting that we do not make any cuts to the San Francisco staffing of the lifeline. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Thank you, supervisor im the executive director of the San Francisco Domestic Violence consortium and thank you for all your work so far and thank you for having this day so the citizens and residents and San Franciscos most vulnerable can speak. So San Francisco funds all of the violence against women agencies through the department on the status of women. There are 33 agencies, 33 programs, 25 agencies doing work around crisis lines. That is 24hours a day, shelter, Legal Services, counseling, support groups, Court Accompaniment and speak 75 languages from 35 countries and they are San Franciscos safety net for San Franciscos most Vulnerable Women and their children. We ask the mayor, starting in january, and the Budget Office to consider a 20 increase. I know that sounds like a lot. Its about 1 million and that 1 million would help sustain the agencies. We literally have agencies now that need a 24hour response, where no staff are able to live in San Francisco. So were doing our very best to try to sustain young staff, all staff to stay in San Francisco, and be able to respond to San Francisco general, to emergency calls, respond on the crisis line to battered, stalked, trafficked women and children. So where we are now is weve as everybody here pretty much as 2. 5 cost of doing business increase, the mayor has matched that with another 2. 5 , that puts us at 5 . Were coming to the board of supervisors to ask you to all to match that. That would be another 5 . Its 250,000. That would put us at 10 . I think we could hang on to our safety net with that. Right now, the community is taking about 25,000 calls a year for Domestic Violence 911 is only taking 8,000. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. Hi. My name is alley cantington and im here representing martin street Youth Services. I coordinate the Youth Advisory Board to ensure that youth voices are heard throughout the agency and in San Francisco. I just want to first thank you for your service and i would like to im here supporting the budget justice and hespa ask on behalf of the larkin Service Street services and to acknowledge the mayor who included the funds for homelessness and violenceprevention and yet, i just really want to hit home the need for comprehensive housing education, employment and Behavioral Health services for disconnected k youth. I cant even tell you how many young people i work with every day, who are not getting these services and support that they inherently deserve because the system is broken and we need to have those funds to support our young people. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, supervisors. My name is betty trainer and im the board president at senior and disability action. I have a few of our members that are in the audience that are coming up with me. We are part of the budget Justice Coalition, and we definitely support all of the items of that coalition. But we also have three items of our own from senior disability action. The first one is called support at home. Its a new program. A homecare subsidy program. Its for people, seniors and people with disabilities, whose income, meager as it may be is still a little too much to qualify for inhome support services. So they are told, im sorry, you dont qualify. That is the end for them. They cannot afford private care. So were asking for an additional 1 million for this program to support this to fill in this gap. So these people who are definitely lowincome, but are not qualified right now for inhome support. The Second Program is a related program to help seniors and people with disabilities stay in their homes. Its called the housing modifications fund. Were asking for 500,000 for this program which would help pay for ramps, grabbars, chairlifts, those type of things in peoples homes. Many seniors, their only asset is their home. Maybe they are just living on social security, and for them to stay in their home, they often need these type of grabbars and such. So were asking for that. And thirdly, were asking for 2 million for sro elevators. You already heard wonderful testimony from a person who actually is living in an sro hotel. Last year we got a little bit of funding for a study. Now we need action. We need to do the actual work in those sro hotels and get those elevators repaired. So our seniors do not have to be carried up to their rooms and then left there until the elevator is repaired. Thank you very much. Bye. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is pat and im supporting the budget Justice Coalition for the homeless. The homeless out there need our help. The camps out there is people getting more sick and the things that are happening that you guys dont know is getting much, much worse. We need donations. We need money to get the people out of the streets. The camps and tents, the police what they are doing out there is destroying the truth is not being told about what is happening out there. Its a Little Community by itself but with the help with the donations of money for the homeless out there, you can get more people off the streets and into programs to make them feel good about themselves. To have a home, to be responsible for themselves, if the money would just come in to lend a helping hand, things would not be as worse as it is. We need your help. Our voices are speaking day and night. We wouldnt be out on the streets, im a past or and im homeless and i need your help. I have been there 20 years and they have children now out there in tents and if you could lift your hands up and see what is going on. Its terrible, but we need your support. They are building up parking lots. They have empty buildings that you guys can put money to fix up for the homeless, instead of the tents. If you want to get rid of the homeless problem, all you have to do is hear our voice and lend a helping hand. Because were out there day and night, trying to minister to them. Not everybody out there is on drugs, but is having hard luck and we need your help. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning supervisor, bill hirsch with the aids Referral Program and i want to speak in support of the budget Justice Coalition and in particular i want to highlight getting to zero goals. We have Ambitious Goals for San Francisco to continue to lead the nation and indeed the world in reducing hiv transmissions to zero. Hiv deaths to zero. And hiv stigma to zero. We did not get the investment that we hoped for in the mayors budget, although we do appreciate the money that the mayor put in. Were looking for the board to come up with 2. 9 million so that we can fully fund that ask. I also want to talk about one part of the hespa ask, which again, we appreciate what the mayor did investmenting in evictiondefense services, but to make sure that everybody in San Francisco has access to an attorney, when their housing is atrisk. We can keep people in their housing. We just need more bodis to throw at the fires. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good morning, board of supervisors. My name is gustavo and this is my client, laura long. I am laura longs caregiver. Were here part of hand in hand and the budget Justice Coalition. In support of the 2 million to support homeless programs. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker then. Buenas dias. Translator hi good morning. I am a member of and im here to speak on behalf of the justice for the budget with the rest of the folks that are here. Specifically, the 200 million that is being held in reserve. That money should be going to us in the communities. For example, in my case, my rent keeps going higher and higher and why does it keep going higher and higher . Because the property taxes or the house that i live in gets higher and higher and that is passed on to us. Translator another place that the money could be invested in could be in dealing with the large amount of potholes that are in our citys streets. For example, i walk a lot on potrero, and this street is awful. Im from el salvador and when i visit there, the streets are better and San Francisco is a wealthy city. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, good morning, my name is diana im a counselor and organizer and thank you to the supervisors for funding outreach and education in the mission last year. That was very important. We had a team that was able to go doortodoor, and reach hundreds of neighbors to tell them that they are not alone, when they are facing evictions, illegal evictions, harassment from their landlords. And we spoke with so many people that were actually very desperate and worried that they are going to have to move out when they dont have to move out. We brought hundreds into our office to learn about their rights as tenant and with tools to protect themselves. Actually now what were seeing landlords are taking tenants to court for just very small reasons that arent good reasons. And supervisors, we need your help again to make sure that tenants are protected and that folks can see their case until the end, until they win. Because landlords are just really going after tenants. They dont want the city for san franciscans who have been living here and we need to keep protecting workingclass people in San Francisco. Thank you, and we need homes for all. Good morning, members of the board. My name is lindsey, and im with hand in hand, the Domestic Employers Network and here with chris cooper and will read a statement she wrote good morning supervisors. I amount melissa with hand in hand, and part of the budget Justice Coalition. Im here to show my support for the new supported home program. As a woman with a disability, quality tenant support is a necessary part of my everyday life. I believe that every senior and person with a disability should have the access to the support that they need, and be able to provide fair wages to their workers. This support can help keep us safe, healthy members of our community. Please fully support the supported home program at 2 million. Thank you for your time. I am also here as part of hand in hand in the budget Justice Coalition in particular, speaking on the supported home program. And one of our other members sasha britoner, your very first speaker didnt have someone to voice her words and i have her testimony written down. May i hand it into you . Yes, please. Thank you so much. You want to hear what she had to say . Could we invite sasha in, because i would love her to be here. Well leave and come back and have sasha come back . Coordinate it with our clerk, sure. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors. My name is paul cohen, executive director of the defense collaborative and here to request funding for a group of Nonprofit Legal Services under the hespa ask to add a handful of tenant attorneys to be in court defending evictions and negotiating the right of residents to stay in San Francisco. Many residential landlords would say dont fund the attorneys. And i say dont fund the attorneys, if you want more successful evictions. Dont fund the attorneys if you want fewer San Francisco residents represented on the day of trial. Dont fund the attorneys if you want less diversity in the city of San Francisco. Please support more funding for attorneys in fiscal year 201617. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for your time. Im james Senior Vice President at San Francisco aids foundation and to invite you to take a moment and think back to your childhood and what you dreamed of being when you grew up . What it was doctor . Firefighter . A nurse . A lawyer . Perhaps even Holding Elected Office . I dont know, but what i can tell you for sure is that not a Single Person said when i grow up, i want to be homeless. When i grow up, i want to use drugs. When i grow up, i want to be struggling with Mental Health issues or being hiv positive. Were all here because of families circumstance, hard work and a whole lot of luck and its our responsibility to lend a hand to our fellow san franciscans who are middream. I urge the board to adopt it the Justice Coalition and that means 2. 9 million to realize the promise of getting to zero initiative. We have broken the back of the hiv epidemic in San Francisco and we can eliminate it all together. Doing so will require funding to reach the most marginalized among us and providing Supportive Services for hiv prevention and care necessary to for people to live long and healthy lives and to not do to betrays the value of the human condition. Thank you for your time. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is kathy lispin and im on the board of senior disability action. Thank you so much for this opportunity to criticize the budget. You know when medicare passed congress in the 1960s, it was a great step forward for seniors. It still is for the most part. However, over the years its weaknesses are more apparent. For example, it doesnt cover longterm care, hearing aids, lots of dental care and some kinds of cataract surgery and i speak from personal experience. In my Age Group One of the greatest sources of the anxiety is not to have longterm homecare, what to do and where to go if someone has troubles with daily tasks of living, but doesnt have thousands of the dollars for private Homecare Services . So senior and Disability Access calls for that and certainly in order and while the mayor has offered 1 million, we need at least 2 million to make this Pilot Project viable. Also, lets sufficiently fund elevator repair and sros for gods sake, lets do this. 2 million is needed in a 9 billion budget. People around the world comment on our homelessness. Lets properly fund the no. 1 problem in San Francisco and cough up the 12 million that hespa is asking for homeless programs. And lets be much less generous to the police here, much less generous. Thank you [ applause ]. Next speaker, please. So everyone knows we have a tradition in the board chambers of not clapping here, but its okay we didnt say it upfront. If you wave your hands in support, so we can cycle through otherwise it will take a long, longer. Good morning, supervisors im judith baker on the board of childcare and speaking as part of the Budget Coalition and support their requests for a better city. I am asking to you fulfill the rest of the cpac ask, Community Planning Advisory Council. Im semiretired, but i worked for 50 years in childcare, starting in 1967 as a teacher aide in the mission. And moving up as a teacher to an executive director position. Im not sure i would have gone backtoschool and gotten my degree, and gotten my masters in Early Childhood if i have known that every year for the 50 years i would be here, begging for money for the children and families and for the teachers who care for them. This year through the state budget and the support of largely the womens caucus we are getting some funding also. But really, this isnt even beginning to compensate for the funding we have lost. Through years where there was no cola or cut there were cuts. So we still need the citys supports, even though the state is helping particularly subsidized programs. Subsidized programs because we only get for our poor families, half or even less than half that we might get for a private family are having to choose whether to continue to serve the poorest families or to serve the more welloff families . Because they can pay more. And they shouldnt have to make that choice. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning again. Good morning again, i am sasha bittoner a constituent of norman yee district and hand in hand, Domestic Workers, including those who employ home attendants. Sasha just asked me to read the rest of it. No problem. Okay. My attendants do so much more me and i wouldnt be here without them getting me up this morning. However, i had to not take jobs because if i make more than 2,000, i cant have attendant care paid for through the ihhs program and live in this beautiful, but horribly overpriced city. It was really wonderful that mayor lee funded support at home for 1 million. But in order to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities, and seniors, the supervisors need to fund the program 2 million to make sure that the program can thrive. Thank you for letting me speak again. Thank you for letting me speak again. Thank you for being here. Next speaker, then. My name is eileen borgon, district 4 resident. This country waived a world war and cold war against totalitarianism and now we find totalitarianism in our own midst in the form of tactics used by the mta. Because the sweeping powers granted the mta in 1999 by prop b, and because of the significant funds that they have access to, the mta is able to employee totalitarian tactics in programs such as muni forward. In response to these tactics im urging the board to place 25 million of mta funds on designated reserve rather than the current amount of 500,000. This 25 million represents approximately 8 of the general fund support budgeted for the mta for fiscal year 20162017. This 25 million would bring the mta designated reserve in line with the 26 million for the puc reserve which is already in the current Budget Proposal. A 25 million designated [raoefrbg ] d reserve for the mta is reasonable considering the 200 million reserve being requested for the Police Department. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisor. My name is maria gegan and i am a member of the board of directors for senior and disability action and also very proud to be standing with the budget Justice Coalition. I was sitting in chambers and i was recalling two things about my past career with city service i started out in senior information and referral. And i remember feeling very positive and good about a lot of calls where we could help people and provide them with referrals that they services that they needed. One distressing call that would come through though was from those folks just above medicallevel, where they werent able to qualify for inhome support services. But were clearly in need of that in order to remain independent and at home, like most of us would want. And it was very distressing because the only option was for private pay, which even though they had a little bit more income then most, they werent able to afford that. I felt that there was a real gap in service. Fortunately, this year it looks like they were able to surmount that. That was 27 years ago. But you know, so its never too late. I would really appreciate the board filling that they have a vested interest in this particular program, and matching what the Mayors Office has done. I leave with you i dont have the time to tell this very inspirational story about the wooden bowl, but after your proceedings today perhaps you can google it and one thing it teaches we all will need help at one point. I just want to end with dignity should be ageless. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. My name is jose vernal, San Francisco native, and i am the Program Manager at hospitality house shelter program. I want to first of all say that i am here to wholeheartedly support hespas ask. I certainly want to acknowledge the mayor for the funding that he has provided for some Vital Services that make significant difference in peoples lives. One of the things that i strongly want to advocate is for homeless Employment Services. As someone who works on the ground every day with homeless individuals, homeless adults i can tell you one of the Biggest Barriers have is employment. Its extremely difficult to have a job and hold a job when you dont have stability, you dont have a place to sleep, you cant access a computer, its extremely difficult. Homeless Employment Services are designated specifically to help individuals cross those barriers and gain stability. I fear without homeless Supportive Services that number will go significantly up. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is tiffany jackson, im an employment case manager at hospitality house. When i got this job at hospitality house, i thought it was just a job and this is not just a job. We are really helping people. We are changing peoples lives, like do you hear that . Were really changing peoples lives with the funding that you are giving us. To take it away from us is making people lose hope. That is why we have these camps. That is why people dont want to access our services because they are losing hope. People have been homeless for 5,10, 20 years, and they come into our office, and get our services, and in three months, are employed. And you are telling us that you are going to take that away from us and it breaks my heart that were sitting here asking you guys for stuff that makes this city run. Like we are asking you for Employment Services. Were asking you for housing. Like, were asking you for stuff that we need. And im from San Francisco, born and raised, all of my family is from San Francisco. And to love this city so much, it breaks my heart to see what this city is doing to the people that love this city, that want to be here. We cant be here because everything is being taken away from us. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, board of supervisors my name is Roberta Kariya and i have been working for the hospitalility house for eight years and were asking the board of supervisors and mayor to invest more for Employment Services for the homeless. We need housing. Thank you for having us here today and i hope that the work to stop the homelessness in San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. My name is Deborah Benedict and im in the district of the next the state senator i am a senior and disability action member. Also im a tenant representative of 400 units in south of market. I wanted to bring up the importance of money allocated to keeping people in homes. It is very important that people who have perhaps a retirement amount that is slightly above what medical requires be able to have access. I have a friend who is 93 years old right now, and because of the small income she gets from an annuity, she cannot get Home Health Care and she desperately needs it. The idea that there are sros with a lot of lowincome People Living without the ability to have reliable elevators to me is shocking to me that would be something that is necessary. We know its going to take about 2 million to get them repaired and get them going and we really appreciate the fact there was money given to do a study on this. But now that the study is done, we actually need to move forward and get it taken care of. Also, its very, very important that as we age, as all of us age and those of us further along the line, understand to have a grabbar or cane, or something that accommodates our decreasing abilities is very important and allows us to be able to stay inhome safety and prevent the costs of going to the hospital or emergency room. So i really appreciate it and i hope that we get 2 million for the elevators, 2 million for the athome and 500,000 for the allocation of grabbars. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is espy, [speaker not understood] please fund more services of the senior and disability services. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. I amount Arturo Noriega and have been living at 1190 mission and was evicted. I did not have faith in the lawyers that i had, because they had never gone through a trial. So i signed an agreement to leave and i have been homeless now almost eight months, and waiting at least three months now for a place at 801 howard street, the wolf house. And still waiting to hear. If there is an apartment ready there and havent had the agreement signed yet. So i would just like to say that i wish that the process could be quicker, because im in a shelter right now and its difficult to keep maintaining my health and stuff. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is pearl. I am a fourthgeneration filipinoamerican, born and raised in San Francisco and im here in support of supervisor avalos proposal to withhold money until we have appropriate reforms for San Francisco Police Department. But more than that, i am here to say that rather than focus on a reform, or the simplicity of the Legal Process to take a stepback and have us look very deeply into what has become a San Francisco what has happened to this city . As a fourthgeneration filipinoamerican, working as an artist and community activist, you know, this is supposed to be a very, very rich and special place where innovation and very, very cuttingedge thinking has occurred. And you see this reflected in the fact that we have the only college of ethnic studies in the United States. We have amazing, amazing work coming out of this city that is now being torn apart. That is now at the very base being threatened. We cannot be a city of families that is going to grow, a diverse city that is going to support this kind of cuttingedge work, that the artists have done, that the activists have done and that our leaders should reflect. So im asking more than the reform, from you all, who are in positions of leadership and service to think deeply about what is the view as we go forward in terms of leading our city through this crisis . Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Thank you, chair farrell and members the budget and finance committee with the Marin Food Bank and chair of the Food Security to affect task force and thank you for holding this Public Comment period today to talk about the needs of our people to keep people healthy and in San Francisco. Thanks to the Mayors Office for supporting and to the board of supervisors over the last two budget cycles of supporting increased investment in Food Security in San Francisco. As you know 2013 the board passed unanimous resolution to achieve hungerfree San Francisco by 2023 and in order to do that were needing to increase aggressively the investments in Food Security and to support the Food Security asks in this years budget and to move into the Mayors Office baseline budget, so we do not find ourselves here at the end of the budget cycle talking about a million here, a million there . And i look forward to engaging in that conversation about how we can imbed Food Security as a core and key part of the way that we take care of the citizens of San Francisco. I appreciate your time today. And of course, you have all of the detailed ask information in front of you and i would urge you to support the Food Security ask. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im a ph. D. In criminal justice and law inequality. I have spent the can last year with the experience of transgender people with incarceration, policing and reentry in San Francisco and my data shows despite perception transwomen of color are highly policed. One staff member i interviewed the an organization that serves transwomen of color reported that 80 of members had been arrested in past year alone and they are likely unable to access services. The data shows that organizations run by and specifically serving transwomen of color are not only the most effective, but time sometimes the only source of support and yet these organizations are struggling for funding and many of the other most vulnerable residents in San Francisco. And instead i would encourage the board to invest in transled services challenging these conditions of profound injustice. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning, supervisors. My name is danny west, an organizer with tji justice and tasha coalition and supporter of translatino and primary challenges primary weapons in the war on transpeople and black perhaps people in particular. And i wanted to just really name todays june 20th, which means that today is the 20th day of a woman in San Francisco county jail. We have a woman, athena, a transwoman of combat veteran and leader on Hunger Strike asking for policy for the San Francisco jail. We continue to see money going towards cages and not care and we continue to see money going money being wasted and seeing our communities criminalized and brutalized and ask you to fund the budget for humanity and not brutality and know its a more core issue than extraneous funds for training. If a new policy was strategically if new policy was going to be implemented, it could be done without any kind of fiscal contribution and what we really need to see instead we applaud and are grateful to the mayors support for transpeople, naming a transadvisor, et cetera, et cetera and the overall budget of these services, these organizations that can provide necessary services. We need your support and amplification for us to take our role in San Francisco and across the country the way we need to. Thanks. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is Eileen Fitzpatrick and i live at 825 lincoln way and there is a woman in my name, sue, who is mentally disabled and clearly meets the new standards on page 63 of supervisor breeds report, which states, San Francisco will ensure longterm assistance especially permanent Supportive Housing will be reserved for clients with the highest need. This woman has dementia and is delusional and although she is not a threat, i cannot believe our city will allow her and other currently mentally challenged persons to wallow in street filth and consider them not in need of longterm care . Cannot a newly created budget assist your mentally disabled . I paraphrases jimmy carter who said, the measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens. I hope we are a society that cares for the less fortunate. We cant say there is nothing that we can do; there arent enough beds. We have too if you medical person until personnel and there is no money. Were San Francisco, the home of the wealthiest 1 in the country. I thank the colleagues who worked tirelessly to help this city. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker and before you speak, it looks like we have a quorum of the board of supervisors here. Of the full board and to make sure to note that and just to be aware as were not having a break during Public Comment process, at different times, different supervisors will be going out to grab lunch or take care of anything that they might need to take care of, but well continue with our Public Comment process. With that, next speaker, please. Good morning, my name is Raul Hernandez and representing the families collaborative and here on behalf of the hespa ask and those homeless families living in San Francisco. Were all aware that were facing an unprecedented housing and affordability crisis in San Francisco. About 7,000 Homeless People that mean its probably higher, perhaps 12,000. We have 2300 children that are homeless, enrolled in the San Francisco Unified School District that is one out of 25 children in the School District that are homeless. The average minimum wage is 1500, and the average rent is about 4,000. So its just a matter of putting ourselves in the shoes of somebody out there looking for housing, especially as a family. If you are a family, the waitlist for shelter is about six months long. We have the small units, usually 8x10, no bathroom or no kitchen and many in unsafe conditions. I would like to definitely the department of building inspection dbi, that funds our program and we have been able to address many of these monies thanks to their funding. Since 2010 2001, we placed 40 familis into transition for subsidy and talking about the most afluent city in the United States and were asking for your help supporting the hespa proposal. And thank you very much for your time. In addition, im going to leave some testimonis from homeless families, that i would like to forward to you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is maurice carter, and im here to speak about homeless in my building, in my community. The rent is so high its almost impossible to stay in San Francisco, because you have to have an income of three times the amount of rent you are paying. If you are paying 1500 a month, you have got to be making 4500 a month to get an apartment or place to stay in this city. And there aint that many people in this town who makes enough to cover their rent. I have been here 70 years and i worked for 45 years and i worked for aaron peskin his last campaign and he said i would do something about the rent. Poor Senior Citizens like me, who need help with this rent problem we have here. Im not homeless yet, but they evicted most of the people out of our building and put us in other building, so that we dont have the same rent control and other things like that. And my complaint today is that to the board of supervisors and ladies and gentlemen, who i speak to, that we need help with the rent problem in this city, and god bless you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon good morning, my name is miguelreya and work for the transitional homelessness. I was homeless 23 years ago, the last time. Anyway, today im here to testify and come to say that i support the hespa proposal. 20 Million Investment in homeless problem to keeping San Francisco housed. So one of the things that we are demanding that San Francisco this budget is going to homeless families, Homeless People in San Francisco to housing, to programs. But what i see right here as we are spending 20. 7 million to criminalize Homeless People, money that instead could house 1300 Homeless People. Why do we have to spend this money on Police Officers . We know what is happening and happened before Homeless People are dying and its not cool. I really want to put in more efforts and the 9. 6 billion that we are spending, and the things that we are supposed to do, we have to do spend the money on priorities like 7,000 Homeless People in San Francisco that need housing and 2300 Homeless Children who suffer every single day and we are sleeping well and eating well some of us its really hard. We need to start putting more money in housing and stoping this abuses, and stopping the homelessness, please. [ inaudible ] thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors, joe wilson, hospitality house. Want to acknowledge the mayor for making some costEffective Investments through the budget. Community services that are sorely needed. Also, want to call your attention both to the budget Justice Coalition proposal and the Homeless Emergency Services Providers Association proposal. Both of those are cost effective, Effective Investments in communities across the city. Particularly want to draw your attention to some action that you can take in the nearterm, and longerterm regarding Employment Services. So the homeless employment collaborative is a part of the Homeless Emergency Services Program Association coalition, and the mayor actually allocated 1. 4 million to preserve the homeless employment collaborative, the Chefs Program and the San Francisco Training Partnership for the firstyear. Were asking you to match that investment for the secondyear. That is a nearterm budget action you can take. Longerterm, reflecting the board analyses of the citys Workforce Development system. I want to call your attention to both the newlypassed federal act, workforce opportunity and innovation act that replaced the workforce investment act. That calls for a local plan that targets investments in jobseekers with barriers to employment. That would include someone like me. 33 years ago i was sleeping in hospitalitys house shelter the same organization that give me respite from the streets invested in me and had faith in me and hired me. That story is replicated in people across this city. I remind you gently that the legislative branch of government is by nature an activist organization. An activist organization not only listens [inaudible] thank you, next speaker, please. Hello. Translator hello, supervisors. My name is shersa ping and i came from the family of sro. Thank you for every supervisors support of sro for families. Right now were having crisis for sro to families. Some of the sros, its rate is almost a thousand dollars. It takes a little bit higher. More and more landlords more prefer to rent sro to a Single Person. Even though some of the landlords are renting to singleroom occupancy to the person who [speaker not understood] translator so that is why i am here to get your attention to have lowincome families and sro families to support them. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Translator hello supervisors and members present here. My name is susan. I live in chinatown sro. Im a lowincome family im able to support myself to live in a better place. Right now Affordable Housing for our lowincome familis is very hard to afford. I hope you can increase the budget a little bit for us to live in San Francisco. Right now i just want , as well as the board of supervisors to Pay Attention to and also attach importance to our lowincome families, as well as sro families as well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Translator hello every supervisors. I am quan hou. My family is a lowincome family. And we need better housing. Thank you. Translator hello every supervisor. Mi jing yan. My family and i all live in chinatown sro. We hope you guys can support the Budget Proposal. There are four members in my family. We all live in one sro, and lets take an example children can only do their children on the bed. That is a little bit tough for our family. We hope the Budget Proposal can Pay Attention to the lowincome families, as well as the sro families as well. Thank you. Thank you. Translator hello every supervisor and person here. Im the organizer of chinatown ccccd and live in sro. My major work is to visiting the sro families, members, as well as to take care of their needs. Usually hsro consists of three to four members, and that is the current state. And they dont have independent kitchen, as well as restroom. Also the children can only eat on the bed. [speaker not understood] and all the the sro families want to move out from the sros. But as you guys know that the market at the market rental of the housing in San Francisco is really very high. So for most of the sro families are unable to afford that. Right now most of the onestudio oneroom, the rate is 1800 to 2,000 and most of those rooms they wont rent out to families with four members. And we hope that this fiscal years Budget Proposal can support our sro families, as well as lowincome families to allow our sro families can live in better places as well. Thank you. Thank you. Translator good morning, leaders im christina im also the organizer from chinatown cdc. I also live in sro families. I live with my daughter. I would like to share my experiences living in sro, where i live with my daughter. No matter what activity we live around are bad. Most of the time my Kids Really Want to go back to home is because there is less and less activities for my kids. And i really hope that the board of supervisors can support our sro families, can appropriate more monies for our sros families is that can that maybe you guys can help create some spaces for sro families to do more activities and allow them more space . I just want to mention one more time, because the rent is really very high. Unable for sro families to afford that. So i really hope you can appropriate more monies for our sro families to support ourselves. Thank you. Thank you. Hi supervisors. My name is joe and i represent the teens in chinatown living in apartments. We suffer more we spend more time at home. We have to play and do stuff on a bed. We cant just say, like we cant stay home. We prefer to go outside and our house is so small. Its about 70 by 7 and we do everything there, sleep, eat and cook. I just want to say that we really want to have a bigger apartment. So we can come out more, and ask for friends to go to our house and play. Thank you. Hello. Translator hello every supervisor. Im the sro organizer from acc. I once tried one of the sro families they have some funding for sro for some reason because there is too much between sro families and legally need more budget to support sros families as well. So my family consists of four members. And i also live in sros. My current my children dont have enough activity space and even for my kids they can only stand to play or sit in the bed to have dinner or breakfast. We only have the shared kitchen, but the kitchen also has some kind of problem that most sro families have. So well need more Affordable Housing, but right now the rent for Affordable Housing is really high. So that we really cant afford that. Especially for the activity spaces for the kids when the weather is raining. And we really need indoor spaces that can allow my kids to do activities. And really want all of the supervisors can draw attention to consider and help us appropriate more money for us. Thank you. Thank you. Hello. Translator hello every supervisor. My name is euchen yin. I am from one of the associations sro in chinatown. First of all, i really thank all the supervisors for really supporting the sro Family Services, but right now our sro families really are in crisis. So most of the sro families consist of 3, 4, or 5 members and most of them really cannot i mean, they must live in the lowincome families as you guys know that. We really cannot afford for the higher rent in San Francisco, and for most of the sro families really want to know if you guys can help us . And most of the sro families and most of the kids are i mean physically or mentally will be affected by the sro living areas or living standards. And we really hope that to some extent if we can afford for a better place, it can help our kids to grow better. And for most sro families, even the rents right now is almost more than a thousand dollars, but they still fight to try to afford rents. I really hope that you can support and also can appropriate much more budget for sro families. Thank you. Thank you. So good morning, supervisors. Before i speak, i would like to know that i have your full attention . So if you could direct your attention towards me as i speak, and listen to what i have to say, im puting a face to my words so that they are arent just empty. That is why your full attention would be greatly appreciated because im not only speaking for myself, but im also speaking for many youth that couldnt be here today because of work or school. Now that i have your attention, my name is montano, 18 years old transitional age youth and advocate for children and youth and and here with the Budget Coalition. Im here today to talk about the importance of using our budget money to support the youth in San Francisco. The reality is that our Failing Police system terrorizes our youth and putting money into Youth Services, particularly transitional aged youth will not only provide us with muchneeded services, but create a welcoming population for the youth in San Francisco. Voters approved prop c for services for youth and we ask that the money is spent equitably to not only benefit our children, but benefit our transitionalaged youth. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. My name is jessica, im 21 and Youth Coordinator and also here today with the budget Justice Coalition and to speak on behalf of the young people that couldnt make it out today. As a transitionalaged youth, i ask you to do what is right, and listen to voters. We fought for we fought to fund tay services. How do question find a way to fund a Police Budget 200 million . While only 4 million goes towards transitionalage Youth Services . And i think that is just ridiculous. Honestly, the citys lack of accountability to the people is very clear, and we have to do what is right and invest in our young people, and invest in the future of our city. That is all i have to say. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, good morning, supervisors. I appreciate your time and attention like now. My name is jose and director of programs at collman advocates and also here supporting the larger budget Justice Coalition asks. More specifically, i want to make it clear that when it comes to the children and youth fund tay services are still being underfunded, and i know all of you here, unanimously supported prop c to get on the ballot, specifically to increase the funds, and to raise the age to ensure that our most discorrected transitionalage youth were going to be getting the services that they need. Which i know all across our city, but especially in your district, supervisor kim, is a humongous need. I just want to urge you to please communicate with maria su, the department of children, youth and families and ensure that a larger allocation is made to tay services. Im not here speaking for our organizations, our fund or any other particular organization, but the larger young people that are really suffering still to this day and need to ensure that policies that they supported, that they lobbied your offices for, that they voted for actually at the end of the day make a difference and have a true meaningful impact in their lives. And i hope that we take this into account and dont increase the fund for a Police System that is failing our system; right . , but i stand put into Preventative Services that our youth critically need today. I hope that you take that into account, the , in fact,that were not speaking for ourselves, but for all the young people that couldnt be here today and that services for transitionalage youth are increased in the budget d cyr s. Next speaker, please. Im diana anderson, and own a business over 60 years. I understand everyone today wants money directed in their direction. I am asking for you to not fund some of the programs which you have already done. It is hard to live in this city. My own children, who were born, raised and went to school here, have College Degrees and beyond, and twofamily houses twofamily families, twoincome earning families cant afford to live in the city. Its a little sad. Not too long ago, we had a billion dollar budget. And since then we have increased our population by 100,000, and our budget by 9 million 9 billion. So we do have a little disparity here. What i am commenting about today is the muni forward program; which i believe is a lot of money for things that people really dont want to have. And i think that money could be better spent in other areas. For example, we asked muni not to go forward with their plans and they want to spend 35 million on something that is really going to hurt the small businesses, which is not increasing service for the people. And they say we have a very dangerous corridor. But if we take the number of incidents, 45 incidents over the last five years, with the number of riders, its a. 000002, that is five zeros and a two; percentage of incidents per ridership. That is really statistically like zero. The same thing is happening on Mission Street now. They have spent a lot of money saying that they are improving service. What they have done is increase the speed of the bus [ inaudible ] thank you, maam. Thank you. Thank you maam, were trying to give everybody equal time today. I appreciate it. Thank you next speak, my name is junebug and were part of the budget Justice Coalition. Im here today because what im seeing in a city i was born and raised is 3,000 children on a waitlist for health care. We need more funding set aside for childcare subsidies and it creates more options for parents and children. We need 2 million were asking to be put towards toddler and infant subsidies. Im the parent of a 6yearold child with Cerebral Palsy and because of the subsidy im able to get the care she needs. By having subsidies we do create more options for children, it creates more of an inclusive childcare support and services that the children need. And it just creates more inclusive no children should go without care. Once again we have 3,000 children in San Francisco on the childcare waitlist. This is not okay. Im very grateful that my daughter got the subsidy, but it wasnt easy. It took a long journey to get where we are today and it was very hard. So im asking, please put 2 million aside for toddler and infant subsidies. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im reginald and i live in the tenderloin and have been there 43 years. Since were here talking about budgets i would like to make a statement i think all of the groups represented here for the purpose of their needs should be met and consideration for the poor and Homeless People out there, also, money should be spent to clean up shelters, overhaul it and make it safe for them to live in. They dont want to go to the shelter, because the shelters are full or awful its and disgusting that the city would overlook that for years and years. You have to do something about the whole situation, not just bit and pieces of it. Everybody is here because their needs are necessary and you are in a position to do something about and so why dont you start doing something about that . You should not criminalize homeless because of homeless the city has to pay for people being put in jail. You dont need to add more money to the Police Department, because they have enough money and of course they do catch some bad guys, but where i live is bad and has been for years. So i would like to see that changed for the benefit of all the. It could be a very fair and wonderful city if the people in the position to do something about it, does something about it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im from senior Disability Action Committee and i have been in the city since mayor alioto has been here and i have osteoporeosis. I need help in my home. Even on committees i tell them what i need, it would be a Standing Committee not much, but it would be a help for us. When i call people, they say we cant do this and we cant do that. But if i could sit on some of the committees and help you prepare guidelines for people who make the budget, i will do that. Because im also on another committee. The other week i was with the paratransit going to a meeting and a lady was killed. And then i saw that, and i said this is terrible. They need somebody out there watching the streets of San Francisco for pedestrians like us, to help us cross the streets when they know there is a big meeting or whatever going on . They need police out there to help. If its not in the budget, they could put it in the budget. That is really needed and that just happened i think a week or so ago. And back to the Home Health Care, we need a lot of things done in the Home Health Care to help seniors, like me, that make over the amount of money. So that is what i have to say to everybody. And please listen to me and do what im trying to say. Thank you guys so much. Okay. Thank you. Good morning [speaker not understood] i am part of the parent voices and also speaking as part of the budget Justice Coalition. I am head of a household, two children. My husband is living in mexico, due to the immigration laws. I have been able to survive in the city and thriving and im part of the community. I live here for 25 years. But its getting more and more expensive to live here and afford a Million Dollar house. So im really can you please listen to me . Have some respect . Im saying something so important. Im trying to tell you to put 2 million into childcare services. And im trying also to make sure that my children are going to have childcare and all of the families will be able to survive. I am really, really happy really unhappy that you are putting more money into the Police Failing system and not supporting my children. I need you to support. Its enough of you bringing rich people and having people that have 1 million being able to live in San Francisco and not families like mine. So please encourage you to invest and put more money for education, for childcare, for housing and i also wish you have some respect and are not speaking with each other and listen to the community. Thank you. [ applause ] good morning, supervisors. My name is maria and im the organizer for voices in San Francisco. When my child was in kindergarten, my son was in kindergarten, i would walk him to school and every morning he would ask me, mom, are you happy today . Of course, i tell him yes, im happy. The other day, i said do you remember asking me the question when we are walking . He said yes. I said, why did you ask me . He said mom, because i was concerned and it was something that we learned in preschool. So social learning is very important for our Young Children. And childcare is an investment, its one of the best Public Policy investments for public safety. It also prevents our children from getting into the social justice criminal Justice System and prevents them from getting into the prison pipeline. Parent voices together with organization delivered votes with the understanding that we get more invest for our Young Children. Our Young Children cannot speak for themselves. Their parents are also at work or in training or in school, and there are 3500 more who are on waiting list for childcare and we need to meet that need with the promise of the childrens fund. We support the cpac ask, the Community Planning Advisory Council ask for 2 million subsidis for childcare. We did our job at the statelevel. The state budget is putting half a million in childcare, but none goes to subsidy and i hope that the city fills in that gap . California has been elevated to the 6th largest economy in the world and San Francisco is the top city in california. [ inaudible ] thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Thank you, supervisors, for being here. Thanks for having this forum for the community to share. Thank you Community Members for being here. I am Phoebe Sanders the manager of chef program, part of the homeless Employment Services coalition, along with pek and sjtap. And i wanted to first thank the mayor for funding us for fiscal year 1617, what we lost through the mckinneyvento federal reprioritization. And im here to ask to secure funding for fiscal year 1718, 1. 4 million. Housing alone does not address issues of homelessness . San francisco. We need education and Employment Services. The Chefs Program programs culinary training, Employment Services and job placement for more than 70 of our graduates. It also provides an opportunity for stability for folks who have had so much influx in their life. We get to be a constant for them. Its an opportunity for folks to learn to grow, to contribute to the San Francisco culture, and to really grow their own selfworth. Our program has been around since 1997 and really do not want to start to winddown services for the next fiscal year. It would leave a huge void in this community. Again, housing alone will not end homelessness, unhoused folks need education, and Employment Services, marginally housed folks need education and Employment Services. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is laureen hincks and im here representing the Chefs Program, which stands for conquering homeness through Employment Services. In 2009 i stood right here in the same place, asking for monies for recreation and parks at the time i was a rec and park director and the budget was being cut. And i was one of the ones who was unfortunately laidoff. Through that transition, it was the Chefs Program that brought me back. To be laidoff, i was like a paycheck away from homeless. It made me depressed. My Mental Illness kicked in, but it was the program of chefs that provides lots of services, educational piece, and helped me to bring myself back to be able to be employed. And today i am employable. I feel great. My Mental Health is excellent. I was Walking Around the streets of San Francisco just really sluggish. So i understand when i look at these people in San Francisco, i always call it from heaven to hell. And that is what i at the time, i was heaven when i was working and in hell when i wasnt working and most of us who have been through that know that. I speak to you from experience. The monies are very important, because we have people out there, who walk the streets of San Francisco, whose Mental Illness is not in check. To be homeless, it really devastates you. I know that none of us in San Francisco want us to be washed out [speaker not understood] and dig into your heart and give the funding that is needed so we can help our homeless. I know when your parents raised you, to make sure that you had the best. It wasnt on your parents. So i know its in you and not on you and i appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is norris and im part of the Chefs Program. I want to say its the first day of summer, summer solstice and day of purpose today. I say that all to say that i moved to San Francisco because i remember when the city was a city of community. When it was based it was sanctuary for weird innovators like myself and drew many people who wanted to make a difference and saw a need for it. I hope im not alone in that. Im not 100 sure you know how many programs actually take people from the streets, to a place that they have never imagined. I am a graduate of the Chefs Program and has been instrumental in acquiring skills to in turn give back a successful career, and tenacity. As a woman of color, raising children of color and queer children to fund fairness and fund francisco. Thank you. Im consider Catherine Cohen and with Episcopal Community services. Im an intructor in the Adult Education center and as an instructor and mother and i would ask you to put away your phone and its a good thing you did. Im going to speak in broader terms today. What makes San Francisco a truly great city . I want us to stop and ask ourselves, its beauty, the bay and the bounty, the fruits of the valley and wine and cheeses of napa and what makes us great is our bounty of concern for the common good and generosity of spirit and im proud to have raised by daughter who is 16 with. It does not reflect our values and doesnt reflect what makes Stanley Morgan great San Francisco great. Every day at episcopal Family Services Adult Education center we devote ourselves to homeless men and women who want to improve their lives through education, get thinking neral getting their ged, et cetera. Thank you. Im part of the budget Justice Coalition as most folks are here. Im here to encourage you to support the budget justice budget. I want to specifically talk about a couple of those. Two programs of housing rights and one is around Public Housing, and rad monitoring. We have a lot of substandard Public Housing units, and its important to fight to make sure that the tenants in Public Housing and now buildings moved into rad stay and unevicted. The reason we need a program like this which is timing out we got funding for two years, but these problems arent going away the funding is ending and San Francisco Housing Authority said nobody could move in if we owed back rent. They said thousands owed back rent and when we started fighting and goes through the bookses the San Francisco Housing Authority couldnt keep correct records and very few owes the thousands and thousands of dollars that they said they owed. Now all of those tenants are going to be able to move into the newlyrehabbed units. We need people to be monitoring these processes. The other program is the richmond site. These are wealthy neighborhoods, but lowincome tenants its not on mars, tangs and yees districts, but were seeing across the city coming to this office and i really wanted to encourage folks to fund the hespa ask for legal representation. We can seem to fund police over and over and over, but we cant seem to for more than they got last year every single year, but we cant fund the services [ inaudible ] hi there, my name is molly brown, director of programs for Outreach Program and thank you for holding this hearing today and im here to support the recommendation of the budget justice fix elevators and sros, these are not privileges or luxuries, but these are basic essential elements of a civilized society. I would like to call your attention also to services for disconnected tay, the growth in the childrens youth fund should be reflected in increased compliment to this highlyneeded population. Lastly, i would like to talk about we are in a state of emergency right now in San Francisco. I think it calls on all of us to be more creative, resourceful, scrappy and angry about finding beds. We cannot wait for them to be created in the development pipeline. It takes too long and is too extensive and just to highlight a few ideas decommissioning of the old San Francisco General Hospital these are potential beds. We have an underutilized the juvenile Justice System with 150 beds that only a third are used at one time and to repurpose those pods for transitionalage youth. I would also like to talk about the sros and Code Violations and academy of arts. It seems its become taking advantage of the system and it seems like its time to look at taking those units back and prioritizing who gets them . I think its shameful that the City Attorney took ten years to take academy of arts to task. It will take these beds could create 200250 and i think we have to be thoughtful and resourceful to make this happen. Please dont take no for an answer when you make these suggestions to your peers and i appreciate your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, board of supervisors, im with the Episcopal Community service and im here to advocate for the community hespa ask of this year. We thank the mayor that we have received so far half of the 20 million that were asking. We continue to look at eviction prevention. Last year 900 people were evicted, who had no legal representation. We are also continuing to ask for an increase in housing subsidies and asking for 345 additional subsidies. And we want to note that as far as housing goes, next six years, on 25 of the Housing Units being created are for the homeless. Were asking the board of supervisors to please invest in housing. And finally we look at criminalization of the homeless the San Francisco budget and legislative analysts report that just came out june 14, 2016 mentions that 37. 7 Million Dollars is spent on homeless outreach. 20. 7 million of those dollars are earmarked for the Police Department and mostly quality of life outreach. We suggest this money could be used better for housing, and services outreach. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you. Hi, im sierra wade Program Director at new door adventures. Just wanted to really call out the needs of transitionalage youth. In 2014 the voters of San Francisco said we need to take responsibility for those youth transitioning from childhood into adulthood and their services and needs. And the city thus far hasnt budgeted anything that makes sense for those youth people and essentially the budget as it exists today in the mayors budget, essentially 500 allocated for each of them. Its moral irresponsible and were not doing anything to allocate dollars. And i would call upon the board of supervisors to pretty push back at the mayor and dcyf. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors item the cochair of the hespa. And im the director of programs for Hamilton Family center and thank you for hearing the voices of families of san franciscans. Im requesting the hespa propose Budget Proposal to keep san franciscans housed and house san franciscans. We all know were in a housing crisis. Yet over the next six years were only planning 600 or so units that are affordable to Homeless Populations. Whereas over the past six years we have developed 2700. That is only 25 of what we have developed. Hespa has a proposal to responsibly spend monies towards the citys strategy to end homelessness. Were asking for 20 million annually, part of a comprehensive budget justice request. This isnt much in a budget of 9. 6 billion. I very much applaud the Mayors Office for working hard with us to fund and support half of our request so far. But we still need continued funding. At Hamilton Family center we have provided subsidis to house nearly 250 families this past year. Most had to leave San Francisco, who have roots here. And the need continues. We continue to see more families becoming homeless due to disasters such as the tragic fire this past weekend, as well as financial disasters such as eviction and ever increasing rents. We need an investment to stop the bleeding and fix the system. So no one lacks shelter, and all may be housed safely in San Francisco. Through supporting this proposal, you can create a blueprint to meet the needs of all san franciscans. Preventing the further displacement of familis from San Francisco, providing housing, Employment Services, Food Security and childcare to, allow us all to thrive and maintain the diversity and compassion of this city. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you, supervisors my name is laura from the homeless advocacy project, a project of the justice and diversity center, which is the Legal Services of the San Francisco bar association. Were also part of hespa. And were here to support the hespa ask. We appreciate that the Mayors Office has funded about half of the ask. Its a great first step, but its not enough. Speaking specifically to evictiondefense and evictionprevention part of the ask there are 900 people that arrive at Housing Court each week, each year, that are not represented by attorneys. In our office we get 1015 new cases in our weekly intake on a good week we can take five of those cases. We prioritize people who are imminent risk of homelessness and people with Mental Health disability, including longterm tenancies that is 100 irreplaceable. What we have found with legal representation and subsidis for housing were able to save these houses. These folks are disabled, and seniors and lowincome folks with children. If they lose these unit its almost 100 concern certain that they will be homeless. Because hap was the attorney of record in in the case, we were able to get the case dismissed before it got to court. The fights for these units are vicious and people need representation and we asked to support the hespa ask. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, members of the budget and finance committee. My name is lauren demartini, a housing attorney at bay area legal aid and here to ask the board to fund evictionprevention Legal Services to provide fullscope representation to tenants that would otherwise face eviction without the help of an attorney. Bay legal is the largest provider of free Legal Services in the bay area and our attorneys enable lowincome residents to immediately access the Justice System. Most of the tenants that we represent need housing subsidis to afford to live in this city. If they lose their housing they lose their ability to stay here or become homeless. Even tenants with portable such of tenancy because of voucher 8 bay legal plays an essential role in this epidemic. From the Mayors Office of housing we prevented evictions for over 100 households. We help our clients navigate a complicated judicial system, assert their rights in Eviction Court and remain in their home and their city. But there is still a huge unmet need for our evictionprevention services. We only have the resources to serve a fraction of the tenants that need our assistance. Every week were forced to turn away potential clients. These are tenants living on limited income. These are tenants with disabilities. Limited english proficiency, Single Parents and seniors. Without our help they have to navigate the complicated course process on their own and face eviction and homelessness. Please help us keep people in their homes in San Francisco by investing in the evictionprevention services that we can provide. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good morning, board of supervisors. My name is brice turney and i work in the San Francisco training and partnership program. First off, i would like to thank mayor lee for finding funding for your program and im here to ask that the board of supervisors find funding for the secondyear, fiscal year 20172018. In our program we help san franciscans experiencing homelessness to find education, to find training, to obtain the kind of Work Opportunities that will lead to a permanent path out of homelessness. In the short time i have been working in the program, i have met many individuals who have made mistakes and some have had bad luck, but all of them deserve a path to dignity and back to housing. Just to give you an example one gentleman im working with is formerly an electrician who lost his housing and lost his family, but with our help were trying to help him get back into work, back into the electricians union. And i ask you to help us keep doing this work in the future. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is Patricia Kerman and im an active member of evictionfree San Francisco, but im here as a san franciscan who votes. And i have been here since 1970. Theres many things that have been said today that i definitely agree with. I i do want to support the budget Justice Coalition. And there are some things that i just want to bring up, like, the amount of money going to the Police Department. If this is a broken system, pouring more and more money into it is like taking freshwater and dumping it into the ocean. It with becomes saltwater and no one can drink it and people die. So that is not something that we should be doing. We should be taking that money and putting it into the needs of the people who live here. And fix the Justice System and then think about financing it. You look on the streets, and that is the reality of the city. I have watched more and more tent cities going up all around, and its not because people want to choose to live on the street. Its because they are forced out. They are forced out because the money that is coming in here is pushing the people out of their rentcontrolled units which are being illegally ellis acted. I know im going to be cut off really quick. So i just want to say let your conscience be your guide and not your financial backers. Thank you. [ applause ]. Thank you, next speaker. Good afternoon, budget and finance committee members, tony robles, senior and disability action. Sro elevators are critical. They are a lifeline for seniors and those with disabilities that live in sros hotels, mostly lowincome folks who cant find other housing, quite frankly. There were a few people that have spoken on this. Some residents, one resident said that i live in an sro on the 5th floor and when the elevator goes out it takes 45 minute for me to climb the stairs. I have had a stroke and paralyzed on my left side and cant get meals and wheels and confined to my room. Another person in an sro says my worst time in the elevator was a couple of weeks ago when the elevator was out for two weeks. I as unable to wash, shop or socialize, because im 60 with bad knees. So i couldnt go anywhere, which is no kind of quality of life. Again, these issues in the sro hotels, many of these hotels are quite old and the elevators go out sometimes days, weeks, months a time and its causing a huge problem. We need the city to devote resources to this problem, because its not only a mechanical problem with the elevators. It relates to the quality of life with senior and folks with disabilities. When the elevators dont work it leads to isolation and leads to people not being ability to go to hospital appointments and so on and is forth. So please allocates those funds. Again, tony robles, senior and disability action. Thank you. Thank you. Next to speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is jose im here to request fund fork housing and Employment Program and evictionprevention program and other services for those to live and survive in San Francisco. At st. Joseph family shelter we serve homeless by assisting and stabilizing and gaining employment and housing. Without housing and employment funding its more difficult to provide our clients with best service to give them the best chance at moving forwards selfsufficiency. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you, next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is lee and im with senior and disability action. Im here in support of the budget Justice Coalition ask. Its really hard for us to say which ask is more important than the other. I think everything is important. So i expect that you consider everything, not just one thing or two. But everything is important for all of the San Francisco residents. I wanted to talk about the new support home program. We need that funding. We have been partially funded by the Mayors Office. And we need your support now. Dr. Martin luther king, jr. Says a budget is a moral document and its important for our city to do the morally reresponsible things to secure the welfare of san franciscans. Please, you are here in this position, where you can take an action, and im not sure how you have been taught, but when they are talking they expect peoples eyes and please stop looking at your phones and Pay Attention to what we are saying. As someone said and even my daughter said it here earlier, we represent more people that couldnt come. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [ applause ] good afternoon, my name is laura and work at new Conservatory Center, the bay area provider and lgbtq theater since 1981. I am here today to ask the board of supervisors to renew funding for new conservatorys youth Aware Program, which brings free, health and wellness, education to more than 15,000 sfusd k12 students annually. Youth aware supports countless teachers, too by reinforcing the Health Curriculum and helping to make campuses safer and more understanding environments. Sponsors by supervisor wiener, the funding has enabled us to serve thousands more youth each year. We need your support in order to keep bringing youth awares messages of acceptance, nonviolence, hiv aids education and the importance of diversity to the citys nextgeneration. Please help to create a safer and more accepting San Francisco by supporting new conservatory youth Aware Programs for the next two years. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Hello. My name is nicole menez and im also a San Francisco resident and i work at new Conservatory Center as an associate. I have [skpaoeuld ] compiled a fraction of the testimony that we have received. Dear performers thank you for showing using how not to bully other people. If i saw someone being bullied i would stand up for the other person being bullied. You taught us a lot. Thank you for the show, that is from larry an audience member and student. It helps aid in developing morally compassionate and nonjudgmentally beings that are acceptable to others and may look, act or think differently than us. The work by the actor and writers is extremely valuable. This work is amazing says another teacher at mission high. I think the show did a good job of showing us some of the problems that revolve around stereotypes and bullying based on people how people look or act. I enjoy how you made the concept serious, really opened our eyes to see these problems, but still fun and artistic, says a student audience member from as spoken. The subjects range from bullying, racism, nutrition, aids awareness and address issues that are wideranging and humanly important for the education of our School Community and the fact that they offer their Services Without charge makes it possible for us to attend. Please support them with funding from a person from horace community school. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Hi supervisors. My name is Sarah Stalley and im a mission resident for 14 years and i have been the director of the youth Aware Program you just heard from both of my colleagues since the fall of 2001. This is my first time speaking in this forum. So thank you for your time, and for allowing the public to give comments around the budget. You just heard from my colleagues about the impetus and impact of the youth Aware Program. I will give you the really real the reason were asking for this funding is i have a really unique job in San Francisco. I get to provide arts and education to San Francisco unified youth. But if i have to ask for money for teachers, from buses, or to charge them for us to bring in an assembly to their school, were simply not going to serve as many youth as we have been allowed to do the past 20 years. Because our program was funded around hiv prevention, really the other side of what were teaching in schools is around empathy and what we learned from orlando to teach empathy and to allow youth to hopefully put themselves in someone elses shoes and learn from their stories and take what they learn and bring it in their community to affect positive change. We need monies to pay for our artists because the cost living has become so high in this city. To support the human rights organizations that we heard from today, but please allow space for arts and education to continue in San Francisco Unified School District thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Whose budget . Our budget whose budget . Our budget [ inaudible ] [ applause ] jeremy miller, foundation standing up with all the people in San Francisco, and especially the families who have been abused and lost loved ones to Police Terror in this city. I want to second what tiny just said really quick its ridiculous to have empty benches in such an important hearing and people outside. Only tyrants and despites dont want to hear what people say we wholeheartedly endorse this and i want to address some reasons why first off, it deals with use of force and specifies that it needs to be minimum use of force as opposed to reasonable, which is being dealt with the Police Commission and second deals with Mental Illness and talks about Early Intervention and i want to talk about the fact that the sfpd received over 100 million more in the budget process in the last four years and during that same period, 23 people have been killed by the sfpd. Last year, 2015, when they received yet another raise, eight different people were killed, making it the bloodiest year in sfpd history and while this resolution or proposal talks about investigating newhires and Early Intervention system, the fact that the killer of Kenneth Harding received a garden gold medal of honor, which was charged with child pornography [ inaudible ] sir, thank you. Sir, thank you. [ applause ] father Richard Smith from st. Johns episcopal from the mission and want to speak some support of supervisor avalos proposal. This continued to undermine confidence in the police in communities like mine and throughout the city. After alex nineto was killed in a hail of 59 bullets were were told that the San Francisco is not ferguson. Our police dont use Excessive Force here. Then emile was killed with six bullets to the back when he was running for his life and came the racist and homophobic texting scandal and luis gongora and jessica. That the department was not racist and reforms were on the way and we wanted to believe it, but then it happened again and again and again. Lets be clear, this abuse in killings by police has been going on for decades and the targets of this abuse have not been old, white guys like me or the newly arrived affluent young professionals, but rather people of color, people who are poor and sometimes people with Mental Illness, undocumented immigrants, unhouses and young, pregnant mothers, the most vulnerable. This is shameful and not acceptable in the cry city of st. Francis. Supervisor avalos proposal seeks to address this im balance and placing more power in the hands of citizens and elected supervisors. Please support this proposal. Thank you, next speaker, please. Thank you, father richard and thank you jeremy and thank you, tiny. Im david alveri, founder and treasurer of recall ed lee and strongly support the avalos reserve. We need Transformational Police reform in San Francisco and the reserve is a datadriven method to create accountability. Our new interim chief tony chaplin will not save our problems. Witness the opd current scandals of texting and also prostitution and nypd scandals. The commission may vote on wednesday on use of force and version one of the use of force is the poaapproved status quo verse and its not acceptable. Version 2 is the only acceptable use of force change to the police code for minimal force for deescalation and with shall, rather than should language and im hoping that all supervisors will talk to the Commission Members to encourage them to go with 2. A and to say that Jacqueline Jones of next village sf had to leave. She had a previous engagement and had to leave and i will leave her written testimony with you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is emma jerald with seiu 1021. Were here in support of the budget justice ask, and tay ask and three classes to train 911 dispatchers. There is a harvey rose recommendation to cut 1. 3 classes and we want you not to accept those recommendations our 911 dispatchers take calls for all and we should have 167 positions. Because this has created a shortstaffing crisis, and basically what has happened, there is 100 hours of mandatory overtime per day. That means our workers have working 16 hours a day, taking calls, that is very stressful situation for them. So these classes will help us train 45 911 dispatchers could to be able to take these calls. There has been an increase in the expectation that calls are taken at 90 of the time in 10 second and right now they are only at 60 due to the shortstaffing crisis. So we ask that you fully fund the three classes. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello supervisors. Any name is jessica layman with senior and disability action and budget Justice Coalition. I want to say that seniors and people with disabilitis are an important part of community and were not here asking for pity, but for justice. There are four specific problems that allow people with disabilities and seniors to age in place and stay active in our community, first is the support at home program that you heard about previously. This is a brandnew program conceived by the Bay Area Council and first of its kind in the country. So its a huge opportunity for us all in the city to step up and meet the needs of poor seniors and those with disabilities. Second we need moneys to fix elevators in sro hotels. We got funding a couple of years ago, but we need money for actual repairs and third is the housing allocation funds. A little bit of money to put in grabbars, stair lifts, ramps, the basics so people can stay in their homes. Then of course, we need evictionprevention services and housing substance disses. Subsidies. We have to address this housing crisis and so we ask you today to dig deep and find the savings that we know is there. In Police Department, in the Homeward Bound Program and other programs that we really can make some cuts in so we can funds the Community Services and programs that this Community Needs the most 6789 thank you. Thank you next speaker, please s } hellos i would first like to thank you all for being here and i know its been a long morning for you guys. It has for us too. As other people said, i can understand that you might feel a little odd to come up here and talk and not be able to make eye contact with all of you. So i would appreciate your eyes. Would like to say there is no question that a large sum of money has been wasted and frankly used to bully the poor. Criminalizing the homeless is a waste of their time and resources. Not to punish and criminalize those struggling. The people in San Francisco are champions in the same idea and so many other aspects and its just unfathomibly disgraceful that we havent provided this same compassion to our less fortunate neighbors of its time to live up to our own standard that human decency demands. The one thing that unites all those experiencing some form of homelessness is that the only solution is housing first. This is where our resources should be going. This is where you should be directing your funding and this is how San Francisco and all of us remain leaders, National Leaderships in the fight for all human rights. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is gutavo here with the Justice Coalition. Its important to know that im not just speaking in support of lyric, but in support of the Justice Coalition asking for the mayors support. I ask you to support the unified budget because its a part of our collective liberation. My name is gutavo, a former tay, Homeless Youth and its important that the board of supervisors and mayor support this budget, rooted in economic and transgender justice. The Coalition Asks to support queer and transyouth futures through opportunities and keep Management Services that meet the needs of our queer and transyouth communities, particularly queer and transyouth of color. That is all 6789. Thank you. Good afternoon, im the families coordinater with the commission sro collaborative and im here to support the budget justice and to address the threats we see with budget cuts to tenants and families in the mission and city. We have reached 50 hotels in the mission and serve hundreds of sro tenants. When we are there doing outreach one of our main concerns is the stability, the infrastructure, and the proper inspections that we think need to continue. And its communitybased and communityled. So we want to make sure that any funding or any budget that is being discussed with regards to lifeline support come from the community and any those reviewed by the county, regarding funding, take into consideration what communitys voice and priorities are . Thank you. My name is ariana with the justice for alex nieto and to hold the sfpd budget in reserves until specific reforms are in form. Alex nieto died in a hail of 59 bullets, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, 59 bullets. That were unnecessary. There was no threats reported in the 911 call that drew officers to the hill where alex nieto was killed on march 21, 2014. The officers who killed alex nieto, the first to arrive, a sergeant who had already killed sergeant sawyer, and his rookie, breached a perimeter that was being put in place by other officers to create time and distance, to approach a man just eating his burrito and saying hey, do you have a gun and he would have answered no, its my work taser. Were asking you, as supervisors can we just reflect on the names, supervisors . You are here to supervisor. We are here to supervisor, were asking you to supervisor the sfpd budget, and to hold it in reserve, 200 million of that budget until specific reforms are made. And one of the most important is to change the use of standards the use of force standard. So that sanctitiy of life is the overriding principle to preserve life and deescalate whenever possible, so its mandatory and not optional. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [ applause ] buenos tardes. Translator , good afternoon, im the uncle of luis gongora who was killed. Im here to offer support for supervisor avalos request to freeze 200 million. This would actually help to prevent further killings actually further assassinations. Its incredible to think that the police just assassinated my cousin when he was already on the floor. He was killed within less than 30 seconds with 11 bullets. Instead of saving peoples lives, the police are out there, assassinnating, targeting and assassinnating our community and we need to do something about this. In the case of my cousin, they could have done a lot of positive things, which they choose not to do and they could have forgiven his life. Im very sure that the proposal by supervisor avalos will help prevent of loss of a lot of innocent lives. The main role of the police is to prevent death and not the opposite. The police could actually be helping people on the streets, people who are workingclass and poor, that should be their job. And we who pay taxes in this city, you as supervisors, you need to do something to supervisor the police. With tranceparency and with the Police Department and in how they apply their loads. Thank you. [ applause ] translator good afternoon. My name is louis and im a cousin of demetro, who was killed. I support the proposal of supervisor avalos and again, thank you for that proposal. And the rest of you as supervisors, thank you so much for being here. Please, i beg you of to not continue to allow to keep this from happening again. Ed image of San Francisco is very beautiful and unfortunately there are a few people staining, soiling that image and please do not this impunity to continue. Especially when violence is coming from the police when they actually should be protecting the human value, the Human Dignity of being a resident of this city. This is an embarrassment not only here this San Francisco, but also around the world. For example, in my home country of mexico, when we see and hear in the news its happening, its an embarrassment to the city of San Francisco, that the police, there to protect us is actually going out and hunting and killing us. So essentially it comes down to doing your job. It is the job of police to do their job to protect and its your job as supervisors to supervise them in protecting us. Again, dont let this be the image for San Francisco. Be like us, we do the job and obey the law and do your job now. So two things i would like to again thank you supervisor avalos for his work. I had the pleasure of meeting him and to all supervisors, do your job. Your salaries are paid through our taxes and were not here asking, but demanding that you do the work you are paid to do. Dont let this imagine of Police Department that is seen throughout San Francisco and around the world. Do the job you were hired for and paid for my taxes. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. [ applause ] just one more thing, so the gentleman is going to speak in mayan and will be interpreted by him into spanish and then interpreted into english and so well need a more time as explained to the clerk. Thank you. Translator good afternoon. My name is jose manuel, im the brother of luis gongora, who was assassinated just recently and shot. Im here representing all of the people that you see here behind me, but, as well as other people who could not be here in support of supervisor avalos request to freeze 200 million from the Police Department

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