If so it a good Public Policy change why not exist for fever and but want to include those properties undergoing a complicated case for more than two years the probate from 6 to 12 months. Understood. Okay all right. Seeing no other questions go ahead and take Public Comment everyone has two minutes a 30second soft chimney thirty seconds left seeing no Public Comment on item one Public Comment is closed. Mr. Law. I have staff from dbi an update about this program. Go fantastic lets take the staff. Good afternoon, supervisors bill strong with the building inspection im here with inspection michael who manages our day to day work with this Vacant Building Program we did pass some slide ill be happy to to run through those those briefly if you have questions please ask me. Welcome the floor is yours. So michael why not walk through these. I cant see them. Okay. My name is michael work with the department of building inspection closing statement division i manage this particular project so i dont know if everybody has been through this or not there you go sorry about that okay basically the vacate abandoned building ordinance were aware of youre required to register wle whether youre a vacant or partially vacant building an annual Registration Fee within a time and maintenance and security requirements and information from the owner to be posted on the building we have some brief definitions of which are in the Building Code if anyone want to take into account that hopefully, some questions i can answer along the way here a brief map of a basically outlining where most of residential and some commercial properties throughout the city maybe you can see fairly well spread out the southern part of city southern arena large concentrations of the buildings this is a small breakdown of basically by the supervisor district and where we are a bar chart for you this is specifically related to the program and these are the ones were currently working on right now small list totally various aspects of what we do buildings occupied and order of abatement and penalties this sort of thing a small oil from complaint all the way to abatement or possible referral to the City Attorneys and there you go. All right. Thank you so much. Bill. Thank you. Im going to go ahead and ask for Public Comment on dbi presentation Public Comment is now open now Public Comment is closed. I appreciate your presentation and colleagues if no further discussions lets move forward well take that without objection. Well take that without objection. This that item passes forward could you please call item 2. Madam chair, i believe there were some amendments. Oh, that were handed in by. Mr. Law you want to talk about the amendments . The amendment offered by supervisor tang yeah essential the same item id like to submit an amendment for this item for the vacant abandoned building in the planning code madam chair ill move these. Motion by supervisor peskin. To rescind the previous motion to incorporate the amendments that mr. Law spoke before us. Did you get those motions. Yes. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, lets take the vote again, a piece of legislation as was taken as amended well take that without objection. That item passes unanimously. Thank you lets move on ladies and gentlemen, to item number 2. Technical 2 an ordinance amending the administrative code for the eviction regarding the Affordable Housing program. Okay supervisor tang is the author and today affordable unit in a from the Supervisors Office to present thank you pa madam chair were im here to talk about the tenants notification legislation we in discussions throughout the city were working hard to add Affordable Housing stock to our portfolio in San Francisco and find this is important we educate the residents about the programs and instead of reinventing the wheel but add the former which was required by supervisor kim to notify the attendance that are going through the eviction process and adding a requirement that we invite them of the Affordable Housing programs available through the city adding one additional sentence or line to the current notification ive provided copies of what the tenants are given gratefully in 6 different languages this will insure that a lot of the population is notified about the program we are also adding clean up language to legislation that was passed by the board recently under state Law Properties with contract that are governmental agencies a 3 year limit as opposed to to the 5 year limit for the City Attorney asked us to include that clean up legislation if our proposal thank you. Any amendments or anything hallway no amendments thank you. Thats it. Thats it lets go forward and take Public Comment please line up if youre interested in Public Comment at the promenade, sir for item 2. 3. Okay. Thank you Public Comment is closed. Thank you okay. Colleagues anything i want to add questions to item 2 seeing none, okay. Lets move forward with a with a positive recommendation well take that without objection. This passes thank you can you call item 3. Item 3 an ordinance amending the code for the animosity requiring a permit. Supervisor wiener the floor is yours. Thank you, very much. Madam chair and thank you for clairnd it item today, i want to thank the planning staff Monique Mohan and thank our nonprofit Affordable Housing partners who the ones that built the Affordable Housing that worked with us on the legislation or supported it mercy housing, Bridge Housing and larkin street and the booker t. Washington Community Service and colleagues this legislation makes it easier and faster and less expensive to build Affordable Housing in San Francisco as you may know and we have a lot of various policy disputes in this building but one thing we agree on we are in the midst a go housing crisis the voters time and again haves told his overwhelmingly they want more Affordable Housing and they want it yesterday the Housing Trust funds prop c passed overwhelmingly to create a fund more Affordable Housing last november the Affordable Housing bond prop a passed overwhelmingly this first Affordable Housing bond to pass in many, many years as mayor ed lee and our board supervisor president london breed announced last month there is a working group look at the inclusionary housing requirement for market rate projects and the bureaucratic process either delayed it across the income levels will be discussed with a goal on putting a measure on the November Ballot the legislation before us responds to the affordable create and a mauvent to increase the affordable it does so by expediting the approval of 100 percent projects project for 100 percent of the units are affordable to low income or mirrored households not applying beyond the 100 percent Affordable Housing projects specifically the legislation for these projects removes any requirement for the conditional use this reduces approval on certain for those projects it also reduces the time required to approve those projects which at at minimum will will reduce the approval time from 3 to 6 months and a number that projects by 9 months a year or longer we know that the standard for conditional use is necessary and desirable is a project necessary and desirable for a neighborhood we tend to apply the conditional use requirement for projects were not sure from the project is necessary and desirable where it may be a good thing or a bad thing for example, we utilized conditional use for formula retail because chain stores we are skeptical of them they maybe good in some situations and not in ods others we require the conditional use if youll increase the number ever bars it might not a good or bad thing we want apt in depth analysis and a public hearing at the Planning Commission to get Community Input and make a determination is it necessary and desirable colleagues no question about whether Affordable Housing is necessary and desirable it is by definition extremely necessary and desirable and we need dramatically more Affordable Housing and we need it not tomorrow or a year or 10 years if now but now we need it as quickly as possible and anything we can dosido to make it easier and faster to get Affordable Housing built in San Francisco the better i do want to stress this this protective contrary to the claims that some have made not in any way remove the public from the process of approving those projects this does not short circuit Public Participation it is kreb8 important marketrate Affordable Housing under the legislation there will still be intense Design Review by the parklet Planning Department to make sure that all development in San Francisco is welldesigned for a neighborhood the legislation doesnt reduce the neighborhood notification the neighbors get the notification about the projects to participate they can express their opinions about the design and the legislation didnt in any way reduce the right of public to seek discretionary review from the Planning Commission if they oppose a project so it in project in opposition the people can file a discretionary review and obtain have a hearing at the Planning Commission this will do is say that for the projects that dont have opposition and these exist you do not have to go to the Planning Commission right now of an Affordable Housing has complete consensus no opposition in a neighborhood it still has to go through the lengthy process for the commission adding time and money to the project this legislation will move us away from that so colleagues this legislation is over due it is important, and we should support it today i do want to just i i know and we initially introduced this last fall and in january earlier this month baseline feedback from the Planning Department we substituted the legislation to nonsubstantive to reorganize some of the provisions for some reason the substitute legislation was not to the agenda substantively the same but reorganized the amendments in the substitute legislation that we introduce this month add a few things add a consistency with the general plan and recommendation adapted for the organization not the sews and the substitute legislation specifically maintains the conditional use from the site is proposed a Grocery Store or movie theory over and over a cu for parking those are issues that the Planning Commission has raised and the department so we incorporated these into the substitute legislation and to clarify the planning director authority to issue the administrator expectation so ive distributed the amendment that are the substitute legislation we pubically introduced a few weeks ago the City Attorney confirms not substantive and not requiring a continuance so i after Public Comment move those amendments and now madam chair if i may id like id like to ask Michael Mahan followed by Sophie Hayward the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development. Thank you, supervisor wiener good afternoon supervisor cowen and supervisor peskin im Monique Mohan to discuss the Planning Commission recommendation for the ordinance the Planning Commission heard this on december 3rd of 2015 it proposes an administrative code for the 100 percent projects that need a conditional use authorization from the permit review in denounced or a atlantis in eastern neighborhoods at hearing they attend two motion that failed to pass another motion to continue to january 21st, 2016, failed and a second motion to adopt the approval amended by staff for the removal of Grocery Store and theatres from the legislation and consideration for the ground floor uses failed by a 3 to 2 vote per the planning code section the commission was unable to pass this forward to the board of supervisors for a recommendation of approval the ordinance has been amend by supervisor wiener on january 12th and included staff recommendations to create a new section dedicated to the authorization of the Affordable Housing it is defined as housing solely that is restricted for 35 years of low and moderate income in the state of california and staff is available for questions thank you. Sophie hayward. Thank you, ms. Hay wood. Good afternoon supervisor cohen and supervisor wiener and supervisor peskin Sophie Hayward is from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development im here today to note we are, of course, supportive of this legislation anything we can do to bring the affordable units online faster we are supportive of and i want to note that this moves did needle but didnt overturn the application 6 projects since 2010 that require only a conditional use authorization those legislation will remove the hearing requirement for those projects in addition, i want to note that the commissions calendar and it is backlog is real simply trying to schedule something not contested a general taking two or three weeks to get on the Commission Calendar it is two to three or more months we save on the administrative side of those font o fonts thank you very much im available to answer any questions. I dont think we have any questions at this time thank you. Madam chair at this point perhaps opium. I have speaker cards ill call them please step forward when you hear them calling names . Okay well have to work on your pen manship depend on i. Lien i will be using the okay opposing legislation rather than looking at on the opposition simple improving the parklet efficiency or hiring more staff that seeks to approve the process for 100 percent Affordable Housing projects by cit corners this sends the wrongs message it results in more Planning Decisions being made internally behind close doors it sends the wrong message the port has not made a compelling argument only saying that improves the pros and cons process quote adding slightly faster rates unquote and saving prongs 5 to 6 month in report time the maximum improvement will be 3 to 6 months it means could be left when this was harder at the Planning Commission commissioner Vice President richards urged the droshths to look at the departmental registry the director refused to consider this option commissioner Vice President richards also reminder the director the budget process was coming up and hire new staff to reduce the time was an option the director refused to consider this this i think flexibility by the director creates a negative prospective and sometimes perspectives out weigh occult perspectives to eliminate the cu but the participation felt Planning Commission and the members of the public ill suggest a fast track process at the Planning Commission for a hearing date and put it on the fast track for the hearings at the Commission Also the legislation sets a precedent for you for other types of projects. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Pat scott. Followed by rob o rob pool and others. Supervisors pat scott selfbooker t. I know youve heard any tails of woe about the project the booker t. Started almost 10 years ago 10 years ago when i was 25 years younger anything that will move this process is something that i urge you to support trying to build 50 units of Affordable Housing is a nightmare in this town when my neighbors heard we were planning to develop this site they came to my office and said were combrding of those people talking about west side projects and youre not bringing any more of them both this community so they did everything they could to stop this talking about the size, the height and density anything that will they really didnt want the young people in their neighborhood were building 50 units of housing all affordable half of it for young people that aged out of further care and a nightmare process to take 10 years to do a project liam like this it took some time off my life more most importantly is sends a signal we dont support people that carton afford the high appraise of housing in San Francisco so we need to doing everything we can to fix this thing what happened to us is that a project that was originally 26 million is now 38 million it was that long period that increased the costs and i urge you to support this legislation. Thank you. Mr. Pool. Good afternoon, supervisors rob pool with the San Francisco Housing Action coalition for for the individual members we very much support this legislation san franciscans have made it clear that housing is a priority and housing that is affordable to low and moderate income is the number one priority and right now is never been hard to build it we did well by passing the bond but not enough doing everything we can to get affordable units online faster and as weve heard from the several developers 2, 3, 4 merging the conditions will add 3 to 6 months on the timeline and promotions have financing deadlines and with the longer timeline it makes it harder to meet the deadlines and get it off the ground that means that protecting and serve workers and first amendments and others have a harder time finding housing we subtle see that all but Community Means that neighborhood groups will still happen there will be plenty of continuous for folks to participate in the process and provide input if for some reason some were opposed to the housing in San Francisco first, well have bigger problems but they can request a discretionary review and appeal to the full board and delay it longer no one wanted to do that Affordable Housing on the ground and now we urge you to support in and get it done legislationly and to the full board thank you. Thank you. Mike edge. High aim mike a 25 residents of north beach and serving on the civil grand jury one of the things weve been having a long term problems are erosion policy in the Market Conditions Housing Stock and over policy response has been one of consolidation not worked Neither Police or material consolidation has worked if you read the book waterfront by Richard Adams i dont think like referring but our housing policy the councils warner approach if you read waterfrontship down all died they felt what they could hold into stop consolidating and start restoring the Housing Stock i support 24 at planning and here a small very important step on the way to restoring affordability i urge you to support is it. Thank you, sirs it. Thank you, sir it. Thank you, sirit. Thank you, sir calling names thank you donald a resident of the city of San Francisco concerned about i housing crisis 0 over the last 40 years a promise to build as a solution i accept profess things year by year youll get gridlock and history has proven to san franciscans that mcpromises are Endless Solutions that never come the people i met cant wait the senior disabled man living in the castro has to choose paying for diabetes medication or rents the single acknowledging mom living in the garage in the boyfriend with children spell needs a raise could not wait the latino student from the mission living with his grasps with a mountain of debt cant wait you cant wait never our city we need to roll up our sleeves and make process more greatly in city hall wouldnt help anyone but people that look for opportunities to take the city backwards we cant take that risk we have to defend the process building Affordable Housing in the city we need to go further with todays legislation Affordable Housing as principle used by the housing champions supervisor wiener were in a public emergency and cant wait supervisors please get out the gridlock at city hall and vote yes Affordable Housing as principle use today thank you. Thank you so much christie wong. Thank you supervisors chris i didnt the planning director thank you for the opportunity to comment on this legislation with the housing crisis today San Francisco must do the best we can to support the faster production of housing to lowerincome and madam clerk, any announcements . On top of the improving the process is one key of the process to creating it available more quickly at a lower cost a is as a formally developer i know this reduces the time and energy to the required process for all the things that the developers have to get through this is within the control of the city spur re789 the approval with the planning modifications the legislation is drafted to clearly only benefit the Affordable Housing projects that are 100 percent restricted to household under the impounded and for the nonprofits and founded by public dollars this makes a difference in the Affordable Housing given the inflexible calendar with the specifically and not prevent these on the timeline thank you and i hope youll support this. Laura clark calling names . Hi laura clark i dont know why im going to spend a lot of times i think the arguments have been made Affordable Housing is also and forever necessary and indirectly it is obvious this is low hanging fruit legislation we need to rush through the process it is transient and all of the people that will be live in those Affordable Housing projects are people that struggle to come out and tell you how much they need it, it is 2 oclock on a monday all the working People Living in the homes cant come out here and beg you to expedite this legislation. Next speaker. Im john a San Francisco residents Property Owner for over a decade and working on the new Affordable Housing project i support in legislation for several reasons one were in need of the market rate housing and the teams deserve an easier way to bring the Affordable Housing to the market and 3 many approvals required for those projects to obtain entitlements this legislation removed some the redundant measures i urge you to support is it. Sonya. Hi, im sonya here to testify in favor of this legislation i know that is cleaver and practical and a fiscal way to make the building of Affordable Housing cheaper and less risky the best thing the message it sends a message that Affordable Housing is a priority it announce that it is the policy of San Francisco that Affordable Housing is everywhere necessary and desirable and i was shocked when i watched the Planning Commission to see people is it fair to say against the legislation it is testifying in favor of the ability of san franciscans to block Affordable Housing projects and i do think it is appropriate at this time to announce to san franciscans we may hear you on a 5 Story Building is ugly San Francisco has decided that were not interested in that were more interested in seeing the new Affordable Housing thank you very much. Thank you. Pat val teen followed by bryan and john, jon stewart excuse me. Robert stevenson and ian. Good afternoon. Im patrick value teen the president of the Community Housing Partnership Im here as an individual very concerned and want to support this legislation going through part of my day job is working on Affordable Housing ive learned the finance is skril difficult to get the Affordable Housing projects done tax Credit Investors and private money at the same time to create a project that is incredibly beneficial to the community we have debates about the 25 inclusionary and market contributions and 40 percent of the projects lastly this is our chance to have push the 100 percent we know the value and importance of producing more affordable units every neighborhood needs to participate 2, 3, 4 Affordable Housing production reneed to see it throughout the city and San Francisco is not made up of gated community were in this together it is important we support this legislation lets get it done and move on. Thank you, brian. Hi, im bryan im with the california renter advocacy and Education Fund i support this legislation i understand that the market rate Housing Developers often need to get their financing from the sources that include tight deadlines but removing the deadline is often of vital importance more than i understand that some people per puerto represent the local interests dont support this this is as surprisingly as booker t. Washington Community Service center noted earlier the history of bmr housing in the United States is the history of incumbent residents fighting based on class do not be cowed by this legislation pass it now thank you. Next speaker hi, im john a south of market residents i just want to focus on one specific thing to a keep it short having go gone to the Planning Department meetings there is a bottleneck and i think this will really help with that a lot of times thalt have projects that have to come back to the Planning Department again and they get spelled out sometimes two and three months out the Planning Commission will talk about how to put it back on the agenda in addition, this effects helping us to you shuffle a lot of things in quicker thank you. Thank you, john stewart. Good afternoon thanks for your attendance im jon stewart of jon stewart and a residents of San Francisco here to support the proposed legislation by supervisor wiener we are a a nonprofit firm but we work with our colleagues in the were a full Profit Company get it straight working with the colleagues with the Nonprofit Community im in trouble we have merging and 33 thousand units under management in the state mostly in Northern California 2 thousand units in the pipeline that includes the our job projects the north beach and hunters view seven hundred units and booker t. Washington were working on too bad projects addressing the question that supervisor wiener brought up that is public input i we found we have in overwhe overwhelming amount of we have had on hunters view over one hundred meeting 1 3rd in the night an hunters view and north beach place a circle was 4 and 5 years actually north beach place we went through 4 mayors to get it done who are the people that look at this not just the neighbors but youre looking at lenders and moe and t cap and sid lack and every one of them has a series of criteria that are well but above and beyond bump and height were vetted and i urge you not to enhance the production by choking the chicken thank you. Thank you very much calling names . Good afternoon my name is Robert Stephanie son a san franciscan and developing Affordable Housing for the last 16 years i wanted to speak to the i support the legislation and want to speak to the notation that will result in a reduction of Community Input and outreach it is fundamental to understand that San Francisco nonprofits the groups that deputy Affordable Housing here are a core value of the county is outreach navigate we cant get to the starting line unless were selected by the city and various track record so it is fundamental and it is the way that the groups to do this work get selected in the in the first place if we trip up and dont outreach to a community we dont get a chance this is fundamental the way that Affordable Housing get selected so the way it reduces that is simply not possible the system is set up to not although, my representative for example, on fulsome asked for one hundred and 20 units we had the Community Outreach and continued though the public process and approval and Design Development through construction we were providing weekly updates to the community and formed an individual project with many of the neighbors and at my last Community Meeting the last building was built we had a Community Meeting to make sure how the lease was it will not result in reduced public input thank you. Thank you calling names . When this legislation was present on december to the Planning Commission it hit a brick wall it is unusual for legislation of this significant and often a supervisor will go back and fix it and bring that back to the commission that is not happening this is moving forward with a disapproval from the Planning Commission one of the Commission Said at that hearing if prop a had included that legislation as part of prop a they voted for prop a but if it included this they would have voted against it prop a and prop k never included this sort of work around in terms of allowing residents to have input to the process and so the key thing here is lets work more Affordable Housing but lets make sure that residents and neighborhoods have an opportunity to insure that neighborhood character is not destroyed neighborhood character is one of the priority policies of the city it is being ignored in this process thank you. Thank you, don. How about Kendra Douglas how about mark anthony anyone else i dont see them go ahead and speak. Hi, im brandy gordon with Bridge Housing i have sort of is prepared statement for the housing and other institutions so the corporation is a nonprofit developer owner. Please speed up up to the mike. 32yearold nonprofit owner of air force born and headquarters in San Francisco as a long stand member on the city we struggle to we strongly support this introduced by supervisor wiener to amend the San Francisco code wore withholding o 100 percent for go for the confusion under this proposal 100 percent Affordable Housing projects will be approved by the administrator staff saving time an urban certainly by the lengthy process anded by others not reducing the Community Input in the projects i can speak from my experience with with the rebuilt potrero weve downey done the Community Meetings on you know what they want and what are the most important things and thats something weve done throughout did you conditional use process not inhibiting those efforts as a one of the biggest supporter we ask for the pipeline to reduce the barriers and bring nor Affordable Housing unit online the voters stoke strongly with the production in the city in legislation is an important tool for other nonprofit utilized towards chief of police this goal yeah. Thank you. Thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item please come up. Im emily and speaking in favor of supervisor wieners legislation it is make sense to have a streamlined process we need this and i think there is mindset that number one if youre in a neighborhood you get to decide who our nightclubs are this is absolutely wrong and not something we want in our city and number two, that if you were here first your Voice Matters more i think that in trying to create an inclusive and democratic city we can fight and this legislation does that as someone that works in creating Community Support for real estate projects it legislation might take money out of my pocket in some of the projects but i dont care i care more about building housing for people that you know need it and for people that does make enough money to live here currently in favor of this legislation and thank you. Thank you lowest folks everyone else want to speak on item 3 . Last chance Public Comment is closed. The matter is back into those committees hands before supervisor wiener speaks i want to acknowledge supervisor peskin through the chair whats the rational for limiting two years. That is how we define Affordable Housing we incorporate state that number of years is throughout our Affordable Housing program so not unique to this this this xhifrpz with how Affordable Housing is defined. That reference to california safety code section. Yeah. Yeah. No different than at aspects of the code thank you. Okay. Well, i just wanted to lend my revise to the conversation i believe this helps to Prioritize Building the affordable units we agree were in spite need to proceed to go forward i represent district 10 and working on the Bridge Housing and john stewart as the private urban developers it is freshmen to see everyone is on the same page a couple of things to ritual projects that are withholding it possible will be subject to the discretionary review process and this process will have and taken to the publics concern so there is not a stifling of the opportunity for the public to weigh in on those particular projects it is incredible important we support of the Affordable Housing i know john stewart had an interesting quote dont choke the chicken but but something for the eggs. Hes gun that was good ill have to play that back but it is interesting colorful way to highlight but way we are and my belief i know that folks are concerns again want to reiterate that the process were talking about would not bypass the Planning Commission process projects will be subject to a 311 notification as well as a preapplication in process and like i said a conditional use im in favor of this particular piece of legislation and one of the speakers spoke of the i think referred to as a brick wall in the Planning Commission i wanted to note if there were a commission missing and it was actually a excuse me. A 3 to 3 vote it didnt necessarily hit a brick wall and died i think there were some conversation around that so i think supervisor peskin if nothing hes got other comments he wants to share with that, im in favor of the legislation thank you, supervisor wiener. Thank you policeman i want to share my perspective as oneonone someone that recommended the Northeast Corner of the city with a number of promotions mr. Stewart refrpdz during my 10 empower and i appreciate mr. Stevenson your comments which is as we all know the vast majority of 100 percent promotions if not the entirety are built by Nonprofit Developers and indeed youre absolutely right which is unlike for Profit Developers if we want to continue to develop they have is to develop the relationships and deal with the Community Input in order to remain viable different than nor arrogant privately financed capital that wants to have its way my experiences have been very, very good sfaeshthd i e as a matter of fact the opportunity for Community Input and dialogue has made projects bettered like project o at market octavia we saw that in the north beach and mr. Stewart left when he was speaking about the four and a half years i had a seat with ronnie davis was head of the hugdz overseeing 3e78dz were not impedes from joining neighborhood bye bye the housing or Housing Authority for their failure to come up with a ambulance for hundreds of residents facility i think that is a learning lesson interestingly enough the community that lives around myself and many others that wanted to build a denser project in fact, thats what we did in the case of broadway and battery the freeway off ramp the community worked well together i think they ended up with a better project and the same what broadway samson as staff indicated unfortunately, we only do a handful of these on an annual basis i have no process with quote unquote streamlining the process but have to be cognizant and this is an admonition having that cycle often results in a better project and with the nonprofits get that the one exemption was booker t. I have to say for the record i find is it ironic that one of my colleagues who was active in opposing that project is a snatch for for the june ballot ill leave it at that i want to be clear the cu process plays an Important Role in honing a project and it is very different than the discretionary review, discretionary review is an after the fact type of appeal different than a conditional use process i admitted it is more timely consuming and time is money and as projectes cat that 6 months in the case of baby boomer scott is not here millions of dollars the one horror story the others stories are like o but just to be clear with any colleagues and public because not from the nonprofit side not on the Affordable Housing side there is an increasing push to streamline more and more i think we have so understand the values of having an enter stiff process with the city and the developers and the community i want to stress that 100 percent projects are different and want to note there are a handful of nonprofit there is many, many that are not here not email address not weighed in and written letters im cognizant of that fact too but with that, im fine with sending the legislation to the full board for our consideration next week are you comfortable sitting with the recommendation without objection. Thank you supervisor peskin for those remarks i know that is, i know weve all talked about this because we keep on hearing from some people that are skeptical of the legislation this somehow reduces the Community Participation i really want to reiterate it is not doing so still robust Design Review and full neighborhood notification and if people are opposed they can seek the discretionary review and have a Planning Commission where the Planning Department can reject the entire project or modify the entire project or approve the entire project the same Planning Commission that was hear the conditional use why would we force that no Community Opposition to go through the process we know that many, many projects in San Francisco do not require conditional use and people still participate including some Small Projects some of the Residential Projects in the neighborhood at times the most intensive dont require conditional use and neighbors still center to notify their neighbors they still have to go through intensive sometimes lengthy Design Review with the Planning Department and we pretty frequently see the conditional use and end up at the Planning Commission and the public is not removed if this process just because of conditional use, conditional use is in the by any stretch the only way tool we have to insure good participation it does add an additional layer i know that the Planning Department says 3 to 6 months conservative we follow the conditional uses from large to small i have to tell you if you get a conditional use from the beginning in three to four months thats the rocket like a minor project any complexity for that conditional use im confident that our Affordable Housing will be larger than a small formula retail is i know 3 to 6 months is optimistic i understand that is the estimate isnt report and some projects may happen to the 12 months is anymore realistic weve seen longer thanthanasia than that i want to say like supervisor peskin he support the conditional use process in general i support is it subjecting formula retail to conditional use and expanding to formula retail cu process to banks a strong supporter of supervisor mars legislation and offend legislation to create new conditional uses in my district for example, supervisor campos and i coauthored legislation to require it an valencia street to convert from a business to a restaurant that was implicating the neighborhood and in the castro and noah valley to require the conditional use if you have a office space we want you are corridors to be active retail and not making it easy for commercial use on the ground floor it is unclear those kinds of changes are positive to conditional use make sense here i want to know i passed around packets of support letters if mercy housing and larkin street and Bridge Housing and super and booker t. Washington i want to thank those organizations for supporting and so colleagues he first want to move the amendments to conform the substitute legislation i introduce a few weeks ago and make another motion after that. All right. Thank you supervisor wiener made a motion did you get the motion okay. Motion to amend. The motion to amend can we do it amazing. Substitute. Yes. Motion to mainstreamed well take that without objection. That item passes and particular i move we move item 3 the full board with a positive recommendation. Supervisor peskin. Well take that without objection. I want to say relative to the Planning Commission and this thing that comes up about 33 ties or 4 to 3 or 6 to one or 7 to nothing with all due respect at the end of the day and i tell this to the Planning Commission commissioners just a recommendation to the legislative branch i take it seriously but i abused we get a lot of these and now, one commission missing a bunch of 33, 3 ties with disapproval i mean when Internal Revenue first on the board and the mayor appointed all 7 members to the Planning Commission sometimes interceptor fired if not met his will the board i served on one oftentimes vote the other way get it on the record. A motion was made and well take that without objection. That item passes. Thank you, colleagues. Youre welcome madam clerk call the next. A resolution urging the idea and Transportation Authority to develop a series of how the formation of Community Revitalization and environment authority. Let the record reflect that supervisor mar has joined us so supervisor kim is the author the legislation and working with the shareholders shes requested a continuance to the february 8th meeting many members of the public that would like to speak on item number 4 please do so at this point. Okay seeing no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. At this time supervisor mar are you here on item 4. Item number 6 thank you. So may have a motion to continue this item to february 8th. May i have a motion. Motion by supervisor peskin and passes unanimously thank you. M item 5. An option to modify the muttered methodology for a rooftop and create a process to authorize in fill and existing structures located in denounced commercial district. Colleagues its my understanding the mayors wants to working on the legislation with the Planning Department they requested a 90 day continuance lets go forward and take Public Comment any Public Comment okay seeing none, Public Comment is closed at this time thank you very much is there a motion to continue this for 90 days. Thank you motion by supervisor peskin. Madam chair, i said 90 days. Yes. 90, 3 months. April 25th. Thats perfect. Thank you april 2nddigit and well take that without objection. Okay. Please madam clerk call item 6. Item 67 a resolution urging the establishment a match doesnt the to the Housing Trust fund and Representative Nancy Pelosi to support the fund with revenue. Thank you supervisor mar is the authority ill im going to turn it over to. Thank you chair cowen im supporting a number of Affordable Housing and communitybased organizations to support the national Housing Trust fund and thank stacey but the national lowerincome for advocating at National Level it supports matching alternate Housing Trust fund funding for recipients in our community and urge Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein to support this with revenue this is really about insure that is sfrefl with local match components so the clearly the housing crisis effecting our communities and the lacks of Affordable Housing is a durable for our city to address so make sure our san franciscans are housed we have to have more from the sate and frequenting the federal Government Cut back their tupdz for homelessness has recommits to Affordable Housing in San Francisco the ami in 2015 for a Single Person is 71 thousand plus coauthors to the amounts so thank you to Sophie Hayward for being here and supportive, however, your families are considered quote i or low income and e l i madam director 30s percent of ami and el household in San Francisco makes 23,783 or less those are People Living on loneliness 24 thousands a year and lowerincome households makes 50 percent of ami and household equal to less than 35 thousands of hundred plus a year Fair Market Rent as you may know in a two bedroom is somewhere around 1,960 a month and only lowerincome pay 728 a month this is important on wages so earning minimum wage they have to work one hundred and 41 hours each week to afford a two bedroom in this housing crisis in San Francisco today this shortage extends to quite a bit not just in San Francisco but stating nine hundred and 81 thousand homes that are available for extremely low income folks but e l i or extremely locating rernlts need much nor support a storage of homes available for and well low income renter households is the primary cause of homelessness in our communities and statewide the solution is stronger support owe fell and state level for the house fund to build and rehabilitate people are the lowest income and rental housing that starts in 2008, the funded was interacted as part of the housing fund that is a federal program that death fund not subject to the annual appropriation process to increase and preserve the city of housing for extremely low income household including many of the Homeless Population in San Francisco and the sate state and increase the homeowners for i and other things in fred and fanning why a may were taken into the federal association their obligation to fund this trust fund was superintendant fortunately the f h f a was listing the suspension in 2014 at the end of the year and directed fannie and freddie i didnt to set aside funds that made them available for april it is timely and the interim control rules were created we have Sophie Hayward the director of housing and legislation fairs from the amounts here and paul from the formally from our coalition on homelessness now a executive and director on the state and regional level with the regional budget and james tracey in the partnership and others from the chp and the mercy housing the regional Vice President jennifer with that, i want to ask Sophie Hayward wanted to give a few remarks before we open up for Public Comment. Good afternoon, supervisors Sophie Hayward from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development i wanted to come and again speak in support 37 as supervisor mar indicated we are operating in a climate with diminishing federal resources and any dollar we can bring to the table through the augment of Affordable Housing we need we will use and deploy in particular its been challenging to finance the i rental stock and as i said we appreciate any federal hope and advocate for the allocation in the state is made to the city to make sure we get our share thank you. Thank you particular open up for Public Comment mr. Boo den. If anyone wants to speak please come forward i have a number of cards and paul and others calling names ill call a couple of others my name is from chp calling names looks like mr. Boo den needs side overhead. They had me send in a that time presentation eyebrows where it is here we go. Thank you very much for your time this afternoon i was homeless here i came up at a hospitality house in 1983 when d 14 we started our Homeless Program and again sleep on the floor at st. Anthonys at the assessment and me and my friends were crashing in the chairs at hospitality house phenomenon levin worth street now thirty something years later it is worse across the country so after 20 something years with hospitality house and starting the coalition the community papering or partnership they develop the housing showing that poor and others can build the housing with the train we started a National Organization where regional need not fight at part of effort we created this report i had a couple of copies you want to see the simple report the contemporary housing directly correlates with the cuts the massive cuts in Affordable Housing funding that was start in 1982 we went back and looked at it well, where did hud come from what was the purpose of hyde this is what we found in 1937 maps of homelessness in 1937 because of communities working with local governments the federal government created hud it has the mandate to a sanitary this is what heading u hud was created to do in 1998 we get the quality housing and work madam chair can mr. Boo den continue. Briefly. I was told 10 minutes ill do this quick. What was the reform in 1998 whipped out the hud and the federal government cant be held responsible for providing housing so housing went to the private market it was exasperated in the 90s as part of welfare reform housing is a come down we know that because we know that the mortgage homeowners mortgage Interest Deduction is 144 billion and when we say housing we cant afford to subsidize were only talking about poor people with 144 billion we can afford to subsidize housing i subsidize is the same as a allocation of funding if you ask me for 50 bucks i give you i gave you 50 bucks yet one is valid as important for the economy and the country and doesnt have a cap it is funded through the irs there is no catch on how much money an incredible cap are reworthy having affordability and it is charity it is important people that is 34 billion thats classism and thats the way the policies are playing out most of government needs to be working is this federal, state, and local to fight for all People Housing is good for homeowners and coming from the street now a homeowners i tell you the homeowners ill take them either time i didnt qualify when i was poor and homeless i qualify because i have a home this is what you need to know ill cut it short but this slide is from 77 to 83 these are the cuts that came down retina really hits the bottom in 79 when carter cut across the board and reagan december matsdz the Affordable Housing funding we as i said opened our Homeless Program in San Francisco in october of second year 82 i have the documents when he started to refer people from our program in hospitality house into shelters around the city it is the direct causeandeffect those huhuhs thats been the major response of homelessness in the the to crime list the homeless weve not restored that funding and not addressed did cause of homelessness causeandeffect when we have that we didnt have the people sleeping in the streets and in 2006, 6 hundred children in or Public Schools that were identified and homeless last year, it was one. 3 million and in our Public Schools the schools actually talk to every single student not like the ridiculous head counts that tells you there is on this 600 holes people in the country yet in the schools one. 3 million children with the passing the last dental bill to rechaplain family in need of homes we developed a category called poorly housed a family doubled and tripled up in an sros hotel no longer qualifies for home assistance that are funded by hud not considered homeless their poorly housed we went from 4 to extremely poor to kind of sort of poor to maybe poor but not poor enough we redipped peoples poverties hoping to reduce the number of People Living in poverty we need to aid the systemic reasons and have a congressional leadership that is powerful in washington, d. C. And, be a voice a pull pet if we have the organizes and the developers and the poor area Homeless People and the board of supervisors and our congressional and state representatives standing together and saying we need to fund the Affordable Housing not just pass it we need to fund it and ill skip to it goes on the class issues 3. 5 percent of the population are the people that are living on the streets africanamericans just like in our jails like our Public Housing in is about race and class folks we need to tale with that the 5 and 10 year plans i was on those black man both sides i went through those processes and it is the most ridiculous thing we dont need another plan we need to look at what caused it what happens before we opened our shelter programs we eliminated Affordable Housing lets get busy and started addressing that thank you very much thank you for your time. Thank you, mr. Boo den madam chair, i forgot to mention a couple of presentations i know generally but the Community Coalition has been working on this for many decades ill urge us to be respectful of the time for these folks who are part of presentation open up for Public Comment but thank you so much mr. Boo den. No problem lets get mr. James fractiously from the partnership. I think that San Francisco city family is on the same page is the numbering solution to homelessness the national Housing Trust fund it took in the early 2000s Mass Mobilization letting led by Homeless People and jails led by the National Trust fund and the coalition in 2003 and 4, however, was Hurricane Katrina helped to build the political momentum this will do two things San Francisco more competitive for the scarce amount of trust fund money that will be offered this spring a good thing in and of itself for that reason and urges San Francisco to get a lot important serious about the way as a city it does know how it has added so many units of housing for poor people in order to get serious about this effort and leading other cities to reverse the displacements those 40 years of homelessness i think all of us here in this room are old enough to remember we walked by Market Street very few Homeless People not swept away by police but had enough support so very few people didnt slip to the streets i hope you support this resolution one of the things makes it worth working in the Community Like mark anthony and dwayne that experienced homelessness first hand are living in our buildings but continue to speak up for the needs for more housing for ill human beings so after jennifer can you please from mercy housing looking forward to hearing. Good afternoon jennifer from mercy housing im here to represent the network were fairly new collaboration of providers here in San Francisco and we are here to advocate on behalf of the support informative hours the successful model weve been shriver to san franciscans we believe that people in support support of housing are leading nor Productive Lives and costs significantly less money to the taxpayers of San Francisco if they are housed in the buildings we value and encourage housing mobile i would every individuals is slightly different and having that ability to move in and out of the different teaches housing we find ever find is essential the core problem and challenge we dont have a construction and maintenance source and streams to deliver for avenue for the growing needs the national Housing Trust fund is one way to make sure the funds are delivered and give homeowners opportunities to our excelling and very low income san franciscans so on behalf of the support of Housing Network we urge the board to adapt this resolution as a way of highlighting the federal governments efforts to improve our housing on a local level and provide Additional Support housing thank you. Thank you and we called Kendra Douglas and mark anthony and others. Public comment is Sophie Hayward speaking. She already gave a few comments. Im mark tom nolan a proud residents and have been for the last 13 years ive also be able to give back to the communities for the last ten years im an organizer ive worked with local and state issues that im proud to say good things are happening for the city id like to say that formally homeless and now housed the legislation states i cant move forward you know im an sro okay id like to see the funding that will take us to the people that love the city and giving back and staying in line with the mayor is saying we want to clean up the homelessness off the street it is a winwin situation you support that funding for us to better our lives thank you very much and utah they cleaned up up their people and put them into an apartment thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please come up. Im dwayne with the Community Housing partnership i support this housing because of Health Reasons and it would stop the impact of all the stuff that happens on this street by being homeless and i support it. Thank you, mr. Sears thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is. Can you hold the mike closer to our mouth. Im darnell fuller and here in need of supporting housing people far too many people on the streets we need more funds we can build for housing for opportunities for and save lives thank you. Thank you is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item come on up. Good afternoon. Im Derrick Brown but to say i support the bill and work with various Community Housing partnerships and i want to say it is important we get people off the streets that are homeless and so they can have Affordable Housing in San Francisco this is a great city we need to support i know one another thank you. Thank you next. Hi, im with the Community Housing Partnership Im a formally homeless individual here in San Francisco who was believable to go though the partnership and get housing and move into the other sro so im very aware of this issues of people moving on from one area of hours to the next and one of the things i want to brought to your attention im on the Sheriff Committee we have a two year wait list a lot of the shelters only have 3 months you can stay there, there is a disconnect but we can start closing the gap thank you very much and encourage you to support this legislation. Thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to speak on this item if not ill close Public Comment youve spoken, sir. Okay got it. No, im sorry okay Public Comment is closed. At this time supervisor mar imagine. I want to thank chair cowen and the speakers i think that is important how empowering and improvements that will make to San Francisco but statewide. Thank you for the Research Done on and i urge the strong supporter if pie colleagues. Is there a motion to okay supervisor wiener indicated support i move we send it to the full board with a positive recommendation well take that without objection. That item passes. Congratulations clapping. madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . No, that concludes our business for today. Thank you, thank you thats it for today

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