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He or she phil jackson and jim smith madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the january 26, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated thank you very much and before we start could i have a motion to k350us supervisor cowen well take that without objection. Supervisor cowen is excused to me one. Grandfathering prediction to stanford chain to occupy a portion of the public rightofway between phil ton to construct and have new improvements with the driveways and Society Foundation okay item number one i believe the department of public works is here to present shaw. Gamechanger shaw with the public works just to briefly go 0 into the description felt major encroachment application for the 7th avenue the applicant mr. Chang an 2014 requested public works do a major encroachment permit for the driveway that was to basically grant access to the new building and the garage from the street and this bridge is basically stan over existing conditions which was a ditch that requires the bridge construction this was previously approved by the board and in 2004, however, that resolution constituent the condition this shall be constructed no longer than may 2005 and now a new encroachment is required this is why were here today so public works went through the procedures and performed the review including getting approvals from the Planning Department and another division after getting all the appropriate Agency Reviews public works held the public hearings after which the director granted a directors decision to move forward and based on the approvals and the what has been submitted public works recommends moving forward with this application. Thank you very much colleagues questions or comments on item one. Supervisor kim. I had a quick question for public works just in terms of the Public Comment that came out was there a comment in support or opposition. There was primarily opposition, however, many of the comments that came in were opposed to the actual Building Construction rather than the encroachment and therefore several of the comments we addressed we informed the people so 5ed one of the other concerns was the lack of the survey being submitted to public works, however, a survey was submitted on august 28th and after the review of the survey we determined the plans are enough to go forward. What were the objections to the actual building though not related. Has to do with with the use of building i believe one of the main complaints was that there was an unauthored use of another room built below grade that was not part of our plans so i didnt see the actual floor plans. Will there is a review. Yes. By the Planning Department staff and building inspection we dont have jurisdiction we public works didnt have the authority. No, no i understand i wasnt sure were there was in the timeline. I believe the Planning Department and the department of building inspection have thoroughly gone through those the owner of the building is here to further address that if you want. Thank you very much. No other questions or comments well move to Public Comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item number on item number one seeing none, Public Comment is closed and colleagues, can i have a motion to forward item one to the full board of supervisors with a positive recommendation. Motion by supervisor farrell can we take that without objection . Without objection that will be the order madam clerk call item 2 item 2 a hearing on shortterm rentals registration and enforcement activity with the current staffing with the shortterm rental administration and enforcement and any resources to adequately enforce it. Thank you very much madam clerk colleagues, i called for this hearing as a standing quarterly oversight hearing to be take into account enforcement efforts and status by the Zoning Administrators Office and the city in general so shortterm rentals play an Important Role in our city many residents of the city people who particularly own their own homes that rely on the income from shortterm rentals to make ends meet and i want to thank the many shortterm rental 40e69s that have really become vocational around this issue to make sure as a percolates in city hall and last year on the booklet that all voices were heard so it is important for us to make sure that people that are engaging in are shortterm rentals in a responsible and legal way are able to do so and register are able to pay their taxes be responsible residents and earn. To staying in their homes or keeping up with the cost of living in San Francisco at the same time, we need make sure that shortterm rentals are being done in a responsible way we need to make sure that the shortterm rentals are not can belittling the Housing Stock people are not evicted for shortterm rentals to happen and make sure that we have reasonable perimeters around shortterm rentals and that spirit this board of supervisors on two different occasions passed legislation for the very first time to regulate shortterm rentals never been registration of shortterm rentals in San Francisco until the current law took effect february 1st of last year over the summer the board of supervisors made adjustments to that law that law is not one year old ive been vocal about letting this law work and making sure were appropriately administering it and putting up resources into the enforcement to crack down on abuse of shortterm rentals awhile allowing legal shortterm rentals to move forward and rather than rushing to make amendments to this law give this law a chance to work it to work there has to be good enforcement that is critical this summer the board of supervisors 55 the legislation created the office of shortterm rentals under the Zoning Administrators Office in addition in the budget the mayor and board significantly theres the enforcement resources for the office of shortterm rental so that the office of shortterm rental can help people into compliance and people registered and people understand what they have to do within the confines of the law while at the same time going after the bad actors and the abusive and illegal shortterm rentals and cracking down on incentives if they violate the law theres a reasonable chance to get caught this law is in effect for 11 months and 6 months in the revised form and about of 6 months or so into the office of shortterm rental and so the point of todays here to getting an update if the office of shareholder about register or register and enforcement and generally helping going our intent to convene this hearing quarterly do get ongoing update we can go ahead informed but most importantly 9 public is informed given the dialogue around the shortterm rentals it is important that the public so have confidence that enforcement is happening and have that level of oversight and transparency and so that is really the purpose of todays hearing so i want to note i network to say that supervisor campos is joining us well to the legislative and supervisor avalos ill recognize you now. Thank you, mr. Chair i want to thank you for putting 24 item on the agenda it is the idea that we are on regular basis looking at the issue of enforcement i think that it goes without saying theres a different prospective that i have in terms of of how i see the enforcement around shortterm rentals i understand what youre saying but i respectfully disagree with our description what i think has happened ill continue to say what ive always said that the rules that have been put 2, 3, 4 place in San Francisco do not provide proper and metabolic oversight and oversight of shortterm rentals and because of that we are losing Housing Stock to shortterm rentals and to the office of shortterm rentals enforcement certainly looking forward to hearing what they have to say and report but based on you know my review of what theyve done and certainly based on the hearing we had last time ive seen them and hope it is no longer the case but as a paper tiger that has not the power the resources to have anything meaningful happen in terms of enforcing shortterm rentals i hope that is not the case well find out but i certainly look forward to hearing the presentation but one thing ill say that it was really sad for me to read i on a couple of days boo ago the article in the chronicle you had our good Zoning Administrator really strong leader being in a position which he was basically like the rest of the city begging people to do the right thing and i think this is sad that is where we are today in San Francisco that instead of promulgating rules that still requires corporations to do the right thing and actually on behalf of responsible we are begging this Year Corporation airbnb to do the right thing were afraid to require them to do the right thing but i think this is a sign of the times and i will simply and my statement by noting this issue will not go away i know that those of us who worked on this will continue to work on this and that means bringing back this issue to the full board of supervisors so we can reinvite the issue of enforcement and maybe in time well actually have enforcement that does what it is supported to enforce thank you. Thank you supervisor campos one thing i forgot to mention in any Opening Statements one thing i understand that airbnb being a local company and being the largest platform in this area this is a attracted a lot of the attention it is important when we talk about the issue about all the platforms i believe that average has approximately, one half of the shortterm rental listing this is the number i recall but we also have airbnb and craigslist and home away and perhaps others and frankly airbnb agree or disagree with their position engage with other platforms to my knowledge have not yielded clearing colleagues no additional comments ill invite up kevin the director of the office of shortterm rentals and the Zoning Administrators Office i believe that mr. Guy has a presentation for us. Thank you and good afternoon, supervisors again, im kevin guy the director of the office of shortterm rentals up to give an update if i could have the presentation on the overhead please so were going to be going specific into the registration and enforcement numbers as well as the outreach to the hot platforms that was mentioned and changes to the website so first brief background on the issue the shortterm rental program some of that recounts supervisor wieners statements but the shortterm rental program was effective in february 2013 that requires residents to rent out subject to conditions receptive of a business license so the office of shortterm rentals was established in july to administer this will the enforcement i joined the office in september a total staff of 6 people so in terms of registration we received approximately 13 hundred application for shortterm rentals so estimates of the shortterm rentals citywide varies and change over time but generally means 25 percent of the shortterm rental hosts in San Francisco as far as have applied to the register of the program issued 8 hundred and 79 certificates thank you to the members of the public who have gone to the process and one hundred and 70 applications were rejected because of the proposals were not complete and have an application that came in september 2, 00 and 69 applications pending review and that trends is continuing with one and 50 appointments in january so as you can see there is an initial surge after the program and november and december we continued to see an uptick in the number of proclamation so, now applications so, now the discussions with the hovtd platforms and airbnb for reaching out in middecember to talk about the specific items ill discuss in detail we issued a lot of the Zoning Administrator and myself issued a letter not only to airbnb but other major hosting platforms to memorize and may consist amongst the hosting websites i do want to note those are items that a arrange of opposition with the hosting platforms do engage with one probation officer more of those items these are not necessary for us to administer the current law well be as business as unthinkable or usual and getting increase on the activities regardless of the activities but with that, i want to go into detail on the specific items first, we that those platforms identify the hosts that have must not listing for multiple properties in San Francisco in definition not a permanent resident of more than one unit the user are taking multiple properties out of the housing pole and second they have the Registration Number as part of the accounts and listing third, that the website deactivates the yearround shortterm rentals at the end of the year not a permanent residents in them therefore no Eligible Program and forwarded the specific addresses the hosting platform provides a listing on the website and into the websites the majority of lions share are not tied to an address although you see the pin drops their approximations of the quarter of a mile so again, this is an absolutely necessary to do our work in some amount of time and finally, the website push the information to the hosts regarding the requirement of the shortterm rental the need to register and submit Quarterly Reports and submit their business taxes and other forms so i want to give you give you a little bit of background of the process and a brief official the first step it bans a complaint we received from the public or another agency or a proactive case with the staff we conduct on investigation if we investigate and find no violation the case is closed but if we confirm the violation we issue a notice of violation this is an important step in the from those so where we have formally transitioned into a violation and penalties start to accrue so once the owner of the property get a Ethics Commission they contact the staff the first has the right to request an administrative hearing within 30 days not mandatory so if they choose not to well work with them or require them to remove their listing and provided proof of no further listing and provided penalties from the individual requires an administrative hearing within 45 days and thirty days after the hearing the hearing officer will issue a decision for the facts of the case and typically will assess penalties so once weve approved that property into the pro and again roving the listings, etc. And paying the penalties we close that case so here are the current improvements statistics so february 1st of last year a total of 2 add and 64 cases one and 55 are in various stages of investigation 14 were issued notice of violation were waiting for penalties of payment and proof of violation has been abated so 95 cases have been fully closed that means the vertical found in violation or summoned through the assessment of penalties and theyre in compliance weve assessed 475,000 in penalties those cases involve 64 units and one and 24 thousands of those penlites are collected to date i should note the largest chunk or proportion of paid penalties revolves around enforcement case where the individual that we found in violation were up for review one and 90,000 in penalties so other outstanding penalties in older cases are reviewed with the agency were meeting with them and were looking to update the procedures without goes through the administrative hearing if they request a hearing we can make sure the violation is abated without preceding to a hearing that represented 2 3rds of the cases through the enforcements process to date and dramatically increases the capacity to go after additional cases and go through the process. With additional supervisor kim. Thank you, mr. Guy i have a question on enforcement you mentioned that a chunk of the fines were involving one case can you go into the expensive of the one case and my followup question is the trinity apartment in the news allegations that the Property Owner and developer were representative out units weve negotiated on behalf of of the city to remain belowmarketrate i was wondering if you have an update. In 3 particular case i go back to the tree of our enforcement process at the time, we issued a formal Ethics Commission that is when the process is formalized the enforcement is we find that a violation and likely 0 or to have occurred we went through the administrative hearing at the our notice of violation was issued the entities that was sub at large if trinity had already been evicted by the trinity Property Organization for not paying their rent likely there was violations occurring prior to that but at the time of our enrollment process no enforcement waterways because the tenants war evicted weve referred it to the it dont make any difference and we found though the administrative process on 93 market tennis this is pending litigation we cant commit but that represents the throw our administrative hearing assessed one and 95,000 through penalties with that decision. Im not familiar with the 973 Market Building is 3 zoned residential. Zoned rh3 it is generally residential and office space. It is regular use under planning even though it is a use under planning that is assigned by planning so is it residential. Yes. It is a building that is issued and has an official residential use so the shortterm rentals is only available for areas residential spaces that are formally defined as residential unit. Supervisor campos. Thank you thank you, mr. Chair i want to mr. Guy thank you for your presentation following up on the enforcement numbers 200 and 64 cases open in 95 fully closed can you explain a little bit more sort of when you decided to close a case i think i mentioned abatement and what exactly do you mean by that. Thank you for the question closed in this case the budget bucket of 95 thomas a. Swifts electric rifle cases are cases we received a complained from the public and investigated and found that perhaps the complainant was in arrow no violation of shortterm rentals take place on that property and closes the case or if we go out and our staff investigates a little bit further and finds a violation in the past but the allergies is down where the aspects of the property simply no longer a shortterm rental so the violation is essentially abated from in stand point no more violation occurring and they can include it includes cases that are taken through the formal process and have been fully abated with the penalties in terms of what abatement means we consider a case of abatement when a personal invitation violation they deactivate their listing from the platform their listing on and prove theyve cancelled future bookings and after they deactivate their listing and not continue into the future g under the guys of darkness if those 3 conditions are satisfied we consider the condition abated. When someone deactivates a listing do you on a basis go back to make sure that continues that the activation continues or yeah. So with our staffing we have a lot more ability to do that then we did severalty months ago all of the cases are resolved recently so im not sure that a person of a mindset to do so can deactivate their listing and increase the monitoring for compliance is something were starting now and i should note that the repeat offenses the base fin is 484 a day and multiplied as concerned so those penalties should serve as a way to avoid. On the numbers im sorry on the penalties that were assessed the mention 4 hundred and 75 and 1 hundred and 24 thousand collected for the reminder of the money not collected can i explain a little bit sort of what is going on with those pieces of. To restate our largest penalty one and 90,000 that is really to the case this is gone through litigation aside from that case some were recently settled and assessed so not the time passed for 3 person to give us their check others cases that are outstanding in age by a cough of most a meeting with the delinquent revenue staff to refer those cases for their collection. Then a final question i know there is more information you said you had made requests of hosting platforms on your slide 6 identifying the host for listing and multiple properties and requirement or websites can you talk about the past platforms we had the letter of them mentioning the airbnb in december of those tops the actual letter to memorize that with the discussion of airbnb and that letter went out last week, we need more time for the exact responses from the mroormdz so the letter went out to airbnb as mentioned and flip key and craigslist and home away slash b b. So do you have an idea if they said no to any of those. If they say no to the proposals well condition conducting our business under the rules and ramp up enforcement and assist with the registration and again none of those asks are requirement for us to do our jobs those are things that any one of these for the aspect of our work make it go quicker but not necessary to conduct the register of Law Enforcement process. Thank you please continue. Thank you so ill pick up just to round out our discussion weve down increased Law Enforcement activity in december and as discussed for future components of the hopes that people came in compliance and not backtrack i wanted to touch on a couple of website changes and working with the Mayors Office of innovation the first thing under the umbrella 9 hosting this is required the administrative code host are required to post their activity at the beginning of last quarter or for the most part this represents the longest period theyll have to report on if they register in 2015 so one active of january 24th, 2016, those r were posted and d t helped us set up this is a chart of website quarterly rental reporting form relatively simple and easy to use i believe and hopefully, the hosts are finding that that way this gives us the public better usability and our staff a lot less to process in other words of data industry we have paper forms available for folks that are uncomfortable with the applications and other 09 reasons and pending the changes next well launch an online compliment form folks submit the complaints 55 email or with our voicemail line an individual that that feel uncomfortable submitting information we replacement their personal privacy but to girlfriend people comfort well have an online form that is sort of just a blanket form without identifying the information of the activity theyve seen and wish to file their containment a website weve post the enforcement and notice of violation and decided the paper to memorize the process of the enforcement cases and realtime registration and enforcement data wife been talking about today and also looking at the idea of creating a dynamic constantly updating heat map of what had a shortterm rental registration is located just to be clear not offensive addresses we will desegregate that material just something that individuals can see where the clusters of shortterm rentals hosts are registered are located kind of by neighborhoods so thats all i have nonetheless any further questions at this point. Thank you very much thank you. Just a few follows up in terms of enforcement i know you touched on this a little bit complaint driven verse proactive talk about more objective with the enforcement there is a lot of it complaint driven and whats going on in their neighborhood and know the office has been engaging proactive engagement. Obviously containment driven the user those are properties we want to be responsive to the public and oftentimes those units make themselves apparent maintained registered but an operational issue likely having impacts to the daily lives of people but attempting to make a noise trash left out inappropriately so active cases are important as well as that allows us to really look at you know individuals taking many, many units off the market tattoo make sure we have a geographic spread of the cases were not george easier that dont have k34r5i789 from the public but still we need to look at that if youre required of the city that is not nestle for shortterm rentals youre expected to comply with the line if youre eligible. Eaten in terms of registration process i appreciate the efforts with the website in general making it better early on and were getting a lot of feedback if hoists this is too difficult to register im sure their challenges but i know theres been improvements i appreciate that do you think we are where we need to be in terms of making it as easy as possible for people to register and come into compliance with the law. I think there is always room for improvements even small integrals and were in a much better place than the what some of the early problems were even before i came on board interest was long details with the schedules weve transitioned to an online scheduling tool to identify people identity and in terms of the proof of residentscy the certificate is worst the paper it is printed on but with the changing to the online schedule get the information from a number of places with our actually with our website changes for the reporting the teams did the testing not only on that form but good go dedicated feedback from our newly applicants so there is always incredible improvement and any Public Comment on on behalf of the folks that have questions but we want to hear Ferry Building how we can make the process smooth and realizing not everybodys favorite thing to talk with the government but people take the initiative and want to reward them with the process that is as easy as possible. Finally in terms of the the interesting graphic you had in terms of the monthly registration applications that started off strong and growing and then sort of collapsed that looks like around the time that prop f went and qualify for the ballot i know i received a fair amount of feedback from people im hesitant to register when i dont know the rules or some people said hey, ive registered and not fulfill because people want to change the rules so it is good to see that really as of november it looks like applications are starting to accelerate are we seeing that continue into january. Yes. So at this point or when i checked latest lecture one and 50 appointments for january already so in the slides are kind of filled on an ongoing basis that trendline is accelerating so the feedback that i was ref was somewhat around that issue there was with the peoples exhibit 10 legislation and the Tax Collectors Office around the collection of a number of things that driving it but an important thing to remember right around this time september are october or november we started to include the cases and publishing what our seem to be substantial penalty amounts and people read those substantial penalty amounts and understand there are consequences four not complying could be high in the form of penalties. Thats an important point i think what is really going to help us to continue to grow the number of receipt for the priengs is consistentcy and enforcement this is not a temporary thing but permanent well enforce the law by consistency in terms of what the law is im hoping we get off the shortterm rental rollercoaster and have a law that is in effect enforced and people know the rules and dont think the rules will change 3 months late because a change of supervisors or whatever the case but more and more people registered and having insurance and packing pga hotels taxed and getting everything or everything in in order i appreciate the presentation today. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Colleagues if no Human Resources supervisor campos. A couple of followup questions mr. Guy the last time we you came before the Board Committee i think the Registration Number and you can that was looking around 10 thousand units shortterm rentals were probable about 94 percent registration none 64 percent were registered so you know 94 percent not compliance at the time was certainly not was a very good thing where are we in terms of the number of units that are being shortterm rented that are registered. Again, ive there are estimates to the number of shortterm rentals that changes changing picture if month to month and i generally are a little bit carve we have over 13 hundred applications a number were rejected because their i think complete but to date nine hundred and 79 registered host and 69 applications pending review if we take into account the recreation rate of 15 percent i would expect us to be over one thousand in a month or so. Again. Im sorry to interrupt that represents the number was around 5 thousand shortterm rentals at a given time and again those estimates i hear various go estimates but 5 thousand is 25 percent of the shortterm rental hosts that are coming in to apply. I think the number weve heard is more around ten thousand and 5 thousand might be the right number for a airbnb alone and maybe half of that 10 thousand would seem more realistic if this is continue this course youre talking about under one thousand registered today, this is less than 90 percent so 90 percent or the 90 percent not rentcontrolled unit so that is less than one and 10 h that are following the law but again not a huge improvement from what we were just a few months back so thats tail disappointing i was hoping the number would be much, much greater because this still more than 90 percent noncompliance but slide 6 explain in detail where i know youve said that the information you requested of the platforms was not necessary i want to know why you rhetoric and what is help about the pieces one of the things your requesting is for platforms to identify the hosts with listing for municipality property in San Francisco, california you explain why this is useful to have. Certainly so to an stent that is information we can able to obtain ourselves the key is listing ive talked about earlier listing specific addresses to specific listing generally speaking the hosting platforms and websites degait the address from a listing profile so you see pictures of the neighborhood you see the description of the neighborhood amenity but railway shots of neighborhood so short circuiting our ability to get from an individual we know p has multiple properties short circuiting our process to those listings can be of a help it shorptd that timeline without that as a acholic beverage tool. You do you know how how much you can shorn it. It depends on the case depending on how much information provided been a complainant how much information inherent in a listing it can be a relatively could have of hour process or more steven process so depending on t case it could, substantially short even our timeline but all to highlight the linkage between the address and listing deintegration, if you will, we get people to say understandably why not go on the listing sites and issue a notice of violation that is those are folks not registered be possible not eligible for the program but not enough information from the bad actors and the multiple properties and folks with yearround evacuates rentals. The other thing you request that website users host for the Registration Number can you explain why that it would be useful. So it is a requirement of our program to be 2, 3, 4 concession the last step to go in and yet our listing on the hosting platforms and have that Registration Number it is clear to everyone in the lions share your indeed registered and doing this legally so the hosting platforms right now they provide accessibility but not necessarily any requirement hesitant in the operations that requires that islamics to have a Registration Number in order to have an actual listing on the site. Your estimate i know youve talked about the number i was thinking about whats your estimate of the listing provide a Registration Number. If anyone actually registrations who gets issued a certificate that is the last step in the process right now we have 8 hundred and 79 registered hosts going out by the day as we process in november and december so all of those individuals i mean those are people coming out compliance and we instruct them to have the Registration Number so if we get a complaint about that address we see a neighbor with lost people with lunge we can respond quickly and say if you look at their listing theyre a registered users. So followup without that Registration Number being provided and listed how long does it take to get that kind of complaint. We receive a complaint about an address and go into our database and immediately respond to that complainant that individual a registered not in violation but someway theyre operating and appearing to steady the 90 day unhosted cap thats the limitation or building violations noisy parties or trash nuisance kind of things happening on the property we want to know and well respond to that person filing a complaint that notice is indeed recommend as a shortterm rental. When do you expect to hear from the platforms on the request. That letter was issued on january 7th so ideally hear of them as much as possible within a month or Something Like that but it was recently issued. Im on one hand if there is any represent if any platforms anyone that works for any of the platforms in the room . Okay supervisor sorry to interrupt we made it clear in the letter this hearing was a public hearing as well. It is interesting normally when ive seen those kinds of hearing ive seen the people from the industry presents it is interesting not a single employee of a platform in this room thats thats interesting well, hopefully, that will change Going Forward because it is very hard to imagine a good working relationship two the city and this industry if not a single platform that does this kind of work still sent someone to this hearing fascinating. Okay thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much mr. Guy. Okay. Colleagues no additional questions or comments well move to Public Comment i have a number of Public Comment cards ill call people ask people to please respect when and call Public Comment not to come up unless your name is called and in addition to anyone that because of physical divisibility disability come up early well accommodate your requests first cards calling names i apologize in advance for any miss pronunciation of name calling names good afternoon. Supervisors jim lazarus San Francisco chamber of commerce a very eye opening presentation and a positive one we were opposed to the ballot measure loose fuel as mentioned here today, this is a work in process has to be dealt with protectively and 53 we have room to grow this program and enforcement clearly the city if you look at recent stories in the length of time people taken unit off the market in violation of the planning code that existed in 2015 a lot to are lender and a lot of regulation that needs to be very old appropriate by your professional staff we appreciate the work that is done and looking forward look forward to the advancement of regulations that allows a leveled Playing Field for a part of our economy. Thank you. Next speaker. Thank you. Im keith im in my second year as an airbnb host a homeowner here in San Francisco airbnb has been critical to my ability to afford to stay in San Francisco im a registered host and would like to express my strong desire for the process to be styled so other host will not have undue barriers to their register thank you. Next speaker mr. Connor. Good afternoon, supervisors im tom oconnor president of the Firefighters Local 798 last year, we opposed the hers it was the wrong solution for the housing crisis now that the voters have spoken in support it is important to quote any hospitalized tilt that threatens shortterm rentals from registering we support the shortterm rentals and appreciate the office of shortterm rentals on this issue hope you consider to style the process and bring host on behalf of board that helps everyone thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, im Matthew Hotel a registered home sharer host it took any 6 months to get registered it was arduous through the email and Postal Service if there is a reggie think that people with those kinds of things how arduous im glad to hear it is going battery but provide home sharing for anyone and it should be done immediately in terms of as soon as they put in an application they should be able to hoecht not waiting on a department the referring reserve all of fortune could shop us from having a home and the requests for a permit should remain in effect as long as the permit is in effect those easy kinds of applications make that better and in addition, we should not require the licenses to businesses to grow you can sell our business and the city limits our shortterm rental to one permanent address. Cant sell our home sharing business so it is not a business and youre not required for a roommate to register the business so there shouldnt be a discrimination against the shortterm rental host in that regard a roommate situation is not going to work i remember supervisor your responsibility is current san franciscans not to future san franciscans that you want to entice to come here under the vail of other responsibilities but be here for us thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is a guy im a San Francisco homeowner raised my to children in the city and now rent out my sons bedroom to help me cover the costs of sending my kids to college not cheap those days were do not the income and renting out my sons bedroom i want to mention in my case i was a fair early applicant and took vantage of a night down the planning Planning Office we could come in and be seen and have our application processed i would like to mention one thing about airbnb and the other platforms we do rent our sons room in our home that counts as one listing but also, if we go away for a weekend or week we can rent out the entire week that is a separate listing so the residents exactly were a resident in both cases and so this would be two different listing falls 20 20 categories on the website the number of 10 thousands ive heard is awfully inflated so many have allergies for the same property but may list the property on multiple website. Thank you very much. Thank you. Hello supervisors my name is jerry i. Live in ingleside district a member of about piper housing policy that is see in the november San Francisco rotors and asianamericans in they dont want extreme registrations on sullivan at an rentals the city should give their current laws a chance to work more san franciscans will registration from the city we put the politics to rest home sharing is the live line for many every shouldnt be making it harder for harking families to stay in the city they love im a renter i would like to have at freedom to share my home to legally knowing to make it harder for us to stay in the city thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Hi my name is alfonso i appreciate the presentation and the issues you guys have brought this an important issue ive bang complaining to the city on my neighbor jennifer that used her property as a shortterm rental illegally through this process 10 years i mean two years shes been renting her property illegally for 10 years i recorded to the city and county of San Francisco tax collectors and record her to the irs i recorded her to other agencies today, i met up with inspector carlal at the City Attorneys Office to make my report ive been reporting on this issue it doesnt seem like any transaction by way of enforcement shes taken up 3 units for her shortterm rental so id like to see more enforcement and id like to see more activity for people that are dissolution this illegally i support businesses if poem want to do rentcontrolled units follow the law in this case the person got introduce the system and that bothered we great deal im pursuing this thank you. Good afternoon im a shortterm rental host rental i enjoy being a host sharing my home in any city with my guests when i reggie found the process difficult and the information was not consistent the people were i was fluted and stopped the process later on with the help of other host i was able to finish im here to urge you to improve it by making this process easier and the information consistent with the paperwork and easy to understand thank you for your time. Thank you very much. Next speaker. My name is juliann good afternoon. I want had to say that my husband and i who are sentencing with high medical expenses we do home sharing we share one room in a half bathroom house so we have had people from all over the world having said that, and delighted when we started to register we remember amongst the first one in february the first week in february and there was no department that anyone knew where the Planning Department on Mission Street we we were told that office was not open and found a gentleman on the main floor walk through and found out the office was open two days later please simplify the process were proud to you remember register or register and plan the communication with the officers easy but beg you to please simplify the process and also to keep the privacy of the host in our case and my case ive been attacked a random attack of violations and incentive sensitive to give my you information to the public thank you very much. I want to call the next round calling names . Hi my name is esther im been host for two years and outer sunset shortterm rental for me as been vital to pay medical bills of my husband and property tax i encourage the city hall to work as much on our part for all the host people and making the process easier i registration in april i cannot believe that after twice shortterm rental law being approved by the supervisors being the benefited i see them still have to defend any right to rent my room a climate it didnt encourage people to go and register it seems like the rule is not clear their consistence interest is not safety on what is going to happen in the future if still about the shortterm rental so im asking you to make a decision move forward collect the taxed and invest in in building Affordable Housing and does not thank you very much supervisors in supporting shortterm rentals it helped a lot of residents currently in San Francisco where supervisors should focus thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker. Good afternoon, everyone my name is Lawrence Gordon i reside in the sunny side part of San Francisco in district 7 my husband and i are registered shortterm rental home sharing of our Spare Bedroom on two years were active in the home sharing community and vigorously campaign for the dispute of proposition 18 that passed almost one year until the legislation went into effect it is a disturbing fact there are less than a thousand registered shortterm rentals of the thousands of listing on multiple rental platforms granted i believe that easier a gentleman mentioned that you really can equate the number of registers with the number of listings there could be multiple listing for one registered dwelling dwell but im kind of until a little bit in shock that the nukes have not yielded condone up significantly since the legislation went into effect in february i do agree to it the registration process can benefit from streamlining but my feeling is that really enough with that said, it is my belief that a purely driven complaint process needs this partnership of a hosting platform to be successful to me the allergies shortterm rentals that dont have a Registration Number put the controls in place without the voold Registration Numbers and urge that the San Francisco board of supervisors support that the requirement is that all platforms do not list shortterm rentals unregistered thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, everyone im gabriella im here with the Hispanic Chamber of commerce in San Francisco we want to tell you that latinos in San Francisco we dont want more riejz on shortterm rentals we are Business Owners we want to stay in San Francisco and create more jobs if we stay in San Francisco we can pay praifshgdz we wouldnt be able to stay in business we want to tell you no more restriction and help us stay in the beautiful city we love if you put more restrictions for us we wont be able to stay you know just having shortterm rentals help us to pay our property tax on our mortgages a winwin situation for everyone thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. My name is peter i represent the home sharing Democratic Club and home sharing of San Francisco a Community Support group for the community over 2 thousand 200 members id like to emphasis two plugs today, the first is something that supervisor wiener mentioned this morning thats that when talking about the rate of registration we need toonsider all the reasons and causes of why the registration rate is what it is during you leading up to the elections and at controversial over prop f a large hosts stayed away from the registration process wherever the Officials Say to the press that home sharing is responsible for the housing crisis that theyre nothing but the legal hotels all over the city as the bad actors of examples in the inspire community the hosts that want to do the right thing will registration we know during we the appointment can be made for registration process virtually the next day during the whole defeat after the election the rate was a month or two months we knew a huge drop off in the registration rates during the time the hosts are disparjd and after the election there was a huge surge in the process to we talk about where a host are not registering as a large number the second point is i want to acknowledge the great work the s t r and director guy making the process for styled we believe that he said a lot more, be done and home sharing want to work with guys office to make sure that we can give him the support and also the finally from the yours of how the process can be made more user friendly one example we would like to see the documents needed for the interview being able to be september to the office and vetted electronically for people to turn up and interesting to find that the documents dont fit whats required a lot of hosts take time off of work to find out that one, the documents is not strictly complies one easy way to the system can be styled thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Supervisor campos. Ca a quick clarifying. 2200 members. Thats correct over 2 thousand 200 members. Next speaker hi, im michael clinic a shortterm rental residential host no bernal height i wanted to make the point ive collaborated with peter quan as a volunteer on my own time not paid by anyone to help fellow hosts registration apply and registration and toil developed a thirty page power point presentation to help us registration and 3 workshops and two points tremendous continuing interest in the Host Community in registering our loose workshop in december there were over one attendees and but the second point is that the application process even though it has improved from kevin allergy it can continue to improve and the host are confused by the application process for instance, one confusing point that hosts dont understand a densities e difference between the tax verse our registration obligation to the Planning Department and then the continuing volume of hosts whether rirj registering will make them vulnerability to theyre past activity and vulnerable to the procurement of their activity should the law change the final thing i want to add i know there will continue to be you know a big question the current law works but the current pipeline of backlogs we wont know in the current law is working thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello my name is deborah im not a bad apple a good apple maybe a granny insight good apple i pied my taxed and come applied and spent my career in what is continuous business process improvements and system analysis and now changed management the cardinal rules of improving a business is map the current process im happy to see that director guy has started that secondly, map the ideal process and collect data on the business steps map the changes and continue to collect the data im encouraging the city not to make any further changes until youve collected qualified data weve seen a huge, huge example of the problem with that raw u right now whether supervisor campos talks about 10 thousand homes and the director talks about 5 thousand lets collect qualified data thank you for your time clapping. thank you. Next speaker. My name is ashley ive lived in San Francisco for 9 years and a shortterm rental hosted for the hoof im going to echo the last speakers and apply to the shortterm rental office shortterm rentals has lout me to stay in San Francisco not have 3 jobs and the flexibility in my. repeated. the constitution of the united states. Thank you to the Community Members that helped to regulate i appreciate the presentation today the updates that issues and the other issues and small responses i registered last year and, yes there was improvement it was confusing and overly complicated give the validity of appoints for a working person is tough to take time off and easy for appointment in the evening when working people can attend i ask the city to make it the more streamlined and easy the the easy hosts will registration thank you for your intentional support for san franciscans like me. Thank you. Next speaker. Im a registered host in San Francisco and part a of a Founding Member of the home sharing group we want a trade association to be in appliance and responsible host well do workshops and things like that to help i want to point out especially for supervisor campos that many of us have more than one listing and many of us have more than one platform i list my whole house and list the bedroom downstairs the rb o published on line and now their owned by other company they publish and while we have 7 or 8 hundred and 79 host recognized rentcontrolled unit i urge you to track the number of hosting that will give you on a accurate count and another thing the process the shortterm rental office is doing a good job to make it easier but the tax office needs to be included the ability to get a business license and the reporting requirement i have to pay takes on a monthly basis i hope im doing it correctly interpreting but they need to make the process easier and making sure that people are educated how to fill out thaurdz forms correctly and corporation amongst multiplied cities to make that implementation more effective i think the enforcement can use more imagination and look at a blanket subpoena for others that have not yielded Registration Number and canceling them without occurring fees a sting operation a lot of Creative Things and suggest a task force be created that involves a lot of the shareholders and the home sharing will be happy to participate and how enforcement thank you. Next speaker. Hi my name is joe i live in San Francisco for 40 years ive been commuting before and after for thirty years to south bay and had a house in San Francisco i want to join another platform but found out it is difficult so you have to report every month so i suggest you guys can simplify the process so we can Quarterly Report so xhovn for another platform thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon supervisor campos and farrell thank you for your time and giving me the chance i appreciate your effort trying to make the city affordable for all citizens and the taxpayers im 40 years residents of San Francisco 15 years residents of lower knob hill and Property Owner i have been i never thought id be happy to say that i took early retirement but i have to take care of my elderly mother and rent a bedroom from Central Valley to San Francisco general im unable to have a roommate so airbnb has i happen to use airbnb platform that allowed me to stay in the city take care of my mother and property tax and so forth im a registered herera the process i went through was somehow cumbersome but basically cumbersome because a thought previous folks mentions twostep process going to the take office and the shortterm rental office leave people dont know that i was able to benefit from the hosting committee and my friend to allow me to know what you do but it required two days of work people need to take time off of work that was not the case with me i had the luxurious of time and other people seven hundred there is listing information we can have so if there are tsf time i personally can volunteer and other people that da can definitely assist thank you. For the next speaker ill call the remaining cards i have calling names actually there are more here sorry. calling names . Good afternoon. Supervisors my name is linda im a 46 residents of San Francisco and i securely live in the Mission Terrace neighborhood of district 11 i have just begun the process to become a registered home share i went online and learned how the rest of the world is viewing this i found the improvements have really, really improved the process i have now be able online to sign up for my business license ive also be able to sit down an appointment for january 22nd but i could have had an earlier appointment it sounds like a lot of the things wrong in the past cumbersome are being and the and im very anxious this could happen within the next few weeks and months to set up a profile both my husband and i will travel in the spring ive been involved with the home sharer movement primarily my husband and i are nearing retirement angle and were going to be living on a fixed income and as such we purposed the home 7 years ago we have a large mortgage and a lot of property tax weve fall both a category that we cant afford necessarily to do the things for our family and be out of town a grateful without income for this prompt my parents were in their 90s and 15 children and grandchildren they cant come to us that allows us if we do home sharing ive been proactive i feel an important way for zionist san franciscans to stay in the homes and have the flexibility they need to create the kind of rental environmentalist that serves them their families and hosts thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi my name is cecilia i want to give a lot of kudos doing the enforcement im a registered home sharer i use airbnb because airbnb pays the taxed for me so it is very convenient it took 4 months for me to get my permit i think that was could be improved there was no way to track why to take so long during the process i suggest that that process be improved as well but what im here to say i know enforcement will only work when the offender hurts their pocketbook you have to cbo after the offender by finding them otherwise theyll move around the mroormdz and try to get away with different kinds of listing under different names so ill suggest that the office of enforcement do a booking in the future and give the address and phone call and cancel that booking and find the offender for even listing the booking without a permit so thats my suggestion to get compliance and i dont think that the mroormdz are going to comply either i think the only way to get to get people to comply is get to the offender and find them. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Im lisa im in the mission and im a registered host in fact i have certificate number one it was a bit challenging but i did it i think the biggest problem was the questions on the forms didnt fit the shortterm rental hosting situation anyway, im not going to waste a lot of time talking about the same thing people are brought up i agree that is a little bit disappoint that roughly 8 hundred nine hundred people only have registered but again, i share the suggestion that the process being made easier and anymore streamlined and so forth it would be nice actually, if those that are not registered would be listed thats the ideal situation for the sure how that comes about i want to mention i recently got filing requests from the shortterm rental department requesting everyone, welcome. Not names but check in and check out dates from february 1st when the ordinance went into effect until the ended of december and from now on quarterly that was a bit of a process but quarterly i would request that you identify specific dates as to when the filings need to be made will we get a permit an email it is these kinds of things that will be helpful ill encourage continuing to streamline the process and do as much enforcement as possible thanks. Next speaker good afternoon. My name is a ray my wife and i are compliant rentcontrolled unit host in San Francisco owned our own businesses in the past using corporate environment the platform of the businesses were familiar with the registration and the documentation process to so the registration process actually works very well so for us however, many hosts does not have this experience or this expertise and they can fine this kind of intimidating and daunting were volunteered both with the Planning Department, Dennis Richard and offered airbnb registration workshops to employ our Free Services were still willing to join a task force airbnb has been involved and cooperative and supportive but supervisor campos where are the rest of the platforms why are they not on the official qualify Treasurers Office website how many of their host are registered so i support supervisor campos in his effort to get the other platforms equally as involved with airbnb has we use all the sites our property is listed on all the sites and we had volunteered to those other sites to help them with this process and they told us they were not interested that was our purview our responsibility no summary we need to build a fire and get them to step up to the plate we have a new law lets let it work maybe not the law at issue but the registration process i think im encouraged what we heard today and the process being made if any way we can help well be glad to do so thank you for your time. Next speaker im keith freed man a member of the Democratic Club a professor another city college and i want to take my time to correct some of the numbers i understand the numbers are important to all the supervisors specifically mr. Campos youve heard from a lot of the host those numbers are probable wrong many people are 2 or more listing oftentimes youll have a listing for what the hosted is the spare room or sofa or one of my friends a separate ill leave it at that for you his kids bunk bed when you look at the 10 thousand for example that might recommend 25 hundred units even though this is 10 thousand individualizing aggregate other numbers youve heard the home sharer membership is 2200 thats the membership of a home sharer organization the Democratic Club as a chartered Democratic Club is much, much smaller the number of the registrations of those host are nearing 100 percent i want to make sure that people are quoting numbers to the press their quoting accurate numbers and as far as registration my number is 2155 email two may dates to type in and again everyone is using the correct numbers understanding the real scope of the problem helps people understand the Better Solutions to have thank you. Next speaker jennifer the San Francisco Tenants Union we have 6 thousand members so im here to remind you why enforcement happens and also to speak for tenants that are not recommended by the home sharers club in a city of 64 percent tenants last summary the tenant union was approached approached and the owner had two units on aaron illegally yearround the owner is a member of the home sharer club not registered and the tenants cant turn in the landlord because of retaliation they wrote we found keys to our building on the sidewalk and the car gate was open weve stayed in hospitals they dont feel safe thats what youre home feels like id like to ask the Decision Maker from the strangers had keys to the building and left them on the situation and nothing you can do about it the tenants have hung on but pressure from the landlord to leave i suspect the tenants will be forced out and their recourse to talk about the airbnb activity in a wrongful eviction and make it for contemplation. Lost their homes if proactive enforcement if unregistered hosts were not allot to profit on the website those attendants would in the 19 be in jeopardy so the i also want to talk about last july the ordinance was all the time to take out nonprofits from the right of action even though housing groups had had it several the completed enforcement case that have been xrukd by the office of shortterm rentals came up through evidence hello supervisors im tony represent the senior sdrablth action the numbers are disturbing in terms of shortterm rentals are out there and how many have been soundproofed and gone through the registration process weve known weve lost in many neighborhoods lost many rental units and the people we represent the seniors and people with disabilities have been 3r0u67b8d effected by this this shortterm rental Platform Business model that really has done much to hurt Housing Stabilization in terms of what we see on the ground in our organization it shows i believe the numbers from what id be able to gather one in 10 are actually registered is quite disturb and shows that much has to be done in terms of enforcing it seems to me that the platform of the platforms is to not be regulated and get it away as much of nonregulation as possible in the current compliment in the city it is totally unacceptable thank you. Next speaker teacher of the year is a north Beach Tenants Committee i want to say that i do not understand why these o these platforms are not held accountable and be more that would be helpful of helpful to the home sharer that showed up they have registered those are the ones that we have always supported but i and many of the people that i work with would not support the next door neighbors that are the realtors that continue to use a four unit building for shortterm rentals and the man next door to him thats been doing shortterm rentals for 15 years still continues to do that although hes been recorded in addition to this the reality none of those examples none of these men will registration because not being their primary home one the realtor has another 6 unit building same thing s t r it is really upsetting this is indeed changing the neighborhood and if those platforms are continuing to be held unaccountable for what they are doing it means that this will continue neighborhoods will be destroyed because it is not the regular guy that is out there thank you. Next speaker good afternoon, supervisors im roger wanting of the west of twin peaks council representing 20 hoas in San Francisco recently our designate told me about two houses in forest hill was was a party house every friday night cops were called one is a youth hospital he will i submit that this is not the kickoff enforcement we need we need vigorous enforcement of the current law to prevent those kinds of abuses i think the mroormdz and the city should work with my organization and with the other hoas in Enforcement Mechanisms and in crafting possible an amendment to the current legislation for example, in the yes examiner one possibility a would be to require prove that the homeowners associations do violate any of the Homeowner Association i think this is a step in the right direction to preserve the character of western San Francisco and rps urge you to consider those amendments along those lines thank you. Hello my name is we happened ive lived in San Francisco for 26 years ive been a home share for two years and hosted and host in the summaries and on School Holiday registration because ive been a Business Owner for 10 years was Pretty Simple and easy but i was there at the beginning but last year people were still afraid to register and prop f people thought ill not do this but last year is kind of a wash i think that people once they know they can count open our government to see this is the law this is wasnt you no idea to do and register i think theyll do the people are afraid those that have been havent register there be penalize theyre on the fence about registering one suggestion to help to register do more evening onsite Group Registration more of that in the evening and give those people a grazed period if you dont registration by you know february or march or whatever it is were going to inflict fines but people that are afraid to because theyve been doing it without remedying give them a grace period and suggest partnering with the home sharers theyre a wealth of information and help you to streamline this whole process i survive in this city with any airbnb income im so grateful we have the law to continue to do it and that i can stay in the city that ive been in and love for 26 years thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi im available to answer any questions you may have is emily the previous speaker took away everything i wanted to say so ill have to do Something Else one of the problems ive seen is that we should not gage who the law has worked from the time it was instituted last february basically, it as weve made huge process the registration process has become i think financially much easier i my particular retention was held up because because of a was not aware of was that i had made i was doing shortterm rentals last year for more than 90 days i therefore must have evicted someone that is my home it was just totally serious that obviously the public is not informed enough they thought if ive done it for more than 90 days i was breaking the law and thank you very much for working on this the uncertainty and the confusion last year were awful but weve made huge process thank you. Next speaker my name is jennifer and im a hoot on airbnb i only use that platform i have a 3 bedroom beautiful condo in the marina and rent 2 bedrooms i think this has been a fanatic experience all the way ive met the most wonderful people and it changed my life and helped to pay my mortgage my huge takes that has increased and i on the registration process has been difficult i registered last april and paid my dues it has been a process and still say, i go to the tax office they send me to the Planning Department and you have to go to other office theyre closed or at lunch anyway, im registered the forms are more difficult and ask too much questions and the process would be much easier if someone could be there and there and help you to the process not more than an hour but instead of your spent here and there i dont want my name to be out there if im paying all my taxes im registered and i am known by the government i think thats all you need to do i dont think my neighbors should know that whatever anyway, i keep is quiet and respect those peoples privacy and other people have receptionist mine too thank you very much. Thank you very much i have a few more cards calling names those are all the cards i have so if anyone want to speak please line up come on up and speak. Hi there i pay my taxes airbnb days and analysisic report on the ann that Company Reports 9 had and 85 over airbnb 5 thousand were occupied at some point during that most by airbnb own numbers they collected 85 million in revenue last year and theres will one Million Dollars in revenue collected in illegal and unregistered shortterm rentals listing thats 4 hundred and 5 thousand dollars in pencils one half of one percent of illegal revenues collected since february of last year in this city now it is 90 percent of the drivers on the road didnt have drivers license you think youll have a problem or subscribe to the idea grouping in this city doss a shortage of housing you have a categorized kiss but this in some neighborhoods 25 percent of all available listings at any time are shortterm rentals that is a crisis and this modesty airbnb and home away and now trip advisors are making fools of this board youve heard over and over from this Planning Department staff how to make the law enforceable and requires us one thing ive not heard about registration one big piece but the board last year put the Planning Department in an impossible position of patrolling when people sleep in their own homes to enforce this law i spoke out it was unworkable and so did the Planning Department and id like to hear albeit how their endorsing that law you passed last year. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Supervisors testing wellborn with the d 5 action super bowl is coming up how is the office of shortterm rentals going after listing that people are putting up to collect some 20 to thirty thousand shortterm rentals so then in the next come up of weeks i attended the hearings also for 40 pollutant street the 3 units that have been rented out for 23 years there are were numerous complaints she was never found and never fined anything and now shes been for another year without being fined anything you need to look at how you can go about going after people that are currently in violation from 12 hundred or 1400s members of the home sharers club are in violation how about in collect on the people who for 23 years or more were doing shortterm rentals that were illegal thirty days e. R. Less in San Francisco ive heard we have a budget problem well, heres one of the source of money yes. You might do a paternal amnesty as you use a shortterm rental airbnb new york did it the City Attorney has told the office of shortterm rentals dodo any feinstein until your completed the process how soon whether the law is enforced in San Francisco fine them now dont wait for enforcement go over the people now that are breaking the law and ask people check up on people to continue to comply thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi good afternoon. Im barbara a resident in noah valley im a home sharer i started with i lost any job and started back to school and hosting has been basically my lifeline of keeping me afloat awhile i go back to school im a legally registered host i primary do it when im mr. There i take out the garbage and have rules how guests should behave ive learned a complaint is filed against me but i have a feeling i know who it was filed in midaccountant october in the run up of the property f a neighbor made it cleavers hostile to home sharing without going into the details any request for the supervisors to be mindful the compliment it has created with the amendments and changes to the what are you people shouldnt feel something to gain by spying on neighbors and filing spurus complaints thank you. Nancy pelosi. Yes. Handsome im david a proud home sharer and a member of the Democratic Club and live in richmond that helps me to stay in the city sharing my home with two kids and people from around the world visit them and grandparent can have a plays place to live a lot of talk around the current people are sharing their home and prop f failed i want to make a suggestion for new registrants i think that is unreasonable for people to jump to the hoops if theyve not tried home sharing it is important to give people a grace period 15 e. R. Thirty days without a registered permit if they like it go though the motions of being registered they need to abide by the laws in terms of a fire extinguisher but it makes sense to let people to see the benefits and not carried theyre doing to illegally please consider a grace period in place. Thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment on item number 2 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed i want to thank first of all, mr. Guy as the office of shortterm rentals for the presentation today and for the work you done over the loose nearly a year to get the office up and returning and increase the enforcement a lot of work still to do but were making process and as i said at the outset important to give the law a chance to work if it didnt work we have the option of making changes but it is still quite early in terms of not even a year after the effect of the original law and about 6 months since weve made additional changes and created the office of the shortterm rentals and increased the if it please the court for enforcement so this is very you feel information both for us and for members of the public and i look forward to continuing those quarterly hearings and so i ask for supervisor campos speak or anyone else that want to ill entertain a motion to id like to entertain a motion to the call of the chair. Thank you, mr. Chair i want to say that you know the more you learn about what the process of shortterm rentals is doing are not doing the more it is equivalent that the exist law is not working and enforcement is certainly not meeting even basic standards of acceptable by airbnbs own numbers youre talking about more 5 thousand listing theyre half of the industry and more than 10 thousand listing it ever this office of shortterm rentals was created months ago you still have less than 10 percent of the listing where the units are repgd so more than 90 percent of noncompliance from the d barbecue came to the agency and said we are very proud of work more than 90 messenger percent of the drivers in the state of california have no licenses i dont think it would give them a passing grade and even if you take their own presentation they were created the office of shortterm rentals were created months ago and it just a few days ago they sent a letter to the platforms asking for the information it would be useful for them to enforce so how many months does that take mr. Guy and his staff to inventing send out a letter i want to note earlier today, i asked for any employee of any platform in the room and there was an employee from ann that was in the room and as and was making the announcement stepped out of the room i actually shred if 33 she worked for ann and asked if emphasis e she was in the room for a representative for a platform she said, yes if thats the way that airbnb or any platform approaches this im motivational of hopeful well get a meaningful process this is not something where employees of a platform should be running away from this issue to the temporary you try to doing everything we can to help the city lets see if they respond to this request and ill he said this is specifically addressed to the home sharers of San Francisco according to the office of shortterm rentals 8 hundred and 79 registrations 8 hundred and 79 rentcontrolled unit hosts overseeing home sharers of San Francisco bans what period of time quan indicated those stated they are more than 2 thousand members 2 thousand 200 members they said now it or if this organization is really condominium to helping the city comply how about a very novel idea all members of the public members to register if you actually had every one of those 2 thousand 200 members our boosting will be rerjdz with the city the number of registrations that the city has almost 3 times where we are today so have kreblth when you come and boast about our membership make sure that every one of our members is following the modere than 60 percent of the members members is breaking the law it is hard to have credibility when you have that kind of record. Thank you supervisor campos i will say we did we always have a standing niefths for the platforms to be here and participate in the hearings we cant force them to come but standing invitation i dont know who ann employee was i dont think it was helpful to embrace an employee of a home sharing platform maybe a junior person or someone watching and come to the microphone theyre not authorized to do so but we open up the platform so with that, im id like to entertain a motion to continue item 2 to the call of the chair well take that without objection. That will be the order thank you. Can i have a minute to a respond. The item is over but thank you very much okay madam clerk item 3. Item 3 for the erupted neighborhood impacts and the transportation issues and time impacts and safety plans for the associated with super bowl 50 including any Market Street enclosures around muni overhead worries. Supervisor kim is along with supervisor cohen is the author so supervisor kim. Thank you this is a tuitions of a hearing that supervisor cohen and i called in december to present the cost of the super bowl efforts that will take place later this month and gives us an opportunity for the Host Committee to present to the board of supervisors for the first time and give details of this event to members of the public and members of this board. First of all, i should emphasis i think i speak for the entire board we are existed that San Francisco is hosting super bowl 50 and existed for the benefits to many of the Small Businesses our hotels and tourist industry and the football fans in the bay area we know that San Francisco, california throw amazing parties that is why is many exists want to host but make sure that our residents that live here are workers that work here continue to go about their day and evenings as they would in a timely fashion understanding a major event in San Francisco and some inconveniences we can do this safely and as much as possible accommodate their needs dollar a number of issues that came up from the Community Stand point i will ask today but todays hearing it get a followup presentation from sfmta and sfpd to talk about the cost of the events i know this has been an ongoing discussion between the board of supervisors and the mayors certainly in the media and in the public we were disappointed that we were not able to get the numbers last month given the event is quickly approaching in the next couple of weeks i think as it sustains a longerterm because of events in San Francisco what it means to create a uniform standard whether nonprofits organizations for events like pride parade and data breakers and other abates whats the costs that get one is picked up by the city well hear more about the additional muni and the over time with the sfpd a permit that maybe need to be pulled and deal with events in San Francisco i know our hearing was longer than expected ill cut my comments to hear from the department and members of the public i know we have a number of department here today i believe we have first on the rosters sfpd and i believe captain tim here is presenting on behalf of sfpd thank you very much for being here. Thank you. Before i go i wanted to make a few comments and thank you, supervisor kim for reconvening this hearing for information and thank you to the department that have done a bunch of work so i first of all, i share supervisor kims excitement we are hosting the super bowl in the bay area we know that from the experience of other cities hosting the super bowl is a big deal when the super bowl comes to town in terms of the Economic Impact and in terms of the implosion of tax revenues and the jobs that are created included any union jobs we see it already in terms of of hotels and our restaurants and Small Businesses will be doing extremely well the reason is because the super bowl is coming to the bay area were doing major events in the form of the super bowl village here in San Francisco this that is bringing people into the city were patrons our folks and generating the tax revenue not like other events speculation about optimism bringing in revenue we know first page tangible proven experience it does spike tax revenue and helps local businesses and will do here first of all, thank the Small Business Host Committee that is not the nfl not corporations which is a Nonprofit Group of people that will going around raising Something Like that 50 million in private money to fund the office space super bowl village and give grantso nonprofits in San Francisco and other parts of bay area in terms of Cost Recovery this is a legitimate conversation to have a lot of views on all sides this is fib im glad were having a public conversation about this i think in having this conversation it is incredibly important that we provide the public is Accurate Information and not in any way mislead the public in terms of what this is and isnt weve heard statements in the press i know that supervisor kim and i had a conversation the super bowl village is not a private corporate pirate 100 percent open to the public this is being fund by the Host Committee through the money that it is raised i think this is important we talk about Cost Recovery we can always have a conversation about large events in San Francisco whether the super bowl or pride or new years or data breakers whether or not nonprofit or otherwise major events about Cost Recovery but it is not the kinds that the city typically recovers all of the costs into effect what you look at major Outdoor Events inform to if so rare that the city recovers all its costs the pride parade or other events they pay for security but they dont pay for the full cost of a large event in terms of the need of the police or muni or what have you theres a suggestion that the super bowl it getting some sort of or the Host Committee is getting a special treatment it is different at pride or other events are paying what the costs by the Host Committee is left off the hook that those not accurate what is happening not consistent with the way the city approaches many, many large events that come to the city that are sometimes disruptive because for traffic or whatever but that have huge benefits for the city economically in terms of the culture so lets have the conversation about costs whether there should be Cost Recovery and i think it is incredibly important we be accurate and precisely and the fact were putting out to the public as we have this conversation supervisor kim. Thank you and i should clarify i brought up the parade like Chinese New Year and pride i agree with supervisor wiener we get the best estimates but the city supplements on top of that the super bowl Host Committee is not pagan any of the fees from pd are other services were treating the Host Committee different from the nonprofit abatentities hiring w are we treating certain entities different i heard it is unfair theyre charged for maybe 50 or 80 percent of Cost Recovery we all acknowledge that number one, the entities pay 100 percent and the Super Bowl Committee raised 50 million is not pagan for any of the Cost Recovery fees on behalf of the city that is more of the question if were going to treat one entity question should treat all the entities never mind of how we make sure that is a process for Cost Recovery here in San Francisco i think we can differentiate even if it is a nonprofit intermediate through super bowl 50 theres a difference 24 7 pride and the new years a market party for a corporation is a nonprofit organization. Supervisor. Thank you, mr. Chair i want to join supervisor wiener in congratulating the Host Committee in raising 50 million throughout the bower is no small tax in excess of 12 million to local nonprofits is a heroic effort im looking forward to this hearing phil in on Land Use Committee as someone that fought to have the super bowl come to San Francisco im personally existed have the game not only in the bay area but all in San Francisco having traveled to a few super bowls over the past decades but an important point more than anything San Francisco has be lshtd a sports town whether rotating for the 49ers i cant tell you decades griping watching the 49ers watching them play and the sense of community that brought our city together when we won the super bowls when the city honked their horns we dont see that very much in San Francisco and over the past foe years the giants have catered us to championships and the worries and as we welcome the warriors to our town in the next few years to me someone that didnt think San Francisco is a sports on is from a different planet it brings our city together and especially politically we need things that bring our city together across age and gender and any fascination affiliation i want to thank everyone from the Host Committee from the departments and sfpd for all the work getting ready and the rest ill save my comments for later. Next. Good afternoon if its okay. Ill use this please approach the podium advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and other Electronic Devices are prohibited. Is very excited to have this event by the Public Safety services that are needed and we were asked to provide the serves as we expect large crowds and that raise Public Safety concerns some other events that supervisors mentioned pride and Chinese New Year parade we look at those for the staffing model and the crowd estimates so for example, i look at super bowl city the same footprint as new years eave so our Fiscal Division worked on a cost estimate we providing service for Public Safety for this for the Market Street and other event is about the one within and one . 5 million over and over those are the 2014 world series the 2015 fleet week and pride parade were confident well be able to provide those Services Within the current budget additionally weve been asked to provide Police Services for private entities throwing parties identify been working with the office i dont want to put out pubically where a lot of those events are but one and 6,000 services signed up by the private vendors one venue throwing 3 negligence and a large concert in the city and there was some question raised previously about whether the deposits were made and what not 4 of those events are venues where we have exist we ask for a 50 percent deposit and those vendors weve asked for the 50 percent deposit theyve agreed we expect that to come shortly and remaining will be something that is built monthly lets see one question ive been asked how long about it take to collect the 10 b we have to determine the hours that generates an annoys we expect the 10 b office to collect all the fees by the end of march and he additionally, there are. Captain a im sorry, i heard you wanted to answer the question about weather the question was the deposit was made. As of friday weve agreed to provide the deposit were getting contact from people that are ready to host the venue those amendments are coming in last friday we sat down with the motors that will be doing an event and a quote so were expecting the deposits before the event. This is normally 15 percent. 50. 50 i miss heard you 50. Some of the events were places we have events relaying and higher the 10 b and at the point a monthly annoys. Thank you. As we get more activities well increase that. Do you have an estimates store the 10 b program operate from the 1. 5 million the cost of city and the number as far as people that signed up for the 10 b1 and 6,000 and roughly ball park 4 three to 49,000 theres aned minute charge. So the city will put in one Million Dollars to 1. 5 and Stewardship Services and the super bowl 50 committee will be paying one and 6,000. Its not the super bowl host but other entities that are hosting events that requested the services. I see so the super bowl Host Committee is not pagan for additional beat officers for the Program Throughout the week. Not at this time. Thank you very much. Any questions. Supervisor farrell. Thank you, mr. Chair just a quick question id like to ask this for all the departments as someone that chaired the Budget Committee weve talked about this you mentioned having it throughout your exist budget so it is true to say this was approved last year amazing through the board of supervisors the budget is included the budget at super bowl. Many large events we anticipate o events and included that in the request and approved by the board. Is there a as i mentioned we have large events in San Francisco some are completely free to the public some have requested donations to enter and some data breaker are you with the large Outdoor Events where the Police Department explosives 100 percent of Cost Recovery to focus the Law Enforcement resources. As far as the free and open to the public no i believe data breakers comes close they charge to race that one is closed but the others new years eave and pride and they hire 10 officers. They do. Im going to speculate not only in the Police Department but speculate there are quite a few Police Officer Service Calls apple data breakers. You would be correct, sir. And in terms of im talking about broader Police Service not specifically providing security inside the event but Police Services connected does data breakers pay the Police Department for all its cost. Not for those but calls into the night after the event is over the parties continue other there are alcohol related issued after those and welling we take care of the services. Thank you very much. Mr. Chair just to be clear about the events the super bowl is wrapped up in one umbrella the game is happening in santa clara were talking about a few things one a completely free open to the public super bowl city that the host has to pay for 100 percent and were talking about the splpd costs on top of that the splpd may incur and talking about the nfl in the Moscone Center a paid ticketed event i believe that is smaller disclose or not disclose volume 20 to the public but the 10 b things youre talking about different parties at different local based companies a group of buds greeting together and hire 10 officers. Theyll host a dinner and ask the Police Officer for a promoter having a venue concerns of Public Safety and they will contact theyve contact us for some of the sequesters and asked to have them staff the officers to pay the 10 b. It is important to distinguish some people said this is a private events for corporations percentage kind of flees the city for police costs the police codefendants or costs whoever absorb are 100 percent free for 100 percent paid for by host and the private entities are paying for 10 b officers. Thats correct. Thanks. Supervisor kim. Just one more question again, im glad those questions are raised again, we want to at least for me make sure that were being consisting consist do you know how much we charge an event like data breakers or Chinese New Year. We dont charge i believe we. They dont do any 10 b officers. Cultural fended within the operational events. They dont do any additional 10 b. I dont know of any myself. Okay. You dont have of any are certain. I have to check enroll. For an event like data breakers how much gets charged. The 10 b rate for the officers overflow room time is charged for all the people that with the race courses open during that part of the day. Do you have an estimate how much that is been for a oneday event. Not that particular event only those opened for the public we were not charged 10 b i can find out. That is a distinguish pharynx like free sfpd didnt charge for 10 b officers. But when it requires the registration or a ticketing fee you require 10 b program. Well, were looking at not just inside the venue story the Public Safety were providing we know if you draw a crowd well have to police that for example, super bowl city were not just putting officers inside the venue but on the immediate perimeter be a highly visible presence. Thats in the the 10 b program; right . Im asking about when we ask the entities to pay generally how much when we decide to ask to pay and when we dont. Im sorry refrays that. It is great to actually know the services that sfpd will be providing to super bowl 50 but thats not my question im trying to said how and when sfpd determined when to charge for the 10 b program and how much it costs for events. All to get back on the criteria for the state when people apply for certain things rode enclosures f near piers we will ask 10 b to supplement. Will the Host Committee be paying for the rereputing on e reputing on Market Street. Youll ask for the paying all new years eave party we absorb that. We dont have an entity drawing the new years event. Its the city that is throwing the events thats different were were hosting we dont have anyone to charge but ourselves so were dissolution the road changes and groceries it is happening for the super bowl city ; right . And so normally youre saying those cases we charge for cops to be out there for traffic rereputing. Not for out and open events by 10 b hiring this will draw a large crowd well come and provided for the Public Safety were not charging 10 b at this point. I think i misunderstood you in the beginning i asked had you normally charge for 10 b it is one way sometimes, we reroute the traffic. Sometimes in the permit they issue permits well say and you must contact sfpd sometimes is it comes from the Planning Commission in the process. Okay. So in this case to issue these traffic route chang changes. I guess mta i cant speak for them. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you, captain. Does the Police Department charge Cost Recovery for example, when we hopefully, will have many more world series parades. No thats why this is one of the example the world series playoffs. The city absorbs that. For the Chinese New Years prayed does the Police Department get Cost Recovery for an event does the Police Department get Cost Recovery from the Chinese New Year prayed and not that i know of. And similar large events along the fema theme of Accurate Information to the public and not leaving the public to building this is some sort of aberration but large days that are happening but not the case that the Police Department i think the same is true for rerouting for mta achieving other Cost Recovery for fence or close to Cost Recovery and given special treatment to the Host Committee not the case thank you, captain. So next, we have sfmta i see tom maguire i believe candice here as well to speak on the cost estimate that will be absorbed by sfmta on behalf of this event. Thank you for having us back to talk about the outstanding questions i want to cover two things first of all, details about the Transportation Plan that you asked about as well as the details about the cost estimate im joined today by candice the communication director and transit operation that will help fill if, if you have questions. Last time our objective during super bowl week is to keep the city save and moving we want to make sure that everyone that live and works will get to school with minimal disruption and over one million emotional visitors are able to get safely around town without a car the plan weve developed a a partnership with sfmta and muni but on Regional Transit partners as well and again those are events not new big Public Events in San Francisco weve talked about pride and chinese world series they have a track record in keeping the traffic moving ill talk about the transit plan the super bowl city on Market Street and the nfl Moscone Center are 9 days events the transportation changes will start sooner than the first day january 23rd and continuing after super bowl until roughly february 12th changes to the muni network downtown because of the importance of getting this right the amount of time that the event will be taking place we put together an entirely transit schedule for this period that means that live information about the next bus and realtime arrivals will be available on their phones as the ryan whites changes the live information for the customer will be accurate a couple of other important things the early night time shut down will be night time shut down and only the e line will continue to the Ferry Building and establish a transfer point where passengers get off the f line or on an f line bus to the castro and more bus service on the f line than the historic cars and Audio Service to a few targeted places most importantly on the nights night time concerts in and around downtown youll have the Additional Service to make sure that people get home quickly and easily on the subway and detours to the 3 and 31 we will stop a little bit short of their terminal but the remaining bus terminals stop within their terminal downtown and an alternative and most importantly youll see this enhancing the service and trying to improve the confection well continue to run Reliable Service to every neighborhood in the city the changes to downtown to make the busses turning will insure that the san franciscans will continue to rely on muni during the super bowl week we talked abolast time there wi increased traffic absolutely in our coming to downtown and spiral leave our car home make sure that everything is moving safely and smoothly well have every single weekend 92 parking control officers working downtown making sure the are safe and particularly targeting the behaves that congestion congest the street block the box will not, responder to to make sure that muni is moving and finally you asked for details about the costs so here is a detailed overview i think that will cost mta 2. 3 million that is a little bit different than this the nukes you may have seen a, week or so we continue to define those for the most up to date so approximately 1. 2 million update that for the cost estimates the 2. 3 million is breakdown is the increased muni service the additional buses and operators that will be paying for not only bring people into downtown but maintain the reliability of every neighborhood in the city 700,000 for parking control officers who have both congestion and safety roll in and around downtown and a little bit left turn 200,000 for consumption to the customers thats an important part to make sure that everyone that needs to use the system whether their driving or riding menu muni or a bike for the materials online and the physical ambassadors on the buses to get to every muni rider and again as the previous speaker said the super bowl is a large events one of the many special events we put on each year in San Francisco part of our budget there are over 1400 block parties to Farmers Market to data breakers and downtown parades we put on every year and over budget is designed for us to be able to absorb those large open to the Public Events for us to not just absorb the costs but absorb the costs with Good Services for people to get around safely to the events. Tom maguire is rerouting is that fall flashlights Muni Services line item. Yes. And you know at 1. 3 million for the Muni Services do you have an precipitation how that breakdown to the increased summoning service for the cost of ill guessed in small apportions because of the bus driving slightly different reputes do you is a sense. Ill ask my colleagues to help out with the question. Hi jeff in the transit operation all increased Service Costs the detours were rerouting the schedules and keeping them in their same time limits the cost to reroute is part of the regular part of business. So approximately almost 60 percent of costs to mta is increased muni service thats right. So more buses and light rail vehicles more capacity for people to get around as an enormous amount of people coming into the city. Thats correct more capacity and reliability. Can you think of any other situation where lets say you have some sort of events that is bringing a huge number of people well shop in the restaurants and drink in the boars and stay in the hotels a hell tax pay muni fairs pay etc. , ect, etc. Any other situations you have an entity or event bring an enormous amount of people where muni needs to increase bus service so for people to get into the vehicles where mta says you have to pay for the costs of increased service in San Francisco those lions i assume a number of different lines that reaches different parts of city and given the fact well be accruing people from all over the city feels similar to pride and Chinese New Years those are events we at mta dont ask. Lets talk about Chinese New Years and pride mta say for Chinese New Years or pride youre bringing in one Million People do you provide that bill to the chinese. No, we ill be upset if you did by way of im glad you dont youre a worldclass city i think we are and people want to come into your city whether for a World Series Game or for Chinese New Years or pride for the better and raiders we hope that is better and berries and beggar including super bowl you need to reroute over and over need more services your reward for bringing one Million People you have to pay for our Transit Service doesnt make sense im glad you have the approach you do we want more people in transit sometimes that costs money. Supervisor kim. Thank you i had questions i understand that we dont charge for increased muni fees i have heard about fees we charge around pulling permits and also for parking meters when there is street enclosures for parking by the entities can you talk about the protocol. Those decisions are made from the department an traffic and transportation we typically dont charge anything close to a full Cost Recovery to Environmental Review very fee events pay for a full Cost Recovery thats realty we charge for sfavngz. What are the kinds of fees. For a events that wants to shut down the streets and charge people money to use the space will typically charge the lost revenue. So for street enclosures and also for parking meters. Correct. And what about the pulling of permits. Pardon me. I assume that sfmta has pulled a number of permit for all the special that events; right . Who normally pays for the permits. For what kind of an event. Any type of special event. For an event sponsored by a Nonprofit Group a schedule of fees that is in the legislation that governs this that are modest for nonprofit and for profit the schedule is higher. But again those fees dont the cost of pulling the permit and the cost of meters are not the scale of rover the kind of were not talking about a 100 percent Cost Recovery we agree that we dont do a 100 percent Cost Recovery my understanding i guess my next question is the Host Committee paying for the nonprofit rate of those fees for permit that are pulled by sfmta for those events. The Host Committee paying for the permits for those events. Theyre not pagan for the for profit. Are they paying for the nonprofit have they paid for any permit youve pulled any fee structure. So we at mta are not pulling permit. So when you do a intrastate streetcar enclosure no permit. Whether we or the applicants im trying to said. So when this is a street enclosure someone pulled the permit and theres a cost to the permit. Okay right. Uhhuh and in this case and the case of super bowl. Were not charging the street enclosure fee. And is that consistent with other events. Like the pride parade or the world series parade we typically dont charge for a permit. But in the case of data breakers yes and yes. We everything that super bowl has some pied events nicks are they paying and i like with the sfpd says there are a number of events that are affiliate with the super bowl not with the Host Committee like concerts and things like that for overseeing we have requests for things like parking control officers and were trying to recover the money. In december and again my memory maybe off they mentioned theyll be doing one event that is ticket and mucus so are they pagan for the permits for the street enclosure. No, not as a Cost Recovery event. Why. As supervisor wiener appointment i think the Host Committee pointed out the total itself of our bringing one Million People to San Francisco theres an Economic Impact to all the activity and that. But i thought you said earlier the criteria was whether it was free and open to the public verse ticketed it does not breakers brings a lot of people there is a registration cost we ask them to pay for the Cost Recovery not all ensue some of it youre saying in the case of what the Host Committee is throwing some private events or events that require a fee not using the same criteria for the events. It is important to realize the impact confident Moscone Center are minimal compared to what we should have one set of criteria whether it is free and open to the public or a ticket fee to get in thats a policy question i heard you say the criteria was earlier im asking those questions not to give a marred time thats the contrary i thought you set San Francisco Neighborhood Services Safety Committee youll charge for the permit, etc. Yeah. I mean i think if you look at the overall i costs the majority of money it used for the Transit Serviced on Market Street continue to work in San Francisco and traffic motives. Thats not my question when we transfer the permit so when sfmta decided to charge thats the criteria we use not how much money an event will bring. Again, the permits are scott permit are governed by the scott legislation and we have i guess a decision were treating the street enclosurclosures a. Portion of the events will require tickets for members of the public to enter. Were treating it as the entire event is open to the public. A very small part of the event is not significant impacts. Do we think about length of time many of the events weve talked about normally a couple of hours in a day one day anguish it bleeds out beyond the organizers have put together do we take into consideration the length of time when we think about charging for fees on behalf of the city . Well, i mean the any fee that we have is based on i know the length of time. So no we dont consider the length them which of of time. We take into consideration when we are dealing with an event like data breakers for instance. So length of time and free and open to the public i guess im trying to understand the criteria and how we make that determination were not putting that on you were the policymakers so this is certainly a question im hearing from the taxpayers when we decide this and that. Right so objective litigate of time has an effect on the cost of services and the way we make the plans were talking about costs beyond today so my generic answer. Yes. Out of curious who is the the liaison with the Super Bowl Committee. The Mayors Office we deal directing with the host with kevin the director of transportation. On behalf of the Mayors Office whos our person that is responsible for the liaison. Im not. With all the various departments with this event. The Mayors Office special events through the process, of course, thats just no Single Person that is accountable from the Mayors Office working with the various departments throughout the city but that you know of youre aware of clear you pa thats the face on behalf of the city coordinating the departments. The mayor has to a director for the events and im sorry im not aware. Martha cohen auto matthew cohen. We deal with the Host Committee. I was occurs who is the overarching coordinator open on behalf of all the departments one set of ice on all the departments and making sure were all cooperated working with the committee and the nfl for this event in the city i think last question what was our criteria this is a complained from private entities that we ask them to pay for the parking meter revenue of lost we do street closures where is the criteria when we charge inform that. That the governed by the scott guidelines. Uhhuh. When we have the streets that Market Street is not a street we dont have parking meters on Market Street if we close a major corridor in the neighborhood we typically look to recovery. Even if it is free and open to the public for a union street festival. Like a private pull private event. Because i know of nonprofit entities that have festivals i remember when go sunday meters started they hosted their event on sunday so theyll not have to pay the parking meters those are small organizations that do one block festivals but they couldnt afford the parking meter recovery for events open to the public that be free and often short and minimal impact of the neighborhood we charge them for parking meter recovery for the minor street closures we do that for free and open to the public. Without knowing the specific events i dont want to speak out of turn but the sunday streets that did occur when we charged for sunday parking we dont charge that those are meter bagging fees and on a street sometimes, we charge and sometimes, we dont. Id like to find out more about the case. The festival and in the tenderloin asked you to wave the parking meter when the festivals but asked to pay for by sfmta and purposing tried to have their events typically on sunday so they if pay i think there is confusion. I ill be happy to to come back. If the not that i care of about the festival are the sunday streets but what our criteria thats when we charge and not this is coming up and if were open about developing a criteria into the future the special events will continue i want to know was not baseline is. Well go back thats a fair question. Youre not with your of a consistent criteria. Im saying whole thing we have full profit event we try to recapture our lost parking meter fees i understand were not doing that for free to the public but i want to do research before saying anything. Maybe theyre getting the wrong information but we get asked that all the time there are nonprofit freeze on events free to the public. Well have a chance to clear that up. Thank you, mr. Chair so a few questions i guess it is important to distinguish that whats happening in the mucus you talk about the streetcar enclosures is put on by the nfl whatever fees i charge thats not the Host Committee thooind; is that correct and my understanding everything the Host Committee is doing it free to the public. Correct and in addition to the nonprofit 0 money in the area. Ill ask this the expenditures youre making assumed in the budget last year was that assumed. Yes. They were. Okay. I have a followup question you dont i did not realize the unfortunate experience throwing the paid ticket event why where we not charging them for the street closures. Why why not charging them for the ticketed period in those events. Okay. Ive been corrected by carn decide the nfl and mostly the standard permit rates a. For the moscone thats great to hear. But not the same. Im sorry. I mean it didnt add up to the numbers ive presented in the budget. What do you say. I think the milk is not close enough. Son. So i said they pay the payment fee but as discussed we i dont want to promise you 100 percent Cost Recovery. No, no, no i think i understand the city didnt do 100 percent Cost Recovery for any of the events you know as to be honest i brought in those others entities ive heard from them but a fair comparison is the americas cup that was hosted by a private entity is lasted over a number of days and that committee you know at least offered to fundraise they were not successful but the offer was there and a commitment to raise the funds i appreciate your comments we normally dont get withholding Cost Recovery thats not a policy we should look at but that is consistent in the past. Wloes next. Seeing none, no further questions our next department is public works. And we have larry stringer here and our final presentation is with the department of Emergency Services and i know i have a number of cards from the Public Comments so trying to get to them as quickly as possible. Good afternoon, supervisors ive been asked to answer four basic questions ill start off by the nfl experience for Justin Herman plaza are consistent with new years eve or for oracle or other conferences around Moscone Center the cost and the footprint ill be using is consistent with what weve done to the past what was the cost estimate 35 to 40 thousand consistent with the manual cleaning for people cleaning within the photo copy of both events and this is consistent and not taking Additional Resources or additional costs out of the budget the second was how much did the clean up cost after the world series and that was one and 21 thousands, however, it is uniquely different from this since we had two combamdz we had to staff and we staffed our d oc for the clinch game as well as the parade and the cost of the parade not to mention the allocation of mechanical sweepers and dealing what Million People in a single day over the course of 9 days and the last one was will the funds be paid for by taxpayers yes, in the operating budget for various parades that is built into the base so and the last one would we be combrurmd for any no our footprint is outside of the events and our goal to make sure that the areas leading up to the event are clean to people traveling and other venues throughout the city are experienced as best we can cleanair act city. Thank you so much mr. Stringer i dont see any questions from the Committee Per supervisor farrell and just a quick question the cost your incurling where they approved in last years budget. Yes. They were. Ring where they approved in last years budget. Yes. They were. Okay. Good afternoon. Im with your citys dems ive given you a presentation i dont see that up here i want to permitted you an update of the where we stand in the planning process and answer the questions youve posed to us im existed to be here and our department is excited we think of 3 components what are the events happening and captain mentioned several of the events but still several weeks dont know all the events but focusing on what we do knows super bowl city and the nfl experience and other related stiftsdz we look at the things that might happen threats and hazards we think about el nino if theres a big rainstorm and flooding and things like that so how with the events can we protect them from the hazard this is when we have the planned and equipment to mitigate the events and respond to recovery recover from mission bay anything with our goal being to prepare for what is knowing to continue to provide the services that the city throughout the rest of the city you may have a copy in front of the timeline that started in may we have the kickoff meeting since then conducted 3 exercises and 3 additional citywide meetings with the goal of making sure all the departments are aware the operating constraints so we can tweak their own operational plans we have the Emergency Management like any planned event to take our ma you are the departments are coordinating and the plans are meshing together well during an activation what one of the images of the days were activate the n oc will be open and the streetcars will be open to staff the event one of the big out puts is the citywide coordinating document how we as the city each the agencies how our regional and federal and state partners to coordinate together were specific related to prepping for primarily the coordination for the clorox analysis and dissemester to make sure the public know what we know we have a working group youve heard from the departments were consistently giving information to the public and supporting the Operations Centers and serving as the liaison with all the state and local and federal partners youve asked to specific questions about the the assistance with the planner and the first question how is the amount initially you identified 57 thousands in the budget request we submit we were allocate one and 16,000 for fiscal year 20152016 thats divide between the super bowl and half between others so fiscal year on the super bowl piece the planner that was in that position coordinated a series of experiences the 3 ive mentioned we have an exercise 200 planters local and regional and state and federal that allowed us to test the city plans how to Work Together amongst one another and the other thing the planner does a mustache member the duty officer that is band with the event some unforeseen event comes up while a member of our team and supervisor farrell will answer our question ahead with the budget request and approved by the board of supervisors this is from the general fund federate week the last question was fleet week and super bowl part of 10 b program the component of operations in the department of Emergency Services that is 10 b eligible is related to the dispatch service that is only when we have a request in support of Police Department or the Fire Department do you have any other questions . Thank you for preanswering any question i have a more detailed one specifically last year have a line item in our budget for the super bowl. Out during the budget. Specific for super bowl outside of the position we asked for no, this is something as our regular activities. You had a line item for the super bowl. For fleet week and super bowl yes for one year. This is not a question but along we are asking about the budget process im asking mta and public works to go actually come up about the budget process last june if i can have mr. Springer and mr. Maguire in december we asked for the cost estimate for the super bowl and what it costs he did the city we were told that estimate was not available in december im curious how can the board approved this in june if we didnt have the numbers in december . I sue the numbers for the first time on thursday from the mayors memo so supervisor farrells asked twice did the board approve that an unanimous vote did we approve this in june, however, in december when supervisor cowen and i asked sfmta and the various departments what the cost will be of the super bowl they were not a cost estimate yet i saw the cost estimate for the first time last week how can we approve in june june if we didnt know what it was going to cost. For public works it was cost neutral part of our normal budget we didnt ask for Additional Resources for the event we treat it like any on that comes before us. If thats the case in december and told the estimates were not available you know, i guess im curious about, you know, this cost will neutral outlet we must be have had a sense if we calculated into our budget in june. Wisp asked to provide the estimate what the costs were for what we were doing within the two footprints but we were asked for cost specific to we were doing around the super bowl. Okay. I dont see mr. Maguire in the room i heard from the department on the record we dont have cost estimate for the cost to the city so i think that is a little bit disingenuous to say that the board approvals those costs in june if we didnt know about the costs thats a statement not a question mr. Stringer. If i could supervisor farrell. Yeah. A followup i appreciate that line of questioning i think we had two specific departments as chair of the Deputy Department of Emergency Services and another one as discussed whether Municipal Transportation Agency or our Police Department we have they have budget for special events they obviously the year before they dont anticipate that the combientsz with win im sure the super bowl details got more detailed but more detail about exactly what is going to be happening another this events as it comes on there was all the potential in the world the budget we proenld we dont have enough funds but the reality no department is doing that every department will absorb that within the previously approved budget by the mayor last year and again there were specific line items for two department in particular it was approved last year, i agree supervisor to the departments as time going on the event gets closer and closer about exactly what lines from mta and the Police Resources and the dpw for a safety prospective but again overseeing were approved before i think that is a testament to the budget capacitate winner able to budget and no one is seeing e saying we need a supplemental to pay for this. I guess i have a question if we include specific events recycle the giants how were we able to anticipate that in june we included it in case we win the world series every year and do those dollars come back into the fiscal year budget fib we dont win the world series. Id like to promise well win the world series but the cost of the the cost of executing plans like this rise and falls we put the motorbike in the budgets and able to cover those events obviously not every event happens every year and if there are money for fund balance theyll are redirected to the mta but theres no way of this. Were moving money to accommodate events that may or may not took place for a world series parade. I think this is fair. Okay. Thank you. Seeing no further questions from Host Committee id like to ask to the call of the chair open up im sorry supervisor farrell and actually with our permission i assume mr. Roof i dont know if you. I was not on the list im sorry was not part we didnt get word he would be here. Id like to ask questions. Is it okay of the member of the public has a Task Force Committee and hes still here. I think if the member of the Committee Want to cape call of city staff to speak i know a member of the committee cant but let mr. Pilpal if you want to come and mr. Roof all. Fair enough. Thank you and thank you for accommodating me, im supposed to be upstairs i have a handout discussion of costs i want to touch on that ask when costs have already been occurred an organizational chart that showed for the super bowl youve heard in d m i suspect the city has incurred costs of staff time im wondering what those are prior to the events the only board of Commission Im aware that took action on the super bowl is directed by the commission on december 17th they approved the herman plaza and the events i appeared to contest that i understood there was an environmental determination you are went to city planning and got this memo ive landmarked everything involved that the super bowl event and decided not a project that i think is a departure introduce past practice from the street closure and 32 prior venues where events are happening this is in charge of temporary street closures 29 approval items this thursday morning ranging from an overnight closure to a 3 nature week taken together a substantial amount of streets being closed including an nfl dinner in this building i think this is a big event were taking together and agree with supervisor kim is anymore like the americas cup that had a full review this is being put together piecemeal i wanted to appeal that rec and park and i was told i cant do that it is not considered part of project i have concerned about this i hope unless you have questions. Thank you mr. Pilpal. Okay mr. Roof 0. My apologies but lets talk about Economic Impact it is an important part of the conversation from my prospective i dont know has our Department Look at other super bowls and in general Opening Statements what types of impacts if oewd. Thank you director from the moechlgs weve landmarked the impact reports of past super bowls and the data is pretty clear hundreds of thousands of people come to super bowl host cities and pay a lot of money on hotels and restaurants and bars and Small Businesses and stores and that in turn drives local tax revenue through the economy so to our question supervisor some of the numbers from the previous host phoenix they have Million Dollars and new orleans that relates to the local economic revenue that is driven multiply tax growth and new orleans saw hundreds in the takes cities are not unique and takes we have unique to San Francisco relative to the grow receipt tax. Any from our office prospective any concept how hotels and restaurants bars and other types of Consumer Stores are feeling from super bowl week. Based on our discussion with the various industries whether the tourism or Small Businesses you know for the hotels those rates are up and the demand is strong if we look at the past economic outcome from other super bowls what we saw in the phoenix example was that the rates for rooms was up one and 44 percent over that period a year prior in terms of the occupancy the total number of rooms were up 40 percent they saw significant increases in the markets San Francisco im a firmer believer this is a stronger market a great place to visit with that said, were not resting on the fact i mentioned were working hard in the oewd to make sure we are as well as our shop and dime program to connect the local communities and neighborhood shopping districts to go have the influx of visits so finally we also want to make sure that people benefit from the jobs that are created and appearing and connecting people to the jobs for the host the nfl events and were working closely and a higher number of folks of hundred plus 8 percent 9 you heard. Additional jobs. Those are part of nfl experience and super bowl setting. I know this event is only a week were talking about more hours for all sorts of unions and big parts that are putting on the events. Absolutely this is four days and one and 19 million is a significant amount in that short period of time but for that having a concentrated time is significant i believe that wouldnt have happened if that event was not here if it didnt happen. Thank you, mr. Roof 0 iq have questions i dont believe realize the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development is here whos the liaison for that the nfl experience and super bowl 50 committee on behalf of the Mayors Office. Bho who do we no who is the liaison for unfortunately on behalf of the Mayors Office and the super bowl Host Committee. The representatives from the nfl. In the Mayors Office whos our official loosened for the Super Bowl Committee. I work are with a number of people if the Mayors Office that there is a budget item ill work on the super bowl and if it relates to legislative like this hearing ill talk with the who does the nfl and the super bowl Host Committee talk to as the official liaison. Per mr. Ma gir the special events but again, im interfacing with everyone in the city a. No, no i understand many people are working on this but it makes sense for a coordinated you know watching over all the people that are interfacing with the entities so that person cowe dont have that person and i take the boards commitment and direction seriously in getting people local jobs. Thats not my question my question who is coordinating on the various department and liaisoning with the nfl experience with the super bowl again. I work. I was not its not my convey supervisor im trying to answer that question theres a number of people. I know you work with a number of people but the oversight coordinators. I cant say. Its okay there isnt but several people asked me that question im asking you that question but if 9 answer it no ill tell the public not a judgment. Supervisor i know this is a question you asked but people ask do about who is the person in charge to make sure that the Economic Opportunities and workforce opportunities and so forth. Thats not my question. So have you one and 67 jobs fulltime or part time. Part time. Minimum wage. For the event only and temporary jobs. Living wage, minimum wage. Prevail what this. Do you work with nfl experience and the nfl and the host xhes committee in terms of the contract ininsure there is labor harm new in our town. We work with the companies therapy referred to the circle host and treat them as employers to help them fill theyre hiring needs weve done it last time for the total number of jobs those 6 seven hundred. Can guarantee the nfl and Host Committee are 100 percent you know with our labor unions in terms of who they contract with and employ. I dont have the data in front of me but make sure the san franciscans get those Employment Opportunities and to the best of my knowledge they context with the Employment Opportunities. And who those entities are contracting with we cant guarantee their contracting with businesses that are labor friendly. We know what they are and working with them not a mystery the exact nature of our question i cant and cant directly what percenta the one and 67 jobs went to the as follows. All of the san franciscans the number one district were pulling residents is from i dont remember the exact order but the bay area bayview and the tenderloin congratulations on that. If i ask add one thing in terms of when we passed a resolution in this board around labor harmony and adopted a request to take labor harm intoxicate and having the shuttle to shuttle the employees around one shuttle that is hostile to the Union Efforts by the workers i dont care i cannot predict a disruption about that shuttle rider is involved i was troubled when i say that first of all, in disruption but make sure that the instrumentality provides are treating their employees fairly with wage benefits. Thank you, mr. Roof 0 to the call of the chair reopen Public Comment. Thank you, supervisor kim at this time well reopen Public Comment and supervisor kim you have a question and ill call t calling names . Good afternoon im john im here for the consortium in after that about the impacts of the going in the right direction by hon did i on 15 hundred yerba buena and that is clearly for profit operation you pay 35 for an adult and pay for the childs ticket it is similar to the oracle and offstreet but 9 days of activity i dont know any reason why that isnt doing a full Cost Recovery that both the slaifz salesforcsalesforce. We dont know where the tour buses will park those are all problematic issues i want to know if salesforce the professionals are very go and worked with us to really minimize the problems and Moscone Center as well but they meet with us several months in advance of the event to go over those important details 12 none has taken the time to talk with us so we have no information at all so, please be sure they get there we dont want to dog and pony show we need real plans. Thank you, sir. Good afternoon. Supervisors doug with Teamsters Joint Council 7 many teamsters will help to put together spiral will benefit from having this event in San Francisco but i do want to thank the supervisors who are raising those questions around labor harm new and in particular as it relates to the shuttle buses and i will note that for several months now the teamsters have been talking to the Host Committee about the dispute with bowers transportation that is going to be doing Shuttle Bus Services and specifically last month the National Labor relations issued their second containment against bowers that means the n r l. B. Is looking at the charges they committed labor law violations threatening and interrorizing that led up to American People election we believe will be over turned because of what bowers do the respectfully submit that is not the too high company we should be doing business with pe thank you super bowl and with the wages policies go into effect the teamsters want to cheese cake checking out that policy and be on the streets the first week that february that has a disrupting fact on the super bowl activities so we appreciate any help that the supervisors and the Mayors Office can provide with the members of the Host Committee to get this resolved thank you. Thank you, mr. Block. Hello supervisors my name is a william i am with teamsters local 1025 any members did the work at moscone and at the market in embarcadero he estimate well probable have one and 75 of the members weve reached out to the community and have brought in some of the people from the community in case we run out of members well put them through a security clearance to participate in some of the work at union badges e wages but local 2785 asks for your help in getting in bowers thing resolved even though were have that many members if not resolved and a dispute well support our other brothers that do the Shuttle Bus Services thank you. Thank you, sir. Good afternoon jim lazarus San Francisco chamber of commerce the above the blue and windy sea is to remind the members of the board that the city is the host the Host Committee is a partner with you the city and county of San Francisco is the host for super bowl 50 i had the pleasure of work in this building in 1985 the city and county of San Francisco was the host the 1985 super bowl at Stanford University we think churd some of the same costs are we providing the services and the public being taking care of and the public that lives and works in San Francisco or put on an event that is safe and clean and friendly push the best face over San Francisco San Francisco will recover more than get out of pocket costs for this event looking at 80 percent Hotel Occupancy to almost 100 percent and one hundred and 35 average daily rates nesting of 400 the hotel impacts did implement of hotel tax to the digested from this event for 4 days and thats sxheeven it is 4 million you have staifshgdz and gross receipt tax San Francisco will make money an super bowl and be a proud host with our nonpartners in making that happen. Mr. Laidz i have a followup question you brought up the 1985 super bowl when this was hosted at starved stadium i got an email from someone that considers himself an organizer and he is adamant there is no tax costs involved at that super bowl were right to ask the questions about insuring that we dont pay the cost of putting on the events regardless of the revenue on the super bowl sirnsz involved he stated there were not tax costs for that game and so you know if youre memory serves you correctly this super bowl 50 overseeing with incurred in the operation of the departments during that week this building was used for an nfl party in january of 19 tim frye the nfl was at moukz in 1985 no super bowl village concept with the nfl at that time, your cost were for the Market Street didnt occur in 1975 but the other guy. Week of events that occurred throughout the city would have had the same type of security security appropriate for 1985 in a pre2001 world. Uhhuh. Things will have changed our obligations for a safe city are different than january of 19 destroying we incurred the costs they were more than made up and the city benefits. multiple voices . Theres a policy question of whether the city should incur the costs of the net benefits my can he can you it was determined when your honor, a cohost to this worldclass event the people and the government of San Francisco with partners invited the nfl basing as we did then supervisor contra costa with the bay areas organizing Committee Prior to this super bowl. Thank you, mr. Lazarus sorry that was my question only that just koch emailed you will say for the costs weve incurred weve invited didnt mean this committee cant fund the costs. The competitive process as thank you, mr. Lazarus. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is a joan desmond im here on behalf of local 16 the local theoreticalal stage actors i can say this is a significant boom to our members income were actively governor after the majority of the work this is that important in early january and february those are the slow periods overseeing jobs will pay significant wages and benefits on behalf of the bottle o local 16 we welcome the super bowl to San Francisco. Thank you, ms. December mapped. Good afternoon carpenters local 22 im going to change the tone of this a little bit weve been hearing a lot of good things it is a great thing were having this big party for the super bowl but the diesel back in october, september, october the Super Bowl Committee came to us they didnt want the same sort of labor disputes we had that was sphere headed by local 22 for the americas cup weve meet with them and to this date this hour we still dont have the commitment theyve made a commitment to make a commitment but that just didnt work we need a commitment from Super Bowl Committee for carpenters local 22 as we are standing here we dont have a commitment to use Union Carpenters a written commitment to use the union compartments for this function thank you. Thank you, sir. Good evening supervisors george from San Francisco travel and history tells us the shakespeare will undoubtedly provide benefits to San Francisco that far exceeds the investment in hosting this events the super bowl is an anticipate to bring millions of visitors to the San Francisco bay area generally a lower visitor times and 9 for january average 712. 2 percent and in february averaged 79 plus percent for super bowl we anticipated the rates hopeful nearly 100 percent and this means the significance of Hotel Tax Revenues that will flow into the general fund surpassing the revenues to the city and the activities will take place that will be spread across San Francisco generating mills no state of california but the benefits do stop images of super bowl and the events up to the big game will be broadcast across the global for 7 days we know this type of grocery creates worldwide ass permission for people to visit here sfro from a tourist that is a gift that keeps on giving it is priceless we believe that the involvement investment the city is making to host the super bowl about realize a healthy rate of return thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors peter rep north Carpenters Regional Council and carpenters local 22 in San Francisco one of the things that were definitely looking at is Job Opportunities here grant it there will be a 3 day movement 2 day move out not only the carpenters and the taermdz and the stagehands a litany of people involved those are good paying union jobs a prevailing wage job but our concerns are we protecting the people of the city and county of San Francisco or are we protecting general contractor and their employees that come in to take our jobs as a prevailing wage job weve had several as my colleague stated several meetings with the Host Committee, the issue of a candidates a true not just a verbal commitment but to protect those jobs ill only talking about hens we need to make sure that we on top of this so we dont have a if a as the carpenters took the mediate leading and went to the office of oewd and was able to recruit about 400,000 if not more for the members for the people that were not paid properly we need to make sure we get a commitment were asking you the supervisors to get the commitment from the Host Committee. Thank you, mr. Garza. Ill call counts rest of the speakers sins since i see the folks standing up calling names . And working anyone else that want to speak on this item thats all the speaker cards i have. Good afternoon supervisors im michael ive been a security over in San Francisco basically for forever and im a proud member of seiu and were here because were concerned about weve just fought for over a decade to make security job a real job that can earn a real wage with real benefits you can hold your head up he be proud to be a Security Officer your concern the Super Bowl Committee might be having a security contract to protect he everything the contractor is called security spri industry specialists a history of bad practices the city should doing everything we can to insure the work is done properly s i s has a history of worker mistreatment and lawsuits by the general public they are assaulted o those officers one such lawsuit in San Francisco was filed on behalf of a 16 yearold girl that was assaulted by acy i s officer they were dropped from apple and google they dont treat their workers well in subtly s i s was investigated by not paying sick leave and time off and currently the bureau of security and Investigative Services is investigating s i s over allegations theyve used unlicensed security at the Academy Awards and conceptually talked about standards and supervisor wiener talked about union jobs thats in the Security Industry negligence nonxhoipt. Thank you, sir. Thank you im kevin a Security Officer for 25 years brothers with mike its frightening that human lives and Public Safety should come down to the lowest bidders in a contract okay. This is why you have an organization that like the 10 b because you need qualified people to do this job we in the situation come forward to it you cannot have people that will not trained and qualify to do this job thats all i want to say i want to make sure i understand this s i s is currently under investigation by the California Bureau the security and Investigative Services; is that correct. Thats right for using unlistened Security Officers at the Academy Awards. Thank you for confirming that and being here. Thanks. Good afternoon, supervisors im owen a business represent for local 510 we do all of the temporary exhibit work on the hotels and jurisdiction stretches carrot Northern California and do temporary exhibits in many, many venues i command the fact proprietors that your landmarking landmarking for a protocol for special event we will profit but even at a late stage were beating the bushes to find out where it is coming from we here that operating wages are offered for the work we dont know the types of vendors western in the room with other unions and candidates were made and ask that Going Forward that we have a liaison between the city and the unions that are in this area who provide on a daily basis the kind of work can i ask i want to ask a question the liaison question comes up not from labor but our residents a liaison from the city that is specific sgaz with labor. Wisp introduced by someone im sorry it was a brief introduction weve heard nothing sense but asked to liaison users to the Host Committee through the Super Bowl Committee no, i dont believe there is a liaison it is very socializing needed. No liaison from the city or from the super bowl house committee. Theyve done a better job in reaching out but no, i dont believe there is. Thank you, mr. Murphy. Hi my name is a samable here to speak on behalf of the enlivening restaurants i want to speak on the positive impacts that super bowl 50 will have on restaurants january and february are generally slow times for the industry and the influx of the people cannot come at a betterment this benefits the restaurants and the employees as well the Host Committee is working to promote the routines across the city and the benefits you beyond downtown and were supportive of the super bowl for the huge impact and positive impacts on the restaurant and the fulltime employees. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Higgins. My name is not on a card. Thats all. Joe coping yes, maam from local 6 here a residential homeowner and were very much in firefighter the super bowl events to be here in San Francisco were very heavy involved that the work in Moscone Center and the Justin Herman plaza this is being able people to keep their fulltime jobs and as well as many people every day dispatched to those jobs electricians and hens that are getting paid benefits and health care not only interesting are they going to repeat benefits of the over time with setting up and tearing down 9 events but theyre actually spend the money back into the city with restaurants and going to the movies and coffee shops were here for safety standard like were done in moscone a big sector of the industry were in charge the events and looking forward to them. Thank you very much for being here. Sue hester i am very clear with that building i write down on my list the enclosures and interest there is no one has said with city hall will be used for the Planning Commission needs in the week before in the week afterwards board of appeals meets when there is how sculpture or enclosures around city hall is it so really difficult to have Public Participation at the Planning Commission and the board of appeals i went through one a couple weeks ago there was a demonstration for the Police Commission at the same time it took me an hour to get into the building what events will gone at city hall and interfere with the meetings in the evening thats a concern i have 3 meeting during this time and second your closing Market Street and the embarcadero for the super bowl experience is there a charge for that and how does that effect the Court Operations it is a concern codify mine if youre going to charge for that event it is a very big events, and, secondly, i have my office is at powell and market between powell and stockton street there are no controls when Howard Street is closed its been closed for the super bowl experience we need trained Traffic Control officers on third street and probable two other blocks besides the traffic rerouting and the pedestrians are a huge problem weve experienced with enclosure on Howard Street and right now the city didnt know how to control pedestrians especially ms. Hester. Okay is there anyone else who wishes to speak on item number seeing none, Public Comment is closed supervisor kim. Thank you i do want to thank the committee for continuing this hearing to get more delays. Thank you to the departments for coming with the information it is good to get clarity on the cost for the events you know, i just want to say that i want to acknowledge i think that most san franciscans are really existed that super bowl is coming to the bay area and its the super bowl 50 that is existing no question this will bring a lot of revenue to the city through the tourism and restaurants and Small Businesses and our hotels but you mean think there is a fundamental policy disagreement whether private entities should be paying regardless of the refer coming into the city in is the discussion during americas cup and in this case, the revenue didnt meet the cost of the events i acknowledge those are different but before we knew that was going to happen they offered for the costs and projected revenue that will far exceed that cost for me there is a level of consistent and one i believe that the private entities should pay for the costs i think occurred by the city i understand a policy difference and other folks will say this is an department on behalf of the city to raise the revenue i think in a case i know that it is hard to distinguish a nonprofit and what is not nicole the nfl is a nonprofit and many questions that status as being applied to the institution or other professional leads dont have to status im not sure the nonprofit to be the criteria who gets to pay and who didnt are the events are open or free to the public i have to venue to say a big difference between cultural pride events Public School market value the corporate institutions not a bad thing for San Francisco just a because the Super Bowl Party is promoting the nfl and promote super bowl but i think two when our marketing for another corporation that is profiting greatly not only in in terms of of their tickets and you commercials theyll air but ask them to of a i heard the Host Committee say 4 million is not a lot to the weightiest of people in the country but ill say the average taxpayer is saying it is a late lot to pie more Affordable Housing and our Muni Services even on days when we dont have special events this is a policy decision on the other hand, and well be introducing someone on the special events moving into the future for a policy that is clear to the Department Heads and the board of supervisors and the Mayors Office in terms of how we treat the fence Going Forward and San Francisco will continue to have this discussion many people want to be in the city it is a beautiful city we have a lot to offer im hearing about the Super Bowl Committee is bring to us but San Francisco has a lot to offer restaurant and cultural experiences and paperwork thats why they want this event in San Francisco a partnership we should have that conversation and the final thing that was brought up by the brothers and sisters in labor were a labor town this is a town that respects labor and righthand turns those respects those are partnering with the city were partners and expect the partners to work with the city i cant recollect that promote the labor harmony and support the prevailing minimum wage and im disappointed many of the issues have not yielded been worked out to the issues leading up to the event and hopefully in the future we shouldnt be having this conversation it is San Francisco is the host and it is not the nfl not just the Super Bowl Committee we have to expect labor harmony with all the companies to provide the services on behalf of the super bowl i think this is an exception 80 that every members of the board of supervisors should share those are my comments i appreciate this meagerly i look forward to have having many more discussions. Supervisor kim i wont repeat remarks about the portions of this event i do want to reiterate the importance of resolving those labor issues i think as i understand the shuttle that provider significant problems and i think this is important that we address that in addition to security ensured and make sure that as our city benefits as a whole our own residents and work groups are bens and not working with contractor that are saying poverty wages so supervisor farrell. Thank you, mr. Chair and thank you, supervisor kim and the committee that is an entertaining fill in today and thank you to all the members of the public that came out im so first of all, i agree we should be consistent as a city to the members of the labor unions if there is many unrest whatever i can do to make sure without a doubt please count on me and you know we need to be vigilant as ever with the public dollars in San Francisco for an event like this but every other day of the year and as chair the Budget Committee i take it unity responsibility very, very seriously and at the same time the attacks on the super bowl from the city prospective marks you know we need to distinguish and especially in the last person made a Public Comment talked about the private street enclosure on market a free events to the San Francisco Ethics Commission thats what the Host Committee is putting on you know, i know that was repetitive but every department and every Department Last year during Budget System has the super bowl as part of the budget that was approved by the board of supervisors and the Mayors Office we need to be vigilant and understand as a city weve approved that beforehand im for this approach Going Forward but to take potshots at the super bowl itself right now and saying the city is not holding up our part of the bargain is not correct we need to make sure we distinguish theres been comments around the americas cup verse the super bowl that is a multiple year verse a one week events in the city of San Francisco i dont bemoan the fact of a 7 day free public event thats not a bad thing and 7 days of free Public Events for our residents and there will be traffic hassle but in many ways thats a vibrant urban environment thats part of trade off we want an exciting place to visit and work and sometimes o log cool trade off happen and San Francisco San Francisco is slated to make money off of this events from a tax prospective my office Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development as well as we have the amount of publicist as the city of San Francisco i dont know who go our tourism budget is but the thirty second adds throughout the super bowl that will feature the city of San Francisco not santa claras is invaluable in terms of of promoting San Francisco i for one love to see our big city on the big screen and its the number one scoring events and for a tourism precipitation one over our life bloods is incalculable we talked about this is a big support of business communities in San Francisco you that about the restaurants and types of comboitsz those are valuable we talk about supporting them all the time thats not claudz in the money that the San Francisco will spend only supported bars or restaurants or other services in the neighborhood it is going to be a boon to the Small Businesses and something i want to support in the city and when we compare to other events before we criticize here at the board and so forth look at an honest look at other events this is with only week verse a day what we do in terms of the Cost Recovery no 100 percent Cost Recovery but not hold a in time event because it is surrounded on the idea of football to a different standard of free events hosted by nonprofits in the set of circumstances whether a pride parade or a world series parade over the past years and we

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