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Good morning and welcome to government audit and oversight meeting of april 21, 2016. Supervisor aaron peskin and joined by supervisor london breed and well be joined by supervisor norman yee . I would like to thank sf govtv for streaming us live. Madam clerk any announcements . Yes, please silence and electronic devices. Supervisor aaron peskin please read items 1 and 2 together. Clerk items 150672 home detention Electronic Monitoring Program rules and regulations and Program Administrators evidence of financial responsibility. Supervisor aaron peskin captain paulsen. Good morning. My name is captain paulsen. I have been asked to make a presentation today with regards to electronic monitoring. The reason for todays presentation is the california penal code requires that the board of supervisors review and approve the data regarding electronic monitoring. Currently we have made no changes to the electronic monitoring rules since in the past 2 years. In addition, the Contracting Agency which provides Electronic Monitoring Service for the department is responsible for approving financial responsibility and that proof has been included in the package. A review of the Electronic Monitoring Program by the San Francisco Sheriffs Department is this was designed to be an alternative to incarceration for low risk offenders. The participating electronic monitoring are reviewed by the court and reviewed by the San Francisco Sheriffs Department. A Program Reviews each person for electronic monitoring reviewing their criminal history, current charges and the police report. When we put a person on electronic monitoring we provide them a schedule of activities, which is referred to as home detention because they are required to be at their home. We develop inclusion and exclusion zone agenda depending on the crime. For instance, if a person is accused of shoplifting at a location, that is an exclusion zone. They maybe required to be at their residence for some time. The electronic monitoring is a provided as a tool of safety. It also reduces the cost of incarceration by providing a meaningful alternative to securing incarceration and allows the individual who is accused of the crime or who is serving a sentence for the crime to maintain Community Ties to and many times keep a job, to go to programmatic activity and most important to be with their family during the time that they are serving either serving pretrial or time assigned by a judge. We use two different types of electronic monitoring which is most widely used as anklet with gps device to let us know where that person is at all times. The gps tracking device transmits the signal actively which is picked up by us and it is light and does not interfere with any activity that the person is involved in. At times we add a beacon and that amplifies a signal if a person is living for example, in a basement, and improves the signal. The second type of monitoring is monitoring of a persons alcohol level. We do that through 2 devices. The first is a portable breathalyzer, a small device with a camera on it and we require the person participating to breathe into the the device, it takes their picture as they breathe into the device and tells us that persons blood alcohol level. The other device we use is ankle monitoring that measures the blood alcohol level by perspiration level and tells us whether or not that person has consumed alcohol. So, in conclusion, we are presenting this information to the board to state that we require your approval and authorization for the program. We have fundamentally not changed the rules and regulations of the program and the monitoring agency, the Contract Service provider has provided proof of financial responsibility. Supervisor aaron peskin thank you, captain. Just out of curiosity, how many individual on this program. On average 53 people per month on the case load. We signed up 187 people in 2015. And in terms of what is in the report referred to absent without leave, awol. The leaders have to report to you with how many awols . We have been very successful. Last year we had 34 people who in one way or another did not comply on a major basis. The advantage is we get reported to us in realtime. The more significant fact is that 93 of the people who complete the program, by our calculation and the numbers we report to the mayor, 93 do not recidivate within 12 months of completion of the program. Batteries, what about dead batteries . We get alerts when a persons battery is dying. So when it goes below a certain percentage, we actually have the ability to buzz the person, which is send a person an alert to say its time to recharge your battery. Thank you, supervisor breed, any questions for captain paulsen . Supervisor london breed is there more funding needed to put in to more womens programs. Based on the program it seems that you have done a good job in putting as many individuals as many as possible. It looks like there might be room to do more. I would like to have a clear understanding about some of the inmates that you have housed if there is a possibility to add more to this program . For every Single Person considered for electronic monitoring we do a Risk Assessment for them. The court is our partner in the Risk Assessment. When a court says, this person should be on electronic monitoring, we do our best to defer to the court order about it. Currently, with regards to the people who are currently incarcerated, we can do more and we can and have gotten as many people out as have been presented to us. We are currently reviewing the case loads of people in the jail to see whether or not we can get even more people out. Thank you. Supervisor aaron peskin are there any members who would like to testify to items 1 or 2 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Could we excuse supervisor yee from these votes. Supervisor london breed so moved. That motion passes. Can we send to the full board with positive recommendations . So moved. We have general manager here who has to go to his recreation and Parks Committee at 10 00. We wanted him here for a closed session litigation item. I dont want to give the Financial Report a short trip. What i was going to propose if its acceptable to supervisor breed is that we take item 4 out of order which will require us to empty this room because that is a closed session litigation item. If that is okay. We will take item four4 out of order. Thank you for your cooperation. Well come get you as soon as we dispose with this item. You can call them all, but well go back into closed session to address them. Yes dont we call items 4, 5, 6 together. Clerk item no. 4, a settle of lawsuit with lisa owen for 2250,000. And item 5, settlement of lawsuit for ying zhang for 175,000 item 6, kai yuan for 175. Supervisor aaron peskin thank you, we will convene in closed session. Are there any members of the public who would like to testify on items 4, 5, 6 . Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, this is that committee and it gives us five tasks. We shall maintain a direct a separate line of communication between the board of supervisors and the city and countys independent auditor. We immediate with the independent auditor and the auditors Financial Statement as well as management and compliance. Recommend appropriate action be taken by the board for recommendations contained in the audit report and follow the necessary report is implemented. Welcome, good morning. Mr. Rosen field. Good morning. That was a perfect introduction. I will turn it to our auditors. As you are aware our office each year discloses a Financial Report and working with the department and you as the board of supervisors retain the audits and retain our work and come back to you regarding our findings and the citys compliance to federal rules. Thats what we are here for today. I will turn it to the external auditors from supervisor aaron peskin i understand we will not discuss this current fiscal year . Correct. We are covering last year. Well be back for the board of supervisors regarding those. With your permission. We will bring the audit plans back to this committee in a month or so when they are prepared. Great. We look forward to that. On behalf of macias, gini and oconnel. Ms. Louie . Good morning. Presenter good morning, supervisors. My name is annie louie from gini and oconnel. I bring you the audit results for fiscal year 1415. First i would like to go over the scope of the audit that is performed by our firm. We cover the citys general Financial Statements known as the cafr. We report on the single audits and the retirement system and Successor Agency and the Redevelopment Agency and the General Hospital and required communication. And current year assessment. We did issue an unmodified opinion which is a higher level of assurance you can receive through the audit and the Financial Reporting as well as over compliance. The second report which is the report to the government audit and oversight commute is to authorize the communication to the board regarding communication on the audit. With that, there are two types of required communications that we report to the board at the beginning of the audit. So we presented in the fiscal year 1415 Audit Service plan on our responsibility under u. S. Generally accepted editing standards and planned scope and timing of the audit. There were no changes on the planned scope or the timing of the audit. In the report there are a series of items that under government audit and oversight we have to report to you. These are typical items. Without going into too much detail. The one i would like to highlight of qualitative aspects. We pointed to the audit themselves and the estimates used and how they were derived. The audit you receive in the Financial Statement is the implementation of gatsby 68 which is the new standard on pension benefits are being reported in the Financial Statement. That is one of the biggest changes with that im going into the audit and recommendations. The first one relates to Information Technology governance. This is from information we have from the previous audit and policies and procedures related to government it for the city as a whole. The reason why this is still in continuing comment because we believe the condition has not been fully corrected mainly due to the turnover at the department of technology. The second comment that we have relates to the yearend closing process. During the yearend closing process each department has to make estimates ora cruel of their liabilities. We found that certain departments did not have their own fiscal staff. They rely on the agency to record those transactions and the communication can be improved to account for the transaction in that period. Supervisor aaron peskin ms. Louis, give me an example of those . I cannot remember off the top of my head. Let me go back into detail. Good morning, deputy county administrator. These are facilities in Treasure Island. There are three other departments that rely on the department. There is ti and other facilities use gsa . Right. Conventional facilities is their Management Agreement so they have their own internal financial staff and review the material and statements. Treasure island, completely relies on gsa for all of their accounting back in process and pos. Treasure island was a subdivision of the state of california until recently, right . It was not a city agency per say, it was kind of a second Redevelopment Agency until it did have a separate status, yes, now it falls under the umbrella of the City Administrators Office under the gsa. With that we fall under the gsa and accountable for all the finances. Thank you. If you would like the details of the transactions that we have found and corrected is on page 10 of the report. So moving on, there are two informational type comments. These are not deficiencies in the Financial Reporting process but we believe have significant changes or impact on the Financial Statement or for the city as a whole. The first item related to the uniform guidance for federal awards. What happened in the office of management and budget issued new requirements for all federal awards and it became effective december 26, 2016. , 2014. That will impact how the city manages oversee any funding received including cost procurement monitoring. This will be the significant change in the effecting of awards. The second comment relates to the new accounting standards issued for other Employment Benefits o opeb for short. One of the most significant change is the presentation of an opeb liability on the Financial Statements. So you will have basically it will hit your bottom line. Currently the information is measure differently and also only disclosed in the note for the Financial Statement. The implementation year is 151718 for the city. Going forward the findings for the year for compliance awards. The first one related to the procurement for the Port Security grant program. That program was administered by the port of San Francisco. During our test of procurement procedures we found that proper documentation was not maintained for one of the contracts. We found the department to be in compliance based on other types of testing, but we believe that document retention is important. In terms of management response, you will see the response in the report but it was addressed august 2015 to address the issue. Supervisor aaron peskin whats the difference between a significant deficiency and material deficiency . Okay. There are basically three types of deficiencies you can have in internal control and the most familiar is the material witness which will be a likely chance to lead to the material of the Financial Statement or material noncompliance in terms of federal awards. That will be a Material Weakness in control. That doesnt mean you have to have a material misstatement or noncompliance, but one would be such a finding. The next level is is the deficiency in the process that we warrant to management as well as the board. The lowest level would be a control of deficiency that may not raise to the level of significant deficiency. Thank you. The second and last finding of this audit is the program. As part of the claiming process reimbursement for the program will be to do time studies for the workers time. We found that during the time study process sick leave and vacations were not classified properly and we have the information for the department to visit that process and corrected. In terms of a management response, the full response is in the report itself, but they are communicating. We are emphasizing the proper time of the hours and looking into enhancing the process. The last section of this presentation i would like to go over the prior year of the recommendations we have for the single audit. We have three findings in the slide and they were corrected by year 1415. With that, i will take any questions you may have. Supervisor aaron peskin colleagues, any questions from ms. Louie . No. Can we hear from kpmg . Good morning, supervisors, my name is lisa avis with kpmg. I will here to discuss the three departments we audit. The San Francisco International Airport which is included the single audit. We audit mta, and we audit hsf and puc for water, wastewater, hetch hetchy water. The Financial Statements resulted in an unmodified opinion. Thats the clean bill of health. Basically the Financial Statements did properly state their Financial Health at the end of the year. Single audit we had no findings. All received unmodified opinions. When we were here last year and frd audit results we did report a material witness for the San Francisco International Airport in the process of capitalizing their fixed assets. There was an approximate 45 million audit adjustment to be booked and there was a material issue. Happy to report it was reminded in that t reimmediated that finding and took the appropriate steps to remediate that finding. They have a clean bill of health. No reports this year. Management did well in that result and no Management Issues to report in that timeline. Any questions . Supervisor aaron peskin colleagues . Thank you, ms. Avis. And now we may hear from the a fore mentioned significant deficiencies. Maybe we start with someone from the department of technology. I dont see mr. Here. Im the new securities information officer. Boya. We concur with the findings. This is something thats been known for a while and we are working on solutions for that. There is an established architectural policy review board in place which is currently working on five separate policies. The one addressing this main issue around privilege access to management policy. I cochair with my colleague out at the airport, tom borden. We are working on that standard now to be able to codify a centralized password Identity Management program for the city and county. Hopefully you will stay here for a while so they dont find this as a turnover. I hope so. Controller . Briefly, i wanted to add that joes presence in itself and description of his job is one that is repeated. Joe is filling the job that is the scope for security citywide. As we had a chief Security Officer responsible for this, joes scope is larger. So we are looking for and pushing through this finding. Great, we would love to see it go away in its currently fiscal year. If you want to reiterate what gsa is with communicating with Treasure Island and Convention Facilities and anybody else about this significant issue is stressing. Thank you. Deputy city administrator. Weve already started implementation and recommendation in terms of increasing the level of communications with both of those two organizations Convention Facilities as well as Treasure Island development authority. We have instituted monthly meetings with our budget and finance staff with the Staff Members for the organizations. Weve also increased regular meetings with the Controllers Office and we are working with the Controllers Office to establish the yearend close timeline working with the departments to identify any of those similar kind of issues early in the process. Thank you. Any questions . Who do we have here on behalf of the port of San Francisco. Good morning, mr. Wu. Good morning, john wu, office of port of San Francisco. As to Port Security grant program, i guess the good news is there are no cost and our contractor was in fact not suspended or debarked. As to the procedural matter, this came up as part of a monitoring report as to compliance and we turned around immediately in august 2015, documented new procedures to make sure that we followed the steps of documenting a review for obtaining certification for regulation that we document and report that procedure. That is now clear in our internal procedures and well be in compliance from this point on. Excellent. Thank you, mr. Wu. Any questions for mr. Wu . Seeing none. Who do we have here from juvenile probation . Good morning, very new to the scene. Just a month and 2 weeks. Tell us your name. My name is eric gribde. I understand there are changes to rectify our recording mechanism. So i think its three fold at this point. So there is retraining of probation supervisors. Also the second piece is changing the procedures. I think our procedures are to be enhanced further and i think for me the key to all this is open up the channel of communication between all stakeholders. So i think with all three being implemented, i wont be repeating this and i wont be in front of the members. Its all good and this is the lowest level of deficiencies. We wish you all the best in remediating that problem and the coming fiscal year. Mr. Rosenfeld, is there anything you would like to snad we appreciate the work and appreciate the process between the Audit Committee and we are pleased they are relieved the material deficiency and we will work with the departments today to be sure that is not repeated next year. Not bad for a project of these millions of dollars. Thank you, ms. Avis, supervisor. Supervisor norman yee i was going to say for the things of our budget. That is a positive mark for the city. Are there any members of the public who would like to testify on the consolidated annual Financial Report. Public speaker hello. Its great to see you back here at city hall. It is a time to have new balance. What im here for seems that this was the oversight committee. Here im here celebrating years of working as an advocate in the western edition. As im here before queen bee. None of this is reflected on her because we were both little kids. I was much older than her. Im requesting as the fillmore corridor ambassador. It was granted back when ambassador was here. The Planning Commission, the departments that are related to the western edition. Currently i know you are about the addition efforts, the western edition to fillmore and redevelopment had nothing to do with it. No departments. Here all of a sudden there is bankruptcies and the city owes the state millions of dollars. I want an audit to show corruption, miss guidance and all the things that i dont have time to say. I will do it respectively. I know im thinking of sending them around again when they usually we have issues for the full board. Thinking about sending them again to the full board. A month, 3 months later. Supervisor aaron peskin we will reconvene in open session. Deputy City Attorney gibner. City attorney 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12 to the board for full recommendation and items 7 to be tabled and 10 to the full board. Supervisor aaron peskin we need a motion not to disclose, second by supervisor yee without objection. Seeing no more business before this body, we are adjourned. [ meeting is adjourned ] sfgov item number one is the general Public Comment has the opportunity to address the commission on items of interest to this commission not on the agendas is there Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 2 approval of the minutes commissioners like to make a motion to approve the minutes of april 19th a motion of april 19th do we have a second second there is a motion and a second Public Comment on our minutes seeing none, Public Comment is closed any any further discussion . Please call roll. So this on the approval of february. No april. Sorry. Is it on here. Just april 19th oh, i have an old agenda commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner perez commissioner thomas and commissioner joseph. Respect from executive director. Thank you very much you guys okay so sorry work in the hallway on an item coming before i i want to update the commission on a couple pieces of legislation your the agenda says to file numbers clean up items ive talked about for a few meetings and in Land Use Committee there was some southern over one part of 3 different parts of the legislation that was george being worked on those just to remind you are the creation of a waveer for loudspeaker permits weve been doing for a very long time a waiver process in the office not codified we needed to make sure we had a way to do this so that was in the legislation as clean up there was additional timeframe for people for an altered grant not able to chief 3 that has been extended you know for two conventional periods for just cause and we have tried to make changes and supervisor peskin has additional kwerpz able to basically keep the file and turn it into two thats issue of notice to go to lulled to manage it without keep the other pieces from Going Forward so you see the today, i building was second reading on the waiver and the extension piece those are on their way to the mayors for approval we dont have a date on the discussion of revision of notice but in the meantime, well notice so well find a place sooner than later and keep you awe braftdz thats done deal i want to let the commission know is a request by supervisor farrell to call for a hearing rewarding the Environmental Impact of land use and transportation recession it has a purpose for the supervisor with respect to those conversation that the board has around housing quite a bit of and also jobs and so when i read that he was reader in that as you may know our conversation continue to go back to lulled what youre talking about entertainment so we know that the value of the entertainment so i is counted we know every time that housing gets put somehow and rezoning we lose the entertainment right we have i called the Supervisors Office and asked if he could be a part of the find analysis and make sure that the Economic Impact of lulled as it represents to entertainment was take a look at as well but the entertainment use generates jobs with all specimens of the Education Barriers to entry in terms of entertainment business are quite low and you can work your way up to owning a business i think if you were how without a lot of education those are the jobs were all tdr in keeping in San Francisco so the Controllers Office theres a lot more work to do so you wont see things happen but i dont know where it about end up but dont want to lose the opportunity if youre interested on our own this file number you can track if and when thai action it ends up at a hearing at some point and well be engaged so theres that. Under the heading of staff and Office Update very long arduous process for it comes to an end there are 5 candidates who have glutton the testing and are scheduled to or getting scheduled to be interviewed on may 25th so hopefully not long after that we will you seek the commitment and hire that person im thinking of mid june of any, no, sir, of any job theyll need and hit the ground running with the fair season right now so we know that there work around the 10 b legislation around that passed last year and lots of things regarding escot with things so picture im excited for that and when that person comes on board we will have to make more room. No room ill have to get an extension. Well squeeze someone in. Join the club here. Okay. He think thats it for me no corrective actions. I have a question just curious between the jobs and the housing which did they find more important. They didnt found out anything they started this analysis so no okay yet and my other question could you remind me about the legislation with regards to notice. So the section we were trying to manipulate was related to it was in determination which is 1050. 5 talked about the notice of the mixed residential articles 7 and 8 of the planning code it looks like it is all places in San Francisco permitting and theres a somewhat in my opinion old fashion leaf letting requirement one and 50 feet around we were trying to just want the in addition to the building using electronic means and without gouge so far down the road to do what 312 requires the Planning Department has an expensive related to it i know that commission may not or in the past hadnt wanted so again, a half hour. The 312 mission costs 322,000 to do. No, i dont know were in the midst of the conversation. Anyone else any questions for jocelyn. Okay. Next up. Inspector burke. Good evening, commissioners sharon burke here a few notes a new complaint for the fires house off of polk street in any experience run as an art gallery were hearing as a cafe and on occasion other space so inspection pauley and i are in the midst of switching district and well be going out on inspections we had a new operator took over 25 norega with the underground grill its called i went out to do on inspection a couple weeks ago and theirs in the process of establishing kayak and in touch with staff in the office in the chambers work on a complaint also over the last couple of years actually not starting the Outdoor Events season im in touch with the complainant and will visit his site it is difficult to contain the sound within their Property Line but see what we can do and mediate and come to an agreement as far as timing and loudness i think i brought up the situation to last hearing we have an empty dwelling next door to 2631st street and the realtors and builds are lodged a complaint against them ive gone out to take exterior and interior measurements to establish what that place sounds like at resting and this weekends they have an event and impair and bring back information we are a fair according to what i saw and sfpd told me went off without and hitch some stages were louder than others and one of the main stages seemed to be with dealing with lower frequencies we asked them to tune down and on howard at the base of the a residential building we have to tuned down as well and after the reduction of sound they were in compliance so all in youll a couple of smooth weeks if i can answer any questions. I have a couple of just curious on the chambers is it at all building at the corner of eddy and possible. It is absolutely is 7 floors up. And youve been dealing with this for how long. Theres been i think first heard of him first summer i came on aboard this is the first time he is willing to talk about an sovereigty visit. Weve been dealing with him since this commission is in essence and the other thick you said developers were talking about the noise. So ive heard in a builder the builder was the first person to reach out to me put me in touch with the realtors theyre attempting to sell the units. Does anyone live in the property. No. So an empty property is complaining about a bar that is what next door and correct. I see. I now have information about the types of sound wall and after this weekends test will bring that in finding with that in the packet you can look at it. Possibly the bshldz is should build a sounds like wall as well and last but not least i find it curious the complaint from residents regarding Outdoor Events and so this guess another ongoing complaint tell me with the residents are located the only residences i know of have gone up fairly recently actually on the other side of the freeway no sound is audible from those residents we have a complaint coming from someone nearby in an office type of studio space so not residential. However, i know that there will be residential going up across the street and trying to head this off and on the doors of communication prior to that building going up. Yeah. So can we talk afterward i have a phone number and do you do a sound test i see their patio this noise was cancelled we the white noise from the freeway that goes right over in the past i thought that was true that note true im a wrong. It varies by weekend ive been other there the freeway cancels things out as you go under the freeway and approach the freeway from the other side the low end extends past the bridge. Okay. Thank you. Uhhuh. One question on the los sent a residential building. A singlefamily. Empty but brings down the value of property. When they remodel the developer should have put in a sounds like thing so it will not bring down the volume of that; right . I am not thats what i would do if i were the developer. In regards to the howard festival on your normal inspection day they were two loud. This was planned i went out depending on sundays either earlier or later in the day as a normal day for me, i try to wherever something large a street fair try to go out in the beginning and stop in the middle and at the end to make sure theyre following the conditions of their permit. This was receptive and cooperate. They did. Inspector pauley youre up. Good evening i stopped by port one a promotion with a local Sports Reporter that was popular but a couple of issues ive seen before around superbowl was noisy on the avenue and their Line Management was not great but those issues have been taken care of i went towards Fishermans Wharf all around the area to make sure the sound was tight and commissioner lee witnessed a couple of months ago everything looked fine good patron screening what you expect from that type of busy partying i did a walk through of pine dinner one of the extended permits that is popular people that ruby skies anywhere downtown after hours i mean it looked fine with a Security Guard there Entertainment Commission permit is not posted they posted their tax licenses and ive finding businesses are michelangelo your Business Licenses singles were switching districts ill ask shawn to tighten up and idle 32 an issue a few 3450gz an minor incident someone get stabbed not inside the bar but proornlz sometime in the evening there was conversations around the security not adequate not having a doorman the day i went in they had a doorman so, i mean, it looks at fine on that evening their permits are fairly posted to the Entertainment Commission permit is posted so everything looked good i made a couple of stops at other places the infusion lounge and talked with the manager i think i mentioned theyve switched management they have issues on superbowl but a dinerer and the manager of fillmore more and managed on Mission Street so theyre in v box complanlts on the norfolk alley one of the things the noise from vehicle code section box ii talked about with them and told me what was going on ive been following up so open this particular night i made sure i went by twice in that friday and saturday night and 235ish to make sure i heard nothing and friday night i heard nothing but saturday night was not close to the complaint i did a flyby on lark they have a one night permit nothing major a lot of times the one night permit nothing to see but good to see sometimes but they were in compliance a couple of complaints we talked about the square blockage before it is the same issue the speakers on the wall i gave them a date which is coming up invocation to remove the speakers from the wall and hopefully it will stop and prevent or eliminate the complainants complaints and ive talked with the manager and were working on that but well see what happens i should have an update next week and try to close that within a week and then be there was one complaint about monroe similar to the issue at one place an owner in the building above a bamboo hut are an apartment on the 16r9 and the secondstory is one apartment climbing u claiming i complaining about noise from monroe an window that faces the ceiling of monroe you heard are hear their noise but bamboo hut is in the basement and one building over contributing to the sound when the intern stages with dealing with that the first thing i talked with the manager and said there is an or a complaint and that were going to try to work out it upgrades figure out what we can do maybe they can talk with each other the landlord selfwant to talk with the venue manage it would be speaking to do. In terms of in the beginning stages i think what will happen ill end up pga that on to go shawn and then well not see that as a huge issue but nevertheless, noise present in the apartment so and his window a shut. His window is shut. Their single pain windows. Something like that so put i didnt around the ends ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioners. On it when you talk about the speakers at the square bar and kitchen if you refusing to take them down and talking you to you hell take them down. Hes talking about hell take them down by the deadline but well wait and see im not sure im not sure what is going to happen ill say in the past sometimes things were said with that particular venue that didnt get done the way it was supposed to. Theyre in agreement theyll move the piano on the other side. There has not been complaint about the entertainment or whatever theyve had only specific about the speakers but not issue we were going to do that they were doing unpermitted entertainment but shes complained about it before the complainant she put up with it for awhile and impacts and they cack to me. Thank you. Anyone else . Public comment on directors report seeing none, Public Comment is closed Police Department questions or comments. Guys anything . Nothing okay moving on to item number 5 which is our consent calendar we have one item Matthew Norris mist mechanical in the amount of an consent calendar item this permit is the bill yard the owner norris is here asking for two pinball machines for his guests to use in his new restaurant and bar i placed to an consent sfpd has not problem and no recommendations and planning also approved it. Okay commissioners any discussion on this. Is there Public Comment on our consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed call the roll commissioner lee commissioner frost commissioner perez commissioner thomas and commissioner joseph good luck to you guys have fun. Item 6 this is hearing and possible action for the application for permit under the jurisdiction of Entertainment Commission we have one item and if i kill your names dont kill me it is calling names how did i do any french is really bad i dont know how i pass it in high school. calling names laughter good, huh . Wow. And michael how can i missing mess that up on bush street a place of entertainment and extend permit this one the bar have several years of experience amongst them with ownership and management of drone and tunnel pop and other things it will be a contemporary cocktail bar that does arts and loud amplified music from jazz and bluegrass and acoustic things with approval of the with two conditions they have recommended the denial of extend hours here we go to talk about that the application are the owners. Commissioners good evening ive owned the tunnel top for 15 years and sold it last september also the owner of mandatory discretion iron and my friend used to own a bar michelle were indeed asking for entitlement license well have the late extended hours we are wanting to plead to you commissioners and the Police Department and well most likely ask for an extended hours and the current Entertainment Permit we are seeking like to mention then we are and weve been following the Good Neighbor policy. Youve been putting on the table for the past two years and we ever points your mentioning were following we weve been doing it and with a history with the city for the past 15 years taking care of the neighborhood and taking care of the arent and make sure no dealing with the help of the police or City Government happening or render comments the tunnel top it is prove were here to serve the community and we been full transparency with you guys do do whatever you want us to do and provided to the city a good sense also mention i dont know if you get this paper what we are doing to present the sound to go outside of the building investing 100,000 for stopping any sound out of building id like to mention our commercial rail who will be moved to the next step well not have a complaint from that person and i dont know if you have what were going to put on the roof i have copies for you if you dont it is no sounds like about come out of that building we are inside of the hotel a lobby that communitybased organizations through to get our bath that is a great sounds like barrier on top of what well put and thats what you see friend of mine michael youve all heard about it. Do you want me to ramp on. We want to ask questions you dont have to choose to ramp. So tell me what youre doing after housing exactly. We will our plan and i think what we are hopefully e hoping to do and would like to do with the conversation with the Police Department to approach special events for post festivals the hotel as an interesting situation a lot of the artists who might be booked into town some of them have a rack record of working with some of the booking agents who might book bluegrass and put up people that he hotel or various hotels now this hotel will think e be, if you knower the actors might be, if you knower but we wanted to prove ourselves with a good communication with the Police Department that is important not a shortterm thing but flush out how well approach for example, well is that theres an artist staying in the hotel that artist might be doing a midnight show up to 1 30 or one 45 and have a security plan how we deal with the transition in the post 2 00 a. M. And the alcohol removal we need time to flush that auto so the entertainment is a vital part of what we want to do the after hours had is not vital how to how we operate. So just to be clear youre withdrawing our request for an extend hours permits. We are. Do we need to take a vote on that or if we just dont vote on that at all okay. Thank you. The other thing i want to mention im impressed with how you, you your drawings of the soundproofing are you actually going to do those steps. Were actually doing it, yes theyre starting that and the last question why did you call it fluctuations. It is 3 times faster. Since the 1960s an little known art movement that means flow their idea they were a pain in the ass from the dart is one and 80 degrees this is one hundred and 90 degrees this allows a lot of fun that is the way it is i believe we embodied the way i operate and the drone you know the i consider it to be an experience from the people that walk in part of 2 it music and not enough people approach it as an Art Forum Like vaudeville or sitting up there and playing acele or a peeing contest they have to sit up there and whoever what hold it the longs it. I love funny Little Things it will be quirky and commissioner any other questions. We have the data bar. I know as hopefully. And close in the same area and music is art anyone else that says it is isnt is wrong. One of the savings is john len none and york could on no. I walked on thin ice so thank you very much you have a committee. Yeah. The Police Department and two things are you agreeing that both the Security Camera. We have that in our plans and the second one i was mandate for our staff. Perfect, thank you. Commissioner lee. Your fire your Public Assembly it is 49 right now that should have been corrected an error that you went. The Fire Department is 176. You have to file the assembly permit. Yes. We are. Okay anyone else question. Commissioner perez. Hi, im impressed with your drawings so thank you for share i you couldnt have a question about your Neighborhood Outreach you said you met with the Union Square Business Improvement District what you tells us how that transpired. It was all the businesses of downtown 17 merchant associations with union square and most of the folks were there and mayor ed lee wanted to make a speech but didnt come and we talked to the oldest neighborhood and around that so we had a very Good Community at which we spoke last week to supervisor peskin we have lunch with other restaurant notification and we also went to every single Hotel Restaurant and bar around there was not one business we didnt address i used to be close with the tunnel top before i started we have a very good history. There are no neighbors associations. The association no residents. Two residents within the weather block on the abc one of them is a Resident Hotel and he is not going anywhere hes happy hes living in that hotel were not concerned if someone has a problem well get to that. Okay. Thank you anyone else why not have a seat. Thank you police. Officer mathias nice to see you always nice to see ive met with the applicant and the business as far as them talking about the soundproofing very happy with that but the other part is how it is on the first story of the hotel so even as far as lines if there were a line they can bring in a large large lobby that will easy the congestion on bush street so very happy about that we went over the Business Plan theyre okay with the Security Camera an front making the frontage for the 14 days and in their Business Plan theyve theyre going to do the tips training that is were happy about that as far as the service or alcohol any questions. Anyone thank you Public Comment on bar fluctuation is seeing none, Public Comment is closed so only on the permits not the extend hours that was withdrawn the Good Neighbor policy and the police conditions can someone. Ill make that motion. Perfect do we have a second. There is a motion and a second any further discussion . Same house, same call . Good okay. Thank you and we actually needed to backtrack to the consent calendar we and take a motion on that one. There was no motion sorry about that there is a motion and a second okay Public Comment on the motion to approve the consent calendar okay. Same house, same call . Yep. Okay item no. 7 commissioners questions or comments ive got one this redacted application and stuff any way to update not to redacted so the redacted d is taken out we need the information if the office. Can you repeat redacted. Yes. It is redacted personal information. Do you need that you do so no way to remove those you need them in there for it will be redacted. Thats redacted because the stuff anyone can ask for it and all the different departments so a lot of different hands. Its your call. Okay. Great thats my only question and my only comment is Howard Street fair. So fun. Whos next. We have read this. We can read it maybe i need a new marker weve been able to read it in the past it is probably safety. It is a photocopy you probably are a lazer printer that is good and print the type really sharply so i suggest you whiteout it and mark it black it will be double work okay. Any other questions or comments . Okay. New business for future agenda items i have one item i would like us to talk about an additional for the rdr so can we make sure that thats on the next agenda all right. And anyone we adjourn at 617 the office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Difficulties. Okay to start without them were on hold all right. Technical difficulties this afternoon all right. Were on board all right. The meeting will come to order this is the regular meeting of land use and transportation im supervisor cohen the chair and to my right is commissioner weiner the vice chair and to my left is commissioner peskin our clerk is andrea ashbury id like to take a moment and thank leo and jesse larson from sfgov for broadcasting this meeting clerk, any announcements . Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the may 10, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Lets get start item one a resolution approving the designation of forest on mshthd and spear street good afternoon mr. Lazzaro hes here ladies and gentlemen, hes staff of the Arts Commission will present on this item. Thank you, supervisors for hearing this that he appreciate it on behalf of the street actors whom the Arts Commission willss were here to does for your recommendation to designate 4 additional artist street spaces think Market Street north side of Market Street at spear street you may recall that under 3 separate regulations you have designated some 2wr0 other spaces on this same block on the same side of the street were we asking for a remaining four those four would be in compliance with the other spaces that youve designated that are 10 foot by 10 foot spies to meet the size of what they cotton the easy up tents they use it looks like a beautiful market fair arts and crafts fair and highly successful fair in order to provide for the 10 by 10 just as you did in the other resolutions k3789 the spaces from various regulations of police code and excuseme. Typically well before i state them youre probably aware under ordinance 344 dash 83 you are authorized to exempt a space or an area of spaces from any or many of the regulations as long as as the exemption are not inconsistent with the purposes of the regulations and, in fact, over the since 1983 you have in offer 40 resolutions exempted street arts spaces from various regulations and so to begin with all 4 of those spaces were here before you on behalf of would be exempted from the displayed spaces is 3 by 4, 4 feet wide by 3 feet deep and six feet at all exempted as well as the height the height will be instead of 5 needed to 7 feet again with keeping with the other spaces the four spaces are exempted from the 5 foot distance between booster regulations and in this case theyll be next door to each other as the other spaces two of the spaces of the four will be exempted from the distanced from the crosswalk regulations that is normally says that a space will be 5 feet away from a crosswalk in this case theyll be opposite the crosswalk but interestingly and ill go this this sidewalk is 48 and a half feet wide so with these spaces and their exemptions just like the other spaced on the sidewalk they would be 1800 19 and a half from the front of the booth to the adjacent hostility regulationcy hotel over two times the required way width and similarly the back of the boat is 19 square foot away from the curve in this case the sidewalk and again that is like over two times this requirement for a passageway directly opposite the crosswalk are a tree and lamp pole ive observed they dont heroin the flow of pedestrians we feel safely that that two of the four spaces were requesting would be in line with the tree and the lamp post and not hinder pedestrian traffic so that i think ive covered all of this oh, one more regulation one of the four spaces would be exempted from the distance from the 10 foot distance from entrance how it is measured if you look like an entrance a doorway youll measure parallel 10 feet away aperpendicular and 19 and a half feet opposite that entryway that is actually a subterranean entry exit so far a vehicle of the hotel and again and theres a railing opposite that two so again that space will lead 17 and a half feet of pedestrian passage way again morning twice the requirement anyway, im hear and ill be happy to answer your questions if i can. Thank you, mr. Lazzaro colleagues, any questions seeing none, Public Comment at this time all right. Members of the public that would like to speak on the item come up to the microphone as a reminder 2 minutes a soft chimney with thirty sections remaining. Thank you, supervisors my name is tale of two cities sky ive been a street artist since 1974 since the mr. Lazzaro took over im a cheerleader and in fact, im confused by the numbers but know where they are we have very Good Neighbors with the neighbors and streets of San Francisco artists are popular like the artists and they say we gentrify the area and one of the reasons this is important weve had the arts and Crafts Market at herman plaza it is popular as other spaces around the city have become less popular we expanded down Market Street and in other words, to do that weve had to come and ask for more spaces unlike the craft fairs i saw supervisor wiener others a festival a couple sunday good those are think on this weekend but those spaces are all year round so you can make the cost of living so i urge you to agree and recommend this proposal not o to the full board and want to thank supervisor peskin for on the edge of his district very, very vocal and a nice supporter of our program i appreciate your support and thank you very much all of you. All right. Thank you is there any additional Public Comment on this item please come up. My name is maria one of the managers the market over there we do assign people the spaces and everything and those spaces are important for the other people sometimes, we have one hundred and 50 people and on this 95 so this will add more more spaces a great relationship with the hyatt to Work Together thank you. Anyone else seeing none, Public Comment is closed at this time and the matter is in the hands the Committee Colleagues a motion on that item. Move we forward with positive womens by supervisor wiener and without objection amazing all right. Get to item number 2. Item 2 ordinance to seriousy massage with the conditional use preliminary and north of market. April on for supervisor kims that will be presenting on item 2. Good afternoon, supervisors again, im april and im here on behalf of the jane kim thank you for your consideration of this legislation today supervisor kim has forwarded this legislation to change the north of market special use district to allow massage serves as part of the existing businesses with the is that a and the special use district prohibit massage establishment unless part of a hospital are gym or Residential Care facility Diego Sanchez is here to talk about the analysis and the north of Market Street special use district was passed at a time a prohibition of massage establishments to protect the Public Safety health and safety that was very much a communitybased initiative and this change seeks to update the recognition of the positive changes in the neighborhood and the Community Effort over the years to encourage new Small Business opportunities in the tenderloin the legislation seeks to strike the balance to support Small Businesses and Small Businesses that are desired in the neighborhood that legislation enables massage establishment as an accessory but requires a conditional use for any business that will utilities this opportunity for massages in the special use district and with that, i hope youll support this legislation today and building that Diego Sanchez is here from the Planning Department to subscribe the Planning Departments staff report. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Sanchez. Diego sanchez superintendant on march 10 the commission heard those and the Planning Commission moved to remedy the proposed ordinance the commission strongly support the cus for the personal services in the north of math sud from the increasing access to Massage Therapy and establishing the regulatory controls that concludes my presentation. Wow. Thank you appreciate the brevity anyone else im going to open up for Public Comment it is open at this time you can come up and share with you as you good afternoon, supervisors my name is Carolyn Smith and my husband sunny and i have been working for two years now on convert an old brick building that was formally a mechanics garage into a japanese style 135 with limited to our business first a restaurant a japanese inspired restaurant with fresh vegetable dishes and a large key moe menu we have 6 treatment rooms for facials and others massages and lastly well have communal bathing elements there will be a soaking tube and a steam room were a Small Business opening in the heart of tenderloin and the focus of the elements of our business will be fostering wellbeing and community the treatments well offer will permit relax but support our clients wellness and goals we feel like massage is a valuable part of my well routine program were well aware of the amendments to the health code and will follow those and will Foster Community with our clients and neighbors that offer a acupuncture and on one day a week for our neighbors thank you very much listening for listening. Anyone else. I work for central collaborative that is part of clinic but here im here to speak on behalf of brenda washington who is a tenant in the collaborative and a tenants of Jefferson Hotel couldnt be here im reading her statement im brenda with the collaborative in jefferson which is a neighbor for this business we support this amendment for planning code to permit the massage the owners have gone to Numerous Community meetings that were held and tenderloin stations and other places theyve discussed their business and we totally support and hope you support this thanks. Any other members of the public who will come up . Hello and told me im kathy and im from the Cadillac Hotel in support of sunny and carolina theyve been Strong Community members and it is important to have a dialogue it is interesting im supporting this product i want you to know i believe theyre committed to the community and its wellbeing thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors im john nolte a board member of the planning collision in 1999 we passed the north of market special use district the business came to several meetings before they asked for an amendment we told them they couldnt do their business because of special use district and no meetings and outreach to the community to deal with the proposed amendment that is going i urge the board not to amend the special use district we had a coalition involved in 1999 and not enough Community Members were you outreached in the packet there be no letters of support for this item so up urge the board to deny this amendment to the special use district and no recommendations to the full board thank you very much. Anyone else . Okay Public Comment is closed. Thank you all right. This matter in the hands the committee and a motion by supervisor cohens and without objection the motion to full board with a positive recommendations call item 3. Item 3 motion from the land use and transportation at the board of supervisors is with the attorney Attorney Client privilege for closed session for the purposes of kevin with and getting advise for the litigation arisen out of the north focal island on the street and referred to the california code and the San Francisco administrative code 67. 102 to remitted this discussion in open session will be likely prejudice the city in the anticipated litigation. Thank you mr. Clerk. The clerk should call the owners that the committee will be considering today, i understand the closed session is part of potential consideration of the ordinance. The oxen is the pine tree as a landmark. All right. So intending to proceed first a presentation from staff of the urban Forestry Council and then well take Public Comment then the committee will entertain a committee to hold a closed session to confer with the City Attorney and not take actions on the issuance but will reconvene and consider taking action so thank you for calling those items together im to call up the urban forestry of the environment to give you a brief presentation on this item. I provide the staffing support for the department ill briefly go over the landmark designation so far the trees it is near to some of you and go over the process for this particular nominated tree in general all landmark trees are nominated theyre all designated by the board of supervisors the urban Forestry Council serves as part of progress and landmark tree nomination came from the owner of labor subject and the agencies and the Historic Preservation commission is the land use advisor ordinance the board of supervisors can nominee and once a nominees is made the staff will perform on onsite evaluation and the Council Holds the landmark tree hearing at that public hearings a specific time for the pertaining to have a say follow at the hearing the vote can go one of 3 ways but regardless of the economy recommendations to the full council the nomination to the full council for the consideration one of 3 outcomes to the vote and in all cases to pass a motion they need 3 members to pass the motion a suppo nomination will be a recommendation 3 of the members voting against or a split vote they cant get the votes for the tree like i said, it goes to the full council for consideration had the full Council Holds their nomination the chair will provide a report on the committee the Committee Hearing and then at the end of the hearing similar to the landmark try committee theyll have a 3 okay either for against or split 15 members of the council so will members needed to vote for or against the motion if denied by 8 members the 23450e78gs stops otherwise with the slit voted for the board of supervisors for consideration additionally important to note that all landmark dont need to meet all the requirements but it meets the threshold for landmarking ill provide for detail for you if youre interested and in this case the nomination for this tree the hook north pine was made by the Planning Commission the Property Owner didnt give permission to ensure his property for an evaluation of the tree we were able to get permission from the estate of the next door neighbor and Council Members and staff rendered the evaluation the landmark Tree Committee held two meetings at the end of the first hearing didnt have enough information and at the end of the second hearing a vote of 2 to one 3 Council Members we are present and two voted against one for so this went to the full council no recommendation from the committee at the full council they had two hearings after the first hearing a 5, 5 vote 4 members in favor against because they needed 8 Council Members that was a slit vote with no decision this is what went forward to the board of supervisors in in response, the urban forest was to reconsider the council did in march of this year at the end of that the Council Voted 9 members in favor and two against this is today, the nomination is back before the board of supervisors for consideration. The urban Forestry Council supported this bans 4 criterias the trees attribute and environmental benefits and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Supervisor wiener. So i noticed in the packet this is amongst did tallest trees in San Francisco. It is quite at all. I know this is out of a catalog and the tree heights change but can you elaborate in terms of where in from the photos it is enormous. The tree was quite large they found that meet the landmark tree but the physical go attribute are the age, the try is estimated between 70 and one hundred and 20 years old at the lower end of the angle an advanced age for a tree in San Francisco. There was also a socalled sister tree another tree that was planted at the same time the owner removed that tree. We were told that 3 other trees were other than the property and one was either a hybrid or a pine that was either on this parcel or an adjacent parcel and p that appears a multi parcel lot. My understanding this tree is any removal is not about for example, creating more housing. Theres no plans to or developments for the location of this tree and removal is not one of the criteria for consideration we didnt see plans and wouldnt be able to consider any plans for housing for the tree. Ongoing thank you. Any other questions i dont think there are any other questions supervisor peskin thank you for your presentation. Now Public Comment is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on this presentation please come up and do so. Hello, i provided a picture to answer your questions of the trees before and after. Sfgov overhead please. Hello, im vanessa im a neighbor representative for landmarking the tree an cook street San Francisco we as a communities are here to support the urban Forestry Council 9 to two vote and present to you why we believe this tree is worthy of landmarking as you may know and were learned the board of supervisors approved the ordinance in 1995 for the landmarking of special trees in San Francisco in 2006 it was sported and the board passed a resolution for the implementation to guide did landmarking process those order the tree the way is it so evaluated the urban forestry voted 9 to two, that the cook street pine and recommended to the board of supervisors that be landmarked today, we would like to present the same information to the urban forestry the same presented to the urban Forestry Council as those trees this tree meets the criteria for the attributes and little historic significance we hope youll enforce this meets the criteria and the San Francisco law the ordinance that was written by a supervisor who we agree it deserves to be landmarked thank you very much. Thank you, very much any other members that would like to speak on this excuse me on this, please come. Im reading a letter from a professor and he is speaking on the environmental criteria id like to give my port to save an old tree on cook street a professor at university of california, San Francisco and my research focuses on how dw efforttion effects bird their relative to their size their disproportion providers of resources crucial for wildlife and the loss of life oak trees is a those trees are homes to birds and species and i believe that the tree on cook street is for birds flying westbound presidio and the Golden Gate Park to preserve the urban life it is important to keep it ill it will be detrimental to existing laws given the science ill encourage to preserve this from the id like to add i live in district 11 and thank you, supervisor wiener for landmarking the beautiful sequoia this magnificent tree is wonderful. Thank you for your presentation. Hello, im richard i live on cook street id like to talk about the rarest of the street tree tree at urban Forests Council meeting the Council Adopted the identification of the 46 a cook tree and cook island hybrid the following is an email from carli short in it she states the information if mta doctor irate says hybrids are common in california theyre not everywhere i have knowledge of 10 of them i dont have any in San Francisco their way way less common known for pine end of quote i have copies of the email and a few comments during the march merging mike says ive not fined a hybrid in Northern California theyre not common in San Francisco so today id like to vote to landmark this tree updating unquote and councilmember San Francisco landmark not the california state landmarked ordinance i want to say i want to know what is going on in reality on the ground in San Francisco end quote and coordinator of the urban forestry may i link say quote i when the council talked about the code the Council Committee determined it applies to San Francisco unquote in closing the urban Forestry Council agreed to receive the amendment of the dr. And to apply those hybrid species to california to serves none if this tree is not found rare. Thank you. Any other members please come up. For a year my parents and friends my neighbors and i have been doing what we were told to protect a tree i really love this tree is important to me when i was 5 years old my parents and i walked to kindergarten at the top of the mountain i looked any neighborhood and saw the tall trees knew that was where my home was made me feel safe supervisor mar says he want this tree and agrees it is important part of our neighborhood please let this tree live i was saying that trees help the more it helps please help landmark this tree i have a letter from supervisor eric mar. Thank you supervisor peskin will get it from you is there any additional Public Comment on this item please come on up. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is john nolte im the cofounder and of the ordinance to landmark the trees in San Francisco and it is jogged the memories of supervisor peskin in 1996 it was the north ward pine on ellis street that was torn down in our neighborhood that was one hundred foot tall that started this ball rolling i urge that the Committee Support this landmarking and that we save another tree we lost that tree but it was a swatch we have a tree that is a northward hybrid for the city for its benefits it does to the city and county of San Francisco thank you very much. Thank you is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak. Im a neighbor thank you very much on february 23rd over one hundred members of our Community Came to the urban Forestry Council meeting at city hall to show their strong support for landmarking the tree pine the meeting was cancelled they last minute and no time to alert money heres the video of people that couldnt make the meeting. Thank you excuse me. We cant hear you. Theres a video for the rest of her time. Okay. If you could put the microphone near the speaker of the laptop it should play. yelling . Thank you. noise . background noise . Hello my name is maria inaudible im here to support the trees inaudible as part of a large inaudible in the law of the neighborhood one of things weve heard. Thank you thats the end any other members of the public that would like to speak at this time. Yes. Laura Community Member we would like to continue with the videvideo presentation. Im disappointed to hear inaudible Everything Else in the neighborhood inaudible all the birds and lives of the bird and it is a big part of our neighborhood we need the trees and they encourage the birds anything. Im diane we live in the neighborhood i for one walk by that street everyday with my daughters on the way to school the culture of our neighborhood rests on the area inaudible and one of the fundamental values of inaudible is the inaudible were thankful the tree is in the community and we believe inaudible it should be protected our desire that we support the tree. Hello, im doctor reuben of the university of california, San Francisco and i study birds and ecology and how it effects birds and diversity of birds so those birds emigrating they need to find their place from one to another we believe thank you how much longer is the video there is a rule were not able to lend someone elses time this gentleman can speak i allowed it the first one we get even though jest of the video would you like to speak. Im bill a neighbor of that property id like to read a letter from one of my apartment mates her name is im are concerned the large tree to be a beacon of greenery in a neighborhood it targeting for destruction ive pained that tree i see daily from my apartment is makes a contribution and its survival is practical ramifications to the future of San Francisco and for this neighborhood id like to read a letter from another neighbor this is from the louie family on cook street we love this tree it makes wonderful music is a 4th tree not a good reason to take a healthy tree off the planet id like to see this is an iconic tree towers over everyone or everything did Property Owner removed 3 other trees and if you look at gaerz it is utterly the view it is the last tree stand and the biggest beam in this city we should preserve it. Thank you. Any more Public Comment on this item anyone else. Good afternoon im nancy here in support of landmark nomination of the 46 a cook street it is reached the land use and transportation because weve follow the laws governing the process this is has been part of municipal codes for over 20 years in 1995 with the adoption of the public works with the mooefrt ordinance describing the landmark trees it was to create and maintain a unified urban Forest Resource for the character of sense of place in 2001 the urban Forestry Council was created by chapter 5 of the administrative code to establish criteria for Landmark Heritage programs to provide for the protection of valuable preys trees on public and private property in 2003 the environmental code wasy peddled that readopted the counsels work they scheduled the authority in the environmental code to aid the urban forest the Council Shall consider the use as it relates to private property and to protect the Community Interest to make sure that San Francisco understand the benefits for the future in 2006 and 8 the amendments to the section clarified the designation procedure to be followed to a landmark tree up to referring the nomination for you for final version you may designate thai tree within the material areas of San Francisco supervisor in, 2006 emphasized that landmark trees have a significance to the communities it is hardpressed to find another tree that is loved and bordered supported by the tree on cook street this tree is what the landmark section to honor and protect thank you. Thank you is that the end of Public Comment. Okay. Good afternoon. My name is daily rogers the Property Owner of the lot 46 cook a excuse me. Landmarking of this tree is a real prejudice to me it is well within the rear of the property and is not near the public rightofway and in response to supervisor wieners question this will preventive the housing creation and consider this tree might be in your backyard and all the things you have to deal with thank you. Just a minute supervisor wiener has a question for you. I have a question for you so thank you for for stating that it come in the future prevent the future but is there a plan to add housing what is whats happening there. At this moment ive been spending my money to defend my private property right. You have a plan there. I might have a plan or my kids and. Right now does the hours and a cartridge house in the back. To theres a little Carriage House in the back. How close is the tree. It is 12 feet and i am i dont know what the zoning is im guessing. Rh2. Rh2. Rh2 and i imagine that Carriage House will not be buildable because i think there is rear yard requirements. I dont know the answer that might be a reasonable guess. The backyard area didnt seem particularly likely but you have more information than i have im trying to ferret that out. I dont have any more information. Sir, your time to defend yourself so every time i speak things get thrown at me. I know. multiple voices . Is the Carriage House vacant. Okay ill let someone that can speak better than i can go ahead. My name is Steve Hammond i represent the Property Owner and says this makes it parcel impossible to add additional housing the fact there is a significant amount of space in front of between the tree and the street line it because of the location this tree would not be developable and it would be irresponsible to speculate on plans obviously because the environment but to be absolutely clear it would make the addition of housing impossible which otherwise is my professional opinion is could be completed. And so im trying to understand through the planning code how likely it is because of rear yard setback excuse me requirements and some maybe of you additionally are people under the view we should be building for rear yard cottages but under the San Francisco planning code that is often not allowable so ill just trying to understand if we realistically this will block a project that is either contemplated or will be feasible or legal under the planning code. For one, if that tree was not there that back unit could potentially be expanded and two this is at the rear of the lot and so there is quite a bit of space in front of this tree i believe it is 2000 secret between the tree and the road this requires a more inept analysis because it is consistent with the policy goals to have housing ill put together a memo were asked to vote on this now i raise the issue the owner has brought up that will block future housing creation i really wrote a detailed letter and it seems to me that were a real truly an issue here that i would suspected you were extremely thorough in the letter that would have been to a topic about why it would be legal under the planning code to add housing this Carriage House and why this will prevent that from heaping. The reason that was not added is because the highly politicalized hearing of this hearing to date it is a significant consideration of the owner not because he has immediate plans to develop but because he will losses the ability to develop or to potentially develop with the location of this tree as it is and it is my opinion that because of the amount of vacant lot in front of the tree that there is ample space to add additional hours as a matter of a vested right under the planning code. A vested right. Done without the need for conditional use or a variance. Huh . Steve what kind of a law do you practice. Real estate law for 15 years im not calling into question our professionalism but youre a land use attorney fox. Is there experienced levi stadium attorney. How do you know this land is not developable. How do i know that is not developable because of the square feet requirement for open space and my understanding that with this tree in place those minimum open space will he no longer be met. Uhhuh. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin im reaching this property on line on the Property Information map of the city and looking at it on google maps it looks like a number of Building Permits have been issued as recently as late last year december of 2015 a permit for the development of accessory rooms in the basement adding full bath and playroom and Office Laundry and utilities. Supervisor peskin spending a retaining wall it sounds like those permits were issued without impact on that in the middle of last year there was another permit for a Kitchen Remodel and bath and some other things didnt sounds like the tree is getting in the way of any of those permitted that were issued. Let me address that question im glad you asked is it that leads to the nightclub lots the owner owns 3 contiguous lots 44, 46 and 48, 6th street were considering what was referred as 46 a cook street none of the permits youre referring to relate to the neighboring parcel they all relate to a improvement that is already in place a full house that is thats not the same parcel not the same lot next door. So and im looking a google earth imagine it appears that the tree that is a subject of landmarking proposal that is the item before you is in the back of 46 cook street; is that correct. Thats correct a one hundred and 26 feet lot in the back on the lot line a carnival house. I see that in front of. Is the tree you have the tree and then in front of that that you have in the back 48 cook in the back of 48 cook the carriage and in front of the that the tree and in front of the that you have this huge open area. I see the tree. And the street. A respectful ill go to supervisor wiener was saying which is he was asking what the rh2 and indeed that is a according to the Property Information map that is a rh2 district devoted to one and two singlefamily homes or rather uncommon two large flats by the owner theyre available torrential and it goes on on talks about heights but were it appears to me that as your discussing the carriage talking about the nonconforming use and it appears to me by and balling it but you cant build on this yard it didnt require the rear yard setback. If you dont worry about it and replace a two unit improvement. You couldnt do that in the back. You wouldnt have to from the tree was not there. You cant intense city a nonconforming use. If you demolished the normal improvement which by the way, i question whether it is it says here that according to the again, im reading to you what is on the Planning Department Property Information map but it indicates that the built environment on it as a category a Historic Resource that is listed on a formally determined to be eligible for the california historic register. Those listed can be broad and wide inch not looked at that issue ill ask the subcommittee to look at this and reevaluate this issue and reconvene so we may present evidence that is truthful and answers the question posed. If i made this to my colleagues and members of the public were in receipt of weve probably killed the tree and saved this tree but in receipt of any amount of documents from council representing the Property Owner of that we have here submitted by various part on behalf of your client. Correct. Im saying i dont know we need any more information regardless i think all the information has been before this the urban Forestry Council for quite a number of months now. All right. So youre saying Public Comment is just about over. My Public Comment hadnt started im answering your questions and thats unless you disagree. I disagree Public Comment you have one minute and 6 seconds left. Thank you. None of the 5 criteria has been met required by the ordinances of support by the expert record many of the understanding by the opponents have been found to be in accurate this is a case of first expressions not a contested motion by the Property Owner with the tree not near the rightofway and not the intent of the status to take the property or racing the condemnation and could not stress that is completely within the backyard not near the rightofway it sets a dangerous cyclist precedent and no written finding as required by the ordinance and i extremely disagree this lot this tree is not interfere teller with the ability to add to the Housing Stock of San Francisco the no historical significance. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment . At this time please come up. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is Larry Costello im a resident of San Francisco and horticulture couldnt i served as an environmental horticulture and in the San Francisco bay area focused on the premanagement ive served on the University Council and ive served on the landmark Tree Committee and here to oppose this motion including but not limited to this tree didnt qualify as a landmark tree it is a large tree a nice tree but is it really special or unique and it didnt match up in my mind it is not rare in california and not known whether it is rare in San Francisco that is speculation it is not a unique specimen not a pine altogether and it didnt have a historical significance the Planning Department representative on the urban forestry established it and stated that it is on the record not historically significant so it doesnt quality in my mind as a historic tree but the second reason a large tree in a small yard surrounded by housing trees radio unstable if this trees fails structurally it did consequences will be severe there be safety and liability issues associated with this tree and i think that those 20 20 reasons are my basis for thank you, supervisor wiener. Is quick question the tree potentially failing is the tree unstable now . Or is it dyeing its been established a tall tree it is not the tell you itself in San Francisco a lot of the weight is on the upper half a lien to the east so we can see those parts what we cant see is whats below ground and how unstable the root system is we have lots of examples in San Francisco and of trees up roots the western garden says not a tree for backyards it should be in parks Golden Gate Park and the presidio is this be in large open spaces not in small yards as in this case. Thank you. Supervisor wiener no questions. Youre done all right. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item. Okay Public Comment is closed at this time thank you. All right. Colleagues thank you is there a motion to continue yep is there a motion to go into closed session to confer with the advice from the City Attorney you dont need to go full session supervisor wiener. All right. Theres a id like to go into closed session well go into closed session a roll call vote never mind supervisor peskin will be with us without objection the motion to go into closed session is unanimous. Supervisor peskin. By all three of us it will be brief thank you. Okay ladies and gentlemen, chamber. All right. The meeting will come to order were concluded with the closed session on item 3 id like to announce the committee has taken no action during the closed session colleagues id like to know if there is a motion if we should disclose weve got anonymous not to close without objection mr. Clerk thank you so colleagues item 3 is before us a motion on that item. Anyone. So i will make a motion but first of all, want to make comments i appreciate the thoughtful discussion by all accidents in this i think that what seems clear to me is that first of all, the a reach tree not that common that you see a tree of this size and grandeur in the residential neighborhood is it so i think that is not worthy and meets the threshold for landmarking the reason he asked the questions i did before particularly about hours is ive been clear that i dont support landmarking in order of a backdoor way to prevent a development from happening ive mad that clear when i have been asked to landmark a tree at least not wholly but paeshl from stopping a development the tree i look forward a represented a giant sequoia that existence of the tree didnt in way, way undermine the development of housing that was happening on that site so i was comfortable landmarking given its significance in the neighborhood it is not the question the colloquy we have made clear no plan to do development on this site regardless of what the seeing none, or setback rules it seems to me from the owner were actually having a concrete but some sort of plan to do some development here the tree with undermine that would presumably been in the vacuums and thorough and exhaustive briefing this is legal and feasible and doable and an intent or distinct possibility but it is more of an afterthought as one potential argument why this is a problem and when he pressed the owner on this particular issue it was clear i dont know, there really see any real desire to do that development i dont see this is a situation are where the laboring are undermine the housing and clear to me this doesnt meet for the proponents of landmarking that stopping the development is not their goal there is no goal to develop that lot beyond what is there so im comfortable supporting this landmarking and ill make a motion to for the record that with a positive remedies. Supervisor peskin i was going to ask to associate myself with the finding made in the ordinance that is before us that was introduced by supervisor farrell and would add a friendly amendment it be sent as a report. He said that. That concludes my remarks. I too represent the southeast part and dealt with landmarking of trees unlike this case ive seen neighbors from moving forward and this is not the spirit of the intent i do believe the neighbors are generously in love with the tree and happy to support the motion that is this committee and madam clerk will be supported unanimously please note it shall come out of Committee Report without objection this motion passes. Any other madam clerk, is there any further business before this body . Theres no further business. Were adjourned thank y clapping. housing everybody doing happy Asian Pacific American Heritage month coming up well, welcome everybody to city hall and want to say thank you for helping us kickoff the next month of great celebrations we have worked out with our Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration committee a celebration of great milestones have been remind we have a lot of milestones coming up whether that is this years forgetting celebration of soulcy city 50 years with the Asian Art Museum aj is here or about next year but 60 years of our sister city yes and, of course, one hundred and 10 years with our japantown so a lot of milestones to celebrate clapping. i dont know if you knew this i celebrated with the burmese just beginning to this about and understand theyre new democracy theyre trying for well have a lot of interest so thank you for every single board of supervisors commissioner peskin supervisor wiener pr katie tang and supervisor yee and supervisor mar am i missing anyone yeah chair hennessy welcome and more importantly to you and sponsors of many different events that goes on this for the entire month i know a lot of you are just representing a whole bunch of groups. By the way, i started meg with sf and that is a whole lot of groups that want to do business outside of chieb but all the Asian Countries and want to make sure our city is wellrepresented in that endeavor 0 on behalf of the city and certainly in joint with our board of supervisors i want to say grksz lets kickoff this we say a great womens submit on june 21st i hope you join us speaking will strong women i want to introduce someone that is cooperating our heritage and has led the effort for the stamps made and on an annual basis and now the section generation if you will, and started all with the great leadership or ms. Chang come on up. Thank you, mayor ed lee thank you, everybody for coming to our Kickoff Press Conference as also very, very excited as weve been anticipating all the volunteers working on that nor a half year it is unbelievable the month of may is finally around the corner so i understand that our city officials have a very, very busy schedule i want to invite up commissioner mondejar and supervisor tang because they have rules Committee Meeting to rush to. I want to take a second were talking about celebrating Community Milestones we have an actual a significant milestone on the board of supervisors this year in a celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage month and ill let commissioner mondejar talk about that. clapping. youll get to see katie and me run to the rules committee in a couple of minutes for this historic Asian Pacific American Heritage month this year i want to say the sister cities the mayor talked to the one hundred and 10 anniversary of japantown and other history of our art and cultural sharing to the world with the 50 Asian Art Museum we are proud of i want to say that apa means is pride about not just being chinese and chineseamerican but ailing and pams with a strong and inclusive Asian Pacific Islander Community that here are supports not only the larger groups like chinese and japan and the filipinos but under into custody groups from the south asian to the Asian Pacific islanders it is about annuity and equity as we celebrate the accomplishments every year 72 hours about pride in any heritage and my community struggled for equality and but not just about power from mayor ed lee to us on the board of supervisors to the school board or College Board all the commissioners that are great but power from the bottom up with so many cobras those utilizing the arts to imperative and educate people but power that e mexicans from the top down by the bottomup and everything in between from mayor ed lee inclusive efforts to raise everyones in the city to we can be proud and everybody can share in the great benefits of this city but those with the least that are rising with everyone and has a voice and power as well so this Asian Pacific islanders heritage month thank you for everyone that put everything work into that im proud and amazed by the accomplishment theyve done over the years thank you very much clapping. okay thank you so much and thank you for being here shout out to claude i think for doing everything we can to help us celebrate in the months of may coming up it is so easy for us to forget how far weve come we at a a take a pause it understand where we came from how far weve come and further to go i think this is so easy to take for grand you know in many other places we may not be able to celebrate we do it no not just Asian Pacific American Heritage month but our asian street fair and parades the largest in the entire country through our Asian Art Museum we bring exhibit and so many ways we celebrate our heritage im appreciative we do this in San Francisco to thank you for celebrating and i wish you a wonderful rest of the press conference thank you. clapping. and claudine, thank you remind me before we run the board of supervisors has adopted apa heritage month im trying to remember we passed a resolution to acknowledge in the first tuesday of every month well be honoring at the board of supervisors the heritage for the future every tuesday first tuesday of may as we we gather on monday 40s for the apa celebration well be doing that in the first month of may. Thank you for helping us celebrate clapping. so i know there are a number of other city officials but maybe wee bit well hear if some of the apa so i dont know if everyone has gotten our press package on the table back there if you havent maybe you can pickup one on your way out to the significant milestones were celebrating this year we have 3 great organizations were celebrating the 40 anniversary of the San Francisco soul Sister Committee and the 50 of the Asian Art Museum and the windshield and 10 and amazing the volunteers felt work on this anniversary i want to invite up the representatives to come up with one minute so lets start with chair the San Francisco soul Sister Committee clapping. good morning, everybody. You know getting involved with that sister sir a an honor a place i grew up in soul contra and my place this is a great opportunity thank you clapping. great example of a brief remark laughter but 40 years of history im sure you can talk about this for 40 hours we want to invite our awesome director of the museum jay sue. Thank you, thank you good morning, everyone first thank you, mayor ed lee and thank you to our supervisors and apa Heritage Committee this wonderful recognize we are honored to be here and celebrating such good company so congratulations to us and in addition to celebrating our 50 anniversary next year will be the citizen annual well have so were looking forward it is fitting that a Golden Gate Bridge is our citys most i cover landmark all servicing as bridges as connectors we bridge the past with today we also bridge the coaches connecting asian art with our lives the lives of our community we know that culture awareness leads to appreciation culture appreciation needs leads to understanding and understand leads to tolerance area tolerance leads to empathy so you it out we were only about art were everywhere important informing who those who have doors we are grateful for your support and all of you who are future members that donors supported by the volunteers were looking forward to welcoming you to our family and you can follow me after the press conference across the street for the Asian Art Museum that is an honor to serve San Francisco and all around the world for the Asian Art Museum is for all were eagerly looking forward to our next 50 years thank you very much. clapping. representing the japantown one and 10 Anniversary Community commissioner teresa clapping. good morning, everyone on behalf of the Planning Committee of one and anniversary japantown in the western edition im privileged to represent them i want to thank claudia and mayor ed lee and all of you for attending were thrilled to be a recipient of the 2016 Heritage Award want to congratulate the Asian Arts Museum and our Sister Committee the one and tenth anniversary is a contribute to our generation and the Second Generation japanese in america we can enjoy the celebration due to their perseverance and trumpet and continue to be only one of 3 remaining japantowns in the United States but look forward to accepting the award on monday and the entire community would like to thank the apa Celebration Committee for recognizing the one and tenth anniversary in the western edition japantown has been longer than than a one and 10 years but were it celebrating in the western edition thank you. Im so lucky me and my amazing a amazing communicated of volunteers if you have a chance and not received it again take the press passage everyones name as a volunteer of the Asian Pacific American Heritage month are here at the back and im sure you know each other and at this time i would like the two cochairs to join me theyre two of the 3 celebration cochairs this year i understand that rich is a cochair but unfortunately cant be here so thank you moving on i see id like to invite some of the other city officials that havent had a chance to greet supervisor wiener. Carmen chu assessorrecorder a Sheryl Hennessy we call thank you, thank you good morning, everybody. Im going to pleased to be here and good to see is. We kickoff our most weve seen and know the during this trial know you know you wanted to thank claudine but i wish i knew the milestone youre reaching on the number of efforts out of cooperated other city hall time after time chaud den steps up to get us together and so today, i want to thank claudine for all the work and really to encourage everybody as you are here to make sure youre letting our friends and families know about the Asian Pacific American Heritage month let them know about the activities and fun things and help us to celebrate the great diversity with that, congratulations claudine for the kickoff and look forward to participating in the many events that happen this month thanks a lot clapping. i also and supervisor yee and supervisor peskin had to go so oil speak for the three of us i wanted to thank claudine those a lot of those events not just in the Apa Community but a lot of communities realize on the people that get the work done and make us donna look good so claudine thank you it is show important in City Government we dont take for granted the strength of our diversity and continually embrace and celebrate it is a huge role in our city has since the beginning of our city and see it is very fitting to celebrate this Great Community and congratulations thank you clapping. i want to especially introduce the chairs of our office of the Small Business commission we know we have no proper security at all because our sheriff is her Vicki Hennessey and hear department it extremely supportive of our organization. Someone that grew up in San Francisco the Apa Community you dont i cant imagine how it is like im thrilled to be honoring i want to the lafayette and jefferson elementary and a San Francisco Citizens Advisory Council i wanted to commends you but recognize the Law Enforcement deputies in San Francisco and the San Francisco Sheriffs Department with having we have 36 percent of our sworn staff is re7d by the community and my privilege to work with them them a shout out to the San Francisco Police Department we have so many great apa officers and thank you for inviting me today clapping. thank you so much everyone that came here so its a very, very Big Committee not just 1 or 16 people in 2004 to thirty almost 40 members strong that represents the ethnic backgrounds is a growing communities im fortunate to be working with at this time i want to say that in addition to the Mayors Office support and i you all the city agencies we really, really appreciate our sponsors our celebration every year through a civic celebration wouldnt have been possible our financial sponsors and again their we cant thank you enough we do what we can and so youre on our facebook and apa. Org do that well we really appreciate that because this business and Community Partnership is part of what our celebration is about and very important two years ago when we celebrated our tenth anniversary we thank those sponsors the 3 that worked u. S. S. In the last 10 years they were wells fargo and at t and others this year every year we added new sponsors were very, very protecting shout out to say those sponsors key mr. Eco where is he i call him mr. Eco r key and learned more about him over seven hundred products i thought two or three this is not i was correct they have over seven hundred products and then we have very, very delighted to have total mr. To the laughter thanks thanks as a company this is the first time that to the will have a presence were delighted the Mayors Office has select San Francisco to have their first showroom in the Northern California area so we look forward to seeing the showroom across from at t park we look forward to visiting in the grand opening and thank you to the bank for coming in and other new sponsors is the gentleman from that new company and cal berth the American Beverage Association it really takes a it takes a village to work with us to make that work at this time i want to especially invite our heritage champion sponsor wells fargo who singles the year 2004 has been with us and continue to be the champions supporting Asian Pacific American Heritage month with us is mark youre good friend and Senior Vice President of the Northern Area wells fargo. clapping . I. E. , i was expecting you to introduce me as mr. Wells fargo morning im mark Senior Vice President the Marketing Manager for wells fargo in the by a and a bay and as claudine said wed be prouder to obtain one of the founder sponsors of Asian Pacific American Heritage month wells fargo is involved in efforts like this weve been there from the beginning to see this and as a company rooted in history one hundred and 634 years were very, very happy about this theme of 14rk9 the milestones its been mentioned but the 230g9 anniversary of the soul sister and the 50 of the asian art and the one and 10 of the japantown i was thinking about this this is 200 years worthy of history so thanks to the 3 a organizations for the milestones in the histories youve created will continue to create so congratulations clapping. apa is not just for apa it is for all americans it is not just for history that is written but history that continues to be wrimg written a couple weeks ago the board of supervisors passed same house, same call . For the filipino town even Mission Street the milestones there is milestones written we thank claude begin and e define and the volunteers of the Asian Pacific American Heritage month and our cochairs the whole Village People lake this make this city happy Asian Pacific American Heritage month and congratulations. Thank you, mr. Wells fargo. laughter . Thank you wells fargo so we really appreciate the longstanding relationship not a one, if youre here we expect and how you have a good time connecting with the Community Last year, we had folks joining us were returning thank you, mr. Dean clapping kim so you wonder to continue our support please talk to kim so, please look through our website our facebook and press packet to see all the people that make that happen the cities are very, very important part of this Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration i see there are quite a few of the roechts today starting with the manila sister city paulette and richard clapping the sister city associations representing and brother hocking city Sills Committee sister thank you being sponsors this year did i miss anybody oh, and e reign reilly thank you. clapping. so really takes a big effort this year in addition to our sponsors our Community Sponsors we also have other thirty some Organizations Community organizations joining our efforts as Community Partners i know think that Everybody Knows that in this room knows the Asian Pacific American Heritage month most of the San Francisco may or may not so it is our obviously to promote that awareness and thank you chris wong and thirty some organizations working with us and thank you clapping. all very important so and all the commissioners that are here i know that like half the room are commissioners im not going to miss everyone i was at this time going to invite kim the chair the Asian Pacific American Heritage month to join us but unfortunately raymond has to go out of town a note a few years ago the Asian Pacific American Heritage month was a 4 for c3 nonprofit was established to secure resources and to sustain celebration every year so the nonprofit is a very, very small board and all the members here id like them to join me e republican reilly, from at t scott are you missing so, yeah valerie was under the weather so it is a very Small Organization but we work very, very close together and work with the heritage Planning Committee so weve decided this year since it is so presenters the support of businesses and the nonprofits were out there fundraiserings day to day we decided every year were going to show some appreciation for the businesses and have organizations that reached the 5 year milestone so we have 4 businesses and organizations today id like did represents to join us we have a small token of appreciation and id like to ask our artist to join us this is what she created linda was one over our apa recipients last year and continues to be part of our family the First Organization we want to show our appreciation the academy of arts ive been there for 6 representing the academy is Rebecca Delgado clapping. thank you and next one up oh, hes already here scott. All right. clapping. and the third one is Japantown Merchants Association unfortunately, our richard cant be with us today and last but not least we video Parking Corporation recommended by rose chung on the board clapping. thank you, thank you for your support, huh . So just a couple housekeeping im delighted to share well be at herbst theater on monday at 5 30 for the ceremony within the announcement of the event the event every single seat was taken we actually, the theatres seats nine hundred and one thousand people on the list we want to ask you have whom you especially that have reserved seating arrive very early and give you a seat unfortunately, if your seat is not opted out by 415 we have a lot of people that need to come and see this so it is important and after the ceremony well environment everyone to join us well have a great reception and so we really hope youll tell all the friends if you have not registered be there earlier first come, first serve so we hope to pack the herbst theater during that half an hour and have a full house at city hall what is so special at city hall not only the great beverages but this is also the year we started to have community exhibits and Public Information tables we hope to create an opportunity for our community to get to know each other we hope that aside from coming for the guarantee food and wonderful drinks youll invite the Community Tables with that, are there any any questions about our celebration . If not thank you so much for coming and the would the members of the Asian Pacific American Heritage month well take a Group Picture so you, you will go through there and try to do this efficiently thank you, everyone thank

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