this is clerk for rules i would like to ask guests to turn off caras and mute your microphones, thank you very much. >> i believe we are ready to begin. >> good morning and welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for wednesday july 6. i'm the chair aaron peskin joined by vice chair supervisor rafael mandelman and joined by supervisor connie chan a member of the committee who is joining remote. our clerk is mr. victor young, do you have announcements the board are convening in person attendance and public comment providing remote access via phone. the board recognizes that equal access is essential and taking public comment as follows. first will be taken on each item on the agenda. those in person will speak first and then take those who are waiting on the phone line. watching channel 26, 28, 78 or 99 and to public comment number is streaming across the stream. and center meeting id24836358764 then pound and pound. you will heart meeting discussion but mute and in listening mode only. when your item come up and comment is called join nothing person lineup to speak and those on the phone line should dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. if you are on the phone, please turn down your tv and all listening device you will use. as indicated we will take comment from those attends nothing person first then to public comment on the phone line. alternateively you may submit comment in writing e mail them to the rules clerk visfor. young if you submit e mail tell be forwarded to the prierzs and included in the file. you they sends by u.s. mail to city hall 1 dr. carlton goodlet place. and that completes my initial comments. >> thank you, mr. young could you at the ask of supervisor ronnin read item 12 out of order? yes. item 12 is a charter amendment seconded draft to amend the charter to establish the student success fund under the department youth and families provide grants to school in san francisco and programs that improve academic achievement and social wellness of students and electionos november 8, 2022:thank you. mr. young. colleagues we heard this in committee last week and i want to acknowledge intrierz ronnin for as well as a number of colleagues for the negotiations and the work they have done. since we last met. i think have resulted in a number of amendments that are buffers today that supervisor ronnin circulated. with that intrierz ronnin the floor is yours. >> thank you. so much and thank you to especially for accomodating my schedule. i'm here to present to you mule amendments to the student success fund charter amendment. as supervisor peskin noted. i'm happy to report we reached an agreement with unions. before i do that i wanted give a special thank you to all those negotiations and special shout out to supervisor yooe and president walten. >> and wow further ashes due these other amendments made to the charter which has satisfied union occurrence expressed last week during public comment. we adjusted the duration of the measure. from 25 year to 15 years. we add a definition for significant reductions to excess e graph which mean a decrease in the amount of access from previous fiscal years the amount participated excess drn determined is either one, 50% less than amount in the immediate proceeding fiscal year or two, 50% less than the amount of excess in the fiscal 3 years prior. mandated that once this funds reached its full appropriations amount after the 4 year ramp up, the city may not increase the appropriations of the funds by more than 3% in a given year. established nashould the controller determine there will be a significant reduction in any year after fiscal 23/24 the city will not appropriate the full amount but appropriate no less than 35 million to the fund in that fiscal year in the following manner and sequence. in any fiscal year it shall appropriate monys from the separate reserve account created for the student success funds. to the extent there are remaining funds fist there are no remaining funds the city shall budget stabilization reserve established under charter 9.120. if no remaining funds in the stabilization reserve the city appropriate money if other reserve accountses. we increased the reserve account for the student success fund to 40 million. we clarified the community school coordinator shall participate in the school council and role to help it gain and maintain the capacity to meaningfully reflect the values of the school community and support programs if you meaneded by each grant. we clarify eligibility to be sure funds prioritize grants for low academic achievement english language learners. foster and freeor reduced meals. homeless and students vulnerable or under served. and finally we established a blue rib on task force through july 23 to identify future source of funding including a special task measure provide a source of dedicates funds. we anticipate no further changes and proud to see we have labor and a coalition of parents, educators. sf leader ishmael. community based organizations and 6 of our colleagues are cosponsors. we agree the student success fund will make a difference for children and family in san francisco. and the last thing i wanted to mention is that my legislative aid jennifer, came and my office a couple months ago and handed midway through this complicated charter amendment. with the skill hashe should not have begin little time she has been with us she was instrumental in getting to yous this place. thank you jennifer, you are extremely talented and i love working with you and with that, colleagues, if you can make a motion to continue this item to the july 11th hearing, at that point we should be able to vote it to the full board. >> thank you. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you chair peskin you want to thank supervisor ronnin again i thanked her for her work with all of the interested folks in the education world who had reached out to me and her wanting to gain nearly universal support or not nearly universal support there. with something i was grateful for. she and our friend in labor managed to address the remaining issues since she has done the hard work if she would like an additional cosponsor i would like to add my name as a cosponsor. >> all right. >> supervisor mandelman will be listeda a cosponsor. supervisor chan? comments? >> no comments, thank you. >> okay. why don't we open item 12 up to public comment. are there members in the chambers who could like to speak to item 12. >> yes, members of the admissible public who wish to speak should lineup now. and along side of the room by the windows remotely call 415-655-0001 and id24836358764 and press pound, pound. once connected press star 3 to enter the speaker line. for those in the queue wait until the system indicated you are unmuted and then begin comments is there anyone in the room? seeing none. can we have one caller on the line for public comment. can we have our caller? >> hi. i'm ashley and i'm here from safe and sound part of the center line a net wor of family support organizations [inaudible]. we are not able to come to the last meeting. [speak fast] we support san francisco students. the needs of the marginal communities increased and empsize child well being is linked to family well being the school model where all schools are connected to needs we ask to the expectancyive approach that does not only rely on cites and broad based community organizations. that will benefit students families. this is an opportunity [inaudible] [reading fast] children and families is key. thank you for your consideration to finalize this proposal for community focused size to support marginalized children. thank you for your leadership. >> there are additional members for public comment on item 12 >> we have one additional commenter. >> good morning. so, this is another example of a charter set arc side. such provisions limit the budget authority. the way i read the current version this measure does not identify a new revenue source it redirects existing revenues. the excess ehraf. it is inconsistent with the budget committee add backs for the second year for fiscal 23-24 and would blow a hole in the next year's budget. i don't think it reflects a fitsically prudent approach to the budget and set arc sides i respectfully oppose this item. thanks for listening. >> thank you. >> that completes our call in speakers. >> public comment. >> supervisor peskin? >> yea. >> i wanted to make a comment. mr. pippel is incorrect the first year of the ramp up of the charter amendment goes on during 4 year the first year is 11 million dollars. and that is included in the fiscal year 23-24 budget. >> thank you for that. supervisor ronnin budget chair ronnin. >> public comment is closed and i will make a motion to adopt the amendments as stated to item 12 and continue as amended to the rule's committee meeting of monday, july 11. on that compound motion a roll call. >> yes. on that motion supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> motion passes without objection. >> could you return to item 1? >> yes item swon hearing consider appointing 7 members terms ending november 28, 22 to the urban forestry council. >> thank you mr. young. colleagues,s awe i'm sure are aware of the council advises estate departments and board and mayor on how to develop tree care standardses and city strategies to maintain and increase our tree canopy. majority of the members of this body seats expired during the pandemic but conditioned serve as hold overs and now is our time to appoint and reappoint individuals we have 5 applicants to 7 seats. the rules committee will hear applicants for the remaining 2 seats seats 2 and 4. at a future date. pamela for seat 3 who wants to condition to serve is actually out doing a tree survey today in the cents ral valley. she is qualified. and has served currently on the council. with that, why don't we take the individuals in the order this nay appear on the agenda. starting with morgan visset and [inaudible] mike sullivan and edgar florez. >> can we take if we don't mind delay slightly. online may have gone down. i want to confirm that before we proceed further. we are -- they are no chair peskin if we can take a 5 minute recess to confirm everything is working? we will recess until 10:25. july eighth, we were in the middle of item number one, is morgan visset for any of the other applicants available to say a few words? >> yes. i'm morgan i'm available to make a comment. proceed. >> yes. i'm morgan i'm the program manager at ucsf. [inaudible] and [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] and yes i'm applying for continuing my work with urban forestry the committee on walking on the trees and the canopy and using [inaudible] landscape manager to [inaudible] trees in the community. at san francisco, which is in great need in the city. and -- not sure you know we kind of got [inaudible] no audio. wanted to [inaudible] [audio break up]. you are a little broken up. but i want to thank you for your service and your willingness to continue to serve and why don't we go on to the next applicant for seat 5. >> sure. >> next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm [inaudible] i'm executive director of trail maintenance on mount surow and i'm applying for a second term. on the urban forestry council i bring expertise in habitat restoration and native plant and welcome wildlife and nature in the built environment. and i'm also very committed to working with the council and the city family and the [inaudible] to reach our tree planting goals as out lined bithe urban forest plan passed in 2015. increasing the trooe canopy by 80,000 trees. 30,000 and planting 80,000 total. at current rates of planting we are losing trees. so rather than increasing our tree canopy we would decrease our can open that is because there is no funding for tree planting. this is something i'm committed to working on with my seats on the council and -- and i'm excited partner with others here in the call. and supervisors in the chamber to see our city become more green and lush and resilient in the face of climate change and biodiverse with planting of native plants. thank you very much. >> thank you. next applicant, please. good morning, president peskin and supervisors mandelman and chan. i'm mike sullivan seek reappointment to the urban forest kournsful trees and urban forestry have been my civic enter in san front for a long time since the early 90's. i'm the author of trees of san francisco. a book about san francisco's trees publish in the 2004 and second edition in 2013. past 2-1/2 years since the beginning of the pandemic with friends, i created over 40 self guided tree tours in the city using chalk on the sidewalk. we heard from a lot of people that especially during the depths of the pandemic in 2020 they appreciated that especially because it was of one of the few things you could do at this time was walk outside in your neighborhood. on the urban forest kourns i'm chair of lands mark tree committee, where we try to recognize and protect our arc mazing trees. and lastly i like to seconded member polynes comment about the need for funding of tree planting. thanks to prop e from a few years ago well is funding for maintenance but a great need for funding of tree planting. thank you for your consideration. >> thank you, mr. sullivan not to be confused with the other mr. sullivan from seat 2. thank you for your long tenure on this council. and for your writings about trees in san francisco and tours. with that, why don't we go to edgar flowys for seat 7. >> goods morning. supervisors. you know i'm edgar florez. i am the floor marring on a 6 acre farm in mc clarn park. i have backgrounds in forestry and i also am a community organizer for environmental justice. i have been on this council since 2019. as we went through data and continuing on line there is correlation of tree canopy and covid rate there is is a correlation with access to trees and health. and covid was an example. so, i want to voice my support for finding more funding for the tree planting and figuring out how to get the resources to educate the next line of tree stewards in the city i ask for support for reappointment on this council. i'm looking forward to continuing to work with the people on the council and figuring out how to bridge the climate injustices that exist with the tree and lack of trees. thank you. >> thank you for your service and your willingness to continue to serve. this it is a remarkable group of qualified individuals. and all of these seats will be reconsidered at the end of this year as the seats expire in november and we gotten arnold to reappointing the folk who is xriered. are there members of the admissible who would like to speak to item one. i believe supervisor chan would like to speak. >> please, go ahead. thank you. chair peskin. and i justmented to voice my supports for reappointment for the urban forestry council. specifically i want to call on polynes as my constituents in the district and for all their hard work i'm grateful to the council and for their service. my office has been working with them on the landmark of the california buck eye in my district. so i wanted to thank them for their service and voice my support for reappointments today. thank you for everyone who before us today and -- we commit yourself to more public service. thank you, chair peskin >> thank you, supervisor chan. there are members of the public who would like to testify on item number one? >> yes, members who wish to speak in person lineup to speak now. for those remote call 415-655-0001. id24836358764 then pounds, pounds and star 3 to enter the lining. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicated you have been unmuted i don't see upon anyone in the room to peek and nobody online to speak on the phone line. public comment on item one is closed. i will make a motion to sends all of the individuals that we heard from as well as pamela had was unable to attends with a positive recommendation on that motion a roll call, please? >> on that motion, supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> motion passes without objection. >> next item. >> next on the agenda is item 2, motion to approve reject the mayor's nom fagz for appointment of stein lee to the port commission for a term ending may first, 2026. >> thank you, mr. young. colleagues the port commission is somewhat different commission than any other commission insofar as it is both a creature of local law and state law under the burton act. and that regard like many other commissions where the mayor nominates and the board can reject by a super upon majorityo a window to confirm under state law this is a body where the mayor nominates and the board must confirm at time is chooses by a simple 6 vote majority. this seat has for the last decade been ted by wuho who has chosen not to condition to serve am i would like to thank and acknowledge her for her service. the mayor has nominated mr. steven lee who is known to be for many years and has a business establishment establishments, mrourm, in the sdroishth i represent. i interviewed him. he does not have the background that mrs. ho had in complex financing he does have the school of hard knox. knowledge of no audio. financing as a small business person from china town. no audio. chair peskin. chan and mandelman giving me the opportunity to peek to you this morning. i want to thank mayor for my nomination and the opportunity to publicly serve on the port of san francisco. for those in the public who are here, or watching us on, i'm seen lee i moved to san francisco in the mid 70s to attends san francisco state university from then a small down of vacaville, california a small business advocate, interested in historic projects and love 70s muscle cars. ir created my san francisco small business development professional entrepreneur specializing in raising capitol. business finance, property of the, employment management, public affairs, hospitality. entertainment and promotions since kwoochl i'm active trying to maintain tourism incentive in san front's 8 billion dollars night life industry prior to and during the covid-19 pandemic. it was it has not been an easy roadway for the last 2 years. i have served on the entertainment commission for 10 years. in the interest of developing and maintaining strong policies for public safety best practices policies and procedures to improve and optimize business performance in the entertainment sector. for the last 30 years i volunteered personal time and organizing promoting community nonprofits and historic legacy projects. that i feel are important to educate the next generation. i view my opinion service through the ice of grass-roots businessmen centering community when considering how to vote. the strength of the city dependses how much it can reinvest in the residents and mall business. the strength of the public service dependses on the commitment to work tireless low for the solutions that benefit all. i'm in committed to continue to serve san francisco for the individual families and small business arc like in a different capacity. i take public service on the commission seriously. my 10 years on the entertainment commission had a record of 2 missed meeting, this is prove of my commitment to the department. my fellow colleagues and the people of san francisco. i enjoy questions, watching presentations and hearing from the public. it takes time if time permits i enjoy going and seeing the issues before making an opinion or a vote. since 1800 whether crab fishermen. long shore men, welcoming or saying goodbye to immigrants at the ferry building, merchants selling or serving fresh seafood orb repairing ship in bay view and hunter's point accysts on the port has been an economic engine for the city of san francisco. today there are 550 diverse businesses, restaurants, retail, merry time and tek industries that other backbone of the port. and trying to recover from the pandemic. this is a strong reason why i want to be considered for port. as a seasoned businessman in san francisco for decades the interruption caused by the pandemic were not difficult to observe and understand how it impacted the crisis on many small businesses i want to bring my street knowledge to educate by educated by my business life experiences to help. >> thus -- i want to bring ply own business experience handling many economic down turns of the past. port cannot afford to lose what it has. i'm anxious to help develop a fair process for small business on the port that does not hinder the port's economic recovery as limp the port itself like business has felt the economic pain of the pandemic. however on a larger scale. it still needs function. maintain the 7.5 miles of property. pay utility bills deal with the empty store front and worry about the deteriorating sea wall. the strong port commission, the port will adopt future -- for the future like it did 2 huh human years ago or over 200 years the port success is critical to the city's economic recovery am i want to do my part to make this commission strong and attract more small businesses to the port. the port is one of the most recognizes and historic icon that belong to the residents of san francisco. it is important the value of the eckwit wit and he inclusion is maintained to make waterfront a welcoming place for everyone. tell be my honor and look forward to work with the current commissioner and director with her staff on the san francisco port's path to recovery and future success stories in the up come future with the community support i look forward in serving with passion and dedication. thank you and i welcome any questions from supervisors. >> thank you, mr. lee. we had a long chat a couple weeks ago. no questions from me. have questions from mechanics? supervisor chan? questions or comments? >> yes, i do have comment. i want to thank commissioner lee, was former commissioner on the entertainment commission for his service i know that he mentioned his dedication to public service. he does have a track record. i'm grateful to his support in china town. and a long time advocate for the china town small businesses. i look forward to seeing just through his comments about equity and he supports of small businesses i do have occurrence about the port switching the approach tenabilities for the waterfront from the rfi process question for information process to a broker finding process. so -- i realliment to make sure that equity sestill very much in place. with that new park or upon approach. but and with the consideration about san francisco, local business and small business being able to stay competitive and have a space carved out in our water front. not just for the in coming business but for the existing ones. so, thank you mr. lee for his comment. i look forward to supporting his appointment today. thank you, chair peskin >> thank you supervisor chan there are members of the public who would like to testify on this item first speaker, please. >> members of the public who wish to comment and are joining us in person can lineup to speak. for those listening remote call 415-655-0001. id2836358764. pounds issue pound, star 3 to enter the line. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system say us are unmuted and then begin comment. we have a member of the public in line to speak on this matter. >> mr. gonzalez. >> rudy gonzalez secretary tissue of billing and construction like to weigh in on the honorable member in support of mr. lee's application for appointment. as you know the port is an important a set of the city. but represents a key piece of public safety infrastructure and an economic engine for many of the members that we represent public and private. we believe mr. lee brings a community perspect and i have a since ear rescuation for the value of organizationed labor and work people that makes this city beautiful. we appreciate him puts himself out there and appreciate his consideration before this committee. >> thank you. >> next speaker. mrs. louie. >> good morning chair peskin and entires mandelman and chan. i'm benita louie. i wish to convey my support for steve lee. i have known steve for over 40 years and 10 of the last years he has dedicated and done his dutiful service as a commissioner of entertainment. i feel he will carry over all that knowledge. that he gained over the decade as a new port seat. and to broaden and apply his experience and knowledge -- in the areas of policies state and local. and i know he will do his due diligence. he is that type of fwie and will do his home work. he is up for the challenge as he is strong in areas of negotiations, leases, contracts, parking. operations, purchasing, conflict resolution and anything that pertains to equity and fairness. as it was said, you know, he for the past 2-3 years has been challenging but i have witnessed steve's efforts and as hard as things are, steve is one who looks for a solution and does not give up until he findses one. he is dedicated and loyal and loves san francisco as much as i love my partials and will ensure the future generations will be able to enjoy the beautiful water front. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> mr. young are there remote speakers on item 2? >> yes. we have 4 remote speakers at this time. can we have our first caller. i'm eileen calling to support steven lee for the port commission. and his accomplishment and contribution has been mentioned by previous speakers and i will support him for the same reasons, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. of >> good morning chair peskin and spriers's mandelman and chan. i'm bruce agon the i'm a board them of the mission bay neighborhood association and community leader in the south of market. i'm call nothing support of steven lee's nomination to the port commission. being a native in san francisco and living on the waterfront for 15 years i'm aware of the issues the port faces along san francisco and the port faces the sea level rise. aging sea wall and waterfront we are luck tow have an outstanding group of port commissioners. with that said, we know the many of the businesses holding leases on port property are struggling as are businesses throughout the city. adding stevens skill set would add perspective as the port and the business ordinance navigate through the difficult times. not only to help the businesses survive but traching the right actions for both parties to thrive. steven's experience speak for themselves a seasoned business person with over 30 year 'experience. understanding the impact that krid krid had on mallnesses. understanding when it is prount to take risks when others might opt to take an easy path of least resistance and stein is embedded in the community. understand what is it takes to make decisions to ensure businesses have the opportunity to 63ed while keeping the priorities of community front and center. thank you for letting me comment and hope we will move stevens nomination with a positive recommendation. >> thank you, next speaker, please >> good morning chair peskin and supervisors mandelman and chan i'm julie sue i hope you gift same positive recognition to steven lee. as mentioned he is a seasoned businessman with 30 years experience i knew him for 20 scombreers watched them of running small businesses in san francisco. he is sought after councillor by new business members of our community as well as experienced business members. he is always thought to build consense us and well respected. one thing that has not been mentioned he was responsible for having a monument the sierra foot hills for railroad workers. he has not been shy about carving new territory. works with different areas of interest with different parties and built consensus work nothing a different jurisdiction he got through their law and work with the local community in getting that monum built. in terms of funds raising and working with the art's community. and so i hope that you will give a positive strong positive recommendation for him and this he will be able to continue to serve the city in the great capacity with the port commission. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hello chairman peskin. supervisor mandelman and chan. i'm steve. transparency i'm the vice president of san francisco fire commission but i'm making these comments as a public citizen and residents of the city of san francisco. i'm here this morning to endorse to support mr. steven lee. to the addition of the port commission. i've known him for 45 years in terms of a capacity he mentioned he was a student at san francisco state university. asian-american movement within san francisco. as a businessman and business entrepreneur. i known him during the many years as a business entrepreneur, musical entertainment and one point i was executive director of the senior center and had to create entertainment venn use it raise funds for our community and upon steven lee was doing the same thing in terms of promotion of asian-american entertainers. what strikes me about steven is tenacity and endurs in terms of dedication to san francisco. also to his beloved china townful i don't know many people in the height of covid that has the guts to go in china town and open a restaurant in memory of when we used to have sam walls as well as an entertainment venue for the communities. his perspective working on the entertainment commission begin him the state wide voemal perspect they have has been there. i support steven lee. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. that completes the list of callers. >> public comment on this item is closed. and i will make a motion to amend the subject motion by removing the word reject nothing line 3 and rejects in line 7. on that motion a call please. >> the motion to amend supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> all right i will make a motion to sends this to the full board with a positive recommendation for hearing next tuesday on that motion a roll call, >> motion to recommend as upon amended supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> next item. >> the next is item 3. hear to consider appointing members to 2 members terms ending july first of 23 and 3 seats terms know ending july second, 24 we have 5 seats and 4 applicants. >> thank you, mr. young. colleagues you remember that we extended the sunset date of this body to 2027. and committee members and staff requested that we appoint members before their next meeting at the end of july that is when we are doing thee. 3 are reappointments and one of them joaquin to seat 5 is a new appointment. why don't we hear from these individuals. starting with chris plunginget for seat number two. >> can you hear me? yes, we can. >> hi. i'm chris and i sat on the montor committee the past year. in seat 2 has been a grand honor given my many years homelessness with be disabilities and experience in chetters. i like to think the experiences and past dedication and prior commission other thans specials provided me an experience this compepts this seat. my time on this commission allowed me to give back to the community that helped me in my homelessness and ensure shelters are up to standardses and offer efforts to help sthoez with the difficult parts of their lives i hope i will be considered i'm doing the best i can. thank you for your consideration. >> thank you for your willingness to serve. diana al monza for seat 4 are thes residency waiver required. >> good morning. i'm the director of service out reach for stepping stone. we are the largest provide in city for adult day health service. this will being my third term on the committee. i have a history of being of service to the unhoused. i have done so for 20 years here in this city of san francisco. in my current role at stepping stone, we just developed a project with the focus on providing services to the unhoused. this is something that is dear to my heart and like to continue to be of service. >> thank you for your service and your work in the communities. and your willingness to be reappointed now joaquin for seat 5 come with the recommendation of the office of the city add administrators. the floor is yours. >> i'm director of housing for our transhome sf. started out no audio. i worked at 3 shell ins sudden fran working with single adults and families and women's shelter. chair peskin i'm asking for reappointment and my working in the shelter system -- i have seen what goos instead of the shelters and my interest is standardses of care and also proper training for staff that are working in the shelter system. i have been work width homeless community for 15 years and i again like to be reappointed for seat 6 on the shelter monitoring committee. >> thank you for your service to the committee as well as to the community. are there any members of the public who would like to testify of on this item number 3? >> yes. members who wish to speak on this item and joining us in person line up to speak at this time for those remote call 415-655-0001. id24836358764 and pounds and pounds. then star 3 to enter the speaker line. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted. can we have our first in person speaker. please. >> good morning i'm jordan davis my pronouns are she and her and recommend joaquin temperature is important that we have transrepresentation. my clock is not running. so basically the it is important because he has done a lot of work around the other of our transhome and making sure it is funded not a bull-mroon temperature is important as a body you do your jobs and advise and i hope that happens because i'm hope hag happens i served on a similar advisory committee whether honorablely is up to you. anyway like i can see how [inaudible] things can get scler on theic and people turn it in a country club. be proactive. tell your authority what you need to hear rather than what they want to hear and -- don't be complacent in this seat there are a lot of people who depends on this. that's my advice i wish you all success. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> go ahead on behalf of the department. supervisor mandelman and chan wherever you are i'm ancienty david a star for shell are monitor committee i would like it say that the recrudement has been positive. i believe every candidate the renewals and the newarkdition will help bring equity tow our commitied where we have rep sentation for every voice in the shelter. we hear 100% approve of the renewals and the new appointment, thank you very much. >> and i will add based on the conversation as to the vacant seat number one which has apparently an overly restrictive set of qualifications that i will continue to work with you to consider amendments to loosen the restrictions to fill that one vacant seat number one. with that, is there remote public testimony on this item? >> we have one speaker. >> proceed. can we have our first caller? unattended we don't have -- i'm [inaudible] i lived in san francisco for over 10 years. i'm calling [inaudible] [inaudible] [cannot understand speaker] i support supervisor chan [inaudible] this is a different item. you can get back in line. sir? we are not on that item yet. press star 3 and get back in the speaker queue when we call that item sutestify. there are any other members for item 3? that completes the caller list. public comment is closed. and i will make a motion to sends these individuals forward to the follow board with recommendation could you call the on that motion roll call. >> and did you want to confirm a residency waiver for diana for seat 4? >> yes. on that motion. to recommend, supervisor chan? >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> air >> chair peskin. >> aye. the motion passes without objection. >> chair peskin before we move on i wanted to reflect to item one emergency waiver requirement for morgan i don't believe we recommended -- morgan to seat one but did not take action on whether or not you wanted to wave residency >> i will rescind the vote on item one we will take without objection. and i will make a motion to send the 5 individuals fer seats 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 with a residency waiver for the individual applying for seat number one to the full board with a positive recommendation on that item a roll call. >> supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. air. chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> all right. item 4, please. >> item 4 is the hear to consider members from ending january 15, 24 to the san francisco health authority there is one seat and one applicant and i have been informed that residency is in the required. >> that is correct they only need to work in san francisco and the highly qualified applicant for the seat representing the clinic joe hannah i had the opportunity to speak with yesterday. does work in san francisco. and with that the floor mr. lou is open for your comment. >> hi. i'm the ceo of the san francisco community consortium [inaudible] [inaudible] without the city and county over 27 cites. providing care for over 110 thousand patients instead community within san francisco. as a [inaudible] and managed care health system i'm excited be presented for the san francisco health authority board today. thank you. >> you are qualified for this. any comments from committee members seeing none? why don't we go to public comment on item 4. are there any individuals in the chambers for item 4? none. any remote commenters. you can call 415-655-0001. id24836358764 and pounds, pounds. press star 3 to enter the speaker line. for those in the queue continue to wait until the city indicates you have been unmuted we have 2 callers in line to speak. first caller? next speaker, please supervisor peskin, chan special mandelman i'm [inaudible] i'm here on behalf of the san francisco health plan, we want to express our incredible gratitude and support for her for her bring her expertise to our board. as you know, we serve 160,000 no income people in san francisco. having her as a member on the -- [inaudible] to our board. we ask for your support. thank you very much. >> thank you. there are other speakers for item 4 >> we will do one last check. one line was unattended we'll check it one last time. wrong item >> public comment for item 4 is closed. and i am in agreement with the last speaker. and to that ends we will make a motion to sends this to the full board with a positive recommendation on that motion a roll call. >> on the motion to recommend miss lee to seat 5. supervisor chan. >> aye. >> mandelman? >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> would you call item 10 next. >> -- >> >> item 10 is chartir amendment second draft to amend the city and county of san francisco to provide accelerated approval of 100% housing projects, educator house and market rate projects to provide increased affordability and department [inaudible] in lieu of approval by or certain appeals to the city boards and commission and election to be held on november 8, 22. supervisor chan? sdwroo thank you chair peskin. today i don't have any amendments to this legislation. and i urge for your support with a recommendation out of the committee all of us have the vote at the full board and -- that's all i have today. but i look forward to seeing this on the ballot measure so we can have a conversation about the affordability crisis this we face today. with housing issues and -- how we best address that with voter this is november. thank you. >> thank you. are there any members of the public had would like to testify on item 10 if you are in the chambers come on up. >> members of the public who wish to speak and joining in person line up to speak. at this time for those listening remote call 415-655-0001. id24838358764 then press pound and pounds and star 3 to enter the speaker line. for those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted. we have a line of people in the room. the volume of individuals that are already in line and undid you noted low the number of individuals who will be calling in remotely we will limit testimony on this item to a minute per speaker. >> >> i'm a member of local 38 of san fran i'm in support of housing measure. housing is needed and this will support our workers. by local trade workforce. providing quality green installations, energy efficient and water conversation, code compliant systems. ensure site work safety with public safety is the number one priority. >> approve thanksgiving measure will also allow our 400 unemployed building trade workers get back to work. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon i'm here on behalf of local 22 we support initiative. affordable homes now contain the strongest labor standardses compose in the construction. this includes mandating health care benefits for the hard working people in willing to build the city. contains health care will requirements no the enforcement mechanisms necessary toup hold labor standardses. affordable homes will begin the instruction of needed housing the city needs the board's charter ma'am will not achieve this. it is an effort by handsful of supervisors, confused voters and well intentioned ballot narcoticives. backed by 50,000 members. playingly politics will not deliver. speaker time is over. >> thank you. >> next speaker. thank you. good afternoon supervisor john corso member of local 38 in san francisco. i'm here with our out of work plumb and steam fitters we are 100 p.s. in support of the bill as written. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. please. hello i'm james i'm a number of local 48 i have been out of work for 2-1/2 years in bad full support of the housing measure provides traind and skilled work opportunity for workers. thank you. >> i'm john mendez a number of u erickson local 38. i have been out of work for 13 months i'm in support it provides training and work opportunity for all workers. thank you. good morning san francisco supervisors, i'm carl a member of local 38, plumb and pipe fitters union in san francisco. i also have been out of work for 13 months i'm in support of the housing measure this amendment provides needed trained and skilled work opportunity for all workers. thank you. good morning. i'm patrick colvin. thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak. will i'm a member of ua local 38. i have been out of work for 8 monthses i'm in support of the housing measure supporting workers with area standard wages and trained trade workforcech this measure makes sense for all. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning i'm mark. i'm northern regional director for state building trades i want to commends you for the language for skilld and trained. 83 thousand arc prentices and sustained u nighted with the san francisco building trades. thank you. good afternoon. i'm in support of the measure i have been out of work for a year and thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. next speaker, please. i'm christopher, i'm a member of local 38 plumber's union. here today in support of the housing measure 100% i have been out of work for 13 montes and hope. thank you. >> i'm thomas. member of ua local 38. plumber and pipe fitters i am with my union brothers support this amendment. the supervisors have presented. >> thank you, next speaker, please. i'm eddie reyes i'm president of iron workers local 337 in san francisco. we stands with the building trades and full support of this measure and ask you to move it forward as written. >> thank you. >> next speaker. good morning i'm joe with local 38. steam merrier in the local for 36 years. i'm in support of the housing measure this provides needed train and skilled work for all workers. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please >> will i'm josh. a member of local 38 pipe fitter's union san francisco i'm in full support of this measure it provides training and skilled work opportunity for all workers >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning supervisors i'm hernandez with labor lovely 261 representing 5500 members strategy. we strategy low support skilled and train measure you have it in the bell on the. don't go to the ballot we don't need that. >> thank you. iianing bill a business agent for local threat we had 400 members out of work for 2 years a bill like this will give our guys hope. please, we are in favor, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker. good morning i'm rj local 38 business rep. i am in support of this. our members have been hurting they need hope. we need to get this continue and it is the right thing to do. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your brevity. >> next speaker, please. the b word. honorable chair thank you for traching public comment the brinksmanship will play outer in san francisco style t. is important to recognize no matter what we name something or call it afford at will be measured who can live in it when it is produced. there is the question of who will dot produce and who will benefit from this work. the skilled and training standard is the highest labor protections and thank the author for including those upon introduction. it was in the in negotiations or twisting they lead with that policy initiative too lift up san francisco workers wee appreciate the thoughtful amendments. >> thank you. next speaker, please. supervisors i'm sean mc gary the seniority field property per local 22. we have for,000 plus members here and in san francisco. basically we have a difference of opinion we want the same thing. we want to put people to work. we also have 300 plus 400 plus out of work carpenters over 100 are arc prentices now. question is how do we put them to work? we have long standards that basically are in affordable homes that are not required in supervisor chan's measure. who i voted for and she is my district. affordable homes now will put people to work and will be used by developers. supervisor chan will not and sure nothing gets built and our job is to put people to work. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. good morning supervisors, community housing organizations. the affordable housing production act is the internal working it is city hall and the structure of the housing market. unlike the department of elections they will not be asking voters to raise the iteming levels for when qualifys as affordable housing. city had a long practice of establishing the legal standards for affordable housing and the author works in the standardses and provides the benefit of stream lining for mixed use that increase the affordable family units and opened the path way for skilld and bodiesing trade workers. this should be the norm. and the standards of city hall working together should be the norm as well it creates that establishing a framework for the budget. planning. and allocations around fordable housing with the board and the mayor. changing politic system essential. detective. >> thank you. next speaker. please. good morning supervisor i'm april atkins a business agent for local 22 a carpenter since 95 and i stand in opposition of chan's act. >> thank you, next speaker, please. good morning i'm james talityis i'm a business rep from local 22 and stand against chan's associates. next next speaker, please good morning i'm a represent for carpenter's local 22. labor leader i represent 4,000 carpenter in san francisco and 40 thousand throughout northern california. i stand in support of affordable homes as this gives agency to all working class women and man. i stand in opposition. supervisor chan's act. >> thank you. >> next speaker. good morning. i'm benjamin i'm one of the out of work arc prentices for local 22. i support affordable home its statute will of the people and has 52,000 signatures. and was a project of the mayor. it is on the books and red to go. and will give me the work and build more housing for my family when it happens. i respectfully oppose supervisor chan's act as tell dilute and confoous fuse a needed advance for our city. >> thank you. >> next speaker. supervisors i'm ron. i'm the political director for the carpenter's union. a 23 year member and swung a hammer building homes. i'm in opposition of the bill and disappointed we are discussing it. honestly the carpenters dot majority of the work on housing. and we got together with nonprofits organizations, spur and to come up with a good bill. afford around homes now bill. we went out to the public 52,000 wanted this bill example for a supervisor to bring a competing bill after the folk in san francisco said they wanted this, is completely wrong and disappointing and i'm asking to you stop this bill and make sure people have their voice and affordable homes now is the right move. thank you. >> next speaker. good evening city counsels. i'm a san francisco native. proud to be a carpenter and local 22 member i'm opposing connie chan's act and in favor of affordable now homes and chap amendment. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please good evening. i'm [inaudible] local 34. and i oppose connie chan act. >> thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> good day, people. san francisco, i'm [inaudible] 22 year member of local 715 carp terse i oppose this bill understand that fooshdable housing is not bringing that much money. the expenses 20 million dollars apartment or house. you may consider why we are doing this and push this dil bill now. i'm against this bill. we mead to think about the people in the city not the ones with the money there are others here, too. thank you. joo thank you. next speaker, please. good afternoon will everybody. i'm duane browning i'm a local 22 carpenter. 22 years. i'm also in the same favor as [inaudible] that the san francisco is primary low for the rich people now. the poor people are pushed out. we are trying to keep the union strong and trying to keep workers in workingch rather than sitting out front of city hall protesting thankful issue. so again, thank you very much for your time, and have a good day. thank you, next speaker. good afternoon i'm steven. a pile driver of local 34. i'm in opposition of connie chan's affordable housing production act and in favor of affordable homes now charter amendment. thank you very much. >> next speaker. good afternoon local 34. third generation. 25 year plus member. i worked most here in mission bay area driving piles for a lot of the foundations the skyline you see every day. what i'm here to oppose is connie chan's foordzable housing production. act; right . so that will produce introverto homes like it has in the last few years that's why we have affordable homes now. we want to get these built and bring the houses to the people that need them with afford at and get the homeless homed. okay. we have been in this with you guys on other projects that we were over pot ticks stop doing this and get this built. do what is right there are 50,000 members of the city that want this done. 6 of you guys who don't. get it diagonal get everyone housed and dot right thing and have health care, medical, wages [inaudible]. >> thank you. >> thank you. are there next speaker. >> good morning, everybody i'm [inaudible] local [inaudible] i don't know first connie chan. [inaudible]. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. go ahead, sir. good morning i'm john, member of 68 out of oakland california i oppose connie chan's amendment. are there other speakers in go ahead. sir. >> i'm leonard. i have been a carpenter since 1999. working here at san francisco local 22. like you said, you know most of any project is done by the carpenters we do most of the work and support the proposal affordable homes now act. charter amendment. and we are against connie chan's. will not do as much for us. thank you. >> thank you. go if there are no other speakers in the chamber guess to remote. >> we have 37 people in line to speak. via phone can we have the first caller, please. good morning. do you hear me. i'm local 713 in opposition of chan's act. thank you. >> thank you. first caller? >> good morning. supervisor, donny campbell local 104 we stand with the san francisco builteding trade council and the state california building trade council. training workforce language and commend supervisor connie chan for standing with local construction workers. and we support her charter amendment. thanks have a great afternoon. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hello i'm francisco martinez with local 236. and i stand in obsuspicion to the supervisor chan's act. >> next speaker, please. good afternoon. i'm cheryl district 10 residents i'm in support of supervisor chan's charter amendment. i want to say to some of the 52,000 signatures they collected i'm a grass root's organizer and what i witnessed was a lot of these affordable housing people getting signatures were preying on people at market who is had lower literacy levels and did not disclose [inaudible] of the charter amendment. and so i wanted put that out there so people no know not all 52,000 people realize what they were signing. as a result act with the information and look it up. and that everybody has access to the internet. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. good morning. local 152. i stand in support of affordable homes now and opposition supervisor chan's measure. >> thank you. hello i'm frank. carpentero 152 in opposition of supervisor chan's act. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good morning. local 102 and i stand in opposition to supervisor chan's act. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. hi i'm paulinea i'm in va and i lived in san francisco 30 years. there is immigrant family many of us in construction. my father owns an electric construction company and work in the city we support afford homes now alcohol be on the ballot backed by our mayor and senator [inaudible] and supervisor [inaudible]. a competing measure is unrealistic and confusing we would not be able to have affordable and mixed use project in reasonable fashions. i urge the commission to support affordable homes now and reject supervisor chan's measure. . thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hello honorable mittee members i'm anthony a business representative for carpenter local 12. our members stands with the san francisco building trades training labor and protections for the community. our program offers people am paid career training with heck and open to all we accept people regardless of their past. thank you to supervisor chan for standing with our current and future workers. >> next speaker, please. >> good upon morning i'm martinez junior the senior field represent for thirty-four pile drivers represent 1300 members throughout northern california many in the city of san francisco. i strife to putting members to work. this act will dot opposite. local 34 opposed the act. thank you. next speaker. i'm bart. i'm a with local 718 and resident of san francisco. district 10. i'm a supporter of move thanksgiving with the amendments that will help many construction workers and [inaudible] in the construction trades. this will help many not just carpenters and affiliates, thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. hole i'm mike hendrick's. i lived in san front my life. proud member of heat metal workers 104. i stnldz with the san francisco building and trade skill and training workforce standards i support supervisor chan's naement amendment and thank her for standing with local construction workers. thank you. >> thank you. jury room good morning supervisors this is anatasia a member organization of race and equity in all planning urging the rule's committee to send the housing production act to the board with a unanimous recommendation. the measure champion said by san francisco's educators, labor council, san francisco building trade and leading affordable housing advocacy organizations. we have toing accelerate affordability house to meet the city's housing nieced for a range ever low incriminal and middle income households and ensure current and future generations afford to live inspect san francisco. san francisco has exceeded the market rate housing needs 151% of the market rate protection gospel housing element. but less than 50% of affordable housing goals for everyone else. the affordable protection act. >> time is up >> >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning alex with the san francisco electric construction industry. i want to thank supervisor chan and the rest of her cosponsors for move thanksgiving forward. and i continuing is absolutely important that voter vs a choice. one of the measures is the brain child of all tek executives and corporate developers love to displace our communities and put people in jail the other is crafted by supervisor chan was together with affordable housing develop:social housing organizers work to keep communities together. the best in class skilld and trained workforce. worker protections and workforce development. ensures added affordable house and 2 and 3 unit for working class families and provisions to make sure housing is built once approved. budget arc counselability for sf housing is vital as contrasting. >> time e lapsed. >> next. our next caller. good morning i'm antonio a femaled represent of the local 713. a carpenter for 26 years representing members and calling in in opposition of supervisor chan's act. thank you. thank you. next caller. >> good morning supervisors, corey smith on behalf housing action. opposing this item and urging everybody to support affordable homes now issue. we have a number of issues the fact that the measure is a separate press release and language -- continues to claim will there is a skilld and trained labor position for 100% affordable house thanksgiving legislation does not actually have that requirement. we read it. there is no skilled and trained requirement for 100% affordable housing in the proposal in front of you today. we encourage to you not move it forward and support affordable homes now. thank you very much. >> thank you. next caller. >> good morning. member of dry wall local 68l we have 272 members ready to work list and many of those are san francisco residents. i support affordable homes now and opspigz of this measure this is good for all construction workers not just the carpenters and calling from the draw wall. >> thank you. next speaker, please >> good morning supervisors i represent dry wall local 68l. we have over 5 unemployed members. and i'm call nothing in opposition of supervisor chan's measure. and we support affordable homes now. thank you very much. >> thank you. next caller. i'm a san francisco native skilld and trains life safety fire sprinkler fity the work we do save life and properties. thank you to supervisor chan for offering a solution and incentivize the develop and want good jobs. thank you. >> thank you. next caller. >> hi. i'm marco [inaudible] representative of dry wall local 68l. currently we have around 270 members on the ready to work list. many of them are san francisco residents. and i stand strong opposition to supervisor chan's measure. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good morning am i live in district 7. hard not to be frustrated with our city we have so much good dp potential for great. however i'm perplexed by the [inaudible] unique house suggest if you are housed you are immune from housing. in san francisco looking for housing is a bleak experience. our leaders need to fix that a measure that may sounds good on the surface but not produce homes. solutions that don't work feed the negative opinion voters have been san francisco's 80 to fixer problems i urge you not to support this bill and support affordable homes now. thank you. >> thank you. >> next caller. in i'm antonio rodriguez member of 236 i stand with my brothers and sisters opposing this act -- because of the reasons and we need the house being now. thank you. >> good morning i'm suzanne rodriguez i'm a rep if the carpenter's local 152. i stand in opposition to supervisor chan's act and thank you for your time. next speaker, please. i'm a san francisco residents for a decade and love to stay here but in order to do this san francisco needs more affordable housing. i don't believe that supervisor chan's ma'am will get us that. i am in support of affordable homes now act and oppose supervisor chan's amendment and want san francisco to be a place that can support all people not just rich people. good afternoon. the affordable housing act is important for achieving racial and economic equity for communities. we need housing we can afford this is the only measure that will provide new affordable housing and the budget [inaudible] making sure we meet these goals and supervisor chan for the leadership to credit an amendment that will shift attention back to truly affordable housing. housing needs we need. and thank you to rules committee [inaudible] and the voter in november. thank you. >> thank you. good morning i'm eric the glide a member of race coalition and urge to sends the affordable housing production act to the board with unanimous recommendation. san francisco exceeded market rate needs built over the production build in housing leadership. and [inaudible] affordable housing goal for everyone else. thank you. >> thank you. next caller. i'm jim chapel a 45 year d8 san front resident and a member. i support affordable housing production. therefore i must oppose this measure that is a cynical confusing measure that will decrease not increase housing production. there is a reason so many are testify nothing opposition this will decrease affordable housing kruck i'm appalled with the supervisors pursue thanksgiving red herring. drop this bill and support the housing now measure. thank you. i'm advocate for housing our homeless population. i wanted to say thank you to supervisor chan for this choice this she is giving voter in november and thank the cosponsors who are walten and peskin and dean. i'm appalled at the misinformation shared by others that i wanted say mall business employees don't qualify for 140% median next. 140% of median next for a person is 130,000 a family of 4 is 1 quick,000 that's with the affordable housers now home how act change the definition of afford at. we need to truly focus on real afford at for those that are work nothing our service industry and retill corridors and ensuring we provide options for people that are experiencing homelessness bottom houses. thank you. good morning supervisors in november voters will have a choice gives treatment to market rate developers provide benefits to one union the carpenters voters will not be fooled bite language once it calls studio apartments 300,000 and called them affordable the affordable housing production act sponsed by chan, walt sxen preston stream lines approvals for mixed income person and provides 15% truly arc affordable units and supports family and workers not just one. return for afford at and union jobs they jump to the front of the line e eliminate risk and increase profit that's a fair trade. >> can we have our next caller? good morning. supervisors i'm jessica year local real estate agent. i stand in opposition to supervisor chan amendment. also tilde think the board should [inaudible] affordable homes now that is being put on the ballot this november and lead to more production and more housing so that more people can live in san francisco. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker, please. i'm jeff, i oppose supervisor chan's act. thank you. next speaker, please. >> good morning. i'm opposed to this charter amendment. it is critical we open the city up to more housing. it is is also important to note that part of the reason it is so important to build affordable house suggest that the city has these that go in to each unit built that the base cost is a lot less than what it costs to build in san francisco. which is why it is heard to as well affordable housing. in initial is deceptive the competing antihouse being measure will place constraints and requirements that make it nearly impossible to -- build anything it and nothing to hold it is city ash counselable for stake reasonable time frames for affordable and mixed income projects i urge you to oppose this and not sends it to the full board. >> next speaker, please employs [inaudible] representative of local [inaudible] carpenters i am in support of affordable homes now and opposition to supervisor chan's measure. thank you. >> thank you. can we have our next caller? i'm mar >> santa cruz local 1 where are 2 i stand in opposition to supervisor chan's act. thank you. thank you. next caller. upon i'm simon i have lived in san front for 10 years. i'm a proud member of the 104. and i stand with san francisco building trading skilld and trade [inaudible]. i support supervisor chan's affordable housing charter amendment. and thank her for spending with local construction worker. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good afternoon i'm a field representative out of carpenter's 152. and i sustained in opposition to supervisor chan's act and stand in support of the affordal homes now initiative. thank you for your homes now initiative. thank you for your time.e homes now initiative. thank you for your time. next speaker, please >> [inaudible]. proceed. >> hello? i'm yawn wu i live in san francisco more then and there 10 years and member of local 104 and i stands with san francisco building trade [inaudible] i support supervisor chan affordable housing thank you for her work and making more jobs for us. thank you very much. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning chair peskin and the board appreciate the opportunity to peek with you today i'm chris myier a field representative in 21 year member offul local 34 representing 1200 members in northern california. we got 1 fourth of our ready to work list in the city. and rank and file, pile driver and commercial spends time working on the water front of the city. where i developed an affinity my wife and i have an arrivally going see thinks the best city in the united states is boston i continuing is san francisco. i call you today in support affordable homes now initiate and i have in opposition to member chan's legislation. furthermore i'm saddened that someone would accuse anyone taking advantage of a group that seeks to after viable housing. thank you. >> thank you. our next caller? >> i'm jonathan carpenter's 7 then and oppose supervisor chan's act. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervisor this is is [inaudible] pet. member of senior statement action and affordal housing advocate terror seniors and people can be statements i support supervisor chan's amendment. it is our choice that chan proposal will be the only charter amendment that would bring housing to the city at prices for seniors and people can disabilities can afford. thank you. i'm the president of san francisco build and construction trade council i'm here to support this ordinance fully. we have over 1400 building trade members out of work in san francisco. 400 are from local 38 you heard from some today. this ordinance is going to help the city build housing faster. tell protect the workers that are building it. >> it is not just one rogue selfish union only goal is to steel everyone's work and all the other trades and build wall to wall that's what that union's goal is to do. this ordinance will build housing in a way where protects san francisco and workers. i'm disappointed at the mayor and the hack and the all on board with is this other one this other will do nothing for the city. police. >> time is up. back connie chan's proposal. >> thank you. >> next caller. i'm august oleman with spur an organization base in the san francisco. first concerned about the way this measure would make it impossible to build affordable homes quickly. then % of units in the next project reserved for lower income households that soundses great in theory no projects will move forward through a process financial feasibility studies demonstrated that inclusionary rate is not feasible. san franciscoments to make progress on housing we need a board to take action to approve the approval process and endorse affordable homes now. thank you. >> thank you. next caller. >> great. david, so. this measure in my opinion should not include an ordinance and declaration of pol. you see others for examples of ways to right on page 16, 22 and 23 i require the board to enact an ordinance conforming to the charter amendment if adopted and page 10 for an example of how i would right write that the policy declaration on page 26 can incorporate in the measures charter language in proposed 16.126 i'm not sure i support stream lining the approval of affordable housing approval discretionary and or making them administrator it it is a big change special a bad precedent for the city. i may vote no on both measure and maintain the status quo if you could check and granicus today it seems bug and he not stable today. thank you for listening. >> thank you. next caller. >> good morning it it is scotto voter in district 8. i'm calling to encourage to you extend supervisor chan's amendment. the affordable housing production act. to the board for a vote. i support that amendment and support having a choice in inform. i believe that most of the people i heard call nothing opposition to the affordable housing production act are people who stand to gain financial low through trade or real estate agents or real estate investment. will because the almost 80% of market rate housing that will be included in the act will approximate not paenldz or housing crisis. tell be investment purposes. and -- i support supervisor chan's amendment in the full board. thank you. >> thank you. next caller >> i'm jesse. president of carpenter's local 713 and field rep for 152 and in opposition of chance's act. thank you. >> thank you. next caller. >> i'm rifringel a district 3 resident calling in opposition to the antihousing measure sab to my knowledge the affordable homes now amendment. supervisor fan's fetishization of the percentageave project affordable long has and will continue to under mine the total amount of new house nothing san francisco that is affordable. 100% of zero is still zero. that is not what matters to the authors of the measure. at best they care about feeling and sounding progressive than about actual progress. and worse, they know this measure will stand in the way of progress and disappropriating the language of affordability against them. supervisor chan's measure is a cynical plan to prevent new housing production dressed up in progressive imp. the good news san francisco voterings are smartser than that and i home a majority of colleagues are, too. this antihousing trick being should fail now and will fail. >> speaker time. >> thank you. hello this is allen a long-term residents of district 8. first, i want to say i have no financial interest in any of ordinance. i'm a residents of it is difficult to build housing e specially affordable. i strongly oppose this charter amendment and support mayor's affordable homes now ballot initiative. thank you. >> i'm veronica beard and i oppose supervisor chan's proposal. and echo what others said about the proposition come to confusing constituents. as leaders this ordinance is rooted in personal interests. it looks and soundses prohousing and stream line the approval process for hozing. this measureingly do nothing to remove the roadblocks that making building affordable difficult. it the place constraints and requirements that make it impossible to build anything. and does nothing to hold the city accountable for establishing time frame for approving mixed income projects do better. lynch to the callers and support the affordable homes now. thank you. supervisors, affordable homes now is the way to go. affordable housing production act is flawed. totally flawed. trying to hood wink the constituents of san francisco in broad daylight. get your facts together. stop hood winking us in broad daylight. no audio. this measure is a cynical attempt to oppose the mir's measure and -- i wish that -- you will the -- board go back to had you have done on housing, which is nothing. please, oppose this measure. thank you. i'm charles airs a district 9 residents and call nothing opposition. the number one issue facing san francisco is the cost housing which is link topside a shortage of available units the prohousing homes now measure is headed for the november ballot. if the goal is more housing then why muddy the water with a competing measure if the goal is more home for more people reject this measure and join forces to pass affordable homes now in november. >> thank you. next caller. >> i'm ty christopher a san francisco rentser on social scientist i'm concerned about affordable in our city i will not gain from the fordable homes now. as a social scientist i believe the measure will not accomplish its goal its will constrain building too much reduce the number of affordable units built. and does not ensure the city meats time lines for affordable housing. thank you very much, i don't support the measure. >> hi. i'm mitch. i'm district one residents and a life along san francisco. [inaudible] the measure changed the affordable house to a mack of 140% ami and 120ami. [inaudible] affordable one bedroom and rents up to 3, 880 and average rent of affordable unit 3, 341 per month. >> board approving mixed income developments. [inaudible] the inclusion makes affordable homes now a harmful measure. chan's measure is worth supporting as an alternative. it is possible many market rate will not [inaudible] at least tell not cause harm to those builting affordable housing. build housing that addresses those in working class. [inaudible]. thank you. next caller. >> good afternoon this is ted buckner from district 5. i'm supporting supervisor chan's proposal, we have seen more than our share of market rate housing constructed for years and it does not accommodate the incriminals of many of people in san francisco. i urge that supervisor chan's fellow supervisors support her proposal. thank you very much. >> thank you. next caller. hello i'm [inaudible] i'm a residents in district 5 in san francisco i stand in opposition to this measure. i'm i believe that san francisco needs to build more affordable housing and in order to do that we need to make sure that homes that are older are able to lower prices as they get [inaudible] filter. it is known as a way to reduce the cost of housing and a way to [inaudible] affordable housing in the city. if able to build housing at all. this bill make its difficult on build new housing and standses in opposition to the affordable homes now measure. by -- -- stating that this the include more -- higher percentage of affordable housing in order to create [inaudible] your time elapsed. next caller, please. director of nor cal carpenters representatives 38,000. 24,000 out of local 22 in san francisco. 82,000 housing units by 2031. 7% node to be below market we are far from this goat idea we widen the gap by presenting the reduction act by supervisor chan is inappropriate. the amount of housing needed to be created will be zero. housing is everyone's responsibility. afford at is every district's responsibility of the her initiative is a modified sb35 has skilld and trained and how many units built. it it is a step for a misleading solution for housing and not one near san francisco it is disrespectful to the 52,000 voters supporting real change. am am generates the amount housing san francisco needs. and connect residentses to jobs a path way to career. [inaudible] and [inaudible]. >> thank you. next caller. please. [inaudible] local 102 [inaudible]. good afternoon i'm kyle local 102 [inaudible]. i'm speak nothing opposition to councillor's chan's act. thank you. >> thank you. next caller. i'm [inaudible] and i'm a residents of district 3 and call nothing opposition of this measure. we need more house nothing san francisco and this proposal is not it. tell place contranlts on apartment and make it impossible to build and will not hold the city accountable for establishing reasonable time frames for affordable and mixed income projects. call nothing opposition. much in support of affordability homes now. thank you. >> thank you. >> i'm aiden gould a residents of haight ashbury i'm callingly because the amendment proposal will -- hindzer the construction of housing in san francisco. we are live manage a time when democrats nationwide are being mocked as either dishonest or incapable and -- besides the need to create housing i urge the supervisors to think about whether we want to condition this narrative of democratic dishonesty and incapability. thank you. >> thank you we are checking a line that was unattended previously. give us a moment. >> that completes the phone callers. all right. are there additional speakers in the chambers for this item number 10? seeing none. public comment is closed. we have one person just jumped online. we will reopen public comment. can we have our caller please. >> yes, i'm sanchez a member of local 68l. covered the city of san francisco calling to oppose the proposal of supervisor chan's opposition bill to affordable homes now initiative. thank you. >> thank you. >> there are additional speakers. one more. >> all right. next caller. okay. this is tony. and i am the organizer with local 38 plumbers and local in san francisco. i stand with the building trades and the can fran housing advocates in support of affordable housing product action from supervisor chan and opposition to the afford annual homes now act works for on site build stenograph will invite modular construction with substandards construction tech neats and below standards pay. i support the affordable housing production act. >> thank you. >> thank you. next caller. >> hello. >> proceed. >> okay. my bad. i'm crist an, from local 22 and i'm going to let you know connie chan i'm nowith that. she does not speak for the people we have 50,000 signatures. i'm with [inaudible] and that's what we need. peace! i believe that was our last speak. public comment is closed. supervisor? >> thank you. chair. it soundses like this will be moving to full board today. tell do it without my vote that may or may not be permanent there may be further conversations about this. you know the backgrounds is not like a foreground is the contest with the 2 sort of proposals. for things people are calling affordable housing. i said some of these things the last time we considered it. there is a fundamental thing about afford the mayor's effort and effort of carpenters and housing advocates called affordable homes now. there is a truth i think is real. which i think it will be good and probably necessary for if we will meet our housing goals for san front to get clearer about when we want and take some of the uncertainties out of our approval process. there are things that are said about the mayor's measure that are perhaps not true. probably both by proand o ponentses the fight about -- affordable homes now is in the about the afford annual housing piece. everybody agreed what is affordable housing. both measures stream line that. the question is about what set of trade offs are right. what do we want to describe the thing we want that we want to stream line. and the difficulty for me with the pair's measure is it has trades i would not make. i would not stream line density bonus projects or with very careful thought about what we are giving up. i would not i don't think redefine affordable housing up to 140ami. that does not make sense. and as we enter the space of trying to figure out what should be stream lined i'm uncomfortable with the idea that there is no period of time after which the board of supervisors could be a super majority say we tryd that and want to change it. those are the occurrence i have about the mir's measure. that's why i said the last time we considered that i wanted thank supervisor chan for getting in the fareway and trying to gift board of supervisors an opportunity to weigh in and come up weapon manage that might be better. it is not there in my view and i can't support it as it is. there are things in the supervisor chan's measure i applaud i think san francisco might be wovnt places where skilld and trainedeen if it can't work every where it might work here. with the right set of projects. would work here for the right set of projects. i applaud and thank supervisor chan for her willingness to work and hear from the development community and occurrence are address in the this measure. and i appreciate that. the reasonable i can't sign on is that there is that funds ammal notion in the mayor's measure that we do need see some stream lining of some types of the market rate that is a view i share. i think well is an opportunity for the board to do this without weigh nothing this battle over the larger projects. i think we could do something with smaller projects. i understand >> reading tim redmonthe motion of demolition, i think it is a topic we need to start processing here at the board supervisors and peskin and i to being a shot a few years ago. may be it is time to been it again. but you know i -- i think tuesday be good for us to figure out a path to allowing some new construction in yours that have residential development. i get that is not going to be a place the board can go in this measure. but i think and floated ideas 3-9 unit projects around hope sf projects where we could make things easy and get housing. you know even without allowing broader demolition. i'm i have amendments folks interested in that conversation. we have circulated one draft and got feedback from developers of the smaller projects prevailing wage is not feasible for 3 to 9 unit because the work of tracking them and tracking down the subs perhaps rent control. you know which we have done in areas is something that could work. at some level at some point for those projects. you know and so i'm available if anyonements my support for the measure. but as it is now i think it is although there are things i like, i think it is not right up the challenge the mayor and the prohousing folks posed. and so -- i will regretful lee now oppose this. >> all right. supervisor chan, soundses like -- you can make a motion to sends this to the full board with recommendation or perhaps make a motion to sends without recommendation which supervisor mandelman who wants to keep options is vote for. what is your will? >> thank you, chair peskin. i want to first respond to a bit to what supervisor mandelman has talked about. i think for me the key point of this ballot measure is the conversation around affordability and when is affordal by definition for working family in san francisco. i hold on to the 120% area median income as a threshold we must hold on to in the measure. i think that the conversation when it come to smaller housing development projects the neighborhood infill or also known as dollar unit or the home sf a smaller project, at this moment, you know unfortunately, you know, supervisor mandelman is one of the 11 votes i'm talking to colleagues i'm getting different feedback there are clothe in a different place than supervisor mandelman is i'm open to the conversation as of today as it is currently is around affordability and skilld and trained language including the inclusionary percentages of additional 15% come with a 2 to 3 bedroom, which is units those are critical to -- me. and to i believe what will be providing affordable housing that working families in san francisco need. at this moment. so i will hold on to those as of today as it is and i am going to 21s gets out i hope it has the vote to get out i can have a more indepth conversation with supervisor mandelman without the violation of brown act. i look forward to having more conversation after the vote and other colleagues on the board. it is my intention and i am making the motion to recommendation to the board today. and it is regrettable for me that not having surprise mandelman's support today but i look forward to having more conversations with him. >> prierz it is to sends it with recommendation. on that motion mr. young a roll call yoochl on that motion supervisor chan. >> aye. >> mandelman. >> no. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes. with vice chair mandelman dissenting. >> we will recess to eat a bit of food and reconvene at 12:50 we will reconvene the july 6 rules committee meeting and supervisor chan is present remotely and i'm here in the chambers joined by supervisor mr. clerk can you read item 5. >> item 5 is charter amendment third amendment to the charter to create the homelessness oversight commission over see the d. homelessness to provide the commission scombrkz to approve or disapprove criteria use for eligibility or priority for prospect and services where required as condition of funding. the board but the commission shall ash point the members of the board to retire homeless board and shelter committee to advise the commission and require our commission our -- require that our city home oversight committee to advise the commission and the healing commission to advising the mayor special the board and administration of the our city our home funds on monies appropriated from the funds to specify the services relating to holelessness and audit by the controller and held on november 822. nais not set fort but incorporated. surprise. thank you for your patience this morning. the floor is yours. that was funny. i'm laughing i was waiting for to you laugh. anyway. thank you, folks as supervisor chair peskin noted we made a couple of last amendments. and ponent to more colleagues -- more are committed and they feel comfortable with this. and i think there have been consideration received a letter from glide today or yesterday. stating support. they would are open to further conversation. a number of stake holders in the process and received a positive feedback we appreciate everyone's support and i ask this this item sent to the full board with a positive recommendation today. want to reiterate points why we are hear the department of homeless supportive housing is the largest city departments and it is with a budget of just under 700 million. does not have an oversight committee. this oversight committee would ensure consistent transparency and public input. and how important business. this department is conducted. it will interface with a director interface with these -- board members here the mayor's office. and we think that is really important as we witnessed working with supervisor peskin not that many months ago. with a 3 day notice. will with the 7/11 post? that type of notification and process and oversight and transparency is not acceptable. there was a report by the chronicle that talked about short somethings in sportive housing stock inform many case they identified case managers working with tenants a ratio of over one to 50. 1 to 80. they are pushing now to reduce that to 1 to 25 and approved that in the budget. these are important decision in any young department given time to grow. time to adjust and so that is what this today is about. it is really about ensuring that there is more coordination and more transparency and oversight can if more accountability we had this in 2018. the mayor's office did not want us to move forward employmented to be begin more time and more opportunity to lead that department at the time she was a new mayor and we deferred. here we are today inspect 2022 and -- having a department this this size and not the appropriate over site is not acceptable. so. there was the ain't also that we are puts nothing for the first time in city's history the 8 for the controltory audit his department. we think that audit and measurable goal system an important aspect of this charter amendment. i know you have a busy day. i will conclude my comments. thank you for your support. supervisor peskin and supervisor mandelman has something to say. i want to thank my colleagues for input. i request send this with positive recommendation. >> thank you for the rounds of amendments. supervisor mandelman? and cost and sometimes that is appropriate and i think when there is an issue of important public concern where members of the public and entered parties benefit from the opportunity to hear more regular low from departments and to challenge or question or make suggestions that is appropriate. i think it is appropriate here there are an arc bundzance of bodies with some responsibility for aspect of homelessness it is confuse to the public where they go when they have concerns one thing supervisor crist typed for adding seats for people concerned or interested about the homelessness issues. i think it is a strength and i know there is disagreement would be directly in either the business of the -- of the -- providing those services or receiving those services. so, i know this has been a gauntlet for the supervisor. there were choice i would not -- necessarily made but i think it will make san front a better accomplice to have this commission. and cosponsor. thank you. i want to thank rescue sf for input in the other groups that are out there. i concure i think that the having a small business or neighborhood association -- entity as well as machine that has fiscal accountability as a requirement is an important amendment. so i think that is important. thing to add and i said we have accounts at and auditing ability from the controller -- thank you, supervisor. >> is that is the conclusion of my remarks chair peskin. >> all right. why don't we open item 5 up to public comment. >> members joining in person line up to speak. for those listening remote, call 415-655-0001 enter the id and press pound, pounds. once connected press story 3 to enter the speaker line. for those in the queue continue to wait for the system to indicate you have been unmuted that is your queue to begin comments can we violate first in person commenter? if you don't mind -- >> i was beginning with the reason i was interrupted. we had somebody in person we start with in person but i -- hold on a minute. kristin we will go. >> i'm not watching. >> we will go to jordan and back to you. mrs. davis? >> one second. i want to say i'm disash pointed at the turn of evans today. i made my opposition known to mayoral control. mayor has been controlling this for the past 20 years. it was clear in the chronicle article it happened. and basically -- in the neighborhood organization -- harrassment speaks out against the injustices. and it is sickening i got transphobic harrassment because of the neighborhood groups and you will put one of those people on the council. i'm sickened how this came out, you know. i have known about this investigation for a couple years before it came out there is more to come. and i'm sickened a supervisor that does not represent a substantial amount of homeless or an amount of homeless service or a substantial amount of supportive housing. this should have been thoughtful. i'm done with the input of the tenants affect third degree is exploiting our pain to create a very flawed paper tire commission. and i'm sick of it. i'm had it up to here with this and this is in the a legitimate commission and believe me there will be hell to pay temperature is former supervisor on the spotty said. it is on like donkey kong. i yield my time. f-you. i greet with jordan have strong reservations about mayoral control of the body. i as i reminder supervisor, reid was my supervisor for 7 years. we saw little action on homelessness solution in our neighborhood. even though a tried to work with her for many year. it is about who has the controls. she has control over who is in this department now. this notion that she is a new mayor she was the board the board of supervisors could have taken action on homelessness solutions many times and failed to do so. i really -- am fearful this body -- has real teeth and really push the dial on creating solutions for our homeless neighbors. i would support having a business person on it only appointed bite board of supervisors. thank you. thank you. there are additional speakers on item 5 >> we have 3 more speakers can we get our next speaker, please? supervisors francisco decosta. i do not think we need another commission. i don't think we need another commission. if you are listening to the last planning you can riverly find out what people who really want -- to do something about homelessness think about the board of supervisors in total. i know one or 2 really care for the homeless. for our supervisor to think that you can put a charter amendment so that he can win brownie points and the next mayor of san francisco, [laughter] high hopes. high hopes. it is a shame that the city of san francisco had so many homeless people. and it is a shame that -- the supervisors -- who had the cloud. allow children and families, too. wasting millions of dollars on unnecessary stupid conditions. stupid commissioners. next speaker, please. thank you next speaker, please. hello i'm carrie a san francisco resident and concerned community member. i understand this commission is want specialed by members of the public with homelessness. i'm calling to ask you to oppose this until the feedback of tenant system incorporated. permanent supportive housing tenabilities a committee with appointees and without a seat will continue the unlivable conditions that supportive tenants live under. many other important stake holers begin the input i'm standing with permanent supporting housing tenants who are asking this amendment modifyed reflect the demandses that will meet their needs we want a commission this is not it. the people affects have the loudest voices incorporate the feedback of tenants. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. a direct community housing partnership the largest provider of permanent supportive housing in san francisco. let the voters decide how they want oversight, community process, into had department. i seen the human services agency and the department of public health haa commission can do and time that you put it on the ballot. get a mission this can- do oversight and condition with lived experience my understanding there were 2 seats one by the mayor and the board which are individuals who experienced homelessness and lived experiences. thank you. >> i concur about making amendments. one is i do not think it is appropriate for the mayor to have a majority of arc pointsees on the commission. the mayor seat has an amount of power. and including with diameters. also, i do also agree that we should include the presence of one current permanent supportive ouzing tenant appointed by the board on the commission. and lastly i have big concerns about having a community or -- business neighborhood organization -- on the commission -- i would want to make sure if there was member it would be someone from an organization with a noun antagonistic history with the homeless community and be appointed by the board of supervisors. thank you for your consideration but i strongly urge you to include these amendments with the idea of having an oversight commission. thank you very much. >> we have one more caller. >> >> i will assume you can hear me. it is david again. i referred to my previous comments on this item i assume there is no updated controller's cost analysis based on version 2. i have spoken on this item before and agree we don't mead to create a new commission. most important it is not clear what the focus would be the oversight of the department, housing wagz on the streets and i think >> it is most important to define the mandate here if this will be successful if this idea continues to move forward otherwise tell be a new commission that may not well -- may not succeed. i'm still not clear how this will washing with the payment's legislation relate to contracts. i think the board of supervisors should a points the members of the local home will coordinating board the shelter monitor committee and the ocohoc. i believe the legislation would change at least the appointments. >> and the clerk's excellent june 22, 22 memo has upon issues that have still not been addressd and i appreciate if you could take a moment to go through that. thanks again for listening. >> we have one more caller. thank you. next caller. upon i'm christopher. formerly homeless person live nothing supportive housing in the tenderloin. hsh needs oversight. the lack of folks on hsh is a major problem. um -- that is also a problem is the idea the mayor would be appointing most of the people on this oversight body. this -- i can't passport this as it is written. it needs to be primarily board of supervisors appointments. this should are no neighborhood organization. connected to this, that does not make sense. i am frustrated as to how you -- thank people like rescue sf this ignore the voices of people with lived experience of homelessness who keep approaching you about this issue and various other issues. what do we need to have some power in this conversation? to be considered? item is rescue sf like 2 white people why do they have so much power. i don't get that at all. i don't support this. it is shit, it is like you saying f-you to us. >> thank you for your comment, can we have our next caller, please? hello supervisors i'm curtis bradfort co chair of [inaudible]. and i'm calling today to ask for changes. i can't support this measure the way other the charter ma'am the way it is written. does not make sense to have a department that is already over -- has oversight by the mayor's office. appointing a majority of the people who will need the oversight of the department that is over seen by the mayor. it is like why bother. we need an oversight committee. i'm for that i think it needs to shift so not a majority mayor appointment but major board of supervisors. and i would really love to see and makes the most sense to see a permanent supportive housing residents on the committee as well. in the seats. and i do not understand having a -- member of a member association or -- you know cbd or business on there because we know what their message is. remove the homeless people tr my area. i just -- i really hope that you can make changes so we can support this and have an oversight committee that will work for the benefit of the communities as a whole. and -- please make those changes. thank you. >> thank you. >> are there other speakers? that was the last caller. public comment is closed. >> and the matter is in the hands of the committee any last words from supervisor? >> yes, thank you. i just to state for the record i continuing is obvious but you know we are city wide supervisors. as well as district supervisors. of course we will take on issues that impact the entire city. this is -- this issue affects all of san francisco we are compelled to engage on this. and if we don't, it would be foolish to stay that only a few neighborhoods in the city or few districts in the city should have a voice in this conversation when we all need to have a voice and all of us have been a part of that conversation. i have reached out to supervisor dorsey and supervisor former supervisor haney and preston all of the supervisor ronnin. supervisor walten. is a lead cosponsor on this. all of the major impacted areas that people consider ground zero for this issue. as city issued housing there is flexant in a number of seats 2 by the board. permanent supporting housing tenants comprise a very large majority of unhoused family unhoused individuals. there will be a very sdrong likelihood they will have a voice and an opportunity to be on this commission. i don't doubt that. the department said and folks said on the record having flexibility or people with lived experience rather than being restrictive is more desired that's why we did not make that amendment special do respect the voice of house being tenants and believe there are an important part of the process and heard from many and had input in this conversation. and then final lite issue about the mayor and i said this before we are an executive run city the buck stops with the mayor. we have board confirmation for all of the seats and made the amendment last week that essentially says that -- the term for those receipts on the mayor are shortened for the first rounds and we have the opportunity to have a quick look at who the mayor would have then appointed. feel like this is struck the right balance and heard from our city our home before and a number of different organizations that represent and work with this constituency. we feel confident this is moving forward and appreciate everyone's input in this. thank you, mr. chair >> supervisor chan any words? >> yes. thank you, chair peskin. i do and i want to thank supervisor for bring thanksgiving measure forward. i do agree that our when it come to our departments of homelessness and supportive housing and with the rates we are going and we do need oversight. soive appreciate the concept of this ballot measure. what i do have in terms of difference opinion is that again, the make up, of the commission where i think this if we are really about oversight let's make sure that it is not the same. which then the mayor has the majority of the appointments for the commission. so that's where i am. and right now i think that if we are moving this forward, which recommendation i regrettablely cannot support this but i look forward to having more of a policy debate full board and seeing what other colleagues think. and that's where i stand at this moment and what look forward to what the full board conversation will look like. but i do agree that we need oversight and if this is the best that we can get it is how some oversight, i think that perhaps we could put this forward to the voter and see what the voters think. >> thank you. >> thank you supervisor chan. so i will make a motion to sends item 5 to the full board with a positive recommendation on that motion mr. clerk a roll call. >> yes. supervisor chan. >> no. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes with supervisor chan dissenting in committee. >> next item, please. >> item 6 is charter amendments second draft to amend the charter of san francisco to extend the library funds for 25 years at an election to be held on november 18, 22. >> thank you, mr. clerk i don't think there is anything to add there was one typo somebody pointed out last week and we fixed that. if there are no supervisor? >> quick. this one is simple. we need renew or library preservation fund to ensure the success of our arc mazing library system. this mesh has support, it is -- taking almost every member of the board has no audio. >> the meeting id is 24836358764, press pound and pounds. hit star 3 to enter. we have one person on the line for public comment. can we have our caller, please? dave you'd. briefly i referred to my previous comments i support our libraries and oppose budget set arc sides. thanks. sends to the full board. roll call. >> on that motion, to recommend the matter, supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice share mandelman. >> aye >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion pagszs without objection. >> thank you. call item 8 out of order. >> 8 is charterer amendment second draft to amend the charter of san francisco to change want election cycle for the office of mayor, sheriff, da city attorney and treasure are an election to be held on november 8, 22. supervisor preston? this proposed charter amendment would maximize a voter participation and choosing representatives for all local offices by moving odd year elections toeen years. want to thank chair peskin for your cosponsorship and the committee for taking our technical amendments last week. and -- the -- proposed measure moved the mayor, sheriff and da, city attorney and treasurer elected in odd years toeen year elections. and would not change the timing for other elected offices. i want to emphasize this , is an a crucial voting right's measure and the data prosecute the past decade in san francisco shows that even year elections achieved significant low higher voter turn out than the odd year elections. consider the contrast with the city wide turn out of 41% in november 2019 to 86% in november of 20 between it is more than double participation. we than low income resident and people of recall are likely to vote in the consolidated elections. at the last hearing i noted that los angeles did in in 2015, saw a much higher participation and san jose did this year. i want to add context that we did not discuss last week and want to emphasize that this is not -- a new idea this is something studied extensively over the last 2 dkdz in california and the data is quite clear. local measure in los angeles and san jose followed a state law that pass in the 2015. and it is known as the california voter participation right's act. it was sb415. supported by a very broad range of voting rights organizations. who cited the importance of encouraging voter participation in municipal elections. and the state law actually presents cities from holding the off cycle elections. and decline in voter turn out define as 25% or more difference with the odd year and the consolidated election. cities across the state of california have already been make thanksgiving change and implementing this. however shortly after the state law passed, a lawsuit was filed by the city of rodonaldo beach claiming the law should not apply to charter city in california. city of san francisco filed in support of that on using a home rule argument. and the appellate court agreed and ruled san francisco were free to make the change but not compelled to do so by the change in state lawmanidated by sb415. so, i wanted to bring to your attention and e mail that 2 committee members a recent report by common cause. organization focuses on voting rights they studied the 54 cities that switched in years from off cycle elections toeen year elections. these are cities across the statement large and small and cities from all over north and south. they found the change on average tripled voter participation in municipal elections. and -- again. that should be colleague in your box and hopeful ly part of the hearing as well. so i think this is an area where san francisco is -- behind. i think that -- our city is at its best in the way making progressive change we were first to banning pandemic evictions, pushing for public bank and major equality on voting rights we have fallen behind on this issue. the state law passed in 2015. and san francisco still has not consolidated or elections this amendment is an opportunity to get us on track ensure more san francisco participate in local democracy and finally -- i want to note it is also not just bringing more votereds to the poles give san francisco breathing room between elections something this is appealing now. as we head in our fourth election of the year and also save us significant funds as estimated by the control in a letter submitted last week. estimated 6.9 million dollars savings for the odd year elections that are arc voided. with that, happy to answer questions. hope to have your support and thank you. for hearing this item. >> thank you, supervisor. i think your arguments are unarc sailable and the cause all right of february 2021, which has the findings you set forth was submitted by your staff and would be included as a part of the record of the proceedings for this file number are there commentses from committee members? seeing 91. go to public comment on this item. >> yes. members of the public who wish to speak join nothing person line up to speak. for those remote call 415-sick 55-0001 and id24836358764. and press pound and pounds. press star 3 to enter the speaker line. for those in the queue wait until you have been unmuted that will be your time tom speak to begin your comment. there does not appear to be anyone the room we have one caller on the line for public comment. >> first speaker please. >> david againful i still oppose this idea i still go in the other direction and restore the other off year election having the local election in november is an important check on our local government regardless of who is in your seats i rather have more determine and this gets us less democracy i'm not convinced we would get higher turn out the cost savings are not worth it. we tends in my view to have higher voter turn out when offices and measureers more heavily contested rather than what date they are on the calendar. it is not easy for department of elections to keep the staff in between election cycles. make it hard 30 would result in a june and november election with 5 and then 19 month gaps between elections, i think this is too much. voters rejected changes to recall elections in prop c in june. i hope they will similarly reject this measure. respect to the proponent, but i'm sorry i disagree with this idea. thanks for listening. >> public comment is closed. seems like at a time had we. we have one more commenter who jumped on. reopen public comment my apologies. can we have the last commenter? hi. supervisors. good afternoon marie. i am torn on this one. i am a fan of saving money i like that. on the other hand i'm a fan of democracy and the electorate having the opportunity to understand and focus on the issues that are on the ballot. in the marquee elections, i think that they stuck up the air in the room and the ballot measures that appear lower on the ballot or on whicheses that are lower on the baloat get little attention and have pretty poor results. the 3 board of edmembers were the result of low paying attention. -- because they are low they are down ballot -- position. so -- i'm torn on this. but i do favor the opportunity for the public to be more informed and better informed on what nay are voting for. i think consolidating the election system an attack on that ability. thank you. >> thank you. completes our caller list for this matter >> close public comment and i will mote that school board elections are in even numbered years. and i will say this -- about the depressing state of affair in our country as state after state are turning out ways to depress and suppress voter turn out. we are seeing that across this country. and i think any efforts to increase voter turn out and to have elections most people vote is true democracy. i will say that i have always run during presidential elections. and that is i mean those are when you are run nothing wloeventh of the city. if you did that in an odd number year it would be a handful of thousands of votes that would be cast in a supervisor's race as compared to what happen in a presidential. i think that is the fundsamential of electoral democracy and california realized that as they hinted this to what was everything other than charter ecstasy. i think we as a supervisor are catch you go upon in this matter. with that supervisor mandelman. >> thank you. chair peskin. i am comfortable forwarding this to the full board with positive recommendation. i have some concerns. i think the loss of an opportunity to put general obligation bonds and other measure in front in a way that is anticipatable in front of the voter system a loss. i tends to think that giving voters -- fewer time when is they have to weigh in and making the times more important boosts, turn out and good for democracy. but sensitive to the argument you know -- no audio.... the notion that democracy exercising your vote is a muscle that is exercises more frequently. i am sort of curious and i have not looked may be in our record but -- we have sort of done half of this. eliminated one off year election and no audio.... is -- some analysis or may be there is not might be analysis of haimpacts that had and whether that has been positive or negative for democracy in our bond program and other things. so -- i'm -- and it is does feel like a big change. we did not go through the same level of press that other cities do. may be at some point you don't need to because we discussed it is the right thing to do and everybody should do it. but it does feel like somewhat large change. i am -- i think supportive and i think we are prepared vote in favor of sending it with reservations. supervisor chan? any words? >> thank you. chair peskin i don't have much more. i stand where i was last week. its cost saving and most importantly voters turn out. i think those are critical races and will be good to have higher voter turn outs for democracy and fairness. thank you. >> i will make a motion to sends file 220638 with a positive recommendation. thank you supervisor peskin and mr. clerk. on that motion supervisor chan? >> aye. >> vice hair mandelman >> aye >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> motion passes without objection. item 7. >> yes. item 7 is a charter amendment second draft to amend the charter of the city and coincident of san francisco e eliminate sanitation and streets and transfer responsibility to the d. public works and remove questions of law ifkdzs for members of the sanitation and street's commission and public works commission and for the director of public works to lim the duties of sanitation commission reviewing data and setting anthropologists and election held on november 8, 22. >> thank you, mr. clerk. i want to thank and acknowledge the city controller for the statement that indicates this is put on the ballot and passed by voters would lead to significant cost savings. i would like to afford the director of public works the opportunity to say any additional words beyond thap which she expressed at our last meeting and mrs. a lonzy the resident expert if you want to say anything the floor is yours then public comment. thank you for your help and support in this matter. >> thank you. chair pes cane. supervisors. i don't have anything to add other than we feel that if the city is going to spends the resources -- we prefer they spent on direct labor or street cleaning service rather than arc additional administrator costs the cost saves could be well uses. >> no subtractions. in terms of the cost savings it is reason why we valid cost savings from this charter amendment is not need to have a separate executive director. executive assistant commission secretary. staff and commissioners associated on labor costs as well there is tenant improve ams to accommodate the new positions. putting decalos trucks to rebrand from public works to the new sanitation department. new vests and admin staff because keeping everyone within one financial structure minimizes the work for accountants and it and contract admin and performance measurement. so -- share that in addition to the previous efficiencies that we talked about last week about maintaining the connections between the designers and the people constructing and maintaining the work admit long run. >> and likely would over time, lead to less contracting out is your position, i believe. >> yes. that is my position. the costs limited resourszs we than. by increasing the cost to deliver projects less money left over for direct services and by increasing the costs -- no audio audio. >> david again. i will refer to my previous comments i will not reread on this item. i do think that if this sproefl to eliminate the department it seems odd to keep a commission with an extremely limited scope. i would go all the way. and e eliminate the fas commission and fold all in dpw. if you want to keep the bshgs dpw commission. so be it. expand thap to 7 members from 5 sobut seems odd to keep another commission with limited scope with no staff that simply reviews standardses relating to street cleaning and such. it is odd. and wasteful. and again the clerk's excellent june 22nd, 22 memo has issues that i'm not sure have been addressed. good work. i'm supportive here. public comment is closed. i will make a motion to sends this with recommendation to the full board of supervisoros that motion a roll call. >> supervisor chan? >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. item 9. >> yes. item 9, is a charter ma'am for charter the city to provide pension of a member of the san front employee retirement system [inaudible] convincing evidence after a hearing the member committed a crime involving moral turpitude in connection with the member duties as city employee or officer on election on november 8, 22. >> thank you. colleagues i would like to tell you the long story of the 6 meet and covers i had with the department of human resources and employee relations and a vast array of different labor organizations ranging from the service employees international urining 10-1. the international federation of professional technical engineers local 21 station engineers, local 39, firefighters 798, bargaining units including the police officer association, municipal executive association, unions represents individual low and collectively the building trade's council. to maim a few i'm missing many. those conversations veteran productive. there has been a back and forth and compromises on both sides. there is yet one more meet and conifer schedule for friday. we have a meet and conifer yesterday. we are still a part on one important issue relative to the standard. which is set forth as clear and convincing evidence. and others would prefer it be the criminal standard beyond a reasonable doubt. supervisor mandelman understandses these things. amendmentsil make today which we will continue are result of that collaborative process. that include for the --these th today which we will continue are result of that collaborative process that include for the -- forfeit tour of a pension found get no longer of moral turpitude but no the following acts wire fraud, bribery, extortion and embezzlement or perjury to conceal those acts. in addition, consistents william hip decision a court decision the amendments also hold that -- the period of which the forefitture would happen from the moment the individual conducted that behavior that they were found guilty to the time that the decision was rendz erred. and finally there is a provision in section 12.102 subsection c, that would upon appeal to a court of comp 10 jurisdiction the superior court, if reversed allow for the reinstatestate am of the forefitted pension i will introduce those today if you would be kind as to approve those amendments i would like to continue the item as amended to our meeting. 11, july 22, monday. are there any members of the public withhold like to testify on this item number 9? >> yes. the members wish to speak and joining in person should speak at this time. if you are listening remote, please like to provide comment call 415-665-0001. 2483635 and pounds and pound again. press star 3 to enter the line, for those already in the queue, condition to wait until you have been unmuted then begin your comment. we have one person in person to speak. and before, thank you. before i recognize rudy gonzalez sdutive director of the building trade's council i would like to say that -- in the 15 of the last 22 years i have been a member of the board of supervisors i from time to time engaged in meet and conifers where there is legislation this impacts working conditions or intention and pension or benefits and pay of city labor. but i never have been engaged in a dialogue like this. i want to thank and acknowledge mr. gonzalez for the constructive role he and the unions he represented played in these complicated discussions. i want to say, if i may on behalf of the various unions and bargaining units there is an believing that we have to take important steps to never see a repeat of behavior we have seen and arc shamed of. and that's the genesis of this amendment. we are still haggling over the details mr. gonzalez. >> thank you. rudy gonzalez for the san francisco building construction trade's council and cochair with david conon of public employee's committee. we support the intent and spirit i appreciate of the author's commitment to vehicle the dialogue where somewhat uncharted territory how this is crafted. we will set a standard and i believe sending a message and people all over the state of california are watching. it is important that the labor that make this is city work that has stood up for public service time and time again on behalf of our members and the neighborhoods in which they live in we believe something has to know done and want to be a part of that solution that is translate to productive meet and conifers the one remaining issue. we believe we are entering in uncharted territory that are is not the standard in any jurisdiction. am i criminal from local 826 with 150 employers and hundreds of contracts. all of the then counties and all of the other calipers county none of them have taken on this issue the way weure and committed to working with you to finds aing solution to make forward motion and progress and finish this out. recognize there are concerns. and we am have to let the lawyers figure thatut. i think we can do it. thank you for your leadership. >> thank you mr. gonzalez and the unions you represent and as you are referencing lawyers i would be remiss if i did not thank and acknowledge deputy city attorney burning the midnight candle. thank you. issue for your work and help on this. are there remote speakers for this item number 9? we have one

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