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[meeting adjourned] just a little pack of pad located at the bottom of russian hill, the secret garden with an intimate and captivating appeal. Carefully tucked away, at the bottom of lumbar street, the park makes the top of our list for the most intimate picnic setting. Avoid all tourist cars by hopping on the cable car. Or the 30, 45, 41 or 91 bus. This is the place to tell someone Something Special or the place to declare to friends and family the commitment you two share. Reservations are available with rec and park for this adorable good afternoon everybody and welcome to the San Francisco board of supervisors meeting for tuesday, july 12. 2016. Mdm. Clerk please call the roll. Supervisor avalos be present breed, present. Campos, present. Cohen, present. Farrell, present. Kim, present. Mar not present peskin, present. Tang, present. Weiner, present. Yee, present. You have a quorum thank you. Ladies and gentlemen please join us for the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] thank you. Mdm. Clerk are there any communications . There are no communications to report colleagues, any changes to the june 7, 2016 for the Meeting Minutes were the june 8 special budget and finance committee Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, is there a motion to approve those minutes . Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection those Meeting Minutes will be passed after Public Comment. [gavel] mdm. Clerk please read the Consent Agenda items 16 [reading code] mdm. Clerk, please pull item number one and seeing no names on the roster on item 2 through six, can you please call the roll on items two6 pm aye [nonenglish speaker] aye speak him aye moore not present peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye there are 10 aye those items are approved unanimously [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item number one item number one [reading code] item number one, president breed thank you. Colleagues i severed item number one from Consent Agenda because i need to make very minor amendment good in conversation with our City Attorney last week we discovered a small inconsistency that i like to fix before we finally passed the legislation. The legislation credits people from serving prepared food and polystyrene containers. The definition of prepared foods currently says that the food is prepared within the city of San Francisco but section 1604 provides an exemption if the prepared food is packaged outside of the city and sold in the container it was originally packaged in. Something that by definition is prepared in the city could not be packaged outside the city. So, to prevent any confusion in the department of environment begins enforcing this i have some very minor changes for the prepared food definition which i have distributed it is page 8, line 712 and colleagues, i would ask for your support and id like to move that amendment forward we have a motion by president breed get moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that motion without objection . Without objection [gavel] item number one can we take that same house, same call . Same house, same call that item is passed unanimously [gavel] First Reading. That is correct. Mdm. Clerk please call the next item item 79 were referred without recommendation [reading code]. Item 7 is a ordinance [reading code] thank you. Supervisor tang thank you very much colleagues. This item is not before us now after the Planning Commission has made a formal determination that this 100 Affordable Program conforms with our existing general plan. Since the other general plan amendment was voted down. So, today i just want to reiterate to this body i really hope we can pass this program out before recess because we do have the opportunity to create an additional 203 affordable units in the city based on the seven existing projects that are currently in the pipeline for one of percent Affordable Housing on site. So, i know that there are some other amendment that will be coming but i just want to thank you all for your support and of course acknowledge really the hard work of the Planning Department in our Mayors Office of housing and Community Development are really listening to our Community Members for working with me to make amendment to make it i think a better piece of legislation. Thank you and thank you supervisor peskin. We did make it better together. Thank you. Supervisor avalos thank you colleagues. This has been a ordinance i been watching very very carefully. I live in a part of San Francisco like supervisor tangs district 4 and the sunset that has not had a lot of development. I think over the course of the past 15 years we have probably developed about 100 units altogether. Thats a very very few units compared to the rest of San Francisco were compared to certain parts of San Francisco where weve seen density in heights increased dramatically. Yet, i know that in order to rebuild real commercial corridor is can it take greater density to make that happen to facilitate greater density to build our transportation infrastructure. To be one thats much more efficient live in the southern part of San Francisco. And, its going to be required greater density to have the enough units to really need the huge demand we have in the city and within my own district of working families. So, i have also been involved for many years since i first got to office to create Community Outreach and Community Development effort involving leaders of our different committeebased organizations and members of our Community Based organizations as well as our neighbor associations to create a plan for how were going to build a commercial corridor out and part of that is towards building Affordable Housing. We have two sites that now are actually coming into focus in the district. Based on the work that weve done in this outreach effort. One is that the upper yard of the bowl l park muni and bart station. We are going to have 100 units hundred percent of the housing. The results can be another project on Mission Street next to safely where france that anton safeway on Mission Street. The valencia straight affordable former funeral home without removing to daly city and it will have another 100 eat units of Affordable Housing to emerge maximize the Housing Available and greater density that could change the corridor, im in support of this 1 Affordable Housing bonus program. Ive also been in supportwill be supportive of something that is on the private sector side as well could otherwise need to see details about what thats going to look like. I live in the part of the city where a commercial corridor is often filled with singlestory buildings. The majority are twostory buildings all along, say, silver and mission, to the daly city border. That does not allow for the commercial corridor to expand, to actually meet the neighborhood needs and it creates a huge amount of congestion and cars because we dont have an area that really works for pedestrians where people actually come to the commercial corridor as pedestrian. I want to change all that. This is a step in that direction. Last year i also work to increase the Affordable Housing bond, geo bond before the voters last. The mayor first came out with a 250 million bond. I cannot with a 500 million bond and i want to do that because i knew that if we do not have a larger pond the most revenue would get absorbed in other parts of the city where density is increasing rapidly. So, i knew that we were actually to increase the bond with able to get some of the proceeds to be able to come to support creating Affordable Housing in district 11 which has not seen that come forward. So, this is something that i been really watching and excited to see move forward with and i really want to think supervisor tang for her work in moving this forward. I know that its not been easy given that were bunch of cats [inaudible] around here but it does not complete unanimity without within districts about this is the right way to go because change can be very challenging to thank you and i also wonder think supervisor peskin and others were trying to find a way we can all agree to move forward on this. I have two very friendly amendment that i want to add and hopefully with these amendment we can all unite together on this part of our Affordable Housing density bonus program. The First Amendment will help minimize any impact that these 100 affordable projects have on narrow streets and alleys. I like to first remind everyone that buildings that create new shadow in the manner that substantially affects Outdoor Recreation facilities or other public areas are not eligible for this program. Also, in service of protecting the sunrise on our narrow streets and alleys, i like to add the following language and call colleagues you have these on your desk to the Planning Commission Design Review clause which is in section 32, 328 whether charlie on page 50. The Planning Commission, upon. The languagethe Planning Commission upon recommendation of the planning director may also apply the standards of section 261. 1 two bonus floors for all projects on narrow streets and alleys in order to ensure that the streets do not become overshadowed, including potential upper story setbacks and special consideration for the Southern Side eastwest street and middle passages as long as such setbacks do not result of a smaller number of residential units. Section 261. 1 was created as part of the market octavia project 12 scott buildings to work with narrow streets and alleys. So this is really conforming with a previous effort. The Second Amendment will protect Small Businesses that are required to relocate get the ordinance always already requires a notification period paul justin commercial tenants and two weeks ago i made a amendment to direct the city to create additional Business Tools for relocation fees. Today, at one for the medics to ensure that the project requires Small Businesses to relocate the developer will provide a relocation plan is part of the Planning Commissions review of the project. Because 100 affordable projects rely on state and federal funding, they must comply with a state or federal relocation act, which relocation costs and assistance to existing commercial tenants should be provided. To make sure developers comply with this, i proposed a amendment to section 206. 3 d 18 on page 22 that list the information that must be included in the application for density bonus project. First, want to correct a typo. Page 22, line 16 subsection b should actually be subsection i in parentheses. That subsection of four ins. Second, i want to add a new section, section in parentheses, v, at the bottom of page 22 that ensures that developers comply with the state and federal relocation requirements. Heres the section. Documentation that the applicant shall comply with any applicable provisions of the state relocation law or federal uniform relocation act when a parcel includes existing commercial tenants. So, with those three amendment to lines and a typo, i would like to motion that to be accepted. Supervisor avalos has made a motion to make amendment. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Colleagues, can we take the amendment without objection . Without objection the amendment passed unanimously [gavel] supervisor peskin i just want to acknowledge that it has been a long and twisty road to get here but i think we have made it better and it will be a useful tool and i would like to congratulate supervisor tang on her good work. Thank you. Supervisor yee thank you mdm. Pres. I also want to acknowledge supervisor tangs work on this particular legislation. Its been a long road. I want to also thank all those that offer the amendment. Its made it a much better piece of legislation from my point of view. So, i wanted to ask for a friendly amendment, which doesnt change the definition at all, but its basically, on page 19, line 7, theres wording that says is not designated as an rhone or rh i can do zoning district. Just you may include what im asking to add but yes for clarification, in the future euros can make a mistake about this. I have a lot of rh1d i would like to include that language in there, rh1d. It would be is not designated rhone, rh1d, where you dont need a, and thats it supervisor yee has made a motion to amend the moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection the amendment passes unanimously [gavel] all right. It looks like theres no other names on the roster. If we could just do this with all those ballot measures that we need to get rid of we be in a great place. Mdm. Clerk please call the roll item 7 supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. There are 11 aye this ordinance as amended is passed unanimously on First Reading [gavel] mdm. Clerk please read item 8 and nine together item 8, [reading code]. Item 9, [reading code]. Colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection the ordiances passed unanimously [gavel] mdm. Clerk, please call items 1035 [reading code] item 10, [reading code]. Item 11, [reading code]. Items 12 and 13, [reading code]. Item 14, [reading code]. Item 15, [reading code]. Item 1635, [reading code]. Item 16, [reading code]. 17, [reading code]. Item 18, [reading code]. Item 19, [reading code]. Item 20, [reading code]. Item 29, [reading code]. Item 22, [reading code]. Item 23, [reading code] item 24, [reading code]. Item 25 and 26, [reading code]. Item 27, [reading code]. Item 28, [reading code]. Item 29, [reading code]. Item 30, [reading code]. Item 31, [reading code]. Item 32, [reading code]. Item 33, [reading code]. Item 34, [reading code]. Item 35, [reading code]. Supervisor farrell thank you mdm. Clerk for all those ordinance. Colleagues, these are budget items as we do were going to be continuing all these items and theres a few technical amendment i want to make the first, item number 10, i want to make a motion to amend the title. The title now will be proposal budget and appropriations ordinance appropriate in all estimated receipts all estimated expenditures for departments including those selected deponents recommended for approval by the budget and finance committee on may 25, 2016 of the city and county of San Francisco as of may 31, 2016 the fiscal year ending june 30, 2017 and june 30 28 and get my motion would be to amend the title and continue that item number 10 for a week supervisor dan far has made a motion to amend the title. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Can we take the amendment without objection . Without objection the medics passes unanimously [gavel] item number 11 were literally going to do the same thing to include some additional language. Now it will read, propose annual salary ordinance numerate impositions this is the edition include no selected deponents recommended for approval by the budget and finance committee on may 25, 2016, and the rest will be dissented i make a motion to include that in the title for item 11 as well supervisor farrell has made a motion to amend the title for item number 11. Is there a second . Can we take that without objection . Without objection the amendment passes unanimously [gavel] thank you. Per item 12 and 13, because we amended the title of 10 and 1112 and 13 are no longer necessary so i like to make a motion to table item 12 and 13 supervisor farrell has made a motion to table item 12 and 13. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Colleagues, can we take that without objection . Without objection items 12 and 13 are tabled [gavel] lastly i make a motion to continue items 10, 11, and 1435 to next weeks supervisors at meeting supervisor farrell is made a motion to continue items 10, 11, and 1435 to the meeting of july 19th 26 in. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take that without objection . Without objection those items will be continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] mdm. Clerk please read item 36 item 36, [reading code]. Collies, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance passes unanimously on First Reading [gavel] item number 37 item 37, [reading code]. Same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] item 38, item 38, [reading code] same house, same call . Without objection resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] bedecked mdm. Clerk i know its 2 30 pm and i know we have one 2 30 pm commendation. At this time will take a pause from our regular scheduled agenda to acknowledge our retiring airport director, john martin. Welcome, mr. Margin supervisor tang thank you very much and welcome to our Chamber Director martin. It is definitely a bittersweet moment i think all of us to congratulate you on your retirement but that also means of course youre leaving the city and your role as our director. So, im not going to state everything thats on the proclamation here for you but i did one take this opportunity to just highlight a few of your amazing accomplishments as our fearless sfo director. So, director martin has served as the director for money one years at sfo. Prior to becoming the director edie actually served as the Deputy Director and also a planner for business and finance, and has been with the Airport Commission since 1981. He founded the california airport council, which is a statewide consortium of 30 commercial airports. Formed in december of 2009. He is also served on various boards that have to do with airports throughout the country. During his tenure as an airport director, at sfo has expense unprecedented growth. He oversaw one of the largest public works objects in the country, the 2. 4 billion sfo master plan, which included the construction of a new international terminal, a bart station winking sfo to the bay area, and imaging light rail system connecting all terminals. More recently, his conscience also include overseeing the building of a new terminal two, the first and only lead gold terminal in the United States. The completion of a new federal Aviation Administration air Traffic Control tower, which was impressively completely designed and built by airport staff. I do chance to take a tour that and adjust an amazing oh, sherman. Also, under his leadership the airport is currently undertaking a 4. 3 billion 10 year Capital Improvement plan that includes the construction of a new four star hotel at the airport, which we had all the liberated here on the board. The redevelopment of terminal one boarding area the bottle in terminal three, an extension of the air train system for longterm parking garage. By the time the Capital Project is complete, in 2023, it is anticipated that will have created more than 36,000 jobs over the 10 year period. So, director martin, hes official retirement date is july 20 of this year. I just want to personally thank you for just how innovative you have been is an airport director here in our city did i know that sometimes working in City Government it can be a little challenging, but ive seen you take those challenges and turn them into really Great Solutions, not just for the record but then things you can share with other cities and other jurisdictions as well. So i want to thank you for your service. I wish you all the best in your retirement and hope that you take to our friendly skies. Thank you very much. Thank you. With that, weve number of supervisors mr. Martin that clearly you had an impact on each and every one of us and so i know that theres probably going to be a bit of conversation before youre given the opportunity to speak. I like to at this time, recognize supervisor scott weiner this is definitely a hard time to let you go, although you are certainly deserving of a break. I cant think of a more just unbelievably confident Competent Department had real but not just some and running with basically a small city. Its really government gets beaten up so badly these days and i think i always hold out San Francisco National Airport is a shining example of what government can do in terms of what you been able to do a completely transforming this airport and doing really smart objects and well executed projects, and just doing it without much drama at all. You are so universally respected that further once or twice a beer when you have to sadly for you come into this building embodied this board to try to get some contracts through with a mighty some controversy, you always prevail. I think even when there is controversy can i think one of the reasons, key reasons, people respect you so much that people know even if there might be some questions that people have confidence in your judgment and if youre bringing a contract to us, he fully vetted it got the best deal possible. I will also say that in addition to working with you in this role you are my neighbor and my constituents. You we live about two blocks from each other and i think the world of you so thank you for all your service to our city and our region. Supervisor farrell thank you president breed. John, i just want to say, echo my colleagues. Its really bittersweet. I will never forget i think was my first month on the board of supervisors that was the reason we were there to meet on some policy issue and talking to some of my colleagues who been here before this the one guy you need to trust it is the guy who runs the that best department in the city and its definitely held true through these. Your amazing to work with and i wish you all the best in your retirement. I look for to seeing you around. Thank you. Supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Pres. Director martin and i got off to a right rough start in the back days of the airport runway Airfield Development program, which was bigger than either mr. Martin or myself. It was being pushed by the federal Aviation Administration the United States congress, united airlines, the governor of the state of california and all powerful Willie Lewis Brown at that time. It was quite a fight, but i learned not only a lot about the airport and its very professional staff in our airport director, but i learned a lot about myself. I think that john conducts himself in a way that makes all of us either best that we can be and you help me grow, john and i really appreciate it. Thank you. Supervisor mar mr. Martin, just want to echo what my colleagues have said. Really appreciated your calmness and clarity and leadership that i think some of it comes from what youve shared about me about zen approaches to issues and how to find peace. I know that of all Department Heads, i always look forward to meeting with you because i always found that rising above to be able to see things more clearly good i also want to thank you for that yoga room and zen room. The art thats all over the airport, and i know theres a development disabled art exhibit thats really amazing and a people appreciate what youve done for our airport and whats coming in the future that youve laid the groundwork for and your great stuff as well. But, thank you for transcending the complex to find Great Solutions and for always treating the workers at the airport with such respect. I just have appreciated working with you so much and learn from you as a. Thank you. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor cohen thank you very much. John, its nice to see. We have gone back and Work Together prior to my time on the board of supervisors when i was an Administrative Assistant working for mayor gavin newsom. One of the things that ive grown to really admire and respect is that you are running aone of the most efficient enterprise departments that the city has to offer. Ironically, not even in San Francisco jurisdiction. I also want to commend you and your staff professionals, you have handpicked and build around you and also groomed. Your and exemplary their contracting process for minority and Small Business owners to be vendors and also to bid on contracts within an airport. You build out a worldclass terminal 2. Congratulations. Good i have worked with you on phenomenal Internship Program youve also built. I think it seems to be an example for other departments in this city and i particularly began to stand in awe when you explained to me several years ago but the shuttle bus, not buses, but bands. Pickup debacle and it was a classic Operation Management research and science problem. How do you bring equity and parity to several different businesses so that everyone has an opportunity have a shot at running their business. I think that you and your team have done a great job. I am excited by yourthe gentleman that can be replacing. Hes been a faithful i think hes been a number two of yours in the common for many years and been incredibly helpful to helping you to deliver an exquisite product not only for the city and county of San Francisco but of the entire world. You are often not your airport is often the First Encounter that people have when they come to San Francisco. And it has been very just its been executed in a commend this way. Theres been couldve been many changes challenges, the contract dispute you name it weve been able to manage it and handle with style and grace. Thank you. Thank you supervisor cohen. Supervisor kim i just want to concur not just with the supervisor but someone who actually frequents sfo airport and goes into other airports. You really see a difference between many of our cities airport to our country and i just have to say i really enjoy being a passenger on many of our flights because under your leadership, i think the airport has worked tremendously hard to create a great experience. Traveling can be incredibly stressful and its also a massive operation to keep going. I just appreciate your leadership at all zero tenacity over many decades in running this airport. Finally, while i been able to make some time for meditation retreats, i look forward to joining you on theyou go on perhaps in my retirement. Youre still young. I think will have an opportunity to overlap one of these days. Thank you. Thank you supervisor kim. Supervisor yee thank you. You know, when i heard you were going to retire like everyone else i was sad, but i did start asking people down at the airport, whats going to happen. Is it going to fall apart . The best news is that the response almost universally has been that you build a Great Community down there. Where whether its the Homeland Security or the Police Department and other staff members. They said, dont worry. Hes taken care of the transition. And we really need to be appreciative of that because it doesnt always happen. This community that you have bills is something that i was able to get a sense of in 2007, i believe, that you actuallybeing at the airport, it almost feel like youre at an island away from San Francisco which you really are not but you extended your hospitality at the time to the connected with things within the main part of San Francisco. You allow us, when supervisor kim mar and myself were on a scoreboard and we need a place to interview potential superintendents at the time, i thought that was a very nice gesture on your part for us to be able to do that. So that we could keep it the confidentiality of all these names. Again, i want to thank you for all the things youve done in the past. Im still looking forward to all the things you can do in the future. Thank you supervisor yee. The visor peskin i just wanted to add an ever have another airport director who goes away on twoweek sound meditation retreats and that will get our phone calls returned with timely by the you director. [laughing] thank you. I just want to say, director martin, thank you so much. Before i was a member of the board of supervisors when i was a director of the africanamerican cultural complex when i appreciate you and your team reach out to us to provide an opportunity for us to host our artist at the airport. Its incredible airport. Its a beautiful airport. The big reason why you felt it was important was because you wanted to make sure that the airport was a reflection of everything that is San Francisco. Part of that was the africanamerican art cultural complex it was truly grateful for that. I was also truly grateful for the outreach effort for your Internship Program, the Job Opportunities, the incredible opportunities that exist at the airport and you wanted to make sure that my community was not left out. So it always appreciated your leadership and your ability to go the extra mile to work with the city and then to also manage such a significant enterprise departments and do it so well, and make it look easy. So, you are definitely going to be missed. You are one of the best Department Heads weve ever had. I believe, my personal experience in the city and county of San Francisco, and so to those other Department Heads, i know they may be jealous by this statement, well, strive to be with the best is and i think you basically have led that effort. Youve set a great example and we will truly truly miss your leadership, and i hope your future holds something great to come. Youve served the city well. Thank you so much. [applause] with that mr. Martin, its your turn. Im very humbling to hear these kind words. In this moment even though im retiring i feel like about 25 years old. You can stay if you want [laughing]. Ive really been blessed. I been blessed to find my home in San Francisco. I love the city. I love the airport i love the people i work with and that includes all of you. Coming to the end of my career what really stands out is whats made all the differences kindness, to have an attitude of being kind and caring is what inspires us, what inspires my employees. Be caring for our guest, the passengers, that allows us to be innovative to go outside the box. Caring about one another as employees. It really makes a difference when employees deal expected, heard, communicate with. My employees go the extra mile. Outstanding city employees. Commitment and caring about the environment. That we cut our Greenhouse Gas emissions by 40 and were committed to getting Carbon Neutrality in the next five years. Then, caring about the community. Caring about providing economic opportunity, about providing jobs, seeing employees are treated fairly and seeing all the community, not Just Community but communities, benefit from the economic engine of the airport. So, indeed, i have been blessed and i thank you for this recognition is deeply humbling. Thank you. Thank you, and again congratulations. [applause] at this time, we like to invite you into the well to take a photograph with every member of the board of supervisors. [group photograph] thank you again rector martin and congratulations on your retirement. With that, colleagues, will return for regular agenda. We left off at item number 39. Mdm. Clerk please call that item item 39, [reading code] supervisor kim your item, would you like to say a few words . I would. Thank you mdm. Pres. I appreciate the opportunity to make a few comments about these two proposals that are before the board today. Almost a month ago, our office introduced a package of legislation that would enable San Francisco to become the first city in the nation to make credit classes at City College Free for all of our event residence in our parttime fulltime workers. This proposal was important to me to ensure we dont make it an unfunded mandate, but that we have all the components needed for its success and our commitment to our city. Back in december, i had introduced a proposal to create an ultra Luxury Real Estate transfer tax, which over the past few months, we generated close to 44 million a year on average. As our Office Supervisor kim, im sorry, i did not call item number 40, so i will call item 40 c can speak about both of those items together. Thank you. Mdm. Clerk item number 40, please item number 40, [reading code] thank you. Supervisor kim thank you mdm. Pres. When we first introduced the concept of a bulge ultra luxury transfer tax back in december office spent quite a bit of time to think about how we could use these funds that are creating inefficiencies in our market, creating a luxury Housing Market amongst many other things making our city more expensive. To make more San Francisco affordable, in many ways our board and mayor spent quite a bit of time on ensuring we are creating and building more opportunities for for the housing, more opportunities to acquire rentcontrolled buildings and support our tenants. Another way that we can ensure we can make San Francisco more affordable is to help make the city, to help our residents of for this great city. We know that when the greatest vehicles into doing that in our country has been access to Higher Education and in particular, access to Community College. What we are introducing today isim sorry, what is before the board today is a resolution to the boards intent and desire to make Higher Education three. Two, a revenuegenerating measure that would ensure we pay to make this a reality here in San Francisco, and finally, an accountability measure though create the financial vehicle into which we can securely place or Luxury Real Estate dollars with provisions that will ensure these new funds are spent responsibly and used to make City College Free again. The intent resolution today expresses the intention of this board to fully fund the Free City College proposal, with the new revenue generated by this ultra luxury transfer tax. I want to thank my colleagues for their early and strong support to both the resolution and the attack. Supervisor avalos, campos mar peskin yee, and also want to thank president breed is been cosponsor of the resolution as well. The tax will increase by a quarter percent. The transfer tax paid on buildings, luxury homes and condos, that sell for about 5 million. We will also for the First Time Ever in the state of california create an entirely new tier for those buildings and homes that are 25 million and above. Again, we cant stop people from coming to San Francisco and creating a market for these Luxury Real Estate transactions, but we can ensure the market incentivizes the building of luxury homes but also protection that can help keep San Francisco affordable for all. This proposal if approved by the voters in november again will generate an average of 44 million a year thank you i look for to working with you to make this reappeared and will generate three times what we expect the proposal to make City College Free again. That means more general fund dollars for Affordable Housing, for Transit Services that we need to fix muni, our parks, recreational centers, libraries, and all the services that we want and need. The last component of the Free City College proposal is the fund, which we are currently working with both the Comptrollers Office, the chancellor of city college, inner City Attorney to finalize. This vessel or vehicle, for the new revenue include provisions to ensure the money is targeted in supporting our students in making sure that we make our credit courses free again. The second component to this beyond making the fees waived for all of our students as was, before 1983 is to offer 1000 scholarship for students that qualify through the bond waiver for Street City College today could we know that on average, our students and up to 3000 of their fulltime credit student at city college and weve heard countless stories of students that often pick between purchasing books and transportation and purchasing food and paying for rent, often sleeping on couches to make that a reality i think the most recent report we heard about the percentage of students in California State University that are homeless today is incredibly extraordinary and incredibly sad. This is just one step, just a first step, in San Franciscos commitment in saying we want make Higher Education affordable again to everyone that wants to participate. This is an investment for the future and its the right that. But that on our young people. Lets bet on job training. Lets bet on ourselves that are looking to transition in their career. To gain skills to improve their employment could put that on our seniors who want to participate and be part of Community Building and to build up their computer skills, their language skills. Thats the leader again for the state of california and for our nation. This is more than a bunch of platitudes. We know we have data that the average resident has greater earning potential once they have a city College Associate degree than when they just have a High School Diploma. In fact, on average, or into our budget legislative analyst report, the Jobs Available to those with the city College Associate degree versus just a High School Diploma is on average 11,000 more. That is significant. We want to ensure as we fight to keep San Francisco affordable, again, we fight to make, to support our residents to afford this great city. Finally, i did have one amendment that i did want to make to item 40. To close a loophole on our real estate transfer tax. I did want to read that into the record. This is a amendment that rss and reporter carmen chu and one of our former colleagues as we make to administratively cleanup and clarify the transfer tax code. The summary of the item is to again cleanup and clarify. There are currently two sections of the San Francisco them instead of code. Section 1108 and 1114. They specify when the transfer tax should be levied. Section 1108, specifies when the transfer tax is applied for continued partnerships and conversely, when it is exempt. Section 11 14 specifies the transfer tax can also be applied when a change in ownership has occurred for property tax reassessment purposes as defined by the state code. This amendment ensures the cities able to apply transfer tax according to section 1114 that no unattended exemptions from section 11 weight apply. Discloses a loophole and insurers money that should be coming into our citys coffers and general fund will continue again. Finally, i want to knowledge and think many people that were involved in making this a reality. A proposal this ambitious and this large cannot happen without the effort of many people and so first on the city side, i do want to knowledge our Comptrollers Office in particular, todd grisham and Ben Rosenfield lashley spent many hours in helping us work on the mechanism of this proposal. Our City Attorneys office, caroland scott liebert, and finally, the Community First of all, want to knowledge afc 2121 for 40 this proposal to our office and working with us on insuring that all the details were crossed and we looked at the proposal in tennessee, chicago, and were gone and built on the strength, but also address the weaknesses of those programs. In particular of the semester and tim kelly paid you for your leadership. I also want to thank our Labor Council, connie four, kim paulsen, mike casey, for working with us. The City College Board of trustees, all seven members, thank you for your support and readership. Of course, to our chancellor susan lamb vice chancellor ron gearhart for working closely to make this a reality and most important, to our students for coming out and speaking and your testimony on why this proposal is incredibly important and how its going to raise the bar for making San Francisco one of the craters cities here in this country. Oddly, as we lead by example, we will see the rest of the country follow along in our footsteps. Colleagues can i do ask for your support on both items. My amendment does move a continuous of the real estate transfer tax. However, colleagues, do ask for your support today on the resolution for Free City College. With that, supervisor kim, you made a motion to amend item number 40 with the amendment proposed by our assessor a quarter carmen chu good its been seconded by supervisor made. Colleagues can we take a amendment per item number 40 without objection without objection those amendment will pass unanimously [gavel] before we move forward with wicked humans for item number 40 specifically i would give everyone an opportunity to talk about those items. 39 and 40. I see a number of names on the roster and were going to start with supervisor cohen thank you president breed and supervisor kim thank you for bringing this to us. I want to reckon is also a list of the makati, olga College Trustees and everyone thats reached out to me. The retired city College Teachers that spoke to me at farmers market, the retired teachers that speak to me when im in the grocery store. This is an absolutely incredible issue that truly brought a lot of people together and i think its excited people. So i am grateful we have a measure that is eliciting this type of a response. I think this is a proposal worthy of being excited about. The movement for free and low free and or low cost Higher Education is one thats playing out national laughing its important we reckon i think carry that momentum here locally. I believe that we locally should be at the forefront of this incredible discussion. Join other cities and municipalities it can be done. I personally my families benefited from the education from city college as well as continuing education. With the last generation that as a state weve taken large steps backwards in making Higher Education affordable unaffordable, and inaccessible to regular everyday people. I think we need to start to correct that. The cost of Community Colleges, state colleges has dramatically increased. Youve seen protests across campuses all up and down the state of california because of that. We need to be increasing peoples opportunity for education and not decreasing it. The resolution and the companion Funding Source is an opportunity for us to do that to do our part to make City College Free for residents. I think were the best parts of the legislation is not only a good idea, a great idea, but also has identified a Funding Source. That i think is a recipe for success. As we begin to move forward. We all know that Higher Education opens upwill open up doors for better economic opportunities, higher wages, more Job Opportunities as well as security. Which will return benefits to our city as a whole. Im certainly excited, again, to support. I do have one full slight caveat. About expressive youve heard before to the advocates who worked on this proposal i figured it something would continue to work through. But its a lofty goal to make City College Free, free as possible, was low cost as possible for individuals but im not quite sure how we do it in support residence and individuals who work at least parttime in San Francisco. I am open and want to make sure i better understand how we can go about doing that. Really, my fear is that we get too far out ahead of ourselves in a promises were not able to keep. I believe that perhaps residents should be a priority or people who have maybe fulltime employment good i dont really know what exactly the right balance is, but i do believe this measure should move forward. It has my blessing and my support. I think theres going to be worked at 20 be done on designing the specifics of the program and i also believe its important we acknowledge our capacity even if may be limited at first. Brassica be scalable to ensure were focusing on everyone. But i want to make sure we get a priority so those folks that are already weathered the treacherous life of living in San Francisco, and i were making sure our residents have access to quality education but with that said, nicely delighted to support this measure and look forward to supporting in the future. Thank you. Thank you supervisor cohen. Supervisor mar thank you so much to supervisor kim and the free sf coalition. This is brilliant. These two items we are voting on, they link up the best of the educational Justice Movement that sf and Save City College coalition and 2121 and others have been involved in with occupied movements that focus on the 1 and the mansions and the huge amount of wealth thats been created causing the huge wealth divide and inequalities and affordability crisis in our city. I want to just say, also, Bernie Sanders efforts to put attention on the public sectors strength so that we have equity and Economic Justice in our country, this is really putting it into practice. From their share efforts for big corporations and the wealthy to help fund key social programs innercity, this is excellent policy and i want to just also say that city college is the Largest Community College System in the state. It educates immigrants, communities, single moms changing careers, lowwage workers become middle wage income earners, and its about equity as we find it. I moved here in 83,84 it was free. We should be returning it back given all the wealth accumulation in the city right now. I also want to say consistent with the California Master plan for Higher Education, we should be looking at other institutions that much more local state and federal support as well. Also, as we look at taxes on residential vacant units owned by multimillionaires outside of the city, like london and new york city are doing, and looking at other fair share of taxes, looking at the huge corporations making tremendous profits, but also getting tax breaks innercity, this is another effort to look at educational justice linked with equity. Great props to the safe city College Coalition from years ago. They defended and have defended the system but also try to raise in romans with different strategies but are really think its the accjc fault for wanting woman to concept happened. This is one way our city can help to reverse that trend so city college becomes strong, diverse, and thriving like it once was. I also just want to say too, look at the luxury units of 5 million and 25 and above is really important innercity as they can afford to pay more and this real estate transfer tax i think his Economic Justice, and for the prioritizing funding for Free City College my hope is other cities start to look at this bizarre coalitions have come together to that this expands not just to San Francisco but other cities around the country truly heeded the call that Bernie Sanders put out there that we need free city got not just in San Francisco but throughout the country. Thank you. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor Farrell Peggy pres. Breed. I want to thank supervisor kim for putting this board and i do support this concept of Free City College although a Dissenting Committee so i should identify why. I do believe as we all do about providing greater affordability for education, especially Higher Education m city college. I think we need to continue to have this dialogue only here in San Francisco but across our country. As Hillary Clinton in her speech when Bernie Sanders endorsed or talked about three Fouryear College as well. I think that should be definitely something were pursuing across the country and something i support. To me, i just have to [inaudible] put forward and pay for if you will. The construct of good for the past month and our Budget Committee was debating about spending line items as you all know it down to 10,000 line items. As much as in comparison and 39 is a drop in the bucket when using the Free City College, overall, and recommend to so many people, i do believe it would have a general sales tax excusing a general transfer tax should be having this discussion in the context of our overall budget next year we go nowhere with kennedy. The following year we dont know what were going to be in terms of our Budget Priorities and budget construct good we could very well heading into a recessionary time. Whether we want more Police Officers or less, with a lot more gardeners burlesque more preschool teachers are less were Free City College tuition, adding that the discussion to have recognition we have in the context of overall budget. For me, this was dedicated tax on the November Ballot and understands a higher threshold, and thats a fair political cultivation to make him be very supportive of it the way it is right now, its only sitting in my percent is budget share the last four years a think needs to be taken in a holistic, but but i do support the concept but its a great thing to move toward supervisor kim just the way its being presented disney concerns and oddly not supporting it again. Thank you supervisor farrell supervisor yee thank you. I just want to say i want to thank supervisor kim for bringing this for. Sometimes we talk about the good old days and many times when people say that go back to the good old days and i kind of squirm around and say, really . Good old days . Not everything in the old days is good. Not everything in the old days is good. But one thing is good. When i was going to city college it was free. That is a good old day for me. Thats why im going to be supporting this. I have to say, its about priorities could where our priorities were we actually say we want to pay for this to my this free tuition Free City College. So that people in the city, everybody, will have an even Playing Field when it comes to getting a college education. So, again, im not just halfway supported im wholeheartedly supporting this. Thank you very much thank you sue supervisor yee supervisor campos the moment there i thought supervisor farrell was going to make a amendment to make it to milliondollar homes but i guess thats not going to happen. Let me simply say that im very proud of these two items and with respect to city college, i do believe that when you look at the quality equality with getting is the most pressing issue facing this country and facing the city and all of us as americans come i think education ultimately is the great equalizer. Nothing come i think is more important in terms of that in terms of letting people of all incomes have access to Higher Education. I know that, for me, this a very personal thing. The difference between being able to live in this country and as an immigrant what makes this country different from where i was born in guatemala is that you have access to Higher Education, even if you are poor. I think in most of the world that is not the case. I think that to be able to take the lead in San Francisco on this is really monumental and i think its going to change the system. So i think this one most significant things that we have done as a board and aware thank supervisor kim for her leadership. Im proud to be a supporter thank you supervisor campos. Supervisor kim thank you. Just some final words good i will take my colleagues for your strong words of support. Even if you have concerns about it i really appreciate allowing this item to move through the regular legislative process so that the entire board can hear this. I will just say a couple of things. Strengthening our middle class is absolutely a priority. Its when the most important things we can do in here in San Francisco we are losing our middle class and to concur a demo supervisor campos, Higher Education, we note, we know from data and evidence, is key to building a more robust workhorse and a more robust middle class and we have to do everything we can to stop the affordable spiral were seeing right now in Higher Education. 7 10 students across the country that are in Public College take out loans today. The individual debt on average is 33,000 and today, as you know, and then announced multiple times, student debt is at 1. 35 trillion. We are getting to point where student debt is larger than any other type of debt here in this country and all because our residents and families one opportunity to succeed and to be able to be successful for their families, their household, and their communities. Im heartened by the National Debate and thank you supervisor mar for acknowledging sen. Sanders. Hes certainly highlighted the importance of three public Higher Education system across the country and we were certainly inspired by his call putting forward this proposal and we are truly heartened by now Hillary Clintons proposal to make public Higher Education free for families that make up to 125,000 object wheels this is the beginning of a Larger Movement for our country. Finally, i would just add that this proposal is in some ways similar to what were seen with the sales tax proposal today. We are two different budgets depend on whether these measures passed. So we have a budget to put forward if the sales tax passes for transportation and Homeless Needs and we have a budget that we can put forward if this luxury the state transfer tax passes. But, i want to again explain as i did at Budget Committee why we decided not to make this a set aside. Its less actually [inaudible] a concern as we thought this would pass even with a higher personal were actually very hopeful the state and country will step up to make Higher Education free again. To free up local tax dollars so that we can use it for other incredibly important services. And because this is an incredible entirely new program we did want an accountability mechanism to ensure we can work closely with city college to put for the program we want to see moving for. I know that we some uncertainty for my colleagues and i certainly understand those concerns is only for members of the public we are absolutely committed to make this happen. I think a public commitment to this resolution and to the vehicle will ensure that level of accountability but also ensure success in this measure. Hopefully, the city wont have to fund this in the future because we will be will to make Higher Education free and affordable again. For everyone. But, thank you to my colleagues. Im excited again to make San Francisco the first city in the country dont make a Community College free again for all the residents regardless of age and income over any type of gpa prerequisite and ask for your support today thank you supervisor kim seeing no other names on the roster also a quickly before we moved to a vote, thank you so much for bringing this forward. I know that a lot of folks i grew up with in San Francisco the first opportunity they had for Higher Education with city college. I dont know where many in our community would be had it not been for this incredible institution. This is definitely away with all the challenges that existed with city college recently, a way to protect it and make sure the city is putting its money where its mouth is and that is supporting our Higher Education workforce and also, just keeping in mind that making sure that folks have access to good education, a good Educational Institution Like City College is so fundamentally important in the city in this day and age. So i am really proud to be a supportive. Im grateful to all the people that youve named, the advocates, the Labor Council and many of the folks up into the table to try and move this measure forward. I hope that we can make sure that this commitment is continued to be funded regardless of our uncertainty around the Funding Source and whether or not it passes on the ballot. We are clearly from this board committed to moving this item forward and take my colleagues for leading the effort specifically. Think you supervisor tran kim for your. Supervisor mar yes, just one that supervisor campos [inaudible] theres a great malcolm x. Quote malcolm x quote education is our past work to the future for tomorrow the lungs to the people who prepare for it today. Thank supervisor kim and the coalition for showing that San Francisco can appear for the 20,000 or so students plus everybody coming in the future sword bearing further equal opportunity in the future as well. Thank you to the coalition and supervisor kim thank you. So, first we will take the vote roll call vote on item number 39 mdm. Clerk please call the roll. Item 39 cohen aye farrell nay kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. There are 101 the resolution passes. [gavel] [applause] supervisor kim, have you can you make a motion to continue item will 40 as amended to a committee as a whole . Yes. I will make a motion okay. Supervisor kim has made the motion to continue item 40 as amended to a committee of the whole for the meeting of july 19. Mdm. Clerk thats correct july 19. Can we take that without objection . Without objection this item will be taken to a committee as a whole on july 17, 2016. I mean, july 19, 2016 [gavel] all right. Lets go to our next item. Item number 41 item 41, [reading code]. Supervisor farrell thank you. Colleagues, but about what i think a budget and finance Committee Colleagues for sending this item out with a recommendation. I think like i was i hear from constituents frequently inside and out that my district of wishes to be better notified about significant decisions or projects in their neighborhood. With a well about the new proposed Development Project going on down the block or when and how the regular uv stop is been moved or other things happening about their streets being dug up. They just want to be notified and have a resource on where to go to make sure theyre up to speed on whats happening in their neighborhoods. , they want access to this information that you requested from perspective city departments were sponsor for that decision or project and additionally many the citys notices weve able to access to standard mail. As we sit here in the Technology Capital of the world i believe our residents should have access to significant decisions are project may impact our neighborhood. I does the neighborhood notification act would mandate our citys chief data officer great the citys First Digital supervisor notification said. It read one john stop online for any citizen 13 better inform. With accretion of our neighborhood notification system lead access to San Francisco cities most important decisions and projects into our 21st century. We will also see significant resources over time allowing residents to be modified through electronic means by allowing them to opt out of receiving traditional standard mail notices. The committee under this minor amendment accepted unanimously after discussion with 311, city administrator and chief data officer to ensure the success of the program. It transfers the response were creating the system from 314 citys chief data officer. With funds secured to our budget last year the be having one fulltime employee. The project into creation. The new centralized notification system will be an addition to other than in place of other city official noticing requirements to ensure City Residents do not have access to email or the internet which is still unfortunately significant part of our population will still receive notices to standard mail. The centralized notification system cover significant projects in the areas of construction infrastructure repair work, Public Health and Safety Services and facilities, transportation. The legislation also requires the city barman work cooperatively with our chief data officer to provide the requested information and media formats underwrite the schedules were able to update the system over time. Imagine being able to tell you residents i can bargain proactively by zip code or neighborhood and they can simply check off the different apartment notices they will get them to proactively notified all the time be a email forevermore. One more arrested to demand this type of access to our City Government could i believe its our job to give it to them. As a big step in that direction and colleagues, i asked for your support. Thank you supervisor farrell. See no other names on the roster on item 41 mdm. Clerk please call the roll item 41, supervise cohen aye farrell aye kim aye, mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye giannini aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. There are 11 aye this ordinance passes unanimously on First Reading. [gavel] item 42, please item 42, [reading code] supervisor farrell college, this is followup legislation to the agreement unanimously supported as a board was to two years ago now to purchase the [inaudible] to create a brandnew park in the middle russian hill. For the past few years and even dating back to the time leading up to when we purchased the property, i been working with an Amazing Group of neighbors as well as the rec and park department. To make sure the city became a reality. I was very close with a group that is now called itself the Francisco Parkin 7c which is literally made up of a coalition of different neighborhood groups surrounding the area, four different neighborhood groups particular and they really stepped up and without them this project not be possible for make advocacy perspective but also in terms of fundraising as well. They brought Broad Committee support in terms of over 40 different to Many Organizations to support the project and now as a financial commitment and pledges for the necessary funding to renovate and maintain the part. Again, the city what we purchased the property is private fundraising dont be building and constructing the park and maintaining it over the years to come. In september of 2014, we excepted the conditional jurisdictional transfer of the park into rec and Park Properties and. Today, this ordinance and i do think supervisor peskin was not on the board of the time we did agreement but i know was involved in the neighborhood thank you for his cosponsorship here. This apart the borders are to district so hopefully what many residents in both of our districts join the part. This ordinance has four components. Early the next milestone in his creation of the park at first off, authorizes our rec and park apartment to enter an agreement with the conservancy regarding funding and stewardship of the park on the reservoir site. It authorizes back in part to accept and expend inkind grant approximately 25 million in Construction Services and annual cash this from the and cisco Park Conservancy approximately 150,000 of year for future maintenance of the park. It authorizes back in part to expend and future grants and gifts from this group and also amends the barcode to listen to park is a part with no alcoholic beverages may be consumed. The agreement itself back in partisan operate and maintain the new park. The francisco Parks Conservancy which usually builds off the model of the central Park Conservancy in new york city will fund and oversee the design and construction of the new park. On the maintenance operation of new park. Over the next year were going to hold a series of meetings to finalize the design the community, finalize the capital raising, and then go the rec and Park Commission for approval. Along was to finishing up the project but a significant step in the direction. Again, think back in part as well as all the neighborhood groups in england are here in attendance, some individuals as the gentleman in the know a lot of others arent. Everybody here, so thank you for all your continued involvement. This all something were incredibly proud of and look for to net steps should collect out of your support thank you supervisor farrell i just have a brief question on width of the parts are alkyl free. I know playgrounds and other alkyl free but i did want ask about what kind of other open space areas that arent just playgrounds are listed under this less . I know sometimes people like to go with a bottle of wine or a picnic and i just want to understand the consideration of wide we decided to name this part under the list . Supervisor farrell this was simply part of a twoyear discussion process with the neighborhood. There are many parts with spit i dont have that listen for me and what all the citywide part. Please are countless parts that dont have all call permitted. Again, i dont know, i can park perspective i imagine its a majority of city parks. Bitter alcohol free. But this ordinance does that. Always be additional wills will talk about at the rec and Park Commission. With a more granular items but this amazing in terms the park we have to adjust. Thank you supervisor. Supervisor kim the ordinance, illicit Excelsior Program have skipped over i do not see the full list in the actual body we can subtly get that to you. Deputy City Attorney john gibner. The parks code section 4 point 10 has a was too long for me to read. The reason we listed the two above and below is just to put it in order thats probably about 4050 different parks okay. Love to get the list for rec and park just to look at it its not that opposition to it. This always like to ensure the greatest flexibility for our residents to enjoy our parks not trash our parks. Absolutely. Just to expand on that these are all some of the parks we all utilize the part of this list. It was something that was only important to a lot of folks. We did thank you. Supervisor kim any other questions . With that committed this item, item 42 same house, same call . Without objection the passes on First Reading [gavel]. Item 43 item 43, [reading code] colleagues can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection adopted unanimously [gavel] item 44 item 44, [reading code] same house, same call . Without resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] be dick item 45 item 45, [reading code] same house, same call without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel] item 46 item 46, [reading code] supervisor campos thank you. Just a quick question that i dont know for someone on staff who can answer this. Why is this contract with exxon mobil . Were there any other players that were considered . There were the ones that contaminated good afternoon supervise that im carol doc from the board of San Francisco. So, this cost Reimbursement Agreement offers a mechanism for exxon mobil to reimburse the port were any of the tenants within the regulated area to recover costs from expenditures that they may have to incur while doing maintenance or new construction within a certain regulated area. Thank you. Seeing no names on the roster, the house has jim. Mdm. Clerk please call the roll item 45, supervisor cohen excuse me 46, apology. Stanton aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye weiner jiminy aye avalos aye ab breed aye campos aye the 11th got the resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] item 47 item 47, [reading code] same house, same call . Without objection resolutions adopted unanimously [gavel] item 48 item 48, [reading code] same house, same call supervisor mar has left out chamber walkabout item 45, cohen aye kim aye mar, acid peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. In aye resolutions adopted unanimously [gavel] item 49 and 50 together item 49, [reading code] item 49 and 50, [reading code] will call both on item 49 and 50, supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye are weiner aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. There are 11 aye the resolutions are adopted unanimously [gavel] item 51 item 51, [reading code] same house, same call without objection the ordiances pass on the First Reading [gavel] item 52 item 52, speaker item 52, [reading code] same house, same call without objection resolution was adopted unanimously [gavel] item 53, please item 53 and 54, [reading code]. Supervisor peskin thank you matter president. First of all i just want to drop colleagues, your attention to two eggs one and this morning examiner by banning commissioner cindy wu environment oh activists sue von with regard to the governors davila 707 as was another oped by former mayor art agnes as well in this mornings chronicle. Both of them taking issue with the 707 proposal. While items 53 and 54 have very much in common have been discussed and debated by this board and in committee, i would respectfully suggest that we vote item 53 up and vote item 54 down just a second supervisor peskin mme. Mdm. Clerk please call item 54, please item 54, [reading code] thank you. Supervisor peskin, sorry about that thank you. I think that item 53 very clearly sets forth what were asking the state legislature in particularly our legislative delegation to offer both of you amendment after unable to calm push that to oppose the trailer bill. I direct you to page 6 of the resolution where we suggest one prohibition on the demolition of existing housing, two, minimum baseline for as a right approval consisting of a set of local inclusionary housing standards, plus a premium increase determined by technical analysis, and three, requirement that voodoo omen projects begin construction within 12 months of their approval, which is a use it or lose it provision so not just pellmell entitling for speculation and four, the approval of all major developments continue to allow for public review and local discretionary approval is currently provided for local laws, and i would also direct youit is really a statewide conversationits not a onesizefitsall dynamic, but i would direct you to the admonitions from mayor pinos in this mornings chronicle, where he suggest that the governor take concrete steps by listening to Los Angeles County supervisors sheila q and got about any process to streamline 04 will housing expedite rather than eliminate title meant and were the environment review the principle be adopted, i do no harm principle be adopted by ensuring that any development receiving expedited consideration will increase the number of for the Housing Units and provide Relocation Assistance and permit you housing on site misplaced residents. That cities be given the option to use rent stabilization and Inclusionary Zoning policies to achieve the balance of affordable units, and that the state explored actions to constrain speculative investment practices, and finally, provide discussions great robust source of permanent revenue dedicated to Affordable Housing. So, with that colleagues, respectfully would request your vote on item 53. Thank you supervisor peskin. Supervisor weiner thank you very much mdm. Pres. Im glad we have both of these measures are together burned up or down vote. The majority vote one way or the other so clears some of the procedural issues that we had when this was first at the board and we had a full Committee Hearing on it and then we have both of these before us today. I stand by item 54, which is the version of the resolution that i authored to be voting yes on 54, and no, on 53rd. Colleagues, we are in a deep housing crisis and we need to take firm action. It is not just San Francisco crisis. This is a housing prices that are spreading around the state and more more cities and counties are impacted and we have People Living in areas of the state who were not previously struggling with housing who now are. In california, it is too hard to great housing of all types. Subsidize Affordable Housing, and otherwise. We know that its the middleclass and workingclass low income people while we suffer the most if housing spirals out of control due to housing policies that make it incredibly hard timeconsuming and expensive to great housing. As i mentioned when i first spoke about this resolution, when i introduce it or when it first came out at the board, i agree that the current proposal by the or with the governor introduced as a trailer bill come it was not where it needed to be. It wouldve made it too easy to demolish, sound rent control housing, it would have made it too hard to engage in meaningful Design Review. It did not address labor standards, environmental standards, and so, if you look at the resolution item 54 that i introduce, it does not say to support with the governor proposed. What it says is, lets work with the governor to make this acceptable. Lets work with the governor so that this legislation does not make it easier to demolish sound rentcontrolled housing. Lets make sure that it honors local standards around architecture urban design, setbacks, affordability and inclusionary preservation of historic buildings, preservation of rentcontrolled housing stock, demolition controls, labor standards, environmental standards. As i indicated before, the goal of this legislation, although not where it needs to be in current form, can be transformed into something very good and specifically, one that basically provides that when you have local zoning that allows for particular number of units you can to discretionary process force that number dumped it if youre zoning allows for 100 units, you can require a process that ultimately badgers the number down to 40 units. That something that we see around the state. We are is owned in a certain way and you end up with much less housing. So our housing crisis spirals. That should be the focus and can be the focus and item 54 says we have something here, lets work with the governor to make it acceptable. Item 53, by contrast, essentially says we will oppose this unless you basically got the legislation and make it fairly meaningless. So, i think we should really take this housing crisis as seriously as we can and welcome the fact that the governor of california has taken a strong interest in making housing more affordable. And work with him to improve this legislation rather than just reacting to it and opposing it. Colleagues, i urge you to reject item 53 and to pass item 54. Okay. So, clearly we cannot come to an agreement on this particular matter. Mdm. Clerk, item number 53 please call the roll item 53 supervisor cohen nay farrell nay kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang nay weiner nay yee aye avalos aye breed nay campos aye there are six aye five nay with supervisor Cohen Farrell Tang Weiner in the dissent the resolution is adopted [gavel] item number 54 will call the item 54, supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim nay mar nay peskin nay tang aye weiner aye yee nay avalos nay breed aye campos nay there are five aye and six nay. The resolution fails. [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item 5557 item 5557, [reading code]. Will call both on item 5557 supervisor tang aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye daughter 11 aye resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] colleagues, where are we . Mdm. Clerk 58 all right. 58 item 5860, [reading code] beef before we move forward with those items, pursuant to rule 2. 27, cabbies six days must pass between a Charter Amendment first appearance as a referral from committee and any order to submit it, in order to cement it to voters, and so, for these particular items, we will need to continue item 58 through 63 and item 55, but we will continue them one by one if anyone has any comments or proposed amendment for these items, we will take them each in order. So, we are at item 58. Supervisor yee submit supervisor avalos thank good i like to continue this item until the next meeting supervisor avalos is made a motion to continue this item to them meeting of july 1926 and get moved and seconded. Colleagues, without objection without objection this item will be continued until july 19, 2016 [gavel] item 59 item 59, [reading code] supervisor weiner moves to continue when we get moved and seconded. Without objection this item will be continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] item number 60 item 60, [reading code] supervisor avalos motion to continue one week supervisor avalos have made a motion to continue to july 19, 2016. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Can we take this without objection. Without objection this item will be continued to july 16 2016. [gavel] item 61 item 61, [reading code] supervisor yee thank you. I would like to make a few amendment to this Charter Amendment. Before i articulate what the amendment are, i just wanted to say that at the Committee Level we talked about this and i wanted to support it to get out of committee, and i did express that a piece of it was something that i was not agreeing to necessarily, but overall, the Charter Amendment i was supporting. So, the piece that i was hoping to address is this split appointment for the amount both the commission and also be Advisory Committee. I expressed my interest about doing this with the mayor today and hewe have a discussion and, basically, i was willing to have a compromise, which is, rather than just offering the amendment have a split roll the language that is in front of you, is what we came up with. There were some further discussion, thought on this, and what youre looking at in front of you reads, the addition is to section 16. 12811 Advisory Committee and what i had was which prior to making the appointment the mayor shall invite the board of supervisors sorrythe board of supervisors to recommend candidates for the three atlarge members and the mayor shall consider any such recommendation in making the appointments. The Second Amendment is for section 4. 120, for the aging and Adult Services commission, and i added the language, prior to making the appointments the mayor shall invite the board of supervisors to recommend candidates for recognition and the mayor shall consider any such recommendations in making the appointments. In further thinking about it, even though this is a simple modification to the board, i am willing to for the First Amendment, for the First Amendment to drop the language prior to making the appointments the mayor shall invitethats the part i would drop. So, it would read the board of supervisors a recommend candidates for the three atlarge members and the mayor shall consider any such recommendations in making the appointments. For the Second Amendment, i would ask for the support to leave that language alone as i present it to you. So, okay. Those are my two suggestions. Supervisor yee has made a motion to amend. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Supervisor cohen thank you mdm. Pres. It is true in Committee Supervisor yee did come to committee and voiced his interest at that time he had no amendment. Which was a little bit unfortunate because it was an opportunity for me to have a conversation with a coalition that a meeting and working with on this particular legislation. So, i dont feel comfortable accepting or denying these amendment accepting these amendment was because ive not had an opportunity to consult with my coalition. Generally, you know amendment the command and the 11th hour, its hardits easy if im just the decisionmaker making the decision here, but this is a Coalition Effort and so im uncomfortable accepting the language with that supervisor yee is proposing. Colleagues, i hope you will join me in voting down with a no vote on accepting the proposed amendment made by supervisor yee. Thank you thank you. Just for point of clarification, two deputy City Attorney john gibner, the proposed amendment on something that actually need to go into this particular Charter Amendment couldnt be astonished directly by the board of supervisors without going to the voters through these means . Did get deputy City Attorney john gibner. The first proposal be Advisory Committee provided the board may make recommendations. The board summit this point could make recommendations to mayor regarding any of his appointments. The piece that requires the mayor to invite recognitions and requires the mayor to consider those recommendations, if you wanted to impose that requirement, that would be you should do that in the Charter Amendment. Now, what that would mean is not that the mayor would have to appoint people recommended by the board but just that the mayor would have to review those recommendations. Thank you for that clarification the supervisor mar i wanted to just jump in and say im going to be supportive of supervisor cohens leadership on this. From my understanding, what supervisor yee is proposing is noncontroversial. In my conditions with mayor lee nikki we can from the Mayors Office, theyre already going to be following through with these, the approach in many ways jointly work with the board of supervisors on these three atlarge appointments. Its 11 member board with two people from the longterm or three from the longterm care coordinating council, two from the Advisory Council and the department of aging and Adult Services, and two from dos or the aging and Adult Services commission. This is like the three atlarge positions. Im appreciative that supervisor yee is trying to get accounts of shared authority with the board of supervisors and the mayor to follow the lead of supervisor cohen who, with our broad and diverse Dignity Fund Coalition has been working on this. My understand from my conversations with the leadership of the coalition is this is not the Biggest Issue for them right now. I dont think they have a position on it but him to follow the lead of supervisor cohen on this one thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor yee so i want to clarify that i was part of the discussion with the Dignity Fund Coalition, and i consider myself also a partner of that. I dont see it as one person possessing, as if thats their advisory group. I spoke to a few of the members and ran it by them in regards to the split appointments, and they didnt want to be championing this, that particular item. Because they wanted to make sure thetheres broad support. Thats why when i spoke to the mayor, i backed off of that particular thing and said this is a compromise. It was actuallyso, in a way this is even weaker than something they would not have said no, you should not do. Because nobody said that. So, i really appreciate if you would consider reconsider, my discussion with the mayor. Thank you supervisor cohen thank you. I dont know if or just beating a dead horse maybe call the vote on this one, but the challenges that i am the one that spring this measure to the voters. I havent just have not had a chance to even talk to anyone, and so im asking this legislation remain intact the way it was when it came out of committee. The way that the coalition has expressed interest in seeing, the way this deals with this agreement was negotiated and reached upon increase having the mayor support as well as coalition support. So, this is notthis is really not something to be, you know, that we should be tinkering with. This is ready, really ready to go get this a third draft youre looking at and im happy toid love to see we ask the call the boat thank you supervisor cohen. Supervisor avalos thank you mdm. Pres. Well, actually, its not any one person who brings Charter Amendment to the voters. Ashley of the six of us to do that. I actually did not agree that we eliminate split appointments on the dignity fund but in going along with it because that is what i believe it was a structure in terms of negotiation but i was definitely told me after the fact much of the negotiations that went on on this measure went behind closed doors, and i actually really was concerned about how much the advocates walked the halls are trying to get answers about what was going on while this was being negotiated. I thought it was a great disservice to them how things went along in terms of how this dignity fund was finally structure. At the end may look at Something Like take it or leave it. Thank you. Supervisor weiner thank you mdm. Pres. This dignity fund measured, Charter Amendment which i fully support, is onehas been incredibly well vetted. Its a very broadbased process topic of discussion in this building. For quite some time i dont really think its been a behind closed doors situation. I donti will be supporting or excuse me, not supporting the proposed amendment and supporting supervisor cohen and her leadership for this important measure. I think supervisor cohen has done an extraordinary job taking what started out as a very contentious measure in terms of the amount of money and really mediating among the stakeholders to come up with a resolution that everyone can support and so i will not be supporting the minutes. Ill be supporting the Charter Amendment asses thank you supervisor weiner supervisor campos i respect the perspectives that obama went out. I do not support of the dignity fund from the start and want to continue to that but my support was predicated on having split appointments and i think supervisor jimmy needs proposal is actually pretty mild proposal that tries to strike a balance between the original proposal and where the subject always supporting and ill ask we support supervisor but he mild yee amendment mdm. Clerk please call supervisor cohen nay farrell nay kim aye mar nay peskin aye tang nay weiner nay yee aye avalos aye breed nay campos aye. There are five aye and six nay. The amendment fails [gavel] supervisor avalos yes, like a motion to have split appointments for the new commission oversight, overseeing the new dignity fund so, you want to make a amendment to item 61 . The one we are currently on, yes, i currently would, please second supervisor avalos has made a motion to amend seconded by supervisor yee. Mdm. Clerk on a motion to amend please call the roll supervisor cohen nay, farrell nay kim aye, mar haight nay peskin aye tang nay weiner nay yee aye avalos aye breed nay campos aye there are five aye and six nay. The motion to amend fails [gavel] supervisor yee thank you president breed im looking at another piece of paper and this is wording that was suggested by the mayors staff is its somewhat similar to what ive already offered but it changes it a little bit. I am willing to offer these amendment as was suggested. So, basically, the First Amendment is the board of supervisors may recommend candidates for the three atlarge members the mayor shall consider any such recommendations making the appointments. The Second Amendment for the commission is the board of supervisors may recommend candidates for the commission and the mayor shall consider any such recommendations in making the appointments. Sounds similar. Its a little bit different but it was treated by mayor staff. Supervisor yee has made a motion to amend. Is there a second . Seconded by supervisor mar. Supervisor cohen im sorry did you call me mdm. Pres. . Yes i saw your name on the roster thank you very much. I need one moment. I need to talk to the Mayors Office a few supervisor farrell supervisor yee, do we have copies of this . If you want to hold off the boat we can make copies. This came from the mayor staff. Just to be clear, now were letting the mayor staff intervened in the legislative process . I like to see the copy of whatever we are voting on in writing letters and oral amendment and i can listen to that. Okay supervisor cohen thank you. Im in agreement with you. This is a legislative function and i believe that we should redirect these amendment and be consistent and once we have a vote i like a motion to continue this item when we so we can finish the discussion just to be clear, colleagues, if we make any amendment to this item then we will have to sit as a committee as a whole open it up to Public Comment and here Public Comment again. So, just want to be clear about that that supervisor avalos thank you. I know mine Public Comment in this room was made to have a lot of people, talk im not suggesting we do but i want to make it clear it will happen again yes, its more like we should do it because we would have Public Comment. Im not into that thank you. All right. So, we are waiting on the amendment. [pause] supervisor cohen, to a copy of the amendment to the dignity fund . I just received a copy of the amendment and ill be voting no on these amendment thank you. So, if colleagues need any additional time, we can skip over this item to move to another item. No additional time . Okay, the motion to amend has been moved and seconded. Mdm. Clerk on the amendment please call the roll supervisor cohen nay, farrell nay kim nay mar nay peskin aye tang nay weiner nay moved and seconded. Yee aye avalos aye breed nay campos aye. There are four aye and seven nay. The amendment fails [gavel] supervisor cohen i like to make a motion we continue this item 6 days supervisor cohen has made a motion to continue this item to the meeting of july 19, 2016. Moved and seconded. Colleagues can we take a continuance without objection without objection the continuous passes unanimously [gavel] next item, please item 62, [reading code] supervisor cohen, would you like immigration to continue this item . Thank you matter is and i love to make a motion supervisor cohen has made the motion to continue the item to the meeting of 16 july19th of july, moved and seconded. Collies can we take this without objection without objection item 62 will be continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] item number 63 item number 63, [reading code] supervisor yee, would like to mope motion to continue i like to make a motion to continue to the 19th addict supervisor yee has made a motion to continue this item to july 19, 2016. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Hollies can we take this without objection without objection this item is continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] mdm. Clerk with good two Committee Reports item 64, [reading code]. Thank you supervisor campos thank you. I will briefly say im very proud to be a cosponsor of this item could i want to thank president breed for her leadership. I think this is something that if anything we should have done a long time ago. So, i know that its something that is very meaningful to all the people that have been victims of fires in my district and again, i think its a Long Time Coming and i think its one of many things that needs to be done with respect to the issue of helping fire victims, and i think that my hope is that this is one of many additional steps to be taken in the nearterm. So, thank you they do supervisor campos did supervisor farrell i like to be added as a cosponsor thank you. I was eight thank you supervisor campos for cosponsoring this legislation with me. Its a Long Time Coming. One of the great things about this legislation it not only establishes a fund him up but provides an opportunity for someone aching of two 70,000 to actually qualified for rental assistance. Right now, as it stands the program that exists in the department of Human Services only if you make somewhere around 29 35,000 a year could you qualify for additional rental assistance, and sadly, after some of the fires that had occurred both in district 5 and district 9, many of those residents may fall a little bit above that category but still in a low income category, which is made it impossible for them to find something affordable in San Francisco. With this program, we finally give a lot more people in opportunity to have assistance when they unfortunately experience an unexpected tragedy like a fire. So, just want to thank my colleagues for their support in a really hope this legislation can make a real difference the lives of some of the residence in our city of experienced such a tragic. With that, seeing no names on the roster, mdm. Clerk please call the roll on items 64 supervisor trenton aye, farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye. There are 11 aye this ordinance passes unanimously on the First Reading [gavel] item number 65 item 65 im a [reading code] supervisor weiner thank you matter presently i move to continue one week all right. Supervisor weiner was to continue this item to the meeting of july 19 26. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Collies can we take this without objection without objection this item is continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] lets go to the call for introductions. Supervisor cohen as the first supervisor to introduce new business thank you very much. Colleagues, at that hearing request i would like to discuss and the findings and recommendations released yesterday in the blue ribbon panels report. This report is largely in the wake of the racist and homophobic Text Messages between a number of sfpd office. The report was work by seven law forms, three judges that have a collective 75 years of experience between them, and built very successful careers on impartiality of the blue ribbon report indicates that bias can be institutionalized when its promoted condoned or acquiesced by Department Policies practices in or culture. Several local and nationwide reports been conducted that proved time and time again that bias policing does occur. Including, the civil grand jury report that was released just last week. The center of policing equity is also leased a report last week and was important to note a day of analyze 12 police the permits across the entire country found racial bias exists particularly in use of force. The evidence is really frankly irrefutable. Sure we can all agree that theres an amazing compassionate and vigilant officers that patrolled the streets every day and the do good work in San Francisco Police Department and for them we say thank you. I think it is also important to note, though we are morning the officers, five of them in dallas there been laying to rest today after tragically losing their lives, but at the same time, we are deeply troubled by the Police Involved targeting and shooting that in pervasive in our country for far too long. Also, happening right here in San Francisco. So, the blue ribbon report identified 72 findings and made 81 recommendations about the culture policies and practices of the San Francisco Police Department and thoughtful suggestions of things we should begin to implement. Also, the San Francisco dar criminal Justice Task Force have been working diligently for more than a year and very close close to finalizing their datadriven report in collaboration with sf pd we can anticipate seeing this in august. The report also focuses on specific recommendations the Police Department should implement to create more accountability and frankly, quite friendly, begin to rebuild trust for the community. So i think its important we take these recommendations and we do not let them live in volumes that are on our bookshelves in our office. But that we create an open space, a public forum so we can acknowledge our transgression and atone for them and work to correct our shortcomings and continue to move forward with this practices in our invest practices. So, i am looking forward to the discussion did i hope you will join me. I think this is absolutely critical and thank you for your time. Thank you supervisor cohen. We are going to go to supervisor kim submit supervisor mar submit supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Clerk good i rise 48 in memoriam for somebody why think many of us knew. Cliff long passed away unexpectedly last week at the age of 60 that he grew up in San Franciscos chinatown graduated from galileo and Sacramento State and work for the city for 35 years rising to the position of Inspection Division manager within the bureau of street use and mapping the department of public works. Was known among the board of supervisors as a dedicated go to guy with a positive attitude and a Problem Solver and cliff was instrument oh in the success of the infamous coalition of asianamerican Government Employees Lunar New Year legend by getting the line dancers to perform. Throughout his dpw coworkers until the press on with laughter and rocket he retired only a year ago. He was passionate the practice and teachings of kung fu. He was ahis love for the community and line dancing letter to the west coast dance troupe as a lead drummer and inspiring the younger members with teaching respect, humility, tradition and perseverance. It also enjoyed motown music and making people left it to be most were never first dedication to family , generosity, passion and his big heart. He survived by son and best friend nicholas, siblings, nieces nephews grandnieces and grandnephews, family and friends are welcome to attend a Memorial Service scheduled sunday, july 24 112 pm. The chapel at at 801 Oceana Laborde in pacifica thank you supervisor peskin supervisor weiner submit supervisor yee submit supervisor avalos thank you. Colleagues, we just read reports about a five dollar thats coming towards us for the incident involving firefighter who was driving a rate under the influence, ran through a red light and hit a motorcyclist. I think its important to know what systems have been in place as to how to prevent this from happening, how to prevent onduty drinking within the Fire Department. And i think its apropos do we have that hearing at the same time that inch eight gaa 01 holding the hearing whether to release approve the settlement were not. Im sure the Fire Department and Police Department is conducting investigation with the department have put accountable to the measures in place. We get to hear what theyve done to prevent any type of mishandling of the case. From happening again and to ensure that their swift, swift accountability for the driver of the vehicle and anyone else who commits any kind of misconduct while on duty. The rest i will submit thank you supervisor avalos president breed thank you. Colleagues, today i three in memoriams. I like to adjourn the meeting in on her first, ms. Dorothy Terry Whitfield who passed away on sunday, june 19. Ms. Terry, as he was affectionately known as, grep in Seattle Washington before she moved to San Francisco 1940s. She was had an eye for fashion and design and soon she opened her own store, carries creation of boutique of fillmore and turk which he open for the past 25 years. I used to buy gifts for my grandmother and his terrys boutique. Ms. Terry took great pride in her store and many residents in the fillmore west in addition many of her matching accessories in their wardrobe. She was also known for her annual fashion shows, which he held at several churches throughout the neighborhood including her Baptist Church owns united methodist, Mission Temple christian methodist the school church, African Methodist Episcopal Church and the annual National Council legal women Christian Women of the year luncheon. These were always the highlight of the ebony fashion in the west coast and ms. Terry will be truly missed. She is survived by her mother, who is 92 years old. Her sister, and onto and a cousin that she will be dearly missed by many of the folks in the Western Addition community, especially folks who are a part of thecommand. The second person is violet seligman who passed away far too young. She was just born 17 months ago on february 27, 2015. She passed away suddenly on june 30 of this year. She was a happy and easygoing baby brought a smile to the faces of everyone she met. She was deeply loved by her mother, chlorate, her father benny, and her older sister edie. Every death is tragic, but it is even more so when that life is so young and so full of potential. I cant imagine the grief that violets loved ones are experiencing right now, but i want them to know they have my deepest sympathy and condolences. The final in memoriam that i wanted to do today, which is later date we will be honoring this person come up mr. Craig m cook. He was one of the founders of the hate very Reunion Committee an annual committee that hosted an event during the month of may. They just hosted an event in may at the panhandle park that brings back people from all over who used to live in the haightashbury neighborhood. Many africanamerican families who no longer live here in the city and county of San Francisco, he was one of the founders is done a lot of great work for San Francisco over the years. He also passed away suddenly. We will be honoring him and i know members of the hate very Reunion Committee want to be here at the time but today for his funeral for next week we will be adjourning the meeting on behalf of the board of supervisors in his honor. The rest i submit thank you matter present get supervisor campos thank you. Colleagues, i am introducing some technical amendment today, techno amendment to the shortterm rental legislation that i coauthored with supervisor peskin and i want to thank supervisor peskin first cosponsorship of these amendment as well as to our other cosponsor, supervisor avalos and mar. As you know kobe at the board of supervisors unanimously passed on a 100 vote the minutes to the shortterm rental ordinance. The intent of that ordinance is a very straightforward. That hosting platforms do business with lawabiding hose and to ensure that those platforms are not aiding and abetting scofflaws. What we are proposing today is a modest commonsense regulation. It is fair to everyone. This therefore lawabiding house so they wont have to compete with cheaters and its fair to San Francisco and most residents want to give our shortterm rental law a chance to work. But san franciscans also wont be played for fools by airbnb or any other shortterm platform. Others persist in trying to keep our law from being enforceable, and we are committed to doing everything we can to make sure that enforcement happens. After close consultation with the City Attorneys office about the legal arguments that were raised by airbnb in its lawsuit against the city, we have agreed that we can simultaneously address airbnbs legal objections and for fill the intent of the original ordinance and do so with very few set of modest revisions. Which is what we are proposing today. Before i talk about those revisions, i want to be very clear. He rationed by airbnb another hosting platforms to our amendment today will speak volumes about their true willingness to work with the city and county of San Francisco in good faith so we actually have good regulations that are enforceable. How they respond to these amendment will show whether or not they have a real interest in working with us to make this law workable. At the end of the day, the board of supervisors did not pass the ordinance we all voted for to litigate over the scope of federal law. The intent of what we passed was to essentially regulate the Business Activities of these platforms. My amendment aims to accomplish every goal by one, making the language more precise, too, making modest changes in recordkeeping requirements and the law, and three, tailoring enforcement to work through administrative subpoenas instead of working through publication options. These are, again, simple fixes to illuminate some of the arguable ambiguities that airbnb has latched on in its lawsuit. We believe, the City Attorneys office, my office and those of us worked on this law, that our original legislation was valid, but we also believe the medics we are proposing today will ultimately allow the city and county of San Francisco to more quickly and more effectively reach the same objective. The fact is that as of today the current law is unenforceable. More than 75 of the 7000 airbnb hosts in the original legislation are out of compliance with the law. These hose not register with the city and county, and yet, we have platforms like airbnb to continue to do business with these individuals are making tens of millions of dollars out of that illegal activity. This simply put, has exacerbated our worsening housing crisis. In fact, as was noted in the report by budget and legislative analyst airbnb alone took up more than 2000 entire units of housing completely off the market, making them unavailable to residents in are struggling to live in the city. This is a company in our view, that will not stop at anything to evade our laws, and now we have a challenge. We have listened to the objections that have be raised by airbnb in its lawsuit. We have responded to those objections of technical changes that essentially address those concerns. In light of that, our hope is that airbnb will do what it says it supposedly wants to do, which is to work with the city and therefore since this new amendment makes the law moved that we asked airbnb to drop its lawsuit against the city and to work with the city and county of San Francisco. In so doing their b b can show it really wants to be responsible, that it wants to have a positive impact in the city and county of San Francisco and in so doing ill send that message to San Francisco but to the rest of the country that this is a company and industry that truly are responsible and how they interact with the rest of the economy. We also have included in the law but we are amending, provisions that will make the registration process easier and i know that a number of us, in fact, all of us here at the board, express a commitment to make the processes. So, i look forward to working with airbnb. We look forward to a kinder relationship that is different from the relationship that we had consistent with the comments and representation of airbnb has made natalie redressed their legal concerns that they drop the loss. The rest i submit thank you supervisor campos madame president , that concludes the introduction of new business. All right. Colleagues, mdm. Clerk can we go to Public Comment, please at this time the public may address the entire board of supervisors for up to 2 min. On items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. To include the minutes and items on the adoption without reference to Committee Calendar items. 7075. That includes whether or not the board of supervisors should enter into a closed session. Public comment is not allowed when an item has been previously subject to Public Comment at a Board Committee as is the case with items on consent new and Unfinished Business or the Committee Report items 165. Pursuant to the boards walls, direct remarks to the board as a whole not to individual supervisors not to the audience. Speakers using transition assistance week about twice the amount of time to testify. It elected despite your document on the overhead projector, these clearly states such two sfgov tv and remove the document when you want to screen to return to live coverage of the meeting thank you. First speaker, please [nonenglish speaker]. Ladies and gentlemen, our San Francisco supervisor, as you know my name is. I live here in the United States about 33 years now. Before i came to hear i decided to watch tv is he our president obama, [inaudible] that there was a Police Officer who had been killed in dallas. Like many people, i cried for what happened to that family who put his own life to save our life. Our neighbor, our friends, you can see here, our chief of police david brown, when he cried. He can see on another newspaper i have here with me, too. That many people dont like what we see around husband five people becoming heroes when they save our life and they give are their life to save our city, our country. Ladies and gentlemen, i decided finally to write to pres. Obama, to let him know i agreed with him as he said, enough is enough. Mr. Pres. , we have a [inaudible] around us in oakland, in richmond in San Francisco. Theyre taking advantage of their jobs and [inaudible] was one young girl [inaudible] 16 years old and they dont [inaudible] because they are a Police Officer. I ask you, mr. Pres. , [inaudible] action. Y . Because our mayor thank you. Time is up. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is Ronald Eugene david lee. I think most of the supervisors here know me. I am going home to louisiana for a while because ive been in the city 50 years and you have a lot of things to work out and im not going forever but a little. When i get back i hope you guys have a little better solution going on, but its very very difficult to solve any, any kind of crisis like this. All i can say is i wish you luck. Im only going to be gone for a little while. I will be back. So, please, get it together. Now that just the way im trying to say, its been a pleasure being here. Im not going forever but im just going for a little while to louisiana. Thats where im from the swamps. Down in the swamps its a little different. They have alligators and all kinds of different kind of fish. Its going to be fun, but when i get back to you guys have a really good solution to the housing crisis. Because, thats a really difficult thing to solve and all i can say is i love you all and you guys have been doing a really, really good job of trying to figure out how to solve the homeless crisis. I mean, i have no solutions at the moment and hopefully, youll get it together. I will be back. Have a good, goodthis my holiday for you guys. As im giving you a holiday and im leaving soon a you get a holiday for me. Because ive got 20 seconds, have a good day. I love you all and good luck. Thank you very much. My name is Ronald Eugene david sleight get that makes me very scottish. Have a good day. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. Im Peter Warfield executive director of Library Users association. Glad to see theres at least a minimum of six baby no seven supervisors here in the room. The San Francisco Public Library has a wonderful mission statement. It says the San Francisco Public Library welcomes all visitors and residents of the city of San Francisco and is dedicated to free and equal access to information and knowledge, independent learning the joys of reading for our diverse community. Well, its a lovely statement and presumably thats what the citizens and you are paying for when you fund the library. But, unfortunately, as i didnt impart been telling you for some months, library has a huge aspect of exclusion. For example, 57,000 cardholders cannot bottle with a cold physical items, books, records, dvds, cds, and so on because they are oh 10. 01 or more. 150,000 cardholders cannot fully use the levers parlaying services they can use interlibrary loan or link plus because they 01 penny were more to the Library Fines and fees. There are scores of suspensions and all of these things there is no independently determined gills or provision for punishment or review or noncash settlement. It was also recently an adjustment of hours proposed and there have been no public input whatsoever on that despite a measure that requires it. We ask you to make inquiries and hold public funding thank you. Next speaker, please. I would like to do a reenactment of my call and made to the Alex Jones Show april 13. I am dialing 18002599231. I like to speak with our jones, please. Im waiting and waiting and waiting to alex, times of the gentiles ended in 1996. Thats about all it was. The sad thing about talk radio it doesnt last that long. I listen to my call even though basically thats all i got on. So many times i dont even know how many times, truth is tree. If somebody doesnt understand that the times of the gentiles ended in 1996, oregon with the times of the gentiles is, doesnt really matter. God is god and his can do whatever hes going to do we been in the last days for 2016 years. Weve not enter the time of the end of the last days until 20 years ended from the destruction of jerusalem by nebuchadnezzar of babylon in 1996. Thats why keep time. May 23 as a matter fact is exactly 7003 and 65 days from the end of the times of the gentiles. We are definitely in the seventh year reign of. It did not start in russia shauna did i dont know why the jews are doing. That six months early. It usually starts in the spring kit might have actually started in my call to the Alex Jones Show but i checked the face of the new moon it was four days away from that. So sometimes the evil calendar lines up perfectly with the new moon could sometimes it is not. This much i know. This verse i have in my tshirt has to do with daniel nine were god second would be exactly 7 weeks until christ would come and die for our sins. Whenever judgment day is, if you died today its judgment day today. But you have to know jesus christ. You know with whats going on now with george soros, trying to get all the cops killed in everything, it says the stars will thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you president breed and all the cabal. My name is christopher dall, and i live at six and howard inevitably 10 blocks less than 40 years from c level. I rise to comment on earth arithmetic and ousted during the review of your gender 26 debate surrounding the socalled commercial program in which i called the private user patient Public Space Program i took note one of the numbers offered as justification for anything. There are supposedly about 8000 San Francisco residents who use this program permitted or not. That is wrong. Ive seen significant numbers of people leaving the civic center, metro bart station to stand waiting for one of the google buses at eighth and market. Apparently, these people from the cheap streets across the bay. You had a second number. A total dollars of San Francisco was putting out there would have to continue for maintaining some public responsibility by the carriers and employers. That was 5 million a. The bill for the carriers and employers was to be current 100,000 a week. Now for the analysis. If you have 8000 people taking muni twice a day come that is 2. 20 5 cents each way for total of 180,000 a week. Thats 9 million a year. That means, the g boss is getting 80,000 cheaper only. Thats giving up 4 million cheaper a year. Then, we wonder about those 8000 people would be only a tiny 2 of the daily ridership. That the system can handle a 2 stretch, then somebody, several somebodies must be particularly stupid or little too generous. Thank you president breed thank you. Next speaker, please. Board of supervisors, and mme. Pres. , think of for the opportunity speak today. My name is chris could see. Im a businessman. I been in San Francisco for almost 20 years. I reside in tiburon. Ive had a number of companies here am a tech company. The reason i came to San Francisco was because its a very accepting city. This is a city thats forward thinking. The city that can accept ideas from other places in different cultures and it has a lot of compassion and tolerance. Im also a package that i been doing meditation now for nine years almost. I just found out recently about the japan town Cherry Blossom parade. Quite frankly, i was very sad. To have a group of people who work as hard as they do to these parades, to win many many awards and other communities and then to have them turn away among it just made me sad. I just want to come here and point it out that the future belongs to the people with compassion and with tolerance. And you follow truthfulness. Thats why i just want to point this out to the board of supervisors and to the city of San Francisco, and i hope that everyone can find more compassion and that this kind of situation does not happen again. Thank you everybody thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you for the opportunity supervisors. Mark ruberg board member of the San Francisco taxi workers alliance. Im here to support supervisor peskins resolution, which is item 72 on your agenda. I would urge the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt fingerprint background checks for Transportation Network drivers. Such as taxi drivers have here and most other places. This is really important. The fingerprint background check is the only way you can positively determine the identity of a person who maybe falsifying that identity. District atty. Gascoigne has called it the Gold Standard lawenforcement all across the country says the same. In the city of houston it was an uber driver led 24 aliases five dates of birth, and Social Security numbers and outstanding arrest warrants. He was driving for the company, past their background check it back could never happen with the fingerprint check. I, here in california, there were 25 drivers were identified as having serious violations driving for uber. So, the only way you can do with this is to a fingerprint check images like to mention what happens in the city of austin recently because spielberg tried to bully their way out of finger fingerprint checks. They spent almost 9 million in a city thats a slightly larger than San Francisco and they lost by double digits. So, this is a tech savvy city by the way. Its a city with a lot of technology. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im very im also with the San Francisco taxi workers alliance. I been driving a cab for over 30 years. When people take cabs were now tmc, lift or uber, often in very vulnerable position. Their need to read it, theyre being taken to the airport and leaving their houses empty. Its important. Thats why cabdrivers get fingerprint background checks. Dr. Prevent every time but it drastically cuts down on it and is mark just said, its a Gold Standard for checking peoples background and illuminating criminals. Dist. Atty. George gascoigne claims a background check without finger print is completely worthless. Last august the da from la in San Francisco out a civil suit claiming there were 25 criminal records of drivers that got overlooked by uber and got hired. Just this may, and uber driver with extensive criminal record attempted to murder two policeman, who we also had an extensive record that wouldve been detected with fingerprint background checks. So, as legislators all over, not just here, i think your responsibility should be based on Public Safety and welfare, not on protecting these billiondollar enterprises, Business Models which has been happening. They dont want fingerprint background checks because its a barrier to people, to their business model. So, please, support this resolution the safety of the cities of San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [inaudible] thinking and belief [inaudible] would accomplish to make truth [inaudible] this is the kingsway [inaudible] and personal cultivation practices. The holy one [inaudible] having our destiny [inaudible] for a universal mission with internal and external works for expanding onto [inaudible] such practices surely can guarantee to success for High Aspirations for life, destiny and career. [inaudible] onto the doorway of [inaudible] practices of great wisdom show ones talent [inaudible] and enforcement. The most difficult problems can then be resolved by appointing of guidance. Avoiding tragedy must enforce peace and wellness to ultimately make harmony for the people. [inaudible] for holiness [inaudible] would come to realize they should. The diversity of thinking would then come to a unity [inaudible] where everyone could [inaudible] destiny. Social order can be maintained. Theres nothing we cannot accomplish with collective [inaudible] and practice. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening good iman attorney and Legal Services for prisoners with children and also a resident in district 3. Im here to comment on agenda item 72. I want to commend the focus and interest on fairness, and i believe thats why we are here in interested in talking about it, my concern with this resolution is the focus is focus on fairness between companies whether then about fairness for real people were trying to support their families. If you actually read the resolution youll also notice that what is being asked in the first and last paragraph do not match the entire body of the statement. Throughout these regulations, there are calls for equality, but the draconian regulations are wholly controlled by the county. The taxis have indefinite back on checks but they have to go through with it tmc only have to go back seven years. We should be moving towards the seven year. San francisco should not be in the business of penalizing people indefinitely for crimes they committed potentially decades ago. Instead, they should level the Playing Field for all people who want to drive and also between the taxes. You can do that by having the San Francisco municipal transportation whatever it is, committee, actually reduce things. So, i just want to say that the way this is written makes people with convictions act as pawns in the fight over the industries for transportation and its not about the industry. Its not about these companies. Its about those people were trying to make a living for their families. Please, focus on that fairness. Superintendentsupervisor cohen you spoke about bias thank you, maam. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is dorseyexecutive director of Legal Services. For prisoners with children. One of the founders of [inaudible] i think you be making a mistake if you write anything into the state of california encouraging them to do background checks because i actually think the practice [inaudible] and background checks is inherently biased. I think it will produce the numbers of black people being arrested more and i think that when you do background checks it reports arrest rates. It reports people but have not been convicted. I also think that if you think youre going to do Public Safety by simply securing fingerprints, i would beg to differ with that. I would actually suggest that sandy hooks you could background check all you wanted and would not have made you safer. I would suggest orlando you couldve background check and would not have made you safer. I suggest that dallas you couldve background check and it would not have made you safer. If you did it in San Francisco, california 101, it would not have made you safer because background checks dont actually determine whether or not it will predict future behavior. It only determines whether or not who the person is. So at a certain point, we need to determine who you want to have a job and who you dont want to have a job. I think the best interests of San Francisco, in the best interest in the state of california, to put all available people to work. I think its dangerous to leave us out there unemployed. So when they say the Public Safety issue, let me go hungry. It becomes a Public Safety issue. Let me go homeless. It becomes a Public Safety issue. I think that Philip Randolph would be turning in his grave to see the protectionism on the part of Cap Companies that wont pick my black ass up in the middle of the day. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is dolores canales. Im a lead organizer for all of us or none. As a project of Legal Services for prisoners with children. I am here also to speak on item, agenda item 72. I been sitting here to this hearing and ive heard the quotations of malcolm x. I like to point out that malcolm x header record so had he had gotten [inaudible] you most likely would not have been able to be a driver. Ive also are numerous talk about increased Job Opportunities for formerly incarcerated people, equality stressfree tribal. Evening the Playing Field and when a seizure in this resolution is there would be a creation of a second class citizen, not just those not be allowed to drive for uber Taxi Companies or left, because of the criminal record, but those that cannot afford to take a taxi cab. Now im afforded travel because i can afford this transportation should i was never able to take a taxicab because of the increased cost but now i understand get a taxicab is mandated to go back your tile about his Good Standing before you as a formerly incarcerated person will tell you a would not be will to get a job as a taxicab driver im telling you over the Christmas Holiday i was a uber driver and was able to buy presents for my grandbabies. Because of that added income. So please realize, the seriousness of this resolution how it will affect people and how we will create a large amount of second class citizens that cannot afford to take the transportation that others might be able to. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is lavette arnold known as mr. V good i was born and raised in San Francisco. Once again, this is straight presumably a. Why, why do not care . Why do you not care . Maam, please address your remarks to the entire board of supervisors okay. First of all, it said we voted for a person that doesnt care. You know, doesnt care good i been living here my whole life. I could be her mother and grandmother were great grandma. I just turned 56. I want to live in San Francisco. I want to be in you get when you know you got somebody thats one of you guys that wont wants me out of San Francisco because i might have protested against certain people mightve said the wrong thing to come i need help good theres a lot of people that need help in bayview. We are not getting it. When we cry out for help to our district 10 and we dont get it, thats a shame. You know, ive been to the point where i had a little stroke. I get sick very easily. Im trying to fight to live here. Im fighting to stay here. My rent is unquote 788. You know, i know im not saying nobodygod forgive me all i want to say is i would like help not just for me. Im not out there protesting just for me. Im protesting for others, too. I just want to say that, you know, i would love like i said my whole family died here and this is where i would like to die in the city. This is my home, you guys. It dont mean nothing to you. I know it doesnt but it is. This is my home and i want to be here until i do die. Thats all i have to say. Thank you, maam. Next speaker, please. My name isthe mother of [inaudible] murdered january 9 2005 quadruple homicide the young man working at the benihanas japanese restaurant trying to cash his check it he was a College Student at San Francisco city college and also the star project. Fortune 500 club. He was College Class was paid for basically the rest of his life. But the reason here today and also the case is unsolved. Im here today to talk about what ive experienced being in this group of mothers, very devastating but the reality i am seeing is unfortunate. You know we talk all day about being liberal and doing what we want when we want and how we want, we have the spirit j accountable for actions and words and deeds. If you have an organization that set up for healing for the mother some talk about the ceiling square was issuing organizations, the various organizations that up their mothers go for healing, and the founders of these organizations are sleeping with the mothers. Causing the mothers to be separated and divided, which causes a negative element that heard about these organizations before good one particular one before my son was murdered but now since im involved your organizations that leaders are sleeping with the women, the mothers and then calls them a division and some of these women end up being spokespersons for their children and they end up going in Different Directions and being leaders of the mothers can come together. Then, they bring me in and i dont know whats going on and then words are being reported on the phone and being recorded and taped because these women are warned because theyre sleeping with the founder of these organizations. Im not speaking out according to the organization thats not the way i operate but i want to bring to you what were doing with as mothers. Then, try to unify the mothers thank you, maam. That concludes your time. Thank you. Maam, your time is concluded. Next speaker, please. Mdm. Pres. , the speakers time is concluded thank you very much. Thank you. We cant let you continue but we hear you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello board president breed and forget im sorry to have to follow something much more personal than this but i guess this is about a different kind of violence thats been done to every person in all the nine counties, which is that of both local air pollution and climate destroying pollution by the five refineries in the east bay. Im speaking in favor of resolution number 70 urging the board date. Quality district to put numeric caps on pollution. The mission of that agencies protecting and improving Public Health equality and the Global Climate and San Franciscos represented on the body by supervisors avalos mar as well as director rafael from the department of environment through the mayor. Theres been a longstanding fight for years on refinery pollution regulations including Greenhouse Gases which basically [inaudible] by mental Justice Groups refinery works from usw local number five Compatible Health advocates environmental and climate advocacy groups and many citizens against chevron, shell, and phillips 66. These Community Groups have fought for years to ensure that criteria and toxic pollutants with klein in the future and 350 [inaudible] has ensured it will decline over time but online communities want commissions to be capped to prevent things from getting worse before they get better. Refinery workers want that comment adjustment just as advocates wanted this is preventing an increase of affiliates are critical [inaudible] bench mark we set. If you know youre speeding the opposite direction of your destination is best to not at least a least not go farther in that direction faster. Richmond has only pass similar and we would urge your support. Thanks for a much thank you. Next speaker, please. Tom gilbert t. My younger sister donna born in the year of the goat, lamb, in the hour of the horse gets well with my tiger. Both leverage and we enjoy each others company. She likes being outside. She likes moving around. Shes using a walker now. We only move slowly. A lot of times we meet downtown at the tunnel am a stockton and setter then we roll downhill. This saturday, 2 30 pmish we are crossing kearney on southern and all of a sudden we hear a word and breaks, emergency stopped vehicles and a car is running the kearney light. It stops about 4 feet in front of me and the car that had the light stopped inches from broadside in the car, which wouldve ricocheted into me. I would have not been here. I probably would have been a 24hour assistant living fulltime medical care. My sister may have been damaged, too. It was a uber driver. 3000 was supposedly is what i heard is not what theyre putting on insurance . I was going to run down with 3 million would do for insurance. 5 million of what the fire company is paying is more like it for being damaged in this country. Next, once upon a time, the pendant was mightier than the sword. Right now, we are witnessing the camera is and mightier than the done. 50 years ago the black panthers were right ever seen it on television they were protecting their community from the police. This is major moment for us to change. Thank you. Thank you. Adam president seeing no other speakers, i landed back over to you. All rights. Mdm. Clerk, can you please go to item number 74 first . Item 74, [reading code] colleagues, i realize that there was a request made for us to continue this item, but public to ask that we not continue this item. I think its important that we go into closed session to have a discussion. I know theres something being worked out, but i do think we need to have a detailed discussion about this particular item in close session. So, with that, we can go to the other items first, we should probably pass this item out before we go to the close session were mdm. Clerk would you recommend we finish with the adoption without Reference Committee items i wouldnt matter president. Okay. With that, we will skip over the close session and we will adopt before i move forward supervise peskin you have a common . I to sever some items okay for the adoption can you please call the adoption without reference to Committee Items first item 7075 are considered for immediate adoption. Any supervisor may require a resolution to go to Committee Supervisor peskin item 71, 72 and 75, please okay. Supervisor avalos item 70 welcome i guess since weve already called 74 we might as well go through each item one by one. Mdm. Clerk please start with item 70 item 70, [reading code] supervisor avalos thank you. Colleagues, along with supervisor eric mar is the chair of the bay area Quality Management district and debbie rafael, who is our director of the department of the environment, i serve on the air district. We have been working now for four years to look at caps on emissions at refineries, both toxic emissions and Greenhouse Gas emissions. We stepped up this effort ever since there was a richmond fire and august of 2012. That fire, as you may recall, send 15,000 people to local hospitals seeking medical care. In the fall of that year, the air district talked about putting caps were regulating emissions so we would not see increases in output of these refineries. Since that time, we also passed resolutions to set a limit output of Greenhouse Gas emissions at these refineries as well. Looking both at Climate Change and Environmental Justice so Climate Justice and Environmental Justice is what this resolution is really about. The district has proposed three strategies other than setting numeric caps on these refinery. They propose an efficiency standard that would set a certain ratio to what the throughput of these refineries would be. So think recent throughput they could perhaps increase their emissions which doesnt necessarily set a cap. Theyve also looked at providing new technology that doesnt quite exist yet get best Available Retrofit Technology that would limit emissions as well but that still is not quite available. And the looking limiting methane gases as well get methane at a shortterm impact if were able to take out methane from the emissions. But numeric caps have not been put in place. Theres been a labor and Community Effort that also involves workers at the refineries. Cna involves scientists and communities from the bay area including committees of color, organizations like Asian Pacific environmental network. Committees for better environment and many of the fence on committees around the bay area. 350. Org, the green sunbelt alliance and many many others proposing this numeric caps on omissions. Here are 24 we been pushed back over and over and over again by staff of the air district were not imposing these measures that would have a huge impact on the air quality on committees especially close to the refineries were comes to toxic emissions so Environmental Justice issue and the whole entire planet as we seek to limit Greenhouse Gas output from these refineries so that we have Climate Justice component as well. Colleagues can i would love to have your support on this measure and that we dont have to continue it. The refineries as we know have some of the worlds wealthiest corporations and we are representing here communities the bay area dont have a lot of money to fight these corporations. So what happened in 2014, chevron put forward millions of dollars to defeat Committee Members were seeking election at the city council in richmond and they lost. The people also in richmond california passed a similar resolution in past one here, too. Thank you very much thank you supervisor avalos supervisor mar think you president breed. I think the coalition that jeb altman to mention and supervisor avalos just also. Many years advancing key policy improvements but this is when the last pieces of efforts that many of our online communities from a pen for better environment and climate folks like 350. Org and 350 bay area and the sunflower alliance. I want to say is that she of the bay area air Quality Management district thats a 51yearold entity thats clean the air worked on Environmental Justice issues now challenge with climate protection and Climate Justice issues supervisor avalos mentioned that its important San Francisco follow the lead richmond california emeryville and memory other jurisdictions looking at cutting Greenhouse Gases is a key part not only a Sustainable Future but also protecting the frontline communities from the many refineries that i think fivesix from contra costa committee to Solano County we have to regulate. Its an 8 million person bay area nine county 101 cities that we represent is the air District Board could i want to say, its 24 of us go back to boat on these issues. The staff are looked at nationally as amazing leaders but i note the push has to come from the grassroots Environmental Justice and environmental change community to really get the staff to take even more bold approaches. There some legal debates going on internally within our body as well but i support this resolution and supervisor avalos his leadership to push as strongly as possible to cap emissions from the refineries, cut Greenhouse Gases that San Francisco and all bay area can be a model. One of the issues is likable of San Francisco passing strong policies and the claim that other jurisdictions will continue in their Greenhouse Gas emissions, but i think that if San Francisco supports this Just Transition approach that would set the conditions of safety for workers but also also the safety of online communities not only around the refineries but the real lines as well, if its a Just Transition model like other regional areas can have a impact on the country as well. Im supportive of the committee worker proposal and this ever to have it analyzed sidebyside with the other proposals. The danger of dirtier crude coming to all our communities is critical. Im not sure supervisor avalos staff, we are going to take our walk looking at we find are these in the rodeo. Two point richmond. Its called the refineries doing walk without oh no one of the more Indigenous People organizations and its going to be this coming saturday at 9 30 am leaving from rodeo, walking a believe its 13 miles in some of the most polluted areas for lowincome communities of color in the region and were walking for clean air soil, water and save jobs and help the environment and future generations for all of us. I thought supervisor avalos and the coalition and strongly support this as the bay Area Management district think you supervisor mar the matter item 70 please call the roll supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim aye mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye and there are 11 aye spitted the resolution was adopted unanimously [gavel] speak please, call item 71 item 71, [reading code] supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Pres. Colleagues, homelessness has been an issue in the city and county and in this state and this nation for many decades as we have read in many publications last month and this month. It has been a remarkably back scene issue under many mayors in many boards of supervisors. We have all unanimously supported the chief executive mayor lee in creating a new department of homelessness to abolish the silos that exist between the permits and bring them all under one roof in i think a very difficult, very torturous experiments that i think we all want to succeed. I think that there is widespread agreement that the mayor selection of this new department, mr. Jeff kosinski, who is here to my right, was the right selection am a beautiful picture there in sf magazine. Mr. Kaczynski, and he comes through a history that is known to us at the Community Housing partnership chp, an organization that is been on the ground floor of dealing with housing and homelessness at Hamilton Family center and now at this new nascent department. I know that we all share the desire that mr. Kaczynski succeed. We all are under immense pressure to deal with the vexing issue of homelessness in our city and i think we are all all coming from a good place. It is also a political issue and i heed the admonition of pres. Breed we have an imperative to reducing the number of measures on the ballot. I am asking all of us to take a pledge. Its a simple pledge. It is a pledge to let mr. Kaczynski do his job. At least for a little while. I would like to be policy consistent on this. Indeed, when supervisor campos, coming from a good place with good policy put forth Navigation Center legislation, i was one of the supervisors who said, hey, why dont you take a little time out. Why dont we consult with a new director of the department . The process that we all go through both of two use of the ballot am i honor and respect that. Sometimes it is about gamesmanship. It has been used to catalyze our preeminent duty , which is to pass legislation in these chambers, in this room. That is our number one duty. One goes to the ballot to raise a tax for only the voters can raise a tax. One goes to the ballot if one wants to change the charter for only the voters can change the charter. But ordiances of the job of this body to complete in these chambers. But i, too, have fallen victim to the game of competing ballot measures. I realize that i, albeit, i believe the policy set forward in the ballot measure that i introduced and work with Community Stakeholders on is laudable. I, too, have made the mistake of not consulting with our incoming new director. I, too, have made the mistake of undermining his success, and so i want us today to take a pledge. I have a mimics to this resolution because we are the oversight body. We are the legislative branch of mr. Kaczynski needs some help and we need to legislate, we should do that in the future. Im asking for a simple thing. Can we, for one yeari would like to amend this simple twopage resolution iin two places in the first resolve, i like to insert, that for at least one year the board shall not approve additional laws or policies that will underfund or otherwise undermined the ability of the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing could alike to add, similar language in it in further resolved, the board pledges that for at least one year we not place ballot measures before the voters would further hamper the ability of the new director to succeed in his job. I understand that the politics of homelessness and indeed our budget legislative analyst has now shown us that 23 laws cost is 20 million a year in qualityoflife enforcement, but i want to hear from our director mr. Kaczynski, what he thinks about these well intended measures and i want to be the first person to stand up and say that i have realized that this is not the proper place to do it. Its not the ballot in a want to be the first person to stand up and unilaterally say i have learned from my mistake and im withdrawing the ballot measure that is has been submitted to the voters. I do not believe it should go before the voters. I believe we should deal with kim and legislation in these chambers and with that, mr. Kaczynski, i would like you are advice, your counsel, and your wisdom relative to the measures that have been proposed by members of this body for the voters to vote for, november excuse me mr. Peskin, before supervisor and testing before move on to mr. Kaczynski, if i butcherbefore move on to mr. Jeff, and so i can pronounce his last name, you said for one year but there it isnt an election next year and 27, so what is the point . Actually, thats a good point mdm. Pres. As to the first result, that would be a year and if theres no election or special election in 2017, you are right, under the operation of law there is no election scheduled until june of 2018. But, i would just as a symbolic matter, like to take a pledge that for one year we will let the incoming director succeed and not interfere, unless he wants legislation from this body in which case what is all unanimously give him the tools that he needs and deserves. So, you are saying in addition to all the homeless stuff that probably needs to come off the ballot theres also other measures that we should be looking at to remove so we dont have a lengthy ballot that most people will probably just that is not the issue before us. We are in agreement on that. Okay. I just thought id throw that in there. Mr. Jeff, until i can pronounce your last name. Thank you pres. Breed and thank you supervisor peskin. For that for your words of confidence. As to your question about the various measures that are on the ballot, as a few things id like to say. First of all, if the voters were the mayor or the board of supervisors direct the new department to address tens or encampments in a specific manner was only do our best to comply with whatever ballot measure worth ordinance that is passed. In the meantime, were focused on building a departments mission is to prevent and end homelessness for his many people as possible, and i do strongly believe the more flexibility we have the greater opportunity for success. However, i dont care to comment on any proposed ballot measures or ordiances and one of the things you offered to do to help these two actually not draw me into political conversations about policy related issue. Ive known all 11 of you for quite some time and respect all of you deeply. I believe again that the more flexibility that our department has the greater the opportunity were going to be successful in the politicizing the issue of homelessness is going to make it more difficult. I do feel that its critical the board of supervisors focus on improving the sales tax that would generate 50 million a year to address homelessness. The city, the narrative i often hear is the city spends nearly quarter of 1 billion trying to address homelessness and we have not been very successful at it. I strongly disagree with that narrative. The city currently spends less than 3 of its budget on the number one problem facing our community. We have been relatively successful but we been successful in many different areas could however, without more revenue available to address the problem, without further investments, were not going to be able to have the impact that i think most san franciscans want to see. Okay. Supervisor peskin is there anything else . Mdm. Pres. , i just want to read one paragraph out of this article from San Francisco magazine inner reads as follows to succeed kaczynski will need a lot of help. From his new 109 Employee Work force ubs to blend together harmoniously from constellation city permits only to set aside their territorial majors and operate collectively and from a battalion of politically influential nonprofit organizations that we mandated to prove their efficacy to quantifiable data. Hell have to do all this while coping with shrinking state and federal funding, soaring housing costs, and your constant secondguessing and politicking by the citys perpetually warring tribes. The Mayors Office, the board of supervisors, labor unions, homeless advocates neighborhood groups and god knows who else. The great by Joel Eskenazi in the San Francisco magazine thats on the stands right now. Let this warring tribal not get in mr. Kaczynskis way. Okay. Supervisor peskin, supervisor weiner thank you very much. The only pledge im going to take today has to do with pokemon and you got supervisor [inaudible] what that has to do if youre confused. Seriously, i we all have responsibilities and powers as legislators to introduce and pass legislation to vote to Place Matters on the ballot, to please matters as supervisors or as one mayor, and theres many members of this body both now and 1015 years ago, who exercise that Authority Based on their prerogative as elected officials as representatives of the people. I understand there are people who want the tenant measures to be him about or not to be on the ballot. I have to do think that whats most important is that we pass a sales tax and generate 50 million a year for prominent exit from homelessness to. So i will break my pokemon role as a him pledging im going to sport that 50 million a year to actually get most people off the streets and to housing. But, for us to basically abdicate our legislative responsibility to exercise judgment on the situation by situation basis for a year and to adopt a big resolution that says we cant interfere with that apartment, that is certainly in the eye of the beholder in terms of what undermines or doesnt undermine the departments. And to agree to that, in this very very vague way, it does this resolution does have a reference to the bla report talk about socalled qualityoflife enforcement. So, think is releasing insinuates our Police Department should not be enforced and all. I dont agree with that. I think the law should be enforced only to work very hard to get people off the streets and into housing. Because the situation on our streets is completely unacceptable. Both deteriorated on the streets and surrounding neighborhoods. I dont think this resolution is the way to go. I dont think its productive and mdm. Pres. , i would request this be sent to committee thank you. Supervisor avalos thank you madame president. I want to thank point of order. I requested to be sent to committee. Okay. But there are other people want to speak, two. So we can send it to committee, for sure and then we can continue the dialogue i dont think we want to close debate supervisor weiner i dont have a problem with anyone saying what they need to say but under thei just want make sure he doesnt leave my prerogative since i made that request yes, thank you supervisor avalos it was heard loud and clear. Supervisor avalos, ive got this. Go ahead. Thank you very much. Im ready to go. I want to welcome Jeff Kaczynski to our new department of homelessness and the board of Supportive Housing. To me, it was a really really great decision to bring him in. It was one that actually was a decision that i really believe that united us and how we could combat this intractable issue that affects everyone in the city and affects most of all people who are homeless and living on our streets. Before mr. Kaczynski was appointed into his position i was looking at the encampment issue could i introduce something, request for legislation to be drafted. I got the idea from working with the coalition on homelessness what worked with for 20 years here in San Francisco before i was on the board in collaboration with them and i realize that what they had given me was the structure of legislation but not exactly what i was expecting to be putting through into introduction. Then, when actually, when i introduced as i said i was can do it in legislation and there was alarm i recall talking to ms. Wheaton and she seemed really alarmed about this Going Forward could i said, look, im trying to do this collaboratively. Im trying to make sure when i try to politicize this issue with israel concerns about how we do we moving cameras and people from examines into housing and we can do it much more humanely than we have done as a city could i do not say the mayor had done it in an inhumane way earlier this spring when introduced in and when mr. Kaczynski was appointed, i actually said you know what, im glad to make sure he has [inaudible] amana make sure we bring them together with the coalition on homelessness. Not going to ram this through to try and politicize this issue. We need to actually come together to figure out how were going to resolve this issue and not politicize it. So, i gave him time. I actually told him im not going to moving this forward. I dont want to like pollute the water rainout as we [inaudible] that we need to move people from homelessness into housing. I actually was supportive of a measure to do that. Prior to actual been supportive of the measure that is going to go to the ballot, and i hope it does, i have been every year asking the board to commit more funds for Supportive Housing. Every year of income for with the idea of actually suspending what we deposited into her Budget Stabilization reserve so we could ask for more money to go to housing. Every year i get rejected by the board. So, theres lots of different ways that we could actually use our money to meet a crisis weve chosen not to do. Instead the more looking at going to the ballot to move four. Im serious reservations about how we put forward wedge issue ballot measures that do nothing more than give the appearance that we are doing something about homelessness by increasing Police Action, when that Police Action is already occurring and everything on the book says that in cameras do not belong on our sidewalks. So, up until these measures were submitted on the last day to summit with four signatures, we were doing really good as a city. We have actually shifted from that divisive weight we talked about homelessness 21 were being collaborative. Actually working together good that was all thrown away and people people on this board largely looked at [inaudible] uniter around this issue suddenly lost that reputation. But we can have it back. Its up to the people of San Francisco that we bring back a collaborative support for the people are most marginalized. For the people of severed so much abuse in their lives to be on our streets, to the people who have no place to live. It just stuns me that after all this work that weve done to cooperate together that we put this measure at the very last hour the department of elections to get some kind of advantage out of the november election. Well, shame on us for doing that. We all can Work Together to drop our measures and move forward and give mr. Kaczynski what he needs to work out his incredible task. He needs all of us to support him in that. The best thing we can do is take the polar clauses issued out of the November Ballot that were together approving money for his budget. Thank you supervisor avalos. Supervisor mar thank you. Let me try to be brief. I think its refreshing to have a social worker like supervisor avalos on this board winner stan systems and how we have a choice between Public Health and Housing First approach to addressing the root causes of homelessness and homeless peoples struggles versus a dehumanizing heavily lawenforcement approach that focuses matrix like from the giuliani gaze to earlier days, San Francisco as cracking down and pushing people out without addressing the root causes were their needs. I did want to say, mention social workers because our items are former mayor was a social worker and with bob prentice and paul bowden from the coalition of homelessness about the beyond shelters plan and other efforts that we build off of to the new office. I totally support this resolution and would pledge not to place any ballot measures that contradict the approach our city a new office of homelessness and Supportive Housing is taking, and i think this is appropriate type of resolution though we should be supporting. The big debate of approaches and ballot measures to me is important, but i choose the social work side that addresses what causes and peoples needs and not the crackdown approach, matrix like approach the thing is coming forward from others on this body and forces in our community am supportive of this but i know it will go to committee for further discussion. Thank you supervisor mar. Supervisor farrell thank you president breed. But so i appreciate her visor peskins intent here with these minutes. The original resolution itself as well. Of course, like supervisor peskins ballot measure, i know the idea of this pledge as looking from advocates were running the halls here today. You know, no one in this chamber has a monopoly on ideas in terms of what is right and wrong. We all obviously have a deberry different set of opinions on a variety of issues and i think thats held. Applets came from a supervisor peskin you are out of order i also think its very easy supervisor peskins obvious choice to withdraw his measure. Quite friendly come i think its quite easy when the measure in my opinion full of flaws and wouldve created and exacerbated issue round tent in cameras in San Francisco attic onto the ballot. Or let alone been passed. From my perspective, these pledges are these arguments whether during Campaign Settings were done in the board chambers they dont mean a thing. Theyre done by at times when people want to distract from the issue at hand. I believe that we have a duty to push forth policies that we believe in here at the board of supervisors. A supervisor weiner mention, i do not feel comfortable and will not abdicate my responsibilities as a supervisor push for policies whether the board chambers were at the ballot that believe are important for the city of San Francisco. Given we have three piece of legislation around tent encampment immodestly theres a disparity in terms of the different ideas on how to handle this situation. Inherently, because were putting forward yesterday with legislation on this issue this becomes political. Bonus polarizes and it unnecessary. This is an issue because it dealt with through legislation that anybody would characterize as politics. I dont think we should shy away from that. You know, from a policy perspective, and i dont want to debate my colleagueswe can do it today if you likeabout questioning Police States were matrix like approach. You come i think the discussion by friendly about mayor agnes and applauding his efforts around what was camp agnes here in San Francisco just highlights the fact i dont think it appropriate for my perspective policy is can get to the board of supervisors. I will say this, though. This entire discussion is around one part of homelessness and what we are doing, what people are doing at this board is losing say we need to focus on homelessness as all. In cameras are a portion of it. They do with Homeless Individuals in it in cameras but its a portion of a larger issue and ill be honest with maybe sick over last few weeks as i originally introduced by measure from a policy perspective and for policy reasons, has been the response has been nothing but 100 political. Questioning motives. Attacking motives. Wedge issue. Thats not why we do it we do this from a policy perspective. I appreciate at this time in this issue, my colleagues, some colleagues, think a collaborative approach is best. I welcome collaborative approaches. But i think the status quo in our streets is okay. I do believe we need to legislate. I do believe we need to work collaboratively. I will also say, there was no one more happy than i was that Jeff Kaczynski was named director of this department. Ive had good fortune of working with jeff for number of years on issues certainly budget year around other issues on homelessness. I believe he is a great leader with hamilton outside of city hall. I believe hell be a great leader inside city hall. But that does not mean we should shirk our duty zero the board of supervisors not have an opinion about items. Again, i will copy to save my further comments but i will not be supporting these amendment to come up for to the board of supervisors having pledges are a gimmick. I simply a bad idea to look for to the further discussion, but i think what we cannot do what also made me sick a discussion around paperwork to threaten funding for Homeless Housing because they dont like a tent encampment measure. That is swapping apples for oranges. You talk about plain gimmicks the most vulnerable here in the city of San Francisco. Threatening to take away over 1 billion of funding over the next 25 years for Homeless Population that is fully in support of them because they dont like a single measure coming from some people on the board of supervisors. Its wholly responsible and i think actually needs to be called the mat and can stand for that here at the board of supervisors. The city of San Francisco and residents of our city should not stand for that as well. Thank you supervisor farrell. Supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Pres. So, i rise to do three things. One is to set the record straight that is that whether one considers it to be a gimmick or not, this was not a function of any advocate individual or organization. Whether one likes it or not this was an idea i had that was my idea, which would you like it or not was my idea. Thing number two, something i just earlier actually, the chronicle editorialized about. That is, we dont need to go to the ballot if we can legislate something here. We have shown today, relative to the Affordable Housing Density Program we can do our jobs in these chambers. You only need to go to the ballot to change the charter, or raise a tax. The ballot can legitimately be used as the court of last resort, where if something fails in these chambers, or the mayor vetoes something that came from these chambers, we can go to the electorate. But, first, let us succeed or fail here in collaboration with one another, in collaboration with advocates, with experts, with the new department head, with the administration. I dont think that is too much to ask it i dont think that is a gimmick, but i rise to a supervisor weiner will let me, to introduce formally and move the to amendment. The first one at line 5 in the first resolve, resolve that the board of supervisors pledgesinsert that for at least one year it shall not remove the word, two, and in the secondthe first further result in line 9, further dissolve the board of supervisors insert, for at least one year, not place ballot measures before the voters. I would like to make that amendment before this is sent off to committee. Okay. Supervisor weiner, with that be okay spewing okay. So, with that, is there a second . Seconded by supervisor avalos collies can we take the medics without objection . Without objection the amendment passes [gavel] anything else supervisor peskin . Thank you. Supervisor avalos i will go after supervisor weiner supervisor wiener thank you. I agree with supervisor peskin if theres a way to do things in city hall and not go to the ballot, thats a good thing and we have seen that already in action and one hopes therell be more of that around various issues that are slated to go to the bout but we can pull back. We have another i think three weeks to try to figure things out and either can or we cant. We should do that exactly the same way that happened with Affordable Housing density bonus with our conversations and resolution was reached. Thats not to say a resolution will always be reached but you can take a run at it. Thats how we should do it rather than passing some date resolution to say were going to constrain ourselves going to the ballot, even if the board of supervisors in no way waxy passage or anything like. So, this is not the best way to do. I understand the supervisor peskin introduced it. It definitely, its always important to have these discussions about what goes on about and what doesnt go on the ballot and of course we all want this new department to succeed. I know were all going to work very hard to make sure it succeeds. Thank you supervisor weiner. Supervisor avalos thanks. Its really funny to have a rhetorical whoop deludes people are making it would talk about collaboration or not collaboration. We have been collaborating up until we start to get divisive on these measures four. I rarely actually agree withwell maybe have the time i might agree with the beginning of the chronicle. The chronicle sane were abdicating a responsible. Thats exactly what we did do. Weve been collaborating up until the moment we put these measures forward there were certainly abdicating our responsibility because weve all the ability to everything we were on the track to do to work with a kaczynski to work with the community to work with each other to work with the Mayors Office to actually deal with encampment. I was pulling my measures back. Instead what we have is lexington county will. Sanctimony is the subject of last refuge of scoundrels. Not sanctimony that software to fix our streets. So this talk about threatening funding, were threatening funding by putting forward a matrix Style Program that we know is not going to work. Why is new business will pump put old ways in place. We were doing really well up until we started to think of we can actually gain an advantage at the ballot when we couldve actually resolve things youre the board of supervisors did lets roll the dice and see what happens. Okay. Seeing no other names on the roster, we will send this item to committee as amended. [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item number 72 item 72, [reading code]. Supervisor peskin thank you please, rise thank you mdm. Pres. I have amendment are handed out to all of you that i would like to adopt and continue this item one week. It is my desire to do two things. One is to level the Playing Field between pnc and traditional Taxi Companies and the other is to recognize supervisor kims 2014 and fair chance ordinance. They amendment attempt to do that. Like the community and all of you colleagues have some time to digest those. So, i like to move those amendment and continue that item one week supervisor peskin, im sorry i dont have a copy of the amendment. Did i not give you a copy . John, if i can hand youim happy to walk you through the amendment yes throughout reference to live scan has been deleted. Reference to the sf fair chance ordinance has been included, which prevents consideration a prior conviction history pertaining to any of the following arrest not leading to conviction, participation in diversion or deferred judgment programs, expunged convictions juvenile convictions convictions more than seven years old, criminal offenses other than tonys or misdemeanors, convictions that have no bearing on the persons ability to perform the duties of the job in question. So, those are subject of it but i think we make those amendment about the community to digest those, i think it gets to the point that we heard from speakers at Public Comment that they raise. Thank you supervisor peskin for your proposed amendment. Supervisor peskin has made a motion to amend. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Collies can we take this amendment without objection . Without objection dont passes unanimously [gavel] supervisor cohen thank you. I want to inject my voice. Supervisor peskin think the continuing this item. I think the resolution reflected comments did i do also think its important we after the recall history and also help jane kim as the 2014 winter legislation it i realize you are not here. There were earlier iterations was here for. That student may been earlier iterations were talking bout 2014, beatty and supervisor kim and i did that with you with incredible coalition. Was a beautiful momentous moment and important that our citywide legislation be consistent with a resolution that youre putting forward. When i first read it i was not in a position to support it because is very concerned that poor people and particular people of color would be often at the bottom would be excluded wrongfully. So, im grateful to see these men. I think we are going in the right direction and im also grateful that was participation in the conversation this evening thank you. I just want to thank supervisor cohen and supervisor kim for their leadership on van the box. I was here during that time and happy to support it. Grateful because we are now seeing the impact of that legislation take on an opportunity to make sure folks in our city who need a Second Chance have a Second Chance and an opportunity to be decent paying job to get the housing they need or in particular, muni just talked about how they been able to hire a number of drivers who have made mistakes in the past, but are now driving for muni because their lives have changed i think thats what this is all about and grab we are not going backwards with this legislation and with these changes. I think it will help us to move forward in the right direction it so thank you supervisor peskin for taking that into consideration. With that, i would asking for continuance . Yes, please supervisor peskin has made a motion to continue to the meeting of july 1926 in. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. Collies, take this without objection . Without objection this item as amended we continued to the meeting of july 19, 2016 [gavel] all right. Moving right along, mdm. Clerk, you called item 74. Please call 73 item 73, [reading code] can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection resolution is adopted unanimously [gavel] can we take item 74 same house, same call without objection adopted unanimously [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item 75 item 75, [reading code] supervisor peskin thank you mdm. Pres. Not to be a rate my earlier comments but this is a matter that i believe can be solved in these chambers, the land use had a very productive hearing on accessory dwelling unit legislation and took a number of amendment and forwarded that item to the full board for consideration on the 19th. I spoken with supervisor farrell, who is both a legislative version here in the chambers, as well is a measure that four of you have put tentatively put, on the November Ballot. I will endeavor to work with supervisor farrell in the coming week to see we can conform are two pieces of legislation and hopefully, we will do our job and get this legislation for which there is widespread support but a handful of differences, as in these changes next tuesday and with that, i believe that item 75 is no longer necessary and i like to make a motion to table it supervisor peskin has made a motion to table. Moved and seconded. Colleagues, can we take this without objection . Without objection this item will be tabled [gavel] all right. Lets go to our close session. I justwe have taken Public Comment during our general Public Comment already sold Public Comment has been taken on this particular close session. Public comment is closed [gavel] mdm. Clerk can you please read item number 68 yes mdm. Pres. Given the approval of item 74 was made the board of supervisors has agreed to convene today july 12 in close session pursuant to the california Government Code Section 54956. 98 and the San Francisco administrative code section 67. 10 done for the purpose of conferring the seed device from the City Attorney regarding existing litigation relating to the lawsuit filed on march 14, 2013 in San Francisco superior court entitled, david seles versus city of San Francisco which the city is defendant okay. If a motion to go into closed session . Moved by supervisor campos. Seconded by nobodys excited about going into closed session . Second by supervisor farrell. We are now back in open session. San francisco board of supervisors. Colleagues, is there a motion not to disclose what was discussed in closed session . Moved and seconded. Collies, can we take that without objection . The without we will not disclose what was discussed in closed session. [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item 69 item 69, [reading code] supervisor campos i think this could be a sign of a new realignment the board of supervisors as a make a motion to continue item 69 for one week supervisor campos has made a motion to continue item 69 for one week to the meeting of july 19 2016. Moved and seconded. Thank you supervisor campos good i just want to let you know that i will not be supporting the motion to continue. I am prepared to move forward and take the recommendation of our deputy City Attorney and reject this particular item. But with that, i will seeing no other names on the rogers roster mdm. Clerk on items 629, the motion to continue please call the roll before doing so mdm. Pres. , i would just take no action was taken in the closed session, number one and pursue provides a campos motion to continue the 3 second . There was a second by supervisor weiner thank you much on a motion, supervisor cohen aye farrell aye kim nay mar aye peskin nay tang nay weiner aye yee nay avalos aye breed nay, campos aye. There six aye and five nay. What did you say there were mdm. Clerk six pim five nay oh, man. The motion to continue passes. [gavel] mdm. Clerk, can we, please read the in memoriam todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following 11 individuals. On behalf of supervisor peskin for the late this to cliff walk. On behalf of pres. Breed the late dorothy Terry Whitfield the young pilot and mr. Fred m cook all right. Collies, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Is there any other business before us today mdm. Pres. That concludes our business for today okay. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Have a great day. We are adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] test. Good afternoon and welcome to the friday thursday, july 15, 2016, special meeting of the San Francisco full board of supervisors im the clerk of the board the meeting will come to order. Supervisor president breed is not presented therefore pursuant in the absence of wanting the clerk shall call the roll todays agenda a

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