Housing but impacting transportation as well so before we get this on this high horse of how we always done with what we are supposed to in transportation funds to some step up to the plate we have except when it impacts our friends in the development what we say at the end of the day is what matters well see that today. Commissioner avalos. Just to call the vote on the amendment we have a series of amendments so my name is on the stake for the nexcke for t amendment. Commissioner avalos is a substantive amendment it if this passes it goes back to Committee Madam clerk. To that end i know there was a discussion whether to continue this item i dont were under a major time constraint with the grairthd closet that comes latter not giving anyone a surprisingly surprises to the feasibility fee. I have no problem with that item going back to commissioner lee madam clerk call the roll. On the First Amendment supervisor yee commissioner avalos supervisor breed. No supervisor campos supervisor christensen no supervisor cowen no supervisor farrell no supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang no supervisor wiener no there are 5 is and 6 months with supervisor breed supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell and supervisor tang in the decendents. Okay. The amendment fails supervisor campos our next amendment. What i have is number 2 to a tiered grandfathering for residential residential for projects between july 1st, 2014, and july dwight 2015 will pay 75 percent of tsf currently on paying 50 percent of the tsf but while those projects we are working on the tsf and expecting to pay the full amount but giving them a discount and for doing a tiered grandfathering for nonResidential Projects submitted before jill first 2014 would pay 50 percent, between the difference between the tdif between july 2015 pay 50 percent between the tsf and tdif projects after that pay the full tsf so that would be my motion. Okay commissioner avalos has made a motion is that there a second are seconded by supervisor campos any discusses specifically on the amendment supervisor wiener is your comments on the amendment. Yes. Thank you mayor pro tem we had a lengthy discussions of grandfather provisions in committee there was always when you change the rules on anything in particular about costs and fees that are associated with some things that is always a little bit tricky when you make that retroactive we know that depending on the size of the project those fees what about quite large which is frankly a good thing and when projects try to pencil out for the financing and so forth they assume certain things the tsf is a discussion on and off a a long time given the history of that board and should some of the votes in 2012 none can take anything for grant out of the legislative process and the amendments in committee that increased the fee and the attempts to increase the fee today is reasonable not to assume everyone knew that was going to happen the grandfathering does not wave the selfie but reduces the fee for promotions in the pipeline and for older projects they dont say have to pay is that make sense before this legislation was drafted when i authored the water recycling legislation earlier this year to require water recycle in large new developments we made a prospective for projects that are that going to be entitled after a certain period of time we thought that was important because again those promotions when youre putting it together and determining what youll pay for Affordable Housing or impact fees you make south american assumption on the lay of the lands and changing the rules you have to be very, very careful that strikes a balance didnt need to be amend. Thank you, supervisor kim on the amendment. Thank you. I just wanted to share my comments inform support of to amendment i actually think there has been incredible Public Knowledge about our plans to raise the transit impact fees this was actually heard at the board of supervisors over two years ago and so i think Many Developers and projects were aware we remember considering the increase i think we should be imposing a percentage the fees on projects in the pipeline as an example we had one project that was submitted before july 1st of 2015 and ive negotiated with the project in the south of market that they will be pca paying a portion of transportation fee i felt that was important for Residential Projects to be paying those fees it is something that is feasible for the developers regardless how this move forward but be consistent amongst the development but in particular if you submitted our proposal after july 21st after the introduction of this ordinance i think you should absolutely be paying 100 percent of the transit fees i think that you know overwhelmingly increasing particularly in the districts i represent im hearing more and more if neighbors if others districts the congestion is becoming unbearable and we need to make sure that we are catching with existing needs to make sure we are approving Public Transit and improving the traffic flow on the roads there is a direct corelation between the new Residential Development with the congestion weve experiencing in the city ill be supporting this amendment. Thank you, supervisor kim seeing no other names on the rosters madam clerk on the amendment which again commissioner avalos could be a substantive amendment go back to Committee Madam clerk madam clerk, please call the roll. Supervisor yee. No commissioner avalos supervisor breed no supervisor campos supervisor christensen no supervisor cowen no supervisor farrell no supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang no supervisor wiener no there are 4 is and 7 notices with supervisor yee supervisor breed supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor tang supervisor wiener 1, 2, 3, 4 the december sent per the amendment fails commissioner avalos. Thank you. I have to more amendments the next one for motion on the amendments next one for number 3 on any sheet ive handed out to extend the full tsf fee to projects in the possum submitted by july 21st, of this year, the last part of my motion. Are you is that your motion. For nonresidential yes. My last bullet in number 1924 to grater in projects submitted after july 21st, 2015, to pay the full tsf and supervisor kim spoke is that as an important part. Got it youre asking for an amendment for the last bullet point specifically. Yes. That will be for nonresidentials. Okay commissioner avalos has made a motion is there a second. Seconded by supervisor campos supervisor wiener. Thank you just a point of clarification i think we dont very specific language that is an outline in committee i offered an amendment the committee adapted to say no grandfathering for any project that was submitted to the Planning Department starting after jill 21st of this year which is the introduction date of the legislation and so im unclear about what the amendment is weve made as you recall we made that amendment in committee that full tsf applies to any projects submitted after july 21st the introduction date of this year if i again, i dont have the specific language. Lets confirm with the City Attorney is that mr. Gibner. John gibner, deputy City Attorney so the amendment made in committee applied specifically to residential the nonresidential under the amendment that came out of committee is nonresidential still pays of tdif and commissioner avalos amendment has nonresidential paying the full tsif. Now i recall commercial has paid tdif all along that kept that in place until the effective dale date of the legislation and it was the grairtd is really about nonresidential because it is no need to grater no reason to grandfather commercial theyre already paying it. Thank you. Okay. I just need clarity from my understanding where talking about nonresidential from this year 7, 21, 15 thai pay 100 percent of fee and supervisor wiener is saying their included could you explain to me where we are and if this amendment is necessary. As far as explained by the john gibner, deputy City Attorney is needed because we only had made the amendment in committee that effected the residential but not residential has not been effected it is a new program with the tsf compared to the tdif. Youre asking this specifically for commercial. Commercial for nonresidential. Okay. All right. Seeing none, no other names on the roster supervisor wiener i think on that particular one so really what the difference it is a few dollars for i dont know how and tdif. Im assume did he we know mr. Ram what the number is of commercial that is the first time ive heard this issue everything was raise in committee how many projects between july 21st and today. I do have that in front of me that actually submitted applications on july after july 21st. Yeah. Im sorry i dont have that list off the top of my head but i assume a small amount of projects. As you recall i dont recall dealing with that specific issue raised in committee i believe will this amendment require the being sent back to committee a mr. Gibner is nodding his head i would if commissioner avalos would like to split this off and send that back for further consideration ill be willing to do that this is the first time this was raised im not comfortable on voting on that today. Supervisor cowen. Thank you very much i just wanted to also ask if i can have an opportunity to see it i love to see it in the land use. It will go to land use we can its actually straightforward what were trying to do nonResidential Projects that were in the pipeline and submitted by july 21st, 2015, of this year will be subject to paying a difference between the tdif and the new tsif the total amount thats all it is we can vote on it, it is did same thing in committee and if you vote on it now well have the opportunity actual vote getting down i hope to accomplish today. Councilmember cole is that your comments. I want to say i imagine well vote on the motion to commissioner avalos said i want to come back to me to talk about the other portions of the hospital. Supervisor kim. I was going to make a suggestion i know there will be a motion to duplicate the file others trailing amendments will move through the Planning Commission and land use i suggest it triggers a rereferral to committee to the Planning Commission. No. It was discussed. Is that perhaps we duplicate the file and put this amendment in the duplicated file to come come to the Land Use Committee i support this is a minor change not impacting many projects i think that is important i dont understand the rational between distinguishing within residential and commercial projects and why Residential Projects are submitted and i after july 21st will pay the full tdif but not the full it makes sense that all projects pay the full tsf if they submitted open july 21st moving before the board i would like to support that day but if duplicating the file allows the members to have more time to consider it it make sense i think that is a minor amendment is not moved forward by the way, they pay some fees i think we should be consistent paying 100 percent. Supervisor john alavos. It was an oversight we didnt end the nonresidential to july 21st, 2015, i believe an oversight im fine with duplicating the file and having a vote on the new language im proposing in any amendment and have that duplicate sent back to committee and vote on one item moving forward is to me what i was accepting. Supervisor wiener can you explain why you prefer to duplicate the file rather than basically allow this amendment were to pass allow it in its cyber it to go back to land use. I did not want to send the desire legislation back to land use this is going on for years different forms the legislation it is time to move forward and if someone want to propose something new lets consider that separately but in terms of this issue and commissioner avalos thank you for acknowledging this was national raised in committee i made the motion or i raised the issue in committee of making sure that there was no grandfathering for any project submitted after july 21st of 2015 so despite supervisor campos assertion were fighting hard to make sure the developers cant rush their projects in on july 22nd or august 5th or whatever to gain the system and avoid paying the transit impact fees the developer should not been able to do that that is exactly where why we but put in the cut off that applies to residential before this legislation, of course, paid zero and so they could completely skirt commercial has always paid impact fees for 35 years it was not necessary for the cut off to try to avoid the gaming of the system it is a fair argument whether tdif or tsf should apply to the post july 26th period happy to have that discussion but given that was raised for is first time and cause a delay in the legislation my take to sever it off and send it back to committee and have a discussion in committee. Thank you supervisor kim. I was going to reiterate that duplicating the file allows us to pass the tsf today that is exactly what you said but allow the proposed amendment to be considered later on. Commissioner avalos you want to make the request to duplicate the file. Yes. Duplicate the file and all the time the duplicated file. All the time amend the duplicated file. To include nonResidential Projects submitted by july 21st, 2015, to pay the full amount thought it was the diverse between the tdif and is tsf not only will be commercial and pdr to be clear. So commissioner avalos has made a motion to his duplicated file. Simple privilege of the supervisor. To duplicate the file yes, but made a file to amend the duplicated file well be voting on the duplicated file correction correct. On the motion to amend the duplicate. Do we have a second seconded by supervisor campos and are the names on the roster in regards to the amendment. Yes. Supervisor cohen. Thank you. I just wanted to bring to your attention ill make a motion to duplicate the file so if if is something people are interested in dissolution well take it on to my amendment but one vote taken for the duplication of the file instead of two. Got it. The clarification when we duplicate the file what im suggesting will not require us to go back to the Planning Commission but go back to land use. Okay. So point of order. Supervisor wiener. Just a point of order im saying once the file is duplicated and commissioner avalos to the amendment to the duplicated file and supervisor cowens can make an additional amendment to duplicate the file it doesnt need to be made thank you for a clarity madam clerk on the amendment to the duplicated file can you madam clerk, please call the roll. Supervisor yee commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener there are 11 is the amendment to the duplicated file passes unanimously commissioner avalos any additional amendment. Yes. Colleagues just a question for the City Attorney john gibner, deputy City Attorney i have another amendment i want to do about calling for a study with the geographic study for the quantity of sf if that passes does that go back to the committee or forwarded today to our next vote for next time. Make that amendment to the ordinance that the board will pass today but not required make it on the original. Ill hold off until i hear schoelg and hopefully shell make that on the duplicated file and commissioner avalos for clarity you want to make that amendment here to both files. It will be only on the original file but make that after we vote on supervisor cowens motion on amendments. Okay. Thank you. Supervisor cowen. Thank you thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, needless to say it is a complicated piece of policy im glad were taking this on thoughtful fully in a diligently way and want to recognize ive had conversation with many stakeholders and pleased to report weve wraechd an agreement with the nonprofit hospitals that will be contributing to the Transportation System the hospitals were 100 percent exempt of paying the fee on medical facilities and today colleagues, i have plans i want your support asking you to duplicate that ordinance and amend the hospital provisions to include the following a 18 fee on new hospital beds Effective Immediately not after the sxoo schematic mandate, a new 11 fee on medical services over 12 thousand square feet and additional signages on conforming changes i want to also take a moment and recognize the flexibility of director ram and director ed reiskin and my staff have afford myself and my staff and the Hospital Association david in particular its been under a particular amount of stress to wrestling the members and bringing them to the table glad for his willingness to work with us i think that is important to acknowledge by calculating the hospitalization fee by the net new beds were acknowledging that hospitals that have not yet under gotten the schematic upgrades are increasing their Square Footage to meet state guidelines for new equipment, technology, and hospital rooms but not necessarily increasing the number of beds i know that is a mouthful an important point it is important to note that new agreement impose a fee on which will have otherwise been exempt medical Services Like large clinics and outpatient stability over a 12 thousand square feet and we know from talking about with the household we know the expansion of medical services is actually the direction that many of them are pursuing rather than increasing the number of hospital beds so both new hospital beds and medical office and Service Buildings have transportation impacts in our neighborhoods and it is essential and fair they contribute something to our Transportation System so for example, when we are dealing with camtc has several impacts with the 49 admission and geary and 19 polk mitigate by the payment to the project without the candidates the city wouldnt have been able to pick up the costs of improvements those funds benefit our city transit riders but especially the patient and the employees of hospital that often heal i didnt rely on the Health Care Services because this agreement establishes a new fee is requires an Additional Committee meeting weve discussions earlier and in an effort not to hold up 9 whole tsf ordinance i ask we cup the file and amend the duplicated file as ive previously described in which the clerk has circulated to you again, this is evaluating the fees to 18. 74 with the beds and establishing an 11 feces fee for over 12 thousand feet and the size and scale of the medical serves as part of motion i want to also refer the amended duplicated file back to the land use and Transportation Committee for an additional hearing. Before we move on i have a that have the of clarification on your it samuels youre doing one amendment for 3 Different Things youre asking for one amendment for each of your items . No okay. Page 5 line 21 is that 15 hundred square feet or supposed to be larger than that. Page 5 line . 21. It says 15 hundred square feet. So, please repeat over amendments specifically. Sure. All right. 18. 74 fee on net new hospital beds Effective Immediately not after the schematic mandate a new 11 fee on over 12 thousand square feet and additional fees on the hospital and other conforming changes im sorry the last one i didnt hear. Additional or not on hospital uses and others conforming changes. Okay. Thank you is there a second seconded by supervisor campos supervisor campos. Thank you madam president i want to thank supervisor cowen for and her staff i know theyve spent time working on this issue and thank you to the Hospital Council a lot of discussions over the last few days about this i will be supportive of this effort i think that it seems to me it is a good way of balancing the interests involved and you know my experience having worked with supervisor farrell, supervisor chiu on that cpmc theres been a process weve followed in the psa past in terms of addressing the transportation implications of hopeless project and make sense that we yesterday in this effort so ill be supporting it and again, thank you to everyone for getting to this point. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor kim. Thank you. I just want to thank supervisor cowen for spending the additional time with her office and council to reach a compromise it is important that our hospitals pay tsf given they generate trips in the city i dont understand the smaller hospitals and clinics particularly they provide Tremendous Service for the working class communities in terms of how the city impacts their bottom line costs im glad we were able to find a solution to strike a balance for various of hospitals in the city and supervisor cowen can i make a recommendation you withdraw your request to duplicate the file and amend commissioner avalos amended duplicated file. You raised a question about my hospital amendments the third one was off. I didnt understand that. I want to let you know i made a request to the pdrs requirements that is what the confusing the los angeles. Thank you. I also want to recognize andrea my aid in any office that helped what the entire conversation. Thank you. Thank you. Okay madam president deputy City Attorney gibner. John gibner, deputy City Attorney just to clarify the amendments note on page 5 regarding the pdr adopted in committee the amendments that the version supervisor cowen as circulated the only one are double underlined and shade in a darker color. Thank you for that clarity. Okay seeing no other names on the roster supervisor cowen has made a motion to amend and it was sect amend the duplicated file seconded by supervisor campos madam clerk on the amendments to the duplicated file madam clerk, please call the roll. And then madam president youll call the reference to committee afterward are we voting on that. Were voting on the reference to committee now but i dont want to send it back to committee until we have all the amendments in the specific duplicated files. Well not include that. Supervisor yee. Commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener there are 11 is. Okay. The amendments to 9 duplicated file passed unanimously. Commissioner avalos. Thank you just my last amendment to the original ordinance that was before us before duplication and that would be to add a new subdivision 411 a. 9 a im sorry commissioner avalos i didnt hear what you first said. What i want to do is amend. Subdivision 4 hundred and 11 a. 9 of the original ordinance adding a subdivision an amendment made in committee not fully incorporated i want to make sure it gets in there heres the rates on the bottom of the page section 411 for the feasibility the board of supervisors here by request request the controller and the feasibility creating a impact fee based on the feasibility of projects in different areas of city and report back to the board within 6 months of the effect day i date of the ordinance that is the original ordinance that was before us today and if i could we can ill include in any motion to send the duplicated files to the committee. Actually before we do that i want to make sure we had an opportunity to hear from the directors of the various departments here before we send the duplicated file back to me ill only take the motion to the original file that your prototyping in section 411 dash 9 all right madam clerk on the amendment madam clerk, please call the roll. Madam president. Im sorry, i didnt catch the second and im sorry is there a second seconded by commissioner avalos madam clerk call roll. Supervisor yee commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener there are 11 is. Okay. The amendment passes unanimously to the original file at this time colleagues and probably should have done this in the beginning we have in the audience today several of our Department Heads specifically ed reiskin with mta, john ram with the Planning Department weve heard and tilly changing with the Transportation Authority if any of you have comments or concerns based on the discussion now is the time. Thank you madam president and mbes i want to thank all the members of the boards what i think is a thoughtful and robust legislative process which followed many years of work and under oath analysis and outreach and work to get us to this point i release appreciate the support and the support as commissioner avalos mentioned for transportation and transit more generally in the city i was happy to see most of that moving forward today and our staff will continue with you. Thank you, john ram Planning Department im impressed and pleased with our attention to detail weve been working on that for a number ever years and in addition for your interests on this i want to thank my colleague ed reiskin and Tilly Katie Tang at the sfmta to remind us this wyoming is one part of a 3 strategy the transportation Sustainable Program youll hear or hear from us about the strategy to demand management to reduce cars in the city and work with the developers to reduce the amount of cars and the third piece legislation the prelims phase at the state level how we change the transportation analysis under the ceqa premiers were pleased it is at that point and thank you for your support on this. Good afternoon tilly chang director the Transportation Authority i want to echo when i colleagues prediction to you weve certainly been working in partnering with the various members of the staff a complex endeavor it began with the transportation analyzed efforts at the Transportation Authority about 10 or 15 years ago it builds on the transit first policy that was mentioned 35 years in the making we know that San Francisco is getting jobs and hows we need mechanisms to help us pay for the Transportation System we appreciate all the members of the board we know that is context and we know that is a big part how we can fund how Transportation System expansion and transportation Funding Agency were helping to leverage this fee and come to pass we hope we can continue our leveraging strategy to builds on the new tsf and it is a model of best practice so well that the commission does not tolerate outbursts of any kind to the regional conversation how outlet communities can follow the passion to better integrate the transportation and process going forward. Thank you and with that, seeing no other names on the roster i want to recognize our deputy City Attorney john gibner, deputy City Attorney. John gibner, deputy City Attorney just the amendment of the one that supervisor cohen disabled on page 3 is the finding explaining why the ordinance is including the hospitals and that finding is part of duplicated file that is going back to committee we recommend i include the hospital finding in the ordinances youll be adopting today, we recommend making one final amendment to todays ordinance to include findings that have been all right drafted by supervisor cohen regarding hospital. Supervisor cohen would you like to make that motion. Moved and supervisor cowen and seconded by commissioner avalos colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. The amendment passes amazing commissioner avalos would you like to make a motion to send the duplicated file back to committee. So moved. Okay. Is there a second seconded by supervisor cowen colleagues without objection well take that without objection. The duplicated file specifically will be referred to Land Use Commission. And finally madam clerk on the amended tsf can you please call roll. Supervisor yee. Commissioner avalos supervisor breed. Supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener there are 11 is. Okay. This ordinance is passes anonymously on the First Reading. Madam clerk next item. Item if an ordinance to designate 350 university street ac model old ladies home as a lark and make other appropriate finding. Supervisor campos. Thank you madam president colleagues that is an item that has been before the boards before and it is my honor to bring it back the University Old ladies home on three hundred and 50 universal street a beautiful architecture significant building that is located in the apparently neighborhood in district 9 one of the few colonial buildings that remains a High Integrity in this neighborhood that landmark designation helps to insure the designation and helps to protect the living assisted facility for the elderly for many, many years to come id like to thank the 200 and 22 residents in this community that have signed a petition to landmark this building i also want to thank the Planning Department forgave staffing pa worked with any staff as well as the Historic Preservation commission for the landmarking of this building and i want to thank carolyn in my office with that, i respectfully ask for your support. All right. Madam clerk call roll. Supervisor yee commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener there are 11 is. The ordinances passes unanimously on the First Reading. Item 24 please. Item 24 an ordinance to amend the transportation code to declare as city policy the city develops a master plan within 12 months and to workshop the plan every 4 years with the ceqa determination. Supervisor wiener. Thank you madam president and colleagues today before us is the legislation to require the preparation of a subway specific master plan in San Francisco while we have had a lot of plans over the years great work by our mta and Transportation Authority and our Planning Department about transportation and Public Transportation it is time to have a master planning process specific to subways we know our is growing dramatically we have 200 though more people today then in 1980 growing by one hundred thousand people over the last decade and continue to grow by 10 thousand people per year San Francisco will steady one Million People in the bay area will grow by over 2 Million People our streets are more and more congested that has all sorts of impacts including the impacts on the Transportation System we need to move more of our transit systems underground and to avoid the congestion entirely the barts system as well as the Market Street subway opened in the late 1970s fast forward weve not opened one additional inch of subway capacity even as our city grows by 200 though people muni has the lowest transportation aid we have to be aggressive moving more transit underground opening the central subway in a few years thats terrific and not make the mistake by allowing everything to grind to a hallucinate e halt once we on the central subway we need subways under construction and planning and keep that monument moving forward and so this legislation wienabl us to have a sounding board a Long Term Plan to make sure we keep our subway moving forward colleagues he ask for your support. Thank you, supervisor wiener supervisor yee. Thank you supervisor yee for introducing this legislation i totally agree we need to look at a comprehensive plan to see what we can put underground ive been working in our neighborhood out in the west side to allocate that partially that the m line underground there and there are plans that are being made that will escape us vast improvement with the capability. At the supervisor yee supervisor farrell. Thank you, supervisor wiener for this this is long overdue i want to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you, supervisor wiener and add me as a cosponsor as well and make sure that geary boulevard is on the list. Supervisor christensen. I just want to say i understand im a cosponsor is that true already. I think it didnt make that on. I see supervisor wiener is the only cosponsor and in addition to supervisor farrell came back supervisor breed and now supervisor christensen supervisor tang and supervisor yee. Thank you all right. Colleagues colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. The ordinance passes unanimously on the First Reading and. Madam president i want to thank my staff and particularly jeff for his work on this legislation. Madam clerk can we go to the committee reports. Yes. Item 25 was considered by the land use and Transportation Committee on its meeting on november 2nd and forwarded as recommended as amendment with the same title 25 to impose the interim controls in the Transit Center plan area and between fulsome and harrison and second reading to restrict the new signs between 200 feet from a planned park or open space and restrict the elimination of certain now signs and to make environmental finding. Supervisor kim. Thank you this ordinance before us today sets a consistent control for how we establish signage in the Transit Center district plan previous to the interim controls there was not a standard set of controls of signs were considered this is a very new type of neighborhood in the transit its come to our attention conflict in what our Office Tenants time to see around illuminated signage in the district that disturbs our residents at night when it shines directly into their windows for berms and leadership were building a new park a very large rooftop park in the center of that neighborhood and concerns of signages facing into the park we want to set consistent standards consistent with other neighborhood around the city this set of interim controls sets that standard for the centralizing center plan i made an amendment to have the illumination turned off at 10 00 p. M. We were coming up with a time of some wanted at 9 00 p. M. And some 11 00 p. M. After the Land Use Commission we had additional conversation im making on amendment to move to 11 00 p. M. The original amendment im making to the interim controls colleagues, i ask for your support first make a motion to amend. Supervisor kim has made a motion colleagues her amendment well take that without objection. Well take that without objection. The amendment passes unanimously and is there anything else supervisor kim and eject supervisor cowen. Yes. Thank you very much supervisor jane kim we have a lot of conversation in the Land Use Commission i agree with your decision to move to 11 i was hoping youd talk about a very engaging and public process for folks if you dont know we started at 9 oclock and now 10 oclock and now 11 talk about the scombrirl process. So similar when the conflict first arose with one of the homeownerships association an illuminated sign that faced directly into the residential units of several of the constituents i represent that was disturbing their peace to sleep an interim agreement between salesforce to turn off the awe limitations at 11 00 p. M. As the Planning Department move forward with the interim controls with the Transit Center the awe limitations was set and the 11 00 p. M. They didnt have a strong rational while 9 00 p. M. Rather than allocate time we decided to continue the conversation that are parties to see if there was a desire to change the time to an earlier times a lot of different feelings around that frankly it is hard building is a different type of neighborhood with intense commercial use finding the right time is difficult we dont have another neighborhood so in the end after discussions those decided we would honor the original agreement last year unfortunately, some of the discussions were did i continued to the last minute yesterday in an effort to breathe some compromise i suggested 10 00 p. M. Now were moving back to the agreed league of women p. M. Add on by stakeholders last year. Seeing no outlet names on the roster colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . As amended well take that without objection. The resolution is adapted unanimously as amended madam clerk. My apologies the timeframe to 11 00 p. M. That was the motion you accepted without objection i dont believe we took that motion yet. We voted on the amendment well take that without objection. And that was now youre voting on the item as amended. Yes. Thank you madam president. Thank you. Madam clerk can we go to call roll for introduction. Supervisor yee is the first supervisor to introduce new business. Thank you very much madam clerk i actually time to make a few announcements rather than introducing legislation those are two things we are doing in our district its important to make note of that i will be starting our third year in our participatory Budget Program and the kickoff will be november 12, 7 00 p. M. And West Portal Playground plateau house . An opportunity for residents to come up with ideas how to spend funds that can benefit the district ultimately when they submit the proposals the residents themselves will vote on which projects theyll like to support and so thats a necessary meeting and then two days later we on november 14th were going to have our first i believe our first outdoor sort of movie night in district 7 in coordination with the Library Garden and the ocean Avenue Association were porsche this and all are welcome if you havent seen it yet this is an opportunity to bring our kids and watch this disbursable me at 6 30 and earlier at 545 bring our kids with kids activities with hot cocoa w for anyone that is interested. Thank you supervisor yee supervisor campos. Commissioner avalos. Submit and supervisor cowen. Thank you very much i just want to take a moment and recognize and close the meeting out to recognize our a woman in the abhorring communities by the name of Regina Douglas that passed away a few weeks ago i dont have her bio graphic information but want to make sure we close out in here memory ill be attending our funeral open friday i ask you support me in remember the life and times of regunmen douglas a big personality. Thank you supervisor cowen well obtain the address from our staff later. Supervisor farrell. Supervisor kim. Supervisor mar thank you madam president ill calling along with the Public Health like shape up sf like the effort and the board of supervisors efforts to with the puc San Francisco Unified School District to expand equitable access to grinning i Drinking Water we having more than phil stations in parks and schools with the highest concentration of obesity as weve worked to curve obesity and delightful by discouraging sugar sweetened beverage with the hetch hetchy water to the communities the School District and the puc halls more Drinking Waters the puc and the School District have been selling scores of hydration system their prominently placed loan with the educational curriculum materials so that our kids and their families are discouraged from drinking soda and encouraged to drink water with considerate commissioner Vice President haney he wrote on editorial that supported the board of supervisors to add back money into the budget to expand this effort in the schools and public parks the board of supervisors add backs have been structural in those efforts to o so far drinking fountains have been installed and more to be 2017 we have an estimated 20 over and over more than that water filing stations with the add back from the board of supervisors last year im hopefully we will do you believe that and surpass the hundred drinking tap stations and excludes a bunch in Golden Gate Park we have large events on clemente street lights adding public art and wore walkable and gathering areas like parklets and other places and others key one district one spots colleagues as we continue to develop our new places to install the tap stations with the additional add backs with the budgets of hundred and 50,000 to make sure we have a strong equality lens we prioritize the neighborhoods and communities with the greatest risk of diabetes and obesity i want to thank the leaders walk aerial varying argues and San Francisco health and usf for from the defendants counsel but especially mary ann and Jeff Hernandez and shape up sf and others at this hearing that will hold at the board will get updates if the various departments and love to hear from your constituents about the drinking tap stations the rest i submit thank you supervisor mar supervisor wiener. Madam president seeing no other names that concludes the introduction of new business madam clerk read. At this time the Public Comment may address the entire may address the entire at this point, the public may comment up to 2 minutes on matters within the jurisdiction of the board pursuant describe to the boards rules. Direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to is required to comment on your matter. Therefore, be it further resolved and if you need to put up a document on the overhead advise sfgovtv, and take it down when you are finished. First speaker pleas speaking foreign language. ladies and gentlemen, im here to ask you if you can do not one turkey or two to give the children who survive and help the Homeless People special because were in november every year we waiting for that today da i to feed the homeless the people that didnt have home or work to get Something Else im also trying to remind my people that today 3, november is the day for vote and dont think i am only friends with the mayor and all of you and im going to vote and show any people i am not you, you to ask the mayor to do whatever that is what i did and this is my position today to let you know that we would like to have this other one i will like to congratulations to the people he love them and work with p them and people owe support god bless you and dont forget to vote we need you to service the Homeless People on 26 november with my lovely sister fiona and senator leno thank you very much. Thank you god blas bless you will have you devise. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I am katherine is it possible to speak on item 25. Unfortunately items that are on the agenda you cant comment on them pubically here today when their heard in committee thats your opportunity to comment. I was misinformed. You can speak about a topic in general not specifically. In general im concerned about liveability in the transbay area where there is a lot of intend to be a mix of commercial and residential uses it i believe it is possible to accommodate the new residents and the mixed use that are tint including parks and commercial uses of all size and i believe that the needs of the larger including office uses and salesforce can be accommodated without the kinds of signs that will be allowed by the amendments to the original signed legislation i will hope that we can reconsider the changes that were that are being allowed by the amendments that that made to the original legislation today, i hope as those amendments, in fact, i would have hoped those amendments went back to the Land Use Commission so they could have been commented on it seems like the original legislation has changed so much it could use more comments. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please good afternoon supervisor president london breed and supervisors you walked in through our Campaign Like you were walking into a yacht you infrastructure strategize dipped for low one and you gave it all that you got. Time for change you probably think that is song is about you its time for change change you i bet you think this song is about you dont you dont you. You know, i think we can use sitting out in the rain and some call in it keeps on calling hetch hetchy the name. Oh, City Mountain range it keeps on calling it keeps on calling for the weather change you know, i feel like im just a machine i wont work for nobody but you yes city i think that is high time you knew wherever i think of you my minds spins the blues with you when i look in our icy need the stars to arise and become confused when im sitting in front of you and im talking i want you to do let the city starts to flow and the two meter starts to go who, who oh. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Excuse me. Hi, im Paulette Brown im here to talk about thinking involved homicides and one being my son i like to use the overhead this is my son aubrey brown that was murdered and it to this date not solved shot by an semiautomatic guns all the guns are continuing to kill over children ive been on the battlefield for the last 9 years next year will be a decade yes there is a mothers rage i say a mothers rage to heal im trying to heal it is hard, hard for me this is my son and none wants to lose their children if i have to leave advise tell our children you love them everyday i also say that firearms are the third leading killer my son was 17 when efrs murdered someone carrying a firearm not only out there all unsolved homicide we have the worst solving homicides what about the first 48 hours we have former gavin saying i know who killed our son and the da knows and the Police Departments what do we do i tell people you dont want to be in any choose sushis ill continue to do it bringing awareness to help another mother or father from going through its a shame i have to instant out in front of the city hall a owe and bring awareness no venue to put our childrens pictures this is what im life elitist of my son his body laying there it keeps me fighting for the children please. Thank you ms. Brown. Thank you. Next speaker, please. When nbc vicky Investor Report aired on child abusive i have very grad that is coming to light and that lady services a metal and david the supervisor deserves a metal you know jesus said whoever causes one of those knows ones to strum it is better if a stone we are cast into the depth of the sea this story that aired on nbc is connected with whats on my stirt with john cover up jesus christ is going to through them is imposing truth now, when christ was killed let me read what bill has in chapter one to say that jesus of nasa regulate was the most influential man is trite nearly 2 thousand years after he was brult executed more 2. 2 billions people believed he was god that is 77 percent of u. S. Population according a a gallop poll the teaching of the jesus has shaped the entire world and continue to do so when i think about the wicked people that vicky when was talking about in the social services i cant help but think of another wicked man called ca if his that said in the fourth gospel the 11 chapter you know nothing at all nor consider it is xeesht that one man should die for the people and the whole nation perish not he meant it like they need to kill jesus but christ died for our sins. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is deborah betting on Mission Street i would like im relating new residents in San Francisco ive come to love it in any 5 year here i do respectfully ask the supervisors to continue to consider how life in the transbay will look moving forward im not specifically impacted by any lighted signage at the moment so im not speaking out because i have a vested interest, however, id like to say that the im not exactly sure how how our corporate neighbors appreciate the vibrate they bring who is seeing their signage. Maam, you cant speak to item 25. I thought i was being general a wonderful place to live but it also can be a very quiet practices in the evenings not a lot of traffic and not a lot of people and i do hope that we can continue to be Good Neighbors as residents and counselor o corporate citizens and moving forward continue to discuss that that might look and effect everyone on a day to day thank you for your time. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im steve i didnt kay the general manager at the tower and want to thank you for considering the emerging neighborhood we have in the specifically mission and from time to time be that that dynamic area a new place in San Francisco and appreciate all youre doing to consider where that will be in the future as we live together as residents and commercial entities so thank you and look forward to working with the neighbors and being Good Neighbors thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you supervisor president london breed and other members of the commission ill christopher on 6 and howard 10 blocks and 14 meters from sea level i rise to comment on the garbage paradigm instead of the screaming too much alter one another our footprint is, am i correct . Criminal or your mother schopz trees lets spend time possible to find a way to character that didnt institute anyones ophthalmologists or turn farmers into criminals that maybe familiar if we refer to Carbon Dioxide as garbage not as a toxin thats not murder us on certify lice and provided a picture of a garbage bucket that deals with the issue he can get a stronger buy in and balance the carbon upload with the carbon counsel load and avoid having to august because natural processes well deal with our common history of carbon overload we only have to deal with the Current Carbon account and that should be a much easier solve because it is a much easier job we need a few more trooez trespassing dont have to replace our cars or power plants or liver styles those things become a bit important expensive we cant afford it we have to thank you supervisor president breed. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im 84 years old and he was a evicted because it is fascist country that evict people because they say the truth. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Madam president supervisors my name is adams duffey a nearby residents neighborhood activist i first in a few years for the this is the first time im trying to get the vote out of my building in a nonpartisan why i know who to whether i am there is 87 units in any building at any given time 83 extinguisher 2 living there and 82 names on the ballot index of voters that are registered in any building to vote if you go by the index of sororities or voters only 40 residents that are voting and that it seems to me to be like an invitation in our from i think others neighborhoods have cleaner voter reels than our neighborhood it not equal protection under the allow the fourteenth amendment they have the least maturely Service People moved out 10 years ago and people that have been dead for a decade on those roles all i can say if youre airbnb and spending millions of dollars come to the tenderloin. Thank you any other members of the public that want to provide Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam clerk go do the items for adoption without reference to committee. Items 28 through thirty considered for immediate adoption a single roll call vote if a member objects an item can be roved. Before we vote can we have a motion to excuse xhooishgs moved and supervisor tang and supervisor farrell colleagues well take that without objection. Supervisor christensen is excused and madam clerk on items 28 through thirty call roll. Supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed. Supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener there are 10 is. Those motions are approved unanimously madam clerk can we go to the in memoriams and yes. Todays meeting will be adjourned by the beloved individuals at the suggestion of supervisor cohen for the late ms. Regive madam clerk, any other business before this committee . Theres no further business. Okay. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, were adjourned and please remember to vote today for election welcome to culturewire. Today we are at recology. They are celebrate 20 years of one of the most incredibly unique Artist Residency programs. We are here to learn more from one of the resident artists. Welcome to the show, deborah. Tell us how this Program Began 20 years ago. The Program Began 20 years ago. Our founder was an environmentalist and an activist and an artist in the 1970s. She started these street sweeping campaigns in the city. She started with kids. They had an exhibition at city hall. City officials heard about her efforts and they invited her to this facility. We thought it would coincide with our efforts to get folks to recycle, it is a great educational tool. Since then, we have had 95 professional artists come through. How has the Program Changed over the years . How has the program what can the public has an artist engage with . For the most part, we worked with metal and wood, what you would expect from a program like ours. Over the years, we tried to include artists and all types of mediums. Conceptual artists, at installation, photographers, videographers. That has really expanded the program out. It is becoming so dynamic right now with your vision of interesting artists in gauging here. Why would an artist when to come here . Mainly, access to the materials. We also give them a lot of support. When they start, it is an empty studio. They go out to the public area and we call it the big store. They go out shopping, take the materials that, and get to work. It is kind of like a reprieve, so they can really focus on their body of work. When you are talking about recology, do you have the only Sculpture Garden at the top . It is based on work that was done many years ago in new york. It is the only kind of structured, artist program. Weit is beautiful. A lot of the plants you see were pulled out of the garbage, and we use our compost to transplant them. The pathway is lined with rubble from the earthquake from the freeways we tour about 5000 people a year to our facility, adults and children. We talk about recycling and conservation. They can meet the artists. Fantastic. Lets go meet some of your current artists. Here we are with lauren. Can you tell us how long have been here so far and what youre working on . We started our residency on june 1, so we came into the studio then and spent most of the first couple weeks just digging around in the trash. I am continuing my body of work, kind of making these hand embroidered objects from our daytoday life. Can you describe some of the things you have been making here . This is amazing. I think i started a lot of my work about the qualities of light is in the weight. I have been thinking a lot about things floating through the air. It is also very windy down here. There is a piece of sheet music up there that i have embroidered third. There is a pamphlet about hearing dea nearing death. This is a dead rabbit. This is what i am working on now. This is a greeting card that i found, making it embroidered. It is for a very special friend. While we were looking at this, i glanced down and this is amazing, and it is on top of a book, it is ridiculous and amazing. I am interested in the serendipity of these still life compositions. When he got to the garbage and to see the arrangement of objects that is completely spontaneous. It is probably one of the least thought of compositions. People are getting rid of this stuff. It holds no real value to them, because theyre disposing of it. Were here in another recology studio with abel. What attracted you to apply for this special program . Who would not want to come to the dump . But is the first question. For me, being in a situation that youre not comfortable in has always been the best. What materials were you immediately attracted to when you started and so what was available here . There are a lot of books. That is one of the thing that hits me the most. Books are good for understanding, language, and art in general. Also being a graphic designer, going straight to the magazines and seeing all this printed material being discarded has also been part of my work. Of course, always wood or any kind of plastic form or anything like that. Job mr. Some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. Taught me through some of the pieces you have made while you have been here. The first thing that attracted me to this was the printed surface. It was actually a poster. It was a silk screen watercolor, about 8 feet long. In terms of the flatwork, i work with a lot of cloddish. So being able to cut into it come at into it, removed parts, it is part of the process of negotiating the final form. How do you jump from the two dimensional work that you create to the threedimensional . Maybe going back from the 3f to 2d. Everything is in the process of becoming. Things are never said or settled. The sculptures are being made while i am doing the collages, and vice versa. It becomes a part of Something Else. Theres always this figuring out of where things belong or where they could parapets Something Else. At the end goal is to possibly see one of these collage plans be built out and create a structure that reflects back into the flat work. Thank you so much for allowing culturewire to visit this amazing facility and to learn more about the artists in residence program. Is there anything you like our viewers to know . We have art exhibitions every four months, and a win by the public to come out. Everybody is welcome to come out. We have food. Sometimes we have gains and bands. It is great time. From june to september, we accept applications from bay area artists. We encouraged artists from all mediums to apply. We want as many artists from the bay area out here so they can have the same experience. How many artists to do your host here . 6 artist a year, and we receive about 108 applications. Very competitive. But everyone should be encouraged to apply. Thank you again for hosting us. Thank you for including us in culturewire. As a society weve basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people dont have any of those im mr. Cookie cant speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. Open the door and walk through that dont just stand looking out. As they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure im david one of the cofounder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didnt know how to cook. I heard about the Cooking School through the Larkin Academy a. Their noting no way to feed themselves so theyre eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. As i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. Particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is Charity Foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this Charity Foundations and she said, yes. Im a cofound and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday theyre really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city theyre our stand alone colas we had a series or series still city of Attorneys Office style of classes our final are night life diners. Santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and ive been here about a year. We want to be sure to serve as many as we can. The San Francisco Cooking School is an amazing amazing partner. It is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. Im sutro sue set im a chief 2, 3, 4 San Francisco. Thats what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like its there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. Hi, im antonio the chief in San Francisco. The majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. I like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like its a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. I go for vera toilet so someone cant do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they cant use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me youre not successful. We made a vegetable stirfry indicators hed ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen id cook more. Some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasnt taught how to cook. I have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. The more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify theyre not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. It is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. Well have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 were really excited. A lot of the of the conditions in San Francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the San Francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. Wed never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case thats something people are 2rrd in doing. You cant buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids dont have this you have to instill they can do it theyre good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for all right. On 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in

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