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Budget and finance committee. I want to acknowledge my colleague to the right is vice chair supervisor norman yee and to my left is katy tang. Today were clerked by john carol and lynda wong will provide Technical Expertise and backup. Any announcements . Yes, please silence all technical devices and cell phones. Items acted upon today will appear on the april 25th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Call first item. Clerk resolution designating those agencies qualified to participant in the 2017 joint tbund raising drive for officers and employees of the city and county. Im joan letter, mesky. Weve reviewed all seven applications and find them all to be in compliance with the administrative code. Do you have any questions . That was a quick presentation. Okay. Thank. Lets see. Colleagues, any other questions . Questions . None . Okay. Well, sthawrchg. Well go to Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen, this is time for Public Comment where you have two minute totion speak. If anyone would like to speak, please come up. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues. Ill makes a motion to send item one to the board with recommendation. We can that take that without objection next item. Clerk resolution ret owe actively authorizing the Public Health department to accept a monetary gift in the amount of 80,000 from molly fleischner for the gift fund for purchase of equipment and services for residents at laguna honda who otherwise would not be able to obtain them. Anyone else to speak on this item . Okay, well go to Public Comment. Any members of the public to speak on item two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Id like to move that with a positive recommendation. Well take that without objection. Next item. Item three authorizes the fifth amendment between harris and associates and the city for Financial Consulting and reimbursement and cost allegations in conjunction with mission bay and four and six for the total term of august 15th 2016 through may 11th, 2020 with no additional cost. Thank you lori shore. Im Barbara Moore from the task force. After exceptive consultant selection progresses in 2006, the city entered into an agreement for harris an associates for consulting and cost allegations for the mission bay project for Public Infrastructure in Community Facilities district number four and six. Since the development of Public Infrastructure is expected to continue for the next few years on this 300acre project were requesting the boards approval to extend the agreement beyond 10 years with harris and associates stending that agreement to may 2020 with no additional cost to the city. Thank you miss moi. Well go ahead and go to Public Comment. Public comment is open. Public comment is closed. Colleagues, lets see, is there any recommendations . Ill make a motion to send forth this item to the board with positive recommendation. Without objection that motion passes. Next item please. Clerk ordinance pro appropriate 122 million in sales proceeds of City Property and 322 million of proceeds from certificates of participation to fund the retirement and 2001a and 2017a certificates of participation. Thank you very much. Mr. Updike is here to present on the item. Thank you chair cohen. John updyke. Weve submitted amended legislation. Considered substantive. Wield weed request a continuance to one week on the item. If you would like, i can briefly walk through the amended legislation. But we werent anticipating a discussion until next week. I agree, its true, but you walked up mic. I wanted to acknowledge you. No problem. Absolutely why dont you walk through the brief amendments then well take Public Comment and take up a motion. Happy to do so. So before you weve added in both the long title and in the body of the ordinance the destination property site address 1500 Mission Street. Thats one of the more substantive of the changes. Additionally, this item to be responsive to the budget an legislative analyst report. Now seeks that the in the middle of the long title, the additional language regarding that the remaining proceeds of 321765 would be on controllers reserve and penned both the sales of the buildings, the discretionary actions which will be coming forward to the board of supervisors and those are the approval of a general plan amendment and approval of a planning code amendment. Findings of sikh wit cequa as well as the agreement between the city and related california or llc as noted in the title. Really, this those are the amendments here and in the body weve add the address 1 1500 mission and happy to answer any questions on that from a process standpoint, if you have any. I want to make sure that the amendment language before us actually allows us to vote on the 321 million an 321 million, and 122 million appropriations separately. Is that how you presented it . No. Well turn to the analyst. As i understand it, this item is going to be continue, so i wont review all the details of the report. Let me make a comment on this legislation. This amended legislation just submitted. Mr. Jup dyke says this address the concerns of the budget analyst. This do not any way shape or form address the budget of the legislative analyst. This doses not there are two Major Concerns in our report. One is that will after obtaining an additional 154,000 and that number comes from mr. Updyke of additional new space after getting this new building after selling the other buildings, there will be 154,000 more square feet of space exd for years, members of the board of supervisor have expressed serious concerns about the fact that the city leases over 2 million i dont know what it million is now, it was over 2 million square feet of space spais in the civic center and rightfully so, the members say we want a new building to reduce our lease spaces. This legislation that you just received in know way shape or form assures the board of supervisors that one square feet of space will be leased. There is no a stheurnses there will be any reduction in lease space and no assurances to the board of supervisors that there will be any lease cost savings to the city number one. Number two, it doesnt expression the concerns in our report that when the board of supervisors and by the way, you were advised by departments in 2014 that there would be reduction in lease space and you were also advised that the furniture fixtures and equipment and the technology and the moving costs were going to be approximately 12 million. Now they have increased by 139 to 29. 4 million. This legislation didnt address that at all. All this legislation does is address the points we made that plier to the board of supervisors approving this legislation, there are certain other actions that have to be taken. This does address that. In terms of the two Major Concerns to the city, any cost savings to the city, it no way shape or form addresses our concerns. Thank you very much for the preview for next week. Well continue the conversation next week. I want to pivot and give the deputy City Attorney and opportunity to speak as well. Just briefly, deputy City Attorney to the chair to the committee. One of the motivations for the amendments proposed by mr. Updyke today is the previous failure to include the address the 1500 Mission Street address. Were thankful that mr. Updyke dealt with that in the amendments and given the notice issues, we believe continuance to next week may be appropriate. And the committee feels like it wants to divide the 122 from the 321 or any other potential changes or amendments, the committee is free to do so at that time. Thank you very much for the clarification. Well take Public Comment on this item. Any members of the public that want to speak on item four, please come up. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor tang. Thank you, i know were going to have i more row burst conversation at the next meeting, but i want before we get there address mr. Roses first concern which is regarding the amount of lease space it from our other city departments in civic center and the increase well get. Can you speak to that since you do have the bird birdseye view over all the lease space here . Sure. Supervisor tang. We have either sent or will be sent shortly from the board to all the board of supervisors a report on the lease portfolio can have the city. Also diving in a little deeper to the civic center lease hold portfolio which has been reduced significantly. And pivoted to better protect us from future market fluctuations. Were happy to speak to that. At the time this comes forward, happy to address the other issues addressed by budget and legislative analyst at the time this comes forward as well as in may when the board will have the opportunity to take other divining actions on this project. So this is not intended to give short shrift to those concerns. We fully intend to address them, just not today. Just a minute mr. Rose, supervisor tang. I think at the next hearing, i would like to hear about how with the increase of the 140,000 square feet of space after this transaction occurs, what are we doing with that Additional Space . It may that be the dments that are going if there need that Additional Space. Maybe not. If you could clarify the whole kind of what is going on, that would be great. Mr. Rose. Yes, madam chair and members of the committee, supervisor tang, that is what i was going to say. Mr. Updyke made reference to the fact there has been reduction in lease space. Im not talking about any reduction in lease space that has been made. Im talking about a new building that has, as you stated, 154,000 results in 154,000 net additional square feet. Does the city get any reduction in lease space specifically as a result that have new building . You know, i used to rent we used to live in park merced, my wife and i and two daughters. We accumulated enough money to purchase a house. Guess what, we terminated the lease where we were living and we moved into the new house. I would like to know specifically as a result of this 154,000 square feet of lease space, will the city show us in writing what reduced lease savings what leases are going to be terminated a as a result of this new building . Consistent with what the board of supervisors was previously advised in 2014. If were talking about in the future, right now, the mayor has indicated that were in a period now where we have to look out for our finances. Because of our projected short false and so forth. If the controller mentioned something we could be facing maybe a downturn in the near future. We shouldnt be talking, in my professional judgment, about new City Employees to occupy new space. We should be talking about a reduction in city lease costs as a result of gaining 154,000 square feet of space. This is nothing new. This is the departments who previously advised the board of supervisors, if you do this deal at 12500 Mission Street, thats what you would get. And so far, thats what weve not seen. All right, lets save some pft fire for next week. Mr. Updyke, i think you heard from this committee what weed a like to see and hear in the presentation next week. Ladies and gentlemen, what i think i want to do is although you mentioned the amendments today, i think well take them all um and deal with everything next week. Id love to have a motion what day is the Budget Committee next week . Next Budget Hearing date for next week is april 20th. April 20th sorry april 20th. April 20th 2017 is the next Budget Committee. May i have a motion to continue. Ill make a motion to continue item 2. Deputy City Attorney. I apologize for interrupting. Deputy City Attorney andrew shen. To deal with the notice issues, at a minimum the committee should modify it to the 1500 Mission Street address. Supervisor tang do you have any other comments . Ill make the motion to adopt the 1500 Mission Street address. Supervisor you were speaking to that. Ill go ahead and make a motion to continue. So we have a notion amend which well take without objection and we have a motion to continue next week to april 20th and well take that also without objection. I apologize. Just to clarify, i think at the clerk as office request theyd like to see an amendment to reference the address and section two as well. So instead of potential Office Building development, it would say 1500 Mission Street development. Through the chair, ill rescind my motion for the amendment earlier. Just restate in the long title, it will include 1500 Mission Street on page one. On page two section two line 24 add 1500 Mission Street. Well take that without objection. Thank you. Thank you. P. Do we still have to make a motion to amend . Yes. Ill make a moment to continue as amended to our april 20th meeting. Thank you very much. All right, next item, please. Item number five is an ordinance amending ordinance 26610 authorizing the execution and delivery of taxable certificates of participation for hope sf in an aggregate principle amount not to exceed 38 million. Thank you. Next figure is representative from the controllers office. Welcome. Good morning supervisors jamie kurben. As we authorize the certificates of participation to finance the hope sf program, portions of the three phase project for the Housing Development in the bay view Hunters Point neighborhood to replace four publiclyowned Housing Developments in the city. A reminder, the board of supervisors a domentded ordinance number 26610 in october 2010 which authorizes the certificates to finance the hope sf program and approve use of commercial paper as a source of interim financing. The legislation before you a certifies the certificates to in part replace the commercial paper to datened finance the completion of certain remaining Capital Improvements. The ordinance also authorizes the execution and delivery of a revised final statement and revised statement which has been updated to reflect current city information. Its anticipated that four buildings will collectively serve as collateral for the certificates and secure the repayment obligations under the project lease. Under current Market Conditions today, the office of Public Finance expects to issue approximately 29 million of taxable certificates with a conservative Interest Rate of 5. 48 which results in an average annual debt service of 1. 9 million over a 30 year term. Im available to answer any questions about the financing and i also have amy chan here to answer any projectrelated questions. Thank you. I appreciate that. For clarification, the city expects to issue and deliver in june of 2017, is that right . To sell the certificates in may and possibly close in late may, early june. Thank you. Well go to Public Comment. Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, is there a recommendation . Ill make a recommendation to send item five to the full board with positive recommendation. Without objection that motion passes. Thank you. Next item. Agenda item number six is a resolution approving the norm of and authorization of an official statement with the execution and delivery of t. S. X. Certificates ever participation not to exceed 508al Million Dollars for the george r. Moscone cone center and expansion project. Thank you. Good morning again jamie kurben. We authorize the execution and delivery of a final statement and approves the official statement as it relates to the certificates of participation for the Moscone Convention center project. As a rea reminder, the board of supervisors approved 2613 in 2013 which authorizes certificates and the use of commercial paper as an interim financing source in an amount not to exceed 508 million. The certificates will be use in part to repay the commercial paper issued to date as well as finance the remaining portions of the projects. The project is currently in the second phase and will increase the overall Square Footage of moscone north and south by 371,000 gross square feet through the construction of a new three storey building, a new bridge across hauer street and a bridge for internal access queen moscone north and south for convention uses. Its anticipated that portions of the moscone property itself will serve as collateral for the certificates to secure the citys repayment obligations under the project lease. Again, under current Market Conditions, the office of Public Finance expects to issue with a rate of 4. 3 which results in average annual 28 million over 30year termed. Id like to note in 2013 the moscone financial district was established to secure that twothirds of the certificates will be paid from assessments levied on hotel businesses. A portion of the moscone assessments will be dedicated to the certificates. Im available to answer questions on the financing and brought you here the project manager on the moscone project to answer any questions. Do you have any questions . All right, well go to Public Comment. Any member of the public feel free to speak. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Matter is in the hands of the body. Is there a motion . I make a motion to pass on committee with positive recommendation. Well take that motion without objection. Thank you, next item. Agenda item number seven is a resolution authorize the recreation and Parks Department to apply for a grant of 245,000 from the california state dment of forestry and Fire Protection for state Greenhouse Gas reduction funding to carry out an urban forestry project. Good morning. Im [inaudible] with the recreation park capital division. Im here today to request your recommendation to the board of supervisors to support excuse me to adopt a resolution to apply for an urban forestry grant from the department of forestry and Fire Protection. In the amount of 245,000. The urban Forestry Program grant is funneledded by cap and trade funds which are designed to Fund Projects that reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. The program that the Grant Program were applying for will provide funding for the department to develop in an urban forestry plan for open space and parks in cord nation with the Planning Department. The Planning Department has completed an urban forestry plan for street trees adopted by the board of visors in 2015. The granted granth will funneled Public Outreach and Tree Planting in disadvantaged communities. If awarded the grant, the department will come back with ako an accept resolution. The staff are here if you have any questions. Thank you. I you making yourself and staff available to answer questions. Well go to Public Comment. And see what the public has to say. Not much. Thank you. Public comment is closed. All right, colleagues. What say you . Ill mac a motion to send forth this item with positive recommendation as a Committee Report to the april 18th full board meeting. Well take that without objection. Thank you. Thank you for your presentation. All right, what is next . I think thats the end. Thank you, this meeting is adjourned. You. clapping. thanks for coming im doug u doug the president of the mercy housing were one the partners our privilege at the mercy housing to be part of this project is a vision of open houses weer that lucky to help them chief for those of you who dont know mercy housing were a National Nonprofit with headquarters in denver based in San Francisco and working in the state of california a few of my Board Members if you wouldnt mind bill and joanne raise your hand they know anyway i had a joke that didnt go off ill come back to that i want to introduce karen who is new to the job at openhouse theyre doing a fabulous job and continue from here. Thank you doug. clapping. what an amazing and incredible day thank you for being here. Im the beyond honored and humble to represent openhouse what an amazing principle there are not enough things to capture the efforts of making this day happen i can talk about this you wouldnt thank everyone to thank so i will take a minute to see a couple of quick thank yous i want to say to doug and everyone as mercy housing youve been an amazing partner and continue to be an amazing partner when we break ground we like to say youre not just a partner but part of openhouse family thank you for being worked out with us here. clapping. i also want to say thank you to the Mayors Office of housing who are here today not easy to take on one of a kind project and you really helped us to balance Ethics Commission and a dream thinking about what it means to the city in the an easy job we appreciate it and continue to partner and figure it out Going Forward thank you for the openhouse board youre a fierce group of advocates for this agency and mission as we could ever ask for own house members current and past if youll raise your hand if youre with us today. clapping. and, of course, none more compassionate than our founder marcie and janet an amazing yeah. clapping. you had an amazing dream 20 years ago and bold not to give up and make many a reality were all living today so thank you i want to thank myopia house staff youre the backbone of what we do were on a tight schedule but some clapping along the way theyre the backbone of the organization your ideas are what fuel us your ideas fuel my inspiration and you to more than anyone understands that is an absolute honor you take that seriously to serve the lgbt seniors so thank you to my staff and finally and more importantly i want to thank our lgbt seniors this is your day for your bravery your tireless work and your believe in social justice thats why were here. clapping. and please know this building is not the end this is the beginning this is the beginning of work well do together because every lgbt elderly every urban design team o lgbt elderly deserves not only housing but in a lo place in the course call home well not be dysfunction until that happens. clapping. so thank you i now are the honor of introducing Supervisor Scott Wiener ill bring to the stage as for those of you who dont know scott was elected to the state senate in november of 2016 for district 11 prior to the election he served as a board of supervisors where he was an advocate for policies to create the Affordable Housing you see here today and long recognized the protection of the right of lgbt seniors a long time supporter and friend of openhouse and believes to help every lgbt senior to have a place to call home in 2014 he helped pass local ordinances for action for long time care facilities and make sure they have training in taken care of felt be lgbt seniors and fight for the bill to happen across the state. Thank you for your help and making today a reality senator wien wiener. clapping. good afternoon, everyone i think my head is blocking this thing the world was not made for at all people so i am im so happy to be here im so happy that you know given my new life between here and sacramento to be physically here it is a monumental step forward for the Lgbt Community in San Francisco we have our lgbt center a huge step forward weve done so much as a community and hard to overstate how significant today is i know that is the beginning well do so many more to house the lgbt seniors thank you, thank you to everyone who made this happen that was a Massive Group effort particularly openhouse and mercy housing is an honor to work with you on my time on the board of supervisors every few months new obstacle would come up and Work Together to resolve it thank you to mayor ed lee and his team for always cloub with us to find solutions you know were really starting as a community to grapple with the unique needs of lgbt seniors for a long time a lot of people are not making it to senior status. Fortunately more and more people and this is amazing it is enriching for our community lets hear it for that. clapping. but were behind in meeting the needs of of our elders and working hard to play catch up and housing is a key part protecting the seniors and long care and collecting data open our seniors meeting the needs of long term hiv survivors weve got a lot more work to do and well continue to Work Together to do that and housing is such a critical component of that problems for people in San Francisco long term residents leave or just have incredible anxiety but being able to stay we need to make sure were taking care of our own residents in particularly our long term residents you should be able to stay in the town they helped to build i also just wanted to honor on a personal level say thank you to youll be lgbt seniors i came of age as a gay man 17 yearold in 1987 in new jersey and he wouldnt be in the role i am today, if wouldnt have been possible without the for the generations of lgbt people who that fought to save our community to build our community in the 50s and psychos and 70s fighting under the work. clapping. and then in the 80s and 90s saving our community from the libyans from the aids of that epidemic and eternally grateful like me we are able to be who we are because of you so thank you so much for that i also want to acknowledge im so honored to represent San Francisco and northern San Mateo County and sacramento honored to represent represent this Great Community and shout out to my mentor and predecessor senator mark leno who really led the way on so many things. clapping. so in the tradition of senator mark leno i have two civil rights to honor for mercy housing and openhouse well keep that tradition alive and well, thank you everyone and congratulations. Okay with that, we have a distinct hour of bringing up a bigger champion this project and all the things were here we do woult the leadership and i hear hes back from a long trip we appreciate the work youre doing and thank you. All right. clapping. well, im not going to have skooltsz problem laughter but let me echo senator wieners comments and also gto all the team of openhouse and mercy housing for putting this together representative from my office the community, the Hard Rock Foundation and toms leadership all of this putting together i just had the first tour not been on this property since it was still an extension for uc and so when i walk those hallways that have been new i think that honors exactly what scott mens earlier about the history of the Lgbt Community and people with who served the city well in all from all walks of life and the center of what i talk about the strength of our city when is our diversities and i just also had the opportunity with the doctor and the managers here to actually walk into david and lindas living quarters as i walk through there the first emotion i felt was dignity that these units the way theyve been designed and built the connection to space allows people in your 57b8gd years to experience a dignity perhaps another level in years past and yet for our seniors in San Francisco that is what we always wished to do and i think this is the best example right here at 55 laguna and benchly on 75 laguna i plan to be here not in 5 years in much less time for a be stronger even dedication for more units of housing for the seniors and in particular for the lgbt friendly campus that has been created here i just want to note scott was in my office but actually took some walks and talked about what we needed to do by way of strengthening the way we ought reach the affordable Housing Developments throughout the city we can go through all parts of the city and talk about the problems that we have and with the homelessness and the lack of housing but we come here the laguna street 55 laguna and we see what it is like and the examples of how we present deciding if i had living for the seniors in particular for the lgbt friendly campus so i want to say congratulations to everyone who has been a part of this i commit to you that it will not take another 5 years for this site for Smiling Faces and People Living in dignity well hurry up and get more not just here but throughout the city whenever people desire to live dedicated place to so they can be part of communicated for all of their lives congratulations to everyone. clapping. my gosh you walk through those places and say blessed were in San Francisco and work for each other and have values weighing well care and learned a lot of those deciding if i did falls u values from the people that struggled for many, many years to reach the level of dignity those routine u units represent with that, let me introduce doctor the cofounder but marcie thank you, thank you for your vision 20 years ago i understand that two 34g9s experts got together and nobody should get in the way when two Lesbian Health workers goat together. Doctor marcie step forward thank you. clapping. you know i wrote it down i know i was going to completely overwhelm finding i want to say is this the most amazing day of my life to see all of you here celebrating what all of you have done to build this campus of services i just thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for hanging in those these two years to make that happen thank you very much for being worked out here today. clapping. so allow me to read so i am not nervous you are lose any train of thought the miracle of openhouse to take a dream of thriving into our old age and making that a reality for all of us the openhouse vision wore 0 more brickandmortar but rather to create community that values the elderly and embraces long gift not as a burden but in some cases one hard to achieve on this Miraculous Journey many people have 2rbd to the success i reserve a thank you for the honorable art who certificate of occupancy be with us and nelson, and Bradley Hall Al and robert, and sam david and sandra hernandez. clapping. all those people have nurtured and significantly helped to implement this vision but todays slkts not complete without honoring the honorable senator mark leno it is my privilege to award a marking marching mark with an open house appreciation for his support of openhouse and dancing lgbt issues and in our city and state mark authorized the landmark legislation but mandates the California Department of aging and local aging agencies including the Lgbt Community, planning and assessment of activities to create responsive programming and services to meet the needs of lgbt elders marks landmark legislations guess is a model of lgbt outreach and inclusive deliveries for area agencies nation wide the foundation on which all lgbt elderly serving nonprofits has built and continues to build a safety net of services for the most Vulnerable Community members thank you, mark. clapping. mark leno is turned out out of California Senate oh. Oh. Mark has authorized over one and 50 new bills that includes the lgbt elderly and the civil rights of all californians we hope and expect his electrician to our city and community will continue for many years to come mark leno. clapping. youre good thank you all right. This is for all those plaques and things that mark has giving out over the 20 years i had to get another closet you cant throw them away clapping. too old jews thank you. laughter it is a wonderful day and a real honor to be here with the mayor and our state senator and recognize the supervisors supervisor jeff sheehy and College Board raphael and alex behind you thank you it takes a village and the village is here today, im, occur selfcheck just today,d out this new administration has in the dark of night taken lgbt questions off of the survey a National Survey for the purposes of better understanding the seniors need we need to respond in 90 days we need to let them know what they dont know so im here to recount a brief story i was in contact with marcie and janet 20 years ago to start this conversation about the growing need for the senior population in the community and coincidentally Public Office really fascinated the challenge over the year and resource to bring them together art called me mark you have a great issue as art would say you know the Lgbt Community is going to have needs for senior population in years ahead an idea he was mayor a now we need to do something so im curious ive been talking to marcie and janet we brought everyone together and remember when the end of the year 2009 he was then the director of western even region of hud after the 2000 election we got to his office there were signs saying the republicans are coming the republicans are coming theyre reaching out of their hud office as the mayor said you dont want to get in the way of two lesbian therapists but what do they know about building Affordable Housing art agnos you know that connection was able to allow marcie and janet to make their steps so i know youll hear from tom in a second but do my only personal shout out thought foundation it is such a foundation in the entire development thank you so much tom. clapping. so celebrate this at a a special one thank you, marcy and janet. clapping. thank you, mark as perfect introduction to the tremendous honor i have next which is to introduce you to tom before i do that ill talk about him in case you do know him the publish of bay area and a leading gay rights activist as a businessman political activist and philanthropist he responded to the Community Leadership the bay reporter is the old continuing published newspaper serving the Lgbt Community and in addition with a bar participated in the founding of the gay comix transform the Gay Community into a Regional Power when he was not busy with that he was the president of the director of public works for the Golden Gate Park and the president the guide and the meals on wheels and the aids Emergency Fund in the ballet associations in 1996 established the barb ross in his passing they built his legacy strengthening did organizations to address Urgent Community needs in 2016 the Bob Ross Foundation be pledged money in support of Openhouse Services in recognition of this gift he openhouse headquarters on laguna have the names of bob ross and the lgbt center in recognition of life and work of bob ross. clapping. tom horn served as president evident Bob Ross Foundation a retired attorney were excited hear from you tom was a close friend the bob and a publisher of the bay area reporter it is my honor to now introduce you to tom and to pubically thank him and the Bob Ross Foundation for the transformal justice for all. clapping. i promise my remarks will be shorlter than hers thank you for your organization for the times have made this happen and thank you mercy housing that provided the nonprofit low income focus housing component without which this is not happening and thank you, mayor ed the former supervisors and senator wiener former San Francisco supervisor and senator mark leno and the entire city family having stuck with the project from the beginning and never abandoned hope bob ross used to talk about the dream of having a enhanced and project where for older lgbt people could live in dignity and be who they were reject fully he didnt live to see the accomplishment of what you have done but he would be thrilled to know that through his philanthropist hes helped to form a peace of the pie that made it a happy hed be honored to know youve recognized his philanthropy and relationship in the community by dedicating the Bob Ross Lgbt Senior Center thank you so much. clapping. tom and i will now do an untraditional unveiling of plaque a binder clip unveiling a new Ethics Commission and openhouse weve developed everyday new ideas well unveil to see the Bob Ross Lgbt Senior Center plaque clapping. boy laughter im here this time to want to bring up a friend of mine who works for wells fargo and Wells Fargo Bank is one of open houses oldest and longest ongoing fiscal sponsors thank you wells fargo over the course of a decade as openhouse has expanded and grown wells fargo has been there supporting our mission and expansion of our program we are grateful to wells fargo for the continued investment in open house and in San Franciscos Lgbt Community another benefit of partnering with wells fargo is getting to know people like Martin Martin is a former board member and Vice President of the openhouse a Senior Executive at well martin is a business and Community Leader that values people and relationships and is passionately committed to improving the lives of lgbt seniors im glad i know him and honored to serve with him unfortunately his current robot has managing director of Client Services at wells fargo advise is required him to be on the east coast were thrilled that hes here with us today representing wells fargo martin. clapping. i did not expect that marcie thank you. Congratulations this is a fantastic day im martin with Wells Fargo Advisors and i live in the same building as mark lenos sister in washington, d. C. We had drinks last month what a small world we have things in which we serve and many key members involved that open house over the years he is a current board member on the chairman and on Others Development committee i as marcie mentioned on the board and i joined the board because i want to honor those who paved the path of justice that weve been at the front of today and. clapping. yeah clapping. and as the mayor said they may live in dignity in a beautiful city wells fargos culture is about inclusion and respect for more than 25 years worked with the Lgbt Community specifically here in San Francisco we have 7 thousand key members and 50 pride organizations around the country and with our 14 years of commitment to open house the programs and the events and the support of Lgbt Community we look forward to doing that much more together congratulations to open house and mercy housing thank you very much. clapping. okay weve thanked a lot of folks ill thank more there are a lot of overlapping stories not only an amazing achievement for openhouse but the main thing were celebrating this is a project that really became the way it was for a lot of reasons and i want to thank the folks in the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association paul and gail is here clapping. it is you know mother that it isnt easier in San Francisco before you hard to develop Affordable Housing anywhere you rarely run across a neighborhood more Affordable Housing and not one like the Hayes Valley Association i want to give it up for them i hope you find more folks like them. clapping. the people that worked on the building you know we mentioned earlier the fabulous work from the city and many of you im not sure has been to an Affordable Housing opening ill give the one minute on this these things are built by 12 partners none does that alone the Mayors Office of housing has a tremendous staff worked for a decade on this project alone. clapping. and ill guess 20 different people that worked on is this is a rally race none does that alone this particular project went through 8 reverberations before we got to the one were at today, i want to thank all the folks from the Mayors Office of housing one of the weird ways our country will fund Affordable Housing through the tax credits why did he methamphetamine or mention that at this moment im rarely political but all the types of money we used to build the housing it you value what were doing today and i think that not only those seniors but seniors everyone lgbt and others veterans you name it working people people that are homeless if you think that is something we need to do get on the phone does just call the folks from San Francisco our Congress People in San Francisco theyre on our side not needing 0 thirty thousand new folks but your cousin from ohio and modesto and where it may be a swing vote but how for this money is the hud money is gone theyre serving the seniors rents are like one thousand dollars in a city with a similar apartment costs 4 thousand dollars we serve seniors that can only afford 3 hundred increasing this is possible because the federal government over time have invested in those types of development and the not investing anywhere this is an amazing okay. If you want to see that repeated over and over if you walk away from the housing front i hope you share the story and what it can do the money is building how are you for seniors on the streets for 25 years and building housing for families in the Mission District that are evicted we need your cousin in ohio and get on the phone. clapping. all right. Im allowed wore anyone moment im mark says thats it im done all right. I want to thank the contractors for this this was a labor of love and took an incredible effort an amazing general contractor and want to thank the folks at roberts thank you for the tremendous job when you go inside youll see what an circle work and the other friend i saw fred is behind closed doors e hyde behind randy when you go through the parks what an amazing job restoring this building thank you fred and for the rest of folks on your team. clapping. i want to thank Northern California Community Loan fund and the Investment Fund a moment in time we didnt have the money they lent us the money boarded Mayors Office had the money up the hill the one remaining part of the folks we want to thank them and as somebody that was to the doivent a little bit of drilling is okay. But thats my view i love my dentist sort of i want to thank the folks at the Allocation Committee one of the former directors of the state tax Allocation Committee the folks that allocate the money from the federal government for this clapping. mercy housing theyre a lot of staff that worked on this sharon and other folks we have a fabulous property manager if youre from mercy housing raise your hand. clapping. i really meant what i said earlier an honor wejs to work on something i know that marcie long before i was at mercy housing he feel we all felt this incredibly lucky to be of the vision thank you and look at as i said to continue to partnership and move forward have a few more people to thank i want to take the time out but first acknowledge we also appreciate the work of wells fargo not only the lender but on so many things i see him in the back and others we truly value the work theyre one of the best Affordable Housing lenders in the country and lucky to have bank of america here a lender and investor an incredible, incredible participate for us as i said earlier those projects bring together 7 or 8 furjd sources part of beautiful things of the bank they make sure they want to lend us the money and want to invest Million Dollars and were lucky to have janet representing the bank the bank is the lender and investor on the project and for those of you who dont know that bank of america if in San Francisco across the city what used to be the former Public Housing the Transportation Authority their renovated and bank of america has step forward and played an circle role across the city around the block so with that, im introducing janet and thank you very much for your work. clapping. appreciate. Thank you so much ill be very brief im wanting more tours what an exciting day honor and privilege to be here thanks to all the elected officials here and not here to have the vision to make that happen and bank of america we are so proud to be a partner project not only because of Affordable Housing in our commitment to Affordable Housing in San Francisco is as mentioned but our doesnt the to the Lgbt Community we made a 38. 7 Million Investment in this project and it is going to help provide safe it possible and quality housing for the low income seniors and it truly wonderful bonus is the residents will have the immediate access to Great Services and benefits provided for openhouse but our dlvr investment is one of the ways the company we support our Lgbt Community our customers and our employees first we were one of the first banks to offer domestic partner benefits to provide benefits for medically treatment and especially proud of 100 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign for over a decade i invite you all to look at the this property it is a place in which our values will have dignity and sincere and pleased to be part of it thank you very much clapping. we saved the best for last now my honor to introduce richard, richard is a member of Lgbt Community and one of the residents at 55 laguna when i asked how to be introduced he told me i was not allowed to say, of course, now all the things cart before the horse through my head ill tell you richard welcomed me on my first day outside of building and helped the volunteers in addition to being worked out part of the community and he told me karen you remember everyday youre here i feel more alive than ive ever felt i come everyday thats what i need to start everyday i bring to the stage the amazing welcome come on buddy. clapping. to be steady on my feet this is an amazing day i cant believe after 3 seven years in california and thirty years in San Francisco that im standing here before you there was many reasons i came from skilled nursing, hospice, assisted living and now extinct living with integrity. clapping. im blessed to have my bus trust dog when i heard that 55 laguna was announced i joined openhouse immediately i watched the progress i read the articles, i heard the complaints, i also prayed my experience in the application process was amazing i had a lot of support but the one factor was the electronic lottery it made me become number 11 and i was in. clapping. i received tremendous support from many people but openhouse helped me get through the trauma of having to move after 20 years they helped me with the moving expenses and gave me support im proud to live in an lgbt Senior Center didnt think i would make that but im here. clapping. i absolutely love my living space i actually went to school here in the 80s this is really a remarkable place and i just from my heart i cant say thank you enough to open house and mercy housing to jay leno and i mean im sorry laughter why do i say that . I know scott wiener and the mayor and to all of you had worked so hard to put this together thank you so much this is a very special day and a great day for San Francisco clapping. thank you a well, im glad we know what mark will do do the late night show my first memory when you were championing the night club youll be some more fitting go ahead. Now i dont know what i was supposed to say i had to spend time on that i really did let me say that if i forgot to thank you, thank you its been a tremendous day we know that folks are cold and want to see this tremendous building we do a lot of building options at mercy housing this is one of the biggest crowds weve ever seen it speaks to the size of the community that is working to make that happen and more thing like this happen i hope youll do more and more of this at openhouse and more and more of the advocacy. Thank you to everyone for making this happen. clapping. im going to do one more thank you quickly openhouse as a tremendous relationship with San Franciscos department of aging Adult Services they are an amazing supporter of our outdoors i want to acknowledge tom nolan representing and part of board of supervisors in san mateo thank you, tom for being worked out here and dos for having our backs youre amazing and thanks it is amazing to be the leader that stand up here he relish that but la jolla leaders scott welling born and many others thank you to the people i get to stand up here and give the speech well wrap up one the coast guard the door to the Bob Ross Lgbt Senior Center at the 65 laguna please help yourselves to refrernlts lets go from there thanks guys all right. On 5, 5 2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down green number 2 the San Francisco lawn club was the first opened in the United States and the oldest on the west their registered as San Francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. Make sure you see the one in to the corner thats me and. No . Not bingo or scrabble but the pare of todays competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. Play ball. Yes. Almost. clapping . The size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is youll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. Were about a yard long. Aim a were not player ill play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in im righthand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. clapping. who one. Nice try and hi, im been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i see in there play lawn bowling in San Francisco Golden Gate Park ever since then ive been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the peoples and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. Mayor the San Francisco play lawn bowling is in Golden Gate Park were sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log hi today we have a special edition of building San Francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about San Franciscos earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. The next episode of stay safe, we have Alicia Johnson from San Franciscos department of emergency management. Hi, alicia thanks to coming it is a pleasure to be here with you. I wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in San Francisco. Well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. Having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. How long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in San Francisco. It depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. What kind of neighborhood and Community Involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. It is important to have a Good Relationship with your neighbors and your community. Go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. It is important to have a batteryoperated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the Community Around and how you can communicate with other people. One of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. Yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. So a title to a home, a passport, a drivers license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any Vital Information on your computer. Back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. In your home you should be prepared as well. Absolutely. Lets take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. We have no water, what are we going to do about water . It is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. We have this big container and also in peoples homes they have a hot water heater. Absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well what other things do people need to have arent their home. It is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. Here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. And this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. Yes. So in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. Having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. It is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. And here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. I hope that you have an alternative one at home. Oh, i forgot. And in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. I have them right here. Good. Excellent. That is great. Additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. Markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. I am okay and i will meet you at. Exactly. Exactly. Water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. We have matches here. And my spare glasses. And your spare glasses. If you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. If it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. Inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. Very important. We have a little first aid kit. And lots of different kinds of batteries. And another spare flashlight. So, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we dont have damage . One of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. Make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. Also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. Becoming prepared is not that difficult. Taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra everyday items on hand helps to make the difference. That contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. Absolutely. If you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. We are all proud of living in San Francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. So, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. Absolutely, it is my pleasure. And thank you for joining us on another edition of building youre watching quick bite, the show that has San Francisco. Were here at one of the many food centric districts of San Francisco, the 18th street corridor which locals have affectionately dubbed the castro. A cross between castro and gastronomic. The bakery, pizza, and dolores park cafe, there is no end in sight for the mouth watering food options here. Adding to the culinary delights is the family of business he which includes skylight creamery, skylight and the 18 raisin. Skylight market has been here since 1940. Its been in the family since 1964. His father and uncle bought the market and ran it through sam taking it over in 1998. At that point sam revamped the market. He installed a kitchen in the center of the market and really made it a place where chefs look forward to come. He created community through food. So, we designed our community as having three parts we like to draw as a triangle where its comprised of our producers that make the food, our staff, those who sell it, and our guests who come and buy and eat the food. And we really feel that we wouldnt exist if it werent for all three of those components who really support each other. And thats kind of what we work towards every day. Valley creamery was opened in 2006. The two pastry chefs who started it, chris hoover and walker who is sams wife, supplied all the pastries and bakeries for the market. They found a space on the block to do that and the ice cream kind of came as an afterthought. They realized the desire for ice cream and we now have lines around the corner. So, thats been a huge success. In 2008, sam started 18 reasons, which is our community and event space where we do five events a week all around the idea of bringling people closer to where the food comes from and closer to each other in that process. 18 reasons was started almost four years ago as an educational arm of their work. And we would have dinners and a few classes and we understood there what momentum that people wanted this type of engagement and education in a way that allowed for a more indepth conversation. We grew and now we offer i think we had nine, we have a series where adults learned home cooking and we did a teacher Training Workshop where San Francisco unified Public School teachers came and learned to use cooking for the core standards. We range all over the place. We really want everyone to feel like they can be included in the conversation. A lot of organizations i think which say were going to teach cooking or were going to teach gardening, or were going to get in the policy side of the food from conversation. We say all of that is connected and we want to provide a place that feels really Community Oriented where you can be interested in multiple of those things or one of those things and have an entree point to meet people. We want to build community and were using food as a means to that end. We have a wonderful organization to be involved with obviously coming from buy right where really everyone is treated very much like family. Coming into 18 reasons which even more Community Focused is such a treat. We have these events in the evening and we really try and bring people together. People come in in groups, meet friends that they didnt even know they had before. Our whole set up is focused on communal table. You can sit across from someone and start a conversation. Were excited about that. I never worked in catering or food service before. Its been really fun learning about where things are coming from, where things are served from. It is getting really popular. Shes a wonderful teacher and i think it is a Perfect Match for us. It is not about home cooking. Its really about how to facilitate your ease in the kitchen so you can just cook. I have always loved eating food. For me, i love that it brings me into contact with so many wonderful people. Ultimately all of my work that i do intersects at the place where food and community is. Classes or cooking dinner for someone or writing about food. It always come down to empowering people and giving them a wonderful experience. Empower their want to be around people and all the values and reasons the commitment, community and places, were offering a whole spectrum of offerings and other really wide range of places to show that good food is not only for wealthy people and they are super committed to accessibility and to giving people a glimpse of the beauty that really is available to all of us that sometimes we forget in our day to day running around. We have such a philosophical mission around bringing people together around food. Its so natural for me to come here. We want them to walk away feeling like they have the tools to make change in their lives. Whether that change is voting on an issue in a way that they will really confident about, or that change is how to understand why it is important to support our small farmers. Each class has a different purpose, but what we hope is that when people leave here they understand how to achieve that goal and feel that they have the resources necessary to do that. Are you inspired . Maybe you want to learn how to have a patch in your backyard or cook better with fresh ingredients. Or grab a quick bite with organic goodies. Find out more about 18 reasons by going to 18 reasons. Org and learn about buy right market and creamery by going to buy right market. Com. And dont forget to check out our blog for more info on many of our episodes at sf quick bites. Com. Until next time, may the fork be with you. So chocolaty. Mm. Oh, this is awesome. Oh, sorry. I thought we were done rolling. Bayview. A lot discussion how residents in San Francisco are displaced how businesses are displaced and theres not as much discussion how many nonprofits are displaced i think a general concern in the Arts Community is the testimony loss of performance spaces and venues no renderings for establishes when our lease is up you have to deal with what the market bears in terms of of rent. Nonprofits cant afford to operate here. My name is bill henry the executive director of aids passage l lp provides services for people with hispanics and aids and 9 advertising that fight for the clients in Housing Insurance and migration in the last two years we negotiated a lease that saw 0 rent more than doubled. My name is ross the executive directors of current pulls for the last 10 years at 9 and mission we were known for the projection of sfwrath with taking art and moving both a experiment art our lease expired our rent went from 5 thousand dollars to 10,000 a most. And chad of the arts project pursue. The evolution of the orientation the focus on Art Education between children and Patrol Officer artist we offer a full range of rhythms and dance and theatre music theatre about in the last few years it is more and more difficult to find space for the program that we run. Im the nonprofit manager for the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development one of the reasons why the mayor has invested in nonprofit displacement is because of the challenge and because nonprofits often commute Technical Assistance to understand the negotiate for a commercial lease. Snooechlz is rob the executive director and cofounder of at the crossroads we want to reach the disconnected young people not streets of San Francisco for young adults are kicked out of the services our building was sold no 2015 they let us know theyll not renew our lease the last years the city with the nonprofit displacement Litigation Program held over 75 nonprofits financial sanction and Technical Assistance. Fortunate the city hesitate set aside funds for businesses facing increased rent we believable to get some relief in the form of a grant that helped us to cover the increase in rent our rent had been around 40,000 a year now 87,000 taylors dollars a year we got a grant that covered 22 thousands of that but and came to the minnesota Street Project in two people that development in the better streets plan project they saved us space for a Nonprofit Organization National Anthem and turned out the Northern California fund they accepted us into the Real Estate Program to see if we could withstand the stress and after the program was in full swinging skinning they brought up the Litigation Fund and the grants were made we applied for that we received a one thousand dollars granted and that grant allowed us to move in to the space to finish the space as we needed it to furniture is for classes the building opened on schedule on march 18, 2016 and by july we were teaching classed here. Which we found out we were going to have to leave it was overwhelm didnt know anything about commercial real estate we suggested to a bunch of people to look at the nonprofits Displacement Mitigation Program you have access to commercial real estate either city owned or city leased and a city lease space become available there is a 946,000 grant that is provided through the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development and thats going to go towards boulder the space covers a little bit less than half the cost it is critical. The purpose of the Organization Trust to stabilize the arts in San Francisco working with local agency i go like the Northern California platoon fund that helped to establish documents of our long track record of stvent and working to find the right partner with the organization of our size and budget the opportunity with the purchase of property were sitting in the former disposal house theatre that expired 5 to 10 years ago we get to operate under the old lease and not receive a rent increase for the next 5 to 7 years well renting 10,000 square feet for the next 5 to seven years we pay off the balance of the purpose of this and the cost of the renovation. The loophole will that is unfortunate fortunate we have buy out a reserve our organization not reduce the services found a way to send some of the reserves to be able to continue the serves we know our clients need them we were able to get relief when was needed the most as we were fortunate to arrive that he location at the time, we did in that regard the city has been weve had tremendous support from the Mayors Office of Economic Workforce Development and apg and helped to roommate the facade of the building and complete the renovation inside of the building without the sport support. Our lease is for 5 years with a 5 year onyx by the city has an 86 year lease that made that clear as long as were doing the work weve been we should be able to stay there for decades and decades. The single most important thing we know that is that meaningful. It has been here 5 months and even better than that we could image. With the Economic Development have announced an initiative if ours is a nonprofit or know of a nonprofit looking for more resources they can go to the office of Economic Workforce Development oewd. Com slashing and finance committee and the budget federal committee i am supervisor melia cohen supervisor of this committee. In the chamber today weve got supervisor sheehy kim, and fewer. Were going to be joined shortly with supervisor yee and supervisor tang. The clerk of the board is linda wong and john carroll today. I want to thank phil jackson an injury in stark from sfgov tv for assisting us with todays broadcast. Mr. Clerk any announcements . Yes. Please, sounds all cell phones and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and copies of any documents been included as part of the file may be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will peer on the april 25 board of supervisors agenda

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