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Commitment to running resurfacing it be great if we could get a list of the courts that are being planned on being resurfaced just to see how its been distributed throughout the city. Sure. My next question or request was more about activation of our fields. I know im going to speak for very district oriented perspective as im sure the other supervisors in may. Im glad to see more activation of the [inaudible] park and i want to thank you for your hardship in our office of propping is activating this new park. Does never club site on house but obviously, kitty corner has a rec center. It would be great to work with your office to figure out how we can utilize that baseball field even more so it can be more utilize on the weekends and evenings im not sure how to do that but just more planned activities that we have in the park. [inaudible off mic] siri found it. It would be great to be able to work with your office on that and i did not realize there was such a decrease in gross participation in baseball really appreciate rpds connecting to that point. To that end, we are overwhelmed with youth sports in our field capacity doesntcant keep up with demand. I think i would probably need to go back into a deeper dive to understand how dmd in particular is being used. I know for example, there is a sf Youth Baseball Team out of you pay, i believe. You and i have spoken about that and jean friend that is right that we do kind of when we can to minimize transportation barriers assign fields closest to where the neighborhood is coming from. This is a blend thatll be really welcome the chance to work with you. We dont have staff to Program Every neighborhood where streak when its not going to happen to what we try to do is use Community Partners and use organized sports to keep our particularly athletic spaces, programs. You been a great supporter. Of organized sports that sense around the batting cages can be what it should be which is a ballfield. Does not mean offers dog park means a ballfield. Those things dont mix so well. We welcome other opportunities. I think theres also conversation to be had as you and i have also discussed about maintaining open time and access for our community and neighborhood to access space versus having permitted or program. There is a balance. Both are right approaches. No. I want to be sensitive because we all read about what happened in the mission and soccer fields. So its hard for me to say, well this isnt a program. It be great to see more on that field. Its a goodim glad you brought up that point because it is true. We want to make sure theres that balance between communitys that dont often access a rental system and that do. Rental permit. Its just a what it is, a reservation but its for a particularly structured activity versus unstructured activities. Those are different things. There spaces we do event spaces that we do rent, but a baseball game my need to reserve the space because those teams that show up need to be able to count on the field. So thats a permitting process . s bs. Thats the balance. Im excited to hear, we were together and figure out strategies to activate [inaudible] more. The amazing part. I think its more important in the neighborhood. That combined with some of the plan improvements to add capacity jean friend create an amazing recreation and open space help right in the heart of some i just want to commend your partnership with public works on the pitstops. Its been hugely successful. Very sad to see marcus i think this was his last week. The neighbors already in love with him and our park is getting more utilized. By families and children because he is there on site. I know this is a tough discussion point but i do think its important to have disposal boxes at parks but not to encourage people to use, just so theres a safe disposal site, and i hate getting reports that kids are seeing it in the playground. Of course, what the activity and behavior to end but i just think having a safe disposal box will help at least that hurt some of those needles into an appropriate location. Its a vexing issue in a vexing policy discussion. You should know were not just sort of deftly ignoring the idea. Weve had conversations with Public Health about it. For us, its a simple metric. Does it result in examples ivan i hate focusing on this because this is a small piece of the reality in our park systembut does it result in having this employee safety issue as well. So does it result in fewer needles in our parks on the grounds whether playground or grass or whatever. That is one bit of analysis. That i think needs to be a little more thoroughly tested and vetted maybe with a pilot or two or something, but the other side of that coin is does it result in more unhealthy activity happening in the park. Those are the right. Does it attract the behavior because the disposal boxes there . s bs we have piloted safe needle disposal box in any of our parks . No. Not in an authorized way. Theres been unauthorized pilots. Okay. So we dont have a way of understanding whetherhe was weeping in some conversation with Public Health about figuring out an appropriate way to test that. That would be great. Im sure Public Health and public works has data because all our pitstops with the exception of this one to have the needle disposal box. [inaudible]s bs theyre different. I want to distinguish that and im curious whether in their data they demonstrates that theres increased activity because of the boxes being on the corners, or if it does actually help if it creates a cleaner safer and more in joyous park then that is good. If it does not then thats bad and not conducive with the mission by the wway im agree with you im of the opinion that it may reduce the number of needles we see in the park but you are right, i dont have the data to prove that and so it would be like a department of Public Health or works to actually understand what the facts are. So it would be great to get to some type of conclusion and if the data shows that it attracts the behavior increases the number of needles outside of the box ill support your position but if we were to get that information. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor sheehy, i believe you are next. Thank you. Thanks for that great presentation. I have a few questions. One is, we are seen where a lot of trash gets generated. Dolores park around [inaudible] and really, the summer weekend events, which im sure you are aware we both probably get blown up over that. The recent weekend the first weekend of the summer. So ive a couple of questions around that. How will your budget include sufficient funds to handle this . Then the other question is about coordination with ecology, may be dpw because for composting and recycling and getting the trash out but also from the surrounding neighborhoods because theres a lot of those kinds of spills out and the neighbors feel very confident this is can be an ongoing issue for the rest of the summer into the fall. So weve often said that the worst part gets love to death and we invest 2539 and created an Amazing Design that people love it even more. This probably consumes a higher amount of staff than energy and frankly, resources by myself than any other almost any other single challenge, which is how do we inspire better behavior at the laurus. From a resource perspective, i dont have precise specifics. I do know our parks are not budgeted apart by park. There budgeted in park service areas. Which overlaptheyre not precisely based on supervisors old district lines. Our parks are where they are so theres a little bit of a blend but dolores is getting very disproportionate share of the Park Services area, resources, we have added dollars for extra porter parties and things during the summer. Are ecology built there is higher there than almost anyplace else and frankly, we bring more staff both on the part main inside to dolores and that we have a Community Campaign called love dolores, were we have interns, some are paid some are unpaid, out there as you know you been out there every weekend with an umbrella spreading the love dolores. We are trying everything we can. At the end of the day, we need people to behave better out there. Packing in and packing out. To the grade, we are diverting are you a remarkable amount of compostable and recyclable waste because we havewe work with ecology on the ecopopup which is there during the weekends not just the summer but the spring spring through the fall the shoulder [inaudible] every time you can bring your compostables and theres a place to put them right there on dolores street theres a place to put your recycling, and so we are seeing less trash into landfill, which is good, but a lot of people just are not doing it and theyre leaving it. A lot of people ask but when i trash cans in the middle of the party becomes getting that amount of waste in and out is actually veryis pretty challenging and there is data to show that trash cans invite more trash and more dumping and more litter. We are asking people to actually have the trash cans in the ecopopup all around the perimeter regardless on a busy weekend day its another six 7000 worth of overtime in additional staff costs in cleaning up. We do talk to reecology quite a bit and reecology has increased its garbage barrel with us pretty significantly during the summer you will see their bear three having four times a day enter emptying trash bins and doing a variety things to manage the problem we will not solve the central people stop treating the park like one gigantic garbage basket. They have to pick up their own trash. This is not a complicated problem in there something that is unique about that park and maybe some of the parting happens but i cant quite figure it out its not everybody, but too many people come to the park and just leave it. My staff worked so hard out there the weekends are brutal for them the truth of the matter is, the next morning its always clean. But its a hard one. Have we thought about finding people . Its an interesting issue. Public works has bar mental resource officers. Are park rangers do have citations. I need to go back and look, whether weve issued citations for littering. We do a lot of education and a lot of warning im not sure how often we are actually finding people and maybe that is something after a warning that we might want to consider doing. Yes. I mean those are my voters. But actually, theyre not. The dolores park they may not be. Dolores park is a destination your people coming from all over the bay area to hang out in dolores park. Big chunkof dolores park are your neighbors and voters, but people can come from all over to be in dolores park. But i do wonder if there is no consequences, sometimes we need something. At the last couple of years weve been trying to put on pressure and a little bit of community shaming. We will see how that continues to go. Might want to consider fines. Thank you plus, i would give you some cost recovery. About equipment purchasing, i learn your department is some purchasing is delayed because of the thresholds have not been raised. Like gardeners have shared devices like aerators [inaudible] have increased in price. So in the past, you would buy these immediately and now the process is a more lot more complex. So i know were working with legislation on this topic so thank you for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for having an interest in this rather wonky one. Its really important to our gardeners perform a little miracle every day. The things that really kind of try them nuts are the inability to actually procure the tools and supplies they need to do the job. Some of these tools and slice got more expensive and i am not a purchasing expert, but i believe there is a 5000 thresholdthat has become really cumbersome for maintenance staff to operate on a i dont know the expense of other city departments, but it makes our procurement after 5000, theres a different process for procurement and it causes delays and a lot of aggravation for gardeners. Thank you. Lastly, we have the eir bill on natural areas and theres two things have an interest in. One, i did want to inquire about additional staffing for natural areas. Because now we have all the space i think maintenance is going to be more complex. Then the other was to look at Environmental Management use of pesticides. I just was hoping we could prepare to discuss these items during the june 1 budget meeting. Absolutely. Thank you a much supervisor sheehy. Dir. Ginsburg, i appreciate the update. I particularly like the Strategic Plan and also the community report. My complements to your team that put this together. Very helpful. I look forward to putting it in our resource table in the office to collect him if theres no other questions, i think we will go to Public Comments. Thank you very much. Any members of the public that would like to comment on item number one, please, come up seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] thank you. I would love to entertain a motion on this item. Would you like a motion to call the chair or file motion to file is there a second . Second. Moved and seconded. Without objection, please, note the house has changed. Without objection. Thank you. [gavel] thank you director ginsburg item 2 item number two a resolution adopting the 10 year Capital Expenditure plan fiscal year 20182027 pursuant to administrator kate of code section 3. 23 as our speaker comes to the microphone, i want to be that we received an indepth overview on the capital plan two weeks ago at this committee. We have not requested another formal presentation from the city administrator however, Brian Strachan is available for any questions. If there are none, seeing none, i think were okay mr. Shawn. Appreciate you. Unless you have any burning remarks you have to get off your chest . No. Thank you for the opportunity but im here for if theres any to followup. Appreciate that. Making yourself available for questions. Any member of the public that would like to speak on this item, please, come up seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] colleagues, motion on this item . I will make a motion to file this we need to adopt this intent of the full board with a positive recommendation. I see. I will make a motion to with this outofcourt committee with a positive recommendation all right. We will take that without objection. Supervisor tang made the second [gavel] thank you. Please, call item 3 item three resolution adopting cities fiveyear information and Community Action Technology Plan for fiscal year 201822022. Thank you. Similar to the capital plan, we would received an indepth overview on the plan this committee. So we have not requested a formal presentation from the City Administrators Office we do have mr. Jamie here of able to answer any questions. All right. Seeing none, go to mother Public Comments. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] thank you very much. Motion for this item . Ill make a motion to send forth a resolution to the full board with positive recommendation in thank you. Second . Second. We can take that without objection. Im sorry i want to note the house has changed. Supervisor kim is not with us. Without objection, thank you. [gavel] mr. Clark, next item item number three adopting the cities fiveyear Financial Plan for fiscal year 20172022. Speak great weve got the mayors budget director to join us and to make the herself available if theres questions on this particular item. I dont see any questions. So lets go ahead and go to Public Comments for anybody in the public like to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed [gavel] thank you. Motion and second on this item . So moved. Second. We can take that without objection. Thank you. [gavel] any other business before this body . No further business before the committee. Thank you judgment. This meeting is adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] hi, everybody welcome to dobie im around the General Council were delighted to host this event here today, the one year adjoining celebration of downtown streets project clapping. and an honor to host this event we stood together in front of it city hall nounsz this program and launching downtown streets in San Francisco is through is course of year Brandon Davis led the organizations made a credible amount of progress ill not steal his thunder butcy over the course well have an amazing tuesday night to work closely with the downtown streets team with Staff Members and team members during the Aspiring Community meeting on 9 street and individuals are preparing for contribution of employment and in other work that is done in but community been a great tuesday night for us to detainee our understanding finding issues that face the community and really refine the way we address those challenges together as a group in the area in San Francisco it is also been an amazing opportunity for us to see the extraordinary impact that the Downtown Team maids not only in improving the neighborhood and bayview the neighborhood but also the positive spirit and hope and the sense of hope they bring to the Community Every traction with folks here in the community an streerdz thing to break down the stereotyped associated with homelessness and were proud to partner with the downtown Streets Program and we see this is a Long Term Partnership and look forward to the downtown Streets Program here 0 in San Francisco like to thank mayor ed lee and his team for the support and focus on this incredibly important issue that faces us as a community and id like to bring up brandishing done davis also to speak and run a clip that captures the essence of the progrwhy not run the cli my name is carl ive been here for two months a lot of things have changing since i joined this we have purpose and were homeless were not pit full and have a may feelable reason to make a difference and so definitely gave us purpose. My name is lisa ive been with the program for 5 months i started out as a team member where we would go around and pick up trash and pick up needles and had that after thirty days i gamut team led had to run the team lead my responsibility to make sure theyre all in their roles turned out a couple of months i became one of the supervisors and learning everyday you know to be that person with the understanding and know that everybody will go something and try to do manage and listen to them. My name is cavin i end up homeless in the streetcar so my friend original leader in this San Francisco team he kind of took me under his wing did i want to job i said, yeah and cabin here ever since but it gives me something to do i was trapped in my room looking at tv everyday and not giving up as far as working giving me something to do with a positive attitude they helped me so many now im working special event and security and started school october 11th kicking the date because a couple of weeks so everyday im hogging progress in my field makes me feel good. You know im kind of happy i was sad for a long time. clapping. please welcome Brandon Davis clapping. thanks so much andy wing the speak but so many successes and people youll have to forgive me d s t one of our core tenants expresses if you keep our head down and work hard, of course, you have to return for a breathe and celebrate the success and hard work and dedication that dedication has yielded thats why were here together today so thank you for joining us in our celebration of one year here in San Francisco San Francisco clapping. so i want to give a especially thanks to dobie a truly a family in San Francisco thank you so much for hosting us for lunch and this convention and thank you thank you for all your hard work for the betterment of the community clapping. so over the past few days weve been trying to make sense of our year in San Francisco kind of like had cloish you know in a blink of an eye from this here to this event here but at the same time it truly feels that weve inventions a lifetime of partners, advocacy, innovation and more importantly seeing individuals here in the community for their full potential clapping. so while we arrived with a health and safety nervousness within a month our branch was the quickest growing one in San Francisco with the most solid attendance at 22 and a wait list of double the team size there is a need for a ground up pier run models individuals can have a hand in their success while big deal part of the community in under one year two teams first our civic center team u. N. Plaza at mid market and another union square alongside the Union Square Business Improvement District and in addition, we have a third and fourth on the way this income taxes year were excited to shrink the wait list id like to take a minute that recognize the team members of you guys can take a stand with the yo yellow and green and blue shirts this event is for you clapping. take a stand guys thank you so as you may know our experience team are out 6 days 7 days in union square booifr this and engaging people that benefit themselves were not on the streets because we know if were doing something right words spread like wildest fire with that said, since march 292016 our work team has removed over 12 thousand needles in the community and 200 and 65 thousands of debris lets give it up for that clapping. more importantly are the milestones that our participants reach daily working tireless in the morning how big or small beside our team leader angela and the specialist jack. clapping. because we know that getting a job is not easy as submitting an application that takes selfworth and overcoming are hurdle with lake of identification and record and glasses and deferences for confidence and mentally illness and so on we help helped to move 28 individuals in Permanent Employment for 28 days or more clapping. weve moved 13 of those folks into permanent housing clapping. yeah. And with the oechlging support of Government Agencies like dpw department of public works and office of Economic Workforce Development, nonprofits and the endless compliment 39 Community Team were on the right track in San Francisco so youre probably wondering about next steps a huge Homeless Population in and we have no storage of folks that point an out that next step so looking at the future we know that individuals need to have meaningful activities in their lives over 13 thousand benefit district have approached us with interests in joining and asking how to have a team to serve the community weve not figured out that out but scale so were proud to announce in may of 2017 launching the tenderloin with the tenderloin cd clapping. so also i want to say were very excited in the near future to launch our cart ma were serving coffee award wen coffee and training the team at a living what time to pour that coffee and having a real give back model so with that said, i want to thank some of the partners that have done that wouldnt have been possible the partnership that work long and hard to do you know well, i want to shout out to tenderloin clapping. to mission hood Resource Center and lava may yeah. Farming hope back to the basics and dignity health, abstains and, of course, we wanted to especially thank amy cohen from the office of Economic Workforce Development wouldnt have been possible without the you amy clapping. with that said, ill move off the microphone i am sure your tire of hearing from me an absolute honor to introduce mayor ed lee who is here today. clapping. thank you brandon and happy birthday downtown streets. clapping. yeah. How did that feel to be one year old we wish it we could be that young i want to come by and congratulate everyone, of course, i want to thank dobie for oh, the space that is exactly one of the reasons why i know that dobie came to mid Market Street not only for the space for the great work with neural surgeons understanding and scientists to deal with cell systems but to be part Oath Community theyve been always a part of and be able to represent that and with work that google and others to help to support and the creation and establishment of this wonderful new be pathway you know, i love the picture where that says that i might be homeless but youre not helpless because this city is all about creating more pathways for people and respectfully where people came from but never allowing that to hold them back and, yes we will have a lot of people without homes this is incredibly expensive city and limited land we have not built enough housing and need to do more while were doing that be respect of peoples lives and get them pathway and create the partnerships exactly like the downtown streets for themselves and brandon congratulation to you and ilene and chris and everybody else this is part of team and more importantly your willingness to in the just touch the people that you wanted to help but allow them to create relationships we serve more homeless and sam dodge and the department of homelessness is not just the brickandmortar of building homes but Relationship Building ones individuals are isolated it is gets worse when you have pathways creating not just through job training and moving forward with a lot more people to be introduced to many agencies that also care about what is happening on the streets for people where that is public works or the department of homelessness fix it teams our Police Department all working together with a office of Economic Workforce Development Development Groups working together with people on the streets sailing lets do something about ourselves then and lets get the privatepublic relationship to work for us not just talk us this is what is happening in my mind so as you may know im a big enough of them about making sure we change with the happening in 3478d and more importantly the center is changing lives transformative programs like downtown streets is what were talking about that touches people and involves them and respects them and connects urban design i up with project homeless connect with the agency that brandon identified we thanked today we take those moms to settle bus now we have purpose and reason to expand and more reps to build and more births to celebrate to congratulations downtown streets we will see in not only in the streets but inside of city hall as well thank you very much clapping. thank you, mayor ed lee its my pleasure to introduce sam dodge from the department of homelessness and housing. Hello, everyone is so great to be here you know it was i was just trying to think has 2 been two years how long has that been i get to see folks everyday in Civic Center Plaza and getting you up and inspiring their fellows that be looking on and seeing the actions theyre taking to improve the city to show their love for their community and turn their own lives around i work at the department of homelessness and supportive of housing and homeless in the community is a country but we have to make a big difference evidence who will make that difference the people that are experiencing homelessness and turn their lives around they need the help and assistance to take that next step i want to thank that spirited to help the need only one cower to homelessness and Affordable Housing had in the community that you share but how do get there, there is many ways we can improve and here in San Francisco were not too proud to look at the fellow community and see what is working and steal that we saw that downtown street teams making huge differences in the community and when brandon and amy came said we have to do this in San Francisco i was 100 percent on board but it is a tough pound can be you know your stepping into someones place and you know we can be a little bit material but thats not the case opened up and a great what were partner with other people and being able to Energy Allergies an effort around civic center and turning lives around and making connections whether the programs that the mayor mentioned or our own official effort as we kickoff our department this year together were growing together one year down and many to go i cant wait to see the 13 number people who have gotten permanent housing through the program turning into 13 hundred lets do it do it together and congratulations clapping. thanks sam it is my pleasure to bring up larry from the department of public works. clapping. first of all, i want to say a big congratulations one year its been a whirlwind i think about it was just seemed last week yesterday purpose starting and seems like that was like 12 hours when union square came on board the first one i want to say is thank you thank you for your commitment to San Francisco and coming as i commented and come through and look at civically and communitybased 0 through union square the orange bags and how neat and clean the area is i y589 how prevalent i think keeping the city clean and how to engage the homeless and get them into the services youre doing both of those that be huge public works is a 24 7, 365 operation were out there everyday we cant do it alone it takes the city and commitment and nonprofits and volunteers all that have that to help to keep the city clean as i shared as we have had Economic Prosperity some of the the office of Economic Workforce Development have is not been there it keep us the streets clean you helped us were truly grateful and as ive said i look forward to expand definitely throughout the city the last thing ill say also keep us in mind as. Graduate we have office of Economic Workforce Development opportunity to partner and bring you on board another thing we do near and dear to my heart and were here for you anytime you need us but most at all e fall looking forward to year two and a big hearty thank you if public works. clapping. great this next person we want to bring up inspires me everyday this person is the heart of what we do and this is actually some place that started as a yellow shirt in the community worked their way into a green and now theyre a blue shirt mentoring everyone give it up for lisa. clapping. hello, everybody my name is lisa and today, i would like to sorry about that hello my name is lisa i love to inspire my team and one way by doing this is and sharing quotes illed to share one were not a team because we Work Together but expect and trust auto care for each other how it feels to be homeless it it sorry being homeless is physically frightening and scary and dangerous we have mentally illness people in the streets it dont know how to foundation those people need help and people are laughing at them not funny im hoping some way or how to get the molls people in a facility so they can get better where they know how to function in so forth being homeless you put up with abuse if people when i first got here in money and went into max fields house of caffeine at the kicked me out tells me he was because i didnt buy mo magic in their shop they were harassing me and threatening to call the police lgbt the lgbt q experience homeless are at risk at heightened reflex of violation and abuse in december of 2014 i left a job as a livein nanny and moved from princeton new jersey to california i 0 thought what would be a great opportunity to help my brothers family and reconnect but i was faces with a lack of communication from my sisterinlaw with personal Health Issues during this time my sisterinlaw removed the beds and light and changing the locks and setting me abusive text message after 9 months i no longer wished to feel like a burden on my folks and decided it would be best to refer to a local sheltered in backingville the Opportunity House which was a great shelter they would help women and men coming that were like addicted to drugs and alcohol and getting them jobs and getting them houses it wasnt really for me but i was grateful they allowed me to stay this at the time i had post trauma stress decorated with anxiety and a lot of sorry about that i was having anxiety and anger and memory problems and sadness and racing thoughts and impulsive decisions and an urge to escape so i would relate to those quotes had i was really in a dark place okay. When i was in the dark places this was what i could connect to people dont drive from sadness they die people dont die from suicide but sadness and depression is living that a body that fight to survive with a mind that tries to die ive become suicidal that should scare me but it didnt im too far gone to care so i ended up taking a bunch of pills i left the shelter in bakerville the money i saved because we had to get part time jobs living through to the money he saved i went ahead and left the shelter, this person i didnt like i wanted to god bless of it i make made a plan to go into a hotel for a few weeks and left the hotel then he went and took a bunch of pills that evening and then a. D. Dell from starbucks walked other than from across the street and parade with me and gave me coaxes and called 911 and i was rushed to the emergency room and there for 3 days i was there for 3 days and then he moved into a Mental Hospital for 7 days then went into an inpatient facility and that who helped mentally illness people and drove me all the way down here to jasmines place the only lgbtq in San Francisco with a friend of mine it was mind blowing and not just that they have decided to allow straight people into there and a lot of hmo phobias especially the transgenders they get picked on and sdramentd i hope they can improve jasmines and the bathroom situation is that two other mentioned shelters in there theyll walk in into the reform while were taking our showers and theyll see the ladies naked including myself that is unfair fee me and the other leases so ive recorded it several times and nothing it done im hoping and prop g this someone will do something so long as i got into jazzies i have met samantha told me about the program went to the meeting that was amazing the energy, the vibes it was just like ive got to be part of this this is something ive got to be part of and i waited my 4 weeks came each week and started in the yellow shirt and then moved middleincome up to the green shirt and now im a blue shirt and im like supervising a team what is huge and amazing and were out there everyday clapping. and cleaning those streets were talking to those people. clapping. ive had i talked to a guy everyday at the park who is homeless and then 3 months later they gave me and hug and said with our kind words you talked with me when i my head was a mess like a person not a homeless person for that im grateful those are the things i want to continue to do out there clapping. i want to give a huge shout out to jacqueline who helped to prepare me to get a parttime job thank you for that jacqueline and not just that shes been a friend and someone i come to if im upset shes there to listen thank you very much clapping. and i got angelica who is always there to listen shes helped me maintain my status in jazzies so helped me with getting mentally illness so for that im grateful clapping. and for brandon i would love to follow in his footsteps the great job he does is amazing and i hope one day my dream job will be to work for a nonprofit for the lgbtq clapping. and i wanted to thank jones and salmon for hosting and for all of your support clapping. and we hope youll consider a donation so we can continue to get people off these streets. clapping. wow. Thank you very much clapping. thanks so much lisa for sharing our story thank you to everyone that came thank you so so much and one big last a round of applause for the team here clapping. as lisa said thank you dobie and is a money and alison a fantastic team truly in support of us in this area and we definitely wouldnt have been possible without the you and thank you luven will be served on the side you guys are all welcome to join us for lunch and enter mix and have a great time in the community thank you so. We are running a womens Volleyball Program here at richmond rec center. Its progressing really nice. The ladies here really enjoy the exercise and the play and its a lot of fun want this program is not for the faint at heart. Its really intense. The ladies come out. They are really going after it. They just love to play and compete. Anyone can sign up. Were looking for more players. The women come from all over the city. We enjoy the program and we are getting people out to have fun in this beautiful city. Rec and parks womens Volleyball Program is available at richmond rec center. Please visit good afternoon, everyone and welcome to the todays event ill rick your mc for this average you know me as a sports coast for abc 7 my mom says i am an american born chinese im excited to be here thats because of my chinese heritage and i love sports very much so im the first chineseamerican Television Sports coast in this country i am proud and old at the same time ive been covering sports in the bay area since 1987 during that time i working closely with the wirings in 2015 i was invited be part of unveiling of jersey for the wiringsburg during many season he took part along with mayor ed lee and the wirings president rick and former warriors the warriors are activity in the chinese up community in chinatown along with the Chinese New Year for the past 6 seasons some of the warriors take part in question and answer through wave have a hybrid between facebook and fweert theyre the most followed with 3 million formals were here to make exciting news about the warriors participation in the innocence nba more the 2017 preseason before the details id like to introduce ourselves guest speakers first of all, warriors cfo rick wells. clapping. San Francisco mayor ed lee. clapping. from the mayor looks grumpy i lost the nasdaq tournament out of the office pool now laughter we have the executive Vice President howard ticket. clapping. the San Francisco chamber of commerce president and coo cal i cant heart. clapping. the bay Area Business Dell Christian and from the United Airlines mike hannah. clapping. there are also some people in the audience to be recognized we have the president of the Chinese Chamber of commerce mr. Chang clapping. the chief the protocol mr. Smurlths honored to have he hear and from the United Airlines Melinda Franklin okay. clapping. we would like to bring up to the podium the president and cfo for the warriors mr. Rick wells mr. Rick. clapping. thank you, thank you great day rick also nice to have you been part of this so were here today to announce the rosemary i warriors will be making their third trip to china this october 2nd games between the minnesota tinder wolves in shanghai well be the nba team traveled to china more than any other tomato in the history. clapping. the first change to go there and hear Amazing Things our second trip to our sister city shanghai well get to visit the nba in hits desirability is such a global trend ive had a front row seat to watch that waterproofsables are years i was in charge of the International Offices and had the thierl to be part of opening of our very First International one Person Office in melbourne as you traditional it is amazing to see the hundreds of employees and the offices all over the world to promote this support of basketball and the nba for the nba there is no question that china is the single most important mashthd outside for the basketball it is the most Important Team sport Staten Island one hundred Million People play basketball and again, economically did most important place outside of the United States for the nba for the warriors i think we do that exactly the is that you not only because the great connection to china but your Asian Community here in the bay area but for our business as well we 345i6r7b9d the Warriors Team is the new haven selling team in a china not surprisingly we were the. clapping. the first team to create all chinese language website we were the first team to launch wave have and now more wave have in china 0 more than any other team we celebrate the new year with especially created jersey to celebrate china it is something well do thought future and our players in addition to the time warriors that team jeff curry and draymond all on thats what its all about their own team spent a lot of time in china and last week we were talking about this announcement made plans do go back to china this year an amazing opportunity the purpose the players individually as well as so for the nba and if this is not enough the warriors in Oklahoma City not a that a game will be on tv as their game of the week were thrilled that were part of this wouldnt have been possible without the partners this is what i think as we get the opportunity to showcase San Francisco a welcoming place to our chinese friends we look down this year the people that make a happy everyday for the most part our first chineseamerican mayor he came on the last trip and very much the reason that we have the four square block 11 pile of dirt in mission bay that will be the new chase center to open in 2019 a fan of the warriors but a friend of warriors and San Francisco partner in everything we do with were thrilled the challenging chamber it here ive been getting fab reviews you might consider quieting the Bay Area Council traveled with us to china and doing that again in one of the first Founding Partners at chase center United Airlines to be part of what we do in the city and obviously the connection between the bay area and china thats where we want to be as the warriors no reason the warriors cant be the team that the fans in china most society with the nba and through that the association with the bay area in San Francisco and that is the big part why were doing this and hoping to accomplish so thank for having us youre welcome to come to china im going to turn it over to rick thank you. clapping. thank you, rick if you have an extra seat im on it okay next have the mayor the San Francisco mayor ed lee to come up he got literally off the plane from a goodwill trip to hong kong. clapping. thank you, rick and for being worked out great sports coast for the local bay area stations i want to, of course, thank rick the warriors and if it is exciting for kids for families and just coming back from the far east you have to understand that charlotte does every time we met ones an International Trip our welcoming weer to the rest of the world particular is a party and i came from vietnam you know that with our sister city and hong kong with the chamber as an International Gift weve got to really understand how San Francisco is more than welcoming we have 80s Cultural Gifts were exchanging with other countries and it is more than what we see it is i think during this time rather than countries giving each other challenges they rather see gifts of a cultural and now with your sports teams that is even more wellreceived thank you to all the sponsors here from our Bay Area Council to United Airlines to the chamber of commerce and the sfaefl and all the partners that the warriors have this announcement is significance for the world were a gateway to the far east and we will continue to be a gateway with those kinds of gifts the nba allows the warriors to do you want imagine how valuable a warrior sitter is in china ive been asked several times to bring some over as International Gifts they dont want appropriations they want a warrior gifted and you know this is amazing when the kids of government officials give me one of these i dont care what you have to do and you know the main warriors, of course, is extremely popular but now it has that imvote of coming from San Francisco it is almost as if it was made in San Francisco the brand is extremely popular but as importantly is the teamwork the acceptance that your giving more than a sports team a values of group collaboration, of teamwork, of great plays of innovation that the team really representatives that is extremely popular all over china to have it in places it is one the hot beds of extension in all of concern china to be complimented by shanghai is an audience of tremendous impact so i want to say thank you to the warriors for including us of course, october will be another one the exciting times because theyll have already parades through the country hopefully with yet another win and we look forward to that you know, i must say that sports continues to be be an International Language in and of itself thats why i appreciate the Chinese Chamber here that is going to probably. Wage again, the Community Support that the warriors have given all the communities of San Francisco and not just Chinese Community i know Filipino Community and Asian Community all the ethnic organizations that are diverse in the bay area welcomed to the games thats why i them comfortable at the games when you go there on our games you see people from youll different backgrounds there yelling and screaming but also for the team and also just recognizing the value of diversities in the San Francisco bay area have that recommended open on the teams of players and ownership of the management that represents that diversities extremely well and make sure that that is a part of the discussions whenever the warriors with introduced it is more than a Basketball Team it is a welcoming sign of the United States of america in my opinion this is great for San Francisco and another wonderful win i cant wait for the chase center to open up more than basketball by International Groups to colonel together and celebrate and have what i think the Airlines Want more travel all across this will be wonderful for their hub in the San Francisco bay area to gragsdz and sfaefl will be smiling and china is sf is one of the successful entities for linking us up and investment if china and is companies and the Chamber Representatives over to china that is also helping to stabilize and normalized a lot of activities that wouldnt happen trade, friendship, Cultural Gifts, sports gifts theyre all being worked out interpreting welcome at this time because i think that what ask necessary more than ever is giving each other gifts rather than challenges all over the world and this is what the warriors are doing for us so thank you very much. clapping. thank you, mayor ed lee next we would like to invite to the 0 podium the executive Vice President of sfaefl howard picking even though. clapping. thank you, mr. Mayor youre right about one thing wife been smiling about this opportunity since weve talked with rick about that chinese is for 0 more important market for those in San Francisco the Faster International market the largest and been the most money when it comes to the market the market weve had our eye open to have a podium to work with the warriors and technique with the chinese customers and operators and the different people we do with a podium of a brand like the warriors is unmatched for obvious we are excited about the the subject property and going on the mission bringing our partners along because it gives our be partners an opportunity for great assess for you operators that are excited about this so give context for china about a half a million visits every year and spend one . 7 billion in the city that is an important market and the faster growing in a business and spending stand point were looking forward to this opportunity thank you for thinking about us and including us were excited about going to china and talking about San Francisco thank you clapping. thank you howard next we would like to invite to come up to the podium the San Francisco chamber of commerce president and coo caylee heart. clapping. well as you can tell from my stuart i didnt have a long career in basketball, however, olympian more than a a long time and nothing brings people closer it together than sports for partnerships and building bridges thank you to the warriors and everyone to have me out to celebrate this cleaver the mayor is correct an incredible partnering with the center to the chamber of commerce and we have sorry about that chief scotting relationships since 2008 a couple of things i want to talk about that effort has resulted in the recruitment or over 70 businesses thousands of jobs created, hundreds and thousands of leads and then over 5 billion in Economic Activities right here in the city city in the bay area. clapping. so thank you, mayor for that partnership the Economic Impact it obviously incredible important but relationships that i think weve talked about the partnerships and conflicting things overseas and commerce can build bridges and relationships bridge that gap between things we dont have common areas we at the chamber are committed to those kinds of partnerships and watching from home and celebrating as usual cheering on the warriors. Thank you for the opportunity this is an Incredible Opportunity well see a lot of Economic Activity and continued friendship there is those kinds of things ive been practicing and would like to sings chow chow. clapping. okay. Thank you and next, we have the Bay Area Council chief of Global Business development the all the way down christian center. clapping. thank you, rick im very happy to be here and honored with rick wells and mayor ed lee who went on the trip with us last year, it was visa exciting do go had in 2013 with the warriors it was an easy ticket to sell we filled United Airlines carriers to go and United Airlines a one great partner to go to china and the work in china we appreciate that all the work with them but the 2ri7 last time and this time was tyler and exciting the stadiums filled up the fan base in china is extraordinary and i think that youre going to do well, there that is appropriate that the warriors are taking the lead for the nba because San Francisco and the bay area are the bridge to china and always been the bridge to china the fact that youre going to shin descend if youre doing business with schien you need to do that on behalf of the Bay Area Council you have our full support ill be going on the trip it was decided friday by me and laughter i very much look forward to that so thank you so much for your leadership. clapping. okay. Thank you dell by the way, for those of you who dont know united arld is not just the official airlines for the warriors but the for chase status quo sports and Entertainment Center we hope to have in 2019, 2020 nba season now to represent the United Airlines the Vice President of the Operation Mike hannah. clapping. thank you, rick what im hoping we have faith we have faith in rick here and, of course, everyone else in the bay area leakage honor and privilege to be here and stand proud with an amazing brand like united and, of course, like the Golden State Warriors as well as the amazing city in San Francisco last fall when we announced the partnership it was an amazing, amazing time and ill tell you why Joe Dimaggios taking an aircraft hanger we dont heavy maintenance and rebuild engines and anything you like to do on an airplane and transform it into a Basketball Court with a the warriors logo in the center and put a lapsed and have rick join us and the players and announce on Muslim Partnership thats how we started and here abused of comboirz in the city of San Francisco being worked out the worlds best city were proud to sponsor the warriors and it is the sounding partner of is chase Center Brings happiness not only to mitchel and 13 thousand employees but 86 thousand employees around the global through the sponsoring with the warriors our customers will see assess for premium seats and vip experienced and, of course, the warriors all graphed items pretty well cool, huh as we head into the playoffs all i can say youll soon soon soon see a truly Great Partnership for the united customers and, of course, warriors fans as excited as i am to be part of this announcement that the warriors are more thrilled this is about the warriors expanding into china for the third time united was did first carrier over thirty years ago over thirty years ago theyre the leading u. S. Carrier in all of atas fly to more nonstop cities 6 chinese designations by a shrink and hong kong and, of course, honk joe last year, we launched routes and connected from Silicon Valley with chinese Silicon Valley and the first u. S. Carrier from u. S. Home of chinas first define city and the warriors at united our shared purpose connecting people and oountd the world no place else than sfta San Francisco were the global gateway to china we fly 11 daily flights serve 11 million passengers nine hundred flight a day out of sfo and recently announced were expanding to 5 any market value sin national and, of course, in san rose will fly to San Francisco as well this summer were expanding to new orleans and montana previously not severed during the summer months and the support off our communitybased organizations organizations lecturer the San Francisco opera and Asian Art Museum and, of course, boys and girls club and supporting the community allows us to give back to the San Francisco bay area and absolutely amazing to give back to the people that live right here on behalf of the 13 thousand employees in the bay area so ladies and gentlemen, the hometown carrier and by far in my opinion the best carrier be were proud to partner with the city of San Francisco, of course, be rick and the entire Warriors Team were proud of and the chamber and sfaefl and very, very happy to be here go warriors, go warriors. clapping. okay. Thank you very much mike all right. That will be do that to summarize the warriors will be playing two games between the minnesota timer wolves in china this is something to look forward forgot about the great wall that this is the great road trip thank you for the speakers and being worked out a great audience it is really exciting to see the warriors stay involved that the Chinese Community not only here but on board and it be to do see well have a quick point out stunned with mayor ed lee and rick and hosting the jersey that will be one or more if you want to take point out opportunity so until then thank you very much and goodbye hope you, you had a great time this clapping. one of things that makes me the happiest to introduce the mayor if makes me happy they inspires me a lot of my career can we make a dent if homelessness our mayor is a mayor for all people didnt just say that but acts it everyday hes looking each one of us having value mayor ed lee thank you for standing with san franciscans and a leader for all of us. clapping. well, thank you carr are good morning, everyone. Good morning you know they started singing i was wondering in if i have the energy and i remembered hamilton it had in town everyone has the infection everyone is here for project homeless connect the 67 times 67 times. clapping. weve brought people together in our wonderful city and you know many of us i saw the hands go up the first time i know how it would have in your minds youre walking through the streets and neighborhood corridors and see that you hear it can sometimes you smell and interact and see the needles you see people and ask ourselves how can this city of riches and you know all kind of the Development Going on allow this to happen and we say to ourselves if so gotten more complicated than one sees with the naked icy know thats why youre here many of you are in addition to wanting the help you also want to understand what really is going on and for me as the mayor now in any 6 year having followed the work of gavin newsom who began those private right of action private right of action connects and began with programs like the carry no cash and making sure we try to direct our compassion but begins with compassion all of you are not here you think that you can help to solve homelessness you dont know as i did years ago what really has to happen because as you find out where people are from and how chronically for years they been on the streets youll release how for those days are a day when finally maybe you can get somebody to help with our hair cut, lava maze maybe a shower not for weeks or not be able to see a dentist and the pain in their mouth prevents them from thinking lonely and food and support maybe a counseling session with someone all of this in fact, one and 50 Different Services come through one roof for a day of private right of action project homeless connect it is an expression of your compassion we couldnt do that without the volunteers that come from every sector i understand that today, many people are coming from the cloud from companies that are working youre coming from the clouds and dropping in the best city from the world San Francisco to help people. clapping. this is what youre doing today, i want to say thank you. I want to say thank you because as you may know as well as i do those days across the country people are talking about things that divide us we in San Francisco we bring people together to solve peoples problems and well continue to do that and solis so long as im mayor, i want to make sure that everything when it comes to people that are hopeless begin with compassion and as we learn how to do things better that compassion guides us around Permanent Solutions thats why we opened up the first naebts when i said the shelter are not doing that for any of us in and out of shelters not doing that the idea of a 2345ek9 24 7 Services Save places dignity for people and then guide them in once they got all their benefits and support serves we love them as human beings and veterans and people with families as woman who have not survived do know and many of the challenges we embrace them with our San Francisco compassion thats what i love about the city thats what i love about the city and the companies that work for us the employees some of them are out through were trying to draw the employees to do the right thing and adopt San Francisco values if theyre going to be here it begins with all of you how youll express it by your you touch and attitude and your smile because that is how people feel welcomed and belonging and from the services and now ive gotten department to really understand their mission and their role is that we may not solve homelessness as a concept as a phenomena but every person we touch we ought to have solved homelessness for him or her thats our commitment in San Francisco so since 2011, weve done just that for over 10 thousand people isnt that an accomplishment for San Francisco. clapping. so i want you to know youre in a contest in a rolling contest when we touch people and getting them ready im working my rear off with jeff and Public Utilities commission and the Mayors Office of housing all of the developers in the city to provide a permanent supportive of housing we need to house people heroes and hearts in addition of people to be ready to accept that in order for us to help them off the streets while their on the streets yeah, well clean up the needle and have encampment recess luxury people and less violence it is a violent sidewalks you law u allow people to live on the streets weve 2k3w089 to get more people off the street not moving them from corner to corner and shelter to shepherded on a permanent basis thats why i need a city that is strong and clibt in the economics a strong city that is going to be a city that helps people long term im committed for the thousands of units of housing we have to have in order to bring people along this evolution of personal change whatever is bothering them there is a lot of things bothering people on the streets well get them there to the programs we have first, it becomes temporary than more permanency but along the way they know that San Francisco knows how to do this right and well and do that it begins with today with all of you and thank you for singing along they beginning but every person you touch no matter their attitude your smiles and offer of service and support it the beginning that is the most important thing from thereon the discipline happens and we lie people to really get back to what we would call a little bit more normal lives with shelter of permanent housing and Supportive Services along the way were figuring out things but not only agencies not only your tax dollars but a lot of companies and a lot of foundations have committed to us our vision their support us all the way rule see in the next few months some great announcement were already started with announcements we end veterans homelessness by the end of this year in San Francisco. clapping. our emotion and support for families wed like do something about that in a big way im not going to ruin that announcement by prematurely announcing it but a lot of friends thinking and planning and organizing around family homelessness and youth that need our help transitional age youth and the individuals that you see everyday that are faced with drug addiction and 34g9s and answers for them as well everybody is working hard youre part of team now thank you, thank you, thank you im so proud of San Francisco and just coming back from countries like china and hong kong and Environment Commission youre in the greatest city in the wormed they love our value of diversities they love our stance on immigrant they love our compassion for people this is what defines us this is what project homeless connect does and thank you for representing the best in our city thank selfplanning works to preserve and enhance the city what kind hispanic the environment in a variety of ways overhead plans to fwied other departments to open space and land use an urban design and a variety of other matters related to the physical urban Environment Planning projects include implementing code change or designing plaza or parks projects can be broad as proipd on overhead neighborhood planning effort typically include public involvement depending on the subject a new lot or effect or be active in the final process lots of people are troubled by theyre moving loss of theyre of what we preserve to be theyre moving mid block or rear yard open space. One way to be involved attend a meeting to go it gives us and the neighbors to learn and participate dribble in future improvements meetings often take the form of open houses or focus groups or other stinks that allows you or your neighbors to provide feedback and ask questions the best way to insure youll be alerted the Community Meetings sign up for the notification on the website by signing up using youll receive the notifications of existing request the specific neighborhood or project type if youre language is a disability accomodation please call us 72 hours before the event over the events staff will receive the input and publish the results on the website the notifications bans feedback from the public for example, the feedback you provide may change how a street corridors looks at or the web policy the get started in planning for our neighborhood or learner more mr. The upcoming visit the plans and programs package of our we are talking about with our feedback and participation that is important to us not everyone takes this so be proud of taking ann [gavel] good afternoon everyone. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the april 12, 2016 regular meeting of the rules committee. I am supervisor ahsha safai chair of the committee. To my right is supervisor supervisor fewer and

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