Thank sfgtv for covering this meeting as well as the clerk of the Committee Miss linda wong. Silence all cell phones and Electronic Device and completed speaker cards and copies of documented to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk and items today will appear on the november 17th board of agenda, unless others stated. Could you call one . Resolution, authorizing the Sheriff Department to apply for accept, and expend, 950,000 of mentally ill, offender crime, reduction, Grant Program and funds, administered by the board of state and Community Corrections through the state. I am ally and the director of programs for the Sheriffs Department and the focus of the mentally ill, offender Crime Reduction grant is to provide incentives for traditional housing and Supportive Services to encourage individuals, with Mental Illness to enroll and adhere to the treatment plans, mandated by the Behavior Health court. And the transitional housing will be provided by the three, Community Based organizations currently and providing housing of clients of the Sheriffs Department, nova program that will stand for no violence and those are the bay view, Hunters Point and the multty purpose, Senior Services and the west Side Services and recovery survival network. The grant also supports a full time peer specialist to be hired by the Community Service to support the Court Participants and escort them to the critical appointments and do checks at the housing sites. Before the funding was announced, the Sheriffs Department had already committed Case Management services to the new, health court, and through which the programs, and the court and the homeless severings program, and provided by the pretrial, deversion and the nova program. And these services are identified as the inkind, match along with the Sheriffs Department, time. Okay, thank you very much. I am seeing no questions, and there rose could we go to your report, please . Yes, mr. Chairman. And supervisor, tang. On page, 3 of our report, we note that as shown in table one, and that is on page 3, the total three year budget of the fiscal year, 2015, 16, through 17, 18, for this mentally ill, offender Crime Reduction program, is a million 861,791 and of that amount, 950,000 or approximately, 51 percent of the budget will be funded by the state grant. And 910794 will be funded through inkind match and now on page 3 as shown in the table two of our report, a million 12,000, 375, or 54 percent will be used for the direct Housing Services and the remaining, 849, or 46 percent, will be used for Case Management and the peer support and Grant Administration and evaluation and the other related services. And we do recommend that you amend the proposed resolution to request the Sheriffs Department to provide an Implementation Plan for securing the 19 needed sro or group home beds to the board of supervisors no later than november, 30, 2015, and that you approve that it is recommended and we make that recommendation because the vacantcy rate is quite low for these srotype hotel room. And that was the basis for our recommendation. Thank you, mr. Rose, supervisor, tang. Thank you, and i want to check with the Sheriffs Department if they are okay with that. That is fine. Great. Thank you. We will open it up for Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on item one . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. All right i make a motion to amend this resolution as mr. Rose just previously stated regarding the Implementation Plan to be submitted to the board by november, 30, 2015, and then fast forward as a recommendation to the full board. We have a motion by tang and we can take that without objection. Could you call two, please . Resolution, retroactively authorizing the department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 300,000 from the regents of the university of california for the period of april 1, 2015, through march 31, 2016. And okay, thank you, and bph here to speak on this item . Good morning, supervisors my name is henry, from the department of Public Health. And this grant is part of the ongoing, partnership to provide hiv and monitoring. And this funds the existing possessions and brings in the indirect costs for the city and if i may, in the words of congress woman, pelosi, in this letter on the grant, she states, it is a dynamic thinking and generator of innovation and your creative and Ground Breaking work, built on the standard of excellence, and thank you for your leadership with our community. And okay, thank you very much. Seeing no questions, we will move on to the Public Comment, and anybody wish to comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed, supervisor tang . I make a motion to move it forward with the positive recommendation to the full board. Okay. We have a motion and we can take it without objection. Could you call item three . Authorizing the department of environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 700 from paint care to provide and promote safe dispoetal options for the Household Waste from october 1, 2015, through june, 2, 2016. Doa is here to speak. My name is jen jackson and i am here on behalf of you on the department of the environment, this is authorizing them to accept and expend the grant from paint care to provide and promote the safe disposal of the waste and including pharmaceuticals and you may recall that the full board passed an ordinance on extended producers and responsibility for the pharmaceuticals in march this year. And the portion of these funds will support implementation and administration of this program and the other portion will support the existing Pilot Program that is in place until the producer funded program goes into effect. And i i am happy to answer any questions. Thank you so much. Move on to Public Comment first . Anybody wish to comment on this item . Public comment is closed. Supervisor tang . All right i see that there is no matching funds here and so i would like to make a motion to move this forward with a positive recommendation for the full board. Okay we have a motion and can take it without objection. Could you call four . Resolution, retroactively authorizing the department of environment to accept and expend a gift in the amount of 12,500 from reason vait hero to the response or mayor ed lees climate and action tour dialogue. Good morning, im Randy Jackson on behalf of the department of the environment today and before you this morning is a resolution to authorize the department to accept and expend, 12,000 from the hero program and you may recall on earth day, the department worked with the mayor and mta and puc and planning and public works to put on a large event to celebrate the 150 campaign and that Campaign Encourages residents and businesses to Work Together with the city to achieve the Greenhouse Gas reduction goals. We had an event called the dialogue that we hosted in congestion with the conference of mayers and again, bringing in the good minds across it is nation this time to talk about how we can further reduce the Greenhouse Gas emission and both are acceptable and we are accepting it to sway the organizing cost and i am happy to answer your questions. Thank you very much. Seeing no questions, we will move on to Public Comment on this item. Anybody wish to comment . Seeing none, public is closed. Supervisor tang. All right we have a lot of accept and expend here. And this is fine, and i would like to make a motion to move forward this resolution, and with the positive recommendation to the full board. Okay. Could you call item five . And resolution authorizing the department of Public Health to accept and expend the 500,000 gift, from the San Francisco General Hospital, and Information Technology from the chan and Mark Zuckerberg General Hospital trauma center. Okay, thank you. Welcome back mr. Wagner. Thank you very much. Greg wagner the department of Public Health and as you know we are nearing the completing of the beautiful new, San Francisco General Hospital. We as part of that, project. As we went into the construction that was financed with the general obligation bond, we knew that there was a significant portion of the expenditures for things that were not eligible for bond funds, including furniture, and equipment and information, technology. And to take all of those costs and we partnered with the San Francisco General Hospital, foundation. And on the campaign to raise those funds from other sources and there is a tremendous out pouring of that campaign and we are going to have a beautiful new, modern equipment that are great for the patient care in that hospital. And requesting your approval for the 5 Million Dollar gifts through that campaign and also, to approve, naming opportunities, within the new structure that are associated with recognition of the donors that have made the gift and pledges to that campaign. So we are very excited about where we are, and the foundation, believes that it is we are on track to exceed and its goal for the campaign. And we are grateful for the generosity of everyone who has distributed to this effort. And we have received so far, the dollars in this resolution, 62. 375 million in cash from the foundation and the significant additional pledges made that we expect to support the hospital. And answer any questions. Thank you, mr. Wagner, congratulations on the progress on the front and the opening here. And so, i dont have any questions at this point and we will move on to Public Comment and anybody wish to comment on item five . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor, tang. Thank you. It is really nice to see the private generosity coming in to support the cost facility and so i want to really thank the donors, and make a motion to fast forward the resolution with a positive recommendation to the full board. Okay we have the motion by supervisor tang and take it without objection. Could you call item six . A resolution, authorizing the department of Public Health to submit a application to continue to receive funding for the ryan white act hiv aids emergency relief Grant Program grant. From the Health Resources services administration. Requesting approximately 17 million in hiv Emergency Relief Program funding for the San Francisco eligible metropolitan area for the period of march 1, 2016, through, february 28, 201. Thank you very much. And we have the dhp to speak on this as well. Good morning, i am bill bloom and i am here before you to request you approve the motion to effect and expend, 16,654, for ryan white part a for the period of march 13, 2016, through february, 28, 2017. On these funds are used to provide care and services to over 7,000 individuals of low income. And under insured or uninsured in San Francisco. Through a network of over, 30 Community Based organizations, and various sections within dhp as well as with ucsf and i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you very much. Seeing no questions beser we will move on to Public Comment and if you wish to comment on item six . Okay, seeing none Public Comment is closed. Supervisor tang . All right. Just like my previous motions i would like to make a motion to move forward this resolution with a positive recommendation to the pull board. Okay, supervisor tang made a motion and good luck on that grant application, and we are pulling for you and take that motion without objection. Could you call item 7 through nine. Item 7, resolution to approve issuance of up to 243,000,000. And item eight, resolution, approving the award of the Hotel Management agreement, and a Cash Management and lock box agreement to Hyatt Corporation for a term of ten years, to commence following the opening of the hotel with compensation for nottoexceed 20 million. Item nine, ordinance, appropriate ating 473,000 to sale of the airport bonds, for the hotel at the airport. With supervisor mar, who is not here today, we will be continuing these items. But first i would like to take the Public Comments on item 7 through 9, and anyone wish to comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. At this point, our next, meeting will be on november, 18th. And so, at that point, we would like to entertain a motion to continue that item until these november the 18th. So moved. Okay we have a motion from supervisor tang and take that without objection. Could you read item ten. Resolution, approving of the establishment of the Public Utilities commissions of its commercial paper notes, and program in the aggregate, Principal Amount nottoexceed 90,000,000 pursuant to the charter, and the administrative, code and amended and purchase saw ant to the charter, for the purpose of the reconstruction or the replacement for the existing water facilities. And okay, thank you, we have puc here to speak. Good morning, supervisors charles, and the deputy, chief Financial Officer at the pua, and this item before you today is for your consideration and establishing a new paper in our power enterprise. And we have programs in the water and waste water and so what this item does is creates a Third Program in the puc to finance our capitol projects in between our larger revenue bond sales. And which have been every two to three years or so. And if you like i have a few slides i can walk you through if you wish. Sure. Okay. The capitol projects thus far has been funded primarily through cash, and a revenues. And what we have been doing over the past few years is to do a better determination of what the Infrastructure Requirements are for the hetchy enterprise and what we are in particular, what we are talking about here is the facility is the power side, and you may hear it referred to as water related and power related, and this facility will actually fund the capitol projects for the power side of the shop and so with this slide shows us is how we funded the projects as of late sxh we needed to separate the statements through the water and power as we were creating this credit in the enterprise and the other, financing that you see here, the krebs and all of those, wonderful, are the tax credit bonds that provide low cost, for the mostly energy, efficiency related project and we will continue to go after these moneys as they become available. And those financing tend to be two percent or less in terms of cost to the rate payer and so it is a good deal and we will continue to do that. And as noted on the third bullet here, we had the first power bond sale earlier this year. And again, we were moving forward, as in terms of financing our Capitol Program which has identified about 750 Million Dollars worth of need, that are power related and with over 500 million that have funded with the bonds. And this particular, and potential commercial Paper Program. And so, and then what we will look forward to today is to establish the commercial paper side of things, which rounds out the capitol financing strategy, for the power enterprise, and so again, that commercial Paper Program allows to us fund our needs in between the larger revenue bond sales. And we will be having the next power bond sale in the next couple of years and this will serve as the bridge financing and for the current fiscal year, we have 70 Million Dollars or so of need that this facility will be used for. And so what is before you is the request to renew, and approve, authorization totaling 90 million for the power enterprise. And it does provide way low cost of borrowing. Currently with the bank, and the bank, costs and the dealer costs, as well as interests, and it is all, just under one percent. And so it is a pretty good deal for the rate payers. And as i said, earlier, our water and waste Water Enterprises have the standing commercial Paper Programs and so we are creating a Third Program, to sort of mirror what those two look like. And there are agreements before you as well. One is a bank agreement, which serves as a security for the over all facility. And that is just you know, in case the puc cannot make the Interest Payment and requires that there is a bank stop and so we did the rfp procurement with several things responding and we selected the most responsible bidder as being the bank of america and then we have three dealer agreements and the dealer function in this whole program is related to marketing. And so when we ultimately have to sell the bonds to the market place, these dealers go out to the market place and find the buyers for the paper. Okay. And so again, the two facilities which tends to be more a complicated part of these sorts of things that come before you. Are the Credit Facility agreement, and which with the bank of america, and the dealer agreements, with the firms here. And all of these were selected through a competitive process. And threeyear, terms, for all of them, with one year extension options and two one year extension options included and that the costs are noted here. And all in, under a half of a percent, and each year. And we will budget these fees within the power enterprise, each year. So assuming that we get the authorization from the board of supervisors, we would move forward with establishing this program. Like again, to fund the current year needs of about 74 Million Dollars or so of need. And then, that is again, fund our capitol projects and our power side of hetchy and with that i am happy to take any more of your questions. Okay, thank you very much, supervisor tang. Thank you for the overview and so you did mention in the current year that is about 70 million in need, could you describe a little bit about what some of those projects. And sure, the needs in the power enterprise, and traditionally are in the areas of generations and so we have 6 generators of country, and which generate the power, that the municipal Power Service here in the city and those, facilities, so the generators themselves and the facilities that they are in are aging. And so that is the primary need in terms of our capitol. And but, once the energy is generated we have to transmit it down to the city, so that we have the transmission lines, you know the typical sort of thing that you can think of in lines and polls and towers and that sort of a thing and then we have the Distribution System as well and so here in the city and in the areas where we provide the retail, and the electric power and we have the Distribution Systems that brings the power to the businesses homes and buildings and etc. Okay, thank you very much, mr. Rose, could we go to the report on item ten, please . Yes, mr. Chairman and supervisor, tang, on page, 22 of our report, we note that the puc, can sell up to the 90 million in commercial, paper and in according to the proposed resolution, the Interest Rate will not exceed ten percent and how they testified, the proposed power, commercial program will result in what we will, as it referred to as an oil and borrowing rate of approximately, 1 percent a year. And puc will encure, the estimated acts on the fees of 1 million, 157,135 over the three year term of this program. And so we recommend the poe posed resolution. Seeing no other questions, we will move on to Public Comment, and anyone wish to comment on item ten . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And supervisor tang. All right, i would like to make a motion, to fund the resolution, forward with a positive recommendation to the full board. Thank you, i want to thank the puc for coming and walking through the presentation and we can take that motion without objection. Madam clerk, do we have any other business in front of us . No other business. Thank you, everybody, we are adjourned. Good morning, Everyone Welcome to the Veterans Academy here node presidio and i want to thank our Veterans Administration how you doing vets great to see you and were here to rezoning confirm over commitment to the vets and thankfully for joined by address the commission up to three minutes. Par

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