Encourage stronger relationships between Police Officers and brrnlz i brought back the two officers po the beat patrols ive worked with former chief suhr and now chief chaplain 12 new officers assigned to the Planning Commission i have been working with the 3 Police Captains for district 7 on strategies, despite the spike in property crime what our centered neighborhoods that provide flexible strategies to respond to your crime issues but we acknowledge those efforts need to be coordinated as more and more parts of our streets it is important to implement traffic calming measures and pushes for stricker improvement of our traffic laws im proud to have authored the vision zero legislation that will direct resources for solutions to make our streets safer for everyone many of the Pedestrian Safety improvement measures we have in district 7 were 234ishd by ideas that come if youre resident introduce my district 7 Participatory Program well, this program which gives us our residents and voice how we spend aide revenues has funded many quality of life programs throughout my district finally i want to continue to support our families by working improve our education system, my experience in this is this as and began any career as an scariest for years and worked to provide the families across San Francisco as a member of board of education he find to increase to provide resources for education and to close the achievement gap as supervisor i offered legislation in 2014 to support education and specifically worked to increase funding for those Vital Services so i ask for your support today to continue to make our city our children a familyfriendly city that will always protect the district of our grandparents thank you very much. Hello my name is ben im running for district 6 supervisor im running for supervisor because district 7 deserves energetic and honesty and hard working leadership as your supervisor ill fight to make sure that San Francisco hires enough Police Officers and protect the quality of life by enforcing law and focus on making sure the city invests in basic infrastructure i will be a leader in fiscal district and make sure that violate serves are protected good afternoon. Welcome as a fist generation san franciscan born and raised in district 7 and grew up in forest viewville i met my wife in high school and attended local schools and now homeowners in the with respect neighborhood and earned an suburban helped to insure transparency to the government i was then appointed under chief suhr on the San FranciscoYouth Commission making sure people have a voice in city college and went to New York University and earned undertaking undergraduate in science he spent a decade all over the world and most recently, i served the San Francisco first Street Safety director helped to launch the Vision Zero Program and sure we build infrastructure on time and under budget ive been enforce by leader lie tfa in a and past president board of supervisors and barbara cop man been enforce by the trading council and the Democratic Club and more importantly im the only candidate enforced by the safety organizations San FranciscoPolice Officers and the San Francisco firefighters we represent San Francisco best vibrant neighborhood and educate our children and enjoy question of my name is ben and he respectfully ask for your vote this november. Hi, my name is josh im running for the San Francisco board of supervisors in district 9 representing and running for supervisor because city hall has failed our neighborhood weve seen rising rents and residents suffering on the streets and lack of communication between our police and folks and loss for businesses i believe weve seen the best and we defer get behind the eight ball im the product of immigrant any great grate worked in the fields to have a better leave nearly 20 years ago i moved to San Francisco and became an civil rights he attorney for people of victims of Police Brutality i formed my business and we shut down a dirty power plant and served on the Affordable Housing nonprofit making me the only candidate that is actually built Affordable Housing with those on hand and went on to work with the proves leaders to pass the local hire Program Green house thousands of construction jobs to local residents and had the opportunity to serve as the first latino president on the commission on the environment and passed solar panels on all new construction and increase inner architectural for me, i think about inner development and Hunters Point and save community. Immigrants and raising kids in the neighborhood and those who are engagement with the Law Enforcement to pass meaningful police or more those part of democrat, etc. Part i supported gun control and increasing Affordable Housing to me based policing and mostly he live in the heart of Mission District on harrison in a regulated apartment we spent a decade with my wife and seen first hand sdpoipt and an action if the recommendations has done to our community and decade of no Affordable Housing has lead to a homeless especially department of emergency depg if he serve as our supervisor well shakeup the status quo number one to build Affordable Housing thats why i announced a new proposal not only to build much needed housing but to build a random station the plan to delivering housing for etch and to the tenants we 3450ed to push to remember the ellis act and the costahawkins for the homeless residents to get them into permanent housing we need to build more housing im in support of Navigation Center model and this model to expand it throughout the city we have to fight by sherry that local and engaged workers is where access to housing as i mentioned he championed the local jobs confusing formally incarcerated English Speakers as supervisor ill work with the technology and Health Care Sectors and in addition to proposing the brand new bart station to make sure that pedestrians and bicyclists and cyclists can get around you have a choice between maintaining the status quo that has been running city hall for years or electing a Progressive Democratic who can hit the ground running our neighborhood deserves change in city hall and with our help we can turn things around thank you for watching the video visit joshua. Org and hope youll joan governor newsoms and pro tem kevin and broadside he willtion and f in a and john burton and firefighters and lgbt democrat, etc. Club and 09 as well as husbands of Community Leader that or supported my campaign on november 8th please vote for joshua as supervisor thank you hello my name is ma illegal list im a democrat running for district 8 i was born and raised and a daughter of an immigrant im the first generation of my family to be born in the u. S. And the first generation to go to college i also come from a kwaishg family my tad was lucky enough to get a union job in an engineer part of local 39 and worked in a boiler room for over thirty years it is tough physically demanding work and his body had the wear and tear media brother is a stationary engineer my mom has burn the heart of our family protecting my sections and i from the Gang Violence in the politician shes working are for on open terrorist my excess is an emergency room teacher and im running because any family and i are given an opportunity i them i need to give back a proud person of the Public Schools as in the mission i was lucky enough to get into Lowell High School my experience at lowell was life schaj as students numerous opportunities and variance programs however, i was seeing my neighbors didnt have the same opportunities i lead a Student Group as uc berkley to increase the number of last but not least shaeg if lo staek in college he graduated in political conceives im my opportunities was not given to everyone for the low income communities so i moved to sacramento to understand the policy making process and how it works i was a governance with the state department of the education and saw offhand the government and programs and people we serve it became clear to me we needed people to advocate for policies that bend vulnerable communities i fooinl u foundationally building in mentoring the next generation in 20122012 he skatd indicate my vote and in San Francisco 87 delegates to the parties in those roles i fought for is exhibition of women and people of color morph weve been an education advocate fighting a broken and unequal system 0 that our kids can release their potential and live out their dreams and be free in my work at the National Center i advocated the stiffer for 40 thousand students sxantd the state budgeted and roefrmd the thirtyyearold program i also successfully expanded in accreditation with the English Learners and other students i know how to build a coalition and get things done there is so many to do i see december parties not only in the education roles but in our daily lives i see the inequalities in access to jobs and access to Healthy Foods as supervisor i will fight to build Affordable Housing and fight inequality in our city and make investments in education im the only candidate born and raised in the city the only candidate whos family is in the district my mom and dad and sections live in this community and every decision will effect everyone i love i have dedicated any scare in upcoming left underserved communities and how many of us im here to listen and be a voice he know is important to be heard every community deserves more and better and here to make that happen and hope to earn your vote thank you. High my name is hillary running for district 8 supervisor it is the district serving Mission Bernal heights and other neighborhoods of San Francisco i always last week to give you a little bit of background that has put me on the path i grew up in los angeles, california my father was an immigrant that scam to this country without speaking english 0 and no. Much money and my up bringing in more ways he often falls discrimination and stood up for his coworkers that touch interaction in the workplace for an immigrant worker impacted who i am my mom was a School Teacher in the los angeles skauthd u Unified School District a leechlt union member and had a stable job and kept food on the tangle during the hard times any parents live in the same refrpdz apartments been there 40 years and because of my mom the tension they are nationally not live with me in San Francisco those teaches laws rentcontrolled unit and workers rights legislation Union Pensions those teaches policies have impacted any life for a long time and partially responsible why im engaged in fwloft and running for office today ive seen through the back and forth at the uc berkley outlined schools law school in the u. S. Bancorp when i graduated and moved to Bernal Heights and worked at an organization in Mission District mostly with low wage latino workers i worked there 6 and a half years recovering hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid wages for the workers and while wrote the first version of the bifurcating that zuvenl came state law and there that experience of writing the law together with the communities impacted by that law that got me very engaged in local government so i applied for a job and received it and cabin working as legislative affairs and thats an incredible experience over the past 6 years helped to she said and write laws if making muni free for low income and protecting women for Health Care Services and planned parents 0 hood to rehouse all the few weeks in the mission from fires and made that the city contractors are paid equally and countless laws to protect people from eviction and displacement and putting seven hundred and 50 units new units of Affordable Housing in the pipeline for the mission and running for supervisor to continue doing this important work with impacts the few weeks in district 9 and making this decide was marred i have a 31 2yearold daughter but it is my responsible to double down in San Francisco and exciting to be supervisor to accomplish the tape priority fwrirment Affordable HousingNavigation Center a bludgeon to build 5 thousand Affordable Housing in the District Court in 10 years i simply dont know any on the way well be able to retain the Regional Diversity of our city without building more Affordable Housing it is ambitious doable and create a preschool program. All 3 years old and tackle other things that have reached crisis in district 9 we need to make sure that people have not living in encampments but have dedicated place and want to sxandz the Navigation Center im proud to have the endorsement of San Francisco democrat, etc. Party and hope to have our support as well thank you very much hello i am i can with a week of women voters along with the league and sfgov tv im here to discuss opposition h ballot measure before the voters on tuesday, november 8. The city currently does not have a particular official or Central Office is possible for overseeing how City Departments interact with the public. Some city offices provide opportunities for the public to obtain information to Court Problems were submitted to this request. Currently the comptroller is that achieves chief accounting officer and auditor. The comptroller monitor the level and effectiveness of City Services. The controller also oversees the citys Whistleblower Program which receives and investigates confidential complaint regarding misuse of city funds and improper activities. The citys officer of citizen complaint investigates complaints of misconduct and neglect of duties like these officers in a filed as binary charges against officers. Opposition h is a Charter Amendment that would great to position a public advocate. The public advocate will be elected at a citywide election and serve a fouryear term. Under proposition h the public advocate would investigate and attempt to resolve complaints from members of the public concerning City Services and programs. Receive and investigate potential whistleblower complaint regarding City Services and programs. Review the administration of Service Programs and Management Practices and contracting procedures and make recommendations to improve them and appoint an director of the office of citizen complaint words successor from nominees selected by the Police Commission subject to the board of supervisors approval. The comptroller would continue to handle whistleblower, regarding misuse of city funds in a position where you will make city hall to provide the public advocate was sufficient funding and support staff with at least 25 people. The public advocate may also hire independent experts who could be exempt from some of the cities contracting rules. A yes vote means you want to amend the charter to grade the position of public advocate responsible for investigating and attempting to resolve of the complaint concerning City Services and programs. No vote means you do not want to make these changes. Im here with John Golinger from the campaign and a proponent of proposition o russell joined by marcy berry from the San FranciscoLibertarian Party opponent of the measure. Thank you both for being here. Thank you. Alike to start with the opening remark some will go out and start with you, john. He was chartered am here to urge voters to vote yes on proposition g the public advocate is an event watchdog that take the public at sole job will be to make sure San Franciscos are getting fairly treated by government. You are 10 a public advocate in office for more than two decades. Just the last years the public advocate is a more than 20 times the taxpayer money it costs to run the office. I can go into how they do that were really the public advocate is a truly independent agency rainout you got most of the departments are run by the Mayors Office. The supervisors are in office but they have a broad responsibility and no one has sort of the sole independent job to answer citizen complaint when we are getting falling through the cracks through the theocracy and shine a spotlight when you need with department of public or so other parts are wasting money or not solving problems. That will be the public advocate job if we passed proposition h thank you. Thank you for having us again. I think john mentioned what i was going to mention it number one, yes, indeed, we are creating a whole new department. We already have all kinds of department, all kinds of bureaucracies. All kinds of things that take care of things that fall through the cracks. So it seems like its creating a whole new level of government a shadow government it is not in our interest. Yes, indeed, new york has had a public advocate. The interesting part is that the newspapers are full of indications that this public advocate is completely dysfunctional and has created more problems than she is worth. Also, now there is an outright to remove the office of the public advocate for the simple reason that it simply is useless. We are against this because one, the government is way too big already. 30,000 employees. Two, 9. 6 billion in budget he want more . No. Simply not acceptable. Thank you marcy. Were going to start with some questions in the first question is going to go first to marcy. That is, what function with a public advocate serve that is not or cannot be accomplished by other City Departments . In my own opinion there is no function. I think one of the supervisors mentioned that this will be a completely superfluous layer on top of what we have right now. So its not like the board of supervisors are totally in favor of this. There are those who are saying, why are we trading a new layer when we already have all these things. We have, you know, gazillions of boards. Many commissions. What are they doing . Why are we holding these people accountable . The question to you sure. The reason that independent groups like the league of women voters are supporting opposition h San Francisco city hall is not working i get weve spent 3 million more in the budget in the last three years. Are you getting 3 billion more at of your government . No one is really squeezing the departments to make sure the job gets dumped it marcy says theres no examples. Here is one. Airbnb the right now 11,000 airbnb units been rented in San Francisco. 1600 of them are actually licensed under all. The other 10,600 are illegal. We called Airbnb Office every day last week they did not even answer the phone. The authors the mayor sent to enforce out you are not doing the job. No one is really making sure that when the problems that for San Franciscos out of their homes if you go down the list of not getting solved. That would put the spotlight on the agency and force them to do their job. I think marcie and i agree the government should be working. The question is how to get it. We say it is broken. So lets fix it could prop h will not assert that every poem but its early well thank you, judge and second question and well start with you. Given the priceestimate of between 2. 8 3. 5 million annually, we feel the public advocate is a good value for the city . Sure. Personal point out the real opponent Libertarian Party i think is ideologically opposed to most measures on about good i respect that but the real opponents of this measure the Real Estate Industry airbnb, Mayors Office, and others who like things the way they are now. The price tag whats on about the 24 measures is 1 billion. The only ones that these opponents are opposing most of them, are the ones like prop h would scrutinize how the to spend the billion dollars. This would cost less than one half of one percent of what is being proposed without this november under an array of michigan were not spent a little bit of money jews get they should the rest is getting spent properly and i would pushback on the cost. Actual cost of passing prop h is 600 800,000 in. The leak rate for jobs public advocate, deputy into a system. Someday if the office go to maybe do the full extent of what we can envision it will cost more money. That is true but as in new york. Well save in the engine if they do the job and they surely will. Same question to you, marcy yes, it would seem to me ive never in my life seen a Government Program of any kind kind that cannot expand and this is the reason why the Libertarian Party at john mentioned, is saying no to most things because its an expansion of government that is not providing good value. By any means. So i would say i have a better solution, we have a better solution, then to create a new layer. We just simply need to hold what we have accountable. Why are we doing this . Why are we not performing our own duties . As voters . As people . Who are going to benefit from good services. Why are we supporting a dysfunctional government that is governing body ballot measures who is saying we cant agree on anything and therefore within a point out measures and the voters are going to have to decide. We dont want to decide anything. Well, its up to us voters to go out there and say, hey you guys are not performing. We need to do it. We dont need by the way it is not just 800,000 altered 800,000 is just the beginning. The ballot is the proposition itself allows for 22 people its not do you want to read it i didnt be was if the comptroller says gordon reached 3. 5 million were going to reach 3. 5 million because that is the nature of government. Thank you, marcy. Organ at closing statements now and will start with you, john sure. Opposition h is supported by a Broad Coalition event Democratic Party. These are groups that really want to make sure San FranciscoGovernment Works the way it supposed to and dispenses dollars wisely. We talked about airbnb being something thats caused in part caused the invention process the housing crisis and we need something to really make sure this is doing to stop to enforce that law and. Uni and. The public advocate referee jumped to one, information to make sure people get the information about how City Government is working and know what we need to fix. Investigation when citizen complaints 3112 the supervisors, directly to agencies, dont get resolved, which happens every day, they know where else to turn project were they going to cost you marcy one the . No. Youre either going to give up or bang their head against the wonky the same agency that did not help them in the first place in new york and theres no public outcry detriment of the office in new york the last public advocate was a authority became the mayor of newark built lazio. The public advocate would be a court of appeal the people could go to and lastly legislation it if need be, the public advocate could introduce legislation to solve the problem but really its powers are to scrutinize government, squeeze the dollars to make sure theyre getting spent to be a place that citizens can go for relief if not getting anyone in San Francisco. Thank you, junkyard closing statement, marcy my question would be why are we voters, you and me and everybody in the room are allowing a dysfunctional government that is governing body ballot measures, by putting things on the ballot simply for the fact of it acquiring power, shifting power from the mayor from the board of supervisors into Interest Groups and why are we micromanaging to the point that we need to expand government exponentially in order to take care of all the micromanagement that we are imposing. We have a saying in the Libertarian Party that governments at all levels has a habit of creating a problem and then putting legislation upon legislation to solve that problem. This is a perfect example. We create problems such as for instance a dysfunctional government that we, the people, have elected. Then we create legislation to solve that problem. I say, go back. Start from scratch. You know, threaten every single official to get them out of office until they behave. I would say that would be a duty of voters. Rather than be creating more stuff in hopes of shifting power for Public Interest. Thank you, marcy. And thank you both for your comments and for your time. We hope that this discussion has been informative. For more information on this and other ballot measures in this years election, these visit the San Francisco elections website at sf elections. Org. Remember Early Buildings of it what city hall monday through friday 8 am5 pm. You can also vote at city hall on the weekend before election day. If you dont vote early be sure to vote on tuesday, november 8. Hello. I am with the league of women voters. Along with the league and sfgov tv im here to discuss proposition p ballot measure be before the voters on tuesday, november 8. The city has various programs that provide financing for developers to build new Affordable Housing and rehabilitate existing Affordable Housing. The Mayors Office of housing and Community Development administers most of these programs. When Housing Office has Funds Available for Affordable Housing project it urges the prescription of the proposed project on its website and invites the developer to submit proposed under Current Practice of posting describes the criteria used to select the proposal and set the deadline for submission. Criteria generally includes, the anticipated cost to the city. How much experience the developer has with similar projects. The financial feasibility of the developers proposal. The quality of the Developers Design an ability to engage in a Community Design process. And the extent to which the proposal meets community needs. The Housing Office may then select qualified developers to proceed with an Affordable Housing project even if it receives fewer than three proposals. Under proposition p the city would proceed with an Affordable Housing project on cityowned property only if the Housing Officer sees at least three proposed. Proposition p would make most current selection criteria part of city. A yes vote means you want to prohibit the city from proceeding whether Affordable Housing project on cityowned property unless the Housing Officer sees at least three proposals. A no vote means you do not want to make this change. Im here with Leah BlumenthalCampaign Manager forand proponent of the measure. Were also joined by john fox. Ceo of the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development corporation and opponents of proposition p you think you both for being here. Id like to start with some opening remarks and will begin with leah. Thank you were in the middle of the housing crisis and more important than ever to make every dollar count when it comes to building more Affordable Housing should as it stands today were wasting millions every year because we do not have a transparent, in place, for awarding city money to build Affordable Housing. A handful of developers who know how to work the system are securing the vast majority of city contracts and they are building these units at sky rocket costs. Estimates it should cost 500,000 to build one unit of Affordable Housing in San Francisco but recent Affordable HousingDevelopers Like 490 s. Venice cost 900,000 per unit. Thats ridiculous. As a San Francisco taxpayer i demand better. Don . Thank you. I have been under seal of [inaudible] ivan in the Affordable Housing world since the early 1980s and i serve on some National Boards and so i have a good exposure to how Affordable Housing works across the circuit San Francisco has a great system that is the envy of many other cities in the country. Very sophisticated very productive. We produce 30,000 units of Affordable Housing. I dont know exactly really why the measure is on the ballot. I think it is driven by a misunderstanding of what the cost drivers about Affordable Housing are. As we get into white Affordable Housing cost what it cost, well understand better that this measure is a solution looking for a problem. Thank you, don. I guess my first question goes to the heart of the proposition and why or why not should we have three proposals rather than one or two . Don would like to start by entering a . So the way that the city allocates Affordable Housing to developers if they put out rfps or notices of funding of availability and developers respond. There is really virtually never perhaps never a case with theres only one up applicant. There are always at least to win that creates competition. The real cost in Affordable Housing has to do with the cost of land in the cost of construction. Putting the project out to bid to developers without these are really fixed to developers wont really address what drives the cost of housing. Thank you. Same question to you. Why or why not have three proposals rather than the one or two that currently sometimes get through . Yes. Prior to 2011 was Competitive Bidding where there was three or more bits requested for Affordable Housing. But as a workingclass mother and in San Francisco you look competitively whether purchasing a car, gas prices, were gross could one not do that when youre developing projects and homes in San Francisco . Okay. The other question would be, would proposition p save the money . Is that what were aiming to do with this proposition . Leah would you like to answer yes. Currently its more expensive to build Affordable Housing than market rate housing. For example, 49 s. Venice was 899,000 to build Affordable Housing. That you could purchase the development the was already developed and turn it into Affordable Housing. So we are losing money in this process of having competitive eating your allowed to see what are the benefits. Engage in the community, offering to allow you to get the best bid for the city to ensure that we are not wasting money in the city. Don . There already is Competitive Bidding for developments in this is how the Mayors Office of is operated for many many years and continues to. [inaudible] has applied for a 3035 of the group weve lost the most. And we do win maybe one out of four. So there is ample accommodation among developers. The real cost have to do with the cost of construction. In order to get a good cost of construction we need complete detailed plans prepared by qualified architects and this measure will not lead to that. We will be asking people to make proposals based on very poor women are a plant. In addition, through this measure, we wont have the opportunity to involve the community in helping to inform the design of the buildings. Then, finally, this will lead to a race to the bottom if you will. If the cost is the primary driver behind what projects are selected, we will end up with simple concrete boxes with lowcost materials which is really not in the interest of the people who will be living there. As it stands now, the Mayors Office of housing takes cost into consideration in selecting developers. But they also take other things into consideration including the quality of the Development Team and the nature of the design. Thank you, don. Whether moving to closing statements. Leah. Perfect. As a resident, a mother and a thirdgeneration from San Francisco lives in one of the worlds most expensive cities, we all know the importance of compared i suggest we look for the best deals at the grocery store. Shop around for best quality. We should also do it with our housing options. The city of San Francisco should do the same with Affordable Housing. Thats why voters should support 10 past proposition p rather than lining the pockets of path powerful Developers Feel we should using the money to build more Housing Units for families in San Francisco. I encourage my fellow speakers to vote that will help taxpayer dollars in put to good use for Affordable Housing to stand up and vote, yes, on proposition p to ensure that we have Competitive Bidding for San Francisco a formal housing. Thank you. Closing statement, don proposition p is trying to do something worthwhile but it is poorly conceived and poorly worded. There already is Competition Among developers and is Competition AmongConstruction Contractors and subcontractors which really has to do with what drives the cost of Affordable Housing. Many officials, both sen. Leno assembly memberhousing action coalitions for the Democratic Party are opposed to proposition p because its a solution looking for the problem. Great. Thank you both for your, then your time. Thank you we hope this discussion has been informative. For more information on this and other ballot measures this years election, be please visit the event what website as sf election battle. Remember early voting is available at city hall monday through friday from 8 amfive you get utahs about at city hall the two weekends before election day. If you dont vote early be sure to vote on tuesday, november 8. Hello. I am shaunawith the league of women voters along with a leak and sfgov tv im here to discuss proposition q about measure before the voters on tuesday, november 8. City law prohibits the willful obstruction of public sidewalks. City law also rises of prominent Public Health to remove public nuisances which include unsanitary structures. City law does not specifically granted raising tens on public sidewalks. Proposition q would prohibit the contents without a city permit. The city would not be allowed to remove world order removal and authorize tenant in this the city had available shelters for all residents of the tenant under proposition q includes city operated shoulders Navigation Centers, and other city operated housing. Before we move were ordering of diesel to remove nonauthorized tent on a public sidewalk, the city would be required to offer shelter to all residents, offered to pay the cost to transport all tent residents to live with friends or family outside of San Francisco and provide written notice that the city will remove the tenant in 24 hours. If residents do not accept the citys offer of housing were shelter or do not remove the unauthorized tent within 24 hours of the notice, the city may remove the 10th. After removing the tenant the city would be required of written notice near the area where the tent was look good if you vote yes, you want to prohibit the placement of tens on public sidewalks without a city permit and allow the city to remove unauthorized tent is the city provides 24 hour advance notice offer shelter for all tent residents store the personal property of 290 days. If you vote, no, you do not want make these changes. Im here with jim lazarus Senior Vice President of the San Francisco chamber of commerce and proponent of proposition q you were also by Quentin Mickey volunteer for the no on letter to on the measure could think of her being here. I like to start with opening remarks meeting with you, jim the homelessness has reached epidemic proportion. While total number of homeless is remained fairly stable over the last 30 years, recently the number of People Living on streets and in parks and skyrocketed. Were the worst symptoms is tenant encampments spread it in our neighborhoods in front of homes and businesses. Its not compassionate to allow our fellow human beings to live in tents on the street. Its dangerous and unhealthy. Proposition that the housing not tents measure will make it city policy to move the homeless out of these encampments and into shelter and housing. It requires notice and storage of personal property animates it city policy to find Emergency Shelter for People Living on the street. The policy that was discarded in the late 1980s when camp at nose appeared in civic center plaza. Allowing tends to remain in place only prolongs homelessness and doesnt help people get the services they need. The board of supervisors wont pass a reasonable regulations. Its time for the voters to do it by voting yes on q thank you. Quentin . Yes, proposition q has a measure that as long history of previous night. There was care not cash. With the insight panhandling measure. With a set line measured. It is a misguided attempt at playing upon Peoples National frustrations with the poverty and homelessness that exist in San Francisco. Lets be clear about the title. Housing not tense. There is neither any housing within thenor is there funny for homeless service. More importantly, i think this is actually the danger of the actual measure, Jeff Kosinski the head of the City Department of homelessness, is not asking or requiring up the quebec paschal for the actual clearing out against it theyre doing that right now. What prop q actually doesnt codify a process that prevents legal ramifications. Right now, the cities were moving in cameras as we speak. Theyre not waiting for prop q did prop q means if they cannot provide shelter than they can remove this and caymans and thats the problem. Thank you, quentin. My next question is how is proposition q different from laws that are already passed in San Francisco . How will it change things spewing allstar when you become acquainted quite simply from our perspective, both the city and state law already cover lodging on sidewalks. There is ample room for the police to remove them. Earlier this year on division street the city in coordination with the Police Department removed in canada Long Division street. Just two weeks ago the removed a large and kim and longcreek. The laws are already in place in the city has every hour it needs good prop q that would take a different tack and essentially codified by mandating that the city cannot remove homeless and cameras unless shelter is provided. Lets be clear. There at the last count 6500 Homeless Individuals in the city could not including youth and families. Theres only 1200 adult shelter beds in the city. So this idea that we can suddenly offer shelter to everybody and they would be off the streets in a homeless encampment problem is going to disappear overnight it is simply not. Which i think is one of the reasons why the chronicle recommended no on proposition q it is something ugly to change anything. More importantly, is going to tie the hands of the City Department on homeless and the city hired, the mayor hired Jeff Kosinski sam dodge a talented team of people to actually really dress homes. This is a very cynical measure that is simply not adding value to its happening in the city when the city is really trying to come together around a very challenging issue. In a rather play upon peoples fears for what we think is and we just political gain. Thank you quentin same question to you, jim. Currently doesnt cover every seconds and you have a public of issue or a [inaudible] but the board when i passed the voters had to some years ago. At the time limit is required by law. So you cannot move somebody at midnight editing cam and thats blocking a sidewalk. This legislation will give the Police Department and the city and our social service departments, the ability to identify those in cameras that need to be relocated, give proper notice, secure locations for personal property, and turned around a growth in homelessness on the streets get we dont have 6000 people on the streets every night. We have 6000 identified homeless in San Francisco. And we have probably 2000 that need to move into shelter. This will make it city policy approved by the voters. Towing city hall create that shelter them a tip people off the streets and out of the parks. Thank you. The second question is, how do we ensure the services are available given that right now theyre weightless for shelter beds in San Francisco . Theres empty shelter beds every night in the city. Theres no doubt the city has to do more good we had more shelter beds 30 years ago than we have today. Under emergency base. Where we have been successful as outcomes. Supportive housing. Cities building hundreds of units of Supportive Housing right now. The city is building new Navigation Centers right now. So there will be the means to move people off the streets and out of parks. The of vigilante justice out there. The home was killing homeless in golden gate park. We prostitution in tents. We have stolen property. Its time to really get serious about taking Homeless People and treat them as human beings and get them off the streets out of the parks, into programs and this is just one more step, one more opportunity, for the voters to tell the elected officials another is enough. You can see meetings in the mission and south of market and northeast where businesses and residents are coping with really difficult circumstances in their homes, in their neighborhoods. The homeless need to be served but not in it tends and kim and. Thank you. Quicken, same question to you im very clear about this. If we wanted scuttled treat individual six parenting homelessness as humans than we would stop with the stereotypes of prostitution, rape, on homeless murdering homeless. I can flash back to 14, 15 years ago when then supervisor newsom put forth care not cash and the basis of that campaign was inciting these stereotypes about the poorest people in our city that i think shame on this campaign. Shame on proposition q for even saying or implying that is the reality thats what happened on the streets right now. Theres nothing right now in proposition q as jim talked about all these long tensions, that is not already happening. We just created a department of homelessness. We just hired Jeff Kosinski. Were trying to put funding into truly addressing homelessness in the city and yet were taking a step backward for apparently supervisor farrell on the intent. Its unclear how this adds value to this conversation at all. A time when the city is trying to come together we are once again, dividing the stereotypes that i think are very unjust and unfair to those individuals were expensing. Should the people should be frustrated with whats happened with homelessness in this. People should be frustrated that this tent and chemistry let city officials do their job. Theyre doing it right now. Theyre certainly not waiting for proposition q to pass before they do it. Thank you, quentin. Are going to move into closing the market will start with you, jim. Thank you. We need proposition q because despite without opponents a no current law truly addresses tent and cameras. The opponents argue that only housing gets people off the street and they are right. Every night we have taken shelter beds and over the next two years the cities building 300 new supportive Housing Units and six new homeless Navigation Centers. But dont take it from me. Kathy black, the executive director of the casathe citys oldest organization that responds to provide help to those of victims of Domestic Violence the chronicle oped piece just a few days ago. I have it here. Rate is right in tent cities. This is not some kind of campaign rhetoric. These are not people by and large good just lost their home. The criminal activity on the streets in front of peoples homes and in front of businesses. Seven rapes in the First Six Months of 2016 although. She says tent cities are not as a place for an injured little on Vulnerable Women to live. Nobody should have to live in fear period. Pop q should make our cities say. Kathy black. So we urge the voters of San Francisco to support proposition q thank you, jim. Quicken, Closing Remarks yes. I think proposition q is more of the status quo. Important our city has engaged in over the years. Rather than truly trying to address homelessness and poverty, we criminalize it to be stereotyped it. Do so for unfortunately political purposes. I think that we have an opportunity by rejecting proposition q to send a message different message than with jim wants to send to city hall that we can do better as a city and we need to. We should be housing people. We should not People Living in tent and cameras but the way of doing that is leading the city do their job at a time when they are investing in good staff. They are investing in funding Supportive Housing. We dont have enough shelter to meet the demands of proposition q in the city is already committed to the fact that they want to remove those tent and again its good that is an opportunity for the city to see through what i think is a very cynical measure and hopefully address homelessness in an honest authentic weight rather than a politically. Thank you, quentin and think you both for your common sense on. We hope this discussion has been informative. For more information on this and other ballot measures this years election, please visit the San Francisco collections website at sf election stopword. We member early voting is available at city hall monday through friday from 8 am5 pm. You can also vote at city hall on the two weekends before election day. If you dont vote ea hello. Im shaunathe league of women voters could along with the league and sfgov tv im here to discuss oppositionabout measure before the voters on tuesday, november 8. The city generally requires developers of market rate housing of tenant units or more to provide Affordable Housing. The developer can meet the requirements in one of three ways. One, pay and afford housing fee. Two, construct offsite Affordable Housing. Were three, construct onsite Affordable Housing. Onsite residential unit houses affordable for low income households that it is affordable for households earning up to 55 of the area Median Income and onsite rental unit on zero affordable for middle income households that is affordable for households earning up to 1 of the area Median Income. The city uses federal income standards to determine the maximum allowable rent levels for the affordable unit. The rent is updated each year. Opposition u would change the department for development onsite husband it would increase income eligibility for onsite rental units for all new and existing 41 Housing Units. Under proposition u and the rental unit counted towards the Affordable Housing requirement must be available for households earning up to 110 of the area Median Income. Opposition u would increase the gross income of households to be eligible for Affordable Housing. From 55 to 110 of the area Median Income. It would also set the vector unit at 30 of the household Growth Income is always that household is up to 1 and 10 of area Median Income. This proposal applies retroactively to rental units those under the Affordable Housing program. The rental price for each unit we calculated annually based on the households gross income if you vote yes you want to increase the income eligibility limit for onsite rental units for all new and existing Affordable Housing units to make them affordable for households earning up to 110 of the area Median Income. If you vote, no, you do not want to make this change. Im here with leahCampaign Manager for yes on u and opponents of the measure were also joined by peter that oh director of the San Francisco counsel Community Housing organizations and opponents of proposition. Thank you both for being here. Were there to start with opening remark some begin with you, leah be taken in the face of the worst housing shortage that San Francisco has ever seen, the city has rightly focused on resources for low income to have Affordable Housing. As a result San Francisco middle class and many people like myself, have been largely ignored. Theyre struggling with the high cost of market rate housing but currently do not qualify based upon the ami limit. If you make 60,000 or above you do not qualify. These residents are artists, construction workers, Food Service Workers and mothers and parents that are then pushed out of the San Francisco. Proposition u will help families like myself and others stay in the city that they love because we all deserve to stay in San Francisco and added value. Thank you, leah. Opening remarks . Yes, i think we need to start with who actually with this measure on the bow. This measure was designed by input on about by the San Francisco realtors association. The campaign for the measure is being funded by the National Association of realtors and the California Association of realtors. The question is, what are the realtors such a great interest in San Francisco and what is essentially changing the exclusionary housing policy which was established back in 2002 by then supervisor mark leno. With this measure does effectively, we is reverse the measure that was just passed by 68 of voters in june of this year. Proposition c which increased our cities requirement of private developers to provide affordable units. We increased it to 25 of the units they have to provide but also most importantly they now have to provide both low and middle income units. This measure would eliminate the low income units and make all inclusionary middle income. Thank you, mark. The next question in creasing amount of people that would be eligible for Affordable Housing, hows exactly is that going to affect our housing crisis. Is it going to help it or is it going to hurt it . Is important to number doesnt increase the people who are eligible for Affordable Housing. There is no knew of for the Housing Units that are accreted by proposition u to developers have to create the exact number of units. What it means they can target the pricing for these units to a higher class of people than they currently do. As i mentioned, we currently have as of this past junes proposition c which was passed by voters, to tears. A low income portion of the increase and a middle income portion. The Planning Department was asked by the department of elections to opine on this measure. They called it very simply, this is a lemonade in the to tears when creating a single tear of inclusionary just for middle income. So it doesnt create any new housing opportunity. It just changes who gets them. Same question to you, leo yes. This proposition would increase the income limits. Those who are making 60,000 100,000. Does your middleclass people like myself. I grew up as a middleclass san franciscans. Every christmas and hauling my mother worked because they were middle income. They do not qualify for anything. Get to work for time in half and overtime on every holiday. My father worked at an usher at the giant game as well just to make ends meet. They do not qualify for Affordable Housing. Discount recology were any programs for their children. They barely survived in San Francisco. This will allow San Francisco not to be a twotier city where your low income and your height income. Middle income individuals are workingclass san franciscans that id love. This is taking 2 of the Housing Stock and adding the income limit to allow those who are able to pay a little bit more to add to the 04 the Housing Development to make sure theyre able to survive in San Francisco. Many of the families that were pregnant with myself have left San Francisco because their middleclass and can no longer afford to stay here. Thank you, leo. The next question is, it proposition u form passes we increase the amount of people who are eligible for this Affordable Housing, how do we ensure there still enough housing for lowest income neighbors . Yes. This proposition will increase the income limit amount on the ami limit. Currently evidently a for the lowest income amount is around 54,000. Many san franciscans who are in the edge would allow them to qualify but would not be taken away what taken away from the logan. Is adding for middle income san franciscans so that they are able to stay in San Francisco were very diverse city and it allows for that diversity and housing and resources for them as well. Same question to you. Sure. The way it increases housing for middle income families is by taking it away from low income families. Thats inherently the cynical part of this measure is that it hits now families against each other based on the income level. The current inclusionary housing policy the city has, pale portion that is dedicated for income households for them before that about 100,000 110,000 a year. That exist currently. With this measure would do is take the portion thats dedicated for low Income Service worker families in a lemonade that allow middle income families to have all of the pipe. Thank you. Closing statements. Leo, we will start with you yes. A thriving city depends upon qualified teachers to help student. Nurses to care for the sick and First Responders to save our lives. But our approach to housing has caused a crisis for middle income families. They do not have resources get as a result, between 2009 and 2015 San Franciscos lost over 15,000 middle income residents. From San Francisco. If this continues, we will be a twotier city the rich and the poor. What will happen to our middle income . Do they not deserve to live in San Francisco. I believe they do. The people like myself, my family, and many of the people that i know in San Francisco. In order to preserve our middle class and also engaged with our low income we need to pass proposition u to help our middleclass stay in San Francisco because our families just like me. Thank you, leo. Peter . Aborts it with this measure also does is exacerbate the displacement crisis we been having in San Francisco. That displacement crisis has been no worse than in the africanamerican and latino communities. 100 ami which is a proposition u will make all inclusionary housing for is above what the africanamerican and latino populations in San Francisco make on average. Middle income is not the same across all of our communities of San Francisco. The terribly divisive aspect of it is the communities that need it the most to stem the tide of displacement, are being priced out by the policy under proposition u. Thats why this measures opposed by the united educators are teachers, is opposed by the American Federation of teachers of city college. Debate was opposed by the Labor Council coalition of San Francisco neighborhoods by the Neighborhood Network by the Democratic Party. Its opposed by spur which is a very centrist policy organization. This measure is not good policy. The realtors are not trying to do this in the best interest of either low or middle income san franciscans. He was thank you. Thank you both for your comment and time. We hope that this discussion has been informative. For more information on this and other ballot measures this years election, these visit the San Francisco election website sfelections. Org. Remember, early voting is available at city hall monday through friday from 8 am until 5 pm. You can also vote at city hall when the two weekends before election day. If you dont vote early,. Hi, im supervisor wiener and i would be honored to represent you in the california state isnt we live in the best place on the planet yet face champions housing is to ridiculously expensive that people are beg pushed out i wouldnt be able to afford to move into my own neighborhood too much working families are struggling to make ends meet and health care and assess quality education we have twreshl congestion our our road ooze the Transportation Systems are struggling to keep up request demand working 20eg9 we can make a difference on those issues as youre next state senator ill go to work fighting to make a difference for you creating nor Affordable Housing you and your families can live here making it more affordable and suhr your children receive a quality education and your family can have Affordable Health care we must support working families he offer the legislation to guarantee parental leave so parents dont have to commissioner crews between passerby the rent and bonding with children as your state senator i will fight for you, we have a homeless crisis on the street we see that everyday i offered a measure to fund one billion dollars over 20 years for permanent housing for the homeless we believe that allowing people to live in squaller and tents and sidewalks is not a xanax approach for homeless we must get people out of tents and into housing as your state senator hell address the homeless decrees by creating more housing and rebe it further resolved our Mental Health safety net to make housing more affordable for the struggling middleclass middleincome we must not put that up roadblocks he offered to streamline the Affordable Housing legislation to add new rentcontrolled units inlaw units to our Housing Stock legislation to hold lymph gland affordable for Code Violations and protect renters into unfair evictions as your Senate Senator ill feet for all communities are creating enough housing for the growing population now at the time of trial may not be the biggest on or about by impacts us on a sdal business including may we have which is why he maids improving the Transit System a Top Priorities muni funding is tides to population growth so your system mass ridership i passed legislation requiring Regional Developers to pay impact fees and for circulates improvement and road improvements and projects to make it safer and easier to bike and walk and authorized legislation to require the creation of a subway master plan to a construction nor subways in San Francisco and also to improve our enadequate lairlt transportation he successfully fought the insurance they tried to erase hiv drugs and another leave satisfying drugs and expand care and protection serves and fought the Tobacco Industry to stop the products as a Senate Senator ill feet for the Community Health im a product of Public Education and fight to expand full funding and continue to expand water cycling because of the feet for lgbt rights is not close to offer hell work to expand californias role as a leader and fight for lgbt dignity including meeting the needs of lgbt at risk youth our seniors and transgenders brothers and sisters im the only candidate enforced but is democrat, etc. Party and honors to be endorsed by the current senator mark leno and u. S. Senator Zoning Administrator and Lieutenant Governor gavin newsom and the board of education tfa on most and the oaklands senator and our firefighters and the California Legacy of commercialism voters working together we can meet the many challenges i humbly ask for you hi, my name is victor wong a long civil rights attorney and this november when you go to vote in the polls youll see many candidates again for some of you, you may have not voted before what are we looking for in a judge someone to be fair and yes, maam partial that brings a bright perspective with the qualifications who has extensive experience when theyre sitting on the beverage and lacking for someone that is above mrirgsz politics ive served the community for 24 years in a Community Attorney position and look forward to continue to serve our community in San Francisco the Bar Association of San Francisco neutrality and professional erection of attorneys conducted an independent review interviewed judges and advertising and witnesses and port staff all the public defenders after conducting the review they concluded i was best quality to serve here as a judge in San Francisco in fact, they awarded me the highest kwfthd to serve as judge the first time in 20 years the finding of the Bar Association are endorsement from the chronicle and the beau guardians and others i received a wide array of the cerebellum groups as is Democratic Party and neighborhoods democrat, etc. Groups and the green parties and republicans support from labor and other groups give you a little bit of background i grew up as a child of immigrants if gated to North Carolina they they told me stories of growing up in a place not insure u sure why they were colored or white my mom has been a librarian and my data professor but were their Early Experiences the needs to stand for justice and the call to serve the communities and thats what ive done nor 24 years with the community and civil rights attorney for 4 years reading as public defender in los angeles he tried 50 cases wraing from single miscellaneous up to a homicide a access of a 16yearold who was he tried as an adult sea 5 years i worked in better utilization litigating cases to protect the rights of individuals victims of Police Misconduct and as part of a National Litigation team to serve the disabled and seniors and others 8 years worked for a nonprofit serve agency i served the survivors of donors and hifks went to court representing the children freeing situations who needed help with are and supports and child custody initials for the past 6 years worked as a da in the city and county of San Francisco leading the civil rights unit and park ranger crimes and Human Trafficking and assaults and tried serious skies and many profile access involving a group of skinheads that attacked two dish washers and telling them to go back to mexico and white super mists cutting someones face open and left hem to bleed out in the streets and Human Trafficking and my 24 years of experience allows me to be the most qualified and experienced candidates ill bring a balance to our criminal court and the Credential Court as a public defender and da this november please remember to vote in the election and please vote for victor wong. Tonights youll hear from some of the candidates if the board of education theyll present their views and answer our questions about the issues to submit questions for the candidates lake for a lead vary all questions are collected by 7 00 p. M. I wish to reminder you no literature or buttons sdrashd inside of room and sxhts candidates will be help quiet during the femur and candidates are asked to not attack others and no flash festivity for the fact that sfgovtv is broadcasting it is my pleasure to introduce the Jennifer Wagner when jenny moved to San Francisco she struggled to find an unbiased analysis for the first they considered not voting she felt unprepared he was horrified i was in one of the most political shouldve she find the leggings since 2000 held leadership positions including president for the San Francisco and the California Legacy jennifer a Small Business owner working with about nonprofit and Small Businesses on strategies, operations and finance and communication she hold a degree from government and diploma from the urban forestry of alien beggar scotland were honored to welcome Jennifer Wagner. clapping. thank you good evening tonight youll hear hearing from candidates from the board of education they will have a chance to present in their views on issues effecting the city and your questions about the issues two submit questions for the combhts look for volunteers that will be handing outs index cards and collect all questions by 7 00 p. M. The candidates will answer questions as well as from the logans the american San FranciscoPublic UtilitiesCommission Society at golden gate urban forest the time keepers will hold up a yellow card to signify you have 5 seconds remaining and a red card which it is time to stop all candidates have agreed to ask the supporters to be respectful and the audience to maintain quiet during the forum thank you all for respectfully this. All right. You have important decisions to make on november 8th let us begin the first question, please all right. Were going to go in order starting with a different person each time so starting on the end mr. Angelaer how can the board of education influence Curriculum Development and what goals should there be in this area. Thats a very important question theres a i think a lot of the impetus comes from the common core we need to interpret those in a way that meets the needs and the culturally competent to fulfill our particular population here. There are i think what is really skrushl is and what makes this district run is the teachers and the quality of the teachers it takes a good teacher to be able to differentiate to the point that all the students are served to their ability so i think it is really important we hire quality teachers that have the ability to serve all the students and that the curriculum does again is culturally competent. Im happy to mr. Haney. So you know we as a school board we set the curriculum for the distributed obviously informed by the stakeholders but here in San Francisco weve adopted vision 2025 and that for us is a decision of the experiences and the competent sisters and the skills we want all the graduates by the year 2025 to have if their time a huge part of that making sure that all of our students have a pathway go where we can explore their passion and staircase what spark what is that they want to pursue in their education and moving away from a situation where only some students can be successful and a single pathway a lot commissioner fewer creating a approach to curriculum all the students can be success thats the approach were taking agency as board i think thank you mr. Kim. I dont know how close. You can adjust it. Okay. As mr. Haney mentioned and the board makes decision it is incredibly important it involves all students and providing resources beyond the curriculum itself to make sure that teachers are proper access to resources to make that curriculum truly manage that is concern theyve internal listed i as a former teacher see the issues i built my own curriculum and think this is value it in providing a structure as it does with their common core i work right now a retail level i support teachers in the curriculum and i think that we need in moving forward is taking and bringing in teachers voices and the experience that people have worked the curriculum into the board that is something i can contribute. Thank you. Im jill wynns the role of the board curriculum is to conduct policies that and those policies often involve things wed like to have included in the curriculum that may or may not have been included before so a good example the board passed a resolution for ethic studies to be available in all schools in San Francisco and also weve done resolutions mr. Haney offered to make sure that Computer Science is available for all students in the district now i personally think that one of the things our board does is get into the weeds not here is what we want into the krerm you but heres exactly understanding what where the line and prelims for which we have professional staff is something the board has thank you a few of you mentioned opportunity gaps and effects within students for this next question im curious mr. Haney would with you do to reduce the opportunity gaps in San Francisco schools. A number of things first ill turn my my case on i think that you know we have had a situation in San Francisco for a long time where there is a huge opportunity and chauvinism gap between our black and latino and asian and white students a top priority i think we front yard on how to invest more resources for support is the its is have been underserved that is everything from providing additional Staff Members so they have more support in reading interference or counsels or social workers this is thinking about way to have smaller class sizes so teachers can work with important students a huge challenge with students in the schools with high percentages of black and latino students of teacher turnover we are not paying our teachers enough to stay and commit to a career we believe those will close the opportunity gap. I think everything can agree a lot of things that impact the opportunity gap our students face i think it is also safe to say the one thing in Public Education the only thing piping that ass is prototype with one hundred findings at the end of the day what matters is that the students are receiving and High Education in the classrooms that is incredibly, incredibly important to recognize if thats little case we know there are a lot of things that impact learning and over achievement but knowing that teaching and the quality of teaching is the number one thing that matter in the end thats how we need to refocus our energy and teaching and the quality of teaching and i think this is incredibly important to know and that we need people on the board that have that experience and that experience in the classroom and having the support but able to really speak to what is the kind of curriculum youve mentioned and the Different Things that are implementing the quality of teaching. Thank you well, we actually have tried to and are trying to focus on more resources to try to address the issues about the opportunity and chauvinism gap number one weve put in place a student physical within the School District based on the students there are disabled and do speak english, etc. Other programs we try to focus our resources so recently, we have there a multiple tooerp support the schools will get the support services they need so more social workers and nurses counselors working i actually think the thing we should do is address the issues of Child Poverty thats the thing that most effects the achievement gap we can do that no San Francisco and part of the our job to rally the community to do that. Several of you mentioned the issues around teacher turnover at the quality of teaching and the lack of funding im curious started with you, mr. Asking him could what do you do to make sure that teachers and others make a liveable wage oh, i apologize. I apologize i got to the end of the page mr. Keller who would you do to reduce the opportunity gap in San Francisco. Like jill said it is a stoirt problem youre not going to integrate the schools or society there is actually studies it students that live in other more wealthier districts perform better bus get to the students early on a student is not proficient in reading is less likely to graduate high school by 19 so the interference and tutoring maybe just to get the constitutes up to where they need to be and other mentoring and president obama my brothers Keeper Initiative i thought was very good and adopted the Leadership Initiative so things like that. Thank you i apologize ill repeat that next question mr. Kim how would you make sure that teachers and other School Workers make a liveable wage. It is hitting home to me i as a teacher live in San Francisco 45 percent of my income was going to housing and i think there is a lot we can do i mean, i mean it is an affordability issue that effects any people. In particular we need to take a comprehensive approach how to make sure the teachers can afford living here he know we offer up added bonuss and staff for the schools and part of staff i think we need to do more in supporting the teachers coming in the fields and look at it subscribes i know the conversation is about teacher housing i want to know more about the data that is impactful remaining the teachers i think i know there is a lot we can do bottom line we need to increase the teachers salary and to systematically. Actually raising the teachers compensation is one of my highest priorities when we had the recession of the fuvendz because of the recession peter out a little bit i think not new funding only the recession of funds before 2007 i think we you know your ex brans we have not enough compensation we need to discipline ourselves and stop doing that we know that affordability and excessive salaries is one of the most importantly things forces the success of the future and sets our highest priorities i support the teacher housing and supportive of the teacher housing my colleagues and the working group we have at the union is come around to my point of view i think well get some that that in the future and seek other source of revenue ive been involved in 3 initiatives that raised billion dollars and we need more money to pay teachers so they can work and stay here. My wife a bilingual classroom teacher and if it we are not are rentcontrolled we be wouldnt be here we need to definitely make sure to protect and strengthen rent control and eviction control he hear periodically about teachers evicted from their homes that didnt help you think that teachers need to be living in the community in which they teach and also paraprofessionals havent been a real part of discussion this season but their salaries could go up maybe increased as well i think if we reform proposition 24 we can get some of that money back that is the Property Values stuck in where they were 40 years ago is ridiculous and have an idea for possible food subsidies for teachers a good idea maybe like the ebt card to use at safeway or whole foods and get a discount on food. We dont do something upgrade on the salaries for our staff well have a perpetual crisis being able to hang onto our people and have a challenge with many of our schools losing staff on a regular basis and have a hard time atrociously people to our city as commissioner wynns said this is an urgent challenge we need a long term vision and plan to get our salaries up much more dwoiblg a higher level that will take nor advocacy and change at the state level but take marrow Creative Solutions in San Francisco we need to consider having another parcel tax we have the parcel tax in 2008, we need another one for funding and support from the city to be able to do this this is an upgrade priority and, of course, build teacher housing and address i think the crisis we have in feasibility for the taverns you have a lot of questions about teachers this is a very specific one what can the brivengs do to attract new top quality teachers. Well the board of education through its past can do a lot we have not been doing enough we have i actually i think that we rely on kind of magic of San Francisco people want to come here and live they until recently now a Teacher Shortage in the state and around the country plenty of candidates for the teaching jobs didnt mean weve supported them appropriately or they can afford to live here whatever so but i dont think we had a focus recruitment effort that really goes to the kind of teachers we need and i am a little bit critical of the staff and not focused enough and clear in view of what we need and how 80 we should go about recruiting if we did things to compensation well get for candidates and be able to fill all the teaching johns we have that magic San Francisco. Thank you. The i think the Teacher Residency Program 24 should be strengthened and the teachers should have that 5 years thats pretty good for San Francisco i think better recruiting reaching out and creating relationships with the area universities Standford University and uc berkley, San FranciscoState University and partnering with them a little bit more strongly and having that kind of a pathway to recruiting teachers but, yeah there is a Teacher Shortage all over throughout the state and the affordability in San Francisco doesnt help at all there are for the special education teachers giving them the 4,000 bonus was a zgdz idea im not sure that was enough but bonus is something that will be useful the money should be created in the budget. I agree with commissioner wynns we rely heavily think being San Francisco and that in the context of a Teacher Shortage not enough anymore we need to build tinting with our local kaeblgs institutions and be surrounded 3wid a number of education schools like use of force should be a first place for the support and and pipeline we need to build our pipeline of teachers northbound San Francisco thats with the educational institutions but in our own community we have students who should be supported to be teachers here there San Francisco and have a lot of Good Research that show us theyll stay here if from here and paraprofessionals in the classrooms that may want to be teachers i think we can build up and had a lot of success weve built you think our own workforce we need more of it. For the sake of time additionally in the short time we need to look at how as a district we are doing our best to get through the the barriers for a teaching prospect people are not interjecting and finding a place to live and say hey well not only identify a job but give us sights to live here and streamlining it process decreasing many barriers as possible either moving them entirely through the process can, the transition to living in the bay area or San Francisco as a teacher incredibly helpful in the long term i think we need to focus on how were suhr the number of teachers opposites is going adopt and the number of teacher opposites it means napa valley highlevel of how to best support them. On the theme mr. Keller weve talked about the teachers this the question how can the board of Education Support the professional development of teachers. Well, they do a pretty good job at this time but putting more money into that and actually targeting it to its where we need it in the schools that are difficult to staff and the subject areas that are difficult to staff for example my daughter at the James Lick Middle School they hired a Dance Teacher 5 weeks in doesnt have a Dance Teacher that the teacher certificate of occupancy had had discipline not the right supporter from admin she lasted a day and my daughter is having a series of intermit teachers up until this week they finally hired one so support from the effects, support from site administrators is critical in order to and professional development. Ill say two things about is one we need to invest a lot more into supporting new teachers it is a key period of time when some of the first year and second year theyll be state and federal or actually continue on and for some period of time we have not invest enough in supporting those teachers and also making sure they have a mentor teacher they can working closely a lot of the that needs to happen at the school site we have coaches to support the teachers as opposed to pulling the teachers away the second thing to focus on not on the curriculum but actually, the skills involved with being a teacher melba curls 3rd district classroom math all the things to build relationships that the families and other teaches innovate taught in education schools to make sure our teachers are taught that for over the long run. In my professional day job i have delivered pd to hundreds of teachers one area professional that those schools got it right its hard not all teachers need the same amount of support i didnt need is one of my piers needed when we were teaching their first year we think outside the box in terms of how we deliver and professional development it is much of that Decision Maker still in closed session sm potential of delivering that. This is an area weve made significant investments and will continue to do that and area where one of the things weve been able to do is used money that is not public grants and also philanthropic dollars around special development that is very important i know some of this is referred to i think one of the key things to strike and balance between those kinds of professionals that are driven by the district in some cases wear required to by law we have this professional development or in any curriculum or things streaking a balance and things in the district interests we want to do for everyone. How much how many resources and independent and how much support the schools can see tied to the school plan and mayor that it is the most effective is can be. Were going to looking at a much broader question who is the biggest challenge facing the school. I think it is the things weve talked about one getting the staff salaries up to a level that allows our people to stay here and come here you know we start our teachers at the level that is difficult for and frankly is not volley ball them at the level they should be and such a low level of funding from the state that is a huge challenge to how to figure out how to raise those salaries i think that in terms of what were looking at as a board thats number one and, of course, the broader question how to make sure our students can graduate can gene the skills they need to be successful and can read and write at a grade level and close the achievement gap that continues to be of beg concerns to us in a city that are tremendous wealth and values we should be able to do that and i think we can it is a big challenge. I think that is incredibly important to add Education Institution our data brieven e driven and shocks me we dont say a dashed with all of our Information Available 0 we can he deeply analysis that internally i point to ucsf this is fascinate i think usf needs an initial to bring that data and bring to life not only we can act on that but close it out when we need if this guess incredibly incredible important not only for chauvinism but firmly building that all as possible as aggregated as possible that information should be rightfully made were able for others to see and understand and take and ask the harder questions to support the schools and strategizing the data we need to get and. Well, i think the biggest things facing the schools the money the taking control of the property they get to decide how much money the schools get and unwilling to provide adequate resources we know we have the California SchoolBoard Association we sued the state and believe it or not the state courts decided that while the constitution of the state required the state to provide a Free Education no quality to which students are entitled theyre only entitled to get to school that is the most important thing what well do with the money to make the investments weve been talking this evening and help us to have a more fair system where every student can in their potential question need more money. Im going to look at that a little bit different as someone that works for the department of health i take seriously the mandate to protect the health of all san franciscans i think one of the problems that were having this is everywhere this is the implosion in special Education Needs and students just in the last two years the budget is 73 million to 90 million and it is upwards trajectory there needs tobacco an honest look why this it is happening is there some kind of sin gimmick environmental issue going on who knows but you know along being what phil said about data driven id like see the data how many sick absence how many kids need inharmless to get to the bottom of what is going on vision 2025 doesnt mention the word autism but at the rate were going well stop at the 7 percent by the year 80 2033. Why do you want to serve on the board of education as another way to be involved in San Francisco schools. That one should be starting with mr. Kim. Why do you want to serve on the board of education as opposed to being involved in the San Francisco schools in another way. So i securely work in Public Education and ive honestly came not expecting to be here this long he fell 23406 with the kids thats why i stated in education and firmly building in a Public School system as a product from school and a son of immigrant parents as first generation student growing up in the country and having a family in the poverties line im an example of what a strong Public Education can do formal students in the countrys and firmly building that the voice of our leadership some reflect the students and people were severing as an educator and all the identities isle ive said i firmly building the voice of not only the educators need tobacco on our board and dedicated space for that. So thats why im running. Well, ive been the board of education for 24 years and served two terms longer than everyone else i believe fundamentally not only in Public Education and its value to our society and future but the democratic government you govern the Public Schools were the trustees of Public Interest in Public Education our foundation of our democracy and what makes us unique we have a democracy in our schools this is what i do this is you know, i think that im i know modestly im an expert on School Government and that School Finance and this is the work that i am good at experienced at and can the best way to possibly support and improve our Public Schools in San Francisco. Mr. Keller. I have two children in the district my oldest daughter at Lowell High School and James Lick Middle School my wife a classroom bilingual teach im involved in on the site council at the James Lick Middle School and so ive been involved in all through the last 11 years of my kids school i feel the board of education is somewhere you can bring big ideas to fruition and make a beneficiary difference i have a beg stake substantial stake in the success of the schools and can control the direction a little bit better and speak to a wider variety of people and be able to bring more money to the table so, yeah im running for board of education because because i can. Laughing. I think ive seen over the last 4 years what our board of education can do and when we are representing i know what san franciscans expect of our Public Schools were putting forward a vision for all the students to have i think benefit from the tremendous opportunities and Amazing Things happening in the city the brifshgs plays an important rule i think that all of us in the city should be involved in Public Schools in a have a seat. Of was but think that the board of education has a Critical Role one i believe in the democratic governs in bringing everyone to the table and really fighting for a system that works better for everyone in addition it is a critical time for the bruchgs and the School District very an intern superintendant and flowing a Superintendent Search process and moving in the right direction i want to continue. Now to the 2 minute candidate closing statements let me remind you need to get out and registration right away and please ask your friends the deadline is october 24th and remember, if youve moved you have to register again at the new address all right. We will do the criminal justice statement in the reverse alphabetical order you have two minutes. Thank you so im jill wynns like i said on the school board for 24 years and im interested in continuing to serve on the board of education i think there are a flub of things i can bring to this in the next 4 years the first one is mr. Haney said weve lost our superintendent recently were doing a search for the superintendant ill the only member who has been there too searches so 5 Board Members not involved in the Superintendent Search my expertise and sxheksz familyfriendly help to recruit the superintendents candidates and i want to help with the transition to a new superintendent my intention to make increased compensation for the teachers my highest priority that includes investment in teacher housing and Housing Support for teachers and other housing benefits teachers cant afford to live here we must have the best that possible teachers. In addition im interested in the development of the art center as the Service Center including the building of a new school of the arts were about to have the capital campaigns ive been working on this idea for over 20 years i want to cut a ribbon on that and have been a leader in the expansion of the Afterschool Programs so very soon in a position every Elementary School student in a public will have an Afterschool Program in their own school if their family wants and needs it and lastly i want to lend any support and help if in the implementation of vision 2025 and a. M. Business road map that takes leadership and ill be able to help with that, i hope youll support me and vote for genesis thank you. Mr. Kim. I firmly believability that you are board previous to what we call the roll. Have going done a great job and working building ahead we believe that to get our school from really good to excellent education for all students is really refocusing our priorities around insuring and partially where thigh experience comes from looking at schools and fourthly how to be our best focusing our time an supporting the teaching and learning thats what i feel ill bring fweven my experience professionally he currently work as a go innovation manager to codify and bullied that takes excellent teaching practices and i think this is credibly important in thinking about how to be innovative moving forward and on a personal note i think that you know my youngest brother a junior lives with my mother out the detroit and for two years she if this the grades of anything like that younger brother they switched to a car system and no assess at home he changed our phone number to his smart phone number i thought what are we are doing to make sure that all students have a hive qualified teacher standing in front of them i think our board did a job but move the needle for all the kids having a prospective not only that permanent externals of being the kind of students that grew up in this condition but having the knowledge and experience that i think our board needs. I think were at a time in San Francisco perhaps our schools are more critical and essential than theyve ever been this city is now is the most unaffordable place in the entire country and that in many ways it the felt the sharp it by our families by the people that work in San FranciscoPublic Schools and so to have a city where more and more families and children are having a hard time staying here and when they graduate our young people graduate from school having a hard time to stay and thrive here it is important we have Public Schools that are incredible and not just good or good for some students again transform all that allows the young people to have a fighting chance to thrive in their home city every city should fight formal ive seen over the last 4 years to make a lot of progress for the last four years on the board and commissioner wynns can speak to the progress shes seen on the board were moving in the right direction with vision 2025 with a vision so for how our kids get the technology and the Computer Science and request the private sector partnering with us with stabilization of our funding situation and not having a lot of these and cut at the level weve seen in the past theres a lot of hope for the future we have the highest Graduation Rate but this is a foundation we truly need to build open and the distance between where we are and capable of in San Francisco with all our resources and all our incredible innovation and id like to think forward thinking values in many ways we need to bring that all to the table to make sure we truly have the transition all that our kids need. Thanks very much for having us i have been working for the last 17 years. For the city and county of San Francisco bringing down hundreds of millions of for Mental Health services for individuals that need them i think i can handle the budgets of size that we handle in the district and multiple funding streams there are some things about the schools that i think need some improvement i think the balance between equity and excellence completely right at this time, theres a lot of patent discontent about the cutting of the Hunters Program and the eight grade algebra and students are not able to take that though they have that in other Unified School Districts the gate program religious are measures certain measures of excellence that are not available and not just for students welloff but i think those kinds of pathways to acceleration not available hurt minority students as well so i want to get on the board to improve that situation im also interested in making San Francisco 9 First District in the nation to have an organic cafe i think there is a consciousness kitchen and im sorry one of the sherman lefrments is looking at that id like to coding is great, vision 2025 talks about computer coding as a second language as musician id like to see more music teachers in the school i was i think if coding is going to be a second language i think that we should have the opportunity to be fluent in music you dependent dance to coding my name is my name is rob i ask for your vote candidates thank you on behalf of the losing and our partner the american constitution serenity and Golden Gate University for more election fox please visit the league of women voters on l q v f f. Org and thank you for informing yourselves about voting on november 8th thank you tonight hell hear under some of the candidates for district one board of supervisors actually all the candidates for the board of supervisors sherman Ricky Greenberg and you secondhand are fewer and samuel and david lee and martin and andy theyll have a chance to present our views on issues of the city and answer our questions to submit your questions please write the question on an index card i wish to remind you no literature or Campaign Signs maybe posted inside of the room candidates are to be respectful of other candidates and help to maintain the Forum Candidates are asked to make no personal attacks on other individuals no cameras are allowed because of sfgovtv is taping the forum for broadcast im pleased to introduce the moderator cynthia is the past president of the league of women voters a graduate of the uc davis for Public Services and psychiatrist and shes the past president a of a junior legacy of San Francisco and serving on the International Board of directors as a member of the junior legacy of California State Affairs committee cynthia promoted the passage of bills for low income breakfast patients and enhanced penalties for Domestic Violence offenders here placement as a staff has led to her commitment to make a difference and influence the 0 policies for education she afterwards as Vice President and president of league of women voters San Francisco shes currently executive director of the hills Burger School foundation were honored to welcome cynthia. clapping. i have professional help this evening. Good evening this evening youll be hearing in the candidates from the district one supervisors theyll present their views so submit questions for the candidates look for a volunteer well collect questions by 7 00 p. M. The candidates will answer the questions as well as questions that have been submitted 80 by the lwv holding up a yellow card for 15 seconds remaining and red card time to stop all candidates ask the supporters be respectful of others candidates and to remain quiet during the forum i ask you to respect that we have many important decisions to make todays forum will give you an opportunity well ask questions about the candidates well start with mr. Quan with the first question and go down the line of candidates and one minute. Piece well rely on the time keepers and go to the next candidate to start speaking. So the first question mr. Quan how will be address San Franciscos need more Affordable Housing and how will your actions effect the richmond. Thank you for this id like to invite the practice for Small Business over thirty years i deal with buildings and work with buildings departments and the Planning Department a lot of problems getting things approved since the the problem the Planning Department needs reform and none of priorities in the past dealt with that problem we know we need to build Housing Housing of all cost level and as an architect and i have the experience and knowledge to have some constructive policies to change the Planning Department and make sure that housing can be built for everyone in the city. Thank you. So Affordable Housing is a big issue in the neighborhood there are those that feel that there are too many people in the neighborhood and building more will have more people in the neighborhood and if some people that point a lot of housing built in the neighborhood we need a companions to build where we can a lot of the areas on geary are designed for hire building and encourage the Property Owners through tax credits or others incentives to add more stories and bring it up to the current height not raise the height in the Richmond District but use the current structure and use those limits to increase the heights of a lot of the believes in the neighborhood. Thank you 65 percent of people that live in the district are rernlts you you know we have second most evictions in the Mission District it is really important that first, we keep the people in the richmond under and i think that the Richmond District has to plan for growth there is no rent control for Small Businesses that is the backbone of our district i will prioritize thoughts to build 100 percent Affordable Housing and even in all site acquisitions and should do Development Without displacement so we need to look at Development Without displacing people there and the Small Businesses and done right meaning we dont displace Small Businesses and conscious of the renters there are a lot of renters and conscious of those Small Businesses that actually interest have been serving our district over 5 seven years. There we go. Hi hello, im Richie Greenberg im running for supervisor here what i want to say for the most part is my approach to any issue we may speak about tonight including Affordable Housing is from first a Richmond District perspective i think that one of the problems that supervisor candidates and others working as a supervisor or any other part of cities leadership theyve forgotten the neighborhood my emphasis is richmond first in the Richmond District we have that not that many opportunities different locations that we can build there are zoning laws and certain areas that is specified we can potentially put housing affordable im wondering be pushing for that but also one of the things im doing looking at airbnb and shared homes that would shortterm rentals that are taking away from Housing Stock thank you. Good evening. Im jason it is critical to first have perspective in understanding the issue understand that there interest over 50 thousand units that have already been approved for construction by the selfdepartment of building inspection those need to be built we can expedite the construction of those they are being Treasure Island and park merced and potrero hill yerba buena the tenderloin, hayes valley etc. Over 50 thousand first thing you do you build that heres the perspective part to keep in mind that these over 50 thousand units will accommodate the next 25 years of San Francisco natural growth based on the patterns that San Francisco has established over the last several decades lets build what we have before we try to jam in more build what has been approved thank you im bryan larkin like the street i want to cut to the effect more housing will have on the Richmond District weve been hearing the words countrys crisis this is a housing crisis after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake i fear the word crisis i think rational reaction to the problem becomes secondarily what i want to do insure if we increase the density in the richmond get the commentary improvements to bring underground Metro Rail Services to the neighborhood and underground our utilities i say a thikd problem we have the utilities from wires this think a insult to thikdz they underground their utilities i have ten seconds sure more housing and the Planning Commission has recommended for further development and the things jason said not only that. First more housing the second is to rain in airbnb and other of those online programs that have taken Housing Stock off the market id also close loopholes for speculation that is happening with the ellis act abusers and i would try not only to build housing but to keep the Housing Stock we do have for real people for renters in need of housing rather than the airbnb tourists and the fact that we had a property next to shermans house just got closed for airbnb the illegal airbnb and it is happening more and more in our district thank you. Mary shown we need to keep families and working people in the Richmond District we need to understand i think of loss of us understand a regional area the bayview Wider Population is growing mooufrns moved to the richmond it is a welcoming community we have plenty to work with within existing zoning to create housing for low income and middleincome we need to protect the renters and the rent control we need to acknowledge the fact if we dont create for housing that will be more scarce and more expensive i think we need to look at major transit corridor in the richmond per and look at it where we, build one existing zoning i dont know anyone that wants to see cypress in the richmond and the fact of working with what we have will make the community more vibrant thank you. Im andy like 2 3rds of city like most of city my wife and i rent this is really, really expensive and im starting to boom on this my case but i mean it we have a crisis if you cant afford marketrate housing you need Affordable Housing that is what Affordable Housing means im interested if all sorts of ways to address that i think we have to grow in the Richmond District not let all the neighborhoods take the growth but we can have 5 and 6 story buildings on geary where better transit you can go and come with me walk around with any neighbors there are 6 and 7 story buildings out there their buildings that suit the neighborhood our current supervisors made and i an effort id like to come up with that master plan thats where well go thank you. Im jonathan i want to say thank you to everyone for being here on the issue of housing like andy im booming on this mickey want to say obviously as everybody agrees we need to build housing but been cognizant of what were building and for whom i reject this build baby build strategy it is out of stepchild as long as we build ultra luxury condos for people that dont life here it is not going to happen we need to build housing the question how are were going to do that the fact that the size the alexander theatre it is lighted for decades for more than a decade is ridiculous we need someone that has an ability to bring the Community Together with the developers and build affordable to everyday san franciscans. The next question for mr. Silver have whats the biggest challenge for district one and what will you do. Live and works in the district so for me the biggest problem in the neighborhood is safety i originally ran previously for the board of supervisors because i saw someone get hit by a car on geary it is one of the busiest corridor yet 12 intersection with no traffic lights thats irresponsible and that will be the number one priority their insulated in time for the traffic so we can cross the street safely and also the other major corridors if there is a buses running down it that is clemente and balboa and fulsome and balboa. I think the biggest one of the biggest problems in the Richmond District is about exact time as mentioned 65 percent of residents are renter and 60 percent 55 percent are in rentcontrolled buildings so i think this is sort of a crisis modes ive been knocking on doors and astonished how many people are living in air rentcontrolled units apartment for 040 and 50 years the biggest asset it the people that live there were going to try to keep them there and a lot of empty storefronts but inform rent control for Retail Businesses so i think we have to advocate so for 4r0r789 a leases and spoken to owners of green apple books and when their leases are up for renewable as green apple is up in 2018 i think that we should advocate so for longer leases for Small Business to continue here in the city. Okay. So one issue that is the most important for the Richmond District that effects everyone male and female young and old and tourists people that dont live here is crime crime on several levels one would be breakins and smash and grabs in cars and property personal property breaking into homes and the lack of enforcement that is around that surrounded there so regardless of who you are we all are living potential fear of having our property stolen and broken into and robberies and thefts we need to support our police to make sure we have proper funding for the Police Department in our particular predict to make sure we have full staff to develop Community Policing and make sure that we can eliminate zero crime against our property. So influencing i will say is transportation it effects everyone the prop k that was passed in 903 enabled the brt studied since 2003 nothing has happened but stevedore implementing the 300 million plan what ive been proposing in advancing for many years is the idea of following more buses running on schedule time enabling for people probation officer get on and off t e p is a remarkable advancement moved on the process in t e p and letting have more buses that run on schedule that will enable everyone to move quicker on and off of the richardson or richmond the richmond is not going to be the focus of the most of employment for richmond residents lets move around quickly and focusly thank you. I think the biggest challenge that richmond residents and voters will face is electing representatives for the district who will have their specific interest at heart and bring substantive improvements in this millennial not people dealing with oh, my god im going to say with International Issues with the subjective issues that face our district ive been talking about bringing underground muni completing to the district thats my number one priority a priority for almost anyone living in the Richmond District were not the focus of employment people have to go else where so bringing this kind of improvement and the other thing i mentioned earlier my number one priority i think the biggest challenge and this is henceforth, thank you. For me Pedestrian Safety is something i hear about all the time he live on a busy corner on 18 and clemente near the Recreation Center this week i saw a boy coming out of the roll call vote center almost hit on that corner cars are spooepdz there are didnt have a traffic light it is poorly literate night when it rains accidents are waiting to happen on that corner this is true of many corners in the Richmond District and every morning i go and talk to commuters as they take the bus to work and the one thing that comes up is so dangerous to walk our bikes in the district now cars are speeding through wreckly fulsome street and streets that are more residential streets that are bound to be a major thoroughfare thank you. You know i think the Biggest Issue facing our neighborhood has to do with are neighborhood representatives and a neighbor vows i have to agree housing is incredibly important and transportation and clean and safe streets and protecting local businesses absolutely that is what makes our neighborhood important but without a voice working at city hall informing those decisions and prioritizing those decisions we wont be making the best decision for the neighborhood i talked about how im in favor of for seniors and people with disabilities anyone that didnt have 3 hours to wait in line will have the opportunity to have their voices heard in the neighborhood i think all the issues are those that will effect the neighborhood for years to come and be cafeteria and accurate in how we amplify our voices so thank you. All right. Get that my case in the right place yeah youve heard people talk about safe streets i go on muni the richmond has some of the most dangerous streets in the city i hope youve heard about vision zero to eliminate traffic deaths in the next couple of decades we can do that by get serious the thing with transportation as we take geary and fulsome and balboa and make them streets you can walk across with dignity and delight and not run for your life make the streets work better for getting around whether in scar or muni or on foot ill keep on on having save routes to parks and schools and library walk with our children to the library and walk to the park not a crazy it thing about safe streets and getting around that is the most dangerous thing in this neighborhood right now you know i think that you know like a lot of my colleagues said there is so many answers to the question i dont know that any of them are wrong but for me it really is homelessness it is a growing problem in our city and in our district and it is a shame on the city we literally have thousand of people sleeping on our streets everyday and night have an annual budget larger than 13 states in the city we must find a way to deal with the homeless in a way that is compassionate and recognized our homeless neighbors are neighbors first and homeless second we need to dig both this problem as someone that spent 4 years in the Budget Office during the recession he ask around audit of our annual homeless budget and figure out what works and stop funding what does and maximum our budget thank you. Thank you so as supervisor im going go o im not going to let that happen those are the important things transportation work parking homeless are evictions crime and safety as far as the transportation and parking im against the current transit design i agree with jonas a waste of a lot of money having more buses and new buses will help greatly because gets people moving and people dont need to go downtown and take the regular neighborhood bus also for parking garages we need them in the Richmond District none has talked about that and homelessness im opposed to have a Navigation Center in the neighborhood because that will bring the drug dealers into the neighborhood and thats not what we want. Gun with ms. Fewer what can we do to improve Public Transportation in San Francisco. This is discouraging the only conversation whether or not having about transportation is really about the brt it is much more in the Richmond District were not connected to the city it takes us an hour to city college and hour to the Mission District and now in mission bay probably take an and a half in other words, to have a good Transit System everyone has to use it that means that maybe the thousand and thousands even if ubers and mroifts maybe regulate that we need a good Public Transportation system everybody has to use it were all funding it is not a teacher Transportation System i think in the Richmond District id like to see how the brt congressmens us to the rest of the city and not just the downtown but mission bay and to the new development in the shipyard i think we could be pointing out out a Transportation System it services us for another 50 years. Ive spoken multiple times on the geary brt project im going to answer the question from a richmond perspective the geary brt to me should you have been the deal and should have moved on a long time my plan we use the particularly streets that already exists and have buses running on them the need to have their schedule tweaked a few more buses at the peak times in the morning all over the place in the afternoon and have express buses that drove up in downtown the richmond and the downtown i use it myself what we have is an already set up infrastructure that shouldnt be abandoned that should be utilized to the maximum we have the one california and the 38 geary the 31 balboa and the two we have it now and i think we should tweak and at maximum capacity. So dovetailing with the brt i want to point out los angeles has 14 thousands of major directions that are minded together and integrate question have several hundred intersections and we have been unable to integrate the timing on this is a abysmal we need to handle allow hanging fruit like that i think this is important to integrate all the transportation option that are available including bicycling one of the proposals i have to have the buying power of city of San Francisco enable it citizens to buy bikes electronic bikes show we, afford so have tens of thousands of folks using bikes i have one it is fantastic it is the right tool for many jobs lets integrate everything this is available to us okay. Youve heard me talk about grounding, implementing bringing to the richmond a ground muni system take it out of traffic the clan of making that a substantive improvement are mingle thats a long term without a champion it will not happen without an aggressive champion what we need to do do easier the implementable things for instance, time preempt the traffic lights so the bus gets a green light and to move the bus stops to the far side of intersection get ready to pull alleyway outburst and hit a red light we can do that now for almost no money a short answer to a tough question. We need to start by having mta listen to us instead of the other way around mta is setting the agenda for our district and need to take the agenda and create an agenda that works for all the neighbors in our district, and, secondly, the signals in all intersection along geary boulevard many intersections that does not have traffic lights thats why the traffic timing youre talking about jonas jason not happening we have gaps along geary and signals not only on geary ill argue but that on california that has become a major car thoroughfare if you dont believe me walk california in the morning and you can see the cars racing from the west side of california to the east side fulton it there fulton is in all essence a freeway so we need better Traffic Enforcement thank you. We can most certainly do better on transportation in our neighborhood especially to keep families and working people and retired individuals and renters just people that make our neighborhood and talk about geary brt it is important to recognize that in light of the population growth were looking at the 38 geary the heist ridership west of mississippi weve been talking about a bus for over 19 years a physical manifestation of a failed conversation no your neighborhood in my previous comments i talked about a voice of people that experience living in your neighborhoods everyday as david mentioned walking down california and seeing the speeding cars as someone in our neighborhood overseeing experiences need to to the fire chief of transportation for our neighborhood and i also love to have the conversation about an underground subway without someone saying that that will happen in my lifetime those are my priorities. So im wondering start he work the sfmta agency i think i need to put that on the table i work that because i believe in great streets and great transit i dont work on muni but parking and curbing but pleased to see after decades of having muni straungd by under funding the past eight or ten years muni is better the 5 is working well, 38 buses working better and better lets make the brt happen yes, im working on that subway on 3 bart i wont live that long but working on that we cant hold our bracket and part of great transit other options bike share you dont need to own a bike only make that last piece of our trip on a bike im keen on civil listing the streets well, i want to say that i think that there are good ideas up here from many of my colleagues im one of the rare political candidates that will tell you i dont know anyone political factor is right yes, we need to fix our 38 gear corridor if you dont think it needs to be fixed frankly you dont take the transit. A portion of that conversation why in the world do we run fulsome to 6 avenue we need to stop doing that and run express buses to the civic center and our overall government of the structure this aviation a billion dollars one hundred percent correlated by the mayor and Transit Authority controlled by the board of supervisors at least amend little city charter and bring those agencies together thank you. Should be the ultimate goal but Public Transportation you talk about cars, bikes theyre all part of a very complex component of the city inner environment we really need a long term 20year plan for the Richmond District that looks improving the transportation, looking at density in the housing and how we can promote more Housing Development along the reiterate corridors and also for people that want to use bikes we need to provide bikes with secured parking at the designation no good to ride the bike to somewhere and it gets stolen at the end we need a more comprehensive plan and supervisors thats one of the first one im wondering try to push forward for the Richmond District. So the biggest transportation issue in the neighborhood, of course, is the brt i know that some have been discussing that that deserves discussion what we decide to do with the brt will fundamentally change the neighborhood and deserves to be thoughtout about we implement something for me think that both parties have a point people who are opposed to it theyre worried about it will lead to a streetcar on geary and people that say that muni can be fixed the way it is and also have a point what we need to do move the bus to the supervise lane b n are m k one not exclusive for cars as well and hoping everyone on the same page and get it done sooner than talking about it for another 8 years. Mop up question well start with ms. Fewer again how did you get here this evening. I drove here this evening. Took uber. Okay. So i have made my own electronic motorcycle and rode that. I used someones bus and walked up from geary when i Say Something else that is geary and glad to be here after the walk up the hill. I drove from San FranciscoState University. Car. My 19 century bicycle parked out frofrnt. A carrier from chinatown. I carpooled. Mr. Quan. Yeah. He drove from chinatown thats where i work. I came in vehicle also. Our next question with mr. Greenberg a lot of questions about housing this evening on rentcontrolled and quite a few of the on airbnb lets make it multiple whats your current position on airbnb has our stance changed and if changed why. Okay. So this is one of my favorite tops that is initially when either first starting running for the politicians or position that was difficult i was nuchls as i think a lot of us are on having a new Service Company tech company locate here in San Francisco i know when when twitter was given all the exemption to come here and incentives there was a little bit of prophet but on or before has grown to an monster an uncontrolled monster that is disrespect to us in the city and flaunts its success it taunts us with disrespectful advertising cabins and bus clapping celebrating the wow. Turnout this is our third annual to celebrate pride we notice we didnt have Community Event for pride. We actual had 19 we had godzilla and are you ball weird names i think its unique were able to have special event were all women that relax and have fun you know everything is friendly and kind were all equal im happy that this is regular meet Small BusinessCommission Held on october 24, 2016. This meeting is called to order at 201 p. M. How many steps did you take to get here . A few. The Small BusinessCommission Media service and sfgtv staff for televising the meeting viewed at sfgtv 2 at channel 78 or sfgtv dot org. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Speakers are requested but not required to state names. Speaker cards will insure proper spelling of names. Additionally there is a