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What are the clear bright lines whether or not youll continue on the registry and have to be extraordinarily careful how to be removed it is two substantive so if so it is about your location and in good stans with the city. Yeah. And tammy. It is an open are house. Yeah. So i want to brought to your attention as i think weve mentioned this before that weve combined some of the instructions in the completion of the application so section one is just to give the basic details of the business overflow room location, section 3 again you know the businesses have to be current on their financial obligations, their you can employment obligations and that they understand the information is subject to the public section number 4 the written narrative and again you know we do have businesses that have changed hands over time and so one of the things we are discovering and or they change locates what happens is that new Business Owner or the new location maybe less than 20 years so that we cant verify by Business Registration theyve been in business thirty or more years were highlighting more specifically that they need to provide you know documents like you can see purposing the business from the previous owner so if they have their Business Registration the first Business Registration that some of the businesses have and youll see that in the application packets so we junk in receiving some of the first applications realized a few point to make sure that the businesses are addressing ahead of time so you know that they are providing the documentation that the business existed either prior to their current ownership or the Current Location and then, of course, asking them to provide the written history as it is related to the business its relationship to the community how it operationally is retained the original sort of Business Operations and its you know culinary or art as designed in the legislation weve provided suggested in drafting the narratives as it relates to the 3 criteria weve prioritized some suggested items for businesses to been when their drafting that. And then section 5 to highlight some Historical Documents to support their narrative the Historic Preservation commission has asked that we specifically ask for take a look at the exterior and the interior of the business were making sure we ask for that and yeah. So those supplemental documents add to the richness and is texture of the business some of them have you know important people that visited their business youll see a business restaurant that will they have provided copy of the original memo from thirty years ago and it is interesting to see the prices laughter and or you know any articles new articles or theyve advertised in a publication that is thirty years or older to provide that so and some businesses are providing this is the facade thirty years ago and this is the facade now you know and clearly things change because businesses have to stay relevant to be able to stay in business so it is interesting to see some of the supplemental documents. And i think so that i just wanted to make sure that businesses really understand that it is on them to draft that narrative to pull out the supplemental documents we have some businesses that you know may need assistance in drafting that narrative so were working with the Investment Team to with work the economic organizations to help to provide the supports especially for english as a second language so getting assistance in draft the narrative. All right. And then the final thing is the instructions for submitting the applications; right . Correct. A 50 filing. Okay. Fee. And as it is written right now the commission there is three hundred nominations a year and when were in the first first year first fiscal year year july one we will see you know whether we actually do meet the full three hundred you know whether three hundred nominated or if their say is desire to have more so. Was there an estimate of the potential population of legacy businesses. Based on dunn and braid street ill say four or five. But property owners. So i want to thank you for the opportunity to really highlight the applications instructions so because theres been again, some misinformation or misunderstanding youve been nominated youre on the registry so that confusion created in some of the dynamics around the meeting resulted in a high number of neementsz without consultation with the business so we have a high number of nominations submit by waiting for the application two action items coming out of that meeting one appointed by commissioner toursarkissian specific criteria around what causes a somewhat on the registry to be kicked off the registry we have clear ones lets write down and the other action item to make a determination regarding nonprofits. That is not to be decided tonight and so any other discussion amongst the commissions otherwise open up for Public Comment commissioners. Anyone else see any other action items other than those two . I have a question only the commission now is it available on the website. Yes. So everything the instructions for the nominators and the process for nominees and the applications are pdf on the bottom of registry page. Have the pdf; right . I have one single request and suggestion the lower divisions so those that cant they be referenced on the site for the assistance they can receive that be available for them so that they can go to it would you tell us coming to you. A suggestion. And just to add to that so our conversation with the mayors and the board of supervisors staff is that also again that theyre having conversation with the business or in the meantime, that is something they can reach out to us ahead of time we talked with the applicant to find the best equity to refer them to. All right. Any other discussion on this item okay opening up for Public Comment anyone else from the public like to comment on this particular item concerning the legacy business rules and regulations. But it goes to show in my opinion how bad it is necessary and i appreciate the question from the president because that was kind of clear of what he said the thing about it is im going to request i think that im number ten is the appropriate time because you know all of that you all talking about i was almost asleep id like to request for. R all those parties the thing as a person as me i have to go home and acknowledge things and breakdown but the bottom line only two or 3 things in the community how much money is available total money available okay. And the other thing i see all the Department Heads involved with the welcome to the peoples palace and the Small Business commission and all those things the breaks down i have to go home and study and come back here and come up and speak 3 minutes im tired of that and being ignored im going to invite and some of the in program come to any community i guess so innovative any community to a savings account to have dialogue and ask questions and have the commissioners there and the oewd the thing about it, it is getting over on the city and the communities to put all the programs and bring all the new people. And you dont know what is happening it is put together by the Mayors Office and the welcome to the peoples palace and the commissioners well, were going not going to do this with the board of supervisors theyre fighting amongst themselves on different issues that Student Government so im saying to you and im saying it very nice thats a good idea but dont cutwater where i come from number one in order for us to benefit from and you you know what im talking about from the mission we need you to come to our community and insist you come to our Community Bring the board i dont think youve been outside of city hall but come out to the of him the first place so you can see we can tell you all all the businesses we have had and all the programs when necessary come out and sold us a bill of goods and you need to reinsure us what youre trying to do we know about it and you all trying to found out thats all im saying thats all im saying. Any any Public Comment on this item seeing none, closed item no. 7. So 7 and 8 i make a motion to postpone for the next meeting. August 8th. And we do need to take Public Comment. I support that. Yes. Before supporting it we need to take Public Comment under the continuing items. Item 78 and ill read seven and eight into the record. Item 7 discussion and possible action to make recommendations for the permitted rules and regulationss to administrative code administrative code section 2a plus the legacy Business Assistance account this is a discussion and possible action item presented by virginia executive director of office of the Small Business commission and item number 8 discussion and possible action to make recommendations for a proposed rules and regulationss to administer the administrative code 2a dot 243 the rent stabilizations and discussion and possible action presenter regina executive Director Office of the Small Business commission. Now. Okay were going to deter the discussion nothing formal but only to have Public Comment on those two so if we agree well have further discussion on this next it went weve been asked by the office oewd to delay action and if no further comments opening up for Public Comment. To the city and county and the world on that television he helped to create number one the city and county here at the city hall you all confused the City Government is under this administration is fraying analyzed we came and put together a recommendation that the oewd be breakdown and find out that nobody the departments dont know what is going on right now i can guarantee supervisors from one district to another and the departments to another department dont knows who is going on youre supposed to be ben the community as im sitting here since 3 oclock i dont know what the hell you are doing because it is passed well, you do probably do but passed i welcome to the peoples palace and passed by this Mayors Office aoewd they dont have an other so you can shake they are head mr. Vice president ive been in City Government over 25 years and been doing what i do im a master at what i do as a Community Activist shack your head all you want ive not been appointed you have the liquor he meet with the mayor and dont know what the hell theyre doing your dissent like a puppet and its been you say jonas were not going to do this and that but if the mayor calls you youll do it dont talk about that that on tv that government channel was put together to see what youre doing and most people dont look at the channel but you talk about our reach in the western edition im going to do something not done before ive reaching out to every business up and down fillmore they know ace on the case they know that ace on the case but dont recognize me because of the color of skin maybe because i get up here and am aggressive but i damn it i have to i get 2 minutes and put me down because Community People and he guarantee next year theyll break it down to one minute i know how to work the system and could it to my advantage everyone efrnlt a fabulous testimony ill speak to the values of the western edition and the administration and continues to do to us every agency and Department Im the czar of the outer mission. Anyone wish to comment on this item. I make a motion to move item 7 and 8 to the augment meeting. I port that. In favor. I. Okay. That item passes 6 to nothing with two absent. Sorry. Item 8 is on the agenda it must be opened up for Public Comment. We already did that we passed 7 and 8. We heard it together. I called seven and eight it together. Item 9. Approval the regular Meeting Minutes action item. A motion. Oh, i have to july 11, 2016, draft minutes july 23, 2014, draft policy Meeting Minutes and april 2014 draft legislation and policy committee Meeting Minutes. I move to approve. We need to take Public Comment before a motion. Anyone wish to comment on item 9 a let me say this people are watching our body lack that you have a problem dont show it like that it is obvious i have a problem i want you to come out to my community and sit on this side to do we we have it do that didnt make you the bag of chips because your disrespecting our body language is unbecoming if you have that problem dont do it on television you aint the only ones have a problem with you ever person in ever department has a problem with me im appalled of the attitude that is in this department here this setting you, you, you unite seen nothing yet if you have a problem with me, im part of public if im the only public here respect me and people when i represent you know what im appalled to go to an agency to have an agency with all of that body language is so appalling person i am saying things. Were talking about the minutes. Listen dont disturb me on the public minutes. The requirement you have to where is the damn minutes ive requested you say you dont have are those are the ones you are talking about ive provided you a schedule. You havent gotten the minutes. Well, let me say im you appalled with this agency and director i asked for minutes when i last time when i came here i found out that the commissioner president dwight was not on there on the commission but i spoke on issues that needed the evidence that i havent gotten the minutes yet and your director says well, we dont have the minutes we dont have the money and for the minutes i find that appalling if you dont have the minutes there is something wrong particularly we have a few minutes to talk about Public Comment and things not on see schedule thats where are the damn minutes i requested over two months ago when i spoke here and now all of a sudden you dont have them sound a watergate to me my name is ace and im on the case and i do not like to be disrespected by none i respect everyone particularly by you guys poignant by mayor ed lee he used to work at the hrc and ace is working on a conspires why is the population going down. Thank you. Any other discussion on item 9 a i move. I second in favor that item passes 5 to zero two absent. Okay. Item number ten general Public Comment. To the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. Future consideration. My name is ace washington a long time advocate for the city and county at city hall which i call silly hall i started with mayor ed lee permitted me into the pressroom as the original black africanamerican and im ready to go back in and now the question this agency this department in my opinion has at the moment violated some of having documents for the public that is your minutes now if this agency dont have the money or the staff to do that something is wrongs how in the hell will you handle Small Businesses you cant produce minutes and then try to play games on ace and could you be it is months that is totally unacceptable this agency that has been gotten money how much you need more money maybe i can advocate for you to have your minutes on time i am appalled i need those minutes for what im doing in any community and about one of the former commissioners now you accident the right thing to do with when count commission from Mission Mission street recused himself and talked about the fillmore maam, what did they knew the information where to get the money but got a business that failed and didnt pay no rents for 5 or 6 or 8 years but business directly across the street with the Fillmore Center and costs hundreds of thousands of dollars where did they get that money but cant put back the money from the tax dollars thats something wrong with that and im going to investigate it to the end so skiing is cooperation and every time im on television i mentioned the to the Small Business commission where do we have in the financial im going to keep on saying that take our tailbones to the fillmore and set up something if anything any french i know that supervisors say a f word plenty ever times im City Politics full of tricks make you you turn both a lunatic this administration will be accountable from here on out because my name is ace and im on the case and have a good evening. Mr. Washington. Yeah. Yes. You cant say. Okay. Not like in the board of supervisors yes. You have the right to Say Something it you. Youre out of order youre out of order. Public comment is closed. Thank you. You full of bs. Next item 11. I want to do a quick recap of alecky the ordinance finally passed the mayors tax increases passed on the First Reading that item for the ballots supervisor tangs Affordable Housing Bonus Program that item passed and then also the oh, other ordinance proposing the changs of the make up of the sfmta board so and then before the so those are the key things that pass and next the great honor to introduce to you our intern so for this summer alex fong and for full dloush but not the sole reason our intern he is committals commissioner yeerileys nephew worked to get us caught up on our minutes and the documents on the text and the app lyrics alex had a big part to collect that with that, i wanted to invite alex to say. Few words. All right. Good afternoon. My name is Alexander Fong a senior in Boston University studying business are a dual marketing and finance and a summer intern and working with the legislative reach with the new methods and look forward to working on the Small Businesses center and gain a better understanding how the legislation effects the Small Business. Have you worked in city hall. No. A new experience. laughter . I have a question about the minutes have i been working on minutes. Some of the more recent minutes i think that it is a very good experience. And quality of the minutes is quite high thank you for your contribution. Thank you thanks alex and then again, a point of clarification with Public Comment we cant say engage in conversation with an individual in Public Comment if theres a clarification needed but not engage in a conversation so information. Thats what i had i had a technical question. So just so you know heed invited the office and had a conversation about a set schedule were meeting in producing the minutes. Yeah. Okay. So a matter of Public Record and the status of our projects to get permits. And, of course, our meeting he attended is televised and he certainly is adept at the tools and utility that mechanism as well. So we inform mr. Washington he can assess those minutes sfgovtv. Not did minutes but his section of meeting. He should know that. Okay since he started. So then im not going to take too much time were getting close to our time in the room but we have had our first meeting with the company that is working on the logo from the office so we hope to be bringing forward projecting within a couple of months time some logo for the commission to see and i think with that im just to leave it at that in terms of for the sake of time and the directors report and any questions you may have ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Any questions commissioners okay Public Comment on this item. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. On to item number 12. Opportunity. Item 12 commissioners report allows the point and Vice President and commissioner to report on Small Business Commission Activities and make announcements to the continuities i have nothing to report. I have nothing to report. Commissioners anybody anything to report . Okay nothing to report anyone else have any Public Comment on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. On to item 13 item 13 new business allows the commissions to introduce new agenda items by the commission duration item. Anybody. No, but pubically change e thank commissioner ortizcartagena for your presentation earlier today thank you for that that is the kind of stuff that effects businesses i want to thank you for that letter that was on thanks because she evaluated in helping me draft most of it. laughter all right. So any new business no anyone wish to comment on new business scenes on to item 14 do we have something to report. Before item 14 and our slide we do have an in memoriam we commissioiner Vice President adams would like to journey the meeting. Id like to journey the meeting in honor of pat krishgs son she was a Small Business advocate and served on this at the didnt serve on the commission but on the Small Business Advisory Council prior to this commission being formed so we wouldnt be here in this commission if that wasnt for pat sheriff hennessy one of the people behind the formation of the Small Business commission and tonight id like to adjourned this meeting. Point and her husband chris were the appropriations bill of the de bois neighborhood before the de bois Triangle Association and in the late san jose pat host a sunday morning talk show that focused on working weve got a long ways to go and local politics a passionate writer and pat founded and created the Visitacion Valley newspaper and she was active in that neighborhood even though she didnt live in the neighborhood sherry she was active and a regular column i thought for the San Francisco independent and she ran ore own Public Relations and worked tireless to preserve the unique neighborhoods ever San Francisco shes gotten many, many awards from stat senators and city leaders and mayor willie brown proclaimed Pat Christensen day and the pats christensen lifetime chouchl award on award that Small Business network has founded and in her memory about he did a few years ago so thats really good so id like to adjourn the meeting in honor of Small Business advocate Pat Christensen. Anybody has anything we want to commend say. I want to say when i started with the Small Business commission pat provided did history starting at the commission and historical legacy with all the Business Owners and individuals that spent a long time they were advocates i want to in memoriam appreciate her mentorship to me. Outstanding a motion for adjournment. Slowing show and i want to as our custom, we begin the Small Business commission with a reminder that the office of Small Business is the only new or existing business. And it is the policies and projects and issues that effect the Economic Vitality of the Small Businesses in the county of San Francisco. So if you need assistance with Small Business matters start here. The office of the Small Business commission. Do we have a motion to adjourn. I move i second okay in favor. I 50, 2 absent the meeting is adjourned athour. Good morning, everyone and welcome to the peoples palace and im here this morning to announce yet another milestone in our citys commitment to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour by and people will work this fourth of july weekend we are celebrating our countries birthday but recognizing in the celebration throughout the weekend people like the people had that are standing with me are working whether the restaurants or hotels or Health Care Workers and others and and we all feel for working people that is hard in our expensive city to survive unless you have a december sent wage thats why a couple of years ago i destined or joibd the board of supervisors full board of supervisors to place before the voters an 15 an hour minimum wage and people that work in all those industries we did it together and were celebrating because today it goes from 12. 25 an hour to 13 and up to 15 and after that cpi takes over i want to remind everybody this city was brought together with our labor unions and your working families made up of all the exit are represents our city and got this done in a strong collaboration with everyone and showed not only the cities around the bay area but the state of california if we got together and thought about peoples lives what glosses the challenges every day we can get this done for them i think were happy here to see the wages go up are rehappy yeah, well have more to celebrate in addition to, of course, the bitter of our nation and things we enjoy we picked this date it is a significant move and i also want to say that we know that our workforce all those peoples here they are still an affordability gap so this is going to help people he you go that suggest that a lot of people are working two jobs to support their families we want to celebrate those moms were all ushth together to help them but for also myself and mayor libby schaaf of oakland that recognizes our workforce is more regional than ever do more than benefit the residents that work in our city and so we joined. Today and cities that are committed along with cities like new york and seattle and los angeles and portland and the others also raised their minimum wage we want to the state of california to do the same thing because what could happen i think all the labor advocates know and people that we raised our minimum wage just and ourselves in the city of San Francisco or just in oakland we would probably be golden state talent that belongs to where everybody lives and not as affordable to them as it is to those were helping so mayor libby schaaf and along with the united Health Care Workers started a process and emigrate hundreds of thousands of snatches set the minimum wage higher of 15 an hour tour the state of california in uniting all the cities with the labor unions and workforces and people good minded across the region we got the governors attendance and the state of california attendance such that a few months ago governor jerry brown signed the legislation to raise the states entire minimum wage for everyone for 15 an hour over a period of time those movements wouldnt happen unless we place the needs of workingclass families that work hard to build that consensus im here to join in the celebration and here to say that im going to be working this weekend as well as in addition the celebrating but also acknowledge the people that always serve us at the hotels and restaurants and people that are working the janitorial and Building Maintenance and all working class in the city were there to be of help this will be consistent raising the minimum wage to attack affordability challenges is part of solution paid parental leave is part of the solution making sure that we work so that no one is a theft of their wages thats why your head of the department the labor enforcement is joining us with the advocates of people that earn those wages im saying they earn every single penny they deserve to make sure they get it in their hands thats why we announce these and make sure that everybody is prepared adequately ahead of time to make sure those wages are paid and wage theft we have to make sure that our workforce that speaks many languages dont get capture and been take advantage of this is how we really in city year ago we have a benefit and make sure that everybody obtains that benefit i want to say at that moment im proud of the working folks in San Francisco but the intensify region and proud of state of california and your legislation for working with the governor to a raise the minimum wage that adds to the celebration of the fourth of july and makes that more meaningful and then we hope that the entire nation does this as well question hear a lot of stories from a lot of places across the country that the liveability is under challenged or were taking care of business in the city and state and lets go on the National Level and support of the prosperous country to make sure they get a december sent wage wsip think we have paula to speak for her experience and what that means to her paula clapping. good morning. I want to again thank the mayor mayor ed lee for being the vera person that was instrumental in making in milestone occur and happen my name is paula im a home care worker and worked in the city there are challenges with the rising cost of rental rates and even though im covered by rent control im still monthly yearly challenged and with different increases that i have incurred in the last few months and years this new legacy life act 15 minimum wage will surely ongoingly help me through my endeavors thank you. clapping. good morning. Im naomi kelly the city administrator i should tell you that paula was ininstrumental in working with m and mayor schaaf she helped to organize snatches for the measure. Thank you paula for all your hard work i want to introduce antonio a Health Care Worker an organizing member of unit health care woeft west and worked to race erase the minimum wage and allowing home care workers to apply for overflow room he speeded there was something wrong with his mother it was alzheimers i want to introduce juan antonio. clapping. buenas dias. speaking foreign language. so good morning. Thank you for inviting me to prestige events for people i feel blessed. speaking foreign language. my name is juan antonio and in 2015 specifically he which is a Health Care Worker for my mom. speaking foreign language. i just want to be very clear even San Francisco home care workers work very hard we do that because the standards of living inform San Francisco was very high we work very hard to meet those needs. speaking foreign language. so the job was basically like this door by door house by hours snatch by snatch people refused to sign this will make that worse we said no join hands and Work Together and talk to the leaders theyll help us there was a Great Success this doesnt he said here the initial is very important we need to keep on working so the situation gets better for all of us. speaking foreign language. you cant say that as good but thank you to everybody especially mayor ed lee during that time when the Campaign Began until today to fight for this measure to come through we want to thank them from every member in the United Health care west and give them this im not sure what you call that laughter . Well, thank you. speaking foreign language. ed lee. This is especially made for you ed lee our mayor thank you. Okay. This is a beautiful portrait up next, we have the director of Office Standards and enforcements mr. Pat mulligan working with these men and women in the Office Enforcement who are here behind us in the audience and ones that are the advocates of minimum wage paid sick leave and parental leave and Health Care Accountability act not only fierce advocates by our enforcement and making sure that our businesses and contractors with the city, our all of people are getting a fair wage and benefits so my honor to introduce pat mulligan. clapping. thank you, naomi it is the mission of Office Standards and enforcement to provide enforcements of all local labor laws and approximate protection for all workers and an honor to serve those who support of aggressive and Labor Protections in the United States and do through the hard work of all the staff there the office of labor improvement id like to remind the employers indicating the increased minimum wage throughout San Francisco id like to add that is also particularly fitting we are celebrating this announced of an increase in minimum wage throughout San Francisco as we lead into the fourth of july depicts day weekends for many workers and modest increase or any increase in their earns represents real and a very well defined dependence have a great weekend thank you. clapping. and okay. And this ended our press conference i have to say the growth and strength of our local economy will prosper so [gavel] welcome to the regular meeting of the San Francisco board of education for tuesday, june 28, 2016. Here. Pres. Haney. Here. Vice president walton. Here. Fewer. Here. Mcdonnell. Here. Norton. Here. Superintendent carranza. Here. Murase. Here. Wynns. Here. Mendozamcdonnell. Here. If you would please join me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance]. Mr. Superintendent you had an announcement for the meeting tonight. Yes thank you. On item number 29 the worksheet was inadvertently admitted into the agenda. The second announcement is a correction to the superintendent proposal 166 14s4 this should read should be submitted for adoption not for First Reading before adoption. Thank you. For those of you who are joining me this evening and want to address the board of education please submit a speaker card and submit them to the clerk before the item is called. Item a is approval of the board minutes. The next item is item b. Item b ispresentations to the board of education superintendents reports our students are taking dance and drama and guitar and orchestra and the year theyll take mary archie orchestra to and one of our recovery classes will be making a game literally making a game of it. These students have been calculating, drawing, calculating drafting and selling soccer balls for geometry works and that is not all. After the balls are complete our students will be donating to the women and children who are currently in a homeless shelter. Not only is this projectbased learning but they are only also doing a communitybased service as well. But wait, there is more. We have some others that are learning to work with 30 and during the Summer Career Exploration Program at John Mcdonnell high school. The students picked a recreation that they would like to learn more about biology, geology, architecture,and liberal arts. Our students are learning. There using their hands there using their imagination and the earning a few extra bucks and are Getting College credit. What a great summer is that. Thank youmr. Superintendent. Item c is resolutions and commendation we will not be having this tonight. Item d is the student delegates report. And we do not have any speakers tonight. Item eis the Advisory Committee reports and appointments to Advisory Committees by Board Members. Good evening Board Members and superintendent and deputy superintendent thank you so much for having us here tonight. It is our pleasure to be here in front of you for the second time this year. We are grateful that you have welcomed us back. We would also like to thank all of the parents and children with ieps who arehere with ieps who are here watching thank you for being here. My name is eli a hirschman i am kimberly rob i have a student who is a rising 10thgrader and just finished her ninth grade year at jim jordan. As hopefully you all know that the community Advisory Committee to special education is a statemandated Advisory Committee and we are required by state law to be a majority payer and membership at organization and it is our job towork with the selva and as everyone knows here in San Francisco we all are a single district selva. What we like to discuss with you tonight is our achievements of the year and our consideration and focus. And one of our biggest achievements was the expansion of the exclusive schools week. We had an amazing kickoff at the steps of city hall. This years celebration was much larger than the years passed it brought back much larger departments and groups and we had a huge number of groups and Student Speakers and the turnout was inspiring so thank you all for your support it is greatly appreciated and it set a great tone for the week. Thank you. In april we hosted our annual all awards and we had a much larger pool of recipients everything from i think our youngest ever recipient we had a high school recipient from Lincoln High School that runs the included to program where it is a lunchtime program where her and students from classes in general education get together to dance and play sports and just have fun together and she is just an amazing young woman and were lucky to have her in our district. It has been a year of increased activity for the cac. We have been involved in a lot more committees within the district. We have done a lot more outreach and we would really like to appreciate the special Education Department this year has been a year where we have felt included as stakeholders in a lot of the processes so thank you for that i dont know if dr. Blunt that is in here but thank you dr. Blanca it has been a good year of inclusion for us. Above and beyond a lot of committees we also attended quite a few trainings we had a legislation day in sacramento where we lobbied our local legislators and we really focused on not just local politics but statewide politics as well. Every month we meet on the fourth thursday at the Parker Family 1663 mission st. We would love for any of you to attend our upcoming meetings. We meet august through june and there is a topic hopefully of interest to all special education parents every month sometimes it is a presentation sometimes it is open for him forum with various Department Personnel and its always engaging and informative and we would love to have you join us. One of the things that we really want to make sure that all parents and all educators and all Staff Members and everyone in sf uft understands is that we when we talk about special education were not talking about one particular are as setting we are not just talking about services. And parents are an integral part of every iep team. No decision can be made without the parents. We are part of the team. The i in iep stands for individual and this has for an amount of children with the varying Services Provided in our district for varying needs for students. These are Guiding Principles that should be a baseline of understanding for all district employees. Moving forward toward the Upcoming School year, many of the concerns on the next two slides you will have seen from us over our past presentation and some will all go into more detail than others but one area that we hope to discuss early in the school year is the Staffing Levels. After the 10 day count we will of course request the Staffing Levels by school site one of the areas of concern for us in the past have been that most vacancies have been on the south side of the city and thats an area of concern for us and we hope that is not repeated this year. One of the areas of focus that we deftly think is worth mentioning in more detail is common planning. Standard written into the us after contract and shores teacher effectiveness through preparation and planning. We think that the district by having this language in the contract we feel that it is a good start in demonstrating the importance of the planning and we really need to make a much stronger commitment to achieve to close the achievement gap four students with ieps by guaranteeing planning time by general education teachers and special education teachers and one way to encourage teachers and motivate teachers to participate in this would potentially be incentive pay. Food for thought. In the districts work around implicit biased we would encourage you to work your conversation to include students that have ieps the students with ieps have the ability to make positive contributions remember our children when you are seeking student leaders encourage compassion from administrators and educators when instructing students with ieps. One area we would really like to commend the district is thank you. There has been a large focus on tier 3 reading and interventions this past school year the c i has been working on programs for intervention. Kudos thank you. If you cannot read you cannot be a successful member of society. I cannot say that you cant but it is pretty darn difficult. So the fact that the district is moving towards tier 3 interventions is amazingly fantastically positive. Thank you. I cannot use enough superlatives. Thank you. We would like to encourage the district to use multicensored methodologies such as that have proven to be successful with very hardtoreach learners and a great resource for anyone moving forward is the Florida Center for reading research. There is a lot of great information on that website that could really help. Theres a lot of Research Done in that area and there is no need to reinvent the wheel. In the area of equity and access for oppressed groups one focus certainly is at and augmentative and alternative communication or aac. Please build the capacity for provision for aac and ac services for support. In this regard the district should increase staff levels to one aac and 118 specialists per 1000 students with ieps current Staffing Levels for aac and 18 specialists. In this area also we would encourage more funding of professional development. Professional Development Professional developmentand, professional development, for atn aac specialists and in structurally that with aac ac services and support are derived from interpretation of common educational tasks in the areas of language auditory skills and auditory discrimination and visual skills andmotor skills and social and emotional adjustment and Academic Skills and achieving physical health and development. Data from these common educational tasks are used for special education drives the understanding of student academic and functional needs. Uniform protocols and what im speaking to specifically is ensuring applicable access and supports. Another way in which the at and aac like behind for students with ieps and students on 504 plans are in the area of Timely Delivery and supports and services. Please remedy gross delays in the receipt of hardware and software. For example, consider providing 18 two kids at each school site giving each school the opportunity to try out lowtech remedies for struggling learners. Some examples were provided for you in the presentation. Parents and staff report delays for up to two years of in waiting for atn aac devices for struggling learners and as the district retells its Master Technology plan and please reviewin the resources provided in your handouts there the Assistive Technology and their results in 2015. Thank you. Translation services abe 2091 relayed these services for the district and the district has a goal of two weeks the goal is cut in half the pending on how you want to look at it. It is an incredible thing going a long way and its a incredible thing to have to deal with that and theres been percentage increases over the years and the number of documents requested for that amount of research it is impossible even with my fuzzy math skills. In order to provide more translations its a technical document and it needs to be handed over to somebody who knows a basic amount of the language and its fun to listen to our translators at the cac meetings and it sounds very flip and i dont mean it but it is always the things that i take for granted as an english speaker listening to a translator having to stop and turn to him so he can explain in another language is very eyeopening. So more training is most definitely needed. This is just a compilation this next slide of the different comment cards that we have received every month at our meetings we asked parents for comments and feedback and some are given verbally but what we did here was take a list of the Parent Feedback and tease it out into the report that you see in front you. Obviously, there are more comments than we can cover here but we feel it is our duty to bring all this feedback to you. And, if you havent had a chance and you have reviewed it needed a refresher do not forget to look at the urban collaborative report sends the report has been written a lot has changed and a lot of progress has been made but there are many points in the report that it would behoove us to address as a district so thank you very much for your time and bearing with me as i fumble through this presentation. As always, we appreciate your support and dr. Blanco with the special Education Division we we thank you. Thank you so much for the presentation. Commissioner fewer. Thank you for the presentation, and i just have a question and dr. Blanco you can probably answer this i know we contract out some but when we look at our budgets for these special Education Services with ieps have we hired more and here is kevin toonot you, him, sorry liz. Chief, and i say that with all due respect. I know that we have a Translation Department translating l and most of it is funding out of keith at the Translation Department and how do we accommodate this need because this is an obligation by law. Yes we have. We hired for translators this year and throughout the year we have lehman who does an incredible job covered around december that was not going to be the case that we had already increased by such a level that we had to submit an additional estimate to the deputies to ask for additional funding and we did that twice. And for the additional funding we had for contracting out. Let me just also mentioned that some of the additional funding that we asked for was also reflective of the two additional language that we had this year so it is not all special ed. It is not what all of the additional funding was but there were two additional requests and we went and that throughout the year and starting next year we will have the same staff and it did take us a long time to bring the staff on board. You can push that for six months to get the city to give approval to have them come on board and they finally gave it to us we were able to hire the additional that we did this year and we just hired some more and she is constantly calculating this and we do have to come forward with an additional ask based on our calculations, and but shes very good at keeping track of it. Thank you very much. The last time that we had a report there was an increase in students that come from households where english was not the primary language and therefore i thought there be a larger translation unit and also this type of translation is very technical. And it is required by law. So, it is imperative that the translators are either trained in this and this capillary cousin this is technical and some of this is legal. I know that i have been places where translation is not available so we have to if we must up this budget then we just have to so im glad that keeping an eye on it. Thanks. I just wanted to tell you one more thing that im looking at the chart. The additional staff for able to produce an increase of 483 the amount that was produced by the Translation Department. Last year just from july through october was 233 pages last year and 1171 and then from july to november there was a 452 increase at the number of pages and that is what the additional staff are doing. This sounds like this is a huge volume of work. And that we just keep getting people on i feel like we will always be playing catchup. Does it seem like that kevin . You know, eventually we have to get ahead of it. I mean, the word has gotten out that if you i submit your ips they are getting translated and thats why were getting a bit more because they are delivering on that perhaps not as timely as that but they are getting done. Also the interpretation at the iep meeting so it cant keep going up. Eventually, we translate them all as we need to and we maximize the translation that we need to provide. Eventually. Yeah, i dont know. This is huge. This is a huge job. It is huge. It is almost like maybe someone should do the translation and someone should filter the interpretation. It was a huge volume of work and cac especially for it is huge. I would like to say there is special staff that are been trained asieps they have had special training. I would also like to comment that we are constantly monitoring the Service Levels and adjusting them according to the needs. We are very sensitive to their needs as well and we want to make sure that there is a justintime approach to meet their needs as well. Thank you for keeping me apprised of this as ive been paying attention to this a lot in the last couple years and one of the things that we talk about which im interested in is an update and i would like to know that this is not ignored and i really appreciate that and that is we were talking about how much were we translating the same documents over and over again. And were we doing student specific or case specific ieps and in speaking to the superintendent we were talking about how many hundreds of pages there were and we wanted to investigate how much was kind of overplayed in where not all of the ieps but some of the ieps would have the same Background Information be translated into the major languages once and i just want to review them so that some would be specific to the case but not all. I appreciate the work that was done last year but that is something that i would like some update on or some information from staff or if we can have that over time as were doing a lot more that. That is my first question. Part of the allow compliance we agree to have templates for the iep documents. We can give them to the parents ahead of time even though it doesnt have all the information but it gives them some understanding and what they come to the meeting they can complete them. This was an area of noncompliance and i would just like to add since we have moved it to mr. Truitt office there are a lot faster of a response now than through a translator agency because the translators do learn the language over time and they become more familiar to them. That is really Important Information i really appreciate it. That is the kind of thing that i would like to know. May be wrong but i would like to have some dialogue about this but one of the things that we talked about last year im thinking was the first full year of really expanding these services. Was that last year . Or the Previous School year . Was at this one . Yeah. We talked about how many pages appeared to be needing to be translated for each iep i would like to know about the template development and if it can make each iep the number of pages not the number of translators and the gross aggravated number for each one and is that becoming more manageable because that is one of the issues that we talked about was the difficulty recruiting people with the Technical Expertise as well as the language facility and whether we could find enough of them and if they would just go ahead and translate hundreds of pages and highly technical documents and its not the best use of their talents or skills but i am interested in following up on that. I have two other questions one is about i want to respond to how long the postings for translators in this area can stay in the system without finding anybody and one thing i would like to suggest is if we need to pursue the idea of this classification or does he get the technical language that we need or does it need a sub classification and particularly because in i would think this is true for other departments or interviews within the Civil Service system to that they have technical requirements to that are different than the ones that we have so translators for the technical materials would be specialized just then even highly skilled translators and even those that have which is always a problem the academic language that we might need but also the general conversation expertise. So, i would like to just ask a question about that and if we could kind of pursue that and see how that works. While i have no interest in getting around the Civil Service system it is possible that some of these positions could be if it is so difficult to get the staff we need to comply with the lot the nevermind the moral obligation and compulsion to do what is right for families. We need to at least be looking into that instead of just i dont mean by just that youre not doing the best that you can because i know how much time and attention has been put into this and its a very important issue but if the restrictions that we have with the Civil Service system in the specific area have become so cumbersome i think that it is time that we fix something that is the second area and the third one is this. I am interested in the i want to know about how were keeping track of the mandated costs here. I understand and we should all understand that tonight were doing budget and the mandated cost reimbursement system has significantly changed and nevermind that the current debt significant budgets are in my view are in the area of the reimbursement of the mandated costs even under the new formula is simply a smoking mirror since this is one of the things that the governor is counting money to address one time money for multiple years of different pots of one time money but this is not a one time mechanism to which the finance office has come up but rather saying okay, we will give you that one time money and one of the main areas that he is paying off with the one time money that also pays off other things is mandated cost reimbursement and so i think that this is an area since we know that the costs are exploding that we need to gather deputy superintendentgather that information so that we can make be amended cost reimbursement actually pay the cost. If we could get more information about that i would appreciate that be interested in pursuing that. Thank you. Commissioner murase. Thank you. I am particularly struck in your presentation in the Parent Feedback section where theres feedback on the budget and what parents can do to get a budget increase to pay for the services and to better match what the costs are with the expenses so i hope that dr. Blanco under your leadership we can have that conversation. Commissioner wynns is on the board at the National Association and i at the state association and i think that it is time that we really start looking at what is going on other chronic underfunding of this area and i think we really need to start looking at that. My question is to mr. Blanco in terms of the recommendations we have talked about the staffing issues at the remaining nine recommendations at least six of them have these recommendation and i would like to ask what were looking at tonight thats reflective of these recommendations. In the area of at and aac we are working with the war melissa. To work on the master plan to serve students and we do have Additional Resources in sales and we have increased these sources and we do need people with expertise in these areas and they are speech pathologist to provide that an area of this construction we are trying to have a Stronger Partnership and our special education students and are general education students first and we are working with mr. Truitt to have behavior serve all students and i think in our cross departmental work without increasing every area with the budget in special ed we will see increases in services so i hope that working together with the sources that we have will result in better support for students. Just specifically on the recommendation for travel to the ata conference and providing an ata toolkit at each site what are the chances that will be funded . We do have funding in middle schools in those areas we have several Technology Programs and one of them is the tooland we are reaching out to more classrooms and expanding that and we do have funding set aside for that and we do also have unique Reading Programsand a board maker pilot and a book pilot and we will be expanding the number of licenses that we have for teachers and those are all areas of technology and Assistive Technology and our teachers to volunteer to be involved in these pilots because they have to be committed to the outcome so i think they are really excited about it and through wordofmouth and invitation we are getting more teachers on board so we have a budget for that in terms of conferences with the conference area for the parents are for the teachers . For the professionals for the professionals. We do the house training and we do the attic and we could look at additional outside conferences and we usually can get more parents served by being able to meet at the Outreach Services but at the National Conferences we can send our supervisor of the conference out to the conference and we to necessarily pay for her because shes part of the conference and then we can look at that and that is an area that we do not have to fund because theres already money there for her travel. Thank you very much. Even if it means a mid your request we have satisfied those requests. That is an area where there are all lot all they set are out districts that are struggling and we dont have to take a 60 day turnaround and it just shows you the capacity he where you can focus on a attic and i think theres some other areas where our cac leader is implementing these and i would love our chief executive officer to know exactly how were in lamenting these into our priorities. Good afternoon supervisors. We have in this current budget included two new ftes to be supervised by the humanities department. These positions have been created and we are filling them already. Those two individuals are being trained in the Reading Program this summer through the publishers clearinghouse and we have developed an Employment Plan in the upcoming year and there is a number of details that we have to implement such as planning education and what i have learned in working with these experts in my field is these people have a high degree of discernment with a very specialized Reading Program and we will not be able to use a Single Program to universally get us the results that we want. This would be an ongoing investment to have highly Specialized Skill sets on our staff to be on our way. I think this First Venture is a step in the right direction i think this is not totally handling the problem but its a step in the right direction. And also we have a sfusd publishers grant and that will include in San Francisco for our own folkstto be able to learn from experts in the field and that partnership will create Great Results for us as we had in this direction. Just to follow up. Think you i am very excited to hear about the new investments that are upcoming. Do we reall two tsts . I think this will give us enough information to scale us out at the federal level. But i do not think that is the end number. I think you hit the nail in the head when you said not anyone methodology works anyone every child and if we do have a child that has a disability with a reading im not familiar with will sing but i hear parents they do we have teachers trained in this or trained in that but what are the things that we could bring their as part of our specific kit . We do have a lot that we are supporting as far as tier 1 groups and we are deploying a half 1 million diversity intervention kit for middle schools in the summer we have training for our isp teachers and teachers on lli so we should see more robust translation in this upcoming year now the t3 support is not the scale that it needs to be but it will let us understand the set of variables that it needs to be but it will allow us to see. I had one person that put in a card for Public Comment karen. Sorry about that. Hi. Two minutes. My name is karen park. I am the mother to three boys my middle son has complex special needs and he is and training in a communal class room at west portal this fall. I just want to make some comments on the needs in the district and the need for better approaches when my son entered the ssd at three years old he could not meet the language goals and he had not received an 18 year and acc or at assessment in each of those areas and their understanding these are delayed up until five years old so they have no alternative form of communication given to them for up to two years and given the importance of Early Intervention that you all know thats two years time that increases the gap that children have relative to their peers and point number two on training the cac already reported that there is a lack of resources allocated to training therapists, teachers and paraprofessionals on a caa t so families like mine have to invest our own resources to go outside of the district to learn how to choose an aac system. My child is fortunate he has a voice now but many families dont know what they dont know or they dont have the time and Financial Resources to implement this one their own so we end up with this unequal distribution of tools and skills amongst children that needed the most. And the last thing is placement. My son despite his complex needs was put in general placement for kindergarten. There was only one school in the district that uses his Communication System. His Communication System as a like a primary versus a secondary language we had to file a medical appeal to get a replacementand i had to use that analogy with that us fd case which has been successful but you have to take that. Thank you. I did have one comment or question which i really appreciate the focus here that you put on implicit bias in some of the concerns around the disparities in School Discipline and some ways that we my address that i know there was a conversation when we were presented with the behavioral matrix and there was supposed to be some specific extra steps and consideration as to when a student has an iep and how we approach that and i was wondering if that is something that you weighed it or had conversation not about that and i know tonight that will be something we were bringing up and not us early in that context but i wonder if that is something that you are changing around the guideline for behavioral intervention. We i dont think hes here. He is not. The cac did have the opportunity to participate with the sites plan and also giving input on the behavioral matrix and what we would like to see more of however is a better understanding at school sites and implementation of positive behavioral supports and that is what we are still lacking at many school sites. Thank you for that. And i will follow up on that. If there are no other questions or comments thank you very much for your presentation. [applause] i know commissionermurase ou had an appointment . I would like to reappoint chris wright for a another term. I want to reappoint chris wright to the qt a Oversight Committee commissioner fewer i would like to oint out is the qt a Oversight Committee. Thank you. Any other appointments . Seeing none. Item f is the is Public Comment seeing nonewe can close this and item g is the consent calendar. Do i have a motion and a second on that . Do i have any questions or comments on any items up for consent . . Budget has withdrawn from the consent calendar item b5 on pages 456 and 457 of your agendas. Will have the First Reading by the board. Any items that we need to discuss before we vote . Commissioner norton . K 99. K 99 is page 430. Yet. Thank you i would like to sever so 2b on page 268. [[roll call vote] item is the superintendent proposals. Item 164 12s in support of permanent name change for academy of arts and sciences to the academySan Francisco mcateer. This has come up for vote but we will not tonight but at some point discuss how we got here. Its not so much the name change but it is that this is not necessarily in alignment with the policies of the board of education. I dont believe we have any public speakers. Mr. Superintendent you want to call on your designee . Thank you superintendent i would like to ask the president bill anderson. Good evening how are you doing we present this resolution in this community and this has been over a year process that we have led the community to the school became an Independent School in august 2009 through the cvs code and we can go from there if you have questions. Comments for the border superintendents . Questions . I apologize because i was not in the rules committee when this was discussed but can you talk very briefly about how this committee came to this . Good evening thank you for having me. The naming process was driven from start to finish by our School Site Council this was actually started los to the process started two years ago. Upon recommendation of stakeholders parents Faculty Staff Community members our policy in section 3 the council considered names for consideration this was convened by the students staff and these were ranked and tallied to the school side council and this is now in the agenda now. Thank you and mr. Commissioner what prompted the desire to change the name. The school was a school within a school in 2005 and as the school progressed in terms of sort of as we move forward as a school we realize that the students at the academy and the students needed Different Things sort of different populations of things and the fact remains that as we move forward in 2009 when we got our cds code and 2013 or 2012 when we had our initial wasp accreditation code and it was considered to rename the committee based on how the school had changed in 2013 we went to a single Administrative Organization and instead of having one principal and two assistant principals we had two principles and two assistant principals two sets for each school and as we sort of progressed as an organization and as a school and as a community there became some support for taking some time to sort of think about how do we want to sort of be known and what we want our identity to be an sort of a grounds for support pushed us in this direction in regards to thinking about what we wanted to call ourselves. Commissioner walton. I just would like to make it clear that the school is supported by the schools and the parents and the families in the administration. Yes sir. I want to express some support because i have had a lot of time to spend at this school and this is an exciting growth change but also an opportunity for the school to really build an identity and give a sense of corpus and admission and vertigo the mascot and its going to be a really exciting new beginning and its just going to be a name change and id like to say that from the schools perspective we are really developing the school and it is a school that they are choosing and families are excited about and the families can be part of that and this is sort of a new beginning and i think the families can say better than i can but they were thinking not just about a name but what was happening there in a sense that the students and families and staff were excited be part of. So were excited to support you through that. Commissioner. Thank you. Assistant superintendent im wondering after we passed this will we be able to put up new signage for the school and before the students arrive back are we allowed to greet them with the new name . Are we able to do that . I do not know about that but one of the projects that we have going on within the campus is signage and i dont know the timeline of when you would be able to deliver and you would probably need to consult with the project manager but that is one of the things that is builtin. I know that principle mark whitman had discussions with the project manager about. Assistant superintendent which you mind ensuring that all of our website can reflect the new name of the school and when Parents Research at that the new name is there and also one other documents that we will send out when we receive documentation from this meeting the minutes with the use that information to submit to the California Department of education for the name change and once the issue that to the state website we will issue a letter and then we will be able to issue a letter. Perfect, thank you very much. I wasnt going to do this i was just going to wait for report but since youve all brought this up and i just want to put this on the record. I dont object to the name change what i object to is that what is described here is exactly what you went through but weve left out some things here. So we had at principles of the high school and principal set right there and i was there was a separate number for the school and there be no change for theadmission of the academy of arts and sciences and where the schools were designed to fit together and in order largely to address access there were concerns about diversity and access to students that werent privileged to that school and there were a large number that were producing not the same but largely the same art instructor and academic tutors that there would be enough of things that there would not be a change in addition when we open the academy of arts and sciences which as i said is a lot about access for other students and for expanding the Education Opportunities for students and allowing for more or an easier transfer from the students of the academy of arts and sciences after their freshman year then it would be at four other students anyone can apply its an application process but there would be preparation and support for those things and we were told that there is nothing that will change. The purpose of the separate number is that the population the demographic population of the academy of arts and sciences was not available because the socioeconomic profile of the students. So in this process we started at some time subsequently we were asked to authorize the administrative structure to which principal markets referred and at that time it was a at four still working these two schools together why do we need that and we were short is to meet the needs that were there but i have been here thisll time and i have not actually heard until one of our student delegates said this year that the school was having a name change and then upon implement tree this was changing the faculty was completely separate now and im a little stumped as to how that happened. Im totally 100 supporting this and therefore i will support the name change and therefore the selfdetermination model that we have but i do think in this case since it was a strategic move on the part of the board of education to address some of those concerns that we have of access and diversity and opportunity that this should not have been done without us. Without the board of education and the public informed are kept informed throughout the process and that we ought to have had a policy discussion about what we would have done about that. Actually, in the past couple of years we have had the superintendent who has been through some of these occasions with me and we had talked about when the plant moved through the arts center we talked about how the new school moved from the school of arts and one of the issues was the relationship between these two schools and how would we continue to make available to those students the resources that we and 10 to be and are we hopeful for this opportunity so im a little stumped about how we got here. We got here by starting here and being told some things that i am still going to trust that were true at the time that we were told them and here we are boop a long time later and in my view we were capsized after a long process to which the board of education was never informed. I think i have raised a number of issues there that i would like us to pursue not necessarily this evening but i would want some answers and we should all reflect on that. Is this the way we think a process should change. Not the name. The name is the last step but the whole focus of an organization like a high school should happen essentially should not happen absent any knowledge or participation of the board of education. Thank you. Thank you pres. Haney and also thank you commissioner wynn in this particular case there were a number of cases where in thisCurriculum Committee they brought forth a number of questions in the academy and quite frankly when i heard from a number of the constituencies not only students but parents and faculty feeling that they were subservient to the school of the arts. They were the hav team and then ru now theth asawa academy of the arts and that may have been taken in a sense and i that in the context the case was made that we could no longer have the academy in that constituency of the Ruth Asawa School of the arts. All of californias a constituency to the Ruth Asawa School of the art. And in working with the accrediting agencies in the state of california the accrediting agencies were asking the same questions. Who are you and how does this hold up with the instruction accreditation with your school and how are you gonna hold this up and wished i agree we should be very specific about that and i agenda is with staff and with the support of the chair we i agenda iced a series of conversations about what the academy is an about what their curricular focus will be in the years coming forward so that the public is very, very clear about who they are and what they are trying to do and quite frankly, how they are serving our most historically disadvantaged students not as a Feeder Program to the Ruth Asawa School of arts and not as a Feeder Company but to their students and to the public. I appreciate you hearing are concerned. Thank you i dont believe i ever saw this to be a Feeder School. This was meant to be an opportunity for students who had not had those opportunities in the arts. Also, i would like to say this i would freely admit that i have not been member of the Curriculum Committee although i go to many of their Committee Meetings until this year. I never heard a report but if there are documents or reports than i have missed then my bad and i get lots of material from reports at Curriculum Committees over the years i do not remember getting such things of their is curriculum materials that appreciate that reports i would appreciate that. Commissioner i want to be very, very clear. I want to make sure that the comments about the Ruth Asawa School of arts is a Feeder School to the school of the arts and thats not your words that is what school has expressed us. Ra, when we take a vote . [roll call vote] 7 ayes. Thank you all very much. Im going to move up if its all right with everyone we have two resolutions the first is 66 14 sb oneis a resolution ordering School Bond Election and an account not to exceed 744,250,000 and authorizing necessary actions in connection there with. Thank you we moved both of these recommendations forward. And this was sent forward with a positive recommendation from pres. Haney and several of the members. Think you are you commenting on this one resolution 166 to 14 s part one or were they changes about the Mission Bay School 16614 sp two it was one that the change that was made because we used mission bay is an example called mission bay out as a definite side. Thank you. Mr. Superintendent. Thank you pres. Haney what i would like to do at this point is turn it over to our our chief Financial Officer [laughing] are facilities officer mr. Goldman probably be best dressed officer of facilities in the state of california. Thank you. Im not sure that my wife agrees but trying to get me to dress for success for years. I am David Goldman im the chief facility officer let me say this is a very exciting sort of night i think for the district. Clearly, we are once again asking the voters of San Francisco hopefully in november 2016 to approve the fourth bond measure that we have had on the ballot since 2003 previously about almost 1. 4 billion worth of bonds that the city and the voters of San Francisco have given us to i think make our schools some of the finest in the nation and to allow the superintendent and the deputy superintendent and all of our teachers and staff to be able to do 21st century learning in the building and structures that we have to the very best of their ability. So, it is really an honor and a pleasure to present what i hope will be in november another very successful bond for the district and we will continue this wonderful condition that we have of making every single one of our schools and every single site for every single one of our 55 or 56 or hopefully eventually 60 and 65,000 a wonderful andequitable place to study. And with that id like to introduce our bond counsel john bonder from sutcliffe to our left and i would like to introduce our Financial Advisor david olson from pfm and he does all our tax rate analysis and in addition i would like to introduce some other people who have been really key in the working of getting all the cogs of the oil and the spokes going to get the bond on the ballot and the general counsel and the superintendent and the commissioner mendoza who has been a chief supporter of our bond since i met her 12 years ago and so we have two things on our ballot one is a resolution and it will go not only to the voters but it will be the language of go on the ballot and it divines the legal parameters of the bond and the bond amount of 744,250,000 it divines the details of the projects and certain 10 tangential projects and art it talks about our funding for art center and for sustainability and for a joint venture, teacher, and educator Housing Project in the city at a site to be determined and it offers funds for the construction of two or more new schools depending on locations and demographics and the priorities of the board of education and superintendent. Within that language the dollar amounts of the 744,250,000the language would be the art center up to 1 million and the Teacher Education or program because we felt that they needed to know what we were doing. Different than what weve done in the past we introduced a second resolution that will not go to the voters but will be a resolution to allocate the buckets of funding for the bond so we can do planning for the work for the time ahead and recognizing that something significant may change three or four years ago that might cause us to want to allocate some funds slightly differently and allows the board of education, the superintendent and the staff to make some recommendations and come back to this board and have a really broad discussion about why we should potentially change some of our services so a slightly different strategy and i think it has advantages of some longerterm flexibility. That is the reason why for those of you who have been here if you are wondering about bond elections already things look a little bit, little bit different. Okay . With that explanation i will read resolution 16614s p1 resolution ordering School Bond Election and an account not to exceed 744,250,000 and authorizing necessary actions in connection there with, separately and in tandem i would like to know offer resolution and item number 166 14s part two resolution allocating general Obligation Bond authorization for certain capital expendituresand finally i would like to bring to your attention the tax rate statement and unlike so many districts throughout the bay area San Francisco is blessed with a splendid economy a wonderful tax base and a supportive election and ours is one of the lowest in all california and am very excited to be about to offer this resolution to you for approval and i and my team and deputy superintendent lee stand ready to answer any questions. Thank you. Thank you so much. First, i want to call Public Comment and start with a very good friend of this district and a former member of this body former District Supervisor kim is here to wait very patiently to address this issue so come on up supervisor kim and address this issue. Thank you. Thank you pres. Haney it is a pleasure to serve you as one of our constituents in the tender line neighborhood and to serve in mission bay. And as commissioner mendoza remembers very well that this district would have been committed to building an Elementary School in this growing neighborhood in San Francisco and now we are seeing all of these buildings going up and we see 25,000 new residents in the 2016 census and was very exciting at this time and decision for the board of education is at this time when i was on the board we were considering closing schools and at this moment time were building new schools because the city population is growing and theres increased interest in attending our Public Schools and the residents of mission bay and those residents strongly support this as you know we block 15 and they been dedictataed to building a Public School and we have until 2017 investment on this site and it is my understanding that what would best fit on the site would be a prek and for prek on for her teachers and students as well and i know that this language to 100 million could be dedicated to a school in mission bay. We would like to see something a little bit stronger and a little more in linewhere the school board had determined there would be aintention to build a school and many many families are hoping that they can stay in the city and there will be classroom spots available for their soon to be fiveyearold children and we really think this will be essential to building a complete neighborhood in mission bay. Now, we know that there will be into it continued interest in the shipyard and mission bay as well and we are looking forward to this and i know president haney and commissioner fewer have all attended our meetings, and i want to thank all of the families that are hereand all of our mission bay families that are here in support of this. Thank you. And i miss everyone thank you for having me here. I just want to make to corrections for the record. We have till 2027 not till 2017. Thank you for your leadership and your continued support and youre welcome back any time. Something tells me are going on to other things. We have one more Public Comment on this. Bruce agate good evening pres. Haney, my name is bruce saget i am the president of the south beach Democratic Club and the mission Bay Steering Committee as well as our overall coalition of supporters. During this project we have is part of the mission bay communities thank you for your leadership and support. I take that back on june 12 i dont know if everybody could remember it was 1260 in the morning i was getting ready to pass out myself but i wonder come back and say thank you again. With that said, on a serious note with that being said as a coalition we have worked with many of you over the past 6 to 9 months and we have watched this process evolve and with each step the information became more defined and the needs clarified in the bond language developed and refined to the product presented this evening. With an exception to the comments that were added tonight by supervisor kim and supported by the coalition we are very pleased and very supportive and we want to thank you again for president haneyand Vice President walton and all of you as commissioners and staff and the superintendent and the staff and we want thank you again supervisor kim. New schools are being recommended for mission bay and bayview i would like to reiterate as i mentioned last time that as this proposition moved to the ballot in november we as a coalition are ready to mobilize and get out with voters to vote and i would like to thank you on behalf of our coalition. Thank you very much. Thank you all right. Any questions or comments from the board . Commissioner wynns, commissioner carranza and commissioner murase. Thank you. Ive had two people this week been active in our campaign ask about this and look at this online and the kind of puzzled about its generality. I just think we need to develop some material to make clear that this is not an effort to o obobligate anything but they were concerned that because the previous bonds were so specific there wondering why they werent like that and we all agree because we discussed this at length in the Bonds Committee that this doesnt allow us something that is not listed here and thats the most important thing and with our recent experience between and i dont expect it to happen quite the same way but it always expects in some way that things cost different amounts when you put together a bond years in advance but i think that needs to be part of our campaign and why this form is here and a way to reiterate within this much more generalized form of description in the bond language and what our commitment is to operating essentially in the same way that we have the previous bonds. Which we have deservedly and thankfully gotten so much praise for the transparency and the effectiveness and the products i need just one thing and i think the flexibility that we are allowed now is reflected here for us to successfully accomplish what we want to in this program. I just want to say im appreciate supervisor kim and the Community Representatives support in this since the first day in the first change that we made and weve also had the opportunity as staff to anticipate what we can anticipate it isnt necessary or even a good idea to be more specific than them being read here but i would be remiss if i did not say in addition to the modernization and the revisiting of some schools where we have done modernization programs that are not as robust as we would like based on the priorities that we were required to have in those programs including the aba access and i think it is important for the public to know that we want to go back and do a better job and for all of those included and we want those schools to look like and feel more like those schools in our program and the other two things is that i just want to thank everybody for an play down to everybody that we have 100 million for this bond for art center and thats an important step in what some of us have been trying to do for many years and what were doing and many people in this community are working very hard to get past year and the investments in kitchens and student nutrition that are essential and a really important step towards something that many of us here including mr. Goldman have been talking about how to get to this step we can take the first facility related action towards something that all the food advocates and all the people in the city that are behind the work that we have done to improve our food and Nutrition Services know that what we need to do is get where we can be making our own food and not necessarily buying food from your providers. I do want to ask one question about that but i really want to put it on the record that the language here about food Service Investment is so general that i think that we need some reassurance and i hope that our intention is to actually take steps to develop a plan not in this bond program this would just be the first thing but to get us to a real way to do scratch cooking in our schools which means really preparing meals not just assembling things like we are in some places now and that we are on the road to preparing meals with chefs in our kitchen and not using already cooked meats and all those things. I understand this is not your responsibility or not the bond responsibility but the language is very general and permissive but not just the money to do a general upgrade but to take that essential final step to getting back to actually cooking at our schools. Thank you. And the answer is absolutely yes and because the details have not been worked out particularly the details of some of the business aspects if we have to cook than we need people to cook and if we have a warehouse than we need people to deliver and we need to have lenders that will allow our student nutrition folks really put in place that which is meaningful and will really work for us and this is probably the seed money and i i expect there will be a another portion and 2022 were at some point in the future. Thank you. Commissioner murase thank you very much i understand that we are in our 11th Consecutive Year and i want to reassure the public that we areconfident that we can meet the obligations of the bond that is being proposed and i think that we really should recognize that very strong record mr. Goldman. And i also want to thank the Mission Bay Community from coming out and certainly your input is appreciated and we certainly would like to see 135 tranformed into a resource for all of our schools and finally i want to thank the team for incorporating the amendment that i proposed in the abbreviation for the measure i think that it makes it much more understandable for loaders. Thank you. Thank you pres. Haney. I have a few concerns about this. I think one is although i think it is commendable to set aside 4 million for Teacher Educator housing and actually [inaudible] i think thats very little its a very small amount and i know there has been a lot of discussion going on about this and i know them coming in at the very end of it but the other thing is that under new School Construction on page 23 it says that the district may acquire construct or furnish these facilities at one or more sites and these may include new schools in mission bay and the bayview. The funds designated below for that District Arts Center at the site. I think that there is consensus on the board that there is a new school in mission bay that should be built and i think that this language i would like to see stronger language to let the voters know that we will build a school in mission bay and i advocated for a new school in the bayview and we built a new school in the bayview and my argument was that their children that will attend that school in the bayview and in 2011 there was a growing population in mission bay but not a commitment. And we are looking at 40 Affordable Housingat [inaudible] and we will not get any people to attend our Public Schools in the bayview that is not true i believe we have enough to fill a school probably more now. I would like to prioritize Mission Bay School to be built and that voters are very sure that this is not a guessing game that what they are voting for is for a new school at mission bay and i understand that we need a school i think we should prioritize in this language a school at mission bay we have that site. It will not be there forever. It would only get more expensive to be a build there and i think that it is now time for mission bay to get their new school. There is a whole new community there and so, i dont know if we could propose something that has stronger language but i would like to suggest that as this moves forward that we are in agreement because it is the board of education that will determine the sites if we would prioritize in this language that we will indeed build a new Elementary School in mission day. I just think this is a community that is growing and we have seen an interest among people in Public Education and they seek out a Public Education and were building much more Affordable Housing in that area and the parents depend on in that school and i think we are 5 years behind actually. And i it was the one that said we should build a school in bayview and we eventually built our school and bayview and now im saying that we will will build a school in mission bay. Commissioner what would be your estimate to build an Elementary School and mission bay . Somewhere around 55 million. So proximately the same cost as willie brown Elementary School. Yes. Could we build to facilities the one in mission bay because i know that the all one is which is a costly place to build but knowing that you think the estimate is about 55 million. Or would that only pay for the chairs . Im suggesting you have suggested in the past that the lot that is available to us in mission bay aside from the condition that is in was put that aside anybody who builds here will have to deal with that height is an incredibly valuable piece of land and there are potentially things that can be built there that is far more advantageous than just the school. I think theyre far more opportunities and we have just begin to scratch the surface. My partners at esf and some of the brown Tech Companies and when we look back on previous discussions that we have had with commissioner mendoza and others were always thinking ahead of these type of partnerships. Mr. Goldman, so youre telling me that this possibly could not be a school and this could be a another use . I am saying this could be something in addition to a school. I am saying that this could be a school and Something Else or just a school. If we go 90 feet it could be a lot more than that. Years ago there was a discussion of the Science Teaching academy for all of our teachers and the district and partnerships with some of the bioTech Companies and there was a time where we talked about high school and clearly we are looking at k5 and i think there were conversations just like were talking about these relationships with San Francisco State University that we be remiss if we didnt take some time and think about it before we embark on a 55 million project. Im just proposing possibilit and the superintendent in the board of education at this. When hearing from you is that we could possibly have a school and Something Else but what im hearing from you mr. Goldman is that it would not be just a school but maybe an opportunity for Something Else but i want to know is can you add some language into this that says that we are definitely going to build a school. You will get a commitment from us that you are a priority but we dont know what can happen next month or with families coming in and out of the city are cautionediis to the board and we will follow the direction of the board but our caution is that you should exercise as much caution as possible so the flexibility that you have in the language that you take to the voters will give the possibility if we want to change course to change course. We dont want to build a school or facility in any place where you dont have a need to build. At this point, are needed that mission bay absolutely. I think the language at mission bay gives the priority to build a School Mission bay. Our demographics show that the majority of the oncoming expected sstudents at mission bay are expected to arrive in the next one to four years. There will be more afterwards but the biggest bubble is in the next one to four years. We cant open the door probably for five. At the earliest. So in the interim we are also going to have another question of what are we going to do and plan for the students that are there that choose to go to our schools and where should they go . So now matter whether it is a buildingor it is a another one of our schools we need to plan for this. I agree for that. I think that is a wakeup call for all of us and how quickly the city is growing and how we have not been at the table at building and planning and i mr. Superintendent we could change the language instead of it may include that it would include a school in mission bay i think the Mission Bay Community is looking for something that is more of a commitment than maybe and as that community is growing i think what is so difficult for mission bay is that we are growing a new neighborhood in San Francisco where nothing is there beforeand we dont have the infrastructure to know but its i think that what the time that the ground was broke we didnt know about the community and the time we didnt know if you were going to put down roots there but now we know that there is a community that is growing and now we are a little bit behind the game, as you mentioned, the need for a school i would like to prioritize the language in this even though i just want to expect also definitely superintendent a lot of discussion has gone into this i know and im coming in late on this but as i read this i just think that our intention could be clearer in this language about prioritizing a new school. But i am happy to hear from my colleagues. If i could just offer a legal perspective and what the board is considering what commissioner fewer is expressing i think that if you remember this is a legal document and this could have legal consequences down the road and one of the reasons i think our bond program has been so successful and so our respected is that we have spent very little dollars on needless lawsuits arguing what this language means. So that is the approach were taking right now. We want to make sure we do not create a situation where 10 years down the road the board and frankly the vast majority of the community may have a different opinion but we have written into your language language that subjects tto taxpayer lawsuits later on and then we are spending money litigating for the language and if, mr. Palmer you could talk a little bit more about the language in our bonds. I am mr. Palmer and i have seen people argue over bond language that is arduous and uncertain that one place that you can put your language with much less reservation would be 1664sp2. Here next to 100 million for new School Instruction we can put some language for the board to prioritize the site at mission bay that is good. That gives you the ability to change it later if you want. I think quite frankly i know that you guys are afraid of lawsuits but i was going to say that we have listed schools before i dont know why we are not listening them this time but in the past projects we have listed schools to my knowledge and we have not been sued but thats why am not so afraid of it because i have listed schools but apparently other people feel that we could be sued even though we havent been and weve listed schools in the past in 2011 in 2006and if it gives us the same outcome which is that we have a commitment that we will prioritize this than i am fine with it and im happy to your from my colleagues too but quite frankly personally i am not so afraid of a lawsuit and believe me, people of students many times for many things but when we listed all of the in the 2011 bond including Willie Brown Middle School we have not been sued but im happy to hear from my colleagues. Thanks. Commissioner that is our job to worry about whether or not there could be litigation that is not your job that is our job so we will worry about it. Thank you commissioners haney deputy superintendent do you want to comment on this . I just wanted to make a comment about something that commissioner fewer commented on. On page a2 four of the document it is am sorry i am not looking at the bond agenda but okay its page 21 but that project list of the site list has been included in the resolution but there has been a change in the characterization of the intention and i think commissioner wynns in all of these sites that are not limited to so this could be viewed as binding but i want to mention that list is there but secondly that permissive nature of that language does stand a little bit at odds where i think some of you might wish to go with respect to mission bay and i think it is worth noting that that would be different to signal a higher level of certainty around one project versus the 40 other projects that are on this list. Deputy superintendent youre saying that we could put that language in to say these schools are authorized. Im saying its not our recommendation to make those changes as . What you made reference that language saying that that language was permissible but its not permissible in another area i guess . Okay so were going to move on and will have to come back to this obviously but it seems like part is in one resolution and one is in the other resolution so we may need to align that we will come back to that i may have a way to resolve that but i do want to stop you from speaking. Vice president walton. Thank you pres. In regards to the bond and its entirety i would say lets do this. It is something that is important to our district and i do want to comment on a few things and one is that i do encourage whatever language we useto strengthen the commitment for our school and mission bay that we do the same for a school in bayview. However, if you remember our original number was 80 million and we increased it to have two schools included in the bond and i am aware of the work we need to do in our southeast sector schools particularly in our Elementary Schools and making sure there is a promise that we made to willie brown for work to do and were moving forward on that but i think that it would be irresponsible to ignore the population growth and the population shifts and where the families will be in the next 5 to 10 years and the Bayview Community has big shifts in their population so i do want to make sure that whatever we do we need to strengthen the commission in mission bay and i do agree with that and we should do the same for bayview as well. Also, i wanted to note and i do not see any of them in the audience but we have gotten a number of females from some of our professional sports teams in support of our school at mission bay and i just want to let them know that we got there emails and make sure that they know that we appreciate their support as well and again i want to commend your team mr. Goldman weve had an opportunity to go over this proposed bond for the past few months and i appreciate your work and dedication gone into this and not just the construction of the new schools but the revitalization and are doing a great job right now bringing our schools up to code and they are very attractive and this it bond is no different and i appreciate your dedication in bringing this long and i do think that the language should be consistent in the resolution as we bring this forward. Thank you. Commissioner. Thank you. Thank you i am very thankful for the work of staff one the schools in these programs and keeping it the squeaky Clean Program that it is and that is largely because of you mr. Goldman and i appreciate the work that youve done and im also grateful to the owners who have given us their trust and as i said to the tune of 4 billion in the past 13 years on programs and i am very excited about a number of programs on student nutrition and investments of technology and we deftly need some new schools in Elementary School some driver doing that i do agree that we are a little bit under the gun. We may have waited a bit too long to start new School Construction for Elementary Schools but the growth took us all little bit by surprise with the last projections that we need to get going. I would say if we were going to break ground tomorrow on a new school that mission bay would be the place that we should do that and that probably it would remain the place that we should break ground first but i also want to really listen to the staffs caution. I also really think that we havent been sued because the staff keeps us safe and i appreciate that i think in past bonds we have listed projects that we will work on but we have been able to list them with sufficient specificity so that we did everything that we are going to do and thewith that this is the uncertainty part of the game and were talking about selling bonds in a market that may look very different to our three or five years from now. So, we have to be very careful not to promise what we cant deliver or to deliver what we promise all that being said i feel very nervous about absolutely committing today to five years from now or three years from now or two years from now about building a school in mission bay and i believe if i look at my own crystal ball that is what we will do and thats what we need to do i just think we need to preserve some flexibility. At the time that i have been on this board we have talked about building a high score Training Center a kate school so i think even looking at the democraphic progressions and how they changed rapidly and looking at them when we look at them two years later and we look at them again they changed quite rapidly in two yearsand the picture looked very different than it had. So, i just feel cautious about it when im expressing that. And , i am not going to rule out supporting it what is the wording that going to change if anything i think that the recommendation sounded okay on the basis of it and that would affirm the commitment and belief that mission bay is probably where we will Start Construction but were not limiting ourselves to these things when we dont know what changes will occur in the next two years so i think were just expressing caution and allowing for flexibility thank you. Commissioner. I would be remiss if i didnt comment on this very large pond i want to take a moment to thank the staff for developing this bond and everything that has went into this. There are several things in this bond that we have been waiting to see and im excited to be part of that in particular i would like to point out a couple of things that really mean a lot to me in addition to just the modernization of a lot of schools that need it and to know that every time my kids moved on to a new school they get construction done at the former school so we have never really been able to benefit all of the construction thats happened over the last few years but the green schoolyard expansion will really change the lives of our students in terms of our green schoolyard and the Energy Sustainability and as you know bringing ned castor on was a huge part of my efforts and we are incorporating every energysaving possibilitytthat we can at all of our schools and that there will be additional dollars to help support that. A Technology Upgrade my colleagues have all mentioned that because we all know how critical that is. The art center has been a Long Time Coming and i am really committing myself to the private funding efforts and i think that the way that we are putting this on we are all committing to the additional dollars that need to be raised and that the 100 million that needs to be raised that is in this bond will be a portion of what we need to make that site a reality. But like many of the things that weve been discussing, this is something that has been a Long Time Coming and i think that we have really built the will both the public and the political will to get this done this time around and i think that we can make that happen and i look forward to working with folks on that piece. The teacher housing contribution is an interesting one. You know, i agree with commissioner w that this seems like a drop in the bucket bbut i think that this that we have available not just the 5 million but it will also be the land that has some great value and that is what we will be adding to the partnership and then they a last piece of course is the new School Instruction in 2006 this was one of the thingsthat we worked on and couldnt get enough support for and i cannot tell you how happy it makes me to hear from all of my colleagues that everybody would love to see this happen and in 2006 we have secured to funders that paid for the school but we didnt have the [inaudible] on board to make this happen but i want us to appreciate how quickly these come up and how growth in communities is really critical and i just want to give a shout out to commissioner walton, and norton and fewer who came along with me as we took a look at what these would look like and supervisor kim and the mayor asked us to all come together to do some planning around the new schools around San Francisco. This was the first time that we were ever at the table to talk about the possibility of increased growth in our city and what that means every School District to do some planning and we have never had this opportunity to do some planning so inasmuch as i feel that mission bay is a Priority School and as much as i want to make every effort to see that the school gets built i want to keep mmentioning that bayview needs a second site but i also want to realize the Due Diligence that our staff has to go to to analyze the information that will have to be gone through with the number of houses that will be built and the information of how that will affect this and it appears that there will be 7000 new students and we will need to build a school and this way we can erect this around this bond so im in support of putting in stronger language to make sure that mission bay is one of our Priority Schools and that the intention is clear that this is a commitment that our school board is making and if there is balanced language around that lets figure that out but i am really excited. This is the Largest School bond that we as a district have put forward. It is the second largest in the city. You know, we are going to need every single one of you to help us get the word out the need and the importance in ensuring that our schools are modernized and our kids and our community are in safe and rich environmental environments educational environments that will enhance our childrens future and that this isnt just about facilities and this isnt just about looking good or feeling great about what it will do for our housing or Property Value although that is going to be part of that too but what this will do for our young people as they come through our school system. When you think of the and people that didnt have heat in the winter or stairs are crumbling or didnt have fields to play on but i am just so glad that we are committed to ensuring that we can provide what these children need and also i trust that you are ensuring that we have the flexibility that we need with this resolution as well. And i trust you and lets just get this past both now and in november. I did just want to say that im pleased to see some investment in teacher housing. I would like to see more but the value of the land is [inaudible] we should be looking for other sources as well that will allows to specifically do that and i really want to support that i saythat i really support the language, and since we dont know about the passage of the state school bond and we need to pass both this local bond and the state school bond in november but changes in the state School Program are coming down tight and one of the things that has gotten us in trouble in the past is that we have in the past included language saying that we are going to put money or invest some money in certain projects and this is how we got carmichael built and we have had partial funding for the ruth aschool built and both with Bessie Carmichael and with [inaudible] those became incredibly complicated political challenges which caused us to seek money in other places and in the case of selling land and in the case of Diane Feinstein which we did get money eventually but it took a long time to get it done so i just want to caution all of us that the value of having a experienced highly qualified counsel here is so wonderful and im in support of that and not constraining ourselves inadvertently about what we can do with this moneysso im supportive of that suggestion that we added to the second resolution and that counsel assures us it is the best way to do that. This list is for the renovation projects and the School Construction is on the facing page and this language has been changed which i was expressing my support for earlier and that says mission bay and the bayview and that actually our priorities are reflected in the language here. Thank you. Thank you commissioner wynns. I would like to just add an amendment and i know commissionermurase also wants to say a word and i think that the School District wants to have such a consensus on the large majority of it and i really want to commend our superintendent and mr. Goldman and the entire team that puts together a bond that reflects our priorities and needs as a district and all of the pieces in here i think have widespread support of the board that we need to go into ar 21stcentury schools where we can say ive had the privilege to visit many different and schools and many times what comes up is the bathrooms and the kitchen and the classrooms and this is really do these students have the basis of a healthy environment to do 21st century learning that they need to do. As far as the teacher housing 5 million is relatively small light of the challenge that we face but i hope that we are able to get to a point where we are able to get a much larger investment in partnership for the city and i want to thank commissioner Mendoza Mcdonnell and i know that 5 million is not going to do everything that we need to do that we have a long road but it is a beginning to get on that level and then the art district is profound and the visionaries of this board to raise those fund and develop a vision that it can be to match its potential. I do want to say a couple of words on issues of the new schools. I think with the art centers a new school is an opportunity with us to meet our enrollment growth and its also an opportunity to meet the contribution of what the future of San Francisco looks like and thats why our mission is to put a school in mission bay and also that it is welcoming in support of families and if it is in support of our children and families that will reflect what San Francisco looks like for all of usit is really the opportunity for us to make that opportunity when commissioner wynns, and commissioner mendozamcdonnell and all of those who were here when we began this and i just want to endorse greater intentionality around this and thank you commissioner fewer starting this off. I think that there is a concern that we might be sitting here wondering bit if we will be sitting here a few years wondering what happened with this. We as a board i think it is clear in terms of what we would like to see happen and how we want to move forward on this and i want that to be reflected and i think that is one hearing from my colleagues here in the language and in the bond and i also want to mention that weve talked about what we have done in the past and make sure that we have an adequate amount of flexibility and the 2011 bond that i pulled up included on the list is the Mission Bay School and in the past we said we would and we didnt do it so the question to whether or not may gives us the flexibility that we always had and also that it says the district intends to provide so we have been specific in the past i think that we should be specific again and before i offer some language here are so like to say this 15 million that seems to be part of the 2011 bond, is that Still Available to us and added to the amount of money for us i know that that was not enough to afford to schools in the mission bay but is that 15 million Still Available to us and also with the Oversight Committee it looks like it was in 2011 and why would we not similarly have that as a part of this bond. Pres. Haney i will answer both of those questions. In 2011, we wrote this language because superintendent carranza and commissioner Mendoza Mcdonnell and all of the others that were working on the school if that fell short that we want to make sure that we could buy the furniture and open school because it was unclear of those two donors could build the school but when those relationships fell apart and those donors moved on to other projects we moved on to other projects and spend that money on other higher Priority School so the question that im going to answer is no, that money is not available because it was built around the premise that never came to be. And im sorry i forgot the second question, i apologize. The second question is about the Oversight Committee and also in the 2011 bond the new schools were listed along with the rest of the projects which is different than how we are doing it here. Mission bay was listed as will perform so we even used will and we did not do it. In this bond we specifically listed the modernization site and then call out five or six buckets where we would say maybe youre allowed to spend up to a certain amount in each bucket and if we dont spend it will put it in the regular program wide contingency to be used on all kinds of things except for the exception we made for the arts sector. The question on the citizens Oversight Committee, their function is constitutional not to decide what project and timing and program is going to work. There constitutional function is to read the bond language and say you guys are spending the money appropriately and say all of the expenditures are recorded to the program so in california at the constitution this wouldnt be inappropriate for them to monitor the task of the board of education. They would monitor that yes this is called out in the bonded it is a legitimate place to spend money and how you have chosen to spend it and what order and what time frame that is an internal staff decision. I want to lastly pick up on the point from the second resolution that commissioner fewer put forward that we have a potential way to deal with that from council by using the words intends or prioritize in the 2011 bond we usedintends to and perhaps we could say intends to build more schools and mission bay and bayview. Mr. Palmers language that you include intends to in sb2 . If folks have a preference on intends to prioritize that is fine but we cant make that motion now because this is on the other resolution so what the vote on this now because its part of the other resolution so we will have to vote on this resolution and then we will be able to make that resolution we get to that nextresolution we can make that amendment at that time. I section 2 it allocates money and under new School Construction is this what youre referring to . Im sorry, that is in sp1 hat is in page 23. . That is correct. Why is that . Without revealing you with a long story we were recently involved in a School District that got sued by a district that felt that the board of education didnt promise them and that litigation got into the high hundreds of thousands of dollars and it took several years to resolve and the appeals went to several iterations and several Board Members lost their seats and it was a fairly ugly battle that i think couldve been avoided by separating the policy at intentions by the authorized document and i think the question you may want to ask yourself from s p1 is have authorized all of the work that we want to do you think youre done with sp1 and if you allocated all the money that you want to allocate into each bucket and where your priorities l then i think that my recommendation would be that in s p2 that this should include new schools in mission bay and bayview that give a clearer expression of your intention as a board right now and that can become part of a contract with the voters that can be written in stone and cant be changed and could potentially be the basis of a lawsuit that you may have to avoid. So on page 27 where you are saying new School Instruction your sing intends to include mission bay and bayville . That is correct. I got it. I think if that is added in that way i think that make sense to me. Commissioner murase. I think that commissioner mendozamcdonnell did specify the ground that and heed the study and i would like to be in support of that. Commissioner fewer. F it is in the port of my colleagues that i will agree with you but we had in our 2011 project thatwe put in that mission bay will be and that other schools were prioritized up above it and i think putting the language and to sp2 this because we wouldnt want to be sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars in school Board Members to lose their seats would we . Commissioner norton. I think we should put in sp2 and when we are prioritized saying sp2 then[inaudible] and less theres other amendments or comments on sp1 lets take a vote on sp1. [roll call vote] 7 ayes on sp1, thank you. Lets vote on the other one. I want to move s p2. I will second that. We have a report from the buildings and grounds committee. The buildings and grounds supported this with a recommendation. Superintendent, who would you like to have talk about this . The articulate and charming David Goldman. I recently applied for my son into kindergarten at Caesar Travis and i was denied because i live here in San Francisco and i have been trying to get help here and i tried to call buti need an afterSchool Program which i already got and the School District gave me [inaudible] where my son belongs to because i live on guerrero street on 18th and guerrero because my nephew goes there and he is going to second gradeand i am a single mother and i cant be getting out of work to pick him up be able to get him into an afterSchool Program there and its hard for me to get him from work i work monday through friday from 830 to 5 530 sometimes and so now i just want help from you guys so i can get him into travis that i have an afterSchool Program for and i have nobody to pick them up and unfortunately my sister who is the one that takes him to school i drive him every day with my sister and my nephew and she waits there because i have to go to work. So it would really be a lot of help if i could get him into chester travis. Thank you. Senora, we will have you make sure you give your information to justin here and someone will follow up with you. Thank you. Good evening i am lisa block president of united education San Francisco i was not able to speak two weeks ago on the budget but i would like to say say a few words tonight but i would like to say that each and every member of the school board is dedicated to providing a quality education for every child in San Francisco. The budget youre deciding on tonight does not reflect the urgency that i have sought within the last few months as i can see there are and not any earmarks for teachers and paraprofessionals a light. Our current contracts allow us to meet and confer with you to discuss salary next fall peoplethings have changed sends our 42 increase that was reflected in your budget to prioritize educator pay i question the rationale that was offered to us this evening that reserved over twice required by law. I think it is an explanation that has to be gone over very carefully. Lastly, i urge each and everyone he you to look back carefully on the millions of dollars that were spending each year. We have a possibility of the qt a from that part money coming in from the qta also what we need to have teacher compensation because we need teachers to teach in the schools are going to build in the next 10 years thank you. That evening commissioners and staff and all the great people in the audience. I am here on behalf of coleman advocates of youth and we came to speak during Public Comment because we wanted to let you know that the students and parents that you work with in sfusb arent seeing the successes that you are claiming and we arent seeing the full implementation of policies that you guysclaim to pass or the meaningful engagement of parents and school sites and what we see is a lot of advisory voices from Different Community groups whether it is the africanamerican Advisory Council and all of that advisory is great but the way the funds are spent that is more than advisory. The always see the district taking ambitious efforts we just need thosea lot of times we see that you are handicapped by illegalcouncil and we dont want unnecessary lawsuits that will take funds that will take away from our students but we are a lot better than they are and our students is to be better and our families need us to be better and having engagement means not just listening to families but letting them show leadership in helping them guide the process that shakes the schools decisionmaking in the district because right now, the students and parents are being left out of the decisions in the district. Thank you. [calling speakers] in april 2015 a multilingual teacher on special assignment in the Multilingual Department from the fund the sfusb the fundamental filipino teacher would increase the filipino curriculum. The district has not hired a tsa for this position. This delay means this filipino language at sf usb remains weak. Im a filipino and a mother of a third grader at the Betsy Carmichael Elementary School and our intention was for her to maintain her filipino language skill and gain deeper exposure to her filipino heritage. After year when we were satisfied with the cultural portion of the program we are disappointed with the week filipino Language Program was downgraded to [inaudible] in Elementary School my daughter has lost her knowledge the fill of pinot language and the current filipino language is insufficient and weak on behalf of the families that Betsy Carmichael we are demanding the board of education to have equitable support for a stronger filipino Language Program and lets get the ball rolling in this direction of philip this position. Thank you very much. [calling speakers] my colleagues could more eloquently do justice to the situation explain why were here i just want to explain a little bit about the process and i have heard people that here tonight so they were delighted to be at the table and that is something as parents at Betsy Carmichael we feel like we have not had a seat at the table there have been decisions made about the bilingual program and we are very disheartened as i mentioned we developed a tsa for the program and i just wanted to discuss the process and some of those takeaways. In 20152016 we have communicated communicated 00 22 24communicatedwith pragmatic optimism and we were told that this is not the solution and how can i as the father of a six grader who is deeplycurious about the democratic process but when he has engaged in this process that i have showed such slow, unsuccessful results. How can the result of a Grass Roots Organization that the voices of the board planning discussions go so unheeded i look forward to your swift response. Good evening members of the board and mr. Superintendent my name is lauren brady i am the president of the statewide education project. I am here to comment on the pollicy of suspension and expulsion but im not able to stay so i will make my comment now. I understand that this would be part of the districts resolution for many years i would like to take this time now to commend the board on the districts policies but i would like to point out that these promises and them being provider are two separate grounds. Will it be allocated to be sufficient that the noncommunity alternative and the traditional School Discipline outlined in these policies available to give every student in the school site in school and as much as possible. In [inaudible] in california move away from African American students and [inaudible] a goal only accomplish with sufficient training and oversight that passage of these policies tonight and then the future should reiterate these efforts. We look forward to engaging with the district on these efforts and thank you for your work. All right so, where is my place here . We are all over so moving back to item h there was one superintendent proposal that i skipped over, [reading resolution] all of the policies before you to tonight receive positive recommendation from the rules committee i dont know if the staff wants to do this but i will put down a one sentence note about each one of them were talking about sp1, sp5 amd sp6. On sp five this only referred to family members no, this is on personnel leaves. Well that is just that we have no policy or bargaining agreement. President haney i would like our policies to be read into the record. [reading policies] the following policies are recommended for approval 4161,4261 and [inaudible] which are all for district employees. Questions by the board . Roll call please. [roll call vote] 7 ayes. Public hearing. I now call the public hearing to maintain budget reserves greater than the state required minimum. Superintendent. Thanks pres. Haney i would like to thank our chief Service Officer the executive director of our budget to please come forward this would be the public hearing to maintain the budget reserves minimum and the local control accountability he and thank you superintendent and president the chiefService Officer. Moving on to the main attraction. Next is itemitem 16614spart three annual update on the fiscal year 2016 2017 local control and accountability plan for the San Francisco county office of education and San Francisco unified School District. Commissioner walden. Thank you. Thank you pres. Haney. I would like to ask our chief Financial Officer and our executive director to please go over this particular plan i will note that the feedback that was solicited from and taken from the board of education has been incorporated into the recommendation that you have here this evening and so im going to turn it over to my are dynamic duo it to move you briefly through this process so that youre in a position to consider this motion. Thank you superintendent. We have another resolution after that for the adoption of the recommended budget and we have prepared a very short presentation and if it is okay we would like to cover both in our presentation and take our votes separately . Yes. Okay, yes that is great. As the presentation comes up i wanted to walk everyone through quickly are just as for today are one to go over changes of what has been incorporated in the budget in the First Reading as well as the committee as a whole and to go over some Key Highlights regarding the projects and the outcome itself. We will then move into updatesregarding the state budget and what that might mean for us and next we will wrap up with acknowledgment. In terms of changes since we have met the First Reading is the committee as a whole we have incorporated recommendations specifically around her and supportive of the africanamerican and leadership Education Initiative and this additional staff member will help to highlight curricula for the hell of application component of the component of ourcurricula and it has been provided both publicly on our website as well as to all commissioners here. Now, since the First Reading we have shared Additional Information regarding our out cast for the city and county expanded here three years with the city and the state and weve also detailed the dollar amount because we noted that feedback from the committee as a whole that information is provided with in i believe this document which we will go over in a little bit and lastly what was three volumes of information has now grown to three of information the additional two are specifically around our adopted budget and code structure required by the state for both the district and county. With that, we can move into some Key Highlights that some of these we have spoken to already as a committee as a whole and we just wanted to drive everybody through the process over the last several months of building this 2016 2017 budget and this has been a cross looking at our budget and looking at her dollars and also our Strategic Plan at both the district level and at site levels. Throughout 2016 2007 team weve looked at our data and our dollars and they have also looked at our budget allocations and we have tied these into the balanced scorecards our Community Engagement efforts in partnership Advisory Committee are the lack as well as the office of family empowermenthave been able to pull information from these at family family empowerment process and through this we developed the lcap at grant dollars at the site level and all of these structures including the budget and Business Community Service Board meetings we were thenable to inform what you see before you which was the second reading of our proposed budget. Thank you. Thank you we are presenting to you again as we did at our first meeting a very high level summary of the estimated actual the current year of the proposed budget of the 2016 2017 and the twoyear multiyear projection and highlighting between 2015 and 2016 and the budget that you have developed there is a 3. 2 million projected increase in revenue and a 33. 6 million increase in expenditures and we have now brought it down to a deficit spending level in 2016 2017 about 33. 6 million expenditure increase is detailed out in this light and this is the material that we have covered at the First Reading and im sorry at the committee as a whole last week and that 33committee as a whole last week and that 33. 6 million 2. 6 million will go to funding for new priority increases and it was requested by the Board Members for details on specific items specifically funding for new priorities and we are providing that to you in this side slide this 33. 6 million is broken down as you can see this includes a proved request for additional funding this request would be vetted through the review process of individual department process and of that 33. 6 million 17. 2 million is set salary and benefits combined including other new priority such as smart approve request for additional funding of 2. 6 million and 6 million for site allocations and special education contribution and theres a 7. 8 million increase in infrastructure for transportation, routine and restricted maintenance county Office Education contribution and hr budget it software upgrades. Thank you. As you can see here a majority of our budget went into a little more detail i wanted to hone in on that 2. 6 million of the new priorities. The changes were the incorporations of the aaali support as well as the support of the Vis Valley Middle School and we also heard the feedback on the Additional Details on what is behind the Additional Support in terms of dollars and we have added that here in parentheses after each bullet point so you can note the amounts that have increased over across all of our priorities areas and a few things to point out and i will go toin recognition to our support staff in and iep education there were several Million Dollars made possible a few through peef and again with cost sure we increase that with professional development and internship and these have been shared to the committee as a whole and i will move these through into the landscapeof our revenues. Weve seen this before but we wanted to just call out that while we had been meaning to make modest games this year in supporting our project areas you will notice that our revenues have slowed into growth. They have rapidly grown over the last four years and as we look outward towards 2020 thatgoing to increase growth over time when we increase our funding formula and what this means more broadly is that yes revenues will all continue to grow to add not as robustly as we anticipated at that will have serious conferences and what we can allocate towards our expenditures. Their cost we have to anticipate including our evergrowing landscape contribution and giving that landscape need to look at we may need to look at a range of things staffing and new schools and it can be many things but hopefully this will change over time but hopefully we can review our resources and where we put our resources and where we allocate our dollars more effectively. In terms of an update on the state budget the Legislature Passed a budget within the constitutional deadline which was june 15 was as you know the salaries and that budget was forwarded to the governor and the governor signed the budget yesterday on 27 june way before the 30th deadline and also approved along with the state budget about a dozen trailer bells and unlike previous years where there was contention between the legislators proposed budget and what the governor proposed the governor was very much in sync with the legislature and all the substance of the budget and the state budget wouldfocus more on education and increasing this date reserves and paying down the debt by continuing to make ccontributions to the state rainy day fund. The governor did appropriate a 200 millionin one time proposition 98 funds for College Readiness block grant and the funds will be allocated to School Districts, county offices of education and Charter Schools through the 2016 2017 school year. These would be including but not limited to professional development for educators on improving College Readiness and increasing College Going rates enhancing canceling services on requirements for College Admissions and implementing partnerships between high schools and postsecondary institutions to support student matriculation and transitions. One additional change in the state adopted budget in the reduction of a onetime Discretionary Fund for prioryear mandate reimbursements funding is reduced from 237 per ada as proposed in the mayor revised 2 to 14 per ada a loss of approximately 1. 2 million in revenue for sfusd. This reduction is not currently reflected in the sfusd budget but will be incorporated as part of the first interim. And the Early Education block grant be incorporated in the isp. We will make those changes based on the revised enrollment numbers and is part of the revised project we look to close the books on 20152016 and the unaudited actuals were due in october and the audited Financial Statements will came out in december and the first interim report for 2016 2017 will be due out in december so i did want to know that the efforts in making the five volumes of information were by no means a single effort including my predecessorrita matahavan and i also would like to thank all of those that the tthe Million Dollars that you see here at the efforts of our deputy superintendent young and Guadalupe Bay but not only the outcast but the actions embedded in it and countless Department Heads and staff also involved in that effort and the budget team that i hold so near and dear to my heart now and reviewing these teams with such accuracy and this would not be without our superintendent Richard Carranza and all of the people that you see here before you and i also want to thank our smart team and Elizabeth Blanco and [inaudible] were key components of forming the al and shannon lee and her team in the department of technology was phenomenal in helping our team. We will wrap that up and take any questions you may have now. I think the gratitude is mutual from all those folks back there. Thank you for the presentation. Board any questions or comments . . Thank you. I have a couple of things. I hope that we can honestly did i bring them all i dont think you brought them all but i still have the i still have the First Reading of volume 1 as well as the second one even though i went through and highlighted as they do every year but we have to talk about it more on an accessible and readable format for these things. I know that weve done so much work and i think that we have made huge process of making it more accessible and readable and trying to inc. The lcap is a group that they tell us our listen to by stakeholders and others to try to simplify lcap the template but the being described as something that is supposed to be a poor communication device with the community is not. And i do not hold you at all responsible for the nonsensical nature of what is meant to be useful to the community. I appreciate all the work that youve done its extraordinary really. I feel like we have to kind of talk about how we get some narrative into things that are actually useful and now im going to talk out of both sides of my mouth i guess because i think that we have the talk about the School Budget. I dont know exactly how to say this but basically they dont tell any actual person anything. It does not tell you what is going on at the school to tell you that this certificate of ftes and you dont know what theyre doing and you dont really know where the money comes from or how much the schools are getting and that is what people want to know and you can go which i appreciate and look at exhibits of how this was formulated the money with but its all over the place but what we call the School Budget and ive had this discussion plenty of times with deputy superintendent leave but what we really have in these budget books largely are compliance documents and the way the state requires you to have it so that they can understand it thats what how we understand it and while we have to have this and we have to look at this and we should im not sure that we should call it our budget. Im thinking we should call it as we do with the facts code version what i would do what i do here and its not a budget at all but in these books in volumes two and three as well as lcap are needed and im hoping that next year when we start and i want to praise the District Administration and the Budget Committee this year to first starting the Budget Development process much earlier and having it actually feel like a continuous process, and you might not be happy about this but the Budget Development is something that is constantly going on and i think that its something that now we had put so much in this that we can look at the whole thing and say look at the whole actual view of these things and try to understand them at all even for us to think we know something about it and that is just my comments as well as expressing my appreciation for the extraordinary amount of work that goes into this and all of the efforts collectively to do what i just explained what i just had to make it more accessible to people and to make it work for communication and i just think that the state impose system almost makes it impossible and im hoping that we can and will sort of step outside that a little bit and say what would it take to actually make this book or whatever they are seem like something that we really intend people to understand. So that is my comment about this process and this format and i wanted to ask a couple of questions. Which is there are parts of the different places i cant really understand what it also has in ourwe havent done it yet but are one of the relatively resolutions on the Event Calendar that i put off is a budget transfer item from a number of things into the delivery contract im not sure that im kind im able to know for the information youve given me exactly theres only one place where there is an estimate for the general fund support ive only found one place in the exhibits that shows me what the estimated general fund support for student attrition as an at i dont know i cant with any confidence say to myself or anybody else how real the number is and you see a major budget transfer at this time into their and by the way we dont need to discuss this when we get out to voting but that is what i would say thedelivery contact for student nutrition was done on an emergency basis last year where the first vendor was unable to perform and get what looked like an expense contract with our food vendor for delivery ended up costing a lot more than we anticipated it would cost and we need an explanation of that not from you but my point here is that there is no way to understand those kinds of actions through the budget. What did we estimate that to be isnt that what is it really . And in the case of this program wasnt really true of most programs and notably most astoundingly in special education where at least we explore that a lot and we probe all the time and we get the special education budget and we get a Program Review and the Budget Committee and things where we have an opportunity to understand this budget on a scale that is extraordinarily large and difficult to get your mind around and in student nutrition thats not true its just an amount of money and know if little opportunity to understand what has happened over time and why is there a will actually what their results actually are i noted in the budget that there are in the narrative there are references to the number of lunches that are served elsewhere and it is a Different Number so its clear and again, im using this as an example and im thinking that we supported a lot of previous narratives from other budgets without necessarily checking the data and when you go to see how are we doing on that it is confusing and i would like to have some more information on that. And, i think this is generally true and so this is kind of the same thing that i said before so i would just quickly refer to that there are a lot of budgets that are very difficult to understand that we actually spend money on there is a place in the beginning of the book wherehad alll these really fast speakers and i was like and it lists a bunch of nurses and counselors and stuff like that and classified personnel as well and it doesnt seem to really have a budget explanation there that is helpful to usso, those are usually my one of the things that i that i look at very carefully in my student nutrition comments and how i think this has developed and how effective i think this has been. The main thing that i want to say and basically s at the same thing before that im really trying to remind myself but all of us about this and that is part of this is in response to what miss bonds said from usf it is kind of too late to make changes in these budgets and i think we have identified a good time to do that i appreciate and want to give kudos to last week some suggestions were made andthey were made electronically from commissioners andlast week we asked if we had consensus on something that was asked by a single board member and i appreciate that. We got a budget projection much earlier than the year that listed program in enhanced mens as an aggregated amount of money in this budget that we were being told this will be you know when you get the budget this much money or more and now, it has become more based on other Revenue Sources are things that happened in the budget that werent anticipated that were put in Program Enhancements and i appreciate it that here and then there were less that the board said they wanted to do that we dont have money to do so little of this and a little of that old that and i think that is honest and transparent to say that these are the things the board has said we want to do and it might cost this many millions and millions of dollars which we do not have. So we ought to accept that responsibility to say we know that, here is where we want you to put those and we have by omission by not saying oh, change that but really, we only got it last week and to say what specifically those Program Enhancements were going to be active or aggregate things like increased investments in mts s and other things although i want to acknowledge that most of them were kind of things that we cant help but do. We cant not pay an increased Program Support for special add or increase costs for other programs that we just have to do and certainly not major things let alone a few examples of things that are externally imposed on us as things we impose on ourselves and more than imposed i would should say more accurately embraced like bargaining agreements like we wanted to do in the form of salary and benefits but we have things listed here are Additional Supports for new priorities that we could choose not to do and in the future i dont know that i want to choose. I mean i dont want to choose not to do these things but i hope that we are going to have in the future a budget process where we actually make choices and we actually say, we would like to do these things. We could do them at this level and we think that we could do them at this level which i think that we are having the clear which i think is the forwardlooking, clear, deliberative process to say yes, thats what we want to do with the money and i feel like we just end up there and we should say, yes, we want to do this we can do this, or we can do that but we cannot do both. And i want that opportunity no matter how difficult it is and honestly, i know we all agree with it theoretically but i want it because we have reached this point where we cant have the best enhancements to compensation for employees and we cant have any steps as far as im concerned however small improvements in competitiveness let alone addressing the Housing Affordability crisis if we dont put those choices on the table for ourselves and we sit here and we say i want this and i want that and i believe in this and i believe in that and i agree with you and all those things i want them and i believe in them but i find myself here tonight saying i dont really know how to change or stop this train if i wanted to this year and honestly i dont think that we would have any agreements on that im not even sure that i dont think i could do it or that we could but, it is a real cost to what is honestly for me it has become the matter how much i want to believe in this Program Enhancements as my highest priority so i am going to core support this budget while reluctantly acknowledging that it does not set aside money for my highest priority which is enhanced compensation for our employees and it could a little bit although i want to say on the upside to our labor partners in all of our employees and the public and into the sounds kind of terrible but it is sort of okay for this year but its not okay for next year because that money and some the thing that miss blanc i wrote those down because im thinking about those things and we need to think about those things but we need to have a discussion about what we could do with those things and that money she referred to is one time money and we can and we did and i appreciate very much the discussion of the Budget Committee because that was a real possibility that we look at renegotiating and redeploying the qta resources in a different way to give us an opportunity to aim them at one of our priorities today not however many years ago we negotiated them but not just ours but our labor representative priorities too. That is Something Real that we should do and having the priorities that we need to we will see in this budget that the very things we are paying this year we need that reserve next year we will need to be able to pay them next year. If we have unanticipated revenue i wanted to be on the table for compensation and since were going to meet and confer this coming year for the following year and then renegotiate after that that is the time to do it so im just saying that i am going to vote for this in support of it and i think that we have done a lot of good work here and i want all of us to commit to if we can and certainly i do and i offer myself in whatever way i can be helpful to make it into a real not make it leave it in this form but have its companion that is intelligible to someone besides you i appreciate your ability to understand this and i am basically saying lay the tough decisions right on the table for us and dont let us get away with anymore saying i really support that, i really believe in that but we cant do it because the unpaid and nonsad part is that because i supported already spending that money on Something Else that i already believed in without saying it and what were saying is that is more important. So, i think you all for your time and attention and im just hoping that is what is going to happen in the future. Thank you. Commissioner walton and commissioner fewer. Thank you pres. Haney. Just a couple of brief comments i just want to thank you for digesting the feedback and continuing to march towards equity i really do appreciate that and i also want to thank my colleagues for the same. Weve a lot of work to continue to do what i think we are very reflective of what we want to achieve in terms of our goals for 2025. Secondly, i want to let our personnel know in our educators know that we will be continuing to fight for what more resources there will be and also trying to carve out i know we put that aside forthe land but i just want to thank miss mavan and miss kong and i know that it is hard to work through this process with all the input and suggestions and i thank you for working through this and we will continue to work towards more resources for our priorities again a wonderful job. Yes, thank you. This is like a crazy document because it is so huge but i have a couple of questions. One is what i dont understand is this is june 28 second reading volume 2 of three and i am looking at the school sites budget and so let me get the page for you this is page 70 of page 281 of 281 pages and it is exhibit 8 and it is the San Francisco unified School District and it is the proposed budget allocations and im looking here under the first one and the actual enrollment by 2035 and the projected enrollment and then i see the increase and decrease on it that a mistake on it is that supposed to say no increase no decrease no enrollment and the other one is the same thing page 71 of 281 of International Studies academy and it is the same thing. Isa is merging with mcdona that is the real one and that is the lack of [inaudible] is an intentional increase . Commissioner i think might. In a case like that was probably happening is this is larger than last years ninth grade class and for whatever reason and i dont have all of the history committed to memory but this was true at a few of the large comprehensive high schools because that at a few high schools because of budget pressures that larger cohorts of students and they have larger cohorts a few years ago and they were graduating and their capacities were held stable going into next year so there ninth grade capacities remained so that could be leading to a net decrease in their enrollment i think that was true of a few of the large comprehensives. Of these larger comprehensives i think the enrollment was increased by hundred and 75 students and there was such an impact on the programming that these Large Schools have and i think that a lot of thought goes into the massive schedule and hiring staff and we see Something Like almost 60 students being eliminated from their budget it has a huge impact on their school and how their school is run and i think that when they have staff in place and you have the shift folks around and i just wanted to mention that as i have concerns about that and i also wanted to mention on page 64 of 281 under program five i see there is a decrease of 2. 2 and im wondering ftes and i wonder why that is does anybody know why that is . Exhibit 6 speaks specifically to our general fund sources and what happens here is that resources are shifted to peef. So it is a combination . Yes. Thanks. The other thing i need to ask and im so sorry because i have had so many documents that i lost track of where i read it but i will look for it but i thought that i read and i could be wrong that under statesupported schools there was also custodial put into that budget. Is that correct . Are my reading that wrong . It is in the lcap volume 1 and we have incorporated our School Support and infrastructure support for example custodial and transportation as well as nutrition and budget are in the goal of the lcap. I didnt wantthe budget that we are spending on the safe and Supportive Schools to have that as part of it i saw the custodial budget and i think that we need more money put towards a custodial budget but not in a safe and Supportive School category. Then, i wanted to know when i see we have allocated an fte to Valley Middle School and what exactly will that position be at the named again in these documents but id just do not know what that position will be i think we heard the last meeting a couple weeks ago that we wanted more resources put in but i dont believe that any of the commission has named exactly what the resources would be so maybe you could explain Vice President what exactly is that persons position and what is the function oh, deputy superintendent, im sorry. If you have others that are concerning the Valley Middle School site then mr. Dickey can answer those as well. This particular budget going into Valley Middle School and Martin Luther king we couldnt have a true strategy in place to support this initiative at valley as well. The only reason that im askings that im hoping thatit is an integral part of an overall plan to address the route issue that continued to plague the school and other schools and i didnt know and sometimes we do things that are peripheral and supportive and not to say that they are not valuablebut to get to the root cause of the foundation of some of what of what we are experiencing continually at some of the schools. Great, to answer your questions the position is a 1. 0 fte teaching position and this would have a focus on africanamerican males and perception of african males in the United States and we see implementation of this course in oakland where it has been hown to have a positive impact on students thatparticipate with the hypothesis focusing on cultural identity that is critical for africanamerican students and they dont have the opportunity to access that content in other courses that they provide and again, this would be halftime instruction in halftime state management to the point of not being on the periphery but deep intervention that are promoted between safe and Supportive Schools and we want to make sure that our africanamerican males that are facing disproportionate outcomes have a strong relationship at the site and that they are supported not only in this class but navigating their path that is going to differ at different middle schools but will require a conversation with myself and mr. And two or three sections would be at the middle school level and the other two would be on pushing support for the students and i dont know what time of day that will be provided but that is when the conversations we will be having with the principal. And then i am assuming that the other positions are very similar we have it at william Brown Middle School so are these positions similar to half the time they will be teaching and the other half the time what will they be doing . So there is a list of activities that the instructors can be engaged in. It includes the position we have at Lincoln High School would be providing to that instructor monitoring how them students are performing are in those classes and connecting them with the resources they need it can involve coteaching with other instructors and i would be happy to provide kind of a full list of some of the activities that we have identified the other half of the time. I just asked because sometimes when we have this position and they are split they are half jobs so they are two or three quarter jobs like half jobs and if we have someone teaching half time and half of the time they are doing other thingsif we have a half time liaison 20 hours a week what can you really do. I think we should evaluate that because even though it is added resource it really is provided in this way where there are a lot of activities in coordination with advocacy and that sometimes is more than a 20 hour a week job i think ifb we end up lament this somewhere we need to evaluate it to see if its having the impactthat we want and if we do not have the impact that we need i think that should be reevaluated for next year that is it really just a one position job that youve designed and im assuming mr. Payne that it has the same for the middle school that you are implementing too . Lets just keep an eye on it if were going to invest this type of money lets just say im somewhat critical sometimes if we invest money in a position it doesnt have an impact doing this and sometimes its a bigger job than we thought and we want to have that impacts her thank you very much. Thank you. I have two comments and one question. I want to thank you very much for the presentation tonight. I thought it was very, very well organized and really highlighted the differences from previous presentation and so it really met the needs that i had for the presentation tonight i want to say that i appreciate the feedback point by point is very thorough i respectfully disagree with commissioner wynns i think this is a great addition to the summary document and they really do highlight the district and board priorities and really glad there is an overview of the full budget and i do encourage folks who want to learn about the budget and district priorities to read the executive summary my question is about proposition 30 and i believe in previous discussion, staff recorded that these numbers do not include the prop 30 passage i want to confirm that if prop 30 is passed i cant remember the date those revenues would start to kick in but i do think that would have a Material Impact on the budget projection. So, im going to say this more succinctly than i did last tuesday at the committee as a whole commissioner. In a nutshell are best information about the impact of prop 30 revenues is that that would effect revenues beginning fiscal year 20192020. In other words the year after the threeyear projection included in the presentation so we are very hopeful that the income taxes will be extended and these really would not reflect unntil a few years from now and thats not something we are putting on tonight. There are certainly any number of initiatives that i would like to see funded but i have sort of regulated myself so that im not proposing a whole bunch of new initiatives because i do think that we are having a crisis in terms of affordability and teacher compensation and would like to see as much money as possible go towards that purpose and would like to see any new dollars from prop 30 or other sources be considered to go to teacher compensation. Commissioner thank you i just wanted to ask some questions about the way the special ad budget was done in here im looking at 164 in volume 2 and i cannot figure out what the difference between the two tables is on that page they appear to be identical. I am not quite sure what i am supposed to be seeing here . Just to stay consistent with the other divisions, these people in the other divisions would describe a breakdown of funds versus operating funds. And thats why they appear to be duplicatesif you are a member of this budget there is no freaking way that you can understand this budget [laughing] in, it is just that this is a barrier. I mean i look up special ed and there are about five different places that you have to look and im trying to track back in the book to see where the revenue iis in and where the contribution is in and its so complicated to follow this through what im trying to say is these areas like nutrition or like special ed that come up every year which are areas that we really want to understand and the public really wants to understand, can we pull those up and describe them in different ways in the addition like where what i find the revenue spent . You are absolutely right. Is in three different places. You found the contribution and exhibit 6 and you found the contribution to exhibit 6 and now if you go to exhibit 12 on page 81, you it is the summary of all of the county programs and in the middle of the page the whole chunk are all of the different special education budget. And it is broken down that is where all of the revenues in fund five are . The revenue is pretty much aligned to the expenditure budget so if you see resource 6500 which is the 8602 operating budget the total expenditures is 114. 78 million would include the different contributions and the state revenue. Which would add up to the modern 14 million. And in the exhibit prior to that if you looked at exhibit 11 you will also see in that section under special education it is just the page facing exhibit 12 and [my eyes are getting worse every year [laughing] just so we dont have to make the script any smaller we are trying to have aggregation under special education you will see 6500, you will he the sfu contribution and you will see the total revenue from the state and then the expenditures which gives you the deficitrevenuewhich is for expenditure over revenue which would equate to the contribution. Thank you i made my point. I think it is just that when we talk about i think what commissioner wynns said about needing to build this as a communication document is really important and we have to do this and over the years i have learned how to read this and find what i need to in it but what do we do how is a particular mmember of the budget is going to understand this in terms of how much does the district get this much for this activity and how much does the activity cost and how can we implement that. Its kind of the detail of staff operating on the list and detailed knowledge and the way that you report them out is how you think of them but i think it is important that in addition to what were doing here that we take a step back and we tried to describe these major activities in what would appear to be an oversimplified way if what you are doing is you are thinking about what you could do in the budget book but i think in the long run it would make some of these things much, much more understandable to the public thank you. Im not to add too much about that but weve had a number of listings brought up and i think weve had a number of meetings about this and each of us have had opportunities to share our perspectiveand i just wanted to express my gratitude to everybody that is involved and i know this is a huge process that involves every staff memberiin some way and many Community Members and school sites and parents and students and everything to get to this point and i think that every year its sort of feels like i am supportive of the things that we are doing and im really proud that our district is investing in the way that we are and moving towards equity and finding funds wherever we can find them to spend them on whatever we need to spend them on and also just very cognizant as was reflected in many of the comments tonight that we have so much much further tonight at the level that we need to especially in our staff but in all of our priorities that we have to get to where we need to be because the state is not going to give this stuff because especially since we are spending 34 more Million Dollars and obviously that is the level at which we need to invest and we are going to need to have creative ways to shift funding and as commissioner wynn certainly prop 30 30 is a way to handle that but how all do we go get the revenues that we need to especially pay our educators what we need to stay here and commit to a career here because the level of pressures that people in our school sites are under right now i think we all need to find ways to address this. Is superintendent do we have any otherthoughts or comments or are we good . I just want to thank the staff again for incorporating all those priorities that the board has identified where the community is identified not want to thank all of our external partners who have engaged with us to bring voices around the table for our lcap as well and if you look at the budget in and of itself and all of the volumes of the budget its become more voluminous because we are trying to be as specific as possible and the best way to do that is in volumes but we hear the need for simplicity. This is never going to be a a simple budget. You never going to be all to click on a budget and have it all laid out to be very very clearer. We had the restricted budget and we have peef philanthropist that and incorporate money into this budget and every year we will have a scorecard of all of the budgets in the district and that rarely getsanyones attention but you really want to see how this gets involved in our process you can see how the empowered community can use these allocations. Those coming attractions usually come in october or november when we adopt these scorecards and you will get the details around the school site allocations. And i final point i think that everyone including the made the point this is commissioners have made this evening and i a want to say that we invest significant amounts of resources and things that other School Districts do not invest in. That is an expensive proposition. We different ways that we invest in them. Our Language Programs or are Language Development programs. They are very very expensive but they are worth the investment. But the things that were talking about in terms of putting on the table in terms of freeing up resources in terms of compensation on saying is that the report that the community is going to have to have with the board and with the staff and youre going to have to make some very difficult choices in the future because we are absolutely having champagne taste on a beer budget. So, at some point we have to bring those two into alignment especially if we want to free up some resources in order to do some other priority work in the district so sometimes my role is to be and that is to be ewor so that we can get to where we need to in terms of the budget where we need to be an at some point were going to have to wwork on that and i am very proud of what the staff is done this year to bring you a balanced budget. Thank you, i thought you might want to Say Something. All right, i think we are ready for a vote on the first version of this. For the first part of this. Roll call please. [roll call vote] thank you for letting me go last. I appreciate that. I just wanted to talk about the lcap and the district this year i think that we have made a lot of positive strides and the lcap has made it easier to try to understand that it is in the past few years and i think that we have made some strides with the public in engaging in the process and particularly this is afterschool and so it makes it very difficult for people to engage in the process and the other thing is in the lcap information though is decided through the year these were not updated knowledge so that in this coming year they could be reflective of the lessons that we learned and the last is around the lcap annual update and we can see information from our previousyear and the fact that that is not available until june that allows to be a full partner in the process. We do appreciate the leadership of the staff but we do need to have these within the school sites and because these are so complex we need to have these in august and september at the school site so that students and members of the community can engage in this process thank you very much. Thank you. Anybody else . Sorry about that kevin roll call vote. [roll call vote] 7 ayes. 16614sp4,fiscal year 2016 2017 recommended budget wasapproved on may 28 may 28, 2016. Any questions or comments from the board . Roll call vote. [roll call vote] i have to start over, im sorry. [roll call vote] seven ayes. Thank you. [applause] we are about halfway done. [laughing] 16614sp5, can you please read this into the record . [readind] any questions or comments any questions or comments from the board. Lets take a vote . [roll call vote] six ayes. All right,16614sp6 adoption of 5144 and 5144. 1 wwas moved and seconded one june 28, 2016 can i please have a report . This relates to student discipline and incorporating them into the Public Policy thank you pres. Haney i would like to ask Danielle Hoff to read the record. I requested action for adoption of board policies 5144 and 5144. 1 students discipline and suspension and expulsion due process. Questions or comments from the board . Lets take a vote. Thank you [roll call vote] six ayes. Another set of board policies policies reading

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