National Flood Insurance program typically doesnt provide insurance product for structures in high hazard areas. So the federally backed insurance is accept for the pre1982 structures, not a option for many people so that is why we have to do more research with matt, but we have disclosure language and are addressing this in the leases today and revising. I speak from a residence standpoint because [inaudible] all over Bank Physical you donts have Flood Insurance on lending into homes in flood plains so it is very straight forward and mandatory. I dont think that is news. The question is whether we expect a lot more and guess what you are telling me is a certain percentage to be more mapped into had flood plain that before and secondly, more importantly we have to figure out Sea Level Rise figures in this. Yes, we do. Would that be a good take away that would be a good take away. The final take away is we have a disagreement whether many piers buv the base line elevation should be mapped as a flood hazard area. That is a important issue we need to resolve. Thank you for the presentation. I too learned more than i ever knew about Flood Insurance. In terms of and i know we are still looking at options and analyzing it, is there increase what the impact would be in some the changes and zones in terms of our cost if any for insurance or are we already carrying insurance that would have covered this and likewise impact on any tenants or perspective tenants and impact on persective products. I may not remember all of those and may need help but in termsf of our own insurance we carry property insurance under the cities [inaudible] but believe insurance has a exclusion for flood damage. Whats that . Okay. Can you repeat that . In the [inaudible] program there is a supplement that covers some amount of flood damage but not a lot. So, we dont have comprehensive Flood Insurance program today for the facilities that are in port ownership oppose d to long term ground lease. Your next next is just any added impact on our tenants . We think there will be a added impact in terms of cost of insurance because these are now high hazard areas so premiums are higher for tenant who choose to buy Flood Insurance or required to because they are seeking a loan from the bank. That will be a important part of our outreach to tenants is explaining the options available in the market place. And then any projects that would have already been cont plating this added Insurance Coverage that are proposed, ie, pier 70, mission rock, any of the other Development Sites or would those have all cont plated . I think it will be new for any pier project, i think it is where we will see the impact of this. [inaudible] sit down with the Development Partners and started some of the outreach to select Development Partner to help work with their brokers to understand what is available. As to the land side, we dont see as many impacts. There will be one or two locations that will be impacted by there rules but pier 70 and 337 we are talking about raising the sites so way can remap the sites out of a flood hazard area as they address Sea Level Rise. Lastly just in terms of timing on determining whether we do any kind of potential appeal, what is the timing on that sph . Let me pull that slide back up. So, we think that fema will put a notice in the federal register in march publish in local paper beginning of april that will start a 90 day appeal period. Well work with sthem well before those dates come to pass, consulting with them about the studies underway and somef oour preliminary findings about the height of piers. But you will bring it back to us when we determine [inaudible] which someone shows up first thing in the morning can it be out of energy . In other words, what is that proportion to how sunny does it have to be in a 24 hour period in order for cars to charge over time . I dont know the exact answer. They say you can charge up to 100 electric miles a day. Over cast days will reduce that some. There is no indication that usage at night will fully deplete the charger for the people who arrive in the morning. We can look into that, but it raising another question which is where we deploy these and the initial instinct is it we get one deploy at pier 3. Port has 2 electric vehicles un one is nissan lease and use it at pier 50 as proof of concept for electric vehicle on the waterfront but cant use it at pier 3 because we dont have the infrastructure. This is tech nology that doesnt require hooking up to the grid so our instinct if we get 1 we put it at pier 3 and a second we may put in a more public area and may use [inaudible] we would decide as a team. Thank you, that is a wonderful report and we [inaudible] this is absolutely wonderful. Just wondering are there cost associated with receiving this gift . There are. They are not mandatory. The manufacturer requested that we purchase their maintenance contract which is together with a Remote Monitoring program about 950 dollar per year and talkedwit the director of maintenance taking over the maintenance fee and the manufacturer prefers we continue to use their services and the reason is it is a special technology. We have a Pretty Amazing crew of maintenance folks so well look into that. Minimum we would use the Remote Monitoring Management System which is about 360 dollars a year and possibly use the maintenance contract itself. How long does it last . What is the Life Expectancy . Typically solar panels have a life span of 20 plus years. The other ones did and new ones as well as long givety. I guess the long jev teis 20 plus years but it is a new technology and dont exactly know. Thank you. Commissioner woo ho. I think questions have been asked but to follow up on what would the rules be . Is it you can only be in the spot for so many hours so someone else can come in . On the port it may be one thing but a Public Parking lot how will the public knowis it who is there first and there for had whole day . How do we develop rules . There were rules during the driving Sunshine Program and the parking operators were helpful and the rule is 2 hour maximum charging and their were helpful insureing everybody abided by that. This may help expand our electric fleet so well look into that as well. Electric vehicles are a ideal technology that the port staff do. You dont have to go so many miles you exhaust the range of the vehicle so it may be something well do in the future. If we put it in a public place we have a model we can look to. When you mention it romote monitoring and Maintenance Cost is that per vehicle or total for two . The charger. It st. Per vehicle . Per station. That is correct. Per station. That would inkmental if we added more. Kwrrks that is correct what is the understanding if we are interested in more not just a donation is there discussion how that would work . I have been initial contact with the Sales Manager for envision but havent discussed that. Purchasing others. Maybe we should have a understanding at least in terms of do they expect there is something following that they wont be happy with 3 things sitting in san francisco. I dont know. They were very happy to have them on display and whether they will expect we will purchase one there is no Strings Attached which i understand which is fine, but their are a business so they wont saying 3 for the city is their goal ult mltly so we should also say just to for ourselves understand if we did want to add under what terms . Okay. Commissioner katz. Thank you. Most of my questions were answered. In terms of just generation so you said it provides for 100 electric miles, so much with each car taking the charge it seems that would drain it pretty significantly if they did a full charge . And then will we have any come up with some kind of restrictions or determination which cars with use the charger and how what type of priority . We should ask all those questions. If we work with the pier 3 model where we know that the parking operator there also has several electric vehicles not relate today the port and may want to share that with port vehicles and want to establish rules for that. There seem to be mow problems with the model from driving on sunshine so imagine we start with the 2 hour limit but if we want to adjust that we could. Is there any backup exclusively relying on solar generation . There is no backup. If i may, one of the initiatives of the Mayors Office is build capacity for electric charging vehicles which is quhie we participated on sunshine. Is a Excellent Technology to get to zero emissions but the infrastructure isnt there to build [inaudible] the price point is still very high so as we dwem infrastructure and are part of that initiative in putting charging stations and purchasing our electric vehicles we hope to participate in the effort to build market share for this very Clean Technology and that is Mayors Office initiative he rolled out to the department. [inaudible] this is a area i work in so quite familiar with it and try to expand efforts to put in more charging stations up and down the state with longer and faster charges. That is another question, the speed in which the chargesso they can plug in for 2 hours is there a effort to put in the faster charging stations so the next step, do we know that . You mean the later models . I dont know i can look into that. I read it is building more advertising capacity so you get more revenue on your investment. Do we know who else provides this technology . They claim they are unique. That is exciting and glad we are participating so thank you. [inaudible] i remember the song walk in the sunshine and we talk about driving in sunshine and like all the partners involved. [inaudible] this is getting out front and totally in sport support of that and think i heard from all the commissioners this is something that [inaudible] it is good to see how it works out and think starting at pier 3 is a good example and you can always come back if they dont think it is working and we can look at it but think we should give it a try so you have my support. That being said, resolution number 1610 all in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Resolution passes can we get a report how it is going . Absolutely. Maybe 6 months or 9 months. Of course. Thank you. Item 11 a, informationalpriseentation on contracting activity for first and second quarters of fy 2015 16 july 1, 2015 through december 31, 2015. Good afternoon commissioners. Boris [inaudible]er ports Contract Administration with finance and administration division. The matter before you is informational overview of the ports contract activity report for 2015 16 and covers july 1 to december 31, 2015. During the presentation i will review the number of local Business Enterprise firms that are certified and go over new contracts awarded during the reporting period and discuss payments made on open and active contracts. Ill also talk about the local hire program and upcoming contract opportunities. The local Business Enterprise or lbe program is designed to level the Playing Field for small local businesses bidding on city contracts. Gain advantages such as bid discount and subcontracting goals when bidding on city contracts. The Contract Monitoring Division certifies firms as small local business and classify as minority Business Enterprises, women Business Enterprises, other Business Enterprises and non profit Business Enterprises. There are 1273 local business firms in the sitee. Minority are further classified by ethnicity. The [inaudible] in october. About 45 percent asian maench, 25 percent african american, 23 latino [inaudible] during this reporting period we had a decrease in new crarkt awards. Wegenyerally award between 5 and 6 Million Dollars worth of contracts in a 2 quarter period. This period we had 6 contracts tote aelg half a Million Dollars, of those 5 were new professional Service Contracts, one was a new construction contract, all were awarded under the directors delegated authority so none are subcontracting goals. We did successfully award 3 of the 6 contracts as micro lbe set asides. These are small informal contracts set aside for competition only among the smallest lbe firms mpt during the reporting period 76 percent of dollars awarded went to lbe firms. Details about individual contracts and awards can be found in attachment one of the report. This is a look at awarded contract. They are broken iby lbe type. The quarter of the awards went to non lbe firms. Women [inaudible] the minority Business Enterprise is represented by one award to a subcontractor on our construction contract. Constitute 32 percent of the awards. Obe firms received 14 percent new contract awards. It was a small dollar amount, but we did succeed awarding 76 percent to local firms. Looking at the payments we had over 4 Million Dollars paid on open and active contracts during the reporting period. Construction and as needed contracts exceeded average lbe subcontracting goals, professional Service Contracts fell below the mark. The scope of sources on the financially advisory contract didnt have lbe work during the first half 06 the year but anticipate that will increase in the second half of the year and contracts will fall in line in terms of the lbe subcontracting amount. Overall the average subcontracting goal is 14 percent and we are at 18 percent in payments. It is important to note that each of the contract categories identified in the table are made up of many individual contracts with their own individual subcontracting goals. There are a few exceptioness thrks dredging contract, the financial advasery contract are not meeting the lbe goal but mest of the other contracts are exceeding or meeting their Contract Monitoring Division goals. Details on all current contracts in the lbe performance are also included in your report attachment. This is another view of the breakdown by lbe type for payments. The bulk went to non lbe firms. We had a small amount of payments compared to other years or other reporting periods. 800,000 or 40 percent of the non lbe payment went out on the dredging contract. Lbe received 51 percent of payment. Awards and payments made in the first half of the fyyear compare today the previous 2 fy years. Yoi can see there is two awards and fewer payments, however the lbe percentage did increase. Switching to the local hire ordinance, Construction Projects over a Million Dollars are subject to the cities local hire ordinance. Since the inception of the ordinance there are 14 port projects subject to the program. All 14 met the cities local hire mandates. There were fourp open projects subject to the ordinance during this reporting period, all 4 have sense closed and each met their local hire requirement. In the case of the blue [inaudible] contract, [inaudible] granted a conditional waver for providing offsite hiring credits on oorkt city project. We didnt have a lot of new contract activity and will be busy in the coming months. The as needed engineering rfq was issued last friday, 6 Million Dollar contract 20 percent lbe goal due midapril. Rfq is coming in the next two weeks, that is a 3 Million Dollar contract also with a 20 percent lbe goal on the Construction Side we have a microlbe set asideoon the street now valued around 250,000. In the spring we have a report modular rest room contracts and that is a Million Dollar contract. The lbe goal isnt set yet and that is a example of few contracts and there will be many more coming and all the contracts are rfps and rfq are advertised on the ports web seat on the bhz tab. In conclusion, during the recording period we had a smaller volume of contract but 76 dollars went to lbe, [inaudible] stayed with local business, all the projects meet the local hire requirements. We have a number of upcoming lbe opportunities that concludes my presentation and available to answer any questions you have. Is there Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you very much for this report, it is very clear and appreciate it. I want to understand, is Women Business owners a subcategory within lbe . [inaudible] im glad to see in terms of 29 percent and last quarter but [inaudible] when we look at the historical amount of payment said it looks like it is a tiny segment, only 2 percent so is there anything we do to sort of try to reach out more to women owned Business Enterprises to in the future perhaps make this more of a goal for us to aimprove upon . The programs are race and gender neutral however when there are opportunities we email, call and notify all lbe certified that is why i asked whether women owned Business Enterprises were a conscious subsegment but you say we cannot list it or give preference. But we can report out. Okay. I understand that. I appreciate we exceeded the 20 percent goal we set and know commissioner brandon will be happy to talk about this since this is more of her passion for the commission. I just hope we can see more diversification going forward. Whatever we can do unconsciously to diversify would be good. Commissioner katz thank you for the report also. There is always see some improvementsignificant improvement or should say my understanding is we are doing better than most other city departments and we set higher goals for ourselves than mandated but do you see areas we can improve and thoughts and suggestions how we can improve some the numbers . I think that is a great question. A lot is dependent on who is certified and increasing the number of certified firms increases lbe participation and subcontracting goals set on specific contracts. For our parking rfp that will come before you next month, we went out and did canvased and [inaudible] encouraged firms to become certified. We had 4 new firms certified and increased the pool by 40 percent. I think those are areas where we have time to look at a specific scope and encourage local firms to beam certified. It increases the overall subcontracting amount and participation so think that is a primary focus. I was following up on that and following up on a successfulwe had a couple years back to meet with representatives from the various different groups representing different communities, prams it may be time to do something along those lines gaen following up on take agplay from the success we had on the parking contract and see if we can do more outreach but perhaps set something up to make it easier to sign up. I know that is a barrier, often it is not a horrible process but it is not easy as well and it may be helpful if we can figure out a way bringing other folks in from the city and perhaps setting up something here at the port where we bring in the firms and encourage them to sign up and get certified and go through the process and have staff on hand to help facilitate so beyond doing the outreach and urging the businesses become certified but if there is something we can do to provide affirmative support on that front so a combination of outreach and support services. One of the professional Service Contracts we did award in this period went to a lbe for that specific purpsh on a construction contract. We awarded to the [inaudible] group to do education and outreach related to Construction Contracts over the next 2 years so they will go out and encouraging firms to become certified, meetings and helping us outreach weilated to construction opportunities. I think that the outreach efforts you bring up commissioner katz were very successful for us. Not only did we let the chambers and local business know of our interest, we heard about their problems with the process. They try today bid one time before and gave up. We got good feedback how important it is to sit down and tell them how their application faired in the review so they dont lose interest and continue to bid on projects. We have done more partners work. The Contract Monitoring Division launched a partnering program so Small Businesses can team up with larger firms and the most important think that i think you are hearing from borisis when we know a opportunity is coming up we take advance time to do outreach and remind firms not now registered to get registered and compete for the work and that is where we will see a difference in the numbers if we have advance time to do that work. Kudos to those efforts and if there is anything we can do to further advance[inaudible] i have no questions, just neuro presentation. Thank you. Commissioner brandon. Im very happy with this. [inaudible] following commissioner woo hoand katz comment. Im happy we are doing more outreach to wem squn minorities and hopefully that will attract more firms to participate in the contracting and pure curement but i think it is absolutely wonderful so we are exceeding all our goal squz doing so well so congratulations and thank you very much. I have to say thank you too and appreciate the presentation and i know from the time i have been on the commission how near and dear this has been to commissioner brandon being on the commission for 18 years and i think that the port is really tried to reach out more to the community and have more diversity and have to keep pushing. I sauls say sometimes some the smaller firms have got to team up with the bigger firms and learn how the process happens and sometimes you dont get it the first time but got to keep trying and need to understand how the game works and keep coming and to me i believe that comp tense is above all. You have to be competent and do the thing and turn it in on time and have to know what you are doing. Like i say, a lot the bigger firms have been doing it for years and years and maybe a minority firm you are just learning so i think the programs that we have i enjoyed when the chamber of commerce got together and they were informed. I think you did outreach in the community so appreciate the effort. We have come along way and will continue so want to absolute you and say thank you. Thank you very much. [inaudible] come back in 6 month tooz report on the evars charging stations and success. [inaudible] just looking at the calendar and dont remember when this topic was brought up before how we lelft it for the future but wonder at some point not to calendar it, but pier 32 at some point we would like to know where staff stands with what to do with those piers. Anything we like on the calendar . Commissioner [inaudible] i have question you can tell me and maybe the other commissioners may know more than me, but i remember when this [inaudible] going down [inaudible] looking at going to pier 32 and it was like no opposition. It was like it was something that could have happened and didnt happen. I understand he was going to chicago and the voters [inaudible] i heard they may be goeing to oakland. I live in the neighborhood, not being partial or nothing but it is just sitting there all most 100 Million Dollars that is a lot of money, but i mean would george, would they still be [inaudible] i think she reached out. Is it still up for [inaudible] maybe i should ask my fellow commissioners, is this something that wouldnt work. Commissioner woo ho said something, maybe reach out to them. That is my thoughts, thats all. I think that is something that probably needs to be coordinateed with the Mayors Office. Im sure the Mayors Office is happy to answer if they thought there was any [inaudible] just going to mention because it isnt on the agenda it isnt appropriate to have a discussion today but if you like to have a discussion you should [inaudible] [inaudible] put the pier on the agenda and will do so. I think the pierwell put it on the agenda and talk about it and go from there. Thank you. Move to reconvene in closed session. So moved. All in favor say aye. Aye opposed . Back in closed se

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