Commissioner president james wait a minute, i have good morning. Welcome to the department of aging Adult Services meeting can we have the roll call commissioner president james commissioner Vice President seriina commissioner loo commissioner itani is excused commissioner ow commissioner roy i wanted to announce the regular meeting of is february 15th at 2 00 p. M. At city hall in room 416. Okay this is a special Commission Meeting to hear the budget can i have an approval of the agenda february 1st agenda today . Can i have a motion there is a motion that has been seconded that we approve the agenda all in favor, signify by saying i. Opposed . The is have it. And the that item passes i understand the january minutes have incomplete can i have a motion to table. So moved. Second sew there is a motion that has been seconded that we table the january 4th minutes to all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it. And so the motion carries at this time item 4 is there any general Public Comment at this time . Any general Public Comment housing unit well move to the next item in my new business the new business is item a all items are action items and require a vote by the commission a consideration and possible action rewarding the department of aging Adult Services proposed budget for fiscal year 20172018 and 20182019 can i have a motion . To discuss. So moved. Second. We have sam kaplan. Thank you are we thank you and what we do omi im dan kaplan a p da director for finance and administration as you recall dot budget along with the department of Human Services are prepared by the Human Services agency and the budget staff of the Human Services agency is partly represented in the room today so Martha Petersen the long will lead on the budget and others that have begun to work and, of course, sarah who is the director of the budget for the Human Services agency so the putting together the budget is a concentrated restraining order complicated one that involves people from all over the agency identifying new leads and areas where there are problems to address through the budget process and what the budget do did they collect and analyze and ask questions they try and set it up for Decision Making for the people that ultimately and go to a proposal certainly for the department of aging Adult Services a key player in that and we will ultimate get to a Budget Proposal between now and the next time im back on february 15th what we are doing at this point we are setting the budget context were reviewing what the 16, 17 budget looks like were talking about some of the ongoing issues and one of the things we all know but easy to forget although a budget is an expenditure plan for a one year period not like everything is new every year we are in the world where most of the issues were dealing with issues last year and will be issues the year after next year so what we are doing is incremental that is important to think about the before you get in process as incremental process having said that, ill review at the highest level the 20162017 budget and going to review some of the financial pressures on the city and how that plays into our budget making process for next year and spend a little bit of time talking about the state budget how that affects us and spend a little bit of time open federal issue that is in the papers the Affordable Health care and what the Trump Administration seems to be attempting to do with that and the second is the Administration Policy towards sanctuary cities that is hard to talk about its developing minute by minute and go into a little bit of the discussion of dos problematic issues one thing weve been fiscal year on in the current fiscal year and what things we want to focus on as we move forward thats the plan for this presentation ill start going through it i will at a certain want im going to turn it over to sheree and happy to talk questions as we go along so to start in the current fiscal year 20162017 dovrs has a 200 and 63 Million Dollars budget we look at this the first slide looks at Funding Sources so as you can see slightly less than a 3rd of money for the dos Program Comes from the federal government and that mainly funds ihss programs and the aps program and small pieces of other programs that funds the Older Americans act that is an important part of the office of disabilities and reasonable those in federal, state danish grants and on the lower right of 8. 6 million the older american money is federal money in the bucket we have stated money that comes primary to support the ihss program we have what we call realignment to money or realignment money that is money that comes to the county from the state it is funded by sales tax and vehicle revenue money there for funding for specific programs in the dot project the Adult Protective Services is funded in part by 2011 realignment to the money and then there is what you expect the substantial amount of general fund it supports the ihss program through what we call the ihss mou in two slices in the slice that is referred to as work order recovery for 21 million and the aid work order is money that comes to us from another City Department in this case it is the department of health and the department of health pays to the hsa or dot an amount of money that is meant to proximate the city general fund share the Health Benefit program for ihss workers that is where it comes from and it is what it is use for and then the last slice that we have a general Fund Operating which funds portions of staffing costs and funded lots of payments to cbo contractor and the office of aging program okay so as you can see most of the pie slices on the chart relate to the ihss program with that 24 thousandish represents the you know sort of in terms of total volume and money the Biggest Program within dos obviously it is one of many important programs but as far as the budget goes it is the big program and it is got a number of pieces in here which are e multiplied to help you understand obviously we spend money on county staff and workers and entity workers and work with ihss procedures this is 17 or 18 million ihss Public Authority expenditures or the Public Authority itself about 2 million that is for the registry for the states mandated advocatecy for the administration of the Health Benefit program and then we have health and dental program 29 million a substantial expense and then we have what we call independent provider wagess a payment we make to the state to cover the county share of the ihss program there was a big loss budget cost associated with the ihss program and thats that exists because of the way ihss provider are paid so we do work at the setting up care plans for the ihss could clients and workers and missed time sheet those time sheets are processed through the state ihss payroll that cuts checks to ihss workers the federal and state share of the cost of ihss wages therefore dont appear in the dos bucket carried in a separate state level budget so staff at hsa has attempted to estimate the amount of additional ihss wage money over and above what appears on this slide and it is on the order of 300 million in this is money that is paid to ihss workers in the city of San Francisco to work with the city of San Francisco clients but didnt hit the dos budget so it you put it together an ihss Program Total costs around 475 million i think that is important for people to understand that that that is you have a Bigger Program that is it looks like in this particular hold on okay. Thank you. So the last way we look at the budget we look at the character the character in San Francisco city budget speak is that category of expenditure and so what you can see weve done we broken out the types of payments aid payments are payments that primarily support of ihss program they include what we pay to the state and a as part of ihss mou and through the Public Authority to the San Francisco health plan for ihss provider benefits what we pay to cbo called home bridge that manages and delivers services there the contract mode ihss program are all aid payments as you can see we have salary and fringe benefit costs we have a small amount of professional services, and then Contract Services that are payments to communitybased organizations okay so this f this fiscal year what happens every couple of years the city does an update the Financial Plan and that is to look at the current budget and treat it as if it was not going to change for 5 years but would under the course of inflation and things that the city has made commitments to expenditures will probably grow certainly in the 5 year plan and an account to make an accurate revenue workout the reason we do this is because the bottom line to get a sense of gap between the stream of expenditures we expect Going Forward and the stream of revenue Going Forward the gap is zero a wonderful situation not yet been my experience but can vision that in this years Financial Plan what the and the city is really the Controllers Office and the Mayors Office of budget working together with help and commentary from any agencies theyve forecast is a relatively small gap in the budget year and then a stream of growing gaps that between expenditures and revenues Going Forward and so in the budget year it is certainly the case they anticipate that there will be a growth in revenues and pegged that at 44 million increase in revenue but going along with that is a growth in expected expenditure the expenditure is not exactly new at 200 and 63 Million Dollars a gap of one and 19 million the mobs and Controllers Office work on Citywide Solutions or ways of bringing down the gap but parcel out that to individual agencies to hsa share is relatively modest about one . 5 million and what ill say is that so when i say it the modest total budget 850 million that was the huge thing for us and so you know if there was nothing else going on well find a way to cover that with revenues that would be would effect of none of our programs and as ill go forward that is not exactly the situation were in that would be a a happy situation the gap is expected to go up in the subsequent year 3 million so then we get to the state budget and as you can see the governor releases by law a first proposed budget on january 10th state staff have been working on it for quite a while months at this point and the governor proposed you know a very large portion of the state budget is, of course, payment to county with minimal programs with administrator state for many programs certainly for social services but for public Health Department so a great portion of state budget is growing to from the county and, of course, the School Districts under the governors proposed budget there are a number of reductions to hsa programs the largest being dos ill come to that last to let you know the others in the calfresh are the food stamps about one Million Dollars reduction in expected state calfresh is tied to the coddling statewide has been dropping in San Francisco they havent been dropping and so in here we get do one of the difficulties that we run into in situations where there is a dropping allocation citywide and typically the accounts have agreed to in a drop in allocation spread that out proportionally we dont reallocate on the county by kunth based coddling not impossible we could do that and if a lot of county in the situation were in some kind of pressure to do that but if we follow the way of paralleling out reductions in the past decade well take our share it will be about one Million Dollars again, it is relatively small in the scheme of things you should know in the cal works cal medicaid part of our program we tend to move money around from county to county and certainly a county overspending has the ability to go to other county and say we expect to be over spending by millions of dollars who has money many counties under spend we believe in our collective interest to pend as much of the allocation as possible exultance or counties who are under spending will say okay. He have 5 million that can be spaepd to people overspending so we call a redistribution were actually right at the beginning of the 16, 17 reDistribution Process now and my dissatisfy a fourthing how much we need in the programs and send out a request into the big pool off people that have money we can pickup this Million Dollars reDistribution Process second thing is 2011 realignment revenue is shrinking and linking relative to past projections not an absolute decline in the stashgs or the Vehicle Licensing are the revenues weve built a bucket on to bioannual budget this year that assumes 600,000 u thousand dollars more in realignments and so, now based on the governors projections were in agreement of that number that creates a problem you should know that in the dos budget we have about two or 3 million of 2011 realignment revenue for the aps program most of 2011 realignment it in Child Welfare and the adoptions so dos doesnt have to absorb this. And then the bigger and more problematic reduction that we have is what the cal Works Program reduction cal works with the main Maintenance Program on the federal level that is referred to the cal works single Allocation Fund the eligibility for the cal Works Program welfare to work program or Employment Services program training, placement and subsidized wage program it is funded stage one childcare for people who are praeptd in welfare to work program and then a Small Program for pregnant teens call the cal Earth Program and the cal works methodology is also very much tied to coddling and cal works coddling is not coming down cal works and calfresh as you expect are independent on the strength of the labor market and as demand for labor interposes in the economy the number of people on calfresh and cal workers come down to find a job and either we help people get placed or they find a job and certainly in San Francisco, california works has been sliding done the difficulty ill contrast with the cal works this is second year statewide cut is 200 million a cut of one one and 50 million last year so what happens that tielgdz up spending much less money important redistribution so well not be able to pick up the cut through the Distribution Process now ill get to it are we hold questions to the end. Would you rather wait until we finish. No, no im available to answer any questions. That of the clarification the 2011 realignment 600,000 is not entirely a dos responsibility but spread across other departments is that right . Prepared. Against dos and the department of Human Services the lions share is underneath in the department of Human Services and is that true of cal works cal works will be entirety within department of Human Services. As with calfresh the difficulty is that our general funds are shared. Okay. So when we have to come up with a reduction you know it comes from programs within the hsa. Okay. The last item is what weve estimated to be a 43 million cost impact in the ihss program so everything ive said is simple and straurlt compared to what im able to say i apologize the ihss program traditionally and traditionally stopped in the year 2012 a traditional ran in the following way there was an administratively allocation Million Dollars of state money county had to match that money and the feds wouldnt match that the sharing ratio for the administratively costs was 50 percent federal and 35 state and 1 county once a county spent on the administration of the ihss program an amount that packed out the state allocation the federal government would continue to match at 50 percent but the county had to make up the states share many counties over matched the offer matched when we spend modern an agency over matched did states share San Francisco certainly did and therefore picked up 50 percent of the administrative costs for the last portion but administration is a small part of ihss with regards to the big piece of the whole which is ihss workers wages and benefits the way it worked a county through the Public Authority negotiated a wage and benefit package with a Union Representing ihss workers as seiu alleviate in San Francisco as almost everywhere and the state would participate in the costs of ihss worker wages and benefits up to a for a number of years during the early part of the last decade that cap was raised fairly regularly but it kept on getting slightly better that happens until the year 2007 when the cap for wages and benefits reached 12. 10 per hour so what we paid per hour plus the benefits for the first 12. 10 the state participated the fess at this time were putting in 0. 50 on the dollar and the state was putting in 3 . 35, 32 and the county picked up the rest and everything over the states cap the county was picking up the entire nonfederal share in the year 2012 the coordinated Career Initiative was introduced in the state legislation and it envisioned a highlevel of integration between medical costs, Behavioral Health costs, and Long Term Support Services Costs of which ihss is the largest and counties said if there is a coordination that is fine a good thing in many aspects and inhome care is less expensive than nursing and cost cares under the waivers so people who are managing the cost of integrated care program will want to shift as many people into the program our county costs will go up to deliver a state and the state said fair enough well create a maintenance payment from the county and that so moved e will be based on the fiscal year year 2011 costs inflated by 3 and a half percent and inflated more in the county is negotiating wage changes with the local union and so we went into that mode and our costs went up 3 and a half percent a year and in the early years we did negotiate 2 small wage increases by having a higher so movmo e but the nuf hours provided stated flat and started to grow if you look at the last decade a number of years the program was growing by 10 percent per year and under Schwarzenegger Administration they tried hard not to be an administrator and the growth flattened out there the more recent period of time it started to grow the restrictions were taken off and started growing with the demographics of the states and city in the last several years the program is growing by 7 or 8 percent a year we have been held harmless, if you will, from the growth of the our program in the city thats one thing the other thing that happened is you will remember San Francisco passed the minimum Wage Ordinance voter approved minimum Wage Ordinance and when that happened we went to the state and we said in essence we have been reading the state law on the ihss mo e and what triggers a change we dont know the minimum Wage Ordinance triggers the can change the change is the negotiation between the Public Authority and the union what happens in San Francisco is what effects outcome e all workers not special to do with the ihss program the wages will have to go up with the minimum wage law but didnt happen to trigger an adjustment in the forest payments so the state accepted our argument on that weve been sheltered, if you will, from the Cost Increases associated with the implementation of the minimum wage law in San Francisco okay. That gets out to 2030 in the law that established the cooperated care refers to say a poison pill clause it says in essence that from the department of finance determines the cooperated care as constructed is not Cost Effective for the state it can recommend backing away from it and the governor can by administrative action issue it so the dennis has made that finding and the governor in the budget has proposed the end of the cooperated Care Initiative at the mid point of the next fiscal year and the ending of the ihss mo e at the beginning of the next circle so what that will do assuming it happens as proposed in the governors budget is it will return us to the old way of financing the ihss program had the mo e never existed our costs would be growing over the several years with the coddling and growth of wages there has been medical inflation claim weve also argued we shouldnt have to pay a change to the mo e and they accepted our argument to have known that as well thats another call weve within sheltered much smaller and so we are finding is ourselves in essence from finger 11, 12 will hit in fiscal year 20172018 thats why we have a enormous amount of hours so you know, i should say obviously we are in a political world here this is i think hitting San Francisco prepare for the worst and hope for the best a little bit harder because of minimum Wage Ordinance in San Francisco but a similar issue throughout the month of larger counties of the state the governors budget characterize this as a savings to the state of 626 million so obviously it is our share is 43 million and the rest is other peoples problems a lot of push back from the counties in general and we have many other counties working together on how to negotiate this so that it is manageable but it is sitting here now at the proposal that is very huge and we have to decide how to budget that is obviously going to be a decision that hsa dot and the Mayors Office and the Controllers Office all get involved in to make it together commissioner sims do you have a sense of timeline for the discussions with the state . So the discussions are starting now theyre being handled from the county side by c sake the California Association of counties theyre being put if obviously lack if counties agencies this is kicking off right now you know there will be obviously a lot of work within individual legislatures where the costs are significant this will be a concern to our delegation for the alameda to the morin delegation and la yes for your political strength if so starting off now im expecting given the way these things play out didnt get hammered down until the restrictions is released at governor releases one that take into consideration new forecasts for revenues and expenses but also take into account you know the political works that happened between the first budget and so i dont know, well absolutely know until then have a good feeling before the mayor releases his budget on june 3rd anyway it certainly is an issue that the Decision Makers will be part of this and be aware of we sheree and i spent time with the Controllers Office staff it is on the radar screen things like that so then we get to the federal level this is an interesting year obviously as everyone knows the two major issues there are lots of issues we are concerned with the city and social Services Agency within the city but the two largest at the moment are has to do with with the state of the Affordable Health care and the treatment of sanctuary cities and im sure like me youre all reading the papers and seeing things unfold day to day but with regard and in San Francisco ways i feel when we put things on paper it is up to date but with the Affordable Health care act congress has through the reconciliation process set up to consider to eliminate portions of the Affordable Health care act that are expense that represents specific expenses the federal government and people are concerned the things that might be in their sites are tliengz things like subsidies on the exchanges and things like the expansion the Medicaid Program and you know obviously the subsidies in the exchanges are things that are crucial for making the exchanges work if theyre not there go people that are required and who benefit from buying plans through the exchanges will not be able to afford them many of those people will be amongst the healthier people and will buy Insurance Products and as a result, the risk will become different in the exchange in the Insurance Market and the higher percentage of people who are still buying will be people are higher needs which will over the course further destabilize the market and drive up prices that is another thing we are worried and the second is we have had great growth here in the city and throughout california in general and throughout the nation in general as a result of expansion of the medicaid bloiblt before the expansion Medicaid Eligibility was mainly for families and for aged blind and disabled and the expansion has done is allowed Medicaid Eligibility for individuals who have incomes up to one and 38 percent of Poverty Level so San Francisco this year are a number of medicaid covered lives since is athens grown if 101 thousand to shy of one and 95 thousand a huge growth with people who are individuals that are up to one and 38 percent who are people that were doing without insurance prior so the huge impact on individuals and then, of course, a huge impact on the systems that care for the expanded population obviously an area of huge concern the president himself has oishd an executive order directing members of his administration to scale back the program where they can under existing laws not absolutely sure to anyone what that means and how much room they have to move but obviously there is a huge amount of opposition politically amongst the grassroots folks you, you know in the lawsuits there is a huge amount of opposition that is form but clearly the Republican Leadership has an interest in doing something to scale back the Affordable Health care act and the Trump Administration is at least playing even though the president has an various times suggested hes interested in a plan that covers more people so you know weve got all sorts of contradicts going around here the second thing that is more press is over the last few days is funding to sanctuary cities and the president as you can see during the Campaign Said he felt that citys cities that didnt coordinate with the immigration officials are outside of law and need to coordinate and hell seek to find ways to stop federal money coming to cities and states and counties that didnt coordinate and he has issued an executive order which will be read to that effect as of this morning San Francisco has filed a lawsuit opposing that and know theres been a lot of conversation to what extent does he have the room to move to executive order that is one theory he cant do anything but stop a number of grants to cities and counties of Law Enforcement which he said he didnt want to stop and you know we look at money the big money in the city of San Francisco it is in programs like hsa including dotting dos so with the ihss program has a vast amount of that 475 million to federal money the back door money it federal money and the ihss money is federal money so within dos and hsa for the cal Works Program and calfresh and the eligibility, etc. The Child Welfare so theres you know potentially a risk to us, of course, it has been argued those are all funding streams that that are provided by federal statutes and see the president didnt have the ability simply by executive order to stop those and then there is, of course, the most recent line that is coming out which is a states rights argument that says the president or the federal government didnt have the right to compel states and localities to cooperate with Law Enforcement items because thats essentially depressing local people to do a federal function so and well, see where all of that goes it is certainly hoover in the background in a huge way in all of the budget process on the other hand, you know were trying to be aware of it but isolate we know on the local state level so im going to turn it over to sherren to talk about the more problematic side of that and she i have a question i am looking at charters section 116. 07 with the message system that the department should establish in terms of the looking at the needs of seniors. Uhhuh. And i dont see anything in here where other departments are establishing that do we are you aware are we stacey establishing that that would be criteria. Im sorry where commissioner president james im saying the equality metrics system with the rec and park they have established looking at low income areas and usually district 10 and 11 and they look at what is the crime rate and make the portion of protect from this district into proportion what the whole city can do you have that. Were not doing that budget well, it is something that has been turned over to the Human Rights Commission and it says Etch Department shall have an equality metrics to establish the baseline of the existing program im wondering if we need to be aware of that im aware of what rec and park is doing our department for example, looking at africanamericans and latinos showing up in the community those are the counties that have low protect. Weve been tracking that thats how we see the programs 3r0id in the neighborhood this establishes well be doing that in more detail than before we certainly have to do a survey and reflex assessment we we look at neighborhoods and factors like income and factors of ethnicity and dont look at things like crime but with the dignity fund the legislation compels us to do a need assessment and gap analysis what were going to be able to address some of the questions that is written into that legislation with that process and ill be talking about how well get the process started for the dignity fund and rolling that in when i do my part of report thats a good question. So the differences the dignity fund will talk about an allocation process of money that is in the budget in building the budget sort of the top level we dont try to allocate to particular communities we try to allocate to the particular needs and functions but we do it in a relatively citywide way and who through the planning process or the dignity fund or introduce our Needs Assessment or frankly through our procurement process we have the ability to allocate the money so it is spread out throughout the community. So its just a different piece of project. It is specifically to me i mean that is it specifically focused only you look at all of the things not does that effect that one community and have a set of guidelines the Human Rights Commission is involved in that also so i just want to make sure bring it to the surface youre aware. I dont disagree but that happens at different stages in the process were talking about. Thank you commissioner president james well make sure were looking at that. Thank you, dan so dan has president ial laid out the bankruptcy the budget factors were dealing with right now and so what ill be doing is talk about some of the things some of the highlights what were doing current with money weve received in the current year from the Mayors Office and the board of supervisors add that process and talk about where we are with the dignity fund process and in the next meeting when we come back on february 15th well be talking about the line items well be presenting to the mayor and for you before the Mayors Office so want to start by saying that you know because of what dan said you know youll not see a lot of requests from the dos this time that goes to the Mayors Office were not adding fulltime equality positions in the internal staffing and not asking for a lot of things in county services either this is part of our instruction not keep a flat budget but to cut back a little bit when you see what we bring forward we have been creative about swapping out stuff that is important things to fund but figure out how to stay within our means. Thats the big pot of new money in dos is, of course, the in the last year the Nutrition Program has an additional 2. Million dollars through the add backs from the Mayors Office and the board of supervisors so that was great i think our budget for nutrition now is close to 19 million more than double 6 years ago there are hunger seniors and people with disabilities weve been fortunate to id like to take the opportunity add to the nutrition budget in the past 6 years and provided funding to pilot a home care for clients that earn too much for ihss we are looking at studying that process to see if providing home care for people in middleclass or elderly adults just need to maybe a certain number of home care hours to stay at home safely and see if that impacts their lives and well be bringing that Contract Commission i belive in the meeting in march. A question what is too much what are we talking about. When we bring it to the commission well talk specifics and set that up specifically commissioner president james we if people dont qualify for an unsupported services but were needed home care a lot of the theyre not getting the home care they need cant spend the money on it or spending money on home care and not able to buy other things they need the organization that will be taking that on will set up clear criteria were not talking about serving a lot of people we have limited dollars and thats a pilot program. Are but talking about 50 thousand or one hundred thousand or what. Im not sure until we bring that to the commission. Honestly cant remember we went back and forth about that question. Well bring it and have plenty of chances to answer it had been clear in the presentation. For clarification you mean that will come before us in the february or march meeting not the next meeting. The next meeting is a regular Commission Meeting including the budget february 15th maybe march. Might be march. Oh. Sorry. It might be april coming soon. And then new programs for senior employment and senior disability employment i dont know if weve awarded it contract it will be the 15 that is exciting one of the things weve been talking about a lot that a lot of older adults cant afford to retire a lot of younger adult people with disabilities have a hard time assessing the job market im excited to see if we can make an impact in peoples lives creating jobs this will be the nonprofit working closely with the federal government and other nonprofits to create city of ended position theyll take on those done work around the lgbt isolation and with the housing subsidies a program in the last fiscal year and were agriculture through the Mayors Office and the board to extend it program with the housing subsidies to help people stay in their homes and a lot of people maybe lost a spouse or partner and cant afford to pay rent thats one of the main groups of people who have lost someone in their lives and Case Management wage increase is something the community advocated for weve talked about that the Case Management theyve been unable to keep the Case Management because they tend to go to the city or hospitals they get Better Benefits we work hard to get the mayor who put that into his budget and the vinyl expansions came although the add back process and able to implement those with our 3 village programs we have and then one of the other things shifted funding from the department of health for the housing site program that is a program that was really feeding the Community Living fund and providing housing for people who needed it in the community but something that was administrative code by the department of health and did have access the department of health when they moved their housing and homeless programs over to the new department of homelessness they decided that they would give us a scattered site and its fits with dos internally 32 new positions were added in the dos budget i talked about the Adult Protective Services program and focused on the selfneglect for people that are reporting behavior and we have been able to start hiring that unit and had new ihss intact to address the Inhome Care Services intact and have ihss social workers in our intact for the depression a good way to meet the skills of our staff go beyond the hours needed in ihss weve expanded our Quality Assurance staffing and added supervision for the inhome care transition preamble and also added support forever public conservator and i mentioned several times a new decoration and those ta came from the add back process from the board of supervisors or is Mayors Office. I have a question i was looking at you had staff reading the minutes or something so from the man says youve increased our staff in terms of. Right. Those are changes for those things im mentioning were doing in the current fiscal year. So right. So, now the instruction not to add any new fulltime employees right thats for next year well not be asking for new staff. When i mentioned way back when the Mayors Office and the Controllers Office estimate the size gap between the revenues and side expenditures one of the things theyre doing is estimating the cost of annual listing for us when we put a new position to fund it for half of the year or 3 4ths of the year and next year fund it as a Fulltime Position they get into the budget and get more expensive in the second year but not considered new positions. Commissioner loo. In the calculated budget our presenting to the commission will you be lining up where those positions are. I mean, we typically give us a break out of where positions are in the program i know we can if it is interesting to go over it well typically give you it in the back up. Okay. Also when you present the next budget will it be compared with the actuals or compared to the budget for the current fiscal year because some there will be normal listing the expenses will appear to be going up that is an adjustment we normalize out so what about other money will we lost that how will that be handled. Typically we dont lost one the phenomena that you marietta have noticed we often with we add new portions or new programming tend to under spend in the first year for example, 32 positions and we fund them at transpired for the first year we may not get them hired but other positions well post them and some of the people who look at getting hiring will be working for the department so one position to another position we may fill it october 1st but theyre old position is vacant and go through the practice of filling that when we have growth and positions we tend to increase spend the personnel budget by the same token new programming that represents expenditures by communitybased organizations we often get funding that is enough to fund a program for the full year and yet we dont know that until maybe, maybe june 1st or maybe july 1st even if it comes back to add backs and through the procurement process were well into the Portfolio Two items were interested in well get into contracts before the end of the year. Carrying forward money into the subsequent year because well be starting relatively late in the year so you know so im not sure typically what we do in the presentation we do budget to budget comparisons i think that this is not absolutely a correct observation in the first fiscal year we tend to increase spend with the communitybased organizations. There maybe other programs where the budget overestimated was it might cost do we look at that in terms of budgets are not closing the books in advance but an estimate maybe overestimated certainly costs im wondering how we factored that in particular significant costs not to mention the cost of federal money how well see that open february 15th. I will talk with our budget and forecasting staff to see if if there is a good way to pull that information together in a way that is detailed enough to understand what is going on and not absolutely. Thank you. So i wanted to talk about the dignity fund and as everyone knows were in the process of looking at implementation of the dignity fund and with an of the things that is written into the theres a couple of things one there is the legislation requires that there be an Oversight Advisory Committee and that i think the commission has two slots on the Advisory Committee the Advisory Council as 3 inhome care and at the mayor himself has 3 slots so i believe that all of the bodies have appointed those folks that will be on the Oversight Advisory Committee and the mayor yesterday made his announcement about the 3 people hes chosen on the Advisory Committee so i think that melissa ma dbe heading up the operation is pulling together the Advisory Committee and trying to find a date right now for the first meeting which is great we been hoping to be able to get that group together that group is really going to be providing some advise are brown both to me and well to me so i can make good decisions around making a proposal to the mayor and the board on how we spend the dignity fund money we have a pretty i guess aggressive timeline may not seem aggressive if you dont work in governor but if you do were looking at an allocation plan by mid march we can get to the Mayors Office and the board and so thats just for this year i think one of the things i want to say before that this year it goes back to one of the questions that commissioner president james asked and 09 people have asked me we need to have to put together a robust Needs Assessment and survey process gap analysis process but thats probably going to be in the next year right now we want to get the money out the door that are people that need the people that need services we have wait listed in areas and new programming out the door we want to do that we have 6 million in the first year to be to allocate for services we know are very important thats going to be the first task how we allocate those fund and start getting the rfp process going and our hope to get the money out the door by november and you know thats just the reality of our processes are there that it takes time we have to decide house to allocate our staff has to put together the requests for proposals and panelist and readers you know we have to bring everything to the commission and ultimately have to have contracts signed and the City Attorney has to read them all that stuff if we get them out by november that will be fantastic. Is center a roster for the panelists. We got the names from the Mayors Office yesterday and so melissa will get it out well send it to brigitte to the commissioners the second thing one of the things the psych e Advisory Committee will get oriented to the process and then will be a group well be working to figure out how our ongoing process is and the outside Advisory Committee will be active 0 how do we need to have consultants what kind of information and the overall process theres more work to do and the committee about come back through the two commissioners that will be representing on the committee be able to come back and report and ill report back on the dos side of that is look for that well have if commissioner president james agreed a standing line item our agenda we can report where that is so to support the planning will be also redeveloped internal capacities and hope to continue it well talk about that and what that looks like in the february 15th meeting and then we have money in the current budget to pay for surveys and focus groups well be figuring out how to get that money out and well be working with the Advisory Committee to have the assessment i mentioned and develop an ongoing allocation plan those will be happening over the next two years so were going to kickoff the circle but in the meanwhile well take care of the first year in getting the money out the door it is exciting to have money when everything dan talked about was bleak but it is really exciting to have the money and well be able to provide new services for people thats it for me. The last item that the schedule and as you may know well be back in a couple of weeks and present our recommendations and then we will be submitting our budget the week after february 21st and then also as you may know there is a period of discussion or negotiation, however, you wanted to talk about it within the administration to get from our proposal to the mayors proposed budget like i said, one the things that will play what is happening at the state level especially with regards to the ihss program but possibly with regard to a number of another issues. One of the things we should be thinking about there has an, an increased number of set aside worthwhile programs if we are entering a period of declining revenues that means did general fund will get smaller fire and public works depends on those services there maybe reductions in general fund money we need to be prepared for because this is not the pie is getting smaller and the demands have not declined it is probably premature but the mayor will is to make tough choices the general fund cant grow there the scenario youve heard. It is absolutely right and i think that note such the mayor but the people within the Mayors Office and the Controllers Office have expressed that as a general concern with ceda set aside not to say that Malcolm Heinicke anyone is against any particular set aside but makes it tougher in a way that and terrible phrase sorry i used that but, you know what i mean. And so set asides take big pieces off the table. I have two questions okay. The 32 positions is already in this current years budget but next year cut so were cutting the positions or what you at a present time not our thought we will be cutting positions. Okay. Theres no money there you have to cut something somewhere somehow. Well, theres money like i said, we work with a relatively large budget in total and relatively small cut at least the 1. 5 million in the scheme of things so you know so our revenues are not entirely static but certainly our budget staff has been spending a lot of time looking at the analysis of under spending in a number of places we are not thinking that we will need to propose the eliminates of public positions. Okay. I also have a request i know the meeting is on the 1 can we have the bunch of package give us time to study this. Okay. Is there enough time . Commissioner im asking commissioner how much time at least one week. A week or so if possible. Im sorry you like the friday before or the thursday. Well certainly make that if we can get it earlier we will. It is a lot to digest i want to ask intelligent questions. I appreciate that. Thank you. What im seeing im seeing a little bit unreadiness because all of us have commented about some additions we would like to see and i dont know are we ready you want us to take action based on youre taking our input uhhuh. That weve given to you and bring it forgot any comments before i call for commissioner president james i actually dont think you need to take action we put down possible action when we ask for action will be at the next meeting. Okay. All right. There is a lot of comments weve made. I guess what im hearing most of the Work Associated with the comments we are really around commissioner Vice President seriinas request on the actual budget numbers i think we can certainly do i dont think that will be a problem so i think we will be able to complete that in time to allow brigitte to keep her schedule and review materials before the meeting. This is time for Public Comment i need to call for Public Comment. Any Public Comment on this budget at this time . Any Public Comment on this budget at this time . Hearing none, thank you, dan for the presentation. Okay. Shall i call the question . Ask for any announcements. Any announcements . Hearing none, any announcements hearing none, ill entertain a motion to adjourn so moved. It is there is a motion that has been seconded that we adjourn we think over 50 thousand permanent residents in San Francisco eligible for citizenship by lack information and resources so really the project is not about citizenship but really academy our immigrant community. Making sure theyre a part of what we do in San Francisco the San Francisco pathway to Citizenship Initiative a unique part of just between the city and then our 5 local foundations and Community Safe organizations and it really is an effort to get as many of the legal permanent residents in the San Francisco since 2013 we started reaching the San Francisco bay area residents and 10 thousand people into through 22 working groups and actually completed 5 thousand applications for citizenship our cause the real low income to moderate income resident in San Francisco and the bayview sometimes the workshops are said attend by poem if san mateo and from sacking. We think over restraining order thousand legal permanent residents in San Francisco that are eligible for citizenship but totally lack information and they dont have trained professionals culturally appropriate with an audience youre working with one time of providing services with pro bono lawyers and trained professionals to find out whether your eligible the first station and go through a purview list of questions to see if they have met the 56 year residents arrangement or theyre a u. S. Citizenship they once they get through the screening they go to legal communication to see lawyers to check am i eligible to be a citizen we send them to station 3 thats when they sit down with experienced advertising to fill out the 4 hundred naturalization form and then to final review and at the end he helps them with the check out station and send them a packet to fill and wait a month to 6 weeks to be invited in for an oral examine and if they pass two or three a months maximum get sworn in and become a citizen every single working groups we have a learning how to vote i mean there are tons of Community Resources we go for citizenship prep classes and have agencies it stays on site and this is filing out forms for people that are eligible so not just about your 22 page form but other Community Services and benefits theres an economic and safety Public Benefit if we nationalize all people to be a citizen with the network no objection over 3 million in income for those but more importantly the city saves money 86 million by reducing the benefit costs. Thank you. Ive been here a loventh i already feel like an american citizen not felt it motorbike that needs to happen for good. One day i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, for liberty and justice for all. Youre welcome. singing . clapping. introduce the San Francisco field officer director ribbon that will mirror the oath raise your hand and repeat the oath i hereby declare on oath repeating. Citizens cry when they become citizenship to study this difficult examine and after two trials they come back im an american now were proud of that purpose of evasion so help me god please help me welcome seven hundred and 50 americans. speaking foreign language. she wants to be part of the country and vote so much puppy. You know excited and as i said it is a long process i think that needs to be finally recognized to be integrated that is basically, the type of that i see myself being part of. Out of everybody on tv and the news he felt that is necessary to be part of community in that way i can do so many things but my voice wouldnt count as it counts now. Its everybody i hoped for a bunch of opportunities demographics and as you can see yourself theres a good life for everyone. Thats why. You have people from all the walks that life and theyre standing in water 8 hours to be an american citizen and contribute to the city and thats really what makes this

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