At the airport is there any way to transfer out to the other stations or is it budgeted for by the airport budget . Its budgeted by the airport and the allocation of sworn officers i i mean as part of our request for enhancements and the chief can have discussions with the mayor about civilian hires. The figure that were trying to get to to the 1971 figure i assume it was based on population so a proportion right . Yes thats correct. The ogs on the commission have spoken. I was wondering because like the airport does it include the airport officers . No. Okay fine. Doctor marshall . The increases in the Academy Classes this year and next year how close to that figure do you think well get . So well make it for sure but the reason that we were able to add a 4th this year is because we do want to get good fits so we had not gotten as many as we would have liked out of the 3 classes that we had and that enabled a 4th class and obviously were going to do all of that and more but anybody looking to be a San Francisco Police Officer we are hiring if you want to go to go to sfgov. Org. We used to do this once a year or sometimes once in in 18 months where it was real hard to meet our numbers and certainly get the folks that we wanted to reflect our city and now we have a 247 application period and i would encourage anybody interested its a very rewarding job and if you want this Police Department to be the Police Department that you want it to be the easiest way to make it so is to be part of it. So by the end of next year 2016 we we should be back at full strength . No because there will be retirements, too and our average retirement s is around fifty to ninety like 2 classes one more year and instead of getting full staff by 2018 the way its scheduled right now we should reach it sometime in 2017. Thank you. Director gannon budgets tell a story one thing that seemed high was the 14 the 14 million on workers competition and were employing folks and want to make sure its a safe place and this suggests folks are getting hurt is that a trend thats gone up . Do we know . Are we seeing a trend where were spending more on Workers Compensation . Can we bring that down and apply those resources elsewhere . Ill have marine speak to whether its up or down i believe its pretty consistent as we get back 300 more officers it will probably go up because as officers get banged up working we do keep an eye on it and we have a new policy that you have to return to full duty within a year and we do not carry near the amount of officers and they are reassigned at a maximum of 1 years time. Actually h. R. Has a huge Wellness Campaign going right now for that reason. Okay. And we can provide the exact numbers for the past several years to you commissioner. I can tell you in the in the 3 years ive been with the department its been pretty steady and included in that is the overhead charge which is something that weve talked about several times. Its about actually right now running about 35 percent so our actual claims are usually about 11 million you know about 3 and a half million is overhead charges of admin istering the claims. Im really pleased that you are pushing the function on the smartphone and its a commitment that we all have and one of the barriers is that motor officers are able to issue an electronic citation and we can analyze trends and the paper tickets are a real issue but certainly let us know if we we can be helpful because theres a direct connection between that data and us doing what we need to do at vision zero. I just want to thank carolyn and marine they do a heroic job on the budget and id like to make one recognition the guy that i became a Police Officer for just walked into the room would you stand up lieutenant . He was my pl football coach in 1971. No way. [applause]. Hes now a juvenile commissioner right down the hall. One of one of the true princes in the Police Department right there. Will you be available for questions later . We all have a lot of questions r for you. What was he like . He did tell me once if i got to be chief i would have gotten to play more. [laughter]. Important to know thank you both. Thank you. Anything further, chief. No thank you. Inspect tore please call the next line item. 5 bocc directors report discussion and review of recent activities and presentation of occ fiscal reports and summary of cases received in january and february of 2015 and mediation in january and february february 2015 and adjudication of complaints and the companion report. Good evening director hicks. Good evening president loftus and members of the commission chief and members of the audience. As you are aware the chief here has pointed out there is an interim report from the president s task force on 21 st Century Policing and president obama signed an executive order on december 18th, 2014, establishing this task force because of risks in the relationships between certain Police Departments and members of the communities that they served and the task of the task force was to develop a road map for best policing practices that can promote effective Crime Reduction while ensurg and Building Community trust and the task force had 90 days to complete the report and they have actually received input from the organization in which i serve on the board and thats the National Association for the civilian oversight of Law Enforcement and received this input by getting written and oral testimony and the president delivered oral testimony in january held in Cincinnati Ohio so last week the task force released a 100 page interim report while i wont go into great detail about it this evening it did report on 6 key areas which the report calls killers and ill just briefly describe the pillars and the first is Building Trust and legitimacy and deals with issues like the constitutional policing. Officer wellness and safety. The report has two overarching recommendations the first is that president obama should support and provide funding for a National Crime and Justice Task Force to review the criminal Justice System for the purpose of making recommendations to the country on comprehensive criminal Justice Reform and the second recommendation is that president obama should promote programs that take a comprehensive look and address the core issues of poverty Education Health and safety this evening ill just briefly speak to one of the recommendations from pillar 2 which is policy and oversight. Recommend 2. 8 provides that some form of civilian oversight of Law Enforcement is important in order to strengthen trust with the community and to meet the needs of the community. Certainly the voters of San Francisco have chosen a form of civilian oversight for San Francisco and its contained in the city charter section 4. 128 for the Police Commission and the office of citizen complaints to exercise a civilian oversight of the San Francisco Police Department and the first action item is the United States department of justice through its research arm the National Institute of justice should expand its agenda to include civilian oversight and the second is the office of the department of justice should provide Technical Assistance and collect best practices and be prepared to help cities create this structure potentially with some matching funds and theres a detailed letter that was provided to the task force with several recommendations and were very pleased that the task force did include civilian oversight as a key recommendation in its report. Im now going to move away from that report into some recent activities that my staff and i have been involved in i recently participated in a symposium as a panelist and cosponsors by the league of california cities and Chapman University and the panel i participanted i participated on was Police Misconduct and i stressed that a Risk Management tool is to use civilian oversight to develop policy recommendations as we do in could as we do in conjunction with the Police Department and the Police Commission and last week Deputy Director served as a prerpt a presenter and spoke on the San Francisco Police Department crowd control and this was a Northern California Regional Forum and finally this evening i briefly attended the spur Good Government reception with our offices attorney policy analyst and i nominated last fall to receive an award for the work she did with the Police Department on their two training videos the one on Language Access and the other one of children of arrested parents and even though she wasnt chosen as as a winner im very proud of the work she did in those two areas and finally you have in your packet the statistical report and the companion report and we received 116 complaints compared to 125 and we sustained 3 complaints compared to 6 last year and we mediated 9 cases compared compared to 12 last year. And then finally moving to cases that the occ sustained and where the chief proposed discipline. In january the chief proposed discipline in 3 cases that the occ makes the same finding in. In february the chief disagreed with the sustained finding of the occ and moving first to the january to the january cases the first was for un warranted action for citing a complaint who had marijuana and for wrongful detention of the complaint ant and the officers involved were add admonished and retrained and the second was neglected duty and again the discipline was admonishment and retraining and the third was neglected duty when an officer failed to politely provide his name and star number upon request and admonishment and retraining and one involved an officer who removed a complainants keys and we found the evidence didnt support the officers limited authority to enter the truck and that concludes my report. Chief, is there anything that you want to say about that . Thank you director hicks. Oh you are welcome. The owner believed that the officer turned off the truck and ran down the block to teach him a lesson and not leave his car running. He didnt want to leave the car running and have someone steal the truck and then he would be responsible because he knew the car was running so the director and i talked that that it could have gone either way so she was understanding. Got it. Thank you director hicks. Your welcome. Any reports or recent activities for director hicks . Your welcome. Inspector, please call the next line item. 5 c commissioners report and discussion with the Controllers Office regarding district boundary assessment report. Yes ill start with my report. Since its been a month since we were here the format of our meetings hasnt been such that we can update the community on what weve been doing. Obviously we celebrated black History Month in february and excited to have Congress John lewis come to San Francisco and even more significant given the the anniversary of bloody sunday and the attempted march from selma to montgomery and i think thats important to remember at this time the history of Law Enforcements role in some real low moments for this country and so i think as we folks around this table and i think who care about San Francisco are really thinking about the past forward and i think february certainly gave me a chance to pause and acknowledge the history as we find a path together forward to making San Francisco as great of a city as it a city as it can be. On february 23rd i took up the invitation of green shes a project Housing Resident who invited members of the Police Commission to come and walk up potrero to see whats happening there. It was wonderful i would like to give a compliment to officer bran don and she really highlighted their ability to handle situations and diffuse situations and build relationships with communities and get increased cooperation and that was a wonderful opportunity to get out from behind this forum and out with her and i want to compliment the officers for justice they did a wonderful womens trail blazer event and i was pleased to represent this commission and it was a celebration of of the contribution of many woman particularly women of color and it was to benefit kids and that was a great night. We did have a town hall for the officer involved shooting in the mission on march on march 2nd and on march 2nd and i attended that with commissioner dejes u. S. And they shared the information known at that time and certainly a lot of feedback from members of the community and i did go on a ride along in the mission that week and kind of see for myself and i was paired with 2 extraordinary officers. They have been with the department 2 years and im interested in how people come to this Department One came from the private sector and one was a teacher so that says a lot about the recruitment efforts to think outside the box and folks i was very impressed at the number of ways over the evening that they diffused situations and proud of their ability to do that and i want to thank them. I also did learn from an officer that some of them regularly watch the Police Commission which i think i only joke my mother watches it. I did learn an officer said i watch it on wednesdays and i care about the department and i want to see the direction of the department and that was instructive to me and march 6th there was a lateral graduation ten lateral officers joined this department and seemed very eager and excited to join the department and i will say a number of issues came up at the meetings that were helpful and constructive and well schedule those in the weeks and months to come but were going to talk about redistricting in terms of where the boundaries are and the issues that came up as we go forward and the last and final thing i want to share is that we have a twitter account scomb account and i see excitement in the audience and i want were at sfpd commission on twitter and someone congratulated us. Were going to be putting out agendas and i wish the camera was on him right now. [laughter] the agenda and Information Reports theres certainly one thing many lessons from a lot of this and transparency is really important and were going to be sharing what what we can on twitter and facebook so colleagues reports from all of you. Dejes u. S. Commission. I did a march a march 2nd Community Meeting in the mission regarding the officer involved shooting and i have to say it was disturbing the amount of mistrust that the community has for the department and angry and not only at the ois i saw a lot of angry coming through about evictions in the Mission District about the fires in the Mission District about the displacement as well as Law Enforcement. And i havent seen the president s report. I downloaded it im going to read it i did read the ferguson report and other articles keep coming out about Community Policing and stuff like that but one thing everyone is stressing is capturing data certain areas of data i believe we capture a lot of data but id like to to analyze perhaps we should put a committee what data are they capturing and what data do they recommend we capture . And how to analyze that data because i think when we go to these meetings if we have a lot of this information, we can share it number 1 and number 2 is looking at raw data can also tell us what proportion of of of the racial make up of arrests convictions and officer involved shootings, whatever data were going to gather what the age groups are etc. Etc. And it may show us some areas where we can have improvement or areas for fertile discussion and the ferguson report is showing a certain amount of data showing 63 percent of of the population is africanamerican but 99 percent of the citations are africanamericans so good to have that data and analyze it and looking at it to see if we have room for improvement whether were having a disproportionate impact in the community and im putting it out there and perhaps you might want to think about putting a a committee together to look at what is the data we have and how do we start capturing and analyzing it. I agree and i appreciate that commissioner. Can you by the next meeting give us the data we have and maybe start that conversation. Yes in fact we spoke to how we collect data today at at the conference and im happy to make a presentation and if you think theres other things we should we should be collecting as well im happy to do that in fact the woman thats the Deputy Attorney general actually asked me to fax our data to her so ill get that presentation. Great and i hear what you are saying, too theres other experts that can help us because we want to identify the issues and solve those issues. And if we even have an issue. Right exactly. Commissioner hwang. I want to commend you i dont know how you attended all of those events and hold down your day job. Last month i participated in an outreach session at tenderloin station. We started a monthly or Quarterly Forum to limited English Speaking communities and he targeted the Asian Community in the tenderloin had fifty or sixty seniors come out. It was very well received by the audience there. I also had invitations to meet with supervisors eric mar and jane kim separately both of who expressed a lot of issues in the language issues that have been raised here at the commission and i assured them that we would take the time at the commission to look at those issues. Great. Thank thank you commissioner and theres a lot of thanks that go to president loftus and my mother mother but i did take my daughter so thanks to those folks in case they are watching at home. The Family Violence council in San Francisco has released its latest report on Family Violence and im going to send the the link to all of you so you can have it because it gives us a good picture of what happens in the city including all Government Agencies that handle Domestic Violence cases in San Francisco. The other piece was going to the California Partnership against Domestic Violence lobby day in sacramento where we looked at the possibility of somebody doing audits on failure to protect cases that those are the cases that come out of cps potentially where the victim loses custody of her kids because she has been basically in a situation where she has failed to protect her children however theres very little data about that so we have requested newly elected Assembly Member 2 to request a state audit to see how often these cases happen and why they happen so those are two things that i just wanted to go through. Thanks. Thank you commissioner. Anything further from my colleagues on Commission Reports . Please call the next line item. District boundary assessment report. Colleagues, we have been in the map world, redistricting world for 90 days and well orient you to where we are in this process. By way of history we got the proposed map which was the result of a year long data driven process from the department on what the proposed map would be. Took Public Comment through a series of Group Individual meetings and received emails its really actually ill say incredibly comforting how much people Pay Attention to these issues so we had a meeting in the tenderloin on on january 28th northern station february 11th and Jones Methodist Church and most recently last week bayview Southeast Facility Commission and ive shared my notes. These were all meetings we were all jointly at with the Controllers Office to give them a starting point. So were going to hear from the controller about what i believe and what they believe are the starting points some of the ideas that came from Community Members have evolved through the conversation and so i think well hear about that too. A Community Member suggested going to polk and maybe look at going all the way to van ness and polk and

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