Lady is mrs. Hamilton. Please come up. [applause] she is a tireless woman at the engle Side Community center and church on ocean avenue. For 16 years, not one year, 2 years, but 16 years, she has worked tirelessly every day to help the center through the programs the city provides. And things like the food pantry. By the way, the food pantry is, i think, the biggest in our district serving several hundred people every week. It was 72 percent and while the numbers have dwenled the African Community is still numerous in lake view and those who serve the community very well and serving young and serving seniors at the it book man center and so this year, the lake view hall of fame will be taking place on june 16th and it is a friday night, and usually at the espanol, and it is always a really great lively event and we have had over the years, great mc, like tyler and renela from the giants and we hope to have a strong event this year as well but i just want to say thank you for helping to make the history relevant, today, and for a really show casing the tremendous contributions of the African American community and in the bay area as well and the community does extend to and i want to thank you for your work, and we have selected the lake view hall of fame to be the recipients of black History Month, come menation today, and about a month ago and it was last week that we heard that karl barns father died and i have a new memorial as well and it is really dig, that we honor his father, aaron oliver barns and he has had tremendous contribution to San Francisco as a Police Officer and someone who had been part of the migration from i believe, east texas and warton county, texas to San Francisco and he came here in 1949. And worked very hard over about ten years, to actually buy a home, in the lake view, neighborhood, and in 1959 but he had experience with his family, that discrimination that African Americans faced in San Francisco, and was able to turn that around and really through a lot of organizing and work, to make sure that the experience of African Americans could be something that would be respected much more in the city. And he served on the San Francisco police department, and he joined the Police Academy in 1964 and served for 24 years, until his retirement from the police department, his beat was in china town. And he actually is early years he was one of the first African AmericanPolice Officers in San Francisco. And unfortunately, in the 1960s, at that time because there was so few African AmericanPolice Officers, he faced a tremendous amount of discrimination. And he and his wife willie jean barns they actually spent a lot of time in the Civil Rights Movement in San Francisco and they marched with the naacp and they brought lawsuits to bare to make sure that he would actually have better conditions, at that time, in the police department, and he was able to win those better conditions, through his organizing and his alliances and work with naacp and other organizations in San Francisco. And he has run and he has raised 6 children in San Francisco. And he is actually spent a great deal of time to make sure that he could provide for his children, and he gave them a wonderful experience growing up to show casing the wonderful, beautiful yosimite park and the wilderness around here and like to go camping together and made sure that they have a real strong education and karl barns is here and is a member of the Fire Department still, retired member of the Fire Department, and he is actually was able to contribute his services well to San Francisco saving many, many lives, but he has always been part of really making sure that the lake view could meet the needs of the African American community in San Francisco and because we have a new memorial for his father and because his father has a tremendous impact on San Francisco police department, we have him to have a say a few words to him, there was talked about having the color guard, but he we have the commander, okay, thank you but for being here, commander is here because he wanted to recognize, mr. Aaron oliver barns as a contribution of a Police Officer over the years and i have to leave the mic up to karl or gil to say a few words to us about the lake view hall of fame or karl barns father. Thank you supervisor avalos. I am very pleased and surprised that i am here, and black History Month and i am here because i believe in the work of karl barns and his father aaron barns senior who we miss now. And i had no idea that i would be receiving some tribute or acknowledgment. But i am pleased and i thank you i thank the supervisor breed and cohen and supervisor weiner even said that he is going to come to our Senior Program at the it book man Community Center and i appreciate that. And i have been in San Francisco for not that long maybe since 59. And served in the engleside area for about 20 years total. And it is the best job and i am still working and i should be retired by now and i think that it might be pretty soon thank you very much. [ applause ] i want to thank supervisor avalos and he is a strong supporter of the community and i thought very highly of him and i would like to thank the pilgrim members and i have my brother alan and my sister, could you stand up and come on up here. And just real quickly, if there is one thing that i would like to say about my father, is love. You know, you know, if that is the only word that i could say, you know my father was someone who cared for all of us, my mother you know passed away seven months ago and he did not last much longer because it was all about love, it was, they were, tied together. And but i am so thankful that he got a chance to be and i know that he is watching and i know that my mother is watching and we got a chance to honor him today. And that is all, thank you. I passed around the memorial from the service and you will see there touching photos of what a close knit family that mr. Barns was able to create and his sons are here and other family members are watching right now and i just want to say my condolences your parents were married together for 62 years. And that is quite a time and what they have achieved in terms of creating a loving family is a sight to behold. [ applause ] thank you again and congratulations and if you have not been to the lake view hall of fame dinner, it is definitely fun. It is a great time, great stories, great people. And it brings a lot of people together and supports a great cause. So thanks the food is great, supervisor cohen the food is great and now i am going to recognize supervisor campos. Thank you very much. Madam president , and wow what an Incredible Group of people that we are recognizing today. And keeping with that, i would like to call upon the amazing recardo nubal who is my honoree for district nine and i dont know if your husband is still here. Right there. Okay, so he is taking pictures, so i want to make sure that we acknowledge him. And i know that we have a number of people who are here from the community including, to honor ricardo but it is my great pleasure today to honor ricardo nubal for district nine for black History Month, i like saying that. He has lived, worked and devoted his entire life to the Mission District for more than 25 years. For the you started out when you were young and i dont want to age you there. For the past ten years, he has served as the dropin Services Manager for the mission neighborhood, Research Center and in that role he has assisted thousands of people who are impacted by homelessness and he just joined the center in 2002 as a peer advocate and a case manager and was quickly promoted for the tremendous leadership to one of the most popular and well regarded Homeless Resource Centers in the city and actually the only Resource Center in the mission, his work reflects these values that he holds and he works to help the most marginalized in the community, whether it is immigrants, African Americans, members of the lgbt community, transgender, women, Homeless People and People Living with hiv and aids, ricardo continues to prioritize addressing their needs. Prior to his tenyear at mnrc, he worked for ten years as a patient navigater for inaudible which supports immigrants living with hiv aids through illness, death and recovery. He is also one of the cofounders of inaudible [ speaking in a Foreign Language ] which is one of the largest held hiv prevention support groups for bay and bi latinos in San Francisco and an organization that has helped so many over the years. Ricardo is an impressive individual and he holds a bachelor degree in educational psychology and is a priest of the afro inaudible tradition. Born in columbia he came to San Francisco 25 years ago because he wanted to commit his life to Community Service and to Community Work without being labeled a communist and without putting his life at risk. This unfortunately was something that was pretty common in columbia in those years. Also, as i black, gay man, he encountered severe discrimination, in columbia that threatened his life and i think that it is important to really highlight the very Important Role that black men and women have played in latino countries and history and culture. Coming to San Francisco, also, enables him to join his father, originally from the island of Saint Vincent who was himself an important leader in the Mission District for many years. He was also a nonprofit leader, an activist and a journalist and founded the first spanish newspaper in california. Xh is pretty incredible that he has followed in his fathers footsteps and it is an honor for me and beautiful for me to recognize these two generations of Mission Activism with ricardo and his father. On behalf of district nine, on behalf of the mission thank you for all that you do. And for your wonderful spirit, and for your ability to help people heal, for your ability to help the people thrive and for always thinking of others, finally, and i wanted to go back and note that congratulations are in order to ricardo and his husband, hernandez and they recently married and in fact that i think that you are newlyweds two months ago and they married after being together for 23 years. So congratulations. And it is truly an honor for us to count you as a member of district nine and to celebrate all that you have accomplished and we are grateful for all that you not only accomplished but continue to do for the community. Thank you. Thank you. This is hard to be highly psychotic client at the Resource Center. And so i just want to thank you, supervisor david campos and i want to thank laura goose man the director of the Resource Center and a place where i can fully express my passion to help people. And a place where simple but powerful miracles happen every single day. I wanted to thank my husband for you know dealing with me for the past 23 years. And i mean, i just want to invite you guys, if you really want to experience what is the miracle, come to the vaoe source center. Thank you. [ applause ] congratulations and thank you for your patience and waiting today. And last but certainly not least, supervisor christensen. Certainly not least, i would like to ask menza to come forward, our most patient honoree because i have aseeded to the request to be brief and i dont want anyone to think that he is lacking in any Qualifications Service to youth is always especially valued and inspiring when that service is provided by the young. My optimism quotient increases, minta has served for four years on the board of urban services ymca for those of you dont know that is a y, program that goes out in the community it do good works, and has participated in a wide variety of out reach programs for the y, he has participated for 9 years, with the big brother and sister program. And helping kids realize thir potential through mentoring. And he has gone beyond the usual sports and homework mentoring, to promote science and technology, education and to the bay area youth, by serving on the youth professional board at the exporatorium. And he is an exceptional leader because of his continued commitment and hard effort in proving not only district three, but all of San Francisco he is one of those people that when you call around and say what do you think about this guy for an award, every Single Person said, what a great idea. So it is very much my privilege to add him to the panthion and honor him today. [ applause ] i just want to say thank you for president klit ensen and thank you to the board. For really special thanks for all of the other honoreed today and i am a relatively young guy and i have been around for ten years and when i hear the stories about the amazing work that they had done and the obstacle that they had to overcome to do a lot of that work and this year and impact and in the African American community it is humbling, i feel like i actually probably benefited more from the work they have done than anything that i have done to try to give back. And it is inspiring and i take it to a call of action to do anything that i can to continue fighting for the cause, i will wrap up with that, thanks to all of the others, and that is what keeps me going and thanks to the support of the board, thank you. [ applause ] congratulations and thank you to supervisor christensen for being the only supervisor to follow the directions of the board president. But to my colleagues i just want to say thank you all for participating in todays black History Month celebration and you all have made some amazing selections. Clearly, there are so many individuals out in our great city doing some Amazing Things and so this is just a small, small group of individuals who truly are inspiring who continue to believe their daily lives and work hard in the community and make a difference in the community and we are just so happy to be able to just take time today and recognize you and honor you here at this amazing chamber and we hope that you will continue to do some of the amazing work that you have done, to bless our city and bless our community and so thank you everyone for being here today. And with that, we must continue the business of the board of supervisors. And we will return to roll call, beginning with supervisor avalos. Okay. So supervisor avalos . You are up for roll call for introduction, supervisor yaoe you thought it was your turn or weiner. I actually called on supervisor avalos but it is supervisor weiner. Okay, supervisor weiner. Okay, thank you very much, madam president and i have several introductions today. First as you may have followed in the press in the last few weeks, we are seeing a situation where more and more drugs including hiv drugs are being placed or reclassified as socalled specialty drugs. By various insurance providers, and which means that instead of paying your standard 15 or 25 or 50 copay you have to pay a significant percentage of the cost of the drug which could be g 1,000 dollars a month. And in january we learned or i actually we learned that in january, kiaser reclassified quite a few hiv drugs as specialty drugs which dramatically increased their cost and this kind of change can have a Significant Impact for many of our residents and on our Public Health strategies to try to reduce the hiv infections by keeping people healthy and they have to be on their medication to suppress their viral load. I met with kiaser and i want to give them enormous credit for reversing the decision and removing all hiv drugs from the specialty category, and also reimbursing its members for all of the additional costs that they had paid in terms of the increased copays and so i want to publicly thank them for doing that. And however, the issue is much larger. And there are other drugs, that are not hiv drugs, that are on these specialty lists, and arthritis and others, and it is not just kiaser there are health plans in San Francisco and throughout the country that are moving in this direction and it threatens to under mind the Affordable Care act and it will under mine peoples access to life saving medication and frankly, it is effectively a back door to get around the ban on excluding the people for preexists conditions i am calling for a hearing on this issue relating to hiv medication, but other medication for other diseases as well. And asking kiaser to come but not just them, asking a number of different insurance providers to come to us and talk to us about this issue and also talking to the department of Public Health and the Mayors Office and it is an important issue and a growing issue and we need to stay on top of it, i am also today, introducing a resolution to support senate bill, 277 by senator richard pan, and which will eliminate the personal belief exemption from california vaccination requirements. And i know that we have all