Transcripts For SFGTV 20150209

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Including a relevance contractor didnt expand into the rear yard this is a large house this haas house has an existing roof deck we need another 3 feet taken from the rear yard this place is built before the rear yard were required into whats required a rear yard an expansion y07d where that intrudes the mid block open space had been denied and the association has been around for a lot of years we have a strong feeling on the block a few neighbors are here to speak and others are here this has no good reason for expansion beyond the rear yard. Okay. Im going to call names of the folks in support of dr calling names . Any order. Yep. My name is michael i live on pacific immediately north and one lot to the east of the back of the property my main concern apart from the krgsdz is this deck will look directly into my yard as well as into the two second floor bedrooms at that end of the how did and dribble into the kitchen and dining room so a considerable loss of privacy to us and furthermore alleged activity and noise and conversations to those on the deck will be a further intrusion my principle objection is the loss of privacy thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, commissioners im july 4th duffey ion on pacific im directly beyond the property weights or were drugz im opted to the rear deck the building is intruding into the rear yard space this expansions will extend the expansion further well lose privacy in our home and anyone on the 0 deck will see into our dining room and living room and kitchen and bedrooms and bathrooms and the noise will be incredible they have a huge roof deck one at the overdid garage and side patio im not sure we should be invented by having this deck added at the back of the house its not as if they have a lack of space im asking to please no approve the deck thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is bob duffey i live with july 4th directly behind the house in question this violate our privacy in our master bedroom and kitchen its not a Good Neighbor policy and hope you dont approve that variance thank you. I see its good evening good evening, commissioners im hazel im michaels wife i live on pacific im here to agree with everything my neighbors say i worried about the privacy and accident noise and i i know they have not moved into the house they dont appreciate our neighborhood its a fabulous neighborhood were trying to keep the neighborhood in San Francisco and what i feel is that we have all worked so hard to keep the feel this open space at the back and i just hope we can continue this as gregg said recently the developer changed his mind so i hope youll agree with us im very nervous im sorry but i love any neighborhood and love San Francisco i hope youll not approve what theyre asking you to do. If there are not other speakers in support of dr requester dr requester you have 5 minutes. Good afternoon dan are reuben, junius rose on behalf of the project sponsor megan theyve lived in San Francisco and looking forward to moving into the house as soon as they finish this as your heard the scope of work is minor were replacing windscreens at the top of the garage in the front of the property adding glass enclosed deck at the rear the deck and a spiral stair to the backyard with the exception of the duffeys the immediate neighbors have expressed no objections if you can turn on the overhead youll see a graphic nashth the immediate neighborhoods on jackson street vergoly expresses their support and the dr requester received notice of our Community Outreach meeting in september of 2013 a number of the board came theyve been notified of the variance hearing in april of 2014 again, no objections in fact we only learned of the concerns concerns a couple of days before the dr was filled the dr has come late in the game if the impacts were truly exceptional on privacy on light and air to an adjoining property we expect the neighbors who are here the neighbors that are here live less than 60 feet if the proposed deck this is the area of the new deck and stair thats being observed to 3 goals were trying to achieve binge link the open space the front deck without having to go indoors so the gardeners can come through a feature that the neighborhoods on both sides have and lastly have exterior to the backyard where the kitchen and living room is it will improve both the amenity of that space as well as fire safety by giving a secondary means of egress from that floor f this is has an unusual set back from the street it extends 7 feet into the rear yard the deck will extend another 3 feet and again, it is has glass railing leaving 25 feet from the Property Line there are no other alternatives the deck is unobtrusive as we can make it theres also a pattern of encroachments on this block as you can see here in fact, a garage in the rear yard immediately next door and several other larger encroachments buildings further by comparison 3 feet here is quite minimal and light and air impacts have been race i dont think theres a straightfaced agreement were impacting the circulation to the adjacent property with the shadows in their in fact in our owe yard the impact is negotiable and id like to get to privacy we have a diagram here showing distance of the deck the deck and stair from joining properties 25 feet away from an joining residents those people that are not here tonight be we have a couple of images that show us the actual conditions those are taken from scaffolding in the proximate location of the deck it didnt provide the lighting given the size of the windows and have one looking towards the western Property Line as you can see excuse me. The east Property Line where you see the proximate location of the new deck and stair how its screened from the adjoining property no extraordinarily circumstances you want to exercise a dr we ask you to approve the plan. Any other speakers in support of the project sponsor seeing none dr you have a 2 minute rebuttal. I having want to correct several misrepresentations the front set back is for the garage this has a street level garage no set back at all the owners are not living in San Francisco theyre living in paris theyre not currently in San Francisco their children are in paris i tenant the meeting i expressed my outlooks and raised questions and not given a call back so i speak to the arithmetic the neighbors behind have been at the level where the deck goes they see directly into the bedrooms it if show the this is a disingenuous representation i have is are a disappointment no one raised outlooks and told the architect i was going to file a objection a lot of disingenuous representation im very disappointed audience project sponsor you have about two minutes. Good afternoon, members of the Planning Commission im louis butler the architect i want to add our clients are living in paris and actually thought it would be a great time for their kids during construction and this is a complete restoration of this house wire by wire and stick by stick about a restoration of a house their loving this house such as the french may have interventions this was 2, 3, 4 bad shape and ever effort to make it bring it into good shape on the far topic he envisioned the sterile stairs and in fact, several details including the shutters at the in front included in the or more design were trying to incorporate all the features that were lost and the spiral stair is part of the great light metal vocabulary on the back of the house im bringing this up it is a hectic resource were taking it that way i had one conversation with mr. Scouting he said theyre to file a dr and that was our conversation we had a lot of compromises and suggestions thank you. Okay. The public hearing is closed. Commissioner antonini. This was built by elliott and the confusion from the garage and front there was a 35 foot set back when originally built the garage was added at a later time maybe im wrongs but early to have a garage in 1934 but aside from the garage the house sets back and the sightings of the house was towards the rear that would have been the case if 15 foot by the way back but the house is where it is they built them right in that day and beautiful and more beautiful after the restoration and concerning the people on pacific after the windows on the floors if anyone wants to look at they w0u7b9 wont get a visual by being 3 foot closer it it doesnt matter it is more of a blatantly or landing deck we talked about the deck we have a huge area up to 5 hundred square feet it is a means for the people to move from their main floor where the kitchen and dinger area is guarantee going directly to the rear yard that make sense i have a modest home in western San Francisco same kind of situation we moved in you had to go to the garage for the laundry and when we had kids it didnt make sense we built a deck and staircase that allows you to get into the backyard it served our purposes well, it make sense to me i dont see my impact at all from this modest landing and spiral staircase im going to move and not take dr and approve. Second. Ill talk about the vapors one the set back and one in terms of the set back i dont see issues i dont think anyone else sees of issues in the justified in regards to the rear yard i had concerns initially when reviewing this i think that the materials theyve submitted regarding the historical presence having the plans showing stairs to the rear yard and also this provides direct assess from the front of the property to the rationalized that is compelling i had an issue where along these the building wall should the stairs be located my initial alex relax to the west side Property Line, however, the design team didnt like the location because the firewall will be required so thats why it is the way it is, it is a minimal kind of passageway rather than a full deck just being 3 feet wide i wanted to see what the commissions thoughts are on that professional. Commissioner moore. I had to remind might have that property is 50 feet wide and one hundred and 80 feet deep that is by far beyond the buildings we normally look at it is kcmo when its a significant lot we all know that a 3 foot comblaj youll are so lean very, very far almost infamous over the evidently if you really want to look at someones adjacent property and thats not the way the small balconies function theyre like a catwalk like so its for the nearness of the blatantly the intrusion into the rear yard is really on overhang not on the ground floor where you see the flow of the open space and green so its a slither condition i gave this a lot of thought and sympathetic to the neighborhood coming forward but dont quite see that. Commissioners there is a motion and a second to not take dr commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner richards chairperson wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and Zoning Administrator what say you. On the variance close the public hearing and b be glad to grant the discretionary review. The last item is gem i have no speaker cards. Seeing none general Public Comment is closed. And the meeting is adjourned to be. Hi, im average im a personal analyst that the Human Resources examining and recruitment unit and suffix i started my career as a San Francisco State University and got my bachelors in psyched and orientational psyche if they had we have a great relationship that the San Francisco Unified School District i exploded for American People interim Shopping Mall and become eligible for a permeate job. Okay. Perfect. I love working for our Human Resources services because of the agriculture were laidback with a professional mindset although Human Resources is a challenge were light a hearted started as a intern guided through the process eventually one day a a Deputy Director or staying with the puc is where i love it. Of the commission on Environmental Review authorization the Successor Agency to the redevelopment welcome to members of the public madam clerk call the first item. The first order of business is roll call vote pr commissioner mondejar commissioner singh sxhooufrt madam chair rosales all members of the commission are present next order of business is item

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