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Do that and for the knuckle heads which i think is your word chief that that was going to be addressed. But, you know, the amount of restraints that the people came up to me and said that they personally witnessed or saw on the news and not the people who start off loving the police either, but it was clear that was a directive from on high and that you had a plan and i think you know, i have images of, you dont even know jeff gordon and that fight that he got in nascar and somebody throwing a bottle at a Police Officer i feel like i have seen many images over my decades of that ending badly, i think that the officers handled themselves with tremendous dignity, pass that on to the xhapd staff, all of the comments, and since so many talked to me i wanted to pass that along. Any other questions . I would like to close with a thank you to madison bumgarden he won the mvp but he put it on the map. A believe that you said no to him. They were schedule to lead the parade and we have more pictures of the mvp on our horses, and we will be, and we had a good time with that. Good. He looked hot. It shows that you were a man with a plan to say no to him to ask to ride on a horse. Okay. Anything else for the chief . No, thank you. Busy time, call the next line item. 4 b, occ directors report, discussion, review of recent activities, presentation of the occ Third Quarter 2014 comprehensive statistical report. Director hick . S yes, good evening, president loftus and Vice President turman and commissioner and chief suhr and members of the audience, you have before you the office of citizen complaints, 2014, Third Quarter, statistical report, and at prior meetings, each month, i provided you with the statistical reports, and for july, august, and september, so, this evening, i will be brief. During the Third Quarter, of this year, the on occ received 195 complaints of Police Misconduct or failure to take action, and closed 186 complaints. Between january first and september 30, 2014, we opened with an adjusted 536 complaints and closed 525 of them. And we also sustained allegations of misconduct or failure to take action and 15 complaints and we had an 8 percent sustained rate. We mediated nine cases and that is five percent of the cases we closed. And in the areas of organizational and budget matters, the staffing for the occ, during the Third Quarter we continued to work on creating a list for 8124 complaint investigators that is the journey level complaint investigator, during the second quarter, we posted the Job Announcement and conducted the written portion of the test, and then during the Third Quarter, the occ and the dhr conducted the oral portion of the test, and we had anticipated receiving a list from dhr during the Third Quarter, but, because of the review, process, and some challenges to the list, the list was not released during the Third Quarter but it was released october ninth. For the requisite time period passed. We do anticipate finally, higher complaint investigators in 2015, and what is holding us up now is the budget, and in spite of the fact that the mayor and the board of supervisors adjusted the occ budget to reduce the structural deficit, we still have a structural deficit and so i am working with the mayors Budget Office to try to resolve this issue so that we can fill the vacancies that are on our staff. We currently have 381, 24 vacant position and one, 186, vacant positions. And moving on to technology, the Third Quarter was a good quarter for technology. And our Technology Unit is one person, and chris was new, who was the Information Systems Business Analyst and in addition, to doing, the nuts and bolts technology work, he also compiles the statistics for the Quarterly Report and monthly reports that i write and deliver. But, the Third Quarter was successful, in that online complaint filing went life during the third quaut and her during that time period, we received five online complaints. Also we launched our Facebook Page and i encourage you on facebook to like us, and chris was finally, and his third major initiative, during the Third Quarter, was to rebuild upgrade and extend the capability of the occ servers. And quarter with 345 pending cases that is three viewer than 2013, and the pending cases are what contribute to what is known as the backlog, so that the fewer bending cases that we have less of a backlog that we have. And then, by the end of the Third Quarter, again, we had 319 pending cases from 2014, 23 from 2013, and one from 2012, and two from 2011, the 2011 cases are the hotel cases. And then, moving on to case loads and disposition of cases the average caseload for the Third Quarter of 2014, with the 22 cases to investigate, which is better than the close of the Third Quarter in 2013, when they had 25 but it is still too high and i just go back to the 2007 audit report, which is responsible for me being here today, 7 years later, and where the auditor says that the occ investigators should have 16 cases per investigator, and that is best practices and we can only get there if we have the funding to hire the investigators. Moving on to the sustained cases, since i am giving you details and reports, and each month, and as i did in july and august and september, and i will not discuss the case thises evening. And moving on to complaints of note, we had several categories of complaints of note, and at the end of the Third Quarter, we will continue to investigate two officerinvolved shootings, complaints, both, for the shootings resulted in the death of the individual. Moving to the Single Room Occupancy Hotel cases, we continued to investigate those complaints, that were filed and in 2011, but, we have had them on hold, as the criminal proceedings proceed, which they are doing with some of the repeatty at this point in time, moving on to the valincia gardens incident that is remaining pending at the end of the Third Quarter, and then finally, we continued to investigate a complaint from a Sexual Assault victim who explained about the Department Failure to properly process evidence. And now i will quickly move to the work of the legal unit, which is headed up by vargus frankle and also, includes the attorney, donna salazar, who the staff and medation and out reach program, and as well as ramerin, who was here earlier this evening and is our policy attorney and finally, forbes, who is one of our two prosecuting attorneys or trial attorneys, that will also include far gus frankle and during the Third Quarter, the attorneys for here, presented one hearing, and one hearing level and involved an officer failure to write an incident report and there is one case that remains on the Police Departments docket and then finally, as if part of their duties, and the legal, and two trial attorneys as well as the policy attorney, reviewed and edited and sustained after the case had been investigated and in one or more, allegations were deemed sustainable and reviewed and submitted to me, 13 sustained reports and the other two, were provided to me, directly by Deputy Director balizar and those who involved, failure to collect the traffic stop data and moving to mediation, and the mediation, efforts as i said earlier led by attorney donna salazar, she mediated nine, the occ immediately ated nine cases compared to 18 cases in the Third Quarter of 2013, even though there is a disparity between those quarters and two years, and by the end of the Third Quarter, they immediate ated 39 cases as compared to 42 by the end of the Third Quarter in 2013 and last year we had some concern about officers declining to participate in the medation and after some, investigation into that, it was specific to a particular situation and not the officers dislike of the Mediation Program and so the things have returned to normal and during the Third Quarter, only five percent of the officers offered mediation declined it and of the 42, and that is through the Third Quarter, and that is for 75 percent of the year and of the 42 complaints offered mediation, 73 agreed to med aoe ate and that is high for the complainants and agreeing to immediate ate and i provided detailed information about the out reach in the report and i will not address that this evening and i will move to the policy work of that, if led by attorney marion during the Third Quarter, she continued to do policy work on a Police Protocols for children, of arrested parents and also, Language Access. And with them along with the Police Department, developed the training for the newly adopted general order, 7. 04, which provides for the children, safety during and after their parents arrest and as the mayor wrote on the developing the further developing, and refining along with the Police Department, a training video, on the department general order, 7. 04, and then, moving to some other work, that we did, we met with the urban institute, and representatives, in august, and we have an institute that was very interested in the San Francisco Police Department as a study site because of the collaborativive work of Community Based organizations and the Police Department and the occ in establishing an arrest procedure for parents. The occ in the area of policy also continued its Language Access policy work. And marion continues to meet monthly with the violence and Sexual Assault Service Providers and Language Access and city agencies and the Police Department. Current projects increasing buy lingual opportunities for the officers and civilians, and enhancing data, collection on inperson, interpreters and Language Line usage and that concludes my report. Thank you, any questions for director hicks . None, thank you so much for this update, and i know that sam has, and i often talk about her incredible work, in particular, i have sat with her at the monthly meetings on dv Language Access and Sexual Assault. And cases and those happened at mission station and i will say to my colleagues that is really incredible work that the department has been doing and doing training to really address some open questions around Language Access that we as a department, i think are cutting edge but there is plenty of work to do and so i will be asking one of my colleagues to attend that monthly meeting on behalf of the commission because it is really important work that we are doing. Thank you, director hicks. You are welcome, president , loftus and i see that we omitted to include you in our report as one of the Police Commission as attendes of that meeting and that will be corrected. I did not notice that, thank you so much director. I gave up a unnecessary concession but you are welcome. Call the neblgt line item. 4 c, commission rment and discussion. Commission president s report and commissionerss reports. Yes, colleagues, briefly, i did mention this before but we are going to be going over the Pedestrian Safety reports from commander ali and also for our colleagues at walk sf and the Bike Coalition and work with that and looking at that and presenting that on december third, to try to take a data driven approach to the enforcement side which is the piece that we can control and so look for that on the third and the police redistricting issue, and i am an informed and i believe, that the amount of material that we are going to have to review for that, is voluminous and i think that it is going to come in large binders and so make a plan for yourselves, december 10th is when we will have that meeting and we will get those materials as soon as possible. Go giants. And the last thing is i did mention this at our last meeting but it was a Community Meeting so there was not a lot of time to give reports, but the department and i went to the International Cit training in monterey and tomioka represented the Police Department and it was a two day training for departments across the country and the diversety and it was extraordinary and it is clear that the Police Community is on the forefront and working together with Mental Health organizations to better approach and how to address, dealing with individuals in Mental Health crisis and so it was very much a community and so it is a major take away that i got, from the folks who had developed the cit program and beyond, and it is not and i think that the man who spoke, had this amazing tennessee accent and that this is not a Law Enforcement program, it is a community program. And that was my impression. And the reason that i say that is that we have this Extraordinary Group of Mental Health advocates Community Partner and people who suffered loss themselves, and who are working together so we are gg to have them come back to the commission on january seven to report on the progress and there are staffing changes that are positive and we are bringing in lieutenant melina who has a lot of incredible in the ranks, and i really appreciate the departments investment and it is good to see what other departments are doing and also see where we are leading the way. Colleagues any reports . On behalf of the annual scholarship dinner and it was attended and i bought as many tickets as a could but i did not win any prizes, but i also did a segment on ho and california, and it is online if you want to try to listen to part of my spanish and english, and we did talk about the functions of the Police Commission as well as the occ and fielded some questions, regarding the status of the investigation in a case and also explain the difference between the roles of the different investigations. Okay, great. Inspector call the next line item. Line item 4 d, commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration, at future commission meetings. And i have one announcement commissioners. Thank you. Next meeting, will be in lieu of the Community Meeting that is on the 12th of november and that will be the medal of valor, Award Ceremony at 2850, 19th avenue at the scottish right temple. At 6 00 p. M. Scottish right . Yeah. 19th avenue. And also, inspector, given that so, our next meeting is the medal of valor and the next wednesday we are dark and then the following wednesday, is the wednesday before thanksgiving. The 26th. And which we, my proposal to my colleagues that we are dark, because we are also usually making pies or speaking for the chief. But, we are busy at that time and so we traditionally dont meet on that night. But you guys can come. Yeah, so we will be medal of valor on the 12th will be dark for the last two days in november and so we will have the calendar. So the next and maybe we will all about december third. Yeah. Great. Colleagues anything that we talked about a number of items that will be on the future agendas, anything else at this sometime . Well, i did neglect to mention that last week was also the International Association of chiefs of police conference, and for the first time, i believe, ever, a San Francisco Police Officer won the International Association chief of Police Officer of the year for valor. And which is like, huge. And so, it was officer cunning ham for his actions at asiana and the other officers that were nominated were the competition was unbelievable and so i know that deputy chief smith and tomioco were there and they were tried to handicap if he stood a chance hearing the other stories but the trophy is beautiful, and so, i would ask and i will let the commission and the president know if perhaps it will be appropriate to bring him to the commission with his award so that he could be recognized and everybody at home can see i mean that it is unbelievable, honor when you think of, these are thousands of Police Departments and officers, from all over the world. And orlando florida, and we took home the prize it was pretty cool. Wow. Chief, i am wondering that this may be out of prod protocol, so we got the medal of valor next week and is it possible to maybe. Yeah. Highlight it next week . Yeah, maybe we will, because that is the ultimate medal of valor, so he got a gold medal last year and but i think that it will be appropriate to put the cherry on top next wednesday. Such a great suggestion. Okay, great. Inspector call the next line item. 5, Public Comment on at matters pertaining to item 7 below, closed session, including Public Comment on vote whether to hold item 7 in closed session. So, ladies and gentlemen, there are a number of items that we are going to need to go into closed session for, they are protected matters, litigation matters or personnel matters, is there any Public Comment regarding our closed session . Hearing none, closed session is closed. Excuse me, Public Comment is closed and inspector call the next line item. 6, vote on whether to hold item 7 in closed session, including vote on whether to assert the Attorney Client privilege, with regard to item 7, a, San Francisco administrative code section 67. 10. Action. Colleagues, do i have a motion . I move, that we go into closed session. And privilege. Second . All of those in favor . Aye. Closed. Motion passes. Madam clerk we are back in open session and you have a quorum. Thank you, inspector. We are returning back to open session, please call the next line ilt em. Line item 8, vote to elect to disclose any or all discussion on items 7 held in closed session, and San Francisco administrative code section 67. 12 a, action. Madam res. Colleagues, could i have a motion . Madam president . A vote to disclose. I move not to disclose. Second. All of those in favor. Aye. Those opposed in motion passes. Inspector call the next line item. Line item 9, adjournment. Madam president. I want to. Colleagues, i would like to ask for a motion to adjourn this Police Commission meeting in the memory of four fallen officers, i will share their names on october 24th, we lost Deputy Sheriff danny oliver of the Sacramento Sheriffs Department on that same day, in the same incident, we lost detective Michael Davis junior of the plaser county sheriffs department. In an incident where a suspect terrorized a community and did multiple carjackings, shot three officers, two of them were killed and ultimately apprehended. On october 28th, we lost Deputy Sheriff eugene costrakinko from the ventura sheriffs department, and the very next day on the 29th, we lost officer and swat operator sean diamond of the plamona Police Department and i think that it was a devastating week for the Law Enforcement community and all of these communities up and down california and it is a reminder of how dangerous this work is, and that the officers of this Department Also run to danger when others are running away. So, in honor and in memory of these fallen officers, i would ask that we adjourn this meeting in their memory and send all of our thoughts and prayers to their family and to these departments and communities, do i have a motion. So moved. Second. Second. All of those in favor. Aye. Those opposed . Thank you. Thanks. I example the first thing to point out is the first word is camp tlargz to be bugs and dirt and so long as you can get past that part in place is pretty awesome. Youre going to get to our cabin and why is it so small well most of your time is spent outside. Programming was our first step we wanted to offer a program that is, you know, makes people happy and leaves them with memories. Here and there. So more points. Ready 1, 2, 3. I think a big part is its coming from San Francisco it is real estate a kind of vibe people relate to each other and everyones living in the city and you can feel the breath of fetish air and the experience you get out here. I think it give us an opportunity to get away from technology you come out here and look at it here and not look at our iphones and you kind of lose users in the city and have a cup of coffee im corey a typical day increase no typical day. And just the first time being on the talent show and getting a huge applause and i never expected it is is r is a great experience im an executive chief here at kathy serve over one hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks. People love our meals and the idea they can pick up a meal and dont worry about shopping or doing dishes and enjoy and have a great time at camp mather grasping grab on. I like camp mather it is a lot of freedom and kids run around its great. They have all the things i dont have to do the kids get to do what they want to do and we basically focus on them thats our only job. I like camp mather because i can ride my bike. I love camp mather. The children are up here playing around and riding their booiths bicycles thats a great place to see what the word is like outside of the city

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