This wonderful legislation and dedicated people that have stayed here all day. Supervisor kim and i want to respond yes, im offering the suggestion your different if youre a homeowner so if youre a condo owner you would get a number of nights hosted and not hosted but if youre a renter theres a restriction this will protect the issue of protecting our rent control housing stoke in the event people are renting out it try homeowners living in are their home they can poesht rent those units out those are challenging questions i have a small concern in the future homeowners are going to start this as a business and now the house is valued at 105 million and not 1 million were not readily o ready for that concern yet. Two quick things first of all, whether or not the registration runs with the property i dont know that it does regards even if it doesnt and someone would buy a home and do a airbnb rental they could just registration in terms of the both the impact and combofshlt issues it is not really that different between single families and multiple united buildings when our in a multiple you unit building your impacted with the neighbors and homeowners do thing with their buildings it is somewhat that different again it impacts the neighborhood but treating this differently impacts we have a motion open the table to move that w to the full board with a positive recommendation madam clerk call the roll on that motion. Supervisor cohen supervisor kim no supervisor wiener two is and one no. Thank you, colleagues the motion passes madam clerk, any other business before this committee . Oh, and actually im sorry before we adjourn supervisor kim made a request could you recall items one and 2 together. Im sorry. Recall items one and two were to revote. Got it. Can you please recall items 12we and the resolution supporting and encouraging the development the policies prohibit the transportation of Hazardous Material and item 2 is an ordinance amending the difference of conversion requirement for shortterm rentals. Ill entertain a motion to resend the votes on one and two well take that without objection. That is adapted and forward one and two to the full board with a positive recommendation madam clerk, any other business before this committee . Theres no further business. Then were adjourned thank y thank you city of San FranciscoMayors Disability Council all right. Welcome, everybody to the september 19, 2014, meeting of the Mayors Disability Council. Im chip supanich. Cochair. Welcome to all. We have Councilmember Wong leading the introduction. Good afternoon and welcome to the Mayors Disability Council this friday september 19, 2014, in room 400 of San Francisco city hall. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs and other assistive mobility devices. Wheel chair access is provided at the grove van ness and mcallister street. Entrance is provided via wheelchair lift. Assistive listening devices are available and open caption and our agendas are available in large print and braille. Please ask staff for additional assistance. To prevent electronics interference and to respect everyones ability to focus on the presentations, please silence all cell phones and pdas. This is appreciated. We welcome publics participation during Public Comment. You may fill out a speaker card or call the bridge line 4155549362. Where staff persons will handle the request to speak at appropriate times. The Mayors Council disability meeting is held on the third friday of the month. Our neck regular meeting will be on october 17, 2014, from 1 00 to 4 00 in San Francisco city hall in room 400. Please call the Mayors Office on disability for further information or request accommodations. 4155546789 voice. Or 4155546799. Tty. I would like to remind all speakers to speak slowly on the microphone to assist our captioners and sign language interpreters. Thank you. Role call please. Good afternoon, cochair chip supanich, present. Derek zarda, taste at that time i cant kostanian. Harriet wong, councilmember roland wong. Thank you. Now well have the reading of the agenda. I want to make one change to the agenda. Cochair derek zarda has been detained. He will give his cochair report before item no. 11. So we are moving item no. 4 to in between 1112. Reading of the agenda. Welcome. Agenda item no. 1, welcome introduction and roll call. Agenda item no. 2, action item. Reading and approval of the agenda. Action item no. 3, Public Comment. Items not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. Each speaker is limited to three 3 minutes. Agenda item no. 4. Information item. Report from the director of the Mayors Office on disability. Agenda item no. 5. Information item. Transportation 2030. Presentation on the mayors Transportation Task force 2030 findings and recommendations including a 500 million transportation and road improvement general Obligation Bond on the november 2014 ballot. Funding identified by the mayors Transportation Task force 2030 would pay for critical transportation Infrastructure Projects including accessibility improvements. Presentation by Alicia John Baptist chief of staff San Francisco municipal transportation agency. Public comment is welcome. The council will then take a 10 minute break. Agenda item no. 6. Information item. List lyft accessibility. Lift is a mobile application matching drivers with passengers seeking rides. Lyft will share details of their technology and capability. Lyft. Public comment is welcome. Agenda item no. 7. No. 8. Information item. Better Market Street transit priority proposal for improvement is surface transit facilities on Market Streets between octavia and stuart street. Presentati by simon Prince George county manager department of public works. Sf mta. Public comment is welcome. Agenda item no. 8. Action item. Cochair elections. In accordance with the Mayors Disability Council bylaws article 3, section 1, there shall be two cochairs elected to serve as officers of the council and elections will be staggered by at least 3 months. The present election will be to elect a cochair to the position currently held by cochair supanich whose term just expired. Agenda item no. 9. Information item. Report from Disaster Preparedness committee. Agenda item no. 10, Public Comment. Items not on todays agenda but within jurisdiction of the mdc. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Agenda item no. 11. Cochair report. Report from cochair zarda. Agenda item no. 12. Correspondence. Agenda item no. 13. Discussion item. Councilmembers comments and announcements. Agenda item no. 14, adjourn. Thank you. Donna. Okay, the next item on the agenda is Public Comment. Items not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. First i have mike hot us. If anyone else wishes to comment at this time, please fill out a card. I thank the council for the opportunity to make this presentation. I have a question regarding the ada. As you all know 2015 is the 25th anniversary of the ada and was wondering whether council had done anything in particular to celebrate that momentous event. I would like to offer a suggestion that certain pioneers in the ada for the city particularly those that are not with us to be honored. I would like to offer suggestion of the late loadey, who was asked to become a member of this council but did not want to split her energy between the museum and this council that she be within one of the people nominated for her help in implementing the ada. I put together her resume of items she accomplished in her short life and would like to give this to council when possible. I rest my case. Thank you. Next i have charles good afternoon. Im charles, i want to direct your attention to this document. I only printed out one copy. This is proposed regulations for taxi cabs and hired vehicles. They being presented this we cant to the International Association of transportation regulators at the conference in new orleans. I have seen a couple of these thing go through the pipeline. The chances are good that they will look good to the model regulations and cover everything from the disability to training for drivers, every conceivable detail. As you may know that the regulations for accessible vehicles and Service Elevator a vary a lot from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This is an attempt to give vehicle manufactures some kind of solid set of standards to follow when they are building the vehicles and also for regulators to establish a Training Program and other services that are related tthis. One that i would like to draw your special attention to is on the last page where they are talking about how do you fund these services . They are obviously im sure its no secret to you that Accessible Services are quite expensive to provide d funding is a key issue. This is especially so in these days with the socalled ride shares and having a very large impact on the market. One of the recommendations and im quoting from the proposed regulations is the Transportation Network companies such as uber car and lyft must be mandated to contribute funding in order to confirm they are being held to the same accessibility regulations as properly licensed taxi cabs and higher vehicle fleets. Obviously this is not something you can do today on this spare of the moment, but you may want to consider it down the road a recommendation perhaps to draw some of these other operators into the services for Accessible Services if not that, at least get money out of them to provide the services. It is available on the web where the people are indicated at the bottom there. Thank you. Thank you. Howard chadner . Good afternoon. Many people with mobility disabilities rely heavily on cars. San franciscos campaign on cars is making it more difficult, time consuming and expensive for us to move around the city. Thats why i supporting proposition l. Its called restore transportation balance, yes. Its a policy declaration not a charter amendment. It would start a dialogue with mta and city officials. Its a way for voters to give mta clar message that their policy is not protecting. Mta s been trying to install meters where no meters currently exist in my neighborhood around usf and along the perimeter of john adams campus. Mta backed down but they will continue to try to impose meters. Proposition l proposes it before and mta in stalls meters where they dont exist. Proposition l calls for free parking for meters on sundays and holidays and evenings and parking ticket rates. Mta has suspended sunday meters for the bond measure. After the election its likely that sunday meters will be reinstated. Moreover most holidays are still subject to meters. For example Martin Luther king jr. Day, labor day, memorial day, you still have to pay. When the mta was established its ly job was to over see muni. It made sense that only regular muni riders were represented and no motorist. Later mta took over jurisdiction and parking and taxis and sidewalk design and street space. Yet there is still no representation required on the mta board. Requiring that one member be on the board is the affection democracy. Proposition calls for equal enforcement of traffic laws. There are certainly terrible drivers in San Francisco and traffic laws must strictly be enforced against them. But there are also many cyclist that disobey the law. Disabled pedestrians are particular at risk. Traffic laws should be enforced for everyone and drivers and cyclist. Please vote on the november ballot. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment at this time . All right. We are moving on to the report from the director of the Mayors Office on disability, Carla Johnson. Thank you cochair supanich and councilmembers, Carla Johnson on the Mayors Office on disability. I have two items on my directors report. One is a quick announcement about staffing changes and second will be a little tour of the mod website. I wanted to let you know that john paul scott, our Deputy Director for architectural access has chose n to take a promotional appointment at the department of public works working as an access coordinator. John scott has been with us for 10 years and accomplished many Amazing Things especially around our ada transition plan. He is wellknown throughout the city for his skill, his mentor ship, his ability to move a project forward in spite of the many bureaucratic hurdles we face. Its going to be a great loss for our office to say goodbye to john paul. Hes not really gone from us. What we have now is a very huge additional resource at the department of public works. Hell still be doing access work for dpw. Hes gone but still very much with us. Hes also agreed to work with our office 812 hours a week as a transition planning to help transfer some of his responsibilities to its and also bridge thatgap while we seek his replacement. I hope the council might consider honoring him perhaps at the october meeting. I know hes been a very good friend to the council and just an in incredibly hardworking dedicated soul. We are going to miss him. My second part of my report is i wanted to introduce the mod web page. The first thing i wanted to say about our new web page is that i want thank our department of technology staff, bill coal rick and mark bruno because whe they developed a new web page, they created a project that is 508 compliant the rehabilitation act that addresses electronic communication. When we describe a website as 508 compliant what we are saying is that website, content and the documents, everything that appears visually on the page can be read by someone who is blind or low vision or using Screen Reader soft ware from their computers and making sure the videos posted have closed caption so the person with a hearing disability can follow the video. There can be caption but we want to make sure that information is delivered to all and that there is equal access. So in the department of technologys work on our website make sure its compliant and also introduced some very unique features. On the upper right hand corner, where you cant really see because of the captioner, there is a button that says accessibility. If you select that accessibility button you have a choice of 5 different tabs. One is site guide and another is font size and listen now and text only. The site guide instructions explains how to use the different disability features. The font size tells you how to enlarge the font on your own computer using a pretty standard control plus sign combination. The viewers allow you to download the software li pd fshss and word document and the listen now feature is quite unique because it allows you to have the computer read out the content that youve selected on the page as if you had Screen Reader software. So when you click on the listen now feature, it gives you a little control panel and as you go through your page and you select some texture able to use that control panel to actually play back the information to you. I will see if i can demonstrate that very quick. Also, while im bringing that feature up, i wanted to tell you that there is a Google Translate feature also and the Google Translate feature allows you to access the information by translating into different languages. You know, it maybe that i dont want to slowdown the meeting by clicking through those buttons but im going to describe the way the site is organize to keep things moving. In talking about the organization, it was really our effort with this web design to be more of a resource both for people in the Disability Community as well as people working within the city family, other city departments as well as the people who come to us with plans and permits looking fo our Quality ControlQuality Assurance program for accessibility plan check, and so we structured our web page so we have some quick links that allow you to go directly to the information that you might need. Down near the bottom of the page there is a shortcut quick link called the ada coordinator tool kit. The graphic that you can see on the page shows a little toolbox that is cute. In the tool kit there is everyone of our city and ada coordinator may need to do their job, listing the coordinate oris of the city and instruction about ada grievance procedure and link to actual text in the ada describe what our access and Public Meeting checklist. All sorts of things that our ada coordinators would use and we have our service and support policy there and information for how to work with Public Information officers and so on. Another shortcut button at the bottom in the center is a graphic for our Disaster Preparedness for people with disabilities. Thats a link to numerous resources whether they are external through fema, red cross, videos like how to prepare for a disaster as a person with a disability and some of the different work that this council through the disability Disaster Preparedness committee has published, most specifically that appendix to our care and shelter plan how to bring ada into emergency response. Our last coverage are review forms because we know our clients have a hard time navigating through the system to find the forms for a process. Over on the left side of the page are the standard tabs and those tabs are designed so that you can quickly display information from a smartphone. So they have a pull down collapse. We have an about us tab, the Mayors Disability Council has a direct link on the tab, ada Program Compliance which not only has the ada tool kit, but so much more. All kinds of training, for example that jonah has done over the years. We have those so people can review the power points at their leash. Under