Donated pots and flowers so this takes up room were trying to make our street for the community were not thats all we want space for our people to walk by. Thank you. Thank you okay mr. Johnson. Thank you. Id like to begin by correcting a couple of statements that the appellant made. So the appellant suggested for instance, that at t did no Community Outreach then he wanted to conceive is not the case at t, in fact, connected conducted two walkthroughs and wanted people to meet with at t. We originally property the box on the other side the community opposed that. So then we remailed and noticed we sent and field person out and meet e met with the appellant by attempting a purchase an easement in the driveway and that driveway was two dangerous because its an active driveway so it seems like it was not a good location. When we looked at the surrounding neighborhood the problem that came once we couldnt put it across the street this was the only location in the neighborhood that satisfied all of the objectives criteria that the department has. So we contacted the department in the fall of 2013 and had a conversation with jerry and lynn fong who agreed with us that is what ive been told by the two individuals who were on the call that the location on burr restraining order street was, in fact, the best location in that neighborhood. Its also not true this is simply about money it is simply all 3 of you know there are technical locations were limited by the fact it has to be within 3 hundred feet of the cabinet and were limit by the dozens of guidelines that the city has for where those boxes can and cant go. The department acknowledges and its own brief at least under the older ordinance the proposed location doesnt impede the rightofway ive seen the photographs its a large sidewalk. The proposed location didnt conflict with any of the objective guidelines in the old or new ordinance and neither the appellant nor dwp in its brief presented evidence that the s m f would establish whether or not a rightofway is impeded. I understand the appellants point of view its not dissimilar from at ts point of view hes worried about the sf m would impede his business. Finally because i know it will come up i simple again have to make a point about the retroactive clause in this situation the problem is that the city granted at t a permit more than two months ago. The city cant grant us a grant on day 10 after we submit our application and have it taken away by the board of appeals on the 69 days its been more than 60 days since our application was grant and our position is so the board no longer has jurisdiction over the appeal and simply dismiss it. Thank you. I have nothing further to add unless you have questions counselor the location that was not accepted by the Community Across the street which way on bruins no . I cant answer that i think one of your colleagues can and march blake man external affairs for atf it was on san broourng on the dead end portion where it runs into the subway and the parking meters are located horizontal. Yeah. All those streets across san broourn dead end. The community gave his this considerable amount of time making that into a reservation area for the community. Thank you. Thank you. Ms. Short carla department of public works. I dont have much to say thats different from the basing last case this case what in our opinion the contract was not finally, the board of supervisors completely determined the permit is not final if its pending before the board of appeals and the new ordinance requires that any permit not final on the effective day of the ordinance should be subject to the new ordinances so again on that basis the board should uphold the appeal and overturn the issuance of the permit although we believe the community issued this permit properly in the first place ms. Short you know if i recollect the ordinance one of the preliminary components of that was to not limit the Public Outreach to that irrational box walk. Thats correct. But because the potential sites the second round occurs it has happened here should this process more closely satisfy the new regulations . Did this process aha occurred for this permit. Prior . Well, one the provisions of the ordinance is that all potential sites will be identified in advance so that the community can then weigh all the potential sites simultaneously and therefore were not really pitting the Community Members against each other theyll have contrary opinions but open dysfunctions about the option this is not as closed is to the Community Participation and thanks but directing your attention or during the course how many sites were reviewed in this case i believe there was let me check. Lets start with the first round how many sites were reviewed during the course of that. The first round there was one site. Only one yes. Yes. And then subsequentially there were a second site proposed. The second round only one additional site . Yep ill double check this and youll are rebuttal. Yep. Thank you. Thank you. Any Public Comment on that item . Please step forward. Good evening xhiergsz im ruth walling list ive been involved with the Portland Neighborhood organization and ii feel ive been structural to bring up a part to san brunner avenue it was a dead he said an overgrown people through trash there we decided to put it a public space weve worked with the sfmta to get bulb out and crosswalks and a huge amount of pedestrian traffic and directly north of mr. Michelles establishment is the Northeast Medical Center that serves thousands of low income people to get health care and across the street is the family connections which again serves hundreds if not thousands of families in the neighborhood. This street has two busy business lines that go back and forth people are not just stroerl not paying attention theyre busy trying to get somewhere. Where this box would be that would restrict the pedestrian traffic and stroerts and which were in tow the different people trying to get to a bus stop and the Elderly Population thats huge in our neighborhood. Plus we think that the mitchels have been helpful in expanding our straightaway streetscape this area where they put their chairs out it is only outdoor seating space that any of the businesses in the neighborhood have provided. The Neighborhood Association has worked hard to get number of grant to create our park and we created seating areas on the other side of the street on brewers to have a place to meet we didnt have a public spates before. We think this is an inappropriate use. From anywhere recollection the first box was to be put on the south side of burr roses not on san brunner avenue but again, i cant be certain of that the south side of burr roses. Yeah. On the other side of san brunner on the other side. No. I think this location is on the south side of brunings. Not north side. The north side. So my understanding its near the hallway had a i cant think barbecue if i can say theres 3 restaurants at the four corners theres a lot of people moving in and out. I eat the sandwiches and go to the hawaiian barbecue but where would you recommend at t be located. I thought that the best solution was in the driveway their speaking of. If theres a safety hazard who what other location would you recommend. I dont personally think thats our problem to solve. Its not a good intersection its one of the busiest intersection understandiably and but it in a bad space the Martin Luther king academy they have a wide rightofway. So if you go burdening nos northeast or west it would be. It would be west directly west. So youre thinking san brunner west and sean brunners west side i believe thats the east side. Yeah. The west side yeah, the north side is vacate. They have a wide area there. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Is there any additional Public Comment. Good evening, commissioners. My name is inrene long time resident of the district and im also a member of the Neighborhood Association. And ive been a member now for going on three or four years i was a leader with the organization project. Im here to support the owners appeal to eliminate placing an at t box in front of his business the deli deli he currently has tables and chairs and planters and this would cause no space that street that sidewalk is not that wide okay. It would create cause problems for the residents, the patrons the children to go by in this area. Because i go to the delhi bat out of hell i didnt a lot to have coffee or a scratch i notice the problems they have trying to get through there now. So im also a member of the Beautification Committee my goal is to 0 seek the corridor beautiful i work with carla about trees so i feel that placing the boxes in this area will be an hen resistance and weve been trying to do that more a long time we feel that is not the right spot for the box. Thank you for listening. Thank you pardon. Any Public Comment on that item . Seeing none, no other Public Comment we can go back to rebuttal with the appellant first mr. Mitchell you have 3 minutes. Hi again. Yeah. We got the box it was directly across the street on burrow street and would that be with the hawaii with an. On the wine drive and on the side yes i dont know if it matters when you go fore a permit shouldnt you have the right address where youre putting it. Usually i know upper talking about numbers i addresses. Theres no one 10 burrows on that street theyve made a mistake with the numbers and that counts somewhat im not sure but law by obviously they didnt do their homework because one hundred 6 is where theyre putting it in front of the door and jumps to one 12 or 15 theyve got the address wrong. I hope you take into consideration and right around the corner is a good place i told the at t people at Martin Luther king at the corner of gerard they can cover it with interests i dont understand why they didnt look into those options mr. Mitchel im not sure where im going with that but if this box was moved in a westerly direction so its across from where your plants are is that resolve it a little bit better for you. So that theyre right in front of my door i will there no, no where the plants are. Where the plants are yes. Theres a gate next to the plant that goes into my apartment upstairs literally if you a long time the pictures youll see a gate. Just thinking about it. Im more than happy i dont think there was an alley but thats my offer. Mr. Johnson. So just a couple of points ill start with the address issue i think everybody on the board a aware at t applies for the permits its required to apply for a permittee finish tissues address if a person owns a property there are fictitious addresses that dont technically exist until the permit is granted. The appellant referred to a different location in a grove of trees i understand that is actually more than 3 hundred feet from the cabinet that will make if technicallyly infeasible for the cabinet we appreciate that the appellant has worked this its rare to have a private project sponsor to offer to work with an easement if we could have placed our cabinet in the easement we certainly would have taken up the offer in this situation. Id like to briefly address the departments argument again, i want to point out this is a different situation if theres evidence that the location actually impede the public rightofway. Thats not away why the department asked that the appeal be grant and the permit denied the departments position is that theres a series the procedural requirement that at t didnt comply with thats the basis of the new ordinance for denying the permit request. The problem with the position as a matter of law at t has a franchise with the state its a grant solely to the condition that our box doesnt impede the rightofway municipalities cant propose additional issues into permits and thats been litigated for one hundred years. I understand that the public didnt want the boxes i have to point out that the department has objective guidelines the surface mounted facilities have to have a minimum room for clearance and the department felt it would or they wouldnt have grant the permit. Finally in my remaining 11 seconds i want to say when im talking about the 60 days im referring to the date we applied for the permit as a matter of law it the clock runs at this point so how much further is that open patch of space i need the feet from. I dont have dan an exact measurement im hoping mr. Blake can address that. Nor do i have the exact laughter s a i is located on the corner of san brunner the easement that was basic considered the maximum of the 3 hundred feet that is the area behind the hawaiian eye stand under 3 hundred feet and the other question the box what is the further distance other one 3 hundred feet plus. Nowin 3 hundred feet its the secret provision they are within 3 hundred feet. San francisco is different than is a listens. Then what. Is a listens. Yeah. I thought i saw an oral with your name and the city of is a listens. Regarding . At t. No salinas is part of my territory but i cover everything from san louis obisco county. I thought they were appreciative. Of what. Of at ts efforts. Are you referring to our gig gay power in cappuccino. No, i saw something in salinas. We built something in salinas i was there regarding another issue but okay. Thanks. Ms. Short. Carl Short Department of public works first, i want to correct the earlier statement the issuance was at the box walk a second site was proposed so at the hearing the hoff held open that hearing to consider the affectionate of the second site no report was submitted in at t but caltrain wouldnt have been supportive of having a box adjacent to that. So then on the second go around the one site that was considered although at the box walks that at t representative suggested that the alley way easement that had been proposed with an an ideal location and later came back and said they were concerned about safety. The only point i want to make the department is not suggesting a procedural requirement our ordinance requires that any permit thats not finally on the dated of the ordinance and specifically says if the permit is not final during the appeals i know the new ordinance will apply. The preschool process was different and the previous case had not gone through the process we ska ask the appeal compels you to uphold it. Ive got a question yeah. Go ahead. So mr. Mitchell stated he has a permit for tables and chairs. When you issued that permit how far out other than the sidewalk is he allowed to go thats noted in hits tabled and chair permits it can be according to the sidewalk id to look at the permit by the department was aware of the permit when it was approved. Theres not a lot of space between where those tables and chairs are versus see i dont know how correct the make up box is for instance to the at t box. You know the minimum pedestrian thorough way is 48 inches in federal law i know with the tables and chairs we try to keep 6 feet and i believe based on photo it looks like theres likely to be more than the federal minimum i cant tell if its 6 feet based on the photos. It looks close but someone sitting in a chair. We require the of feet its without question thats why question exceed the 4 feet minimum if they have a foot out it will keep the necessary federal maintained. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioners the matters yours. Commissioners the in general, i agree with the department in the since article 27 does apply. The question in my mind this is probably the closest ive been to saying that the net effects of what that article and its process bring forth has been to a certain degree met here in this particular case. And, yes it didnt have all of the potential sites agree elevate at the beginning and have a resolution to one site potentially but knowing what has been happening historically its likely even that kind of process will be convoluted and have some level of contentione