She struggles every month to pay for the bus to come and visit her children and to bring the grandchildren to visit their fathers at the jail. And she struggles for diapers, she struggles for daycare for them, and the idea that we would charge anything less than just anything more than a Small Service fee feels really predatory and we want you to know about that and we are there to try to be sure that family cans care for each other and stay connected through the crisis of an incarceration, thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please . Good morning. My name is alexander and i am an organizer with inaudible and me myself on previously incarcerated and my partner right now is serving a sentence in the federal prison. And just by being a partner of someone who is inside, i know first hand, how expensive it can be to take care of the loved one who is incarcerated. And the fees that are being put so that you can put money on someones commissary books, are completely out of the question. When it comes to the fact that we are already struggling to try to make ends meet at home. Like i am a transitional aged youth and i struggle every day to try to make ends meet for myself and i know lots of people who have loved ones who are inside and we already have to pay a fee to put money on the phone. And so, to have to pay a fee to put money on someones books, it is just, it is just a hardship and a half, and it is like too much sometimes. And i support the fee being reduced but i also support the fee being completely disregarded and removed as well. But, i just wanted to really express that it is a hardship for a lot of people who are in the system, especially because of the disproportionate amount of people of color in the system and how things are already so hard for us to survive every day. I just wanted to express that we would like the fee to be reduced and eventually removed. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker . Good morning. Good morning, john murphy and i am a private detective in san francisco. I am appointed often to assist defendants, defendant whose have chosen for whatever reason to represent themselves. This phone card business has been going on for years. I have dealt with nick inaudible who does a good job, and talk about a thankless job, but this phone card thing, for years they gave an actual card to a defendant, in custody, and that often times ended up in trading or sales of that card, so if this new system is like the federal system and an online and so you have a number of a pfn and you go and you are allowed to charge against your account, defendants will not sell their numbers because they will lose everything. And so, if this happens, and if you do keefe it is such a great thing, next to a good lawyer, the phone is the most important thing to anybody in custody it is their only way to communicate it is so fundamental and so important for a defendant either on a motion or a vote where he has already violated his probation or presumed innocent in new case, everyone has a cell phone, and what we do is talk on the phone. It is so difficult to park around the hall and go up to four interview rooms, that a quick phone call helps me tremendously. And i want to support him in the efforts to make this change as well as other changes and nick, thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please . Good morning. My name is lewis and i am a former inmate, at the county jail, and so i have seen this issue first hand. And one of the things that i would like to address is the larger picture of community safety. I mean, all of you probably have more knowledge as to why the crime rate tends to be higher in areas that are socioeconomically disenfranchised or lower and so these familis that 80 percent of the inmates their families are at that what we call the considered poor, and it creates a situation by which individuals just out of the love and compassion for the loved one that are being incarcerated into possibly go and seek other meetings in order to supply the necessary, you know, income to be able to just give someone level of receive for those individuals who are incarcerated, the food in the prisons to say the least is not the greatest and i understand that jail is not supposed to be a place, that is not supposed to be club med. But commissary is one of the avenues that allows individuals that are incarcerated an option. And so to me it is like the larger picture of how the larger picture of how these prices and the expenses that it then puts on individuals that really are at the bottom of the totum pole to begin with, have been. Even more and it creates an environment that perpetuate a negative cycle. Thank you. Next speaker please . Good morning, my name is gary dowel and i am with the access advocate and we are a Training Program that actually helps the youth and young adults matriculate back into the community from other disparities that they have in the community. We want to eliminate and we think that it is a travesty that you would put a fee on the only real connection that the prisoners have to the community, which is their phone. Their families, and their associates that they will be able to stay in communication with, would, that is their own means of communication. So we support, the sheriff in all of these effort and we hope that you will alleviate that charge. Thank you. Next speaker please . Good morning, supervisors. I run the prison Legal Service visiting the jails and i am going to speak on behalf of the prisers and their families right now, i think that you heard that most of the people in our jails dont have the means to get out and post bail at this time if they did they would not be there. And the families that dont have the means, are required to put sometimes, as high as 25 percent or more of what they wanted to put on their books, just to give them, you know, as a personal story, i have a story of a friend serving time to the federal prison and he was shipped from county jail to county jail, and he call me and ask me to put in money, every time that i put in 100, it cost us 15 to 20 and every time that he would leave, there was money left it would cost 10 to get the money back and plus the time. And the cost, it really is just a cost issue, for these families that cant afford it. And a lot of times the bread winner is in jail, too, and the other thing that i know, supervisor breed asked about why there are fees at all. And you know, my understanding just like when we go to the atm, if we dont go to ours it costs 2. 50 to 5, and i believe part of what is driving this is the banks themself and we dont have control over that, but whatever we can do, i think that we should do. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to make the Public Comment at this time . Yeah. I am here for another matter, my name is ken johnson and not too long ago, a loved one of mine was incarcerated, and it blew me away that you know, to put money on the phone, and that can cost, and i wondered why . Because in my younger days when i was in and out of jail when i was younger, we could use the phone for free. And they had a pay phone in the jail. And so i dont know, how this came about, but you know, if you have the change, you should because it would really help a lot of people. Thank you. Are there any dr. Jackson . Good morning, jackson and i didnt come to speak on this, but i am really amazed of what i am hearing here today. Because, most people dont realize, but when our young people or husbands or what have you go to jail, and we are serving time as well. And those, that go, are the ones that when we try to help our young people, you know, put things on the books, i didnt know that they were taking my money like that. And because, it used to be free. And you have young people that are in the jail and they know, and the other people and you know, in the community, contact us and i have had so many people to contact me, but they were not paying then, why is there, it is something wrong with this picture. And it needs to be investigated. Because, i dont understand why people are making money off of those of us that incarcerated and living in the conditions that we are life ng and has already been stated. It already happened to those that poor, you know, and the minority communities black and brown and so why dont you all look and investigate this. Why is the banks making money, whoever is making the money it is a shame, it is a crying shame that this is going on and you all need to stop it, thank you. Thank you. Jackson, and i come to speak on this, but, i think that i am glad to have the opportunity, my name is inaudible and, i would want to say first of all, i can tribute out to the sheriff, and the department, and i am very happy and pleased and i am sure that most of our people are happy that ross is the boss, i mean that he is the sheriff. And that is the boss. And i am very much appreciative, that he comes from our district as you may know, supervisors and he has done a wonderful job in the eight years, back in the years we had the most, highest crime rate, homicide, rate, and to have a man like that that knows exactly, sincerety of the community and in the Sheriff Department is an outstanding thing, but one thing that i want to say is you know i am very much ashamed of this administration, i am ashamed at ed lee, he was with me and we worked together with the hrc and it is no mystery, and all that you got to do is check your history. A lot of conspiracy and that is why i am here today. And i walked through the down stairs, and the first thing that they say is that i feel that the. inaudible the building and am i really that important now . I guess that i have been around for 25 years. And i sheded some tears and i am here to tell you all, excuse me, and i hear the people from the peanut gallery back there and the other thing is you all better. This building right here is a public building. And therefore, if you dont want to be on the cameras, dont come here, because they have cameras all the way around there. And i am not having it. And my main lace, you all. And i am on this case. Thank you, mr. Washington. You forgot your phone. Are there any other members of the public that would like to speak on this item at this time . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, i just want to make a few comments, thank you, mayor for not only addressing this issue, of the commissary but also addressing the issue around reducing the phone rates, and i would like to see those in the jails and be free. And completely, and hopefully we can continue to move in the positive direction and reduce these cost but this is in the right direction and these are some major reforms that need to be done. And we appreciate your leadership on this. So with that, colleagues, is there a motion to send this to the full board of the Committee Report, with positive recommendation . Yes. I just want to say that it is a nobrainer for us to be cutting the cost permits for the families and bringing the money to the family and so i want to make a motion to move forward with the recommendation to the board. Thank you. Without objection, and this item proved to the full board as the Committee Report as a positive recommendation. Thank you. Madam clerk, could you call the next item . Mayorresolution retroactively authorizing the department of Emergency Management, on behalf of the city and county san francisco, as the fiscal agent for the Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative uasi , to accept and expend an increase to fy2013 uasi grant funds in the amount of 1,012,873 for a total of 23,632,173 from the u. S. Department of Homeland Security through the California Office of Emergency Services for the period september 1, 2013, through may 31, 2015. Okay. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you very much. And supervisors, i am with the department of Emergency Management, and so the item before you is an expense for 1 Million Dollars from the u. S. Department of Homeland Security the money is from the urban area, funds planning and training and exercises for Emergency Management agency and Fire Departments, and Police Departments and Sheriff Departments and other public agencies around the region and san francisco, is the chair of the regional organization, that distributes this money. And in the bay area, and the city is also the fiscal agent and that is why it is in front of you, and dhs, the department of Homeland Security awarded this grant, to the bay area. And about a year ago, as a 22 Million Dollar grant and back in may, the Department Funded additional one Million Dollars and that is 967,000, is going to go to the northern california, Regional Intelligence Center and it is for Cyber Security equipment, and maintenance agreements. And then the additional 45,000 is going to go to the California Office of Emergency Services, and to coordinate the Cyber Security around the state on these actually and the no fiscal impact on this grant for our budget, and it creates no new position and no matching grants are required or matching funds are required from the city and i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. Okay. Colleagues, are there any questions at this time . Okay, thank you. We will open this item up to Public Comment. And are there any other members of the public that would like to speak, please come forward you will have two minutes. Traditional criminal law inaudible allowance for the constitution inaudible . And no gambling, and no smoking, inaudible thank you. Are there any other members of the public who would like to make Public Comment at this time . Please come forward. I just have a question for the speaker on item two, what is her definition of Cyber Security . Because Cyber Security is like a general term, it could be like the fire law and f. B. I. Spying on average u. S. Citizens and so it would be interesting to find out exactly what the initiatives are that are being implemented in our area and how they are being implemented in our area. Thank you. And so the Public Comment is usually, a time to comment, and you can maybe, get her card and take that or get the information from her directly, at a different time are there any other members of the public . Seeing, none Public Comment is closed. Colleagues . I am happy to move this forward to the recommendation to the full board as a Committee Report. Without objection, this item is moved forward with a positive recommendation. Could you call the next item is hearing to receive an update from the City Services auditor on the status of audit recommendations. Okay, director of audits. Miss tanya levagu, am i saying that right. Yes, maam. And thank you for being here today, again. And good morning, the share and supervisors tang and chiu, i am the director of city audits for the Controllers Office and today kat is with me and she is an associate audit or in my office and i am here today to present our offices first annual report on recommendations that the departments still have not implemented more than two years after they were issued. This is a new step that we have added to our process for following up on the recommendations that we have issued. And as a reminder, the benefit from the audit work is not only in its findings and recommendations, but in the actual implementation of the corrective actions, by conducting the follow up it helps us to insure that the departments are implementing change, and it further inchances the accountability of auditties and city agencies and management and also allows us to openly assess the value of our work. Our office gets two kind of follow up work, regular and follow up and we do regular follow up, for all recommendations for two years, after they are issued. And these follow ups, we periodically, ask the departments, and the departments to report to us on the implementation status. And we may select certain highrisk audits for the field follow up where we go back into the department and gather evidence, and attest to whether each recommendation was implemented and for more details on the audit follow up project, you can refer to the first section of our report. I will provide an update for what we previously discussed before this committee and discuss the nature of this new annual report, and then i will give an overview of the departments progress in implementing our recommendations and finally i will summarize the recommendations that departments still have not implemented more than 2 years after csa issued them. And as you requested supervisor, breed, i would like to provide you an update on some issues that we have discussed at prior gal meetings related to audit recommendations. And in april, i presented two contested recommendations from our audit of the pucs job order contract, program which asked the department to have personnel, outside of the program, review invoices and maintain the proper segregation of duties nancy from the sfpuc indicated that she will work closely with the Program Staff and cfa to insure that the puc implements an acceptable solution. Since then, puc and cfa, reached an agreement, and we now consider the two recommendations closed. And so we are pleased with but what they have brought forward and in february, i presented two contestant recommendations from the audit of the department of Public Health and the administration of the 2. 2 Million Dollar, contract with kci, usa incorporated and those recommendations asked dph to implement an over all contract Monitoring System which they have reported that they did not have adequate resource to do. And inaudible from dph, indicated at the meeting that the department was in the process of a major restructuring and we are in the process of making resources available, to implement the recommendations. And since then, he reports that dph is continuing its planning and implementation of the Central Business office that will be charged with among other things, the Department Wide contract monitoring procedures. And after they implement that process, and have and it hasen up and in operations, we will go back in and do a follow up audit. Great, thank you. So, as i mentioned earlier, cfa audits have implemented a new step in our follow up process and that is our two year report and these are recommendations that have not been implemented within the two year period and then our two year period, once we issue an audit, we have a 6month, a 12, and a 18 and a 24month and our hope is that all recommendations are implemented. And again, during that process, we do indepth follow up on some high risk recommendations and most recommendations receive most other follow up after the two year cycle and to continue, to hold the departments accountable for implementing the recommendations beyond the twoyear, period and we have now implemented the two year process and also a way of bringing it to you, to understand what is outstanding. And so, this years report, summarizes the status of all of the recommendations cfa audits issued over the two year period of the fiscal years, 10, 11, 11, 12, and gives the details of those recommendations the table shows that the departments progress in implementing the 689 recommendations issued, and in the fiscal years, 10 11 and 11 12 across the departments, in a few instances they recommended before they issued them in a report or a memo that was 6 percent of the departments and 48 percent within six months and 67 percent within one year and 83 percent before the end of csas two year follow up cycle. After our two year cycle, cfa will solicit updates from the departments but all recommendations that have not been closed will again, appear on the annual report to the gao. And 88 of the recommendations 13 percent were closed after cfas two year, cycle completed and in total, the departments implemented 96 percent of the narrowly, 700 recommendations. Out of the 698 recommendations, cfa issued in these two fiscal years, 10 11 and 11 12, 28 remain open across several departments in the next few slides i will give a high level summary of those recommendations and the last report status. The Arts Commission has one pending recommendation from cfas audit of the street Artist Program and the recommendation asks the department to accept the credit Card Transactions from the street Artist Program to pay their license fees. Arts Commission Reports that this is not technically possible, with their current website and that it has included this recommendation as part of the budget request, to be designed its website and it has not been granted. And but it is currently exploring other alternatives until they are able to fully implement a system online, so it sets a payment, and the Police Department has one recommendation from the cfa audit of the over time and premium pay related to a policy requiring anticipated voluntary and over time schedules of the 90 day period for the officers who have received, the over time limits and the department has determined that the policy as written is not practical and it is updating its policies and procedures with the more effective and realistic controls to monitor over time work by the officers. And who exceed over time limits and again, once that policy is implemented and at a certain time period has passed we will go back in and reduce the patients so it has been two years, and when can we expect it to actually there, and they informed you that it would be implemented . And it has not yet, been implemented, what is the delay . The change in policy has. Can you introduce yourself . My name is cats and i am the associate audit tore in the office. My understanding is that the department has in practice, implemented the change in the procedures and what they are doing and they have drafted the policies and the procedures as they should be revised. They just have to go through the formal review process in order to be finalized. And they are in the process of that now and expect that to happen by the end of the year. Okay. But it has been two years since the recommendation was made yes. What has been the delay for the last two years to get to this point and now it is going to take you know, a little bit more time as well . In the interim responses there was an attempt to try to enforce the policy as it was written, and in the course of that they were finding that it was just impractical to do because even when they were getting these 90 day volunteer schedules, and the volunteer over time schedules, but they were not really adhered to because it is very difficult for an officer to predict, what their volunteer over time is going to be for a threemonth period. And so, part of the delay was that they were trying to enforce the policy as it was written and came to the conclusion that it was not a practical solution and that they needed a more effective control over this. Okay, thank you. If you like we could bring that back before you. Yes, please. So dph has one outstanding recommendation to implement a Department Wide contract system as spoke to before and this recommendation is similar to one made in the audit of the kci contract earlier. And as i discussed in the reference to the kci reference contract audit, dph is in the process of implementing this contract wide procedure and we will go back and follow up. And we have done quite a bit of work at dph and as a result of that work and as well as, the director garcia realizing that there were a lot of desegregated activities there, now formulating a much better organizational structure around these types of processes. And Human Resources have two outstanding recommendations related to negotiating specific issues of compensation, with the firefighters, labor union. And these recommendations come from cfas audit of the Fire Departments payroll, processes. And however, they were directed to dhr because dhr initiates and confer with the unions, are the labor unions. And dhr, just closed their process of negotiating 29 labor agreements and now that task is completed they will set up a meeting this month for a meet and confer with the appropriate labor union on this issue. And how long is that going to take . Because it has been a few years, and the concern that i have is that the city is always, and is already issued out millions of dollars for an official pay outs, and i am really concerned, about allowing this practice to continue in the audit took place several years ago. Yes. And it was supposed to be a change and so how is this even possible legally to pay out these unofficial amounts during retirement . So, from the legal perspective, i cant answer. And i know when we brought this forward to dhr part of it was the need for the labor contract to be open and at that time it was not opened and they were waiting to reopen it and so i will check back with dhr on their time line with regards to the meet and confer and moving for ward. So just for clarity, because it was not my understanding that this was spelled out in the labor contract, and it is not necessarily appropriate city policy, so i am just confused by how it is able to happen in the first place. So what i will do is i will, when we go back and talk with our fire department, and dhr. Okay. And refresh my memory on this particular audit, because there is a reason why the finding is there and it probably is directly, what, the labor contract is saying, and policy. Yes. And i will get back with you