Tenant to vacate the unit. Right now the only course that at tenants have is to go to court which is very costly and it is the most cumbersome and expensive form of resolving these issues. Something in the end that is not good for the tenant and not good for the landlord. Tenant situation have reported that 80 percent of tenants that visit for assistance are seeking help in dealing with allegations of harassment by their landlord. This legislation is designed to address this widespread problem and it gives both the landlord and tenant an avenue, in this case the rent board to find a resolution to the issue. This would allow the tenant to file a complaint with the rent board which will schedule an Administrative Law judge and they will be able to present their case and they will be given a summary for each side. At that point the rent board can decide to take further proceedings by initiating legislation or referring to the San Francisco district attorney. Right now the only option is to take the matter to court. I want to thank just cause for their work in this act of legislation and the rest of the advocacy groups that are working with people that are being displaced throughout the city. This is truly an epidemic. When you are dealing with a crisis you have to respond like it is a crisis. I look forward to this legislation being heard in committee and a look forward to the support and cosponsor ship to the rest of my colleagues. The rest i submit. Thank you, we had an officer involved shooting in the Marina District on sunday. I was at the crime scene a few hours afterwards. Anything like that, as supervisors we take seriously and public issue is what i will always be concerned about in the district i represent. And those in district 2, we are going to have a Community Town hall meeting about the shooting. Im going to host it along with chief sur, tomorrow evening at 6 00. Marina middle School Tomorrow evening, wednesday, 6 00. P. M. Those that are interested come out to the event. Thank you supervisor, ferrel. Supervisor kim . Thank you. I do actually have a tomb couple of items to introduce today. I was not at the Board Meeting last week because of the sister delegation which was great. I want to introduce a couple items today. The first is on nonprofit displacement. This is a hearing that we recently heard a couple weeks ago at the budget and finance committee. I want to thank the Committee Members of budget and finance for sitting at this hearing. It was an important opportunity for us to hear directly from our nonprofit organizations many of which we fund here in the city and the clients in turn in the struggle that many of them are facing against during this boom that we are experiencing in the city. Something that is a positive as we create jobs. We want to make sure that we are able to address some of the negative impacts of this which is the increase in commercial rental rates. From 37 square foot to 69 per square foot in the last year. While we were adding thousands of jobs and dropped to 9. 3 percent. We also recognize that our services are an essential part of what we provide here in the city. Many to our most vulnerable residents whether they are seniors, children, low income residents and others and we need to do what we can to ensure that they are able to continue the services at the rate that we expect them to. We know this happened over 10 years ago and the city has a work group done but did not have to go through on many of the strategies because we hit unfortunately another economic cycle. Understanding that we are in a constant boom in San Francisco, we want to reengage this work group to come up with strategies to support our nonprofit workers and organizations that provide invaluable services. Im working with the Mayors Office of housing, the mayors Budget Office and Arts Commission and Mayors Office of Work Force Development and we want to reinitiate this work group to be able to come up with a couple of ideas and projects and solutions by the end of the fiscal year and to support many of the causes we fund. On the second item is an interim plan control for Property Owners to obtain a permit. These controls are meant to prevent future evictions similar to the ones you read about the owners of 1049 market street. Its time to allow the city to conduct a survey on the loss of residential units throughout the south of market, a former industrial neighborhood that is experiencing add development boom. In fact during times when it was hard for commercial Property Owners to rent out their spaces, we are now learning that they are committed to residential use. Now that they are considering moving back to the original use, we want to do a pause and survey as to how many residents are impacted by this housing. We dont want this to be another source of evictions in the city. That is our second item today. Our third item is a resolution. And so the last item is a resolution supporting increased ak access to after School Students as opportunities as a part of our comprehensive Education Plan and to building a familyfriendly city. In the last 30 years as was well articulated during the debate around Flexible Work schedules and president chiu, its 77. 3 percent of school ages children mothers are in the labor force. 15. 1 million children take care of themselves from the time they get home from school. After school is not an only alternative place away from home, its a place for children to spend time after school and they have better grades, work habits and more positive relationships with their peers and are able to develop Critical Thinking and arts. For someone who worked in these programs, i saw how this helped young people and enhanced their connections and peers and soft skills and in incredibly important. As we continue to make drastic cuts to our Public Schools which our state continues to make, we often see a shortening of our school day which the a detriment to the young people. Its essential to education. This is a discussion that my former school board colleagues, supervisor yee and supervisor mar are quite familiar with as we struggle through state cuts as weve seen in 2005 and 2006, the Public Education fund which are dollars to fund schools, dedicated to children and family activities are essential in supporting families when the state continues to cut this. As this board knows well i have always supported city schools and never think this is a bad expenditure of our dollars. San francisco has made an incredible front in the last several years to increase access to the programs and increase the quality of the programs citywide. The citywide collaboration is known in expanding known in collaborative and lead by dcyf. In terms of active collectively we have 70 percent of k through 8 children want to enroll in one. As though this is a much higher percentage, we would like to see more access. Project k through fund has been an Important Program and we would like to see this improve. Im proud to have served on the first year of the prop age Fund Advisory committee that helps guide originally how its allocated the first 10 million for the 55,000 students whether it was on libraries, arts, sports, bathrooms, and many other needs that our schools have. When you visit our schools which i know many of you do and i did every would elk that i served on the school board, you see what these dollars do for the children. One of the primary issues that i hear now over again and i know many of you also hear is the gradual solution of the bus, again from budget cuts. What we are noticing is an incredible pressure among parties to be able to pick up their kids from school and take them home or drop them off at after School Programs in the middle of their day. One of our Staff Members has three children in Public School and her and her partner everyday must determine who is going to leave work and pick up their children and drop them off after school. We know that being in a friendly family city, that being able to provide this service for these children onsite is to show a commitment to familyfriendly city. Im looking forward to the hearing which supervisor ferrel has called at the city joint committee of the board of education and look forward to working with his office and dcyf and sfusd in making this a reality. I also want to acknowledge supervisor mar and yee who will also be cosponsoring this resolution and would like everyone to attend this meeting related to the Childrens Fund and the public enrichment education fund. The focus of these meetings is to create a shared vision for children and families and dates and locations will be happening throughout the month of november throughout the city. You can find these on dcyf our children, our city, website. The last is in memoriam that i would like to smut. Submit. I dont have the notes on that. Thank you supervisor kim. Supervisor mar . Thank you, madam clerk, as a single dad, im happy that kim has Just Announced that norman and i all three board president s are in support of that and i think its critical for families and our neighborhoods. Also supervisor campos referenced the tale of two cities and im proud to support the measure on the Company Sponsor of people being harassed out of their houses and pushed out and displaced. Im proud to be a part of that. I want to say that im very pleased that supervisor wiener and i are totally united to bring to the ballot one measure that the address the impacts of sodas and sugary drinks and to have sugar sweetened beverage distribution fee that will have Funds Available to the neighborhoods and the communities that are most impacted. In 2 weeks, i will be introducing our an approach to that. That will be a soda and sugary drinks distributor fee that distributes revenue and prioritizes those communities. Weve been working on this for over a year in areas like tenderloin, chinatown, the Mission District, and Supervisor John Avalos and jermaine polack from avalos office have been working on a growing coalition of Public Health children and Community Based organizations and School Groups and leaders to address the Health Impacts on sugary drinks. We are advocating support from African American and latino communities as well. Sugary drinks are detrimental to the health of the public. The sugar consumption of these drinks impacts many of San Franciscos most vulnerable population. Supervisor avalos and wiener and the Budget Analyst Office will be looking at the types of drinks. After that report is done well have a hearing on the impact on Public Health and the economy. The sugary drink distributor fee would pose 0. 02 for each ounce of sugary benefits. There is some question about the grams of sugar to be looked at and well look into that at the committee level. This is funds being raised for communities that are high in diabetes and strokes and what we known from the best research and center for eating and wellness and weight disorders. The Research Shows there are strong links to sugary drinks consumption and includes sugar and energy drinks. I introduced to yale one of the most well respected centers for research. I think its critical that as ron l books highlights there is going to be a food fight with the beverage industry. Cocacola and pepsi which supported 2 million so the small town in california in el monte. They put in 2 million to defeat that measure. It will be a food fight, but we will win and they will throw mud and food and misinformation but we will win with Real Research and data from our communities. I want to say that its really important in how we move forward to build that coalition to develop legislation and to move with one measure. There is also debate about november 2014 where we shall have a number of other measures that are progressive revenue measures. I think thats another debate in this committee and with this body. The coalition that i and supervisor avalos have been working with is the Public Health and some of the best Health Services in the world, the shape up coalition and the American Heart Association and sf hip and Public Health in our city. I have reached out and in support of hopefully the support of 11 supervisors we can have more at the table with one measure going forward. I would like to thank all of your support involve this. Also today im introducing a resolution that will pave the way for a new glass structure in the west guard of the academy and sciences in golden state park. Once completed it will replace the tent that is below the sculpture that you cant even see right now. The structure will provide its guest with additional cafe to the existing food services. The structure has the option of opening its covers when weather permits and closing when it does not. Well be able toen jo i the facility yearround. Halloween is coming up on thursday, there is a number of fun events and some healthy food events and other events in the Richmond District and throughout the city. Tonight, tomorrow night and in the Mission District at the Balboa Theatre will be showing spooky theatres and tomorrow its bob wilkins creature feature. On halloween morning many of us will be joined by families starting off work with a bike ride, a scary bike ride to the civic center and beyond. I will be on my bike with my costume as well. Well start at 3 avenue. Join us at 730 in the morning. Bring your costumes and you get coffee drinks if you join us. Lastly between 26 he had over to clemente street to the Merchants Association which has been amazing in transforming our neighborhood and making it more welcoming to families. And look for all the merchants and support them but also they will be giving treats out to young people as well who are trickortreating. The rest i will submit. Thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor kim you asked to be referred. Thank you. Today im introduce a quest on how City Management large scale events in the south and Central Market neighborhoods and has had a Significant Impact on the residential communities which many people dont realize how residential our communities are. Im asking to learn more about the existing policy as to ask about many of our residents on how to evaluate the appropriateness that close down or city streets, public parks and sidewalks for multiple days at a time and have a tremendous impact on the residented on the south of market and Central Market areas i would like to hear from the development, as the steps taken to address neighborhood outreach, traffic congestion, and loss of public space and quality of life and Public Safety concerns that we often get emails about when these events happen during these time of year particularly. We have been receiving many emails complaining about the lack of city support and outreach during events like the detour and the oracle convention. We would like to Better Connect our residents to when these large scale events happen in our neighborhoods. Finally i would like to close in memoriam of cheng looi. Who was a grandfather and lived at the apartments on clem teen an alley. In the south of market. He was run over by a munis bus on 11th while riding his bicycle on october 17th. The bus was turning onto bryant and 11th when it struck him. The munis bus lacked a key safe element that may have saved his life. We are saddened by this tragedy. Im reminded how many are impacted by our street design and also that potentially bad driving behavior. As we look to change the hearts and minds and shift of our culture to one of transit first options, im looking forward to working with many of our city departments to make our streets safer and particularly in the south of market as we have had our fourth cyclist fatality this year. I want to send our condolences on behalf of the board to the looi family. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor kim. Mr. President , seeing no other names on the roster that concludes our introduction. Thank you, i would like to have commendations. Supervisor avalos . Thank you, its my pleasure to call upon a very special individual who is in the audience collean small also known as queen koug ur. You can please come up to the podium. I am delighted and honored to present this commendation today to an exemplary woman who has understanding of diverse sexuality and life styles who has spent many years raising money for numerous organizations in the lgbt community. Shes known as queen cougar. Born in the bronx. Soon after she moved to San Francisco, she became clean and sober and as part of that life change, she decided to come open and honest about herself. It is this honesty that has prepared her for this community and she is an active and valued Community Leader in this city. Shes a public speaker and singer. Someone of many talents. Shes probably the most experienced and most well traveled member of the San Francisco community. She has twice mcs the international mr. Leather competition in chicago and sang at events throughout the country. She is has participated in multiple national anthemth and participated in many events. Shes talked about human sexuality and being part of the lifestyle that is different from the norm. She is a major advocate for safety and support for fetish and kink life styles. I want to recognize queen cougar in the board of supervisors. She was crowned miss San Francisco leather. As the oldest living person who holds this title, it is our honor to recognize queen cougar for her great work and the work shes done in this community. She really has lived up to the great spirit of leaders like harvey milk. We know that she has been given many accolades in the past including my colleague scott wiener. But i want to publically thank her and recognize her work because im in awe of her commitment, im really humbled by everything she has accomplished by her talent and bravery and originality. Queen cougar, it is my honor to recognize you today. [ applause ] i want to thank everyone for this honor. I appreciate being honored by this chamber. When i first became involved, people asked me do you want to be a political person . I do not. I know that so i became political just because of the nature of what i was doing. To be recognized by my peers and fellows is the highest compliment that i can be given. The things i did over the years i did for the love in my heart. For the activities and be involved for the way my heart chose to be involved and the skills and abilities that i had came forth in the midst of that process. If im a beacon to anybody who feels that in anyway they are hindered because of anything at all and i certainly have several different elements to my life that people might see as a hind rance. Im a woman of color, a woman, a gay woman. I have had difficulties, but its possible to live the life you want to live and we know that living in San Francisco, it is possible to live the life that is for you to live. I thank you very much for this award and i appreciate very much the honor. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you, an congratulations. Colleagues we have a number of commendations after our 3 00 p. M. Special order

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