If you could please address our comments to the commissions in order to allow equal time for all neither the staff nor the commissioner will not respond but the commissioners my request questions and with that were on item two the president s report. I want to thank the secretary of the commission well all on electronic derives were going to save a couple of trees the ipads and thank you very much for all the work that went into it. Now, its my pleasure to acknowledge a former commissioner that has retired. I want to read a resolution and make a few comments. Whereas Laurence Larry mountain was born in pining bluffing arizona and began helping out his mother packing shelves latter he made clifrz for her store and his accept farts motorcycling and storage company. Whereas larry began his career he was elected the chairman of the San Francisco railroad in International Representative and international vip in 1993 and over 38 years he retired in 2004 from that job. Whereas, he proudly worked with and sometimes p had dpifsz well known with Dianne Feinstein and willie brown and edwin ed lee and wrarsz he served on had any delve half a years and the Planning Commission 8 and a half years and was appointed to the committee its exfoliating enjoyed how many years whereas larry has a deep finding of the Committee Meetings and larry Stock Exchange believes in the Public Outreach and whereas the rec and park and did not have been fortunate enough to have a person with a sense of commitment and whereas larry will be sorely missed as well as his input and you expertise now in front be are we revolted on behalf of the city of San Francisco they recognize larry b martins contributions and to express his high passionate work and wish him a well retirement and enjoy with his daughters and grandchildren clapping larry were going to present you with a signed proclamation east and you can get our picture taken and but i have your nameplate here and you probably want to hang into this by the way, you never know. Lets present him with the certificate and get our pictures taken. Lets give him another round of applause. And that concludes my president report is under anyone who would like to make Public Comment on the president s report. Okay seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And were going on item 2 the adjourn managers report commissioners i want to use my normal time today to briefly address the tragic adams that occurred on holy park which one of our employees was involved in a death. Its been devastating for christens daughter and family and coworkers our thoughts and prayers public and private are with them. Ive spoken on a few occasions and on behalf of the department ive expressed our condolences. At this point the rp d employee involved has not been charged hes been placed on leave while the sfpd continues the investigation. We recognize this has been a dark time for the employee too. The core of our mission is to stuart save, clean and fun parks. The safety of our park yourselves is most important. We have Vehicle Operations policies that govern the use of our vehicle fleet. And we find this excel rare but that data is of little importance to us now. Supervisor coming past has going called for a report. We will have professionalism and grace. That complukdz my comments thank you. Do we have any Public Comment on the general managers report . Seeing none, Public Health department is closed on the general report. Were on general Public Comment on item 4 members of the public may talk about the interests within the jurisdiction of the commission and does not appear on the agenda with reporter to the agenda items your opportunity will be afforded when the item a reached in the meeting. Anyone who want to make general thats not on the agenda. Okay. Go ahead good morning. I came over today to remind this commission that the health and wellbeing is important to the city residents. In case i dont know carbon addiction clears the air pollution and sounds a safe habitat for wildlife and prevents landslides. We have a quote destroy the public building and it can be built in a year and destroy the land and it cant be reck identified and the City Government and this Commission Takes a casual position. There are many examples. In the la fast park about 683 were slated for removal some of them after talking with the neighbors how many of those interests were hazardous. How many were going to be used to build a shed. On affirming 23 trees were slayed to be removed. After our protest of the residents and the hearing the promise was to sell only four. And how much time do i have . 3 minutes okay. And in canyon park those were homes formal prevent bats to remove Tennis Courts where the tennis players didnt want them to be to giltd build a new grand complains. The biggest, of course, is the nature of the area problem. During the existence there was a huge amount of trees in glen park and others. The count is not available. Theres more to come. They kit 8 and a half thousand trees and you small trees are not couldnt. 50 thousand will be in the industry proper and 6 hundred of them open Mount Davidson alone. There was the killing of trees and it needs to stop. Their destroyed. Thank you thank you very much anyone else who wants to make general comment. Being that its closed were on consent calendar that is moved and second. All in favor . So move forward. Were on item 6 San Franciscos zoo. Good morning tanya director of the San Francisco zoo. The zoo wanted to add its you comments and a thank commissioner martin and we even splurged and got something in p a blue box. With that we had a very good summer at the zoo per projecting 8 hundred and 45 thousand visitors. And if i show any power point. Perfect. Dont have to see me. All right. Were doing a stretch school of more students prolonged. We went over 1 hundred and 80 thousand next year were hoping with a new playground we should have a pike in attendance. So we went 6 hundred thousand more to go were 5 thousand over budget. I want to commit we had two free days over 9 thousand residents came for free so we appreciate everybody coming. We in september move forward our free day to september 11th to remind and honor those who lost their lives and over 2 thousand residents came. We had a terrific show up for campers weve gone up in a 10 percent of on line runldz for attention. But the zoo campers themselves was the best. I dont know what we got all the small white jackets bylaw but all the kids gatt got a chance to participate. This sunday is world rhino day. Theres boon our young black rhino hes named after alex boon and the black rhino is almost extinct. And this is the oldest black rhino in the United States and we have an asian rhino. The proceeds will be going to the rhino vision and congestion and anti poaching efforts. Weve tried to keep the zoo fun so we brought in an outfit to zip through the zoo and the insurance and a liabilities on them thats great. The percent of every thing this weekend b will go to rhino preservation and well see how this goes. In another effort to expand our target audience well have a our second silence disco co could people can go to the zoo and dawns away and it wouldnt upset the animals. Theyll be in the new bug exhibit which i have an image of that. Our temporary exhibit is big bugs there will be art sculptures within the pack determine building the insect zoo is the largest west of the mississippi. So great news. The playground i dont know if you remember this is the structure thats coming together theres the steel interior of the ban i dont think tree its been painted and a opening in november. So thank you. Again with the support of the playground and the family with their generosity. Weve broouth in a new groifr shes actually, the one on the right and see how tall she is embarrassed to our baby. They grow. The giraffe does not have a name and we have a guerilla whose 2 years old and i understand names that reflect beauty are top. So i conclude my report thank you. Is there any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. We now on item 7 district 6 open Space Task Force thank you. That should work margaret. Go ahead and pull up the power point commissioners good morning planning director of the rec and park. Were here to talk about the open Space Task Force. I want to acknowledge Holly Pierson and im pinch hitting for her. So i think the most important thing is to understand about district 6 i want to talk about the complicated environment it is. The district 6 open Space Task Force come out of the negotiations that start out of the bond. Where in discussion with the supervisor to identify parks for inclusion in the bond we looked at the sites that were actually rec and park. There are other open spaces through mission bay and city planning. So in looking at those spaces we looked at the fact that many of them when i put the stars on are receiving some kind of capital investment. It became clear that the real need of district 6 was to identify alleyoop spacing for acquisition. Its because of that anticipated growth and were thinking between all the neighborhood plans about 20 thousand new retinas on top of new residents. So thats just the residents theres also expected to be an inclusion of other new residents. There have long been a number of Resident Plans and as you look at this map you can see that many of the neighborhood plans adapted in the past years are on the boundary or located in district 6. So with all this growth expected we have impact fees clearly calling up, up we have entrant for what were able to obtain. Theres a lot of opportunity so before the growth happens how do we cease those opportunities and development a strategy. So we took a new approach as youve seen from our acquisitions over the years theyve have long been with a particle in mind. We wanted to do something more proactive so we convened a task force to consider opportunity across the district. The goal of this task iowas force was to identify sites of Development Open spaces in district 6. The task space included commissioner leo and Community Members from all the different sub areas the trust Republic Land and the supervisors offices. In considering district of the major piece of information was the nature of the areas of district 6 the recreation calls out those based on population density and have a hive amount of children and seniors. So based on that analytic framework the residents brought their own experience of district 6 to the destruction and in balancing those different factors made a series of recommends. To the extent we can focus our effort for new parks in the western park of mart and the tenderloin area and the Eastern Market neighborhood. Theres also, we shared with the strrlgd a wide menu of rejectal amenities and the things came back as most deserved was the passive spaces rather than the active spaces like outdoor picnic areas. And also, if there had to be choices made Task Force Members felt it was better to acquire 3 or more small parks. I think that also reflects the practical ability of the opportunities that be are likely to be in district 6. In looking at the opportunity in district 6 there was kind of a rough inventory of spaces that might be opened abandoned parking lot and under utilized areas for example. The report prepared theres probably over 60 potential opportunities that mediating meet that board criteria but we need to explore those spaces and rank them against the priority by the task force. There were 4 specific sites that come up to the eastern side neighborhood plans and actually, two of those sites the brady block are in active vesting with a combination of acquisition fees im sorry impact fees could be to transition those to parks. There are two other areas like the triangle those are investing together by a broker hired by the department of real estate. Theyve put out an rfp to find a broker to evaluate those potential spaces against the criteria by the task force. Weve hoping theyll come back and present their finding. Just again to put this in context of your overall priorities we said at the beginning of this calendar year our goal was to work on 4 main priority. The town square has been completed and francis reservoirs is still underway and 9 hundred inissa 20year effort we have our fingers crossed and then to complete many acquisition with the idea that we could come forward after the broker completes the properties we will pursue over the next year with that im happy to take any questions or comments margaret maybe we could open up to Public Comment. So i have irish smith and then alice rogers. Commissioner commissioners im ricky live in district 6 im one of the Community Group folks that support the projects to convert the alley into a plaza and i serve on the committee of the tenderloin north of market working to make public assessable rooms and i severed on the open Space Task Force and based on that report i want to highlight that high needs areas district 6 qualities. Since the time of the report ive heard from a number of new families that would like to stay in the city and a raise their children and be part of it and having playground case is a big part of the world they want to be in. Given the cost of real estate and where were in the project i hope you can support and move forward this project to district 6 in particular the tenderloin. Next speaker. Hi im alice rogers i served on the task force and rick said it well, to support this proposal. Its time to acknowledge that our people are living in district 6 sensuous figures are 93 thousand people in district 6. We really, really need open space and people are mostly to the city not to be just in Office Building and residential buildings. I live on south park we have thousands of people who use our parks we know this is really, really viable please support this thank you. Is there monthly who want to make Public Comment on this item . Thank you thank you. Lets hear from

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