>> the meeting will call to order. welcome to the regular meeting of the government audit and oversight committee. my name is malia cohen and i am the chair and to my right is supervisor katy tang and to my left is supervisor david campos and the clerk of the committee is the ever fabulous miss andrea. and i would like to thank our friends up in sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. i would like to acknowledge jennifer low and jesse t. larson:madame clerk any announcements today. >> yes, please make sure to silence all electronic devices and files submitted to clerk and items will appear on the june 4th, 2013 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise state >> thank you, madame clerk cowl call item no. 1. >> resolution declaring the intention to renew and expand property-based business improvement district known as the central market community benefit district >> ladies and gentlemen, we have lisa pagan and daniel hurtado from the land use and economic development committee and they are here to present this item. would you like to start your presentation? thank you. >> good morning, chair cohen and committee members, supervisors tang and campos, i am lisa pagan, senior director with the land use and economic development committee and i am presenting the letter of intention sponsored by supervisor kim to renew and expand cannot property-based business improvement district known as the central market community benefit district. here today with daniel hurtado, the executive director of the existing central market community benefit district. the central market cbd is coming to an end of its seven-year term when its assessment collection term ends. the services will be provided to existing property owners within the cbd boundaries through the end of december. members of the board of directors of central market cbd and cbd renewal steering committee have been conducting outreach over a year in an effort to determine if there was an among residents and merchants and yes, should the renewed cbd use the existing boundaries or was an expanded boundary preferable to achieve the cbd's in the neighborhood's goalsin the other things that they were looking into, over the past year was what services would the renewed district need to provide in order to meet the current needs the central market area based on the lessons learned and what should the assessment methodology look like to provide the needed services? in addition, how long should a new district, if established be in place, given the goals that the area and the cbd would like to achieve? on may 14th of this year, the central market cbd presentedt board of supervisors with petitions representing 32.55 weighted percent weighted support in favor of renewing and expanding the central metropolitan air market cbd for 15 years. the proposed budget for the district is $1,225,433. of which $1.180 million will come from assessment funds in the first year. this budget will double cbd's current budget and boundaries would quadruple the number of parcels included within the cbd's area from the current about 217 parcels to approximately 806 parcels in the proposed renewed boundaries. all of these parcels would be provided with a variety of supplemental service activities and improvements in order to benefit their properties, their businesses and the neighborhood. if the proposed resolution declaring the intention of the board of supervisors to renew and expand the property-based business improvement district known as the central market community benefit district is approved by the board of supervisors, the department of elections will mail out ballots to all parcel owners within the proposed expanded boundaries on or near june 7th. perthe resolution of intention on july 23rd a ballot hearing would occur, where ballots would be counted. if the required property owner vote threshold is met on july 23rd or soon thereafter, the board could hear the matter, the board of supervisors would vote to establish the renewed district. if approved the district would begin collecting assessments as of july 1st, 2013. and services in the expanded boundaries would begin january, 2014. the existing cbd area will be serviced again until the end of the calendar year, with assessment funds that were collected from the levy in fiscal year 12-13. daniel hurtado the executive director has prepared a presence to go over the specific boundaries and specific services, the budget and goals for the proposed renewed and expanded central market cbd. so i want to turn the rest of the presentation over to daniel, but we're both here to answer your questions about the letter of intention and any of the documents submited with that for your consideration. thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning, honorable supervisors, committee members. my name is daniel hutado, i am the executive director of the central market community benefit district and i'm here this morning, also representing the steering committee for the renewal and expansion of the district. i will be sharing highlights of the central market community benefit district or central market cbd, it's mission, purposes, services and benefits. i will also be sharing our reasons for request for renewal and expansion of the cbd. a community benefit district is a geographic area where property owners have voted in favor for paying supplemental services. above is city-based line services and pool their resources in order to improve the neighborhood and increase the safety, cleanliness and economic vitality within the district. the mission of the central market [skr*-bd/] is to improve the quality of life in the public realm and create and clean and safe environment for residents, workers, visitors, merchants in san francisco's central market community benefit district. these are the existing boundaries of the central market community benefit district, with the district covering the areas of market street, primely the south side of market, from 5th street to 9th. >> can the slides be shown on the sfgovtv? >> from 5th street to 9th street and touching on mission street. here are a few highlights of the central market cbd. the cbd was formed in 2006 through property owner vote and approval bit san francisco board of supervisors within the annual assessment budget of $535,000 and it's managed by a non-profit 501(c)(3) with executive director and community members and stakeholders the assessments of the cbd expire june, 2013 and if the distribute is not renewed these cbd services and benefits will cease at the end of this calendar year. these services include community guides programs, public space cleaning and maintenance, economic development support and advocacy. here are examples of our accomplishments since the inception of the cbd, and the work we do daily to address the crucial needs of the neighborhood, with the core concentration in the critical areas of social service outreach, supporting public safety, daily clean up of trash, human waste, needles and graffiti. i also want to stress that we don't do this work alone. we maximize our resources by partnering with other area non-profits, organizations, social service providers, private sector and the city to make this area cleaner, safer and healthier. all of this effort and hard work is making a positive difference in the district and as an example we were recognized ated business improvement district of the year in san francisco in 2011. the central market community benefit district and community recognizes the need to build on the success of the cbd and it's accomplishments in the areas of safety, cleanliness and public realm quality of life and we want to continue it the positive change in central market by enhancing services and also expanding services and benefits to support areas in need where services either previously did not exist or such as in the case of the th street corridor where services were once provided and supported through the san francisco redevelopment agency. we want to attract new business and investment in central market. and also, there is a significant community interest in being included in the cbd and also receiving the cbd services. so we want to be able to provide a unified voice for the central market community and also meet the needs of the neighborhood. the process to renew and expand the cbd has been a community-driven and supported effort that began in april, 2012 through the formation of a sphering committee comprised of neighborhood property owners, residents, merchants and community-based organizations, many of whom are here today. we conducted extensive community outreach to ensure that we engaged and listened to the needs, and concerns of the community. and this process was open and transparent;. which result in thes had a proposed boundaries and services, which we proposing this morning and supported by the cbd majority management plan and this map identifies the boundaries of new and expand cbd with the area highlights in blue identifying the current boundaries of the district and areas highlighted in green. we're proposing a 15-year term with a bethlehem of budget of $1.2 million and we worked with project consultants and the office workforce and economic development and city attorney's office and reviewed by supervisor kim and staff to determine the appropriate rates and methodology. as demonstrated by the chart the budget is primarily al cased for public safety and cleaning and maintenance in the public realm with support for economic development programs and management of the district. the proposed budget allows for an increased and enhancement of services. as demonstrated by this chart, the community guides program for example would increase from two full-time community guides to six. our clean streets team increases from 2 to 6 people and funding would also allow for a officer program to support pedestrian safety initiatives and help address crime in the district. the budget also allocates funding for a focused and strategic economic development program and services would be provided to the cbd where none previously existed and management staff would increase with a staff assistant. these slides provide details of the proposed services for this cbd under the category of cleaning and maintenance services, such as sidewalk sweeping and graffiti abatement, renewable trash and debris, power-washing and spot cleaning. under "public safety," the community guide service would increase as mentioned, addressing pedestrian safety, social service outreach, merchant outreach, and visitor information. also allocating for an officer program to support public safety initiatives in the district and also dispatch services would continue to provide service requests line for the community. the budget as mentioned would allocate -- would also allot for economic development program support in the areas of business attraction and business retention. as well as management services, and the management of the district, day-to-day operations, advocacy and fundraising for the district. the budget also calls for support under marketing and promotion and identity of the district through district

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San Francisco ,California ,United States ,Daniel Hurtado ,Malia Cohen ,Katy Tang ,Jesse T Larson ,David Campos ,

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