all the schools in the interpreted lion are bused out everyday. they have high school students that live next door they don't know. so the program is very wonderful, however, you know, we're a very understaffed it's a program of one me. it's different when you have a bunch of great youth who want to do everything to fund-raise and leadership development and we do imminent service the kids are out there ever month cleaning and not just might have united players and the youth leadership and the ymca the boils and girls clubs are unfortunately very under furntd. also this year we know that nobody in the districts 6 nobody got the youth empowerment grant and it could be very helpful that he need more summer youth programming. we don't have money to pay for childcare we still have to go to work even though the kids are not in school. thank you for your time >> hello dear family and friends of the y mshlgs c a. we want the youth and parents in tenderloin 6 we need our support. we reach out to the youth in our district and the surrounding neighborhood to give them the tools for being productive. we provided programs in sports, art, homework assistance, music and environmental studies and youth leaderships outside activities and experiences for healthy living. we teach them their our future leaders. many of the youth that attended come from shelter and underprivileged homes. sometimes we're the avenue for their self-expression and their self-improvements if our music program they can edit their own work and learn the ins and outs. we teach them to prepare males and they learn healthy eating. just recently, we lost our summer program that menus the youth won't have a place to go for the summer. our attention average attention last summer was 60 youth per day that menus 60 youth will not have a place to go to spend their time over the summer. thank you >> next speaker if you want to come, come this way. >> good evening everybody. my colleague just spoke of our program we're primarily work with latino communities and i wanted some of our moms to talk to you about their experiences. >> (speaking spanish). >> can't hear you. >> good evening we're here to please ask you don't cut fund from our youths community. >> i'm a long time tenderloin resident and i'm here on behalf of the neighborhood we need all the programs from 18 and beyond. >> good evening i have 3 young men who i've raised in the tenderloin and it's important that you not cut any programs. thank you (clapping) >> hi i'm 15 and i'm here to represent oasis for girls. we're a youth service program and oasis impacted me by helping me liability myself from systems of oppression. girls get oppressed everyday by media. this helped me find myself and all those ladies here we're all a family. await this program i wouldn't ever have girlfriends because girls can be so mean. this is a safe place for girls to support each other and build skills to realize dreams. we learn a lot of things like healthy things to help us like save sex and safe relationships and we learn self-defense two to be a stronger woman (clapping) >> another person in here in te front i think some of the folks have left. i'm going to call the next 5 people and this will be the last 5 group but amber carol from district 5 - i think i missed the name here sorry. (calling names) so i'm sorry. (calling names) and again, you you haven't filled out a comment card those comments will make to to the supervisors in the department head your comments will still b. >> if we couldor the dot comeers to cover and train our seniors and i think there's a big group in the back thank you for your time and hard work. >> glg mayor lee and supervisors. >> let's be respectful of the gentleman speaking right now. thank you >> thank you (speaking spanish) supervisor kim and (speaking spanish) please keep us connected we need the money desperately thank you. >> san francisco network ministries i've been working in the tenderloin. we operate the tenderloin technology lab with the foundation. and i want to speak on behalf of the keep us connected campaign. we're very aware of the disabled elderly in the tenderloin but throughout the city. this would help them reduce their isolation and help them to find the resources they need to stay i healthy. i want to speak about a increase in funding for the abuse programs. they have run a residential safe house for women trying to get out of prostitution. we're concerned about the substance abuse treatments for those woman's. to reduce those programs of mental health and substance abuse promise is not humane. i would underscore our certain type o pmc is not including the type of health needs. we're concerned about the elimination of the psych mental health in the hospital >> we have 5 more speakers so if your name was called. it's a little bit more confusing there's a lot of seniors that are not in the room by it's important to know that $9 million was fund for 19 labs all over the city for seniors and persons with a disability and that resources has been given to the city of san francisco and now it's up to the city of san francisco to maintain the commuters and if the commuter fwlaeksz the senior center there will be no fund to correct this. just envision user without any technology because the seniors of the tenderloin their technology is in the senior center. thank you >> your name was called next speaker. >> i'm the director of the community services better known as the center for outcome re.we substance year butr after frigging year i come to fight for our services. those services are support by general opportunity dollars and every year i have to fight to get those funds restored. the increases to health care for my staff i've cut two positions in the last 3 years at the same time the total number of clients that are active right now i have fewer statistical to see fewer people i'm going too fast those same cuts this year and i'll have to eliminate two more positions. i need tho anything who knows that the tenderloin needs fewer services needs to come down and avail themselves. >> i'd like to personally invite supervisor kim to come down and see our program. every year we get outstanding service recognition. i'm getting too old for this. thank you >> i'm amber i'm representing theth servic also representing of which we're a part and i'd like to invite everyone up from can services. i'm going to handicap to over because i would like you to hear from some of the people who use your services >> in 2345079 i was homes and sanctuary for 2 hundred and 80 days and i heard from services how wonderful they were. when i got there there was a whole lot more to a community center there's a host of the people from all walks of life and it is a community. where they get together and their daung and partying together to be selfish the commuter lab is wonderful i don't want to see that cut. years ago there was 7 males a week then 6 males a week and now 5 males a week so, please don't cut it anymore. >> good evening. i'm tony one of the first places i respect was to the cbs food program. i'd like the mayor's office to increase funds for them. i'm going to be unselfish. >> actually your two minutes are up. thank you so much for everyone to come we're almost at the end of our program we have two more speakers rocky and reverend woods. greetings i'm master woods from the church and i'm chairman of the new african folks. it gives me great pleasure and pride to introduce the new african - housing or job sdrimgsz the new african-american congress dedicates itself. we pledge to help the the new african-american congress is here to serve and stay. we are a collaborative of 15 different agencies to dub patch to the mission to the western addition to lake view side. today you will hear us and we hope you'll become pro-active with the people. we endorse some of the greater programs and we here geej the supervisor in the one stop center in the western edition to help the people find meaningful employment to the african-american congress is here. >> rocky? >> excuse me. how you doing london? i grew up with london bridge and out of the control project and it's such a pleasure to see her come so far to take part in the cities and counties government. i'm a life skills facilityor and a proud member of the new african-american congress. i've worked with homes population over 10 years and i've worked with young adults to help them get back into society. i'm an original member of get out of control gang members it was an operation called operation contact. when the program lost it's funding the three to four years it took to get new funding we group. i'm not saying this program would have stopped did rise of gangs but i started selling drugs because i had nothing else to do and everybody else around me was doing the same thing. i know with a program that tracks kids from 8 to 18 that helps studying and gives them something to do after school it will improve countless lives. san francisco, california prove to are - to be a model program. this will show immediate results and i hope the new african-american congress can help with the financial so for the but in the meantime, i ask the san francisco city to continue to fund it. thank you so much. >> well, that concludes the public comment portion thought i want to thank everybody on the street and in the overflow room and out in the hall it effects everybody from the poorest to the richest and we have to advocate for those things we need. again if you were not called and you filled out a call the supervisors will be getting those comment cards and i'm going to hand it over to supervisor farrell. >> thank you, thank you all for coming out tonight. your comments are going to be take a look at. i want to go over the budget process. basically, we're down to the last 2 1/2 months so our budget director are going to be putting together the budgets to the board of supervisors. it will be submitted during the month of june the board of supervisors will be debating about the budget and feel free to joinus. and weerlg to have a flet backed budget by the end of june to be voted on in july. if you want to be heard please come on wednesday and 10 o'clock and 1 o'clock. >> thank you as supervisor farrell said this is not the last opportunity london dot breed my aids are here and you know talk to them apparently i want to hear from the commitments in my districts. this short time period is a sample of the larger issues we have in the city and i want to know about them. please end us an e-mail or call us. we're going to be making some serious budget decisions and i want to make sure your voices are heard. i want to emphasize public housing is to me and it's great to see him here. we grew up and i want to thank the mayor for making housing that's priority in the city. so thank you so much for being here and actress i want to thank everyone for coming out. just in the youth cards alone we had 60. i'm really proud i tried to pick from board categories we have a lot of seniors and youths and from a board range of cuts from mental health to hiv and we've heard about homeless and i shelters and dropping programs. but i did look through all the cards i got a real good sense of who came out tonight. i hold office hours twice a month please continue to come over the next month. thank you. (clapping) >> okay

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