lgb center at thursday may 16th we have the small business awards ceremony. and then, i forgot to include this, but the san francisco economic development agency is also providing a mixer on friday. the items i have highlighted here are some of the key ones you might think about attending and president adams will provide a more detailed report. , legislation and policy matters i wanted to bring to your attention that mayor lee signed the mandatory seismic retrofit program, the cast program. this pertains to all buildings of wood frame built before 1978, and have five or more units. and at least two floors over a weak soft story, this would include buildings that house at least 7000 businesses; unreported in the past that with seismic story with the program the buildings that house commercial are going to be at the tail end of the mandatory retrofit timeframe which is -- contact and outreach will start happening around year 5. in conjunction without what we do have, i have it noted under the ada section, there is an intercity and private sector with architects and certified cast experts who are meeting to do ada and seismic improvement design guidelines. so we are jointly addressing issues around ada accessibility, at entrances from the historic perspective it does the city will have to develop some design guidelines for the property owners to meet in addition to ada but the seismic retrofit, criteria. but also fit within the historical guidelines. and maintain historical structures. we are meeting now to start developing some joint guidelines so that five years from now this will be ready and in place for these property owners and businesses. so i will supervisor david chu's legislation is -- did have its first reading? >> yes, it had it's first reading. >> , that is passed in the healthy food retailer incentive program supervisors are still working with it maybe coupling with tobacco legislation. we'll keep you advised and posted; the supervisors offices communicating with our office on what their thoughts are with that. the police and entertainment related permits are scheduled and land-use and one of the key things that is going to be added, amended this time around, the entertainment permits which you heard is to put some non-amplified street music sound controls. this is becoming an issue around market street, fourth street, around the cable cart turnaround. >> it is still out of control. >> there is no control for city officials to take any real direct action. so they are putting in some controls into the entertainment permit so that can be addressed. a and then perhaps maybe the only other item to make note of, is that the divisadero street, fillmore street ordinances are being continued. there is continued conversations that need to happen around parking and formula retail with the neighborhoods. and then i do want to -- a couple of meetings ago christian murdoch gave a presentation about this. i think christian presented what our office is done to-date. investigating to what are our mobile retailers, what is a business type, what is a business model. we are taking a look at planning zoning uses, and we started to do some community engagement so we met with the union square bid to get feedback. we are going to be working on this and putting forward a working group. they have done that. our next step is to start bringing in our key stakeholders to start figuring out where and how we are going to permit the mobile retailers. at the same time we put out an rfp to cast experts, to do a cast assessment on the mobile refill trucks so that we be educated as to what a cast inspector may say around dealing with disability access the gazette maybe information that we have to take into consideration as part of the permit. so i am letting you know this to reiterate it. our office and staff is sensitive to daytime commercial retailers. and really want to develop something that is balanced and very thoughtful and -- but there is some misinformation out there. there is a proposal in place. i think the misunderstanding our office going and engaging into conversation means -- the concerns with sf mta is that we are going and shopping a proposal, as opposed to going and soliciting input. i want to convey with confidence -- because i think that there is a misunderstanding that is being put out there that we have put together a proposal. it is the role of our office to be doing foster and promote small business and we have to look at the range of small business, what is the current economy, how small businesses develop, and nurture a room for everybody. but i do want to stress that we are very mindful of our neighborhood commercial corridors, the pressures that they feel on a day-to-day basis through parking, through having to repair their sidewalks, many thanks. i want to convey with confidence that that is not forgotten and it will be taking into consideration as we move forward with what we are doing. and then, with regards -- moving on to the disability access, the california commission on disability access asked for presentation and what seven cisco was doing on education and outreach as part of 1186; it mandates that the california commission on disability access develop and outreach and educational program and so they invited me up to give a presentation about what san francisco is doing, taking a look at some of the best practices that are happening and they were very impressed with what we have developed in terms of the program through our office and with the program, with the investment in neighborhoods. and then, we should be hearing from the state on the grant for the affordable care act and the outreach on friday. once we know that, whether the city, the department of public health has been awarded the entire grant amount or we might be sharing it with other entities that also filed a grant, as an aside here i will let you know what the amount of the grant that will be awarded in the amount that our office and oawd will have to start developing and outreach an education program around the affordable care act for small businesses and working uninsured. and then, lastly i want to key calendar items, may 8th, sfa ramp it up, annual event; and sbn, small business network has their annual dinner on may 9. and it two commission meetings for may, because of small business weekend memorial day we are having to change the date. the first meeting in may is going to be may 4th, monday, may 6th, 5:30, and may 20th, the third monday of the month. i want to bring it to your attention. with that i conclude my report. >> chair adams: good. thank you director. next item please. >> commissioners, item 9, permitting report. >> the permitting committee met last week. we had a wonderful overview presentationby permitting officer from sfpd, which was really informational, an informative and actually think that maybe all of us in this commission should have a copy of some of that information he gave us because it really clarified how things are working in that area. we really appreciate that help. we also discussed the upcoming possible changes with formula retail planning code, supervisor marr had some things going out there that have not been presented yet. so we will be continuing to work on that as a committee, in terms of giving recommendations for the small business commission about ideas we may have that would be good to implement if there are going to be changes in the formula retail code. that is my report. >> chair adams: great, thank you. next item. >> 10, president's report. and commissioners there is a tab in your binder, we normally don't do that but since there is so much to report on small business week we put that into your binder. >> chair adams: i'm going to do a brief overview . cast there are a couple of things that have changed we met last week on thursday. a very productive meeting. a want of knowledge the office of small business, jane gan (sounds like) as well the director -- first of all flavors. i would encourage everybody to sign up for that now because it does sell out. we do have 23 confirmed food and beverage vendors. we need beer vendors, we only have one. if anybody has any contacts with anchor, if you're watching would love to have you there. >> this is for donation? >> yeah. >> yeah, i can talk to anchor and speakeasy. >> chair adams: anyway, so if you know any in your merchant districts we are still looking for more food vendors as well. we have 23 confirmed; and we would love to have a few more. will be tempting the outside, the mitrione this year. i wanted knowledge commissioner white, whose restaurant will be one of the vendors. just because you see businesses that are not normally acknowledged, it's pretty serious. these people like it and i encourage you to come by and congratulate these people. a couple of times i was almost ready to cry. i love the award ceremony. on wednesday, may 15th, we will be hosting 50 workshops at the severn cisco state downtown campus i want to thank sf state for accommodating us. the office of small businesses planning seven workshops; i'm going to be involved in two of those myself. on thursday may 16th will be having the awards ceremony at the city club. that is confirmed. you will all be getting your invites here by next week. on tuesday may 14th we have the mega meg with the lgbt center with mumsy and -- association. on saturday may 18th have sidewalk sales; we are excited that we have 17 participating, for a while we were only getting three or four. again i would like to thank the office of small business for the outreach. when some of these neighborhoods see what the other neighborhoods are doing is catching on; i am excited that we have 17 neighborhoods here. we had a fundraising goal of 170,000 and a fundraising goal we met and raised 187,000. so thank you everybody who was involved in that. lots of phone calls. that is my president's report. we are on the buses now. the guides are in; we have guides in the office of small business; take them, stop buying and get them out to your neighborhoods. -- who is getting the word out, let small businesses know throughout the city. that's it. >> is the start at 10 o'clock? >> flavor starts at 5:30. >> also in your binder is a small list of honorees that we have so far along with the previous year honorees. >> are those coming from the supervisors' office. >> supervisors and the mayor. >> district 10 and 4, 6,1 are still not in yet. >> chair adams: next item. >> commissioners, number 11, vice president's report. >> nothing to report. >> 12, commissioner reports. >> chair adams: and reports today? >> i do. >> we had our outreach economic committee meeting on april fourth. all members of the committee were attending, all two of us. and i want to put in another plug for the ramp it up party, a great party. at heath ceramics, it was the landlord of mission laundry which had been vacant for a long time something like 22,000 square feet in the center of the mission pdr area, and a renovated it, and it is an absolutely beautiful space they have the kilns, demonstration kitchen, beautiful retail shop should be a great party. if you go you will get a special edition tote bag. >> chair adams: heat ceramics, under the directors report, under the previous item we mentioned. >> that's it. >> chair adams: commissioner ortiz. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena: currently i am working with the local small business land bridle that is being for lack of better words bled out of their lease by the developer. normally we see lack of renewal leases for established businesses, hard to take in. what these developers are doing they are putting up lawyers, fighting frivolous cases because they know small businesses don't have the tools, meaning the money, to compete. i want to highlight that because leonard bridle have been there for 25 years, and the developers bought the building and they have a nine year lease. we want to highlight this because in the mission district, these businesses made the neighborhood attractive and now what? they have to go? that is something i want to highlight here today. >> chair adams: let's bring it up at a future meeting. >> please, yes. >> chair adams: any other commissioner comments? seeing none, next item. >> 13, general public comment. >> chair adams: do we have any members of the public that would like to make it comments? seeing none, it is close. next item. >> new business. >> chair adams: seeing none, next item. >> commissioners, item 15, is adjournment. >> chair adams: do we have a motion to adjourn? >> i move. >> second. >> >> chair adams:all those in favor? meeting is adjourned. >> commissioners the meeting is adjourned at 4:03 p.m. @

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Mission District ,California ,United States ,San Francisco ,David Chu ,Christian Murdoch ,

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