prepared to move forward along the lines of what david said, you know. sure, it could absolutely be more, faster, right but i think the sooner we get it done, the more quickly we're able to move forward just in terms of this two-year budget, and i think it's -- i think, you know, we could fight. we could certainly fight for more, but i think mr. brooks raised a good point and i think it's important to recognize that staff has had an awful lot of success, the general manager, todd, and your staff, at persuading the other departments and the elected officials that this is something that we needed to do because of all the other things people want us to continue doing so i think, you know, there's a price. we may not have, you know, exactly, you know, what we really need but to not fight this year and to move forward and to try to address some of those things, i think it's a good course of conduct for us. i'm prepared to move there and have some confidence that, you know, we'll get the support that we need. >> thank you. it does strike me that -- this is -- these are rates and we are still able to do anything that's cost effective to do. so that if we have programs that achieve conservation in city departments, if we have a place to sell that power once we conserve it and if that pencils out even during the four years we could do things that right now we haven't figured out how to finance but if it becomes financeable, we could do that. >> i would be very comfortable comfortable -- some of the best advice i think is not to let the perfect get in the way of the good and i think this is probably one of those circumstances. i do think it would be important for us to put in continuing rate increases into our financial planning documents so that the city family knows that this doesn't get us where we need to go and we can expect this to continue and it's a gradual rate to reduce pain but that gradual rate will have to continue for some time and that's not a part of this motion, but i think just from a financial planning standpoint as far as informing people of our intent, i think that would be an appropriate thing to do. >> just on the timing, i would love for there to be stronger language at a minimum in this resolution. even if we committed to the actual numbers that said that we are really working towards cost of recovery, that we, you know, don't like that we have cut a lot of the service based programs that we provide. i wouldn't mind calling it conservation at a minimum but, you know, even if we just said that there are these programs that we've had to cut and then even some language around, you know, a plan to identify, if possible, alternative sources of revenue or funding as part of the p.e.c.'s contribution to better inform in four years what the number should really look like. and i don't know if we can -- if we have the time to sort of do that or if we could draft -- just strengthen up this resolution. i would just feel more comfortable and maybe we're ready, but i feel like there's a lot of stuff that came up and it's such a significant step and maybe even acknowledging that there's -- that this half cent feels like it's palatable or however we want to put it in there. >> i think your expression of that is very clear and i'm wondering if it would be appropriate -- i was just looking at the resolution and it's -- it is a fairly comprehensive document. there's a whole lot of stuff in there and if we could leave it to staff to craft somewhere to capture that. >> or the other suggestion i might have because i was trying to figure out how much you can put in a rate thing, we could do a transmittal letter that would come from the president of the commission or all of you or whatever to the board and that transmittal letter thank, and express concern, and that can be as detailed and collective as we would like it to be done over the next week or two. >> actually, that would probably have more impact. >> when it's in the 15th "whereas," i'm not sure it catches. >> no, i would feel more comfortable with that. >> is that something that the commissioner would like for there to be five signatures on? or just for expediency that i would sign? >> so the difference is, passing this resolution or sending a transmittal letter? >> no, no, pass this in any case. >> so you're talking about two documents. >> right. >> and a cover letter of love. >> and one signature versus five, is that just how impressive you are as opposed to how impressive i am. >> precisely. the price of leadership rests in your hands. >> yeah, i would like to sign it. >> you'd like to sign it? >> yeah, i would. >> if you do, i'd like to sign it. >> we'll figure out how to do that without a having a sunshine act problem. >> ok. that sounds right to me. does that get us to a place where a motion is in order? i see mr. pillpull standing there. >> a bit of suggestion. if you take a transmittal letter and to the extent that you're infusing it with all the stuff we want to infuse it with, if you bring back a policy item to the commission next month, in four weeks or six weeks, to codify that as commission policy, that would further strengthen your resolve going forward so i think doing both is a good idea, have a cover letter and then bring it back as a policy intention. that's my suggestion. >> thank you. >> i like it. commissioners, city attorney's office, maybe if we just add the direction to do the transmittal letter to the end of the resolution, that will take care of that, brown act, in directing the president of the commission to prepare a transmittal letter for the signature of the commission, then we will have done that in a public meeting. is that ok? >> move to amend. >> second. >> second. any discussion on the amendment? >> so, does that mean -- the resolution and the letter are going to come back before the commission at the next meeting? >> no. the resolution will direct staff to write a letter that we will all sign as transmittal of the resolution to the board. >> something else to do over the holidays. >> i think i had a motion. >> i have a question. >> did i have a second? second, i'm sorry. and we didn't have any discussion. do we want discussion? we're ready for a vote. all those in favor? >> i'm sorry, i was writing. >> the last whereas to -- >> no, that's on -- that was on the addition of the final resolve. now we have to suspend rules for a technical but not important reason that doreen would be glad to tell us about if we wanted to but we need to suspend the rules and vote. >> actually, commissioners, in the notice for this, it's described there that there's a rule that references a noticing provision that's been superseded by other administrative co-provisions so we're asking you to suspend that rule and it notes that newspaper and web notice was published according to the current procedures. >> so, we need a motion to suspend the rules. >> to suspend rule number 10. >> rule number 10. not all the rules. i have a motion, i'm sorry. >> second. >> and a second. any discussion? all those in favor. opposed? that carries. now we are clear to vote on the item as amended. do i have a motion? >> move it. >> second. >> and a second. any discussion? any public comment? all those in favor? opposed, none. the motion carries. thank you, folks. >> commissioners, the next item would be the close session item. if you could allow me to briefly read through them and if the president could entertain a motion to invoke the attorney-client privilege. 24, consultation with agency chief security. 25, conference of legal council existing litigation of defendant. item 26, existing litigation of defendant. item 27, public employee performance evaluation, commission secretary, item 28, conference with legal counsel, existing litigation as defendant santa san mateo -- >> is there any public comment on matters to be discussed during closed session? >> david pillpo, wanted to take a brief opportunity with reference to item 27 to say what a wonderful job your committee secretary does. mike is an unheralded champion of all kinds of great things. i wanted to call that out, too. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for your time. >> any other public comment on the closed session? if not, a motion would be in order whether to assert the attorney-client privilege. >> so moved to assert. >> moved to assert. and a second? >> second. >> and a second. any discussion? all those in favor, aye. opposed? that motion carries. we will now go into closed commissioner moran: we are back in open session. during closed sessions, the commission settled items 25, 26 and 28. it would now be appropriate for a motion as to whether to disclose the discussions during closed session. >> motion not to disclose. >> second. >> motion and seconded. all those in favor, aye. it passes. which takes us to other new business. is there any other new business? >> none that i know of. >>. commissioner moran: is there any public comment? than we shall stand adjourned. >g our mayor, ed lee. [applause] >> good afternoon, everyone. i am very happy to join all of you here today. it is an exciting day to join our high school kids, our high school, here at john o'connor. principal gomez, our deputy superintendent, our school board president, and our building trade, thank you for being here. the director of the joint power trended authority. we have the sfpuc, the school alliance, school district personnel. we are all here because we are excited about this wonderful announcement. we are here in a very green, multipurpose use building that has just been opened. this is going to be representing something that i am quite familiar with. i know mike and others closer to my age, we had a wood shop. we had metal shop in middle school. we had exposure to how to deal with graphs. more importantly, you are talking to somebody who used to spend five years at the department of public works, as the director. we're having to pay attention to our infrastructure, one of the most important things any city can do. when we are trying to grow a new economy -- and as you know, i have gone around the city selling this idea about how the economy is about tech jobs, but we also have an important infrastructure to take care of. if we do not take care of the infrastructure, these other jobs will not be here. jobs at the transbay terminal, which we are already building, celebrating and historic project labor agreement. we also have a commitment to our growing kids, that we are going to get them there. they are not just going to school to get bored. they have to have those jobs here, and we need them trained and ready for those jobs. so, in this new economy, when we are investing, like our city is, my commitment to the city is making sure we pay attention to infrastructure. we are going to do it right and make sure that our kids know, by fulfilling their educational goals, being exposed to a facility like this, where you are building our labor representatives with the curriculum that the school district has offered to work with the infrastructure agencies that we have just mentioned, we have a curriculum that will train them in the jobs to come. being able to pay attention to this overt -- capital structures of the city, our high school kids can be exposed and get the experience, whether it is automotive, engineering, architectural design. they will get that exposure here in the center with all of the participants. so i am excited about this because it blends so much of what i believed in, what we have been doing in the city. all of our facilities that we are building in the city, whether you look at the mission bay, the building's at hunters point, treasure island, a partner said, all of these projects, or the hospital's going up, they will all meet plant engineers, in infrastructure commitments. for our high school kids, as you often heard, maybe not enough, i want to welcome you to the million-dollar club. that is the difference, what our school district is trying to teach all of you, to make sure that you know there is a difference between someone who just graduated from high school, and someone who will go after their college education. it is a million-dollar difference. i want all of you to participate in that million dollar economy, because that will be the difference. and we will be working, not only through the school alliance, city colleges, local colleges to make sure we reinforce that. i am here to celebrate, participate, and the knowledge all of a great, wonderful entities that have come together to create this tech 21 center, where this exposure and experience will happen, with your leadership, printable gomez. these kids will be able to see they have a way forward in this challenging city, but one that will be there city, when they have all the skills. thank you very much for being here. [applause] >> thank you. mr. mayor, we want to thank you on behalf of the 56,000 students in the san francisco unified school district, children of our community, for your tireless work on their behalf. we look forward to calling you a long-term partner. thank you. the mayor was gracious with his time. as you can imagine, he has a full schedule today and asked to be part of this ceremony today to show his appreciation for the work being done here. we want this to be a celebration and i would probably take until now until 3:00 to thank all of the dignitaries here, but i wanted to recognize some of our elected officials and dignitaries. of course, you met mayor lee, and we also have with us today two commissioners of our board of education. commissioner sandra fuhr. we also have commissioner moss. [applause] we are very happy to with us also -- the mere mention her -- our transbay executive director maria ayerdi-kaplan. thank you for being here with us. and the executive vice president for the united educators of san francisco, linda, thank you. and our president of united educators of san francisco, denis kelly. thank you as well. whenever you go down this path, you are going to miss someone. with all due respect, as i see you, i will call you out as we go through the program. thank you for being here. i serve as the separate -- deputy superintendent for social justice. what i would like to think about, as the good to this dedication ceremony, this is a tangible, real world artifacts of social justice. if we believe social justice is about kids having opportunities to explore career paths, opportunities to have jobs in the real world, if it was not for these types of opportunities, that is social justice. we are happy to have you here to be part of the celebration of social justice. on a personal level, i will say to you, this is so important to me, because i stand before you as the son of a dirty man she metalworker. local 353 in tucson, arizona. why is that important? it is important because mayor lee mentioned, you cannot run a city, have infrastructure for a city, without these jobs. there is a connection between college and career and career and college. they are very much interconnected. as my father, who never graduated from high school, later earned a ged, the person who taught me geometry was not my geometry teacher, who had a master's degree. she was wonderful, but i was just one of those kids. i learned geometry with my father actually doing the work. when you are cutting out sheet metal, bending the angles, you have to make it fit and you have to measure. i learned about ankles and how geometry works by actually doing it. when i say that career tech education is about college readiness, it is about utilizing all of those skills that we send kids to school every day to learn. this gives you a reason to read and write and do arithmetic, because you get to apply it. that is the duty of what is happening here today. happy to have you here. what a wonderful building. what do you think? do you like this building? [applause] this is our flexible use green building. we call it the text 21 building. we have not named it officially yet, but there is a naming opportunity for you, if you want to take advantage of that. just kidding. before we dive into the program, i would like to talk more about all the wonderful individuals that have made this a reality. this has truly been a collaborative effort on the part of our partners, union partners, labor partners, educators, former administrators. you will hear from the former principal, dr. schultze, who was part of the original work. before we get to that, i want to introduce the current principal, martin gomez. this high school is named after one of san francisco's own labor champions, and john o'connell. i want to introduce to you the man leading the academic work in collaboration with all the wonderful teachers here at john o'connell high school. [applause] >> it is a lot more full than it was five minutes ago. as principal, i want to welcome everyone to this event. it is important, not only for o'connell students, but all of san francisco. the district is making a push to include, improve, and pushed toward education. today, we are here to celebrate another reason of how o'connell is supporting and encouraging all students to be prepared for college and for a career. while some people are spending their time looking at what students are going to college, which are going to a career, with this new tech 21 program, the courses will support students to be prepared for a career, and for college. that is the difference between the programs of before and now. the new tech 21 courses will require students to be able to apply tougher math concepts. the program will recruit students that are college-bound and students that want to go straight into the workforce. the whole purpose is to make sure that these students are prepared for the requirements that internships and jobs are asking for out of high school. we want to ensure all of the graduates are prepared for these requirements because we are promising them jobs and internships, which is huge for our students, and for san francisco. i want to thank mark, david, the entire ct department, all of the stakeholders, dr. schultze, the previous administration, for making this building, and the course of the reality, which is much needed in san francisco. it is an exciting time to be a high school student in san francisco, but particularly, that john o'connell, and if you are excited about these tech 21 classis, please stay in touch with us as we figure out ways to continue supporting students. thank you for your time, thank you for coming out, and let's move this forward. [applause]