make that successful. i want to thank you for your success -- for your support. we'll be here to make this a success. >> definitely representing and part of the nonprofit sector, piggyback these ladies, i live in bay view area as well. mine is more not using the facility for that, more of, thinking about the new focus of your zone and the bay view zone, especially. and focusing on collaborating with the c.b.o. to have a space within the school districts and the schools, that's going to be the focus of trying to gear toward collaborating with c.b.o.'s and my other thing was more of the fass it ilt of -- using the facility of the football field and the basketball jams. living in bay view, working in bay view, working with the bay view schools, and also having a kid that plays at warner, we were forced to go out of the city this whole year. all of our games are like in richmond or vallejo. thinking on that note, pop water has to pay. we to pay to use a facility. that's a way of generating revenues awise pell your gyms and baseball diamonds, this is also putting a concept in it. i could get to this high school and play on the field eventually. i'm always a sportsman -- sports fanatic, because the lincoln high school football saved my brother's life. mr. david henderson like four years ago. it saved his life. now my son is like, i'll goo and walk to lincoln in the next six or seven years. i'm kind of like saying, maybe something different not as much as gardens of that such oar nature. but definitely thinking of spaces that c.b.o.'s and come in and feel comfortable and turn to case management inside the school to where that can kind of cut a break on the dean or the principals and definitely like the use of the facility as far as sports related. track and field. so maybe they'll have to come up with something in the neighborhood, because it looks really good and we appreciate it. >> thank you. at this time i'll take comments and questions. because i missed the committee meetings that occurred around the resolution, i wanted to give a little history of this. i couldn't speak about there first reading. two years ago, i began talking to some community groups. particularly because the facility was an issue that came up a lot at our retreats and particularly at buildings and ground. i have been serving on the -- excitedly seven-day outlook on that with commissioner mendoza the last two years. and two issues that came up frequently was teacher housing which was a policy that was passeded, i believe in 2004. then 193e. >> and 1998. >> and in 19 -- in 1973, apparently. and also figuring out in our -- in the constant fiscal crisis that public schools are in, how we could use our facilities a as form of generating revenue. not that that would be a top priority but how we could develop a plan and gidding principles that could help us rent out and lease our space and the facility, if that was one of the goals. so, trying to put all of that inline light -- in light of the fact that we have been. we've been doing our beyond the talks strategic plan and figuring out how can facilities be a part of beyond the talk. not just talking about academics and instruction and what goes on in the classroom which is a huge important part of closing our opportunity gap but how can we leverage all of our assets and resources to be a part of that. because the opportunity gap isn't just about instruction, it is the opportunities our students have when they walk in the classroom p--- and when i got on the board, i viewed the district from a deficit approach, what we don't have enough of. we don't have enough money or teachers. i realized kind of within -- around the second year, the board was, there was one thing that we were asked about. that's property. and it is something that we have an -- an -- i don't want to call it an excess of. it is something we have more of than we need. how can we use that to help close did you nots that some of our families and students may not have, whether access to healthy food and gardening or access to economic development opportunities. and such. you know, actually power -- and i meet regularly, it just so happened that this was one of the issues we both had on our priority hist. i really want to thank power for helping to write the resolution, coming on towards our green of our schoolyards, and buck lei spending the time to do this research. it was very helpful also to get the report that -- that david golden brought in with berkeley conspiracy and cities and schools. gave us suggestions in terms of how we can develop procedures and plans around revenue generation and how we prioritize, kind of who we want in our school district as well. >> so just a little bit of -- of some of that background. but, really excited. particularly in the southeast in the owes sector where we have underenrolled schools. whatever we could do to make that an asset to the community as well is important. i know we're building a new middle school at willie brown. there's already an existing school garden there. we're not sure where the construction is going to happen. using, making, taking advantage of existing resources as much as possible is great. it is great to have community organizations to partner in the schools. not every school has a active p.t.a. or a teacher that decided this is going to be my project and i'm going to devote my time to work on it. we need all of the support we could get. i wanted to give that -- questions and comments? >> thank you. i really appreciate this. i'm entirely supportive of these projects that are mentioned. i have little concern about inserting affordable family and educator housing. because we and i -- later in our special meeting we're going to be talking about cleaning up some real messes of the titles of property between the city and -- us which is wonderful. however, we also have the experience of the city coming in and saying, worthy, wonderful community based organization that builds afwordable housing, we want to build housing right this on your school. and -- and you know, our -- our commitment to the community means we gave away part of our property and part of our school without any plan about developing teacher and educator housing. that's the point. all that i want is to -- to have us maybe through just putting it on the record at this meeting. we may not need to amend anything at all but be clear that the intent is that -- our own purposes for developing housing for our own employees, teachers in particular comes first. and that if this -- this does not mean that building a -- affordable family housing no matter how worthy and how much we would want to do that is going to come ahead of our commitment to develop a plan and actually get in the business of providing housing for our own employees. so, i -- you know, i understand the intent. it is wonderful but you know and i'm entirely in support. i think it is a good example that we have to be careful not just to say, here's lots of hand at willie brown. let's start a garden which is great. lett do this and have a building there and develop the housing there and then our own plan that isn't in place yet to develop a -- develop a -- a -- an anchor institution for that community with a new state-of-the-art as i say but really wonderful school will be limited by just enthusiasm taking us down another road without planning. that's something that we have done many times and we have many examples in our district. we particularly have examples of that related to the use of property which then limits our options for our other commit through multiple policy about developing housing to support our own employees. so if the -- you know, by having this on the record, everybody just -- we have consensus about that, we don't change anything, but just, everybody will know that our intent is that -- we're not going to put these on any equal footing but our own conn commitment and particularly making a plan for teacher and educator housing will come first. that's my only concern. >> respond quickably to commissioner wynns comment bower priorities. this was actually addressed at budget coment mittity where we talked about -- committee, where we talkeded about -- talked about by adding low income housing was that the first priority, no. and we added the clause to make sure that people knew we were in the process of seriously discussing the teacher housing piece. on record. let's put it on record to say that, we're pursuing that and for us, for me anyway, when we added the worst low income housing, it just means that -- we're to develop other type of housing, that means us, the school district that it is imperative that we chu low income housing into the development or we allow anybody to to develop our land. not necessarily every piece of land that we have to go in low income housing period. so, i -- i don't know that helps. but we did have that discussion and then i just want to say that i'm -- i'm glad the folks from the bay view came out today, because even though the resolution is -- is more general in nature, it is good to -- to -- for a group to come in and give us a specific idea of what did -- what it means to them in terms of community partnership. and -- i have heard this over and over again, in terms of gardens. it seems logical to me that we could support that and this resolution -- when it passes will support that -- that notion. i also wanted to -- to thank commissioner -- president kim for writing the resolution. it is well thought out. since we didn't get a chance to thank you, use this opportunity now that -- this is just another cam pell of other resolution that is president kim has written in the past few years whereas well thought out and -- and -- take really -- in to consideration the board's priority of trying it close the at some point gaps. so thank you so much, president kim. >> yes. so i -- just want to also echo this, that particular concern was discussed at the budget committee in depth. that's eighty the whereas has been included. mention the resolution that we have for teacher housing. i thought it was important. i was the commissioner that suggested we added a formal family housing considering we serve main lilo and moderate income families. there are 39,000 families in san francisco with the needs. as 9 largest owner of land in the city, that we have an obligation to also serve our familys by no means does that curtail already pans -- plans we have in motion about teacher housing. i think that's very, very clear. so -- but what i really particularly like about this resolution is that it reinforces the fact that the lapped that is -- that the san francisco unified school district opens is public land. it belongs to the public. it doesn't belong to principles or teachers or even board members but actually, this is public land. san francisco unified school district is a public entity. i really enjoy the fact that the public came out and -- and made -- made an -- a collaboration with our school district to write this resolution and i think it is absolutely fitting that -- that we crews our surplus propertys to actually serve the public of san francisco and particularly those that work and also those that attend our schools and also the community that supports our students and families. so thank you and thank you to president kim. vice president mendoza. >> thank you. so this -- this has so much meaning, you guys have no idea what the resolution means to president kim and i. in particular, over the last couple of years, working closely with david golden and his staff at the facilities department, i just -- i do want to acknowledge david for the work he's done with us instead of against us. he has really opened up many conversation that is we have been able to have. and conversations we never been able to have before. so i really appreciate that -- every time we kind of came up with what seemed like a cookie idea, you were willing to hear us out and it is more of a normal conversation around opening up our schools to our fam leis to our community and really thinking about how the school district benefits the from that. and so, for me, this resolution is -- you know beyond just our surplus property. it is about all of our properties. it is also about you know, create going will if the community. and i think having our community members out -- ought to be able to say that. i live in bay view and live across from the gardens. what the gardens has done for a community along not only just that block but a -- the radius around the block has been tremendous. i know when i drive by our schools that i see they're either boarded up or fenced in and it just doesn't provide that level of welcome that -- this i think we all have been working really hard to change that perception and that image and to be welcoming. it starts with thing that are just very obvious and the bullets in the community. so i'm really excited about the what -- about what this means and the direction we're going in.รก"-are already going in. our assisted ability director is very exciting because it is not on us. we have someone that can make those kinds of things happen. this is the beauty. i will do a little shot out to the president. one of the things we have been able to do is work in different kinds of the larger city. he has been very good in the community. i have been able to facilitate this round of conversations with our city leaders. she is going to be one of the ones that will be working as she goes into her new role as one of the city leaders. it is the kind of conversations we are having with the mayor. with supervisor mirkarimi through child-care. the community developers are around affordable housing. particularly around the teacher housing. the conversations we had with our committee organizations as we formed around that to coordinate space and four memorandums of understanding so that everybody is welcomed into our schools. it speaks volumes to the work we have done over the years. i am grateful for our board members to have facilitated those conversations. to have been open to us being open. we had a conversation around the community project that we had when we open school yards on the weekends. it is a collaboration with the city. these are schools that have been identified as furthest away from open space. that allows the city to open up sites on the weekends. it has been a really wonderful partnership that we have had over the last two and a half years. whether it is our current schools or new schools, to increase opportunities is a top priority for us. the resolution will help us get closer and closer to that goal. i want to say thank-you to president kim for bringing this forward and being part of the resolution. this is an important priority for me as a board member and us as a staff. it is really important to make this a reality. >> commissioner malthus. commissioner maufas: may i echo what all of my other colleagues have said about this? this is indicative of every other president that i know that incorporates the community into the conversation and make sure that voices are heard through the policy. i am grateful that it has your stamp all over it. thank you, president kim. under the third resolve, the school and community gardens, was that supposed to be increasing access for students? is that correct? i absolutely believe and am grateful for the addition to the families added to the educator housing. because i know over time, sometimes what our intent is may be forgotten. this is never diminishing the value of low-income families. would it be possible and would you consider reversing an educator and family housing? maybe rewording this first sentenced to affordable educator housing that allows us to retain our teachers and parents professionals in addition to low income families who may leave san francisco because of housing prices? this is a low-income family just switching out. just that we understand that that is a priority. we are still at the discussion point. >> are there any objections? we will change this to educator and family housing under bullet points. affordable educator and family housing allows this. and then to better utilize this under educator and no family income housing. can we also changed proving to providing tax thank you for that. >> i think this is fantastic. thank you for the community speaking so powerfully and support of lee. -- supportively. >> everybody made me really sad. i am sad to be giving the district. i have enjoyed my four here -- four years here so much. i do not want to go to self congratulatory mode. the intelligence and creativity of the district leadership and so many of the activists and organizers that worked in the community. it is an honor to serve and represent in san francisco. i am proud of the fact that i think that our district has been taking on issues head-on and has been very honest about what our role is and what we need to get done and is open to being creative and more direct in terms of how we can make that happen. our largest and first priority is a statement. this resolution just wants to build upon the work we have already done. it is consolidating so many of the different ideas that have been in discussion for so long. around teacher housing, a rare imparting with art teacher-based organizations. that is what contributes to our achievement gap. thank you everybody to your support for our amendments. i am sorry. superintendent garcia. >> this directs the superintendent to create a few things. we are in a huge fiscal crisis. i do not want anybody to think that this is going to cost the ditch -- the district a ton of money. we have no money. most of the things we're talking about will generate funds or our cost neutral. we will have a lot of groups that will want to partner with us. when we partner with people, we are very clear on developing mou's in terms of what we expect from one another. it is a partnership. in order for this to be successful, it is important to invest time in the mou. this is important when we deal with schools. the little things are the things that are the things that are a good partnership, such as, who cleans up things? who maintains it? i am a nuts and bolts kind of guy. i know those things drive everybody up the walls. when we go off on these things and try to create a lot of them. we already have a lot. it is great to create more. we have to be honest about that and have those conversations. if anybody out there says that they're going to immediately set up shop, no. we have worked collaborative lead to set up some great programs. the schools belong to the community. they should be the center of a community. we cannot afford to have any partnerships not be successful. that is shame on all of us. let's do it right or just not do it. do not take it personal when we do not have questions. that is good quality work. i look forward to having those kinds of partnerships. i think it is ethically win for everybody in our city. you are going to create the vision statement and the guiding principle. the plan is not committed. we would like to improve them. we hope to set the priorities with the district over the course of this year. the direction is to have a vision statement of all of the great ideas and plans we have been putting together. we actually have some principles that guide us. that has not always been the case in terms of how we do these partnerships with the surplus and underutilized properties. thank you so much to everybody and the staff that spent time on this policy resolution as well. roll call, please. vice-president mendoza: yes. commissioner norton: yes. president kim: yes. thank you. >> is it possible for me to sever some things from the consent calendar. neither the calendar nor the severed items have been voted on yet. thank you. >> which items would you like to sever? >> i will like to sever k 18 and 256. president kim: we move on to item k which is general public comment on matters. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen, members of the board of education. i want to thank the board for reaffirming the educator housing as a goal and a priority. the reason i rose to speak is that we are very pleased to announce that the union and the district reached a tentative agreement to move professionals and to social security. the eradication of this policy will go out to the active paraprofessionals. we expect to have this resolved in the first week in january. i want to announce the hard work of the union team and the district team. we look forward to continue working with the district to assure a decent retirement for these hard working members of our school community. thank you very much. president kim: thank you. thank you for the union leadership. item k is advisory committee reports. there are none tonight. there is a special order of business. i call a public hearing to the tentative agreement between the district and the international professionals in district 21? do i hear a second? >> thank you, president kim. thank you for your leadership. the requested action is that the board of education conduct a public hearing over the public disclosure documents subject to the revocation approval.

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Berkeley ,California ,United States ,Bay View ,San Francisco ,Willie Brown ,David Henderson ,

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